#!/usr/bin/perl use Cwd; use Cwd 'abs_path'; use File::Basename; use File::Path; # Find SHA1 of commit before $subject, else empty string sub findWebKitSHA1 { my ($subject) = @_; my @commits = `git rev-list --grep="$subject" HEAD~300..HEAD`; if (@commits) { my $commit = $commits[0]; chomp $commit; $commit = `git rev-parse $commit~`; chomp $commit; return $commit; } return ""; } my $current = dirname(abs_path($0)); $current =~ s,\\,/,g; chdir("$current/qtwebkit"); if (!findWebKitSHA1("Removed modular references after support for the flag was removed")) { if (system("git am --ignore-whitespace $current/patches/qtwebkit/*.patch")) { print("Applying webkit patches failed, retrying...\n"); system("git am --abort"); system("git am --ignore-whitespace $current/patches/qtwebkit/*.patch") and die("Could not apply patches"); } chdir(".."); system("git commit -a -m \"Committed Qt Modularization patches to QtWebKit.\" --author \"axis \"") and die("Could not commit to qt5 repository"); }