path: root/src/gui/util/qshadergenerator.cpp
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authorPaul Lemire <>2019-04-11 10:28:49 +0200
committerPaul Lemire <>2019-05-02 12:47:05 +0000
commit389dec3e7ca530d7d6944772a1152d130cfb8e70 (patch)
treec436ac945330631e55cda57d4fcb02e00c2769b9 /src/gui/util/qshadergenerator.cpp
parentef3daddae1720956e746142ac7ee54a27b9299d7 (diff)
Only generate temporaries when it makes sense
- Never for global inputs - Otherwise only if the temporary is referenced more than once -> meaning it's actually caching the result of some operation Tests updated accordingly. Change-Id: Ic76615370d23dee3965ca6350d5257a8be5a3e22 Reviewed-by: Sean Harmer <>
Diffstat (limited to 'src/gui/util/qshadergenerator.cpp')
1 files changed, 204 insertions, 30 deletions
diff --git a/src/gui/util/qshadergenerator.cpp b/src/gui/util/qshadergenerator.cpp
index 205118f41c..bcb985de54 100644
--- a/src/gui/util/qshadergenerator.cpp
+++ b/src/gui/util/qshadergenerator.cpp
@@ -44,6 +44,8 @@
+Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(ShaderGenerator, "ShaderGenerator", QtWarningMsg)
QByteArray toGlsl(QShaderLanguage::StorageQualifier qualifier, const QShaderFormat &format)
@@ -342,18 +344,120 @@ QByteArray QShaderGenerator::createShaderCode(const QStringList &enabledLayers)
code << QByteArrayLiteral("void main()");
code << QByteArrayLiteral("{");
- // Table to store temporary variables that should be replaced by global
- // variables. This avoids having vec3 v56 = vertexPosition; when we could
+ const QRegularExpression localToGlobalRegExp(QStringLiteral("^.*\\s+(\\w+)\\s*=\\s*((?:\\w+\\(.*\\))|(?:\\w+)).*;$"));
+ const QRegularExpression temporaryVariableToAssignmentRegExp(QStringLiteral("^(.*\\s+(v\\d+))\\s*=\\s*(.*);$"));
+ const QRegularExpression temporaryVariableInAssignmentRegExp(QStringLiteral("\\W*(v\\d+)\\W*"));
+ const QRegularExpression outputToTemporaryAssignmentRegExp(QStringLiteral("^\\s*(\\w+)\\s*=\\s*(.*);$"));
+ struct Variable;
+ struct Assignment
+ {
+ QString expression;
+ QVector<Variable *> referencedVariables;
+ };
+ struct Variable
+ {
+ enum Type {
+ GlobalInput,
+ TemporaryAssignment,
+ Output
+ };
+ QString name;
+ QString declaration;
+ int referenceCount = 0;
+ Assignment assignment;
+ Type type = TemporaryAssignment;
+ bool substituted = false;
+ static void substitute(Variable *v)
+ {
+ if (v->substituted)
+ return;
+ qCDebug(ShaderGenerator) << "Begin Substituting " << v->name << " = " << v->assignment.expression;
+ for (Variable *ref : qAsConst(v->assignment.referencedVariables)) {
+ // Recursively substitute
+ Variable::substitute(ref);
+ // Replace all variables referenced only once in the assignment
+ // by their actual expression
+ if (ref->referenceCount == 1 || ref->type == Variable::GlobalInput) {
+ const QRegularExpression r(QStringLiteral("(.*\\b)(%1)(\\b.*)").arg(ref->name));
+ if (v->assignment.referencedVariables.size() == 1)
+ v->assignment.expression.replace(r,
+ QStringLiteral("\\1%2\\3").arg(ref->assignment.expression));
+ else
+ v->assignment.expression.replace(r,
+ QStringLiteral("(\\1%2\\3)").arg(ref->assignment.expression));
+ }
+ }
+ qCDebug(ShaderGenerator) << "Done Substituting " << v->name << " = " << v->assignment.expression;
+ v->substituted = true;
+ }
+ };
+ struct LineContent
+ {
+ QByteArray rawContent;
+ Variable *var = nullptr;
+ };
+ // Table to store temporary variables that should be replaced:
+ // - If variable references a a global variables
+ // -> we will use the global variable directly
+ // - If variable references a function results
+ // -> will be kept only if variable is referenced more than once.
+ // This avoids having vec3 v56 = vertexPosition; when we could
// just use vertexPosition directly.
// The added benefit is when having arrays, we don't try to create
// mat4 v38 = skinningPalelette[100] which would be invalid
- QHash<QString, QString> localReferencesToGlobalInputs;
- const QRegularExpression localToGlobalRegExp(QStringLiteral("^.*\\s+(\\w+)\\s*=\\s*(\\w+).*;$"));
+ QVector<Variable> temporaryVariables;
+ // Reserve more than enough space to ensure no reallocation will take place
+ temporaryVariables.reserve(nodes.size() * 8);
+ QVector<LineContent> lines;
+ auto createVariable = [&] () -> Variable * {
+ Q_ASSERT(temporaryVariables.capacity() > 0);
+ temporaryVariables.resize(temporaryVariables.size() + 1);
+ return &temporaryVariables.last();
+ };
+ auto findVariable = [&] (const QString &name) -> Variable * {
+ const auto end = temporaryVariables.end();
+ auto it = std::find_if(temporaryVariables.begin(), end,
+ [=] (const Variable &a) { return == name; });
+ if (it != end)
+ return &(*it);
+ return nullptr;
+ };
+ auto gatherTemporaryVariablesFromAssignment = [&] (Variable *v, const QString &assignmentContent) {
+ QRegularExpressionMatchIterator subMatchIt = temporaryVariableInAssignmentRegExp.globalMatch(assignmentContent);
+ while (subMatchIt.hasNext()) {
+ const QRegularExpressionMatch subMatch =;
+ const QString variableName = subMatch.captured(1);
+ // Variable we care about should already exists -> an expression cannot reference a variable that hasn't been defined
+ Variable *u = findVariable(variableName);
+ Q_ASSERT(u);
+ // Increase reference count for u
+ ++u->referenceCount;
+ // Insert u as reference for variable v
+ v->assignment.referencedVariables.push_back(u);
+ }
+ };
for (const QShaderGraph::Statement &statement : graph.createStatements(enabledLayers)) {
const QShaderNode node = statement.node;
QByteArray line = node.rule(format).substitution;
const QVector<QShaderNodePort> ports = node.ports();
+ // Generate temporary variable names vN
for (const QShaderNodePort &port : ports) {
const QString portName =;
const QShaderNodePort::Direction portDirection = port.direction;
@@ -374,47 +478,117 @@ QByteArray QShaderGenerator::createShaderCode(const QStringList &enabledLayers)
line.replace(placeholder, variable);
+ // Substitute variable names by generated vN variable names
const QByteArray substitutionedLine = replaceParameters(line, node, format);
+ Variable *v = nullptr;
+ switch (node.type()) {
// Record name of temporary variable that possibly references a global input
// We will replace the temporary variables by the matching global variables later
- bool isAGlobalInputVariable = false;
- if (node.type() == QShaderNode::Input) {
+ case QShaderNode::Input: {
const QRegularExpressionMatch match = localToGlobalRegExp.match(QString::fromUtf8(substitutionedLine));
if (match.hasMatch()) {
+ const QString localVariable = match.captured(1);
const QString globalVariable = match.captured(2);
- if (globalInputVariables.contains(globalVariable)) {
- const QString localVariable = match.captured(1);
- // TO DO: Clean globalVariable (remove brackets ...)
- localReferencesToGlobalInputs.insert(localVariable, globalVariable);
- isAGlobalInputVariable = true;
- }
+ v = createVariable();
+ v->name = localVariable;
+ v->type = Variable::GlobalInput;
+ Assignment assignment;
+ assignment.expression = globalVariable;
+ v->assignment = assignment;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case QShaderNode::Function: {
+ const QRegularExpressionMatch match = temporaryVariableToAssignmentRegExp.match(QString::fromUtf8(substitutionedLine));
+ if (match.hasMatch()) {
+ const QString localVariableDeclaration = match.captured(1);
+ const QString localVariableName = match.captured(2);
+ const QString assignmentContent = match.captured(3);
+ // Add new variable -> it cannot exist already
+ v = createVariable();
+ v->name = localVariableName;
+ v->declaration = localVariableDeclaration;
+ v->assignment.expression = assignmentContent;
+ // Find variables that may be referenced in the assignment
+ gatherTemporaryVariablesFromAssignment(v, assignmentContent);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case QShaderNode::Output: {
+ const QRegularExpressionMatch match = outputToTemporaryAssignmentRegExp.match(QString::fromUtf8(substitutionedLine));
+ if (match.hasMatch()) {
+ const QString outputDeclaration = match.captured(1);
+ const QString assignmentContent = match.captured(2);
+ v = createVariable();
+ v->name = outputDeclaration;
+ v->declaration = outputDeclaration;
+ v->type = Variable::Output;
+ Assignment assignment;
+ assignment.expression = assignmentContent;
+ v->assignment = assignment;
+ // Find variables that may be referenced in the assignment
+ gatherTemporaryVariablesFromAssignment(v, assignmentContent);
+ break;
+ }
+ case QShaderNode::Invalid:
+ break;
- // Only insert content for lines aren't inputs or have not matching
- // globalVariables for now
- if (!isAGlobalInputVariable)
- code << QByteArrayLiteral(" ") + substitutionedLine;
+ LineContent lineContent;
+ lineContent.rawContent = QByteArray(QByteArrayLiteral(" ") + substitutionedLine);
+ lineContent.var = v;
+ lines << lineContent;
- code << QByteArrayLiteral("}");
- code << QByteArray();
+ // Go through all lines
+ // Perform substitution of line with temporary variables substitution
+ for (LineContent &lineContent : lines) {
+ Variable *v = lineContent.var;
+ qCDebug(ShaderGenerator) << lineContent.rawContent;
+ if (v != nullptr) {
+ Variable::substitute(v);
+ qCDebug(ShaderGenerator) << "Line " << lineContent.rawContent << "is assigned to temporary" << v->name;
+ // Check number of occurrences a temporary variable is referenced
+ if (v->referenceCount == 1 || v->type == Variable::GlobalInput) {
+ // If it is referenced only once, no point in creating a temporary
+ // Clear content for current line
+ lineContent.rawContent.clear();
+ // We assume expression that were referencing vN will have vN properly substituted
+ } else {
+ lineContent.rawContent = QStringLiteral(" %1 = %2;").arg(v->declaration)
+ .arg(v->assignment.expression)
+ .toUtf8();
+ }
- // Replace occurrences of local variables which reference a global variable
- // by the global variables directly
- auto it = localReferencesToGlobalInputs.cbegin();
- const auto end = localReferencesToGlobalInputs.cend();
- QString codeString = QString::fromUtf8(code.join('\n'));
- while (it != end) {
- const QRegularExpression r(QStringLiteral("\\b(%1)([\\b|\\.|;|\\)|\\[|\\s|\\*|\\+|\\/|\\-|,])").arg(it.key()),
- QRegularExpression::MultilineOption);
- codeString.replace(r, QStringLiteral("%1\\2").arg(it.value()));
- ++it;
+ qCDebug(ShaderGenerator) << "Updated Line is " << lineContent.rawContent;
+ }
- return codeString.toUtf8();
+ // Go throug all lines and insert content
+ for (const LineContent &lineContent : qAsConst(lines)) {
+ if (!lineContent.rawContent.isEmpty()) {
+ code << lineContent.rawContent;
+ }
+ }
+ code << QByteArrayLiteral("}");
+ code << QByteArray();
+ return code.join('\n');