path: root/src/gui/rhi
diff options
authorLaszlo Agocs <>2020-10-01 14:46:44 +0200
committerLaszlo Agocs <>2020-10-02 13:14:31 +0200
commit0b7aef08dcfc84390380a4b7a1a956d1e3193339 (patch)
tree1fc5ad9097a795873f445322582d44d5a9a514f4 /src/gui/rhi
parentb1101fce301e83fe5dcac3c735959378789a8d16 (diff)
rhi: vk: Alter command buffer strategy
Reports on the Web have it that there's nothing guaranteeing a driver does any actual freeing of resources then doing vkFreeCommandBuffer for a command buffer from a command pool that does not have VK_COMMAND_POOL_CREATE_RESET_COMMAND_BUFFER_BIT, thus leading to continuously growing resource usage with our current allocate/free pattern. It could be that this is the source of out of memory problems we are seeing on some Android devices. Instead of just going straight for said command pool flag and doing ResetCommandBuffer for the command buffers individually, take one step further and use per-slot (slot being 0 or 1 if QVK_FRAMES_IN_FLIGHT is 2) command pools. The current pool is reset in each beginFrame/beginOffscreenFrame, moving all allocated command buffers to the initial state (while other command buffers with the other pool are not affected). This may be (while impossible to tell from just guessing based on the spec) our best approach to command buffer allocation since a Vulkan implementation can likely just use some simple per pool allocator, knowing that we never want to free or reset individual command buffers, but we rather only reset the whole pool at once. The option of importing an existing VkCommandPool when creating the QRhi instance is now gone, but there was probably no point in offering that in the first place. When it comes to VK_COMMAND_POOL_RESET_RELEASE_RESOURCES_BIT it will not be set unless releaseCachedResources() (in Qt Quick this is hooked into QQuickWindow::releaseResources()) was called. What this does in practice is unknown, but have an option to set it now and then if the application really wants. While we are at it, rename secondaryCbs to activeSecondaryCbStack to indicate what it really is. (it's a stack as each call to beginExternal() pushes a new one, while each endExternal() pops) Change-Id: I2e5c1fad26d794e1f56c778e38f750998d706d84 Reviewed-by: Andy Nichols <>
Diffstat (limited to 'src/gui/rhi')
3 files changed, 158 insertions, 131 deletions
diff --git a/src/gui/rhi/qrhivulkan.cpp b/src/gui/rhi/qrhivulkan.cpp
index d6b1bc0670..bb4b94c6b3 100644
--- a/src/gui/rhi/qrhivulkan.cpp
+++ b/src/gui/rhi/qrhivulkan.cpp
@@ -323,10 +323,6 @@ QRhiVulkan::QRhiVulkan(QRhiVulkanInitParams *params, QRhiVulkanNativeHandles *im
gfxQueueFamilyIdx = importParams->gfxQueueFamilyIdx;
gfxQueueIdx = importParams->gfxQueueIdx;
// gfxQueue is output only, no point in accepting it as input
- if (importParams->cmdPool) {
- importedCmdPool = true;
- cmdPool = importParams->cmdPool;
- }
if (importParams->vmemAllocator) {
importedAllocator = true;
allocator = importParams->vmemAllocator;
@@ -590,12 +586,12 @@ bool QRhiVulkan::create(QRhi::Flags flags)
df = inst->deviceFunctions(dev);
- if (!importedCmdPool) {
- VkCommandPoolCreateInfo poolInfo;
- memset(&poolInfo, 0, sizeof(poolInfo));
- poolInfo.queueFamilyIndex = uint32_t(gfxQueueFamilyIdx);
- VkResult err = df->vkCreateCommandPool(dev, &poolInfo, nullptr, &cmdPool);
+ VkCommandPoolCreateInfo poolInfo;
+ memset(&poolInfo, 0, sizeof(poolInfo));
+ poolInfo.queueFamilyIndex = uint32_t(gfxQueueFamilyIdx);
+ for (int i = 0; i < QVK_FRAMES_IN_FLIGHT; ++i) {
+ VkResult err = df->vkCreateCommandPool(dev, &poolInfo, nullptr, &cmdPool[i]);
if (err != VK_SUCCESS) {
qWarning("Failed to create command pool: %d", err);
return false;
@@ -695,7 +691,6 @@ bool QRhiVulkan::create(QRhi::Flags flags)
nativeHandlesStruct.gfxQueueFamilyIdx = gfxQueueFamilyIdx;
nativeHandlesStruct.gfxQueueIdx = gfxQueueIdx;
nativeHandlesStruct.gfxQueue = gfxQueue;
- nativeHandlesStruct.cmdPool = cmdPool;
nativeHandlesStruct.vmemAllocator = allocator;
return true;
@@ -717,11 +712,6 @@ void QRhiVulkan::destroy()
ofr.cmdFence = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
- if (ofr.cbWrapper.cb) {
- df->vkFreeCommandBuffers(dev, cmdPool, 1, &ofr.cbWrapper.cb);
- ofr.cbWrapper.cb = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
- }
if (pipelineCache) {
df->vkDestroyPipelineCache(dev, pipelineCache, nullptr);
pipelineCache = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
@@ -742,9 +732,13 @@ void QRhiVulkan::destroy()
allocator = nullptr;
- if (!importedCmdPool && cmdPool) {
- df->vkDestroyCommandPool(dev, cmdPool, nullptr);
- cmdPool = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
+ for (int i = 0; i < QVK_FRAMES_IN_FLIGHT; ++i) {
+ if (cmdPool[i]) {
+ df->vkDestroyCommandPool(dev, cmdPool[i], nullptr);
+ cmdPool[i] = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
+ }
+ freeSecondaryCbs[i].clear();
+ ofr.cbWrapper[i]->cb = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
if (!importedDevice && dev) {
@@ -1587,10 +1581,6 @@ void QRhiVulkan::releaseSwapChainResources(QRhiSwapChain *swapChain)
df->vkDestroySemaphore(dev, frame.drawSem, nullptr);
frame.drawSem = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
- if (frame.cmdBuf) {
- df->vkFreeCommandBuffers(dev, cmdPool, 1, &frame.cmdBuf);
- frame.cmdBuf = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
- }
for (int i = 0; i < swapChainD->bufferCount; ++i) {
@@ -1624,6 +1614,20 @@ void QRhiVulkan::releaseSwapChainResources(QRhiSwapChain *swapChain)
// NB! surface and similar must remain intact
+void QRhiVulkan::ensureCommandPoolForNewFrame()
+ VkCommandPoolResetFlags flags = 0;
+ // While not clear what "recycles all of the resources from the command
+ // pool back to the system" really means in practice, set it when there was
+ // a call to releaseCachedResources() recently.
+ if (releaseCachedResourcesCalledBeforeFrameStart)
+ // put all command buffers allocated from this slot's pool to initial state
+ df->vkResetCommandPool(dev, cmdPool[currentFrameSlot], 0);
QRhi::FrameOpResult QRhiVulkan::beginFrame(QRhiSwapChain *swapChain, QRhi::BeginFrameFlags)
QVkSwapChain *swapChainD = QRHI_RES(QVkSwapChain, swapChain);
@@ -1641,10 +1645,11 @@ QRhi::FrameOpResult QRhiVulkan::beginFrame(QRhiSwapChain *swapChain, QRhi::Begin
// move on to next swapchain image
+ uint32_t imageIndex = 0;
VkResult err = vkAcquireNextImageKHR(dev, swapChainD->sc, UINT64_MAX,
- frame.imageSem, frame.imageFence, &frame.imageIndex);
+ frame.imageSem, frame.imageFence, &imageIndex);
if (err == VK_SUCCESS || err == VK_SUBOPTIMAL_KHR) {
- swapChainD->currentImageIndex = frame.imageIndex;
+ swapChainD->currentImageIndex = imageIndex;
frame.imageSemWaitable = true;
frame.imageAcquired = true;
frame.imageFenceWaitable = true;
@@ -1699,7 +1704,15 @@ QRhi::FrameOpResult QRhiVulkan::beginFrame(QRhiSwapChain *swapChain, QRhi::Begin
- // build new draw command buffer
+ currentFrameSlot = int(swapChainD->currentFrameSlot);
+ currentSwapChain = swapChainD;
+ if (swapChainD->ds)
+ swapChainD->ds->lastActiveFrameSlot = currentFrameSlot;
+ // reset the command pool
+ ensureCommandPoolForNewFrame();
+ // start recording to this frame's command buffer
QRhi::FrameOpResult cbres = startPrimaryCommandBuffer(&frame.cmdBuf);
if (cbres != QRhi::FrameOpSuccess)
return cbres;
@@ -1728,11 +1741,6 @@ QRhi::FrameOpResult QRhiVulkan::beginFrame(QRhiSwapChain *swapChain, QRhi::Begin
QVkSwapChain::ImageResources &image(swapChainD->imageRes[swapChainD->currentImageIndex]);
swapChainD->rtWrapper.d.fb = image.fb;
- currentFrameSlot = int(swapChainD->currentFrameSlot);
- currentSwapChain = swapChainD;
- if (swapChainD->ds)
- swapChainD->ds->lastActiveFrameSlot = currentFrameSlot;
@@ -1868,38 +1876,37 @@ void QRhiVulkan::prepareNewFrame(QRhiCommandBuffer *cb)
QRHI_RES(QVkCommandBuffer, cb)->resetState();
finishActiveReadbacks(); // last, in case the readback-completed callback issues rhi calls
+ releaseCachedResourcesCalledBeforeFrameStart = false;
QRhi::FrameOpResult QRhiVulkan::startPrimaryCommandBuffer(VkCommandBuffer *cb)
- if (*cb) {
- df->vkFreeCommandBuffers(dev, cmdPool, 1, cb);
- }
- VkCommandBufferAllocateInfo cmdBufInfo;
- memset(&cmdBufInfo, 0, sizeof(cmdBufInfo));
- cmdBufInfo.commandPool = cmdPool;
- cmdBufInfo.commandBufferCount = 1;
+ if (!*cb) {
+ VkCommandBufferAllocateInfo cmdBufInfo;
+ memset(&cmdBufInfo, 0, sizeof(cmdBufInfo));
+ cmdBufInfo.commandPool = cmdPool[currentFrameSlot];
+ cmdBufInfo.commandBufferCount = 1;
- VkResult err = df->vkAllocateCommandBuffers(dev, &cmdBufInfo, cb);
- if (err != VK_SUCCESS) {
- if (err == VK_ERROR_DEVICE_LOST) {
- qWarning("Device loss detected in vkAllocateCommandBuffers()");
- deviceLost = true;
- return QRhi::FrameOpDeviceLost;
+ VkResult err = df->vkAllocateCommandBuffers(dev, &cmdBufInfo, cb);
+ if (err != VK_SUCCESS) {
+ if (err == VK_ERROR_DEVICE_LOST) {
+ qWarning("Device loss detected in vkAllocateCommandBuffers()");
+ deviceLost = true;
+ return QRhi::FrameOpDeviceLost;
+ }
+ qWarning("Failed to allocate frame command buffer: %d", err);
+ return QRhi::FrameOpError;
- qWarning("Failed to allocate frame command buffer: %d", err);
- return QRhi::FrameOpError;
VkCommandBufferBeginInfo cmdBufBeginInfo;
memset(&cmdBufBeginInfo, 0, sizeof(cmdBufBeginInfo));
- err = df->vkBeginCommandBuffer(*cb, &cmdBufBeginInfo);
+ VkResult err = df->vkBeginCommandBuffer(*cb, &cmdBufBeginInfo);
if (err != VK_SUCCESS) {
if (err == VK_ERROR_DEVICE_LOST) {
qWarning("Device loss detected in vkBeginCommandBuffer()");
@@ -1972,10 +1979,6 @@ void QRhiVulkan::waitCommandCompletion(int frameSlot)
QRhi::FrameOpResult QRhiVulkan::beginOffscreenFrame(QRhiCommandBuffer **cb, QRhi::BeginFrameFlags)
- QRhi::FrameOpResult cbres = startPrimaryCommandBuffer(&ofr.cbWrapper.cb);
- if (cbres != QRhi::FrameOpSuccess)
- return cbres;
// Switch to the next slot manually. Swapchains do not know about this
// which is good. So for example a - unusual but possible - onscreen,
// onscreen, offscreen, onscreen, onscreen, onscreen sequence of
@@ -1989,10 +1992,17 @@ QRhi::FrameOpResult QRhiVulkan::beginOffscreenFrame(QRhiCommandBuffer **cb, QRhi
if (swapchains.count() > 1)
- prepareNewFrame(&ofr.cbWrapper);
+ ensureCommandPoolForNewFrame();
+ QVkCommandBuffer *cbWrapper = ofr.cbWrapper[currentFrameSlot];
+ QRhi::FrameOpResult cbres = startPrimaryCommandBuffer(&cbWrapper->cb);
+ if (cbres != QRhi::FrameOpSuccess)
+ return cbres;
+ prepareNewFrame(cbWrapper); = true;
- *cb = &ofr.cbWrapper;
+ *cb = cbWrapper;
return QRhi::FrameOpSuccess;
@@ -2002,7 +2012,8 @@ QRhi::FrameOpResult QRhiVulkan::endOffscreenFrame(QRhi::EndFrameFlags flags)
Q_ASSERT(; = false;
- recordPrimaryCommandBuffer(&ofr.cbWrapper);
+ QVkCommandBuffer *cbWrapper(ofr.cbWrapper[currentFrameSlot]);
+ recordPrimaryCommandBuffer(cbWrapper);
if (!ofr.cmdFence) {
VkFenceCreateInfo fenceInfo;
@@ -2015,7 +2026,7 @@ QRhi::FrameOpResult QRhiVulkan::endOffscreenFrame(QRhi::EndFrameFlags flags)
- QRhi::FrameOpResult submitres = endAndSubmitPrimaryCommandBuffer(ofr.cbWrapper.cb, ofr.cmdFence, nullptr, nullptr);
+ QRhi::FrameOpResult submitres = endAndSubmitPrimaryCommandBuffer(cbWrapper->cb, ofr.cmdFence, nullptr, nullptr);
if (submitres != QRhi::FrameOpSuccess)
return submitres;
@@ -2039,10 +2050,11 @@ QRhi::FrameOpResult QRhiVulkan::finish()
VkCommandBuffer cb;
if ( {
- Q_ASSERT(ofr.cbWrapper.recordingPass == QVkCommandBuffer::NoPass);
- recordPrimaryCommandBuffer(&ofr.cbWrapper);
- ofr.cbWrapper.resetCommands();
- cb = ofr.cbWrapper.cb;
+ QVkCommandBuffer *cbWrapper(ofr.cbWrapper[currentFrameSlot]);
+ Q_ASSERT(cbWrapper->recordingPass == QVkCommandBuffer::NoPass);
+ recordPrimaryCommandBuffer(cbWrapper);
+ cbWrapper->resetCommands();
+ cb = cbWrapper->cb;
} else {
Q_ASSERT(currentSwapChain->cbWrapper.recordingPass == QVkCommandBuffer::NoPass);
@@ -2059,9 +2071,11 @@ QRhi::FrameOpResult QRhiVulkan::finish()
if (inFrame) {
+ // The current frame slot's command pool needs to be reset.
+ ensureCommandPoolForNewFrame();
// Allocate and begin recording on a new command buffer.
if ( {
- startPrimaryCommandBuffer(&ofr.cbWrapper.cb);
+ startPrimaryCommandBuffer(&ofr.cbWrapper[currentFrameSlot]->cb);
} else {
QVkSwapChain::FrameResources &frame(swapChainD->frameRes[swapChainD->currentFrameSlot]);
@@ -2143,16 +2157,22 @@ VkCommandBuffer QRhiVulkan::startSecondaryCommandBuffer(QVkRenderTargetData *rtD
VkCommandBuffer secondaryCb;
- VkCommandBufferAllocateInfo cmdBufInfo;
- memset(&cmdBufInfo, 0, sizeof(cmdBufInfo));
- cmdBufInfo.commandPool = cmdPool;
- cmdBufInfo.commandBufferCount = 1;
- VkResult err = df->vkAllocateCommandBuffers(dev, &cmdBufInfo, &secondaryCb);
- if (err != VK_SUCCESS) {
- qWarning("Failed to create secondary command buffer: %d", err);
- return VK_NULL_HANDLE;
+ if (!freeSecondaryCbs[currentFrameSlot].isEmpty()) {
+ secondaryCb = freeSecondaryCbs[currentFrameSlot].last();
+ freeSecondaryCbs[currentFrameSlot].removeLast();
+ } else {
+ VkCommandBufferAllocateInfo cmdBufInfo;
+ memset(&cmdBufInfo, 0, sizeof(cmdBufInfo));
+ cmdBufInfo.commandPool = cmdPool[currentFrameSlot];
+ cmdBufInfo.commandBufferCount = 1;
+ VkResult err = df->vkAllocateCommandBuffers(dev, &cmdBufInfo, &secondaryCb);
+ if (err != VK_SUCCESS) {
+ qWarning("Failed to create secondary command buffer: %d", err);
+ return VK_NULL_HANDLE;
+ }
VkCommandBufferBeginInfo cmdBufBeginInfo;
@@ -2169,10 +2189,9 @@ VkCommandBuffer QRhiVulkan::startSecondaryCommandBuffer(QVkRenderTargetData *rtD
cmdBufBeginInfo.pInheritanceInfo = &cmdBufInheritInfo;
- err = df->vkBeginCommandBuffer(secondaryCb, &cmdBufBeginInfo);
+ VkResult err = df->vkBeginCommandBuffer(secondaryCb, &cmdBufBeginInfo);
if (err != VK_SUCCESS) {
qWarning("Failed to begin secondary command buffer: %d", err);
- df->vkFreeCommandBuffers(dev, cmdPool, 1, &secondaryCb);
@@ -2190,15 +2209,10 @@ void QRhiVulkan::endAndEnqueueSecondaryCommandBuffer(VkCommandBuffer cb, QVkComm
cmd.args.executeSecondary.cb = cb;
- deferredReleaseSecondaryCommandBuffer(cb);
-void QRhiVulkan::deferredReleaseSecondaryCommandBuffer(VkCommandBuffer cb)
QRhiVulkan::DeferredReleaseEntry e;
- e.type = QRhiVulkan::DeferredReleaseEntry::CommandBuffer;
+ e.type = QRhiVulkan::DeferredReleaseEntry::SecondaryCommandBuffer;
e.lastActiveFrameSlot = currentFrameSlot;
- e.commandBuffer.cb = cb;
+ e.secondaryCommandBuffer.cb = cb;
@@ -2286,7 +2300,7 @@ void QRhiVulkan::beginPass(QRhiCommandBuffer *cb,
if (cbD->passUsesSecondaryCb)
- cbD->secondaryCbs.append(startSecondaryCommandBuffer(rtD));
+ cbD->activeSecondaryCbStack.append(startSecondaryCommandBuffer(rtD));
void QRhiVulkan::endPass(QRhiCommandBuffer *cb, QRhiResourceUpdateBatch *resourceUpdates)
@@ -2295,8 +2309,8 @@ void QRhiVulkan::endPass(QRhiCommandBuffer *cb, QRhiResourceUpdateBatch *resourc
Q_ASSERT(cbD->recordingPass == QVkCommandBuffer::RenderPass);
if (cbD->passUsesSecondaryCb) {
- VkCommandBuffer secondaryCb = cbD->secondaryCbs.last();
- cbD->secondaryCbs.removeLast();
+ VkCommandBuffer secondaryCb = cbD->activeSecondaryCbStack.last();
+ cbD->activeSecondaryCbStack.removeLast();
endAndEnqueueSecondaryCommandBuffer(secondaryCb, cbD);
@@ -2330,7 +2344,7 @@ void QRhiVulkan::beginComputePass(QRhiCommandBuffer *cb,
if (cbD->passUsesSecondaryCb)
- cbD->secondaryCbs.append(startSecondaryCommandBuffer());
+ cbD->activeSecondaryCbStack.append(startSecondaryCommandBuffer());
void QRhiVulkan::endComputePass(QRhiCommandBuffer *cb, QRhiResourceUpdateBatch *resourceUpdates)
@@ -2339,8 +2353,8 @@ void QRhiVulkan::endComputePass(QRhiCommandBuffer *cb, QRhiResourceUpdateBatch *
Q_ASSERT(cbD->recordingPass == QVkCommandBuffer::ComputePass);
if (cbD->passUsesSecondaryCb) {
- VkCommandBuffer secondaryCb = cbD->secondaryCbs.last();
- cbD->secondaryCbs.removeLast();
+ VkCommandBuffer secondaryCb = cbD->activeSecondaryCbStack.last();
+ cbD->activeSecondaryCbStack.removeLast();
endAndEnqueueSecondaryCommandBuffer(secondaryCb, cbD);
@@ -2360,7 +2374,7 @@ void QRhiVulkan::setComputePipeline(QRhiCommandBuffer *cb, QRhiComputePipeline *
if (cbD->currentComputePipeline != ps || cbD->currentPipelineGeneration != psD->generation) {
if (cbD->passUsesSecondaryCb) {
- df->vkCmdBindPipeline(cbD->secondaryCbs.last(), VK_PIPELINE_BIND_POINT_COMPUTE, psD->pipeline);
+ df->vkCmdBindPipeline(cbD->activeSecondaryCbStack.last(), VK_PIPELINE_BIND_POINT_COMPUTE, psD->pipeline);
} else {
QVkCommandBuffer::Command cmd;
cmd.cmd = QVkCommandBuffer::Command::BindPipeline;
@@ -2489,7 +2503,7 @@ void QRhiVulkan::dispatch(QRhiCommandBuffer *cb, int x, int y, int z)
if (cbD->passUsesSecondaryCb) {
- VkCommandBuffer secondaryCb = cbD->secondaryCbs.last();
+ VkCommandBuffer secondaryCb = cbD->activeSecondaryCbStack.last();
if (!imageBarriers.isEmpty()) {
0, 0, nullptr,
@@ -3519,8 +3533,8 @@ void QRhiVulkan::executeDeferredReleases(bool forced)
case QRhiVulkan::DeferredReleaseEntry::StagingBuffer:
vmaDestroyBuffer(toVmaAllocator(allocator), e.stagingBuffer.stagingBuffer, toVmaAllocation(e.stagingBuffer.stagingAllocation));
- case QRhiVulkan::DeferredReleaseEntry::CommandBuffer:
- df->vkFreeCommandBuffers(dev, cmdPool, 1, &e.commandBuffer.cb);
+ case QRhiVulkan::DeferredReleaseEntry::SecondaryCommandBuffer:
+ freeSecondaryCbs[e.lastActiveFrameSlot].append(e.secondaryCommandBuffer.cb);
@@ -4174,7 +4188,7 @@ bool QRhiVulkan::makeThreadLocalNativeContextCurrent()
void QRhiVulkan::releaseCachedResources()
- // nothing to do here
+ releaseCachedResourcesCalledBeforeFrameStart = true;
bool QRhiVulkan::isDeviceLost() const
@@ -4232,7 +4246,7 @@ void QRhiVulkan::setGraphicsPipeline(QRhiCommandBuffer *cb, QRhiGraphicsPipeline
if (cbD->currentGraphicsPipeline != ps || cbD->currentPipelineGeneration != psD->generation) {
if (cbD->passUsesSecondaryCb) {
- df->vkCmdBindPipeline(cbD->secondaryCbs.last(), VK_PIPELINE_BIND_POINT_GRAPHICS, psD->pipeline);
+ df->vkCmdBindPipeline(cbD->activeSecondaryCbStack.last(), VK_PIPELINE_BIND_POINT_GRAPHICS, psD->pipeline);
} else {
QVkCommandBuffer::Command cmd;
cmd.cmd = QVkCommandBuffer::Command::BindPipeline;
@@ -4440,7 +4454,7 @@ void QRhiVulkan::setShaderResources(QRhiCommandBuffer *cb, QRhiShaderResourceBin
if (cbD->passUsesSecondaryCb) {
- df->vkCmdBindDescriptorSets(cbD->secondaryCbs.last(),
+ df->vkCmdBindDescriptorSets(cbD->activeSecondaryCbStack.last(),
gfxPsD ? gfxPsD->layout : compPsD->layout,
0, 1, &srbD->descSets[descSetIdx],
@@ -4514,7 +4528,7 @@ void QRhiVulkan::setVertexInput(QRhiCommandBuffer *cb,
if (cbD->passUsesSecondaryCb) {
- df->vkCmdBindVertexBuffers(cbD->secondaryCbs.last(), uint32_t(startBinding),
+ df->vkCmdBindVertexBuffers(cbD->activeSecondaryCbStack.last(), uint32_t(startBinding),
uint32_t(bufs.count()), bufs.constData(), ofs.constData());
} else {
QVkCommandBuffer::Command cmd;
@@ -4550,7 +4564,7 @@ void QRhiVulkan::setVertexInput(QRhiCommandBuffer *cb,
cbD->currentIndexFormat = type;
if (cbD->passUsesSecondaryCb) {
- df->vkCmdBindIndexBuffer(cbD->secondaryCbs.last(), vkindexbuf, indexOffset, type);
+ df->vkCmdBindIndexBuffer(cbD->activeSecondaryCbStack.last(), vkindexbuf, indexOffset, type);
} else {
QVkCommandBuffer::Command cmd;
cmd.cmd = QVkCommandBuffer::Command::BindIndexBuffer;
@@ -4588,7 +4602,7 @@ void QRhiVulkan::setViewport(QRhiCommandBuffer *cb, const QRhiViewport &viewport
vp->maxDepth = viewport.maxDepth();
if (cbD->passUsesSecondaryCb) {
- df->vkCmdSetViewport(cbD->secondaryCbs.last(), 0, 1, vp);
+ df->vkCmdSetViewport(cbD->activeSecondaryCbStack.last(), 0, 1, vp);
} else {
cmd.cmd = QVkCommandBuffer::Command::SetViewport;
@@ -4601,7 +4615,7 @@ void QRhiVulkan::setViewport(QRhiCommandBuffer *cb, const QRhiViewport &viewport
s->extent.width = uint32_t(w);
s->extent.height = uint32_t(h);
if (cbD->passUsesSecondaryCb) {
- df->vkCmdSetScissor(cbD->secondaryCbs.last(), 0, 1, s);
+ df->vkCmdSetScissor(cbD->activeSecondaryCbStack.last(), 0, 1, s);
} else {
cmd.cmd = QVkCommandBuffer::Command::SetScissor;
@@ -4629,7 +4643,7 @@ void QRhiVulkan::setScissor(QRhiCommandBuffer *cb, const QRhiScissor &scissor)
s->extent.height = uint32_t(h);
if (cbD->passUsesSecondaryCb) {
- df->vkCmdSetScissor(cbD->secondaryCbs.last(), 0, 1, s);
+ df->vkCmdSetScissor(cbD->activeSecondaryCbStack.last(), 0, 1, s);
} else {
cmd.cmd = QVkCommandBuffer::Command::SetScissor;
@@ -4643,7 +4657,7 @@ void QRhiVulkan::setBlendConstants(QRhiCommandBuffer *cb, const QColor &c)
if (cbD->passUsesSecondaryCb) {
float constants[] = { float(c.redF()), float(c.greenF()), float(c.blueF()), float(c.alphaF()) };
- df->vkCmdSetBlendConstants(cbD->secondaryCbs.last(), constants);
+ df->vkCmdSetBlendConstants(cbD->activeSecondaryCbStack.last(), constants);
} else {
QVkCommandBuffer::Command cmd;
cmd.cmd = QVkCommandBuffer::Command::SetBlendConstants;
@@ -4661,7 +4675,7 @@ void QRhiVulkan::setStencilRef(QRhiCommandBuffer *cb, quint32 refValue)
Q_ASSERT(cbD->recordingPass == QVkCommandBuffer::RenderPass);
if (cbD->passUsesSecondaryCb) {
- df->vkCmdSetStencilReference(cbD->secondaryCbs.last(), VK_STENCIL_FRONT_AND_BACK, refValue);
+ df->vkCmdSetStencilReference(cbD->activeSecondaryCbStack.last(), VK_STENCIL_FRONT_AND_BACK, refValue);
} else {
QVkCommandBuffer::Command cmd;
cmd.cmd = QVkCommandBuffer::Command::SetStencilRef;
@@ -4677,7 +4691,7 @@ void QRhiVulkan::draw(QRhiCommandBuffer *cb, quint32 vertexCount,
Q_ASSERT(cbD->recordingPass == QVkCommandBuffer::RenderPass);
if (cbD->passUsesSecondaryCb) {
- df->vkCmdDraw(cbD->secondaryCbs.last(), vertexCount, instanceCount, firstVertex, firstInstance);
+ df->vkCmdDraw(cbD->activeSecondaryCbStack.last(), vertexCount, instanceCount, firstVertex, firstInstance);
} else {
QVkCommandBuffer::Command cmd;
cmd.cmd = QVkCommandBuffer::Command::Draw;
@@ -4696,7 +4710,7 @@ void QRhiVulkan::drawIndexed(QRhiCommandBuffer *cb, quint32 indexCount,
Q_ASSERT(cbD->recordingPass == QVkCommandBuffer::RenderPass);
if (cbD->passUsesSecondaryCb) {
- df->vkCmdDrawIndexed(cbD->secondaryCbs.last(), indexCount, instanceCount,
+ df->vkCmdDrawIndexed(cbD->activeSecondaryCbStack.last(), indexCount, instanceCount,
firstIndex, vertexOffset, firstInstance);
} else {
QVkCommandBuffer::Command cmd;
@@ -4722,7 +4736,7 @@ void QRhiVulkan::debugMarkBegin(QRhiCommandBuffer *cb, const QByteArray &name)
QVkCommandBuffer *cbD = QRHI_RES(QVkCommandBuffer, cb);
if (cbD->recordingPass != QVkCommandBuffer::NoPass && cbD->passUsesSecondaryCb) {
marker.pMarkerName = name.constData();
- vkCmdDebugMarkerBegin(cbD->secondaryCbs.last(), &marker);
+ vkCmdDebugMarkerBegin(cbD->activeSecondaryCbStack.last(), &marker);
} else {
QVkCommandBuffer::Command cmd;
cmd.cmd = QVkCommandBuffer::Command::DebugMarkerBegin;
@@ -4740,7 +4754,7 @@ void QRhiVulkan::debugMarkEnd(QRhiCommandBuffer *cb)
QVkCommandBuffer *cbD = QRHI_RES(QVkCommandBuffer, cb);
if (cbD->recordingPass != QVkCommandBuffer::NoPass && cbD->passUsesSecondaryCb) {
- vkCmdDebugMarkerEnd(cbD->secondaryCbs.last());
+ vkCmdDebugMarkerEnd(cbD->activeSecondaryCbStack.last());
} else {
QVkCommandBuffer::Command cmd;
cmd.cmd = QVkCommandBuffer::Command::DebugMarkerEnd;
@@ -4760,7 +4774,7 @@ void QRhiVulkan::debugMarkMsg(QRhiCommandBuffer *cb, const QByteArray &msg)
QVkCommandBuffer *cbD = QRHI_RES(QVkCommandBuffer, cb);
if (cbD->recordingPass != QVkCommandBuffer::NoPass && cbD->passUsesSecondaryCb) {
marker.pMarkerName = msg.constData();
- vkCmdDebugMarkerInsert(cbD->secondaryCbs.last(), &marker);
+ vkCmdDebugMarkerInsert(cbD->activeSecondaryCbStack.last(), &marker);
} else {
QVkCommandBuffer::Command cmd;
cmd.cmd = QVkCommandBuffer::Command::DebugMarkerInsert;
@@ -4822,13 +4836,13 @@ void QRhiVulkan::beginExternal(QRhiCommandBuffer *cb)
- VkCommandBuffer secondaryCb = cbD->secondaryCbs.last();
- cbD->secondaryCbs.removeLast();
+ VkCommandBuffer secondaryCb = cbD->activeSecondaryCbStack.last();
+ cbD->activeSecondaryCbStack.removeLast();
endAndEnqueueSecondaryCommandBuffer(secondaryCb, cbD);
VkCommandBuffer extCb = startSecondaryCommandBuffer(maybeRenderTargetData(cbD));
if (extCb) {
- cbD->secondaryCbs.append(extCb);
+ cbD->activeSecondaryCbStack.append(extCb);
cbD->inExternal = true;
@@ -4840,10 +4854,10 @@ void QRhiVulkan::endExternal(QRhiCommandBuffer *cb)
if (cbD->recordingPass == QVkCommandBuffer::NoPass) {
Q_ASSERT(cbD->commands.isEmpty() && cbD->currentPassResTrackerIndex == -1);
} else if (cbD->inExternal) {
- VkCommandBuffer extCb = cbD->secondaryCbs.last();
- cbD->secondaryCbs.removeLast();
+ VkCommandBuffer extCb = cbD->activeSecondaryCbStack.last();
+ cbD->activeSecondaryCbStack.removeLast();
endAndEnqueueSecondaryCommandBuffer(extCb, cbD);
- cbD->secondaryCbs.append(startSecondaryCommandBuffer(maybeRenderTargetData(cbD)));
+ cbD->activeSecondaryCbStack.append(startSecondaryCommandBuffer(maybeRenderTargetData(cbD)));
@@ -6622,8 +6636,8 @@ const QRhiNativeHandles *QVkCommandBuffer::nativeHandles()
if (recordingPass == QVkCommandBuffer::NoPass) {
nativeHandlesStruct.commandBuffer = cb;
} else {
- if (passUsesSecondaryCb && !secondaryCbs.isEmpty())
- nativeHandlesStruct.commandBuffer = secondaryCbs.last();
+ if (passUsesSecondaryCb && !activeSecondaryCbStack.isEmpty())
+ nativeHandlesStruct.commandBuffer = activeSecondaryCbStack.last();
nativeHandlesStruct.commandBuffer = cb;
@@ -6651,6 +6665,13 @@ void QVkSwapChain::destroy()
+ for (int i = 0; i < QVK_FRAMES_IN_FLIGHT; ++i) {
+ QVkSwapChain::FrameResources &frame(frameRes[i]);
+ frame.cmdBuf = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
+ frame.timestampQueryIndex = -1;
+ }
surface = lastConnectedSurface = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
diff --git a/src/gui/rhi/qrhivulkan_p.h b/src/gui/rhi/qrhivulkan_p.h
index b603b33e6d..4393ef6b36 100644
--- a/src/gui/rhi/qrhivulkan_p.h
+++ b/src/gui/rhi/qrhivulkan_p.h
@@ -69,8 +69,7 @@ struct Q_GUI_EXPORT QRhiVulkanNativeHandles : public QRhiNativeHandles
int gfxQueueFamilyIdx = -1;
int gfxQueueIdx = 0;
VkQueue gfxQueue = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
- // and optionally, command pool and/or mem allocator
- VkCommandPool cmdPool = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
+ // and optionally, the mem allocator
void *vmemAllocator = nullptr;
diff --git a/src/gui/rhi/qrhivulkan_p_p.h b/src/gui/rhi/qrhivulkan_p_p.h
index a352f3c2f2..0a1c43f538 100644
--- a/src/gui/rhi/qrhivulkan_p_p.h
+++ b/src/gui/rhi/qrhivulkan_p_p.h
@@ -341,9 +341,7 @@ struct QVkCommandBuffer : public QRhiCommandBuffer
recordingPass = NoPass;
passUsesSecondaryCb = false;
currentTarget = nullptr;
- secondaryCbs.clear();
+ activeSecondaryCbStack.clear();
@@ -380,7 +378,7 @@ struct QVkCommandBuffer : public QRhiCommandBuffer
VkBuffer currentVertexBuffers[VERTEX_INPUT_RESOURCE_SLOT_COUNT];
quint32 currentVertexOffsets[VERTEX_INPUT_RESOURCE_SLOT_COUNT];
- QVarLengthArray<VkCommandBuffer, 4> secondaryCbs;
+ QVarLengthArray<VkCommandBuffer, 4> activeSecondaryCbStack;
bool inExternal;
struct {
@@ -636,10 +634,9 @@ struct QVkSwapChain : public QRhiSwapChain
VkSemaphore drawSem = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
bool imageAcquired = false;
bool imageSemWaitable = false;
- quint32 imageIndex = 0;
- VkCommandBuffer cmdBuf = VK_NULL_HANDLE; // primary
VkFence cmdFence = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
bool cmdFenceWaitable = false;
+ VkCommandBuffer cmdBuf = VK_NULL_HANDLE; // primary
int timestampQueryIndex = -1;
@@ -784,7 +781,6 @@ public:
void prepareNewFrame(QRhiCommandBuffer *cb);
VkCommandBuffer startSecondaryCommandBuffer(QVkRenderTargetData *rtD = nullptr);
void endAndEnqueueSecondaryCommandBuffer(VkCommandBuffer cb, QVkCommandBuffer *cbD);
- void deferredReleaseSecondaryCommandBuffer(VkCommandBuffer cb);
QRhi::FrameOpResult startPrimaryCommandBuffer(VkCommandBuffer *cb);
QRhi::FrameOpResult endAndSubmitPrimaryCommandBuffer(VkCommandBuffer cb, VkFence cmdFence,
VkSemaphore *waitSem, VkSemaphore *signalSem);
@@ -825,6 +821,7 @@ public:
int startLayer, int layerCount,
int startLevel, int levelCount);
void updateShaderResourceBindings(QRhiShaderResourceBindings *srb, int descSetIdx = -1);
+ void ensureCommandPoolForNewFrame();
QVulkanInstance *inst = nullptr;
QWindow *maybeWindow = nullptr;
@@ -832,8 +829,7 @@ public:
bool importedDevice = false;
VkPhysicalDevice physDev = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
VkDevice dev = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
- bool importedCmdPool = false;
- VkCommandPool cmdPool = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
+ VkCommandPool cmdPool[QVK_FRAMES_IN_FLIGHT] = {};
int gfxQueueFamilyIdx = -1;
int gfxQueueIdx = 0;
VkQueue gfxQueue = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
@@ -849,6 +845,7 @@ public:
VkDeviceSize texbufAlign;
bool hasWideLines = false;
bool deviceLost = false;
+ bool releaseCachedResourcesCalledBeforeFrameStart = false;
bool debugMarkersAvailable = false;
bool vertexAttribDivisorAvailable = false;
@@ -877,6 +874,7 @@ public:
int allocedDescSets = 0;
QVarLengthArray<DescriptorPoolData, 8> descriptorPools;
+ QVarLengthArray<VkCommandBuffer, 4> freeSecondaryCbs[QVK_FRAMES_IN_FLIGHT];
VkQueryPool timestampQueryPool = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
QBitArray timestampQueryPoolMap;
@@ -889,9 +887,18 @@ public:
QRhiVulkanNativeHandles nativeHandlesStruct;
struct OffscreenFrame {
- OffscreenFrame(QRhiImplementation *rhi) : cbWrapper(rhi) { }
+ OffscreenFrame(QRhiImplementation *rhi)
+ {
+ for (int i = 0; i < QVK_FRAMES_IN_FLIGHT; ++i)
+ cbWrapper[i] = new QVkCommandBuffer(rhi);
+ }
+ ~OffscreenFrame()
+ {
+ for (int i = 0; i < QVK_FRAMES_IN_FLIGHT; ++i)
+ delete cbWrapper[i];
+ }
bool active = false;
- QVkCommandBuffer cbWrapper;
+ QVkCommandBuffer *cbWrapper[QVK_FRAMES_IN_FLIGHT];
VkFence cmdFence = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
} ofr;
@@ -926,7 +933,7 @@ public:
- CommandBuffer
+ SecondaryCommandBuffer
Type type;
int lastActiveFrameSlot; // -1 if not used otherwise 0..FRAMES_IN_FLIGHT-1
@@ -975,7 +982,7 @@ public:
} stagingBuffer;
struct {
VkCommandBuffer cb;
- } commandBuffer;
+ } secondaryCommandBuffer;
QList<DeferredReleaseEntry> releaseQueue;