path: root/cmake/QtPrlHelpers.cmake
diff options
authorAlexandru Croitor <>2020-08-13 17:37:47 +0200
committerAlexandru Croitor <>2020-08-14 13:17:11 +0200
commit44cce1a2ea9dadd8b2de93f40de34269dda703c0 (patch)
treeeca02c6e828da9e84c4c2de6ff643cafad794024 /cmake/QtPrlHelpers.cmake
parent9d3a908e9ed154294ed4c58429d22a9ff8541ba4 (diff)
CMake: Split QtBuild.cmake into smaller files
QtBuild.cmake is huge. Split it. Move module, plugin, tools, executables and test related functions out of QtBuild.cmake into separate files. Do the same for many other things too. An additional requirement is that all the new Helpers files only define functions and macros. No global variable definitions are allowed, nor execution of commands with side effects. Some notes: qt_install_qml_files is removed because it's dead code. Some functions still need to be figured out, because they are interspersed and depend on various global state assignments. Task-number: QTBUG-86035 Change-Id: I21d79ff02eef923c202eb1000422888727cb0e2c Reviewed-by: Joerg Bornemann <>
Diffstat (limited to 'cmake/QtPrlHelpers.cmake')
1 files changed, 313 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cmake/QtPrlHelpers.cmake b/cmake/QtPrlHelpers.cmake
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7977afd030
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cmake/QtPrlHelpers.cmake
@@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
+# Add libraries to variable ${out_libs_var} in a way that duplicates
+# are added at the end. This ensures the library order needed for the
+# linker.
+function(qt_merge_libs out_libs_var)
+ foreach(dep ${ARGN})
+ list(REMOVE_ITEM ${out_libs_var} ${dep})
+ list(APPEND ${out_libs_var} ${dep})
+ endforeach()
+ set(${out_libs_var} ${${out_libs_var}} PARENT_SCOPE)
+# Collects the library dependencies of a target.
+# This takes into account transitive usage requirements.
+function(qt_collect_libs target out_var)
+ qt_internal_walk_libs("${target}" "${out_var}" "qt_collect_libs_dict" "collect_libs")
+ set("${out_var}" "${${out_var}}" PARENT_SCOPE)
+# Walks a target's link libraries recursively, and performs some actions (poor man's polypmorphism)
+# out_var is the name of the variable where the result will be assigned. The result is a list of
+# libraries, mostly in generator expression form.
+# dict_name is used for caching the result, and preventing the same target from being processed
+# twice
+# operation is a string to tell the function what to do
+function(qt_internal_walk_libs target out_var dict_name operation)
+ set(collected ${ARGN})
+ if(target IN_LIST collected)
+ return()
+ endif()
+ list(APPEND collected ${target})
+ if(NOT TARGET ${dict_name})
+ add_library(${dict_name} INTERFACE IMPORTED GLOBAL)
+ endif()
+ get_target_property(libs ${dict_name} INTERFACE_${target})
+ if(NOT libs)
+ unset(libs)
+ get_target_property(target_libs ${target} INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES)
+ if(NOT target_libs)
+ unset(target_libs)
+ endif()
+ get_target_property(target_type ${target} TYPE)
+ if(target_type STREQUAL "STATIC_LIBRARY")
+ get_target_property(link_libs ${target} LINK_LIBRARIES)
+ if(link_libs)
+ list(APPEND target_libs ${link_libs})
+ endif()
+ endif()
+ foreach(lib ${target_libs})
+ # Cannot use $<TARGET_POLICY:...> in add_custom_command.
+ # Check the policy now, and replace the generator expression with the value.
+ while(lib MATCHES "\\$<TARGET_POLICY:([^>]+)>")
+ cmake_policy(GET ${CMAKE_MATCH_1} value)
+ if(value STREQUAL "NEW")
+ set(value "TRUE")
+ else()
+ set(value "FALSE")
+ endif()
+ string(REPLACE "${CMAKE_MATCH_0}" "${value}" lib "${lib}")
+ endwhile()
+ # Fix up $<TARGET_PROPERTY:FOO> expressions that refer to the "current" target.
+ # Those cannot be used with add_custom_command.
+ while(lib MATCHES "\\$<TARGET_PROPERTY:([^,>]+)>")
+ string(REPLACE "${CMAKE_MATCH_0}" "$<TARGET_PROPERTY:${target},${CMAKE_MATCH_1}>"
+ lib "${lib}")
+ endwhile()
+ # Skip static plugins.
+ set(_is_plugin_marker_genex "\\$<BOOL:QT_IS_PLUGIN_GENEX>")
+ if(lib MATCHES "${_is_plugin_marker_genex}")
+ continue()
+ endif()
+ # Strip any directory scope tokens.
+ qt_internal_strip_target_directory_scope_token("${lib}" lib)
+ if(lib MATCHES "^\\$<TARGET_OBJECTS:")
+ # Skip object files.
+ continue()
+ elseif(lib MATCHES "^\\$<LINK_ONLY:(.*)>$")
+ set(lib_target ${CMAKE_MATCH_1})
+ else()
+ set(lib_target ${lib})
+ endif()
+ # Skip CMAKE_DIRECTORY_ID_SEP. If a target_link_libraries is applied to a target
+ # that was defined in a different scope, CMake appends and prepends a special directory
+ # id separator. Filter those out.
+ if(lib_target MATCHES "^::@")
+ continue()
+ elseif(TARGET ${lib_target})
+ if ("${lib_target}" MATCHES "^Qt::(.*)")
+ # If both, Qt::Foo and Foo targets exist, prefer the target name without
+ # namespace. Which one is preferred doesn't really matter. This code exists to
+ # avoid ending up with both, Qt::Foo and Foo in our dependencies.
+ set(namespaceless_lib_target "${CMAKE_MATCH_1}")
+ if(TARGET namespaceless_lib_target)
+ set(lib_target ${namespaceless_lib_target})
+ endif()
+ endif()
+ get_target_property(lib_target_type ${lib_target} TYPE)
+ if(lib_target_type STREQUAL "INTERFACE_LIBRARY")
+ qt_internal_walk_libs(
+ ${lib_target} lib_libs "${dict_name}" "${operation}" ${collected})
+ if(lib_libs)
+ qt_merge_libs(libs ${lib_libs})
+ set(is_module 0)
+ endif()
+ else()
+ qt_merge_libs(libs "$<TARGET_FILE:${lib_target}>")
+ qt_internal_walk_libs(
+ ${lib_target} lib_libs "${dict_name}" "${operation}" ${collected})
+ if(lib_libs)
+ qt_merge_libs(libs ${lib_libs})
+ endif()
+ endif()
+ if(operation STREQUAL "promote_global")
+ set(lib_target_unaliased "${lib_target}")
+ get_target_property(aliased_target ${lib_target} ALIASED_TARGET)
+ if(aliased_target)
+ set(lib_target_unaliased ${aliased_target})
+ endif()
+ get_property(is_imported TARGET ${lib_target_unaliased} PROPERTY IMPORTED)
+ get_property(is_global TARGET ${lib_target_unaliased} PROPERTY IMPORTED_GLOBAL)
+ # Allow opting out of promotion. This is useful in certain corner cases
+ # like with WrapLibClang and Threads in qttools.
+ qt_internal_should_not_promote_package_target_to_global(
+ "${lib_target_unaliased}" should_not_promote)
+ if(NOT is_global AND is_imported AND NOT should_not_promote)
+ set_property(TARGET ${lib_target_unaliased} PROPERTY IMPORTED_GLOBAL TRUE)
+ endif()
+ endif()
+ else()
+ set(final_lib_name_to_merge "${lib_target}")
+ if(lib_target MATCHES "/([^/]+).framework$")
+ set(final_lib_name_to_merge "-framework ${CMAKE_MATCH_1}")
+ endif()
+ qt_merge_libs(libs "${final_lib_name_to_merge}")
+ endif()
+ endforeach()
+ set_target_properties(${dict_name} PROPERTIES INTERFACE_${target} "${libs}")
+ endif()
+ set(${out_var} ${libs} PARENT_SCOPE)
+# Generate a qmake .prl file for the given target.
+# The install_dir argument is a relative path, for example "lib".
+function(qt_generate_prl_file target install_dir)
+ get_target_property(target_type ${target} TYPE)
+ return()
+ endif()
+ get_target_property(rcc_objects ${target} QT_RCC_OBJECTS)
+ if(rcc_objects)
+ list(TRANSFORM rcc_objects PREPEND "$$[QT_INSTALL_LIBS]/")
+ endif()
+ else()
+ unset(rcc_objects)
+ endif()
+ unset(prl_config)
+ set(is_static FALSE)
+ if(target_type STREQUAL "STATIC_LIBRARY")
+ list(APPEND prl_config static)
+ set(is_static TRUE)
+ elseif(target_type STREQUAL "SHARED_LIBRARY")
+ list(APPEND prl_config shared)
+ endif()
+ get_target_property(is_fw ${target} FRAMEWORK)
+ if(is_fw)
+ list(APPEND prl_config lib_bundle)
+ endif()
+ endif()
+ list(JOIN prl_config " " prl_config)
+ # Generate a preliminary .prl file that contains absolute paths to all libraries
+ if(MINGW)
+ # For MinGW, qmake doesn't have a lib prefix in prl files.
+ set(prefix_for_final_prl_name "")
+ else()
+ set(prefix_for_final_prl_name "$<TARGET_FILE_PREFIX:${target}>")
+ endif()
+ # For frameworks, the prl file should be placed under the Resources subdir.
+ get_target_property(is_framework ${target} FRAMEWORK)
+ if(is_framework)
+ get_target_property(fw_version ${target} FRAMEWORK_VERSION)
+ string(APPEND prefix_for_final_prl_name "Versions/${fw_version}/Resources/")
+ endif()
+ # What follows is a complicated setup for generating configuration-specific
+ # prl files. It has to be this way, because add_custom_command doesn't support
+ # generator expressions in OUTPUT or DEPENDS.
+ # To circumvent that, we create well known file names with file(GENERATE)
+ # with configuration specific content, which are then fed to add_custom_command
+ # that uses these genex-less file names. The actual command will extract the info
+ # from the configuration-specific files, and create a properly named final prl file.
+ # The file is named according to a pattern, that is then used in the
+ # add_custom_command.
+ set(prl_step1_name_prefix "preliminary_prl_for_${target}_step1_")
+ set(prl_step1_name_suffix ".prl" )
+ qt_path_join(prl_step1_path
+ "${prl_step1_name_prefix}$<CONFIG>${prl_step1_name_suffix}")
+ # Same, except instead of containing the prl contents, it will contain the final prl file
+ # name computed via a generator expression.
+ set(prl_meta_info_name_prefix "preliminary_prl_meta_info_for_${target}_")
+ set(prl_meta_info_name_suffix ".txt")
+ qt_path_join(prl_meta_info_path
+ "${prl_meta_info_name_prefix}$<CONFIG>${prl_meta_info_name_suffix}")
+ # The final prl file name that will be embedded in the file above.
+ set(final_prl_file_name "${prefix_for_final_prl_name}$<TARGET_FILE_BASE_NAME:${target}>.prl")
+ qt_path_join(final_prl_file_path "${QT_BUILD_DIR}/${install_dir}" "${final_prl_file_name}")
+ # Generate the prl content and its final file name into configuration specific files
+ # whose names we know, and can be used in add_custom_command.
+ set(prl_step1_content
+ "RCC_OBJECTS = ${rcc_objects}
+QMAKE_PRL_CONFIG = ${prl_config}
+ if(NOT is_static AND WIN32)
+ # Do nothing. Prl files for shared libraries on Windows shouldn't have the libs listed,
+ # as per qt_build_config.prf and the conditional CONFIG+=explicitlib assignment.
+ else()
+ set(prl_libs "")
+ qt_collect_libs(${target} prl_libs)
+ string(APPEND prl_step1_content "QMAKE_PRL_LIBS_FOR_CMAKE = ${prl_libs}\n")
+ endif()
+ OUTPUT "${prl_step1_path}"
+ CONTENT "${prl_step1_content}")
+ OUTPUT "${prl_meta_info_path}"
+ "FINAL_PRL_FILE_PATH = ${final_prl_file_path}")
+ set(library_suffixes
+ else()
+ set(configs ${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE})
+ endif()
+ foreach(config ${configs})
+ # Output file for dependency tracking, and which will contain the final content.
+ qt_path_join(prl_step2_path
+ "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}" "preliminary_prl_for_${target}_step2_${config}.prl")
+ # Input dependency names that are constructed for each config manually
+ # (no genexes allowed).
+ qt_path_join(prl_step1_path
+ "${prl_step1_name_prefix}${config}${prl_step1_name_suffix}")
+ qt_path_join(prl_meta_info_path
+ "${prl_meta_info_name_prefix}${config}${prl_meta_info_name_suffix}")
+ add_custom_command(
+ OUTPUT "${prl_step2_path}"
+ DEPENDS "${prl_step1_path}"
+ "${prl_meta_info_path}"
+ "${QT_CMAKE_DIR}/QtFinishPrlFile.cmake"
+ "${QT_CMAKE_DIR}/QtGenerateLibHelpers.cmake"
+ "-DIN_FILE=${prl_step1_path}"
+ "-DIN_META_FILE=${prl_meta_info_path}"
+ "-DOUT_FILE=${prl_step2_path}"
+ "-DLIBRARY_PREFIXES=${library_prefixes}"
+ "-DLIBRARY_SUFFIXES=${library_suffixes}"
+ -P "${QT_CMAKE_DIR}/QtFinishPrlFile.cmake"
+ COMMENT "Generating prl file for target ${target}"
+ )
+ # Tell the target to depend on the preliminary prl file, to ensure the custom command
+ # is executed. As a side-effect, this will also create the final prl file that
+ # is named appropriately. It should not be specified as a BYPRODUCT.
+ # This allows proper per-file dependency tracking, without having to resort on a POST_BUILD
+ # step, which means that relinking would happen as well as transitive rebuilding of any
+ # dependees.
+ # This is inspired by
+ target_sources(${target} PRIVATE "${prl_step2_path}")
+ endforeach()
+ # Installation of the .prl file happens globally elsewhere,
+ # because we have no clue here what the actual file name is.
+ # What we know however, is the directory where the prl file is created.
+ # Save that for later, to install all prl files from that directory.
+ get_property(prl_install_dirs GLOBAL PROPERTY QT_PRL_INSTALL_DIRS)
+ if(NOT install_dir IN_LIST prl_install_dirs)
+ set_property(GLOBAL APPEND PROPERTY QT_PRL_INSTALL_DIRS "${install_dir}")
+ endif()