path: root/src/3rdparty/freetype/src/cache
diff options
authorQt by Nokia <>2011-04-27 12:05:43 +0200
committeraxis <>2011-04-27 12:05:43 +0200
commit38be0d13830efd2d98281c645c3a60afe05ffece (patch)
tree6ea73f3ec77f7d153333779883e8120f82820abe /src/3rdparty/freetype/src/cache
Initial import from the monolithic Qt.
This is the beginning of revision history for this module. If you want to look at revision history older than this, please refer to the Qt Git wiki for how to use Git history grafting. At the time of writing, this wiki is located here: If you have already performed the grafting and you don't see any history beyond this commit, try running "git log" with the "--follow" argument. Branched from the monolithic repo, Qt master branch, at commit 896db169ea224deb96c59ce8af800d019de63f12
Diffstat (limited to 'src/3rdparty/freetype/src/cache')
19 files changed, 5243 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/freetype/src/cache/Jamfile b/src/3rdparty/freetype/src/cache/Jamfile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..340cff7742
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/freetype/src/cache/Jamfile
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+# FreeType 2 src/cache Jamfile
+# Copyright 2001, 2003, 2004 by
+# David Turner, Robert Wilhelm, and Werner Lemberg.
+# This file is part of the FreeType project, and may only be used, modified,
+# and distributed under the terms of the FreeType project license,
+# LICENSE.TXT. By continuing to use, modify, or distribute this file you
+# indicate that you have read the license and understand and accept it
+# fully.
+SubDir FT2_TOP $(FT2_SRC_DIR) cache ;
+# The file <freetype/ftcache.h> contains some macro definitions that are
+# later used in #include statements related to the cache sub-system. It
+# needs to be parsed through a HDRMACRO rule for macro definitions.
+HDRMACRO [ FT2_SubDir include ftcache.h ] ;
+ local _sources ;
+ if $(FT2_MULTI)
+ {
+ _sources = ftcmru
+ ftcmanag
+ ftccache
+ ftcglyph
+ ftcsbits
+ ftcimage
+ ftcbasic
+ ftccmap
+ ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ _sources = ftcache ;
+ }
+ Library $(FT2_LIB) : $(_sources).c ;
+# end of src/cache Jamfile
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/freetype/src/cache/ftcache.c b/src/3rdparty/freetype/src/cache/ftcache.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d41e91e5ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/freetype/src/cache/ftcache.c
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+/* */
+/* ftcache.c */
+/* */
+/* The FreeType Caching sub-system (body only). */
+/* */
+/* Copyright 2000-2001, 2003 by */
+/* David Turner, Robert Wilhelm, and Werner Lemberg. */
+/* */
+/* This file is part of the FreeType project, and may only be used, */
+/* modified, and distributed under the terms of the FreeType project */
+/* license, LICENSE.TXT. By continuing to use, modify, or distribute */
+/* this file you indicate that you have read the license and */
+/* understand and accept it fully. */
+/* */
+#include <ft2build.h>
+#include "ftcmru.c"
+#include "ftcmanag.c"
+#include "ftccache.c"
+#include "ftccmap.c"
+#include "ftcglyph.c"
+#include "ftcimage.c"
+#include "ftcsbits.c"
+#include "ftcbasic.c"
+/* END */
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/freetype/src/cache/ftcbasic.c b/src/3rdparty/freetype/src/cache/ftcbasic.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a568b975bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/freetype/src/cache/ftcbasic.c
@@ -0,0 +1,811 @@
+/* */
+/* ftcbasic.c */
+/* */
+/* The FreeType basic cache interface (body). */
+/* */
+/* Copyright 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 by */
+/* David Turner, Robert Wilhelm, and Werner Lemberg. */
+/* */
+/* This file is part of the FreeType project, and may only be used, */
+/* modified, and distributed under the terms of the FreeType project */
+/* license, LICENSE.TXT. By continuing to use, modify, or distribute */
+/* this file you indicate that you have read the license and */
+/* understand and accept it fully. */
+/* */
+#include <ft2build.h>
+#include FT_CACHE_H
+#include "ftcglyph.h"
+#include "ftcimage.h"
+#include "ftcsbits.h"
+#include "ftccback.h"
+#include "ftcerror.h"
+ /*
+ * These structures correspond to the FTC_Font and FTC_ImageDesc types
+ * that were defined in version 2.1.7.
+ */
+ typedef struct FTC_OldFontRec_
+ {
+ FTC_FaceID face_id;
+ FT_UShort pix_width;
+ FT_UShort pix_height;
+ } FTC_OldFontRec, *FTC_OldFont;
+ typedef struct FTC_OldImageDescRec_
+ {
+ FTC_OldFontRec font;
+ FT_UInt32 flags;
+ } FTC_OldImageDescRec, *FTC_OldImageDesc;
+ /*
+ * Notice that FTC_OldImageDescRec and FTC_ImageTypeRec are nearly
+ * identical, bit-wise. The only difference is that the `width' and
+ * `height' fields are expressed as 16-bit integers in the old structure,
+ * and as normal `int' in the new one.
+ *
+ * We are going to perform a weird hack to detect which structure is
+ * being passed to the image and sbit caches. If the new structure's
+ * `width' is larger than 0x10000, we assume that we are really receiving
+ * an FTC_OldImageDesc.
+ */
+ /*
+ * Basic Families
+ *
+ */
+ typedef struct FTC_BasicAttrRec_
+ {
+ FTC_ScalerRec scaler;
+ FT_UInt load_flags;
+ } FTC_BasicAttrRec, *FTC_BasicAttrs;
+#define FTC_BASIC_ATTR_COMPARE( a, b ) \
+ FT_BOOL( FTC_SCALER_COMPARE( &(a)->scaler, &(b)->scaler ) && \
+ (a)->load_flags == (b)->load_flags )
+#define FTC_BASIC_ATTR_HASH( a ) \
+ ( FTC_SCALER_HASH( &(a)->scaler ) + 31*(a)->load_flags )
+ typedef struct FTC_BasicQueryRec_
+ {
+ FTC_GQueryRec gquery;
+ FTC_BasicAttrRec attrs;
+ } FTC_BasicQueryRec, *FTC_BasicQuery;
+ typedef struct FTC_BasicFamilyRec_
+ {
+ FTC_FamilyRec family;
+ FTC_BasicAttrRec attrs;
+ } FTC_BasicFamilyRec, *FTC_BasicFamily;
+ ftc_basic_family_compare( FTC_MruNode ftcfamily,
+ FT_Pointer ftcquery )
+ {
+ FTC_BasicFamily family = (FTC_BasicFamily)ftcfamily;
+ FTC_BasicQuery query = (FTC_BasicQuery)ftcquery;
+ return FTC_BASIC_ATTR_COMPARE( &family->attrs, &query->attrs );
+ }
+ ftc_basic_family_init( FTC_MruNode ftcfamily,
+ FT_Pointer ftcquery,
+ FT_Pointer ftccache )
+ {
+ FTC_BasicFamily family = (FTC_BasicFamily)ftcfamily;
+ FTC_BasicQuery query = (FTC_BasicQuery)ftcquery;
+ FTC_Cache cache = (FTC_Cache)ftccache;
+ FTC_Family_Init( FTC_FAMILY( family ), cache );
+ family->attrs = query->attrs;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ ftc_basic_family_get_count( FTC_Family ftcfamily,
+ FTC_Manager manager )
+ {
+ FTC_BasicFamily family = (FTC_BasicFamily)ftcfamily;
+ FT_Error error;
+ FT_Face face;
+ FT_UInt result = 0;
+ error = FTC_Manager_LookupFace( manager, family->attrs.scaler.face_id,
+ &face );
+ if ( !error )
+ result = face->num_glyphs;
+ return result;
+ }
+ ftc_basic_family_load_bitmap( FTC_Family ftcfamily,
+ FT_UInt gindex,
+ FTC_Manager manager,
+ FT_Face *aface )
+ {
+ FTC_BasicFamily family = (FTC_BasicFamily)ftcfamily;
+ FT_Error error;
+ FT_Size size;
+ error = FTC_Manager_LookupSize( manager, &family->attrs.scaler, &size );
+ if ( !error )
+ {
+ FT_Face face = size->face;
+ error = FT_Load_Glyph( face, gindex,
+ family->attrs.load_flags | FT_LOAD_RENDER );
+ if ( !error )
+ *aface = face;
+ }
+ return error;
+ }
+ ftc_basic_family_load_glyph( FTC_Family ftcfamily,
+ FT_UInt gindex,
+ FTC_Cache cache,
+ FT_Glyph *aglyph )
+ {
+ FTC_BasicFamily family = (FTC_BasicFamily)ftcfamily;
+ FT_Error error;
+ FTC_Scaler scaler = &family->attrs.scaler;
+ FT_Face face;
+ FT_Size size;
+ /* we will now load the glyph image */
+ error = FTC_Manager_LookupSize( cache->manager,
+ scaler,
+ &size );
+ if ( !error )
+ {
+ face = size->face;
+ error = FT_Load_Glyph( face, gindex, family->attrs.load_flags );
+ if ( !error )
+ {
+ if ( face->glyph->format == FT_GLYPH_FORMAT_BITMAP ||
+ face->glyph->format == FT_GLYPH_FORMAT_OUTLINE )
+ {
+ /* ok, copy it */
+ FT_Glyph glyph;
+ error = FT_Get_Glyph( face->glyph, &glyph );
+ if ( !error )
+ {
+ *aglyph = glyph;
+ goto Exit;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ error = FTC_Err_Invalid_Argument;
+ }
+ }
+ Exit:
+ return error;
+ }
+ ftc_basic_gnode_compare_faceid( FTC_Node ftcgnode,
+ FT_Pointer ftcface_id,
+ FTC_Cache cache )
+ {
+ FTC_GNode gnode = (FTC_GNode)ftcgnode;
+ FTC_FaceID face_id = (FTC_FaceID)ftcface_id;
+ FTC_BasicFamily family = (FTC_BasicFamily)gnode->family;
+ FT_Bool result;
+ result = FT_BOOL( family->attrs.scaler.face_id == face_id );
+ if ( result )
+ {
+ /* we must call this function to avoid this node from appearing
+ * in later lookups with the same face_id!
+ */
+ FTC_GNode_UnselectFamily( gnode, cache );
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ /*
+ *
+ * basic image cache
+ *
+ */
+ const FTC_IFamilyClassRec ftc_basic_image_family_class =
+ {
+ {
+ sizeof ( FTC_BasicFamilyRec ),
+ ftc_basic_family_compare,
+ ftc_basic_family_init,
+ 0, /* FTC_MruNode_ResetFunc */
+ 0 /* FTC_MruNode_DoneFunc */
+ },
+ ftc_basic_family_load_glyph
+ };
+ const FTC_GCacheClassRec ftc_basic_image_cache_class =
+ {
+ {
+ ftc_inode_new,
+ ftc_inode_weight,
+ ftc_gnode_compare,
+ ftc_basic_gnode_compare_faceid,
+ ftc_inode_free,
+ sizeof ( FTC_GCacheRec ),
+ ftc_gcache_init,
+ ftc_gcache_done
+ },
+ (FTC_MruListClass)&ftc_basic_image_family_class
+ };
+ /* documentation is in ftcache.h */
+ FTC_ImageCache_New( FTC_Manager manager,
+ FTC_ImageCache *acache )
+ {
+ return FTC_GCache_New( manager, &ftc_basic_image_cache_class,
+ (FTC_GCache*)acache );
+ }
+ /* documentation is in ftcache.h */
+ FTC_ImageCache_Lookup( FTC_ImageCache cache,
+ FTC_ImageType type,
+ FT_UInt gindex,
+ FT_Glyph *aglyph,
+ FTC_Node *anode )
+ {
+ FTC_BasicQueryRec query;
+ FTC_INode node = 0; /* make compiler happy */
+ FT_Error error;
+ FT_UInt32 hash;
+ /* some argument checks are delayed to FTC_Cache_Lookup */
+ if ( !aglyph )
+ {
+ error = FTC_Err_Invalid_Argument;
+ goto Exit;
+ }
+ *aglyph = NULL;
+ if ( anode )
+ *anode = NULL;
+ /*
+ * This one is a major hack used to detect whether we are passed a
+ * regular FTC_ImageType handle, or a legacy FTC_OldImageDesc one.
+ */
+ if ( type->width >= 0x10000 )
+ {
+ FTC_OldImageDesc desc = (FTC_OldImageDesc)type;
+ query.attrs.scaler.face_id = desc->font.face_id;
+ query.attrs.scaler.width = desc->font.pix_width;
+ query.attrs.scaler.height = desc->font.pix_height;
+ query.attrs.load_flags = desc->flags;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ query.attrs.scaler.face_id = type->face_id;
+ query.attrs.scaler.width = type->width;
+ query.attrs.scaler.height = type->height;
+ query.attrs.load_flags = type->flags;
+ }
+ query.attrs.scaler.pixel = 1;
+ query.attrs.scaler.x_res = 0; /* make compilers happy */
+ query.attrs.scaler.y_res = 0;
+ hash = FTC_BASIC_ATTR_HASH( &query.attrs ) + gindex;
+#if 1 /* inlining is about 50% faster! */
+ ftc_basic_family_compare,
+ FTC_GNode_Compare,
+ hash, gindex,
+ &query,
+ node,
+ error );
+ error = FTC_GCache_Lookup( FTC_GCACHE( cache ),
+ hash, gindex,
+ FTC_GQUERY( &query ),
+ (FTC_Node*) &node );
+ if ( !error )
+ {
+ *aglyph = FTC_INODE( node )->glyph;
+ if ( anode )
+ {
+ *anode = FTC_NODE( node );
+ FTC_NODE( node )->ref_count++;
+ }
+ }
+ Exit:
+ return error;
+ }
+ /* documentation is in ftcache.h */
+ FTC_ImageCache_LookupScaler( FTC_ImageCache cache,
+ FTC_Scaler scaler,
+ FT_ULong load_flags,
+ FT_UInt gindex,
+ FT_Glyph *aglyph,
+ FTC_Node *anode )
+ {
+ FTC_BasicQueryRec query;
+ FTC_INode node = 0; /* make compiler happy */
+ FT_Error error;
+ FT_UInt32 hash;
+ /* some argument checks are delayed to FTC_Cache_Lookup */
+ if ( !aglyph || !scaler )
+ {
+ error = FTC_Err_Invalid_Argument;
+ goto Exit;
+ }
+ *aglyph = NULL;
+ if ( anode )
+ *anode = NULL;
+ query.attrs.scaler = scaler[0];
+ query.attrs.load_flags = load_flags;
+ hash = FTC_BASIC_ATTR_HASH( &query.attrs ) + gindex;
+ ftc_basic_family_compare,
+ FTC_GNode_Compare,
+ hash, gindex,
+ &query,
+ node,
+ error );
+ if ( !error )
+ {
+ *aglyph = FTC_INODE( node )->glyph;
+ if ( anode )
+ {
+ *anode = FTC_NODE( node );
+ FTC_NODE( node )->ref_count++;
+ }
+ }
+ Exit:
+ return error;
+ }
+ /* yet another backwards-legacy structure */
+ typedef struct FTC_OldImage_Desc_
+ {
+ FTC_FontRec font;
+ FT_UInt image_type;
+ } FTC_OldImage_Desc;
+#define FTC_OLD_IMAGE_FORMAT( x ) ( (x) & 7 )
+#define ftc_old_image_format_bitmap 0x0000
+#define ftc_old_image_format_outline 0x0001
+#define ftc_old_image_format_mask 0x000F
+#define ftc_old_image_flag_monochrome 0x0010
+#define ftc_old_image_flag_unhinted 0x0020
+#define ftc_old_image_flag_autohinted 0x0040
+#define ftc_old_image_flag_unscaled 0x0080
+#define ftc_old_image_flag_no_sbits 0x0100
+ /* monochrome bitmap */
+#define ftc_old_image_mono ftc_old_image_format_bitmap | \
+ ftc_old_image_flag_monochrome
+ /* anti-aliased bitmap */
+#define ftc_old_image_grays ftc_old_image_format_bitmap
+ /* scaled outline */
+#define ftc_old_image_outline ftc_old_image_format_outline
+ static void
+ ftc_image_type_from_old_desc( FTC_ImageType typ,
+ FTC_OldImage_Desc* desc )
+ {
+ typ->face_id = desc->font.face_id;
+ typ->width = desc->font.pix_width;
+ typ->height = desc->font.pix_height;
+ /* convert image type flags to load flags */
+ {
+ FT_UInt load_flags = FT_LOAD_DEFAULT;
+ FT_UInt type = desc->image_type;
+ /* determine load flags, depending on the font description's */
+ /* image type */
+ if ( FTC_OLD_IMAGE_FORMAT( type ) == ftc_old_image_format_bitmap )
+ {
+ if ( type & ftc_old_image_flag_monochrome )
+ load_flags |= FT_LOAD_MONOCHROME;
+ /* disable embedded bitmaps loading if necessary */
+ if ( type & ftc_old_image_flag_no_sbits )
+ load_flags |= FT_LOAD_NO_BITMAP;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* we want an outline, don't load embedded bitmaps */
+ load_flags |= FT_LOAD_NO_BITMAP;
+ if ( type & ftc_old_image_flag_unscaled )
+ load_flags |= FT_LOAD_NO_SCALE;
+ }
+ /* always render glyphs to bitmaps */
+ load_flags |= FT_LOAD_RENDER;
+ if ( type & ftc_old_image_flag_unhinted )
+ load_flags |= FT_LOAD_NO_HINTING;
+ if ( type & ftc_old_image_flag_autohinted )
+ load_flags |= FT_LOAD_FORCE_AUTOHINT;
+ typ->flags = load_flags;
+ }
+ }
+ FT_EXPORT( FT_Error )
+ FTC_Image_Cache_New( FTC_Manager manager,
+ FTC_ImageCache *acache );
+ FT_EXPORT( FT_Error )
+ FTC_Image_Cache_Lookup( FTC_ImageCache icache,
+ FTC_OldImage_Desc* desc,
+ FT_UInt gindex,
+ FT_Glyph *aglyph );
+ FTC_Image_Cache_New( FTC_Manager manager,
+ FTC_ImageCache *acache )
+ {
+ return FTC_ImageCache_New( manager, (FTC_ImageCache*)acache );
+ }
+ FTC_Image_Cache_Lookup( FTC_ImageCache icache,
+ FTC_OldImage_Desc* desc,
+ FT_UInt gindex,
+ FT_Glyph *aglyph )
+ {
+ FTC_ImageTypeRec type0;
+ if ( !desc )
+ return FTC_Err_Invalid_Argument;
+ ftc_image_type_from_old_desc( &type0, desc );
+ return FTC_ImageCache_Lookup( (FTC_ImageCache)icache,
+ &type0,
+ gindex,
+ aglyph,
+ NULL );
+ }
+ /*
+ *
+ * basic small bitmap cache
+ *
+ */
+ const FTC_SFamilyClassRec ftc_basic_sbit_family_class =
+ {
+ {
+ sizeof( FTC_BasicFamilyRec ),
+ ftc_basic_family_compare,
+ ftc_basic_family_init,
+ 0, /* FTC_MruNode_ResetFunc */
+ 0 /* FTC_MruNode_DoneFunc */
+ },
+ ftc_basic_family_get_count,
+ ftc_basic_family_load_bitmap
+ };
+ const FTC_GCacheClassRec ftc_basic_sbit_cache_class =
+ {
+ {
+ ftc_snode_new,
+ ftc_snode_weight,
+ ftc_snode_compare,
+ ftc_basic_gnode_compare_faceid,
+ ftc_snode_free,
+ sizeof ( FTC_GCacheRec ),
+ ftc_gcache_init,
+ ftc_gcache_done
+ },
+ (FTC_MruListClass)&ftc_basic_sbit_family_class
+ };
+ /* documentation is in ftcache.h */
+ FTC_SBitCache_New( FTC_Manager manager,
+ FTC_SBitCache *acache )
+ {
+ return FTC_GCache_New( manager, &ftc_basic_sbit_cache_class,
+ (FTC_GCache*)acache );
+ }
+ /* documentation is in ftcache.h */
+ FTC_SBitCache_Lookup( FTC_SBitCache cache,
+ FTC_ImageType type,
+ FT_UInt gindex,
+ FTC_SBit *ansbit,
+ FTC_Node *anode )
+ {
+ FT_Error error;
+ FTC_BasicQueryRec query;
+ FTC_SNode node = 0; /* make compiler happy */
+ FT_UInt32 hash;
+ if ( anode )
+ *anode = NULL;
+ /* other argument checks delayed to FTC_Cache_Lookup */
+ if ( !ansbit )
+ return FTC_Err_Invalid_Argument;
+ *ansbit = NULL;
+ /* This one is a major hack used to detect whether we are passed a
+ * regular FTC_ImageType handle, or a legacy FTC_OldImageDesc one.
+ */
+ if ( type->width >= 0x10000 )
+ {
+ FTC_OldImageDesc desc = (FTC_OldImageDesc)type;
+ query.attrs.scaler.face_id = desc->font.face_id;
+ query.attrs.scaler.width = desc->font.pix_width;
+ query.attrs.scaler.height = desc->font.pix_height;
+ query.attrs.load_flags = desc->flags;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ query.attrs.scaler.face_id = type->face_id;
+ query.attrs.scaler.width = type->width;
+ query.attrs.scaler.height = type->height;
+ query.attrs.load_flags = type->flags;
+ }
+ query.attrs.scaler.pixel = 1;
+ query.attrs.scaler.x_res = 0; /* make compilers happy */
+ query.attrs.scaler.y_res = 0;
+ /* beware, the hash must be the same for all glyph ranges! */
+ hash = FTC_BASIC_ATTR_HASH( &query.attrs ) +
+#if 1 /* inlining is about 50% faster! */
+ ftc_basic_family_compare,
+ FTC_SNode_Compare,
+ hash, gindex,
+ &query,
+ node,
+ error );
+ error = FTC_GCache_Lookup( FTC_GCACHE( cache ),
+ hash,
+ gindex,
+ FTC_GQUERY( &query ),
+ (FTC_Node*)&node );
+ if ( error )
+ goto Exit;
+ *ansbit = node->sbits + ( gindex - FTC_GNODE( node )->gindex );
+ if ( anode )
+ {
+ *anode = FTC_NODE( node );
+ FTC_NODE( node )->ref_count++;
+ }
+ Exit:
+ return error;
+ }
+ /* documentation is in ftcache.h */
+ FTC_SBitCache_LookupScaler( FTC_SBitCache cache,
+ FTC_Scaler scaler,
+ FT_ULong load_flags,
+ FT_UInt gindex,
+ FTC_SBit *ansbit,
+ FTC_Node *anode )
+ {
+ FT_Error error;
+ FTC_BasicQueryRec query;
+ FTC_SNode node = 0; /* make compiler happy */
+ FT_UInt32 hash;
+ if ( anode )
+ *anode = NULL;
+ /* other argument checks delayed to FTC_Cache_Lookup */
+ if ( !ansbit || !scaler )
+ return FTC_Err_Invalid_Argument;
+ *ansbit = NULL;
+ query.attrs.scaler = scaler[0];
+ query.attrs.load_flags = load_flags;
+ /* beware, the hash must be the same for all glyph ranges! */
+ hash = FTC_BASIC_ATTR_HASH( &query.attrs ) +
+ ftc_basic_family_compare,
+ FTC_SNode_Compare,
+ hash, gindex,
+ &query,
+ node,
+ error );
+ if ( error )
+ goto Exit;
+ *ansbit = node->sbits + ( gindex - FTC_GNODE( node )->gindex );
+ if ( anode )
+ {
+ *anode = FTC_NODE( node );
+ FTC_NODE( node )->ref_count++;
+ }
+ Exit:
+ return error;
+ }
+ FT_EXPORT( FT_Error )
+ FTC_SBit_Cache_New( FTC_Manager manager,
+ FTC_SBitCache *acache );
+ FT_EXPORT( FT_Error )
+ FTC_SBit_Cache_Lookup( FTC_SBitCache cache,
+ FTC_OldImage_Desc* desc,
+ FT_UInt gindex,
+ FTC_SBit *ansbit );
+ FTC_SBit_Cache_New( FTC_Manager manager,
+ FTC_SBitCache *acache )
+ {
+ return FTC_SBitCache_New( manager, (FTC_SBitCache*)acache );
+ }
+ FTC_SBit_Cache_Lookup( FTC_SBitCache cache,
+ FTC_OldImage_Desc* desc,
+ FT_UInt gindex,
+ FTC_SBit *ansbit )
+ {
+ FTC_ImageTypeRec type0;
+ if ( !desc )
+ return FT_Err_Invalid_Argument;
+ ftc_image_type_from_old_desc( &type0, desc );
+ return FTC_SBitCache_Lookup( (FTC_SBitCache)cache,
+ &type0,
+ gindex,
+ ansbit,
+ NULL );
+ }
+/* END */
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/freetype/src/cache/ftccache.c b/src/3rdparty/freetype/src/cache/ftccache.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f3e699c385
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/freetype/src/cache/ftccache.c
@@ -0,0 +1,592 @@
+/* */
+/* ftccache.c */
+/* */
+/* The FreeType internal cache interface (body). */
+/* */
+/* Copyright 2000-2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 by */
+/* David Turner, Robert Wilhelm, and Werner Lemberg. */
+/* */
+/* This file is part of the FreeType project, and may only be used, */
+/* modified, and distributed under the terms of the FreeType project */
+/* license, LICENSE.TXT. By continuing to use, modify, or distribute */
+/* this file you indicate that you have read the license and */
+/* understand and accept it fully. */
+/* */
+#include <ft2build.h>
+#include "ftcmanag.h"
+#include "ftccback.h"
+#include "ftcerror.h"
+#define FTC_HASH_MAX_LOAD 2
+#define FTC_HASH_MIN_LOAD 1
+/* this one _must_ be a power of 2! */
+ /*************************************************************************/
+ /*************************************************************************/
+ /***** *****/
+ /***** *****/
+ /*************************************************************************/
+ /*************************************************************************/
+ /* add a new node to the head of the manager's circular MRU list */
+ static void
+ ftc_node_mru_link( FTC_Node node,
+ FTC_Manager manager )
+ {
+ void *nl = &manager->nodes_list;
+ FTC_MruNode_Prepend( (FTC_MruNode*)nl,
+ (FTC_MruNode)node );
+ manager->num_nodes++;
+ }
+ /* remove a node from the manager's MRU list */
+ static void
+ ftc_node_mru_unlink( FTC_Node node,
+ FTC_Manager manager )
+ {
+ void *nl = &manager->nodes_list;
+ FTC_MruNode_Remove( (FTC_MruNode*)nl,
+ (FTC_MruNode)node );
+ manager->num_nodes--;
+ }
+#ifndef FTC_INLINE
+ /* move a node to the head of the manager's MRU list */
+ static void
+ ftc_node_mru_up( FTC_Node node,
+ FTC_Manager manager )
+ {
+ FTC_MruNode_Up( (FTC_MruNode*)&manager->nodes_list,
+ (FTC_MruNode)node );
+ }
+#endif /* !FTC_INLINE */
+ /* Note that this function cannot fail. If we cannot re-size the
+ * buckets array appropriately, we simply degrade the hash table's
+ * performance!
+ */
+ static void
+ ftc_cache_resize( FTC_Cache cache )
+ {
+ for (;;)
+ {
+ FTC_Node node, *pnode;
+ FT_UInt p = cache->p;
+ FT_UInt mask = cache->mask;
+ FT_UInt count = mask + p + 1; /* number of buckets */
+ /* do we need to shrink the buckets array? */
+ if ( cache->slack < 0 )
+ {
+ FTC_Node new_list = NULL;
+ /* try to expand the buckets array _before_ splitting
+ * the bucket lists
+ */
+ if ( p >= mask )
+ {
+ FT_Memory memory = cache->memory;
+ FT_Error error;
+ /* if we can't expand the array, leave immediately */
+ if ( FT_RENEW_ARRAY( cache->buckets, (mask+1)*2, (mask+1)*4 ) )
+ break;
+ }
+ /* split a single bucket */
+ pnode = cache->buckets + p;
+ for (;;)
+ {
+ node = *pnode;
+ if ( node == NULL )
+ break;
+ if ( node->hash & ( mask + 1 ) )
+ {
+ *pnode = node->link;
+ node->link = new_list;
+ new_list = node;
+ }
+ else
+ pnode = &node->link;
+ }
+ cache->buckets[p + mask + 1] = new_list;
+ cache->slack += FTC_HASH_MAX_LOAD;
+ if ( p >= mask )
+ {
+ cache->mask = 2 * mask + 1;
+ cache->p = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ cache->p = p + 1;
+ }
+ /* do we need to expand the buckets array? */
+ else if ( cache->slack > (FT_Long)count * FTC_HASH_SUB_LOAD )
+ {
+ FT_UInt old_index = p + mask;
+ FTC_Node* pold;
+ if ( old_index + 1 <= FTC_HASH_INITIAL_SIZE )
+ break;
+ if ( p == 0 )
+ {
+ FT_Memory memory = cache->memory;
+ FT_Error error;
+ /* if we can't shrink the array, leave immediately */
+ if ( FT_RENEW_ARRAY( cache->buckets,
+ ( mask + 1 ) * 2, mask + 1 ) )
+ break;
+ cache->mask >>= 1;
+ p = cache->mask;
+ }
+ else
+ p--;
+ pnode = cache->buckets + p;
+ while ( *pnode )
+ pnode = &(*pnode)->link;
+ pold = cache->buckets + old_index;
+ *pnode = *pold;
+ *pold = NULL;
+ cache->slack -= FTC_HASH_MAX_LOAD;
+ cache->p = p;
+ }
+ else /* the hash table is balanced */
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /* remove a node from its cache's hash table */
+ static void
+ ftc_node_hash_unlink( FTC_Node node0,
+ FTC_Cache cache )
+ {
+ FTC_Node *pnode;
+ FT_UInt idx;
+ idx = (FT_UInt)( node0->hash & cache->mask );
+ if ( idx < cache->p )
+ idx = (FT_UInt)( node0->hash & ( 2 * cache->mask + 1 ) );
+ pnode = cache->buckets + idx;
+ for (;;)
+ {
+ FTC_Node node = *pnode;
+ if ( node == NULL )
+ {
+ FT_ERROR(( "ftc_node_hash_unlink: unknown node!\n" ));
+ return;
+ }
+ if ( node == node0 )
+ break;
+ pnode = &(*pnode)->link;
+ }
+ *pnode = node0->link;
+ node0->link = NULL;
+ cache->slack++;
+ ftc_cache_resize( cache );
+ }
+ /* add a node to the `top' of its cache's hash table */
+ static void
+ ftc_node_hash_link( FTC_Node node,
+ FTC_Cache cache )
+ {
+ FTC_Node *pnode;
+ FT_UInt idx;
+ idx = (FT_UInt)( node->hash & cache->mask );
+ if ( idx < cache->p )
+ idx = (FT_UInt)( node->hash & (2 * cache->mask + 1 ) );
+ pnode = cache->buckets + idx;
+ node->link = *pnode;
+ *pnode = node;
+ cache->slack--;
+ ftc_cache_resize( cache );
+ }
+ /* remove a node from the cache manager */
+ FT_BASE_DEF( void )
+ FT_LOCAL_DEF( void )
+ ftc_node_destroy( FTC_Node node,
+ FTC_Manager manager )
+ {
+ FTC_Cache cache;
+ /* find node's cache */
+ if ( node->cache_index >= manager->num_caches )
+ {
+ FT_ERROR(( "ftc_node_destroy: invalid node handle\n" ));
+ return;
+ }
+ cache = manager->caches[node->cache_index];
+ if ( cache == NULL )
+ {
+ FT_ERROR(( "ftc_node_destroy: invalid node handle\n" ));
+ return;
+ }
+ manager->cur_weight -= cache->clazz.node_weight( node, cache );
+ /* remove node from mru list */
+ ftc_node_mru_unlink( node, manager );
+ /* remove node from cache's hash table */
+ ftc_node_hash_unlink( node, cache );
+ /* now finalize it */
+ cache->clazz.node_free( node, cache );
+#if 0
+ /* check, just in case of general corruption :-) */
+ if ( manager->num_nodes == 0 )
+ FT_ERROR(( "ftc_node_destroy: invalid cache node count! = %d\n",
+ manager->num_nodes ));
+ }
+ /*************************************************************************/
+ /*************************************************************************/
+ /***** *****/
+ /***** ABSTRACT CACHE CLASS *****/
+ /***** *****/
+ /*************************************************************************/
+ /*************************************************************************/
+ FT_LOCAL_DEF( FT_Error )
+ FTC_Cache_Init( FTC_Cache cache )
+ {
+ return ftc_cache_init( cache );
+ }
+ FT_LOCAL_DEF( FT_Error )
+ ftc_cache_init( FTC_Cache cache )
+ {
+ FT_Memory memory = cache->memory;
+ FT_Error error;
+ cache->p = 0;
+ cache->mask = FTC_HASH_INITIAL_SIZE - 1;
+ (void)FT_NEW_ARRAY( cache->buckets, FTC_HASH_INITIAL_SIZE * 2 );
+ return error;
+ }
+ static void
+ FTC_Cache_Clear( FTC_Cache cache )
+ {
+ if ( cache )
+ {
+ FTC_Manager manager = cache->manager;
+ FT_UFast i;
+ FT_UInt count;
+ count = cache->p + cache->mask + 1;
+ for ( i = 0; i < count; i++ )
+ {
+ FTC_Node *pnode = cache->buckets + i, next, node = *pnode;
+ while ( node )
+ {
+ next = node->link;
+ node->link = NULL;
+ /* remove node from mru list */
+ ftc_node_mru_unlink( node, manager );
+ /* now finalize it */
+ manager->cur_weight -= cache->clazz.node_weight( node, cache );
+ cache->clazz.node_free( node, cache );
+ node = next;
+ }
+ cache->buckets[i] = NULL;
+ }
+ ftc_cache_resize( cache );
+ }
+ }
+ FT_LOCAL_DEF( void )
+ ftc_cache_done( FTC_Cache cache )
+ {
+ if ( cache->memory )
+ {
+ FT_Memory memory = cache->memory;
+ FTC_Cache_Clear( cache );
+ FT_FREE( cache->buckets );
+ cache->mask = 0;
+ cache->p = 0;
+ cache->slack = 0;
+ cache->memory = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ FT_LOCAL_DEF( void )
+ FTC_Cache_Done( FTC_Cache cache )
+ {
+ ftc_cache_done( cache );
+ }
+ static void
+ ftc_cache_add( FTC_Cache cache,
+ FT_UInt32 hash,
+ FTC_Node node )
+ {
+ node->hash = hash;
+ node->cache_index = (FT_UInt16) cache->index;
+ node->ref_count = 0;
+ ftc_node_hash_link( node, cache );
+ ftc_node_mru_link( node, cache->manager );
+ {
+ FTC_Manager manager = cache->manager;
+ manager->cur_weight += cache->clazz.node_weight( node, cache );
+ if ( manager->cur_weight >= manager->max_weight )
+ {
+ node->ref_count++;
+ FTC_Manager_Compress( manager );
+ node->ref_count--;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ FT_LOCAL_DEF( FT_Error )
+ FTC_Cache_NewNode( FTC_Cache cache,
+ FT_UInt32 hash,
+ FT_Pointer query,
+ FTC_Node *anode )
+ {
+ FT_Error error;
+ FTC_Node node;
+ /*
+ * We use the FTC_CACHE_TRYLOOP macros to support out-of-memory
+ * errors (OOM) correctly, i.e., by flushing the cache progressively
+ * in order to make more room.
+ */
+ {
+ error = cache->clazz.node_new( &node, query, cache );
+ }
+ if ( error )
+ node = NULL;
+ else
+ {
+ /* don't assume that the cache has the same number of buckets, since
+ * our allocation request might have triggered global cache flushing
+ */
+ ftc_cache_add( cache, hash, node );
+ }
+ *anode = node;
+ return error;
+ }
+#ifndef FTC_INLINE
+ FT_LOCAL_DEF( FT_Error )
+ FTC_Cache_Lookup( FTC_Cache cache,
+ FT_UInt32 hash,
+ FT_Pointer query,
+ FTC_Node *anode )
+ {
+ FT_UFast idx;
+ FTC_Node* bucket;
+ FTC_Node* pnode;
+ FTC_Node node;
+ FT_Error error = 0;
+ FTC_Node_CompareFunc compare = cache->clazz.node_compare;
+ if ( cache == NULL || anode == NULL )
+ return FT_Err_Invalid_Argument;
+ idx = hash & cache->mask;
+ if ( idx < cache->p )
+ idx = hash & ( cache->mask * 2 + 1 );
+ bucket = cache->buckets + idx;
+ pnode = bucket;
+ for (;;)
+ {
+ node = *pnode;
+ if ( node == NULL )
+ goto NewNode;
+ if ( node->hash == hash && compare( node, query, cache ) )
+ break;
+ pnode = &node->link;
+ }
+ if ( node != *bucket )
+ {
+ *pnode = node->link;
+ node->link = *bucket;
+ *bucket = node;
+ }
+ /* move to head of MRU list */
+ {
+ FTC_Manager manager = cache->manager;
+ if ( node != manager->nodes_list )
+ ftc_node_mru_up( node, manager );
+ }
+ *anode = node;
+ return error;
+ NewNode:
+ return FTC_Cache_NewNode( cache, hash, query, anode );
+ }
+#endif /* !FTC_INLINE */
+ FT_LOCAL_DEF( void )
+ FTC_Cache_RemoveFaceID( FTC_Cache cache,
+ FTC_FaceID face_id )
+ {
+ FT_UFast i, count;
+ FTC_Manager manager = cache->manager;
+ FTC_Node frees = NULL;
+ count = cache->p + cache->mask;
+ for ( i = 0; i < count; i++ )
+ {
+ FTC_Node* bucket = cache->buckets + i;
+ FTC_Node* pnode = bucket;
+ for ( ;; )
+ {
+ FTC_Node node = *pnode;
+ if ( node == NULL )
+ break;
+ if ( cache->clazz.node_remove_faceid( node, face_id, cache ) )
+ {
+ *pnode = node->link;
+ node->link = frees;
+ frees = node;
+ }
+ else
+ pnode = &node->link;
+ }
+ }
+ /* remove all nodes in the free list */
+ while ( frees )
+ {
+ FTC_Node node;
+ node = frees;
+ frees = node->link;
+ manager->cur_weight -= cache->clazz.node_weight( node, cache );
+ ftc_node_mru_unlink( node, manager );
+ cache->clazz.node_free( node, cache );
+ cache->slack++;
+ }
+ ftc_cache_resize( cache );
+ }
+/* END */
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/freetype/src/cache/ftccache.h b/src/3rdparty/freetype/src/cache/ftccache.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8c0a7c94fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/freetype/src/cache/ftccache.h
@@ -0,0 +1,317 @@
+/* */
+/* ftccache.h */
+/* */
+/* FreeType internal cache interface (specification). */
+/* */
+/* Copyright 2000-2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 by */
+/* David Turner, Robert Wilhelm, and Werner Lemberg. */
+/* */
+/* This file is part of the FreeType project, and may only be used, */
+/* modified, and distributed under the terms of the FreeType project */
+/* license, LICENSE.TXT. By continuing to use, modify, or distribute */
+/* this file you indicate that you have read the license and */
+/* understand and accept it fully. */
+/* */
+#ifndef __FTCCACHE_H__
+#define __FTCCACHE_H__
+#include "ftcmru.h"
+ /* handle to cache object */
+ typedef struct FTC_CacheRec_* FTC_Cache;
+ /* handle to cache class */
+ typedef const struct FTC_CacheClassRec_* FTC_CacheClass;
+ /*************************************************************************/
+ /*************************************************************************/
+ /***** *****/
+ /***** *****/
+ /*************************************************************************/
+ /*************************************************************************/
+ /*************************************************************************/
+ /* */
+ /* Each cache controls one or more cache nodes. Each node is part of */
+ /* the global_lru list of the manager. Its `data' field however is used */
+ /* as a reference count for now. */
+ /* */
+ /* A node can be anything, depending on the type of information held by */
+ /* the cache. It can be an individual glyph image, a set of bitmaps */
+ /* glyphs for a given size, some metrics, etc. */
+ /* */
+ /*************************************************************************/
+ /* structure size should be 20 bytes on 32-bits machines */
+ typedef struct FTC_NodeRec_
+ {
+ FTC_MruNodeRec mru; /* circular mru list pointer */
+ FTC_Node link; /* used for hashing */
+ FT_UInt32 hash; /* used for hashing too */
+ FT_UShort cache_index; /* index of cache the node belongs to */
+ FT_Short ref_count; /* reference count for this node */
+ } FTC_NodeRec;
+#define FTC_NODE( x ) ( (FTC_Node)(x) )
+#define FTC_NODE_P( x ) ( (FTC_Node*)(x) )
+#define FTC_NODE__NEXT( x ) FTC_NODE( (x)-> )
+#define FTC_NODE__PREV( x ) FTC_NODE( (x)->mru.prev )
+ FT_BASE( void )
+ ftc_node_destroy( FTC_Node node,
+ FTC_Manager manager );
+ /*************************************************************************/
+ /*************************************************************************/
+ /***** *****/
+ /***** CACHE DEFINITIONS *****/
+ /***** *****/
+ /*************************************************************************/
+ /*************************************************************************/
+ /* initialize a new cache node */
+ typedef FT_Error
+ (*FTC_Node_NewFunc)( FTC_Node *pnode,
+ FT_Pointer query,
+ FTC_Cache cache );
+ typedef FT_ULong
+ (*FTC_Node_WeightFunc)( FTC_Node node,
+ FTC_Cache cache );
+ /* compare a node to a given key pair */
+ typedef FT_Bool
+ (*FTC_Node_CompareFunc)( FTC_Node node,
+ FT_Pointer key,
+ FTC_Cache cache );
+ typedef void
+ (*FTC_Node_FreeFunc)( FTC_Node node,
+ FTC_Cache cache );
+ typedef FT_Error
+ (*FTC_Cache_InitFunc)( FTC_Cache cache );
+ typedef void
+ (*FTC_Cache_DoneFunc)( FTC_Cache cache );
+ typedef struct FTC_CacheClassRec_
+ {
+ FTC_Node_NewFunc node_new;
+ FTC_Node_WeightFunc node_weight;
+ FTC_Node_CompareFunc node_compare;
+ FTC_Node_CompareFunc node_remove_faceid;
+ FTC_Node_FreeFunc node_free;
+ FT_UInt cache_size;
+ FTC_Cache_InitFunc cache_init;
+ FTC_Cache_DoneFunc cache_done;
+ } FTC_CacheClassRec;
+ /* each cache really implements a dynamic hash table to manage its nodes */
+ typedef struct FTC_CacheRec_
+ {
+ FT_UFast p;
+ FT_UFast mask;
+ FT_Long slack;
+ FTC_Node* buckets;
+ FTC_CacheClassRec clazz; /* local copy, for speed */
+ FTC_Manager manager;
+ FT_Memory memory;
+ FT_UInt index; /* in manager's table */
+ FTC_CacheClass org_class; /* original class pointer */
+ } FTC_CacheRec;
+#define FTC_CACHE( x ) ( (FTC_Cache)(x) )
+#define FTC_CACHE_P( x ) ( (FTC_Cache*)(x) )
+ /* default cache initialize */
+ FT_LOCAL( FT_Error )
+ FTC_Cache_Init( FTC_Cache cache );
+ /* default cache finalizer */
+ FT_LOCAL( void )
+ FTC_Cache_Done( FTC_Cache cache );
+ /* Call this function to lookup the cache. If no corresponding
+ * node is found, a new one is automatically created. This function
+ * is capable of flushing the cache adequately to make room for the
+ * new cache object.
+ */
+#ifndef FTC_INLINE
+ FT_LOCAL( FT_Error )
+ FTC_Cache_Lookup( FTC_Cache cache,
+ FT_UInt32 hash,
+ FT_Pointer query,
+ FTC_Node *anode );
+ FT_LOCAL( FT_Error )
+ FTC_Cache_NewNode( FTC_Cache cache,
+ FT_UInt32 hash,
+ FT_Pointer query,
+ FTC_Node *anode );
+ /* Remove all nodes that relate to a given face_id. This is useful
+ * when un-installing fonts. Note that if a cache node relates to
+ * the face_id, but is locked (i.e., has `ref_count > 0'), the node
+ * will _not_ be destroyed, but its internal face_id reference will
+ * be modified.
+ *
+ * The final result will be that the node will never come back
+ * in further lookup requests, and will be flushed on demand from
+ * the cache normally when its reference count reaches 0.
+ */
+ FT_LOCAL( void )
+ FTC_Cache_RemoveFaceID( FTC_Cache cache,
+ FTC_FaceID face_id );
+#ifdef FTC_INLINE
+#define FTC_CACHE_LOOKUP_CMP( cache, nodecmp, hash, query, node, error ) \
+ FTC_Node *_bucket, *_pnode, _node; \
+ FTC_Cache _cache = FTC_CACHE(cache); \
+ FT_UInt32 _hash = (FT_UInt32)(hash); \
+ FTC_Node_CompareFunc _nodcomp = (FTC_Node_CompareFunc)(nodecmp); \
+ FT_UInt _idx; \
+ \
+ \
+ error = 0; \
+ node = NULL; \
+ _idx = _hash & _cache->mask; \
+ if ( _idx < _cache->p ) \
+ _idx = _hash & ( _cache->mask*2 + 1 ); \
+ \
+ _bucket = _pnode = _cache->buckets + _idx; \
+ for (;;) \
+ { \
+ _node = *_pnode; \
+ if ( _node == NULL ) \
+ goto _NewNode; \
+ \
+ if ( _node->hash == _hash && _nodcomp( _node, query, _cache ) ) \
+ break; \
+ \
+ _pnode = &_node->link; \
+ } \
+ \
+ if ( _node != *_bucket ) \
+ { \
+ *_pnode = _node->link; \
+ _node->link = *_bucket; \
+ *_bucket = _node; \
+ } \
+ \
+ { \
+ FTC_Manager _manager = _cache->manager; \
+ void* _nl = &_manager->nodes_list; \
+ \
+ \
+ if ( _node != _manager->nodes_list ) \
+ FTC_MruNode_Up( (FTC_MruNode*)_nl, \
+ (FTC_MruNode)_node ); \
+ } \
+ goto _Ok; \
+ \
+ _NewNode: \
+ error = FTC_Cache_NewNode( _cache, _hash, query, &_node ); \
+ \
+ _Ok: \
+ _pnode = (FTC_Node*)(void*)&(node); \
+ *_pnode = _node; \
+#else /* !FTC_INLINE */
+#define FTC_CACHE_LOOKUP_CMP( cache, nodecmp, hash, query, node, error ) \
+ error = FTC_Cache_Lookup( FTC_CACHE( cache ), hash, query, \
+ (FTC_Node*)&(node) ); \
+#endif /* !FTC_INLINE */
+ /*
+ * This macro, together with FTC_CACHE_TRYLOOP_END, defines a retry
+ * loop to flush the cache repeatedly in case of memory overflows.
+ *
+ * It is used when creating a new cache node, or within a lookup
+ * that needs to allocate data (e.g., the sbit cache lookup).
+ *
+ * Example:
+ *
+ * {
+ * FTC_CACHE_TRYLOOP( cache )
+ * error = load_data( ... );
+ * }
+ *
+ */
+#define FTC_CACHE_TRYLOOP( cache ) \
+ { \
+ FTC_Manager _try_manager = FTC_CACHE( cache )->manager; \
+ FT_UInt _try_count = 4; \
+ \
+ \
+ for (;;) \
+ { \
+ FT_UInt _try_done;
+ if ( !error || error != FT_Err_Out_Of_Memory ) \
+ break; \
+ \
+ _try_done = FTC_Manager_FlushN( _try_manager, _try_count ); \
+ if ( _try_done == 0 ) \
+ break; \
+ \
+ if ( _try_done == _try_count ) \
+ { \
+ _try_count *= 2; \
+ if ( _try_count < _try_done || \
+ _try_count > _try_manager->num_nodes ) \
+ _try_count = _try_manager->num_nodes; \
+ } \
+ } \
+ }
+ /* */
+#endif /* __FTCCACHE_H__ */
+/* END */
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/freetype/src/cache/ftccback.h b/src/3rdparty/freetype/src/cache/ftccback.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..86e72a7514
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/freetype/src/cache/ftccback.h
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+/* */
+/* ftccback.h */
+/* */
+/* Callback functions of the caching sub-system (specification only). */
+/* */
+/* Copyright 2004, 2005, 2006 by */
+/* David Turner, Robert Wilhelm, and Werner Lemberg. */
+/* */
+/* This file is part of the FreeType project, and may only be used, */
+/* modified, and distributed under the terms of the FreeType project */
+/* license, LICENSE.TXT. By continuing to use, modify, or distribute */
+/* this file you indicate that you have read the license and */
+/* understand and accept it fully. */
+/* */
+#ifndef __FTCCBACK_H__
+#define __FTCCBACK_H__
+#include <ft2build.h>
+#include FT_CACHE_H
+#include "ftcmru.h"
+#include "ftcimage.h"
+#include "ftcmanag.h"
+#include "ftcglyph.h"
+#include "ftcsbits.h"
+ FT_LOCAL( void )
+ ftc_inode_free( FTC_Node inode,
+ FTC_Cache cache );
+ FT_LOCAL( FT_Error )
+ ftc_inode_new( FTC_Node *pinode,
+ FT_Pointer gquery,
+ FTC_Cache cache );
+ FT_LOCAL( FT_ULong )
+ ftc_inode_weight( FTC_Node inode,
+ FTC_Cache cache );
+ FT_LOCAL( void )
+ ftc_snode_free( FTC_Node snode,
+ FTC_Cache cache );
+ FT_LOCAL( FT_Error )
+ ftc_snode_new( FTC_Node *psnode,
+ FT_Pointer gquery,
+ FTC_Cache cache );
+ FT_LOCAL( FT_ULong )
+ ftc_snode_weight( FTC_Node snode,
+ FTC_Cache cache );
+ FT_LOCAL( FT_Bool )
+ ftc_snode_compare( FTC_Node snode,
+ FT_Pointer gquery,
+ FTC_Cache cache );
+ FT_LOCAL( FT_Bool )
+ ftc_gnode_compare( FTC_Node gnode,
+ FT_Pointer gquery,
+ FTC_Cache cache );
+ FT_LOCAL( FT_Error )
+ ftc_gcache_init( FTC_Cache cache );
+ FT_LOCAL( void )
+ ftc_gcache_done( FTC_Cache cache );
+ FT_LOCAL( FT_Error )
+ ftc_cache_init( FTC_Cache cache );
+ FT_LOCAL( void )
+ ftc_cache_done( FTC_Cache cache );
+ FT_LOCAL( void )
+ ftc_node_destroy( FTC_Node node,
+ FTC_Manager manager );
+#endif /* __FTCCBACK_H__ */
+/* END */
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/freetype/src/cache/ftccmap.c b/src/3rdparty/freetype/src/cache/ftccmap.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4c6a7fd960
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/freetype/src/cache/ftccmap.c
@@ -0,0 +1,425 @@
+/* */
+/* ftccmap.c */
+/* */
+/* FreeType CharMap cache (body) */
+/* */
+/* Copyright 2000-2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 by */
+/* David Turner, Robert Wilhelm, and Werner Lemberg. */
+/* */
+/* This file is part of the FreeType project, and may only be used, */
+/* modified, and distributed under the terms of the FreeType project */
+/* license, LICENSE.TXT. By continuing to use, modify, or distribute */
+/* this file you indicate that you have read the license and */
+/* understand and accept it fully. */
+/* */
+#include <ft2build.h>
+#include FT_FREETYPE_H
+#include FT_CACHE_H
+#include "ftcmanag.h"
+#include "ftccback.h"
+#include "ftcerror.h"
+#define FT_COMPONENT trace_cache
+ typedef enum FTC_OldCMapType_
+ {
+ } FTC_OldCMapType;
+ typedef struct FTC_OldCMapIdRec_
+ {
+ FT_UInt platform;
+ FT_UInt encoding;
+ } FTC_OldCMapIdRec, *FTC_OldCMapId;
+ typedef struct FTC_OldCMapDescRec_
+ {
+ FTC_FaceID face_id;
+ FTC_OldCMapType type;
+ union
+ {
+ FT_UInt index;
+ FT_Encoding encoding;
+ FTC_OldCMapIdRec id;
+ } u;
+ } FTC_OldCMapDescRec, *FTC_OldCMapDesc;
+ /*************************************************************************/
+ /* */
+ /* Each FTC_CMapNode contains a simple array to map a range of character */
+ /* codes to equivalent glyph indices. */
+ /* */
+ /* For now, the implementation is very basic: Each node maps a range of */
+ /* 128 consecutive character codes to their corresponding glyph indices. */
+ /* */
+ /* We could do more complex things, but I don't think it is really very */
+ /* useful. */
+ /* */
+ /*************************************************************************/
+ /* number of glyph indices / character code per node */
+ /* compute a query/node hash */
+#define FTC_CMAP_HASH( faceid, index, charcode ) \
+ ( FTC_FACE_ID_HASH( faceid ) + 211 * ( index ) + \
+ ( (char_code) / FTC_CMAP_INDICES_MAX ) )
+ /* the charmap query */
+ typedef struct FTC_CMapQueryRec_
+ {
+ FTC_FaceID face_id;
+ FT_UInt cmap_index;
+ FT_UInt32 char_code;
+ } FTC_CMapQueryRec, *FTC_CMapQuery;
+#define FTC_CMAP_QUERY( x ) ((FTC_CMapQuery)(x))
+#define FTC_CMAP_QUERY_HASH( x ) \
+ FTC_CMAP_HASH( (x)->face_id, (x)->cmap_index, (x)->char_code )
+ /* the cmap cache node */
+ typedef struct FTC_CMapNodeRec_
+ {
+ FTC_NodeRec node;
+ FTC_FaceID face_id;
+ FT_UInt cmap_index;
+ FT_UInt32 first; /* first character in node */
+ FT_UInt16 indices[FTC_CMAP_INDICES_MAX]; /* array of glyph indices */
+ } FTC_CMapNodeRec, *FTC_CMapNode;
+#define FTC_CMAP_NODE( x ) ( (FTC_CMapNode)( x ) )
+#define FTC_CMAP_NODE_HASH( x ) \
+ FTC_CMAP_HASH( (x)->face_id, (x)->cmap_index, (x)->first )
+ /* if (indices[n] == FTC_CMAP_UNKNOWN), we assume that the corresponding */
+ /* glyph indices haven't been queried through FT_Get_Glyph_Index() yet */
+#define FTC_CMAP_UNKNOWN ( (FT_UInt16)-1 )
+ /*************************************************************************/
+ /*************************************************************************/
+ /***** *****/
+ /***** CHARMAP NODES *****/
+ /***** *****/
+ /*************************************************************************/
+ /*************************************************************************/
+ ftc_cmap_node_free( FTC_Node ftcnode,
+ FTC_Cache cache )
+ {
+ FTC_CMapNode node = (FTC_CMapNode)ftcnode;
+ FT_Memory memory = cache->memory;
+ FT_FREE( node );
+ }
+ /* initialize a new cmap node */
+ ftc_cmap_node_new( FTC_Node *ftcanode,
+ FT_Pointer ftcquery,
+ FTC_Cache cache )
+ {
+ FTC_CMapNode *anode = (FTC_CMapNode*)ftcanode;
+ FTC_CMapQuery query = (FTC_CMapQuery)ftcquery;
+ FT_Error error;
+ FT_Memory memory = cache->memory;
+ FTC_CMapNode node;
+ FT_UInt nn;
+ if ( !FT_NEW( node ) )
+ {
+ node->face_id = query->face_id;
+ node->cmap_index = query->cmap_index;
+ node->first = (query->char_code / FTC_CMAP_INDICES_MAX) *
+ for ( nn = 0; nn < FTC_CMAP_INDICES_MAX; nn++ )
+ node->indices[nn] = FTC_CMAP_UNKNOWN;
+ }
+ *anode = node;
+ return error;
+ }
+ /* compute the weight of a given cmap node */
+ ftc_cmap_node_weight( FTC_Node cnode,
+ FTC_Cache cache )
+ {
+ FT_UNUSED( cnode );
+ FT_UNUSED( cache );
+ return sizeof ( *cnode );
+ }
+ /* compare a cmap node to a given query */
+ ftc_cmap_node_compare( FTC_Node ftcnode,
+ FT_Pointer ftcquery,
+ FTC_Cache cache )
+ {
+ FTC_CMapNode node = (FTC_CMapNode)ftcnode;
+ FTC_CMapQuery query = (FTC_CMapQuery)ftcquery;
+ FT_UNUSED( cache );
+ if ( node->face_id == query->face_id &&
+ node->cmap_index == query->cmap_index )
+ {
+ FT_UInt32 offset = (FT_UInt32)( query->char_code - node->first );
+ return FT_BOOL( offset < FTC_CMAP_INDICES_MAX );
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ ftc_cmap_node_remove_faceid( FTC_Node ftcnode,
+ FT_Pointer ftcface_id,
+ FTC_Cache cache )
+ {
+ FTC_CMapNode node = (FTC_CMapNode)ftcnode;
+ FTC_FaceID face_id = (FTC_FaceID)ftcface_id;
+ FT_UNUSED( cache );
+ return FT_BOOL( node->face_id == face_id );
+ }
+ /*************************************************************************/
+ /*************************************************************************/
+ /***** *****/
+ /***** GLYPH IMAGE CACHE *****/
+ /***** *****/
+ /*************************************************************************/
+ /*************************************************************************/
+ const FTC_CacheClassRec ftc_cmap_cache_class =
+ {
+ ftc_cmap_node_new,
+ ftc_cmap_node_weight,
+ ftc_cmap_node_compare,
+ ftc_cmap_node_remove_faceid,
+ ftc_cmap_node_free,
+ sizeof ( FTC_CacheRec ),
+ ftc_cache_init,
+ ftc_cache_done,
+ };
+ /* documentation is in ftcache.h */
+ FTC_CMapCache_New( FTC_Manager manager,
+ FTC_CMapCache *acache )
+ {
+ return FTC_Manager_RegisterCache( manager,
+ &ftc_cmap_cache_class,
+ FTC_CACHE_P( acache ) );
+ }
+ /*
+ * Unfortunately, it is not possible to support binary backwards
+ * compatibility in the cmap cache. The FTC_CMapCache_Lookup signature
+ * changes were too deep, and there is no clever hackish way to detect
+ * what kind of structure we are being passed.
+ *
+ * On the other hand it seems that no production code is using this
+ * function on Unix distributions.
+ */
+ /* documentation is in ftcache.h */
+ FTC_CMapCache_Lookup( FTC_CMapCache cmap_cache,
+ FTC_FaceID face_id,
+ FT_Int cmap_index,
+ FT_UInt32 char_code )
+ {
+ FTC_Cache cache = FTC_CACHE( cmap_cache );
+ FTC_CMapQueryRec query;
+ FTC_CMapNode node;
+ FT_Error error;
+ FT_UInt gindex = 0;
+ FT_UInt32 hash;
+ FT_Int no_cmap_change = 0;
+ if ( cmap_index < 0 )
+ {
+ /* Treat a negative cmap index as a special value, meaning that you */
+ /* don't want to change the FT_Face's character map through this */
+ /* call. This can be useful if the face requester callback already */
+ /* sets the face's charmap to the appropriate value. */
+ no_cmap_change = 1;
+ cmap_index = 0;
+ }
+ if ( !cache )
+ {
+ FT_ERROR(( "FTC_CMapCache_Lookup: bad arguments, returning 0!\n" ));
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Detect a call from a rogue client that thinks it is linking
+ * to FreeType 2.1.7. This is possible because the third parameter
+ * is then a character code, and we have never seen any font with
+ * more than a few charmaps, so if the index is very large...
+ *
+ * It is also very unlikely that a rogue client is interested
+ * in Unicode values 0 to 15.
+ *
+ * NOTE: The original threshold was 4, but we found a font from the
+ * Adobe Acrobat Reader Pack, named `KozMinProVI-Regular.otf',
+ * which contains more than 5 charmaps.
+ */
+ if ( cmap_index >= 16 && !no_cmap_change )
+ {
+ FTC_OldCMapDesc desc = (FTC_OldCMapDesc) face_id;
+ char_code = (FT_UInt32)cmap_index;
+ query.face_id = desc->face_id;
+ switch ( desc->type )
+ {
+ query.cmap_index = desc->u.index;
+ query.char_code = (FT_UInt32)cmap_index;
+ break;
+ {
+ FT_Face face;
+ error = FTC_Manager_LookupFace( cache->manager, desc->face_id,
+ &face );
+ if ( error )
+ return 0;
+ FT_Select_Charmap( face, desc->u.encoding );
+ return FT_Get_Char_Index( face, char_code );
+ }
+ default:
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ query.face_id = face_id;
+ query.cmap_index = (FT_UInt)cmap_index;
+ query.char_code = char_code;
+ }
+ hash = FTC_CMAP_HASH( face_id, cmap_index, char_code );
+#if 1
+ FTC_CACHE_LOOKUP_CMP( cache, ftc_cmap_node_compare, hash, &query,
+ node, error );
+ error = FTC_Cache_Lookup( cache, hash, &query, (FTC_Node*) &node );
+ if ( error )
+ goto Exit;
+ FT_ASSERT( (FT_UInt)( char_code - node->first ) < FTC_CMAP_INDICES_MAX );
+ /* something rotten can happen with rogue clients */
+ if ( (FT_UInt)( char_code - node->first >= FTC_CMAP_INDICES_MAX ) )
+ return 0;
+ gindex = node->indices[char_code - node->first];
+ if ( gindex == FTC_CMAP_UNKNOWN )
+ {
+ FT_Face face;
+ gindex = 0;
+ error = FTC_Manager_LookupFace( cache->manager, node->face_id, &face );
+ if ( error )
+ goto Exit;
+ if ( (FT_UInt)cmap_index < (FT_UInt)face->num_charmaps )
+ {
+ FT_CharMap old, cmap = NULL;
+ old = face->charmap;
+ cmap = face->charmaps[cmap_index];
+ if ( old != cmap && !no_cmap_change )
+ FT_Set_Charmap( face, cmap );
+ gindex = FT_Get_Char_Index( face, char_code );
+ if ( old != cmap && !no_cmap_change )
+ FT_Set_Charmap( face, old );
+ }
+ node->indices[char_code - node->first] = (FT_UShort)gindex;
+ }
+ Exit:
+ return gindex;
+ }
+/* END */
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/freetype/src/cache/ftcerror.h b/src/3rdparty/freetype/src/cache/ftcerror.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5998d42daf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/freetype/src/cache/ftcerror.h
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+/* */
+/* ftcerror.h */
+/* */
+/* Caching sub-system error codes (specification only). */
+/* */
+/* Copyright 2001 by */
+/* David Turner, Robert Wilhelm, and Werner Lemberg. */
+/* */
+/* This file is part of the FreeType project, and may only be used, */
+/* modified, and distributed under the terms of the FreeType project */
+/* license, LICENSE.TXT. By continuing to use, modify, or distribute */
+/* this file you indicate that you have read the license and */
+/* understand and accept it fully. */
+/* */
+ /*************************************************************************/
+ /* */
+ /* This file is used to define the caching sub-system error enumeration */
+ /* constants. */
+ /* */
+ /*************************************************************************/
+#ifndef __FTCERROR_H__
+#define __FTCERROR_H__
+#undef __FTERRORS_H__
+#define FT_ERR_PREFIX FTC_Err_
+#define FT_ERR_BASE FT_Mod_Err_Cache
+#include FT_ERRORS_H
+#endif /* __FTCERROR_H__ */
+/* END */
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/freetype/src/cache/ftcglyph.c b/src/3rdparty/freetype/src/cache/ftcglyph.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5c03abe055
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/freetype/src/cache/ftcglyph.c
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+/* */
+/* ftcglyph.c */
+/* */
+/* FreeType Glyph Image (FT_Glyph) cache (body). */
+/* */
+/* Copyright 2000-2001, 2003, 2004, 2006 by */
+/* David Turner, Robert Wilhelm, and Werner Lemberg. */
+/* */
+/* This file is part of the FreeType project, and may only be used, */
+/* modified, and distributed under the terms of the FreeType project */
+/* license, LICENSE.TXT. By continuing to use, modify, or distribute */
+/* this file you indicate that you have read the license and */
+/* understand and accept it fully. */
+/* */
+#include <ft2build.h>
+#include FT_CACHE_H
+#include "ftcglyph.h"
+#include FT_ERRORS_H
+#include "ftccback.h"
+#include "ftcerror.h"
+ /* create a new chunk node, setting its cache index and ref count */
+ FT_LOCAL_DEF( void )
+ FTC_GNode_Init( FTC_GNode gnode,
+ FT_UInt gindex,
+ FTC_Family family )
+ {
+ gnode->family = family;
+ gnode->gindex = gindex;
+ family->num_nodes++;
+ }
+ FT_LOCAL_DEF( void )
+ FTC_GNode_UnselectFamily( FTC_GNode gnode,
+ FTC_Cache cache )
+ {
+ FTC_Family family = gnode->family;
+ gnode->family = NULL;
+ if ( family && --family->num_nodes == 0 )
+ FTC_FAMILY_FREE( family, cache );
+ }
+ FT_LOCAL_DEF( void )
+ FTC_GNode_Done( FTC_GNode gnode,
+ FTC_Cache cache )
+ {
+ /* finalize the node */
+ gnode->gindex = 0;
+ FTC_GNode_UnselectFamily( gnode, cache );
+ }
+ ftc_gnode_compare( FTC_Node ftcgnode,
+ FT_Pointer ftcgquery,
+ FTC_Cache cache )
+ {
+ FTC_GNode gnode = (FTC_GNode)ftcgnode;
+ FTC_GQuery gquery = (FTC_GQuery)ftcgquery;
+ FT_UNUSED( cache );
+ return FT_BOOL( gnode->family == gquery->family &&
+ gnode->gindex == gquery->gindex );
+ }
+ FTC_GNode_Compare( FTC_GNode gnode,
+ FTC_GQuery gquery )
+ {
+ return ftc_gnode_compare( FTC_NODE( gnode ), gquery, NULL );
+ }
+ /*************************************************************************/
+ /*************************************************************************/
+ /***** *****/
+ /***** CHUNK SETS *****/
+ /***** *****/
+ /*************************************************************************/
+ /*************************************************************************/
+ FT_LOCAL_DEF( void )
+ FTC_Family_Init( FTC_Family family,
+ FTC_Cache cache )
+ {
+ FTC_GCacheClass clazz = FTC_CACHE__GCACHE_CLASS( cache );
+ family->clazz = clazz->family_class;
+ family->num_nodes = 0;
+ family->cache = cache;
+ }
+ FT_LOCAL_DEF( FT_Error )
+ ftc_gcache_init( FTC_Cache ftccache )
+ {
+ FTC_GCache cache = (FTC_GCache)ftccache;
+ FT_Error error;
+ error = FTC_Cache_Init( FTC_CACHE( cache ) );
+ if ( !error )
+ {
+ FTC_GCacheClass clazz = (FTC_GCacheClass)FTC_CACHE( cache )->org_class;
+ FTC_MruList_Init( &cache->families,
+ clazz->family_class,
+ 0, /* no maximum here! */
+ cache,
+ FTC_CACHE( cache )->memory );
+ }
+ return error;
+ }
+#if 0
+ FT_LOCAL_DEF( FT_Error )
+ FTC_GCache_Init( FTC_GCache cache )
+ {
+ return ftc_gcache_init( FTC_CACHE( cache ) );
+ }
+#endif /* 0 */
+ FT_LOCAL_DEF( void )
+ ftc_gcache_done( FTC_Cache ftccache )
+ {
+ FTC_GCache cache = (FTC_GCache)ftccache;
+ FTC_Cache_Done( (FTC_Cache)cache );
+ FTC_MruList_Done( &cache->families );
+ }
+#if 0
+ FT_LOCAL_DEF( void )
+ FTC_GCache_Done( FTC_GCache cache )
+ {
+ ftc_gcache_done( FTC_CACHE( cache ) );
+ }
+#endif /* 0 */
+ FT_LOCAL_DEF( FT_Error )
+ FTC_GCache_New( FTC_Manager manager,
+ FTC_GCacheClass clazz,
+ FTC_GCache *acache )
+ {
+ return FTC_Manager_RegisterCache( manager, (FTC_CacheClass)clazz,
+ (FTC_Cache*)acache );
+ }
+#ifndef FTC_INLINE
+ FT_LOCAL_DEF( FT_Error )
+ FTC_GCache_Lookup( FTC_GCache cache,
+ FT_UInt32 hash,
+ FT_UInt gindex,
+ FTC_GQuery query,
+ FTC_Node *anode )
+ {
+ FT_Error error;
+ query->gindex = gindex;
+ FTC_MRULIST_LOOKUP( &cache->families, query, query->family, error );
+ if ( !error )
+ {
+ FTC_Family family = query->family;
+ /* prevent the family from being destroyed too early when an */
+ /* out-of-memory condition occurs during glyph node initialization. */
+ family->num_nodes++;
+ error = FTC_Cache_Lookup( FTC_CACHE( cache ), hash, query, anode );
+ if ( --family->num_nodes == 0 )
+ FTC_FAMILY_FREE( family, cache );
+ }
+ return error;
+ }
+#endif /* !FTC_INLINE */
+/* END */
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/freetype/src/cache/ftcglyph.h b/src/3rdparty/freetype/src/cache/ftcglyph.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..87a4199bfd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/freetype/src/cache/ftcglyph.h
@@ -0,0 +1,322 @@
+/* */
+/* ftcglyph.h */
+/* */
+/* FreeType abstract glyph cache (specification). */
+/* */
+/* Copyright 2000-2001, 2003, 2004, 2006, 2007 by */
+/* David Turner, Robert Wilhelm, and Werner Lemberg. */
+/* */
+/* This file is part of the FreeType project, and may only be used, */
+/* modified, and distributed under the terms of the FreeType project */
+/* license, LICENSE.TXT. By continuing to use, modify, or distribute */
+/* this file you indicate that you have read the license and */
+/* understand and accept it fully. */
+/* */
+ /*
+ *
+ * FTC_GCache is an _abstract_ cache object optimized to store glyph
+ * data. It works as follows:
+ *
+ * - It manages FTC_GNode objects. Each one of them can hold one or more
+ * glyph `items'. Item types are not specified in the FTC_GCache but
+ * in classes that extend it.
+ *
+ * - Glyph attributes, like face ID, character size, render mode, etc.,
+ * can be grouped into abstract `glyph families'. This avoids storing
+ * the attributes within the FTC_GCache, since it is likely that many
+ * FTC_GNodes will belong to the same family in typical uses.
+ *
+ * - Each FTC_GNode is thus an FTC_Node with two additional fields:
+ *
+ * * gindex: A glyph index, or the first index in a glyph range.
+ * * family: A pointer to a glyph `family'.
+ *
+ * - Family types are not fully specific in the FTC_Family type, but
+ * by classes that extend it.
+ *
+ * Note that both FTC_ImageCache and FTC_SBitCache extend FTC_GCache.
+ * They share an FTC_Family sub-class called FTC_BasicFamily which is
+ * used to store the following data: face ID, pixel/point sizes, load
+ * flags. For more details see the file `src/cache/ftcbasic.c'.
+ *
+ * Client applications can extend FTC_GNode with their own FTC_GNode
+ * and FTC_Family sub-classes to implement more complex caches (e.g.,
+ * handling automatic synthesis, like obliquing & emboldening, colored
+ * glyphs, etc.).
+ *
+ * See also the FTC_ICache & FTC_SCache classes in `ftcimage.h' and
+ * `ftcsbits.h', which both extend FTC_GCache with additional
+ * optimizations.
+ *
+ * A typical FTC_GCache implementation must provide at least the
+ * following:
+ *
+ * - FTC_GNode sub-class, e.g. MyNode, with relevant methods:
+ * my_node_new (must call FTC_GNode_Init)
+ * my_node_free (must call FTC_GNode_Done)
+ * my_node_compare (must call FTC_GNode_Compare)
+ * my_node_remove_faceid (must call ftc_gnode_unselect in case
+ * of match)
+ *
+ * - FTC_Family sub-class, e.g. MyFamily, with relevant methods:
+ * my_family_compare
+ * my_family_init
+ * my_family_reset (optional)
+ * my_family_done
+ *
+ * - FTC_GQuery sub-class, e.g. MyQuery, to hold cache-specific query
+ * data.
+ *
+ * - Constant structures for a FTC_GNodeClass.
+ *
+ * - MyCacheNew() can be implemented easily as a call to the convenience
+ * function FTC_GCache_New.
+ *
+ * - MyCacheLookup with a call to FTC_GCache_Lookup. This function will
+ * automatically:
+ *
+ * - Search for the corresponding family in the cache, or create
+ * a new one if necessary. Put it in FTC_GQUERY(myquery).family
+ *
+ * - Call FTC_Cache_Lookup.
+ *
+ * If it returns NULL, you should create a new node, then call
+ * ftc_cache_add as usual.
+ */
+ /*************************************************************************/
+ /* */
+ /* Important: The functions defined in this file are only used to */
+ /* implement an abstract glyph cache class. You need to */
+ /* provide additional logic to implement a complete cache. */
+ /* */
+ /*************************************************************************/
+ /*************************************************************************/
+ /*************************************************************************/
+ /*************************************************************************/
+ /*************************************************************************/
+ /*************************************************************************/
+ /********* *********/
+ /********* WARNING, THIS IS BETA CODE. *********/
+ /********* *********/
+ /*************************************************************************/
+ /*************************************************************************/
+ /*************************************************************************/
+ /*************************************************************************/
+ /*************************************************************************/
+#ifndef __FTCGLYPH_H__
+#define __FTCGLYPH_H__
+#include <ft2build.h>
+#include "ftcmanag.h"
+ /*
+ * We can group glyphs into `families'. Each family correspond to a
+ * given face ID, character size, transform, etc.
+ *
+ * Families are implemented as MRU list nodes. They are
+ * reference-counted.
+ */
+ typedef struct FTC_FamilyRec_
+ {
+ FTC_MruNodeRec mrunode;
+ FT_UInt num_nodes; /* current number of nodes in this family */
+ FTC_Cache cache;
+ FTC_MruListClass clazz;
+ } FTC_FamilyRec, *FTC_Family;
+#define FTC_FAMILY(x) ( (FTC_Family)(x) )
+#define FTC_FAMILY_P(x) ( (FTC_Family*)(x) )
+ typedef struct FTC_GNodeRec_
+ {
+ FTC_NodeRec node;
+ FTC_Family family;
+ FT_UInt gindex;
+ } FTC_GNodeRec, *FTC_GNode;
+#define FTC_GNODE( x ) ( (FTC_GNode)(x) )
+#define FTC_GNODE_P( x ) ( (FTC_GNode*)(x) )
+ typedef struct FTC_GQueryRec_
+ {
+ FT_UInt gindex;
+ FTC_Family family;
+ } FTC_GQueryRec, *FTC_GQuery;
+#define FTC_GQUERY( x ) ( (FTC_GQuery)(x) )
+ /*************************************************************************/
+ /* */
+ /* These functions are exported so that they can be called from */
+ /* user-provided cache classes; otherwise, they are really part of the */
+ /* cache sub-system internals. */
+ /* */
+ /* must be called by derived FTC_Node_InitFunc routines */
+ FT_LOCAL( void )
+ FTC_GNode_Init( FTC_GNode node,
+ FT_UInt gindex, /* glyph index for node */
+ FTC_Family family );
+ /* returns TRUE iff the query's glyph index correspond to the node; */
+ /* this assumes that the `family' and `hash' fields of the query are */
+ /* already correctly set */
+ FT_LOCAL( FT_Bool )
+ FTC_GNode_Compare( FTC_GNode gnode,
+ FTC_GQuery gquery );
+ /* call this function to clear a node's family -- this is necessary */
+ /* to implement the `node_remove_faceid' cache method correctly */
+ FT_LOCAL( void )
+ FTC_GNode_UnselectFamily( FTC_GNode gnode,
+ FTC_Cache cache );
+ /* must be called by derived FTC_Node_DoneFunc routines */
+ FT_LOCAL( void )
+ FTC_GNode_Done( FTC_GNode node,
+ FTC_Cache cache );
+ FT_LOCAL( void )
+ FTC_Family_Init( FTC_Family family,
+ FTC_Cache cache );
+ typedef struct FTC_GCacheRec_
+ {
+ FTC_CacheRec cache;
+ FTC_MruListRec families;
+ } FTC_GCacheRec, *FTC_GCache;
+#define FTC_GCACHE( x ) ((FTC_GCache)(x))
+#if 0
+ /* can be used as @FTC_Cache_InitFunc */
+ FT_LOCAL( FT_Error )
+ FTC_GCache_Init( FTC_GCache cache );
+#if 0
+ /* can be used as @FTC_Cache_DoneFunc */
+ FT_LOCAL( void )
+ FTC_GCache_Done( FTC_GCache cache );
+ /* the glyph cache class adds fields for the family implementation */
+ typedef struct FTC_GCacheClassRec_
+ {
+ FTC_CacheClassRec clazz;
+ FTC_MruListClass family_class;
+ } FTC_GCacheClassRec;
+ typedef const FTC_GCacheClassRec* FTC_GCacheClass;
+#define FTC_GCACHE_CLASS( x ) ((FTC_GCacheClass)(x))
+#define FTC_CACHE__GCACHE_CLASS( x ) \
+ FTC_GCACHE_CLASS( FTC_CACHE(x)->org_class )
+#define FTC_CACHE__FAMILY_CLASS( x ) \
+ ( (FTC_MruListClass)FTC_CACHE__GCACHE_CLASS( x )->family_class )
+ /* convenience function; use it instead of FTC_Manager_Register_Cache */
+ FT_LOCAL( FT_Error )
+ FTC_GCache_New( FTC_Manager manager,
+ FTC_GCacheClass clazz,
+ FTC_GCache *acache );
+#ifndef FTC_INLINE
+ FT_LOCAL( FT_Error )
+ FTC_GCache_Lookup( FTC_GCache cache,
+ FT_UInt32 hash,
+ FT_UInt gindex,
+ FTC_GQuery query,
+ FTC_Node *anode );
+ /* */
+#define FTC_FAMILY_FREE( family, cache ) \
+ FTC_MruList_Remove( &FTC_GCACHE((cache))->families, \
+ (FTC_MruNode)(family) )
+#ifdef FTC_INLINE
+#define FTC_GCACHE_LOOKUP_CMP( cache, famcmp, nodecmp, hash, \
+ gindex, query, node, error ) \
+ FTC_GCache _gcache = FTC_GCACHE( cache ); \
+ FTC_GQuery _gquery = (FTC_GQuery)( query ); \
+ FTC_MruNode_CompareFunc _fcompare = (FTC_MruNode_CompareFunc)(famcmp); \
+ \
+ \
+ _gquery->gindex = (gindex); \
+ \
+ FTC_MRULIST_LOOKUP_CMP( &_gcache->families, _gquery, _fcompare, \
+ _gquery->family, error ); \
+ if ( !error ) \
+ { \
+ FTC_Family _gqfamily = _gquery->family; \
+ \
+ \
+ _gqfamily->num_nodes++; \
+ \
+ FTC_CACHE_LOOKUP_CMP( cache, nodecmp, hash, query, node, error ); \
+ \
+ if ( --_gqfamily->num_nodes == 0 ) \
+ FTC_FAMILY_FREE( _gqfamily, _gcache ); \
+ } \
+ /* */
+#else /* !FTC_INLINE */
+#define FTC_GCACHE_LOOKUP_CMP( cache, famcmp, nodecmp, hash, \
+ gindex, query, node, error ) \
+ void* _n = &(node); \
+ \
+ \
+ error = FTC_GCache_Lookup( FTC_GCACHE( cache ), hash, gindex, \
+ FTC_GQUERY( query ), (FTC_Node*)_n ); \
+#endif /* !FTC_INLINE */
+#endif /* __FTCGLYPH_H__ */
+/* END */
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/freetype/src/cache/ftcimage.c b/src/3rdparty/freetype/src/cache/ftcimage.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..15d4e80c8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/freetype/src/cache/ftcimage.c
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+/* */
+/* ftcimage.c */
+/* */
+/* FreeType Image cache (body). */
+/* */
+/* Copyright 2000-2001, 2003, 2004, 2006 by */
+/* David Turner, Robert Wilhelm, and Werner Lemberg. */
+/* */
+/* This file is part of the FreeType project, and may only be used, */
+/* modified, and distributed under the terms of the FreeType project */
+/* license, LICENSE.TXT. By continuing to use, modify, or distribute */
+/* this file you indicate that you have read the license and */
+/* understand and accept it fully. */
+/* */
+#include <ft2build.h>
+#include FT_CACHE_H
+#include "ftcimage.h"
+#include "ftccback.h"
+#include "ftcerror.h"
+ /* finalize a given glyph image node */
+ FT_LOCAL_DEF( void )
+ ftc_inode_free( FTC_Node ftcinode,
+ FTC_Cache cache )
+ {
+ FTC_INode inode = (FTC_INode)ftcinode;
+ FT_Memory memory = cache->memory;
+ if ( inode->glyph )
+ {
+ FT_Done_Glyph( inode->glyph );
+ inode->glyph = NULL;
+ }
+ FTC_GNode_Done( FTC_GNODE( inode ), cache );
+ FT_FREE( inode );
+ }
+ FT_LOCAL_DEF( void )
+ FTC_INode_Free( FTC_INode inode,
+ FTC_Cache cache )
+ {
+ ftc_inode_free( FTC_NODE( inode ), cache );
+ }
+ /* initialize a new glyph image node */
+ FT_LOCAL_DEF( FT_Error )
+ FTC_INode_New( FTC_INode *pinode,
+ FTC_GQuery gquery,
+ FTC_Cache cache )
+ {
+ FT_Memory memory = cache->memory;
+ FT_Error error;
+ FTC_INode inode;
+ if ( !FT_NEW( inode ) )
+ {
+ FTC_GNode gnode = FTC_GNODE( inode );
+ FTC_Family family = gquery->family;
+ FT_UInt gindex = gquery->gindex;
+ FTC_IFamilyClass clazz = FTC_CACHE__IFAMILY_CLASS( cache );
+ /* initialize its inner fields */
+ FTC_GNode_Init( gnode, gindex, family );
+ /* we will now load the glyph image */
+ error = clazz->family_load_glyph( family, gindex, cache,
+ &inode->glyph );
+ if ( error )
+ {
+ FTC_INode_Free( inode, cache );
+ inode = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ *pinode = inode;
+ return error;
+ }
+ FT_LOCAL_DEF( FT_Error )
+ ftc_inode_new( FTC_Node *ftcpinode,
+ FT_Pointer ftcgquery,
+ FTC_Cache cache )
+ {
+ FTC_INode *pinode = (FTC_INode*)ftcpinode;
+ FTC_GQuery gquery = (FTC_GQuery)ftcgquery;
+ return FTC_INode_New( pinode, gquery, cache );
+ }
+ ftc_inode_weight( FTC_Node ftcinode,
+ FTC_Cache ftccache )
+ {
+ FTC_INode inode = (FTC_INode)ftcinode;
+ FT_ULong size = 0;
+ FT_Glyph glyph = inode->glyph;
+ FT_UNUSED( ftccache );
+ switch ( glyph->format )
+ {
+ {
+ FT_BitmapGlyph bitg;
+ bitg = (FT_BitmapGlyph)glyph;
+ size = bitg->bitmap.rows * ft_labs( bitg->bitmap.pitch ) +
+ sizeof ( *bitg );
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ FT_OutlineGlyph outg;
+ outg = (FT_OutlineGlyph)glyph;
+ size = outg->outline.n_points *
+ ( sizeof ( FT_Vector ) + sizeof ( FT_Byte ) ) +
+ outg->outline.n_contours * sizeof ( FT_Short ) +
+ sizeof ( *outg );
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ ;
+ }
+ size += sizeof ( *inode );
+ return size;
+ }
+#if 0
+ FTC_INode_Weight( FTC_INode inode )
+ {
+ return ftc_inode_weight( FTC_NODE( inode ), NULL );
+ }
+#endif /* 0 */
+/* END */
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/freetype/src/cache/ftcimage.h b/src/3rdparty/freetype/src/cache/ftcimage.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..20d5d3e07d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/freetype/src/cache/ftcimage.h
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+/* */
+/* ftcimage.h */
+/* */
+/* FreeType Generic Image cache (specification) */
+/* */
+/* Copyright 2000-2001, 2002, 2003, 2006 by */
+/* David Turner, Robert Wilhelm, and Werner Lemberg. */
+/* */
+/* This file is part of the FreeType project, and may only be used, */
+/* modified, and distributed under the terms of the FreeType project */
+/* license, LICENSE.TXT. By continuing to use, modify, or distribute */
+/* this file you indicate that you have read the license and */
+/* understand and accept it fully. */
+/* */
+ /*
+ * FTC_ICache is an _abstract_ cache used to store a single FT_Glyph
+ * image per cache node.
+ *
+ * FTC_ICache extends FTC_GCache. For an implementation example,
+ * see FTC_ImageCache in `src/cache/ftbasic.c'.
+ */
+ /*************************************************************************/
+ /* */
+ /* Each image cache really manages FT_Glyph objects. */
+ /* */
+ /*************************************************************************/
+#ifndef __FTCIMAGE_H__
+#define __FTCIMAGE_H__
+#include <ft2build.h>
+#include FT_CACHE_H
+#include "ftcglyph.h"
+ /* the FT_Glyph image node type - we store only 1 glyph per node */
+ typedef struct FTC_INodeRec_
+ {
+ FTC_GNodeRec gnode;
+ FT_Glyph glyph;
+ } FTC_INodeRec, *FTC_INode;
+#define FTC_INODE( x ) ( (FTC_INode)( x ) )
+#define FTC_INODE_GINDEX( x ) FTC_GNODE(x)->gindex
+#define FTC_INODE_FAMILY( x ) FTC_GNODE(x)->family
+ typedef FT_Error
+ (*FTC_IFamily_LoadGlyphFunc)( FTC_Family family,
+ FT_UInt gindex,
+ FTC_Cache cache,
+ FT_Glyph *aglyph );
+ typedef struct FTC_IFamilyClassRec_
+ {
+ FTC_MruListClassRec clazz;
+ FTC_IFamily_LoadGlyphFunc family_load_glyph;
+ } FTC_IFamilyClassRec;
+ typedef const FTC_IFamilyClassRec* FTC_IFamilyClass;
+#define FTC_IFAMILY_CLASS( x ) ((FTC_IFamilyClass)(x))
+#define FTC_CACHE__IFAMILY_CLASS( x ) \
+ /* can be used as a @FTC_Node_FreeFunc */
+ FT_LOCAL( void )
+ FTC_INode_Free( FTC_INode inode,
+ FTC_Cache cache );
+ /* Can be used as @FTC_Node_NewFunc. `gquery.index' and `'
+ * must be set correctly. This function will call the `family_load_glyph'
+ * method to load the FT_Glyph into the cache node.
+ */
+ FT_LOCAL( FT_Error )
+ FTC_INode_New( FTC_INode *pinode,
+ FTC_GQuery gquery,
+ FTC_Cache cache );
+#if 0
+ /* can be used as @FTC_Node_WeightFunc */
+ FT_LOCAL( FT_ULong )
+ FTC_INode_Weight( FTC_INode inode );
+ /* */
+#endif /* __FTCIMAGE_H__ */
+/* END */
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/freetype/src/cache/ftcmanag.c b/src/3rdparty/freetype/src/cache/ftcmanag.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4d44094ce3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/freetype/src/cache/ftcmanag.c
@@ -0,0 +1,733 @@
+/* */
+/* ftcmanag.c */
+/* */
+/* FreeType Cache Manager (body). */
+/* */
+/* Copyright 2000-2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2008, 2009 by */
+/* David Turner, Robert Wilhelm, and Werner Lemberg. */
+/* */
+/* This file is part of the FreeType project, and may only be used, */
+/* modified, and distributed under the terms of the FreeType project */
+/* license, LICENSE.TXT. By continuing to use, modify, or distribute */
+/* this file you indicate that you have read the license and */
+/* understand and accept it fully. */
+/* */
+#include <ft2build.h>
+#include FT_CACHE_H
+#include "ftcmanag.h"
+#include FT_SIZES_H
+#include "ftccback.h"
+#include "ftcerror.h"
+#define FT_COMPONENT trace_cache
+#define FTC_LRU_GET_MANAGER( lru ) ( (FTC_Manager)(lru)->user_data )
+ static FT_Error
+ ftc_scaler_lookup_size( FTC_Manager manager,
+ FTC_Scaler scaler,
+ FT_Size *asize )
+ {
+ FT_Face face;
+ FT_Size size = NULL;
+ FT_Error error;
+ error = FTC_Manager_LookupFace( manager, scaler->face_id, &face );
+ if ( error )
+ goto Exit;
+ error = FT_New_Size( face, &size );
+ if ( error )
+ goto Exit;
+ FT_Activate_Size( size );
+ if ( scaler->pixel )
+ error = FT_Set_Pixel_Sizes( face, scaler->width, scaler->height );
+ else
+ error = FT_Set_Char_Size( face, scaler->width, scaler->height,
+ scaler->x_res, scaler->y_res );
+ if ( error )
+ {
+ FT_Done_Size( size );
+ size = NULL;
+ }
+ Exit:
+ *asize = size;
+ return error;
+ }
+ typedef struct FTC_SizeNodeRec_
+ {
+ FTC_MruNodeRec node;
+ FT_Size size;
+ FTC_ScalerRec scaler;
+ } FTC_SizeNodeRec, *FTC_SizeNode;
+ ftc_size_node_done( FTC_MruNode ftcnode,
+ FT_Pointer data )
+ {
+ FTC_SizeNode node = (FTC_SizeNode)ftcnode;
+ FT_Size size = node->size;
+ FT_UNUSED( data );
+ if ( size )
+ FT_Done_Size( size );
+ }
+ ftc_size_node_compare( FTC_MruNode ftcnode,
+ FT_Pointer ftcscaler )
+ {
+ FTC_SizeNode node = (FTC_SizeNode)ftcnode;
+ FTC_Scaler scaler = (FTC_Scaler)ftcscaler;
+ FTC_Scaler scaler0 = &node->scaler;
+ if ( FTC_SCALER_COMPARE( scaler0, scaler ) )
+ {
+ FT_Activate_Size( node->size );
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ ftc_size_node_init( FTC_MruNode ftcnode,
+ FT_Pointer ftcscaler,
+ FT_Pointer ftcmanager )
+ {
+ FTC_SizeNode node = (FTC_SizeNode)ftcnode;
+ FTC_Scaler scaler = (FTC_Scaler)ftcscaler;
+ FTC_Manager manager = (FTC_Manager)ftcmanager;
+ node->scaler = scaler[0];
+ return ftc_scaler_lookup_size( manager, scaler, &node->size );
+ }
+ ftc_size_node_reset( FTC_MruNode ftcnode,
+ FT_Pointer ftcscaler,
+ FT_Pointer ftcmanager )
+ {
+ FTC_SizeNode node = (FTC_SizeNode)ftcnode;
+ FTC_Scaler scaler = (FTC_Scaler)ftcscaler;
+ FTC_Manager manager = (FTC_Manager)ftcmanager;
+ FT_Done_Size( node->size );
+ node->scaler = scaler[0];
+ return ftc_scaler_lookup_size( manager, scaler, &node->size );
+ }
+ const FTC_MruListClassRec ftc_size_list_class =
+ {
+ sizeof ( FTC_SizeNodeRec ),
+ ftc_size_node_compare,
+ ftc_size_node_init,
+ ftc_size_node_reset,
+ ftc_size_node_done
+ };
+ /* helper function used by ftc_face_node_done */
+ static FT_Bool
+ ftc_size_node_compare_faceid( FTC_MruNode ftcnode,
+ FT_Pointer ftcface_id )
+ {
+ FTC_SizeNode node = (FTC_SizeNode)ftcnode;
+ FTC_FaceID face_id = (FTC_FaceID)ftcface_id;
+ return FT_BOOL( node->scaler.face_id == face_id );
+ }
+ /* documentation is in ftcache.h */
+ FTC_Manager_LookupSize( FTC_Manager manager,
+ FTC_Scaler scaler,
+ FT_Size *asize )
+ {
+ FT_Error error;
+ FTC_SizeNode node;
+ if ( asize == NULL )
+ return FTC_Err_Invalid_Argument;
+ *asize = NULL;
+ if ( !manager )
+ return FTC_Err_Invalid_Cache_Handle;
+#ifdef FTC_INLINE
+ FTC_MRULIST_LOOKUP_CMP( &manager->sizes, scaler, ftc_size_node_compare,
+ node, error );
+ error = FTC_MruList_Lookup( &manager->sizes, scaler, (FTC_MruNode*)&node );
+ if ( !error )
+ *asize = node->size;
+ return error;
+ }
+ /*************************************************************************/
+ /*************************************************************************/
+ /***** *****/
+ /***** *****/
+ /*************************************************************************/
+ /*************************************************************************/
+ typedef struct FTC_FaceNodeRec_
+ {
+ FTC_MruNodeRec node;
+ FTC_FaceID face_id;
+ FT_Face face;
+ } FTC_FaceNodeRec, *FTC_FaceNode;
+ ftc_face_node_init( FTC_MruNode ftcnode,
+ FT_Pointer ftcface_id,
+ FT_Pointer ftcmanager )
+ {
+ FTC_FaceNode node = (FTC_FaceNode)ftcnode;
+ FTC_FaceID face_id = (FTC_FaceID)ftcface_id;
+ FTC_Manager manager = (FTC_Manager)ftcmanager;
+ FT_Error error;
+ node->face_id = face_id;
+ error = manager->request_face( face_id,
+ manager->library,
+ manager->request_data,
+ &node->face );
+ if ( !error )
+ {
+ /* destroy initial size object; it will be re-created later */
+ if ( node->face->size )
+ FT_Done_Size( node->face->size );
+ }
+ return error;
+ }
+ ftc_face_node_done( FTC_MruNode ftcnode,
+ FT_Pointer ftcmanager )
+ {
+ FTC_FaceNode node = (FTC_FaceNode)ftcnode;
+ FTC_Manager manager = (FTC_Manager)ftcmanager;
+ /* we must begin by removing all scalers for the target face */
+ /* from the manager's list */
+ FTC_MruList_RemoveSelection( &manager->sizes,
+ ftc_size_node_compare_faceid,
+ node->face_id );
+ /* all right, we can discard the face now */
+ FT_Done_Face( node->face );
+ node->face = NULL;
+ node->face_id = NULL;
+ }
+ ftc_face_node_compare( FTC_MruNode ftcnode,
+ FT_Pointer ftcface_id )
+ {
+ FTC_FaceNode node = (FTC_FaceNode)ftcnode;
+ FTC_FaceID face_id = (FTC_FaceID)ftcface_id;
+ return FT_BOOL( node->face_id == face_id );
+ }
+ const FTC_MruListClassRec ftc_face_list_class =
+ {
+ sizeof ( FTC_FaceNodeRec),
+ ftc_face_node_compare,
+ ftc_face_node_init,
+ 0, /* FTC_MruNode_ResetFunc */
+ ftc_face_node_done
+ };
+ /* documentation is in ftcache.h */
+ FTC_Manager_LookupFace( FTC_Manager manager,
+ FTC_FaceID face_id,
+ FT_Face *aface )
+ {
+ FT_Error error;
+ FTC_FaceNode node;
+ if ( aface == NULL )
+ return FTC_Err_Invalid_Argument;
+ *aface = NULL;
+ if ( !manager )
+ return FTC_Err_Invalid_Cache_Handle;
+ /* we break encapsulation for the sake of speed */
+#ifdef FTC_INLINE
+ FTC_MRULIST_LOOKUP_CMP( &manager->faces, face_id, ftc_face_node_compare,
+ node, error );
+ error = FTC_MruList_Lookup( &manager->faces, face_id, (FTC_MruNode*)&node );
+ if ( !error )
+ *aface = node->face;
+ return error;
+ }
+ /*************************************************************************/
+ /*************************************************************************/
+ /***** *****/
+ /***** *****/
+ /*************************************************************************/
+ /*************************************************************************/
+ /* documentation is in ftcache.h */
+ FTC_Manager_New( FT_Library library,
+ FT_UInt max_faces,
+ FT_UInt max_sizes,
+ FT_ULong max_bytes,
+ FTC_Face_Requester requester,
+ FT_Pointer req_data,
+ FTC_Manager *amanager )
+ {
+ FT_Error error;
+ FT_Memory memory;
+ FTC_Manager manager = 0;
+ if ( !library )
+ return FTC_Err_Invalid_Library_Handle;
+ memory = library->memory;
+ if ( FT_NEW( manager ) )
+ goto Exit;
+ if ( max_faces == 0 )
+ max_faces = FTC_MAX_FACES_DEFAULT;
+ if ( max_sizes == 0 )
+ max_sizes = FTC_MAX_SIZES_DEFAULT;
+ if ( max_bytes == 0 )
+ max_bytes = FTC_MAX_BYTES_DEFAULT;
+ manager->library = library;
+ manager->memory = memory;
+ manager->max_weight = max_bytes;
+ manager->request_face = requester;
+ manager->request_data = req_data;
+ FTC_MruList_Init( &manager->faces,
+ &ftc_face_list_class,
+ max_faces,
+ manager,
+ memory );
+ FTC_MruList_Init( &manager->sizes,
+ &ftc_size_list_class,
+ max_sizes,
+ manager,
+ memory );
+ *amanager = manager;
+ Exit:
+ return error;
+ }
+ /* documentation is in ftcache.h */
+ FT_EXPORT_DEF( void )
+ FTC_Manager_Done( FTC_Manager manager )
+ {
+ FT_Memory memory;
+ FT_UInt idx;
+ if ( !manager || !manager->library )
+ return;
+ memory = manager->memory;
+ /* now discard all caches */
+ for (idx = manager->num_caches; idx-- > 0; )
+ {
+ FTC_Cache cache = manager->caches[idx];
+ if ( cache )
+ {
+ cache->clazz.cache_done( cache );
+ FT_FREE( cache );
+ manager->caches[idx] = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ manager->num_caches = 0;
+ /* discard faces and sizes */
+ FTC_MruList_Done( &manager->sizes );
+ FTC_MruList_Done( &manager->faces );
+ manager->library = NULL;
+ manager->memory = NULL;
+ FT_FREE( manager );
+ }
+ /* documentation is in ftcache.h */
+ FT_EXPORT_DEF( void )
+ FTC_Manager_Reset( FTC_Manager manager )
+ {
+ if ( manager )
+ {
+ FTC_MruList_Reset( &manager->sizes );
+ FTC_MruList_Reset( &manager->faces );
+ }
+ /* XXX: FIXME: flush the caches? */
+ }
+ static void
+ FTC_Manager_Check( FTC_Manager manager )
+ {
+ FTC_Node node, first;
+ first = manager->nodes_list;
+ /* check node weights */
+ if ( first )
+ {
+ FT_ULong weight = 0;
+ node = first;
+ do
+ {
+ FTC_Cache cache = manager->caches[node->cache_index];
+ if ( (FT_UInt)node->cache_index >= manager->num_caches )
+ FT_ERROR(( "FTC_Manager_Check: invalid node (cache index = %ld\n",
+ node->cache_index ));
+ else
+ weight += cache->clazz.node_weight( node, cache );
+ node = FTC_NODE__NEXT( node );
+ } while ( node != first );
+ if ( weight != manager->cur_weight )
+ FT_ERROR(( "FTC_Manager_Check: invalid weight %ld instead of %ld\n",
+ manager->cur_weight, weight ));
+ }
+ /* check circular list */
+ if ( first )
+ {
+ FT_UFast count = 0;
+ node = first;
+ do
+ {
+ count++;
+ node = FTC_NODE__NEXT( node );
+ } while ( node != first );
+ if ( count != manager->num_nodes )
+ "FTC_Manager_Check: invalid cache node count %d instead of %d\n",
+ manager->num_nodes, count ));
+ }
+ }
+#endif /* FT_DEBUG_ERROR */
+ /* `Compress' the manager's data, i.e., get rid of old cache nodes */
+ /* that are not referenced anymore in order to limit the total */
+ /* memory used by the cache. */
+ /* documentation is in ftcmanag.h */
+ FT_LOCAL_DEF( void )
+ FTC_Manager_Compress( FTC_Manager manager )
+ {
+ FTC_Node node, first;
+ if ( !manager )
+ return;
+ first = manager->nodes_list;
+ FTC_Manager_Check( manager );
+ FT_ERROR(( "compressing, weight = %ld, max = %ld, nodes = %d\n",
+ manager->cur_weight, manager->max_weight,
+ manager->num_nodes ));
+ if ( manager->cur_weight < manager->max_weight || first == NULL )
+ return;
+ /* go to last node -- it's a circular list */
+ node = FTC_NODE__PREV( first );
+ do
+ {
+ FTC_Node prev;
+ prev = ( node == first ) ? NULL : FTC_NODE__PREV( node );
+ if ( node->ref_count <= 0 )
+ ftc_node_destroy( node, manager );
+ node = prev;
+ } while ( node && manager->cur_weight > manager->max_weight );
+ }
+ /* documentation is in ftcmanag.h */
+ FT_LOCAL_DEF( FT_Error )
+ FTC_Manager_RegisterCache( FTC_Manager manager,
+ FTC_CacheClass clazz,
+ FTC_Cache *acache )
+ {
+ FT_Error error = FTC_Err_Invalid_Argument;
+ FTC_Cache cache = NULL;
+ if ( manager && clazz && acache )
+ {
+ FT_Memory memory = manager->memory;
+ if ( manager->num_caches >= FTC_MAX_CACHES )
+ {
+ error = FTC_Err_Too_Many_Caches;
+ FT_ERROR(( "%s: too many registered caches\n",
+ "FTC_Manager_Register_Cache" ));
+ goto Exit;
+ }
+ if ( !FT_ALLOC( cache, clazz->cache_size ) )
+ {
+ cache->manager = manager;
+ cache->memory = memory;
+ cache->clazz = clazz[0];
+ cache->org_class = clazz;
+ cache->index = manager->num_caches;
+ error = clazz->cache_init( cache );
+ if ( error )
+ {
+ clazz->cache_done( cache );
+ FT_FREE( cache );
+ goto Exit;
+ }
+ manager->caches[manager->num_caches++] = cache;
+ }
+ }
+ Exit:
+ if ( acache )
+ *acache = cache;
+ return error;
+ }
+ FTC_Manager_FlushN( FTC_Manager manager,
+ FT_UInt count )
+ {
+ FTC_Node first = manager->nodes_list;
+ FTC_Node node;
+ FT_UInt result;
+ /* try to remove `count' nodes from the list */
+ if ( first == NULL ) /* empty list! */
+ return 0;
+ /* go to last node - it's a circular list */
+ node = FTC_NODE__PREV(first);
+ for ( result = 0; result < count; )
+ {
+ FTC_Node prev = FTC_NODE__PREV( node );
+ /* don't touch locked nodes */
+ if ( node->ref_count <= 0 )
+ {
+ ftc_node_destroy( node, manager );
+ result++;
+ }
+ if ( node == first )
+ break;
+ node = prev;
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ /* documentation is in ftcache.h */
+ FT_EXPORT_DEF( void )
+ FTC_Manager_RemoveFaceID( FTC_Manager manager,
+ FTC_FaceID face_id )
+ {
+ FT_UInt nn;
+ /* this will remove all FTC_SizeNode that correspond to
+ * the face_id as well
+ */
+ FTC_MruList_RemoveSelection( &manager->faces, NULL, face_id );
+ for ( nn = 0; nn < manager->num_caches; nn++ )
+ FTC_Cache_RemoveFaceID( manager->caches[nn], face_id );
+ }
+ /* documentation is in ftcache.h */
+ FT_EXPORT_DEF( void )
+ FTC_Node_Unref( FTC_Node node,
+ FTC_Manager manager )
+ {
+ if ( node && (FT_UInt)node->cache_index < manager->num_caches )
+ node->ref_count--;
+ }
+ FTC_Manager_Lookup_Face( FTC_Manager manager,
+ FTC_FaceID face_id,
+ FT_Face *aface )
+ {
+ return FTC_Manager_LookupFace( manager, face_id, aface );
+ }
+ FT_EXPORT( FT_Error )
+ FTC_Manager_Lookup_Size( FTC_Manager manager,
+ FTC_Font font,
+ FT_Face *aface,
+ FT_Size *asize )
+ {
+ FTC_ScalerRec scaler;
+ FT_Error error;
+ FT_Size size;
+ FT_Face face;
+ scaler.face_id = font->face_id;
+ scaler.width = font->pix_width;
+ scaler.height = font->pix_height;
+ scaler.pixel = TRUE;
+ scaler.x_res = 0;
+ scaler.y_res = 0;
+ error = FTC_Manager_LookupSize( manager, &scaler, &size );
+ if ( error )
+ {
+ face = NULL;
+ size = NULL;
+ }
+ else
+ face = size->face;
+ if ( aface )
+ *aface = face;
+ if ( asize )
+ *asize = size;
+ return error;
+ }
+/* END */
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/freetype/src/cache/ftcmanag.h b/src/3rdparty/freetype/src/cache/ftcmanag.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3fdc2c773b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/freetype/src/cache/ftcmanag.h
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+/* */
+/* ftcmanag.h */
+/* */
+/* FreeType Cache Manager (specification). */
+/* */
+/* Copyright 2000-2001, 2003, 2004, 2006 by */
+/* David Turner, Robert Wilhelm, and Werner Lemberg. */
+/* */
+/* This file is part of the FreeType project, and may only be used, */
+/* modified, and distributed under the terms of the FreeType project */
+/* license, LICENSE.TXT. By continuing to use, modify, or distribute */
+/* this file you indicate that you have read the license and */
+/* understand and accept it fully. */
+/* */
+ /*************************************************************************/
+ /* */
+ /* A cache manager is in charge of the following: */
+ /* */
+ /* - Maintain a mapping between generic FTC_FaceIDs and live FT_Face */
+ /* objects. The mapping itself is performed through a user-provided */
+ /* callback. However, the manager maintains a small cache of FT_Face */
+ /* and FT_Size objects in order to speed up things considerably. */
+ /* */
+ /* - Manage one or more cache objects. Each cache is in charge of */
+ /* holding a varying number of `cache nodes'. Each cache node */
+ /* represents a minimal amount of individually accessible cached */
+ /* data. For example, a cache node can be an FT_Glyph image */
+ /* containing a vector outline, or some glyph metrics, or anything */
+ /* else. */
+ /* */
+ /* Each cache node has a certain size in bytes that is added to the */
+ /* total amount of `cache memory' within the manager. */
+ /* */
+ /* All cache nodes are located in a global LRU list, where the oldest */
+ /* node is at the tail of the list. */
+ /* */
+ /* Each node belongs to a single cache, and includes a reference */
+ /* count to avoid destroying it (due to caching). */
+ /* */
+ /*************************************************************************/
+ /*************************************************************************/
+ /*************************************************************************/
+ /*************************************************************************/
+ /*************************************************************************/
+ /*************************************************************************/
+ /********* *********/
+ /********* WARNING, THIS IS BETA CODE. *********/
+ /********* *********/
+ /*************************************************************************/
+ /*************************************************************************/
+ /*************************************************************************/
+ /*************************************************************************/
+ /*************************************************************************/
+#ifndef __FTCMANAG_H__
+#define __FTCMANAG_H__
+#include <ft2build.h>
+#include FT_CACHE_H
+#include "ftcmru.h"
+#include "ftccache.h"
+ /*************************************************************************/
+ /* */
+ /* <Section> */
+ /* cache_subsystem */
+ /* */
+ /*************************************************************************/
+#define FTC_MAX_BYTES_DEFAULT 200000L /* ~200kByte by default */
+ /* maximum number of caches registered in a single manager */
+#define FTC_MAX_CACHES 16
+ typedef struct FTC_ManagerRec_
+ {
+ FT_Library library;
+ FT_Memory memory;
+ FTC_Node nodes_list;
+ FT_ULong max_weight;
+ FT_ULong cur_weight;
+ FT_UInt num_nodes;
+ FTC_Cache caches[FTC_MAX_CACHES];
+ FT_UInt num_caches;
+ FTC_MruListRec faces;
+ FTC_MruListRec sizes;
+ FT_Pointer request_data;
+ FTC_Face_Requester request_face;
+ } FTC_ManagerRec;
+ /*************************************************************************/
+ /* */
+ /* <Function> */
+ /* FTC_Manager_Compress */
+ /* */
+ /* <Description> */
+ /* This function is used to check the state of the cache manager if */
+ /* its `num_bytes' field is greater than its `max_bytes' field. It */
+ /* will flush as many old cache nodes as possible (ignoring cache */
+ /* nodes with a non-zero reference count). */
+ /* */
+ /* <InOut> */
+ /* manager :: A handle to the cache manager. */
+ /* */
+ /* <Note> */
+ /* Client applications should not call this function directly. It is */
+ /* normally invoked by specific cache implementations. */
+ /* */
+ /* The reason this function is exported is to allow client-specific */
+ /* cache classes. */
+ /* */
+ FT_LOCAL( void )
+ FTC_Manager_Compress( FTC_Manager manager );
+ /* try to flush `count' old nodes from the cache; return the number
+ * of really flushed nodes
+ */
+ FTC_Manager_FlushN( FTC_Manager manager,
+ FT_UInt count );
+ /* this must be used internally for the moment */
+ FT_LOCAL( FT_Error )
+ FTC_Manager_RegisterCache( FTC_Manager manager,
+ FTC_CacheClass clazz,
+ FTC_Cache *acache );
+ /* */
+#define FTC_SCALER_COMPARE( a, b ) \
+ ( (a)->face_id == (b)->face_id && \
+ (a)->width == (b)->width && \
+ (a)->height == (b)->height && \
+ ((a)->pixel != 0) == ((b)->pixel != 0) && \
+ ( (a)->pixel || \
+ ( (a)->x_res == (b)->x_res && \
+ (a)->y_res == (b)->y_res ) ) )
+#define FTC_SCALER_HASH( q ) \
+ ( FTC_FACE_ID_HASH( (q)->face_id ) + \
+ (q)->width + (q)->height*7 + \
+ ( (q)->pixel ? 0 : ( (q)->x_res*33 ^ (q)->y_res*61 ) ) )
+ /* */
+#endif /* __FTCMANAG_H__ */
+/* END */
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/freetype/src/cache/ftcmru.c b/src/3rdparty/freetype/src/cache/ftcmru.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3a6c625afa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/freetype/src/cache/ftcmru.c
@@ -0,0 +1,357 @@
+/* */
+/* ftcmru.c */
+/* */
+/* FreeType MRU support (body). */
+/* */
+/* Copyright 2003, 2004, 2006 by */
+/* David Turner, Robert Wilhelm, and Werner Lemberg. */
+/* */
+/* This file is part of the FreeType project, and may only be used, */
+/* modified, and distributed under the terms of the FreeType project */
+/* license, LICENSE.TXT. By continuing to use, modify, or distribute */
+/* this file you indicate that you have read the license and */
+/* understand and accept it fully. */
+/* */
+#include <ft2build.h>
+#include FT_CACHE_H
+#include "ftcmru.h"
+#include "ftcerror.h"
+ FT_LOCAL_DEF( void )
+ FTC_MruNode_Prepend( FTC_MruNode *plist,
+ FTC_MruNode node )
+ {
+ FTC_MruNode first = *plist;
+ if ( first )
+ {
+ FTC_MruNode last = first->prev;
+ {
+ FTC_MruNode cnode = first;
+ do
+ {
+ if ( cnode == node )
+ {
+ fprintf( stderr, "FTC_MruNode_Prepend: invalid action!\n" );
+ exit( 2 );
+ }
+ cnode = cnode->next;
+ } while ( cnode != first );
+ }
+ first->prev = node;
+ last->next = node;
+ node->next = first;
+ node->prev = last;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ node->next = node;
+ node->prev = node;
+ }
+ *plist = node;
+ }
+ FT_LOCAL_DEF( void )
+ FTC_MruNode_Up( FTC_MruNode *plist,
+ FTC_MruNode node )
+ {
+ FTC_MruNode first = *plist;
+ FT_ASSERT( first != NULL );
+ if ( first != node )
+ {
+ FTC_MruNode prev, next, last;
+ {
+ FTC_MruNode cnode = first;
+ do
+ {
+ if ( cnode == node )
+ goto Ok;
+ cnode = cnode->next;
+ } while ( cnode != first );
+ fprintf( stderr, "FTC_MruNode_Up: invalid action!\n" );
+ exit( 2 );
+ Ok:
+ }
+ prev = node->prev;
+ next = node->next;
+ prev->next = next;
+ next->prev = prev;
+ last = first->prev;
+ last->next = node;
+ first->prev = node;
+ node->next = first;
+ node->prev = last;
+ *plist = node;
+ }
+ }
+ FT_LOCAL_DEF( void )
+ FTC_MruNode_Remove( FTC_MruNode *plist,
+ FTC_MruNode node )
+ {
+ FTC_MruNode first = *plist;
+ FTC_MruNode prev, next;
+ FT_ASSERT( first != NULL );
+ {
+ FTC_MruNode cnode = first;
+ do
+ {
+ if ( cnode == node )
+ goto Ok;
+ cnode = cnode->next;
+ } while ( cnode != first );
+ fprintf( stderr, "FTC_MruNode_Remove: invalid action!\n" );
+ exit( 2 );
+ Ok:
+ }
+ prev = node->prev;
+ next = node->next;
+ prev->next = next;
+ next->prev = prev;
+ if ( node == next )
+ {
+ FT_ASSERT( first == node );
+ FT_ASSERT( prev == node );
+ *plist = NULL;
+ }
+ else if ( node == first )
+ *plist = next;
+ }
+ FT_LOCAL_DEF( void )
+ FTC_MruList_Init( FTC_MruList list,
+ FTC_MruListClass clazz,
+ FT_UInt max_nodes,
+ FT_Pointer data,
+ FT_Memory memory )
+ {
+ list->num_nodes = 0;
+ list->max_nodes = max_nodes;
+ list->nodes = NULL;
+ list->clazz = *clazz;
+ list->data = data;
+ list->memory = memory;
+ }
+ FT_LOCAL_DEF( void )
+ FTC_MruList_Reset( FTC_MruList list )
+ {
+ while ( list->nodes )
+ FTC_MruList_Remove( list, list->nodes );
+ FT_ASSERT( list->num_nodes == 0 );
+ }
+ FT_LOCAL_DEF( void )
+ FTC_MruList_Done( FTC_MruList list )
+ {
+ FTC_MruList_Reset( list );
+ }
+#ifndef FTC_INLINE
+ FTC_MruList_Find( FTC_MruList list,
+ FT_Pointer key )
+ {
+ FTC_MruNode_CompareFunc compare = list->clazz.node_compare;
+ FTC_MruNode first, node;
+ first = list->nodes;
+ node = NULL;
+ if ( first )
+ {
+ node = first;
+ do
+ {
+ if ( compare( node, key ) )
+ {
+ if ( node != first )
+ FTC_MruNode_Up( &list->nodes, node );
+ return node;
+ }
+ node = node->next;
+ } while ( node != first);
+ }
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ FT_LOCAL_DEF( FT_Error )
+ FTC_MruList_New( FTC_MruList list,
+ FT_Pointer key,
+ FTC_MruNode *anode )
+ {
+ FT_Error error;
+ FTC_MruNode node;
+ FT_Memory memory = list->memory;
+ if ( list->num_nodes >= list->max_nodes && list->max_nodes > 0 )
+ {
+ node = list->nodes->prev;
+ FT_ASSERT( node );
+ if ( list->clazz.node_reset )
+ {
+ FTC_MruNode_Up( &list->nodes, node );
+ error = list->clazz.node_reset( node, key, list->data );
+ if ( !error )
+ goto Exit;
+ }
+ FTC_MruNode_Remove( &list->nodes, node );
+ list->num_nodes--;
+ if ( list->clazz.node_done )
+ list->clazz.node_done( node, list->data );
+ }
+ else if ( FT_ALLOC( node, list->clazz.node_size ) )
+ goto Exit;
+ error = list->clazz.node_init( node, key, list->data );
+ if ( error )
+ goto Fail;
+ FTC_MruNode_Prepend( &list->nodes, node );
+ list->num_nodes++;
+ Exit:
+ *anode = node;
+ return error;
+ Fail:
+ if ( list->clazz.node_done )
+ list->clazz.node_done( node, list->data );
+ FT_FREE( node );
+ goto Exit;
+ }
+#ifndef FTC_INLINE
+ FT_LOCAL_DEF( FT_Error )
+ FTC_MruList_Lookup( FTC_MruList list,
+ FT_Pointer key,
+ FTC_MruNode *anode )
+ {
+ FTC_MruNode node;
+ node = FTC_MruList_Find( list, key );
+ if ( node == NULL )
+ return FTC_MruList_New( list, key, anode );
+ *anode = node;
+ return 0;
+ }
+#endif /* FTC_INLINE */
+ FT_LOCAL_DEF( void )
+ FTC_MruList_Remove( FTC_MruList list,
+ FTC_MruNode node )
+ {
+ FTC_MruNode_Remove( &list->nodes, node );
+ list->num_nodes--;
+ {
+ FT_Memory memory = list->memory;
+ if ( list->clazz.node_done )
+ list->clazz.node_done( node, list->data );
+ FT_FREE( node );
+ }
+ }
+ FT_LOCAL_DEF( void )
+ FTC_MruList_RemoveSelection( FTC_MruList list,
+ FTC_MruNode_CompareFunc selection,
+ FT_Pointer key )
+ {
+ FTC_MruNode first, node, next;
+ first = list->nodes;
+ while ( first && ( selection == NULL || selection( first, key ) ) )
+ {
+ FTC_MruList_Remove( list, first );
+ first = list->nodes;
+ }
+ if ( first )
+ {
+ node = first->next;
+ while ( node != first )
+ {
+ next = node->next;
+ if ( selection( node, key ) )
+ FTC_MruList_Remove( list, node );
+ node = next;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* END */
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/freetype/src/cache/ftcmru.h b/src/3rdparty/freetype/src/cache/ftcmru.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c8f0c6ef6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/freetype/src/cache/ftcmru.h
@@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
+/* */
+/* ftcmru.h */
+/* */
+/* Simple MRU list-cache (specification). */
+/* */
+/* Copyright 2000-2001, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 by */
+/* David Turner, Robert Wilhelm, and Werner Lemberg. */
+/* */
+/* This file is part of the FreeType project, and may only be used, */
+/* modified, and distributed under the terms of the FreeType project */
+/* license, LICENSE.TXT. By continuing to use, modify, or distribute */
+/* this file you indicate that you have read the license and */
+/* understand and accept it fully. */
+/* */
+ /*************************************************************************/
+ /* */
+ /* An MRU is a list that cannot hold more than a certain number of */
+ /* elements (`max_elements'). All elements in the list are sorted in */
+ /* least-recently-used order, i.e., the `oldest' element is at the tail */
+ /* of the list. */
+ /* */
+ /* When doing a lookup (either through `Lookup()' or `Lookup_Node()'), */
+ /* the list is searched for an element with the corresponding key. If */
+ /* it is found, the element is moved to the head of the list and is */
+ /* returned. */
+ /* */
+ /* If no corresponding element is found, the lookup routine will try to */
+ /* obtain a new element with the relevant key. If the list is already */
+ /* full, the oldest element from the list is discarded and replaced by a */
+ /* new one; a new element is added to the list otherwise. */
+ /* */
+ /* Note that it is possible to pre-allocate the element list nodes. */
+ /* This is handy if `max_elements' is sufficiently small, as it saves */
+ /* allocations/releases during the lookup process. */
+ /* */
+ /*************************************************************************/
+#ifndef __FTCMRU_H__
+#define __FTCMRU_H__
+#include <ft2build.h>
+#include FT_FREETYPE_H
+#ifdef FREETYPE_H
+#error "freetype.h of FreeType 1 has been loaded!"
+#error "Please fix the directory search order for header files"
+#error "so that freetype.h of FreeType 2 is found first."
+#define xxFT_DEBUG_ERROR
+#define FTC_INLINE
+ typedef struct FTC_MruNodeRec_* FTC_MruNode;
+ typedef struct FTC_MruNodeRec_
+ {
+ FTC_MruNode next;
+ FTC_MruNode prev;
+ } FTC_MruNodeRec;
+ FT_LOCAL( void )
+ FTC_MruNode_Prepend( FTC_MruNode *plist,
+ FTC_MruNode node );
+ FT_LOCAL( void )
+ FTC_MruNode_Up( FTC_MruNode *plist,
+ FTC_MruNode node );
+ FT_LOCAL( void )
+ FTC_MruNode_Remove( FTC_MruNode *plist,
+ FTC_MruNode node );
+ typedef struct FTC_MruListRec_* FTC_MruList;
+ typedef struct FTC_MruListClassRec_ const * FTC_MruListClass;
+ typedef FT_Bool
+ (*FTC_MruNode_CompareFunc)( FTC_MruNode node,
+ FT_Pointer key );
+ typedef FT_Error
+ (*FTC_MruNode_InitFunc)( FTC_MruNode node,
+ FT_Pointer key,
+ FT_Pointer data );
+ typedef FT_Error
+ (*FTC_MruNode_ResetFunc)( FTC_MruNode node,
+ FT_Pointer key,
+ FT_Pointer data );
+ typedef void
+ (*FTC_MruNode_DoneFunc)( FTC_MruNode node,
+ FT_Pointer data );
+ typedef struct FTC_MruListClassRec_
+ {
+ FT_UInt node_size;
+ FTC_MruNode_CompareFunc node_compare;
+ FTC_MruNode_InitFunc node_init;
+ FTC_MruNode_ResetFunc node_reset;
+ FTC_MruNode_DoneFunc node_done;
+ } FTC_MruListClassRec;
+ typedef struct FTC_MruListRec_
+ {
+ FT_UInt num_nodes;
+ FT_UInt max_nodes;
+ FTC_MruNode nodes;
+ FT_Pointer data;
+ FTC_MruListClassRec clazz;
+ FT_Memory memory;
+ } FTC_MruListRec;
+ FT_LOCAL( void )
+ FTC_MruList_Init( FTC_MruList list,
+ FTC_MruListClass clazz,
+ FT_UInt max_nodes,
+ FT_Pointer data,
+ FT_Memory memory );
+ FT_LOCAL( void )
+ FTC_MruList_Reset( FTC_MruList list );
+ FT_LOCAL( void )
+ FTC_MruList_Done( FTC_MruList list );
+ FT_LOCAL( FT_Error )
+ FTC_MruList_New( FTC_MruList list,
+ FT_Pointer key,
+ FTC_MruNode *anode );
+ FT_LOCAL( void )
+ FTC_MruList_Remove( FTC_MruList list,
+ FTC_MruNode node );
+ FT_LOCAL( void )
+ FTC_MruList_RemoveSelection( FTC_MruList list,
+ FTC_MruNode_CompareFunc selection,
+ FT_Pointer key );
+#ifdef FTC_INLINE
+#define FTC_MRULIST_LOOKUP_CMP( list, key, compare, node, error ) \
+ FTC_MruNode* _pfirst = &(list)->nodes; \
+ FTC_MruNode_CompareFunc _compare = (FTC_MruNode_CompareFunc)(compare); \
+ FTC_MruNode _first, _node, *_pnode; \
+ \
+ \
+ error = 0; \
+ _first = *(_pfirst); \
+ _node = NULL; \
+ \
+ if ( _first ) \
+ { \
+ _node = _first; \
+ do \
+ { \
+ if ( _compare( _node, (key) ) ) \
+ { \
+ if ( _node != _first ) \
+ FTC_MruNode_Up( _pfirst, _node ); \
+ \
+ _pnode = (FTC_MruNode*)(void*)&(node); \
+ *_pnode = _node; \
+ goto _MruOk; \
+ } \
+ _node = _node->next; \
+ \
+ } while ( _node != _first) ; \
+ } \
+ \
+ error = FTC_MruList_New( (list), (key), (FTC_MruNode*)(void*)&(node) ); \
+ _MruOk: \
+ ; \
+#define FTC_MRULIST_LOOKUP( list, key, node, error ) \
+ FTC_MRULIST_LOOKUP_CMP( list, key, (list)->clazz.node_compare, node, error )
+#else /* !FTC_INLINE */
+ FT_LOCAL( FTC_MruNode )
+ FTC_MruList_Find( FTC_MruList list,
+ FT_Pointer key );
+ FT_LOCAL( FT_Error )
+ FTC_MruList_Lookup( FTC_MruList list,
+ FT_Pointer key,
+ FTC_MruNode *pnode );
+#define FTC_MRULIST_LOOKUP( list, key, node, error ) \
+ error = FTC_MruList_Lookup( (list), (key), (FTC_MruNode*)&(node) )
+#endif /* !FTC_INLINE */
+#define FTC_MRULIST_LOOP( list, node ) \
+ FTC_MruNode _first = (list)->nodes; \
+ \
+ \
+ if ( _first ) \
+ { \
+ FTC_MruNode _node = _first; \
+ \
+ \
+ do \
+ { \
+ *(FTC_MruNode*)&(node) = _node;
+ _node = _node->next; \
+ \
+ } while ( _node != _first ); \
+ } \
+ /* */
+#endif /* __FTCMRU_H__ */
+/* END */
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/freetype/src/cache/ftcsbits.c b/src/3rdparty/freetype/src/cache/ftcsbits.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..72f139d565
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/freetype/src/cache/ftcsbits.c
@@ -0,0 +1,401 @@
+/* */
+/* ftcsbits.c */
+/* */
+/* FreeType sbits manager (body). */
+/* */
+/* Copyright 2000-2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 by */
+/* David Turner, Robert Wilhelm, and Werner Lemberg. */
+/* */
+/* This file is part of the FreeType project, and may only be used, */
+/* modified, and distributed under the terms of the FreeType project */
+/* license, LICENSE.TXT. By continuing to use, modify, or distribute */
+/* this file you indicate that you have read the license and */
+/* understand and accept it fully. */
+/* */
+#include <ft2build.h>
+#include FT_CACHE_H
+#include "ftcsbits.h"
+#include FT_ERRORS_H
+#include "ftccback.h"
+#include "ftcerror.h"
+ /*************************************************************************/
+ /*************************************************************************/
+ /***** *****/
+ /***** SBIT CACHE NODES *****/
+ /***** *****/
+ /*************************************************************************/
+ /*************************************************************************/
+ static FT_Error
+ ftc_sbit_copy_bitmap( FTC_SBit sbit,
+ FT_Bitmap* bitmap,
+ FT_Memory memory )
+ {
+ FT_Error error;
+ FT_Int pitch = bitmap->pitch;
+ FT_ULong size;
+ if ( pitch < 0 )
+ pitch = -pitch;
+ size = (FT_ULong)( pitch * bitmap->rows );
+ if ( !FT_ALLOC( sbit->buffer, size ) )
+ FT_MEM_COPY( sbit->buffer, bitmap->buffer, size );
+ return error;
+ }
+ FT_LOCAL_DEF( void )
+ ftc_snode_free( FTC_Node ftcsnode,
+ FTC_Cache cache )
+ {
+ FTC_SNode snode = (FTC_SNode)ftcsnode;
+ FTC_SBit sbit = snode->sbits;
+ FT_UInt count = snode->count;
+ FT_Memory memory = cache->memory;
+ for ( ; count > 0; sbit++, count-- )
+ FT_FREE( sbit->buffer );
+ FTC_GNode_Done( FTC_GNODE( snode ), cache );
+ FT_FREE( snode );
+ }
+ FT_LOCAL_DEF( void )
+ FTC_SNode_Free( FTC_SNode snode,
+ FTC_Cache cache )
+ {
+ ftc_snode_free( FTC_NODE( snode ), cache );
+ }
+ /*
+ * This function tries to load a small bitmap within a given FTC_SNode.
+ * Note that it returns a non-zero error code _only_ in the case of
+ * out-of-memory condition. For all other errors (e.g., corresponding
+ * to a bad font file), this function will mark the sbit as `unavailable'
+ * and return a value of 0.
+ *
+ * You should also read the comment within the @ftc_snode_compare
+ * function below to see how out-of-memory is handled during a lookup.
+ */
+ static FT_Error
+ ftc_snode_load( FTC_SNode snode,
+ FTC_Manager manager,
+ FT_UInt gindex,
+ FT_ULong *asize )
+ {
+ FT_Error error;
+ FTC_GNode gnode = FTC_GNODE( snode );
+ FTC_Family family = gnode->family;
+ FT_Memory memory = manager->memory;
+ FT_Face face;
+ FTC_SBit sbit;
+ FTC_SFamilyClass clazz;
+ if ( (FT_UInt)(gindex - gnode->gindex) >= snode->count )
+ {
+ FT_ERROR(( "ftc_snode_load: invalid glyph index" ));
+ return FTC_Err_Invalid_Argument;
+ }
+ sbit = snode->sbits + ( gindex - gnode->gindex );
+ clazz = (FTC_SFamilyClass)family->clazz;
+ sbit->buffer = 0;
+ error = clazz->family_load_glyph( family, gindex, manager, &face );
+ if ( error )
+ goto BadGlyph;
+ {
+ FT_Int temp;
+ FT_GlyphSlot slot = face->glyph;
+ FT_Bitmap* bitmap = &slot->bitmap;
+ FT_Int xadvance, yadvance;
+ if ( slot->format != FT_GLYPH_FORMAT_BITMAP )
+ {
+ FT_ERROR(( "%s: glyph loaded didn't return a bitmap!\n",
+ "ftc_snode_load" ));
+ goto BadGlyph;
+ }
+ /* Check that our values fit into 8-bit containers! */
+ /* If this is not the case, our bitmap is too large */
+ /* and we will leave it as `missing' with sbit.buffer = 0 */
+#define CHECK_CHAR( d ) ( temp = (FT_Char)d, temp == d )
+#define CHECK_BYTE( d ) ( temp = (FT_Byte)d, temp == d )
+ /* horizontal advance in pixels */
+ xadvance = ( slot->advance.x + 32 ) >> 6;
+ yadvance = ( slot->advance.y + 32 ) >> 6;
+ if ( !CHECK_BYTE( bitmap->rows ) ||
+ !CHECK_BYTE( bitmap->width ) ||
+ !CHECK_CHAR( bitmap->pitch ) ||
+ !CHECK_CHAR( slot->bitmap_left ) ||
+ !CHECK_CHAR( slot->bitmap_top ) ||
+ !CHECK_CHAR( xadvance ) ||
+ !CHECK_CHAR( yadvance ) )
+ goto BadGlyph;
+ sbit->width = (FT_Byte)bitmap->width;
+ sbit->height = (FT_Byte)bitmap->rows;
+ sbit->pitch = (FT_Char)bitmap->pitch;
+ sbit->left = (FT_Char)slot->bitmap_left;
+ sbit->top = (FT_Char)slot->bitmap_top;
+ sbit->xadvance = (FT_Char)xadvance;
+ sbit->yadvance = (FT_Char)yadvance;
+ sbit->format = (FT_Byte)bitmap->pixel_mode;
+ sbit->max_grays = (FT_Byte)(bitmap->num_grays - 1);
+ /* copy the bitmap into a new buffer -- ignore error */
+ error = ftc_sbit_copy_bitmap( sbit, bitmap, memory );
+ /* now, compute size */
+ if ( asize )
+ *asize = FT_ABS( sbit->pitch ) * sbit->height;
+ } /* glyph loading successful */
+ /* ignore the errors that might have occurred -- */
+ /* we mark unloaded glyphs with `sbit.buffer == 0' */
+ /* and `width == 255', `height == 0' */
+ /* */
+ if ( error && error != FTC_Err_Out_Of_Memory )
+ {
+ BadGlyph:
+ sbit->width = 255;
+ sbit->height = 0;
+ sbit->buffer = NULL;
+ error = 0;
+ if ( asize )
+ *asize = 0;
+ }
+ return error;
+ }
+ FT_LOCAL_DEF( FT_Error )
+ FTC_SNode_New( FTC_SNode *psnode,
+ FTC_GQuery gquery,
+ FTC_Cache cache )
+ {
+ FT_Memory memory = cache->memory;
+ FT_Error error;
+ FTC_SNode snode = NULL;
+ FT_UInt gindex = gquery->gindex;
+ FTC_Family family = gquery->family;
+ FTC_SFamilyClass clazz = FTC_CACHE__SFAMILY_CLASS( cache );
+ FT_UInt total;
+ total = clazz->family_get_count( family, cache->manager );
+ if ( total == 0 || gindex >= total )
+ {
+ error = FT_Err_Invalid_Argument;
+ goto Exit;
+ }
+ if ( !FT_NEW( snode ) )
+ {
+ FT_UInt count, start;
+ start = gindex - ( gindex % FTC_SBIT_ITEMS_PER_NODE );
+ count = total - start;
+ if ( count > FTC_SBIT_ITEMS_PER_NODE )
+ FTC_GNode_Init( FTC_GNODE( snode ), start, family );
+ snode->count = count;
+ error = ftc_snode_load( snode,
+ cache->manager,
+ gindex,
+ NULL );
+ if ( error )
+ {
+ FTC_SNode_Free( snode, cache );
+ snode = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ Exit:
+ *psnode = snode;
+ return error;
+ }
+ FT_LOCAL_DEF( FT_Error )
+ ftc_snode_new( FTC_Node *ftcpsnode,
+ FT_Pointer ftcgquery,
+ FTC_Cache cache )
+ {
+ FTC_SNode *psnode = (FTC_SNode*)ftcpsnode;
+ FTC_GQuery gquery = (FTC_GQuery)ftcgquery;
+ return FTC_SNode_New( psnode, gquery, cache );
+ }
+ ftc_snode_weight( FTC_Node ftcsnode,
+ FTC_Cache cache )
+ {
+ FTC_SNode snode = (FTC_SNode)ftcsnode;
+ FT_UInt count = snode->count;
+ FTC_SBit sbit = snode->sbits;
+ FT_Int pitch;
+ FT_ULong size;
+ FT_UNUSED( cache );
+ FT_ASSERT( snode->count <= FTC_SBIT_ITEMS_PER_NODE );
+ /* the node itself */
+ size = sizeof ( *snode );
+ for ( ; count > 0; count--, sbit++ )
+ {
+ if ( sbit->buffer )
+ {
+ pitch = sbit->pitch;
+ if ( pitch < 0 )
+ pitch = -pitch;
+ /* add the size of a given glyph image */
+ size += pitch * sbit->height;
+ }
+ }
+ return size;
+ }
+#if 0
+ FTC_SNode_Weight( FTC_SNode snode )
+ {
+ return ftc_snode_weight( FTC_NODE( snode ), NULL );
+ }
+#endif /* 0 */
+ ftc_snode_compare( FTC_Node ftcsnode,
+ FT_Pointer ftcgquery,
+ FTC_Cache cache )
+ {
+ FTC_SNode snode = (FTC_SNode)ftcsnode;
+ FTC_GQuery gquery = (FTC_GQuery)ftcgquery;
+ FTC_GNode gnode = FTC_GNODE( snode );
+ FT_UInt gindex = gquery->gindex;
+ FT_Bool result;
+ result = FT_BOOL( gnode->family == gquery->family &&
+ (FT_UInt)( gindex - gnode->gindex ) < snode->count );
+ if ( result )
+ {
+ /* check if we need to load the glyph bitmap now */
+ FTC_SBit sbit = snode->sbits + ( gindex - gnode->gindex );
+ /*
+ * The following code illustrates what to do when you want to
+ * perform operations that may fail within a lookup function.
+ *
+ * Here, we want to load a small bitmap on-demand; we thus
+ * need to call the `ftc_snode_load' function which may return
+ * a non-zero error code only when we are out of memory (OOM).
+ *
+ * The correct thing to do is to use @FTC_CACHE_TRYLOOP and
+ * @FTC_CACHE_TRYLOOP_END in order to implement a retry loop
+ * that is capable of flushing the cache incrementally when
+ * an OOM errors occur.
+ *
+ * However, we need to `lock' the node before this operation to
+ * prevent it from being flushed within the loop.
+ *
+ * When we exit the loop, we unlock the node, then check the `error'
+ * variable. If it is non-zero, this means that the cache was
+ * completely flushed and that no usable memory was found to load
+ * the bitmap.
+ *
+ * We then prefer to return a value of 0 (i.e., NO MATCH). This
+ * ensures that the caller will try to allocate a new node.
+ * This operation consequently _fail_ and the lookup function
+ * returns the appropriate OOM error code.
+ *
+ * Note that `buffer == NULL && width == 255' is a hack used to
+ * tag `unavailable' bitmaps in the array. We should never try
+ * to load these.
+ *
+ */
+ if ( sbit->buffer == NULL && sbit->width != 255 )
+ {
+ FT_ULong size;
+ FT_Error error;
+ ftcsnode->ref_count++; /* lock node to prevent flushing */
+ /* in retry loop */
+ {
+ error = ftc_snode_load( snode, cache->manager, gindex, &size );
+ }
+ ftcsnode->ref_count--; /* unlock the node */
+ if ( error )
+ result = 0;
+ else
+ cache->manager->cur_weight += size;
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ FTC_SNode_Compare( FTC_SNode snode,
+ FTC_GQuery gquery,
+ FTC_Cache cache )
+ {
+ return ftc_snode_compare( FTC_NODE( snode ), gquery, cache );
+ }
+/* END */
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/freetype/src/cache/ftcsbits.h b/src/3rdparty/freetype/src/cache/ftcsbits.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6261745f1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/freetype/src/cache/ftcsbits.h
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+/* */
+/* ftcsbits.h */
+/* */
+/* A small-bitmap cache (specification). */
+/* */
+/* Copyright 2000-2001, 2002, 2003, 2006 by */
+/* David Turner, Robert Wilhelm, and Werner Lemberg. */
+/* */
+/* This file is part of the FreeType project, and may only be used, */
+/* modified, and distributed under the terms of the FreeType project */
+/* license, LICENSE.TXT. By continuing to use, modify, or distribute */
+/* this file you indicate that you have read the license and */
+/* understand and accept it fully. */
+/* */
+#ifndef __FTCSBITS_H__
+#define __FTCSBITS_H__
+#include <ft2build.h>
+#include FT_CACHE_H
+#include "ftcglyph.h"
+ typedef struct FTC_SNodeRec_
+ {
+ FTC_GNodeRec gnode;
+ FT_UInt count;
+ } FTC_SNodeRec, *FTC_SNode;
+#define FTC_SNODE( x ) ( (FTC_SNode)( x ) )
+#define FTC_SNODE_GINDEX( x ) FTC_GNODE( x )->gindex
+#define FTC_SNODE_FAMILY( x ) FTC_GNODE( x )->family
+ typedef FT_UInt
+ (*FTC_SFamily_GetCountFunc)( FTC_Family family,
+ FTC_Manager manager );
+ typedef FT_Error
+ (*FTC_SFamily_LoadGlyphFunc)( FTC_Family family,
+ FT_UInt gindex,
+ FTC_Manager manager,
+ FT_Face *aface );
+ typedef struct FTC_SFamilyClassRec_
+ {
+ FTC_MruListClassRec clazz;
+ FTC_SFamily_GetCountFunc family_get_count;
+ FTC_SFamily_LoadGlyphFunc family_load_glyph;
+ } FTC_SFamilyClassRec;
+ typedef const FTC_SFamilyClassRec* FTC_SFamilyClass;
+#define FTC_SFAMILY_CLASS( x ) ((FTC_SFamilyClass)(x))
+#define FTC_CACHE__SFAMILY_CLASS( x ) \
+ FT_LOCAL( void )
+ FTC_SNode_Free( FTC_SNode snode,
+ FTC_Cache cache );
+ FT_LOCAL( FT_Error )
+ FTC_SNode_New( FTC_SNode *psnode,
+ FTC_GQuery gquery,
+ FTC_Cache cache );
+#if 0
+ FT_LOCAL( FT_ULong )
+ FTC_SNode_Weight( FTC_SNode inode );
+ FT_LOCAL( FT_Bool )
+ FTC_SNode_Compare( FTC_SNode snode,
+ FTC_GQuery gquery,
+ FTC_Cache cache );
+ /* */
+#endif /* __FTCSBITS_H__ */
+/* END */
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/freetype/src/cache/ b/src/3rdparty/freetype/src/cache/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ed75a6a91f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/freetype/src/cache/
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+# FreeType 2 Cache configuration rules
+# Copyright 2000, 2001, 2003, 2004, 2006, 2008 by
+# David Turner, Robert Wilhelm, and Werner Lemberg.
+# This file is part of the FreeType project, and may only be used, modified,
+# and distributed under the terms of the FreeType project license,
+# LICENSE.TXT. By continuing to use, modify, or distribute this file you
+# indicate that you have read the license and understand and accept it
+# fully.
+# Cache driver directory
+CACHE_DIR := $(SRC_DIR)/cache
+# compilation flags for the driver
+# Cache driver sources (i.e., C files)
+CACHE_DRV_SRC := $(CACHE_DIR)/ftcbasic.c \
+ $(CACHE_DIR)/ftccache.c \
+ $(CACHE_DIR)/ftccmap.c \
+ $(CACHE_DIR)/ftcglyph.c \
+ $(CACHE_DIR)/ftcimage.c \
+ $(CACHE_DIR)/ftcmanag.c \
+ $(CACHE_DIR)/ftcmru.c \
+ $(CACHE_DIR)/ftcsbits.c
+# Cache driver headers
+CACHE_DRV_H := $(CACHE_DIR)/ftccache.h \
+ $(CACHE_DIR)/ftccback.h \
+ $(CACHE_DIR)/ftcerror.h \
+ $(CACHE_DIR)/ftcglyph.h \
+ $(CACHE_DIR)/ftcimage.h \
+ $(CACHE_DIR)/ftcmanag.h \
+ $(CACHE_DIR)/ftcmru.h \
+ $(CACHE_DIR)/ftcsbits.h
+# Cache driver object(s)
+# CACHE_DRV_OBJ_M is used during `multi' builds.
+# CACHE_DRV_OBJ_S is used during `single' builds.
+CACHE_DRV_OBJ_S := $(OBJ_DIR)/ftcache.$O
+# Cache driver source file for single build
+CACHE_DRV_SRC_S := $(CACHE_DIR)/ftcache.c
+# Cache driver - single object
+# Cache driver - multiple objects
+ $(CACHE_COMPILE) $T$(subst /,$(COMPILER_SEP),$@ $<)
+# update main driver object lists
+# EOF