path: root/src/widgets
diff options
authorPhilippe Lelong <>2014-07-08 10:47:06 +0200
committerPhilippe Lelong <>2014-07-10 16:53:11 +0200
commit4a1120a2f1959ca8bcb61062a2f7c33a46e57c59 (patch)
treeddb63315b2368070159a8f3fef9ee954883ae5db /src/widgets
parent52eccc6cfa0f3b3649d60e3173382cdb68828f44 (diff)
Fix various issues with qandroidstyle
-Add style for checkable QGroupBox -Add style for checkable QItemView -Fix QSpinboxes contents size and position -Fix QTreeView and QTableView headers size and position -Fix Slider thumb position incorrect if minimum is not zero Task-number: QTBUG-38717 Task-number: QTBUG-38325 Task-number: QTBUG-37965 Change-Id: I737f8d6f2d1c25d16aca0ce5de6b81884839409d Reviewed-by: Eskil Abrahamsen Blomfeldt <>
Diffstat (limited to 'src/widgets')
2 files changed, 328 insertions, 67 deletions
diff --git a/src/widgets/styles/qandroidstyle.cpp b/src/widgets/styles/qandroidstyle.cpp
index ceb95aa125..9f241c42e1 100644
--- a/src/widgets/styles/qandroidstyle.cpp
+++ b/src/widgets/styles/qandroidstyle.cpp
@@ -118,6 +118,7 @@ QAndroidStyle::QAndroidStyle()
: QFusionStyle()
+ checkBoxControl = NULL;
QString stylePath(QLatin1String(qgetenv("MINISTRO_ANDROID_STYLE_PATH")));
const QLatin1Char slashChar('/');
if (!stylePath.isEmpty() && !stylePath.endsWith(slashChar))
@@ -127,8 +128,7 @@ QAndroidStyle::QAndroidStyle()
if (!androidTheme.isEmpty() && !androidTheme.endsWith(slashChar))
androidTheme += slashChar;
- if (stylePath.isEmpty())
- {
+ if (stylePath.isEmpty()) {
stylePath = QLatin1String("/data/data/org.kde.necessitas.ministro/files/dl/style/")
+ QLatin1String(qgetenv("QT_ANDROID_THEME_DISPLAY_DPI")) + slashChar;
@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ QAndroidStyle::QAndroidStyle()
QJsonParseError error;
QJsonDocument document = QJsonDocument::fromJson(f.readAll(), &error);
- if (document.isNull()) {
+ if (document.isNull()) {
qCritical() << error.errorString();
@@ -155,8 +155,8 @@ QAndroidStyle::QAndroidStyle()
QPlatformNativeInterface *nativeInterface = QGuiApplication::platformNativeInterface();
- QHash<int, QPalette> * palettes = reinterpret_cast<QHash<int, QPalette> *>(nativeInterface->nativeResourceForIntegration("AndroidStylePalettes"));
- QHash<int, QFont> * fonts = reinterpret_cast<QHash<int, QFont> *>(nativeInterface->nativeResourceForIntegration("AndroidStyleFonts"));
+ QHash<int, QPalette> *palettes = reinterpret_cast<QHash<int, QPalette> *>(nativeInterface->nativeResourceForIntegration("AndroidStylePalettes"));
+ QHash<int, QFont> *fonts = reinterpret_cast<QHash<int, QFont> *>(nativeInterface->nativeResourceForIntegration("AndroidStyleFonts"));
QJsonObject object = document.object();
@@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ QAndroidStyle::QAndroidStyle()
if (!qtClassName.isEmpty())
QApplication::setFont(font, qtClassName.toUtf8());
- if (ft>-1)
+ if (ft > -1)
fonts->insert(ft, font);
// Extract font information
@@ -256,6 +256,9 @@ QAndroidStyle::QAndroidStyle()
switch (itemType) {
case QC_Checkbox:
+ checkBoxControl = new AndroidCompoundButtonControl(item.toVariantMap(), itemType);
+ m_androidControlsHash[int(itemType)] = checkBoxControl;
+ break;
case QC_RadioButton:
m_androidControlsHash[int(itemType)] = new AndroidCompoundButtonControl(item.toVariantMap(),
@@ -516,16 +519,31 @@ void QAndroidStyle::drawPrimitive(PrimitiveElement pe,
? m_androidControlsHash.find(itemType)
: m_androidControlsHash.end();
if (it != m_androidControlsHash.end()) {
- if (itemType != QC_EditText)
+ if (itemType != QC_EditText) {
it.value()->drawControl(opt, p, w);
- else {
+ } else {
QStyleOption copy(*opt);
copy.state &= ~QStyle::State_Sunken;
it.value()->drawControl(&copy, p, w);
- }
- else
+ } else if (pe == PE_FrameGroupBox) {
+ if (const QStyleOptionFrame *frame = qstyleoption_cast<const QStyleOptionFrame *>(opt)) {
+ const QStyleOptionFrameV2 *frame2 = qstyleoption_cast<const QStyleOptionFrameV2 *>(opt);
+ if (frame2 && (frame2->features & QStyleOptionFrameV2::Flat)) {
+ QRect fr = frame->rect;
+ QPoint p1(fr.x(), fr.y() + 1);
+ QPoint p2(fr.x() + fr.width(), p1.y());
+ qDrawShadeLine(p, p1, p2, frame->palette, true,
+ frame->lineWidth, frame->midLineWidth);
+ } else {
+ qDrawShadeRect(p, frame->rect.x(), frame->rect.y(), frame->rect.width(),
+ frame->rect.height(), frame->palette, true,
+ frame->lineWidth, frame->midLineWidth);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
QFusionStyle::drawPrimitive(pe, opt, p, w);
+ }
@@ -575,6 +593,36 @@ void QAndroidStyle::drawControl(QStyle::ControlElement element,
+ } else if (element == CE_ItemViewItem) {
+ const QStyleOptionViewItem *vopt = qstyleoption_cast<const QStyleOptionViewItem *>(opt);
+ if (vopt && vopt->features & QStyleOptionViewItem::HasCheckIndicator) {
+ p->save();
+ p->setClipRect(opt->rect);
+ QRect checkRect = proxy()->subElementRect(SE_ItemViewItemCheckIndicator, vopt, w);
+ // draw the background
+ proxy()->drawPrimitive(PE_PanelItemViewItem, opt, p, w);
+ // draw the check mark
+ QStyleOptionViewItem option(*vopt);
+ option.rect = checkRect;
+ option.state = option.state & ~QStyle::State_HasFocus;
+ switch (vopt->checkState) {
+ case Qt::Unchecked:
+ option.state |= QStyle::State_Off;
+ break;
+ default:
+ option.state |= QStyle::State_On;
+ break;
+ }
+ QPixmap pixmap = checkBoxControl->imgCheckBox(&option);
+ p->drawPixmap(checkRect, pixmap);
+ p->restore();
+ } else {
+ QFusionStyle::drawControl(element, opt, p, w);
+ }
} else {
QFusionStyle::drawControl(element, opt, p, w);
@@ -584,6 +632,8 @@ QRect QAndroidStyle::subElementRect(SubElement subElement,
const QStyleOption *option,
const QWidget *widget) const
+ if (subElement == SE_LineEditContents) // fix spinbox display problem
+ return QFusionStyle::subElementRect(subElement, option, widget);
const ItemType itemType = qtControl(subElement);
AndroidControlsHash::const_iterator it = itemType != QC_UnknownType
? m_androidControlsHash.find(itemType)
@@ -602,10 +652,74 @@ void QAndroidStyle::drawComplexControl(ComplexControl cc,
AndroidControlsHash::const_iterator it = itemType != QC_UnknownType
? m_androidControlsHash.find(itemType)
: m_androidControlsHash.end();
- if (it != m_androidControlsHash.end())
+ if (it != m_androidControlsHash.end()) {
it.value()->drawControl(opt, p, widget);
- else
- QFusionStyle::drawComplexControl(cc, opt, p, widget);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (cc == CC_GroupBox) {
+ if (const QStyleOptionGroupBox *groupBox = qstyleoption_cast<const QStyleOptionGroupBox *>(opt)) {
+ // Draw frame
+ QRect textRect = subControlRect(CC_GroupBox, opt, SC_GroupBoxLabel, widget);
+ QRect checkBoxRect;
+ if (groupBox->subControls & SC_GroupBoxCheckBox)
+ checkBoxRect = subControlRect(CC_GroupBox, opt, SC_GroupBoxCheckBox, widget);
+ if (groupBox->subControls & QStyle::SC_GroupBoxFrame) {
+ QStyleOptionFrameV2 frame;
+ frame.QStyleOption::operator=(*groupBox);
+ frame.features = groupBox->features;
+ frame.lineWidth = groupBox->lineWidth;
+ frame.midLineWidth = groupBox->midLineWidth;
+ frame.rect = subControlRect(CC_GroupBox, opt, SC_GroupBoxFrame, widget);
+ p->save();
+ QRegion region(groupBox->rect);
+ if (!groupBox->text.isEmpty()) {
+ bool ltr = groupBox->direction == Qt::LeftToRight;
+ QRect finalRect;
+ if (groupBox->subControls & QStyle::SC_GroupBoxCheckBox) {
+ finalRect = checkBoxRect.united(textRect);
+ finalRect.adjust(ltr ? -4 : 0, 0, ltr ? 0 : 4, 0);
+ } else {
+ finalRect = textRect;
+ }
+ region -= finalRect;
+ }
+ p->setClipRegion(region);
+ drawPrimitive(PE_FrameGroupBox, &frame, p, widget);
+ p->restore();
+ }
+ // Draw title
+ if ((groupBox->subControls & QStyle::SC_GroupBoxLabel) && !groupBox->text.isEmpty()) {
+ QColor textColor = groupBox->textColor;
+ if (textColor.isValid())
+ p->setPen(textColor);
+ int alignment = int(groupBox->textAlignment);
+ if (!styleHint(QStyle::SH_UnderlineShortcut, opt, widget))
+ alignment |= Qt::TextHideMnemonic;
+ drawItemText(p, textRect, Qt::TextShowMnemonic | Qt::AlignHCenter | alignment,
+ groupBox->palette, groupBox->state & State_Enabled, groupBox->text,
+ textColor.isValid() ? QPalette::NoRole : QPalette::WindowText);
+ if (groupBox->state & State_HasFocus) {
+ QStyleOptionFocusRect fropt;
+ fropt.QStyleOption::operator=(*groupBox);
+ fropt.rect = textRect;
+ drawPrimitive(PE_FrameFocusRect, &fropt, p, widget);
+ }
+ }
+ // Draw checkbox
+ if (groupBox->subControls & SC_GroupBoxCheckBox) {
+ QStyleOptionButton box;
+ box.QStyleOption::operator=(*groupBox);
+ box.rect = checkBoxRect;
+ checkBoxControl->drawControl(&box, p, widget);
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ QFusionStyle::drawComplexControl(cc, opt, p, widget);
QStyle::SubControl QAndroidStyle::hitTestComplexControl(ComplexControl cc,
@@ -649,6 +763,52 @@ QRect QAndroidStyle::subControlRect(ComplexControl cc,
: m_androidControlsHash.end();
if (it != m_androidControlsHash.end())
return it.value()->subControlRect(opt, sc, widget);
+ QRect rect = opt->rect;
+ switch (cc) {
+ case CC_GroupBox: {
+ if (const QStyleOptionGroupBox *groupBox = qstyleoption_cast<const QStyleOptionGroupBox *>(opt)) {
+ QSize textSize = opt->fontMetrics.boundingRect(groupBox->text).size() + QSize(2, 2);
+ QSize checkBoxSize = checkBoxControl->sizeCheckBox(opt);
+ int indicatorWidth = checkBoxSize.width();
+ int indicatorHeight = checkBoxSize.height();
+ QRect checkBoxRect;
+ if (opt->subControls & QStyle::SC_GroupBoxCheckBox) {
+ checkBoxRect.setWidth(indicatorWidth);
+ checkBoxRect.setHeight(indicatorHeight);
+ }
+ checkBoxRect.moveLeft(1);
+ QRect textRect = checkBoxRect;
+ textRect.setSize(textSize);
+ if (opt->subControls & QStyle::SC_GroupBoxCheckBox)
+ textRect.translate(indicatorWidth + 5, (indicatorHeight - textSize.height()) / 2);
+ if (sc == SC_GroupBoxFrame) {
+ rect = opt->rect.adjusted(0, 0, 0, 0);
+ rect.translate(0, textRect.height() / 2);
+ rect.setHeight(rect.height() - textRect.height() / 2);
+ } else if (sc == SC_GroupBoxContents) {
+ QRect frameRect = opt->rect.adjusted(0, 0, 0, -groupBox->lineWidth);
+ int margin = 3;
+ int leftMarginExtension = 0;
+ int topMargin = qMax(pixelMetric(PM_ExclusiveIndicatorHeight), opt->fontMetrics.height()) + groupBox->lineWidth;
+ frameRect.adjust(leftMarginExtension + margin, margin + topMargin, -margin, -margin - groupBox->lineWidth);
+ frameRect.translate(0, textRect.height() / 2);
+ rect = frameRect;
+ rect.setHeight(rect.height() - textRect.height() / 2);
+ } else if (sc == SC_GroupBoxCheckBox) {
+ rect = checkBoxRect;
+ } else if (sc == SC_GroupBoxLabel) {
+ rect = textRect;
+ }
+ return visualRect(opt->direction, opt->rect, rect);
+ }
+ return rect;
+ }
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
return QFusionStyle::subControlRect(cc, opt, sc, widget);
@@ -664,6 +824,10 @@ int QAndroidStyle::pixelMetric(PixelMetric metric, const QStyleOption *option,
case PM_SpinBoxFrameWidth:
case PM_ScrollBarExtent:
return 0;
+ case PM_IndicatorWidth:
+ return checkBoxControl->sizeCheckBox(option).width();
+ case PM_IndicatorHeight:
+ return checkBoxControl->sizeCheckBox(option).height();
return QFusionStyle::pixelMetric(metric, option, widget);
@@ -676,12 +840,61 @@ QSize QAndroidStyle::sizeFromContents(ContentsType ct,
const QWidget *w) const
QSize sz = QFusionStyle::sizeFromContents(ct, opt, contentsSize, w);
+ if (ct == CT_HeaderSection) {
+ if (const QStyleOptionHeader *hdr = qstyleoption_cast<const QStyleOptionHeader *>(opt)) {
+ bool nullIcon = hdr->icon.isNull();
+ int margin = pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_HeaderMargin, hdr, w);
+ int iconSize = nullIcon ? 0 : checkBoxControl->sizeCheckBox(opt).width();
+ QSize txt;
+ * These next 4 lines are a bad hack to fix a bug in case a QStyleSheet is applied at QApplication level.
+ * In that case, even if the stylesheet does not refer to headers, the header font is changed to application
+ * font, which is wrong. Even worst, hdr->fontMetrics(...) does not report the proper size.
+ */
+ if (qApp->styleSheet().isEmpty())
+ txt = hdr->fontMetrics.size(0, hdr->text);
+ else
+ txt = qApp->fontMetrics().size(0, hdr->text);
+ sz.setHeight(margin + qMax(iconSize, txt.height()) + margin);
+ sz.setWidth((nullIcon ? 0 : margin) + iconSize
+ + (hdr->text.isNull() ? 0 : margin) + txt.width() + margin);
+ if (hdr->sortIndicator != QStyleOptionHeader::None) {
+ int margin = pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_HeaderMargin, hdr, w);
+ if (hdr->orientation == Qt::Horizontal)
+ sz.rwidth() += sz.height() + margin;
+ else
+ sz.rheight() += sz.width() + margin;
+ }
+ return sz;
+ }
+ }
const ItemType itemType = qtControl(ct);
AndroidControlsHash::const_iterator it = itemType != QC_UnknownType
? m_androidControlsHash.find(itemType)
: m_androidControlsHash.end();
if (it != m_androidControlsHash.end())
return it.value()->sizeFromContents(opt, sz, w);
+ if (ct == CT_GroupBox) {
+ if (const QStyleOptionGroupBox *groupBox = qstyleoption_cast<const QStyleOptionGroupBox *>(opt)) {
+ QSize textSize = opt->fontMetrics.boundingRect(groupBox->text).size() + QSize(2, 2);
+ QSize checkBoxSize = checkBoxControl->sizeCheckBox(opt);
+ int indicatorWidth = checkBoxSize.width();
+ int indicatorHeight = checkBoxSize.height();
+ QRect checkBoxRect;
+ if (groupBox->subControls & QStyle::SC_GroupBoxCheckBox) {
+ checkBoxRect.setWidth(indicatorWidth);
+ checkBoxRect.setHeight(indicatorHeight);
+ }
+ checkBoxRect.moveLeft(1);
+ QRect textRect = checkBoxRect;
+ textRect.setSize(textSize);
+ if (groupBox->subControls & QStyle::SC_GroupBoxCheckBox)
+ textRect.translate(indicatorWidth + 5, (indicatorHeight - textSize.height()) / 2);
+ QRect u = textRect.united(checkBoxRect);
+ sz = QSize(sz.width(), sz.height() + u.height());
+ }
+ }
return sz;
@@ -712,7 +925,7 @@ int QAndroidStyle::styleHint(QStyle::StyleHint hint, const QStyleOption *option,
return RSIP_OnMouseClick;
- return QFusionStyle::styleHint(hint,option, widget, returnData);
+ return QFusionStyle::styleHint(hint, option, widget, returnData);
@@ -761,6 +974,13 @@ QSize QAndroidStyle::AndroidDrawable::size() const
return QSize();
+QPixmap QAndroidStyle::AndroidDrawable::img() const
+ if (type() == Image || type() == NinePatch)
+ return static_cast<const QAndroidStyle::AndroidImageDrawable *>(this)->img();
+ return QPixmap();
QAndroidStyle::AndroidDrawable * QAndroidStyle::AndroidDrawable::fromMap(const QVariantMap &drawable,
ItemType itemType)
@@ -828,6 +1048,18 @@ void QAndroidStyle::AndroidImageDrawable::draw(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOp
painter->drawPixmap(opt->rect.x(), (opt->rect.height() - pm.height()) / 2, pm);
+QPixmap QAndroidStyle::AndroidImageDrawable::img() const
+ if (m_hashKey.isEmpty())
+ m_hashKey = QFileInfo(m_filePath).fileName();
+ QPixmap pm;
+ if (!QPixmapCache::find(m_hashKey, &pm)) {
+ pm.load(m_filePath);
+ QPixmapCache::insert(m_hashKey, pm);
+ }
+ return pm;
QSize QAndroidStyle::AndroidImageDrawable::size() const
@@ -886,7 +1118,7 @@ void QAndroidStyle::Android9PatchDrawable::extractIntArray(const QVariantList &v
-void QAndroidStyle::Android9PatchDrawable::draw(QPainter * painter, const QStyleOption *opt) const
+void QAndroidStyle::Android9PatchDrawable::draw(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOption *opt) const
if (m_hashKey.isEmpty())
m_hashKey = QFileInfo(m_filePath).fileName();
@@ -897,7 +1129,7 @@ void QAndroidStyle::Android9PatchDrawable::draw(QPainter * painter, const QStyle
QPixmapCache::insert(m_hashKey, pixmap);
- const QRect &bounds=opt->rect;
+ const QRect &bounds = opt->rect;
// shamelessly stolen from Android's sources (NinepatchImpl.cpp) and adapted for Qt
const int pixmapWidth = pixmap.width();
@@ -1052,11 +1284,11 @@ QAndroidStyle::AndroidGradientDrawable::AndroidGradientDrawable(const QVariantMa
QVariantList colors = drawable.value(QLatin1String("colors")).toList();
QVariantList positions = drawable.value(QLatin1String("positions")).toList();
- int min=colors.size() < positions.size() ? colors.size() : positions.size();
+ int min = colors.size() < positions.size() ? colors.size() : positions.size();
for (int i = 0; i < min; i++)
m_gradient.setColorAt(, QRgb(;
- QByteArray orientation=drawable.value(QLatin1String("orientation")).toByteArray();
+ QByteArray orientation = drawable.value(QLatin1String("orientation")).toByteArray();
if (orientation == "TOP_BOTTOM") // draw the gradient from the top to the bottom
m_orientation = TOP_BOTTOM;
else if (orientation == "TR_BL") // draw the gradient from the top-right to the bottom-left
@@ -1089,43 +1321,43 @@ void QAndroidStyle::AndroidGradientDrawable::draw(QPainter *painter, const QStyl
switch (m_orientation) {
// draw the gradient from the top to the bottom
- m_gradient.setStart(width/2,0);
- m_gradient.setFinalStop(width/2,height);
+ m_gradient.setStart(width / 2, 0);
+ m_gradient.setFinalStop(width / 2, height);
case TR_BL:
// draw the gradient from the top-right to the bottom-left
- m_gradient.setStart(width,0);
- m_gradient.setFinalStop(0,height);
+ m_gradient.setStart(width, 0);
+ m_gradient.setFinalStop(0, height);
// draw the gradient from the right to the left
- m_gradient.setStart(width,height/2);
- m_gradient.setFinalStop(0,height/2);
+ m_gradient.setStart(width, height / 2);
+ m_gradient.setFinalStop(0, height / 2);
case BR_TL:
// draw the gradient from the bottom-right to the top-left
- m_gradient.setStart(width,height);
- m_gradient.setFinalStop(0,0);
+ m_gradient.setStart(width, height);
+ m_gradient.setFinalStop(0, 0);
// draw the gradient from the bottom to the top
- m_gradient.setStart(width/2,height);
- m_gradient.setFinalStop(width/2,0);
+ m_gradient.setStart(width / 2, height);
+ m_gradient.setFinalStop(width / 2, 0);
case BL_TR:
// draw the gradient from the bottom-left to the top-right
- m_gradient.setStart(0,height);
- m_gradient.setFinalStop(width,0);
+ m_gradient.setStart(0, height);
+ m_gradient.setFinalStop(width, 0);
// draw the gradient from the left to the right
- m_gradient.setStart(0,height/2);
- m_gradient.setFinalStop(width,height/2);
+ m_gradient.setStart(0, height / 2);
+ m_gradient.setFinalStop(width, height / 2);
case TL_BR:
// draw the gradient from the top-left to the bottom-right
- m_gradient.setStart(0,0);
- m_gradient.setFinalStop(width,height);
+ m_gradient.setStart(0, 0);
+ m_gradient.setFinalStop(width, height);
@@ -1140,7 +1372,7 @@ void QAndroidStyle::AndroidGradientDrawable::draw(QPainter *painter, const QStyl
QSize QAndroidStyle::AndroidGradientDrawable::size() const
- return QSize(m_radius*2, m_radius*2);
+ return QSize(m_radius * 2, m_radius * 2);
QAndroidStyle::AndroidClipDrawable::AndroidClipDrawable(const QVariantMap &drawable,
@@ -1172,9 +1404,9 @@ void QAndroidStyle::AndroidClipDrawable::draw(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOpt
QStyleOption copy(*opt);
if (m_orientation == Qt::Horizontal)
- copy.rect.setWidth(copy.rect.width()*m_factor);
+ copy.rect.setWidth(copy.rect.width() * m_factor);
- copy.rect.setHeight(copy.rect.height()*m_factor);
+ copy.rect.setHeight(copy.rect.height() * m_factor);
m_drawable->draw(painter, &copy);
@@ -1212,12 +1444,28 @@ QAndroidStyle::AndroidDrawableType QAndroidStyle::AndroidStateDrawable::type() c
void QAndroidStyle::AndroidStateDrawable::draw(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOption *opt) const
- const AndroidDrawable *drawable=bestAndroidStateMatch(opt);
+ const AndroidDrawable *drawable = bestAndroidStateMatch(opt);
if (drawable)
drawable->draw(painter, opt);
+QSize QAndroidStyle::AndroidStateDrawable::sizeImage(const QStyleOption *opt) const
+ QSize s;
+ const AndroidDrawable *drawable = bestAndroidStateMatch(opt);
+ if (drawable)
+ s = drawable->size();
+ return s;
+QPixmap QAndroidStyle::AndroidStateDrawable::img(const QStyleOption *opt) const
+ QPixmap pm;
+ const AndroidDrawable *drawable = bestAndroidStateMatch(opt);
+ if (drawable)
+ pm = drawable->img();
+ return pm;
-const QAndroidStyle::AndroidDrawable* QAndroidStyle::AndroidStateDrawable::bestAndroidStateMatch(const QStyleOption *opt) const
+const QAndroidStyle::AndroidDrawable * QAndroidStyle::AndroidStateDrawable::bestAndroidStateMatch(const QStyleOption *opt) const
const AndroidDrawable *bestMatch = 0;
if (!opt) {
@@ -1226,7 +1474,7 @@ const QAndroidStyle::AndroidDrawable* QAndroidStyle::AndroidStateDrawable::bestA
return bestMatch;
- uint bestCost=0xffff;
+ uint bestCost = 0xffff;
foreach (const StateType & state, m_states) {
if (int(opt->state) == state.first)
return state.second;
@@ -1376,15 +1624,13 @@ void QAndroidStyle::AndroidLayerDrawable::setFactor(int id, double factor, Qt::O
void QAndroidStyle::AndroidLayerDrawable::draw(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOption *opt) const
- foreach (const LayerType &layer, m_layers)
- {
- if (layer.first == m_id)
- {
+ foreach (const LayerType &layer, m_layers) {
+ if (layer.first == m_id) {
QStyleOption copy(*opt);
if (m_orientation == Qt::Horizontal)
- copy.rect.setWidth(copy.rect.width()*m_factor);
+ copy.rect.setWidth(copy.rect.width() * m_factor);
- copy.rect.setHeight(copy.rect.height()*m_factor);
+ copy.rect.setHeight(copy.rect.height() * m_factor);
layer.second->draw(painter, &copy);
} else {
layer.second->draw(painter, opt);
@@ -1418,7 +1664,7 @@ QAndroidStyle::AndroidControl::AndroidControl(const QVariantMap &control,
m_background = 0;
it = control.find(QLatin1String("View_minWidth"));
- if (it!=control.end())
+ if (it != control.end())
it = control.find(QLatin1String("View_minHeight"));
@@ -1534,10 +1780,9 @@ QSize QAndroidStyle::AndroidControl::sizeFromContents(const QStyleOption *opt,
QMargins QAndroidStyle::AndroidControl::padding()
- if (const AndroidDrawable *drawable = m_background)
- {
+ if (const AndroidDrawable *drawable = m_background) {
if (drawable->type() == State)
- drawable=static_cast<const AndroidStateDrawable *>(m_background)->bestAndroidStateMatch(0);
+ drawable = static_cast<const AndroidStateDrawable *>(m_background)->bestAndroidStateMatch(0);
return drawable->padding();
return QMargins();
@@ -1573,8 +1818,17 @@ void QAndroidStyle::AndroidCompoundButtonControl::drawControl(const QStyleOption
if (m_button)
m_button->draw(p, opt);
-const QAndroidStyle::AndroidDrawable *QAndroidStyle::AndroidCompoundButtonControl::backgroundDrawable() const
+QSize QAndroidStyle::AndroidCompoundButtonControl::sizeCheckBox(const QStyleOption *opt) const
+ const AndroidDrawable *drawable = m_button;
+ return static_cast<const QAndroidStyle::AndroidStateDrawable *>(drawable)->sizeImage(opt);
+QPixmap QAndroidStyle::AndroidCompoundButtonControl::imgCheckBox(const QStyleOption *opt) const
+ const AndroidDrawable *drawable = m_button;
+ return static_cast<const QAndroidStyle::AndroidStateDrawable *>(drawable)->img(opt);
+const QAndroidStyle::AndroidDrawable * QAndroidStyle::AndroidCompoundButtonControl::backgroundDrawable() const
return m_background ? m_background : m_button;
@@ -1637,10 +1891,10 @@ void QAndroidStyle::AndroidProgressBarControl::drawControl(const QStyleOption *o
if (m_progressDrawable->type() == QAndroidStyle::Layer) {
QAndroidStyle::AndroidDrawable *clipDrawable = static_cast<QAndroidStyle::AndroidLayerDrawable *>(m_progressDrawable)->layer(m_progressId);
if (clipDrawable->type() == QAndroidStyle::Clip)
- static_cast<QAndroidStyle::AndroidClipDrawable *>(clipDrawable)->setFactor(double(progressBarV2.progress)/double(progressBarV2.maximum-progressBarV2.minimum),
+ static_cast<QAndroidStyle::AndroidClipDrawable *>(clipDrawable)->setFactor(double(progressBarV2.progress) / double(progressBarV2.maximum - progressBarV2.minimum),
- static_cast<QAndroidStyle::AndroidLayerDrawable *>(m_progressDrawable)->setFactor(m_progressId,double(progressBarV2.progress)/double(progressBarV2.maximum-progressBarV2.minimum),
+ static_cast<QAndroidStyle::AndroidLayerDrawable *>(m_progressDrawable)->setFactor(m_progressId, double(progressBarV2.progress) / double(progressBarV2.maximum - progressBarV2.minimum),
m_progressDrawable->draw(p, option);
@@ -1659,11 +1913,11 @@ QRect QAndroidStyle::AndroidProgressBarControl::subElementRect(QStyle::SubElemen
return option->rect;
QMargins padding = m_background->padding();
- QRect p(padding.left(),, padding.right()-padding.left(), padding.bottom();
+ QRect p(padding.left(),, padding.right() - padding.left(), padding.bottom() -;
padding = m_indeterminateDrawable->padding();
- p |= QRect(padding.left(),, padding.right()-padding.left(), padding.bottom();
+ p |= QRect(padding.left(),, padding.right() - padding.left(), padding.bottom() -;
padding = m_progressDrawable->padding();
- p |= QRect(padding.left(),, padding.right()-padding.left(), padding.bottom();
+ p |= QRect(padding.left(),, padding.right() - padding.left(), padding.bottom() -;
QRect r = option->rect.adjusted(p.left(),, -p.right(), -p.bottom());
@@ -1734,26 +1988,27 @@ void QAndroidStyle::AndroidSeekBarControl::drawControl(const QStyleOption *optio
if (const QStyleOptionSlider *styleOption =
qstyleoption_cast<const QStyleOptionSlider *>(option)) {
- double factor = double(styleOption->sliderPosition)/double(styleOption->maximum-styleOption->minimum);
- if (m_progressDrawable->type()==QAndroidStyle::Layer) {
+ double factor = double(styleOption->sliderPosition - styleOption->minimum)
+ / double(styleOption->maximum - styleOption->minimum);
+ if (m_progressDrawable->type() == QAndroidStyle::Layer) {
QAndroidStyle::AndroidDrawable *clipDrawable = static_cast<QAndroidStyle::AndroidLayerDrawable *>(m_progressDrawable)->layer(m_progressId);
if (clipDrawable->type() == QAndroidStyle::Clip)
static_cast<QAndroidStyle::AndroidClipDrawable *>(clipDrawable)->setFactor(factor, styleOption->orientation);
static_cast<QAndroidStyle::AndroidLayerDrawable *>(m_progressDrawable)->setFactor(m_progressId, factor, styleOption->orientation);
- const AndroidDrawable *drawable=m_seekBarThumb;
+ const AndroidDrawable *drawable = m_seekBarThumb;
if (drawable->type() == State)
drawable = static_cast<const QAndroidStyle::AndroidStateDrawable *>(m_seekBarThumb)->bestAndroidStateMatch(option);
QStyleOption copy(*option);
- copy.rect.setY((copy.rect.height()-m_minSize.height())/2);
+ copy.rect.setY((copy.rect.height() - m_minSize.height()) / 2);
copy.rect.setWidth(copy.rect.width() - drawable->size().width());
- copy.rect.translate(drawable->size().width()/2, 0);
+ copy.rect.translate(drawable->size().width() / 2, 0);
m_progressDrawable->draw(p, &copy);
if (styleOption->orientation == Qt::Vertical)
qCritical() << "Vertical slider are not supported";
- int pos = copy.rect.width()*factor - drawable->size().width()/2;
+ int pos = copy.rect.width()*factor - drawable->size().width() / 2;
copy.rect.translate(pos, 0);
m_seekBarThumb->draw(p, &copy);
@@ -1767,7 +2022,7 @@ QSize QAndroidStyle::AndroidSeekBarControl::sizeFromContents(const QStyleOption
QSize sz = AndroidProgressBarControl::sizeFromContents(opt, contentsSize, w);
if (!m_seekBarThumb)
return sz;
- const AndroidDrawable *drawable=m_seekBarThumb;
+ const AndroidDrawable *drawable = m_seekBarThumb;
if (drawable->type() == State)
drawable = static_cast<const QAndroidStyle::AndroidStateDrawable *>(m_seekBarThumb)->bestAndroidStateMatch(opt);
return sz.expandedTo(drawable->size());
@@ -1786,7 +2041,8 @@ QRect QAndroidStyle::AndroidSeekBarControl::subControlRect(const QStyleOptionCom
drawable = static_cast<const QAndroidStyle::AndroidStateDrawable *>(m_seekBarThumb)->bestAndroidStateMatch(option);
QRect r(option->rect);
- double factor = double(styleOption->sliderPosition) / (styleOption->maximum - styleOption->minimum);
+ double factor = double(styleOption->sliderPosition - styleOption->minimum)
+ / (styleOption->maximum - styleOption->minimum);
int pos = option->rect.width() * factor - double(drawable->size().width() / 2);
r.setX(r.x() + pos);
diff --git a/src/widgets/styles/qandroidstyle_p.h b/src/widgets/styles/qandroidstyle_p.h
index d64e37b9db..5334882908 100644
--- a/src/widgets/styles/qandroidstyle_p.h
+++ b/src/widgets/styles/qandroidstyle_p.h
@@ -132,6 +132,7 @@ public:
static AndroidDrawable *fromMap(const QVariantMap &drawable, ItemType itemType);
static QMargins extractMargins(const QVariantMap &value);
virtual void setPaddingLeftToSizeWidth();
+ QPixmap img() const;
ItemType m_itemType;
QMargins m_padding;
@@ -156,6 +157,7 @@ public:
virtual void draw(QPainter *painter,const QStyleOption *opt) const;
virtual QSize size() const;
+ QPixmap img() const;
QString m_filePath;
mutable QString m_hashKey;
@@ -228,7 +230,8 @@ public:
inline const AndroidDrawable *bestAndroidStateMatch(const QStyleOption *opt) const;
static int extractState(const QVariantMap &value);
virtual void setPaddingLeftToSizeWidth();
+ QSize sizeImage(const QStyleOption *opt) const;
+ QPixmap img(const QStyleOption *opt) const;
typedef QPair<int, const AndroidDrawable *> StateType;
QList<StateType> m_states;
@@ -281,7 +284,8 @@ public:
AndroidCompoundButtonControl(const QVariantMap &control, ItemType itemType);
virtual ~AndroidCompoundButtonControl();
virtual void drawControl(const QStyleOption *opt, QPainter *p, const QWidget *w);
+ QSize sizeCheckBox(const QStyleOption *opt) const;
+ QPixmap imgCheckBox(const QStyleOption *opt) const;
virtual const AndroidDrawable * backgroundDrawable() const;
const AndroidDrawable *m_button;
@@ -387,6 +391,7 @@ private:
typedef QHash<int, AndroidControl *> AndroidControlsHash;
AndroidControlsHash m_androidControlsHash;
QPalette m_standardPalette;
+ AndroidCompoundButtonControl *checkBoxControl;