path: root/demos/spreadsheet/spreadsheet.cpp
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authorQt by Nokia <>2011-04-27 12:05:43 +0200
committeraxis <>2011-04-27 12:05:43 +0200
commit38be0d13830efd2d98281c645c3a60afe05ffece (patch)
tree6ea73f3ec77f7d153333779883e8120f82820abe /demos/spreadsheet/spreadsheet.cpp
Initial import from the monolithic Qt.
This is the beginning of revision history for this module. If you want to look at revision history older than this, please refer to the Qt Git wiki for how to use Git history grafting. At the time of writing, this wiki is located here: If you have already performed the grafting and you don't see any history beyond this commit, try running "git log" with the "--follow" argument. Branched from the monolithic repo, Qt master branch, at commit 896db169ea224deb96c59ce8af800d019de63f12
Diffstat (limited to 'demos/spreadsheet/spreadsheet.cpp')
1 files changed, 633 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/demos/spreadsheet/spreadsheet.cpp b/demos/spreadsheet/spreadsheet.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..000c7898bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/demos/spreadsheet/spreadsheet.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,633 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2011 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** All rights reserved.
+** Contact: Nokia Corporation (
+** This file is part of the demonstration applications of the Qt Toolkit.
+** No Commercial Usage
+** This file contains pre-release code and may not be distributed.
+** You may use this file in accordance with the terms and conditions
+** contained in the Technology Preview License Agreement accompanying
+** this package.
+** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
+** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
+** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
+** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements
+** will be met:
+** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
+** rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
+** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
+** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
+** Nokia at
+#include <QtGui>
+#include "spreadsheet.h"
+#include "spreadsheetdelegate.h"
+#include "spreadsheetitem.h"
+#include "printview.h"
+SpreadSheet::SpreadSheet(int rows, int cols, QWidget *parent)
+ : QMainWindow(parent)
+ addToolBar(toolBar = new QToolBar());
+ formulaInput = new QLineEdit();
+ cellLabel = new QLabel(toolBar);
+ cellLabel->setMinimumSize(80, 0);
+ toolBar->addWidget(cellLabel);
+ toolBar->addWidget(formulaInput);
+ table = new QTableWidget(rows, cols, this);
+ for (int c = 0; c < cols; ++c) {
+ QString character(QChar('A' + c));
+ table->setHorizontalHeaderItem(c, new QTableWidgetItem(character));
+ }
+ table->setItemPrototype(table->item(rows -1, cols - 1));
+ table->setItemDelegate(new SpreadSheetDelegate());
+ createActions();
+ updateColor(0);
+ setupMenuBar();
+ setupContents();
+ setupContextMenu();
+ setCentralWidget(table);
+ statusBar();
+ connect(table, SIGNAL(currentItemChanged(QTableWidgetItem*,QTableWidgetItem*)),
+ this, SLOT(updateStatus(QTableWidgetItem*)));
+ connect(table, SIGNAL(currentItemChanged(QTableWidgetItem*,QTableWidgetItem*)),
+ this, SLOT(updateColor(QTableWidgetItem*)));
+ connect(table, SIGNAL(currentItemChanged(QTableWidgetItem*,QTableWidgetItem*)),
+ this, SLOT(updateLineEdit(QTableWidgetItem*)));
+ connect(table, SIGNAL(itemChanged(QTableWidgetItem*)),
+ this, SLOT(updateStatus(QTableWidgetItem*)));
+ connect(formulaInput, SIGNAL(returnPressed()), this, SLOT(returnPressed()));
+ connect(table, SIGNAL(itemChanged(QTableWidgetItem*)),
+ this, SLOT(updateLineEdit(QTableWidgetItem*)));
+ setWindowTitle(tr("Spreadsheet"));
+void SpreadSheet::createActions()
+ cell_sumAction = new QAction(tr("Sum"), this);
+ connect(cell_sumAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(actionSum()));
+ cell_addAction = new QAction(tr("&Add"), this);
+ cell_addAction->setShortcut(Qt::CTRL | Qt::Key_Plus);
+ connect(cell_addAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(actionAdd()));
+ cell_subAction = new QAction(tr("&Subtract"), this);
+ cell_subAction->setShortcut(Qt::CTRL | Qt::Key_Minus);
+ connect(cell_subAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(actionSubtract()));
+ cell_mulAction = new QAction(tr("&Multiply"), this);
+ cell_mulAction->setShortcut(Qt::CTRL | Qt::Key_multiply);
+ connect(cell_mulAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(actionMultiply()));
+ cell_divAction = new QAction(tr("&Divide"), this);
+ cell_divAction->setShortcut(Qt::CTRL | Qt::Key_division);
+ connect(cell_divAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(actionDivide()));
+ fontAction = new QAction(tr("Font..."), this);
+ fontAction->setShortcut(Qt::CTRL | Qt::Key_F);
+ connect(fontAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(selectFont()));
+ colorAction = new QAction(QPixmap(16, 16), tr("Background &Color..."), this);
+ connect(colorAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(selectColor()));
+ clearAction = new QAction(tr("Clear"), this);
+ clearAction->setShortcut(Qt::Key_Delete);
+ connect(clearAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(clear()));
+ aboutSpreadSheet = new QAction(tr("About Spreadsheet"), this);
+ connect(aboutSpreadSheet, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(showAbout()));
+ exitAction = new QAction(tr("E&xit"), this);
+ connect(exitAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), qApp, SLOT(quit()));
+ printAction = new QAction(tr("&Print"), this);
+ connect(printAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(print()));
+ firstSeparator = new QAction(this);
+ firstSeparator->setSeparator(true);
+ secondSeparator = new QAction(this);
+ secondSeparator->setSeparator(true);
+void SpreadSheet::setupMenuBar()
+ QMenu *fileMenu = menuBar()->addMenu(tr("&File"));
+ fileMenu->addAction(printAction);
+ fileMenu->addAction(exitAction);
+ QMenu *cellMenu = menuBar()->addMenu(tr("&Cell"));
+ cellMenu->addAction(cell_addAction);
+ cellMenu->addAction(cell_subAction);
+ cellMenu->addAction(cell_mulAction);
+ cellMenu->addAction(cell_divAction);
+ cellMenu->addAction(cell_sumAction);
+ cellMenu->addSeparator();
+ cellMenu->addAction(colorAction);
+ cellMenu->addAction(fontAction);
+ menuBar()->addSeparator();
+ QMenu *aboutMenu = menuBar()->addMenu(tr("&Help"));
+ aboutMenu->addAction(aboutSpreadSheet);
+void SpreadSheet::updateStatus(QTableWidgetItem *item)
+ if (item && item == table->currentItem()) {
+ statusBar()->showMessage(item->data(Qt::StatusTipRole).toString(),
+ 1000);
+ cellLabel->setText(tr("Cell: (%1)").arg(encode_pos(table->row(item),
+ table->column(item))));
+ }
+void SpreadSheet::updateColor(QTableWidgetItem *item)
+ QPixmap pix(16, 16);
+ QColor col;
+ if (item)
+ col = item->backgroundColor();
+ if (!col.isValid())
+ col = palette().base().color();
+ QPainter pt(&pix);
+ pt.fillRect(0, 0, 16, 16, col);
+ QColor lighter = col.light();
+ pt.setPen(lighter);
+ QPoint lightFrame[] = { QPoint(0, 15), QPoint(0, 0), QPoint(15, 0) };
+ pt.drawPolyline(lightFrame, 3);
+ pt.setPen(col.dark());
+ QPoint darkFrame[] = { QPoint(1, 15), QPoint(15, 15), QPoint(15, 1) };
+ pt.drawPolyline(darkFrame, 3);
+ pt.end();
+ colorAction->setIcon(pix);
+void SpreadSheet::updateLineEdit(QTableWidgetItem *item)
+ if (item != table->currentItem())
+ return;
+ if (item)
+ formulaInput->setText(item->data(Qt::EditRole).toString());
+ else
+ formulaInput->clear();
+void SpreadSheet::returnPressed()
+ QString text = formulaInput->text();
+ int row = table->currentRow();
+ int col = table->currentColumn();
+ QTableWidgetItem *item = table->item(row, col);
+ if (!item)
+ table->setItem(row, col, new SpreadSheetItem(text));
+ else
+ item->setData(Qt::EditRole, text);
+ table->viewport()->update();
+void SpreadSheet::selectColor()
+ QTableWidgetItem *item = table->currentItem();
+ QColor col = item ? item->backgroundColor() : table->palette().base().color();
+ col = QColorDialog::getColor(col, this);
+ if (!col.isValid())
+ return;
+ QList<QTableWidgetItem*> selected = table->selectedItems();
+ if (selected.count() == 0)
+ return;
+ foreach(QTableWidgetItem *i, selected)
+ if (i)
+ i->setBackgroundColor(col);
+ updateColor(table->currentItem());
+void SpreadSheet::selectFont()
+ QList<QTableWidgetItem*> selected = table->selectedItems();
+ if (selected.count() == 0)
+ return;
+ bool ok = false;
+ QFont fnt = QFontDialog::getFont(&ok, font(), this);
+ if (!ok)
+ return;
+ foreach(QTableWidgetItem *i, selected)
+ if (i)
+ i->setFont(fnt);
+bool SpreadSheet::runInputDialog(const QString &title,
+ const QString &c1Text,
+ const QString &c2Text,
+ const QString &opText,
+ const QString &outText,
+ QString *cell1, QString *cell2, QString *outCell)
+ QStringList rows, cols;
+ for (int c = 0; c < table->columnCount(); ++c)
+ cols << QChar('A' + c);
+ for (int r = 0; r < table->rowCount(); ++r)
+ rows << QString::number(1 + r);
+ QDialog addDialog(this);
+ addDialog.setWindowTitle(title);
+ QGroupBox group(title, &addDialog);
+ group.setMinimumSize(250, 100);
+ QLabel cell1Label(c1Text, &group);
+ QComboBox cell1RowInput(&group);
+ int c1Row, c1Col;
+ decode_pos(*cell1, &c1Row, &c1Col);
+ cell1RowInput.addItems(rows);
+ cell1RowInput.setCurrentIndex(c1Row);
+ QComboBox cell1ColInput(&group);
+ cell1ColInput.addItems(cols);
+ cell1ColInput.setCurrentIndex(c1Col);
+ QLabel operatorLabel(opText, &group);
+ operatorLabel.setAlignment(Qt::AlignHCenter);
+ QLabel cell2Label(c2Text, &group);
+ QComboBox cell2RowInput(&group);
+ int c2Row, c2Col;
+ decode_pos(*cell2, &c2Row, &c2Col);
+ cell2RowInput.addItems(rows);
+ cell2RowInput.setCurrentIndex(c2Row);
+ QComboBox cell2ColInput(&group);
+ cell2ColInput.addItems(cols);
+ cell2ColInput.setCurrentIndex(c2Col);
+ QLabel equalsLabel("=", &group);
+ equalsLabel.setAlignment(Qt::AlignHCenter);
+ QLabel outLabel(outText, &group);
+ QComboBox outRowInput(&group);
+ int outRow, outCol;
+ decode_pos(*outCell, &outRow, &outCol);
+ outRowInput.addItems(rows);
+ outRowInput.setCurrentIndex(outRow);
+ QComboBox outColInput(&group);
+ outColInput.addItems(cols);
+ outColInput.setCurrentIndex(outCol);
+ QPushButton cancelButton(tr("Cancel"), &addDialog);
+ connect(&cancelButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), &addDialog, SLOT(reject()));
+ QPushButton okButton(tr("OK"), &addDialog);
+ okButton.setDefault(true);
+ connect(&okButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), &addDialog, SLOT(accept()));
+ QHBoxLayout *buttonsLayout = new QHBoxLayout;
+ buttonsLayout->addStretch(1);
+ buttonsLayout->addWidget(&okButton);
+ buttonsLayout->addSpacing(10);
+ buttonsLayout->addWidget(&cancelButton);
+ QVBoxLayout *dialogLayout = new QVBoxLayout(&addDialog);
+ dialogLayout->addWidget(&group);
+ dialogLayout->addStretch(1);
+ dialogLayout->addItem(buttonsLayout);
+ QHBoxLayout *cell1Layout = new QHBoxLayout;
+ cell1Layout->addWidget(&cell1Label);
+ cell1Layout->addSpacing(10);
+ cell1Layout->addWidget(&cell1ColInput);
+ cell1Layout->addSpacing(10);
+ cell1Layout->addWidget(&cell1RowInput);
+ QHBoxLayout *cell2Layout = new QHBoxLayout;
+ cell2Layout->addWidget(&cell2Label);
+ cell2Layout->addSpacing(10);
+ cell2Layout->addWidget(&cell2ColInput);
+ cell2Layout->addSpacing(10);
+ cell2Layout->addWidget(&cell2RowInput);
+ QHBoxLayout *outLayout = new QHBoxLayout;
+ outLayout->addWidget(&outLabel);
+ outLayout->addSpacing(10);
+ outLayout->addWidget(&outColInput);
+ outLayout->addSpacing(10);
+ outLayout->addWidget(&outRowInput);
+ QVBoxLayout *vLayout = new QVBoxLayout(&group);
+ vLayout->addItem(cell1Layout);
+ vLayout->addWidget(&operatorLabel);
+ vLayout->addItem(cell2Layout);
+ vLayout->addWidget(&equalsLabel);
+ vLayout->addStretch(1);
+ vLayout->addItem(outLayout);
+ if (addDialog.exec()) {
+ *cell1 = cell1ColInput.currentText() + cell1RowInput.currentText();
+ *cell2 = cell2ColInput.currentText() + cell2RowInput.currentText();
+ *outCell = outColInput.currentText() + outRowInput.currentText();
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+void SpreadSheet::actionSum()
+ int row_first = 0;
+ int row_last = 0;
+ int row_cur = 0;
+ int col_first = 0;
+ int col_last = 0;
+ int col_cur = 0;
+ QList<QTableWidgetItem*> selected = table->selectedItems();
+ if (!selected.isEmpty()) {
+ QTableWidgetItem *first = selected.first();
+ QTableWidgetItem *last = selected.last();
+ row_first = table->row(first);
+ row_last = table->row(last);
+ col_first = table->column(first);
+ col_last = table->column(last);
+ }
+ QTableWidgetItem *current = table->currentItem();
+ if (current) {
+ row_cur = table->row(current);
+ col_cur = table->column(current);
+ }
+ QString cell1 = encode_pos(row_first, col_first);
+ QString cell2 = encode_pos(row_last, col_last);
+ QString out = encode_pos(row_cur, col_cur);
+ if (runInputDialog(tr("Sum cells"), tr("First cell:"), tr("Last cell:"),
+ QString("%1").arg(QChar(0x03a3)), tr("Output to:"),
+ &cell1, &cell2, &out)) {
+ int row, col;
+ decode_pos(out, &row, &col);
+ table->item(row, col)->setText(tr("sum %1 %2").arg(cell1, cell2));
+ }
+void SpreadSheet::actionMath_helper(const QString &title, const QString &op)
+ QString cell1 = "C1";
+ QString cell2 = "C2";
+ QString out = "C3";
+ QTableWidgetItem *current = table->currentItem();
+ if (current)
+ out = encode_pos(table->currentRow(), table->currentColumn());
+ if (runInputDialog(title, tr("Cell 1"), tr("Cell 2"), op, tr("Output to:"),
+ &cell1, &cell2, &out)) {
+ int row, col;
+ decode_pos(out, &row, &col);
+ table->item(row, col)->setText(tr("%1 %2 %3").arg(op, cell1, cell2));
+ }
+void SpreadSheet::actionAdd()
+ actionMath_helper(tr("Addition"), "+");
+void SpreadSheet::actionSubtract()
+ actionMath_helper(tr("Subtraction"), "-");
+void SpreadSheet::actionMultiply()
+ actionMath_helper(tr("Multiplication"), "*");
+void SpreadSheet::actionDivide()
+ actionMath_helper(tr("Division"), "/");
+void SpreadSheet::clear()
+ foreach (QTableWidgetItem *i, table->selectedItems())
+ i->setText("");
+void SpreadSheet::setupContextMenu()
+ addAction(cell_addAction);
+ addAction(cell_subAction);
+ addAction(cell_mulAction);
+ addAction(cell_divAction);
+ addAction(cell_sumAction);
+ addAction(firstSeparator);
+ addAction(colorAction);
+ addAction(fontAction);
+ addAction(secondSeparator);
+ addAction(clearAction);
+ setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::ActionsContextMenu);
+void SpreadSheet::setupContents()
+ QColor titleBackground(Qt::lightGray);
+ QFont titleFont = table->font();
+ titleFont.setBold(true);
+ // column 0
+ table->setItem(0, 0, new SpreadSheetItem("Item"));
+ table->item(0, 0)->setBackgroundColor(titleBackground);
+ table->item(0, 0)->setToolTip("This column shows the purchased item/service");
+ table->item(0, 0)->setFont(titleFont);
+ table->setItem(1, 0, new SpreadSheetItem("AirportBus"));
+ table->setItem(2, 0, new SpreadSheetItem("Flight (Munich)"));
+ table->setItem(3, 0, new SpreadSheetItem("Lunch"));
+ table->setItem(4, 0, new SpreadSheetItem("Flight (LA)"));
+ table->setItem(5, 0, new SpreadSheetItem("Taxi"));
+ table->setItem(6, 0, new SpreadSheetItem("Dinner"));
+ table->setItem(7, 0, new SpreadSheetItem("Hotel"));
+ table->setItem(8, 0, new SpreadSheetItem("Flight (Oslo)"));
+ table->setItem(9, 0, new SpreadSheetItem("Total:"));
+ table->item(9, 0)->setFont(titleFont);
+ table->item(9, 0)->setBackgroundColor(Qt::lightGray);
+ // column 1
+ table->setItem(0, 1, new SpreadSheetItem("Date"));
+ table->item(0, 1)->setBackgroundColor(titleBackground);
+ table->item(0, 1)->setToolTip("This column shows the purchase date, double click to change");
+ table->item(0, 1)->setFont(titleFont);
+ table->setItem(1, 1, new SpreadSheetItem("15/6/2006"));
+ table->setItem(2, 1, new SpreadSheetItem("15/6/2006"));
+ table->setItem(3, 1, new SpreadSheetItem("15/6/2006"));
+ table->setItem(4, 1, new SpreadSheetItem("21/5/2006"));
+ table->setItem(5, 1, new SpreadSheetItem("16/6/2006"));
+ table->setItem(6, 1, new SpreadSheetItem("16/6/2006"));
+ table->setItem(7, 1, new SpreadSheetItem("16/6/2006"));
+ table->setItem(8, 1, new SpreadSheetItem("18/6/2006"));
+ table->setItem(9, 1, new SpreadSheetItem());
+ table->item(9, 1)->setBackgroundColor(Qt::lightGray);
+ // column 2
+ table->setItem(0, 2, new SpreadSheetItem("Price"));
+ table->item(0, 2)->setBackgroundColor(titleBackground);
+ table->item(0, 2)->setToolTip("This column shows the price of the purchase");
+ table->item(0, 2)->setFont(titleFont);
+ table->setItem(1, 2, new SpreadSheetItem("150"));
+ table->setItem(2, 2, new SpreadSheetItem("2350"));
+ table->setItem(3, 2, new SpreadSheetItem("-14"));
+ table->setItem(4, 2, new SpreadSheetItem("980"));
+ table->setItem(5, 2, new SpreadSheetItem("5"));
+ table->setItem(6, 2, new SpreadSheetItem("120"));
+ table->setItem(7, 2, new SpreadSheetItem("300"));
+ table->setItem(8, 2, new SpreadSheetItem("1240"));
+ table->setItem(9, 2, new SpreadSheetItem());
+ table->item(9, 2)->setBackgroundColor(Qt::lightGray);
+ // column 3
+ table->setItem(0, 3, new SpreadSheetItem("Currency"));
+ table->item(0, 3)->setBackgroundColor(titleBackground);
+ table->item(0, 3)->setToolTip("This column shows the currency");
+ table->item(0, 3)->setFont(titleFont);
+ table->setItem(1, 3, new SpreadSheetItem("NOK"));
+ table->setItem(2, 3, new SpreadSheetItem("NOK"));
+ table->setItem(3, 3, new SpreadSheetItem("EUR"));
+ table->setItem(4, 3, new SpreadSheetItem("EUR"));
+ table->setItem(5, 3, new SpreadSheetItem("USD"));
+ table->setItem(6, 3, new SpreadSheetItem("USD"));
+ table->setItem(7, 3, new SpreadSheetItem("USD"));
+ table->setItem(8, 3, new SpreadSheetItem("USD"));
+ table->setItem(9, 3, new SpreadSheetItem());
+ table->item(9,3)->setBackgroundColor(Qt::lightGray);
+ // column 4
+ table->setItem(0, 4, new SpreadSheetItem("Ex. Rate"));
+ table->item(0, 4)->setBackgroundColor(titleBackground);
+ table->item(0, 4)->setToolTip("This column shows the exchange rate to NOK");
+ table->item(0, 4)->setFont(titleFont);
+ table->setItem(1, 4, new SpreadSheetItem("1"));
+ table->setItem(2, 4, new SpreadSheetItem("1"));
+ table->setItem(3, 4, new SpreadSheetItem("8"));
+ table->setItem(4, 4, new SpreadSheetItem("8"));
+ table->setItem(5, 4, new SpreadSheetItem("7"));
+ table->setItem(6, 4, new SpreadSheetItem("7"));
+ table->setItem(7, 4, new SpreadSheetItem("7"));
+ table->setItem(8, 4, new SpreadSheetItem("7"));
+ table->setItem(9, 4, new SpreadSheetItem());
+ table->item(9,4)->setBackgroundColor(Qt::lightGray);
+ // column 5
+ table->setItem(0, 5, new SpreadSheetItem("NOK"));
+ table->item(0, 5)->setBackgroundColor(titleBackground);
+ table->item(0, 5)->setToolTip("This column shows the expenses in NOK");
+ table->item(0, 5)->setFont(titleFont);
+ table->setItem(1, 5, new SpreadSheetItem("* C2 E2"));
+ table->setItem(2, 5, new SpreadSheetItem("* C3 E3"));
+ table->setItem(3, 5, new SpreadSheetItem("* C4 E4"));
+ table->setItem(4, 5, new SpreadSheetItem("* C5 E5"));
+ table->setItem(5, 5, new SpreadSheetItem("* C6 E6"));
+ table->setItem(6, 5, new SpreadSheetItem("* C7 E7"));
+ table->setItem(7, 5, new SpreadSheetItem("* C8 E8"));
+ table->setItem(8, 5, new SpreadSheetItem("* C9 E9"));
+ table->setItem(9, 5, new SpreadSheetItem("sum F2 F9"));
+ table->item(9,5)->setBackgroundColor(Qt::lightGray);
+const char *htmlText =
+"<p><b>This demo shows use of <c>QTableWidget</c> with custom handling for"
+" individual cells.</b></p>"
+"<p>Using a customized table item we make it possible to have dynamic"
+" output in different cells. The content that is implemented for this"
+" particular demo is:"
+"<li>Adding two cells.</li>"
+"<li>Subtracting one cell from another.</li>"
+"<li>Multiplying two cells.</li>"
+"<li>Dividing one cell with another.</li>"
+"<li>Summing the contents of an arbitrary number of cells.</li>"
+void SpreadSheet::showAbout()
+ QMessageBox::about(this, "About Spreadsheet", htmlText);
+void decode_pos(const QString &pos, int *row, int *col)
+ if (pos.isEmpty()) {
+ *col = -1;
+ *row = -1;
+ } else {
+ *col = - 'A';
+ *row = pos.right(pos.size() - 1).toInt() - 1;
+ }
+QString encode_pos(int row, int col)
+ return QString(col + 'A') + QString::number(row + 1);
+void SpreadSheet::print()
+#ifndef QT_NO_PRINTER
+ QPrinter printer(QPrinter::ScreenResolution);
+ QPrintPreviewDialog dlg(&printer);
+ PrintView view;
+ view.setModel(table->model());
+ connect(&dlg, SIGNAL(paintRequested(QPrinter*)),
+ &view, SLOT(print(QPrinter*)));
+ dlg.exec();