path: root/src/3rdparty/freetype/src/tools/docmaker
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authorQt by Nokia <>2011-04-27 12:05:43 +0200
committeraxis <>2011-04-27 12:05:43 +0200
commit38be0d13830efd2d98281c645c3a60afe05ffece (patch)
tree6ea73f3ec77f7d153333779883e8120f82820abe /src/3rdparty/freetype/src/tools/docmaker
Initial import from the monolithic Qt.
This is the beginning of revision history for this module. If you want to look at revision history older than this, please refer to the Qt Git wiki for how to use Git history grafting. At the time of writing, this wiki is located here: If you have already performed the grafting and you don't see any history beyond this commit, try running "git log" with the "--follow" argument. Branched from the monolithic repo, Qt master branch, at commit 896db169ea224deb96c59ce8af800d019de63f12
Diffstat (limited to 'src/3rdparty/freetype/src/tools/docmaker')
7 files changed, 2063 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/freetype/src/tools/docmaker/ b/src/3rdparty/freetype/src/tools/docmaker/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0d76d19de3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/freetype/src/tools/docmaker/
@@ -0,0 +1,584 @@
+# Content (c) 2002, 2004, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009
+# David Turner <>
+# This file contains routines used to parse the content of documentation
+# comment blocks and build more structured objects out of them.
+from sources import *
+from utils import *
+import string, re
+# this regular expression is used to detect code sequences. these
+# are simply code fragments embedded in '{' and '}' like in:
+# {
+# x = y + z;
+# if ( zookoo == 2 )
+# {
+# foobar();
+# }
+# }
+# note that indentation of the starting and ending accolades must be
+# exactly the same. the code sequence can contain accolades at greater
+# indentation
+re_code_start = re.compile( r"(\s*){\s*$" )
+re_code_end = re.compile( r"(\s*)}\s*$" )
+# this regular expression is used to isolate identifiers from
+# other text
+re_identifier = re.compile( r'(\w*)' )
+# we collect macros ending in `_H'; while outputting the object data, we use
+# this info together with the object's file location to emit the appropriate
+# header file macro and name before the object itself
+re_header_macro = re.compile( r'^#define\s{1,}(\w{1,}_H)\s{1,}<(.*)>' )
+# The DocCode class is used to store source code lines.
+# 'self.lines' contains a set of source code lines that will be dumped as
+# HTML in a <PRE> tag.
+# The object is filled line by line by the parser; it strips the leading
+# "margin" space from each input line before storing it in 'self.lines'.
+class DocCode:
+ def __init__( self, margin, lines ):
+ self.lines = []
+ self.words = None
+ # remove margin spaces
+ for l in lines:
+ if string.strip( l[:margin] ) == "":
+ l = l[margin:]
+ self.lines.append( l )
+ def dump( self, prefix = "", width = 60 ):
+ lines = self.dump_lines( 0, width )
+ for l in lines:
+ print prefix + l
+ def dump_lines( self, margin = 0, width = 60 ):
+ result = []
+ for l in self.lines:
+ result.append( " " * margin + l )
+ return result
+# The DocPara class is used to store "normal" text paragraph.
+# 'self.words' contains the list of words that make up the paragraph
+class DocPara:
+ def __init__( self, lines ):
+ self.lines = None
+ self.words = []
+ for l in lines:
+ l = string.strip( l )
+ self.words.extend( string.split( l ) )
+ def dump( self, prefix = "", width = 60 ):
+ lines = self.dump_lines( 0, width )
+ for l in lines:
+ print prefix + l
+ def dump_lines( self, margin = 0, width = 60 ):
+ cur = "" # current line
+ col = 0 # current width
+ result = []
+ for word in self.words:
+ ln = len( word )
+ if col > 0:
+ ln = ln + 1
+ if col + ln > width:
+ result.append( " " * margin + cur )
+ cur = word
+ col = len( word )
+ else:
+ if col > 0:
+ cur = cur + " "
+ cur = cur + word
+ col = col + ln
+ if col > 0:
+ result.append( " " * margin + cur )
+ return result
+# The DocField class is used to store a list containing either DocPara or
+# DocCode objects. Each DocField also has an optional "name" which is used
+# when the object corresponds to a field or value definition
+class DocField:
+ def __init__( self, name, lines ):
+ = name # can be None for normal paragraphs/sources
+ self.items = [] # list of items
+ mode_none = 0 # start parsing mode
+ mode_code = 1 # parsing code sequences
+ mode_para = 3 # parsing normal paragraph
+ margin = -1 # current code sequence indentation
+ cur_lines = []
+ # now analyze the markup lines to see if they contain paragraphs,
+ # code sequences or fields definitions
+ #
+ start = 0
+ mode = mode_none
+ for l in lines:
+ # are we parsing a code sequence ?
+ if mode == mode_code:
+ m = re_code_end.match( l )
+ if m and len( 1 ) ) <= margin:
+ # that's it, we finished the code sequence
+ code = DocCode( 0, cur_lines )
+ self.items.append( code )
+ margin = -1
+ cur_lines = []
+ mode = mode_none
+ else:
+ # nope, continue the code sequence
+ cur_lines.append( l[margin:] )
+ else:
+ # start of code sequence ?
+ m = re_code_start.match( l )
+ if m:
+ # save current lines
+ if cur_lines:
+ para = DocPara( cur_lines )
+ self.items.append( para )
+ cur_lines = []
+ # switch to code extraction mode
+ margin = len( 1 ) )
+ mode = mode_code
+ else:
+ if not string.split( l ) and cur_lines:
+ # if the line is empty, we end the current paragraph,
+ # if any
+ para = DocPara( cur_lines )
+ self.items.append( para )
+ cur_lines = []
+ else:
+ # otherwise, simply add the line to the current
+ # paragraph
+ cur_lines.append( l )
+ if mode == mode_code:
+ # unexpected end of code sequence
+ code = DocCode( margin, cur_lines )
+ self.items.append( code )
+ elif cur_lines:
+ para = DocPara( cur_lines )
+ self.items.append( para )
+ def dump( self, prefix = "" ):
+ if self.field:
+ print prefix + self.field + " ::"
+ prefix = prefix + "----"
+ first = 1
+ for p in self.items:
+ if not first:
+ print ""
+ p.dump( prefix )
+ first = 0
+ def dump_lines( self, margin = 0, width = 60 ):
+ result = []
+ nl = None
+ for p in self.items:
+ if nl:
+ result.append( "" )
+ result.extend( p.dump_lines( margin, width ) )
+ nl = 1
+ return result
+# this regular expression is used to detect field definitions
+re_field = re.compile( r"\s*(\w*|\w(\w|\.)*\w)\s*::" )
+class DocMarkup:
+ def __init__( self, tag, lines ):
+ self.tag = string.lower( tag )
+ self.fields = []
+ cur_lines = []
+ field = None
+ mode = 0
+ for l in lines:
+ m = re_field.match( l )
+ if m:
+ # we detected the start of a new field definition
+ # first, save the current one
+ if cur_lines:
+ f = DocField( field, cur_lines )
+ self.fields.append( f )
+ cur_lines = []
+ field = None
+ field = 1 ) # record field name
+ ln = len( 0 ) )
+ l = " " * ln + l[ln:]
+ cur_lines = [l]
+ else:
+ cur_lines.append( l )
+ if field or cur_lines:
+ f = DocField( field, cur_lines )
+ self.fields.append( f )
+ def get_name( self ):
+ try:
+ return self.fields[0].items[0].words[0]
+ except:
+ return None
+ def get_start( self ):
+ try:
+ result = ""
+ for word in self.fields[0].items[0].words:
+ result = result + " " + word
+ return result[1:]
+ except:
+ return "ERROR"
+ def dump( self, margin ):
+ print " " * margin + "<" + self.tag + ">"
+ for f in self.fields:
+ f.dump( " " )
+ print " " * margin + "</" + self.tag + ">"
+class DocChapter:
+ def __init__( self, block ):
+ self.block = block
+ self.sections = []
+ if block:
+ =
+ self.title = block.get_markup_words( "title" )
+ self.order = block.get_markup_words( "sections" )
+ else:
+ = "Other"
+ self.title = string.split( "Miscellaneous" )
+ self.order = []
+class DocSection:
+ def __init__( self, name = "Other" ):
+ = name
+ self.blocks = {}
+ self.block_names = [] # ordered block names in section
+ self.defs = []
+ self.abstract = ""
+ self.description = ""
+ self.order = []
+ self.title = "ERROR"
+ self.chapter = None
+ def add_def( self, block ):
+ self.defs.append( block )
+ def add_block( self, block ):
+ self.block_names.append( )
+ self.blocks[] = block
+ def process( self ):
+ # look up one block that contains a valid section description
+ for block in self.defs:
+ title = block.get_markup_text( "title" )
+ if title:
+ self.title = title
+ self.abstract = block.get_markup_words( "abstract" )
+ self.description = block.get_markup_items( "description" )
+ self.order = block.get_markup_words( "order" )
+ return
+ def reorder( self ):
+ self.block_names = sort_order_list( self.block_names, self.order )
+class ContentProcessor:
+ def __init__( self ):
+ """initialize a block content processor"""
+ self.reset()
+ self.sections = {} # dictionary of documentation sections
+ self.section = None # current documentation section
+ self.chapters = [] # list of chapters
+ self.headers = {} # dictionary of header macros
+ def set_section( self, section_name ):
+ """set current section during parsing"""
+ if not self.sections.has_key( section_name ):
+ section = DocSection( section_name )
+ self.sections[section_name] = section
+ self.section = section
+ else:
+ self.section = self.sections[section_name]
+ def add_chapter( self, block ):
+ chapter = DocChapter( block )
+ self.chapters.append( chapter )
+ def reset( self ):
+ """reset the content processor for a new block"""
+ self.markups = []
+ self.markup = None
+ self.markup_lines = []
+ def add_markup( self ):
+ """add a new markup section"""
+ if self.markup and self.markup_lines:
+ # get rid of last line of markup if it's empty
+ marks = self.markup_lines
+ if len( marks ) > 0 and not string.strip( marks[-1] ):
+ self.markup_lines = marks[:-1]
+ m = DocMarkup( self.markup, self.markup_lines )
+ self.markups.append( m )
+ self.markup = None
+ self.markup_lines = []
+ def process_content( self, content ):
+ """process a block content and return a list of DocMarkup objects
+ corresponding to it"""
+ markup = None
+ markup_lines = []
+ first = 1
+ for line in content:
+ found = None
+ for t in re_markup_tags:
+ m = t.match( line )
+ if m:
+ found = string.lower( 1 ) )
+ prefix = len( 0 ) )
+ line = " " * prefix + line[prefix:] # remove markup from line
+ break
+ # is it the start of a new markup section ?
+ if found:
+ first = 0
+ self.add_markup() # add current markup content
+ self.markup = found
+ if len( string.strip( line ) ) > 0:
+ self.markup_lines.append( line )
+ elif first == 0:
+ self.markup_lines.append( line )
+ self.add_markup()
+ return self.markups
+ def parse_sources( self, source_processor ):
+ blocks = source_processor.blocks
+ count = len( blocks )
+ for n in range( count ):
+ source = blocks[n]
+ if source.content:
+ # this is a documentation comment, we need to catch
+ # all following normal blocks in the "follow" list
+ #
+ follow = []
+ m = n + 1
+ while m < count and not blocks[m].content:
+ follow.append( blocks[m] )
+ m = m + 1
+ doc_block = DocBlock( source, follow, self )
+ def finish( self ):
+ # process all sections to extract their abstract, description
+ # and ordered list of items
+ #
+ for sec in self.sections.values():
+ sec.process()
+ # process chapters to check that all sections are correctly
+ # listed there
+ for chap in self.chapters:
+ for sec in chap.order:
+ if self.sections.has_key( sec ):
+ section = self.sections[sec]
+ section.chapter = chap
+ section.reorder()
+ chap.sections.append( section )
+ else:
+ sys.stderr.write( "WARNING: chapter '" + \
+ + "' in " + chap.block.location() + \
+ " lists unknown section '" + sec + "'\n" )
+ # check that all sections are in a chapter
+ #
+ others = []
+ for sec in self.sections.values():
+ if not sec.chapter:
+ others.append( sec )
+ # create a new special chapter for all remaining sections
+ # when necessary
+ #
+ if others:
+ chap = DocChapter( None )
+ chap.sections = others
+ self.chapters.append( chap )
+class DocBlock:
+ def __init__( self, source, follow, processor ):
+ processor.reset()
+ self.source = source
+ self.code = []
+ self.type = "ERRTYPE"
+ self.section = processor.section
+ self.markups = processor.process_content( source.content )
+ # compute block type from first markup tag
+ try:
+ self.type = self.markups[0].tag
+ except:
+ pass
+ # compute block name from first markup paragraph
+ try:
+ markup = self.markups[0]
+ para = markup.fields[0].items[0]
+ name = para.words[0]
+ m = re_identifier.match( name )
+ if m:
+ name = 1 )
+ = name
+ except:
+ pass
+ if self.type == "section":
+ # detect new section starts
+ processor.set_section( )
+ processor.section.add_def( self )
+ elif self.type == "chapter":
+ # detect new chapter
+ processor.add_chapter( self )
+ else:
+ processor.section.add_block( self )
+ # now, compute the source lines relevant to this documentation
+ # block. We keep normal comments in for obvious reasons (??)
+ source = []
+ for b in follow:
+ if b.format:
+ break
+ for l in b.lines:
+ # collect header macro definitions
+ m = re_header_macro.match( l )
+ if m:
+ processor.headers[ 2 )] = 1 );
+ # we use "/* */" as a separator
+ if re_source_sep.match( l ):
+ break
+ source.append( l )
+ # now strip the leading and trailing empty lines from the sources
+ start = 0
+ end = len( source ) - 1
+ while start < end and not string.strip( source[start] ):
+ start = start + 1
+ while start < end and not string.strip( source[end] ):
+ end = end - 1
+ if start == end:
+ self.code = []
+ else:
+ self.code = source[start:end + 1]
+ def location( self ):
+ return self.source.location()
+ def get_markup( self, tag_name ):
+ """return the DocMarkup corresponding to a given tag in a block"""
+ for m in self.markups:
+ if m.tag == string.lower( tag_name ):
+ return m
+ return None
+ def get_markup_name( self, tag_name ):
+ """return the name of a given primary markup in a block"""
+ try:
+ m = self.get_markup( tag_name )
+ return m.get_name()
+ except:
+ return None
+ def get_markup_words( self, tag_name ):
+ try:
+ m = self.get_markup( tag_name )
+ return m.fields[0].items[0].words
+ except:
+ return []
+ def get_markup_text( self, tag_name ):
+ result = self.get_markup_words( tag_name )
+ return string.join( result )
+ def get_markup_items( self, tag_name ):
+ try:
+ m = self.get_markup( tag_name )
+ return m.fields[0].items
+ except:
+ return None
+# eof
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/freetype/src/tools/docmaker/ b/src/3rdparty/freetype/src/tools/docmaker/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3ddf4a94a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/freetype/src/tools/docmaker/
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# DocBeauty (c) 2003, 2004, 2008 David Turner <>
+# This program is used to beautify the documentation comments used
+# in the FreeType 2 public headers.
+from sources import *
+from content import *
+from utils import *
+import utils
+import sys, os, time, string, getopt
+content_processor = ContentProcessor()
+def beautify_block( block ):
+ if block.content:
+ content_processor.reset()
+ markups = content_processor.process_content( block.content )
+ text = []
+ first = 1
+ for markup in markups:
+ text.extend( markup.beautify( first ) )
+ first = 0
+ # now beautify the documentation "borders" themselves
+ lines = [" /*************************************************************************"]
+ for l in text:
+ lines.append( " *" + l )
+ lines.append( " */" )
+ block.lines = lines
+def usage():
+ print "\nDocBeauty 0.1 Usage information\n"
+ print " docbeauty [options] file1 [file2 ...]\n"
+ print "using the following options:\n"
+ print " -h : print this page"
+ print " -b : backup original files with the 'orig' extension"
+ print ""
+ print " --backup : same as -b"
+def main( argv ):
+ """main program loop"""
+ global output_dir
+ try:
+ opts, args = getopt.getopt( sys.argv[1:], \
+ "hb", \
+ ["help", "backup"] )
+ except getopt.GetoptError:
+ usage()
+ sys.exit( 2 )
+ if args == []:
+ usage()
+ sys.exit( 1 )
+ # process options
+ #
+ output_dir = None
+ do_backup = None
+ for opt in opts:
+ if opt[0] in ( "-h", "--help" ):
+ usage()
+ sys.exit( 0 )
+ if opt[0] in ( "-b", "--backup" ):
+ do_backup = 1
+ # create context and processor
+ source_processor = SourceProcessor()
+ # retrieve the list of files to process
+ file_list = make_file_list( args )
+ for filename in file_list:
+ source_processor.parse_file( filename )
+ for block in source_processor.blocks:
+ beautify_block( block )
+ new_name = filename + ".new"
+ ok = None
+ try:
+ file = open( new_name, "wt" )
+ for block in source_processor.blocks:
+ for line in block.lines:
+ file.write( line )
+ file.write( "\n" )
+ file.close()
+ except:
+ ok = 0
+# if called from the command line
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main( sys.argv )
+# eof
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/freetype/src/tools/docmaker/ b/src/3rdparty/freetype/src/tools/docmaker/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1d9de9fbff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/freetype/src/tools/docmaker/
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# DocMaker (c) 2002, 2004, 2008 David Turner <>
+# This program is a re-write of the original DocMaker took used
+# to generate the API Reference of the FreeType font engine
+# by converting in-source comments into structured HTML.
+# This new version is capable of outputting XML data, as well
+# as accepts more liberal formatting options.
+# It also uses regular expression matching and substitution
+# to speed things significantly.
+from sources import *
+from content import *
+from utils import *
+from formatter import *
+from tohtml import *
+import utils
+import sys, os, time, string, glob, getopt
+def usage():
+ print "\nDocMaker Usage information\n"
+ print " docmaker [options] file1 [file2 ...]\n"
+ print "using the following options:\n"
+ print " -h : print this page"
+ print " -t : set project title, as in '-t \"My Project\"'"
+ print " -o : set output directory, as in '-o mydir'"
+ print " -p : set documentation prefix, as in '-p ft2'"
+ print ""
+ print " --title : same as -t, as in '--title=\"My Project\"'"
+ print " --output : same as -o, as in '--output=mydir'"
+ print " --prefix : same as -p, as in '--prefix=ft2'"
+def main( argv ):
+ """main program loop"""
+ global output_dir
+ try:
+ opts, args = getopt.getopt( sys.argv[1:], \
+ "ht:o:p:", \
+ ["help", "title=", "output=", "prefix="] )
+ except getopt.GetoptError:
+ usage()
+ sys.exit( 2 )
+ if args == []:
+ usage()
+ sys.exit( 1 )
+ # process options
+ #
+ project_title = "Project"
+ project_prefix = None
+ output_dir = None
+ for opt in opts:
+ if opt[0] in ( "-h", "--help" ):
+ usage()
+ sys.exit( 0 )
+ if opt[0] in ( "-t", "--title" ):
+ project_title = opt[1]
+ if opt[0] in ( "-o", "--output" ):
+ utils.output_dir = opt[1]
+ if opt[0] in ( "-p", "--prefix" ):
+ project_prefix = opt[1]
+ check_output()
+ # create context and processor
+ source_processor = SourceProcessor()
+ content_processor = ContentProcessor()
+ # retrieve the list of files to process
+ file_list = make_file_list( args )
+ for filename in file_list:
+ source_processor.parse_file( filename )
+ content_processor.parse_sources( source_processor )
+ # process sections
+ content_processor.finish()
+ formatter = HtmlFormatter( content_processor, project_title, project_prefix )
+ formatter.toc_dump()
+ formatter.index_dump()
+ formatter.section_dump_all()
+# if called from the command line
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main( sys.argv )
+# eof
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/freetype/src/tools/docmaker/ b/src/3rdparty/freetype/src/tools/docmaker/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f62ce676c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/freetype/src/tools/docmaker/
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+# Formatter (c) 2002, 2004, 2007, 2008 David Turner <>
+from sources import *
+from content import *
+from utils import *
+# This is the base Formatter class. Its purpose is to convert
+# a content processor's data into specific documents (i.e., table of
+# contents, global index, and individual API reference indices).
+# You need to sub-class it to output anything sensible. For example,
+# the file contains the definition of the HtmlFormatter sub-class
+# used to output -- you guessed it -- HTML.
+class Formatter:
+ def __init__( self, processor ):
+ self.processor = processor
+ self.identifiers = {}
+ self.chapters = processor.chapters
+ self.sections = processor.sections.values()
+ self.block_index = []
+ # store all blocks in a dictionary
+ self.blocks = []
+ for section in self.sections:
+ for block in section.blocks.values():
+ self.add_identifier(, block )
+ # add enumeration values to the index, since this is useful
+ for markup in block.markups:
+ if markup.tag == 'values':
+ for field in markup.fields:
+ self.add_identifier(, block )
+ self.block_index = self.identifiers.keys()
+ self.block_index.sort( index_sort )
+ def add_identifier( self, name, block ):
+ if self.identifiers.has_key( name ):
+ # duplicate name!
+ sys.stderr.write( \
+ "WARNING: duplicate definition for '" + name + "' in " + \
+ block.location() + ", previous definition in " + \
+ self.identifiers[name].location() + "\n" )
+ else:
+ self.identifiers[name] = block
+ #
+ # Formatting the table of contents
+ #
+ def toc_enter( self ):
+ pass
+ def toc_chapter_enter( self, chapter ):
+ pass
+ def toc_section_enter( self, section ):
+ pass
+ def toc_section_exit( self, section ):
+ pass
+ def toc_chapter_exit( self, chapter ):
+ pass
+ def toc_index( self, index_filename ):
+ pass
+ def toc_exit( self ):
+ pass
+ def toc_dump( self, toc_filename = None, index_filename = None ):
+ output = None
+ if toc_filename:
+ output = open_output( toc_filename )
+ self.toc_enter()
+ for chap in self.processor.chapters:
+ self.toc_chapter_enter( chap )
+ for section in chap.sections:
+ self.toc_section_enter( section )
+ self.toc_section_exit( section )
+ self.toc_chapter_exit( chap )
+ self.toc_index( index_filename )
+ self.toc_exit()
+ if output:
+ close_output( output )
+ #
+ # Formatting the index
+ #
+ def index_enter( self ):
+ pass
+ def index_name_enter( self, name ):
+ pass
+ def index_name_exit( self, name ):
+ pass
+ def index_exit( self ):
+ pass
+ def index_dump( self, index_filename = None ):
+ output = None
+ if index_filename:
+ output = open_output( index_filename )
+ self.index_enter()
+ for name in self.block_index:
+ self.index_name_enter( name )
+ self.index_name_exit( name )
+ self.index_exit()
+ if output:
+ close_output( output )
+ #
+ # Formatting a section
+ #
+ def section_enter( self, section ):
+ pass
+ def block_enter( self, block ):
+ pass
+ def markup_enter( self, markup, block = None ):
+ pass
+ def field_enter( self, field, markup = None, block = None ):
+ pass
+ def field_exit( self, field, markup = None, block = None ):
+ pass
+ def markup_exit( self, markup, block = None ):
+ pass
+ def block_exit( self, block ):
+ pass
+ def section_exit( self, section ):
+ pass
+ def section_dump( self, section, section_filename = None ):
+ output = None
+ if section_filename:
+ output = open_output( section_filename )
+ self.section_enter( section )
+ for name in section.block_names:
+ block = self.identifiers[name]
+ self.block_enter( block )
+ for markup in block.markups[1:]: # always ignore first markup!
+ self.markup_enter( markup, block )
+ for field in markup.fields:
+ self.field_enter( field, markup, block )
+ self.field_exit( field, markup, block )
+ self.markup_exit( markup, block )
+ self.block_exit( block )
+ self.section_exit( section )
+ if output:
+ close_output( output )
+ def section_dump_all( self ):
+ for section in self.sections:
+ self.section_dump( section )
+# eof
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/freetype/src/tools/docmaker/ b/src/3rdparty/freetype/src/tools/docmaker/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7b68c07019
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/freetype/src/tools/docmaker/
@@ -0,0 +1,347 @@
+# Sources (c) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009
+# David Turner <>
+# this file contains definitions of classes needed to decompose
+# C sources files into a series of multi-line "blocks". There are
+# two kinds of blocks:
+# - normal blocks, which contain source code or ordinary comments
+# - documentation blocks, which have restricted formatting, and
+# whose text always start with a documentation markup tag like
+# "<Function>", "<Type>", etc..
+# the routines used to process the content of documentation blocks
+# are not contained here, but in ""
+# the classes and methods found here only deal with text parsing
+# and basic documentation block extraction
+import fileinput, re, sys, os, string
+## A simple class containing compiled regular expressions used
+## to detect potential documentation format block comments within
+## C source code
+## note that the 'column' pattern must contain a group that will
+## be used to "unbox" the content of documentation comment blocks
+class SourceBlockFormat:
+ def __init__( self, id, start, column, end ):
+ """create a block pattern, used to recognize special documentation blocks"""
+ = id
+ self.start = re.compile( start, re.VERBOSE )
+ self.column = re.compile( column, re.VERBOSE )
+ self.end = re.compile( end, re.VERBOSE )
+# format 1 documentation comment blocks look like the following:
+# /************************************/
+# /* */
+# /* */
+# /* */
+# /************************************/
+# we define a few regular expressions here to detect them
+start = r'''
+ \s* # any number of whitespace
+ /\*{2,}/ # followed by '/' and at least two asterisks then '/'
+ \s*$ # probably followed by whitespace
+column = r'''
+ \s* # any number of whitespace
+ /\*{1} # followed by '/' and precisely one asterisk
+ ([^*].*) # followed by anything (group 1)
+ \*{1}/ # followed by one asterisk and a '/'
+ \s*$ # probably followed by whitespace
+re_source_block_format1 = SourceBlockFormat( 1, start, column, start )
+# format 2 documentation comment blocks look like the following:
+# /************************************ (at least 2 asterisks)
+# *
+# *
+# *
+# *
+# **/ (1 or more asterisks at the end)
+# we define a few regular expressions here to detect them
+start = r'''
+ \s* # any number of whitespace
+ /\*{2,} # followed by '/' and at least two asterisks
+ \s*$ # probably followed by whitespace
+column = r'''
+ \s* # any number of whitespace
+ \*{1}(?!/) # followed by precisely one asterisk not followed by `/'
+ (.*) # then anything (group1)
+end = r'''
+ \s* # any number of whitespace
+ \*+/ # followed by at least one asterisk, then '/'
+re_source_block_format2 = SourceBlockFormat( 2, start, column, end )
+# the list of supported documentation block formats, we could add new ones
+# relatively easily
+re_source_block_formats = [re_source_block_format1, re_source_block_format2]
+# the following regular expressions corresponds to markup tags
+# within the documentation comment blocks. they're equivalent
+# despite their different syntax
+# notice how each markup tag _must_ begin a new line
+re_markup_tag1 = re.compile( r'''\s*<(\w*)>''' ) # <xxxx> format
+re_markup_tag2 = re.compile( r'''\s*@(\w*):''' ) # @xxxx: format
+# the list of supported markup tags, we could add new ones relatively
+# easily
+re_markup_tags = [re_markup_tag1, re_markup_tag2]
+# used to detect a cross-reference, after markup tags have been stripped
+re_crossref = re.compile( r'@(\w*)(.*)' )
+# used to detect italic and bold styles in paragraph text
+re_italic = re.compile( r"_(\w(\w|')*)_(.*)" ) # _italic_
+re_bold = re.compile( r"\*(\w(\w|')*)\*(.*)" ) # *bold*
+# used to detect the end of commented source lines
+re_source_sep = re.compile( r'\s*/\*\s*\*/' )
+# used to perform cross-reference within source output
+re_source_crossref = re.compile( r'(\W*)(\w*)' )
+# a list of reserved source keywords
+re_source_keywords = re.compile( '''\\b ( typedef |
+ struct |
+ enum |
+ union |
+ const |
+ char |
+ int |
+ short |
+ long |
+ void |
+ signed |
+ unsigned |
+ \#include |
+ \#define |
+ \#undef |
+ \#if |
+ \#ifdef |
+ \#ifndef |
+ \#else |
+ \#endif ) \\b''', re.VERBOSE )
+## A SourceProcessor is in charge of reading a C source file
+## and decomposing it into a series of different "SourceBlocks".
+## each one of these blocks can be made of the following data:
+## - A documentation comment block that starts with "/**" and
+## whose exact format will be discussed later
+## - normal sources lines, including comments
+## the important fields in a text block are the following ones:
+## self.lines : a list of text lines for the corresponding block
+## self.content : for documentation comment blocks only, this is the
+## block content that has been "unboxed" from its
+## decoration. This is None for all other blocks
+## (i.e. sources or ordinary comments with no starting
+## markup tag)
+class SourceBlock:
+ def __init__( self, processor, filename, lineno, lines ):
+ self.processor = processor
+ self.filename = filename
+ self.lineno = lineno
+ self.lines = lines[:]
+ self.format = processor.format
+ self.content = []
+ if self.format == None:
+ return
+ words = []
+ # extract comment lines
+ lines = []
+ for line0 in self.lines:
+ m = self.format.column.match( line0 )
+ if m:
+ lines.append( 1 ) )
+ # now, look for a markup tag
+ for l in lines:
+ l = string.strip( l )
+ if len( l ) > 0:
+ for tag in re_markup_tags:
+ if tag.match( l ):
+ self.content = lines
+ return
+ def location( self ):
+ return "(" + self.filename + ":" + repr( self.lineno ) + ")"
+ # debugging only - not used in normal operations
+ def dump( self ):
+ if self.content:
+ print "{{{content start---"
+ for l in self.content:
+ print l
+ print "---content end}}}"
+ return
+ fmt = ""
+ if self.format:
+ fmt = repr( ) + " "
+ for line in self.lines:
+ print line
+## The SourceProcessor is in charge of reading a C source file
+## and decomposing it into a series of different "SourceBlock"
+## objects.
+## each one of these blocks can be made of the following data:
+## - A documentation comment block that starts with "/**" and
+## whose exact format will be discussed later
+## - normal sources lines, include comments
+class SourceProcessor:
+ def __init__( self ):
+ """initialize a source processor"""
+ self.blocks = []
+ self.filename = None
+ self.format = None
+ self.lines = []
+ def reset( self ):
+ """reset a block processor, clean all its blocks"""
+ self.blocks = []
+ self.format = None
+ def parse_file( self, filename ):
+ """parse a C source file, and add its blocks to the processor's list"""
+ self.reset()
+ self.filename = filename
+ fileinput.close()
+ self.format = None
+ self.lineno = 0
+ self.lines = []
+ for line in fileinput.input( filename ):
+ # strip trailing newlines, important on Windows machines!
+ if line[-1] == '\012':
+ line = line[0:-1]
+ if self.format == None:
+ self.process_normal_line( line )
+ else:
+ if self.format.end.match( line ):
+ # that's a normal block end, add it to 'lines' and
+ # create a new block
+ self.lines.append( line )
+ self.add_block_lines()
+ elif self.format.column.match( line ):
+ # that's a normal column line, add it to 'lines'
+ self.lines.append( line )
+ else:
+ # humm.. this is an unexpected block end,
+ # create a new block, but don't process the line
+ self.add_block_lines()
+ # we need to process the line again
+ self.process_normal_line( line )
+ # record the last lines
+ self.add_block_lines()
+ def process_normal_line( self, line ):
+ """process a normal line and check whether it is the start of a new block"""
+ for f in re_source_block_formats:
+ if f.start.match( line ):
+ self.add_block_lines()
+ self.format = f
+ self.lineno = fileinput.filelineno()
+ self.lines.append( line )
+ def add_block_lines( self ):
+ """add the current accumulated lines and create a new block"""
+ if self.lines != []:
+ block = SourceBlock( self, self.filename, self.lineno, self.lines )
+ self.blocks.append( block )
+ self.format = None
+ self.lines = []
+ # debugging only, not used in normal operations
+ def dump( self ):
+ """print all blocks in a processor"""
+ for b in self.blocks:
+ b.dump()
+# eof
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/freetype/src/tools/docmaker/ b/src/3rdparty/freetype/src/tools/docmaker/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fffa120973
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/freetype/src/tools/docmaker/
@@ -0,0 +1,593 @@
+# ToHTML (c) 2002, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008
+# David Turner <>
+from sources import *
+from content import *
+from formatter import *
+import time
+# The following defines the HTML header used by all generated pages.
+html_header_1 = """\
+<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
+html_header_2 = """\
+ API Reference</title>
+<style type="text/css">
+ body { font-family: Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, serif;
+ color: #000000;
+ background: #FFFFFF; }
+ p { text-align: justify; }
+ h1 { text-align: center; }
+ li { text-align: justify; }
+ td { padding: 0 0.5em 0 0.5em; }
+ td.left { padding: 0 0.5em 0 0.5em;
+ text-align: left; }
+ a:link { color: #0000EF; }
+ a:visited { color: #51188E; }
+ a:hover { color: #FF0000; }
+ span.keyword { font-family: monospace;
+ text-align: left;
+ white-space: pre;
+ color: darkblue; }
+ pre.colored { color: blue; }
+ ul.empty { list-style-type: none; }
+html_header_3 = """
+<table align=center><tr><td><font size=-1>[<a href="\
+html_header_3i = """
+<table align=center><tr><td width="100%"></td>
+<td><font size=-1>[<a href="\
+html_header_4 = """\
+<td width="100%"></td>
+<td><font size=-1>[<a href="\
+html_header_5 = """\
+html_header_5t = """\
+<td width="100%"></td></tr></table>
+html_header_6 = """\
+ API Reference</h1></center>
+# The HTML footer used by all generated pages.
+html_footer = """\
+# The header and footer used for each section.
+section_title_header = "<center><h1>"
+section_title_footer = "</h1></center>"
+# The header and footer used for code segments.
+code_header = '<pre class="colored">'
+code_footer = '</pre>'
+# Paragraph header and footer.
+para_header = "<p>"
+para_footer = "</p>"
+# Block header and footer.
+block_header = '<table align=center width="75%"><tr><td>'
+block_footer_start = """\
+<hr width="75%">
+<table align=center width="75%"><tr><td><font size=-2>[<a href="\
+block_footer_middle = """\
+<td width="100%"></td>
+<td><font size=-2>[<a href="\
+block_footer_end = """\
+# Description header/footer.
+description_header = '<table align=center width="87%"><tr><td>'
+description_footer = "</td></tr></table><br>"
+# Marker header/inter/footer combination.
+marker_header = '<table align=center width="87%" cellpadding=5><tr bgcolor="#EEEEFF"><td><em><b>'
+marker_inter = "</b></em></td></tr><tr><td>"
+marker_footer = "</td></tr></table>"
+# Header location header/footer.
+header_location_header = '<table align=center width="87%"><tr><td>'
+header_location_footer = "</td></tr></table><br>"
+# Source code extracts header/footer.
+source_header = '<table align=center width="87%"><tr bgcolor="#D6E8FF"><td><pre>\n'
+source_footer = "\n</pre></table><br>"
+# Chapter header/inter/footer.
+chapter_header = '<br><table align=center width="75%"><tr><td><h2>'
+chapter_inter = '</h2><ul class="empty"><li>'
+chapter_footer = '</li></ul></td></tr></table>'
+# Index footer.
+index_footer_start = """\
+<table><tr><td width="100%"></td>
+<td><font size=-2>[<a href="\
+index_footer_end = """\
+# TOC footer.
+toc_footer_start = """\
+<table><tr><td><font size=-2>[<a href="\
+toc_footer_end = """\
+<td width="100%"></td>
+# source language keyword coloration/styling
+keyword_prefix = '<span class="keyword">'
+keyword_suffix = '</span>'
+section_synopsis_header = '<h2>Synopsis</h2>'
+section_synopsis_footer = ''
+# Translate a single line of source to HTML. This will convert
+# a "<" into "&lt.", ">" into "&gt.", etc.
+def html_quote( line ):
+ result = string.replace( line, "&", "&amp;" )
+ result = string.replace( result, "<", "&lt;" )
+ result = string.replace( result, ">", "&gt;" )
+ return result
+# same as 'html_quote', but ignores left and right brackets
+def html_quote0( line ):
+ return string.replace( line, "&", "&amp;" )
+def dump_html_code( lines, prefix = "" ):
+ # clean the last empty lines
+ l = len( self.lines )
+ while l > 0 and string.strip( self.lines[l - 1] ) == "":
+ l = l - 1
+ # The code footer should be directly appended to the last code
+ # line to avoid an additional blank line.
+ print prefix + code_header,
+ for line in self.lines[0 : l + 1]:
+ print '\n' + prefix + html_quote( line ),
+ print prefix + code_footer,
+class HtmlFormatter( Formatter ):
+ def __init__( self, processor, project_title, file_prefix ):
+ Formatter.__init__( self, processor )
+ global html_header_1, html_header_2, html_header_3
+ global html_header_4, html_header_5, html_footer
+ if file_prefix:
+ file_prefix = file_prefix + "-"
+ else:
+ file_prefix = ""
+ self.headers = processor.headers
+ self.project_title = project_title
+ self.file_prefix = file_prefix
+ self.html_header = html_header_1 + project_title + \
+ html_header_2 + \
+ html_header_3 + file_prefix + "index.html" + \
+ html_header_4 + file_prefix + "toc.html" + \
+ html_header_5 + project_title + \
+ html_header_6
+ self.html_index_header = html_header_1 + project_title + \
+ html_header_2 + \
+ html_header_3i + file_prefix + "toc.html" + \
+ html_header_5 + project_title + \
+ html_header_6
+ self.html_toc_header = html_header_1 + project_title + \
+ html_header_2 + \
+ html_header_3 + file_prefix + "index.html" + \
+ html_header_5t + project_title + \
+ html_header_6
+ self.html_footer = "<center><font size=""-2"">generated on " + \
+ time.asctime( time.localtime( time.time() ) ) + \
+ "</font></center>" + html_footer
+ self.columns = 3
+ def make_section_url( self, section ):
+ return self.file_prefix + + ".html"
+ def make_block_url( self, block ):
+ return self.make_section_url( block.section ) + "#" +
+ def make_html_words( self, words ):
+ """ convert a series of simple words into some HTML text """
+ line = ""
+ if words:
+ line = html_quote( words[0] )
+ for w in words[1:]:
+ line = line + " " + html_quote( w )
+ return line
+ def make_html_word( self, word ):
+ """analyze a simple word to detect cross-references and styling"""
+ # look for cross-references
+ m = re_crossref.match( word )
+ if m:
+ try:
+ name = 1 )
+ rest = 2 )
+ block = self.identifiers[name]
+ url = self.make_block_url( block )
+ return '<a href="' + url + '">' + name + '</a>' + rest
+ except:
+ # we detected a cross-reference to an unknown item
+ sys.stderr.write( \
+ "WARNING: undefined cross reference '" + name + "'.\n" )
+ return '?' + name + '?' + rest
+ # look for italics and bolds
+ m = re_italic.match( word )
+ if m:
+ name = 1 )
+ rest = 3 )
+ return '<i>' + name + '</i>' + rest
+ m = re_bold.match( word )
+ if m:
+ name = 1 )
+ rest = 3 )
+ return '<b>' + name + '</b>' + rest
+ return html_quote( word )
+ def make_html_para( self, words ):
+ """ convert words of a paragraph into tagged HTML text, handle xrefs """
+ line = ""
+ if words:
+ line = self.make_html_word( words[0] )
+ for word in words[1:]:
+ line = line + " " + self.make_html_word( word )
+ # convert `...' quotations into real left and right single quotes
+ line = re.sub( r"(^|\W)`(.*?)'(\W|$)", \
+ r'\1&lsquo;\2&rsquo;\3', \
+ line )
+ # convert tilde into non-breakable space
+ line = string.replace( line, "~", "&nbsp;" )
+ return para_header + line + para_footer
+ def make_html_code( self, lines ):
+ """ convert a code sequence to HTML """
+ line = code_header + '\n'
+ for l in lines:
+ line = line + html_quote( l ) + '\n'
+ return line + code_footer
+ def make_html_items( self, items ):
+ """ convert a field's content into some valid HTML """
+ lines = []
+ for item in items:
+ if item.lines:
+ lines.append( self.make_html_code( item.lines ) )
+ else:
+ lines.append( self.make_html_para( item.words ) )
+ return string.join( lines, '\n' )
+ def print_html_items( self, items ):
+ print self.make_html_items( items )
+ def print_html_field( self, field ):
+ if
+ print "<table><tr valign=top><td><b>" + + "</b></td><td>"
+ print self.make_html_items( field.items )
+ if
+ print "</td></tr></table>"
+ def html_source_quote( self, line, block_name = None ):
+ result = ""
+ while line:
+ m = re_source_crossref.match( line )
+ if m:
+ name = 2 )
+ prefix = html_quote( 1 ) )
+ length = len( 0 ) )
+ if name == block_name:
+ # this is the current block name, if any
+ result = result + prefix + '<b>' + name + '</b>'
+ elif re_source_keywords.match( name ):
+ # this is a C keyword
+ result = result + prefix + keyword_prefix + name + keyword_suffix
+ elif self.identifiers.has_key( name ):
+ # this is a known identifier
+ block = self.identifiers[name]
+ result = result + prefix + '<a href="' + \
+ self.make_block_url( block ) + '">' + name + '</a>'
+ else:
+ result = result + html_quote( line[:length] )
+ line = line[length:]
+ else:
+ result = result + html_quote( line )
+ line = []
+ return result
+ def print_html_field_list( self, fields ):
+ print "<p></p>"
+ print "<table cellpadding=3 border=0>"
+ for field in fields:
+ if len( ) > 22:
+ print "<tr valign=top><td colspan=0><b>" + + "</b></td></tr>"
+ print "<tr valign=top><td></td><td>"
+ else:
+ print "<tr valign=top><td><b>" + + "</b></td><td>"
+ self.print_html_items( field.items )
+ print "</td></tr>"
+ print "</table>"
+ def print_html_markup( self, markup ):
+ table_fields = []
+ for field in markup.fields:
+ if
+ # we begin a new series of field or value definitions, we
+ # will record them in the 'table_fields' list before outputting
+ # all of them as a single table
+ #
+ table_fields.append( field )
+ else:
+ if table_fields:
+ self.print_html_field_list( table_fields )
+ table_fields = []
+ self.print_html_items( field.items )
+ if table_fields:
+ self.print_html_field_list( table_fields )
+ #
+ # Formatting the index
+ #
+ def index_enter( self ):
+ print self.html_index_header
+ self.index_items = {}
+ def index_name_enter( self, name ):
+ block = self.identifiers[name]
+ url = self.make_block_url( block )
+ self.index_items[name] = url
+ def index_exit( self ):
+ # block_index already contains the sorted list of index names
+ count = len( self.block_index )
+ rows = ( count + self.columns - 1 ) / self.columns
+ print "<table align=center border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>"
+ for r in range( rows ):
+ line = "<tr>"
+ for c in range( self.columns ):
+ i = r + c * rows
+ if i < count:
+ bname = self.block_index[r + c * rows]
+ url = self.index_items[bname]
+ line = line + '<td><a href="' + url + '">' + bname + '</a></td>'
+ else:
+ line = line + '<td></td>'
+ line = line + "</tr>"
+ print line
+ print "</table>"
+ print index_footer_start + \
+ self.file_prefix + "toc.html" + \
+ index_footer_end
+ print self.html_footer
+ self.index_items = {}
+ def index_dump( self, index_filename = None ):
+ if index_filename == None:
+ index_filename = self.file_prefix + "index.html"
+ Formatter.index_dump( self, index_filename )
+ #
+ # Formatting the table of content
+ #
+ def toc_enter( self ):
+ print self.html_toc_header
+ print "<center><h1>Table of Contents</h1></center>"
+ def toc_chapter_enter( self, chapter ):
+ print chapter_header + string.join( chapter.title ) + chapter_inter
+ print "<table cellpadding=5>"
+ def toc_section_enter( self, section ):
+ print '<tr valign=top><td class="left">'
+ print '<a href="' + self.make_section_url( section ) + '">' + \
+ section.title + '</a></td><td>'
+ print self.make_html_para( section.abstract )
+ def toc_section_exit( self, section ):
+ print "</td></tr>"
+ def toc_chapter_exit( self, chapter ):
+ print "</table>"
+ print chapter_footer
+ def toc_index( self, index_filename ):
+ print chapter_header + \
+ '<a href="' + index_filename + '">Global Index</a>' + \
+ chapter_inter + chapter_footer
+ def toc_exit( self ):
+ print toc_footer_start + \
+ self.file_prefix + "index.html" + \
+ toc_footer_end
+ print self.html_footer
+ def toc_dump( self, toc_filename = None, index_filename = None ):
+ if toc_filename == None:
+ toc_filename = self.file_prefix + "toc.html"
+ if index_filename == None:
+ index_filename = self.file_prefix + "index.html"
+ Formatter.toc_dump( self, toc_filename, index_filename )
+ #
+ # Formatting sections
+ #
+ def section_enter( self, section ):
+ print self.html_header
+ print section_title_header
+ print section.title
+ print section_title_footer
+ maxwidth = 0
+ for b in section.blocks.values():
+ if len( ) > maxwidth:
+ maxwidth = len( )
+ width = 70 # XXX magic number
+ if maxwidth <> 0:
+ # print section synopsis
+ print section_synopsis_header
+ print "<table align=center cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>"
+ columns = width / maxwidth
+ if columns < 1:
+ columns = 1
+ count = len( section.block_names )
+ rows = ( count + columns - 1 ) / columns
+ for r in range( rows ):
+ line = "<tr>"
+ for c in range( columns ):
+ i = r + c * rows
+ line = line + '<td></td><td>'
+ if i < count:
+ name = section.block_names[i]
+ line = line + '<a href="#' + name + '">' + name + '</a>'
+ line = line + '</td>'
+ line = line + "</tr>"
+ print line
+ print "</table><br><br>"
+ print section_synopsis_footer
+ print description_header
+ print self.make_html_items( section.description )
+ print description_footer
+ def block_enter( self, block ):
+ print block_header
+ # place html anchor if needed
+ if
+ print '<h4><a name="' + + '">' + + '</a></h4>'
+ # dump the block C source lines now
+ if block.code:
+ header = ''
+ for f in self.headers.keys():
+ if block.source.filename.find( f ) >= 0:
+ header = self.headers[f] + ' (' + f + ')'
+ break;
+# if not header:
+# sys.stderr.write( \
+# 'WARNING: No header macro for ' + block.source.filename + '.\n' )
+ if header:
+ print header_location_header
+ print 'Defined in ' + header + '.'
+ print header_location_footer
+ print source_header
+ for l in block.code:
+ print self.html_source_quote( l, )
+ print source_footer
+ def markup_enter( self, markup, block ):
+ if markup.tag == "description":
+ print description_header
+ else:
+ print marker_header + markup.tag + marker_inter
+ self.print_html_markup( markup )
+ def markup_exit( self, markup, block ):
+ if markup.tag == "description":
+ print description_footer
+ else:
+ print marker_footer
+ def block_exit( self, block ):
+ print block_footer_start + self.file_prefix + "index.html" + \
+ block_footer_middle + self.file_prefix + "toc.html" + \
+ block_footer_end
+ def section_exit( self, section ):
+ print html_footer
+ def section_dump_all( self ):
+ for section in self.sections:
+ self.section_dump( section, self.file_prefix + + '.html' )
+# eof
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/freetype/src/tools/docmaker/ b/src/3rdparty/freetype/src/tools/docmaker/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1d96658c7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/freetype/src/tools/docmaker/
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+# Utils (c) 2002, 2004, 2007, 2008 David Turner <>
+import string, sys, os, glob
+# current output directory
+output_dir = None
+# This function is used to sort the index. It is a simple lexicographical
+# sort, except that it places capital letters before lowercase ones.
+def index_sort( s1, s2 ):
+ if not s1:
+ return -1
+ if not s2:
+ return 1
+ l1 = len( s1 )
+ l2 = len( s2 )
+ m1 = string.lower( s1 )
+ m2 = string.lower( s2 )
+ for i in range( l1 ):
+ if i >= l2 or m1[i] > m2[i]:
+ return 1
+ if m1[i] < m2[i]:
+ return -1
+ if s1[i] < s2[i]:
+ return -1
+ if s1[i] > s2[i]:
+ return 1
+ if l2 > l1:
+ return -1
+ return 0
+# Sort input_list, placing the elements of order_list in front.
+def sort_order_list( input_list, order_list ):
+ new_list = order_list[:]
+ for id in input_list:
+ if not id in order_list:
+ new_list.append( id )
+ return new_list
+# Open the standard output to a given project documentation file. Use
+# "output_dir" to determine the filename location if necessary and save the
+# old stdout in a tuple that is returned by this function.
+def open_output( filename ):
+ global output_dir
+ if output_dir and output_dir != "":
+ filename = output_dir + os.sep + filename
+ old_stdout = sys.stdout
+ new_file = open( filename, "w" )
+ sys.stdout = new_file
+ return ( new_file, old_stdout )
+# Close the output that was returned by "close_output".
+def close_output( output ):
+ output[0].close()
+ sys.stdout = output[1]
+# Check output directory.
+def check_output():
+ global output_dir
+ if output_dir:
+ if output_dir != "":
+ if not os.path.isdir( output_dir ):
+ sys.stderr.write( "argument" + " '" + output_dir + "' " + \
+ "is not a valid directory" )
+ sys.exit( 2 )
+ else:
+ output_dir = None
+def file_exists( pathname ):
+ """checks that a given file exists"""
+ result = 1
+ try:
+ file = open( pathname, "r" )
+ file.close()
+ except:
+ result = None
+ sys.stderr.write( pathname + " couldn't be accessed\n" )
+ return result
+def make_file_list( args = None ):
+ """builds a list of input files from command-line arguments"""
+ file_list = []
+ # sys.stderr.write( repr( sys.argv[1 :] ) + '\n' )
+ if not args:
+ args = sys.argv[1 :]
+ for pathname in args:
+ if string.find( pathname, '*' ) >= 0:
+ newpath = glob.glob( pathname )
+ newpath.sort() # sort files -- this is important because
+ # of the order of files
+ else:
+ newpath = [pathname]
+ file_list.extend( newpath )
+ if len( file_list ) == 0:
+ file_list = None
+ else:
+ # now filter the file list to remove non-existing ones
+ file_list = filter( file_exists, file_list )
+ return file_list
+# eof