path: root/src/plugins/platforms/windows/qwindowsdrag.cpp
diff options
authorFriedemann Kleint <>2012-02-22 10:58:28 +0100
committerQt by Nokia <>2012-02-29 20:10:30 +0100
commit3a72a1c7ed5adcdf3e473b50cc9c932e9290ee81 (patch)
treec9c6ab476e935c1141675382c051ef86e003440d /src/plugins/platforms/windows/qwindowsdrag.cpp
parent70784b9069fbd1c73eddbbfc83ffb44b2ca15854 (diff)
Refactor the QPA dnd interface.
- Give QPlatformDrag a synchronous drag() function returning the Qt::DropAction - Move the base functionality for asynchronous event handling to the platformsupport library as QBasicDrag (extendable base class handling drag icon and providing new virtuals) and QSimpleDrag (sample implementation for drag within the Qt application). - Change the Windows implementation accordingly. - Change XCB to be based on QBasicDrag. - Clean up QDragManager. Change-Id: I654f76f0e55a385ba189bd74f3ceaded6a8fe318 Reviewed-by: Morten Johan Sørvig <>
Diffstat (limited to 'src/plugins/platforms/windows/qwindowsdrag.cpp')
1 files changed, 96 insertions, 182 deletions
diff --git a/src/plugins/platforms/windows/qwindowsdrag.cpp b/src/plugins/platforms/windows/qwindowsdrag.cpp
index 9f2a1dc00c..89ca6204a8 100644
--- a/src/plugins/platforms/windows/qwindowsdrag.cpp
+++ b/src/plugins/platforms/windows/qwindowsdrag.cpp
@@ -53,8 +53,11 @@
#include <QtGui/QPixmap>
#include <QtGui/QPainter>
#include <QtGui/QGuiApplication>
+#include <QtGui/private/qwindowsysteminterface_qpa_p.h>
+#include <QtGui/private/qguiapplication_p.h>
#include <QtCore/QDebug>
+#include <QtCore/QBuffer>
#include <QtCore/QPoint>
#include <shlobj.h>
@@ -300,14 +303,13 @@ private:
QWindowsDrag *m_drag;
Qt::MouseButtons m_currentButtons;
- Qt::DropAction m_currentAction;
ActionCursorMap m_cursors;
ULONG m_refs;
QWindowsOleDropSource::QWindowsOleDropSource(QWindowsDrag *drag) :
- m_drag(drag), m_currentButtons(Qt::NoButton), m_currentAction(Qt::IgnoreAction),
+ m_drag(drag), m_currentButtons(Qt::NoButton),
if (QWindowsContext::verboseOLE)
@@ -321,24 +323,26 @@ QWindowsOleDropSource::~QWindowsOleDropSource()
qDebug("%s", __FUNCTION__);
+ \brief Blend custom pixmap with cursors.
void QWindowsOleDropSource::createCursors()
- QDragManager *manager = QDragManager::self();
- if (!manager || !manager->object)
- return;
- const QPixmap pixmap = manager->object->pixmap();
+ const QDrag *drag = m_drag->currentDrag();
+ const QPixmap pixmap = drag->pixmap();
const bool hasPixmap = !pixmap.isNull();
- if (!hasPixmap && manager->dragPrivate()->customCursors.isEmpty())
+ if (!hasPixmap)
QList<Qt::DropAction> actions;
actions << Qt::MoveAction << Qt::CopyAction << Qt::LinkAction;
if (hasPixmap)
actions << Qt::IgnoreAction;
- const QPoint hotSpot = manager->object->hotSpot();
+ const QPoint hotSpot = drag->hotSpot();
for (int cnum = 0; cnum < actions.size(); ++cnum) {
const Qt::DropAction action =;
- QPixmap cpm = manager->dragCursor(action);
+ QPixmap cpm = drag->dragCursor(action);
if (cpm.isNull())
cpm = m_drag->defaultCursor(action);
if (cpm.isNull()) {
@@ -361,7 +365,7 @@ void QWindowsOleDropSource::createCursors()
const QPoint newHotSpot = hotSpot;
QPixmap newCursor(w, h);
if (hasPixmap) {
- newCursor.fill(QColor(0, 0, 0, 0));
+ newCursor.fill(Qt::transparent);
QPainter p(&newCursor);
const QRect srcRect = pixmap.rect();
const QPoint pmDest = QPoint(qMax(0, -hotSpot.x()), qMax(0, -hotSpot.y()));
@@ -375,7 +379,7 @@ void QWindowsOleDropSource::createCursors()
const int hotY = hasPixmap ? qMax(0,newHotSpot.y()) : 0;
if (const HCURSOR sysCursor = QWindowsCursor::createPixmapCursor(newCursor, hotX, hotY))
- m_cursors.insert(action, sysCursor);
+ m_cursors.insert(, sysCursor);
if (QWindowsContext::verboseOLE)
qDebug("%s %d cursors", __FUNCTION__, m_cursors.size());
@@ -432,7 +436,7 @@ QWindowsOleDropSource::QueryContinueDrag(BOOL fEscapePressed, DWORD grfKeyState)
do {
- if (fEscapePressed || QWindowsDrag::instance()->dragBeingCancelled()) {
+ if (fEscapePressed) {
hr = ResultFromScode(DRAGDROP_S_CANCEL);
@@ -461,13 +465,11 @@ QWindowsOleDropSource::QueryContinueDrag(BOOL fEscapePressed, DWORD grfKeyState)
} while (false);
- QDragManager::self()->willDrop = hr == DRAGDROP_S_DROP;
if (QWindowsContext::verboseOLE
&& (QWindowsContext::verboseOLE > 1 || hr != S_OK))
- qDebug("%s fEscapePressed=%d, grfKeyState=%lu buttons=%d willDrop = %d returns 0x%x",
+ qDebug("%s fEscapePressed=%d, grfKeyState=%lu buttons=%d returns 0x%x",
__FUNCTION__, fEscapePressed,grfKeyState, int(m_currentButtons),
- QDragManager::self()->willDrop, int(hr));
+ int(hr));
return hr;
QWindowsOleDropSource::GiveFeedback(DWORD dwEffect)
const Qt::DropAction action = translateToQDragDropAction(dwEffect);
+ m_drag->updateAction(action);
if (QWindowsContext::verboseOLE > 2)
qDebug("%s dwEffect=%lu, action=%d", __FUNCTION__, dwEffect, action);
- if (m_currentAction != action) {
- m_currentAction = action;
- QDragManager::self()->emitActionChanged(m_currentAction);
- }
- const ActionCursorMap::const_iterator it = m_cursors.constFind(m_currentAction);
+ const ActionCursorMap::const_iterator it = m_cursors.constFind(action);
if (it != m_cursors.constEnd()) {
return ResultFromScode(S_OK);
@@ -510,7 +508,7 @@ QWindowsOleDropSource::GiveFeedback(DWORD dwEffect)
QWindowsOleDropTarget::QWindowsOleDropTarget(QWindow *w) :
- m_refs(1), m_window(w), m_currentWindow(0), m_chosenEffect(0), m_lastKeyState(0)
+ m_refs(1), m_window(w), m_chosenEffect(0), m_lastKeyState(0)
if (QWindowsContext::verboseOLE)
qDebug() << __FUNCTION__ << this << w;
@@ -558,6 +556,38 @@ QWindow *QWindowsOleDropTarget::findDragOverWindow(const POINTL &pt) const
return m_window;
+void QWindowsOleDropTarget::handleDrag(QWindow *window, DWORD grfKeyState,
+ const QPoint &point, LPDWORD pdwEffect)
+ Q_ASSERT(window);
+ m_lastPoint = point;
+ m_lastKeyState = grfKeyState;
+ QWindowsDrag *windowsDrag = QWindowsDrag::instance();
+ const Qt::DropActions actions = translateToQDragDropActions(*pdwEffect);
+ QGuiApplicationPrivate::modifier_buttons = toQtKeyboardModifiers(grfKeyState);
+ QGuiApplicationPrivate::mouse_buttons = QWindowsMouseHandler::keyStateToMouseButtons(grfKeyState);
+ const QPlatformDragQtResponse response =
+ QWindowSystemInterface::handleDrag(window, windowsDrag->dropData(), m_lastPoint, actions);
+ m_answerRect = response.answerRect();
+ const Qt::DropAction action = response.acceptedAction();
+ if (response.isAccepted()) {
+ m_chosenEffect = translateToWinDragEffects(action);
+ } else {
+ m_chosenEffect = DROPEFFECT_NONE;
+ }
+ *pdwEffect = m_chosenEffect;
+ if (QWindowsContext::verboseOLE)
+ qDebug() << __FUNCTION__ << m_window
+ << windowsDrag->dropData() << " supported actions=" << actions
+ << " mods=" << QGuiApplicationPrivate::modifier_buttons
+ << " mouse=" << QGuiApplicationPrivate::mouse_buttons
+ << " accepted: " << response.isAccepted() << action
+ << m_answerRect << " effect" << *pdwEffect;
QWindowsOleDropTarget::DragEnter(LPDATAOBJECT pDataObj, DWORD grfKeyState,
POINTL pt, LPDWORD pdwEffect)
@@ -567,124 +597,28 @@ QWindowsOleDropTarget::DragEnter(LPDATAOBJECT pDataObj, DWORD grfKeyState,
- m_currentWindow = m_window;
- sendDragEnterEvent(m_window, grfKeyState, pt, pdwEffect);
- *pdwEffect = m_chosenEffect;
+ const QPoint point = QWindowsGeometryHint::mapFromGlobal(m_window, QPoint(pt.x,pt.y));
+ handleDrag(m_window, grfKeyState, point, pdwEffect);
return NOERROR;
-void QWindowsOleDropTarget::sendDragEnterEvent(QWindow *dragEnterWidget,
- DWORD grfKeyState,
- POINTL pt, LPDWORD pdwEffect)
- Q_ASSERT(dragEnterWidget);
- m_lastPoint = QWindowsGeometryHint::mapFromGlobal(dragEnterWidget, QPoint(pt.x,pt.y));
- m_lastKeyState = grfKeyState;
- m_chosenEffect = DROPEFFECT_NONE;
- QDragManager *manager = QDragManager::self();
- QMimeData *md = manager->dropData();
- const Qt::MouseButtons mouseButtons
- = QWindowsMouseHandler::keyStateToMouseButtons(grfKeyState);
- const Qt::DropActions actions = translateToQDragDropActions(*pdwEffect);
- const Qt::KeyboardModifiers keyMods = toQtKeyboardModifiers(grfKeyState);
- QDragEnterEvent enterEvent(m_lastPoint, actions, md, mouseButtons, keyMods);
- QGuiApplication::sendEvent(m_currentWindow, &enterEvent);
- m_answerRect = enterEvent.answerRect();
- if (QWindowsContext::verboseOLE)
- qDebug() << __FUNCTION__ << " sent drag enter to " << m_window
- << *md << " actions=" << actions
- << " mods=" << keyMods << " accepted: "
- << enterEvent.isAccepted();
- if (enterEvent.isAccepted())
- m_chosenEffect = translateToWinDragEffects(enterEvent.dropAction());
- // Documentation states that a drag move event is sent immediately after
- // a drag enter event. This will honor widgets overriding dragMoveEvent only:
- if (enterEvent.isAccepted()) {
- QDragMoveEvent moveEvent(m_lastPoint, actions, md, mouseButtons, keyMods);
- m_answerRect = enterEvent.answerRect();
- moveEvent.setDropAction(enterEvent.dropAction());
- moveEvent.accept(); // accept by default, since enter event was accepted.
- QGuiApplication::sendEvent(dragEnterWidget, &moveEvent);
- if (moveEvent.isAccepted()) {
- m_answerRect = moveEvent.answerRect();
- m_chosenEffect = translateToWinDragEffects(moveEvent.dropAction());
- } else {
- m_chosenEffect = DROPEFFECT_NONE;
- }
- }
QWindowsOleDropTarget::DragOver(DWORD grfKeyState, POINTL pt, LPDWORD pdwEffect)
QWindow *dragOverWindow = findDragOverWindow(pt);
+ if (QWindowsContext::verboseOLE)
+ qDebug("%s widget=%p key=%lu, pt=%ld,%ld", __FUNCTION__, dragOverWindow, grfKeyState, pt.x, pt.y);
const QPoint tmpPoint = QWindowsGeometryHint::mapFromGlobal(dragOverWindow, QPoint(pt.x,pt.y));
// see if we should compress this event
if ((tmpPoint == m_lastPoint || m_answerRect.contains(tmpPoint))
&& m_lastKeyState == grfKeyState) {
*pdwEffect = m_chosenEffect;
+ if (QWindowsContext::verboseOLE)
+ qDebug("%s: compressed event", __FUNCTION__);
return NOERROR;
- if (QWindowsContext::verboseOLE > 1)
- qDebug().nospace() << '>' << __FUNCTION__ << ' ' << m_window << " current "
- << dragOverWindow << " key=" << grfKeyState
- << " pt=" <<pt.x << ',' << pt.y;
- if (dragOverWindow != m_currentWindow) {
- QPointer<QWindow> dragOverWindowGuard(dragOverWindow);
- // Send drag leave event to the previous drag widget.
- // Drag-Over widget might be deleted in DragLeave,
- // (tasktracker 218353).
- QDragLeaveEvent dragLeave;
- if (m_currentWindow)
- QGuiApplication::sendEvent(m_currentWindow, &dragLeave);
- if (!dragOverWindowGuard) {
- dragOverWindow = findDragOverWindow(pt);
- }
- // Send drag enter event to the current drag widget.
- m_currentWindow = dragOverWindow;
- sendDragEnterEvent(dragOverWindow, grfKeyState, pt, pdwEffect);
- }
- QDragManager *manager = QDragManager::self();
- QMimeData *md = manager->dropData();
- const Qt::DropActions actions = translateToQDragDropActions(*pdwEffect);
- QDragMoveEvent oldEvent(m_lastPoint, actions, md,
- QWindowsMouseHandler::keyStateToMouseButtons(m_lastKeyState),
- toQtKeyboardModifiers(m_lastKeyState));
- m_lastPoint = tmpPoint;
- m_lastKeyState = grfKeyState;
- QDragMoveEvent e(tmpPoint, actions, md,
- QWindowsMouseHandler::keyStateToMouseButtons(grfKeyState),
- toQtKeyboardModifiers(grfKeyState));
- if (m_chosenEffect != DROPEFFECT_NONE) {
- if (oldEvent.dropAction() == e.dropAction() &&
- oldEvent.keyboardModifiers() == e.keyboardModifiers())
- e.setDropAction(translateToQDragDropAction(m_chosenEffect));
- e.accept();
- }
- QGuiApplication::sendEvent(dragOverWindow, &e);
- m_answerRect = e.answerRect();
- if (e.isAccepted())
- m_chosenEffect = translateToWinDragEffects(e.dropAction());
- else
- m_chosenEffect = DROPEFFECT_NONE;
- *pdwEffect = m_chosenEffect;
- if (QWindowsContext::verboseOLE > 1)
- qDebug("<%s effect=0x%lx", __FUNCTION__, m_chosenEffect);
+ handleDrag(dragOverWindow, grfKeyState, tmpPoint, pdwEffect);
return NOERROR;
@@ -694,9 +628,7 @@ QWindowsOleDropTarget::DragLeave()
if (QWindowsContext::verboseOLE)
qDebug().nospace() <<__FUNCTION__ << ' ' << m_window;
- m_currentWindow = 0;
- QDragLeaveEvent e;
- QGuiApplication::sendEvent(m_window, &e);
+ QWindowSystemInterface::handleDrag(m_window, 0, QPoint(), Qt::IgnoreAction);
return NOERROR;
@@ -724,21 +656,15 @@ QWindowsOleDropTarget::Drop(LPDATAOBJECT /*pDataObj*/, DWORD grfKeyState,
m_lastKeyState = grfKeyState;
QWindowsDrag *windowsDrag = QWindowsDrag::instance();
- QDragManager *manager = QDragManager::self();
- QMimeData *md = manager->dropData();
- QDropEvent e(m_lastPoint, translateToQDragDropActions(*pdwEffect), md,
- QWindowsMouseHandler::keyStateToMouseButtons(grfKeyState),
- toQtKeyboardModifiers(grfKeyState));
- if (m_chosenEffect != DROPEFFECT_NONE)
- e.setDropAction(translateToQDragDropAction(m_chosenEffect));
- QGuiApplication::sendEvent(dropWindow, &e);
- if (m_chosenEffect != DROPEFFECT_NONE)
- e.accept();
- if (e.isAccepted()) {
- if (e.dropAction() == Qt::MoveAction || e.dropAction() == Qt::TargetMoveAction) {
- if (e.dropAction() == Qt::MoveAction)
+ const QPlatformDropQtResponse response =
+ QWindowSystemInterface::handleDrop(dropWindow, windowsDrag->platformDropData(), m_lastPoint,
+ translateToQDragDropActions(*pdwEffect));
+ if (response.isAccepted()) {
+ const Qt::DropAction action = response.acceptedAction();
+ if (action == Qt::MoveAction || action == Qt::TargetMoveAction) {
+ if (action == Qt::MoveAction)
m_chosenEffect = DROPEFFECT_MOVE;
m_chosenEffect = DROPEFFECT_COPY;
@@ -760,7 +686,7 @@ QWindowsOleDropTarget::Drop(LPDATAOBJECT /*pDataObj*/, DWORD grfKeyState,
windowsDrag->dropDataObject()->SetData(&format, &medium, true);
} else {
- m_chosenEffect = translateToWinDragEffects(e.dropAction());
+ m_chosenEffect = translateToWinDragEffects(action);
} else {
m_chosenEffect = DROPEFFECT_NONE;
@@ -778,7 +704,7 @@ QWindowsOleDropTarget::Drop(LPDATAOBJECT /*pDataObj*/, DWORD grfKeyState,
\ingroup qt-lighthouse-win
-QWindowsDrag::QWindowsDrag() : m_dropDataObject(0), m_dragBeingCancelled(false)
+QWindowsDrag::QWindowsDrag() : m_dropDataObject(0)
@@ -786,6 +712,17 @@ QWindowsDrag::~QWindowsDrag()
+ \brief Return data for a drop in process. If it stems from a current drag, use a shortcut.
+QMimeData *QWindowsDrag::dropData()
+ if (const QDrag *drag = currentDrag())
+ return drag->mimeData();
+ return &m_dropData;
QPixmap QWindowsDrag::defaultCursor(Qt::DropAction action) const
switch (action) {
@@ -810,69 +747,46 @@ QPixmap QWindowsDrag::defaultCursor(Qt::DropAction action) const
return m_ignoreDragCursor;
-void QWindowsDrag::startDrag()
+Qt::DropAction QWindowsDrag::drag(QDrag *drag)
// TODO: Accessibility handling?
- QDragManager *dragManager = QDragManager::self();
- QMimeData *dropData = dragManager->dropData();
- m_dragBeingCancelled = false;
+ QMimeData *dropData = drag->mimeData();
+ Qt::DropAction dragResult = Qt::IgnoreAction;
DWORD resultEffect;
QWindowsOleDropSource *windowDropSource = new QWindowsOleDropSource(this);
QWindowsOleDataObject *dropDataObject = new QWindowsOleDataObject(dropData);
- const Qt::DropActions possibleActions = dragManager->possible_actions;
+ const Qt::DropActions possibleActions = drag->supportedActions();
const DWORD allowedEffects = translateToWinDragEffects(possibleActions);
if (QWindowsContext::verboseOLE)
qDebug(">%s possible Actions=%x, effects=0x%lx", __FUNCTION__,
int(possibleActions), allowedEffects);
const HRESULT r = DoDragDrop(dropDataObject, windowDropSource, allowedEffects, &resultEffect);
const DWORD reportedPerformedEffect = dropDataObject->reportedPerformedEffect();
- Qt::DropAction ret = Qt::IgnoreAction;
if (r == DRAGDROP_S_DROP) {
if (reportedPerformedEffect == DROPEFFECT_MOVE && resultEffect != DROPEFFECT_MOVE) {
- ret = Qt::TargetMoveAction;
+ dragResult = Qt::TargetMoveAction;
resultEffect = DROPEFFECT_MOVE;
} else {
- ret = translateToQDragDropAction(resultEffect);
+ dragResult = translateToQDragDropAction(resultEffect);
// Force it to be a copy if an unsupported operation occurred.
// This indicates a bug in the drop target.
- if (resultEffect != DROPEFFECT_NONE && !(resultEffect & allowedEffects))
- ret = Qt::CopyAction;
- } else {
- dragManager->setCurrentTarget(0);
+ if (resultEffect != DROPEFFECT_NONE && !(resultEffect & allowedEffects)) {
+ qWarning("%s: Forcing Qt::CopyAction", __FUNCTION__);
+ dragResult = Qt::CopyAction;
+ }
// clean up
dropDataObject->Release(); // Will delete obj if refcount becomes 0
windowDropSource->Release(); // Will delete src if refcount becomes 0
if (QWindowsContext::verboseOLE)
qDebug("<%s allowedEffects=0x%lx, reportedPerformedEffect=0x%lx, resultEffect=0x%lx, hr=0x%x, dropAction=%d",
- __FUNCTION__, allowedEffects, reportedPerformedEffect, resultEffect, int(r), ret);
-void QWindowsDrag::move(const QMouseEvent *me)
- const QPoint pos = me->pos();
- if (QWindowsContext::verboseOLE)
- qDebug("%s %d %d", __FUNCTION__, pos.x(), pos.y());
-void QWindowsDrag::drop(const QMouseEvent *me)
- const QPoint pos = me->pos();
- if (QWindowsContext::verboseOLE)
- qDebug("%s %d %d", __FUNCTION__, pos.x(), pos.y());
-void QWindowsDrag::cancel()
- // TODO: Accessibility handling?
- if (QWindowsContext::verboseOLE)
- qDebug("%s", __FUNCTION__);
- m_dragBeingCancelled = true;
+ __FUNCTION__, allowedEffects, reportedPerformedEffect,
+ resultEffect, int(r), dragResult);
+ return dragResult;
QWindowsDrag *QWindowsDrag::instance()