path: root/src/3rdparty/angle/src/third_party/trace_event
diff options
authorLaszlo Agocs <>2020-05-18 15:16:30 +0200
committerLaszlo Agocs <>2020-05-26 15:11:40 +0200
commit752497910b67b2a1a80560840ca44548d8893434 (patch)
tree541501c9abfd97c3d2fa450d2e6abb60582c4420 /src/3rdparty/angle/src/third_party/trace_event
parent7db527dbdd911c79f31425d099d1fc9c63e42453 (diff)
Remove ANGLE
This marks the end of EGL and OpenGL ES support on Windows. The concepts of -opengl dynamic, -opengl desktop, QT_OPENGL=software, etc. remain unchanged, with the exception of the disapperance of everything ANGLE related. CMake builds now work identically to qmake on Windows: they default to 'dynamic' OpenGL on Windows, unless -DINPUT_opengl=desktop is specified. On Windows, Qt 6 is expected to default to the "dynamic" OpenGL model by default, just like Qt 5.15. This can be changed by switching to "desktop" OpenGL, which will link to opengl32 (publicly, so other libs and applications will do so as well) and disallows using another OpenGL DLL. The "dynamic" mode is essential still because the fallback to a software rasterizer, such as the opengl32sw.dll we ship with the Qt packages, has to to work exactly like in Qt 5, the removal of ANGLE does not change this concept in any way (except of course that the middle option of using ANGLE is now gone) When it comes to the windows plugin's OpenGL blacklist feature, it works like before and accepts the ANGLE/D3D related keywords. They will then be ignored. Similarly, requesting QT_OPENGL=angle is ignored (but will show a warning). The D3D11 and DXGI configure time tests are removed: Qt 5.14 already depends on D3D 11.1 and DXGI 1.3 headers being available unconditionally on Win32 (in QRhi's D3D11 backend). No need to test for these. [ChangeLog][Windows] ANGLE is no longer included with Qt. Dynamic OpenGL builds work like before but ANGLE is no longer an option. OpenGL proper or an alternative opengl32 implementation are the two remaining options now. Attempting to set QT_OPENGL=angle or Qt::AA_UseOpenGLES will have no effect on Windows. Fixes: QTBUG-79103 Change-Id: Ia404e0d07f3fe191b27434d863c81180112ecb3b Reviewed-by: Oliver Wolff <>
Diffstat (limited to 'src/3rdparty/angle/src/third_party/trace_event')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 798 deletions
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/angle/src/third_party/trace_event/trace_event.h b/src/3rdparty/angle/src/third_party/trace_event/trace_event.h
deleted file mode 100644
index bdb8804428..0000000000
--- a/src/3rdparty/angle/src/third_party/trace_event/trace_event.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,798 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-// Trace events are for tracking application performance and resource usage.
-// Macros are provided to track:
-// Begin and end of function calls
-// Counters
-// Events are issued against categories. Whereas LOG's
-// categories are statically defined, TRACE categories are created
-// implicitly with a string. For example:
-// TRACE_EVENT_INSTANT0("MY_SUBSYSTEM", "SomeImportantEvent")
-// Events can be INSTANT, or can be pairs of BEGIN and END in the same scope:
-// TRACE_EVENT_BEGIN0("MY_SUBSYSTEM", "SomethingCostly")
-// doSomethingCostly()
-// TRACE_EVENT_END0("MY_SUBSYSTEM", "SomethingCostly")
-// Note: our tools can't always determine the correct BEGIN/END pairs unless
-// these are used in the same scope. Use ASYNC_BEGIN/ASYNC_END macros if you need them
-// to be in separate scopes.
-// A common use case is to trace entire function scopes. This
-// issues a trace BEGIN and END automatically:
-// void doSomethingCostly() {
-// TRACE_EVENT0("MY_SUBSYSTEM", "doSomethingCostly");
-// ...
-// }
-// Additional parameters can be associated with an event:
-// void doSomethingCostly2(int howMuch) {
-// TRACE_EVENT1("MY_SUBSYSTEM", "doSomethingCostly",
-// "howMuch", howMuch);
-// ...
-// }
-// The trace system will automatically add to this information the
-// current process id, thread id, and a timestamp in microseconds.
-// To trace an asynchronous procedure such as an IPC send/receive, use ASYNC_BEGIN and
-// [single threaded sender code]
-// static int send_count = 0;
-// ++send_count;
-// TRACE_EVENT_ASYNC_BEGIN0("ipc", "message", send_count);
-// Send(new MyMessage(send_count));
-// [receive code]
-// void OnMyMessage(send_count) {
-// TRACE_EVENT_ASYNC_END0("ipc", "message", send_count);
-// }
-// The third parameter is a unique ID to match ASYNC_BEGIN/ASYNC_END pairs.
-// ASYNC_BEGIN and ASYNC_END can occur on any thread of any traced process. Pointers can
-// be used for the ID parameter, and they will be mangled internally so that
-// the same pointer on two different processes will not match. For example:
-// class MyTracedClass {
-// public:
-// MyTracedClass() {
-// TRACE_EVENT_ASYNC_BEGIN0("category", "MyTracedClass", this);
-// }
-// ~MyTracedClass() {
-// TRACE_EVENT_ASYNC_END0("category", "MyTracedClass", this);
-// }
-// }
-// Trace event also supports counters, which is a way to track a quantity
-// as it varies over time. Counters are created with the following macro:
-// TRACE_COUNTER1("MY_SUBSYSTEM", "myCounter", g_myCounterValue);
-// Counters are process-specific. The macro itself can be issued from any
-// thread, however.
-// Sometimes, you want to track two counters at once. You can do this with two
-// counter macros:
-// TRACE_COUNTER1("MY_SUBSYSTEM", "myCounter0", g_myCounterValue[0]);
-// TRACE_COUNTER1("MY_SUBSYSTEM", "myCounter1", g_myCounterValue[1]);
-// Or you can do it with a combined macro:
-// "bytesPinned", g_myCounterValue[0],
-// "bytesAllocated", g_myCounterValue[1]);
-// This indicates to the tracing UI that these counters should be displayed
-// in a single graph, as a summed area chart.
-// Since counters are in a global namespace, you may want to disembiguate with a
-// unique ID, by using the TRACE_COUNTER_ID* variations.
-// By default, trace collection is compiled in, but turned off at runtime.
-// Collecting trace data is the responsibility of the embedding
-// application. In Chrome's case, navigating to about:tracing will turn on
-// tracing and display data collected across all active processes.
-// Memory scoping note:
-// Tracing copies the pointers, not the string content, of the strings passed
-// in for category, name, and arg_names. Thus, the following code will
-// cause problems:
-// char* str = strdup("impprtantName");
-// free(str); // Trace system now has dangling pointer
-// To avoid this issue with the |name| and |arg_name| parameters, use the
-// TRACE_EVENT_COPY_XXX overloads of the macros at additional runtime overhead.
-// Notes: The category must always be in a long-lived char* (i.e. static const).
-// The |arg_values|, when used, are always deep copied with the _COPY
-// macros.
-// When are string argument values copied:
-// const char* arg_values are only referenced by default:
-// TRACE_EVENT1("category", "name",
-// "arg1", "literal string is only referenced");
-// Use TRACE_STR_COPY to force copying of a const char*:
-// TRACE_EVENT1("category", "name",
-// "arg1", TRACE_STR_COPY("string will be copied"));
-// std::string arg_values are always copied:
-// TRACE_EVENT1("category", "name",
-// "arg1", std::string("string will be copied"));
-// Thread Safety:
-// A thread safe singleton and mutex are used for thread safety. Category
-// enabled flags are used to limit the performance impact when the system
-// is not enabled.
-// TRACE_EVENT macros first cache a pointer to a category. The categories are
-// statically allocated and safe at all times, even after exit. Fetching a
-// category is protected by the TraceLog::lock_. Multiple threads initializing
-// the static variable is safe, as they will be serialized by the lock and
-// multiple calls will return the same pointer to the category.
-// Then the category_enabled flag is checked. This is a unsigned char, and
-// not intended to be multithread safe. It optimizes access to addTraceEvent
-// which is threadsafe internally via TraceLog::lock_. The enabled flag may
-// cause some threads to incorrectly call or skip calling addTraceEvent near
-// the time of the system being enabled or disabled. This is acceptable as
-// we tolerate some data loss while the system is being enabled/disabled and
-// because addTraceEvent is threadsafe internally and checks the enabled state
-// again under lock.
-// Without the use of these static category pointers and enabled flags all
-// trace points would carry a significant performance cost of aquiring a lock
-// and resolving the category.
-#include <string>
-#include "common/event_tracer.h"
-// By default, const char* argument values are assumed to have long-lived scope
-// and will not be copied. Use this macro to force a const char* to be copied.
-#define TRACE_STR_COPY(str) \
- WebCore::TraceEvent::TraceStringWithCopy(str)
-// Records a pair of begin and end events called "name" for the current
-// scope, with 0, 1 or 2 associated arguments. If the category is not
-// enabled, then this does nothing.
-// - category and name strings must have application lifetime (statics or
-// literals). They may not include " chars.
-#define TRACE_EVENT0(category, name) \
-#define TRACE_EVENT1(category, name, arg1_name, arg1_val) \
- INTERNAL_TRACE_EVENT_ADD_SCOPED(category, name, arg1_name, arg1_val)
-#define TRACE_EVENT2(category, name, arg1_name, arg1_val, arg2_name, arg2_val) \
- INTERNAL_TRACE_EVENT_ADD_SCOPED(category, name, arg1_name, arg1_val, \
- arg2_name, arg2_val)
-// Records a single event called "name" immediately, with 0, 1 or 2
-// associated arguments. If the category is not enabled, then this
-// does nothing.
-// - category and name strings must have application lifetime (statics or
-// literals). They may not include " chars.
-#define TRACE_EVENT_INSTANT0(category, name) \
- category, name, TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_NONE)
-#define TRACE_EVENT_INSTANT1(category, name, arg1_name, arg1_val) \
- category, name, TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_NONE, arg1_name, arg1_val)
-#define TRACE_EVENT_INSTANT2(category, name, arg1_name, arg1_val, \
- arg2_name, arg2_val) \
- category, name, TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_NONE, arg1_name, arg1_val, \
- arg2_name, arg2_val)
-#define TRACE_EVENT_COPY_INSTANT0(category, name) \
- category, name, TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_COPY)
-#define TRACE_EVENT_COPY_INSTANT1(category, name, arg1_name, arg1_val) \
- category, name, TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_COPY, arg1_name, arg1_val)
-#define TRACE_EVENT_COPY_INSTANT2(category, name, arg1_name, arg1_val, \
- arg2_name, arg2_val) \
- category, name, TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_COPY, arg1_name, arg1_val, \
- arg2_name, arg2_val)
-// Records a single BEGIN event called "name" immediately, with 0, 1 or 2
-// associated arguments. If the category is not enabled, then this
-// does nothing.
-// - category and name strings must have application lifetime (statics or
-// literals). They may not include " chars.
-#define TRACE_EVENT_BEGIN0(category, name) \
- category, name, TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_NONE)
-#define TRACE_EVENT_BEGIN1(category, name, arg1_name, arg1_val) \
- category, name, TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_NONE, arg1_name, arg1_val)
-#define TRACE_EVENT_BEGIN2(category, name, arg1_name, arg1_val, \
- arg2_name, arg2_val) \
- category, name, TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_NONE, arg1_name, arg1_val, \
- arg2_name, arg2_val)
-#define TRACE_EVENT_COPY_BEGIN0(category, name) \
- category, name, TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_COPY)
-#define TRACE_EVENT_COPY_BEGIN1(category, name, arg1_name, arg1_val) \
- category, name, TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_COPY, arg1_name, arg1_val)
-#define TRACE_EVENT_COPY_BEGIN2(category, name, arg1_name, arg1_val, \
- arg2_name, arg2_val) \
- category, name, TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_COPY, arg1_name, arg1_val, \
- arg2_name, arg2_val)
-// Records a single END event for "name" immediately. If the category
-// is not enabled, then this does nothing.
-// - category and name strings must have application lifetime (statics or
-// literals). They may not include " chars.
-#define TRACE_EVENT_END0(category, name) \
- category, name, TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_NONE)
-#define TRACE_EVENT_END1(category, name, arg1_name, arg1_val) \
- category, name, TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_NONE, arg1_name, arg1_val)
-#define TRACE_EVENT_END2(category, name, arg1_name, arg1_val, \
- arg2_name, arg2_val) \
- category, name, TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_NONE, arg1_name, arg1_val, \
- arg2_name, arg2_val)
-#define TRACE_EVENT_COPY_END0(category, name) \
- category, name, TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_COPY)
-#define TRACE_EVENT_COPY_END1(category, name, arg1_name, arg1_val) \
- category, name, TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_COPY, arg1_name, arg1_val)
-#define TRACE_EVENT_COPY_END2(category, name, arg1_name, arg1_val, \
- arg2_name, arg2_val) \
- category, name, TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_COPY, arg1_name, arg1_val, \
- arg2_name, arg2_val)
-// Records the value of a counter called "name" immediately. Value
-// must be representable as a 32 bit integer.
-// - category and name strings must have application lifetime (statics or
-// literals). They may not include " chars.
-#define TRACE_COUNTER1(category, name, value) \
- category, name, TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_NONE, \
- "value", static_cast<int>(value))
-#define TRACE_COPY_COUNTER1(category, name, value) \
- category, name, TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_COPY, \
- "value", static_cast<int>(value))
-// Records the values of a multi-parted counter called "name" immediately.
-// The UI will treat value1 and value2 as parts of a whole, displaying their
-// values as a stacked-bar chart.
-// - category and name strings must have application lifetime (statics or
-// literals). They may not include " chars.
-#define TRACE_COUNTER2(category, name, value1_name, value1_val, \
- value2_name, value2_val) \
- category, name, TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_NONE, \
- value1_name, static_cast<int>(value1_val), \
- value2_name, static_cast<int>(value2_val))
-#define TRACE_COPY_COUNTER2(category, name, value1_name, value1_val, \
- value2_name, value2_val) \
- category, name, TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_COPY, \
- value1_name, static_cast<int>(value1_val), \
- value2_name, static_cast<int>(value2_val))
-// Records the value of a counter called "name" immediately. Value
-// must be representable as a 32 bit integer.
-// - category and name strings must have application lifetime (statics or
-// literals). They may not include " chars.
-// - |id| is used to disambiguate counters with the same name. It must either
-// be a pointer or an integer value up to 64 bits. If it's a pointer, the bits
-// will be xored with a hash of the process ID so that the same pointer on
-// two different processes will not collide.
-#define TRACE_COUNTER_ID1(category, name, id, value) \
- category, name, id, TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_NONE, \
- "value", static_cast<int>(value))
-#define TRACE_COPY_COUNTER_ID1(category, name, id, value) \
- category, name, id, TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_COPY, \
- "value", static_cast<int>(value))
-// Records the values of a multi-parted counter called "name" immediately.
-// The UI will treat value1 and value2 as parts of a whole, displaying their
-// values as a stacked-bar chart.
-// - category and name strings must have application lifetime (statics or
-// literals). They may not include " chars.
-// - |id| is used to disambiguate counters with the same name. It must either
-// be a pointer or an integer value up to 64 bits. If it's a pointer, the bits
-// will be xored with a hash of the process ID so that the same pointer on
-// two different processes will not collide.
-#define TRACE_COUNTER_ID2(category, name, id, value1_name, value1_val, \
- value2_name, value2_val) \
- category, name, id, TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_NONE, \
- value1_name, static_cast<int>(value1_val), \
- value2_name, static_cast<int>(value2_val))
-#define TRACE_COPY_COUNTER_ID2(category, name, id, value1_name, value1_val, \
- value2_name, value2_val) \
- category, name, id, TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_COPY, \
- value1_name, static_cast<int>(value1_val), \
- value2_name, static_cast<int>(value2_val))
-// Records a single ASYNC_BEGIN event called "name" immediately, with 0, 1 or 2
-// associated arguments. If the category is not enabled, then this
-// does nothing.
-// - category and name strings must have application lifetime (statics or
-// literals). They may not include " chars.
-// - |id| is used to match the ASYNC_BEGIN event with the ASYNC_END event. ASYNC
-// events are considered to match if their category, name and id values all
-// match. |id| must either be a pointer or an integer value up to 64 bits. If
-// it's a pointer, the bits will be xored with a hash of the process ID so
-// that the same pointer on two different processes will not collide.
-// An asynchronous operation can consist of multiple phases. The first phase is
-// defined by the ASYNC_BEGIN calls. Additional phases can be defined using the
-// ASYNC_STEP_BEGIN macros. When the operation completes, call ASYNC_END.
-// An async operation can span threads and processes, but all events in that
-// operation must use the same |name| and |id|. Each event can have its own
-// args.
-#define TRACE_EVENT_ASYNC_BEGIN0(category, name, id) \
- category, name, id, TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_NONE)
-#define TRACE_EVENT_ASYNC_BEGIN1(category, name, id, arg1_name, arg1_val) \
- category, name, id, TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_NONE, arg1_name, arg1_val)
-#define TRACE_EVENT_ASYNC_BEGIN2(category, name, id, arg1_name, arg1_val, \
- arg2_name, arg2_val) \
- category, name, id, TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_NONE, \
- arg1_name, arg1_val, arg2_name, arg2_val)
-#define TRACE_EVENT_COPY_ASYNC_BEGIN0(category, name, id) \
- category, name, id, TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_COPY)
-#define TRACE_EVENT_COPY_ASYNC_BEGIN1(category, name, id, arg1_name, arg1_val) \
- category, name, id, TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_COPY, \
- arg1_name, arg1_val)
-#define TRACE_EVENT_COPY_ASYNC_BEGIN2(category, name, id, arg1_name, arg1_val, \
- arg2_name, arg2_val) \
- category, name, id, TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_COPY, \
- arg1_name, arg1_val, arg2_name, arg2_val)
-// Records a single ASYNC_STEP event for |step| immediately. If the category
-// is not enabled, then this does nothing. The |name| and |id| must match the
-// ASYNC_BEGIN event above. The |step| param identifies this step within the
-// async event. This should be called at the beginning of the next phase of an
-// asynchronous operation.
-#define TRACE_EVENT_ASYNC_STEP0(category, name, id, step) \
- category, name, id, TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_NONE, "step", step)
-#define TRACE_EVENT_ASYNC_STEP1(category, name, id, step, \
- arg1_name, arg1_val) \
- category, name, id, TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_NONE, "step", step, \
- arg1_name, arg1_val)
-#define TRACE_EVENT_COPY_ASYNC_STEP0(category, name, id, step) \
- category, name, id, TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_COPY, "step", step)
-#define TRACE_EVENT_COPY_ASYNC_STEP1(category, name, id, step, \
- arg1_name, arg1_val) \
- category, name, id, TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_COPY, "step", step, \
- arg1_name, arg1_val)
-// Records a single ASYNC_END event for "name" immediately. If the category
-// is not enabled, then this does nothing.
-#define TRACE_EVENT_ASYNC_END0(category, name, id) \
- category, name, id, TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_NONE)
-#define TRACE_EVENT_ASYNC_END1(category, name, id, arg1_name, arg1_val) \
- category, name, id, TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_NONE, arg1_name, arg1_val)
-#define TRACE_EVENT_ASYNC_END2(category, name, id, arg1_name, arg1_val, \
- arg2_name, arg2_val) \
- category, name, id, TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_NONE, \
- arg1_name, arg1_val, arg2_name, arg2_val)
-#define TRACE_EVENT_COPY_ASYNC_END0(category, name, id) \
- category, name, id, TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_COPY)
-#define TRACE_EVENT_COPY_ASYNC_END1(category, name, id, arg1_name, arg1_val) \
- category, name, id, TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_COPY, \
- arg1_name, arg1_val)
-#define TRACE_EVENT_COPY_ASYNC_END2(category, name, id, arg1_name, arg1_val, \
- arg2_name, arg2_val) \
- category, name, id, TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_COPY, \
- arg1_name, arg1_val, arg2_name, arg2_val)
-// Creates a scope of a sampling state with the given category and name (both must
-// be constant strings). These states are intended for a sampling profiler.
-// Implementation note: we store category and name together because we don't
-// want the inconsistency/expense of storing two pointers.
-// |thread_bucket| is [0..2] and is used to statically isolate samples in one
-// thread from others.
-// { // The sampling state is set within this scope.
-// ...;
-// }
-#define TRACE_EVENT_SCOPED_SAMPLING_STATE_FOR_BUCKET(bucket_number, category, name) \
- TraceEvent::SamplingStateScope<bucket_number> traceEventSamplingScope(category "\0" name);
-// Returns a current sampling state of the given bucket.
-// The format of the returned string is "category\0name".
- TraceEvent::SamplingStateScope<bucket_number>::current()
-// Sets a current sampling state of the given bucket.
-// |category| and |name| have to be constant strings.
-#define TRACE_EVENT_SET_SAMPLING_STATE_FOR_BUCKET(bucket_number, category, name) \
- TraceEvent::SamplingStateScope<bucket_number>::set(category "\0" name)
-// Sets a current sampling state of the given bucket.
-// |categoryAndName| doesn't need to be a constant string.
-// The format of the string is "category\0name".
-#define TRACE_EVENT_SET_NONCONST_SAMPLING_STATE_FOR_BUCKET(bucket_number, categoryAndName) \
- TraceEvent::SamplingStateScope<bucket_number>::set(categoryAndName)
-// Syntactic sugars for the sampling tracing in the main thread.
-#define TRACE_EVENT_SCOPED_SAMPLING_STATE(category, name) \
-#define TRACE_EVENT_SET_SAMPLING_STATE(category, name) \
-// Implementation specific tracing API definitions.
-// Get a pointer to the enabled state of the given trace category. Only
-// long-lived literal strings should be given as the category name. The returned
-// pointer can be held permanently in a local static for example. If the
-// unsigned char is non-zero, tracing is enabled. If tracing is enabled,
-// TRACE_EVENT_API_ADD_TRACE_EVENT can be called. It's OK if tracing is disabled
-// between the load of the tracing state and the call to
-// TRACE_EVENT_API_ADD_TRACE_EVENT, because this flag only provides an early out
-// for best performance when tracing is disabled.
-// const unsigned char*
-// TRACE_EVENT_API_GET_CATEGORY_ENABLED(const char* category_name)
- angle::GetTraceCategoryEnabledFlag
-// Add a trace event to the platform tracing system.
-// char phase,
-// const unsigned char* category_enabled,
-// const char* name,
-// unsigned long long id,
-// int num_args,
-// const char** arg_names,
-// const unsigned char* arg_types,
-// const unsigned long long* arg_values,
-// unsigned char flags)
- angle::AddTraceEvent
-// Implementation detail: trace event macros create temporary variables
-// to keep instrumentation overhead low. These macros give each temporary
-// variable a unique name based on the line number to prevent name collissions.
-#define INTERNAL_TRACE_EVENT_UID3(a, b) \
- trace_event_unique_##a##b
-#define INTERNAL_TRACE_EVENT_UID2(a, b) \
-#define INTERNALTRACEEVENTUID(name_prefix) \
- INTERNAL_TRACE_EVENT_UID2(name_prefix, __LINE__)
-// Implementation detail: internal macro to create static category.
- static const unsigned char* INTERNALTRACEEVENTUID(catstatic) = 0; \
- if (!INTERNALTRACEEVENTUID(catstatic)) \
-// Implementation detail: internal macro to create static category and add
-// event if the category is enabled.
-#define INTERNAL_TRACE_EVENT_ADD(phase, category, name, flags, ...) \
- do { \
- if (*INTERNALTRACEEVENTUID(catstatic)) { \
- gl::TraceEvent::addTraceEvent( \
- phase, INTERNALTRACEEVENTUID(catstatic), name, \
- gl::TraceEvent::noEventId, flags, ##__VA_ARGS__); \
- } \
- } while (0)
-// Implementation detail: internal macro to create static category and add begin
-// event if the category is enabled. Also adds the end event when the scope
-// ends.
-#define INTERNAL_TRACE_EVENT_ADD_SCOPED(category, name, ...) \
- gl::TraceEvent::TraceEndOnScopeClose \
- if (*INTERNALTRACEEVENTUID(catstatic)) { \
- gl::TraceEvent::addTraceEvent( \
- name, gl::TraceEvent::noEventId, \
- INTERNALTRACEEVENTUID(profileScope).initialize( \
- INTERNALTRACEEVENTUID(catstatic), name); \
- }
-// Implementation detail: internal macro to create static category and add
-// event if the category is enabled.
-#define INTERNAL_TRACE_EVENT_ADD_WITH_ID(phase, category, name, id, flags, \
- ...) \
- do { \
- if (*INTERNALTRACEEVENTUID(catstatic)) { \
- unsigned char traceEventFlags = flags | TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_HAS_ID; \
- gl::TraceEvent::TraceID traceEventTraceID( \
- id, &traceEventFlags); \
- gl::TraceEvent::addTraceEvent( \
- phase, INTERNALTRACEEVENTUID(catstatic), \
- name,, traceEventFlags, \
- ##__VA_ARGS__); \
- } \
- } while (0)
-// Notes regarding the following definitions:
-// New values can be added and propagated to third party libraries, but existing
-// definitions must never be changed, because third party libraries may use old
-// definitions.
-// Phase indicates the nature of an event entry. E.g. part of a begin/end pair.
-// Flags for changing the behavior of TRACE_EVENT_API_ADD_TRACE_EVENT.
-#define TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_NONE (static_cast<unsigned char>(0))
-#define TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_COPY (static_cast<unsigned char>(1 << 0))
-#define TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_HAS_ID (static_cast<unsigned char>(1 << 1))
-#define TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_MANGLE_ID (static_cast<unsigned char>(1 << 2))
-// Type values for identifying types in the TraceValue union.
-#define TRACE_VALUE_TYPE_BOOL (static_cast<unsigned char>(1))
-#define TRACE_VALUE_TYPE_UINT (static_cast<unsigned char>(2))
-#define TRACE_VALUE_TYPE_INT (static_cast<unsigned char>(3))
-#define TRACE_VALUE_TYPE_DOUBLE (static_cast<unsigned char>(4))
-#define TRACE_VALUE_TYPE_POINTER (static_cast<unsigned char>(5))
-#define TRACE_VALUE_TYPE_STRING (static_cast<unsigned char>(6))
-#define TRACE_VALUE_TYPE_COPY_STRING (static_cast<unsigned char>(7))
-namespace gl {
-namespace TraceEvent {
-// Specify these values when the corresponding argument of addTraceEvent is not
-// used.
-const int zeroNumArgs = 0;
-const unsigned long long noEventId = 0;
-// TraceID encapsulates an ID that can either be an integer or pointer. Pointers
-// are mangled with the Process ID so that they are unlikely to collide when the
-// same pointer is used on different processes.
-class TraceID {
- explicit TraceID(const void* id, unsigned char* flags) :
- m_data(static_cast<unsigned long long>(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(id)))
- {
- }
- explicit TraceID(unsigned long long id, unsigned char* flags) : m_data(id) { (void)flags; }
- explicit TraceID(unsigned long id, unsigned char* flags) : m_data(id) { (void)flags; }
- explicit TraceID(unsigned int id, unsigned char* flags) : m_data(id) { (void)flags; }
- explicit TraceID(unsigned short id, unsigned char* flags) : m_data(id) { (void)flags; }
- explicit TraceID(unsigned char id, unsigned char* flags) : m_data(id) { (void)flags; }
- explicit TraceID(long long id, unsigned char* flags) :
- m_data(static_cast<unsigned long long>(id)) { (void)flags; }
- explicit TraceID(long id, unsigned char* flags) :
- m_data(static_cast<unsigned long long>(id)) { (void)flags; }
- explicit TraceID(int id, unsigned char* flags) :
- m_data(static_cast<unsigned long long>(id)) { (void)flags; }
- explicit TraceID(short id, unsigned char* flags) :
- m_data(static_cast<unsigned long long>(id)) { (void)flags; }
- explicit TraceID(signed char id, unsigned char* flags) :
- m_data(static_cast<unsigned long long>(id)) { (void)flags; }
- unsigned long long data() const { return m_data; }
- unsigned long long m_data;
-// Simple union to store various types as unsigned long long.
-union TraceValueUnion {
- bool m_bool;
- unsigned long long m_uint;
- long long m_int;
- double m_double;
- const void* m_pointer;
- const char* m_string;
-// Simple container for const char* that should be copied instead of retained.
-class TraceStringWithCopy {
- explicit TraceStringWithCopy(const char* str) : m_str(str) { }
- operator const char* () const { return m_str; }
- const char* m_str;
-// Define setTraceValue for each allowed type. It stores the type and
-// value in the return arguments. This allows this API to avoid declaring any
-// structures so that it is portable to third_party libraries.
-#define INTERNAL_DECLARE_SET_TRACE_VALUE(actual_type, \
- union_member, \
- value_type_id) \
- static inline void setTraceValue(actual_type arg, \
- unsigned char* type, \
- unsigned long long* value) { \
- TraceValueUnion typeValue; \
- typeValue.union_member = arg; \
- *type = value_type_id; \
- *value = typeValue.m_uint; \
- }
-// Simpler form for int types that can be safely casted.
- value_type_id) \
- static inline void setTraceValue(actual_type arg, \
- unsigned char* type, \
- unsigned long long* value) { \
- *type = value_type_id; \
- *value = static_cast<unsigned long long>(arg); \
- }
-INTERNAL_DECLARE_SET_TRACE_VALUE(const void*, m_pointer,
-INTERNAL_DECLARE_SET_TRACE_VALUE(const char*, m_string,
-INTERNAL_DECLARE_SET_TRACE_VALUE(const TraceStringWithCopy&, m_string,
-static inline void setTraceValue(const std::string& arg,
- unsigned char* type,
- unsigned long long* value) {
- TraceValueUnion typeValue;
- typeValue.m_string =;
- *value = typeValue.m_uint;
-// These addTraceEvent template functions are defined here instead of in the
-// macro, because the arg values could be temporary string objects. In order to
-// store pointers to the internal c_str and pass through to the tracing API, the
-// arg values must live throughout these procedures.
-static inline angle::TraceEventHandle addTraceEvent(char phase,
- const unsigned char *categoryEnabled,
- const char *name,
- unsigned long long id,
- unsigned char flags)
- phase, categoryEnabled, name, id,
- zeroNumArgs, 0, 0, 0,
- flags);
-template <class ARG1_TYPE>
-static inline angle::TraceEventHandle addTraceEvent(char phase,
- const unsigned char *categoryEnabled,
- const char *name,
- unsigned long long id,
- unsigned char flags,
- const char *arg1Name,
- const ARG1_TYPE &arg1Val)
- const int numArgs = 1;
- unsigned char argTypes[1];
- unsigned long long argValues[1];
- setTraceValue(arg1Val, &argTypes[0], &argValues[0]);
- phase, categoryEnabled, name, id,
- numArgs, &arg1Name, argTypes, argValues,
- flags);
-template <class ARG1_TYPE, class ARG2_TYPE>
-static inline angle::TraceEventHandle addTraceEvent(char phase,
- const unsigned char *categoryEnabled,
- const char *name,
- unsigned long long id,
- unsigned char flags,
- const char *arg1Name,
- const ARG1_TYPE &arg1Val,
- const char *arg2Name,
- const ARG2_TYPE &arg2Val)
- const int numArgs = 2;
- const char* argNames[2] = { arg1Name, arg2Name };
- unsigned char argTypes[2];
- unsigned long long argValues[2];
- setTraceValue(arg1Val, &argTypes[0], &argValues[0]);
- setTraceValue(arg2Val, &argTypes[1], &argValues[1]);
- phase, categoryEnabled, name, id,
- numArgs, argNames, argTypes, argValues,
- flags);
-// Used by TRACE_EVENTx macro. Do not use directly.
-class TraceEndOnScopeClose {
- // Note: members of m_data intentionally left uninitialized. See initialize.
- TraceEndOnScopeClose() : m_pdata(0) { }
- ~TraceEndOnScopeClose()
- {
- if (m_pdata)
- addEventIfEnabled();
- }
- void initialize(const unsigned char* categoryEnabled,
- const char* name)
- {
- m_data.categoryEnabled = categoryEnabled;
- = name;
- m_pdata = &m_data;
- }
- // Add the end event if the category is still enabled.
- void addEventIfEnabled()
- {
- // Only called when m_pdata is non-null.
- if (*m_pdata->categoryEnabled) {
- m_pdata->categoryEnabled,
- m_pdata->name, noEventId,
- zeroNumArgs, 0, 0, 0,
- }
- }
- // This Data struct workaround is to avoid initializing all the members
- // in Data during construction of this object, since this object is always
- // constructed, even when tracing is disabled. If the members of Data were
- // members of this class instead, compiler warnings occur about potential
- // uninitialized accesses.
- struct Data {
- const unsigned char* categoryEnabled;
- const char* name;
- };
- Data* m_pdata;
- Data m_data;
-} // namespace TraceEvent
-} // namespace gl