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1 files changed, 5 insertions, 38 deletions
diff --git a/tools/dumpcpp/main.cpp b/tools/dumpcpp/main.cpp
index 086525c..4545c60 100644
--- a/tools/dumpcpp/main.cpp
+++ b/tools/dumpcpp/main.cpp
@@ -322,8 +322,8 @@ void generateClassDecl(QTextStream &out, const QMetaObject *mo,
out << indent << " " << propertyType << " qax_pointer = 0;" << Qt::endl;
QByteArray simplePropTypeWithNamespace = propertyType;
simplePropTypeWithNamespace.replace('*', "");
- out << indent << " qRegisterMetaType<" << propertyType << ">(\"" << property.typeName() << "\", &qax_pointer);" << Qt::endl;
- out << indent << " qRegisterMetaType<" << simplePropTypeWithNamespace << ">(\"" << simplePropType << "\", qax_pointer);" << Qt::endl;
+ out << indent << " qRegisterMetaType<" << propertyType << ">(\"" << property.typeName() << "\");" << Qt::endl;
+ out << indent << " qRegisterMetaType<" << simplePropTypeWithNamespace << ">(\"" << simplePropType << "\");" << Qt::endl;
out << indent << " QVariant qax_result = property(\"" << propertyName << "\");" << Qt::endl;
if (propertyType.length() && == '*')
@@ -360,7 +360,7 @@ void generateClassDecl(QTextStream &out, const QMetaObject *mo,
if (!(category & NoInlines)) {
if (propertyType.endsWith('*')) {
out << '{' << Qt::endl;
- out << " int typeId = qRegisterMetaType<" << propertyType << ">(\"" << propertyType << "\", &value);" << Qt::endl;
+ out << " int typeId = qRegisterMetaType<" << propertyType << ">(\"" << propertyType << "\");" << Qt::endl;
out << " setProperty(\"" << propertyName << "\", QVariant(QMetaType(typeId), &value));" << Qt::endl;
out << '}' << Qt::endl;
} else {
@@ -496,9 +496,9 @@ void generateClassDecl(QTextStream &out, const QMetaObject *mo,
out << "#ifdef QAX_DUMPCPP_" << simpleSlotType.left(simpleSlotType.indexOf(':')).toUpper() << "_H" << Qt::endl;
QByteArray simpleSlotTypeWithNamespace = slotType;
simpleSlotTypeWithNamespace.replace('*', "");
- out << indent << " qRegisterMetaType<" << simpleSlotTypeWithNamespace << "*>(\"" << simpleSlotType << "*\", &qax_result);" << Qt::endl;
+ out << indent << " qRegisterMetaType<" << simpleSlotTypeWithNamespace << "*>(\"" << simpleSlotType << "*\");" << Qt::endl;
if (!vTableOnlyStubs.contains(simpleSlotTypeWithNamespace))
- out << indent << " qRegisterMetaType<" << simpleSlotTypeWithNamespace << ">(\"" << simpleSlotType << "\", qax_result);" << Qt::endl;
+ out << indent << " qRegisterMetaType<" << simpleSlotTypeWithNamespace << ">(\"" << simpleSlotType << "\");" << Qt::endl;
if (foreignNamespace)
out << "#endif" << Qt::endl;
@@ -957,39 +957,6 @@ bool generateTypeLibrary(QString typeLibFile, QString outname,
declOut << '}' << Qt::endl;
declOut << Qt::endl;
- // partial template specialization for qMetaTypeCreateHelper and qMetaTypeConstructHelper
- declOut << "QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE" << Qt::endl << Qt::endl;
- declOut << "namespace QtMetaTypePrivate {" << Qt::endl;
- for (int t = 0; t < subtypes.count(); ++t) {
- QByteArray subType(;
- declOut << "template<>" << Qt::endl;
- declOut << "struct QMetaTypeFunctionHelper<" << libName << "::" << subType << ", /* Accepted */ true> {" << Qt::endl;
- declOut << " static void Destruct(void *t)" << Qt::endl;
- declOut << " {" << Qt::endl;
- declOut << " Q_UNUSED(t)" << Qt::endl; // Silence MSVC that warns for POD types.
- declOut << " static_cast<" << libName << "::" << subType << "*>(t)->" << libName << "::" << subType << "::~" << subType << "();" << Qt::endl;
- declOut << " }" << Qt::endl;
- declOut << " static void *Construct(void *where, const void *t)" << Qt::endl;
- declOut << " {" << Qt::endl;
- declOut << " Q_ASSERT(!t);" << Qt::endl;
- declOut << " Q_UNUSED(t)" << Qt::endl; // Silence warnings for release builds
- declOut << " return new (where) " << libName << "::" << subType << ';' << Qt::endl;
- declOut << " }" << Qt::endl;
- declOut << "#ifndef QT_NO_DATASTREAM" << Qt::endl;
- declOut << " static void Save(QDataStream &stream, const void *t) { stream << *static_cast<const " << libName << "::" << subType << "*>(t); }" << Qt::endl;
- declOut << " static void Load(QDataStream &stream, void *t) { stream >> *static_cast<" << libName << "::" << subType << "*>(t); }" << Qt::endl;
- declOut << "#endif // QT_NO_DATASTREAM" << Qt::endl;
- declOut << "};" << Qt::endl << Qt::endl;
- }
- declOut << "} // namespace QtMetaTypePrivate" << Qt::endl;
- declOut << "QT_END_NAMESPACE" << Qt::endl << Qt::endl;
declOut << "#endif" << Qt::endl;
declOut << Qt::endl;