# Create the super cache so modules will add themselves to it. cache(, super) CONFIG += build_pass # hack to disable the .qmake.super auto-add load(qt_build_config) CONFIG -= build_pass # unhack, as it confuses Qt Creator TEMPLATE = subdirs defineReplace(moduleName) { return(module_$$replace(1, -, _)) } # Arguments: module name, [mandatory deps], [optional deps], [project file] defineTest(addModule) { contains(QT_SKIP_MODULES, $$1): return(false) mod = $$moduleName($$1) isEmpty(4) { !exists($$1/$${1}.pro): return(false) $${mod}.subdir = $$1 export($${mod}.subdir) } else { !exists($$1/$${4}): return(false) $${mod}.file = $$1/$$4 $${mod}.makefile = Makefile export($${mod}.file) export($${mod}.makefile) } for(d, 2) { dn = $$moduleName($$d) !contains(SUBDIRS, $$dn): \ return(false) $${mod}.depends += $$dn } for(d, 3) { dn = $$moduleName($$d) contains(SUBDIRS, $$dn): \ $${mod}.depends += $$dn } !isEmpty($${mod}.depends): \ export($${mod}.depends) $${mod}.target = module-$$1 export($${mod}.target) SUBDIRS += $$mod export(SUBDIRS) return(true) } # only qtbase is required to exist. The others may not - but it is the # users responsibility to ensure that all needed dependencies exist, or # it may not build. ANDROID_EXTRAS = android: ANDROID_EXTRAS = qtandroidextras addModule(qtbase) addModule(qtandroidextras, qtbase) addModule(qtmacextras, qtbase) addModule(qtx11extras, qtbase) addModule(qtsvg, qtbase) addModule(qtxmlpatterns, qtbase) addModule(qtdeclarative, qtbase, qtsvg qtxmlpatterns) addModule(qtquickcontrols, qtdeclarative) addModule(qtmultimedia, qtbase, qtdeclarative) addModule(qtwinextras, qtbase, qtdeclarative qtmultimedia) addModule(qtactiveqt, qtbase) addModule(qtsystems, qtbase, qtdeclarative) addModule(qtlocation, qtbase, qtsystems) addModule(qtsensors, qtbase, qtdeclarative) addModule(qtconnectivity, qtbase $$ANDROID_EXTRAS, qtdeclarative) addModule(qtfeedback, qtdeclarative, qtmultimedia) addModule(qtpim, qtdeclarative) addModule(qtwebsockets, qtbase, qtdeclarative) addModule(qtwebchannel, qtbase, qtdeclarative qtwebsockets) addModule(qtwebkit, qtdeclarative, qtlocation qtmultimedia qtsensors qtwebchannel, WebKit.pro) addModule(qttools, qtbase, qtdeclarative qtactiveqt qtwebkit) addModule(qtwebkit-examples, qtwebkit qttools) addModule(qtimageformats, qtbase) addModule(qt3d, qtdeclarative qtimageformats) addModule(qtgraphicaleffects, qtdeclarative) addModule(qtscript, qtbase, qttools) addModule(qtquick1, qtscript, qtsvg qtxmlpatterns qtwebkit) addModule(qtdocgallery, qtdeclarative) linux:!android: addModule(qtwayland, qtbase, qtdeclarative) addModule(qtserialport, qtbase) addModule(qtenginio, qtdeclarative) addModule(qtwebengine, qtquickcontrols, qtwebkit) addModule(qttranslations, qttools) addModule(qtdoc, qtdeclarative) addModule(qtqa, qtbase)