path: root/src/3rdparty/angle/src/libANGLE/ErrorStrings.h
diff options
authorTobias Hunger <>2019-04-16 16:32:08 +0200
committerTobias Hunger <>2019-04-16 16:32:08 +0200
commit6630937e63ae5797487b86743a7733c8ae5cc42c (patch)
tree3d53dacf6430f9099e1fb20835881205de674961 /src/3rdparty/angle/src/libANGLE/ErrorStrings.h
parent37ed6dae00640f9cc980ffda05347c12a7eb5d7e (diff)
parentc7af193d2e49e9f10b86262e63d8d13abf72b5cf (diff)
Merge commit 'dev' into 'wip/cmake-merge'
Diffstat (limited to 'src/3rdparty/angle/src/libANGLE/ErrorStrings.h')
1 files changed, 173 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/angle/src/libANGLE/ErrorStrings.h b/src/3rdparty/angle/src/libANGLE/ErrorStrings.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..93d64482d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/angle/src/libANGLE/ErrorStrings.h
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2017 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+// ErrorStrings.h: Contains mapping of commonly used error messages
+#define ERRMSG(name, message) \
+ static const constexpr char *kError##name = static_cast<const char *>(message);
+#define ANGLE_VALIDATION_ERR(context, error, errorName) \
+ context->handleError(error << kError##errorName)
+namespace gl
+ERRMSG(BufferNotBound, "A buffer must be bound.");
+ "Compressed texture dimensions must exactly match the dimensions of the data passed in.");
+ERRMSG(CompressedTexturesNotAttachable, "Compressed textures cannot be attached to a framebuffer.");
+ERRMSG(CubemapFacesEqualDimensions, "Each cubemap face must have equal width and height.");
+ "Texture is not cubemap complete. All cubemaps faces must be defined and be the same size.");
+ "Invalid attachment when the default framebuffer is bound.");
+ERRMSG(DefaultFramebufferTarget, "It is invalid to change default FBO's attachments");
+ERRMSG(EnumNotSupported, "Enum is not currently supported.");
+ERRMSG(EnumRequiresGLES31, "Enum requires GLES 3.1");
+ERRMSG(ES31Required, "OpenGL ES 3.1 Required");
+ERRMSG(ES3Required, "OpenGL ES 3.0 Required.");
+ERRMSG(ExceedsMaxElement, "Element value exceeds maximum element index.");
+ERRMSG(ExpectedProgramName, "Expected a program name, but found a shader name.");
+ERRMSG(ExpectedShaderName, "Expected a shader name, but found a program name.");
+ERRMSG(ExtensionNotEnabled, "Extension is not enabled.");
+ERRMSG(FeedbackLoop, "Feedback loop formed between Framebuffer and active Texture.");
+ "Attachment type must be compatible with attachment object.");
+ERRMSG(GenerateMipmapNotAllowed, "Texture format does not support mipmap generation.");
+ERRMSG(IndexExceedsMaxActiveUniform, "Index exceeds program active uniform count.");
+ERRMSG(IndexExceedsMaxDrawBuffer, "Index exceeds MAX_DRAW_BUFFERS.");
+ERRMSG(IndexExceedsMaxVertexAttribute, "Index exceeds MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS.");
+ERRMSG(InsufficientBufferSize, "Insufficient buffer size.");
+ERRMSG(InsufficientVertexBufferSize, "Vertex buffer is not big enough for the draw call");
+ERRMSG(IntegerOverflow, "Integer overflow.");
+ERRMSG(InvalidAttachment, "Invalid Attachment Type.");
+ERRMSG(InvalidBlendEquation, "Invalid blend equation.");
+ERRMSG(InvalidBlendFunction, "Invalid blend function.");
+ERRMSG(InvalidBorder, "Border must be 0.");
+ERRMSG(InvalidBufferTypes, "Invalid buffer target enum.");
+ERRMSG(InvalidBufferUsage, "Invalid buffer usage enum.");
+ERRMSG(InvalidClearMask, "Invalid mask bits.");
+ "ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_ALPHA) cannot be used together as source and destination factors in the "
+ "blend function.");
+ERRMSG(InvalidCoverMode, "Invalid cover mode.");
+ERRMSG(InvalidCullMode, "Cull mode not recognized.");
+ERRMSG(InvalidDebugSeverity, "Invalid debug severity.");
+ERRMSG(InvalidDebugSource, "Invalid debug source.");
+ERRMSG(InvalidDebugType, "Invalid debug type.");
+ERRMSG(InvalidDepthRange, "Near value cannot be greater than far.");
+ERRMSG(InvalidDrawMode, "Invalid draw mode.");
+ "Draw mode must match current transform feedback object's draw mode.");
+ERRMSG(InvalidFillMode, "Invalid fill mode.");
+ERRMSG(InvalidFilterTexture, "Texture only supports NEAREST and LINEAR filtering.");
+ERRMSG(InvalidFormat, "Invalid format.");
+ERRMSG(InvalidFramebufferTarget, "Invalid framebuffer target.");
+ERRMSG(InvalidFramebufferTextureLevel, "Mipmap level must be 0 when attaching a texture.");
+ERRMSG(InvalidFramebufferAttachmentParameter, "Invalid parameter name for framebuffer attachment.");
+ERRMSG(InvalidInternalFormat, "Invalid internal format.");
+ERRMSG(InvalidMatrixMode, "Invalid matrix mode.");
+ERRMSG(InvalidMipLevel, "Level of detail outside of range.");
+ERRMSG(InvalidName, "Invalid name.");
+ERRMSG(InvalidNameCharacters, "Name contains invalid characters.");
+ERRMSG(InvalidPname, "Invalid pname.");
+ERRMSG(InvalidPrecision, "Invalid or unsupported precision type.");
+ERRMSG(InvalidProgramName, "Program object expected.");
+ERRMSG(InvalidQueryId, "Invalid query Id.");
+ERRMSG(InvalidQueryTarget, "Invalid query target.");
+ERRMSG(InvalidQueryType, "Invalid query type.");
+ERRMSG(InvalidRange, "Invalid range.");
+ERRMSG(InvalidRenderbufferInternalFormat, "Invalid renderbuffer internalformat.");
+ERRMSG(InvalidRenderbufferTarget, "Invalid renderbuffer target.");
+ERRMSG(InvalidRenderbufferTextureParameter, "Invalid parameter name for renderbuffer attachment.");
+ "Renderbuffer width and height cannot be negative and cannot exceed maximum texture size.");
+ "MaskNumber cannot be greater than or equal to the value of MAX_SAMPLE_MASK_WORDS.");
+ERRMSG(InvalidSampler, "Sampler is not valid");
+ERRMSG(InvalidShaderName, "Shader object expected.");
+ERRMSG(InvalidShaderType, "Invalid shader type.");
+ERRMSG(InvalidStencil, "Invalid stencil.");
+ERRMSG(InvalidStencilBitMask, "Invalid stencil bit mask.");
+ERRMSG(InvalidTarget, "Invalid target.");
+ERRMSG(InvalidTextureFilterParam, "Texture filter not recognized.");
+ERRMSG(InvalidTextureRange, "Cannot be less than 0 or greater than maximum number of textures.");
+ERRMSG(InvalidTextureTarget, "Invalid or unsupported texture target.");
+ERRMSG(InvalidTextureWrap, "Texture wrap mode not recognized.");
+ERRMSG(InvalidType, "Invalid type.");
+ERRMSG(InvalidTypePureInt, "Invalid type, should be integer");
+ERRMSG(InvalidUnpackAlignment, "Unpack alignment must be 1, 2, 4, or 8.");
+ERRMSG(InvalidVertexAttrSize, "Vertex attribute size must be 1, 2, 3, or 4.");
+ERRMSG(InvalidWidth, "Invalid width.");
+ERRMSG(InvalidWrapModeTexture, "Invalid wrap mode for texture type.");
+ERRMSG(LevelNotZero, "Texture level must be zero.");
+ERRMSG(MismatchedByteCountType, "Buffer size does not align with data type.");
+ERRMSG(MismatchedFormat, "Format must match internal format.");
+ERRMSG(MismatchedTargetAndFormat, "Invalid texture target and format combination.");
+ERRMSG(MismatchedTypeAndFormat, "Invalid format and type combination.");
+ERRMSG(MismatchedVariableProgram, "Variable is not part of the current program.");
+ERRMSG(MissingReadAttachment, "Missing read attachment.");
+ERRMSG(MustHaveElementArrayBinding, "Must have element array buffer binding.");
+ERRMSG(NameBeginsWithGL, "Attributes that begin with 'gl_' are not allowed.");
+ERRMSG(NegativeAttachments, "Negative number of attachments.");
+ERRMSG(NegativeBufferSize, "Negative buffer size.");
+ERRMSG(NegativeCount, "Negative count.");
+ERRMSG(NegativeLength, "Negative length.");
+ERRMSG(NegativeMaxCount, "Negative maxcount.");
+ERRMSG(NegativeOffset, "Negative offset.");
+ERRMSG(NegativePrimcount, "Primcount must be greater than or equal to zero.");
+ERRMSG(NegativeSize, "Cannot have negative height or width.");
+ERRMSG(NegativeStart, "Cannot have negative start.");
+ERRMSG(NegativeStride, "Cannot have negative stride.");
+ERRMSG(NoSuchPath, "No such path object.");
+ "The active program has specified no output variables to record.");
+ERRMSG(NoZeroDivisor, "At least one enabled attribute must have a divisor of zero.");
+ERRMSG(ObjectNotGenerated, "Object cannot be used because it has not been generated.");
+ERRMSG(OffsetMustBeMultipleOfType, "Offset must be a multiple of the passed in datatype.");
+ERRMSG(OutsideOfBounds, "Parameter outside of bounds.");
+ERRMSG(ParamOverflow, "The provided parameters overflow with the provided buffer.");
+ERRMSG(PixelDataNotNull, "Pixel data must be null.");
+ERRMSG(PixelDataNull, "Pixel data cannot be null.");
+ERRMSG(ProgramDoesNotExist, "Program doesn't exist.");
+ERRMSG(ProgramNotBound, "A program must be bound.");
+ERRMSG(ProgramNotLinked, "Program not linked.");
+ERRMSG(QueryActive, "Query is active.");
+ERRMSG(QueryExtensionNotEnabled, "Query extension not enabled.");
+ERRMSG(ReadBufferNone, "Read buffer is GL_NONE.");
+ERRMSG(RenderbufferNotBound, "A renderbuffer must be bound.");
+ERRMSG(ResourceMaxTextureSize, "Desired resource size is greater than max texture size.");
+ERRMSG(ShaderAttachmentHasShader, "Shader attachment already has a shader.");
+ERRMSG(ShaderSourceInvalidCharacters, "Shader source contains invalid characters.");
+ "Shader to be detached must be currently attached to the program.");
+ERRMSG(SourceTextureTooSmall, "The specified dimensions are outside of the bounds of the texture.");
+ "Stencil reference and mask values must be the same for front facing and back facing "
+ "triangles.");
+ERRMSG(StrideMustBeMultipleOfType, "Stride must be a multiple of the passed in datatype.");
+ERRMSG(TextureNotBound, "A texture must be bound.");
+ERRMSG(TextureNotPow2, "The texture is a non-power-of-two texture.");
+ERRMSG(TransformFeedbackDoesNotExist, "Transform feedback object that does not exist.");
+ "Passed in texture target and format must match the one originally used to define the "
+ "texture.");
+ERRMSG(TypeNotUnsignedShortByte, "Only UNSIGNED_SHORT and UNSIGNED_BYTE types are supported.");
+ERRMSG(UniformSizeMismatch, "Uniform size does not match uniform method.");
+ERRMSG(UnknownParameter, "Unknown parameter value.");
+ERRMSG(VertexArrayNoBuffer, "An enabled vertex array has no buffer.");
+ERRMSG(VertexArrayNoBufferPointer, "An enabled vertex array has no buffer and no pointer.");
+ERRMSG(ViewportNegativeSize, "Viewport size cannot be negative.");
+ERRMSG(Webgl2NameLengthLimitExceeded, "Location lengths must not be greater than 1024 characters.");
+ "Attributes that begin with 'webgl_', or '_webgl_' are not allowed.");
+ "Location name lengths must not be greater than 256 characters.");
+#undef ERRMSG