path: root/src/network/socket
diff options
authorOliver Wolff <>2014-02-13 11:32:38 +0100
committerThe Qt Project <>2014-02-15 10:50:12 +0100
commit553c6416bb7219d7ab1b40579895bc3ebaeb87c7 (patch)
tree2158ab72a12f13b242f1da97ee9b47f5ff738d8f /src/network/socket
parent315b6a6a849cdd6a347d80d4a32d873595de556f (diff)
WinRT: Added socket engine implementation
Added basic functionality to socket for WinRT. Even though not all auto tests pass yet, this patch can be seen as a foundation for upcoming work in this area. Reading from and writing to TCP socket works and one can listen for tcp connections. Change-Id: Id4c25ba1c7187ed92b6368c785c4f62837faded7 Reviewed-by: Andrew Knight <>
Diffstat (limited to 'src/network/socket')
2 files changed, 1004 insertions, 85 deletions
diff --git a/src/network/socket/qnativesocketengine_winrt.cpp b/src/network/socket/qnativesocketengine_winrt.cpp
index 8550e0b0d1..2a61325471 100644
--- a/src/network/socket/qnativesocketengine_winrt.cpp
+++ b/src/network/socket/qnativesocketengine_winrt.cpp
@@ -39,12 +39,161 @@
+#include <qt_windows.h>
#include "qnativesocketengine_winrt_p.h"
+#include <qcoreapplication.h>
+#include <qabstracteventdispatcher.h>
+#include <qsocketnotifier.h>
+#include <qdatetime.h>
#include <qnetworkinterface.h>
+#include <qelapsedtimer.h>
+#include <qthread.h>
+#include <qabstracteventdispatcher.h>
+#include <private/qeventdispatcher_winrt_p.h>
+#include <wrl.h>
+#include <>
+#include <>
+#include <windows.networking.h>
+#include <windows.networking.sockets.h>
+#include <robuffer.h>
+using namespace Microsoft::WRL;
+using namespace Microsoft::WRL::Wrappers;
+using namespace ABI::Windows::Foundation;
+using namespace ABI::Windows::Foundation::Collections;
+using namespace ABI::Windows::Storage::Streams;
+using namespace ABI::Windows::Networking;
+using namespace ABI::Windows::Networking::Connectivity;
+using namespace ABI::Windows::Networking::Sockets;
+typedef ITypedEventHandler<StreamSocketListener *, StreamSocketListenerConnectionReceivedEventArgs *> ClientConnectedHandler;
+typedef ITypedEventHandler<DatagramSocket *, DatagramSocketMessageReceivedEventArgs *> DatagramReceivedHandler;
+typedef IAsyncOperationWithProgressCompletedHandler<IBuffer *, UINT32> SocketReadCompletedHandler;
+typedef IAsyncOperationWithProgressCompletedHandler<UINT32, UINT32> SocketWriteCompletedHandler;
+// Common constructs
+#define Q_CHECK_VALID_SOCKETLAYER(function, returnValue) do { \
+ if (!isValid()) { \
+ qWarning(""#function" was called on an uninitialized socket device"); \
+ return returnValue; \
+ } } while (0)
+#define Q_CHECK_INVALID_SOCKETLAYER(function, returnValue) do { \
+ if (isValid()) { \
+ qWarning(""#function" was called on an already initialized socket device"); \
+ return returnValue; \
+ } } while (0)
+#define Q_CHECK_STATE(function, checkState, returnValue) do { \
+ if (d->socketState != (checkState)) { \
+ qWarning(""#function" was not called in "#checkState); \
+ return (returnValue); \
+ } } while (0)
+#define Q_CHECK_NOT_STATE(function, checkState, returnValue) do { \
+ if (d->socketState == (checkState)) { \
+ qWarning(""#function" was called in "#checkState); \
+ return (returnValue); \
+ } } while (0)
+#define Q_CHECK_STATES(function, state1, state2, returnValue) do { \
+ if (d->socketState != (state1) && d->socketState != (state2)) { \
+ qWarning(""#function" was called" \
+ " not in "#state1" or "#state2); \
+ return (returnValue); \
+ } } while (0)
+#define Q_CHECK_TYPE(function, type, returnValue) do { \
+ if (d->socketType != (type)) { \
+ qWarning(#function" was called by a" \
+ " socket other than "#type""); \
+ return (returnValue); \
+ } } while (0)
+#define Q_TR(a) QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP(QNativeSocketEngine, a)
+typedef QHash<qintptr, IStreamSocket *> TcpSocketHash;
+struct SocketHandler
+ SocketHandler() : socketCount(0) {}
+ qintptr socketCount;
+ TcpSocketHash pendingTcpSockets;
+Q_GLOBAL_STATIC(SocketHandler, gSocketHandler)
+QString qt_QStringFromHSTRING(HSTRING string)
+ UINT32 length;
+ PCWSTR rawString = WindowsGetStringRawBuffer(string, &length);
+ return QString::fromWCharArray(rawString, length);
+class ByteArrayBuffer : public Microsoft::WRL::RuntimeClass<RuntimeClassFlags<WinRtClassicComMix>,
+ IBuffer, Windows::Storage::Streams::IBufferByteAccess>
+ ByteArrayBuffer(int size) : m_bytes(size, Qt::Uninitialized), m_length(0)
+ {
+ }
+ ByteArrayBuffer(const char *data, int size) : m_bytes(data, size), m_length(size)
+ {
+ }
+ HRESULT __stdcall Buffer(byte **value)
+ {
+ *value = reinterpret_cast<byte *>(;
+ return S_OK;
+ }
+ HRESULT __stdcall get_Capacity(UINT32 *value)
+ {
+ *value = m_bytes.size();
+ return S_OK;
+ }
+ HRESULT __stdcall get_Length(UINT32 *value)
+ {
+ *value = m_length;
+ return S_OK;
+ }
+ HRESULT __stdcall put_Length(UINT32 value)
+ {
+ Q_ASSERT(value <= UINT32(m_bytes.size()));
+ m_length = value;
+ return S_OK;
+ }
+ QNativeSocketEngine *engine() const
+ {
+ return m_engine;
+ }
+ void setEngine(QNativeSocketEngine *engine)
+ {
+ m_engine = engine;
+ }
+ ComPtr<IInputStream> inputStream() const
+ {
+ return m_stream;
+ }
+ void setInputStream(ComPtr<IInputStream> stream)
+ {
+ m_stream = stream;
+ }
+ QByteArray m_bytes;
+ UINT32 m_length;
+ QPointer<QNativeSocketEngine> m_engine;
+ ComPtr<IInputStream> m_stream;
QNativeSocketEngine::QNativeSocketEngine(QObject *parent)
: QAbstractSocketEngine(*new QNativeSocketEnginePrivate(), parent)
@@ -57,85 +206,271 @@ QNativeSocketEngine::~QNativeSocketEngine()
bool QNativeSocketEngine::initialize(QAbstractSocket::SocketType type, QAbstractSocket::NetworkLayerProtocol protocol)
- Q_UNUSED(type);
- Q_UNUSED(protocol);
- return false;
+ Q_D(QNativeSocketEngine);
+ if (isValid())
+ close();
+ // Create the socket
+ if (!d->createNewSocket(type, protocol))
+ return false;
+ d->socketType = type;
+ d->socketProtocol = protocol;
+ return true;
bool QNativeSocketEngine::initialize(qintptr socketDescriptor, QAbstractSocket::SocketState socketState)
- Q_UNUSED(socketDescriptor);
- Q_UNUSED(socketState);
- return false;
+ Q_D(QNativeSocketEngine);
+ if (isValid())
+ close();
+ d->socketDescriptor = socketDescriptor;
+ // Currently, only TCP sockets are initialized this way.
+ SocketHandler *handler = gSocketHandler();
+ d->tcp = handler->pendingTcpSockets.value(socketDescriptor, Q_NULLPTR);
+ d->socketType = QAbstractSocket::TcpSocket;
+ if (!d->tcp || !d->fetchConnectionParameters())
+ return false;
+ d->socketState = socketState;
+ return true;
qintptr QNativeSocketEngine::socketDescriptor() const
- return -1;
+ Q_D(const QNativeSocketEngine);
+ return d->socketDescriptor;
bool QNativeSocketEngine::isValid() const
- return false;
+ Q_D(const QNativeSocketEngine);
+ return d->socketDescriptor != -1;
bool QNativeSocketEngine::connectToHost(const QHostAddress &address, quint16 port)
- Q_UNUSED(address);
- Q_UNUSED(port);
- return false;
+ const QString addressString = address.toString();
+ return connectToHostByName(addressString, port);
bool QNativeSocketEngine::connectToHostByName(const QString &name, quint16 port)
- Q_UNUSED(name);
- Q_UNUSED(port);
- return false;
+ Q_D(QNativeSocketEngine);
+ HStringReference hostNameRef(reinterpret_cast<LPCWSTR>(name.utf16()));
+ ComPtr<IHostNameFactory> hostNameFactory;
+ GetActivationFactory(HString::MakeReference(RuntimeClass_Windows_Networking_HostName).Get(),
+ &hostNameFactory);
+ ComPtr<IHostName> remoteHost;
+ if (FAILED(hostNameFactory->CreateHostName(hostNameRef.Get(), &remoteHost))) {
+ qWarning("QNativeSocketEnginePrivate::nativeConnect:: Could not create hostname");
+ return false;
+ }
+ const QString portString = QString::number(port);
+ HStringReference portReference(reinterpret_cast<LPCWSTR>(portString.utf16()));
+ ComPtr<IAsyncAction> action;
+ if (d->socketType == QAbstractSocket::TcpSocket)
+ hr = d->tcp->ConnectAsync(remoteHost.Get(), portReference.Get(), &action);
+ else if (d->socketType == QAbstractSocket::UdpSocket)
+ hr = d->udp->ConnectAsync(remoteHost.Get(), portReference.Get(), &action);
+ if (FAILED(hr)) {
+ qWarning("QNativeSocketEnginePrivate::nativeConnect:: Could not obtain connect action");
+ return false;
+ }
+ action->put_Completed(Callback<IAsyncActionCompletedHandler>(&QNativeSocketEnginePrivate::interruptEventDispatcher).Get());
+ hr = action->GetResults();
+ while ((hr = action->GetResults()) == E_ILLEGAL_METHOD_CALL)
+ QCoreApplication::processEvents(QEventLoop::ExcludeUserInputEvents | QEventLoop::WaitForMoreEvents);
+ if (hr == 0x8007274c) { // A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.
+ d->setError(QAbstractSocket::NetworkError, d->ConnectionTimeOutErrorString);
+ d->socketState = QAbstractSocket::UnconnectedState;
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (hr == 0x8007274d) { // No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.
+ d->setError(QAbstractSocket::ConnectionRefusedError, d->ConnectionRefusedErrorString);
+ d->socketState = QAbstractSocket::UnconnectedState;
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (FAILED(hr)) {
+ d->setError(QAbstractSocket::UnknownSocketError, d->UnknownSocketErrorString);
+ d->socketState = QAbstractSocket::UnconnectedState;
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (d->socketType == QAbstractSocket::TcpSocket) {
+ UINT32 capacity;
+ hr = d->inputBuffer->get_Capacity(&capacity);
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ return false;
+ IInputStream *stream;
+ hr = d->tcp->get_InputStream(&stream);
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ return false;
+ ByteArrayBuffer *buffer = static_cast<ByteArrayBuffer *>(d->inputBuffer.Get());
+ buffer->setEngine(this);
+ buffer->setInputStream(stream);
+ ComPtr<IAsyncOperationWithProgress<IBuffer *, UINT32>> op;
+ hr = stream->ReadAsync(buffer, capacity, InputStreamOptions_Partial, &op);
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ return false;
+ hr = op->put_Completed(Callback<SocketReadCompletedHandler>(&QNativeSocketEnginePrivate::handleReadyRead).Get());
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ return false;
+ }
+ d->socketState = QAbstractSocket::ConnectedState;
+ return true;
bool QNativeSocketEngine::bind(const QHostAddress &address, quint16 port)
- Q_UNUSED(address);
- Q_UNUSED(port);
+ Q_D(QNativeSocketEngine);
+ ComPtr<IHostName> hostAddress;
+ if (address != QHostAddress::Any && address != QHostAddress::AnyIPv4 && address != QHostAddress::AnyIPv6) {
+ ComPtr<IHostNameFactory> hostNameFactory;
+ GetActivationFactory(HString::MakeReference(RuntimeClass_Windows_Networking_HostName).Get(),
+ &hostNameFactory);
+ const QString addressString = address.toString();
+ HStringReference addressRef(reinterpret_cast<LPCWSTR>(addressString.utf16()));
+ hostNameFactory->CreateHostName(addressRef.Get(), &hostAddress);
+ }
+ QString portQString = port ? QString::number(port) : QString();
+ HStringReference portString(reinterpret_cast<LPCWSTR>(portQString.utf16()));
+ ComPtr<IAsyncAction> op;
+ if (d->socketType == QAbstractSocket::TcpSocket) {
+ if (!d->tcpListener
+ && FAILED(RoActivateInstance(HString::MakeReference(RuntimeClass_Windows_Networking_Sockets_StreamSocketListener).Get(),
+ &d->tcpListener))) {
+ qWarning("Failed to create listener");
+ return false;
+ }
+ EventRegistrationToken token;
+ d->tcpListener->add_ConnectionReceived(Callback<ClientConnectedHandler>(d, &QNativeSocketEnginePrivate::handleClientConnection).Get(), &token);
+ hr = d->tcpListener->BindEndpointAsync(hostAddress.Get(), portString.Get(), &op);
+ if (FAILED(hr)) {
+ qWarning("Unable to bind"); // ### Set error message
+ return false;
+ }
+ } else if (d->socketType == QAbstractSocket::UdpSocket) {
+ hr = d->udp->BindEndpointAsync(hostAddress.Get(), portString.Get(), &op);
+ if (FAILED(hr)) {
+ qWarning("unable to bind"); // ### Set error message
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ if (op) {
+ // Wait for connection to enter bound state - TODO: timeout, check result
+ while ((hr = op->GetResults()) == E_ILLEGAL_METHOD_CALL)
+ QCoreApplication::processEvents();
+ d->socketState = QAbstractSocket::BoundState;
+ d->fetchConnectionParameters();
+ return true;
+ }
return false;
bool QNativeSocketEngine::listen()
+ Q_D(QNativeSocketEngine);
+ Q_CHECK_VALID_SOCKETLAYER(QNativeSocketEngine::listen(), false);
+ Q_CHECK_STATE(QNativeSocketEngine::listen(), QAbstractSocket::BoundState, false);
+ Q_CHECK_TYPE(QNativeSocketEngine::listen(), QAbstractSocket::TcpSocket, false);
+ if (d->tcpListener && d->socketDescriptor != -1) {
+ d->socketState = QAbstractSocket::ListeningState;
+ return true;
+ }
return false;
int QNativeSocketEngine::accept()
+ Q_D(QNativeSocketEngine);
+ Q_CHECK_VALID_SOCKETLAYER(QNativeSocketEngine::accept(), -1);
+ Q_CHECK_STATE(QNativeSocketEngine::accept(), QAbstractSocket::ListeningState, -1);
+ Q_CHECK_TYPE(QNativeSocketEngine::accept(), QAbstractSocket::TcpSocket, -1);
+ if (d->socketDescriptor == -1 || d->pendingConnections.isEmpty())
+ return -1;
+ // Start processing incoming data
+ if (d->socketType == QAbstractSocket::TcpSocket) {
+ IStreamSocket *socket = d->pendingConnections.takeFirst();
+ UINT32 capacity;
+ d->inputBuffer->get_Capacity(&capacity);
+ IInputStream *stream;
+ socket->get_InputStream(&stream);
+ // TODO: delete buffer and stream on socket close
+ ByteArrayBuffer *buffer = static_cast<ByteArrayBuffer *>(d->inputBuffer.Get());
+ buffer->setEngine(this);
+ buffer->setInputStream(stream);
+ ComPtr<IAsyncOperationWithProgress<IBuffer *, UINT32>> op;
+ stream->ReadAsync(buffer, capacity, InputStreamOptions_Partial, &op);
+ op->put_Completed(Callback<SocketReadCompletedHandler>(&QNativeSocketEnginePrivate::handleReadyRead).Get());
+ d->currentConnections.append(socket);
+ SocketHandler *handler = gSocketHandler();
+ handler->pendingTcpSockets.insert(++handler->socketCount, socket);
+ return handler->socketCount;
+ }
return -1;
void QNativeSocketEngine::close()
+ Q_D(QNativeSocketEngine);
+ if (d->socketDescriptor != -1) {
+ IClosable *socket = 0;
+ if (d->socketType == QAbstractSocket::TcpSocket)
+ d->tcp->QueryInterface(IID_PPV_ARGS(&socket));
+ else if (d->socketType == QAbstractSocket::UdpSocket)
+ d->udp->QueryInterface(IID_PPV_ARGS(&socket));
+ if (socket) {
+ d->closingDown = true;
+ socket->Close();
+ socket->Release();
+ closeNotification();
+ d->socketDescriptor = -1;
+ }
+ d->socketDescriptor = -1;
+ }
+ d->socketState = QAbstractSocket::UnconnectedState;
+ d->hasSetSocketError = false;
+ d->localPort = 0;
+ d->localAddress.clear();
+ d->peerPort = 0;
+ d->peerAddress.clear();
bool QNativeSocketEngine::joinMulticastGroup(const QHostAddress &groupAddress, const QNetworkInterface &iface)
return false;
bool QNativeSocketEngine::leaveMulticastGroup(const QHostAddress &groupAddress, const QNetworkInterface &iface)
return false;
@@ -147,121 +482,258 @@ QNetworkInterface QNativeSocketEngine::multicastInterface() const
bool QNativeSocketEngine::setMulticastInterface(const QNetworkInterface &iface)
return false;
qint64 QNativeSocketEngine::bytesAvailable() const
+ Q_D(const QNativeSocketEngine);
+ if (d->socketType != QAbstractSocket::TcpSocket)
+ return -1;
+ if (d->inputBuffer) {
+ UINT32 len;
+ d->inputBuffer->get_Length(&len);
+ return len;
+ }
return -1;
qint64 QNativeSocketEngine::read(char *data, qint64 maxlen)
- Q_UNUSED(data);
- Q_UNUSED(maxlen);
- return -1;
+ Q_D(QNativeSocketEngine);
+ if (d->socketType != QAbstractSocket::TcpSocket)
+ return -1;
+ ComPtr<IDataReaderStatics> dataReaderStatics;
+ GetActivationFactory(HString::MakeReference(RuntimeClass_Windows_Storage_Streams_DataReader).Get(), &dataReaderStatics);
+ ComPtr<IDataReader> reader;
+ dataReaderStatics->FromBuffer(d->inputBuffer.Get(), &reader);
+ UINT32 bufferCapacity;
+ d->inputBuffer->get_Capacity(&bufferCapacity);
+ qint64 lengthToRead = maxlen < bufferCapacity ? maxlen : bufferCapacity;
+ UINT32 bufferLength;
+ d->inputBuffer->get_Length(&bufferLength);
+ lengthToRead = bufferLength < lengthToRead ? bufferLength : lengthToRead;
+ reader->ReadBytes(lengthToRead, (unsigned char*)data);
+ return lengthToRead;
+template <typename T>
+static qint64 nativeWrite(T *socket, const char *data, qint64 len)
+ ComPtr<IOutputStream> stream;
+ HRESULT hr = socket->get_OutputStream(&stream);
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ return -1;
+ ComPtr<ByteArrayBuffer> buffer = Make<ByteArrayBuffer>(data, len);
+ ComPtr<IAsyncOperationWithProgress<UINT32, UINT32>> op;
+ hr = stream->WriteAsync(buffer.Get(), &op);
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ return -1;
+ UINT32 bytesWritten;
+ while ((hr = op->GetResults(&bytesWritten)) == E_ILLEGAL_METHOD_CALL)
+ QCoreApplication::processEvents(QEventLoop::ExcludeUserInputEvents);
+ return bytesWritten;
qint64 QNativeSocketEngine::write(const char *data, qint64 len)
- Q_UNUSED(data);
- Q_UNUSED(len);
- return -1;
+ Q_D(QNativeSocketEngine);
+ qint64 bytesWritten = -1;
+ if (d->socketType == QAbstractSocket::TcpSocket)
+ bytesWritten = ::nativeWrite(d->tcp, data, len);
+ else if (d->socketType == QAbstractSocket::UdpSocket)
+ bytesWritten = ::nativeWrite(d->udp, data, len);
+ if (bytesWritten != -1 && d->notifyOnWrite)
+ writeNotification();
+ return bytesWritten;
qint64 QNativeSocketEngine::readDatagram(char *data, qint64 maxlen, QHostAddress *addr, quint16 *port)
- Q_UNUSED(data);
- Q_UNUSED(maxlen);
- Q_UNUSED(addr);
- Q_UNUSED(port);
+ Q_D(QNativeSocketEngine);
+ if (d->socketType != QAbstractSocket::UdpSocket)
+ return -1;
+ QHostAddress returnAddress;
+ quint16 returnPort;
+ for (int i = 0; i < d->pendingDatagrams.size(); ++i) {
+ IDatagramSocketMessageReceivedEventArgs *arg = d->;
+ ComPtr<IHostName> remoteHost;
+ HSTRING remoteHostString;
+ HSTRING remotePort;
+ arg->get_RemoteAddress(&remoteHost);
+ arg->get_RemotePort(&remotePort);
+ remoteHost->get_CanonicalName(&remoteHostString);
+ returnAddress.setAddress(qt_QStringFromHSTRING(remoteHostString));
+ returnPort = qt_QStringFromHSTRING(remotePort).toInt();
+ ComPtr<IDataReader> reader;
+ arg->GetDataReader(&reader);
+ if (!reader)
+ continue;
+ BYTE buffer[1024];
+ reader->ReadBytes(maxlen, buffer);
+ *addr = returnAddress;
+ *port = returnPort;
+ arg = d->pendingDatagrams.takeFirst();
+ // TODO: fill data
+ Q_UNUSED(data);
+ arg->Release();
+ delete arg;
+ --i;
+ return maxlen;
+ }
return -1;
qint64 QNativeSocketEngine::writeDatagram(const char *data, qint64 len, const QHostAddress &addr, quint16 port)
- Q_UNUSED(data);
- Q_UNUSED(len);
- Q_UNUSED(addr);
- Q_UNUSED(port);
- return -1;
+ Q_D(QNativeSocketEngine);
+ if (d->socketType != QAbstractSocket::UdpSocket)
+ return -1;
+ ComPtr<IHostName> remoteHost;
+ ComPtr<IHostNameFactory> hostNameFactory;
+ if (FAILED(GetActivationFactory(HString::MakeReference(RuntimeClass_Windows_Networking_HostName).Get(),
+ &hostNameFactory))) {
+ qWarning("QNativeSocketEnginePrivate::nativeSendDatagram: could not obtain hostname factory");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ const QString addressString = addr.toString();
+ HStringReference hostNameRef(reinterpret_cast<LPCWSTR>(addressString.utf16()));
+ hostNameFactory->CreateHostName(hostNameRef.Get(), &remoteHost);
+ ComPtr<IAsyncOperation<IOutputStream *>> streamOperation;
+ ComPtr<IOutputStream> stream;
+ const QString portString = QString::number(port);
+ HStringReference portRef(reinterpret_cast<LPCWSTR>(portString.utf16()));
+ if (FAILED(d->udp->GetOutputStreamAsync(remoteHost.Get(), portRef.Get(), &streamOperation)))
+ return -1;
+ while (hr = streamOperation->GetResults(&stream) == E_ILLEGAL_METHOD_CALL)
+ QCoreApplication::processEvents(QEventLoop::ExcludeUserInputEvents);
+ ComPtr<IDataWriterFactory> dataWriterFactory;
+ GetActivationFactory(HString::MakeReference(RuntimeClass_Windows_Storage_Streams_DataWriter).Get(), &dataWriterFactory);
+ ComPtr<IDataWriter> writer;
+ dataWriterFactory->CreateDataWriter(stream.Get(), &writer);
+ writer->WriteBytes(len, (unsigned char *)data);
+ return len;
bool QNativeSocketEngine::hasPendingDatagrams() const
- return false;
+ Q_D(const QNativeSocketEngine);
+ return d->pendingDatagrams.length() > 0;
qint64 QNativeSocketEngine::pendingDatagramSize() const
- return 0;
+ Q_D(const QNativeSocketEngine);
+ qint64 ret = 0;
+ foreach (IDatagramSocketMessageReceivedEventArgs *arg, d->pendingDatagrams) {
+ ComPtr<IDataReader> reader;
+ UINT32 unconsumedBufferLength;
+ arg->GetDataReader(&reader);
+ if (!reader)
+ return -1;
+ reader->get_UnconsumedBufferLength(&unconsumedBufferLength);
+ ret += unconsumedBufferLength;
+ }
+ return ret;
qint64 QNativeSocketEngine::bytesToWrite() const
return 0;
qint64 QNativeSocketEngine::receiveBufferSize() const
- return 0;
+ Q_D(const QNativeSocketEngine);
+ return d->option(QAbstractSocketEngine::ReceiveBufferSocketOption);
void QNativeSocketEngine::setReceiveBufferSize(qint64 bufferSize)
- Q_UNUSED(bufferSize);
+ Q_D(QNativeSocketEngine);
+ d->setOption(QAbstractSocketEngine::ReceiveBufferSocketOption, bufferSize);
qint64 QNativeSocketEngine::sendBufferSize() const
- return 0;
+ Q_D(const QNativeSocketEngine);
+ return d->option(QAbstractSocketEngine::SendBufferSocketOption);
void QNativeSocketEngine::setSendBufferSize(qint64 bufferSize)
- Q_UNUSED(bufferSize);
+ Q_D(QNativeSocketEngine);
+ d->setOption(QAbstractSocketEngine::SendBufferSocketOption, bufferSize);
int QNativeSocketEngine::option(QAbstractSocketEngine::SocketOption option) const
- Q_UNUSED(option);
- return -1;
+ Q_D(const QNativeSocketEngine);
+ return d->option(option);
bool QNativeSocketEngine::setOption(QAbstractSocketEngine::SocketOption option, int value)
- Q_UNUSED(option);
- Q_UNUSED(value);
- return false;
+ Q_D(QNativeSocketEngine);
+ return d->setOption(option, value);
bool QNativeSocketEngine::waitForRead(int msecs, bool *timedOut)
- Q_UNUSED(msecs);
- Q_UNUSED(timedOut);
+ Q_D(const QNativeSocketEngine);
+ Q_CHECK_VALID_SOCKETLAYER(QNativeSocketEngine::waitForRead(), false);
+ Q_CHECK_NOT_STATE(QNativeSocketEngine::waitForRead(),
+ QAbstractSocket::UnconnectedState, false);
+ if (timedOut)
+ *timedOut = false;
+ QElapsedTimer timer;
+ timer.start();
+ while (msecs > timer.elapsed()) {
+ // Servers with active connections are ready for reading
+ if (!d->currentConnections.isEmpty())
+ return true;
+ // If we are a client, we are ready to read if our buffer has data
+ UINT32 length;
+ if (FAILED(d->inputBuffer->get_Length(&length)))
+ return false;
+ if (length)
+ return true;
+ // Nothing to do, wait for more events
+ QCoreApplication::processEvents(QEventLoop::ExcludeUserInputEvents|QEventLoop::WaitForMoreEvents);
+ }
+ d->setError(QAbstractSocket::SocketTimeoutError,
+ QNativeSocketEnginePrivate::TimeOutErrorString);
+ if (timedOut)
+ *timedOut = true;
return false;
bool QNativeSocketEngine::waitForWrite(int msecs, bool *timedOut)
return false;
@@ -269,7 +741,6 @@ bool QNativeSocketEngine::waitForWrite(int msecs, bool *timedOut)
bool QNativeSocketEngine::waitForReadOrWrite(bool *readyToRead, bool *readyToWrite, bool checkRead, bool checkWrite, int msecs, bool *timedOut)
@@ -281,47 +752,431 @@ bool QNativeSocketEngine::waitForReadOrWrite(bool *readyToRead, bool *readyToWri
bool QNativeSocketEngine::isReadNotificationEnabled() const
- return false;
+ Q_D(const QNativeSocketEngine);
+ return d->notifyOnRead;
void QNativeSocketEngine::setReadNotificationEnabled(bool enable)
- Q_UNUSED(enable);
+ Q_D(QNativeSocketEngine);
+ d->notifyOnRead = enable;
bool QNativeSocketEngine::isWriteNotificationEnabled() const
- return false;
+ Q_D(const QNativeSocketEngine);
+ return d->notifyOnWrite;
void QNativeSocketEngine::setWriteNotificationEnabled(bool enable)
- Q_UNUSED(enable);
+ Q_D(QNativeSocketEngine);
+ d->notifyOnWrite = enable;
+ if (enable && d->socketState == QAbstractSocket::ConnectedState) {
+ if (bytesToWrite())
+ return; // will be emitted as a result of bytes written
+ writeNotification();
+ d->notifyOnWrite = false;
+ }
bool QNativeSocketEngine::isExceptionNotificationEnabled() const
- return false;
+ Q_D(const QNativeSocketEngine);
+ return d->notifyOnException;
void QNativeSocketEngine::setExceptionNotificationEnabled(bool enable)
- Q_UNUSED(enable);
+ Q_D(QNativeSocketEngine);
+ d->notifyOnException = enable;
+bool QNativeSocketEnginePrivate::createNewSocket(QAbstractSocket::SocketType socketType, QAbstractSocket::NetworkLayerProtocol &socketProtocol)
+ Q_UNUSED(socketProtocol);
+ SocketHandler *handler = gSocketHandler();
+ switch (socketType) {
+ case QAbstractSocket::TcpSocket: {
+ if (FAILED(RoActivateInstance(HString::MakeReference(RuntimeClass_Windows_Networking_Sockets_StreamSocket).Get(),
+ reinterpret_cast<IInspectable **>(&tcp)))) {
+ qWarning("Failed to create StreamSocket instance");
+ return false;
+ }
+ socketDescriptor = ++handler->socketCount;
+ return true;
+ }
+ case QAbstractSocket::UdpSocket: {
+ if (FAILED(RoActivateInstance(HString::MakeReference(RuntimeClass_Windows_Networking_Sockets_DatagramSocket).Get(),
+ reinterpret_cast<IInspectable **>(&udp)))) {
+ qWarning("Failed to create stream socket");
+ return false;
+ }
+ EventRegistrationToken token;
+ udp->add_MessageReceived(Callback<DatagramReceivedHandler>(this, &QNativeSocketEnginePrivate::handleNewDatagram).Get(), &token);
+ socketDescriptor = ++handler->socketCount;
+ return true;
+ }
+ default:
+ qWarning("Invalid socket type");
+ return false;
+ }
+ return false;
: QAbstractSocketEnginePrivate()
+ , notifyOnRead(true)
+ , notifyOnWrite(true)
+ , notifyOnException(false)
+ , closingDown(false)
+ , socketDescriptor(-1)
+ ComPtr<ByteArrayBuffer> buffer = Make<ByteArrayBuffer>(8192);
+ inputBuffer = buffer;
+void QNativeSocketEnginePrivate::setError(QAbstractSocket::SocketError error, ErrorString errorString) const
+ if (hasSetSocketError) {
+ // Only set socket errors once for one engine; expect the
+ // socket to recreate its engine after an error. Note: There's
+ // one exception: SocketError(11) bypasses this as it's purely
+ // a temporary internal error condition.
+ // Another exception is the way the waitFor*() functions set
+ // an error when a timeout occurs. After the call to setError()
+ // they reset the hasSetSocketError to false
+ return;
+ }
+ if (error != QAbstractSocket::SocketError(11))
+ hasSetSocketError = true;
+ socketError = error;
+ switch (errorString) {
+ case NonBlockingInitFailedErrorString:
+ socketErrorString = QNativeSocketEngine::tr("Unable to initialize non-blocking socket");
+ break;
+ case BroadcastingInitFailedErrorString:
+ socketErrorString = QNativeSocketEngine::tr("Unable to initialize broadcast socket");
+ break;
+ // should not happen anymore
+ case NoIpV6ErrorString:
+ socketErrorString = QNativeSocketEngine::tr("Attempt to use IPv6 socket on a platform with no IPv6 support");
+ break;
+ case RemoteHostClosedErrorString:
+ socketErrorString = QNativeSocketEngine::tr("The remote host closed the connection");
+ break;
+ case TimeOutErrorString:
+ socketErrorString = QNativeSocketEngine::tr("Network operation timed out");
+ break;
+ case ResourceErrorString:
+ socketErrorString = QNativeSocketEngine::tr("Out of resources");
+ break;
+ case OperationUnsupportedErrorString:
+ socketErrorString = QNativeSocketEngine::tr("Unsupported socket operation");
+ break;
+ case ProtocolUnsupportedErrorString:
+ socketErrorString = QNativeSocketEngine::tr("Protocol type not supported");
+ break;
+ case InvalidSocketErrorString:
+ socketErrorString = QNativeSocketEngine::tr("Invalid socket descriptor");
+ break;
+ case HostUnreachableErrorString:
+ socketErrorString = QNativeSocketEngine::tr("Host unreachable");
+ break;
+ case NetworkUnreachableErrorString:
+ socketErrorString = QNativeSocketEngine::tr("Network unreachable");
+ break;
+ case AccessErrorString:
+ socketErrorString = QNativeSocketEngine::tr("Permission denied");
+ break;
+ case ConnectionTimeOutErrorString:
+ socketErrorString = QNativeSocketEngine::tr("Connection timed out");
+ break;
+ case ConnectionRefusedErrorString:
+ socketErrorString = QNativeSocketEngine::tr("Connection refused");
+ break;
+ case AddressInuseErrorString:
+ socketErrorString = QNativeSocketEngine::tr("The bound address is already in use");
+ break;
+ case AddressNotAvailableErrorString:
+ socketErrorString = QNativeSocketEngine::tr("The address is not available");
+ break;
+ case AddressProtectedErrorString:
+ socketErrorString = QNativeSocketEngine::tr("The address is protected");
+ break;
+ case DatagramTooLargeErrorString:
+ socketErrorString = QNativeSocketEngine::tr("Datagram was too large to send");
+ break;
+ case SendDatagramErrorString:
+ socketErrorString = QNativeSocketEngine::tr("Unable to send a message");
+ break;
+ case ReceiveDatagramErrorString:
+ socketErrorString = QNativeSocketEngine::tr("Unable to receive a message");
+ break;
+ case WriteErrorString:
+ socketErrorString = QNativeSocketEngine::tr("Unable to write");
+ break;
+ case ReadErrorString:
+ socketErrorString = QNativeSocketEngine::tr("Network error");
+ break;
+ case PortInuseErrorString:
+ socketErrorString = QNativeSocketEngine::tr("Another socket is already listening on the same port");
+ break;
+ case NotSocketErrorString:
+ socketErrorString = QNativeSocketEngine::tr("Operation on non-socket");
+ break;
+ case InvalidProxyTypeString:
+ socketErrorString = QNativeSocketEngine::tr("The proxy type is invalid for this operation");
+ break;
+ case TemporaryErrorString:
+ socketErrorString = QNativeSocketEngine::tr("Temporary error");
+ break;
+ case UnknownSocketErrorString:
+ socketErrorString = QNativeSocketEngine::tr("Unknown error");
+ break;
+ }
+int QNativeSocketEnginePrivate::option(QAbstractSocketEngine::SocketOption opt) const
+ ComPtr<IStreamSocketControl> control;
+ if (socketType == QAbstractSocket::TcpSocket) {
+ if (FAILED(tcp->get_Control(&control))) {
+ qWarning("QNativeSocketEnginePrivate::option: Could not obtain socket control");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ switch (opt) {
+ case QAbstractSocketEngine::NonBlockingSocketOption:
+ case QAbstractSocketEngine::BroadcastSocketOption:
+ case QAbstractSocketEngine::ReceiveOutOfBandData:
+ return 1;
+ case QAbstractSocketEngine::SendBufferSocketOption:
+ if (socketType == QAbstractSocket::UdpSocket)
+ return -1;
+ UINT32 bufferSize;
+ if (FAILED(control->get_OutboundBufferSizeInBytes(&bufferSize))) {
+ qWarning("Could not obtain OutboundBufferSizeInBytes information vom socket control");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return bufferSize;
+ case QAbstractSocketEngine::LowDelayOption:
+ if (socketType == QAbstractSocket::UdpSocket)
+ return -1;
+ boolean noDelay;
+ if (FAILED(control->get_NoDelay(&noDelay))) {
+ qWarning("Could not obtain NoDelay information from socket control");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return noDelay;
+ case QAbstractSocketEngine::KeepAliveOption:
+ if (socketType == QAbstractSocket::UdpSocket)
+ return -1;
+ boolean keepAlive;
+ if (FAILED(control->get_KeepAlive(&keepAlive))) {
+ qWarning("Could not obtain KeepAlive information from socket control");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return keepAlive;
+ case QAbstractSocketEngine::ReceiveBufferSocketOption:
+ case QAbstractSocketEngine::AddressReusable:
+ case QAbstractSocketEngine::BindExclusively:
+ case QAbstractSocketEngine::MulticastTtlOption:
+ case QAbstractSocketEngine::MulticastLoopbackOption:
+ case QAbstractSocketEngine::TypeOfServiceOption:
+ default:
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return -1;
+bool QNativeSocketEnginePrivate::setOption(QAbstractSocketEngine::SocketOption opt, int v)
+ ComPtr<IStreamSocketControl> control;
+ if (socketType == QAbstractSocket::TcpSocket) {
+ if (FAILED(tcp->get_Control(&control))) {
+ qWarning("QNativeSocketEnginePrivate::setOption: Could not obtain socket control");
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ switch (opt) {
+ case QAbstractSocketEngine::NonBlockingSocketOption:
+ case QAbstractSocketEngine::BroadcastSocketOption:
+ case QAbstractSocketEngine::ReceiveOutOfBandData:
+ return v != 0;
+ case QAbstractSocketEngine::SendBufferSocketOption:
+ if (socketType == QAbstractSocket::UdpSocket)
+ return false;
+ if (FAILED(control->put_OutboundBufferSizeInBytes(v))) {
+ qWarning("Could not set OutboundBufferSizeInBytes");
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ case QAbstractSocketEngine::LowDelayOption: {
+ if (socketType == QAbstractSocket::UdpSocket)
+ return false;
+ boolean noDelay = v;
+ if (FAILED(control->put_NoDelay(noDelay))) {
+ qWarning("Could not obtain NoDelay information from socket control");
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ case QAbstractSocketEngine::KeepAliveOption: {
+ if (socketType == QAbstractSocket::UdpSocket)
+ return false;
+ boolean keepAlive = v;
+ if (FAILED(control->put_KeepAlive(keepAlive))) {
+ qWarning("Could not set KeepAlive value");
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ case QAbstractSocketEngine::ReceiveBufferSocketOption:
+ case QAbstractSocketEngine::AddressReusable:
+ case QAbstractSocketEngine::BindExclusively:
+ case QAbstractSocketEngine::MulticastTtlOption:
+ case QAbstractSocketEngine::MulticastLoopbackOption:
+ case QAbstractSocketEngine::TypeOfServiceOption:
+ default:
+ return false;
+ }
+ return false;
+bool QNativeSocketEnginePrivate::fetchConnectionParameters()
+ localPort = 0;
+ localAddress.clear();
+ peerPort = 0;
+ peerAddress.clear();
+ if (socketType == QAbstractSocket::TcpSocket) {
+ ComPtr<IHostName> hostName;
+ HSTRING tmpHString;
+ ComPtr<IStreamSocketInformation> info;
+ if (FAILED(tcp->get_Information(&info))) {
+ qWarning("QNativeSocketEnginePrivate::fetchConnectionParameters: Could not obtain socket info");
+ return false;
+ }
+ info->get_LocalAddress(&hostName);
+ if (hostName) {
+ hostName->get_CanonicalName(&tmpHString);
+ localAddress.setAddress(qt_QStringFromHSTRING(tmpHString));
+ info->get_LocalPort(&tmpHString);
+ localPort = qt_QStringFromHSTRING(tmpHString).toInt();
+ }
+ if (!localPort && tcpListener) {
+ ComPtr<IStreamSocketListenerInformation> listenerInfo = 0;
+ tcpListener->get_Information(&listenerInfo);
+ listenerInfo->get_LocalPort(&tmpHString);
+ localPort = qt_QStringFromHSTRING(tmpHString).toInt();
+ localAddress == QHostAddress::Any;
+ }
+ info->get_RemoteAddress(&hostName);
+ if (hostName) {
+ hostName->get_CanonicalName(&tmpHString);
+ peerAddress.setAddress(qt_QStringFromHSTRING(tmpHString));
+ info->get_RemotePort(&tmpHString);
+ peerPort = qt_QStringFromHSTRING(tmpHString).toInt();
+ }
+ } else if (socketType == QAbstractSocket::UdpSocket) {
+ ComPtr<IHostName> hostName;
+ HSTRING tmpHString;
+ ComPtr<IDatagramSocketInformation> info;
+ if (FAILED(udp->get_Information(&info))) {
+ qWarning("QNativeSocketEnginePrivate::fetchConnectionParameters: Could not obtain socket information");
+ return false;
+ }
+ info->get_LocalAddress(&hostName);
+ if (hostName) {
+ hostName->get_CanonicalName(&tmpHString);
+ localAddress.setAddress(qt_QStringFromHSTRING(tmpHString));
+ info->get_LocalPort(&tmpHString);
+ localPort = qt_QStringFromHSTRING(tmpHString).toInt();
+ }
+ info->get_RemoteAddress(&hostName);
+ if (hostName) {
+ hostName->get_CanonicalName(&tmpHString);
+ peerAddress.setAddress(qt_QStringFromHSTRING(tmpHString));
+ info->get_RemotePort(&tmpHString);
+ peerPort = qt_QStringFromHSTRING(tmpHString).toInt();
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+HRESULT QNativeSocketEnginePrivate::handleClientConnection(IStreamSocketListener *listener, IStreamSocketListenerConnectionReceivedEventArgs *args)
+ Q_Q(QNativeSocketEngine);
+ Q_ASSERT(tcpListener.Get() == listener);
+ IStreamSocket *socket;
+ args->get_Socket(&socket);
+ pendingConnections.append(socket);
+ q->connectionNotification();
+ q->readNotification();
+ return interruptEventDispatcher(0, Completed);
+HRESULT QNativeSocketEnginePrivate::interruptEventDispatcher(IAsyncAction *, AsyncStatus)
+ if (QThread *thread = QThread::currentThread()) {
+ if (QAbstractEventDispatcher *dispatcher = thread->eventDispatcher())
+ dispatcher->interrupt();
+ }
+ return S_OK;
+HRESULT QNativeSocketEnginePrivate::handleReadyRead(IAsyncOperationWithProgress<IBuffer *, UINT32> *asyncInfo, AsyncStatus)
+ ByteArrayBuffer *buffer = 0;
+ HRESULT hr = asyncInfo->GetResults((IBuffer **)&buffer);
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ return hr;
+ UINT32 len;
+ buffer->get_Length(&len);
+ QNativeSocketEngine *q = buffer->engine();
+ if (!q)
+ return S_OK;
+ if (len > 0 && q->isReadNotificationEnabled()) {
+ q->readNotification();
+ }
+ // Continue reading ### TODO: read into offset!!!
+ UINT32 capacity;
+ buffer->get_Capacity(&capacity);
+ ComPtr<IAsyncOperationWithProgress<IBuffer *, UINT32>> op;
+ if (SUCCEEDED(buffer->inputStream()->ReadAsync(buffer, capacity, InputStreamOptions_Partial, &op))) {
+ if (q)
+ return op->put_Completed(Callback<SocketReadCompletedHandler>(&QNativeSocketEnginePrivate::handleReadyRead).Get());
+ else
+ return op->put_Completed(nullptr);
+ }
+ return E_FAIL;
+HRESULT QNativeSocketEnginePrivate::handleNewDatagram(IDatagramSocket *socket, IDatagramSocketMessageReceivedEventArgs *args)
+ Q_Q(QNativeSocketEngine);
+ Q_ASSERT(udp == socket);
+ pendingDatagrams.append(args);
+ q->readNotification();
+ return S_OK;
diff --git a/src/network/socket/qnativesocketengine_winrt_p.h b/src/network/socket/qnativesocketengine_winrt_p.h
index 47ba3ecf91..b5be5fa830 100644
--- a/src/network/socket/qnativesocketengine_winrt_p.h
+++ b/src/network/socket/qnativesocketengine_winrt_p.h
@@ -138,6 +138,70 @@ class QNativeSocketEnginePrivate : public QAbstractSocketEnginePrivate
+ qintptr socketDescriptor;
+ bool notifyOnRead, notifyOnWrite, notifyOnException;
+ bool closingDown;
+ enum ErrorString {
+ NonBlockingInitFailedErrorString,
+ BroadcastingInitFailedErrorString,
+ NoIpV6ErrorString,
+ RemoteHostClosedErrorString,
+ TimeOutErrorString,
+ ResourceErrorString,
+ OperationUnsupportedErrorString,
+ ProtocolUnsupportedErrorString,
+ InvalidSocketErrorString,
+ HostUnreachableErrorString,
+ NetworkUnreachableErrorString,
+ AccessErrorString,
+ ConnectionTimeOutErrorString,
+ ConnectionRefusedErrorString,
+ AddressInuseErrorString,
+ AddressNotAvailableErrorString,
+ AddressProtectedErrorString,
+ DatagramTooLargeErrorString,
+ SendDatagramErrorString,
+ ReceiveDatagramErrorString,
+ WriteErrorString,
+ ReadErrorString,
+ PortInuseErrorString,
+ NotSocketErrorString,
+ InvalidProxyTypeString,
+ TemporaryErrorString,
+ UnknownSocketErrorString = -1
+ };
+ void setError(QAbstractSocket::SocketError error, ErrorString errorString) const;
+ // native functions
+ int option(QNativeSocketEngine::SocketOption option) const;
+ bool setOption(QNativeSocketEngine::SocketOption option, int value);
+ bool createNewSocket(QAbstractSocket::SocketType type, QAbstractSocket::NetworkLayerProtocol &protocol);
+ bool checkProxy(const QHostAddress &address);
+ bool fetchConnectionParameters();
+ union {
+ ABI::Windows::Networking::Sockets::IStreamSocket *tcp;
+ ABI::Windows::Networking::Sockets::IDatagramSocket *udp;
+ };
+ Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ABI::Windows::Networking::Sockets::IStreamSocketListener> tcpListener;
+ Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ABI::Windows::Storage::Streams::IBuffer> inputBuffer;
+ QList<ABI::Windows::Networking::Sockets::IDatagramSocketMessageReceivedEventArgs *> pendingDatagrams;
+ QList<ABI::Windows::Networking::Sockets::IStreamSocket *> pendingConnections;
+ QList<ABI::Windows::Networking::Sockets::IStreamSocket *> currentConnections;
+ HRESULT handleNewDatagram(ABI::Windows::Networking::Sockets::IDatagramSocket *socket,
+ ABI::Windows::Networking::Sockets::IDatagramSocketMessageReceivedEventArgs *args);
+ HRESULT handleClientConnection(ABI::Windows::Networking::Sockets::IStreamSocketListener *tcpListener,
+ ABI::Windows::Networking::Sockets::IStreamSocketListenerConnectionReceivedEventArgs *args);
+ static HRESULT interruptEventDispatcher(ABI::Windows::Foundation::IAsyncAction *, ABI::Windows::Foundation::AsyncStatus);
+ static HRESULT handleReadyRead(ABI::Windows::Foundation::IAsyncOperationWithProgress<ABI::Windows::Storage::Streams::IBuffer *, UINT32> *asyncInfo, ABI::Windows::Foundation::AsyncStatus);