path: root/src/3rdparty/angle/src/libGLESv2/renderer/d3d/RendererD3D.h
diff options
authorAndrew Knight <>2015-04-08 17:04:36 +0300
committerAndrew Knight <>2015-04-09 10:31:12 +0000
commita218a252c4200cfe7048de81a46f7e48349084d5 (patch)
treec1a82865d97e610cd0abb3a1360408363b38205b /src/3rdparty/angle/src/libGLESv2/renderer/d3d/RendererD3D.h
parent331ddacfca90c91c5b44484bf3c78e2aa5b85947 (diff)
Upgrade ANGLE to 2.1~99f075dade7c
This aligns with Chromium branch 2356. This version brings more complete OpenGL ES 3 support as well as various bug fixes and performance improvements. The following changes were made to earlier patches: -0000-General-fixes-for-ANGLE-2.1 Removed. All changes are now handled elsewhere. +0001-ANGLE-Improve-Windows-Phone-support Consolidated remaining parts from 0009/0010. +0002-ANGLE-Fix-compilation-with-MinGW Remaining issues from patch 0016. +0003-ANGLE-Fix-compilation-with-MSVC2010 Remaining issues from patch 0015. +0004-ANGLE-Dynamically-load-D3D-compiler-from-list Renamed from patch 0008. +0005-ANGLE-Add-support-for-querying-platform-device Renamed from patch 0013. -0004-Make-it-possible-to-link-ANGLE-statically-for-single Removed. Fixed by adding defines to project files. -0008-ANGLE-Dynamically-load-D3D-compiler-from-a-list-or-t Renamed to patch 0005. -0009-ANGLE-Support-WinRT Removed. Mostly fixed upstream; remaining parts in patch 0001. -0010-ANGLE-Enable-D3D11-for-feature-level-9-cards Removed. Mostly fixed upstream; remaining parts in patch 0001. -0012-ANGLE-fix-semantic-index-lookup Removed. Fixed upstream. -0013-ANGLE-Add-support-for-querying-platform-device Renamed to patch 0005. -0014-Let-ANGLE-use-multithreaded-devices-if-necessary Removed. No longer needed. -0015-ANGLE-Fix-angle-d3d11-on-MSVC2010 Moved remaining parts to patch 0003. -0016-ANGLE-Fix-compilation-with-MinGW-D3D11 Moved remaining parts to patch 0002. -0017-ANGLE-Fix-compilation-with-D3D9 Removed. Fixed upstream. -0018-ANGLE-Fix-releasing-textures-after-we-kill-D3D11 Removed. Fixed upstream. -0019-ANGLE-Fix-handling-of-shader-source-with-fixed-lengt Removed. Fixed upstream. -0020-ANGLE-Do-not-use-std-strlen Removed. Fixed upstream. -0020-ANGLE-Fix-compilation-with-MSVC2013-Update4 Removed. Fixed upstream. [ChangeLog][Third-party libraries] ANGLE was updated to Chromium branch 2356 (2.1~99f075dade7c). Change-Id: I32ccbfe95e10986bd94be7191dfd53445ea09158 Task-number: QTBUG-44815 Task-number: QTBUG-37660 Task-number: QTBUG-44694 Task-number: QTBUG-42443 Reviewed-by: Andrew Knight <> Reviewed-by: Friedemann Kleint <>
Diffstat (limited to 'src/3rdparty/angle/src/libGLESv2/renderer/d3d/RendererD3D.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 197 deletions
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/angle/src/libGLESv2/renderer/d3d/RendererD3D.h b/src/3rdparty/angle/src/libGLESv2/renderer/d3d/RendererD3D.h
deleted file mode 100644
index a2f778763c..0000000000
--- a/src/3rdparty/angle/src/libGLESv2/renderer/d3d/RendererD3D.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,197 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2014 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-// RendererD3D.h: Defines a back-end specific class for the DirectX renderer.
-#include "libGLESv2/renderer/Renderer.h"
-#include "libGLESv2/Data.h"
-//FIXME(jmadill): std::array is currently prohibited by Chromium style guide
-#include <array>
-namespace gl
-class InfoLog;
-struct LinkedVarying;
-class Texture;
-namespace rx
-class TextureStorage;
-class VertexBuffer;
-class IndexBuffer;
-class ShaderExecutable;
-class SwapChain;
-class RenderTarget;
-class Image;
-class TextureStorage;
-class UniformStorage;
-class RendererD3D : public Renderer
- public:
- explicit RendererD3D(egl::Display *display);
- virtual ~RendererD3D();
- static RendererD3D *makeRendererD3D(Renderer *renderer);
- gl::Error drawArrays(const gl::Data &data,
- GLenum mode, GLint first,
- GLsizei count, GLsizei instances) override;
- gl::Error drawElements(const gl::Data &data,
- GLenum mode, GLsizei count, GLenum type,
- const GLvoid *indices, GLsizei instances,
- const RangeUI &indexRange) override;
- gl::Error clear(const gl::Data &data, GLbitfield mask) override;
- gl::Error clearBufferfv(const gl::Data &data, GLenum buffer, int drawbuffer, const GLfloat *values) override;
- gl::Error clearBufferuiv(const gl::Data &data, GLenum buffer, int drawbuffer, const GLuint *values) override;
- gl::Error clearBufferiv(const gl::Data &data, GLenum buffer, int drawbuffer, const GLint *values) override;
- gl::Error clearBufferfi(const gl::Data &data, GLenum buffer, GLint drawbuffer, GLfloat depth, GLint stencil) override;
- gl::Error readPixels(const gl::Data &data, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height,
- GLenum format, GLenum type, GLsizei *bufSize, void* pixels) override;
- gl::Error blitFramebuffer(const gl::Data &data,
- GLint srcX0, GLint srcY0, GLint srcX1, GLint srcY1,
- GLint dstX0, GLint dstY0, GLint dstX1, GLint dstY1,
- GLbitfield mask, GLenum filter) override;
- // Direct3D Specific methods
- virtual SwapChain *createSwapChain(NativeWindow nativeWindow, HANDLE shareHandle, GLenum backBufferFormat, GLenum depthBufferFormat) = 0;
- virtual gl::Error generateSwizzle(gl::Texture *texture) = 0;
- virtual gl::Error setSamplerState(gl::SamplerType type, int index, gl::Texture *texture, const gl::SamplerState &sampler) = 0;
- virtual gl::Error setTexture(gl::SamplerType type, int index, gl::Texture *texture) = 0;
- virtual gl::Error setUniformBuffers(const gl::Buffer *vertexUniformBuffers[], const gl::Buffer *fragmentUniformBuffers[]) = 0;
- virtual gl::Error setRasterizerState(const gl::RasterizerState &rasterState) = 0;
- virtual gl::Error setBlendState(const gl::Framebuffer *framebuffer, const gl::BlendState &blendState, const gl::ColorF &blendColor,
- unsigned int sampleMask) = 0;
- virtual gl::Error setDepthStencilState(const gl::DepthStencilState &depthStencilState, int stencilRef,
- int stencilBackRef, bool frontFaceCCW) = 0;
- virtual void setScissorRectangle(const gl::Rectangle &scissor, bool enabled) = 0;
- virtual void setViewport(const gl::Rectangle &viewport, float zNear, float zFar, GLenum drawMode, GLenum frontFace,
- bool ignoreViewport) = 0;
- virtual gl::Error applyRenderTarget(const gl::Framebuffer *frameBuffer) = 0;
- virtual gl::Error applyShaders(gl::ProgramBinary *programBinary, const gl::VertexFormat inputLayout[], const gl::Framebuffer *framebuffer,
- bool rasterizerDiscard, bool transformFeedbackActive) = 0;
- virtual gl::Error applyUniforms(const ProgramImpl &program, const std::vector<gl::LinkedUniform*> &uniformArray) = 0;
- virtual bool applyPrimitiveType(GLenum primitiveType, GLsizei elementCount) = 0;
- virtual gl::Error applyVertexBuffer(const gl::State &state, GLint first, GLsizei count, GLsizei instances) = 0;
- virtual gl::Error applyIndexBuffer(const GLvoid *indices, gl::Buffer *elementArrayBuffer, GLsizei count, GLenum mode, GLenum type, TranslatedIndexData *indexInfo) = 0;
- virtual void applyTransformFeedbackBuffers(const gl::State& state) = 0;
- virtual void markAllStateDirty() = 0;
- virtual unsigned int getReservedVertexUniformVectors() const = 0;
- virtual unsigned int getReservedFragmentUniformVectors() const = 0;
- virtual unsigned int getReservedVertexUniformBuffers() const = 0;
- virtual unsigned int getReservedFragmentUniformBuffers() const = 0;
- virtual bool getShareHandleSupport() const = 0;
- virtual bool getPostSubBufferSupport() const = 0;
- // Pixel operations
- virtual gl::Error copyImage2D(gl::Framebuffer *framebuffer, const gl::Rectangle &sourceRect, GLenum destFormat,
- GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, TextureStorage *storage, GLint level) = 0;
- virtual gl::Error copyImageCube(gl::Framebuffer *framebuffer, const gl::Rectangle &sourceRect, GLenum destFormat,
- GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, TextureStorage *storage, GLenum target, GLint level) = 0;
- virtual gl::Error copyImage3D(gl::Framebuffer *framebuffer, const gl::Rectangle &sourceRect, GLenum destFormat,
- GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLint zOffset, TextureStorage *storage, GLint level) = 0;
- virtual gl::Error copyImage2DArray(gl::Framebuffer *framebuffer, const gl::Rectangle &sourceRect, GLenum destFormat,
- GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLint zOffset, TextureStorage *storage, GLint level) = 0;
- virtual gl::Error readPixels(const gl::Framebuffer *framebuffer, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format,
- GLenum type, GLuint outputPitch, const gl::PixelPackState &pack, uint8_t *pixels) = 0;
- // RenderTarget creation
- virtual gl::Error createRenderTarget(SwapChain *swapChain, bool depth, RenderTarget **outRT) = 0;
- virtual gl::Error createRenderTarget(int width, int height, GLenum format, GLsizei samples, RenderTarget **outRT) = 0;
- // Shader operations
- virtual void releaseShaderCompiler() = 0;
- virtual gl::Error loadExecutable(const void *function, size_t length, ShaderType type,
- const std::vector<gl::LinkedVarying> &transformFeedbackVaryings,
- bool separatedOutputBuffers, ShaderExecutable **outExecutable) = 0;
- virtual gl::Error compileToExecutable(gl::InfoLog &infoLog, const std::string &shaderHLSL, ShaderType type,
- const std::vector<gl::LinkedVarying> &transformFeedbackVaryings,
- bool separatedOutputBuffers, D3DWorkaroundType workaround,
- ShaderExecutable **outExectuable) = 0;
- virtual UniformStorage *createUniformStorage(size_t storageSize) = 0;
- // Image operations
- virtual Image *createImage() = 0;
- virtual gl::Error generateMipmap(Image *dest, Image *source) = 0;
- virtual TextureStorage *createTextureStorage2D(SwapChain *swapChain) = 0;
- virtual TextureStorage *createTextureStorage2D(GLenum internalformat, bool renderTarget, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, int levels) = 0;
- virtual TextureStorage *createTextureStorageCube(GLenum internalformat, bool renderTarget, int size, int levels) = 0;
- virtual TextureStorage *createTextureStorage3D(GLenum internalformat, bool renderTarget, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth, int levels) = 0;
- virtual TextureStorage *createTextureStorage2DArray(GLenum internalformat, bool renderTarget, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth, int levels) = 0;
- // Buffer-to-texture and Texture-to-buffer copies
- virtual bool supportsFastCopyBufferToTexture(GLenum internalFormat) const = 0;
- virtual gl::Error fastCopyBufferToTexture(const gl::PixelUnpackState &unpack, unsigned int offset, RenderTarget *destRenderTarget,
- GLenum destinationFormat, GLenum sourcePixelsType, const gl::Box &destArea) = 0;
- virtual VertexConversionType getVertexConversionType(const gl::VertexFormat &vertexFormat) const = 0;
- virtual GLenum getVertexComponentType(const gl::VertexFormat &vertexFormat) const = 0;
- virtual VertexBuffer *createVertexBuffer() = 0;
- virtual IndexBuffer *createIndexBuffer() = 0;
- protected:
- virtual gl::Error drawArrays(GLenum mode, GLsizei count, GLsizei instances, bool transformFeedbackActive) = 0;
- virtual gl::Error drawElements(GLenum mode, GLsizei count, GLenum type, const GLvoid *indices,
- gl::Buffer *elementArrayBuffer, const TranslatedIndexData &indexInfo, GLsizei instances) = 0;
- virtual gl::Error clear(const gl::ClearParameters &clearParams, const gl::Framebuffer *frameBuffer) = 0;
- virtual gl::Error blitRect(const gl::Framebuffer *readTarget, const gl::Rectangle &readRect,
- const gl::Framebuffer *drawTarget, const gl::Rectangle &drawRect,
- const gl::Rectangle *scissor, bool blitRenderTarget,
- bool blitDepth, bool blitStencil, GLenum filter) = 0;
- void cleanup();
- egl::Display *mDisplay;
- private:
- //FIXME(jmadill): std::array is currently prohibited by Chromium style guide
- typedef std::array<unsigned int, gl::IMPLEMENTATION_MAX_FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENTS> FramebufferTextureSerialArray;
- gl::Error generateSwizzles(const gl::Data &data, gl::SamplerType type);
- gl::Error generateSwizzles(const gl::Data &data);
- gl::Error applyRenderTarget(const gl::Data &data, GLenum drawMode, bool ignoreViewport);
- gl::Error applyState(const gl::Data &data, GLenum drawMode);
- bool applyTransformFeedbackBuffers(const gl::Data &data);
- gl::Error applyShaders(const gl::Data &data, bool transformFeedbackActive);
- gl::Error applyTextures(const gl::Data &data, gl::SamplerType shaderType,
- const FramebufferTextureSerialArray &framebufferSerials, size_t framebufferSerialCount);
- gl::Error applyTextures(const gl::Data &data);
- gl::Error applyUniformBuffers(const gl::Data &data);
- bool skipDraw(const gl::Data &data, GLenum drawMode);
- void markTransformFeedbackUsage(const gl::Data &data);
- size_t getBoundFramebufferTextureSerials(const gl::Data &data,
- FramebufferTextureSerialArray *outSerialArray);
- gl::Texture *getIncompleteTexture(GLenum type);
- gl::TextureMap mIncompleteTextures;