path: root/src
diff options
authorJan-Arve Saether <>2011-10-06 09:41:34 +0200
committerQt by Nokia <>2012-03-13 21:11:55 +0100
commit02d75eaaf9f2e4984f39b1e081e841966d1dde0c (patch)
treedd3a1d30eedb0e9a134b98bec367a6117cc520d6 /src
parent26c3bec09bccf9006f5ef4945a428d9ef56c1d12 (diff)
Add support for IAccessible2 on Windows
Change-Id: Ia955ab46dc5037ed1c74e0acc525e98b02552c97 Reviewed-by: Frederik Gladhorn <>
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
-rw-r--r--src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/IA2TypeLibrary.tlbbin0 -> 1236 bytes
-rw-r--r--src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/IA2TypeLibrary.tlbbin0 -> 1236 bytes
-rw-r--r--src/plugins/platforms/windows/accessible/qwindowsaccessibility.h (renamed from src/plugins/platforms/windows/qwindowsaccessibility.h)8
-rw-r--r--src/plugins/platforms/windows/accessible/qwindowsmsaaaccessible.cpp (renamed from src/plugins/platforms/windows/qwindowsaccessibility.cpp)511
135 files changed, 42522 insertions, 409 deletions
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/Accessible2.h b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/Accessible2.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3973db319e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/Accessible2.h
@@ -0,0 +1,585 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the definitions for the interfaces */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:56 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for Accessible2.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win64 (32b run), target_arch=AMD64 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+/* verify that the <rpcndr.h> version is high enough to compile this file*/
+#include "rpc.h"
+#include "rpcndr.h"
+#ifndef __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
+#error this stub requires an updated version of <rpcndr.h>
+#endif // __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
+#include "windows.h"
+#include "ole2.h"
+#endif /*COM_NO_WINDOWS_H*/
+#ifndef __Accessible2_h__
+#define __Accessible2_h__
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1020)
+#pragma once
+/* Forward Declarations */
+#ifndef __IAccessible2_FWD_DEFINED__
+#define __IAccessible2_FWD_DEFINED__
+typedef interface IAccessible2 IAccessible2;
+#endif /* __IAccessible2_FWD_DEFINED__ */
+/* header files for imported files */
+#include "objidl.h"
+#include "oaidl.h"
+#include "oleacc.h"
+#include "AccessibleRelation.h"
+#include "AccessibleStates.h"
+#include "IA2CommonTypes.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"{
+/* interface __MIDL_itf_Accessible2_0000_0000 */
+/* [local] */
+typedef struct IA2Locale
+ {
+ BSTR language;
+ BSTR country;
+ BSTR variant;
+ } IA2Locale;
+extern RPC_IF_HANDLE __MIDL_itf_Accessible2_0000_0000_v0_0_c_ifspec;
+extern RPC_IF_HANDLE __MIDL_itf_Accessible2_0000_0000_v0_0_s_ifspec;
+#ifndef __IAccessible2_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+#define __IAccessible2_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+/* interface IAccessible2 */
+/* [uuid][object] */
+EXTERN_C const IID IID_IAccessible2;
+#if defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(CINTERFACE)
+ MIDL_INTERFACE("E89F726E-C4F4-4c19-BB19-B647D7FA8478")
+ IAccessible2 : public IAccessible
+ {
+ public:
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_nRelations(
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nRelations) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_relation(
+ /* [in] */ long relationIndex,
+ /* [retval][out] */ IAccessibleRelation **relation) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_relations(
+ /* [in] */ long maxRelations,
+ /* [length_is][size_is][out] */ IAccessibleRelation **relations,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nRelations) = 0;
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *role) = 0;
+ /* [in] */ enum IA2ScrollType scrollType) = 0;
+ /* [in] */ enum IA2CoordinateType coordinateType,
+ /* [in] */ long x,
+ /* [in] */ long y) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_groupPosition(
+ /* [out] */ long *groupLevel,
+ /* [out] */ long *similarItemsInGroup,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *positionInGroup) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_states(
+ /* [retval][out] */ AccessibleStates *states) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_extendedRole(
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *extendedRole) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_localizedExtendedRole(
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *localizedExtendedRole) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_nExtendedStates(
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nExtendedStates) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_extendedStates(
+ /* [in] */ long maxExtendedStates,
+ /* [length_is][length_is][size_is][size_is][out] */ BSTR **extendedStates,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nExtendedStates) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_localizedExtendedStates(
+ /* [in] */ long maxLocalizedExtendedStates,
+ /* [length_is][length_is][size_is][size_is][out] */ BSTR **localizedExtendedStates,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nLocalizedExtendedStates) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_uniqueID(
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *uniqueID) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_windowHandle(
+ /* [retval][out] */ HWND *windowHandle) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_indexInParent(
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *indexInParent) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_locale(
+ /* [retval][out] */ IA2Locale *locale) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_attributes(
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *attributes) = 0;
+ };
+#else /* C style interface */
+ typedef struct IAccessible2Vtbl
+ {
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [in] */ REFIID riid,
+ /* [annotation][iid_is][out] */
+ __RPC__deref_out void **ppvObject);
+ IAccessible2 * This);
+ IAccessible2 * This);
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [out] */ UINT *pctinfo);
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [in] */ UINT iTInfo,
+ /* [in] */ LCID lcid,
+ /* [out] */ ITypeInfo **ppTInfo);
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [in] */ REFIID riid,
+ /* [size_is][in] */ LPOLESTR *rgszNames,
+ /* [range][in] */ UINT cNames,
+ /* [in] */ LCID lcid,
+ /* [size_is][out] */ DISPID *rgDispId);
+ /* [local] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *Invoke )(
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [in] */ DISPID dispIdMember,
+ /* [in] */ REFIID riid,
+ /* [in] */ LCID lcid,
+ /* [in] */ WORD wFlags,
+ /* [out][in] */ DISPPARAMS *pDispParams,
+ /* [out] */ VARIANT *pVarResult,
+ /* [out] */ EXCEPINFO *pExcepInfo,
+ /* [out] */ UINT *puArgErr);
+ /* [id][propget][hidden] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_accParent )(
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ IDispatch **ppdispParent);
+ /* [id][propget][hidden] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_accChildCount )(
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *pcountChildren);
+ /* [id][propget][hidden] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_accChild )(
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [in] */ VARIANT varChild,
+ /* [retval][out] */ IDispatch **ppdispChild);
+ /* [id][propget][hidden] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_accName )(
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [optional][in] */ VARIANT varChild,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *pszName);
+ /* [id][propget][hidden] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_accValue )(
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [optional][in] */ VARIANT varChild,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *pszValue);
+ /* [id][propget][hidden] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_accDescription )(
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [optional][in] */ VARIANT varChild,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *pszDescription);
+ /* [id][propget][hidden] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_accRole )(
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [optional][in] */ VARIANT varChild,
+ /* [retval][out] */ VARIANT *pvarRole);
+ /* [id][propget][hidden] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_accState )(
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [optional][in] */ VARIANT varChild,
+ /* [retval][out] */ VARIANT *pvarState);
+ /* [id][propget][hidden] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_accHelp )(
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [optional][in] */ VARIANT varChild,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *pszHelp);
+ /* [id][propget][hidden] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_accHelpTopic )(
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [out] */ BSTR *pszHelpFile,
+ /* [optional][in] */ VARIANT varChild,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *pidTopic);
+ /* [id][propget][hidden] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_accKeyboardShortcut )(
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [optional][in] */ VARIANT varChild,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *pszKeyboardShortcut);
+ /* [id][propget][hidden] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_accFocus )(
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ VARIANT *pvarChild);
+ /* [id][propget][hidden] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_accSelection )(
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ VARIANT *pvarChildren);
+ /* [id][propget][hidden] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_accDefaultAction )(
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [optional][in] */ VARIANT varChild,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *pszDefaultAction);
+ /* [id][hidden] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *accSelect )(
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [in] */ long flagsSelect,
+ /* [optional][in] */ VARIANT varChild);
+ /* [id][hidden] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *accLocation )(
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [out] */ long *pxLeft,
+ /* [out] */ long *pyTop,
+ /* [out] */ long *pcxWidth,
+ /* [out] */ long *pcyHeight,
+ /* [optional][in] */ VARIANT varChild);
+ /* [id][hidden] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *accNavigate )(
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [in] */ long navDir,
+ /* [optional][in] */ VARIANT varStart,
+ /* [retval][out] */ VARIANT *pvarEndUpAt);
+ /* [id][hidden] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *accHitTest )(
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [in] */ long xLeft,
+ /* [in] */ long yTop,
+ /* [retval][out] */ VARIANT *pvarChild);
+ /* [id][hidden] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *accDoDefaultAction )(
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [optional][in] */ VARIANT varChild);
+ /* [id][propput][hidden] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *put_accName )(
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [optional][in] */ VARIANT varChild,
+ /* [in] */ BSTR szName);
+ /* [id][propput][hidden] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *put_accValue )(
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [optional][in] */ VARIANT varChild,
+ /* [in] */ BSTR szValue);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_nRelations )(
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nRelations);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_relation )(
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [in] */ long relationIndex,
+ /* [retval][out] */ IAccessibleRelation **relation);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_relations )(
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [in] */ long maxRelations,
+ /* [length_is][size_is][out] */ IAccessibleRelation **relations,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nRelations);
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *role);
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [in] */ enum IA2ScrollType scrollType);
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [in] */ enum IA2CoordinateType coordinateType,
+ /* [in] */ long x,
+ /* [in] */ long y);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_groupPosition )(
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [out] */ long *groupLevel,
+ /* [out] */ long *similarItemsInGroup,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *positionInGroup);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_states )(
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ AccessibleStates *states);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_extendedRole )(
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *extendedRole);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_localizedExtendedRole )(
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *localizedExtendedRole);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_nExtendedStates )(
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nExtendedStates);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_extendedStates )(
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [in] */ long maxExtendedStates,
+ /* [length_is][length_is][size_is][size_is][out] */ BSTR **extendedStates,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nExtendedStates);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_localizedExtendedStates )(
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [in] */ long maxLocalizedExtendedStates,
+ /* [length_is][length_is][size_is][size_is][out] */ BSTR **localizedExtendedStates,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nLocalizedExtendedStates);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_uniqueID )(
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *uniqueID);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_windowHandle )(
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ HWND *windowHandle);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_indexInParent )(
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *indexInParent);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_locale )(
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ IA2Locale *locale);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_attributes )(
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *attributes);
+ } IAccessible2Vtbl;
+ interface IAccessible2
+ {
+ CONST_VTBL struct IAccessible2Vtbl *lpVtbl;
+ };
+#define IAccessible2_QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) )
+#define IAccessible2_AddRef(This) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> AddRef(This) )
+#define IAccessible2_Release(This) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> Release(This) )
+#define IAccessible2_GetTypeInfoCount(This,pctinfo) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> GetTypeInfoCount(This,pctinfo) )
+#define IAccessible2_GetTypeInfo(This,iTInfo,lcid,ppTInfo) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> GetTypeInfo(This,iTInfo,lcid,ppTInfo) )
+#define IAccessible2_GetIDsOfNames(This,riid,rgszNames,cNames,lcid,rgDispId) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> GetIDsOfNames(This,riid,rgszNames,cNames,lcid,rgDispId) )
+#define IAccessible2_Invoke(This,dispIdMember,riid,lcid,wFlags,pDispParams,pVarResult,pExcepInfo,puArgErr) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> Invoke(This,dispIdMember,riid,lcid,wFlags,pDispParams,pVarResult,pExcepInfo,puArgErr) )
+#define IAccessible2_get_accParent(This,ppdispParent) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_accParent(This,ppdispParent) )
+#define IAccessible2_get_accChildCount(This,pcountChildren) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_accChildCount(This,pcountChildren) )
+#define IAccessible2_get_accChild(This,varChild,ppdispChild) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_accChild(This,varChild,ppdispChild) )
+#define IAccessible2_get_accName(This,varChild,pszName) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_accName(This,varChild,pszName) )
+#define IAccessible2_get_accValue(This,varChild,pszValue) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_accValue(This,varChild,pszValue) )
+#define IAccessible2_get_accDescription(This,varChild,pszDescription) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_accDescription(This,varChild,pszDescription) )
+#define IAccessible2_get_accRole(This,varChild,pvarRole) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_accRole(This,varChild,pvarRole) )
+#define IAccessible2_get_accState(This,varChild,pvarState) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_accState(This,varChild,pvarState) )
+#define IAccessible2_get_accHelp(This,varChild,pszHelp) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_accHelp(This,varChild,pszHelp) )
+#define IAccessible2_get_accHelpTopic(This,pszHelpFile,varChild,pidTopic) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_accHelpTopic(This,pszHelpFile,varChild,pidTopic) )
+#define IAccessible2_get_accKeyboardShortcut(This,varChild,pszKeyboardShortcut) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_accKeyboardShortcut(This,varChild,pszKeyboardShortcut) )
+#define IAccessible2_get_accFocus(This,pvarChild) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_accFocus(This,pvarChild) )
+#define IAccessible2_get_accSelection(This,pvarChildren) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_accSelection(This,pvarChildren) )
+#define IAccessible2_get_accDefaultAction(This,varChild,pszDefaultAction) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_accDefaultAction(This,varChild,pszDefaultAction) )
+#define IAccessible2_accSelect(This,flagsSelect,varChild) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> accSelect(This,flagsSelect,varChild) )
+#define IAccessible2_accLocation(This,pxLeft,pyTop,pcxWidth,pcyHeight,varChild) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> accLocation(This,pxLeft,pyTop,pcxWidth,pcyHeight,varChild) )
+#define IAccessible2_accNavigate(This,navDir,varStart,pvarEndUpAt) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> accNavigate(This,navDir,varStart,pvarEndUpAt) )
+#define IAccessible2_accHitTest(This,xLeft,yTop,pvarChild) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> accHitTest(This,xLeft,yTop,pvarChild) )
+#define IAccessible2_accDoDefaultAction(This,varChild) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> accDoDefaultAction(This,varChild) )
+#define IAccessible2_put_accName(This,varChild,szName) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> put_accName(This,varChild,szName) )
+#define IAccessible2_put_accValue(This,varChild,szValue) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> put_accValue(This,varChild,szValue) )
+#define IAccessible2_get_nRelations(This,nRelations) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_nRelations(This,nRelations) )
+#define IAccessible2_get_relation(This,relationIndex,relation) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_relation(This,relationIndex,relation) )
+#define IAccessible2_get_relations(This,maxRelations,relations,nRelations) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_relations(This,maxRelations,relations,nRelations) )
+#define IAccessible2_role(This,role) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> role(This,role) )
+#define IAccessible2_scrollTo(This,scrollType) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> scrollTo(This,scrollType) )
+#define IAccessible2_scrollToPoint(This,coordinateType,x,y) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> scrollToPoint(This,coordinateType,x,y) )
+#define IAccessible2_get_groupPosition(This,groupLevel,similarItemsInGroup,positionInGroup) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_groupPosition(This,groupLevel,similarItemsInGroup,positionInGroup) )
+#define IAccessible2_get_states(This,states) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_states(This,states) )
+#define IAccessible2_get_extendedRole(This,extendedRole) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_extendedRole(This,extendedRole) )
+#define IAccessible2_get_localizedExtendedRole(This,localizedExtendedRole) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_localizedExtendedRole(This,localizedExtendedRole) )
+#define IAccessible2_get_nExtendedStates(This,nExtendedStates) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_nExtendedStates(This,nExtendedStates) )
+#define IAccessible2_get_extendedStates(This,maxExtendedStates,extendedStates,nExtendedStates) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_extendedStates(This,maxExtendedStates,extendedStates,nExtendedStates) )
+#define IAccessible2_get_localizedExtendedStates(This,maxLocalizedExtendedStates,localizedExtendedStates,nLocalizedExtendedStates) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_localizedExtendedStates(This,maxLocalizedExtendedStates,localizedExtendedStates,nLocalizedExtendedStates) )
+#define IAccessible2_get_uniqueID(This,uniqueID) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_uniqueID(This,uniqueID) )
+#define IAccessible2_get_windowHandle(This,windowHandle) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_windowHandle(This,windowHandle) )
+#define IAccessible2_get_indexInParent(This,indexInParent) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_indexInParent(This,indexInParent) )
+#define IAccessible2_get_locale(This,locale) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_locale(This,locale) )
+#define IAccessible2_get_attributes(This,attributes) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_attributes(This,attributes) )
+#endif /* COBJMACROS */
+#endif /* C style interface */
+#endif /* __IAccessible2_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ */
+/* Additional Prototypes for ALL interfaces */
+unsigned long __RPC_USER BSTR_UserSize( unsigned long *, unsigned long , BSTR * );
+unsigned char * __RPC_USER BSTR_UserMarshal( unsigned long *, unsigned char *, BSTR * );
+unsigned char * __RPC_USER BSTR_UserUnmarshal(unsigned long *, unsigned char *, BSTR * );
+void __RPC_USER BSTR_UserFree( unsigned long *, BSTR * );
+unsigned long __RPC_USER HWND_UserSize( unsigned long *, unsigned long , HWND * );
+unsigned char * __RPC_USER HWND_UserMarshal( unsigned long *, unsigned char *, HWND * );
+unsigned char * __RPC_USER HWND_UserUnmarshal(unsigned long *, unsigned char *, HWND * );
+void __RPC_USER HWND_UserFree( unsigned long *, HWND * );
+/* end of Additional Prototypes */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/Accessible2_i.c b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/Accessible2_i.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..480a2a7537
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/Accessible2_i.c
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the IIDs and CLSIDs */
+/* link this file in with the server and any clients */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:56 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for Accessible2.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win64 (32b run), target_arch=AMD64 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"{
+#include <rpc.h>
+#include <rpcndr.h>
+#ifndef INITGUID
+#define INITGUID
+#include <guiddef.h>
+#undef INITGUID
+#include <guiddef.h>
+#define MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(type,name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8) \
+ DEFINE_GUID(name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8)
+#else // !_MIDL_USE_GUIDDEF_
+#ifndef __IID_DEFINED__
+#define __IID_DEFINED__
+typedef struct _IID
+ unsigned long x;
+ unsigned short s1;
+ unsigned short s2;
+ unsigned char c[8];
+} IID;
+#endif // __IID_DEFINED__
+typedef IID CLSID;
+#endif // CLSID_DEFINED
+#define MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(type,name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8) \
+ const type name = {l,w1,w2,{b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8}}
+MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(IID, IID_IAccessible2,0xE89F726E,0xC4F4,0x4c19,0xBB,0x19,0xB6,0x47,0xD7,0xFA,0x84,0x78);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/Accessible2_p.c b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/Accessible2_p.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..281718a7e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/Accessible2_p.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1196 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the proxy stub code */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:56 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for Accessible2.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win64 (32b run), target_arch=AMD64 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#if defined(_M_AMD64)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+#if _MSC_VER >= 1200
+#pragma warning(push)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4211 ) /* redefine extern to static */
+#pragma warning( disable: 4232 ) /* dllimport identity*/
+#pragma warning( disable: 4024 ) /* array to pointer mapping*/
+#pragma warning( disable: 4152 ) /* function/data pointer conversion in expression */
+/* verify that the <rpcproxy.h> version is high enough to compile this file*/
+#include "rpcproxy.h"
+#error this stub requires an updated version of <rpcproxy.h>
+#endif /* __RPCPROXY_H_VERSION__ */
+#include "Accessible2.h"
+typedef struct _Accessible2_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ short Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ TYPE_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+typedef struct _Accessible2_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ short Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ PROC_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+typedef struct _Accessible2_MIDL_EXPR_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ long Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ EXPR_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+static const RPC_SYNTAX_IDENTIFIER _RpcTransferSyntax =
+extern const Accessible2_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING Accessible2__MIDL_TypeFormatString;
+extern const Accessible2_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING Accessible2__MIDL_ProcFormatString;
+extern const Accessible2_MIDL_EXPR_FORMAT_STRING Accessible2__MIDL_ExprFormatString;
+extern const MIDL_STUB_DESC Object_StubDesc;
+extern const MIDL_SERVER_INFO IAccessible2_ServerInfo;
+extern const MIDL_STUBLESS_PROXY_INFO IAccessible2_ProxyInfo;
+#if !defined(__RPC_WIN64__)
+#error Invalid build platform for this stub.
+static const Accessible2_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING Accessible2__MIDL_ProcFormatString =
+ {
+ 0,
+ {
+ /* Procedure get_nRelations */
+ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 2 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 6 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1c ), /* 28 */
+/* 8 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 10 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 12 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 14 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 16 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 18 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 20 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 22 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 24 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter nRelations */
+/* 26 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 28 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 30 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 32 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 34 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 36 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_relation */
+/* 38 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 40 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 44 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1d ), /* 29 */
+/* 46 */ NdrFcShort( 0x20 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 32 */
+/* 48 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 50 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 52 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 54 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 56 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 58 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 60 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 62 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter relationIndex */
+/* 64 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 66 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 68 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter relation */
+/* 70 */ NdrFcShort( 0x13 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, */
+/* 72 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 74 */ NdrFcShort( 0x6 ), /* Type Offset=6 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 76 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 78 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 80 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_relations */
+/* 82 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 84 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 88 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1e ), /* 30 */
+/* 90 */ NdrFcShort( 0x28 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 40 */
+/* 92 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 94 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 96 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x4, /* 4 */
+/* 98 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 100 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 102 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 104 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 106 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter maxRelations */
+/* 108 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 110 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 112 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter relations */
+/* 114 */ NdrFcShort( 0x113 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, simple ref, */
+/* 116 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 118 */ NdrFcShort( 0x20 ), /* Type Offset=32 */
+ /* Parameter nRelations */
+/* 120 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 122 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 124 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 126 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 128 */ NdrFcShort( 0x20 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 32 */
+/* 130 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure role */
+/* 132 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 134 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 138 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1f ), /* 31 */
+/* 140 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 142 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 144 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 146 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 148 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 150 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 152 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 154 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 156 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter role */
+/* 158 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 160 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 162 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 164 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 166 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 168 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure scrollTo */
+/* 170 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 172 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 176 */ NdrFcShort( 0x20 ), /* 32 */
+/* 178 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 180 */ NdrFcShort( 0x6 ), /* 6 */
+/* 182 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 184 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 186 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 188 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 190 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 192 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 194 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter scrollType */
+/* 196 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 198 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 200 */ 0xd, /* FC_ENUM16 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 202 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 204 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 206 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure scrollToPoint */
+/* 208 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 210 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 214 */ NdrFcShort( 0x21 ), /* 33 */
+/* 216 */ NdrFcShort( 0x28 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 40 */
+/* 218 */ NdrFcShort( 0x16 ), /* 22 */
+/* 220 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 222 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x4, /* 4 */
+/* 224 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 226 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 228 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 230 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 232 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter coordinateType */
+/* 234 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 236 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 238 */ 0xd, /* FC_ENUM16 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter x */
+/* 240 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 242 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 244 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter y */
+/* 246 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 248 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 250 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 252 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 254 */ NdrFcShort( 0x20 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 32 */
+/* 256 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_groupPosition */
+/* 258 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 260 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 264 */ NdrFcShort( 0x22 ), /* 34 */
+/* 266 */ NdrFcShort( 0x28 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 40 */
+/* 268 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 270 */ NdrFcShort( 0x5c ), /* 92 */
+/* 272 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x4, /* 4 */
+/* 274 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 276 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 278 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 280 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 282 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter groupLevel */
+/* 284 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 286 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 288 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter similarItemsInGroup */
+/* 290 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 292 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 294 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter positionInGroup */
+/* 296 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 298 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 300 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 302 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 304 */ NdrFcShort( 0x20 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 32 */
+/* 306 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_states */
+/* 308 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 310 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 314 */ NdrFcShort( 0x23 ), /* 35 */
+/* 316 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 318 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 320 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 322 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 324 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 326 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 328 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 330 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 332 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter states */
+/* 334 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 336 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 338 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 340 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 342 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 344 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_extendedRole */
+/* 346 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 348 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 352 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 354 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 356 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 358 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 360 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 362 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 364 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 366 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 368 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 370 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter extendedRole */
+/* 372 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2113 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 374 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 376 */ NdrFcShort( 0x54 ), /* Type Offset=84 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 378 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 380 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 382 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_localizedExtendedRole */
+/* 384 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 386 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 390 */ NdrFcShort( 0x25 ), /* 37 */
+/* 392 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 394 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 396 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 398 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 400 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 402 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 404 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 406 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 408 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter localizedExtendedRole */
+/* 410 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2113 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 412 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 414 */ NdrFcShort( 0x54 ), /* Type Offset=84 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 416 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 418 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 420 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_nExtendedStates */
+/* 422 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 424 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 428 */ NdrFcShort( 0x26 ), /* 38 */
+/* 430 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 432 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 434 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 436 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 438 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 440 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 442 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 444 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 446 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter nExtendedStates */
+/* 448 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 450 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 452 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 454 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 456 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 458 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_extendedStates */
+/* 460 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 462 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 466 */ NdrFcShort( 0x27 ), /* 39 */
+/* 468 */ NdrFcShort( 0x28 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 40 */
+/* 470 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 472 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 474 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x4, /* 4 */
+/* 476 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 478 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 480 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 482 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 484 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter maxExtendedStates */
+/* 486 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 488 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 490 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter extendedStates */
+/* 492 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2013 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 494 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 496 */ NdrFcShort( 0x5e ), /* Type Offset=94 */
+ /* Parameter nExtendedStates */
+/* 498 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 500 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 502 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 504 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 506 */ NdrFcShort( 0x20 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 32 */
+/* 508 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_localizedExtendedStates */
+/* 510 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 512 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 516 */ NdrFcShort( 0x28 ), /* 40 */
+/* 518 */ NdrFcShort( 0x28 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 40 */
+/* 520 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 522 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 524 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x4, /* 4 */
+/* 526 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 528 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 530 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 532 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 534 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter maxLocalizedExtendedStates */
+/* 536 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 538 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 540 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter localizedExtendedStates */
+/* 542 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2013 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 544 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 546 */ NdrFcShort( 0x5e ), /* Type Offset=94 */
+ /* Parameter nLocalizedExtendedStates */
+/* 548 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 550 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 552 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 554 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 556 */ NdrFcShort( 0x20 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 32 */
+/* 558 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_uniqueID */
+/* 560 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 562 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 566 */ NdrFcShort( 0x29 ), /* 41 */
+/* 568 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 570 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 572 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 574 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 576 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 578 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 580 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 582 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 584 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter uniqueID */
+/* 586 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 588 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 590 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 592 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 594 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 596 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_windowHandle */
+/* 598 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 600 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 604 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2a ), /* 42 */
+/* 606 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 608 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 610 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 612 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 614 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 616 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 618 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 620 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 622 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter windowHandle */
+/* 624 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2113 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 626 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 628 */ NdrFcShort( 0x98 ), /* Type Offset=152 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 630 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 632 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 634 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_indexInParent */
+/* 636 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 638 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 642 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2b ), /* 43 */
+/* 644 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 646 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 648 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 650 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 652 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 654 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 656 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 658 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 660 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter indexInParent */
+/* 662 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 664 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 666 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 668 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 670 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 672 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_locale */
+/* 674 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 676 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 680 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2c ), /* 44 */
+/* 682 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 684 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 686 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 688 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 690 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 692 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 694 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 696 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 698 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter locale */
+/* 700 */ NdrFcShort( 0x6113 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, simple ref, srv alloc size=24 */
+/* 702 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 704 */ NdrFcShort( 0xa6 ), /* Type Offset=166 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 706 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 708 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 710 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_attributes */
+/* 712 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 714 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 718 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2d ), /* 45 */
+/* 720 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 722 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 724 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 726 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 728 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 730 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 732 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 734 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 736 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter attributes */
+/* 738 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2113 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 740 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 742 */ NdrFcShort( 0x54 ), /* Type Offset=84 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 744 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 746 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 748 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x0
+ }
+ };
+static const Accessible2_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING Accessible2__MIDL_TypeFormatString =
+ {
+ 0,
+ {
+ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 2 */
+ 0x11, 0xc, /* FC_RP [alloced_on_stack] [simple_pointer] */
+/* 4 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 6 */
+ 0x11, 0x10, /* FC_RP [pointer_deref] */
+/* 8 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* Offset= 2 (10) */
+/* 10 */
+ 0x2f, /* FC_IP */
+ 0x5a, /* FC_CONSTANT_IID */
+/* 12 */ NdrFcLong( 0x7cdf86ee ), /* 2095023854 */
+/* 16 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc3da ), /* -15398 */
+/* 18 */ NdrFcShort( 0x496a ), /* 18794 */
+/* 20 */ 0xbd, /* 189 */
+ 0xa4, /* 164 */
+/* 22 */ 0x28, /* 40 */
+ 0x1b, /* 27 */
+/* 24 */ 0x33, /* 51 */
+ 0x6e, /* 110 */
+/* 26 */ 0x1f, /* 31 */
+ 0xdc, /* 220 */
+/* 28 */
+ 0x11, 0x0, /* FC_RP */
+/* 30 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* Offset= 2 (32) */
+/* 32 */
+ 0x21, /* FC_BOGUS_ARRAY */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 34 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 36 */ 0x28, /* Corr desc: parameter, FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* */
+/* 38 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 40 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* Corr flags: early, */
+/* 42 */ 0x28, /* Corr desc: parameter, FC_LONG */
+ 0x54, /* FC_DEREFERENCE */
+/* 44 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 46 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* Corr flags: */
+/* 48 */ 0x4c, /* FC_EMBEDDED_COMPLEX */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 50 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffd8 ), /* Offset= -40 (10) */
+/* 52 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 54 */
+ 0x11, 0x4, /* FC_RP [alloced_on_stack] */
+/* 56 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1c ), /* Offset= 28 (84) */
+/* 58 */
+ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 60 */ NdrFcShort( 0xe ), /* Offset= 14 (74) */
+/* 62 */
+ 0x1b, /* FC_CARRAY */
+ 0x1, /* 1 */
+/* 64 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* 2 */
+/* 66 */ 0x9, /* Corr desc: FC_ULONG */
+ 0x0, /* */
+/* 68 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfffc ), /* -4 */
+/* 70 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* Corr flags: early, */
+/* 72 */ 0x6, /* FC_SHORT */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 74 */
+ 0x17, /* FC_CSTRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 76 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 78 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfff0 ), /* Offset= -16 (62) */
+/* 80 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+/* 82 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 84 */ 0xb4, /* FC_USER_MARSHAL */
+ 0x83, /* 131 */
+/* 86 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 88 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 90 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 92 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffde ), /* Offset= -34 (58) */
+/* 94 */
+ 0x11, 0x14, /* FC_RP [alloced_on_stack] [pointer_deref] */
+/* 96 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* Offset= 2 (98) */
+/* 98 */
+ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 100 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* Offset= 2 (102) */
+/* 102 */
+ 0x21, /* FC_BOGUS_ARRAY */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 104 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 106 */ 0x28, /* Corr desc: parameter, FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* */
+/* 108 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 110 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* Corr flags: early, */
+/* 112 */ 0x28, /* Corr desc: parameter, FC_LONG */
+ 0x54, /* FC_DEREFERENCE */
+/* 114 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 116 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* Corr flags: */
+/* 118 */ 0x4c, /* FC_EMBEDDED_COMPLEX */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 120 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffdc ), /* Offset= -36 (84) */
+/* 122 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 124 */
+ 0x11, 0x4, /* FC_RP [alloced_on_stack] */
+/* 126 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1a ), /* Offset= 26 (152) */
+/* 128 */
+ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 130 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* Offset= 2 (132) */
+/* 132 */
+ 0x48, /* 72 */
+/* 134 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 136 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* 2 */
+/* 138 */ NdrFcLong( 0x48746457 ), /* 1215587415 */
+/* 142 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8008 ), /* Simple arm type: FC_LONG */
+/* 144 */ NdrFcLong( 0x52746457 ), /* 1383359575 */
+/* 148 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8008 ), /* Simple arm type: FC_LONG */
+/* 150 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffff ), /* Offset= -1 (149) */
+/* 152 */ 0xb4, /* FC_USER_MARSHAL */
+ 0x83, /* 131 */
+/* 154 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 156 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 158 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 160 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffe0 ), /* Offset= -32 (128) */
+/* 162 */
+ 0x11, 0x4, /* FC_RP [alloced_on_stack] */
+/* 164 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* Offset= 2 (166) */
+/* 166 */
+ 0x1a, /* FC_BOGUS_STRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 168 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* 24 */
+/* 170 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 172 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* Offset= 0 (172) */
+/* 174 */ 0x4c, /* FC_EMBEDDED_COMPLEX */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 176 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffa4 ), /* Offset= -92 (84) */
+/* 178 */ 0x4c, /* FC_EMBEDDED_COMPLEX */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 180 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffa0 ), /* Offset= -96 (84) */
+/* 182 */ 0x4c, /* FC_EMBEDDED_COMPLEX */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 184 */ NdrFcShort( 0xff9c ), /* Offset= -100 (84) */
+/* 186 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+ 0x0
+ }
+ };
+ {
+ {
+ BSTR_UserSize
+ ,BSTR_UserMarshal
+ ,BSTR_UserUnmarshal
+ ,BSTR_UserFree
+ },
+ {
+ HWND_UserSize
+ ,HWND_UserMarshal
+ ,HWND_UserUnmarshal
+ ,HWND_UserFree
+ }
+ };
+/* Standard interface: __MIDL_itf_Accessible2_0000_0000, ver. 0.0,
+ GUID={0x00000000,0x0000,0x0000,{0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00}} */
+/* Object interface: IUnknown, ver. 0.0,
+ GUID={0x00000000,0x0000,0x0000,{0xC0,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x46}} */
+/* Object interface: IDispatch, ver. 0.0,
+ GUID={0x00020400,0x0000,0x0000,{0xC0,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x46}} */
+/* Object interface: IAccessible, ver. 0.0,
+ GUID={0x618736e0,0x3c3d,0x11cf,{0x81,0x0c,0x00,0xaa,0x00,0x38,0x9b,0x71}} */
+/* Object interface: IAccessible2, ver. 0.0,
+ GUID={0xE89F726E,0xC4F4,0x4c19,{0xBB,0x19,0xB6,0x47,0xD7,0xFA,0x84,0x78}} */
+#pragma code_seg(".orpc")
+static const unsigned short IAccessible2_FormatStringOffsetTable[] =
+ {
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ 0,
+ 38,
+ 82,
+ 132,
+ 170,
+ 208,
+ 258,
+ 308,
+ 346,
+ 384,
+ 422,
+ 460,
+ 510,
+ 560,
+ 598,
+ 636,
+ 674,
+ 712
+ };
+static const MIDL_STUBLESS_PROXY_INFO IAccessible2_ProxyInfo =
+ {
+ &Object_StubDesc,
+ Accessible2__MIDL_ProcFormatString.Format,
+ &IAccessible2_FormatStringOffsetTable[-3],
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0
+ };
+static const MIDL_SERVER_INFO IAccessible2_ServerInfo =
+ {
+ &Object_StubDesc,
+ 0,
+ Accessible2__MIDL_ProcFormatString.Format,
+ &IAccessible2_FormatStringOffsetTable[-3],
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0};
+CINTERFACE_PROXY_VTABLE(46) _IAccessible2ProxyVtbl =
+ &IAccessible2_ProxyInfo,
+ &IID_IAccessible2,
+ IUnknown_QueryInterface_Proxy,
+ IUnknown_AddRef_Proxy,
+ IUnknown_Release_Proxy ,
+ 0 /* IDispatch::GetTypeInfoCount */ ,
+ 0 /* IDispatch::GetTypeInfo */ ,
+ 0 /* IDispatch::GetIDsOfNames */ ,
+ 0 /* IDispatch_Invoke_Proxy */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessible::get_accParent */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessible::get_accChildCount */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessible::get_accChild */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessible::get_accName */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessible::get_accValue */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessible::get_accDescription */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessible::get_accRole */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessible::get_accState */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessible::get_accHelp */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessible::get_accHelpTopic */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessible::get_accKeyboardShortcut */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessible::get_accFocus */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessible::get_accSelection */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessible::get_accDefaultAction */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessible::accSelect */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessible::accLocation */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessible::accNavigate */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessible::accHitTest */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessible::accDoDefaultAction */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessible::put_accName */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessible::put_accValue */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessible2::get_nRelations */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessible2::get_relation */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessible2::get_relations */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessible2::role */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessible2::scrollTo */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessible2::scrollToPoint */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessible2::get_groupPosition */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessible2::get_states */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessible2::get_extendedRole */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessible2::get_localizedExtendedRole */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessible2::get_nExtendedStates */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessible2::get_extendedStates */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessible2::get_localizedExtendedStates */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessible2::get_uniqueID */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessible2::get_windowHandle */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessible2::get_indexInParent */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessible2::get_locale */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessible2::get_attributes */
+static const PRPC_STUB_FUNCTION IAccessible2_table[] =
+ NdrStubCall2,
+ NdrStubCall2,
+ NdrStubCall2,
+ NdrStubCall2,
+ NdrStubCall2,
+ NdrStubCall2,
+ NdrStubCall2,
+ NdrStubCall2,
+ NdrStubCall2,
+ NdrStubCall2,
+ NdrStubCall2,
+ NdrStubCall2,
+ NdrStubCall2,
+ NdrStubCall2,
+ NdrStubCall2,
+ NdrStubCall2,
+ NdrStubCall2,
+ NdrStubCall2
+CInterfaceStubVtbl _IAccessible2StubVtbl =
+ &IID_IAccessible2,
+ &IAccessible2_ServerInfo,
+ 46,
+ &IAccessible2_table[-3],
+static const MIDL_STUB_DESC Object_StubDesc =
+ {
+ 0,
+ NdrOleAllocate,
+ NdrOleFree,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ Accessible2__MIDL_TypeFormatString.Format,
+ 1, /* -error bounds_check flag */
+ 0x50002, /* Ndr library version */
+ 0,
+ 0x700022b, /* MIDL Version 7.0.555 */
+ 0,
+ UserMarshalRoutines,
+ 0, /* notify & notify_flag routine table */
+ 0x1, /* MIDL flag */
+ 0, /* cs routines */
+ 0, /* proxy/server info */
+ 0
+ };
+const CInterfaceProxyVtbl * const _Accessible2_ProxyVtblList[] =
+ ( CInterfaceProxyVtbl *) &_IAccessible2ProxyVtbl,
+ 0
+const CInterfaceStubVtbl * const _Accessible2_StubVtblList[] =
+ ( CInterfaceStubVtbl *) &_IAccessible2StubVtbl,
+ 0
+PCInterfaceName const _Accessible2_InterfaceNamesList[] =
+ "IAccessible2",
+ 0
+const IID * const _Accessible2_BaseIIDList[] =
+ &IID_IAccessible,
+ 0
+#define _Accessible2_CHECK_IID(n) IID_GENERIC_CHECK_IID( _Accessible2, pIID, n)
+int __stdcall _Accessible2_IID_Lookup( const IID * pIID, int * pIndex )
+ if(!_Accessible2_CHECK_IID(0))
+ {
+ *pIndex = 0;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+const ExtendedProxyFileInfo Accessible2_ProxyFileInfo =
+ (PCInterfaceProxyVtblList *) & _Accessible2_ProxyVtblList,
+ (PCInterfaceStubVtblList *) & _Accessible2_StubVtblList,
+ (const PCInterfaceName * ) & _Accessible2_InterfaceNamesList,
+ (const IID ** ) & _Accessible2_BaseIIDList,
+ & _Accessible2_IID_Lookup,
+ 1,
+ 2,
+ 0, /* table of [async_uuid] interfaces */
+ 0, /* Filler1 */
+ 0, /* Filler2 */
+ 0 /* Filler3 */
+#if _MSC_VER >= 1200
+#pragma warning(pop)
+#endif /* defined(_M_AMD64)*/
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleAction.h b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleAction.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8755505bf3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleAction.h
@@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the definitions for the interfaces */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:56 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleAction.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win64 (32b run), target_arch=AMD64 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+/* verify that the <rpcndr.h> version is high enough to compile this file*/
+#include "rpc.h"
+#include "rpcndr.h"
+#ifndef __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
+#error this stub requires an updated version of <rpcndr.h>
+#endif // __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
+#include "windows.h"
+#include "ole2.h"
+#endif /*COM_NO_WINDOWS_H*/
+#ifndef __AccessibleAction_h__
+#define __AccessibleAction_h__
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1020)
+#pragma once
+/* Forward Declarations */
+#ifndef __IAccessibleAction_FWD_DEFINED__
+#define __IAccessibleAction_FWD_DEFINED__
+typedef interface IAccessibleAction IAccessibleAction;
+#endif /* __IAccessibleAction_FWD_DEFINED__ */
+/* header files for imported files */
+#include "objidl.h"
+#include "oaidl.h"
+#include "oleacc.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"{
+#ifndef __IAccessibleAction_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+#define __IAccessibleAction_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+/* interface IAccessibleAction */
+/* [uuid][object] */
+EXTERN_C const IID IID_IAccessibleAction;
+#if defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(CINTERFACE)
+ MIDL_INTERFACE("B70D9F59-3B5A-4dba-AB9E-22012F607DF5")
+ IAccessibleAction : public IUnknown
+ {
+ public:
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nActions) = 0;
+ /* [in] */ long actionIndex) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_description(
+ /* [in] */ long actionIndex,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *description) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_keyBinding(
+ /* [in] */ long actionIndex,
+ /* [in] */ long nMaxBindings,
+ /* [length_is][length_is][size_is][size_is][out] */ BSTR **keyBindings,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nBindings) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_name(
+ /* [in] */ long actionIndex,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *name) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_localizedName(
+ /* [in] */ long actionIndex,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *localizedName) = 0;
+ };
+#else /* C style interface */
+ typedef struct IAccessibleActionVtbl
+ {
+ IAccessibleAction * This,
+ /* [in] */ REFIID riid,
+ /* [annotation][iid_is][out] */
+ __RPC__deref_out void **ppvObject);
+ IAccessibleAction * This);
+ IAccessibleAction * This);
+ IAccessibleAction * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nActions);
+ IAccessibleAction * This,
+ /* [in] */ long actionIndex);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_description )(
+ IAccessibleAction * This,
+ /* [in] */ long actionIndex,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *description);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_keyBinding )(
+ IAccessibleAction * This,
+ /* [in] */ long actionIndex,
+ /* [in] */ long nMaxBindings,
+ /* [length_is][length_is][size_is][size_is][out] */ BSTR **keyBindings,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nBindings);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_name )(
+ IAccessibleAction * This,
+ /* [in] */ long actionIndex,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *name);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_localizedName )(
+ IAccessibleAction * This,
+ /* [in] */ long actionIndex,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *localizedName);
+ } IAccessibleActionVtbl;
+ interface IAccessibleAction
+ {
+ CONST_VTBL struct IAccessibleActionVtbl *lpVtbl;
+ };
+#define IAccessibleAction_QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) )
+#define IAccessibleAction_AddRef(This) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> AddRef(This) )
+#define IAccessibleAction_Release(This) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> Release(This) )
+#define IAccessibleAction_nActions(This,nActions) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> nActions(This,nActions) )
+#define IAccessibleAction_doAction(This,actionIndex) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> doAction(This,actionIndex) )
+#define IAccessibleAction_get_description(This,actionIndex,description) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_description(This,actionIndex,description) )
+#define IAccessibleAction_get_keyBinding(This,actionIndex,nMaxBindings,keyBindings,nBindings) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_keyBinding(This,actionIndex,nMaxBindings,keyBindings,nBindings) )
+#define IAccessibleAction_get_name(This,actionIndex,name) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_name(This,actionIndex,name) )
+#define IAccessibleAction_get_localizedName(This,actionIndex,localizedName) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_localizedName(This,actionIndex,localizedName) )
+#endif /* COBJMACROS */
+#endif /* C style interface */
+#endif /* __IAccessibleAction_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ */
+/* Additional Prototypes for ALL interfaces */
+unsigned long __RPC_USER BSTR_UserSize( unsigned long *, unsigned long , BSTR * );
+unsigned char * __RPC_USER BSTR_UserMarshal( unsigned long *, unsigned char *, BSTR * );
+unsigned char * __RPC_USER BSTR_UserUnmarshal(unsigned long *, unsigned char *, BSTR * );
+void __RPC_USER BSTR_UserFree( unsigned long *, BSTR * );
+/* end of Additional Prototypes */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleAction_i.c b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleAction_i.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a4d754b68d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleAction_i.c
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the IIDs and CLSIDs */
+/* link this file in with the server and any clients */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:56 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleAction.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win64 (32b run), target_arch=AMD64 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"{
+#include <rpc.h>
+#include <rpcndr.h>
+#ifndef INITGUID
+#define INITGUID
+#include <guiddef.h>
+#undef INITGUID
+#include <guiddef.h>
+#define MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(type,name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8) \
+ DEFINE_GUID(name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8)
+#else // !_MIDL_USE_GUIDDEF_
+#ifndef __IID_DEFINED__
+#define __IID_DEFINED__
+typedef struct _IID
+ unsigned long x;
+ unsigned short s1;
+ unsigned short s2;
+ unsigned char c[8];
+} IID;
+#endif // __IID_DEFINED__
+typedef IID CLSID;
+#endif // CLSID_DEFINED
+#define MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(type,name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8) \
+ const type name = {l,w1,w2,{b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8}}
+MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(IID, IID_IAccessibleAction,0xB70D9F59,0x3B5A,0x4dba,0xAB,0x9E,0x22,0x01,0x2F,0x60,0x7D,0xF5);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleAction_p.c b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleAction_p.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..68eeac00b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleAction_p.c
@@ -0,0 +1,557 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the proxy stub code */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:56 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleAction.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win64 (32b run), target_arch=AMD64 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#if defined(_M_AMD64)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+#if _MSC_VER >= 1200
+#pragma warning(push)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4211 ) /* redefine extern to static */
+#pragma warning( disable: 4232 ) /* dllimport identity*/
+#pragma warning( disable: 4024 ) /* array to pointer mapping*/
+#pragma warning( disable: 4152 ) /* function/data pointer conversion in expression */
+/* verify that the <rpcproxy.h> version is high enough to compile this file*/
+#include "rpcproxy.h"
+#error this stub requires an updated version of <rpcproxy.h>
+#endif /* __RPCPROXY_H_VERSION__ */
+#include "AccessibleAction.h"
+typedef struct _AccessibleAction_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ short Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ TYPE_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+ } AccessibleAction_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING;
+typedef struct _AccessibleAction_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ short Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ PROC_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+ } AccessibleAction_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING;
+typedef struct _AccessibleAction_MIDL_EXPR_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ long Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ EXPR_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+ } AccessibleAction_MIDL_EXPR_FORMAT_STRING;
+static const RPC_SYNTAX_IDENTIFIER _RpcTransferSyntax =
+extern const AccessibleAction_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleAction__MIDL_TypeFormatString;
+extern const AccessibleAction_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleAction__MIDL_ProcFormatString;
+extern const AccessibleAction_MIDL_EXPR_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleAction__MIDL_ExprFormatString;
+extern const MIDL_STUB_DESC Object_StubDesc;
+extern const MIDL_SERVER_INFO IAccessibleAction_ServerInfo;
+extern const MIDL_STUBLESS_PROXY_INFO IAccessibleAction_ProxyInfo;
+#if !defined(__RPC_WIN64__)
+#error Invalid build platform for this stub.
+static const AccessibleAction_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleAction__MIDL_ProcFormatString =
+ {
+ 0,
+ {
+ /* Procedure nActions */
+ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 2 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 6 */ NdrFcShort( 0x3 ), /* 3 */
+/* 8 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 10 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 12 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 14 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 16 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 18 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 20 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 22 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 24 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter nActions */
+/* 26 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 28 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 30 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 32 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 34 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 36 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure doAction */
+/* 38 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 40 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 44 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 46 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 48 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 50 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 52 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 54 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 56 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 58 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 60 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 62 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter actionIndex */
+/* 64 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 66 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 68 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 70 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 72 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 74 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_description */
+/* 76 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 78 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 82 */ NdrFcShort( 0x5 ), /* 5 */
+/* 84 */ NdrFcShort( 0x20 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 32 */
+/* 86 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 88 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 90 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 92 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 94 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 96 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 98 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 100 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter actionIndex */
+/* 102 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 104 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 106 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter description */
+/* 108 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2113 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 110 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 112 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* Type Offset=36 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 114 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 116 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 118 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_keyBinding */
+/* 120 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 122 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 126 */ NdrFcShort( 0x6 ), /* 6 */
+/* 128 */ NdrFcShort( 0x30 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 48 */
+/* 130 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* 16 */
+/* 132 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 134 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x5, /* 5 */
+/* 136 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 138 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 140 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 142 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 144 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter actionIndex */
+/* 146 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 148 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 150 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter nMaxBindings */
+/* 152 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 154 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 156 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter keyBindings */
+/* 158 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2013 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 160 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 162 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2e ), /* Type Offset=46 */
+ /* Parameter nBindings */
+/* 164 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 166 */ NdrFcShort( 0x20 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 32 */
+/* 168 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 170 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 172 */ NdrFcShort( 0x28 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 40 */
+/* 174 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_name */
+/* 176 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 178 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 182 */ NdrFcShort( 0x7 ), /* 7 */
+/* 184 */ NdrFcShort( 0x20 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 32 */
+/* 186 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 188 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 190 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 192 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 194 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 196 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 198 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 200 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter actionIndex */
+/* 202 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 204 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 206 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter name */
+/* 208 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2113 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 210 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 212 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* Type Offset=36 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 214 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 216 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 218 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_localizedName */
+/* 220 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 222 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 226 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 228 */ NdrFcShort( 0x20 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 32 */
+/* 230 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 232 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 234 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 236 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 238 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 240 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 242 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 244 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter actionIndex */
+/* 246 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 248 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 250 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter localizedName */
+/* 252 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2113 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 254 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 256 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* Type Offset=36 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 258 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 260 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 262 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x0
+ }
+ };
+static const AccessibleAction_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleAction__MIDL_TypeFormatString =
+ {
+ 0,
+ {
+ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 2 */
+ 0x11, 0xc, /* FC_RP [alloced_on_stack] [simple_pointer] */
+/* 4 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 6 */
+ 0x11, 0x4, /* FC_RP [alloced_on_stack] */
+/* 8 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1c ), /* Offset= 28 (36) */
+/* 10 */
+ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 12 */ NdrFcShort( 0xe ), /* Offset= 14 (26) */
+/* 14 */
+ 0x1b, /* FC_CARRAY */
+ 0x1, /* 1 */
+/* 16 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* 2 */
+/* 18 */ 0x9, /* Corr desc: FC_ULONG */
+ 0x0, /* */
+/* 20 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfffc ), /* -4 */
+/* 22 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* Corr flags: early, */
+/* 24 */ 0x6, /* FC_SHORT */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 26 */
+ 0x17, /* FC_CSTRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 28 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 30 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfff0 ), /* Offset= -16 (14) */
+/* 32 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+/* 34 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 36 */ 0xb4, /* FC_USER_MARSHAL */
+ 0x83, /* 131 */
+/* 38 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 40 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 42 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 44 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffde ), /* Offset= -34 (10) */
+/* 46 */
+ 0x11, 0x14, /* FC_RP [alloced_on_stack] [pointer_deref] */
+/* 48 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* Offset= 2 (50) */
+/* 50 */
+ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 52 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* Offset= 2 (54) */
+/* 54 */
+ 0x21, /* FC_BOGUS_ARRAY */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 56 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 58 */ 0x28, /* Corr desc: parameter, FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* */
+/* 60 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 62 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* Corr flags: early, */
+/* 64 */ 0x28, /* Corr desc: parameter, FC_LONG */
+ 0x54, /* FC_DEREFERENCE */
+/* 66 */ NdrFcShort( 0x20 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 32 */
+/* 68 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* Corr flags: */
+/* 70 */ 0x4c, /* FC_EMBEDDED_COMPLEX */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 72 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffdc ), /* Offset= -36 (36) */
+/* 74 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+ 0x0
+ }
+ };
+ {
+ {
+ BSTR_UserSize
+ ,BSTR_UserMarshal
+ ,BSTR_UserUnmarshal
+ ,BSTR_UserFree
+ }
+ };
+/* Object interface: IUnknown, ver. 0.0,
+ GUID={0x00000000,0x0000,0x0000,{0xC0,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x46}} */
+/* Object interface: IAccessibleAction, ver. 0.0,
+ GUID={0xB70D9F59,0x3B5A,0x4dba,{0xAB,0x9E,0x22,0x01,0x2F,0x60,0x7D,0xF5}} */
+#pragma code_seg(".orpc")
+static const unsigned short IAccessibleAction_FormatStringOffsetTable[] =
+ {
+ 0,
+ 38,
+ 76,
+ 120,
+ 176,
+ 220
+ };
+static const MIDL_STUBLESS_PROXY_INFO IAccessibleAction_ProxyInfo =
+ {
+ &Object_StubDesc,
+ AccessibleAction__MIDL_ProcFormatString.Format,
+ &IAccessibleAction_FormatStringOffsetTable[-3],
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0
+ };
+static const MIDL_SERVER_INFO IAccessibleAction_ServerInfo =
+ {
+ &Object_StubDesc,
+ 0,
+ AccessibleAction__MIDL_ProcFormatString.Format,
+ &IAccessibleAction_FormatStringOffsetTable[-3],
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0};
+CINTERFACE_PROXY_VTABLE(9) _IAccessibleActionProxyVtbl =
+ &IAccessibleAction_ProxyInfo,
+ &IID_IAccessibleAction,
+ IUnknown_QueryInterface_Proxy,
+ IUnknown_AddRef_Proxy,
+ IUnknown_Release_Proxy ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleAction::nActions */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleAction::doAction */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleAction::get_description */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleAction::get_keyBinding */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleAction::get_name */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleAction::get_localizedName */
+const CInterfaceStubVtbl _IAccessibleActionStubVtbl =
+ &IID_IAccessibleAction,
+ &IAccessibleAction_ServerInfo,
+ 9,
+ 0, /* pure interpreted */
+ CStdStubBuffer_METHODS
+static const MIDL_STUB_DESC Object_StubDesc =
+ {
+ 0,
+ NdrOleAllocate,
+ NdrOleFree,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ AccessibleAction__MIDL_TypeFormatString.Format,
+ 1, /* -error bounds_check flag */
+ 0x50002, /* Ndr library version */
+ 0,
+ 0x700022b, /* MIDL Version 7.0.555 */
+ 0,
+ UserMarshalRoutines,
+ 0, /* notify & notify_flag routine table */
+ 0x1, /* MIDL flag */
+ 0, /* cs routines */
+ 0, /* proxy/server info */
+ 0
+ };
+const CInterfaceProxyVtbl * const _AccessibleAction_ProxyVtblList[] =
+ ( CInterfaceProxyVtbl *) &_IAccessibleActionProxyVtbl,
+ 0
+const CInterfaceStubVtbl * const _AccessibleAction_StubVtblList[] =
+ ( CInterfaceStubVtbl *) &_IAccessibleActionStubVtbl,
+ 0
+PCInterfaceName const _AccessibleAction_InterfaceNamesList[] =
+ "IAccessibleAction",
+ 0
+#define _AccessibleAction_CHECK_IID(n) IID_GENERIC_CHECK_IID( _AccessibleAction, pIID, n)
+int __stdcall _AccessibleAction_IID_Lookup( const IID * pIID, int * pIndex )
+ if(!_AccessibleAction_CHECK_IID(0))
+ {
+ *pIndex = 0;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+const ExtendedProxyFileInfo AccessibleAction_ProxyFileInfo =
+ (PCInterfaceProxyVtblList *) & _AccessibleAction_ProxyVtblList,
+ (PCInterfaceStubVtblList *) & _AccessibleAction_StubVtblList,
+ (const PCInterfaceName * ) & _AccessibleAction_InterfaceNamesList,
+ 0, /* no delegation */
+ & _AccessibleAction_IID_Lookup,
+ 1,
+ 2,
+ 0, /* table of [async_uuid] interfaces */
+ 0, /* Filler1 */
+ 0, /* Filler2 */
+ 0 /* Filler3 */
+#if _MSC_VER >= 1200
+#pragma warning(pop)
+#endif /* defined(_M_AMD64)*/
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleApplication.h b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleApplication.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7e901563e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleApplication.h
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the definitions for the interfaces */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:57 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleApplication.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win64 (32b run), target_arch=AMD64 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+/* verify that the <rpcndr.h> version is high enough to compile this file*/
+#include "rpc.h"
+#include "rpcndr.h"
+#ifndef __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
+#error this stub requires an updated version of <rpcndr.h>
+#endif // __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
+#include "windows.h"
+#include "ole2.h"
+#endif /*COM_NO_WINDOWS_H*/
+#ifndef __AccessibleApplication_h__
+#define __AccessibleApplication_h__
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1020)
+#pragma once
+/* Forward Declarations */
+#ifndef __IAccessibleApplication_FWD_DEFINED__
+#define __IAccessibleApplication_FWD_DEFINED__
+typedef interface IAccessibleApplication IAccessibleApplication;
+#endif /* __IAccessibleApplication_FWD_DEFINED__ */
+/* header files for imported files */
+#include "objidl.h"
+#include "oaidl.h"
+#include "oleacc.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"{
+#ifndef __IAccessibleApplication_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+#define __IAccessibleApplication_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+/* interface IAccessibleApplication */
+/* [uuid][object] */
+EXTERN_C const IID IID_IAccessibleApplication;
+#if defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(CINTERFACE)
+ MIDL_INTERFACE("D49DED83-5B25-43F4-9B95-93B44595979E")
+ IAccessibleApplication : public IUnknown
+ {
+ public:
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_appName(
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *name) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_appVersion(
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *version) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_toolkitName(
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *name) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_toolkitVersion(
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *version) = 0;
+ };
+#else /* C style interface */
+ typedef struct IAccessibleApplicationVtbl
+ {
+ IAccessibleApplication * This,
+ /* [in] */ REFIID riid,
+ /* [annotation][iid_is][out] */
+ __RPC__deref_out void **ppvObject);
+ IAccessibleApplication * This);
+ IAccessibleApplication * This);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_appName )(
+ IAccessibleApplication * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *name);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_appVersion )(
+ IAccessibleApplication * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *version);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_toolkitName )(
+ IAccessibleApplication * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *name);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_toolkitVersion )(
+ IAccessibleApplication * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *version);
+ } IAccessibleApplicationVtbl;
+ interface IAccessibleApplication
+ {
+ CONST_VTBL struct IAccessibleApplicationVtbl *lpVtbl;
+ };
+#define IAccessibleApplication_QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) )
+#define IAccessibleApplication_AddRef(This) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> AddRef(This) )
+#define IAccessibleApplication_Release(This) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> Release(This) )
+#define IAccessibleApplication_get_appName(This,name) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_appName(This,name) )
+#define IAccessibleApplication_get_appVersion(This,version) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_appVersion(This,version) )
+#define IAccessibleApplication_get_toolkitName(This,name) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_toolkitName(This,name) )
+#define IAccessibleApplication_get_toolkitVersion(This,version) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_toolkitVersion(This,version) )
+#endif /* COBJMACROS */
+#endif /* C style interface */
+#endif /* __IAccessibleApplication_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ */
+/* Additional Prototypes for ALL interfaces */
+unsigned long __RPC_USER BSTR_UserSize( unsigned long *, unsigned long , BSTR * );
+unsigned char * __RPC_USER BSTR_UserMarshal( unsigned long *, unsigned char *, BSTR * );
+unsigned char * __RPC_USER BSTR_UserUnmarshal(unsigned long *, unsigned char *, BSTR * );
+void __RPC_USER BSTR_UserFree( unsigned long *, BSTR * );
+/* end of Additional Prototypes */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleApplication_i.c b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleApplication_i.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b50ae8a2c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleApplication_i.c
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the IIDs and CLSIDs */
+/* link this file in with the server and any clients */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:57 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleApplication.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win64 (32b run), target_arch=AMD64 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"{
+#include <rpc.h>
+#include <rpcndr.h>
+#ifndef INITGUID
+#define INITGUID
+#include <guiddef.h>
+#undef INITGUID
+#include <guiddef.h>
+#define MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(type,name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8) \
+ DEFINE_GUID(name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8)
+#else // !_MIDL_USE_GUIDDEF_
+#ifndef __IID_DEFINED__
+#define __IID_DEFINED__
+typedef struct _IID
+ unsigned long x;
+ unsigned short s1;
+ unsigned short s2;
+ unsigned char c[8];
+} IID;
+#endif // __IID_DEFINED__
+typedef IID CLSID;
+#endif // CLSID_DEFINED
+#define MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(type,name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8) \
+ const type name = {l,w1,w2,{b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8}}
+MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(IID, IID_IAccessibleApplication,0xD49DED83,0x5B25,0x43F4,0x9B,0x95,0x93,0xB4,0x45,0x95,0x97,0x9E);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleApplication_p.c b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleApplication_p.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..84d7e30344
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleApplication_p.c
@@ -0,0 +1,420 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the proxy stub code */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:57 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleApplication.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win64 (32b run), target_arch=AMD64 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#if defined(_M_AMD64)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+#if _MSC_VER >= 1200
+#pragma warning(push)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4211 ) /* redefine extern to static */
+#pragma warning( disable: 4232 ) /* dllimport identity*/
+#pragma warning( disable: 4024 ) /* array to pointer mapping*/
+#pragma warning( disable: 4152 ) /* function/data pointer conversion in expression */
+/* verify that the <rpcproxy.h> version is high enough to compile this file*/
+#include "rpcproxy.h"
+#error this stub requires an updated version of <rpcproxy.h>
+#endif /* __RPCPROXY_H_VERSION__ */
+#include "AccessibleApplication.h"
+typedef struct _AccessibleApplication_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ short Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ TYPE_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+ } AccessibleApplication_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING;
+typedef struct _AccessibleApplication_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ short Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ PROC_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+ } AccessibleApplication_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING;
+typedef struct _AccessibleApplication_MIDL_EXPR_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ long Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ EXPR_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+ } AccessibleApplication_MIDL_EXPR_FORMAT_STRING;
+static const RPC_SYNTAX_IDENTIFIER _RpcTransferSyntax =
+extern const AccessibleApplication_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleApplication__MIDL_TypeFormatString;
+extern const AccessibleApplication_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleApplication__MIDL_ProcFormatString;
+extern const AccessibleApplication_MIDL_EXPR_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleApplication__MIDL_ExprFormatString;
+extern const MIDL_STUB_DESC Object_StubDesc;
+extern const MIDL_SERVER_INFO IAccessibleApplication_ServerInfo;
+extern const MIDL_STUBLESS_PROXY_INFO IAccessibleApplication_ProxyInfo;
+#if !defined(__RPC_WIN64__)
+#error Invalid build platform for this stub.
+static const AccessibleApplication_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleApplication__MIDL_ProcFormatString =
+ {
+ 0,
+ {
+ /* Procedure get_appName */
+ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 2 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 6 */ NdrFcShort( 0x3 ), /* 3 */
+/* 8 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 10 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 12 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 14 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 16 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 18 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 20 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 22 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 24 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter name */
+/* 26 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2113 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 28 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 30 */ NdrFcShort( 0x20 ), /* Type Offset=32 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 32 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 34 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 36 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_appVersion */
+/* 38 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 40 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 44 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 46 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 48 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 50 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 52 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 54 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 56 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 58 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 60 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 62 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter version */
+/* 64 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2113 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 66 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 68 */ NdrFcShort( 0x20 ), /* Type Offset=32 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 70 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 72 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 74 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_toolkitName */
+/* 76 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 78 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 82 */ NdrFcShort( 0x5 ), /* 5 */
+/* 84 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 86 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 88 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 90 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 92 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 94 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 96 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 98 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 100 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter name */
+/* 102 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2113 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 104 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 106 */ NdrFcShort( 0x20 ), /* Type Offset=32 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 108 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 110 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 112 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_toolkitVersion */
+/* 114 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 116 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 120 */ NdrFcShort( 0x6 ), /* 6 */
+/* 122 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 124 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 126 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 128 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 130 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 132 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 134 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 136 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 138 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter version */
+/* 140 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2113 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 142 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 144 */ NdrFcShort( 0x20 ), /* Type Offset=32 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 146 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 148 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 150 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x0
+ }
+ };
+static const AccessibleApplication_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleApplication__MIDL_TypeFormatString =
+ {
+ 0,
+ {
+ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 2 */
+ 0x11, 0x4, /* FC_RP [alloced_on_stack] */
+/* 4 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1c ), /* Offset= 28 (32) */
+/* 6 */
+ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 8 */ NdrFcShort( 0xe ), /* Offset= 14 (22) */
+/* 10 */
+ 0x1b, /* FC_CARRAY */
+ 0x1, /* 1 */
+/* 12 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* 2 */
+/* 14 */ 0x9, /* Corr desc: FC_ULONG */
+ 0x0, /* */
+/* 16 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfffc ), /* -4 */
+/* 18 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* Corr flags: early, */
+/* 20 */ 0x6, /* FC_SHORT */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 22 */
+ 0x17, /* FC_CSTRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 24 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 26 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfff0 ), /* Offset= -16 (10) */
+/* 28 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+/* 30 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 32 */ 0xb4, /* FC_USER_MARSHAL */
+ 0x83, /* 131 */
+/* 34 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 36 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 38 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 40 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffde ), /* Offset= -34 (6) */
+ 0x0
+ }
+ };
+ {
+ {
+ BSTR_UserSize
+ ,BSTR_UserMarshal
+ ,BSTR_UserUnmarshal
+ ,BSTR_UserFree
+ }
+ };
+/* Object interface: IUnknown, ver. 0.0,
+ GUID={0x00000000,0x0000,0x0000,{0xC0,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x46}} */
+/* Object interface: IAccessibleApplication, ver. 0.0,
+ GUID={0xD49DED83,0x5B25,0x43F4,{0x9B,0x95,0x93,0xB4,0x45,0x95,0x97,0x9E}} */
+#pragma code_seg(".orpc")
+static const unsigned short IAccessibleApplication_FormatStringOffsetTable[] =
+ {
+ 0,
+ 38,
+ 76,
+ 114
+ };
+static const MIDL_STUBLESS_PROXY_INFO IAccessibleApplication_ProxyInfo =
+ {
+ &Object_StubDesc,
+ AccessibleApplication__MIDL_ProcFormatString.Format,
+ &IAccessibleApplication_FormatStringOffsetTable[-3],
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0
+ };
+static const MIDL_SERVER_INFO IAccessibleApplication_ServerInfo =
+ {
+ &Object_StubDesc,
+ 0,
+ AccessibleApplication__MIDL_ProcFormatString.Format,
+ &IAccessibleApplication_FormatStringOffsetTable[-3],
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0};
+CINTERFACE_PROXY_VTABLE(7) _IAccessibleApplicationProxyVtbl =
+ &IAccessibleApplication_ProxyInfo,
+ &IID_IAccessibleApplication,
+ IUnknown_QueryInterface_Proxy,
+ IUnknown_AddRef_Proxy,
+ IUnknown_Release_Proxy ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleApplication::get_appName */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleApplication::get_appVersion */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleApplication::get_toolkitName */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleApplication::get_toolkitVersion */
+const CInterfaceStubVtbl _IAccessibleApplicationStubVtbl =
+ &IID_IAccessibleApplication,
+ &IAccessibleApplication_ServerInfo,
+ 7,
+ 0, /* pure interpreted */
+ CStdStubBuffer_METHODS
+static const MIDL_STUB_DESC Object_StubDesc =
+ {
+ 0,
+ NdrOleAllocate,
+ NdrOleFree,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ AccessibleApplication__MIDL_TypeFormatString.Format,
+ 1, /* -error bounds_check flag */
+ 0x50002, /* Ndr library version */
+ 0,
+ 0x700022b, /* MIDL Version 7.0.555 */
+ 0,
+ UserMarshalRoutines,
+ 0, /* notify & notify_flag routine table */
+ 0x1, /* MIDL flag */
+ 0, /* cs routines */
+ 0, /* proxy/server info */
+ 0
+ };
+const CInterfaceProxyVtbl * const _AccessibleApplication_ProxyVtblList[] =
+ ( CInterfaceProxyVtbl *) &_IAccessibleApplicationProxyVtbl,
+ 0
+const CInterfaceStubVtbl * const _AccessibleApplication_StubVtblList[] =
+ ( CInterfaceStubVtbl *) &_IAccessibleApplicationStubVtbl,
+ 0
+PCInterfaceName const _AccessibleApplication_InterfaceNamesList[] =
+ "IAccessibleApplication",
+ 0
+#define _AccessibleApplication_CHECK_IID(n) IID_GENERIC_CHECK_IID( _AccessibleApplication, pIID, n)
+int __stdcall _AccessibleApplication_IID_Lookup( const IID * pIID, int * pIndex )
+ if(!_AccessibleApplication_CHECK_IID(0))
+ {
+ *pIndex = 0;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+const ExtendedProxyFileInfo AccessibleApplication_ProxyFileInfo =
+ (PCInterfaceProxyVtblList *) & _AccessibleApplication_ProxyVtblList,
+ (PCInterfaceStubVtblList *) & _AccessibleApplication_StubVtblList,
+ (const PCInterfaceName * ) & _AccessibleApplication_InterfaceNamesList,
+ 0, /* no delegation */
+ & _AccessibleApplication_IID_Lookup,
+ 1,
+ 2,
+ 0, /* table of [async_uuid] interfaces */
+ 0, /* Filler1 */
+ 0, /* Filler2 */
+ 0 /* Filler3 */
+#if _MSC_VER >= 1200
+#pragma warning(pop)
+#endif /* defined(_M_AMD64)*/
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleComponent.h b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleComponent.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..38f696f45c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleComponent.h
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the definitions for the interfaces */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:57 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleComponent.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win64 (32b run), target_arch=AMD64 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+/* verify that the <rpcndr.h> version is high enough to compile this file*/
+#include "rpc.h"
+#include "rpcndr.h"
+#ifndef __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
+#error this stub requires an updated version of <rpcndr.h>
+#endif // __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
+#include "windows.h"
+#include "ole2.h"
+#endif /*COM_NO_WINDOWS_H*/
+#ifndef __AccessibleComponent_h__
+#define __AccessibleComponent_h__
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1020)
+#pragma once
+/* Forward Declarations */
+#ifndef __IAccessibleComponent_FWD_DEFINED__
+#define __IAccessibleComponent_FWD_DEFINED__
+typedef interface IAccessibleComponent IAccessibleComponent;
+#endif /* __IAccessibleComponent_FWD_DEFINED__ */
+/* header files for imported files */
+#include "objidl.h"
+#include "oaidl.h"
+#include "oleacc.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"{
+/* interface __MIDL_itf_AccessibleComponent_0000_0000 */
+/* [local] */
+typedef long IA2Color;
+extern RPC_IF_HANDLE __MIDL_itf_AccessibleComponent_0000_0000_v0_0_c_ifspec;
+extern RPC_IF_HANDLE __MIDL_itf_AccessibleComponent_0000_0000_v0_0_s_ifspec;
+#ifndef __IAccessibleComponent_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+#define __IAccessibleComponent_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+/* interface IAccessibleComponent */
+/* [uuid][object] */
+EXTERN_C const IID IID_IAccessibleComponent;
+#if defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(CINTERFACE)
+ MIDL_INTERFACE("1546D4B0-4C98-4bda-89AE-9A64748BDDE4")
+ IAccessibleComponent : public IUnknown
+ {
+ public:
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_locationInParent(
+ /* [out] */ long *x,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *y) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_foreground(
+ /* [retval][out] */ IA2Color *foreground) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_background(
+ /* [retval][out] */ IA2Color *background) = 0;
+ };
+#else /* C style interface */
+ typedef struct IAccessibleComponentVtbl
+ {
+ IAccessibleComponent * This,
+ /* [in] */ REFIID riid,
+ /* [annotation][iid_is][out] */
+ __RPC__deref_out void **ppvObject);
+ IAccessibleComponent * This);
+ IAccessibleComponent * This);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_locationInParent )(
+ IAccessibleComponent * This,
+ /* [out] */ long *x,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *y);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_foreground )(
+ IAccessibleComponent * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ IA2Color *foreground);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_background )(
+ IAccessibleComponent * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ IA2Color *background);
+ } IAccessibleComponentVtbl;
+ interface IAccessibleComponent
+ {
+ CONST_VTBL struct IAccessibleComponentVtbl *lpVtbl;
+ };
+#define IAccessibleComponent_QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) )
+#define IAccessibleComponent_AddRef(This) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> AddRef(This) )
+#define IAccessibleComponent_Release(This) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> Release(This) )
+#define IAccessibleComponent_get_locationInParent(This,x,y) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_locationInParent(This,x,y) )
+#define IAccessibleComponent_get_foreground(This,foreground) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_foreground(This,foreground) )
+#define IAccessibleComponent_get_background(This,background) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_background(This,background) )
+#endif /* COBJMACROS */
+#endif /* C style interface */
+#endif /* __IAccessibleComponent_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ */
+/* Additional Prototypes for ALL interfaces */
+/* end of Additional Prototypes */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleComponent_i.c b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleComponent_i.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..34be13e31c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleComponent_i.c
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the IIDs and CLSIDs */
+/* link this file in with the server and any clients */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:57 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleComponent.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win64 (32b run), target_arch=AMD64 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"{
+#include <rpc.h>
+#include <rpcndr.h>
+#ifndef INITGUID
+#define INITGUID
+#include <guiddef.h>
+#undef INITGUID
+#include <guiddef.h>
+#define MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(type,name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8) \
+ DEFINE_GUID(name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8)
+#else // !_MIDL_USE_GUIDDEF_
+#ifndef __IID_DEFINED__
+#define __IID_DEFINED__
+typedef struct _IID
+ unsigned long x;
+ unsigned short s1;
+ unsigned short s2;
+ unsigned char c[8];
+} IID;
+#endif // __IID_DEFINED__
+typedef IID CLSID;
+#endif // CLSID_DEFINED
+#define MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(type,name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8) \
+ const type name = {l,w1,w2,{b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8}}
+MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(IID, IID_IAccessibleComponent,0x1546D4B0,0x4C98,0x4bda,0x89,0xAE,0x9A,0x64,0x74,0x8B,0xDD,0xE4);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleComponent_p.c b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleComponent_p.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ddcacff7e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleComponent_p.c
@@ -0,0 +1,360 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the proxy stub code */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:57 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleComponent.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win64 (32b run), target_arch=AMD64 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#if defined(_M_AMD64)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+#if _MSC_VER >= 1200
+#pragma warning(push)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4211 ) /* redefine extern to static */
+#pragma warning( disable: 4232 ) /* dllimport identity*/
+#pragma warning( disable: 4024 ) /* array to pointer mapping*/
+#pragma warning( disable: 4152 ) /* function/data pointer conversion in expression */
+/* verify that the <rpcproxy.h> version is high enough to compile this file*/
+#include "rpcproxy.h"
+#error this stub requires an updated version of <rpcproxy.h>
+#endif /* __RPCPROXY_H_VERSION__ */
+#include "AccessibleComponent.h"
+typedef struct _AccessibleComponent_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ short Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ TYPE_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+ } AccessibleComponent_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING;
+typedef struct _AccessibleComponent_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ short Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ PROC_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+ } AccessibleComponent_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING;
+typedef struct _AccessibleComponent_MIDL_EXPR_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ long Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ EXPR_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+ } AccessibleComponent_MIDL_EXPR_FORMAT_STRING;
+static const RPC_SYNTAX_IDENTIFIER _RpcTransferSyntax =
+extern const AccessibleComponent_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleComponent__MIDL_TypeFormatString;
+extern const AccessibleComponent_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleComponent__MIDL_ProcFormatString;
+extern const AccessibleComponent_MIDL_EXPR_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleComponent__MIDL_ExprFormatString;
+extern const MIDL_STUB_DESC Object_StubDesc;
+extern const MIDL_SERVER_INFO IAccessibleComponent_ServerInfo;
+extern const MIDL_STUBLESS_PROXY_INFO IAccessibleComponent_ProxyInfo;
+#if !defined(__RPC_WIN64__)
+#error Invalid build platform for this stub.
+static const AccessibleComponent_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleComponent__MIDL_ProcFormatString =
+ {
+ 0,
+ {
+ /* Procedure get_locationInParent */
+ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 2 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 6 */ NdrFcShort( 0x3 ), /* 3 */
+/* 8 */ NdrFcShort( 0x20 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 32 */
+/* 10 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 12 */ NdrFcShort( 0x40 ), /* 64 */
+/* 14 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 16 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 18 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 20 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 22 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 24 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter x */
+/* 26 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 28 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 30 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter y */
+/* 32 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 34 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 36 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 38 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 40 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 42 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_foreground */
+/* 44 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 46 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 50 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 52 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 54 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 56 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 58 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 60 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 62 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 64 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 66 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 68 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter foreground */
+/* 70 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 72 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 74 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 76 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 78 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 80 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_background */
+/* 82 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 84 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 88 */ NdrFcShort( 0x5 ), /* 5 */
+/* 90 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 92 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 94 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 96 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 98 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 100 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 102 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 104 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 106 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter background */
+/* 108 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 110 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 112 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 114 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 116 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 118 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x0
+ }
+ };
+static const AccessibleComponent_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleComponent__MIDL_TypeFormatString =
+ {
+ 0,
+ {
+ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 2 */
+ 0x11, 0xc, /* FC_RP [alloced_on_stack] [simple_pointer] */
+/* 4 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x0
+ }
+ };
+/* Standard interface: __MIDL_itf_AccessibleComponent_0000_0000, ver. 0.0,
+ GUID={0x00000000,0x0000,0x0000,{0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00}} */
+/* Object interface: IUnknown, ver. 0.0,
+ GUID={0x00000000,0x0000,0x0000,{0xC0,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x46}} */
+/* Object interface: IAccessibleComponent, ver. 0.0,
+ GUID={0x1546D4B0,0x4C98,0x4bda,{0x89,0xAE,0x9A,0x64,0x74,0x8B,0xDD,0xE4}} */
+#pragma code_seg(".orpc")
+static const unsigned short IAccessibleComponent_FormatStringOffsetTable[] =
+ {
+ 0,
+ 44,
+ 82
+ };
+static const MIDL_STUBLESS_PROXY_INFO IAccessibleComponent_ProxyInfo =
+ {
+ &Object_StubDesc,
+ AccessibleComponent__MIDL_ProcFormatString.Format,
+ &IAccessibleComponent_FormatStringOffsetTable[-3],
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0
+ };
+static const MIDL_SERVER_INFO IAccessibleComponent_ServerInfo =
+ {
+ &Object_StubDesc,
+ 0,
+ AccessibleComponent__MIDL_ProcFormatString.Format,
+ &IAccessibleComponent_FormatStringOffsetTable[-3],
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0};
+CINTERFACE_PROXY_VTABLE(6) _IAccessibleComponentProxyVtbl =
+ &IAccessibleComponent_ProxyInfo,
+ &IID_IAccessibleComponent,
+ IUnknown_QueryInterface_Proxy,
+ IUnknown_AddRef_Proxy,
+ IUnknown_Release_Proxy ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleComponent::get_locationInParent */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleComponent::get_foreground */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleComponent::get_background */
+const CInterfaceStubVtbl _IAccessibleComponentStubVtbl =
+ &IID_IAccessibleComponent,
+ &IAccessibleComponent_ServerInfo,
+ 6,
+ 0, /* pure interpreted */
+ CStdStubBuffer_METHODS
+static const MIDL_STUB_DESC Object_StubDesc =
+ {
+ 0,
+ NdrOleAllocate,
+ NdrOleFree,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ AccessibleComponent__MIDL_TypeFormatString.Format,
+ 1, /* -error bounds_check flag */
+ 0x50002, /* Ndr library version */
+ 0,
+ 0x700022b, /* MIDL Version 7.0.555 */
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0, /* notify & notify_flag routine table */
+ 0x1, /* MIDL flag */
+ 0, /* cs routines */
+ 0, /* proxy/server info */
+ 0
+ };
+const CInterfaceProxyVtbl * const _AccessibleComponent_ProxyVtblList[] =
+ ( CInterfaceProxyVtbl *) &_IAccessibleComponentProxyVtbl,
+ 0
+const CInterfaceStubVtbl * const _AccessibleComponent_StubVtblList[] =
+ ( CInterfaceStubVtbl *) &_IAccessibleComponentStubVtbl,
+ 0
+PCInterfaceName const _AccessibleComponent_InterfaceNamesList[] =
+ "IAccessibleComponent",
+ 0
+#define _AccessibleComponent_CHECK_IID(n) IID_GENERIC_CHECK_IID( _AccessibleComponent, pIID, n)
+int __stdcall _AccessibleComponent_IID_Lookup( const IID * pIID, int * pIndex )
+ if(!_AccessibleComponent_CHECK_IID(0))
+ {
+ *pIndex = 0;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+const ExtendedProxyFileInfo AccessibleComponent_ProxyFileInfo =
+ (PCInterfaceProxyVtblList *) & _AccessibleComponent_ProxyVtblList,
+ (PCInterfaceStubVtblList *) & _AccessibleComponent_StubVtblList,
+ (const PCInterfaceName * ) & _AccessibleComponent_InterfaceNamesList,
+ 0, /* no delegation */
+ & _AccessibleComponent_IID_Lookup,
+ 1,
+ 2,
+ 0, /* table of [async_uuid] interfaces */
+ 0, /* Filler1 */
+ 0, /* Filler2 */
+ 0 /* Filler3 */
+#if _MSC_VER >= 1200
+#pragma warning(pop)
+#endif /* defined(_M_AMD64)*/
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleEditableText.h b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleEditableText.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4c94154a15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleEditableText.h
@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the definitions for the interfaces */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:57 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleEditableText.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win64 (32b run), target_arch=AMD64 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+/* verify that the <rpcndr.h> version is high enough to compile this file*/
+#include "rpc.h"
+#include "rpcndr.h"
+#ifndef __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
+#error this stub requires an updated version of <rpcndr.h>
+#endif // __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
+#include "windows.h"
+#include "ole2.h"
+#endif /*COM_NO_WINDOWS_H*/
+#ifndef __AccessibleEditableText_h__
+#define __AccessibleEditableText_h__
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1020)
+#pragma once
+/* Forward Declarations */
+#ifndef __IAccessibleEditableText_FWD_DEFINED__
+#define __IAccessibleEditableText_FWD_DEFINED__
+typedef interface IAccessibleEditableText IAccessibleEditableText;
+#endif /* __IAccessibleEditableText_FWD_DEFINED__ */
+/* header files for imported files */
+#include "objidl.h"
+#include "oaidl.h"
+#include "oleacc.h"
+#include "IA2CommonTypes.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"{
+#ifndef __IAccessibleEditableText_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+#define __IAccessibleEditableText_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+/* interface IAccessibleEditableText */
+/* [uuid][object] */
+EXTERN_C const IID IID_IAccessibleEditableText;
+#if defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(CINTERFACE)
+ MIDL_INTERFACE("A59AA09A-7011-4b65-939D-32B1FB5547E3")
+ IAccessibleEditableText : public IUnknown
+ {
+ public:
+ /* [in] */ long startOffset,
+ /* [in] */ long endOffset) = 0;
+ /* [in] */ long startOffset,
+ /* [in] */ long endOffset) = 0;
+ /* [in] */ long offset,
+ /* [in] */ BSTR *text) = 0;
+ /* [in] */ long startOffset,
+ /* [in] */ long endOffset) = 0;
+ /* [in] */ long offset) = 0;
+ /* [in] */ long startOffset,
+ /* [in] */ long endOffset,
+ /* [in] */ BSTR *text) = 0;
+ virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE setAttributes(
+ /* [in] */ long startOffset,
+ /* [in] */ long endOffset,
+ /* [in] */ BSTR *attributes) = 0;
+ };
+#else /* C style interface */
+ typedef struct IAccessibleEditableTextVtbl
+ {
+ IAccessibleEditableText * This,
+ /* [in] */ REFIID riid,
+ /* [annotation][iid_is][out] */
+ __RPC__deref_out void **ppvObject);
+ IAccessibleEditableText * This);
+ IAccessibleEditableText * This);
+ IAccessibleEditableText * This,
+ /* [in] */ long startOffset,
+ /* [in] */ long endOffset);
+ IAccessibleEditableText * This,
+ /* [in] */ long startOffset,
+ /* [in] */ long endOffset);
+ IAccessibleEditableText * This,
+ /* [in] */ long offset,
+ /* [in] */ BSTR *text);
+ IAccessibleEditableText * This,
+ /* [in] */ long startOffset,
+ /* [in] */ long endOffset);
+ IAccessibleEditableText * This,
+ /* [in] */ long offset);
+ IAccessibleEditableText * This,
+ /* [in] */ long startOffset,
+ /* [in] */ long endOffset,
+ /* [in] */ BSTR *text);
+ IAccessibleEditableText * This,
+ /* [in] */ long startOffset,
+ /* [in] */ long endOffset,
+ /* [in] */ BSTR *attributes);
+ } IAccessibleEditableTextVtbl;
+ interface IAccessibleEditableText
+ {
+ CONST_VTBL struct IAccessibleEditableTextVtbl *lpVtbl;
+ };
+#define IAccessibleEditableText_QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) )
+#define IAccessibleEditableText_AddRef(This) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> AddRef(This) )
+#define IAccessibleEditableText_Release(This) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> Release(This) )
+#define IAccessibleEditableText_copyText(This,startOffset,endOffset) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> copyText(This,startOffset,endOffset) )
+#define IAccessibleEditableText_deleteText(This,startOffset,endOffset) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> deleteText(This,startOffset,endOffset) )
+#define IAccessibleEditableText_insertText(This,offset,text) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> insertText(This,offset,text) )
+#define IAccessibleEditableText_cutText(This,startOffset,endOffset) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> cutText(This,startOffset,endOffset) )
+#define IAccessibleEditableText_pasteText(This,offset) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> pasteText(This,offset) )
+#define IAccessibleEditableText_replaceText(This,startOffset,endOffset,text) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> replaceText(This,startOffset,endOffset,text) )
+#define IAccessibleEditableText_setAttributes(This,startOffset,endOffset,attributes) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> setAttributes(This,startOffset,endOffset,attributes) )
+#endif /* COBJMACROS */
+#endif /* C style interface */
+#endif /* __IAccessibleEditableText_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ */
+/* Additional Prototypes for ALL interfaces */
+unsigned long __RPC_USER BSTR_UserSize( unsigned long *, unsigned long , BSTR * );
+unsigned char * __RPC_USER BSTR_UserMarshal( unsigned long *, unsigned char *, BSTR * );
+unsigned char * __RPC_USER BSTR_UserUnmarshal(unsigned long *, unsigned char *, BSTR * );
+void __RPC_USER BSTR_UserFree( unsigned long *, BSTR * );
+/* end of Additional Prototypes */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleEditableText_i.c b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleEditableText_i.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a444951721
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleEditableText_i.c
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the IIDs and CLSIDs */
+/* link this file in with the server and any clients */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:57 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleEditableText.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win64 (32b run), target_arch=AMD64 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"{
+#include <rpc.h>
+#include <rpcndr.h>
+#ifndef INITGUID
+#define INITGUID
+#include <guiddef.h>
+#undef INITGUID
+#include <guiddef.h>
+#define MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(type,name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8) \
+ DEFINE_GUID(name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8)
+#else // !_MIDL_USE_GUIDDEF_
+#ifndef __IID_DEFINED__
+#define __IID_DEFINED__
+typedef struct _IID
+ unsigned long x;
+ unsigned short s1;
+ unsigned short s2;
+ unsigned char c[8];
+} IID;
+#endif // __IID_DEFINED__
+typedef IID CLSID;
+#endif // CLSID_DEFINED
+#define MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(type,name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8) \
+ const type name = {l,w1,w2,{b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8}}
+MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(IID, IID_IAccessibleEditableText,0xA59AA09A,0x7011,0x4b65,0x93,0x9D,0x32,0xB1,0xFB,0x55,0x47,0xE3);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleEditableText_p.c b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleEditableText_p.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9e9b466d86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleEditableText_p.c
@@ -0,0 +1,579 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the proxy stub code */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:57 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleEditableText.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win64 (32b run), target_arch=AMD64 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#if defined(_M_AMD64)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+#if _MSC_VER >= 1200
+#pragma warning(push)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4211 ) /* redefine extern to static */
+#pragma warning( disable: 4232 ) /* dllimport identity*/
+#pragma warning( disable: 4024 ) /* array to pointer mapping*/
+#pragma warning( disable: 4152 ) /* function/data pointer conversion in expression */
+/* verify that the <rpcproxy.h> version is high enough to compile this file*/
+#include "rpcproxy.h"
+#error this stub requires an updated version of <rpcproxy.h>
+#endif /* __RPCPROXY_H_VERSION__ */
+#include "AccessibleEditableText.h"
+typedef struct _AccessibleEditableText_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ short Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ TYPE_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+ } AccessibleEditableText_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING;
+typedef struct _AccessibleEditableText_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ short Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ PROC_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+ } AccessibleEditableText_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING;
+typedef struct _AccessibleEditableText_MIDL_EXPR_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ long Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ EXPR_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+ } AccessibleEditableText_MIDL_EXPR_FORMAT_STRING;
+static const RPC_SYNTAX_IDENTIFIER _RpcTransferSyntax =
+extern const AccessibleEditableText_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleEditableText__MIDL_TypeFormatString;
+extern const AccessibleEditableText_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleEditableText__MIDL_ProcFormatString;
+extern const AccessibleEditableText_MIDL_EXPR_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleEditableText__MIDL_ExprFormatString;
+extern const MIDL_STUB_DESC Object_StubDesc;
+extern const MIDL_SERVER_INFO IAccessibleEditableText_ServerInfo;
+extern const MIDL_STUBLESS_PROXY_INFO IAccessibleEditableText_ProxyInfo;
+#if !defined(__RPC_WIN64__)
+#error Invalid build platform for this stub.
+static const AccessibleEditableText_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleEditableText__MIDL_ProcFormatString =
+ {
+ 0,
+ {
+ /* Procedure copyText */
+ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 2 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 6 */ NdrFcShort( 0x3 ), /* 3 */
+/* 8 */ NdrFcShort( 0x20 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 32 */
+/* 10 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* 16 */
+/* 12 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 14 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 16 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 18 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 20 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 22 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 24 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter startOffset */
+/* 26 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 28 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 30 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter endOffset */
+/* 32 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 34 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 36 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 38 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 40 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 42 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure deleteText */
+/* 44 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 46 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 50 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 52 */ NdrFcShort( 0x20 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 32 */
+/* 54 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* 16 */
+/* 56 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 58 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 60 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 62 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 64 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 66 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 68 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter startOffset */
+/* 70 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 72 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 74 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter endOffset */
+/* 76 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 78 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 80 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 82 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 84 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 86 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure insertText */
+/* 88 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 90 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 94 */ NdrFcShort( 0x5 ), /* 5 */
+/* 96 */ NdrFcShort( 0x20 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 32 */
+/* 98 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 100 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 102 */ 0x46, /* Oi2 Flags: clt must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 104 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x5, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, srv corr check, */
+/* 106 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 108 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 110 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 112 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter offset */
+/* 114 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 116 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 118 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter text */
+/* 120 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10b ), /* Flags: must size, must free, in, simple ref, */
+/* 122 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 124 */ NdrFcShort( 0x20 ), /* Type Offset=32 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 126 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 128 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 130 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure cutText */
+/* 132 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 134 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 138 */ NdrFcShort( 0x6 ), /* 6 */
+/* 140 */ NdrFcShort( 0x20 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 32 */
+/* 142 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* 16 */
+/* 144 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 146 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 148 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 150 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 152 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 154 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 156 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter startOffset */
+/* 158 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 160 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 162 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter endOffset */
+/* 164 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 166 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 168 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 170 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 172 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 174 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure pasteText */
+/* 176 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 178 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 182 */ NdrFcShort( 0x7 ), /* 7 */
+/* 184 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 186 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 188 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 190 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 192 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 194 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 196 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 198 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 200 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter offset */
+/* 202 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 204 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 206 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 208 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 210 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 212 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure replaceText */
+/* 214 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 216 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 220 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 222 */ NdrFcShort( 0x28 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 40 */
+/* 224 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* 16 */
+/* 226 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 228 */ 0x46, /* Oi2 Flags: clt must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x4, /* 4 */
+/* 230 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x5, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, srv corr check, */
+/* 232 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 234 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 236 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 238 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter startOffset */
+/* 240 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 242 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 244 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter endOffset */
+/* 246 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 248 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 250 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter text */
+/* 252 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10b ), /* Flags: must size, must free, in, simple ref, */
+/* 254 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 256 */ NdrFcShort( 0x20 ), /* Type Offset=32 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 258 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 260 */ NdrFcShort( 0x20 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 32 */
+/* 262 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure setAttributes */
+/* 264 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 266 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 270 */ NdrFcShort( 0x9 ), /* 9 */
+/* 272 */ NdrFcShort( 0x28 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 40 */
+/* 274 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* 16 */
+/* 276 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 278 */ 0x46, /* Oi2 Flags: clt must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x4, /* 4 */
+/* 280 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x5, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, srv corr check, */
+/* 282 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 284 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 286 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 288 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter startOffset */
+/* 290 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 292 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 294 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter endOffset */
+/* 296 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 298 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 300 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter attributes */
+/* 302 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10b ), /* Flags: must size, must free, in, simple ref, */
+/* 304 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 306 */ NdrFcShort( 0x20 ), /* Type Offset=32 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 308 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 310 */ NdrFcShort( 0x20 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 32 */
+/* 312 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x0
+ }
+ };
+static const AccessibleEditableText_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleEditableText__MIDL_TypeFormatString =
+ {
+ 0,
+ {
+ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 2 */
+ 0x11, 0x0, /* FC_RP */
+/* 4 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1c ), /* Offset= 28 (32) */
+/* 6 */
+ 0x12, 0x0, /* FC_UP */
+/* 8 */ NdrFcShort( 0xe ), /* Offset= 14 (22) */
+/* 10 */
+ 0x1b, /* FC_CARRAY */
+ 0x1, /* 1 */
+/* 12 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* 2 */
+/* 14 */ 0x9, /* Corr desc: FC_ULONG */
+ 0x0, /* */
+/* 16 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfffc ), /* -4 */
+/* 18 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* Corr flags: early, */
+/* 20 */ 0x6, /* FC_SHORT */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 22 */
+ 0x17, /* FC_CSTRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 24 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 26 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfff0 ), /* Offset= -16 (10) */
+/* 28 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+/* 30 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 32 */ 0xb4, /* FC_USER_MARSHAL */
+ 0x83, /* 131 */
+/* 34 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 36 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 38 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 40 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffde ), /* Offset= -34 (6) */
+ 0x0
+ }
+ };
+ {
+ {
+ BSTR_UserSize
+ ,BSTR_UserMarshal
+ ,BSTR_UserUnmarshal
+ ,BSTR_UserFree
+ }
+ };
+/* Object interface: IUnknown, ver. 0.0,
+ GUID={0x00000000,0x0000,0x0000,{0xC0,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x46}} */
+/* Object interface: IAccessibleEditableText, ver. 0.0,
+ GUID={0xA59AA09A,0x7011,0x4b65,{0x93,0x9D,0x32,0xB1,0xFB,0x55,0x47,0xE3}} */
+#pragma code_seg(".orpc")
+static const unsigned short IAccessibleEditableText_FormatStringOffsetTable[] =
+ {
+ 0,
+ 44,
+ 88,
+ 132,
+ 176,
+ 214,
+ 264
+ };
+static const MIDL_STUBLESS_PROXY_INFO IAccessibleEditableText_ProxyInfo =
+ {
+ &Object_StubDesc,
+ AccessibleEditableText__MIDL_ProcFormatString.Format,
+ &IAccessibleEditableText_FormatStringOffsetTable[-3],
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0
+ };
+static const MIDL_SERVER_INFO IAccessibleEditableText_ServerInfo =
+ {
+ &Object_StubDesc,
+ 0,
+ AccessibleEditableText__MIDL_ProcFormatString.Format,
+ &IAccessibleEditableText_FormatStringOffsetTable[-3],
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0};
+CINTERFACE_PROXY_VTABLE(10) _IAccessibleEditableTextProxyVtbl =
+ &IAccessibleEditableText_ProxyInfo,
+ &IID_IAccessibleEditableText,
+ IUnknown_QueryInterface_Proxy,
+ IUnknown_AddRef_Proxy,
+ IUnknown_Release_Proxy ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleEditableText::copyText */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleEditableText::deleteText */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleEditableText::insertText */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleEditableText::cutText */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleEditableText::pasteText */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleEditableText::replaceText */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleEditableText::setAttributes */
+const CInterfaceStubVtbl _IAccessibleEditableTextStubVtbl =
+ &IID_IAccessibleEditableText,
+ &IAccessibleEditableText_ServerInfo,
+ 10,
+ 0, /* pure interpreted */
+ CStdStubBuffer_METHODS
+static const MIDL_STUB_DESC Object_StubDesc =
+ {
+ 0,
+ NdrOleAllocate,
+ NdrOleFree,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ AccessibleEditableText__MIDL_TypeFormatString.Format,
+ 1, /* -error bounds_check flag */
+ 0x50002, /* Ndr library version */
+ 0,
+ 0x700022b, /* MIDL Version 7.0.555 */
+ 0,
+ UserMarshalRoutines,
+ 0, /* notify & notify_flag routine table */
+ 0x1, /* MIDL flag */
+ 0, /* cs routines */
+ 0, /* proxy/server info */
+ 0
+ };
+const CInterfaceProxyVtbl * const _AccessibleEditableText_ProxyVtblList[] =
+ ( CInterfaceProxyVtbl *) &_IAccessibleEditableTextProxyVtbl,
+ 0
+const CInterfaceStubVtbl * const _AccessibleEditableText_StubVtblList[] =
+ ( CInterfaceStubVtbl *) &_IAccessibleEditableTextStubVtbl,
+ 0
+PCInterfaceName const _AccessibleEditableText_InterfaceNamesList[] =
+ "IAccessibleEditableText",
+ 0
+#define _AccessibleEditableText_CHECK_IID(n) IID_GENERIC_CHECK_IID( _AccessibleEditableText, pIID, n)
+int __stdcall _AccessibleEditableText_IID_Lookup( const IID * pIID, int * pIndex )
+ if(!_AccessibleEditableText_CHECK_IID(0))
+ {
+ *pIndex = 0;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+const ExtendedProxyFileInfo AccessibleEditableText_ProxyFileInfo =
+ (PCInterfaceProxyVtblList *) & _AccessibleEditableText_ProxyVtblList,
+ (PCInterfaceStubVtblList *) & _AccessibleEditableText_StubVtblList,
+ (const PCInterfaceName * ) & _AccessibleEditableText_InterfaceNamesList,
+ 0, /* no delegation */
+ & _AccessibleEditableText_IID_Lookup,
+ 1,
+ 2,
+ 0, /* table of [async_uuid] interfaces */
+ 0, /* Filler1 */
+ 0, /* Filler2 */
+ 0 /* Filler3 */
+#if _MSC_VER >= 1200
+#pragma warning(pop)
+#endif /* defined(_M_AMD64)*/
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleEventID.h b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleEventID.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6e6c8a888a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleEventID.h
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the definitions for the interfaces */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:57 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleEventID.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win64 (32b run), target_arch=AMD64 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+/* verify that the <rpcndr.h> version is high enough to compile this file*/
+#include "rpc.h"
+#include "rpcndr.h"
+#ifndef __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
+#error this stub requires an updated version of <rpcndr.h>
+#endif // __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
+#ifndef __AccessibleEventID_h__
+#define __AccessibleEventID_h__
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1020)
+#pragma once
+/* Forward Declarations */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"{
+/* interface __MIDL_itf_AccessibleEventID_0000_0000 */
+/* [local] */
+enum IA2EventID
+ } ;
+extern RPC_IF_HANDLE __MIDL_itf_AccessibleEventID_0000_0000_v0_0_c_ifspec;
+extern RPC_IF_HANDLE __MIDL_itf_AccessibleEventID_0000_0000_v0_0_s_ifspec;
+/* Additional Prototypes for ALL interfaces */
+/* end of Additional Prototypes */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleHyperlink.h b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleHyperlink.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..24fad0bd8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleHyperlink.h
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the definitions for the interfaces */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:57 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleHyperlink.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win64 (32b run), target_arch=AMD64 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+/* verify that the <rpcndr.h> version is high enough to compile this file*/
+#include "rpc.h"
+#include "rpcndr.h"
+#ifndef __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
+#error this stub requires an updated version of <rpcndr.h>
+#endif // __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
+#include "windows.h"
+#include "ole2.h"
+#endif /*COM_NO_WINDOWS_H*/
+#ifndef __AccessibleHyperlink_h__
+#define __AccessibleHyperlink_h__
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1020)
+#pragma once
+/* Forward Declarations */
+#ifndef __IAccessibleHyperlink_FWD_DEFINED__
+#define __IAccessibleHyperlink_FWD_DEFINED__
+typedef interface IAccessibleHyperlink IAccessibleHyperlink;
+#endif /* __IAccessibleHyperlink_FWD_DEFINED__ */
+/* header files for imported files */
+#include "objidl.h"
+#include "oaidl.h"
+#include "oleacc.h"
+#include "AccessibleAction.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"{
+#ifndef __IAccessibleHyperlink_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+#define __IAccessibleHyperlink_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+/* interface IAccessibleHyperlink */
+/* [uuid][object] */
+EXTERN_C const IID IID_IAccessibleHyperlink;
+#if defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(CINTERFACE)
+ MIDL_INTERFACE("01C20F2B-3DD2-400f-949F-AD00BDAB1D41")
+ IAccessibleHyperlink : public IAccessibleAction
+ {
+ public:
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_anchor(
+ /* [in] */ long index,
+ /* [retval][out] */ VARIANT *anchor) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_anchorTarget(
+ /* [in] */ long index,
+ /* [retval][out] */ VARIANT *anchorTarget) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_startIndex(
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *index) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_endIndex(
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *index) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_valid(
+ /* [retval][out] */ boolean *valid) = 0;
+ };
+#else /* C style interface */
+ typedef struct IAccessibleHyperlinkVtbl
+ {
+ IAccessibleHyperlink * This,
+ /* [in] */ REFIID riid,
+ /* [annotation][iid_is][out] */
+ __RPC__deref_out void **ppvObject);
+ IAccessibleHyperlink * This);
+ IAccessibleHyperlink * This);
+ IAccessibleHyperlink * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nActions);
+ IAccessibleHyperlink * This,
+ /* [in] */ long actionIndex);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_description )(
+ IAccessibleHyperlink * This,
+ /* [in] */ long actionIndex,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *description);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_keyBinding )(
+ IAccessibleHyperlink * This,
+ /* [in] */ long actionIndex,
+ /* [in] */ long nMaxBindings,
+ /* [length_is][length_is][size_is][size_is][out] */ BSTR **keyBindings,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nBindings);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_name )(
+ IAccessibleHyperlink * This,
+ /* [in] */ long actionIndex,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *name);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_localizedName )(
+ IAccessibleHyperlink * This,
+ /* [in] */ long actionIndex,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *localizedName);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_anchor )(
+ IAccessibleHyperlink * This,
+ /* [in] */ long index,
+ /* [retval][out] */ VARIANT *anchor);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_anchorTarget )(
+ IAccessibleHyperlink * This,
+ /* [in] */ long index,
+ /* [retval][out] */ VARIANT *anchorTarget);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_startIndex )(
+ IAccessibleHyperlink * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *index);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_endIndex )(
+ IAccessibleHyperlink * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *index);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_valid )(
+ IAccessibleHyperlink * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ boolean *valid);
+ } IAccessibleHyperlinkVtbl;
+ interface IAccessibleHyperlink
+ {
+ CONST_VTBL struct IAccessibleHyperlinkVtbl *lpVtbl;
+ };
+#define IAccessibleHyperlink_QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) )
+#define IAccessibleHyperlink_AddRef(This) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> AddRef(This) )
+#define IAccessibleHyperlink_Release(This) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> Release(This) )
+#define IAccessibleHyperlink_nActions(This,nActions) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> nActions(This,nActions) )
+#define IAccessibleHyperlink_doAction(This,actionIndex) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> doAction(This,actionIndex) )
+#define IAccessibleHyperlink_get_description(This,actionIndex,description) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_description(This,actionIndex,description) )
+#define IAccessibleHyperlink_get_keyBinding(This,actionIndex,nMaxBindings,keyBindings,nBindings) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_keyBinding(This,actionIndex,nMaxBindings,keyBindings,nBindings) )
+#define IAccessibleHyperlink_get_name(This,actionIndex,name) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_name(This,actionIndex,name) )
+#define IAccessibleHyperlink_get_localizedName(This,actionIndex,localizedName) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_localizedName(This,actionIndex,localizedName) )
+#define IAccessibleHyperlink_get_anchor(This,index,anchor) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_anchor(This,index,anchor) )
+#define IAccessibleHyperlink_get_anchorTarget(This,index,anchorTarget) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_anchorTarget(This,index,anchorTarget) )
+#define IAccessibleHyperlink_get_startIndex(This,index) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_startIndex(This,index) )
+#define IAccessibleHyperlink_get_endIndex(This,index) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_endIndex(This,index) )
+#define IAccessibleHyperlink_get_valid(This,valid) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_valid(This,valid) )
+#endif /* COBJMACROS */
+#endif /* C style interface */
+#endif /* __IAccessibleHyperlink_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ */
+/* Additional Prototypes for ALL interfaces */
+unsigned long __RPC_USER VARIANT_UserSize( unsigned long *, unsigned long , VARIANT * );
+unsigned char * __RPC_USER VARIANT_UserMarshal( unsigned long *, unsigned char *, VARIANT * );
+unsigned char * __RPC_USER VARIANT_UserUnmarshal(unsigned long *, unsigned char *, VARIANT * );
+void __RPC_USER VARIANT_UserFree( unsigned long *, VARIANT * );
+/* end of Additional Prototypes */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleHyperlink_i.c b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleHyperlink_i.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f668740e0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleHyperlink_i.c
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the IIDs and CLSIDs */
+/* link this file in with the server and any clients */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:57 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleHyperlink.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win64 (32b run), target_arch=AMD64 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"{
+#include <rpc.h>
+#include <rpcndr.h>
+#ifndef INITGUID
+#define INITGUID
+#include <guiddef.h>
+#undef INITGUID
+#include <guiddef.h>
+#define MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(type,name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8) \
+ DEFINE_GUID(name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8)
+#else // !_MIDL_USE_GUIDDEF_
+#ifndef __IID_DEFINED__
+#define __IID_DEFINED__
+typedef struct _IID
+ unsigned long x;
+ unsigned short s1;
+ unsigned short s2;
+ unsigned char c[8];
+} IID;
+#endif // __IID_DEFINED__
+typedef IID CLSID;
+#endif // CLSID_DEFINED
+#define MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(type,name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8) \
+ const type name = {l,w1,w2,{b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8}}
+MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(IID, IID_IAccessibleHyperlink,0x01C20F2B,0x3DD2,0x400f,0x94,0x9F,0xAD,0x00,0xBD,0xAB,0x1D,0x41);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleHyperlink_p.c b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleHyperlink_p.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4cf0a1333c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleHyperlink_p.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1113 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the proxy stub code */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:57 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleHyperlink.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win64 (32b run), target_arch=AMD64 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#if defined(_M_AMD64)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+#if _MSC_VER >= 1200
+#pragma warning(push)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4211 ) /* redefine extern to static */
+#pragma warning( disable: 4232 ) /* dllimport identity*/
+#pragma warning( disable: 4024 ) /* array to pointer mapping*/
+#pragma warning( disable: 4152 ) /* function/data pointer conversion in expression */
+/* verify that the <rpcproxy.h> version is high enough to compile this file*/
+#include "rpcproxy.h"
+#error this stub requires an updated version of <rpcproxy.h>
+#endif /* __RPCPROXY_H_VERSION__ */
+#include "AccessibleHyperlink.h"
+typedef struct _AccessibleHyperlink_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ short Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ TYPE_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+ } AccessibleHyperlink_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING;
+typedef struct _AccessibleHyperlink_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ short Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ PROC_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+ } AccessibleHyperlink_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING;
+typedef struct _AccessibleHyperlink_MIDL_EXPR_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ long Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ EXPR_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+ } AccessibleHyperlink_MIDL_EXPR_FORMAT_STRING;
+static const RPC_SYNTAX_IDENTIFIER _RpcTransferSyntax =
+extern const AccessibleHyperlink_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleHyperlink__MIDL_TypeFormatString;
+extern const AccessibleHyperlink_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleHyperlink__MIDL_ProcFormatString;
+extern const AccessibleHyperlink_MIDL_EXPR_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleHyperlink__MIDL_ExprFormatString;
+extern const MIDL_STUB_DESC Object_StubDesc;
+extern const MIDL_SERVER_INFO IAccessibleHyperlink_ServerInfo;
+extern const MIDL_STUBLESS_PROXY_INFO IAccessibleHyperlink_ProxyInfo;
+#if !defined(__RPC_WIN64__)
+#error Invalid build platform for this stub.
+static const AccessibleHyperlink_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleHyperlink__MIDL_ProcFormatString =
+ {
+ 0,
+ {
+ /* Procedure get_anchor */
+ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 2 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 6 */ NdrFcShort( 0x9 ), /* 9 */
+/* 8 */ NdrFcShort( 0x20 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 32 */
+/* 10 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 12 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 14 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 16 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 18 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 20 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 22 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 24 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter index */
+/* 26 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 28 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 30 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter anchor */
+/* 32 */ NdrFcShort( 0x6113 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, simple ref, srv alloc size=24 */
+/* 34 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 36 */ NdrFcShort( 0x3d2 ), /* Type Offset=978 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 38 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 40 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 42 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_anchorTarget */
+/* 44 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 46 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 50 */ NdrFcShort( 0xa ), /* 10 */
+/* 52 */ NdrFcShort( 0x20 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 32 */
+/* 54 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 56 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 58 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 60 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 62 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 64 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 66 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 68 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter index */
+/* 70 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 72 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 74 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter anchorTarget */
+/* 76 */ NdrFcShort( 0x6113 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, simple ref, srv alloc size=24 */
+/* 78 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 80 */ NdrFcShort( 0x3d2 ), /* Type Offset=978 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 82 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 84 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 86 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_startIndex */
+/* 88 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 90 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 94 */ NdrFcShort( 0xb ), /* 11 */
+/* 96 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 98 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 100 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 102 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 104 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 106 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 108 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 110 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 112 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter index */
+/* 114 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 116 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 118 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 120 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 122 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 124 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_endIndex */
+/* 126 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 128 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 132 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* 12 */
+/* 134 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 136 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 138 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 140 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 142 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 144 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 146 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 148 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 150 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter index */
+/* 152 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 154 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 156 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 158 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 160 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 162 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_valid */
+/* 164 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 166 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 170 */ NdrFcShort( 0xd ), /* 13 */
+/* 172 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 174 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 176 */ NdrFcShort( 0x21 ), /* 33 */
+/* 178 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 180 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 182 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 184 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 186 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 188 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter valid */
+/* 190 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 192 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 194 */ 0x3, /* FC_SMALL */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 196 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 198 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 200 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x0
+ }
+ };
+static const AccessibleHyperlink_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleHyperlink__MIDL_TypeFormatString =
+ {
+ 0,
+ {
+ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 2 */
+ 0x11, 0x4, /* FC_RP [alloced_on_stack] */
+/* 4 */ NdrFcShort( 0x3ce ), /* Offset= 974 (978) */
+/* 6 */
+ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 8 */ NdrFcShort( 0x3b6 ), /* Offset= 950 (958) */
+/* 10 */
+ 0x9, /* FC_ULONG */
+/* 12 */ 0x7, /* Corr desc: FC_USHORT */
+ 0x0, /* */
+/* 14 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfff8 ), /* -8 */
+/* 16 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* Corr flags: early, */
+/* 18 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* Offset= 2 (20) */
+/* 20 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* 16 */
+/* 22 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2f ), /* 47 */
+/* 24 */ NdrFcLong( 0x14 ), /* 20 */
+/* 28 */ NdrFcShort( 0x800b ), /* Simple arm type: FC_HYPER */
+/* 30 */ NdrFcLong( 0x3 ), /* 3 */
+/* 34 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8008 ), /* Simple arm type: FC_LONG */
+/* 36 */ NdrFcLong( 0x11 ), /* 17 */
+/* 40 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8001 ), /* Simple arm type: FC_BYTE */
+/* 42 */ NdrFcLong( 0x2 ), /* 2 */
+/* 46 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8006 ), /* Simple arm type: FC_SHORT */
+/* 48 */ NdrFcLong( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 52 */ NdrFcShort( 0x800a ), /* Simple arm type: FC_FLOAT */
+/* 54 */ NdrFcLong( 0x5 ), /* 5 */
+/* 58 */ NdrFcShort( 0x800c ), /* Simple arm type: FC_DOUBLE */
+/* 60 */ NdrFcLong( 0xb ), /* 11 */
+/* 64 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8006 ), /* Simple arm type: FC_SHORT */
+/* 66 */ NdrFcLong( 0xa ), /* 10 */
+/* 70 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8008 ), /* Simple arm type: FC_LONG */
+/* 72 */ NdrFcLong( 0x6 ), /* 6 */
+/* 76 */ NdrFcShort( 0xe8 ), /* Offset= 232 (308) */
+/* 78 */ NdrFcLong( 0x7 ), /* 7 */
+/* 82 */ NdrFcShort( 0x800c ), /* Simple arm type: FC_DOUBLE */
+/* 84 */ NdrFcLong( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 88 */ NdrFcShort( 0xe2 ), /* Offset= 226 (314) */
+/* 90 */ NdrFcLong( 0xd ), /* 13 */
+/* 94 */ NdrFcShort( 0xf6 ), /* Offset= 246 (340) */
+/* 96 */ NdrFcLong( 0x9 ), /* 9 */
+/* 100 */ NdrFcShort( 0x102 ), /* Offset= 258 (358) */
+/* 102 */ NdrFcLong( 0x2000 ), /* 8192 */
+/* 106 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10e ), /* Offset= 270 (376) */
+/* 108 */ NdrFcLong( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 112 */ NdrFcShort( 0x304 ), /* Offset= 772 (884) */
+/* 114 */ NdrFcLong( 0x4024 ), /* 16420 */
+/* 118 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2fe ), /* Offset= 766 (884) */
+/* 120 */ NdrFcLong( 0x4011 ), /* 16401 */
+/* 124 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2fc ), /* Offset= 764 (888) */
+/* 126 */ NdrFcLong( 0x4002 ), /* 16386 */
+/* 130 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2fa ), /* Offset= 762 (892) */
+/* 132 */ NdrFcLong( 0x4003 ), /* 16387 */
+/* 136 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2f8 ), /* Offset= 760 (896) */
+/* 138 */ NdrFcLong( 0x4014 ), /* 16404 */
+/* 142 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2f6 ), /* Offset= 758 (900) */
+/* 144 */ NdrFcLong( 0x4004 ), /* 16388 */
+/* 148 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2f4 ), /* Offset= 756 (904) */
+/* 150 */ NdrFcLong( 0x4005 ), /* 16389 */
+/* 154 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2f2 ), /* Offset= 754 (908) */
+/* 156 */ NdrFcLong( 0x400b ), /* 16395 */
+/* 160 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2dc ), /* Offset= 732 (892) */
+/* 162 */ NdrFcLong( 0x400a ), /* 16394 */
+/* 166 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2da ), /* Offset= 730 (896) */
+/* 168 */ NdrFcLong( 0x4006 ), /* 16390 */
+/* 172 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2e4 ), /* Offset= 740 (912) */
+/* 174 */ NdrFcLong( 0x4007 ), /* 16391 */
+/* 178 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2da ), /* Offset= 730 (908) */
+/* 180 */ NdrFcLong( 0x4008 ), /* 16392 */
+/* 184 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2dc ), /* Offset= 732 (916) */
+/* 186 */ NdrFcLong( 0x400d ), /* 16397 */
+/* 190 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2da ), /* Offset= 730 (920) */
+/* 192 */ NdrFcLong( 0x4009 ), /* 16393 */
+/* 196 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2d8 ), /* Offset= 728 (924) */
+/* 198 */ NdrFcLong( 0x6000 ), /* 24576 */
+/* 202 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2d6 ), /* Offset= 726 (928) */
+/* 204 */ NdrFcLong( 0x400c ), /* 16396 */
+/* 208 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2d4 ), /* Offset= 724 (932) */
+/* 210 */ NdrFcLong( 0x10 ), /* 16 */
+/* 214 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8002 ), /* Simple arm type: FC_CHAR */
+/* 216 */ NdrFcLong( 0x12 ), /* 18 */
+/* 220 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8006 ), /* Simple arm type: FC_SHORT */
+/* 222 */ NdrFcLong( 0x13 ), /* 19 */
+/* 226 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8008 ), /* Simple arm type: FC_LONG */
+/* 228 */ NdrFcLong( 0x15 ), /* 21 */
+/* 232 */ NdrFcShort( 0x800b ), /* Simple arm type: FC_HYPER */
+/* 234 */ NdrFcLong( 0x16 ), /* 22 */
+/* 238 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8008 ), /* Simple arm type: FC_LONG */
+/* 240 */ NdrFcLong( 0x17 ), /* 23 */
+/* 244 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8008 ), /* Simple arm type: FC_LONG */
+/* 246 */ NdrFcLong( 0xe ), /* 14 */
+/* 250 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2b2 ), /* Offset= 690 (940) */
+/* 252 */ NdrFcLong( 0x400e ), /* 16398 */
+/* 256 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2b6 ), /* Offset= 694 (950) */
+/* 258 */ NdrFcLong( 0x4010 ), /* 16400 */
+/* 262 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2b4 ), /* Offset= 692 (954) */
+/* 264 */ NdrFcLong( 0x4012 ), /* 16402 */
+/* 268 */ NdrFcShort( 0x270 ), /* Offset= 624 (892) */
+/* 270 */ NdrFcLong( 0x4013 ), /* 16403 */
+/* 274 */ NdrFcShort( 0x26e ), /* Offset= 622 (896) */
+/* 276 */ NdrFcLong( 0x4015 ), /* 16405 */
+/* 280 */ NdrFcShort( 0x26c ), /* Offset= 620 (900) */
+/* 282 */ NdrFcLong( 0x4016 ), /* 16406 */
+/* 286 */ NdrFcShort( 0x262 ), /* Offset= 610 (896) */
+/* 288 */ NdrFcLong( 0x4017 ), /* 16407 */
+/* 292 */ NdrFcShort( 0x25c ), /* Offset= 604 (896) */
+/* 294 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 298 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* Offset= 0 (298) */
+/* 300 */ NdrFcLong( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 304 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* Offset= 0 (304) */
+/* 306 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffff ), /* Offset= -1 (305) */
+/* 308 */
+ 0x15, /* FC_STRUCT */
+ 0x7, /* 7 */
+/* 310 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 312 */ 0xb, /* FC_HYPER */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 314 */
+ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 316 */ NdrFcShort( 0xe ), /* Offset= 14 (330) */
+/* 318 */
+ 0x1b, /* FC_CARRAY */
+ 0x1, /* 1 */
+/* 320 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* 2 */
+/* 322 */ 0x9, /* Corr desc: FC_ULONG */
+ 0x0, /* */
+/* 324 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfffc ), /* -4 */
+/* 326 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* Corr flags: early, */
+/* 328 */ 0x6, /* FC_SHORT */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 330 */
+ 0x17, /* FC_CSTRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 332 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 334 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfff0 ), /* Offset= -16 (318) */
+/* 336 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+/* 338 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 340 */
+ 0x2f, /* FC_IP */
+ 0x5a, /* FC_CONSTANT_IID */
+/* 342 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 346 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 348 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 350 */ 0xc0, /* 192 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 352 */ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 354 */ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 356 */ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x46, /* 70 */
+/* 358 */
+ 0x2f, /* FC_IP */
+ 0x5a, /* FC_CONSTANT_IID */
+/* 360 */ NdrFcLong( 0x20400 ), /* 132096 */
+/* 364 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 366 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 368 */ 0xc0, /* 192 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 370 */ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 372 */ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 374 */ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x46, /* 70 */
+/* 376 */
+ 0x13, 0x10, /* FC_OP [pointer_deref] */
+/* 378 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* Offset= 2 (380) */
+/* 380 */
+ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 382 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1e4 ), /* Offset= 484 (866) */
+/* 384 */
+ 0x89, /* 137 */
+/* 386 */ NdrFcShort( 0x20 ), /* 32 */
+/* 388 */ NdrFcShort( 0xa ), /* 10 */
+/* 390 */ NdrFcLong( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 394 */ NdrFcShort( 0x50 ), /* Offset= 80 (474) */
+/* 396 */ NdrFcLong( 0xd ), /* 13 */
+/* 400 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Offset= 112 (512) */
+/* 402 */ NdrFcLong( 0x9 ), /* 9 */
+/* 406 */ NdrFcShort( 0x90 ), /* Offset= 144 (550) */
+/* 408 */ NdrFcLong( 0xc ), /* 12 */
+/* 412 */ NdrFcShort( 0xb0 ), /* Offset= 176 (588) */
+/* 414 */ NdrFcLong( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 418 */ NdrFcShort( 0x102 ), /* Offset= 258 (676) */
+/* 420 */ NdrFcLong( 0x800d ), /* 32781 */
+/* 424 */ NdrFcShort( 0x11e ), /* Offset= 286 (710) */
+/* 426 */ NdrFcLong( 0x10 ), /* 16 */
+/* 430 */ NdrFcShort( 0x138 ), /* Offset= 312 (742) */
+/* 432 */ NdrFcLong( 0x2 ), /* 2 */
+/* 436 */ NdrFcShort( 0x14e ), /* Offset= 334 (770) */
+/* 438 */ NdrFcLong( 0x3 ), /* 3 */
+/* 442 */ NdrFcShort( 0x164 ), /* Offset= 356 (798) */
+/* 444 */ NdrFcLong( 0x14 ), /* 20 */
+/* 448 */ NdrFcShort( 0x17a ), /* Offset= 378 (826) */
+/* 450 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffff ), /* Offset= -1 (449) */
+/* 452 */
+ 0x21, /* FC_BOGUS_ARRAY */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 454 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 456 */ 0x19, /* Corr desc: field pointer, FC_ULONG */
+ 0x0, /* */
+/* 458 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 460 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* Corr flags: early, */
+/* 462 */ NdrFcLong( 0xffffffff ), /* -1 */
+/* 466 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* Corr flags: */
+/* 468 */
+ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 470 */ NdrFcShort( 0xff74 ), /* Offset= -140 (330) */
+/* 472 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 474 */
+ 0x1a, /* FC_BOGUS_STRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 476 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* 16 */
+/* 478 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 480 */ NdrFcShort( 0x6 ), /* Offset= 6 (486) */
+/* 482 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x40, /* FC_STRUCTPAD4 */
+/* 484 */ 0x36, /* FC_POINTER */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 486 */
+ 0x11, 0x0, /* FC_RP */
+/* 488 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffdc ), /* Offset= -36 (452) */
+/* 490 */
+ 0x21, /* FC_BOGUS_ARRAY */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 492 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 494 */ 0x19, /* Corr desc: field pointer, FC_ULONG */
+ 0x0, /* */
+/* 496 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 498 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* Corr flags: early, */
+/* 500 */ NdrFcLong( 0xffffffff ), /* -1 */
+/* 504 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* Corr flags: */
+/* 506 */ 0x4c, /* FC_EMBEDDED_COMPLEX */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 508 */ NdrFcShort( 0xff58 ), /* Offset= -168 (340) */
+/* 510 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 512 */
+ 0x1a, /* FC_BOGUS_STRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 514 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* 16 */
+/* 516 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 518 */ NdrFcShort( 0x6 ), /* Offset= 6 (524) */
+/* 520 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x40, /* FC_STRUCTPAD4 */
+/* 522 */ 0x36, /* FC_POINTER */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 524 */
+ 0x11, 0x0, /* FC_RP */
+/* 526 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffdc ), /* Offset= -36 (490) */
+/* 528 */
+ 0x21, /* FC_BOGUS_ARRAY */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 530 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 532 */ 0x19, /* Corr desc: field pointer, FC_ULONG */
+ 0x0, /* */
+/* 534 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 536 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* Corr flags: early, */
+/* 538 */ NdrFcLong( 0xffffffff ), /* -1 */
+/* 542 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* Corr flags: */
+/* 544 */ 0x4c, /* FC_EMBEDDED_COMPLEX */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 546 */ NdrFcShort( 0xff44 ), /* Offset= -188 (358) */
+/* 548 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 550 */
+ 0x1a, /* FC_BOGUS_STRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 552 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* 16 */
+/* 554 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 556 */ NdrFcShort( 0x6 ), /* Offset= 6 (562) */
+/* 558 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x40, /* FC_STRUCTPAD4 */
+/* 560 */ 0x36, /* FC_POINTER */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 562 */
+ 0x11, 0x0, /* FC_RP */
+/* 564 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffdc ), /* Offset= -36 (528) */
+/* 566 */
+ 0x21, /* FC_BOGUS_ARRAY */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 568 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 570 */ 0x19, /* Corr desc: field pointer, FC_ULONG */
+ 0x0, /* */
+/* 572 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 574 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* Corr flags: early, */
+/* 576 */ NdrFcLong( 0xffffffff ), /* -1 */
+/* 580 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* Corr flags: */
+/* 582 */
+ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 584 */ NdrFcShort( 0x176 ), /* Offset= 374 (958) */
+/* 586 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 588 */
+ 0x1a, /* FC_BOGUS_STRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 590 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* 16 */
+/* 592 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 594 */ NdrFcShort( 0x6 ), /* Offset= 6 (600) */
+/* 596 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x40, /* FC_STRUCTPAD4 */
+/* 598 */ 0x36, /* FC_POINTER */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 600 */
+ 0x11, 0x0, /* FC_RP */
+/* 602 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffdc ), /* Offset= -36 (566) */
+/* 604 */
+ 0x2f, /* FC_IP */
+ 0x5a, /* FC_CONSTANT_IID */
+/* 606 */ NdrFcLong( 0x2f ), /* 47 */
+/* 610 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 612 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 614 */ 0xc0, /* 192 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 616 */ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 618 */ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 620 */ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x46, /* 70 */
+/* 622 */
+ 0x1b, /* FC_CARRAY */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 624 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 626 */ 0x19, /* Corr desc: field pointer, FC_ULONG */
+ 0x0, /* */
+/* 628 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 630 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* Corr flags: early, */
+/* 632 */ 0x1, /* FC_BYTE */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 634 */
+ 0x1a, /* FC_BOGUS_STRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 636 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* 24 */
+/* 638 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 640 */ NdrFcShort( 0xa ), /* Offset= 10 (650) */
+/* 642 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+/* 644 */ 0x4c, /* FC_EMBEDDED_COMPLEX */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 646 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffd6 ), /* Offset= -42 (604) */
+/* 648 */ 0x36, /* FC_POINTER */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 650 */
+ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 652 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffe2 ), /* Offset= -30 (622) */
+/* 654 */
+ 0x21, /* FC_BOGUS_ARRAY */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 656 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 658 */ 0x19, /* Corr desc: field pointer, FC_ULONG */
+ 0x0, /* */
+/* 660 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 662 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* Corr flags: early, */
+/* 664 */ NdrFcLong( 0xffffffff ), /* -1 */
+/* 668 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* Corr flags: */
+/* 670 */
+ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 672 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffda ), /* Offset= -38 (634) */
+/* 674 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 676 */
+ 0x1a, /* FC_BOGUS_STRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 678 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* 16 */
+/* 680 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 682 */ NdrFcShort( 0x6 ), /* Offset= 6 (688) */
+/* 684 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x40, /* FC_STRUCTPAD4 */
+/* 686 */ 0x36, /* FC_POINTER */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 688 */
+ 0x11, 0x0, /* FC_RP */
+/* 690 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffdc ), /* Offset= -36 (654) */
+/* 692 */
+ 0x1d, /* FC_SMFARRAY */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 694 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 696 */ 0x1, /* FC_BYTE */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 698 */
+ 0x15, /* FC_STRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 700 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* 16 */
+/* 702 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x6, /* FC_SHORT */
+/* 704 */ 0x6, /* FC_SHORT */
+/* 706 */ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ NdrFcShort( 0xfff1 ), /* Offset= -15 (692) */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 710 */
+ 0x1a, /* FC_BOGUS_STRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 712 */ NdrFcShort( 0x20 ), /* 32 */
+/* 714 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 716 */ NdrFcShort( 0xa ), /* Offset= 10 (726) */
+/* 718 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x40, /* FC_STRUCTPAD4 */
+/* 720 */ 0x36, /* FC_POINTER */
+/* 722 */ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ NdrFcShort( 0xffe7 ), /* Offset= -25 (698) */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 726 */
+ 0x11, 0x0, /* FC_RP */
+/* 728 */ NdrFcShort( 0xff12 ), /* Offset= -238 (490) */
+/* 730 */
+ 0x1b, /* FC_CARRAY */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 732 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 734 */ 0x19, /* Corr desc: field pointer, FC_ULONG */
+ 0x0, /* */
+/* 736 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 738 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* Corr flags: early, */
+/* 740 */ 0x1, /* FC_BYTE */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 742 */
+ 0x1a, /* FC_BOGUS_STRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 744 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* 16 */
+/* 746 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 748 */ NdrFcShort( 0x6 ), /* Offset= 6 (754) */
+/* 750 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x40, /* FC_STRUCTPAD4 */
+/* 752 */ 0x36, /* FC_POINTER */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 754 */
+ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 756 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffe6 ), /* Offset= -26 (730) */
+/* 758 */
+ 0x1b, /* FC_CARRAY */
+ 0x1, /* 1 */
+/* 760 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* 2 */
+/* 762 */ 0x19, /* Corr desc: field pointer, FC_ULONG */
+ 0x0, /* */
+/* 764 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 766 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* Corr flags: early, */
+/* 768 */ 0x6, /* FC_SHORT */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 770 */
+ 0x1a, /* FC_BOGUS_STRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 772 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* 16 */
+/* 774 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 776 */ NdrFcShort( 0x6 ), /* Offset= 6 (782) */
+/* 778 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x40, /* FC_STRUCTPAD4 */
+/* 780 */ 0x36, /* FC_POINTER */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 782 */
+ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 784 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffe6 ), /* Offset= -26 (758) */
+/* 786 */
+ 0x1b, /* FC_CARRAY */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 788 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 790 */ 0x19, /* Corr desc: field pointer, FC_ULONG */
+ 0x0, /* */
+/* 792 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 794 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* Corr flags: early, */
+/* 796 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 798 */
+ 0x1a, /* FC_BOGUS_STRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 800 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* 16 */
+/* 802 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 804 */ NdrFcShort( 0x6 ), /* Offset= 6 (810) */
+/* 806 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x40, /* FC_STRUCTPAD4 */
+/* 808 */ 0x36, /* FC_POINTER */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 810 */
+ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 812 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffe6 ), /* Offset= -26 (786) */
+/* 814 */
+ 0x1b, /* FC_CARRAY */
+ 0x7, /* 7 */
+/* 816 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 818 */ 0x19, /* Corr desc: field pointer, FC_ULONG */
+ 0x0, /* */
+/* 820 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 822 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* Corr flags: early, */
+/* 824 */ 0xb, /* FC_HYPER */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 826 */
+ 0x1a, /* FC_BOGUS_STRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 828 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* 16 */
+/* 830 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 832 */ NdrFcShort( 0x6 ), /* Offset= 6 (838) */
+/* 834 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x40, /* FC_STRUCTPAD4 */
+/* 836 */ 0x36, /* FC_POINTER */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 838 */
+ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 840 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffe6 ), /* Offset= -26 (814) */
+/* 842 */
+ 0x15, /* FC_STRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 844 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 846 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+/* 848 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 850 */
+ 0x1b, /* FC_CARRAY */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 852 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 854 */ 0x7, /* Corr desc: FC_USHORT */
+ 0x0, /* */
+/* 856 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffc8 ), /* -56 */
+/* 858 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* Corr flags: early, */
+/* 860 */ 0x4c, /* FC_EMBEDDED_COMPLEX */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 862 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffec ), /* Offset= -20 (842) */
+/* 864 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 866 */
+ 0x1a, /* FC_BOGUS_STRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 868 */ NdrFcShort( 0x38 ), /* 56 */
+/* 870 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffec ), /* Offset= -20 (850) */
+/* 872 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* Offset= 0 (872) */
+/* 874 */ 0x6, /* FC_SHORT */
+ 0x6, /* FC_SHORT */
+/* 876 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+/* 878 */ 0x40, /* FC_STRUCTPAD4 */
+/* 880 */ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ NdrFcShort( 0xfe0f ), /* Offset= -497 (384) */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 884 */
+ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 886 */ NdrFcShort( 0xff04 ), /* Offset= -252 (634) */
+/* 888 */
+ 0x13, 0x8, /* FC_OP [simple_pointer] */
+/* 890 */ 0x1, /* FC_BYTE */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 892 */
+ 0x13, 0x8, /* FC_OP [simple_pointer] */
+/* 894 */ 0x6, /* FC_SHORT */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 896 */
+ 0x13, 0x8, /* FC_OP [simple_pointer] */
+/* 898 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 900 */
+ 0x13, 0x8, /* FC_OP [simple_pointer] */
+/* 902 */ 0xb, /* FC_HYPER */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 904 */
+ 0x13, 0x8, /* FC_OP [simple_pointer] */
+/* 906 */ 0xa, /* FC_FLOAT */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 908 */
+ 0x13, 0x8, /* FC_OP [simple_pointer] */
+/* 910 */ 0xc, /* FC_DOUBLE */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 912 */
+ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 914 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfda2 ), /* Offset= -606 (308) */
+/* 916 */
+ 0x13, 0x10, /* FC_OP [pointer_deref] */
+/* 918 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfda4 ), /* Offset= -604 (314) */
+/* 920 */
+ 0x13, 0x10, /* FC_OP [pointer_deref] */
+/* 922 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfdba ), /* Offset= -582 (340) */
+/* 924 */
+ 0x13, 0x10, /* FC_OP [pointer_deref] */
+/* 926 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfdc8 ), /* Offset= -568 (358) */
+/* 928 */
+ 0x13, 0x10, /* FC_OP [pointer_deref] */
+/* 930 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfdd6 ), /* Offset= -554 (376) */
+/* 932 */
+ 0x13, 0x10, /* FC_OP [pointer_deref] */
+/* 934 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* Offset= 2 (936) */
+/* 936 */
+ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 938 */ NdrFcShort( 0x14 ), /* Offset= 20 (958) */
+/* 940 */
+ 0x15, /* FC_STRUCT */
+ 0x7, /* 7 */
+/* 942 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* 16 */
+/* 944 */ 0x6, /* FC_SHORT */
+ 0x1, /* FC_BYTE */
+/* 946 */ 0x1, /* FC_BYTE */
+ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+/* 948 */ 0xb, /* FC_HYPER */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 950 */
+ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 952 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfff4 ), /* Offset= -12 (940) */
+/* 954 */
+ 0x13, 0x8, /* FC_OP [simple_pointer] */
+/* 956 */ 0x2, /* FC_CHAR */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 958 */
+ 0x1a, /* FC_BOGUS_STRUCT */
+ 0x7, /* 7 */
+/* 960 */ NdrFcShort( 0x20 ), /* 32 */
+/* 962 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 964 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* Offset= 0 (964) */
+/* 966 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+/* 968 */ 0x6, /* FC_SHORT */
+ 0x6, /* FC_SHORT */
+/* 970 */ 0x6, /* FC_SHORT */
+ 0x6, /* FC_SHORT */
+/* 972 */ 0x4c, /* FC_EMBEDDED_COMPLEX */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 974 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfc3c ), /* Offset= -964 (10) */
+/* 976 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 978 */ 0xb4, /* FC_USER_MARSHAL */
+ 0x83, /* 131 */
+/* 980 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 982 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* 24 */
+/* 984 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 986 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfc2c ), /* Offset= -980 (6) */
+/* 988 */
+ 0x11, 0xc, /* FC_RP [alloced_on_stack] [simple_pointer] */
+/* 990 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 992 */
+ 0x11, 0xc, /* FC_RP [alloced_on_stack] [simple_pointer] */
+/* 994 */ 0x3, /* FC_SMALL */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x0
+ }
+ };
+ {
+ {
+ VARIANT_UserSize
+ ,VARIANT_UserMarshal
+ ,VARIANT_UserUnmarshal
+ ,VARIANT_UserFree
+ }
+ };
+/* Object interface: IUnknown, ver. 0.0,
+ GUID={0x00000000,0x0000,0x0000,{0xC0,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x46}} */
+/* Object interface: IAccessibleAction, ver. 0.0,
+ GUID={0xB70D9F59,0x3B5A,0x4dba,{0xAB,0x9E,0x22,0x01,0x2F,0x60,0x7D,0xF5}} */
+/* Object interface: IAccessibleHyperlink, ver. 0.0,
+ GUID={0x01C20F2B,0x3DD2,0x400f,{0x94,0x9F,0xAD,0x00,0xBD,0xAB,0x1D,0x41}} */
+#pragma code_seg(".orpc")
+static const unsigned short IAccessibleHyperlink_FormatStringOffsetTable[] =
+ {
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ 0,
+ 44,
+ 88,
+ 126,
+ 164
+ };
+static const MIDL_STUBLESS_PROXY_INFO IAccessibleHyperlink_ProxyInfo =
+ {
+ &Object_StubDesc,
+ AccessibleHyperlink__MIDL_ProcFormatString.Format,
+ &IAccessibleHyperlink_FormatStringOffsetTable[-3],
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0
+ };
+static const MIDL_SERVER_INFO IAccessibleHyperlink_ServerInfo =
+ {
+ &Object_StubDesc,
+ 0,
+ AccessibleHyperlink__MIDL_ProcFormatString.Format,
+ &IAccessibleHyperlink_FormatStringOffsetTable[-3],
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0};
+CINTERFACE_PROXY_VTABLE(14) _IAccessibleHyperlinkProxyVtbl =
+ &IAccessibleHyperlink_ProxyInfo,
+ &IID_IAccessibleHyperlink,
+ IUnknown_QueryInterface_Proxy,
+ IUnknown_AddRef_Proxy,
+ IUnknown_Release_Proxy ,
+ 0 /* IAccessibleAction::nActions */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessibleAction::doAction */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessibleAction::get_description */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessibleAction::get_keyBinding */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessibleAction::get_name */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessibleAction::get_localizedName */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleHyperlink::get_anchor */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleHyperlink::get_anchorTarget */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleHyperlink::get_startIndex */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleHyperlink::get_endIndex */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleHyperlink::get_valid */
+static const PRPC_STUB_FUNCTION IAccessibleHyperlink_table[] =
+ NdrStubCall2,
+ NdrStubCall2,
+ NdrStubCall2,
+ NdrStubCall2,
+ NdrStubCall2
+CInterfaceStubVtbl _IAccessibleHyperlinkStubVtbl =
+ &IID_IAccessibleHyperlink,
+ &IAccessibleHyperlink_ServerInfo,
+ 14,
+ &IAccessibleHyperlink_table[-3],
+static const MIDL_STUB_DESC Object_StubDesc =
+ {
+ 0,
+ NdrOleAllocate,
+ NdrOleFree,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ AccessibleHyperlink__MIDL_TypeFormatString.Format,
+ 1, /* -error bounds_check flag */
+ 0x50002, /* Ndr library version */
+ 0,
+ 0x700022b, /* MIDL Version 7.0.555 */
+ 0,
+ UserMarshalRoutines,
+ 0, /* notify & notify_flag routine table */
+ 0x1, /* MIDL flag */
+ 0, /* cs routines */
+ 0, /* proxy/server info */
+ 0
+ };
+const CInterfaceProxyVtbl * const _AccessibleHyperlink_ProxyVtblList[] =
+ ( CInterfaceProxyVtbl *) &_IAccessibleHyperlinkProxyVtbl,
+ 0
+const CInterfaceStubVtbl * const _AccessibleHyperlink_StubVtblList[] =
+ ( CInterfaceStubVtbl *) &_IAccessibleHyperlinkStubVtbl,
+ 0
+PCInterfaceName const _AccessibleHyperlink_InterfaceNamesList[] =
+ "IAccessibleHyperlink",
+ 0
+const IID * const _AccessibleHyperlink_BaseIIDList[] =
+ &IID_IAccessibleAction,
+ 0
+#define _AccessibleHyperlink_CHECK_IID(n) IID_GENERIC_CHECK_IID( _AccessibleHyperlink, pIID, n)
+int __stdcall _AccessibleHyperlink_IID_Lookup( const IID * pIID, int * pIndex )
+ if(!_AccessibleHyperlink_CHECK_IID(0))
+ {
+ *pIndex = 0;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+const ExtendedProxyFileInfo AccessibleHyperlink_ProxyFileInfo =
+ (PCInterfaceProxyVtblList *) & _AccessibleHyperlink_ProxyVtblList,
+ (PCInterfaceStubVtblList *) & _AccessibleHyperlink_StubVtblList,
+ (const PCInterfaceName * ) & _AccessibleHyperlink_InterfaceNamesList,
+ (const IID ** ) & _AccessibleHyperlink_BaseIIDList,
+ & _AccessibleHyperlink_IID_Lookup,
+ 1,
+ 2,
+ 0, /* table of [async_uuid] interfaces */
+ 0, /* Filler1 */
+ 0, /* Filler2 */
+ 0 /* Filler3 */
+#if _MSC_VER >= 1200
+#pragma warning(pop)
+#endif /* defined(_M_AMD64)*/
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleHypertext.h b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleHypertext.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..91cb85c69e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleHypertext.h
@@ -0,0 +1,349 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the definitions for the interfaces */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:58 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleHypertext.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win64 (32b run), target_arch=AMD64 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+/* verify that the <rpcndr.h> version is high enough to compile this file*/
+#include "rpc.h"
+#include "rpcndr.h"
+#ifndef __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
+#error this stub requires an updated version of <rpcndr.h>
+#endif // __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
+#include "windows.h"
+#include "ole2.h"
+#endif /*COM_NO_WINDOWS_H*/
+#ifndef __AccessibleHypertext_h__
+#define __AccessibleHypertext_h__
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1020)
+#pragma once
+/* Forward Declarations */
+#ifndef __IAccessibleHypertext_FWD_DEFINED__
+#define __IAccessibleHypertext_FWD_DEFINED__
+typedef interface IAccessibleHypertext IAccessibleHypertext;
+#endif /* __IAccessibleHypertext_FWD_DEFINED__ */
+/* header files for imported files */
+#include "objidl.h"
+#include "oaidl.h"
+#include "oleacc.h"
+#include "AccessibleText.h"
+#include "AccessibleHyperlink.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"{
+#ifndef __IAccessibleHypertext_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+#define __IAccessibleHypertext_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+/* interface IAccessibleHypertext */
+/* [uuid][object] */
+EXTERN_C const IID IID_IAccessibleHypertext;
+#if defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(CINTERFACE)
+ MIDL_INTERFACE("6B4F8BBF-F1F2-418a-B35E-A195BC4103B9")
+ IAccessibleHypertext : public IAccessibleText
+ {
+ public:
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_nHyperlinks(
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *hyperlinkCount) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_hyperlink(
+ /* [in] */ long index,
+ /* [retval][out] */ IAccessibleHyperlink **hyperlink) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_hyperlinkIndex(
+ /* [in] */ long charIndex,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *hyperlinkIndex) = 0;
+ };
+#else /* C style interface */
+ typedef struct IAccessibleHypertextVtbl
+ {
+ IAccessibleHypertext * This,
+ /* [in] */ REFIID riid,
+ /* [annotation][iid_is][out] */
+ __RPC__deref_out void **ppvObject);
+ IAccessibleHypertext * This);
+ IAccessibleHypertext * This);
+ IAccessibleHypertext * This,
+ /* [in] */ long startOffset,
+ /* [in] */ long endOffset);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_attributes )(
+ IAccessibleHypertext * This,
+ /* [in] */ long offset,
+ /* [out] */ long *startOffset,
+ /* [out] */ long *endOffset,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *textAttributes);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_caretOffset )(
+ IAccessibleHypertext * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *offset);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_characterExtents )(
+ IAccessibleHypertext * This,
+ /* [in] */ long offset,
+ /* [in] */ enum IA2CoordinateType coordType,
+ /* [out] */ long *x,
+ /* [out] */ long *y,
+ /* [out] */ long *width,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *height);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_nSelections )(
+ IAccessibleHypertext * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nSelections);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_offsetAtPoint )(
+ IAccessibleHypertext * This,
+ /* [in] */ long x,
+ /* [in] */ long y,
+ /* [in] */ enum IA2CoordinateType coordType,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *offset);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_selection )(
+ IAccessibleHypertext * This,
+ /* [in] */ long selectionIndex,
+ /* [out] */ long *startOffset,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *endOffset);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_text )(
+ IAccessibleHypertext * This,
+ /* [in] */ long startOffset,
+ /* [in] */ long endOffset,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *text);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_textBeforeOffset )(
+ IAccessibleHypertext * This,
+ /* [in] */ long offset,
+ /* [in] */ enum IA2TextBoundaryType boundaryType,
+ /* [out] */ long *startOffset,
+ /* [out] */ long *endOffset,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *text);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_textAfterOffset )(
+ IAccessibleHypertext * This,
+ /* [in] */ long offset,
+ /* [in] */ enum IA2TextBoundaryType boundaryType,
+ /* [out] */ long *startOffset,
+ /* [out] */ long *endOffset,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *text);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_textAtOffset )(
+ IAccessibleHypertext * This,
+ /* [in] */ long offset,
+ /* [in] */ enum IA2TextBoundaryType boundaryType,
+ /* [out] */ long *startOffset,
+ /* [out] */ long *endOffset,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *text);
+ IAccessibleHypertext * This,
+ /* [in] */ long selectionIndex);
+ IAccessibleHypertext * This,
+ /* [in] */ long offset);
+ IAccessibleHypertext * This,
+ /* [in] */ long selectionIndex,
+ /* [in] */ long startOffset,
+ /* [in] */ long endOffset);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_nCharacters )(
+ IAccessibleHypertext * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nCharacters);
+ IAccessibleHypertext * This,
+ /* [in] */ long startIndex,
+ /* [in] */ long endIndex,
+ /* [in] */ enum IA2ScrollType scrollType);
+ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *scrollSubstringToPoint )(
+ IAccessibleHypertext * This,
+ /* [in] */ long startIndex,
+ /* [in] */ long endIndex,
+ /* [in] */ enum IA2CoordinateType coordinateType,
+ /* [in] */ long x,
+ /* [in] */ long y);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_newText )(
+ IAccessibleHypertext * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ IA2TextSegment *newText);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_oldText )(
+ IAccessibleHypertext * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ IA2TextSegment *oldText);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_nHyperlinks )(
+ IAccessibleHypertext * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *hyperlinkCount);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_hyperlink )(
+ IAccessibleHypertext * This,
+ /* [in] */ long index,
+ /* [retval][out] */ IAccessibleHyperlink **hyperlink);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_hyperlinkIndex )(
+ IAccessibleHypertext * This,
+ /* [in] */ long charIndex,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *hyperlinkIndex);
+ } IAccessibleHypertextVtbl;
+ interface IAccessibleHypertext
+ {
+ CONST_VTBL struct IAccessibleHypertextVtbl *lpVtbl;
+ };
+#define IAccessibleHypertext_QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) )
+#define IAccessibleHypertext_AddRef(This) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> AddRef(This) )
+#define IAccessibleHypertext_Release(This) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> Release(This) )
+#define IAccessibleHypertext_addSelection(This,startOffset,endOffset) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> addSelection(This,startOffset,endOffset) )
+#define IAccessibleHypertext_get_attributes(This,offset,startOffset,endOffset,textAttributes) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_attributes(This,offset,startOffset,endOffset,textAttributes) )
+#define IAccessibleHypertext_get_caretOffset(This,offset) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_caretOffset(This,offset) )
+#define IAccessibleHypertext_get_characterExtents(This,offset,coordType,x,y,width,height) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_characterExtents(This,offset,coordType,x,y,width,height) )
+#define IAccessibleHypertext_get_nSelections(This,nSelections) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_nSelections(This,nSelections) )
+#define IAccessibleHypertext_get_offsetAtPoint(This,x,y,coordType,offset) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_offsetAtPoint(This,x,y,coordType,offset) )
+#define IAccessibleHypertext_get_selection(This,selectionIndex,startOffset,endOffset) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_selection(This,selectionIndex,startOffset,endOffset) )
+#define IAccessibleHypertext_get_text(This,startOffset,endOffset,text) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_text(This,startOffset,endOffset,text) )
+#define IAccessibleHypertext_get_textBeforeOffset(This,offset,boundaryType,startOffset,endOffset,text) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_textBeforeOffset(This,offset,boundaryType,startOffset,endOffset,text) )
+#define IAccessibleHypertext_get_textAfterOffset(This,offset,boundaryType,startOffset,endOffset,text) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_textAfterOffset(This,offset,boundaryType,startOffset,endOffset,text) )
+#define IAccessibleHypertext_get_textAtOffset(This,offset,boundaryType,startOffset,endOffset,text) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_textAtOffset(This,offset,boundaryType,startOffset,endOffset,text) )
+#define IAccessibleHypertext_removeSelection(This,selectionIndex) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> removeSelection(This,selectionIndex) )
+#define IAccessibleHypertext_setCaretOffset(This,offset) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> setCaretOffset(This,offset) )
+#define IAccessibleHypertext_setSelection(This,selectionIndex,startOffset,endOffset) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> setSelection(This,selectionIndex,startOffset,endOffset) )
+#define IAccessibleHypertext_get_nCharacters(This,nCharacters) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_nCharacters(This,nCharacters) )
+#define IAccessibleHypertext_scrollSubstringTo(This,startIndex,endIndex,scrollType) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> scrollSubstringTo(This,startIndex,endIndex,scrollType) )
+#define IAccessibleHypertext_scrollSubstringToPoint(This,startIndex,endIndex,coordinateType,x,y) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> scrollSubstringToPoint(This,startIndex,endIndex,coordinateType,x,y) )
+#define IAccessibleHypertext_get_newText(This,newText) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_newText(This,newText) )
+#define IAccessibleHypertext_get_oldText(This,oldText) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_oldText(This,oldText) )
+#define IAccessibleHypertext_get_nHyperlinks(This,hyperlinkCount) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_nHyperlinks(This,hyperlinkCount) )
+#define IAccessibleHypertext_get_hyperlink(This,index,hyperlink) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_hyperlink(This,index,hyperlink) )
+#define IAccessibleHypertext_get_hyperlinkIndex(This,charIndex,hyperlinkIndex) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_hyperlinkIndex(This,charIndex,hyperlinkIndex) )
+#endif /* COBJMACROS */
+#endif /* C style interface */
+#endif /* __IAccessibleHypertext_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ */
+/* Additional Prototypes for ALL interfaces */
+/* end of Additional Prototypes */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleHypertext_i.c b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleHypertext_i.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fbc3ef133a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleHypertext_i.c
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the IIDs and CLSIDs */
+/* link this file in with the server and any clients */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:58 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleHypertext.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win64 (32b run), target_arch=AMD64 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"{
+#include <rpc.h>
+#include <rpcndr.h>
+#ifndef INITGUID
+#define INITGUID
+#include <guiddef.h>
+#undef INITGUID
+#include <guiddef.h>
+#define MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(type,name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8) \
+ DEFINE_GUID(name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8)
+#else // !_MIDL_USE_GUIDDEF_
+#ifndef __IID_DEFINED__
+#define __IID_DEFINED__
+typedef struct _IID
+ unsigned long x;
+ unsigned short s1;
+ unsigned short s2;
+ unsigned char c[8];
+} IID;
+#endif // __IID_DEFINED__
+typedef IID CLSID;
+#endif // CLSID_DEFINED
+#define MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(type,name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8) \
+ const type name = {l,w1,w2,{b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8}}
+MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(IID, IID_IAccessibleHypertext,0x6B4F8BBF,0xF1F2,0x418a,0xB3,0x5E,0xA1,0x95,0xBC,0x41,0x03,0xB9);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleHypertext_p.c b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleHypertext_p.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e4df1ac6df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleHypertext_p.c
@@ -0,0 +1,454 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the proxy stub code */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:58 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleHypertext.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win64 (32b run), target_arch=AMD64 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#if defined(_M_AMD64)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+#if _MSC_VER >= 1200
+#pragma warning(push)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4211 ) /* redefine extern to static */
+#pragma warning( disable: 4232 ) /* dllimport identity*/
+#pragma warning( disable: 4024 ) /* array to pointer mapping*/
+#pragma warning( disable: 4152 ) /* function/data pointer conversion in expression */
+/* verify that the <rpcproxy.h> version is high enough to compile this file*/
+#include "rpcproxy.h"
+#error this stub requires an updated version of <rpcproxy.h>
+#endif /* __RPCPROXY_H_VERSION__ */
+#include "AccessibleHypertext.h"
+typedef struct _AccessibleHypertext_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ short Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ TYPE_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+ } AccessibleHypertext_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING;
+typedef struct _AccessibleHypertext_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ short Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ PROC_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+ } AccessibleHypertext_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING;
+typedef struct _AccessibleHypertext_MIDL_EXPR_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ long Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ EXPR_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+ } AccessibleHypertext_MIDL_EXPR_FORMAT_STRING;
+static const RPC_SYNTAX_IDENTIFIER _RpcTransferSyntax =
+extern const AccessibleHypertext_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleHypertext__MIDL_TypeFormatString;
+extern const AccessibleHypertext_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleHypertext__MIDL_ProcFormatString;
+extern const AccessibleHypertext_MIDL_EXPR_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleHypertext__MIDL_ExprFormatString;
+extern const MIDL_STUB_DESC Object_StubDesc;
+extern const MIDL_SERVER_INFO IAccessibleHypertext_ServerInfo;
+extern const MIDL_STUBLESS_PROXY_INFO IAccessibleHypertext_ProxyInfo;
+#if !defined(__RPC_WIN64__)
+#error Invalid build platform for this stub.
+static const AccessibleHypertext_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleHypertext__MIDL_ProcFormatString =
+ {
+ 0,
+ {
+ /* Procedure get_nHyperlinks */
+ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 2 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 6 */ NdrFcShort( 0x16 ), /* 22 */
+/* 8 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 10 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 12 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 14 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 16 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 18 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 20 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 22 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 24 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter hyperlinkCount */
+/* 26 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 28 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 30 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 32 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 34 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 36 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_hyperlink */
+/* 38 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 40 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 44 */ NdrFcShort( 0x17 ), /* 23 */
+/* 46 */ NdrFcShort( 0x20 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 32 */
+/* 48 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 50 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 52 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 54 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 56 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 58 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 60 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 62 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter index */
+/* 64 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 66 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 68 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter hyperlink */
+/* 70 */ NdrFcShort( 0x13 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, */
+/* 72 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 74 */ NdrFcShort( 0x6 ), /* Type Offset=6 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 76 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 78 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 80 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_hyperlinkIndex */
+/* 82 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 84 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 88 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* 24 */
+/* 90 */ NdrFcShort( 0x20 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 32 */
+/* 92 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 94 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 96 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 98 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 100 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 102 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 104 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 106 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter charIndex */
+/* 108 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 110 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 112 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter hyperlinkIndex */
+/* 114 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 116 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 118 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 120 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 122 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 124 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x0
+ }
+ };
+static const AccessibleHypertext_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleHypertext__MIDL_TypeFormatString =
+ {
+ 0,
+ {
+ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 2 */
+ 0x11, 0xc, /* FC_RP [alloced_on_stack] [simple_pointer] */
+/* 4 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 6 */
+ 0x11, 0x10, /* FC_RP [pointer_deref] */
+/* 8 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* Offset= 2 (10) */
+/* 10 */
+ 0x2f, /* FC_IP */
+ 0x5a, /* FC_CONSTANT_IID */
+/* 12 */ NdrFcLong( 0x1c20f2b ), /* 29495083 */
+/* 16 */ NdrFcShort( 0x3dd2 ), /* 15826 */
+/* 18 */ NdrFcShort( 0x400f ), /* 16399 */
+/* 20 */ 0x94, /* 148 */
+ 0x9f, /* 159 */
+/* 22 */ 0xad, /* 173 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 24 */ 0xbd, /* 189 */
+ 0xab, /* 171 */
+/* 26 */ 0x1d, /* 29 */
+ 0x41, /* 65 */
+ 0x0
+ }
+ };
+/* Object interface: IUnknown, ver. 0.0,
+ GUID={0x00000000,0x0000,0x0000,{0xC0,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x46}} */
+/* Object interface: IAccessibleText, ver. 0.0,
+ GUID={0x24FD2FFB,0x3AAD,0x4a08,{0x83,0x35,0xA3,0xAD,0x89,0xC0,0xFB,0x4B}} */
+/* Object interface: IAccessibleHypertext, ver. 0.0,
+ GUID={0x6B4F8BBF,0xF1F2,0x418a,{0xB3,0x5E,0xA1,0x95,0xBC,0x41,0x03,0xB9}} */
+#pragma code_seg(".orpc")
+static const unsigned short IAccessibleHypertext_FormatStringOffsetTable[] =
+ {
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ 0,
+ 38,
+ 82
+ };
+static const MIDL_STUBLESS_PROXY_INFO IAccessibleHypertext_ProxyInfo =
+ {
+ &Object_StubDesc,
+ AccessibleHypertext__MIDL_ProcFormatString.Format,
+ &IAccessibleHypertext_FormatStringOffsetTable[-3],
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0
+ };
+static const MIDL_SERVER_INFO IAccessibleHypertext_ServerInfo =
+ {
+ &Object_StubDesc,
+ 0,
+ AccessibleHypertext__MIDL_ProcFormatString.Format,
+ &IAccessibleHypertext_FormatStringOffsetTable[-3],
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0};
+CINTERFACE_PROXY_VTABLE(25) _IAccessibleHypertextProxyVtbl =
+ &IAccessibleHypertext_ProxyInfo,
+ &IID_IAccessibleHypertext,
+ IUnknown_QueryInterface_Proxy,
+ IUnknown_AddRef_Proxy,
+ IUnknown_Release_Proxy ,
+ 0 /* IAccessibleText::addSelection */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessibleText::get_attributes */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessibleText::get_caretOffset */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessibleText::get_characterExtents */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessibleText::get_nSelections */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessibleText::get_offsetAtPoint */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessibleText::get_selection */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessibleText::get_text */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessibleText::get_textBeforeOffset */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessibleText::get_textAfterOffset */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessibleText::get_textAtOffset */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessibleText::removeSelection */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessibleText::setCaretOffset */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessibleText::setSelection */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessibleText::get_nCharacters */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessibleText::scrollSubstringTo */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessibleText::scrollSubstringToPoint */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessibleText::get_newText */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessibleText::get_oldText */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleHypertext::get_nHyperlinks */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleHypertext::get_hyperlink */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleHypertext::get_hyperlinkIndex */
+static const PRPC_STUB_FUNCTION IAccessibleHypertext_table[] =
+ NdrStubCall2,
+ NdrStubCall2,
+ NdrStubCall2
+CInterfaceStubVtbl _IAccessibleHypertextStubVtbl =
+ &IID_IAccessibleHypertext,
+ &IAccessibleHypertext_ServerInfo,
+ 25,
+ &IAccessibleHypertext_table[-3],
+static const MIDL_STUB_DESC Object_StubDesc =
+ {
+ 0,
+ NdrOleAllocate,
+ NdrOleFree,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ AccessibleHypertext__MIDL_TypeFormatString.Format,
+ 1, /* -error bounds_check flag */
+ 0x50002, /* Ndr library version */
+ 0,
+ 0x700022b, /* MIDL Version 7.0.555 */
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0, /* notify & notify_flag routine table */
+ 0x1, /* MIDL flag */
+ 0, /* cs routines */
+ 0, /* proxy/server info */
+ 0
+ };
+const CInterfaceProxyVtbl * const _AccessibleHypertext_ProxyVtblList[] =
+ ( CInterfaceProxyVtbl *) &_IAccessibleHypertextProxyVtbl,
+ 0
+const CInterfaceStubVtbl * const _AccessibleHypertext_StubVtblList[] =
+ ( CInterfaceStubVtbl *) &_IAccessibleHypertextStubVtbl,
+ 0
+PCInterfaceName const _AccessibleHypertext_InterfaceNamesList[] =
+ "IAccessibleHypertext",
+ 0
+const IID * const _AccessibleHypertext_BaseIIDList[] =
+ &IID_IAccessibleText,
+ 0
+#define _AccessibleHypertext_CHECK_IID(n) IID_GENERIC_CHECK_IID( _AccessibleHypertext, pIID, n)
+int __stdcall _AccessibleHypertext_IID_Lookup( const IID * pIID, int * pIndex )
+ if(!_AccessibleHypertext_CHECK_IID(0))
+ {
+ *pIndex = 0;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+const ExtendedProxyFileInfo AccessibleHypertext_ProxyFileInfo =
+ (PCInterfaceProxyVtblList *) & _AccessibleHypertext_ProxyVtblList,
+ (PCInterfaceStubVtblList *) & _AccessibleHypertext_StubVtblList,
+ (const PCInterfaceName * ) & _AccessibleHypertext_InterfaceNamesList,
+ (const IID ** ) & _AccessibleHypertext_BaseIIDList,
+ & _AccessibleHypertext_IID_Lookup,
+ 1,
+ 2,
+ 0, /* table of [async_uuid] interfaces */
+ 0, /* Filler1 */
+ 0, /* Filler2 */
+ 0 /* Filler3 */
+#if _MSC_VER >= 1200
+#pragma warning(pop)
+#endif /* defined(_M_AMD64)*/
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleImage.h b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleImage.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a01e4dc0b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleImage.h
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the definitions for the interfaces */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:58 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleImage.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win64 (32b run), target_arch=AMD64 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+/* verify that the <rpcndr.h> version is high enough to compile this file*/
+#include "rpc.h"
+#include "rpcndr.h"
+#ifndef __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
+#error this stub requires an updated version of <rpcndr.h>
+#endif // __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
+#include "windows.h"
+#include "ole2.h"
+#endif /*COM_NO_WINDOWS_H*/
+#ifndef __AccessibleImage_h__
+#define __AccessibleImage_h__
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1020)
+#pragma once
+/* Forward Declarations */
+#ifndef __IAccessibleImage_FWD_DEFINED__
+#define __IAccessibleImage_FWD_DEFINED__
+typedef interface IAccessibleImage IAccessibleImage;
+#endif /* __IAccessibleImage_FWD_DEFINED__ */
+/* header files for imported files */
+#include "objidl.h"
+#include "oaidl.h"
+#include "oleacc.h"
+#include "IA2CommonTypes.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"{
+#ifndef __IAccessibleImage_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+#define __IAccessibleImage_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+/* interface IAccessibleImage */
+/* [uuid][object] */
+EXTERN_C const IID IID_IAccessibleImage;
+#if defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(CINTERFACE)
+ IAccessibleImage : public IUnknown
+ {
+ public:
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_description(
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *description) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_imagePosition(
+ /* [in] */ enum IA2CoordinateType coordinateType,
+ /* [out] */ long *x,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *y) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_imageSize(
+ /* [out] */ long *height,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *width) = 0;
+ };
+#else /* C style interface */
+ typedef struct IAccessibleImageVtbl
+ {
+ IAccessibleImage * This,
+ /* [in] */ REFIID riid,
+ /* [annotation][iid_is][out] */
+ __RPC__deref_out void **ppvObject);
+ IAccessibleImage * This);
+ IAccessibleImage * This);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_description )(
+ IAccessibleImage * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *description);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_imagePosition )(
+ IAccessibleImage * This,
+ /* [in] */ enum IA2CoordinateType coordinateType,
+ /* [out] */ long *x,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *y);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_imageSize )(
+ IAccessibleImage * This,
+ /* [out] */ long *height,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *width);
+ } IAccessibleImageVtbl;
+ interface IAccessibleImage
+ {
+ CONST_VTBL struct IAccessibleImageVtbl *lpVtbl;
+ };
+#define IAccessibleImage_QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) )
+#define IAccessibleImage_AddRef(This) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> AddRef(This) )
+#define IAccessibleImage_Release(This) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> Release(This) )
+#define IAccessibleImage_get_description(This,description) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_description(This,description) )
+#define IAccessibleImage_get_imagePosition(This,coordinateType,x,y) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_imagePosition(This,coordinateType,x,y) )
+#define IAccessibleImage_get_imageSize(This,height,width) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_imageSize(This,height,width) )
+#endif /* COBJMACROS */
+#endif /* C style interface */
+#endif /* __IAccessibleImage_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ */
+/* Additional Prototypes for ALL interfaces */
+unsigned long __RPC_USER BSTR_UserSize( unsigned long *, unsigned long , BSTR * );
+unsigned char * __RPC_USER BSTR_UserMarshal( unsigned long *, unsigned char *, BSTR * );
+unsigned char * __RPC_USER BSTR_UserUnmarshal(unsigned long *, unsigned char *, BSTR * );
+void __RPC_USER BSTR_UserFree( unsigned long *, BSTR * );
+/* end of Additional Prototypes */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleImage_i.c b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleImage_i.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1afecd10b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleImage_i.c
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the IIDs and CLSIDs */
+/* link this file in with the server and any clients */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:58 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleImage.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win64 (32b run), target_arch=AMD64 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"{
+#include <rpc.h>
+#include <rpcndr.h>
+#ifndef INITGUID
+#define INITGUID
+#include <guiddef.h>
+#undef INITGUID
+#include <guiddef.h>
+#define MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(type,name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8) \
+ DEFINE_GUID(name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8)
+#else // !_MIDL_USE_GUIDDEF_
+#ifndef __IID_DEFINED__
+#define __IID_DEFINED__
+typedef struct _IID
+ unsigned long x;
+ unsigned short s1;
+ unsigned short s2;
+ unsigned char c[8];
+} IID;
+#endif // __IID_DEFINED__
+typedef IID CLSID;
+#endif // CLSID_DEFINED
+#define MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(type,name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8) \
+ const type name = {l,w1,w2,{b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8}}
+MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(IID, IID_IAccessibleImage,0xFE5ABB3D,0x615E,0x4f7b,0x90,0x9F,0x5F,0x0E,0xDA,0x9E,0x8D,0xDE);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleImage_p.c b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleImage_p.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4b6aff7ba5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleImage_p.c
@@ -0,0 +1,414 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the proxy stub code */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:58 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleImage.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win64 (32b run), target_arch=AMD64 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#if defined(_M_AMD64)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+#if _MSC_VER >= 1200
+#pragma warning(push)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4211 ) /* redefine extern to static */
+#pragma warning( disable: 4232 ) /* dllimport identity*/
+#pragma warning( disable: 4024 ) /* array to pointer mapping*/
+#pragma warning( disable: 4152 ) /* function/data pointer conversion in expression */
+/* verify that the <rpcproxy.h> version is high enough to compile this file*/
+#include "rpcproxy.h"
+#error this stub requires an updated version of <rpcproxy.h>
+#endif /* __RPCPROXY_H_VERSION__ */
+#include "AccessibleImage.h"
+typedef struct _AccessibleImage_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ short Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ TYPE_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+ } AccessibleImage_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING;
+typedef struct _AccessibleImage_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ short Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ PROC_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+ } AccessibleImage_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING;
+typedef struct _AccessibleImage_MIDL_EXPR_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ long Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ EXPR_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+ } AccessibleImage_MIDL_EXPR_FORMAT_STRING;
+static const RPC_SYNTAX_IDENTIFIER _RpcTransferSyntax =
+extern const AccessibleImage_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleImage__MIDL_TypeFormatString;
+extern const AccessibleImage_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleImage__MIDL_ProcFormatString;
+extern const AccessibleImage_MIDL_EXPR_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleImage__MIDL_ExprFormatString;
+extern const MIDL_STUB_DESC Object_StubDesc;
+extern const MIDL_SERVER_INFO IAccessibleImage_ServerInfo;
+extern const MIDL_STUBLESS_PROXY_INFO IAccessibleImage_ProxyInfo;
+#if !defined(__RPC_WIN64__)
+#error Invalid build platform for this stub.
+static const AccessibleImage_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleImage__MIDL_ProcFormatString =
+ {
+ 0,
+ {
+ /* Procedure get_description */
+ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 2 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 6 */ NdrFcShort( 0x3 ), /* 3 */
+/* 8 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 10 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 12 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 14 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 16 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 18 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 20 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 22 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 24 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter description */
+/* 26 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2113 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 28 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 30 */ NdrFcShort( 0x20 ), /* Type Offset=32 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 32 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 34 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 36 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_imagePosition */
+/* 38 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 40 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 44 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 46 */ NdrFcShort( 0x28 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 40 */
+/* 48 */ NdrFcShort( 0x6 ), /* 6 */
+/* 50 */ NdrFcShort( 0x40 ), /* 64 */
+/* 52 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x4, /* 4 */
+/* 54 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 56 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 58 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 60 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 62 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter coordinateType */
+/* 64 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 66 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 68 */ 0xd, /* FC_ENUM16 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter x */
+/* 70 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 72 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 74 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter y */
+/* 76 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 78 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 80 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 82 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 84 */ NdrFcShort( 0x20 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 32 */
+/* 86 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_imageSize */
+/* 88 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 90 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 94 */ NdrFcShort( 0x5 ), /* 5 */
+/* 96 */ NdrFcShort( 0x20 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 32 */
+/* 98 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 100 */ NdrFcShort( 0x40 ), /* 64 */
+/* 102 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 104 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 106 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 108 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 110 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 112 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter height */
+/* 114 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 116 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 118 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter width */
+/* 120 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 122 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 124 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 126 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 128 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 130 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x0
+ }
+ };
+static const AccessibleImage_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleImage__MIDL_TypeFormatString =
+ {
+ 0,
+ {
+ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 2 */
+ 0x11, 0x4, /* FC_RP [alloced_on_stack] */
+/* 4 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1c ), /* Offset= 28 (32) */
+/* 6 */
+ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 8 */ NdrFcShort( 0xe ), /* Offset= 14 (22) */
+/* 10 */
+ 0x1b, /* FC_CARRAY */
+ 0x1, /* 1 */
+/* 12 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* 2 */
+/* 14 */ 0x9, /* Corr desc: FC_ULONG */
+ 0x0, /* */
+/* 16 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfffc ), /* -4 */
+/* 18 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* Corr flags: early, */
+/* 20 */ 0x6, /* FC_SHORT */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 22 */
+ 0x17, /* FC_CSTRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 24 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 26 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfff0 ), /* Offset= -16 (10) */
+/* 28 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+/* 30 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 32 */ 0xb4, /* FC_USER_MARSHAL */
+ 0x83, /* 131 */
+/* 34 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 36 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 38 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 40 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffde ), /* Offset= -34 (6) */
+/* 42 */
+ 0x11, 0xc, /* FC_RP [alloced_on_stack] [simple_pointer] */
+/* 44 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x0
+ }
+ };
+ {
+ {
+ BSTR_UserSize
+ ,BSTR_UserMarshal
+ ,BSTR_UserUnmarshal
+ ,BSTR_UserFree
+ }
+ };
+/* Object interface: IUnknown, ver. 0.0,
+ GUID={0x00000000,0x0000,0x0000,{0xC0,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x46}} */
+/* Object interface: IAccessibleImage, ver. 0.0,
+ GUID={0xFE5ABB3D,0x615E,0x4f7b,{0x90,0x9F,0x5F,0x0E,0xDA,0x9E,0x8D,0xDE}} */
+#pragma code_seg(".orpc")
+static const unsigned short IAccessibleImage_FormatStringOffsetTable[] =
+ {
+ 0,
+ 38,
+ 88
+ };
+static const MIDL_STUBLESS_PROXY_INFO IAccessibleImage_ProxyInfo =
+ {
+ &Object_StubDesc,
+ AccessibleImage__MIDL_ProcFormatString.Format,
+ &IAccessibleImage_FormatStringOffsetTable[-3],
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0
+ };
+static const MIDL_SERVER_INFO IAccessibleImage_ServerInfo =
+ {
+ &Object_StubDesc,
+ 0,
+ AccessibleImage__MIDL_ProcFormatString.Format,
+ &IAccessibleImage_FormatStringOffsetTable[-3],
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0};
+CINTERFACE_PROXY_VTABLE(6) _IAccessibleImageProxyVtbl =
+ &IAccessibleImage_ProxyInfo,
+ &IID_IAccessibleImage,
+ IUnknown_QueryInterface_Proxy,
+ IUnknown_AddRef_Proxy,
+ IUnknown_Release_Proxy ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleImage::get_description */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleImage::get_imagePosition */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleImage::get_imageSize */
+const CInterfaceStubVtbl _IAccessibleImageStubVtbl =
+ &IID_IAccessibleImage,
+ &IAccessibleImage_ServerInfo,
+ 6,
+ 0, /* pure interpreted */
+ CStdStubBuffer_METHODS
+static const MIDL_STUB_DESC Object_StubDesc =
+ {
+ 0,
+ NdrOleAllocate,
+ NdrOleFree,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ AccessibleImage__MIDL_TypeFormatString.Format,
+ 1, /* -error bounds_check flag */
+ 0x50002, /* Ndr library version */
+ 0,
+ 0x700022b, /* MIDL Version 7.0.555 */
+ 0,
+ UserMarshalRoutines,
+ 0, /* notify & notify_flag routine table */
+ 0x1, /* MIDL flag */
+ 0, /* cs routines */
+ 0, /* proxy/server info */
+ 0
+ };
+const CInterfaceProxyVtbl * const _AccessibleImage_ProxyVtblList[] =
+ ( CInterfaceProxyVtbl *) &_IAccessibleImageProxyVtbl,
+ 0
+const CInterfaceStubVtbl * const _AccessibleImage_StubVtblList[] =
+ ( CInterfaceStubVtbl *) &_IAccessibleImageStubVtbl,
+ 0
+PCInterfaceName const _AccessibleImage_InterfaceNamesList[] =
+ "IAccessibleImage",
+ 0
+#define _AccessibleImage_CHECK_IID(n) IID_GENERIC_CHECK_IID( _AccessibleImage, pIID, n)
+int __stdcall _AccessibleImage_IID_Lookup( const IID * pIID, int * pIndex )
+ if(!_AccessibleImage_CHECK_IID(0))
+ {
+ *pIndex = 0;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+const ExtendedProxyFileInfo AccessibleImage_ProxyFileInfo =
+ (PCInterfaceProxyVtblList *) & _AccessibleImage_ProxyVtblList,
+ (PCInterfaceStubVtblList *) & _AccessibleImage_StubVtblList,
+ (const PCInterfaceName * ) & _AccessibleImage_InterfaceNamesList,
+ 0, /* no delegation */
+ & _AccessibleImage_IID_Lookup,
+ 1,
+ 2,
+ 0, /* table of [async_uuid] interfaces */
+ 0, /* Filler1 */
+ 0, /* Filler2 */
+ 0 /* Filler3 */
+#if _MSC_VER >= 1200
+#pragma warning(pop)
+#endif /* defined(_M_AMD64)*/
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleRelation.h b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleRelation.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e153cd8476
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleRelation.h
@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the definitions for the interfaces */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:58 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleRelation.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win64 (32b run), target_arch=AMD64 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+/* verify that the <rpcndr.h> version is high enough to compile this file*/
+#include "rpc.h"
+#include "rpcndr.h"
+#ifndef __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
+#error this stub requires an updated version of <rpcndr.h>
+#endif // __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
+#include "windows.h"
+#include "ole2.h"
+#endif /*COM_NO_WINDOWS_H*/
+#ifndef __AccessibleRelation_h__
+#define __AccessibleRelation_h__
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1020)
+#pragma once
+/* Forward Declarations */
+#ifndef __IAccessibleRelation_FWD_DEFINED__
+#define __IAccessibleRelation_FWD_DEFINED__
+typedef interface IAccessibleRelation IAccessibleRelation;
+#endif /* __IAccessibleRelation_FWD_DEFINED__ */
+/* header files for imported files */
+#include "objidl.h"
+#include "oaidl.h"
+#include "oleacc.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"{
+/* interface __MIDL_itf_AccessibleRelation_0000_0000 */
+/* [local] */
+#define IA2_RELATION_CONTROLLED_BY ( L"controlledBy" )
+#define IA2_RELATION_CONTROLLER_FOR ( L"controllerFor" )
+#define IA2_RELATION_DESCRIBED_BY ( L"describedBy" )
+#define IA2_RELATION_DESCRIPTION_FOR ( L"descriptionFor" )
+#define IA2_RELATION_EMBEDDED_BY ( L"embeddedBy" )
+#define IA2_RELATION_EMBEDS ( L"embeds" )
+#define IA2_RELATION_FLOWS_FROM ( L"flowsFrom" )
+#define IA2_RELATION_FLOWS_TO ( L"flowsTo" )
+#define IA2_RELATION_LABEL_FOR ( L"labelFor" )
+#define IA2_RELATION_LABELED_BY ( L"labelledBy" )
+#define IA2_RELATION_LABELLED_BY ( L"labelledBy" )
+#define IA2_RELATION_MEMBER_OF ( L"memberOf" )
+#define IA2_RELATION_NODE_CHILD_OF ( L"nodeChildOf" )
+#define IA2_RELATION_PARENT_WINDOW_OF ( L"parentWindowOf" )
+#define IA2_RELATION_POPUP_FOR ( L"popupFor" )
+#define IA2_RELATION_SUBWINDOW_OF ( L"subwindowOf" )
+extern RPC_IF_HANDLE __MIDL_itf_AccessibleRelation_0000_0000_v0_0_c_ifspec;
+extern RPC_IF_HANDLE __MIDL_itf_AccessibleRelation_0000_0000_v0_0_s_ifspec;
+#ifndef __IAccessibleRelation_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+#define __IAccessibleRelation_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+/* interface IAccessibleRelation */
+/* [uuid][object] */
+EXTERN_C const IID IID_IAccessibleRelation;
+#if defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(CINTERFACE)
+ IAccessibleRelation : public IUnknown
+ {
+ public:
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_relationType(
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *relationType) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_localizedRelationType(
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *localizedRelationType) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_nTargets(
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nTargets) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_target(
+ /* [in] */ long targetIndex,
+ /* [retval][out] */ IUnknown **target) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_targets(
+ /* [in] */ long maxTargets,
+ /* [length_is][size_is][out] */ IUnknown **targets,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nTargets) = 0;
+ };
+#else /* C style interface */
+ typedef struct IAccessibleRelationVtbl
+ {
+ IAccessibleRelation * This,
+ /* [in] */ REFIID riid,
+ /* [annotation][iid_is][out] */
+ __RPC__deref_out void **ppvObject);
+ IAccessibleRelation * This);
+ IAccessibleRelation * This);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_relationType )(
+ IAccessibleRelation * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *relationType);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_localizedRelationType )(
+ IAccessibleRelation * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *localizedRelationType);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_nTargets )(
+ IAccessibleRelation * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nTargets);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_target )(
+ IAccessibleRelation * This,
+ /* [in] */ long targetIndex,
+ /* [retval][out] */ IUnknown **target);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_targets )(
+ IAccessibleRelation * This,
+ /* [in] */ long maxTargets,
+ /* [length_is][size_is][out] */ IUnknown **targets,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nTargets);
+ } IAccessibleRelationVtbl;
+ interface IAccessibleRelation
+ {
+ CONST_VTBL struct IAccessibleRelationVtbl *lpVtbl;
+ };
+#define IAccessibleRelation_QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) )
+#define IAccessibleRelation_AddRef(This) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> AddRef(This) )
+#define IAccessibleRelation_Release(This) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> Release(This) )
+#define IAccessibleRelation_get_relationType(This,relationType) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_relationType(This,relationType) )
+#define IAccessibleRelation_get_localizedRelationType(This,localizedRelationType) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_localizedRelationType(This,localizedRelationType) )
+#define IAccessibleRelation_get_nTargets(This,nTargets) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_nTargets(This,nTargets) )
+#define IAccessibleRelation_get_target(This,targetIndex,target) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_target(This,targetIndex,target) )
+#define IAccessibleRelation_get_targets(This,maxTargets,targets,nTargets) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_targets(This,maxTargets,targets,nTargets) )
+#endif /* COBJMACROS */
+#endif /* C style interface */
+#endif /* __IAccessibleRelation_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ */
+/* Additional Prototypes for ALL interfaces */
+unsigned long __RPC_USER BSTR_UserSize( unsigned long *, unsigned long , BSTR * );
+unsigned char * __RPC_USER BSTR_UserMarshal( unsigned long *, unsigned char *, BSTR * );
+unsigned char * __RPC_USER BSTR_UserUnmarshal(unsigned long *, unsigned char *, BSTR * );
+void __RPC_USER BSTR_UserFree( unsigned long *, BSTR * );
+/* end of Additional Prototypes */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleRelation_i.c b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleRelation_i.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2ab3837a27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleRelation_i.c
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the IIDs and CLSIDs */
+/* link this file in with the server and any clients */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:58 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleRelation.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win64 (32b run), target_arch=AMD64 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"{
+#include <rpc.h>
+#include <rpcndr.h>
+#ifndef INITGUID
+#define INITGUID
+#include <guiddef.h>
+#undef INITGUID
+#include <guiddef.h>
+#define MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(type,name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8) \
+ DEFINE_GUID(name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8)
+#else // !_MIDL_USE_GUIDDEF_
+#ifndef __IID_DEFINED__
+#define __IID_DEFINED__
+typedef struct _IID
+ unsigned long x;
+ unsigned short s1;
+ unsigned short s2;
+ unsigned char c[8];
+} IID;
+#endif // __IID_DEFINED__
+typedef IID CLSID;
+#endif // CLSID_DEFINED
+#define MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(type,name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8) \
+ const type name = {l,w1,w2,{b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8}}
+MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(IID, IID_IAccessibleRelation,0x7CDF86EE,0xC3DA,0x496a,0xBD,0xA4,0x28,0x1B,0x33,0x6E,0x1F,0xDC);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleRelation_p.c b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleRelation_p.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e02cf7254c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleRelation_p.c
@@ -0,0 +1,520 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the proxy stub code */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:58 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleRelation.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win64 (32b run), target_arch=AMD64 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#if defined(_M_AMD64)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+#if _MSC_VER >= 1200
+#pragma warning(push)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4211 ) /* redefine extern to static */
+#pragma warning( disable: 4232 ) /* dllimport identity*/
+#pragma warning( disable: 4024 ) /* array to pointer mapping*/
+#pragma warning( disable: 4152 ) /* function/data pointer conversion in expression */
+/* verify that the <rpcproxy.h> version is high enough to compile this file*/
+#include "rpcproxy.h"
+#error this stub requires an updated version of <rpcproxy.h>
+#endif /* __RPCPROXY_H_VERSION__ */
+#include "AccessibleRelation.h"
+typedef struct _AccessibleRelation_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ short Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ TYPE_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+ } AccessibleRelation_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING;
+typedef struct _AccessibleRelation_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ short Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ PROC_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+ } AccessibleRelation_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING;
+typedef struct _AccessibleRelation_MIDL_EXPR_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ long Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ EXPR_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+ } AccessibleRelation_MIDL_EXPR_FORMAT_STRING;
+static const RPC_SYNTAX_IDENTIFIER _RpcTransferSyntax =
+extern const AccessibleRelation_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleRelation__MIDL_TypeFormatString;
+extern const AccessibleRelation_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleRelation__MIDL_ProcFormatString;
+extern const AccessibleRelation_MIDL_EXPR_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleRelation__MIDL_ExprFormatString;
+extern const MIDL_STUB_DESC Object_StubDesc;
+extern const MIDL_SERVER_INFO IAccessibleRelation_ServerInfo;
+extern const MIDL_STUBLESS_PROXY_INFO IAccessibleRelation_ProxyInfo;
+#if !defined(__RPC_WIN64__)
+#error Invalid build platform for this stub.
+static const AccessibleRelation_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleRelation__MIDL_ProcFormatString =
+ {
+ 0,
+ {
+ /* Procedure get_relationType */
+ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 2 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 6 */ NdrFcShort( 0x3 ), /* 3 */
+/* 8 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 10 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 12 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 14 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 16 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 18 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 20 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 22 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 24 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter relationType */
+/* 26 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2113 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 28 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 30 */ NdrFcShort( 0x20 ), /* Type Offset=32 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 32 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 34 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 36 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_localizedRelationType */
+/* 38 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 40 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 44 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 46 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 48 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 50 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 52 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 54 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 56 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 58 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 60 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 62 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter localizedRelationType */
+/* 64 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2113 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 66 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 68 */ NdrFcShort( 0x20 ), /* Type Offset=32 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 70 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 72 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 74 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_nTargets */
+/* 76 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 78 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 82 */ NdrFcShort( 0x5 ), /* 5 */
+/* 84 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 86 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 88 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 90 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 92 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 94 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 96 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 98 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 100 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter nTargets */
+/* 102 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 104 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 106 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 108 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 110 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 112 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_target */
+/* 114 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 116 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 120 */ NdrFcShort( 0x6 ), /* 6 */
+/* 122 */ NdrFcShort( 0x20 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 32 */
+/* 124 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 126 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 128 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 130 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 132 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 134 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 136 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 138 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter targetIndex */
+/* 140 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 142 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 144 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter target */
+/* 146 */ NdrFcShort( 0x13 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, */
+/* 148 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 150 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2e ), /* Type Offset=46 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 152 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 154 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 156 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_targets */
+/* 158 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 160 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 164 */ NdrFcShort( 0x7 ), /* 7 */
+/* 166 */ NdrFcShort( 0x28 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 40 */
+/* 168 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 170 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 172 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x4, /* 4 */
+/* 174 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 176 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 178 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 180 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 182 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter maxTargets */
+/* 184 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 186 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 188 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter targets */
+/* 190 */ NdrFcShort( 0x113 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, simple ref, */
+/* 192 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 194 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Type Offset=72 */
+ /* Parameter nTargets */
+/* 196 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 198 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 200 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 202 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 204 */ NdrFcShort( 0x20 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 32 */
+/* 206 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x0
+ }
+ };
+static const AccessibleRelation_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleRelation__MIDL_TypeFormatString =
+ {
+ 0,
+ {
+ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 2 */
+ 0x11, 0x4, /* FC_RP [alloced_on_stack] */
+/* 4 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1c ), /* Offset= 28 (32) */
+/* 6 */
+ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 8 */ NdrFcShort( 0xe ), /* Offset= 14 (22) */
+/* 10 */
+ 0x1b, /* FC_CARRAY */
+ 0x1, /* 1 */
+/* 12 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* 2 */
+/* 14 */ 0x9, /* Corr desc: FC_ULONG */
+ 0x0, /* */
+/* 16 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfffc ), /* -4 */
+/* 18 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* Corr flags: early, */
+/* 20 */ 0x6, /* FC_SHORT */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 22 */
+ 0x17, /* FC_CSTRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 24 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 26 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfff0 ), /* Offset= -16 (10) */
+/* 28 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+/* 30 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 32 */ 0xb4, /* FC_USER_MARSHAL */
+ 0x83, /* 131 */
+/* 34 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 36 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 38 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 40 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffde ), /* Offset= -34 (6) */
+/* 42 */
+ 0x11, 0xc, /* FC_RP [alloced_on_stack] [simple_pointer] */
+/* 44 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 46 */
+ 0x11, 0x10, /* FC_RP [pointer_deref] */
+/* 48 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* Offset= 2 (50) */
+/* 50 */
+ 0x2f, /* FC_IP */
+ 0x5a, /* FC_CONSTANT_IID */
+/* 52 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 56 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 58 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 60 */ 0xc0, /* 192 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 62 */ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 64 */ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 66 */ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x46, /* 70 */
+/* 68 */
+ 0x11, 0x0, /* FC_RP */
+/* 70 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* Offset= 2 (72) */
+/* 72 */
+ 0x21, /* FC_BOGUS_ARRAY */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 74 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 76 */ 0x28, /* Corr desc: parameter, FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* */
+/* 78 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 80 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* Corr flags: early, */
+/* 82 */ 0x28, /* Corr desc: parameter, FC_LONG */
+ 0x54, /* FC_DEREFERENCE */
+/* 84 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 86 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* Corr flags: */
+/* 88 */ 0x4c, /* FC_EMBEDDED_COMPLEX */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 90 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffd8 ), /* Offset= -40 (50) */
+/* 92 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+ 0x0
+ }
+ };
+ {
+ {
+ BSTR_UserSize
+ ,BSTR_UserMarshal
+ ,BSTR_UserUnmarshal
+ ,BSTR_UserFree
+ }
+ };
+/* Standard interface: __MIDL_itf_AccessibleRelation_0000_0000, ver. 0.0,
+ GUID={0x00000000,0x0000,0x0000,{0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00}} */
+/* Object interface: IUnknown, ver. 0.0,
+ GUID={0x00000000,0x0000,0x0000,{0xC0,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x46}} */
+/* Object interface: IAccessibleRelation, ver. 0.0,
+ GUID={0x7CDF86EE,0xC3DA,0x496a,{0xBD,0xA4,0x28,0x1B,0x33,0x6E,0x1F,0xDC}} */
+#pragma code_seg(".orpc")
+static const unsigned short IAccessibleRelation_FormatStringOffsetTable[] =
+ {
+ 0,
+ 38,
+ 76,
+ 114,
+ 158
+ };
+static const MIDL_STUBLESS_PROXY_INFO IAccessibleRelation_ProxyInfo =
+ {
+ &Object_StubDesc,
+ AccessibleRelation__MIDL_ProcFormatString.Format,
+ &IAccessibleRelation_FormatStringOffsetTable[-3],
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0
+ };
+static const MIDL_SERVER_INFO IAccessibleRelation_ServerInfo =
+ {
+ &Object_StubDesc,
+ 0,
+ AccessibleRelation__MIDL_ProcFormatString.Format,
+ &IAccessibleRelation_FormatStringOffsetTable[-3],
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0};
+CINTERFACE_PROXY_VTABLE(8) _IAccessibleRelationProxyVtbl =
+ &IAccessibleRelation_ProxyInfo,
+ &IID_IAccessibleRelation,
+ IUnknown_QueryInterface_Proxy,
+ IUnknown_AddRef_Proxy,
+ IUnknown_Release_Proxy ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleRelation::get_relationType */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleRelation::get_localizedRelationType */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleRelation::get_nTargets */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleRelation::get_target */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleRelation::get_targets */
+const CInterfaceStubVtbl _IAccessibleRelationStubVtbl =
+ &IID_IAccessibleRelation,
+ &IAccessibleRelation_ServerInfo,
+ 8,
+ 0, /* pure interpreted */
+ CStdStubBuffer_METHODS
+static const MIDL_STUB_DESC Object_StubDesc =
+ {
+ 0,
+ NdrOleAllocate,
+ NdrOleFree,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ AccessibleRelation__MIDL_TypeFormatString.Format,
+ 1, /* -error bounds_check flag */
+ 0x50002, /* Ndr library version */
+ 0,
+ 0x700022b, /* MIDL Version 7.0.555 */
+ 0,
+ UserMarshalRoutines,
+ 0, /* notify & notify_flag routine table */
+ 0x1, /* MIDL flag */
+ 0, /* cs routines */
+ 0, /* proxy/server info */
+ 0
+ };
+const CInterfaceProxyVtbl * const _AccessibleRelation_ProxyVtblList[] =
+ ( CInterfaceProxyVtbl *) &_IAccessibleRelationProxyVtbl,
+ 0
+const CInterfaceStubVtbl * const _AccessibleRelation_StubVtblList[] =
+ ( CInterfaceStubVtbl *) &_IAccessibleRelationStubVtbl,
+ 0
+PCInterfaceName const _AccessibleRelation_InterfaceNamesList[] =
+ "IAccessibleRelation",
+ 0
+#define _AccessibleRelation_CHECK_IID(n) IID_GENERIC_CHECK_IID( _AccessibleRelation, pIID, n)
+int __stdcall _AccessibleRelation_IID_Lookup( const IID * pIID, int * pIndex )
+ if(!_AccessibleRelation_CHECK_IID(0))
+ {
+ *pIndex = 0;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+const ExtendedProxyFileInfo AccessibleRelation_ProxyFileInfo =
+ (PCInterfaceProxyVtblList *) & _AccessibleRelation_ProxyVtblList,
+ (PCInterfaceStubVtblList *) & _AccessibleRelation_StubVtblList,
+ (const PCInterfaceName * ) & _AccessibleRelation_InterfaceNamesList,
+ 0, /* no delegation */
+ & _AccessibleRelation_IID_Lookup,
+ 1,
+ 2,
+ 0, /* table of [async_uuid] interfaces */
+ 0, /* Filler1 */
+ 0, /* Filler2 */
+ 0 /* Filler3 */
+#if _MSC_VER >= 1200
+#pragma warning(pop)
+#endif /* defined(_M_AMD64)*/
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleRole.h b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleRole.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bee6466b7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleRole.h
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the definitions for the interfaces */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:59 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleRole.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win64 (32b run), target_arch=AMD64 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+/* verify that the <rpcndr.h> version is high enough to compile this file*/
+#include "rpc.h"
+#include "rpcndr.h"
+#ifndef __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
+#error this stub requires an updated version of <rpcndr.h>
+#endif // __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
+#ifndef __AccessibleRole_h__
+#define __AccessibleRole_h__
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1020)
+#pragma once
+/* Forward Declarations */
+/* header files for imported files */
+#include "objidl.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"{
+/* interface __MIDL_itf_AccessibleRole_0000_0000 */
+/* [local] */
+enum IA2Role
+ IA2_ROLE_CANVAS = 0x401,
+ IA2_ROLE_FRAME = ( IA2_ROLE_FORM + 1 ) ,
+ } ;
+extern RPC_IF_HANDLE __MIDL_itf_AccessibleRole_0000_0000_v0_0_c_ifspec;
+extern RPC_IF_HANDLE __MIDL_itf_AccessibleRole_0000_0000_v0_0_s_ifspec;
+/* Additional Prototypes for ALL interfaces */
+/* end of Additional Prototypes */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleStates.h b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleStates.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fbb6ff99b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleStates.h
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the definitions for the interfaces */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:59 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleStates.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win64 (32b run), target_arch=AMD64 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+/* verify that the <rpcndr.h> version is high enough to compile this file*/
+#include "rpc.h"
+#include "rpcndr.h"
+#ifndef __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
+#error this stub requires an updated version of <rpcndr.h>
+#endif // __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
+#ifndef __AccessibleStates_h__
+#define __AccessibleStates_h__
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1020)
+#pragma once
+/* Forward Declarations */
+/* header files for imported files */
+#include "objidl.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"{
+/* interface __MIDL_itf_AccessibleStates_0000_0000 */
+/* [local] */
+typedef long AccessibleStates;
+enum IA2States
+ { IA2_STATE_ACTIVE = 0x1,
+ IA2_STATE_ARMED = 0x2,
+ IA2_STATE_MODAL = 0x100,
+ IA2_STATE_OPAQUE = 0x400,
+ IA2_STATE_STALE = 0x4000,
+ IA2_STATE_TRANSIENT = 0x10000,
+ IA2_STATE_VERTICAL = 0x20000,
+ IA2_STATE_CHECKABLE = 0x40000,
+ IA2_STATE_PINNED = 0x80000
+ } ;
+extern RPC_IF_HANDLE __MIDL_itf_AccessibleStates_0000_0000_v0_0_c_ifspec;
+extern RPC_IF_HANDLE __MIDL_itf_AccessibleStates_0000_0000_v0_0_s_ifspec;
+/* Additional Prototypes for ALL interfaces */
+/* end of Additional Prototypes */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleTable.h b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleTable.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fb9c7478a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleTable.h
@@ -0,0 +1,497 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the definitions for the interfaces */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:59 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleTable.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win64 (32b run), target_arch=AMD64 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+/* verify that the <rpcndr.h> version is high enough to compile this file*/
+#include "rpc.h"
+#include "rpcndr.h"
+#ifndef __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
+#error this stub requires an updated version of <rpcndr.h>
+#endif // __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
+#include "windows.h"
+#include "ole2.h"
+#endif /*COM_NO_WINDOWS_H*/
+#ifndef __AccessibleTable_h__
+#define __AccessibleTable_h__
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1020)
+#pragma once
+/* Forward Declarations */
+#ifndef __IAccessibleTable_FWD_DEFINED__
+#define __IAccessibleTable_FWD_DEFINED__
+typedef interface IAccessibleTable IAccessibleTable;
+#endif /* __IAccessibleTable_FWD_DEFINED__ */
+/* header files for imported files */
+#include "objidl.h"
+#include "oaidl.h"
+#include "oleacc.h"
+#include "Accessible2.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"{
+#ifndef __IAccessibleTable_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+#define __IAccessibleTable_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+/* interface IAccessibleTable */
+/* [uuid][object] */
+EXTERN_C const IID IID_IAccessibleTable;
+#if defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(CINTERFACE)
+ MIDL_INTERFACE("35AD8070-C20C-4fb4-B094-F4F7275DD469")
+ IAccessibleTable : public IUnknown
+ {
+ public:
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_accessibleAt(
+ /* [in] */ long row,
+ /* [in] */ long column,
+ /* [retval][out] */ IUnknown **accessible) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_caption(
+ /* [retval][out] */ IUnknown **accessible) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_childIndex(
+ /* [in] */ long rowIndex,
+ /* [in] */ long columnIndex,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *cellIndex) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_columnDescription(
+ /* [in] */ long column,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *description) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_columnExtentAt(
+ /* [in] */ long row,
+ /* [in] */ long column,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nColumnsSpanned) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_columnHeader(
+ /* [out] */ IAccessibleTable **accessibleTable,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *startingRowIndex) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_columnIndex(
+ /* [in] */ long cellIndex,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *columnIndex) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_nColumns(
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *columnCount) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_nRows(
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *rowCount) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_nSelectedChildren(
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *cellCount) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_nSelectedColumns(
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *columnCount) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_nSelectedRows(
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *rowCount) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_rowDescription(
+ /* [in] */ long row,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *description) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_rowExtentAt(
+ /* [in] */ long row,
+ /* [in] */ long column,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nRowsSpanned) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_rowHeader(
+ /* [out] */ IAccessibleTable **accessibleTable,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *startingColumnIndex) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_rowIndex(
+ /* [in] */ long cellIndex,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *rowIndex) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_selectedChildren(
+ /* [in] */ long maxChildren,
+ /* [length_is][length_is][size_is][size_is][out] */ long **children,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nChildren) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_selectedColumns(
+ /* [in] */ long maxColumns,
+ /* [length_is][length_is][size_is][size_is][out] */ long **columns,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nColumns) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_selectedRows(
+ /* [in] */ long maxRows,
+ /* [length_is][length_is][size_is][size_is][out] */ long **rows,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nRows) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_summary(
+ /* [retval][out] */ IUnknown **accessible) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_isColumnSelected(
+ /* [in] */ long column,
+ /* [retval][out] */ boolean *isSelected) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_isRowSelected(
+ /* [in] */ long row,
+ /* [retval][out] */ boolean *isSelected) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_isSelected(
+ /* [in] */ long row,
+ /* [in] */ long column,
+ /* [retval][out] */ boolean *isSelected) = 0;
+ /* [in] */ long row) = 0;
+ /* [in] */ long column) = 0;
+ /* [in] */ long row) = 0;
+ virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE unselectColumn(
+ /* [in] */ long column) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_rowColumnExtentsAtIndex(
+ /* [in] */ long index,
+ /* [out] */ long *row,
+ /* [out] */ long *column,
+ /* [out] */ long *rowExtents,
+ /* [out] */ long *columnExtents,
+ /* [retval][out] */ boolean *isSelected) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_modelChange(
+ /* [retval][out] */ IA2TableModelChange *modelChange) = 0;
+ };
+#else /* C style interface */
+ typedef struct IAccessibleTableVtbl
+ {
+ IAccessibleTable * This,
+ /* [in] */ REFIID riid,
+ /* [annotation][iid_is][out] */
+ __RPC__deref_out void **ppvObject);
+ IAccessibleTable * This);
+ IAccessibleTable * This);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_accessibleAt )(
+ IAccessibleTable * This,
+ /* [in] */ long row,
+ /* [in] */ long column,
+ /* [retval][out] */ IUnknown **accessible);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_caption )(
+ IAccessibleTable * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ IUnknown **accessible);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_childIndex )(
+ IAccessibleTable * This,
+ /* [in] */ long rowIndex,
+ /* [in] */ long columnIndex,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *cellIndex);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_columnDescription )(
+ IAccessibleTable * This,
+ /* [in] */ long column,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *description);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_columnExtentAt )(
+ IAccessibleTable * This,
+ /* [in] */ long row,
+ /* [in] */ long column,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nColumnsSpanned);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_columnHeader )(
+ IAccessibleTable * This,
+ /* [out] */ IAccessibleTable **accessibleTable,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *startingRowIndex);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_columnIndex )(
+ IAccessibleTable * This,
+ /* [in] */ long cellIndex,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *columnIndex);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_nColumns )(
+ IAccessibleTable * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *columnCount);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_nRows )(
+ IAccessibleTable * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *rowCount);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_nSelectedChildren )(
+ IAccessibleTable * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *cellCount);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_nSelectedColumns )(
+ IAccessibleTable * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *columnCount);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_nSelectedRows )(
+ IAccessibleTable * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *rowCount);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_rowDescription )(
+ IAccessibleTable * This,
+ /* [in] */ long row,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *description);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_rowExtentAt )(
+ IAccessibleTable * This,
+ /* [in] */ long row,
+ /* [in] */ long column,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nRowsSpanned);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_rowHeader )(
+ IAccessibleTable * This,
+ /* [out] */ IAccessibleTable **accessibleTable,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *startingColumnIndex);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_rowIndex )(
+ IAccessibleTable * This,
+ /* [in] */ long cellIndex,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *rowIndex);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_selectedChildren )(
+ IAccessibleTable * This,
+ /* [in] */ long maxChildren,
+ /* [length_is][length_is][size_is][size_is][out] */ long **children,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nChildren);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_selectedColumns )(
+ IAccessibleTable * This,
+ /* [in] */ long maxColumns,
+ /* [length_is][length_is][size_is][size_is][out] */ long **columns,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nColumns);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_selectedRows )(
+ IAccessibleTable * This,
+ /* [in] */ long maxRows,
+ /* [length_is][length_is][size_is][size_is][out] */ long **rows,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nRows);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_summary )(
+ IAccessibleTable * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ IUnknown **accessible);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_isColumnSelected )(
+ IAccessibleTable * This,
+ /* [in] */ long column,
+ /* [retval][out] */ boolean *isSelected);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_isRowSelected )(
+ IAccessibleTable * This,
+ /* [in] */ long row,
+ /* [retval][out] */ boolean *isSelected);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_isSelected )(
+ IAccessibleTable * This,
+ /* [in] */ long row,
+ /* [in] */ long column,
+ /* [retval][out] */ boolean *isSelected);
+ IAccessibleTable * This,
+ /* [in] */ long row);
+ IAccessibleTable * This,
+ /* [in] */ long column);
+ IAccessibleTable * This,
+ /* [in] */ long row);
+ IAccessibleTable * This,
+ /* [in] */ long column);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_rowColumnExtentsAtIndex )(
+ IAccessibleTable * This,
+ /* [in] */ long index,
+ /* [out] */ long *row,
+ /* [out] */ long *column,
+ /* [out] */ long *rowExtents,
+ /* [out] */ long *columnExtents,
+ /* [retval][out] */ boolean *isSelected);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_modelChange )(
+ IAccessibleTable * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ IA2TableModelChange *modelChange);
+ } IAccessibleTableVtbl;
+ interface IAccessibleTable
+ {
+ CONST_VTBL struct IAccessibleTableVtbl *lpVtbl;
+ };
+#define IAccessibleTable_QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) )
+#define IAccessibleTable_AddRef(This) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> AddRef(This) )
+#define IAccessibleTable_Release(This) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> Release(This) )
+#define IAccessibleTable_get_accessibleAt(This,row,column,accessible) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_accessibleAt(This,row,column,accessible) )
+#define IAccessibleTable_get_caption(This,accessible) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_caption(This,accessible) )
+#define IAccessibleTable_get_childIndex(This,rowIndex,columnIndex,cellIndex) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_childIndex(This,rowIndex,columnIndex,cellIndex) )
+#define IAccessibleTable_get_columnDescription(This,column,description) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_columnDescription(This,column,description) )
+#define IAccessibleTable_get_columnExtentAt(This,row,column,nColumnsSpanned) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_columnExtentAt(This,row,column,nColumnsSpanned) )
+#define IAccessibleTable_get_columnHeader(This,accessibleTable,startingRowIndex) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_columnHeader(This,accessibleTable,startingRowIndex) )
+#define IAccessibleTable_get_columnIndex(This,cellIndex,columnIndex) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_columnIndex(This,cellIndex,columnIndex) )
+#define IAccessibleTable_get_nColumns(This,columnCount) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_nColumns(This,columnCount) )
+#define IAccessibleTable_get_nRows(This,rowCount) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_nRows(This,rowCount) )
+#define IAccessibleTable_get_nSelectedChildren(This,cellCount) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_nSelectedChildren(This,cellCount) )
+#define IAccessibleTable_get_nSelectedColumns(This,columnCount) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_nSelectedColumns(This,columnCount) )
+#define IAccessibleTable_get_nSelectedRows(This,rowCount) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_nSelectedRows(This,rowCount) )
+#define IAccessibleTable_get_rowDescription(This,row,description) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_rowDescription(This,row,description) )
+#define IAccessibleTable_get_rowExtentAt(This,row,column,nRowsSpanned) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_rowExtentAt(This,row,column,nRowsSpanned) )
+#define IAccessibleTable_get_rowHeader(This,accessibleTable,startingColumnIndex) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_rowHeader(This,accessibleTable,startingColumnIndex) )
+#define IAccessibleTable_get_rowIndex(This,cellIndex,rowIndex) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_rowIndex(This,cellIndex,rowIndex) )
+#define IAccessibleTable_get_selectedChildren(This,maxChildren,children,nChildren) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_selectedChildren(This,maxChildren,children,nChildren) )
+#define IAccessibleTable_get_selectedColumns(This,maxColumns,columns,nColumns) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_selectedColumns(This,maxColumns,columns,nColumns) )
+#define IAccessibleTable_get_selectedRows(This,maxRows,rows,nRows) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_selectedRows(This,maxRows,rows,nRows) )
+#define IAccessibleTable_get_summary(This,accessible) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_summary(This,accessible) )
+#define IAccessibleTable_get_isColumnSelected(This,column,isSelected) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_isColumnSelected(This,column,isSelected) )
+#define IAccessibleTable_get_isRowSelected(This,row,isSelected) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_isRowSelected(This,row,isSelected) )
+#define IAccessibleTable_get_isSelected(This,row,column,isSelected) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_isSelected(This,row,column,isSelected) )
+#define IAccessibleTable_selectRow(This,row) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> selectRow(This,row) )
+#define IAccessibleTable_selectColumn(This,column) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> selectColumn(This,column) )
+#define IAccessibleTable_unselectRow(This,row) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> unselectRow(This,row) )
+#define IAccessibleTable_unselectColumn(This,column) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> unselectColumn(This,column) )
+#define IAccessibleTable_get_rowColumnExtentsAtIndex(This,index,row,column,rowExtents,columnExtents,isSelected) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_rowColumnExtentsAtIndex(This,index,row,column,rowExtents,columnExtents,isSelected) )
+#define IAccessibleTable_get_modelChange(This,modelChange) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_modelChange(This,modelChange) )
+#endif /* COBJMACROS */
+#endif /* C style interface */
+#endif /* __IAccessibleTable_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ */
+/* Additional Prototypes for ALL interfaces */
+unsigned long __RPC_USER BSTR_UserSize( unsigned long *, unsigned long , BSTR * );
+unsigned char * __RPC_USER BSTR_UserMarshal( unsigned long *, unsigned char *, BSTR * );
+unsigned char * __RPC_USER BSTR_UserUnmarshal(unsigned long *, unsigned char *, BSTR * );
+void __RPC_USER BSTR_UserFree( unsigned long *, BSTR * );
+/* end of Additional Prototypes */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleTable2.h b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleTable2.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..eeacb21515
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleTable2.h
@@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the definitions for the interfaces */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:59 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleTable2.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win64 (32b run), target_arch=AMD64 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+/* verify that the <rpcndr.h> version is high enough to compile this file*/
+#include "rpc.h"
+#include "rpcndr.h"
+#ifndef __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
+#error this stub requires an updated version of <rpcndr.h>
+#endif // __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
+#include "windows.h"
+#include "ole2.h"
+#endif /*COM_NO_WINDOWS_H*/
+#ifndef __AccessibleTable2_h__
+#define __AccessibleTable2_h__
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1020)
+#pragma once
+/* Forward Declarations */
+#ifndef __IAccessibleTable2_FWD_DEFINED__
+#define __IAccessibleTable2_FWD_DEFINED__
+typedef interface IAccessibleTable2 IAccessibleTable2;
+#endif /* __IAccessibleTable2_FWD_DEFINED__ */
+/* header files for imported files */
+#include "objidl.h"
+#include "oaidl.h"
+#include "oleacc.h"
+#include "Accessible2.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"{
+#ifndef __IAccessibleTable2_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+#define __IAccessibleTable2_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+/* interface IAccessibleTable2 */
+/* [uuid][object] */
+EXTERN_C const IID IID_IAccessibleTable2;
+#if defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(CINTERFACE)
+ MIDL_INTERFACE("6167f295-06f0-4cdd-a1fa-02e25153d869")
+ IAccessibleTable2 : public IUnknown
+ {
+ public:
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_cellAt(
+ /* [in] */ long row,
+ /* [in] */ long column,
+ /* [retval][out] */ IUnknown **cell) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_caption(
+ /* [retval][out] */ IUnknown **accessible) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_columnDescription(
+ /* [in] */ long column,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *description) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_nColumns(
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *columnCount) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_nRows(
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *rowCount) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_nSelectedCells(
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *cellCount) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_nSelectedColumns(
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *columnCount) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_nSelectedRows(
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *rowCount) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_rowDescription(
+ /* [in] */ long row,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *description) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_selectedCells(
+ /* [size_is][size_is][size_is][out] */ IUnknown ***cells,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nSelectedCells) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_selectedColumns(
+ /* [size_is][size_is][out] */ long **selectedColumns,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nColumns) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_selectedRows(
+ /* [size_is][size_is][out] */ long **selectedRows,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nRows) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_summary(
+ /* [retval][out] */ IUnknown **accessible) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_isColumnSelected(
+ /* [in] */ long column,
+ /* [retval][out] */ boolean *isSelected) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_isRowSelected(
+ /* [in] */ long row,
+ /* [retval][out] */ boolean *isSelected) = 0;
+ /* [in] */ long row) = 0;
+ /* [in] */ long column) = 0;
+ /* [in] */ long row) = 0;
+ virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE unselectColumn(
+ /* [in] */ long column) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_modelChange(
+ /* [retval][out] */ IA2TableModelChange *modelChange) = 0;
+ };
+#else /* C style interface */
+ typedef struct IAccessibleTable2Vtbl
+ {
+ IAccessibleTable2 * This,
+ /* [in] */ REFIID riid,
+ /* [annotation][iid_is][out] */
+ __RPC__deref_out void **ppvObject);
+ IAccessibleTable2 * This);
+ IAccessibleTable2 * This);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_cellAt )(
+ IAccessibleTable2 * This,
+ /* [in] */ long row,
+ /* [in] */ long column,
+ /* [retval][out] */ IUnknown **cell);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_caption )(
+ IAccessibleTable2 * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ IUnknown **accessible);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_columnDescription )(
+ IAccessibleTable2 * This,
+ /* [in] */ long column,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *description);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_nColumns )(
+ IAccessibleTable2 * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *columnCount);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_nRows )(
+ IAccessibleTable2 * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *rowCount);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_nSelectedCells )(
+ IAccessibleTable2 * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *cellCount);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_nSelectedColumns )(
+ IAccessibleTable2 * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *columnCount);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_nSelectedRows )(
+ IAccessibleTable2 * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *rowCount);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_rowDescription )(
+ IAccessibleTable2 * This,
+ /* [in] */ long row,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *description);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_selectedCells )(
+ IAccessibleTable2 * This,
+ /* [size_is][size_is][size_is][out] */ IUnknown ***cells,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nSelectedCells);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_selectedColumns )(
+ IAccessibleTable2 * This,
+ /* [size_is][size_is][out] */ long **selectedColumns,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nColumns);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_selectedRows )(
+ IAccessibleTable2 * This,
+ /* [size_is][size_is][out] */ long **selectedRows,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nRows);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_summary )(
+ IAccessibleTable2 * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ IUnknown **accessible);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_isColumnSelected )(
+ IAccessibleTable2 * This,
+ /* [in] */ long column,
+ /* [retval][out] */ boolean *isSelected);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_isRowSelected )(
+ IAccessibleTable2 * This,
+ /* [in] */ long row,
+ /* [retval][out] */ boolean *isSelected);
+ IAccessibleTable2 * This,
+ /* [in] */ long row);
+ IAccessibleTable2 * This,
+ /* [in] */ long column);
+ IAccessibleTable2 * This,
+ /* [in] */ long row);
+ IAccessibleTable2 * This,
+ /* [in] */ long column);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_modelChange )(
+ IAccessibleTable2 * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ IA2TableModelChange *modelChange);
+ } IAccessibleTable2Vtbl;
+ interface IAccessibleTable2
+ {
+ CONST_VTBL struct IAccessibleTable2Vtbl *lpVtbl;
+ };
+#define IAccessibleTable2_QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) )
+#define IAccessibleTable2_AddRef(This) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> AddRef(This) )
+#define IAccessibleTable2_Release(This) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> Release(This) )
+#define IAccessibleTable2_get_cellAt(This,row,column,cell) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_cellAt(This,row,column,cell) )
+#define IAccessibleTable2_get_caption(This,accessible) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_caption(This,accessible) )
+#define IAccessibleTable2_get_columnDescription(This,column,description) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_columnDescription(This,column,description) )
+#define IAccessibleTable2_get_nColumns(This,columnCount) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_nColumns(This,columnCount) )
+#define IAccessibleTable2_get_nRows(This,rowCount) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_nRows(This,rowCount) )
+#define IAccessibleTable2_get_nSelectedCells(This,cellCount) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_nSelectedCells(This,cellCount) )
+#define IAccessibleTable2_get_nSelectedColumns(This,columnCount) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_nSelectedColumns(This,columnCount) )
+#define IAccessibleTable2_get_nSelectedRows(This,rowCount) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_nSelectedRows(This,rowCount) )
+#define IAccessibleTable2_get_rowDescription(This,row,description) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_rowDescription(This,row,description) )
+#define IAccessibleTable2_get_selectedCells(This,cells,nSelectedCells) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_selectedCells(This,cells,nSelectedCells) )
+#define IAccessibleTable2_get_selectedColumns(This,selectedColumns,nColumns) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_selectedColumns(This,selectedColumns,nColumns) )
+#define IAccessibleTable2_get_selectedRows(This,selectedRows,nRows) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_selectedRows(This,selectedRows,nRows) )
+#define IAccessibleTable2_get_summary(This,accessible) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_summary(This,accessible) )
+#define IAccessibleTable2_get_isColumnSelected(This,column,isSelected) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_isColumnSelected(This,column,isSelected) )
+#define IAccessibleTable2_get_isRowSelected(This,row,isSelected) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_isRowSelected(This,row,isSelected) )
+#define IAccessibleTable2_selectRow(This,row) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> selectRow(This,row) )
+#define IAccessibleTable2_selectColumn(This,column) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> selectColumn(This,column) )
+#define IAccessibleTable2_unselectRow(This,row) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> unselectRow(This,row) )
+#define IAccessibleTable2_unselectColumn(This,column) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> unselectColumn(This,column) )
+#define IAccessibleTable2_get_modelChange(This,modelChange) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_modelChange(This,modelChange) )
+#endif /* COBJMACROS */
+#endif /* C style interface */
+#endif /* __IAccessibleTable2_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ */
+/* Additional Prototypes for ALL interfaces */
+unsigned long __RPC_USER BSTR_UserSize( unsigned long *, unsigned long , BSTR * );
+unsigned char * __RPC_USER BSTR_UserMarshal( unsigned long *, unsigned char *, BSTR * );
+unsigned char * __RPC_USER BSTR_UserUnmarshal(unsigned long *, unsigned char *, BSTR * );
+void __RPC_USER BSTR_UserFree( unsigned long *, BSTR * );
+/* end of Additional Prototypes */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleTable2_i.c b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleTable2_i.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..56e5f31fc0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleTable2_i.c
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the IIDs and CLSIDs */
+/* link this file in with the server and any clients */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:59 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleTable2.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win64 (32b run), target_arch=AMD64 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"{
+#include <rpc.h>
+#include <rpcndr.h>
+#ifndef INITGUID
+#define INITGUID
+#include <guiddef.h>
+#undef INITGUID
+#include <guiddef.h>
+#define MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(type,name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8) \
+ DEFINE_GUID(name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8)
+#else // !_MIDL_USE_GUIDDEF_
+#ifndef __IID_DEFINED__
+#define __IID_DEFINED__
+typedef struct _IID
+ unsigned long x;
+ unsigned short s1;
+ unsigned short s2;
+ unsigned char c[8];
+} IID;
+#endif // __IID_DEFINED__
+typedef IID CLSID;
+#endif // CLSID_DEFINED
+#define MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(type,name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8) \
+ const type name = {l,w1,w2,{b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8}}
+MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(IID, IID_IAccessibleTable2,0x6167f295,0x06f0,0x4cdd,0xa1,0xfa,0x02,0xe2,0x51,0x53,0xd8,0x69);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleTable2_p.c b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleTable2_p.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..02c603fde9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleTable2_p.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1099 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the proxy stub code */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:59 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleTable2.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win64 (32b run), target_arch=AMD64 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#if defined(_M_AMD64)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+#if _MSC_VER >= 1200
+#pragma warning(push)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4211 ) /* redefine extern to static */
+#pragma warning( disable: 4232 ) /* dllimport identity*/
+#pragma warning( disable: 4024 ) /* array to pointer mapping*/
+#pragma warning( disable: 4152 ) /* function/data pointer conversion in expression */
+/* verify that the <rpcproxy.h> version is high enough to compile this file*/
+#include "rpcproxy.h"
+#error this stub requires an updated version of <rpcproxy.h>
+#endif /* __RPCPROXY_H_VERSION__ */
+#include "AccessibleTable2.h"
+typedef struct _AccessibleTable2_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ short Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ TYPE_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+ } AccessibleTable2_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING;
+typedef struct _AccessibleTable2_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ short Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ PROC_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+ } AccessibleTable2_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING;
+typedef struct _AccessibleTable2_MIDL_EXPR_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ long Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ EXPR_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+ } AccessibleTable2_MIDL_EXPR_FORMAT_STRING;
+static const RPC_SYNTAX_IDENTIFIER _RpcTransferSyntax =
+extern const AccessibleTable2_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleTable2__MIDL_TypeFormatString;
+extern const AccessibleTable2_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleTable2__MIDL_ProcFormatString;
+extern const AccessibleTable2_MIDL_EXPR_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleTable2__MIDL_ExprFormatString;
+extern const MIDL_STUB_DESC Object_StubDesc;
+extern const MIDL_SERVER_INFO IAccessibleTable2_ServerInfo;
+extern const MIDL_STUBLESS_PROXY_INFO IAccessibleTable2_ProxyInfo;
+#if !defined(__RPC_WIN64__)
+#error Invalid build platform for this stub.
+static const AccessibleTable2_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleTable2__MIDL_ProcFormatString =
+ {
+ 0,
+ {
+ /* Procedure get_cellAt */
+ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 2 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 6 */ NdrFcShort( 0x3 ), /* 3 */
+/* 8 */ NdrFcShort( 0x28 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 40 */
+/* 10 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* 16 */
+/* 12 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 14 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x4, /* 4 */
+/* 16 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 18 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 20 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 22 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 24 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter row */
+/* 26 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 28 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 30 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter column */
+/* 32 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 34 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 36 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter cell */
+/* 38 */ NdrFcShort( 0x13 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, */
+/* 40 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 42 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* Type Offset=2 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 44 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 46 */ NdrFcShort( 0x20 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 32 */
+/* 48 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_caption */
+/* 50 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 52 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 56 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 58 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 60 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 62 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 64 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 66 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 68 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 70 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 72 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 74 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter accessible */
+/* 76 */ NdrFcShort( 0x13 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, */
+/* 78 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 80 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* Type Offset=2 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 82 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 84 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 86 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_columnDescription */
+/* 88 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 90 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 94 */ NdrFcShort( 0x5 ), /* 5 */
+/* 96 */ NdrFcShort( 0x20 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 32 */
+/* 98 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 100 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 102 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 104 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 106 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 108 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 110 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 112 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter column */
+/* 114 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 116 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 118 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter description */
+/* 120 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2113 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 122 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 124 */ NdrFcShort( 0x36 ), /* Type Offset=54 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 126 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 128 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 130 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_nColumns */
+/* 132 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 134 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 138 */ NdrFcShort( 0x6 ), /* 6 */
+/* 140 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 142 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 144 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 146 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 148 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 150 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 152 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 154 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 156 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter columnCount */
+/* 158 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 160 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 162 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 164 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 166 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 168 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_nRows */
+/* 170 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 172 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 176 */ NdrFcShort( 0x7 ), /* 7 */
+/* 178 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 180 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 182 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 184 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 186 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 188 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 190 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 192 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 194 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter rowCount */
+/* 196 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 198 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 200 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 202 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 204 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 206 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_nSelectedCells */
+/* 208 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 210 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 214 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 216 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 218 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 220 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 222 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 224 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 226 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 228 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 230 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 232 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter cellCount */
+/* 234 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 236 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 238 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 240 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 242 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 244 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_nSelectedColumns */
+/* 246 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 248 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 252 */ NdrFcShort( 0x9 ), /* 9 */
+/* 254 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 256 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 258 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 260 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 262 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 264 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 266 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 268 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 270 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter columnCount */
+/* 272 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 274 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 276 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 278 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 280 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 282 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_nSelectedRows */
+/* 284 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 286 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 290 */ NdrFcShort( 0xa ), /* 10 */
+/* 292 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 294 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 296 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 298 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 300 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 302 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 304 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 306 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 308 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter rowCount */
+/* 310 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 312 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 314 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 316 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 318 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 320 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_rowDescription */
+/* 322 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 324 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 328 */ NdrFcShort( 0xb ), /* 11 */
+/* 330 */ NdrFcShort( 0x20 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 32 */
+/* 332 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 334 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 336 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 338 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 340 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 342 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 344 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 346 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter row */
+/* 348 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 350 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 352 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter description */
+/* 354 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2113 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 356 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 358 */ NdrFcShort( 0x36 ), /* Type Offset=54 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 360 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 362 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 364 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_selectedCells */
+/* 366 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 368 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 372 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* 12 */
+/* 374 */ NdrFcShort( 0x20 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 32 */
+/* 376 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 378 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 380 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 382 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 384 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 386 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 388 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 390 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter cells */
+/* 392 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2013 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 394 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 396 */ NdrFcShort( 0x44 ), /* Type Offset=68 */
+ /* Parameter nSelectedCells */
+/* 398 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 400 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 402 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 404 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 406 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 408 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_selectedColumns */
+/* 410 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 412 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 416 */ NdrFcShort( 0xd ), /* 13 */
+/* 418 */ NdrFcShort( 0x20 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 32 */
+/* 420 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 422 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 424 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 426 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 428 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 430 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 432 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 434 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter selectedColumns */
+/* 436 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2013 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 438 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 440 */ NdrFcShort( 0x62 ), /* Type Offset=98 */
+ /* Parameter nColumns */
+/* 442 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 444 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 446 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 448 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 450 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 452 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_selectedRows */
+/* 454 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 456 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 460 */ NdrFcShort( 0xe ), /* 14 */
+/* 462 */ NdrFcShort( 0x20 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 32 */
+/* 464 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 466 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 468 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 470 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 472 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 474 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 476 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 478 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter selectedRows */
+/* 480 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2013 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 482 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 484 */ NdrFcShort( 0x62 ), /* Type Offset=98 */
+ /* Parameter nRows */
+/* 486 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 488 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 490 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 492 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 494 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 496 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_summary */
+/* 498 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 500 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 504 */ NdrFcShort( 0xf ), /* 15 */
+/* 506 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 508 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 510 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 512 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 514 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 516 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 518 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 520 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 522 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter accessible */
+/* 524 */ NdrFcShort( 0x13 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, */
+/* 526 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 528 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* Type Offset=2 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 530 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 532 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 534 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_isColumnSelected */
+/* 536 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 538 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 542 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* 16 */
+/* 544 */ NdrFcShort( 0x20 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 32 */
+/* 546 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 548 */ NdrFcShort( 0x21 ), /* 33 */
+/* 550 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 552 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 554 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 556 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 558 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 560 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter column */
+/* 562 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 564 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 566 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter isSelected */
+/* 568 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 570 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 572 */ 0x3, /* FC_SMALL */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 574 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 576 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 578 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_isRowSelected */
+/* 580 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 582 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 586 */ NdrFcShort( 0x11 ), /* 17 */
+/* 588 */ NdrFcShort( 0x20 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 32 */
+/* 590 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 592 */ NdrFcShort( 0x21 ), /* 33 */
+/* 594 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 596 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 598 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 600 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 602 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 604 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter row */
+/* 606 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 608 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 610 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter isSelected */
+/* 612 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 614 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 616 */ 0x3, /* FC_SMALL */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 618 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 620 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 622 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure selectRow */
+/* 624 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 626 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 630 */ NdrFcShort( 0x12 ), /* 18 */
+/* 632 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 634 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 636 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 638 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 640 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 642 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 644 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 646 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 648 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter row */
+/* 650 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 652 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 654 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 656 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 658 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 660 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure selectColumn */
+/* 662 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 664 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 668 */ NdrFcShort( 0x13 ), /* 19 */
+/* 670 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 672 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 674 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 676 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 678 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 680 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 682 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 684 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 686 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter column */
+/* 688 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 690 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 692 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 694 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 696 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 698 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure unselectRow */
+/* 700 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 702 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 706 */ NdrFcShort( 0x14 ), /* 20 */
+/* 708 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 710 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 712 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 714 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 716 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 718 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 720 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 722 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 724 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter row */
+/* 726 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 728 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 730 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 732 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 734 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 736 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure unselectColumn */
+/* 738 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 740 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 744 */ NdrFcShort( 0x15 ), /* 21 */
+/* 746 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 748 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 750 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 752 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 754 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 756 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 758 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 760 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 762 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter column */
+/* 764 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 766 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 768 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 770 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 772 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 774 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_modelChange */
+/* 776 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 778 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 782 */ NdrFcShort( 0x16 ), /* 22 */
+/* 784 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 786 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 788 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 790 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 792 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 794 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 796 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 798 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 800 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter modelChange */
+/* 802 */ NdrFcShort( 0x6113 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, simple ref, srv alloc size=24 */
+/* 804 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 806 */ NdrFcShort( 0x7e ), /* Type Offset=126 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 808 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 810 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 812 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x0
+ }
+ };
+static const AccessibleTable2_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleTable2__MIDL_TypeFormatString =
+ {
+ 0,
+ {
+ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 2 */
+ 0x11, 0x10, /* FC_RP [pointer_deref] */
+/* 4 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* Offset= 2 (6) */
+/* 6 */
+ 0x2f, /* FC_IP */
+ 0x5a, /* FC_CONSTANT_IID */
+/* 8 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 12 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 14 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 16 */ 0xc0, /* 192 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 18 */ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 20 */ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 22 */ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x46, /* 70 */
+/* 24 */
+ 0x11, 0x4, /* FC_RP [alloced_on_stack] */
+/* 26 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1c ), /* Offset= 28 (54) */
+/* 28 */
+ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 30 */ NdrFcShort( 0xe ), /* Offset= 14 (44) */
+/* 32 */
+ 0x1b, /* FC_CARRAY */
+ 0x1, /* 1 */
+/* 34 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* 2 */
+/* 36 */ 0x9, /* Corr desc: FC_ULONG */
+ 0x0, /* */
+/* 38 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfffc ), /* -4 */
+/* 40 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* Corr flags: early, */
+/* 42 */ 0x6, /* FC_SHORT */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 44 */
+ 0x17, /* FC_CSTRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 46 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 48 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfff0 ), /* Offset= -16 (32) */
+/* 50 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+/* 52 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 54 */ 0xb4, /* FC_USER_MARSHAL */
+ 0x83, /* 131 */
+/* 56 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 58 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 60 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 62 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffde ), /* Offset= -34 (28) */
+/* 64 */
+ 0x11, 0xc, /* FC_RP [alloced_on_stack] [simple_pointer] */
+/* 66 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 68 */
+ 0x11, 0x14, /* FC_RP [alloced_on_stack] [pointer_deref] */
+/* 70 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* Offset= 2 (72) */
+/* 72 */
+ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 74 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* Offset= 2 (76) */
+/* 76 */
+ 0x21, /* FC_BOGUS_ARRAY */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 78 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 80 */ 0x28, /* Corr desc: parameter, FC_LONG */
+ 0x54, /* FC_DEREFERENCE */
+/* 82 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 84 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* Corr flags: */
+/* 86 */ NdrFcLong( 0xffffffff ), /* -1 */
+/* 90 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* Corr flags: */
+/* 92 */ 0x4c, /* FC_EMBEDDED_COMPLEX */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 94 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffa8 ), /* Offset= -88 (6) */
+/* 96 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 98 */
+ 0x11, 0x14, /* FC_RP [alloced_on_stack] [pointer_deref] */
+/* 100 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* Offset= 2 (102) */
+/* 102 */
+ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 104 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* Offset= 2 (106) */
+/* 106 */
+ 0x1b, /* FC_CARRAY */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 108 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 110 */ 0x28, /* Corr desc: parameter, FC_LONG */
+ 0x54, /* FC_DEREFERENCE */
+/* 112 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 114 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* Corr flags: */
+/* 116 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 118 */
+ 0x11, 0xc, /* FC_RP [alloced_on_stack] [simple_pointer] */
+/* 120 */ 0x3, /* FC_SMALL */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 122 */
+ 0x11, 0x4, /* FC_RP [alloced_on_stack] */
+/* 124 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* Offset= 2 (126) */
+/* 126 */
+ 0x1a, /* FC_BOGUS_STRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 128 */ NdrFcShort( 0x14 ), /* 20 */
+/* 130 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 132 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* Offset= 0 (132) */
+/* 134 */ 0xd, /* FC_ENUM16 */
+ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+/* 136 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+/* 138 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+ 0x0
+ }
+ };
+ {
+ {
+ BSTR_UserSize
+ ,BSTR_UserMarshal
+ ,BSTR_UserUnmarshal
+ ,BSTR_UserFree
+ }
+ };
+/* Object interface: IUnknown, ver. 0.0,
+ GUID={0x00000000,0x0000,0x0000,{0xC0,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x46}} */
+/* Object interface: IAccessibleTable2, ver. 0.0,
+ GUID={0x6167f295,0x06f0,0x4cdd,{0xa1,0xfa,0x02,0xe2,0x51,0x53,0xd8,0x69}} */
+#pragma code_seg(".orpc")
+static const unsigned short IAccessibleTable2_FormatStringOffsetTable[] =
+ {
+ 0,
+ 50,
+ 88,
+ 132,
+ 170,
+ 208,
+ 246,
+ 284,
+ 322,
+ 366,
+ 410,
+ 454,
+ 498,
+ 536,
+ 580,
+ 624,
+ 662,
+ 700,
+ 738,
+ 776
+ };
+static const MIDL_STUBLESS_PROXY_INFO IAccessibleTable2_ProxyInfo =
+ {
+ &Object_StubDesc,
+ AccessibleTable2__MIDL_ProcFormatString.Format,
+ &IAccessibleTable2_FormatStringOffsetTable[-3],
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0
+ };
+static const MIDL_SERVER_INFO IAccessibleTable2_ServerInfo =
+ {
+ &Object_StubDesc,
+ 0,
+ AccessibleTable2__MIDL_ProcFormatString.Format,
+ &IAccessibleTable2_FormatStringOffsetTable[-3],
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0};
+CINTERFACE_PROXY_VTABLE(23) _IAccessibleTable2ProxyVtbl =
+ &IAccessibleTable2_ProxyInfo,
+ &IID_IAccessibleTable2,
+ IUnknown_QueryInterface_Proxy,
+ IUnknown_AddRef_Proxy,
+ IUnknown_Release_Proxy ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable2::get_cellAt */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable2::get_caption */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable2::get_columnDescription */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable2::get_nColumns */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable2::get_nRows */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable2::get_nSelectedCells */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable2::get_nSelectedColumns */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable2::get_nSelectedRows */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable2::get_rowDescription */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable2::get_selectedCells */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable2::get_selectedColumns */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable2::get_selectedRows */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable2::get_summary */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable2::get_isColumnSelected */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable2::get_isRowSelected */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable2::selectRow */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable2::selectColumn */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable2::unselectRow */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable2::unselectColumn */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable2::get_modelChange */
+const CInterfaceStubVtbl _IAccessibleTable2StubVtbl =
+ &IID_IAccessibleTable2,
+ &IAccessibleTable2_ServerInfo,
+ 23,
+ 0, /* pure interpreted */
+ CStdStubBuffer_METHODS
+static const MIDL_STUB_DESC Object_StubDesc =
+ {
+ 0,
+ NdrOleAllocate,
+ NdrOleFree,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ AccessibleTable2__MIDL_TypeFormatString.Format,
+ 1, /* -error bounds_check flag */
+ 0x50002, /* Ndr library version */
+ 0,
+ 0x700022b, /* MIDL Version 7.0.555 */
+ 0,
+ UserMarshalRoutines,
+ 0, /* notify & notify_flag routine table */
+ 0x1, /* MIDL flag */
+ 0, /* cs routines */
+ 0, /* proxy/server info */
+ 0
+ };
+const CInterfaceProxyVtbl * const _AccessibleTable2_ProxyVtblList[] =
+ ( CInterfaceProxyVtbl *) &_IAccessibleTable2ProxyVtbl,
+ 0
+const CInterfaceStubVtbl * const _AccessibleTable2_StubVtblList[] =
+ ( CInterfaceStubVtbl *) &_IAccessibleTable2StubVtbl,
+ 0
+PCInterfaceName const _AccessibleTable2_InterfaceNamesList[] =
+ "IAccessibleTable2",
+ 0
+#define _AccessibleTable2_CHECK_IID(n) IID_GENERIC_CHECK_IID( _AccessibleTable2, pIID, n)
+int __stdcall _AccessibleTable2_IID_Lookup( const IID * pIID, int * pIndex )
+ if(!_AccessibleTable2_CHECK_IID(0))
+ {
+ *pIndex = 0;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+const ExtendedProxyFileInfo AccessibleTable2_ProxyFileInfo =
+ (PCInterfaceProxyVtblList *) & _AccessibleTable2_ProxyVtblList,
+ (PCInterfaceStubVtblList *) & _AccessibleTable2_StubVtblList,
+ (const PCInterfaceName * ) & _AccessibleTable2_InterfaceNamesList,
+ 0, /* no delegation */
+ & _AccessibleTable2_IID_Lookup,
+ 1,
+ 2,
+ 0, /* table of [async_uuid] interfaces */
+ 0, /* Filler1 */
+ 0, /* Filler2 */
+ 0 /* Filler3 */
+#if _MSC_VER >= 1200
+#pragma warning(pop)
+#endif /* defined(_M_AMD64)*/
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleTableCell.h b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleTableCell.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..85648fcc7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleTableCell.h
@@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the definitions for the interfaces */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:54:00 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleTableCell.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win64 (32b run), target_arch=AMD64 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+/* verify that the <rpcndr.h> version is high enough to compile this file*/
+#include "rpc.h"
+#include "rpcndr.h"
+#ifndef __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
+#error this stub requires an updated version of <rpcndr.h>
+#endif // __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
+#include "windows.h"
+#include "ole2.h"
+#endif /*COM_NO_WINDOWS_H*/
+#ifndef __AccessibleTableCell_h__
+#define __AccessibleTableCell_h__
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1020)
+#pragma once
+/* Forward Declarations */
+#ifndef __IAccessibleTableCell_FWD_DEFINED__
+#define __IAccessibleTableCell_FWD_DEFINED__
+typedef interface IAccessibleTableCell IAccessibleTableCell;
+#endif /* __IAccessibleTableCell_FWD_DEFINED__ */
+/* header files for imported files */
+#include "objidl.h"
+#include "oaidl.h"
+#include "oleacc.h"
+#include "Accessible2.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"{
+#ifndef __IAccessibleTableCell_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+#define __IAccessibleTableCell_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+/* interface IAccessibleTableCell */
+/* [uuid][object] */
+EXTERN_C const IID IID_IAccessibleTableCell;
+#if defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(CINTERFACE)
+ MIDL_INTERFACE("594116B1-C99F-4847-AD06-0A7A86ECE645")
+ IAccessibleTableCell : public IUnknown
+ {
+ public:
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_columnExtent(
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nColumnsSpanned) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_columnHeaderCells(
+ /* [size_is][size_is][size_is][out] */ IUnknown ***cellAccessibles,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nColumnHeaderCells) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_columnIndex(
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *columnIndex) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_rowExtent(
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nRowsSpanned) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_rowHeaderCells(
+ /* [size_is][size_is][size_is][out] */ IUnknown ***cellAccessibles,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nRowHeaderCells) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_rowIndex(
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *rowIndex) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_isSelected(
+ /* [retval][out] */ boolean *isSelected) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_rowColumnExtents(
+ /* [out] */ long *row,
+ /* [out] */ long *column,
+ /* [out] */ long *rowExtents,
+ /* [out] */ long *columnExtents,
+ /* [retval][out] */ boolean *isSelected) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_table(
+ /* [retval][out] */ IUnknown **table) = 0;
+ };
+#else /* C style interface */
+ typedef struct IAccessibleTableCellVtbl
+ {
+ IAccessibleTableCell * This,
+ /* [in] */ REFIID riid,
+ /* [annotation][iid_is][out] */
+ __RPC__deref_out void **ppvObject);
+ IAccessibleTableCell * This);
+ IAccessibleTableCell * This);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_columnExtent )(
+ IAccessibleTableCell * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nColumnsSpanned);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_columnHeaderCells )(
+ IAccessibleTableCell * This,
+ /* [size_is][size_is][size_is][out] */ IUnknown ***cellAccessibles,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nColumnHeaderCells);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_columnIndex )(
+ IAccessibleTableCell * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *columnIndex);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_rowExtent )(
+ IAccessibleTableCell * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nRowsSpanned);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_rowHeaderCells )(
+ IAccessibleTableCell * This,
+ /* [size_is][size_is][size_is][out] */ IUnknown ***cellAccessibles,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nRowHeaderCells);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_rowIndex )(
+ IAccessibleTableCell * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *rowIndex);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_isSelected )(
+ IAccessibleTableCell * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ boolean *isSelected);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_rowColumnExtents )(
+ IAccessibleTableCell * This,
+ /* [out] */ long *row,
+ /* [out] */ long *column,
+ /* [out] */ long *rowExtents,
+ /* [out] */ long *columnExtents,
+ /* [retval][out] */ boolean *isSelected);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_table )(
+ IAccessibleTableCell * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ IUnknown **table);
+ } IAccessibleTableCellVtbl;
+ interface IAccessibleTableCell
+ {
+ CONST_VTBL struct IAccessibleTableCellVtbl *lpVtbl;
+ };
+#define IAccessibleTableCell_QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) )
+#define IAccessibleTableCell_AddRef(This) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> AddRef(This) )
+#define IAccessibleTableCell_Release(This) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> Release(This) )
+#define IAccessibleTableCell_get_columnExtent(This,nColumnsSpanned) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_columnExtent(This,nColumnsSpanned) )
+#define IAccessibleTableCell_get_columnHeaderCells(This,cellAccessibles,nColumnHeaderCells) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_columnHeaderCells(This,cellAccessibles,nColumnHeaderCells) )
+#define IAccessibleTableCell_get_columnIndex(This,columnIndex) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_columnIndex(This,columnIndex) )
+#define IAccessibleTableCell_get_rowExtent(This,nRowsSpanned) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_rowExtent(This,nRowsSpanned) )
+#define IAccessibleTableCell_get_rowHeaderCells(This,cellAccessibles,nRowHeaderCells) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_rowHeaderCells(This,cellAccessibles,nRowHeaderCells) )
+#define IAccessibleTableCell_get_rowIndex(This,rowIndex) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_rowIndex(This,rowIndex) )
+#define IAccessibleTableCell_get_isSelected(This,isSelected) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_isSelected(This,isSelected) )
+#define IAccessibleTableCell_get_rowColumnExtents(This,row,column,rowExtents,columnExtents,isSelected) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_rowColumnExtents(This,row,column,rowExtents,columnExtents,isSelected) )
+#define IAccessibleTableCell_get_table(This,table) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_table(This,table) )
+#endif /* COBJMACROS */
+#endif /* C style interface */
+#endif /* __IAccessibleTableCell_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ */
+/* Additional Prototypes for ALL interfaces */
+/* end of Additional Prototypes */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleTableCell_i.c b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleTableCell_i.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fa94037d95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleTableCell_i.c
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the IIDs and CLSIDs */
+/* link this file in with the server and any clients */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:54:00 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleTableCell.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win64 (32b run), target_arch=AMD64 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"{
+#include <rpc.h>
+#include <rpcndr.h>
+#ifndef INITGUID
+#define INITGUID
+#include <guiddef.h>
+#undef INITGUID
+#include <guiddef.h>
+#define MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(type,name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8) \
+ DEFINE_GUID(name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8)
+#else // !_MIDL_USE_GUIDDEF_
+#ifndef __IID_DEFINED__
+#define __IID_DEFINED__
+typedef struct _IID
+ unsigned long x;
+ unsigned short s1;
+ unsigned short s2;
+ unsigned char c[8];
+} IID;
+#endif // __IID_DEFINED__
+typedef IID CLSID;
+#endif // CLSID_DEFINED
+#define MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(type,name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8) \
+ const type name = {l,w1,w2,{b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8}}
+MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(IID, IID_IAccessibleTableCell,0x594116B1,0xC99F,0x4847,0xAD,0x06,0x0A,0x7A,0x86,0xEC,0xE6,0x45);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleTableCell_p.c b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleTableCell_p.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bf18e659b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleTableCell_p.c
@@ -0,0 +1,634 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the proxy stub code */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:54:00 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleTableCell.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win64 (32b run), target_arch=AMD64 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#if defined(_M_AMD64)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+#if _MSC_VER >= 1200
+#pragma warning(push)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4211 ) /* redefine extern to static */
+#pragma warning( disable: 4232 ) /* dllimport identity*/
+#pragma warning( disable: 4024 ) /* array to pointer mapping*/
+#pragma warning( disable: 4152 ) /* function/data pointer conversion in expression */
+/* verify that the <rpcproxy.h> version is high enough to compile this file*/
+#include "rpcproxy.h"
+#error this stub requires an updated version of <rpcproxy.h>
+#endif /* __RPCPROXY_H_VERSION__ */
+#include "AccessibleTableCell.h"
+typedef struct _AccessibleTableCell_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ short Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ TYPE_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+ } AccessibleTableCell_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING;
+typedef struct _AccessibleTableCell_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ short Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ PROC_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+ } AccessibleTableCell_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING;
+typedef struct _AccessibleTableCell_MIDL_EXPR_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ long Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ EXPR_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+ } AccessibleTableCell_MIDL_EXPR_FORMAT_STRING;
+static const RPC_SYNTAX_IDENTIFIER _RpcTransferSyntax =
+extern const AccessibleTableCell_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleTableCell__MIDL_TypeFormatString;
+extern const AccessibleTableCell_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleTableCell__MIDL_ProcFormatString;
+extern const AccessibleTableCell_MIDL_EXPR_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleTableCell__MIDL_ExprFormatString;
+extern const MIDL_STUB_DESC Object_StubDesc;
+extern const MIDL_SERVER_INFO IAccessibleTableCell_ServerInfo;
+extern const MIDL_STUBLESS_PROXY_INFO IAccessibleTableCell_ProxyInfo;
+#if !defined(__RPC_WIN64__)
+#error Invalid build platform for this stub.
+static const AccessibleTableCell_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleTableCell__MIDL_ProcFormatString =
+ {
+ 0,
+ {
+ /* Procedure get_columnExtent */
+ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 2 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 6 */ NdrFcShort( 0x3 ), /* 3 */
+/* 8 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 10 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 12 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 14 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 16 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 18 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 20 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 22 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 24 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter nColumnsSpanned */
+/* 26 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 28 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 30 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 32 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 34 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 36 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_columnHeaderCells */
+/* 38 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 40 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 44 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 46 */ NdrFcShort( 0x20 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 32 */
+/* 48 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 50 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 52 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 54 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 56 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 58 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 60 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 62 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter cellAccessibles */
+/* 64 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2013 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 66 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 68 */ NdrFcShort( 0x6 ), /* Type Offset=6 */
+ /* Parameter nColumnHeaderCells */
+/* 70 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 72 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 74 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 76 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 78 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 80 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_columnIndex */
+/* 82 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 84 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 88 */ NdrFcShort( 0x5 ), /* 5 */
+/* 90 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 92 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 94 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 96 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 98 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 100 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 102 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 104 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 106 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter columnIndex */
+/* 108 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 110 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 112 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 114 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 116 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 118 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_rowExtent */
+/* 120 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 122 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 126 */ NdrFcShort( 0x6 ), /* 6 */
+/* 128 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 130 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 132 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 134 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 136 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 138 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 140 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 142 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 144 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter nRowsSpanned */
+/* 146 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 148 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 150 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 152 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 154 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 156 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_rowHeaderCells */
+/* 158 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 160 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 164 */ NdrFcShort( 0x7 ), /* 7 */
+/* 166 */ NdrFcShort( 0x20 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 32 */
+/* 168 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 170 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 172 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 174 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 176 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 178 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 180 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 182 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter cellAccessibles */
+/* 184 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2013 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 186 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 188 */ NdrFcShort( 0x6 ), /* Type Offset=6 */
+ /* Parameter nRowHeaderCells */
+/* 190 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 192 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 194 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 196 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 198 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 200 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_rowIndex */
+/* 202 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 204 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 208 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 210 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 212 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 214 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 216 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 218 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 220 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 222 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 224 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 226 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter rowIndex */
+/* 228 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 230 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 232 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 234 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 236 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 238 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_isSelected */
+/* 240 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 242 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 246 */ NdrFcShort( 0x9 ), /* 9 */
+/* 248 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 250 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 252 */ NdrFcShort( 0x21 ), /* 33 */
+/* 254 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 256 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 258 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 260 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 262 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 264 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter isSelected */
+/* 266 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 268 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 270 */ 0x3, /* FC_SMALL */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 272 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 274 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 276 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_rowColumnExtents */
+/* 278 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 280 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 284 */ NdrFcShort( 0xa ), /* 10 */
+/* 286 */ NdrFcShort( 0x38 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 56 */
+/* 288 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 290 */ NdrFcShort( 0x91 ), /* 145 */
+/* 292 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x6, /* 6 */
+/* 294 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 296 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 298 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 300 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 302 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter row */
+/* 304 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 306 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 308 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter column */
+/* 310 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 312 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 314 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter rowExtents */
+/* 316 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 318 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 320 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter columnExtents */
+/* 322 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 324 */ NdrFcShort( 0x20 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 32 */
+/* 326 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter isSelected */
+/* 328 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 330 */ NdrFcShort( 0x28 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 40 */
+/* 332 */ 0x3, /* FC_SMALL */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 334 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 336 */ NdrFcShort( 0x30 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 48 */
+/* 338 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_table */
+/* 340 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 342 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 346 */ NdrFcShort( 0xb ), /* 11 */
+/* 348 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 350 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 352 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 354 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 356 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 358 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 360 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 362 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 364 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter table */
+/* 366 */ NdrFcShort( 0x13 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, */
+/* 368 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 370 */ NdrFcShort( 0x3a ), /* Type Offset=58 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 372 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 374 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 376 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x0
+ }
+ };
+static const AccessibleTableCell_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleTableCell__MIDL_TypeFormatString =
+ {
+ 0,
+ {
+ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 2 */
+ 0x11, 0xc, /* FC_RP [alloced_on_stack] [simple_pointer] */
+/* 4 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 6 */
+ 0x11, 0x14, /* FC_RP [alloced_on_stack] [pointer_deref] */
+/* 8 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* Offset= 2 (10) */
+/* 10 */
+ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 12 */ NdrFcShort( 0x14 ), /* Offset= 20 (32) */
+/* 14 */
+ 0x2f, /* FC_IP */
+ 0x5a, /* FC_CONSTANT_IID */
+/* 16 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 20 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 22 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 24 */ 0xc0, /* 192 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 26 */ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 28 */ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 30 */ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x46, /* 70 */
+/* 32 */
+ 0x21, /* FC_BOGUS_ARRAY */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 34 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 36 */ 0x28, /* Corr desc: parameter, FC_LONG */
+ 0x54, /* FC_DEREFERENCE */
+/* 38 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 40 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* Corr flags: */
+/* 42 */ NdrFcLong( 0xffffffff ), /* -1 */
+/* 46 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* Corr flags: */
+/* 48 */ 0x4c, /* FC_EMBEDDED_COMPLEX */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 50 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffdc ), /* Offset= -36 (14) */
+/* 52 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 54 */
+ 0x11, 0xc, /* FC_RP [alloced_on_stack] [simple_pointer] */
+/* 56 */ 0x3, /* FC_SMALL */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 58 */
+ 0x11, 0x10, /* FC_RP [pointer_deref] */
+/* 60 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffd2 ), /* Offset= -46 (14) */
+ 0x0
+ }
+ };
+/* Object interface: IUnknown, ver. 0.0,
+ GUID={0x00000000,0x0000,0x0000,{0xC0,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x46}} */
+/* Object interface: IAccessibleTableCell, ver. 0.0,
+ GUID={0x594116B1,0xC99F,0x4847,{0xAD,0x06,0x0A,0x7A,0x86,0xEC,0xE6,0x45}} */
+#pragma code_seg(".orpc")
+static const unsigned short IAccessibleTableCell_FormatStringOffsetTable[] =
+ {
+ 0,
+ 38,
+ 82,
+ 120,
+ 158,
+ 202,
+ 240,
+ 278,
+ 340
+ };
+static const MIDL_STUBLESS_PROXY_INFO IAccessibleTableCell_ProxyInfo =
+ {
+ &Object_StubDesc,
+ AccessibleTableCell__MIDL_ProcFormatString.Format,
+ &IAccessibleTableCell_FormatStringOffsetTable[-3],
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0
+ };
+static const MIDL_SERVER_INFO IAccessibleTableCell_ServerInfo =
+ {
+ &Object_StubDesc,
+ 0,
+ AccessibleTableCell__MIDL_ProcFormatString.Format,
+ &IAccessibleTableCell_FormatStringOffsetTable[-3],
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0};
+CINTERFACE_PROXY_VTABLE(12) _IAccessibleTableCellProxyVtbl =
+ &IAccessibleTableCell_ProxyInfo,
+ &IID_IAccessibleTableCell,
+ IUnknown_QueryInterface_Proxy,
+ IUnknown_AddRef_Proxy,
+ IUnknown_Release_Proxy ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTableCell::get_columnExtent */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTableCell::get_columnHeaderCells */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTableCell::get_columnIndex */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTableCell::get_rowExtent */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTableCell::get_rowHeaderCells */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTableCell::get_rowIndex */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTableCell::get_isSelected */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTableCell::get_rowColumnExtents */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTableCell::get_table */
+const CInterfaceStubVtbl _IAccessibleTableCellStubVtbl =
+ &IID_IAccessibleTableCell,
+ &IAccessibleTableCell_ServerInfo,
+ 12,
+ 0, /* pure interpreted */
+ CStdStubBuffer_METHODS
+static const MIDL_STUB_DESC Object_StubDesc =
+ {
+ 0,
+ NdrOleAllocate,
+ NdrOleFree,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ AccessibleTableCell__MIDL_TypeFormatString.Format,
+ 1, /* -error bounds_check flag */
+ 0x50002, /* Ndr library version */
+ 0,
+ 0x700022b, /* MIDL Version 7.0.555 */
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0, /* notify & notify_flag routine table */
+ 0x1, /* MIDL flag */
+ 0, /* cs routines */
+ 0, /* proxy/server info */
+ 0
+ };
+const CInterfaceProxyVtbl * const _AccessibleTableCell_ProxyVtblList[] =
+ ( CInterfaceProxyVtbl *) &_IAccessibleTableCellProxyVtbl,
+ 0
+const CInterfaceStubVtbl * const _AccessibleTableCell_StubVtblList[] =
+ ( CInterfaceStubVtbl *) &_IAccessibleTableCellStubVtbl,
+ 0
+PCInterfaceName const _AccessibleTableCell_InterfaceNamesList[] =
+ "IAccessibleTableCell",
+ 0
+#define _AccessibleTableCell_CHECK_IID(n) IID_GENERIC_CHECK_IID( _AccessibleTableCell, pIID, n)
+int __stdcall _AccessibleTableCell_IID_Lookup( const IID * pIID, int * pIndex )
+ if(!_AccessibleTableCell_CHECK_IID(0))
+ {
+ *pIndex = 0;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+const ExtendedProxyFileInfo AccessibleTableCell_ProxyFileInfo =
+ (PCInterfaceProxyVtblList *) & _AccessibleTableCell_ProxyVtblList,
+ (PCInterfaceStubVtblList *) & _AccessibleTableCell_StubVtblList,
+ (const PCInterfaceName * ) & _AccessibleTableCell_InterfaceNamesList,
+ 0, /* no delegation */
+ & _AccessibleTableCell_IID_Lookup,
+ 1,
+ 2,
+ 0, /* table of [async_uuid] interfaces */
+ 0, /* Filler1 */
+ 0, /* Filler2 */
+ 0 /* Filler3 */
+#if _MSC_VER >= 1200
+#pragma warning(pop)
+#endif /* defined(_M_AMD64)*/
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleTable_i.c b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleTable_i.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dd4e1fe983
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleTable_i.c
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the IIDs and CLSIDs */
+/* link this file in with the server and any clients */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:59 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleTable.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win64 (32b run), target_arch=AMD64 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"{
+#include <rpc.h>
+#include <rpcndr.h>
+#ifndef INITGUID
+#define INITGUID
+#include <guiddef.h>
+#undef INITGUID
+#include <guiddef.h>
+#define MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(type,name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8) \
+ DEFINE_GUID(name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8)
+#else // !_MIDL_USE_GUIDDEF_
+#ifndef __IID_DEFINED__
+#define __IID_DEFINED__
+typedef struct _IID
+ unsigned long x;
+ unsigned short s1;
+ unsigned short s2;
+ unsigned char c[8];
+} IID;
+#endif // __IID_DEFINED__
+typedef IID CLSID;
+#endif // CLSID_DEFINED
+#define MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(type,name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8) \
+ const type name = {l,w1,w2,{b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8}}
+MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(IID, IID_IAccessibleTable,0x35AD8070,0xC20C,0x4fb4,0xB0,0x94,0xF4,0xF7,0x27,0x5D,0xD4,0x69);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleTable_p.c b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleTable_p.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cca4e376c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleTable_p.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1543 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the proxy stub code */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:59 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleTable.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win64 (32b run), target_arch=AMD64 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#if defined(_M_AMD64)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+#if _MSC_VER >= 1200
+#pragma warning(push)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4211 ) /* redefine extern to static */
+#pragma warning( disable: 4232 ) /* dllimport identity*/
+#pragma warning( disable: 4024 ) /* array to pointer mapping*/
+#pragma warning( disable: 4152 ) /* function/data pointer conversion in expression */
+/* verify that the <rpcproxy.h> version is high enough to compile this file*/
+#include "rpcproxy.h"
+#error this stub requires an updated version of <rpcproxy.h>
+#endif /* __RPCPROXY_H_VERSION__ */
+#include "AccessibleTable.h"
+typedef struct _AccessibleTable_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ short Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ TYPE_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+ } AccessibleTable_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING;
+typedef struct _AccessibleTable_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ short Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ PROC_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+ } AccessibleTable_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING;
+typedef struct _AccessibleTable_MIDL_EXPR_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ long Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ EXPR_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+ } AccessibleTable_MIDL_EXPR_FORMAT_STRING;
+static const RPC_SYNTAX_IDENTIFIER _RpcTransferSyntax =
+extern const AccessibleTable_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleTable__MIDL_TypeFormatString;
+extern const AccessibleTable_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleTable__MIDL_ProcFormatString;
+extern const AccessibleTable_MIDL_EXPR_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleTable__MIDL_ExprFormatString;
+extern const MIDL_STUB_DESC Object_StubDesc;
+extern const MIDL_SERVER_INFO IAccessibleTable_ServerInfo;
+extern const MIDL_STUBLESS_PROXY_INFO IAccessibleTable_ProxyInfo;
+#if !defined(__RPC_WIN64__)
+#error Invalid build platform for this stub.
+static const AccessibleTable_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleTable__MIDL_ProcFormatString =
+ {
+ 0,
+ {
+ /* Procedure get_accessibleAt */
+ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 2 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 6 */ NdrFcShort( 0x3 ), /* 3 */
+/* 8 */ NdrFcShort( 0x28 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 40 */
+/* 10 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* 16 */
+/* 12 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 14 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x4, /* 4 */
+/* 16 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 18 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 20 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 22 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 24 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter row */
+/* 26 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 28 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 30 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter column */
+/* 32 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 34 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 36 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter accessible */
+/* 38 */ NdrFcShort( 0x13 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, */
+/* 40 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 42 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* Type Offset=2 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 44 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 46 */ NdrFcShort( 0x20 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 32 */
+/* 48 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_caption */
+/* 50 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 52 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 56 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 58 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 60 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 62 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 64 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 66 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 68 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 70 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 72 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 74 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter accessible */
+/* 76 */ NdrFcShort( 0x13 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, */
+/* 78 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 80 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* Type Offset=2 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 82 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 84 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 86 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_childIndex */
+/* 88 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 90 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 94 */ NdrFcShort( 0x5 ), /* 5 */
+/* 96 */ NdrFcShort( 0x28 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 40 */
+/* 98 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* 16 */
+/* 100 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 102 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x4, /* 4 */
+/* 104 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 106 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 108 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 110 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 112 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter rowIndex */
+/* 114 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 116 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 118 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter columnIndex */
+/* 120 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 122 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 124 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter cellIndex */
+/* 126 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 128 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 130 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 132 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 134 */ NdrFcShort( 0x20 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 32 */
+/* 136 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_columnDescription */
+/* 138 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 140 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 144 */ NdrFcShort( 0x6 ), /* 6 */
+/* 146 */ NdrFcShort( 0x20 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 32 */
+/* 148 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 150 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 152 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 154 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 156 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 158 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 160 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 162 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter column */
+/* 164 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 166 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 168 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter description */
+/* 170 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2113 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 172 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 174 */ NdrFcShort( 0x3a ), /* Type Offset=58 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 176 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 178 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 180 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_columnExtentAt */
+/* 182 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 184 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 188 */ NdrFcShort( 0x7 ), /* 7 */
+/* 190 */ NdrFcShort( 0x28 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 40 */
+/* 192 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* 16 */
+/* 194 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 196 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x4, /* 4 */
+/* 198 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 200 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 202 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 204 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 206 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter row */
+/* 208 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 210 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 212 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter column */
+/* 214 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 216 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 218 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter nColumnsSpanned */
+/* 220 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 222 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 224 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 226 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 228 */ NdrFcShort( 0x20 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 32 */
+/* 230 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_columnHeader */
+/* 232 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 234 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 238 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 240 */ NdrFcShort( 0x20 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 32 */
+/* 242 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 244 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 246 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 248 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 250 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 252 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 254 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 256 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter accessibleTable */
+/* 258 */ NdrFcShort( 0x13 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, */
+/* 260 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 262 */ NdrFcShort( 0x44 ), /* Type Offset=68 */
+ /* Parameter startingRowIndex */
+/* 264 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 266 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 268 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 270 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 272 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 274 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_columnIndex */
+/* 276 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 278 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 282 */ NdrFcShort( 0x9 ), /* 9 */
+/* 284 */ NdrFcShort( 0x20 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 32 */
+/* 286 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 288 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 290 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 292 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 294 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 296 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 298 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 300 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter cellIndex */
+/* 302 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 304 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 306 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter columnIndex */
+/* 308 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 310 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 312 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 314 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 316 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 318 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_nColumns */
+/* 320 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 322 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 326 */ NdrFcShort( 0xa ), /* 10 */
+/* 328 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 330 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 332 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 334 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 336 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 338 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 340 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 342 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 344 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter columnCount */
+/* 346 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 348 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 350 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 352 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 354 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 356 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_nRows */
+/* 358 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 360 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 364 */ NdrFcShort( 0xb ), /* 11 */
+/* 366 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 368 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 370 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 372 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 374 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 376 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 378 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 380 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 382 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter rowCount */
+/* 384 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 386 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 388 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 390 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 392 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 394 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_nSelectedChildren */
+/* 396 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 398 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 402 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* 12 */
+/* 404 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 406 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 408 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 410 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 412 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 414 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 416 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 418 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 420 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter cellCount */
+/* 422 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 424 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 426 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 428 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 430 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 432 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_nSelectedColumns */
+/* 434 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 436 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 440 */ NdrFcShort( 0xd ), /* 13 */
+/* 442 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 444 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 446 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 448 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 450 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 452 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 454 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 456 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 458 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter columnCount */
+/* 460 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 462 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 464 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 466 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 468 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 470 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_nSelectedRows */
+/* 472 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 474 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 478 */ NdrFcShort( 0xe ), /* 14 */
+/* 480 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 482 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 484 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 486 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 488 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 490 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 492 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 494 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 496 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter rowCount */
+/* 498 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 500 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 502 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 504 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 506 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 508 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_rowDescription */
+/* 510 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 512 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 516 */ NdrFcShort( 0xf ), /* 15 */
+/* 518 */ NdrFcShort( 0x20 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 32 */
+/* 520 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 522 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 524 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 526 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 528 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 530 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 532 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 534 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter row */
+/* 536 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 538 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 540 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter description */
+/* 542 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2113 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 544 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 546 */ NdrFcShort( 0x3a ), /* Type Offset=58 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 548 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 550 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 552 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_rowExtentAt */
+/* 554 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 556 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 560 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* 16 */
+/* 562 */ NdrFcShort( 0x28 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 40 */
+/* 564 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* 16 */
+/* 566 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 568 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x4, /* 4 */
+/* 570 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 572 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 574 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 576 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 578 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter row */
+/* 580 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 582 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 584 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter column */
+/* 586 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 588 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 590 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter nRowsSpanned */
+/* 592 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 594 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 596 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 598 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 600 */ NdrFcShort( 0x20 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 32 */
+/* 602 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_rowHeader */
+/* 604 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 606 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 610 */ NdrFcShort( 0x11 ), /* 17 */
+/* 612 */ NdrFcShort( 0x20 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 32 */
+/* 614 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 616 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 618 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 620 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 622 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 624 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 626 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 628 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter accessibleTable */
+/* 630 */ NdrFcShort( 0x13 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, */
+/* 632 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 634 */ NdrFcShort( 0x44 ), /* Type Offset=68 */
+ /* Parameter startingColumnIndex */
+/* 636 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 638 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 640 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 642 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 644 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 646 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_rowIndex */
+/* 648 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 650 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 654 */ NdrFcShort( 0x12 ), /* 18 */
+/* 656 */ NdrFcShort( 0x20 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 32 */
+/* 658 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 660 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 662 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 664 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 666 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 668 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 670 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 672 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter cellIndex */
+/* 674 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 676 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 678 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter rowIndex */
+/* 680 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 682 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 684 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 686 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 688 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 690 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_selectedChildren */
+/* 692 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 694 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 698 */ NdrFcShort( 0x13 ), /* 19 */
+/* 700 */ NdrFcShort( 0x28 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 40 */
+/* 702 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 704 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 706 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x4, /* 4 */
+/* 708 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 710 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 712 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 714 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 716 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter maxChildren */
+/* 718 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 720 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 722 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter children */
+/* 724 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2013 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 726 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 728 */ NdrFcShort( 0x5a ), /* Type Offset=90 */
+ /* Parameter nChildren */
+/* 730 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 732 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 734 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 736 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 738 */ NdrFcShort( 0x20 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 32 */
+/* 740 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_selectedColumns */
+/* 742 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 744 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 748 */ NdrFcShort( 0x14 ), /* 20 */
+/* 750 */ NdrFcShort( 0x28 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 40 */
+/* 752 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 754 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 756 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x4, /* 4 */
+/* 758 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 760 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 762 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 764 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 766 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter maxColumns */
+/* 768 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 770 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 772 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter columns */
+/* 774 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2013 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 776 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 778 */ NdrFcShort( 0x5a ), /* Type Offset=90 */
+ /* Parameter nColumns */
+/* 780 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 782 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 784 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 786 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 788 */ NdrFcShort( 0x20 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 32 */
+/* 790 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_selectedRows */
+/* 792 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 794 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 798 */ NdrFcShort( 0x15 ), /* 21 */
+/* 800 */ NdrFcShort( 0x28 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 40 */
+/* 802 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 804 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 806 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x4, /* 4 */
+/* 808 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 810 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 812 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 814 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 816 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter maxRows */
+/* 818 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 820 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 822 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter rows */
+/* 824 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2013 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 826 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 828 */ NdrFcShort( 0x5a ), /* Type Offset=90 */
+ /* Parameter nRows */
+/* 830 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 832 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 834 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 836 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 838 */ NdrFcShort( 0x20 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 32 */
+/* 840 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_summary */
+/* 842 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 844 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 848 */ NdrFcShort( 0x16 ), /* 22 */
+/* 850 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 852 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 854 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 856 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 858 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 860 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 862 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 864 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 866 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter accessible */
+/* 868 */ NdrFcShort( 0x13 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, */
+/* 870 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 872 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* Type Offset=2 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 874 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 876 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 878 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_isColumnSelected */
+/* 880 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 882 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 886 */ NdrFcShort( 0x17 ), /* 23 */
+/* 888 */ NdrFcShort( 0x20 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 32 */
+/* 890 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 892 */ NdrFcShort( 0x21 ), /* 33 */
+/* 894 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 896 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 898 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 900 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 902 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 904 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter column */
+/* 906 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 908 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 910 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter isSelected */
+/* 912 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 914 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 916 */ 0x3, /* FC_SMALL */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 918 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 920 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 922 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_isRowSelected */
+/* 924 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 926 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 930 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* 24 */
+/* 932 */ NdrFcShort( 0x20 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 32 */
+/* 934 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 936 */ NdrFcShort( 0x21 ), /* 33 */
+/* 938 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 940 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 942 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 944 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 946 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 948 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter row */
+/* 950 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 952 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 954 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter isSelected */
+/* 956 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 958 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 960 */ 0x3, /* FC_SMALL */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 962 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 964 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 966 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_isSelected */
+/* 968 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 970 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 974 */ NdrFcShort( 0x19 ), /* 25 */
+/* 976 */ NdrFcShort( 0x28 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 40 */
+/* 978 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* 16 */
+/* 980 */ NdrFcShort( 0x21 ), /* 33 */
+/* 982 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x4, /* 4 */
+/* 984 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 986 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 988 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 990 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 992 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter row */
+/* 994 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 996 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 998 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter column */
+/* 1000 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 1002 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 1004 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter isSelected */
+/* 1006 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 1008 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 1010 */ 0x3, /* FC_SMALL */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 1012 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 1014 */ NdrFcShort( 0x20 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 32 */
+/* 1016 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure selectRow */
+/* 1018 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 1020 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 1024 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1a ), /* 26 */
+/* 1026 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 1028 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 1030 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 1032 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 1034 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 1036 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 1038 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 1040 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 1042 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter row */
+/* 1044 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 1046 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 1048 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 1050 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 1052 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 1054 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure selectColumn */
+/* 1056 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 1058 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 1062 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1b ), /* 27 */
+/* 1064 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 1066 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 1068 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 1070 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 1072 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 1074 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 1076 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 1078 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 1080 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter column */
+/* 1082 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 1084 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 1086 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 1088 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 1090 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 1092 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure unselectRow */
+/* 1094 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 1096 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 1100 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1c ), /* 28 */
+/* 1102 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 1104 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 1106 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 1108 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 1110 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 1112 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 1114 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 1116 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 1118 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter row */
+/* 1120 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 1122 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 1124 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 1126 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 1128 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 1130 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure unselectColumn */
+/* 1132 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 1134 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 1138 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1d ), /* 29 */
+/* 1140 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 1142 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 1144 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 1146 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 1148 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 1150 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 1152 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 1154 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 1156 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter column */
+/* 1158 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 1160 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 1162 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 1164 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 1166 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 1168 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_rowColumnExtentsAtIndex */
+/* 1170 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 1172 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 1176 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1e ), /* 30 */
+/* 1178 */ NdrFcShort( 0x40 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 64 */
+/* 1180 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 1182 */ NdrFcShort( 0x91 ), /* 145 */
+/* 1184 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x7, /* 7 */
+/* 1186 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 1188 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 1190 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 1192 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 1194 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter index */
+/* 1196 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 1198 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 1200 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter row */
+/* 1202 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 1204 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 1206 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter column */
+/* 1208 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 1210 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 1212 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter rowExtents */
+/* 1214 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 1216 */ NdrFcShort( 0x20 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 32 */
+/* 1218 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter columnExtents */
+/* 1220 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 1222 */ NdrFcShort( 0x28 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 40 */
+/* 1224 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter isSelected */
+/* 1226 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 1228 */ NdrFcShort( 0x30 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 48 */
+/* 1230 */ 0x3, /* FC_SMALL */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 1232 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 1234 */ NdrFcShort( 0x38 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 56 */
+/* 1236 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_modelChange */
+/* 1238 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 1240 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 1244 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1f ), /* 31 */
+/* 1246 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 1248 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 1250 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 1252 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 1254 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 1256 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 1258 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 1260 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 1262 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter modelChange */
+/* 1264 */ NdrFcShort( 0x6113 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, simple ref, srv alloc size=24 */
+/* 1266 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 1268 */ NdrFcShort( 0x7c ), /* Type Offset=124 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 1270 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 1272 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 1274 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x0
+ }
+ };
+static const AccessibleTable_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleTable__MIDL_TypeFormatString =
+ {
+ 0,
+ {
+ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 2 */
+ 0x11, 0x10, /* FC_RP [pointer_deref] */
+/* 4 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* Offset= 2 (6) */
+/* 6 */
+ 0x2f, /* FC_IP */
+ 0x5a, /* FC_CONSTANT_IID */
+/* 8 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 12 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 14 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 16 */ 0xc0, /* 192 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 18 */ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 20 */ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 22 */ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x46, /* 70 */
+/* 24 */
+ 0x11, 0xc, /* FC_RP [alloced_on_stack] [simple_pointer] */
+/* 26 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 28 */
+ 0x11, 0x4, /* FC_RP [alloced_on_stack] */
+/* 30 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1c ), /* Offset= 28 (58) */
+/* 32 */
+ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 34 */ NdrFcShort( 0xe ), /* Offset= 14 (48) */
+/* 36 */
+ 0x1b, /* FC_CARRAY */
+ 0x1, /* 1 */
+/* 38 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* 2 */
+/* 40 */ 0x9, /* Corr desc: FC_ULONG */
+ 0x0, /* */
+/* 42 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfffc ), /* -4 */
+/* 44 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* Corr flags: early, */
+/* 46 */ 0x6, /* FC_SHORT */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 48 */
+ 0x17, /* FC_CSTRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 50 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 52 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfff0 ), /* Offset= -16 (36) */
+/* 54 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+/* 56 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 58 */ 0xb4, /* FC_USER_MARSHAL */
+ 0x83, /* 131 */
+/* 60 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 62 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 64 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 66 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffde ), /* Offset= -34 (32) */
+/* 68 */
+ 0x11, 0x10, /* FC_RP [pointer_deref] */
+/* 70 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* Offset= 2 (72) */
+/* 72 */
+ 0x2f, /* FC_IP */
+ 0x5a, /* FC_CONSTANT_IID */
+/* 74 */ NdrFcLong( 0x35ad8070 ), /* 900563056 */
+/* 78 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc20c ), /* -15860 */
+/* 80 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4fb4 ), /* 20404 */
+/* 82 */ 0xb0, /* 176 */
+ 0x94, /* 148 */
+/* 84 */ 0xf4, /* 244 */
+ 0xf7, /* 247 */
+/* 86 */ 0x27, /* 39 */
+ 0x5d, /* 93 */
+/* 88 */ 0xd4, /* 212 */
+ 0x69, /* 105 */
+/* 90 */
+ 0x11, 0x14, /* FC_RP [alloced_on_stack] [pointer_deref] */
+/* 92 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* Offset= 2 (94) */
+/* 94 */
+ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 96 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* Offset= 2 (98) */
+/* 98 */
+ 0x1c, /* FC_CVARRAY */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 100 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 102 */ 0x28, /* Corr desc: parameter, FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* */
+/* 104 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 106 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* Corr flags: early, */
+/* 108 */ 0x28, /* Corr desc: parameter, FC_LONG */
+ 0x54, /* FC_DEREFERENCE */
+/* 110 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 112 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* Corr flags: */
+/* 114 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 116 */
+ 0x11, 0xc, /* FC_RP [alloced_on_stack] [simple_pointer] */
+/* 118 */ 0x3, /* FC_SMALL */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 120 */
+ 0x11, 0x4, /* FC_RP [alloced_on_stack] */
+/* 122 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* Offset= 2 (124) */
+/* 124 */
+ 0x1a, /* FC_BOGUS_STRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 126 */ NdrFcShort( 0x14 ), /* 20 */
+/* 128 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 130 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* Offset= 0 (130) */
+/* 132 */ 0xd, /* FC_ENUM16 */
+ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+/* 134 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+/* 136 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+ 0x0
+ }
+ };
+ {
+ {
+ BSTR_UserSize
+ ,BSTR_UserMarshal
+ ,BSTR_UserUnmarshal
+ ,BSTR_UserFree
+ }
+ };
+/* Object interface: IUnknown, ver. 0.0,
+ GUID={0x00000000,0x0000,0x0000,{0xC0,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x46}} */
+/* Object interface: IAccessibleTable, ver. 0.0,
+ GUID={0x35AD8070,0xC20C,0x4fb4,{0xB0,0x94,0xF4,0xF7,0x27,0x5D,0xD4,0x69}} */
+#pragma code_seg(".orpc")
+static const unsigned short IAccessibleTable_FormatStringOffsetTable[] =
+ {
+ 0,
+ 50,
+ 88,
+ 138,
+ 182,
+ 232,
+ 276,
+ 320,
+ 358,
+ 396,
+ 434,
+ 472,
+ 510,
+ 554,
+ 604,
+ 648,
+ 692,
+ 742,
+ 792,
+ 842,
+ 880,
+ 924,
+ 968,
+ 1018,
+ 1056,
+ 1094,
+ 1132,
+ 1170,
+ 1238
+ };
+static const MIDL_STUBLESS_PROXY_INFO IAccessibleTable_ProxyInfo =
+ {
+ &Object_StubDesc,
+ AccessibleTable__MIDL_ProcFormatString.Format,
+ &IAccessibleTable_FormatStringOffsetTable[-3],
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0
+ };
+static const MIDL_SERVER_INFO IAccessibleTable_ServerInfo =
+ {
+ &Object_StubDesc,
+ 0,
+ AccessibleTable__MIDL_ProcFormatString.Format,
+ &IAccessibleTable_FormatStringOffsetTable[-3],
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0};
+CINTERFACE_PROXY_VTABLE(32) _IAccessibleTableProxyVtbl =
+ &IAccessibleTable_ProxyInfo,
+ &IID_IAccessibleTable,
+ IUnknown_QueryInterface_Proxy,
+ IUnknown_AddRef_Proxy,
+ IUnknown_Release_Proxy ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable::get_accessibleAt */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable::get_caption */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable::get_childIndex */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable::get_columnDescription */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable::get_columnExtentAt */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable::get_columnHeader */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable::get_columnIndex */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable::get_nColumns */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable::get_nRows */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable::get_nSelectedChildren */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable::get_nSelectedColumns */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable::get_nSelectedRows */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable::get_rowDescription */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable::get_rowExtentAt */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable::get_rowHeader */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable::get_rowIndex */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable::get_selectedChildren */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable::get_selectedColumns */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable::get_selectedRows */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable::get_summary */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable::get_isColumnSelected */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable::get_isRowSelected */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable::get_isSelected */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable::selectRow */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable::selectColumn */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable::unselectRow */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable::unselectColumn */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable::get_rowColumnExtentsAtIndex */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable::get_modelChange */
+const CInterfaceStubVtbl _IAccessibleTableStubVtbl =
+ &IID_IAccessibleTable,
+ &IAccessibleTable_ServerInfo,
+ 32,
+ 0, /* pure interpreted */
+ CStdStubBuffer_METHODS
+static const MIDL_STUB_DESC Object_StubDesc =
+ {
+ 0,
+ NdrOleAllocate,
+ NdrOleFree,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ AccessibleTable__MIDL_TypeFormatString.Format,
+ 1, /* -error bounds_check flag */
+ 0x50002, /* Ndr library version */
+ 0,
+ 0x700022b, /* MIDL Version 7.0.555 */
+ 0,
+ UserMarshalRoutines,
+ 0, /* notify & notify_flag routine table */
+ 0x1, /* MIDL flag */
+ 0, /* cs routines */
+ 0, /* proxy/server info */
+ 0
+ };
+const CInterfaceProxyVtbl * const _AccessibleTable_ProxyVtblList[] =
+ ( CInterfaceProxyVtbl *) &_IAccessibleTableProxyVtbl,
+ 0
+const CInterfaceStubVtbl * const _AccessibleTable_StubVtblList[] =
+ ( CInterfaceStubVtbl *) &_IAccessibleTableStubVtbl,
+ 0
+PCInterfaceName const _AccessibleTable_InterfaceNamesList[] =
+ "IAccessibleTable",
+ 0
+#define _AccessibleTable_CHECK_IID(n) IID_GENERIC_CHECK_IID( _AccessibleTable, pIID, n)
+int __stdcall _AccessibleTable_IID_Lookup( const IID * pIID, int * pIndex )
+ if(!_AccessibleTable_CHECK_IID(0))
+ {
+ *pIndex = 0;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+const ExtendedProxyFileInfo AccessibleTable_ProxyFileInfo =
+ (PCInterfaceProxyVtblList *) & _AccessibleTable_ProxyVtblList,
+ (PCInterfaceStubVtblList *) & _AccessibleTable_StubVtblList,
+ (const PCInterfaceName * ) & _AccessibleTable_InterfaceNamesList,
+ 0, /* no delegation */
+ & _AccessibleTable_IID_Lookup,
+ 1,
+ 2,
+ 0, /* table of [async_uuid] interfaces */
+ 0, /* Filler1 */
+ 0, /* Filler2 */
+ 0 /* Filler3 */
+#if _MSC_VER >= 1200
+#pragma warning(pop)
+#endif /* defined(_M_AMD64)*/
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleText.h b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleText.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9b9119629d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleText.h
@@ -0,0 +1,435 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the definitions for the interfaces */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:54:00 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleText.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win64 (32b run), target_arch=AMD64 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+/* verify that the <rpcndr.h> version is high enough to compile this file*/
+#include "rpc.h"
+#include "rpcndr.h"
+#ifndef __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
+#error this stub requires an updated version of <rpcndr.h>
+#endif // __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
+#include "windows.h"
+#include "ole2.h"
+#endif /*COM_NO_WINDOWS_H*/
+#ifndef __AccessibleText_h__
+#define __AccessibleText_h__
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1020)
+#pragma once
+/* Forward Declarations */
+#ifndef __IAccessibleText_FWD_DEFINED__
+#define __IAccessibleText_FWD_DEFINED__
+typedef interface IAccessibleText IAccessibleText;
+#endif /* __IAccessibleText_FWD_DEFINED__ */
+/* header files for imported files */
+#include "objidl.h"
+#include "oaidl.h"
+#include "oleacc.h"
+#include "IA2CommonTypes.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"{
+/* interface __MIDL_itf_AccessibleText_0000_0000 */
+/* [local] */
+typedef struct IA2TextSegment
+ {
+ BSTR text;
+ long start;
+ long end;
+ } IA2TextSegment;
+enum IA2TextBoundaryType
+ } ;
+extern RPC_IF_HANDLE __MIDL_itf_AccessibleText_0000_0000_v0_0_c_ifspec;
+extern RPC_IF_HANDLE __MIDL_itf_AccessibleText_0000_0000_v0_0_s_ifspec;
+#ifndef __IAccessibleText_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+#define __IAccessibleText_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+/* interface IAccessibleText */
+/* [uuid][object] */
+EXTERN_C const IID IID_IAccessibleText;
+#if defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(CINTERFACE)
+ MIDL_INTERFACE("24FD2FFB-3AAD-4a08-8335-A3AD89C0FB4B")
+ IAccessibleText : public IUnknown
+ {
+ public:
+ /* [in] */ long startOffset,
+ /* [in] */ long endOffset) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_attributes(
+ /* [in] */ long offset,
+ /* [out] */ long *startOffset,
+ /* [out] */ long *endOffset,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *textAttributes) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_caretOffset(
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *offset) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_characterExtents(
+ /* [in] */ long offset,
+ /* [in] */ enum IA2CoordinateType coordType,
+ /* [out] */ long *x,
+ /* [out] */ long *y,
+ /* [out] */ long *width,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *height) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_nSelections(
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nSelections) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_offsetAtPoint(
+ /* [in] */ long x,
+ /* [in] */ long y,
+ /* [in] */ enum IA2CoordinateType coordType,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *offset) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_selection(
+ /* [in] */ long selectionIndex,
+ /* [out] */ long *startOffset,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *endOffset) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_text(
+ /* [in] */ long startOffset,
+ /* [in] */ long endOffset,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *text) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_textBeforeOffset(
+ /* [in] */ long offset,
+ /* [in] */ enum IA2TextBoundaryType boundaryType,
+ /* [out] */ long *startOffset,
+ /* [out] */ long *endOffset,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *text) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_textAfterOffset(
+ /* [in] */ long offset,
+ /* [in] */ enum IA2TextBoundaryType boundaryType,
+ /* [out] */ long *startOffset,
+ /* [out] */ long *endOffset,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *text) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_textAtOffset(
+ /* [in] */ long offset,
+ /* [in] */ enum IA2TextBoundaryType boundaryType,
+ /* [out] */ long *startOffset,
+ /* [out] */ long *endOffset,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *text) = 0;
+ virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE removeSelection(
+ /* [in] */ long selectionIndex) = 0;
+ /* [in] */ long offset) = 0;
+ /* [in] */ long selectionIndex,
+ /* [in] */ long startOffset,
+ /* [in] */ long endOffset) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_nCharacters(
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nCharacters) = 0;
+ virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE scrollSubstringTo(
+ /* [in] */ long startIndex,
+ /* [in] */ long endIndex,
+ /* [in] */ enum IA2ScrollType scrollType) = 0;
+ virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE scrollSubstringToPoint(
+ /* [in] */ long startIndex,
+ /* [in] */ long endIndex,
+ /* [in] */ enum IA2CoordinateType coordinateType,
+ /* [in] */ long x,
+ /* [in] */ long y) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_newText(
+ /* [retval][out] */ IA2TextSegment *newText) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_oldText(
+ /* [retval][out] */ IA2TextSegment *oldText) = 0;
+ };
+#else /* C style interface */
+ typedef struct IAccessibleTextVtbl
+ {
+ IAccessibleText * This,
+ /* [in] */ REFIID riid,
+ /* [annotation][iid_is][out] */
+ __RPC__deref_out void **ppvObject);
+ IAccessibleText * This);
+ IAccessibleText * This);
+ IAccessibleText * This,
+ /* [in] */ long startOffset,
+ /* [in] */ long endOffset);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_attributes )(
+ IAccessibleText * This,
+ /* [in] */ long offset,
+ /* [out] */ long *startOffset,
+ /* [out] */ long *endOffset,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *textAttributes);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_caretOffset )(
+ IAccessibleText * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *offset);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_characterExtents )(
+ IAccessibleText * This,
+ /* [in] */ long offset,
+ /* [in] */ enum IA2CoordinateType coordType,
+ /* [out] */ long *x,
+ /* [out] */ long *y,
+ /* [out] */ long *width,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *height);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_nSelections )(
+ IAccessibleText * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nSelections);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_offsetAtPoint )(
+ IAccessibleText * This,
+ /* [in] */ long x,
+ /* [in] */ long y,
+ /* [in] */ enum IA2CoordinateType coordType,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *offset);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_selection )(
+ IAccessibleText * This,
+ /* [in] */ long selectionIndex,
+ /* [out] */ long *startOffset,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *endOffset);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_text )(
+ IAccessibleText * This,
+ /* [in] */ long startOffset,
+ /* [in] */ long endOffset,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *text);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_textBeforeOffset )(
+ IAccessibleText * This,
+ /* [in] */ long offset,
+ /* [in] */ enum IA2TextBoundaryType boundaryType,
+ /* [out] */ long *startOffset,
+ /* [out] */ long *endOffset,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *text);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_textAfterOffset )(
+ IAccessibleText * This,
+ /* [in] */ long offset,
+ /* [in] */ enum IA2TextBoundaryType boundaryType,
+ /* [out] */ long *startOffset,
+ /* [out] */ long *endOffset,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *text);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_textAtOffset )(
+ IAccessibleText * This,
+ /* [in] */ long offset,
+ /* [in] */ enum IA2TextBoundaryType boundaryType,
+ /* [out] */ long *startOffset,
+ /* [out] */ long *endOffset,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *text);
+ IAccessibleText * This,
+ /* [in] */ long selectionIndex);
+ IAccessibleText * This,
+ /* [in] */ long offset);
+ IAccessibleText * This,
+ /* [in] */ long selectionIndex,
+ /* [in] */ long startOffset,
+ /* [in] */ long endOffset);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_nCharacters )(
+ IAccessibleText * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nCharacters);
+ IAccessibleText * This,
+ /* [in] */ long startIndex,
+ /* [in] */ long endIndex,
+ /* [in] */ enum IA2ScrollType scrollType);
+ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *scrollSubstringToPoint )(
+ IAccessibleText * This,
+ /* [in] */ long startIndex,
+ /* [in] */ long endIndex,
+ /* [in] */ enum IA2CoordinateType coordinateType,
+ /* [in] */ long x,
+ /* [in] */ long y);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_newText )(
+ IAccessibleText * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ IA2TextSegment *newText);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_oldText )(
+ IAccessibleText * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ IA2TextSegment *oldText);
+ } IAccessibleTextVtbl;
+ interface IAccessibleText
+ {
+ CONST_VTBL struct IAccessibleTextVtbl *lpVtbl;
+ };
+#define IAccessibleText_QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) )
+#define IAccessibleText_AddRef(This) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> AddRef(This) )
+#define IAccessibleText_Release(This) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> Release(This) )
+#define IAccessibleText_addSelection(This,startOffset,endOffset) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> addSelection(This,startOffset,endOffset) )
+#define IAccessibleText_get_attributes(This,offset,startOffset,endOffset,textAttributes) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_attributes(This,offset,startOffset,endOffset,textAttributes) )
+#define IAccessibleText_get_caretOffset(This,offset) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_caretOffset(This,offset) )
+#define IAccessibleText_get_characterExtents(This,offset,coordType,x,y,width,height) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_characterExtents(This,offset,coordType,x,y,width,height) )
+#define IAccessibleText_get_nSelections(This,nSelections) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_nSelections(This,nSelections) )
+#define IAccessibleText_get_offsetAtPoint(This,x,y,coordType,offset) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_offsetAtPoint(This,x,y,coordType,offset) )
+#define IAccessibleText_get_selection(This,selectionIndex,startOffset,endOffset) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_selection(This,selectionIndex,startOffset,endOffset) )
+#define IAccessibleText_get_text(This,startOffset,endOffset,text) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_text(This,startOffset,endOffset,text) )
+#define IAccessibleText_get_textBeforeOffset(This,offset,boundaryType,startOffset,endOffset,text) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_textBeforeOffset(This,offset,boundaryType,startOffset,endOffset,text) )
+#define IAccessibleText_get_textAfterOffset(This,offset,boundaryType,startOffset,endOffset,text) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_textAfterOffset(This,offset,boundaryType,startOffset,endOffset,text) )
+#define IAccessibleText_get_textAtOffset(This,offset,boundaryType,startOffset,endOffset,text) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_textAtOffset(This,offset,boundaryType,startOffset,endOffset,text) )
+#define IAccessibleText_removeSelection(This,selectionIndex) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> removeSelection(This,selectionIndex) )
+#define IAccessibleText_setCaretOffset(This,offset) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> setCaretOffset(This,offset) )
+#define IAccessibleText_setSelection(This,selectionIndex,startOffset,endOffset) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> setSelection(This,selectionIndex,startOffset,endOffset) )
+#define IAccessibleText_get_nCharacters(This,nCharacters) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_nCharacters(This,nCharacters) )
+#define IAccessibleText_scrollSubstringTo(This,startIndex,endIndex,scrollType) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> scrollSubstringTo(This,startIndex,endIndex,scrollType) )
+#define IAccessibleText_scrollSubstringToPoint(This,startIndex,endIndex,coordinateType,x,y) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> scrollSubstringToPoint(This,startIndex,endIndex,coordinateType,x,y) )
+#define IAccessibleText_get_newText(This,newText) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_newText(This,newText) )
+#define IAccessibleText_get_oldText(This,oldText) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_oldText(This,oldText) )
+#endif /* COBJMACROS */
+#endif /* C style interface */
+#endif /* __IAccessibleText_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ */
+/* Additional Prototypes for ALL interfaces */
+unsigned long __RPC_USER BSTR_UserSize( unsigned long *, unsigned long , BSTR * );
+unsigned char * __RPC_USER BSTR_UserMarshal( unsigned long *, unsigned char *, BSTR * );
+unsigned char * __RPC_USER BSTR_UserUnmarshal(unsigned long *, unsigned char *, BSTR * );
+void __RPC_USER BSTR_UserFree( unsigned long *, BSTR * );
+/* end of Additional Prototypes */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleText_i.c b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleText_i.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..564c790b78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleText_i.c
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the IIDs and CLSIDs */
+/* link this file in with the server and any clients */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:54:00 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleText.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win64 (32b run), target_arch=AMD64 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"{
+#include <rpc.h>
+#include <rpcndr.h>
+#ifndef INITGUID
+#define INITGUID
+#include <guiddef.h>
+#undef INITGUID
+#include <guiddef.h>
+#define MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(type,name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8) \
+ DEFINE_GUID(name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8)
+#else // !_MIDL_USE_GUIDDEF_
+#ifndef __IID_DEFINED__
+#define __IID_DEFINED__
+typedef struct _IID
+ unsigned long x;
+ unsigned short s1;
+ unsigned short s2;
+ unsigned char c[8];
+} IID;
+#endif // __IID_DEFINED__
+typedef IID CLSID;
+#endif // CLSID_DEFINED
+#define MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(type,name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8) \
+ const type name = {l,w1,w2,{b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8}}
+MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(IID, IID_IAccessibleText,0x24FD2FFB,0x3AAD,0x4a08,0x83,0x35,0xA3,0xAD,0x89,0xC0,0xFB,0x4B);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleText_p.c b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleText_p.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b2512f74ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleText_p.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1203 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the proxy stub code */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:54:00 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleText.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win64 (32b run), target_arch=AMD64 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#if defined(_M_AMD64)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+#if _MSC_VER >= 1200
+#pragma warning(push)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4211 ) /* redefine extern to static */
+#pragma warning( disable: 4232 ) /* dllimport identity*/
+#pragma warning( disable: 4024 ) /* array to pointer mapping*/
+#pragma warning( disable: 4152 ) /* function/data pointer conversion in expression */
+/* verify that the <rpcproxy.h> version is high enough to compile this file*/
+#include "rpcproxy.h"
+#error this stub requires an updated version of <rpcproxy.h>
+#endif /* __RPCPROXY_H_VERSION__ */
+#include "AccessibleText.h"
+typedef struct _AccessibleText_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ short Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ TYPE_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+typedef struct _AccessibleText_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ short Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ PROC_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+typedef struct _AccessibleText_MIDL_EXPR_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ long Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ EXPR_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+static const RPC_SYNTAX_IDENTIFIER _RpcTransferSyntax =
+extern const AccessibleText_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleText__MIDL_TypeFormatString;
+extern const AccessibleText_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleText__MIDL_ProcFormatString;
+extern const AccessibleText_MIDL_EXPR_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleText__MIDL_ExprFormatString;
+extern const MIDL_STUB_DESC Object_StubDesc;
+extern const MIDL_SERVER_INFO IAccessibleText_ServerInfo;
+extern const MIDL_STUBLESS_PROXY_INFO IAccessibleText_ProxyInfo;
+#if !defined(__RPC_WIN64__)
+#error Invalid build platform for this stub.
+static const AccessibleText_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleText__MIDL_ProcFormatString =
+ {
+ 0,
+ {
+ /* Procedure addSelection */
+ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 2 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 6 */ NdrFcShort( 0x3 ), /* 3 */
+/* 8 */ NdrFcShort( 0x20 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 32 */
+/* 10 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* 16 */
+/* 12 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 14 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 16 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 18 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 20 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 22 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 24 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter startOffset */
+/* 26 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 28 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 30 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter endOffset */
+/* 32 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 34 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 36 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 38 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 40 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 42 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_attributes */
+/* 44 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 46 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 50 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 52 */ NdrFcShort( 0x30 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 48 */
+/* 54 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 56 */ NdrFcShort( 0x40 ), /* 64 */
+/* 58 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x5, /* 5 */
+/* 60 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 62 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 64 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 66 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 68 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter offset */
+/* 70 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 72 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 74 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter startOffset */
+/* 76 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 78 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 80 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter endOffset */
+/* 82 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 84 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 86 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter textAttributes */
+/* 88 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2113 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 90 */ NdrFcShort( 0x20 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 32 */
+/* 92 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* Type Offset=36 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 94 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 96 */ NdrFcShort( 0x28 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 40 */
+/* 98 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_caretOffset */
+/* 100 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 102 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 106 */ NdrFcShort( 0x5 ), /* 5 */
+/* 108 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 110 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 112 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 114 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 116 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 118 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 120 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 122 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 124 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter offset */
+/* 126 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 128 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 130 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 132 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 134 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 136 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_characterExtents */
+/* 138 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 140 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 144 */ NdrFcShort( 0x6 ), /* 6 */
+/* 146 */ NdrFcShort( 0x40 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 64 */
+/* 148 */ NdrFcShort( 0xe ), /* 14 */
+/* 150 */ NdrFcShort( 0x78 ), /* 120 */
+/* 152 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x7, /* 7 */
+/* 154 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 156 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 158 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 160 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 162 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter offset */
+/* 164 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 166 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 168 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter coordType */
+/* 170 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 172 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 174 */ 0xd, /* FC_ENUM16 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter x */
+/* 176 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 178 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 180 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter y */
+/* 182 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 184 */ NdrFcShort( 0x20 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 32 */
+/* 186 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter width */
+/* 188 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 190 */ NdrFcShort( 0x28 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 40 */
+/* 192 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter height */
+/* 194 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 196 */ NdrFcShort( 0x30 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 48 */
+/* 198 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 200 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 202 */ NdrFcShort( 0x38 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 56 */
+/* 204 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_nSelections */
+/* 206 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 208 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 212 */ NdrFcShort( 0x7 ), /* 7 */
+/* 214 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 216 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 218 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 220 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 222 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 224 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 226 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 228 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 230 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter nSelections */
+/* 232 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 234 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 236 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 238 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 240 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 242 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_offsetAtPoint */
+/* 244 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 246 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 250 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 252 */ NdrFcShort( 0x30 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 48 */
+/* 254 */ NdrFcShort( 0x16 ), /* 22 */
+/* 256 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 258 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x5, /* 5 */
+/* 260 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 262 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 264 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 266 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 268 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter x */
+/* 270 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 272 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 274 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter y */
+/* 276 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 278 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 280 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter coordType */
+/* 282 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 284 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 286 */ 0xd, /* FC_ENUM16 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter offset */
+/* 288 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 290 */ NdrFcShort( 0x20 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 32 */
+/* 292 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 294 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 296 */ NdrFcShort( 0x28 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 40 */
+/* 298 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_selection */
+/* 300 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 302 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 306 */ NdrFcShort( 0x9 ), /* 9 */
+/* 308 */ NdrFcShort( 0x28 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 40 */
+/* 310 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 312 */ NdrFcShort( 0x40 ), /* 64 */
+/* 314 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x4, /* 4 */
+/* 316 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 318 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 320 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 322 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 324 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter selectionIndex */
+/* 326 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 328 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 330 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter startOffset */
+/* 332 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 334 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 336 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter endOffset */
+/* 338 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 340 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 342 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 344 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 346 */ NdrFcShort( 0x20 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 32 */
+/* 348 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_text */
+/* 350 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 352 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 356 */ NdrFcShort( 0xa ), /* 10 */
+/* 358 */ NdrFcShort( 0x28 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 40 */
+/* 360 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* 16 */
+/* 362 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 364 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x4, /* 4 */
+/* 366 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 368 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 370 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 372 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 374 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter startOffset */
+/* 376 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 378 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 380 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter endOffset */
+/* 382 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 384 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 386 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter text */
+/* 388 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2113 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 390 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 392 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* Type Offset=36 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 394 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 396 */ NdrFcShort( 0x20 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 32 */
+/* 398 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_textBeforeOffset */
+/* 400 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 402 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 406 */ NdrFcShort( 0xb ), /* 11 */
+/* 408 */ NdrFcShort( 0x38 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 56 */
+/* 410 */ NdrFcShort( 0xe ), /* 14 */
+/* 412 */ NdrFcShort( 0x40 ), /* 64 */
+/* 414 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x6, /* 6 */
+/* 416 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 418 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 420 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 422 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 424 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter offset */
+/* 426 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 428 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 430 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter boundaryType */
+/* 432 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 434 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 436 */ 0xd, /* FC_ENUM16 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter startOffset */
+/* 438 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 440 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 442 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter endOffset */
+/* 444 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 446 */ NdrFcShort( 0x20 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 32 */
+/* 448 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter text */
+/* 450 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2113 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 452 */ NdrFcShort( 0x28 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 40 */
+/* 454 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* Type Offset=36 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 456 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 458 */ NdrFcShort( 0x30 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 48 */
+/* 460 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_textAfterOffset */
+/* 462 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 464 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 468 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* 12 */
+/* 470 */ NdrFcShort( 0x38 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 56 */
+/* 472 */ NdrFcShort( 0xe ), /* 14 */
+/* 474 */ NdrFcShort( 0x40 ), /* 64 */
+/* 476 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x6, /* 6 */
+/* 478 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 480 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 482 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 484 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 486 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter offset */
+/* 488 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 490 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 492 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter boundaryType */
+/* 494 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 496 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 498 */ 0xd, /* FC_ENUM16 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter startOffset */
+/* 500 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 502 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 504 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter endOffset */
+/* 506 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 508 */ NdrFcShort( 0x20 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 32 */
+/* 510 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter text */
+/* 512 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2113 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 514 */ NdrFcShort( 0x28 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 40 */
+/* 516 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* Type Offset=36 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 518 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 520 */ NdrFcShort( 0x30 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 48 */
+/* 522 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_textAtOffset */
+/* 524 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 526 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 530 */ NdrFcShort( 0xd ), /* 13 */
+/* 532 */ NdrFcShort( 0x38 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 56 */
+/* 534 */ NdrFcShort( 0xe ), /* 14 */
+/* 536 */ NdrFcShort( 0x40 ), /* 64 */
+/* 538 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x6, /* 6 */
+/* 540 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 542 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 544 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 546 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 548 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter offset */
+/* 550 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 552 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 554 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter boundaryType */
+/* 556 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 558 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 560 */ 0xd, /* FC_ENUM16 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter startOffset */
+/* 562 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 564 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 566 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter endOffset */
+/* 568 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 570 */ NdrFcShort( 0x20 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 32 */
+/* 572 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter text */
+/* 574 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2113 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 576 */ NdrFcShort( 0x28 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 40 */
+/* 578 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* Type Offset=36 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 580 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 582 */ NdrFcShort( 0x30 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 48 */
+/* 584 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure removeSelection */
+/* 586 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 588 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 592 */ NdrFcShort( 0xe ), /* 14 */
+/* 594 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 596 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 598 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 600 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 602 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 604 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 606 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 608 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 610 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter selectionIndex */
+/* 612 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 614 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 616 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 618 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 620 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 622 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure setCaretOffset */
+/* 624 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 626 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 630 */ NdrFcShort( 0xf ), /* 15 */
+/* 632 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 634 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 636 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 638 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 640 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 642 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 644 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 646 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 648 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter offset */
+/* 650 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 652 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 654 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 656 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 658 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 660 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure setSelection */
+/* 662 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 664 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 668 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* 16 */
+/* 670 */ NdrFcShort( 0x28 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 40 */
+/* 672 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* 24 */
+/* 674 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 676 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x4, /* 4 */
+/* 678 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 680 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 682 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 684 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 686 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter selectionIndex */
+/* 688 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 690 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 692 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter startOffset */
+/* 694 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 696 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 698 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter endOffset */
+/* 700 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 702 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 704 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 706 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 708 */ NdrFcShort( 0x20 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 32 */
+/* 710 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_nCharacters */
+/* 712 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 714 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 718 */ NdrFcShort( 0x11 ), /* 17 */
+/* 720 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 722 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 724 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 726 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 728 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 730 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 732 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 734 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 736 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter nCharacters */
+/* 738 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 740 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 742 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 744 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 746 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 748 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure scrollSubstringTo */
+/* 750 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 752 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 756 */ NdrFcShort( 0x12 ), /* 18 */
+/* 758 */ NdrFcShort( 0x28 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 40 */
+/* 760 */ NdrFcShort( 0x16 ), /* 22 */
+/* 762 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 764 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x4, /* 4 */
+/* 766 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 768 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 770 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 772 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 774 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter startIndex */
+/* 776 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 778 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 780 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter endIndex */
+/* 782 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 784 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 786 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter scrollType */
+/* 788 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 790 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 792 */ 0xd, /* FC_ENUM16 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 794 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 796 */ NdrFcShort( 0x20 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 32 */
+/* 798 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure scrollSubstringToPoint */
+/* 800 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 802 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 806 */ NdrFcShort( 0x13 ), /* 19 */
+/* 808 */ NdrFcShort( 0x38 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 56 */
+/* 810 */ NdrFcShort( 0x26 ), /* 38 */
+/* 812 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 814 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x6, /* 6 */
+/* 816 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 818 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 820 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 822 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 824 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter startIndex */
+/* 826 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 828 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 830 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter endIndex */
+/* 832 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 834 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 836 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter coordinateType */
+/* 838 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 840 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 842 */ 0xd, /* FC_ENUM16 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter x */
+/* 844 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 846 */ NdrFcShort( 0x20 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 32 */
+/* 848 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter y */
+/* 850 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 852 */ NdrFcShort( 0x28 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 40 */
+/* 854 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 856 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 858 */ NdrFcShort( 0x30 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 48 */
+/* 860 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_newText */
+/* 862 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 864 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 868 */ NdrFcShort( 0x14 ), /* 20 */
+/* 870 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 872 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 874 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 876 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 878 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 880 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 882 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 884 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 886 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter newText */
+/* 888 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4113 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, simple ref, srv alloc size=16 */
+/* 890 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 892 */ NdrFcShort( 0x32 ), /* Type Offset=50 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 894 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 896 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 898 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_oldText */
+/* 900 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 902 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 906 */ NdrFcShort( 0x15 ), /* 21 */
+/* 908 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 910 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 912 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 914 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 916 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 918 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 920 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 922 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 924 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter oldText */
+/* 926 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4113 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, simple ref, srv alloc size=16 */
+/* 928 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 930 */ NdrFcShort( 0x32 ), /* Type Offset=50 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 932 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 934 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 936 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x0
+ }
+ };
+static const AccessibleText_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleText__MIDL_TypeFormatString =
+ {
+ 0,
+ {
+ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 2 */
+ 0x11, 0xc, /* FC_RP [alloced_on_stack] [simple_pointer] */
+/* 4 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 6 */
+ 0x11, 0x4, /* FC_RP [alloced_on_stack] */
+/* 8 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1c ), /* Offset= 28 (36) */
+/* 10 */
+ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 12 */ NdrFcShort( 0xe ), /* Offset= 14 (26) */
+/* 14 */
+ 0x1b, /* FC_CARRAY */
+ 0x1, /* 1 */
+/* 16 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* 2 */
+/* 18 */ 0x9, /* Corr desc: FC_ULONG */
+ 0x0, /* */
+/* 20 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfffc ), /* -4 */
+/* 22 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* Corr flags: early, */
+/* 24 */ 0x6, /* FC_SHORT */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 26 */
+ 0x17, /* FC_CSTRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 28 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 30 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfff0 ), /* Offset= -16 (14) */
+/* 32 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+/* 34 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 36 */ 0xb4, /* FC_USER_MARSHAL */
+ 0x83, /* 131 */
+/* 38 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 40 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 42 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 44 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffde ), /* Offset= -34 (10) */
+/* 46 */
+ 0x11, 0x4, /* FC_RP [alloced_on_stack] */
+/* 48 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* Offset= 2 (50) */
+/* 50 */
+ 0x1a, /* FC_BOGUS_STRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 52 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* 16 */
+/* 54 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 56 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* Offset= 0 (56) */
+/* 58 */ 0x4c, /* FC_EMBEDDED_COMPLEX */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 60 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffe8 ), /* Offset= -24 (36) */
+/* 62 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+/* 64 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+ 0x0
+ }
+ };
+ {
+ {
+ BSTR_UserSize
+ ,BSTR_UserMarshal
+ ,BSTR_UserUnmarshal
+ ,BSTR_UserFree
+ }
+ };
+/* Standard interface: __MIDL_itf_AccessibleText_0000_0000, ver. 0.0,
+ GUID={0x00000000,0x0000,0x0000,{0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00}} */
+/* Object interface: IUnknown, ver. 0.0,
+ GUID={0x00000000,0x0000,0x0000,{0xC0,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x46}} */
+/* Object interface: IAccessibleText, ver. 0.0,
+ GUID={0x24FD2FFB,0x3AAD,0x4a08,{0x83,0x35,0xA3,0xAD,0x89,0xC0,0xFB,0x4B}} */
+#pragma code_seg(".orpc")
+static const unsigned short IAccessibleText_FormatStringOffsetTable[] =
+ {
+ 0,
+ 44,
+ 100,
+ 138,
+ 206,
+ 244,
+ 300,
+ 350,
+ 400,
+ 462,
+ 524,
+ 586,
+ 624,
+ 662,
+ 712,
+ 750,
+ 800,
+ 862,
+ 900
+ };
+static const MIDL_STUBLESS_PROXY_INFO IAccessibleText_ProxyInfo =
+ {
+ &Object_StubDesc,
+ AccessibleText__MIDL_ProcFormatString.Format,
+ &IAccessibleText_FormatStringOffsetTable[-3],
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0
+ };
+static const MIDL_SERVER_INFO IAccessibleText_ServerInfo =
+ {
+ &Object_StubDesc,
+ 0,
+ AccessibleText__MIDL_ProcFormatString.Format,
+ &IAccessibleText_FormatStringOffsetTable[-3],
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0};
+CINTERFACE_PROXY_VTABLE(22) _IAccessibleTextProxyVtbl =
+ &IAccessibleText_ProxyInfo,
+ &IID_IAccessibleText,
+ IUnknown_QueryInterface_Proxy,
+ IUnknown_AddRef_Proxy,
+ IUnknown_Release_Proxy ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleText::addSelection */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleText::get_attributes */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleText::get_caretOffset */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleText::get_characterExtents */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleText::get_nSelections */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleText::get_offsetAtPoint */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleText::get_selection */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleText::get_text */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleText::get_textBeforeOffset */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleText::get_textAfterOffset */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleText::get_textAtOffset */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleText::removeSelection */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleText::setCaretOffset */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleText::setSelection */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleText::get_nCharacters */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleText::scrollSubstringTo */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleText::scrollSubstringToPoint */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleText::get_newText */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleText::get_oldText */
+const CInterfaceStubVtbl _IAccessibleTextStubVtbl =
+ &IID_IAccessibleText,
+ &IAccessibleText_ServerInfo,
+ 22,
+ 0, /* pure interpreted */
+ CStdStubBuffer_METHODS
+static const MIDL_STUB_DESC Object_StubDesc =
+ {
+ 0,
+ NdrOleAllocate,
+ NdrOleFree,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ AccessibleText__MIDL_TypeFormatString.Format,
+ 1, /* -error bounds_check flag */
+ 0x50002, /* Ndr library version */
+ 0,
+ 0x700022b, /* MIDL Version 7.0.555 */
+ 0,
+ UserMarshalRoutines,
+ 0, /* notify & notify_flag routine table */
+ 0x1, /* MIDL flag */
+ 0, /* cs routines */
+ 0, /* proxy/server info */
+ 0
+ };
+const CInterfaceProxyVtbl * const _AccessibleText_ProxyVtblList[] =
+ ( CInterfaceProxyVtbl *) &_IAccessibleTextProxyVtbl,
+ 0
+const CInterfaceStubVtbl * const _AccessibleText_StubVtblList[] =
+ ( CInterfaceStubVtbl *) &_IAccessibleTextStubVtbl,
+ 0
+PCInterfaceName const _AccessibleText_InterfaceNamesList[] =
+ "IAccessibleText",
+ 0
+#define _AccessibleText_CHECK_IID(n) IID_GENERIC_CHECK_IID( _AccessibleText, pIID, n)
+int __stdcall _AccessibleText_IID_Lookup( const IID * pIID, int * pIndex )
+ if(!_AccessibleText_CHECK_IID(0))
+ {
+ *pIndex = 0;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+const ExtendedProxyFileInfo AccessibleText_ProxyFileInfo =
+ (PCInterfaceProxyVtblList *) & _AccessibleText_ProxyVtblList,
+ (PCInterfaceStubVtblList *) & _AccessibleText_StubVtblList,
+ (const PCInterfaceName * ) & _AccessibleText_InterfaceNamesList,
+ 0, /* no delegation */
+ & _AccessibleText_IID_Lookup,
+ 1,
+ 2,
+ 0, /* table of [async_uuid] interfaces */
+ 0, /* Filler1 */
+ 0, /* Filler2 */
+ 0 /* Filler3 */
+#if _MSC_VER >= 1200
+#pragma warning(pop)
+#endif /* defined(_M_AMD64)*/
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleValue.h b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleValue.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b27f9bb0c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleValue.h
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the definitions for the interfaces */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:54:00 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleValue.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win64 (32b run), target_arch=AMD64 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+/* verify that the <rpcndr.h> version is high enough to compile this file*/
+#include "rpc.h"
+#include "rpcndr.h"
+#ifndef __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
+#error this stub requires an updated version of <rpcndr.h>
+#endif // __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
+#include "windows.h"
+#include "ole2.h"
+#endif /*COM_NO_WINDOWS_H*/
+#ifndef __AccessibleValue_h__
+#define __AccessibleValue_h__
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1020)
+#pragma once
+/* Forward Declarations */
+#ifndef __IAccessibleValue_FWD_DEFINED__
+#define __IAccessibleValue_FWD_DEFINED__
+typedef interface IAccessibleValue IAccessibleValue;
+#endif /* __IAccessibleValue_FWD_DEFINED__ */
+/* header files for imported files */
+#include "objidl.h"
+#include "oaidl.h"
+#include "oleacc.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"{
+#ifndef __IAccessibleValue_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+#define __IAccessibleValue_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+/* interface IAccessibleValue */
+/* [uuid][object] */
+EXTERN_C const IID IID_IAccessibleValue;
+#if defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(CINTERFACE)
+ MIDL_INTERFACE("35855B5B-C566-4fd0-A7B1-E65465600394")
+ IAccessibleValue : public IUnknown
+ {
+ public:
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_currentValue(
+ /* [retval][out] */ VARIANT *currentValue) = 0;
+ virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE setCurrentValue(
+ /* [in] */ VARIANT value) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_maximumValue(
+ /* [retval][out] */ VARIANT *maximumValue) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_minimumValue(
+ /* [retval][out] */ VARIANT *minimumValue) = 0;
+ };
+#else /* C style interface */
+ typedef struct IAccessibleValueVtbl
+ {
+ IAccessibleValue * This,
+ /* [in] */ REFIID riid,
+ /* [annotation][iid_is][out] */
+ __RPC__deref_out void **ppvObject);
+ IAccessibleValue * This);
+ IAccessibleValue * This);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_currentValue )(
+ IAccessibleValue * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ VARIANT *currentValue);
+ IAccessibleValue * This,
+ /* [in] */ VARIANT value);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_maximumValue )(
+ IAccessibleValue * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ VARIANT *maximumValue);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_minimumValue )(
+ IAccessibleValue * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ VARIANT *minimumValue);
+ } IAccessibleValueVtbl;
+ interface IAccessibleValue
+ {
+ CONST_VTBL struct IAccessibleValueVtbl *lpVtbl;
+ };
+#define IAccessibleValue_QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) )
+#define IAccessibleValue_AddRef(This) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> AddRef(This) )
+#define IAccessibleValue_Release(This) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> Release(This) )
+#define IAccessibleValue_get_currentValue(This,currentValue) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_currentValue(This,currentValue) )
+#define IAccessibleValue_setCurrentValue(This,value) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> setCurrentValue(This,value) )
+#define IAccessibleValue_get_maximumValue(This,maximumValue) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_maximumValue(This,maximumValue) )
+#define IAccessibleValue_get_minimumValue(This,minimumValue) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_minimumValue(This,minimumValue) )
+#endif /* COBJMACROS */
+#endif /* C style interface */
+#endif /* __IAccessibleValue_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ */
+/* Additional Prototypes for ALL interfaces */
+unsigned long __RPC_USER VARIANT_UserSize( unsigned long *, unsigned long , VARIANT * );
+unsigned char * __RPC_USER VARIANT_UserMarshal( unsigned long *, unsigned char *, VARIANT * );
+unsigned char * __RPC_USER VARIANT_UserUnmarshal(unsigned long *, unsigned char *, VARIANT * );
+void __RPC_USER VARIANT_UserFree( unsigned long *, VARIANT * );
+/* end of Additional Prototypes */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleValue_i.c b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleValue_i.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bc757ff1a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleValue_i.c
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the IIDs and CLSIDs */
+/* link this file in with the server and any clients */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:54:00 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleValue.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win64 (32b run), target_arch=AMD64 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"{
+#include <rpc.h>
+#include <rpcndr.h>
+#ifndef INITGUID
+#define INITGUID
+#include <guiddef.h>
+#undef INITGUID
+#include <guiddef.h>
+#define MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(type,name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8) \
+ DEFINE_GUID(name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8)
+#else // !_MIDL_USE_GUIDDEF_
+#ifndef __IID_DEFINED__
+#define __IID_DEFINED__
+typedef struct _IID
+ unsigned long x;
+ unsigned short s1;
+ unsigned short s2;
+ unsigned char c[8];
+} IID;
+#endif // __IID_DEFINED__
+typedef IID CLSID;
+#endif // CLSID_DEFINED
+#define MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(type,name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8) \
+ const type name = {l,w1,w2,{b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8}}
+MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(IID, IID_IAccessibleValue,0x35855B5B,0xC566,0x4fd0,0xA7,0xB1,0xE6,0x54,0x65,0x60,0x03,0x94);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleValue_p.c b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleValue_p.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c3fd72ceb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/AccessibleValue_p.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1029 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the proxy stub code */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:54:00 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleValue.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win64 (32b run), target_arch=AMD64 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#if defined(_M_AMD64)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+#if _MSC_VER >= 1200
+#pragma warning(push)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4211 ) /* redefine extern to static */
+#pragma warning( disable: 4232 ) /* dllimport identity*/
+#pragma warning( disable: 4024 ) /* array to pointer mapping*/
+#pragma warning( disable: 4152 ) /* function/data pointer conversion in expression */
+/* verify that the <rpcproxy.h> version is high enough to compile this file*/
+#include "rpcproxy.h"
+#error this stub requires an updated version of <rpcproxy.h>
+#endif /* __RPCPROXY_H_VERSION__ */
+#include "AccessibleValue.h"
+typedef struct _AccessibleValue_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ short Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ TYPE_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+ } AccessibleValue_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING;
+typedef struct _AccessibleValue_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ short Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ PROC_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+ } AccessibleValue_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING;
+typedef struct _AccessibleValue_MIDL_EXPR_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ long Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ EXPR_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+ } AccessibleValue_MIDL_EXPR_FORMAT_STRING;
+static const RPC_SYNTAX_IDENTIFIER _RpcTransferSyntax =
+extern const AccessibleValue_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleValue__MIDL_TypeFormatString;
+extern const AccessibleValue_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleValue__MIDL_ProcFormatString;
+extern const AccessibleValue_MIDL_EXPR_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleValue__MIDL_ExprFormatString;
+extern const MIDL_STUB_DESC Object_StubDesc;
+extern const MIDL_SERVER_INFO IAccessibleValue_ServerInfo;
+extern const MIDL_STUBLESS_PROXY_INFO IAccessibleValue_ProxyInfo;
+#if !defined(__RPC_WIN64__)
+#error Invalid build platform for this stub.
+static const AccessibleValue_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleValue__MIDL_ProcFormatString =
+ {
+ 0,
+ {
+ /* Procedure get_currentValue */
+ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 2 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 6 */ NdrFcShort( 0x3 ), /* 3 */
+/* 8 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 10 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 12 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 14 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 16 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 18 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 20 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 22 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 24 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter currentValue */
+/* 26 */ NdrFcShort( 0x6113 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, simple ref, srv alloc size=24 */
+/* 28 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 30 */ NdrFcShort( 0x3d2 ), /* Type Offset=978 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 32 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 34 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 36 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure setCurrentValue */
+/* 38 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 40 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 44 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 46 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 48 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 50 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 52 */ 0x46, /* Oi2 Flags: clt must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 54 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x85, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, srv corr check, has big amd64 byval param */
+/* 56 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 58 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 60 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 62 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter value */
+/* 64 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10b ), /* Flags: must size, must free, in, simple ref, */
+/* 66 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 68 */ NdrFcShort( 0x3e4 ), /* Type Offset=996 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 70 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 72 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 74 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_maximumValue */
+/* 76 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 78 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 82 */ NdrFcShort( 0x5 ), /* 5 */
+/* 84 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 86 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 88 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 90 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 92 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 94 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 96 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 98 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 100 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter maximumValue */
+/* 102 */ NdrFcShort( 0x6113 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, simple ref, srv alloc size=24 */
+/* 104 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 106 */ NdrFcShort( 0x3d2 ), /* Type Offset=978 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 108 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 110 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 112 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_minimumValue */
+/* 114 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 116 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 120 */ NdrFcShort( 0x6 ), /* 6 */
+/* 122 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 124 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 126 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 128 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 130 */ 0xa, /* 10 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 132 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 134 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 136 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 138 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter minimumValue */
+/* 140 */ NdrFcShort( 0x6113 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, simple ref, srv alloc size=24 */
+/* 142 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 144 */ NdrFcShort( 0x3d2 ), /* Type Offset=978 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 146 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 148 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* X64 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 150 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x0
+ }
+ };
+static const AccessibleValue_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleValue__MIDL_TypeFormatString =
+ {
+ 0,
+ {
+ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 2 */
+ 0x11, 0x4, /* FC_RP [alloced_on_stack] */
+/* 4 */ NdrFcShort( 0x3ce ), /* Offset= 974 (978) */
+/* 6 */
+ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 8 */ NdrFcShort( 0x3b6 ), /* Offset= 950 (958) */
+/* 10 */
+ 0x9, /* FC_ULONG */
+/* 12 */ 0x7, /* Corr desc: FC_USHORT */
+ 0x0, /* */
+/* 14 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfff8 ), /* -8 */
+/* 16 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* Corr flags: early, */
+/* 18 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* Offset= 2 (20) */
+/* 20 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* 16 */
+/* 22 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2f ), /* 47 */
+/* 24 */ NdrFcLong( 0x14 ), /* 20 */
+/* 28 */ NdrFcShort( 0x800b ), /* Simple arm type: FC_HYPER */
+/* 30 */ NdrFcLong( 0x3 ), /* 3 */
+/* 34 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8008 ), /* Simple arm type: FC_LONG */
+/* 36 */ NdrFcLong( 0x11 ), /* 17 */
+/* 40 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8001 ), /* Simple arm type: FC_BYTE */
+/* 42 */ NdrFcLong( 0x2 ), /* 2 */
+/* 46 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8006 ), /* Simple arm type: FC_SHORT */
+/* 48 */ NdrFcLong( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 52 */ NdrFcShort( 0x800a ), /* Simple arm type: FC_FLOAT */
+/* 54 */ NdrFcLong( 0x5 ), /* 5 */
+/* 58 */ NdrFcShort( 0x800c ), /* Simple arm type: FC_DOUBLE */
+/* 60 */ NdrFcLong( 0xb ), /* 11 */
+/* 64 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8006 ), /* Simple arm type: FC_SHORT */
+/* 66 */ NdrFcLong( 0xa ), /* 10 */
+/* 70 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8008 ), /* Simple arm type: FC_LONG */
+/* 72 */ NdrFcLong( 0x6 ), /* 6 */
+/* 76 */ NdrFcShort( 0xe8 ), /* Offset= 232 (308) */
+/* 78 */ NdrFcLong( 0x7 ), /* 7 */
+/* 82 */ NdrFcShort( 0x800c ), /* Simple arm type: FC_DOUBLE */
+/* 84 */ NdrFcLong( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 88 */ NdrFcShort( 0xe2 ), /* Offset= 226 (314) */
+/* 90 */ NdrFcLong( 0xd ), /* 13 */
+/* 94 */ NdrFcShort( 0xf6 ), /* Offset= 246 (340) */
+/* 96 */ NdrFcLong( 0x9 ), /* 9 */
+/* 100 */ NdrFcShort( 0x102 ), /* Offset= 258 (358) */
+/* 102 */ NdrFcLong( 0x2000 ), /* 8192 */
+/* 106 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10e ), /* Offset= 270 (376) */
+/* 108 */ NdrFcLong( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 112 */ NdrFcShort( 0x304 ), /* Offset= 772 (884) */
+/* 114 */ NdrFcLong( 0x4024 ), /* 16420 */
+/* 118 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2fe ), /* Offset= 766 (884) */
+/* 120 */ NdrFcLong( 0x4011 ), /* 16401 */
+/* 124 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2fc ), /* Offset= 764 (888) */
+/* 126 */ NdrFcLong( 0x4002 ), /* 16386 */
+/* 130 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2fa ), /* Offset= 762 (892) */
+/* 132 */ NdrFcLong( 0x4003 ), /* 16387 */
+/* 136 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2f8 ), /* Offset= 760 (896) */
+/* 138 */ NdrFcLong( 0x4014 ), /* 16404 */
+/* 142 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2f6 ), /* Offset= 758 (900) */
+/* 144 */ NdrFcLong( 0x4004 ), /* 16388 */
+/* 148 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2f4 ), /* Offset= 756 (904) */
+/* 150 */ NdrFcLong( 0x4005 ), /* 16389 */
+/* 154 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2f2 ), /* Offset= 754 (908) */
+/* 156 */ NdrFcLong( 0x400b ), /* 16395 */
+/* 160 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2dc ), /* Offset= 732 (892) */
+/* 162 */ NdrFcLong( 0x400a ), /* 16394 */
+/* 166 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2da ), /* Offset= 730 (896) */
+/* 168 */ NdrFcLong( 0x4006 ), /* 16390 */
+/* 172 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2e4 ), /* Offset= 740 (912) */
+/* 174 */ NdrFcLong( 0x4007 ), /* 16391 */
+/* 178 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2da ), /* Offset= 730 (908) */
+/* 180 */ NdrFcLong( 0x4008 ), /* 16392 */
+/* 184 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2dc ), /* Offset= 732 (916) */
+/* 186 */ NdrFcLong( 0x400d ), /* 16397 */
+/* 190 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2da ), /* Offset= 730 (920) */
+/* 192 */ NdrFcLong( 0x4009 ), /* 16393 */
+/* 196 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2d8 ), /* Offset= 728 (924) */
+/* 198 */ NdrFcLong( 0x6000 ), /* 24576 */
+/* 202 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2d6 ), /* Offset= 726 (928) */
+/* 204 */ NdrFcLong( 0x400c ), /* 16396 */
+/* 208 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2d4 ), /* Offset= 724 (932) */
+/* 210 */ NdrFcLong( 0x10 ), /* 16 */
+/* 214 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8002 ), /* Simple arm type: FC_CHAR */
+/* 216 */ NdrFcLong( 0x12 ), /* 18 */
+/* 220 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8006 ), /* Simple arm type: FC_SHORT */
+/* 222 */ NdrFcLong( 0x13 ), /* 19 */
+/* 226 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8008 ), /* Simple arm type: FC_LONG */
+/* 228 */ NdrFcLong( 0x15 ), /* 21 */
+/* 232 */ NdrFcShort( 0x800b ), /* Simple arm type: FC_HYPER */
+/* 234 */ NdrFcLong( 0x16 ), /* 22 */
+/* 238 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8008 ), /* Simple arm type: FC_LONG */
+/* 240 */ NdrFcLong( 0x17 ), /* 23 */
+/* 244 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8008 ), /* Simple arm type: FC_LONG */
+/* 246 */ NdrFcLong( 0xe ), /* 14 */
+/* 250 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2b2 ), /* Offset= 690 (940) */
+/* 252 */ NdrFcLong( 0x400e ), /* 16398 */
+/* 256 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2b6 ), /* Offset= 694 (950) */
+/* 258 */ NdrFcLong( 0x4010 ), /* 16400 */
+/* 262 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2b4 ), /* Offset= 692 (954) */
+/* 264 */ NdrFcLong( 0x4012 ), /* 16402 */
+/* 268 */ NdrFcShort( 0x270 ), /* Offset= 624 (892) */
+/* 270 */ NdrFcLong( 0x4013 ), /* 16403 */
+/* 274 */ NdrFcShort( 0x26e ), /* Offset= 622 (896) */
+/* 276 */ NdrFcLong( 0x4015 ), /* 16405 */
+/* 280 */ NdrFcShort( 0x26c ), /* Offset= 620 (900) */
+/* 282 */ NdrFcLong( 0x4016 ), /* 16406 */
+/* 286 */ NdrFcShort( 0x262 ), /* Offset= 610 (896) */
+/* 288 */ NdrFcLong( 0x4017 ), /* 16407 */
+/* 292 */ NdrFcShort( 0x25c ), /* Offset= 604 (896) */
+/* 294 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 298 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* Offset= 0 (298) */
+/* 300 */ NdrFcLong( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 304 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* Offset= 0 (304) */
+/* 306 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffff ), /* Offset= -1 (305) */
+/* 308 */
+ 0x15, /* FC_STRUCT */
+ 0x7, /* 7 */
+/* 310 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 312 */ 0xb, /* FC_HYPER */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 314 */
+ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 316 */ NdrFcShort( 0xe ), /* Offset= 14 (330) */
+/* 318 */
+ 0x1b, /* FC_CARRAY */
+ 0x1, /* 1 */
+/* 320 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* 2 */
+/* 322 */ 0x9, /* Corr desc: FC_ULONG */
+ 0x0, /* */
+/* 324 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfffc ), /* -4 */
+/* 326 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* Corr flags: early, */
+/* 328 */ 0x6, /* FC_SHORT */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 330 */
+ 0x17, /* FC_CSTRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 332 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 334 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfff0 ), /* Offset= -16 (318) */
+/* 336 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+/* 338 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 340 */
+ 0x2f, /* FC_IP */
+ 0x5a, /* FC_CONSTANT_IID */
+/* 342 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 346 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 348 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 350 */ 0xc0, /* 192 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 352 */ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 354 */ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 356 */ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x46, /* 70 */
+/* 358 */
+ 0x2f, /* FC_IP */
+ 0x5a, /* FC_CONSTANT_IID */
+/* 360 */ NdrFcLong( 0x20400 ), /* 132096 */
+/* 364 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 366 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 368 */ 0xc0, /* 192 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 370 */ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 372 */ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 374 */ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x46, /* 70 */
+/* 376 */
+ 0x13, 0x10, /* FC_OP [pointer_deref] */
+/* 378 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* Offset= 2 (380) */
+/* 380 */
+ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 382 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1e4 ), /* Offset= 484 (866) */
+/* 384 */
+ 0x89, /* 137 */
+/* 386 */ NdrFcShort( 0x20 ), /* 32 */
+/* 388 */ NdrFcShort( 0xa ), /* 10 */
+/* 390 */ NdrFcLong( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 394 */ NdrFcShort( 0x50 ), /* Offset= 80 (474) */
+/* 396 */ NdrFcLong( 0xd ), /* 13 */
+/* 400 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Offset= 112 (512) */
+/* 402 */ NdrFcLong( 0x9 ), /* 9 */
+/* 406 */ NdrFcShort( 0x90 ), /* Offset= 144 (550) */
+/* 408 */ NdrFcLong( 0xc ), /* 12 */
+/* 412 */ NdrFcShort( 0xb0 ), /* Offset= 176 (588) */
+/* 414 */ NdrFcLong( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 418 */ NdrFcShort( 0x102 ), /* Offset= 258 (676) */
+/* 420 */ NdrFcLong( 0x800d ), /* 32781 */
+/* 424 */ NdrFcShort( 0x11e ), /* Offset= 286 (710) */
+/* 426 */ NdrFcLong( 0x10 ), /* 16 */
+/* 430 */ NdrFcShort( 0x138 ), /* Offset= 312 (742) */
+/* 432 */ NdrFcLong( 0x2 ), /* 2 */
+/* 436 */ NdrFcShort( 0x14e ), /* Offset= 334 (770) */
+/* 438 */ NdrFcLong( 0x3 ), /* 3 */
+/* 442 */ NdrFcShort( 0x164 ), /* Offset= 356 (798) */
+/* 444 */ NdrFcLong( 0x14 ), /* 20 */
+/* 448 */ NdrFcShort( 0x17a ), /* Offset= 378 (826) */
+/* 450 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffff ), /* Offset= -1 (449) */
+/* 452 */
+ 0x21, /* FC_BOGUS_ARRAY */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 454 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 456 */ 0x19, /* Corr desc: field pointer, FC_ULONG */
+ 0x0, /* */
+/* 458 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 460 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* Corr flags: early, */
+/* 462 */ NdrFcLong( 0xffffffff ), /* -1 */
+/* 466 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* Corr flags: */
+/* 468 */
+ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 470 */ NdrFcShort( 0xff74 ), /* Offset= -140 (330) */
+/* 472 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 474 */
+ 0x1a, /* FC_BOGUS_STRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 476 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* 16 */
+/* 478 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 480 */ NdrFcShort( 0x6 ), /* Offset= 6 (486) */
+/* 482 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x40, /* FC_STRUCTPAD4 */
+/* 484 */ 0x36, /* FC_POINTER */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 486 */
+ 0x11, 0x0, /* FC_RP */
+/* 488 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffdc ), /* Offset= -36 (452) */
+/* 490 */
+ 0x21, /* FC_BOGUS_ARRAY */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 492 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 494 */ 0x19, /* Corr desc: field pointer, FC_ULONG */
+ 0x0, /* */
+/* 496 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 498 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* Corr flags: early, */
+/* 500 */ NdrFcLong( 0xffffffff ), /* -1 */
+/* 504 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* Corr flags: */
+/* 506 */ 0x4c, /* FC_EMBEDDED_COMPLEX */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 508 */ NdrFcShort( 0xff58 ), /* Offset= -168 (340) */
+/* 510 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 512 */
+ 0x1a, /* FC_BOGUS_STRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 514 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* 16 */
+/* 516 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 518 */ NdrFcShort( 0x6 ), /* Offset= 6 (524) */
+/* 520 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x40, /* FC_STRUCTPAD4 */
+/* 522 */ 0x36, /* FC_POINTER */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 524 */
+ 0x11, 0x0, /* FC_RP */
+/* 526 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffdc ), /* Offset= -36 (490) */
+/* 528 */
+ 0x21, /* FC_BOGUS_ARRAY */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 530 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 532 */ 0x19, /* Corr desc: field pointer, FC_ULONG */
+ 0x0, /* */
+/* 534 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 536 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* Corr flags: early, */
+/* 538 */ NdrFcLong( 0xffffffff ), /* -1 */
+/* 542 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* Corr flags: */
+/* 544 */ 0x4c, /* FC_EMBEDDED_COMPLEX */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 546 */ NdrFcShort( 0xff44 ), /* Offset= -188 (358) */
+/* 548 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 550 */
+ 0x1a, /* FC_BOGUS_STRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 552 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* 16 */
+/* 554 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 556 */ NdrFcShort( 0x6 ), /* Offset= 6 (562) */
+/* 558 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x40, /* FC_STRUCTPAD4 */
+/* 560 */ 0x36, /* FC_POINTER */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 562 */
+ 0x11, 0x0, /* FC_RP */
+/* 564 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffdc ), /* Offset= -36 (528) */
+/* 566 */
+ 0x21, /* FC_BOGUS_ARRAY */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 568 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 570 */ 0x19, /* Corr desc: field pointer, FC_ULONG */
+ 0x0, /* */
+/* 572 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 574 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* Corr flags: early, */
+/* 576 */ NdrFcLong( 0xffffffff ), /* -1 */
+/* 580 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* Corr flags: */
+/* 582 */
+ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 584 */ NdrFcShort( 0x176 ), /* Offset= 374 (958) */
+/* 586 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 588 */
+ 0x1a, /* FC_BOGUS_STRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 590 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* 16 */
+/* 592 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 594 */ NdrFcShort( 0x6 ), /* Offset= 6 (600) */
+/* 596 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x40, /* FC_STRUCTPAD4 */
+/* 598 */ 0x36, /* FC_POINTER */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 600 */
+ 0x11, 0x0, /* FC_RP */
+/* 602 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffdc ), /* Offset= -36 (566) */
+/* 604 */
+ 0x2f, /* FC_IP */
+ 0x5a, /* FC_CONSTANT_IID */
+/* 606 */ NdrFcLong( 0x2f ), /* 47 */
+/* 610 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 612 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 614 */ 0xc0, /* 192 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 616 */ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 618 */ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 620 */ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x46, /* 70 */
+/* 622 */
+ 0x1b, /* FC_CARRAY */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 624 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 626 */ 0x19, /* Corr desc: field pointer, FC_ULONG */
+ 0x0, /* */
+/* 628 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 630 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* Corr flags: early, */
+/* 632 */ 0x1, /* FC_BYTE */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 634 */
+ 0x1a, /* FC_BOGUS_STRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 636 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* 24 */
+/* 638 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 640 */ NdrFcShort( 0xa ), /* Offset= 10 (650) */
+/* 642 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+/* 644 */ 0x4c, /* FC_EMBEDDED_COMPLEX */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 646 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffd6 ), /* Offset= -42 (604) */
+/* 648 */ 0x36, /* FC_POINTER */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 650 */
+ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 652 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffe2 ), /* Offset= -30 (622) */
+/* 654 */
+ 0x21, /* FC_BOGUS_ARRAY */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 656 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 658 */ 0x19, /* Corr desc: field pointer, FC_ULONG */
+ 0x0, /* */
+/* 660 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 662 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* Corr flags: early, */
+/* 664 */ NdrFcLong( 0xffffffff ), /* -1 */
+/* 668 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* Corr flags: */
+/* 670 */
+ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 672 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffda ), /* Offset= -38 (634) */
+/* 674 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 676 */
+ 0x1a, /* FC_BOGUS_STRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 678 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* 16 */
+/* 680 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 682 */ NdrFcShort( 0x6 ), /* Offset= 6 (688) */
+/* 684 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x40, /* FC_STRUCTPAD4 */
+/* 686 */ 0x36, /* FC_POINTER */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 688 */
+ 0x11, 0x0, /* FC_RP */
+/* 690 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffdc ), /* Offset= -36 (654) */
+/* 692 */
+ 0x1d, /* FC_SMFARRAY */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 694 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 696 */ 0x1, /* FC_BYTE */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 698 */
+ 0x15, /* FC_STRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 700 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* 16 */
+/* 702 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x6, /* FC_SHORT */
+/* 704 */ 0x6, /* FC_SHORT */
+/* 706 */ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ NdrFcShort( 0xfff1 ), /* Offset= -15 (692) */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 710 */
+ 0x1a, /* FC_BOGUS_STRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 712 */ NdrFcShort( 0x20 ), /* 32 */
+/* 714 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 716 */ NdrFcShort( 0xa ), /* Offset= 10 (726) */
+/* 718 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x40, /* FC_STRUCTPAD4 */
+/* 720 */ 0x36, /* FC_POINTER */
+/* 722 */ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ NdrFcShort( 0xffe7 ), /* Offset= -25 (698) */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 726 */
+ 0x11, 0x0, /* FC_RP */
+/* 728 */ NdrFcShort( 0xff12 ), /* Offset= -238 (490) */
+/* 730 */
+ 0x1b, /* FC_CARRAY */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 732 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 734 */ 0x19, /* Corr desc: field pointer, FC_ULONG */
+ 0x0, /* */
+/* 736 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 738 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* Corr flags: early, */
+/* 740 */ 0x1, /* FC_BYTE */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 742 */
+ 0x1a, /* FC_BOGUS_STRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 744 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* 16 */
+/* 746 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 748 */ NdrFcShort( 0x6 ), /* Offset= 6 (754) */
+/* 750 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x40, /* FC_STRUCTPAD4 */
+/* 752 */ 0x36, /* FC_POINTER */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 754 */
+ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 756 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffe6 ), /* Offset= -26 (730) */
+/* 758 */
+ 0x1b, /* FC_CARRAY */
+ 0x1, /* 1 */
+/* 760 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* 2 */
+/* 762 */ 0x19, /* Corr desc: field pointer, FC_ULONG */
+ 0x0, /* */
+/* 764 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 766 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* Corr flags: early, */
+/* 768 */ 0x6, /* FC_SHORT */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 770 */
+ 0x1a, /* FC_BOGUS_STRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 772 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* 16 */
+/* 774 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 776 */ NdrFcShort( 0x6 ), /* Offset= 6 (782) */
+/* 778 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x40, /* FC_STRUCTPAD4 */
+/* 780 */ 0x36, /* FC_POINTER */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 782 */
+ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 784 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffe6 ), /* Offset= -26 (758) */
+/* 786 */
+ 0x1b, /* FC_CARRAY */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 788 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 790 */ 0x19, /* Corr desc: field pointer, FC_ULONG */
+ 0x0, /* */
+/* 792 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 794 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* Corr flags: early, */
+/* 796 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 798 */
+ 0x1a, /* FC_BOGUS_STRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 800 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* 16 */
+/* 802 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 804 */ NdrFcShort( 0x6 ), /* Offset= 6 (810) */
+/* 806 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x40, /* FC_STRUCTPAD4 */
+/* 808 */ 0x36, /* FC_POINTER */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 810 */
+ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 812 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffe6 ), /* Offset= -26 (786) */
+/* 814 */
+ 0x1b, /* FC_CARRAY */
+ 0x7, /* 7 */
+/* 816 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 818 */ 0x19, /* Corr desc: field pointer, FC_ULONG */
+ 0x0, /* */
+/* 820 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 822 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* Corr flags: early, */
+/* 824 */ 0xb, /* FC_HYPER */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 826 */
+ 0x1a, /* FC_BOGUS_STRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 828 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* 16 */
+/* 830 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 832 */ NdrFcShort( 0x6 ), /* Offset= 6 (838) */
+/* 834 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x40, /* FC_STRUCTPAD4 */
+/* 836 */ 0x36, /* FC_POINTER */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 838 */
+ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 840 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffe6 ), /* Offset= -26 (814) */
+/* 842 */
+ 0x15, /* FC_STRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 844 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 846 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+/* 848 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 850 */
+ 0x1b, /* FC_CARRAY */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 852 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 854 */ 0x7, /* Corr desc: FC_USHORT */
+ 0x0, /* */
+/* 856 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffc8 ), /* -56 */
+/* 858 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* Corr flags: early, */
+/* 860 */ 0x4c, /* FC_EMBEDDED_COMPLEX */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 862 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffec ), /* Offset= -20 (842) */
+/* 864 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 866 */
+ 0x1a, /* FC_BOGUS_STRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 868 */ NdrFcShort( 0x38 ), /* 56 */
+/* 870 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffec ), /* Offset= -20 (850) */
+/* 872 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* Offset= 0 (872) */
+/* 874 */ 0x6, /* FC_SHORT */
+ 0x6, /* FC_SHORT */
+/* 876 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+/* 878 */ 0x40, /* FC_STRUCTPAD4 */
+/* 880 */ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ NdrFcShort( 0xfe0f ), /* Offset= -497 (384) */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 884 */
+ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 886 */ NdrFcShort( 0xff04 ), /* Offset= -252 (634) */
+/* 888 */
+ 0x13, 0x8, /* FC_OP [simple_pointer] */
+/* 890 */ 0x1, /* FC_BYTE */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 892 */
+ 0x13, 0x8, /* FC_OP [simple_pointer] */
+/* 894 */ 0x6, /* FC_SHORT */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 896 */
+ 0x13, 0x8, /* FC_OP [simple_pointer] */
+/* 898 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 900 */
+ 0x13, 0x8, /* FC_OP [simple_pointer] */
+/* 902 */ 0xb, /* FC_HYPER */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 904 */
+ 0x13, 0x8, /* FC_OP [simple_pointer] */
+/* 906 */ 0xa, /* FC_FLOAT */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 908 */
+ 0x13, 0x8, /* FC_OP [simple_pointer] */
+/* 910 */ 0xc, /* FC_DOUBLE */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 912 */
+ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 914 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfda2 ), /* Offset= -606 (308) */
+/* 916 */
+ 0x13, 0x10, /* FC_OP [pointer_deref] */
+/* 918 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfda4 ), /* Offset= -604 (314) */
+/* 920 */
+ 0x13, 0x10, /* FC_OP [pointer_deref] */
+/* 922 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfdba ), /* Offset= -582 (340) */
+/* 924 */
+ 0x13, 0x10, /* FC_OP [pointer_deref] */
+/* 926 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfdc8 ), /* Offset= -568 (358) */
+/* 928 */
+ 0x13, 0x10, /* FC_OP [pointer_deref] */
+/* 930 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfdd6 ), /* Offset= -554 (376) */
+/* 932 */
+ 0x13, 0x10, /* FC_OP [pointer_deref] */
+/* 934 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* Offset= 2 (936) */
+/* 936 */
+ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 938 */ NdrFcShort( 0x14 ), /* Offset= 20 (958) */
+/* 940 */
+ 0x15, /* FC_STRUCT */
+ 0x7, /* 7 */
+/* 942 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* 16 */
+/* 944 */ 0x6, /* FC_SHORT */
+ 0x1, /* FC_BYTE */
+/* 946 */ 0x1, /* FC_BYTE */
+ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+/* 948 */ 0xb, /* FC_HYPER */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 950 */
+ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 952 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfff4 ), /* Offset= -12 (940) */
+/* 954 */
+ 0x13, 0x8, /* FC_OP [simple_pointer] */
+/* 956 */ 0x2, /* FC_CHAR */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 958 */
+ 0x1a, /* FC_BOGUS_STRUCT */
+ 0x7, /* 7 */
+/* 960 */ NdrFcShort( 0x20 ), /* 32 */
+/* 962 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 964 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* Offset= 0 (964) */
+/* 966 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+/* 968 */ 0x6, /* FC_SHORT */
+ 0x6, /* FC_SHORT */
+/* 970 */ 0x6, /* FC_SHORT */
+ 0x6, /* FC_SHORT */
+/* 972 */ 0x4c, /* FC_EMBEDDED_COMPLEX */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 974 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfc3c ), /* Offset= -964 (10) */
+/* 976 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 978 */ 0xb4, /* FC_USER_MARSHAL */
+ 0x83, /* 131 */
+/* 980 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 982 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* 24 */
+/* 984 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 986 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfc2c ), /* Offset= -980 (6) */
+/* 988 */
+ 0x11, 0x0, /* FC_RP */
+/* 990 */ NdrFcShort( 0x6 ), /* Offset= 6 (996) */
+/* 992 */
+ 0x12, 0x0, /* FC_UP */
+/* 994 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffdc ), /* Offset= -36 (958) */
+/* 996 */ 0xb4, /* FC_USER_MARSHAL */
+ 0x83, /* 131 */
+/* 998 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 1000 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* 24 */
+/* 1002 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 1004 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfff4 ), /* Offset= -12 (992) */
+ 0x0
+ }
+ };
+ {
+ {
+ VARIANT_UserSize
+ ,VARIANT_UserMarshal
+ ,VARIANT_UserUnmarshal
+ ,VARIANT_UserFree
+ }
+ };
+/* Object interface: IUnknown, ver. 0.0,
+ GUID={0x00000000,0x0000,0x0000,{0xC0,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x46}} */
+/* Object interface: IAccessibleValue, ver. 0.0,
+ GUID={0x35855B5B,0xC566,0x4fd0,{0xA7,0xB1,0xE6,0x54,0x65,0x60,0x03,0x94}} */
+#pragma code_seg(".orpc")
+static const unsigned short IAccessibleValue_FormatStringOffsetTable[] =
+ {
+ 0,
+ 38,
+ 76,
+ 114
+ };
+static const MIDL_STUBLESS_PROXY_INFO IAccessibleValue_ProxyInfo =
+ {
+ &Object_StubDesc,
+ AccessibleValue__MIDL_ProcFormatString.Format,
+ &IAccessibleValue_FormatStringOffsetTable[-3],
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0
+ };
+static const MIDL_SERVER_INFO IAccessibleValue_ServerInfo =
+ {
+ &Object_StubDesc,
+ 0,
+ AccessibleValue__MIDL_ProcFormatString.Format,
+ &IAccessibleValue_FormatStringOffsetTable[-3],
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0};
+CINTERFACE_PROXY_VTABLE(7) _IAccessibleValueProxyVtbl =
+ &IAccessibleValue_ProxyInfo,
+ &IID_IAccessibleValue,
+ IUnknown_QueryInterface_Proxy,
+ IUnknown_AddRef_Proxy,
+ IUnknown_Release_Proxy ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleValue::get_currentValue */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleValue::setCurrentValue */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleValue::get_maximumValue */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleValue::get_minimumValue */
+const CInterfaceStubVtbl _IAccessibleValueStubVtbl =
+ &IID_IAccessibleValue,
+ &IAccessibleValue_ServerInfo,
+ 7,
+ 0, /* pure interpreted */
+ CStdStubBuffer_METHODS
+static const MIDL_STUB_DESC Object_StubDesc =
+ {
+ 0,
+ NdrOleAllocate,
+ NdrOleFree,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ AccessibleValue__MIDL_TypeFormatString.Format,
+ 1, /* -error bounds_check flag */
+ 0x50002, /* Ndr library version */
+ 0,
+ 0x700022b, /* MIDL Version 7.0.555 */
+ 0,
+ UserMarshalRoutines,
+ 0, /* notify & notify_flag routine table */
+ 0x1, /* MIDL flag */
+ 0, /* cs routines */
+ 0, /* proxy/server info */
+ 0
+ };
+const CInterfaceProxyVtbl * const _AccessibleValue_ProxyVtblList[] =
+ ( CInterfaceProxyVtbl *) &_IAccessibleValueProxyVtbl,
+ 0
+const CInterfaceStubVtbl * const _AccessibleValue_StubVtblList[] =
+ ( CInterfaceStubVtbl *) &_IAccessibleValueStubVtbl,
+ 0
+PCInterfaceName const _AccessibleValue_InterfaceNamesList[] =
+ "IAccessibleValue",
+ 0
+#define _AccessibleValue_CHECK_IID(n) IID_GENERIC_CHECK_IID( _AccessibleValue, pIID, n)
+int __stdcall _AccessibleValue_IID_Lookup( const IID * pIID, int * pIndex )
+ if(!_AccessibleValue_CHECK_IID(0))
+ {
+ *pIndex = 0;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+const ExtendedProxyFileInfo AccessibleValue_ProxyFileInfo =
+ (PCInterfaceProxyVtblList *) & _AccessibleValue_ProxyVtblList,
+ (PCInterfaceStubVtblList *) & _AccessibleValue_StubVtblList,
+ (const PCInterfaceName * ) & _AccessibleValue_InterfaceNamesList,
+ 0, /* no delegation */
+ & _AccessibleValue_IID_Lookup,
+ 1,
+ 2,
+ 0, /* table of [async_uuid] interfaces */
+ 0, /* Filler1 */
+ 0, /* Filler2 */
+ 0 /* Filler3 */
+#if _MSC_VER >= 1200
+#pragma warning(pop)
+#endif /* defined(_M_AMD64)*/
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/IA2CommonTypes.h b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/IA2CommonTypes.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5b5a313541
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/IA2CommonTypes.h
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the definitions for the interfaces */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:54:00 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for IA2CommonTypes.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win64 (32b run), target_arch=AMD64 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+/* verify that the <rpcndr.h> version is high enough to compile this file*/
+#include "rpc.h"
+#include "rpcndr.h"
+#ifndef __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
+#error this stub requires an updated version of <rpcndr.h>
+#endif // __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
+#ifndef __IA2CommonTypes_h__
+#define __IA2CommonTypes_h__
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1020)
+#pragma once
+/* Forward Declarations */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"{
+/* interface __MIDL_itf_IA2CommonTypes_0000_0000 */
+/* [local] */
+enum IA2ScrollType
+ } ;
+enum IA2CoordinateType
+ } ;
+enum IA2TextSpecialOffsets
+ } ;
+enum IA2TableModelChangeType
+ } ;
+typedef struct IA2TableModelChange
+ {
+ enum IA2TableModelChangeType type;
+ long firstRow;
+ long lastRow;
+ long firstColumn;
+ long lastColumn;
+ } IA2TableModelChange;
+extern RPC_IF_HANDLE __MIDL_itf_IA2CommonTypes_0000_0000_v0_0_c_ifspec;
+extern RPC_IF_HANDLE __MIDL_itf_IA2CommonTypes_0000_0000_v0_0_s_ifspec;
+/* Additional Prototypes for ALL interfaces */
+/* end of Additional Prototypes */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/IA2TypeLibrary.h b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/IA2TypeLibrary.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..31142c6b44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/IA2TypeLibrary.h
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the definitions for the interfaces */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:54:00 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for IA2TypeLibrary.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win64 (32b run), target_arch=AMD64 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+/* verify that the <rpcndr.h> version is high enough to compile this file*/
+#include "rpc.h"
+#include "rpcndr.h"
+#ifndef __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
+#error this stub requires an updated version of <rpcndr.h>
+#endif // __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
+#ifndef __IA2TypeLibrary_h__
+#define __IA2TypeLibrary_h__
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1020)
+#pragma once
+/* Forward Declarations */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"{
+/* interface __MIDL_itf_IA2TypeLibrary_0000_0000 */
+/* [local] */
+// Type Library Definitions
+extern RPC_IF_HANDLE __MIDL_itf_IA2TypeLibrary_0000_0000_v0_0_c_ifspec;
+extern RPC_IF_HANDLE __MIDL_itf_IA2TypeLibrary_0000_0000_v0_0_s_ifspec;
+#ifndef __IAccessible2Lib_LIBRARY_DEFINED__
+#define __IAccessible2Lib_LIBRARY_DEFINED__
+/* library IAccessible2Lib */
+/* [hidden][version][helpstring][uuid] */
+EXTERN_C const IID LIBID_IAccessible2Lib;
+#endif /* __IAccessible2Lib_LIBRARY_DEFINED__ */
+/* Additional Prototypes for ALL interfaces */
+/* end of Additional Prototypes */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/IA2TypeLibrary.tlb b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/IA2TypeLibrary.tlb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..44e7cdc173
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/IA2TypeLibrary.tlb
Binary files differ
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/IA2TypeLibrary_i.c b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/IA2TypeLibrary_i.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f3eabd2c49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/IA2TypeLibrary_i.c
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the IIDs and CLSIDs */
+/* link this file in with the server and any clients */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:54:00 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for IA2TypeLibrary.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win64 (32b run), target_arch=AMD64 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"{
+#include <rpc.h>
+#include <rpcndr.h>
+#ifndef INITGUID
+#define INITGUID
+#include <guiddef.h>
+#undef INITGUID
+#include <guiddef.h>
+#define MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(type,name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8) \
+ DEFINE_GUID(name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8)
+#else // !_MIDL_USE_GUIDDEF_
+#ifndef __IID_DEFINED__
+#define __IID_DEFINED__
+typedef struct _IID
+ unsigned long x;
+ unsigned short s1;
+ unsigned short s2;
+ unsigned char c[8];
+} IID;
+#endif // __IID_DEFINED__
+typedef IID CLSID;
+#endif // CLSID_DEFINED
+#define MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(type,name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8) \
+ const type name = {l,w1,w2,{b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8}}
+MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(IID, LIBID_IAccessible2Lib,0xc974e070,0x3787,0x490a,0x87,0xb0,0xe3,0x33,0xb0,0x6c,0xa1,0xe2);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/dlldata.c b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/dlldata.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e1e15a1fc0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/amd64/dlldata.c
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+ DllData file -- generated by MIDL compiler
+ This file is regenerated by MIDL on every IDL file compile.
+ To completely reconstruct this file, delete it and rerun MIDL
+ on all the IDL files in this DLL, specifying this file for the
+ /dlldata command line option
+#include <rpcproxy.h>
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+EXTERN_PROXY_FILE( Accessible2 )
+EXTERN_PROXY_FILE( AccessibleAction )
+EXTERN_PROXY_FILE( AccessibleApplication )
+EXTERN_PROXY_FILE( AccessibleComponent )
+EXTERN_PROXY_FILE( AccessibleEditableText )
+EXTERN_PROXY_FILE( AccessibleHyperlink )
+EXTERN_PROXY_FILE( AccessibleHypertext )
+EXTERN_PROXY_FILE( AccessibleImage )
+EXTERN_PROXY_FILE( AccessibleRelation )
+EXTERN_PROXY_FILE( AccessibleTable )
+EXTERN_PROXY_FILE( AccessibleTable2 )
+EXTERN_PROXY_FILE( AccessibleTableCell )
+EXTERN_PROXY_FILE( AccessibleText )
+EXTERN_PROXY_FILE( AccessibleValue )
+/* Start of list */
+ REFERENCE_PROXY_FILE( Accessible2 ),
+ REFERENCE_PROXY_FILE( AccessibleAction ),
+ REFERENCE_PROXY_FILE( AccessibleApplication ),
+ REFERENCE_PROXY_FILE( AccessibleComponent ),
+ REFERENCE_PROXY_FILE( AccessibleEditableText ),
+ REFERENCE_PROXY_FILE( AccessibleHyperlink ),
+ REFERENCE_PROXY_FILE( AccessibleHypertext ),
+ REFERENCE_PROXY_FILE( AccessibleImage ),
+ REFERENCE_PROXY_FILE( AccessibleRelation ),
+ REFERENCE_PROXY_FILE( AccessibleTable ),
+ REFERENCE_PROXY_FILE( AccessibleTable2 ),
+ REFERENCE_PROXY_FILE( AccessibleTableCell ),
+ REFERENCE_PROXY_FILE( AccessibleText ),
+ REFERENCE_PROXY_FILE( AccessibleValue ),
+/* End of list */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+} /*extern "C" */
+/* end of generated dlldata file */
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/Accessible2.h b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/Accessible2.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dcf13c0d32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/Accessible2.h
@@ -0,0 +1,585 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the definitions for the interfaces */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:51 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for Accessible2.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win32 (32b run), target_arch=X86 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+/* verify that the <rpcndr.h> version is high enough to compile this file*/
+#include "rpc.h"
+#include "rpcndr.h"
+#ifndef __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
+#error this stub requires an updated version of <rpcndr.h>
+#endif // __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
+#include "windows.h"
+#include "ole2.h"
+#endif /*COM_NO_WINDOWS_H*/
+#ifndef __Accessible2_h__
+#define __Accessible2_h__
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1020)
+#pragma once
+/* Forward Declarations */
+#ifndef __IAccessible2_FWD_DEFINED__
+#define __IAccessible2_FWD_DEFINED__
+typedef interface IAccessible2 IAccessible2;
+#endif /* __IAccessible2_FWD_DEFINED__ */
+/* header files for imported files */
+#include "objidl.h"
+#include "oaidl.h"
+#include "oleacc.h"
+#include "AccessibleRelation.h"
+#include "AccessibleStates.h"
+#include "IA2CommonTypes.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"{
+/* interface __MIDL_itf_Accessible2_0000_0000 */
+/* [local] */
+typedef struct IA2Locale
+ {
+ BSTR language;
+ BSTR country;
+ BSTR variant;
+ } IA2Locale;
+extern RPC_IF_HANDLE __MIDL_itf_Accessible2_0000_0000_v0_0_c_ifspec;
+extern RPC_IF_HANDLE __MIDL_itf_Accessible2_0000_0000_v0_0_s_ifspec;
+#ifndef __IAccessible2_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+#define __IAccessible2_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+/* interface IAccessible2 */
+/* [uuid][object] */
+EXTERN_C const IID IID_IAccessible2;
+#if defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(CINTERFACE)
+ MIDL_INTERFACE("E89F726E-C4F4-4c19-BB19-B647D7FA8478")
+ IAccessible2 : public IAccessible
+ {
+ public:
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_nRelations(
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nRelations) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_relation(
+ /* [in] */ long relationIndex,
+ /* [retval][out] */ IAccessibleRelation **relation) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_relations(
+ /* [in] */ long maxRelations,
+ /* [length_is][size_is][out] */ IAccessibleRelation **relations,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nRelations) = 0;
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *role) = 0;
+ /* [in] */ enum IA2ScrollType scrollType) = 0;
+ /* [in] */ enum IA2CoordinateType coordinateType,
+ /* [in] */ long x,
+ /* [in] */ long y) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_groupPosition(
+ /* [out] */ long *groupLevel,
+ /* [out] */ long *similarItemsInGroup,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *positionInGroup) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_states(
+ /* [retval][out] */ AccessibleStates *states) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_extendedRole(
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *extendedRole) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_localizedExtendedRole(
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *localizedExtendedRole) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_nExtendedStates(
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nExtendedStates) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_extendedStates(
+ /* [in] */ long maxExtendedStates,
+ /* [length_is][length_is][size_is][size_is][out] */ BSTR **extendedStates,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nExtendedStates) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_localizedExtendedStates(
+ /* [in] */ long maxLocalizedExtendedStates,
+ /* [length_is][length_is][size_is][size_is][out] */ BSTR **localizedExtendedStates,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nLocalizedExtendedStates) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_uniqueID(
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *uniqueID) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_windowHandle(
+ /* [retval][out] */ HWND *windowHandle) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_indexInParent(
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *indexInParent) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_locale(
+ /* [retval][out] */ IA2Locale *locale) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_attributes(
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *attributes) = 0;
+ };
+#else /* C style interface */
+ typedef struct IAccessible2Vtbl
+ {
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [in] */ REFIID riid,
+ /* [annotation][iid_is][out] */
+ __RPC__deref_out void **ppvObject);
+ IAccessible2 * This);
+ IAccessible2 * This);
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [out] */ UINT *pctinfo);
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [in] */ UINT iTInfo,
+ /* [in] */ LCID lcid,
+ /* [out] */ ITypeInfo **ppTInfo);
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [in] */ REFIID riid,
+ /* [size_is][in] */ LPOLESTR *rgszNames,
+ /* [range][in] */ UINT cNames,
+ /* [in] */ LCID lcid,
+ /* [size_is][out] */ DISPID *rgDispId);
+ /* [local] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *Invoke )(
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [in] */ DISPID dispIdMember,
+ /* [in] */ REFIID riid,
+ /* [in] */ LCID lcid,
+ /* [in] */ WORD wFlags,
+ /* [out][in] */ DISPPARAMS *pDispParams,
+ /* [out] */ VARIANT *pVarResult,
+ /* [out] */ EXCEPINFO *pExcepInfo,
+ /* [out] */ UINT *puArgErr);
+ /* [id][propget][hidden] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_accParent )(
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ IDispatch **ppdispParent);
+ /* [id][propget][hidden] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_accChildCount )(
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *pcountChildren);
+ /* [id][propget][hidden] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_accChild )(
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [in] */ VARIANT varChild,
+ /* [retval][out] */ IDispatch **ppdispChild);
+ /* [id][propget][hidden] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_accName )(
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [optional][in] */ VARIANT varChild,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *pszName);
+ /* [id][propget][hidden] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_accValue )(
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [optional][in] */ VARIANT varChild,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *pszValue);
+ /* [id][propget][hidden] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_accDescription )(
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [optional][in] */ VARIANT varChild,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *pszDescription);
+ /* [id][propget][hidden] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_accRole )(
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [optional][in] */ VARIANT varChild,
+ /* [retval][out] */ VARIANT *pvarRole);
+ /* [id][propget][hidden] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_accState )(
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [optional][in] */ VARIANT varChild,
+ /* [retval][out] */ VARIANT *pvarState);
+ /* [id][propget][hidden] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_accHelp )(
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [optional][in] */ VARIANT varChild,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *pszHelp);
+ /* [id][propget][hidden] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_accHelpTopic )(
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [out] */ BSTR *pszHelpFile,
+ /* [optional][in] */ VARIANT varChild,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *pidTopic);
+ /* [id][propget][hidden] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_accKeyboardShortcut )(
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [optional][in] */ VARIANT varChild,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *pszKeyboardShortcut);
+ /* [id][propget][hidden] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_accFocus )(
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ VARIANT *pvarChild);
+ /* [id][propget][hidden] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_accSelection )(
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ VARIANT *pvarChildren);
+ /* [id][propget][hidden] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_accDefaultAction )(
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [optional][in] */ VARIANT varChild,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *pszDefaultAction);
+ /* [id][hidden] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *accSelect )(
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [in] */ long flagsSelect,
+ /* [optional][in] */ VARIANT varChild);
+ /* [id][hidden] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *accLocation )(
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [out] */ long *pxLeft,
+ /* [out] */ long *pyTop,
+ /* [out] */ long *pcxWidth,
+ /* [out] */ long *pcyHeight,
+ /* [optional][in] */ VARIANT varChild);
+ /* [id][hidden] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *accNavigate )(
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [in] */ long navDir,
+ /* [optional][in] */ VARIANT varStart,
+ /* [retval][out] */ VARIANT *pvarEndUpAt);
+ /* [id][hidden] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *accHitTest )(
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [in] */ long xLeft,
+ /* [in] */ long yTop,
+ /* [retval][out] */ VARIANT *pvarChild);
+ /* [id][hidden] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *accDoDefaultAction )(
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [optional][in] */ VARIANT varChild);
+ /* [id][propput][hidden] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *put_accName )(
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [optional][in] */ VARIANT varChild,
+ /* [in] */ BSTR szName);
+ /* [id][propput][hidden] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *put_accValue )(
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [optional][in] */ VARIANT varChild,
+ /* [in] */ BSTR szValue);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_nRelations )(
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nRelations);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_relation )(
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [in] */ long relationIndex,
+ /* [retval][out] */ IAccessibleRelation **relation);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_relations )(
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [in] */ long maxRelations,
+ /* [length_is][size_is][out] */ IAccessibleRelation **relations,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nRelations);
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *role);
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [in] */ enum IA2ScrollType scrollType);
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [in] */ enum IA2CoordinateType coordinateType,
+ /* [in] */ long x,
+ /* [in] */ long y);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_groupPosition )(
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [out] */ long *groupLevel,
+ /* [out] */ long *similarItemsInGroup,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *positionInGroup);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_states )(
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ AccessibleStates *states);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_extendedRole )(
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *extendedRole);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_localizedExtendedRole )(
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *localizedExtendedRole);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_nExtendedStates )(
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nExtendedStates);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_extendedStates )(
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [in] */ long maxExtendedStates,
+ /* [length_is][length_is][size_is][size_is][out] */ BSTR **extendedStates,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nExtendedStates);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_localizedExtendedStates )(
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [in] */ long maxLocalizedExtendedStates,
+ /* [length_is][length_is][size_is][size_is][out] */ BSTR **localizedExtendedStates,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nLocalizedExtendedStates);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_uniqueID )(
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *uniqueID);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_windowHandle )(
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ HWND *windowHandle);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_indexInParent )(
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *indexInParent);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_locale )(
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ IA2Locale *locale);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_attributes )(
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *attributes);
+ } IAccessible2Vtbl;
+ interface IAccessible2
+ {
+ CONST_VTBL struct IAccessible2Vtbl *lpVtbl;
+ };
+#define IAccessible2_QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) )
+#define IAccessible2_AddRef(This) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> AddRef(This) )
+#define IAccessible2_Release(This) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> Release(This) )
+#define IAccessible2_GetTypeInfoCount(This,pctinfo) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> GetTypeInfoCount(This,pctinfo) )
+#define IAccessible2_GetTypeInfo(This,iTInfo,lcid,ppTInfo) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> GetTypeInfo(This,iTInfo,lcid,ppTInfo) )
+#define IAccessible2_GetIDsOfNames(This,riid,rgszNames,cNames,lcid,rgDispId) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> GetIDsOfNames(This,riid,rgszNames,cNames,lcid,rgDispId) )
+#define IAccessible2_Invoke(This,dispIdMember,riid,lcid,wFlags,pDispParams,pVarResult,pExcepInfo,puArgErr) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> Invoke(This,dispIdMember,riid,lcid,wFlags,pDispParams,pVarResult,pExcepInfo,puArgErr) )
+#define IAccessible2_get_accParent(This,ppdispParent) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_accParent(This,ppdispParent) )
+#define IAccessible2_get_accChildCount(This,pcountChildren) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_accChildCount(This,pcountChildren) )
+#define IAccessible2_get_accChild(This,varChild,ppdispChild) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_accChild(This,varChild,ppdispChild) )
+#define IAccessible2_get_accName(This,varChild,pszName) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_accName(This,varChild,pszName) )
+#define IAccessible2_get_accValue(This,varChild,pszValue) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_accValue(This,varChild,pszValue) )
+#define IAccessible2_get_accDescription(This,varChild,pszDescription) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_accDescription(This,varChild,pszDescription) )
+#define IAccessible2_get_accRole(This,varChild,pvarRole) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_accRole(This,varChild,pvarRole) )
+#define IAccessible2_get_accState(This,varChild,pvarState) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_accState(This,varChild,pvarState) )
+#define IAccessible2_get_accHelp(This,varChild,pszHelp) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_accHelp(This,varChild,pszHelp) )
+#define IAccessible2_get_accHelpTopic(This,pszHelpFile,varChild,pidTopic) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_accHelpTopic(This,pszHelpFile,varChild,pidTopic) )
+#define IAccessible2_get_accKeyboardShortcut(This,varChild,pszKeyboardShortcut) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_accKeyboardShortcut(This,varChild,pszKeyboardShortcut) )
+#define IAccessible2_get_accFocus(This,pvarChild) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_accFocus(This,pvarChild) )
+#define IAccessible2_get_accSelection(This,pvarChildren) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_accSelection(This,pvarChildren) )
+#define IAccessible2_get_accDefaultAction(This,varChild,pszDefaultAction) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_accDefaultAction(This,varChild,pszDefaultAction) )
+#define IAccessible2_accSelect(This,flagsSelect,varChild) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> accSelect(This,flagsSelect,varChild) )
+#define IAccessible2_accLocation(This,pxLeft,pyTop,pcxWidth,pcyHeight,varChild) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> accLocation(This,pxLeft,pyTop,pcxWidth,pcyHeight,varChild) )
+#define IAccessible2_accNavigate(This,navDir,varStart,pvarEndUpAt) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> accNavigate(This,navDir,varStart,pvarEndUpAt) )
+#define IAccessible2_accHitTest(This,xLeft,yTop,pvarChild) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> accHitTest(This,xLeft,yTop,pvarChild) )
+#define IAccessible2_accDoDefaultAction(This,varChild) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> accDoDefaultAction(This,varChild) )
+#define IAccessible2_put_accName(This,varChild,szName) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> put_accName(This,varChild,szName) )
+#define IAccessible2_put_accValue(This,varChild,szValue) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> put_accValue(This,varChild,szValue) )
+#define IAccessible2_get_nRelations(This,nRelations) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_nRelations(This,nRelations) )
+#define IAccessible2_get_relation(This,relationIndex,relation) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_relation(This,relationIndex,relation) )
+#define IAccessible2_get_relations(This,maxRelations,relations,nRelations) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_relations(This,maxRelations,relations,nRelations) )
+#define IAccessible2_role(This,role) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> role(This,role) )
+#define IAccessible2_scrollTo(This,scrollType) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> scrollTo(This,scrollType) )
+#define IAccessible2_scrollToPoint(This,coordinateType,x,y) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> scrollToPoint(This,coordinateType,x,y) )
+#define IAccessible2_get_groupPosition(This,groupLevel,similarItemsInGroup,positionInGroup) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_groupPosition(This,groupLevel,similarItemsInGroup,positionInGroup) )
+#define IAccessible2_get_states(This,states) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_states(This,states) )
+#define IAccessible2_get_extendedRole(This,extendedRole) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_extendedRole(This,extendedRole) )
+#define IAccessible2_get_localizedExtendedRole(This,localizedExtendedRole) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_localizedExtendedRole(This,localizedExtendedRole) )
+#define IAccessible2_get_nExtendedStates(This,nExtendedStates) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_nExtendedStates(This,nExtendedStates) )
+#define IAccessible2_get_extendedStates(This,maxExtendedStates,extendedStates,nExtendedStates) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_extendedStates(This,maxExtendedStates,extendedStates,nExtendedStates) )
+#define IAccessible2_get_localizedExtendedStates(This,maxLocalizedExtendedStates,localizedExtendedStates,nLocalizedExtendedStates) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_localizedExtendedStates(This,maxLocalizedExtendedStates,localizedExtendedStates,nLocalizedExtendedStates) )
+#define IAccessible2_get_uniqueID(This,uniqueID) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_uniqueID(This,uniqueID) )
+#define IAccessible2_get_windowHandle(This,windowHandle) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_windowHandle(This,windowHandle) )
+#define IAccessible2_get_indexInParent(This,indexInParent) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_indexInParent(This,indexInParent) )
+#define IAccessible2_get_locale(This,locale) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_locale(This,locale) )
+#define IAccessible2_get_attributes(This,attributes) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_attributes(This,attributes) )
+#endif /* COBJMACROS */
+#endif /* C style interface */
+#endif /* __IAccessible2_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ */
+/* Additional Prototypes for ALL interfaces */
+unsigned long __RPC_USER BSTR_UserSize( unsigned long *, unsigned long , BSTR * );
+unsigned char * __RPC_USER BSTR_UserMarshal( unsigned long *, unsigned char *, BSTR * );
+unsigned char * __RPC_USER BSTR_UserUnmarshal(unsigned long *, unsigned char *, BSTR * );
+void __RPC_USER BSTR_UserFree( unsigned long *, BSTR * );
+unsigned long __RPC_USER HWND_UserSize( unsigned long *, unsigned long , HWND * );
+unsigned char * __RPC_USER HWND_UserMarshal( unsigned long *, unsigned char *, HWND * );
+unsigned char * __RPC_USER HWND_UserUnmarshal(unsigned long *, unsigned char *, HWND * );
+void __RPC_USER HWND_UserFree( unsigned long *, HWND * );
+/* end of Additional Prototypes */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/Accessible2_i.c b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/Accessible2_i.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..df0f94063e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/Accessible2_i.c
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the IIDs and CLSIDs */
+/* link this file in with the server and any clients */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:51 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for Accessible2.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win32 (32b run), target_arch=X86 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"{
+#include <rpc.h>
+#include <rpcndr.h>
+#ifndef INITGUID
+#define INITGUID
+#include <guiddef.h>
+#undef INITGUID
+#include <guiddef.h>
+#define MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(type,name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8) \
+ DEFINE_GUID(name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8)
+#else // !_MIDL_USE_GUIDDEF_
+#ifndef __IID_DEFINED__
+#define __IID_DEFINED__
+typedef struct _IID
+ unsigned long x;
+ unsigned short s1;
+ unsigned short s2;
+ unsigned char c[8];
+} IID;
+#endif // __IID_DEFINED__
+typedef IID CLSID;
+#endif // CLSID_DEFINED
+#define MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(type,name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8) \
+ const type name = {l,w1,w2,{b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8}}
+MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(IID, IID_IAccessible2,0xE89F726E,0xC4F4,0x4c19,0xBB,0x19,0xB6,0x47,0xD7,0xFA,0x84,0x78);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/Accessible2_p.c b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/Accessible2_p.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..abb5883868
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/Accessible2_p.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1190 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the proxy stub code */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:51 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for Accessible2.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win32 (32b run), target_arch=X86 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#if !defined(_M_IA64) && !defined(_M_AMD64)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+#if _MSC_VER >= 1200
+#pragma warning(push)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4211 ) /* redefine extern to static */
+#pragma warning( disable: 4232 ) /* dllimport identity*/
+#pragma warning( disable: 4024 ) /* array to pointer mapping*/
+#pragma warning( disable: 4152 ) /* function/data pointer conversion in expression */
+#pragma warning( disable: 4100 ) /* unreferenced arguments in x86 call */
+#pragma optimize("", off )
+/* verify that the <rpcproxy.h> version is high enough to compile this file*/
+#include "rpcproxy.h"
+#error this stub requires an updated version of <rpcproxy.h>
+#endif /* __RPCPROXY_H_VERSION__ */
+#include "Accessible2.h"
+typedef struct _Accessible2_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ short Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ TYPE_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+typedef struct _Accessible2_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ short Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ PROC_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+typedef struct _Accessible2_MIDL_EXPR_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ long Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ EXPR_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+static const RPC_SYNTAX_IDENTIFIER _RpcTransferSyntax =
+extern const Accessible2_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING Accessible2__MIDL_TypeFormatString;
+extern const Accessible2_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING Accessible2__MIDL_ProcFormatString;
+extern const Accessible2_MIDL_EXPR_FORMAT_STRING Accessible2__MIDL_ExprFormatString;
+extern const MIDL_STUB_DESC Object_StubDesc;
+extern const MIDL_SERVER_INFO IAccessible2_ServerInfo;
+extern const MIDL_STUBLESS_PROXY_INFO IAccessible2_ProxyInfo;
+#if !defined(__RPC_WIN32__)
+#error Invalid build platform for this stub.
+#error You need Windows 2000 or later to run this stub because it uses these features:
+#error /robust command line switch.
+#error However, your C/C++ compilation flags indicate you intend to run this app on earlier systems.
+#error This app will fail with the RPC_X_WRONG_STUB_VERSION error.
+static const Accessible2_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING Accessible2__MIDL_ProcFormatString =
+ {
+ 0,
+ {
+ /* Procedure get_nRelations */
+ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 2 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 6 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1c ), /* 28 */
+/* 8 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 10 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 12 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 14 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 16 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 18 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 20 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 22 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter nRelations */
+/* 24 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 26 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 28 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 30 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 32 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 34 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_relation */
+/* 36 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 38 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 42 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1d ), /* 29 */
+/* 44 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 46 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 48 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 50 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 52 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 54 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 56 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 58 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter relationIndex */
+/* 60 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 62 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 64 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter relation */
+/* 66 */ NdrFcShort( 0x13 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, */
+/* 68 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 70 */ NdrFcShort( 0x6 ), /* Type Offset=6 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 72 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 74 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 76 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_relations */
+/* 78 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 80 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 84 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1e ), /* 30 */
+/* 86 */ NdrFcShort( 0x14 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 20 */
+/* 88 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 90 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 92 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x4, /* 4 */
+/* 94 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 96 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 98 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 100 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter maxRelations */
+/* 102 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 104 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 106 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter relations */
+/* 108 */ NdrFcShort( 0x113 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, simple ref, */
+/* 110 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 112 */ NdrFcShort( 0x20 ), /* Type Offset=32 */
+ /* Parameter nRelations */
+/* 114 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 116 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 118 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 120 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 122 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 124 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure role */
+/* 126 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 128 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 132 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1f ), /* 31 */
+/* 134 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 136 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 138 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 140 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 142 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 144 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 146 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 148 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter role */
+/* 150 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 152 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 154 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 156 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 158 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 160 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure scrollTo */
+/* 162 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 164 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 168 */ NdrFcShort( 0x20 ), /* 32 */
+/* 170 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 172 */ NdrFcShort( 0x6 ), /* 6 */
+/* 174 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 176 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 178 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 180 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 182 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 184 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter scrollType */
+/* 186 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 188 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 190 */ 0xd, /* FC_ENUM16 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 192 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 194 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 196 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure scrollToPoint */
+/* 198 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 200 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 204 */ NdrFcShort( 0x21 ), /* 33 */
+/* 206 */ NdrFcShort( 0x14 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 20 */
+/* 208 */ NdrFcShort( 0x16 ), /* 22 */
+/* 210 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 212 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x4, /* 4 */
+/* 214 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 216 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 218 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 220 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter coordinateType */
+/* 222 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 224 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 226 */ 0xd, /* FC_ENUM16 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter x */
+/* 228 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 230 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 232 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter y */
+/* 234 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 236 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 238 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 240 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 242 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 244 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_groupPosition */
+/* 246 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 248 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 252 */ NdrFcShort( 0x22 ), /* 34 */
+/* 254 */ NdrFcShort( 0x14 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 20 */
+/* 256 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 258 */ NdrFcShort( 0x5c ), /* 92 */
+/* 260 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x4, /* 4 */
+/* 262 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 264 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 266 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 268 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter groupLevel */
+/* 270 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 272 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 274 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter similarItemsInGroup */
+/* 276 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 278 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 280 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter positionInGroup */
+/* 282 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 284 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 286 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 288 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 290 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 292 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_states */
+/* 294 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 296 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 300 */ NdrFcShort( 0x23 ), /* 35 */
+/* 302 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 304 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 306 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 308 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 310 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 312 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 314 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 316 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter states */
+/* 318 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 320 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 322 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 324 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 326 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 328 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_extendedRole */
+/* 330 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 332 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 336 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 338 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 340 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 342 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 344 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 346 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 348 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 350 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 352 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter extendedRole */
+/* 354 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2113 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 356 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 358 */ NdrFcShort( 0x54 ), /* Type Offset=84 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 360 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 362 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 364 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_localizedExtendedRole */
+/* 366 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 368 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 372 */ NdrFcShort( 0x25 ), /* 37 */
+/* 374 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 376 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 378 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 380 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 382 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 384 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 386 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 388 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter localizedExtendedRole */
+/* 390 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2113 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 392 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 394 */ NdrFcShort( 0x54 ), /* Type Offset=84 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 396 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 398 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 400 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_nExtendedStates */
+/* 402 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 404 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 408 */ NdrFcShort( 0x26 ), /* 38 */
+/* 410 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 412 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 414 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 416 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 418 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 420 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 422 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 424 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter nExtendedStates */
+/* 426 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 428 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 430 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 432 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 434 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 436 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_extendedStates */
+/* 438 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 440 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 444 */ NdrFcShort( 0x27 ), /* 39 */
+/* 446 */ NdrFcShort( 0x14 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 20 */
+/* 448 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 450 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 452 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x4, /* 4 */
+/* 454 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 456 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 458 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 460 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter maxExtendedStates */
+/* 462 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 464 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 466 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter extendedStates */
+/* 468 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2013 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 470 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 472 */ NdrFcShort( 0x5e ), /* Type Offset=94 */
+ /* Parameter nExtendedStates */
+/* 474 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 476 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 478 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 480 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 482 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 484 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_localizedExtendedStates */
+/* 486 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 488 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 492 */ NdrFcShort( 0x28 ), /* 40 */
+/* 494 */ NdrFcShort( 0x14 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 20 */
+/* 496 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 498 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 500 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x4, /* 4 */
+/* 502 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 504 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 506 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 508 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter maxLocalizedExtendedStates */
+/* 510 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 512 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 514 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter localizedExtendedStates */
+/* 516 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2013 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 518 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 520 */ NdrFcShort( 0x5e ), /* Type Offset=94 */
+ /* Parameter nLocalizedExtendedStates */
+/* 522 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 524 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 526 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 528 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 530 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 532 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_uniqueID */
+/* 534 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 536 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 540 */ NdrFcShort( 0x29 ), /* 41 */
+/* 542 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 544 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 546 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 548 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 550 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 552 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 554 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 556 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter uniqueID */
+/* 558 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 560 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 562 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 564 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 566 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 568 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_windowHandle */
+/* 570 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 572 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 576 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2a ), /* 42 */
+/* 578 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 580 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 582 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 584 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 586 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 588 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 590 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 592 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter windowHandle */
+/* 594 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2113 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 596 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 598 */ NdrFcShort( 0x98 ), /* Type Offset=152 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 600 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 602 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 604 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_indexInParent */
+/* 606 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 608 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 612 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2b ), /* 43 */
+/* 614 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 616 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 618 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 620 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 622 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 624 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 626 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 628 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter indexInParent */
+/* 630 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 632 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 634 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 636 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 638 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 640 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_locale */
+/* 642 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 644 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 648 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2c ), /* 44 */
+/* 650 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 652 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 654 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 656 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 658 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 660 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 662 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 664 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter locale */
+/* 666 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4113 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, simple ref, srv alloc size=16 */
+/* 668 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 670 */ NdrFcShort( 0xa6 ), /* Type Offset=166 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 672 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 674 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 676 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_attributes */
+/* 678 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 680 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 684 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2d ), /* 45 */
+/* 686 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 688 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 690 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 692 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 694 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 696 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 698 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 700 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter attributes */
+/* 702 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2113 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 704 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 706 */ NdrFcShort( 0x54 ), /* Type Offset=84 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 708 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 710 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 712 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x0
+ }
+ };
+static const Accessible2_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING Accessible2__MIDL_TypeFormatString =
+ {
+ 0,
+ {
+ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 2 */
+ 0x11, 0xc, /* FC_RP [alloced_on_stack] [simple_pointer] */
+/* 4 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 6 */
+ 0x11, 0x10, /* FC_RP [pointer_deref] */
+/* 8 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* Offset= 2 (10) */
+/* 10 */
+ 0x2f, /* FC_IP */
+ 0x5a, /* FC_CONSTANT_IID */
+/* 12 */ NdrFcLong( 0x7cdf86ee ), /* 2095023854 */
+/* 16 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc3da ), /* -15398 */
+/* 18 */ NdrFcShort( 0x496a ), /* 18794 */
+/* 20 */ 0xbd, /* 189 */
+ 0xa4, /* 164 */
+/* 22 */ 0x28, /* 40 */
+ 0x1b, /* 27 */
+/* 24 */ 0x33, /* 51 */
+ 0x6e, /* 110 */
+/* 26 */ 0x1f, /* 31 */
+ 0xdc, /* 220 */
+/* 28 */
+ 0x11, 0x0, /* FC_RP */
+/* 30 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* Offset= 2 (32) */
+/* 32 */
+ 0x21, /* FC_BOGUS_ARRAY */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 34 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 36 */ 0x28, /* Corr desc: parameter, FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* */
+/* 38 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 40 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* Corr flags: early, */
+/* 42 */ 0x28, /* Corr desc: parameter, FC_LONG */
+ 0x54, /* FC_DEREFERENCE */
+/* 44 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 46 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* Corr flags: */
+/* 48 */ 0x4c, /* FC_EMBEDDED_COMPLEX */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 50 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffd8 ), /* Offset= -40 (10) */
+/* 52 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 54 */
+ 0x11, 0x4, /* FC_RP [alloced_on_stack] */
+/* 56 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1c ), /* Offset= 28 (84) */
+/* 58 */
+ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 60 */ NdrFcShort( 0xe ), /* Offset= 14 (74) */
+/* 62 */
+ 0x1b, /* FC_CARRAY */
+ 0x1, /* 1 */
+/* 64 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* 2 */
+/* 66 */ 0x9, /* Corr desc: FC_ULONG */
+ 0x0, /* */
+/* 68 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfffc ), /* -4 */
+/* 70 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* Corr flags: early, */
+/* 72 */ 0x6, /* FC_SHORT */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 74 */
+ 0x17, /* FC_CSTRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 76 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 78 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfff0 ), /* Offset= -16 (62) */
+/* 80 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+/* 82 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 84 */ 0xb4, /* FC_USER_MARSHAL */
+ 0x83, /* 131 */
+/* 86 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 88 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 90 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 92 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffde ), /* Offset= -34 (58) */
+/* 94 */
+ 0x11, 0x14, /* FC_RP [alloced_on_stack] [pointer_deref] */
+/* 96 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* Offset= 2 (98) */
+/* 98 */
+ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 100 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* Offset= 2 (102) */
+/* 102 */
+ 0x21, /* FC_BOGUS_ARRAY */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 104 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 106 */ 0x28, /* Corr desc: parameter, FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* */
+/* 108 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 110 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* Corr flags: early, */
+/* 112 */ 0x28, /* Corr desc: parameter, FC_LONG */
+ 0x54, /* FC_DEREFERENCE */
+/* 114 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 116 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* Corr flags: */
+/* 118 */ 0x4c, /* FC_EMBEDDED_COMPLEX */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 120 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffdc ), /* Offset= -36 (84) */
+/* 122 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 124 */
+ 0x11, 0x4, /* FC_RP [alloced_on_stack] */
+/* 126 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1a ), /* Offset= 26 (152) */
+/* 128 */
+ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 130 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* Offset= 2 (132) */
+/* 132 */
+ 0x48, /* 72 */
+/* 134 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 136 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* 2 */
+/* 138 */ NdrFcLong( 0x48746457 ), /* 1215587415 */
+/* 142 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8008 ), /* Simple arm type: FC_LONG */
+/* 144 */ NdrFcLong( 0x52746457 ), /* 1383359575 */
+/* 148 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8008 ), /* Simple arm type: FC_LONG */
+/* 150 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffff ), /* Offset= -1 (149) */
+/* 152 */ 0xb4, /* FC_USER_MARSHAL */
+ 0x83, /* 131 */
+/* 154 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 156 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 158 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 160 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffe0 ), /* Offset= -32 (128) */
+/* 162 */
+ 0x11, 0x4, /* FC_RP [alloced_on_stack] */
+/* 164 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* Offset= 2 (166) */
+/* 166 */
+ 0x1a, /* FC_BOGUS_STRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 168 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* 12 */
+/* 170 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 172 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* Offset= 0 (172) */
+/* 174 */ 0x4c, /* FC_EMBEDDED_COMPLEX */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 176 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffa4 ), /* Offset= -92 (84) */
+/* 178 */ 0x4c, /* FC_EMBEDDED_COMPLEX */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 180 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffa0 ), /* Offset= -96 (84) */
+/* 182 */ 0x4c, /* FC_EMBEDDED_COMPLEX */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 184 */ NdrFcShort( 0xff9c ), /* Offset= -100 (84) */
+/* 186 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+ 0x0
+ }
+ };
+ {
+ {
+ BSTR_UserSize
+ ,BSTR_UserMarshal
+ ,BSTR_UserUnmarshal
+ ,BSTR_UserFree
+ },
+ {
+ HWND_UserSize
+ ,HWND_UserMarshal
+ ,HWND_UserUnmarshal
+ ,HWND_UserFree
+ }
+ };
+/* Standard interface: __MIDL_itf_Accessible2_0000_0000, ver. 0.0,
+ GUID={0x00000000,0x0000,0x0000,{0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00}} */
+/* Object interface: IUnknown, ver. 0.0,
+ GUID={0x00000000,0x0000,0x0000,{0xC0,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x46}} */
+/* Object interface: IDispatch, ver. 0.0,
+ GUID={0x00020400,0x0000,0x0000,{0xC0,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x46}} */
+/* Object interface: IAccessible, ver. 0.0,
+ GUID={0x618736e0,0x3c3d,0x11cf,{0x81,0x0c,0x00,0xaa,0x00,0x38,0x9b,0x71}} */
+/* Object interface: IAccessible2, ver. 0.0,
+ GUID={0xE89F726E,0xC4F4,0x4c19,{0xBB,0x19,0xB6,0x47,0xD7,0xFA,0x84,0x78}} */
+#pragma code_seg(".orpc")
+static const unsigned short IAccessible2_FormatStringOffsetTable[] =
+ {
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ 0,
+ 36,
+ 78,
+ 126,
+ 162,
+ 198,
+ 246,
+ 294,
+ 330,
+ 366,
+ 402,
+ 438,
+ 486,
+ 534,
+ 570,
+ 606,
+ 642,
+ 678
+ };
+static const MIDL_STUBLESS_PROXY_INFO IAccessible2_ProxyInfo =
+ {
+ &Object_StubDesc,
+ Accessible2__MIDL_ProcFormatString.Format,
+ &IAccessible2_FormatStringOffsetTable[-3],
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0
+ };
+static const MIDL_SERVER_INFO IAccessible2_ServerInfo =
+ {
+ &Object_StubDesc,
+ 0,
+ Accessible2__MIDL_ProcFormatString.Format,
+ &IAccessible2_FormatStringOffsetTable[-3],
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0};
+CINTERFACE_PROXY_VTABLE(46) _IAccessible2ProxyVtbl =
+ &IAccessible2_ProxyInfo,
+ &IID_IAccessible2,
+ IUnknown_QueryInterface_Proxy,
+ IUnknown_AddRef_Proxy,
+ IUnknown_Release_Proxy ,
+ 0 /* IDispatch::GetTypeInfoCount */ ,
+ 0 /* IDispatch::GetTypeInfo */ ,
+ 0 /* IDispatch::GetIDsOfNames */ ,
+ 0 /* IDispatch_Invoke_Proxy */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessible::get_accParent */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessible::get_accChildCount */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessible::get_accChild */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessible::get_accName */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessible::get_accValue */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessible::get_accDescription */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessible::get_accRole */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessible::get_accState */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessible::get_accHelp */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessible::get_accHelpTopic */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessible::get_accKeyboardShortcut */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessible::get_accFocus */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessible::get_accSelection */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessible::get_accDefaultAction */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessible::accSelect */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessible::accLocation */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessible::accNavigate */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessible::accHitTest */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessible::accDoDefaultAction */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessible::put_accName */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessible::put_accValue */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessible2::get_nRelations */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessible2::get_relation */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessible2::get_relations */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessible2::role */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessible2::scrollTo */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessible2::scrollToPoint */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessible2::get_groupPosition */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessible2::get_states */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessible2::get_extendedRole */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessible2::get_localizedExtendedRole */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessible2::get_nExtendedStates */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessible2::get_extendedStates */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessible2::get_localizedExtendedStates */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessible2::get_uniqueID */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessible2::get_windowHandle */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessible2::get_indexInParent */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessible2::get_locale */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessible2::get_attributes */
+static const PRPC_STUB_FUNCTION IAccessible2_table[] =
+ NdrStubCall2,
+ NdrStubCall2,
+ NdrStubCall2,
+ NdrStubCall2,
+ NdrStubCall2,
+ NdrStubCall2,
+ NdrStubCall2,
+ NdrStubCall2,
+ NdrStubCall2,
+ NdrStubCall2,
+ NdrStubCall2,
+ NdrStubCall2,
+ NdrStubCall2,
+ NdrStubCall2,
+ NdrStubCall2,
+ NdrStubCall2,
+ NdrStubCall2,
+ NdrStubCall2
+CInterfaceStubVtbl _IAccessible2StubVtbl =
+ &IID_IAccessible2,
+ &IAccessible2_ServerInfo,
+ 46,
+ &IAccessible2_table[-3],
+static const MIDL_STUB_DESC Object_StubDesc =
+ {
+ 0,
+ NdrOleAllocate,
+ NdrOleFree,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ Accessible2__MIDL_TypeFormatString.Format,
+ 1, /* -error bounds_check flag */
+ 0x50002, /* Ndr library version */
+ 0,
+ 0x700022b, /* MIDL Version 7.0.555 */
+ 0,
+ UserMarshalRoutines,
+ 0, /* notify & notify_flag routine table */
+ 0x1, /* MIDL flag */
+ 0, /* cs routines */
+ 0, /* proxy/server info */
+ 0
+ };
+const CInterfaceProxyVtbl * const _Accessible2_ProxyVtblList[] =
+ ( CInterfaceProxyVtbl *) &_IAccessible2ProxyVtbl,
+ 0
+const CInterfaceStubVtbl * const _Accessible2_StubVtblList[] =
+ ( CInterfaceStubVtbl *) &_IAccessible2StubVtbl,
+ 0
+PCInterfaceName const _Accessible2_InterfaceNamesList[] =
+ "IAccessible2",
+ 0
+const IID * const _Accessible2_BaseIIDList[] =
+ &IID_IAccessible,
+ 0
+#define _Accessible2_CHECK_IID(n) IID_GENERIC_CHECK_IID( _Accessible2, pIID, n)
+int __stdcall _Accessible2_IID_Lookup( const IID * pIID, int * pIndex )
+ if(!_Accessible2_CHECK_IID(0))
+ {
+ *pIndex = 0;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+const ExtendedProxyFileInfo Accessible2_ProxyFileInfo =
+ (PCInterfaceProxyVtblList *) & _Accessible2_ProxyVtblList,
+ (PCInterfaceStubVtblList *) & _Accessible2_StubVtblList,
+ (const PCInterfaceName * ) & _Accessible2_InterfaceNamesList,
+ (const IID ** ) & _Accessible2_BaseIIDList,
+ & _Accessible2_IID_Lookup,
+ 1,
+ 2,
+ 0, /* table of [async_uuid] interfaces */
+ 0, /* Filler1 */
+ 0, /* Filler2 */
+ 0 /* Filler3 */
+#pragma optimize("", on )
+#if _MSC_VER >= 1200
+#pragma warning(pop)
+#endif /* !defined(_M_IA64) && !defined(_M_AMD64)*/
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleAction.h b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleAction.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c1ebabb899
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleAction.h
@@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the definitions for the interfaces */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:51 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleAction.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win32 (32b run), target_arch=X86 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+/* verify that the <rpcndr.h> version is high enough to compile this file*/
+#include "rpc.h"
+#include "rpcndr.h"
+#ifndef __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
+#error this stub requires an updated version of <rpcndr.h>
+#endif // __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
+#include "windows.h"
+#include "ole2.h"
+#endif /*COM_NO_WINDOWS_H*/
+#ifndef __AccessibleAction_h__
+#define __AccessibleAction_h__
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1020)
+#pragma once
+/* Forward Declarations */
+#ifndef __IAccessibleAction_FWD_DEFINED__
+#define __IAccessibleAction_FWD_DEFINED__
+typedef interface IAccessibleAction IAccessibleAction;
+#endif /* __IAccessibleAction_FWD_DEFINED__ */
+/* header files for imported files */
+#include "objidl.h"
+#include "oaidl.h"
+#include "oleacc.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"{
+#ifndef __IAccessibleAction_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+#define __IAccessibleAction_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+/* interface IAccessibleAction */
+/* [uuid][object] */
+EXTERN_C const IID IID_IAccessibleAction;
+#if defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(CINTERFACE)
+ MIDL_INTERFACE("B70D9F59-3B5A-4dba-AB9E-22012F607DF5")
+ IAccessibleAction : public IUnknown
+ {
+ public:
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nActions) = 0;
+ /* [in] */ long actionIndex) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_description(
+ /* [in] */ long actionIndex,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *description) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_keyBinding(
+ /* [in] */ long actionIndex,
+ /* [in] */ long nMaxBindings,
+ /* [length_is][length_is][size_is][size_is][out] */ BSTR **keyBindings,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nBindings) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_name(
+ /* [in] */ long actionIndex,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *name) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_localizedName(
+ /* [in] */ long actionIndex,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *localizedName) = 0;
+ };
+#else /* C style interface */
+ typedef struct IAccessibleActionVtbl
+ {
+ IAccessibleAction * This,
+ /* [in] */ REFIID riid,
+ /* [annotation][iid_is][out] */
+ __RPC__deref_out void **ppvObject);
+ IAccessibleAction * This);
+ IAccessibleAction * This);
+ IAccessibleAction * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nActions);
+ IAccessibleAction * This,
+ /* [in] */ long actionIndex);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_description )(
+ IAccessibleAction * This,
+ /* [in] */ long actionIndex,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *description);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_keyBinding )(
+ IAccessibleAction * This,
+ /* [in] */ long actionIndex,
+ /* [in] */ long nMaxBindings,
+ /* [length_is][length_is][size_is][size_is][out] */ BSTR **keyBindings,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nBindings);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_name )(
+ IAccessibleAction * This,
+ /* [in] */ long actionIndex,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *name);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_localizedName )(
+ IAccessibleAction * This,
+ /* [in] */ long actionIndex,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *localizedName);
+ } IAccessibleActionVtbl;
+ interface IAccessibleAction
+ {
+ CONST_VTBL struct IAccessibleActionVtbl *lpVtbl;
+ };
+#define IAccessibleAction_QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) )
+#define IAccessibleAction_AddRef(This) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> AddRef(This) )
+#define IAccessibleAction_Release(This) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> Release(This) )
+#define IAccessibleAction_nActions(This,nActions) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> nActions(This,nActions) )
+#define IAccessibleAction_doAction(This,actionIndex) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> doAction(This,actionIndex) )
+#define IAccessibleAction_get_description(This,actionIndex,description) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_description(This,actionIndex,description) )
+#define IAccessibleAction_get_keyBinding(This,actionIndex,nMaxBindings,keyBindings,nBindings) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_keyBinding(This,actionIndex,nMaxBindings,keyBindings,nBindings) )
+#define IAccessibleAction_get_name(This,actionIndex,name) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_name(This,actionIndex,name) )
+#define IAccessibleAction_get_localizedName(This,actionIndex,localizedName) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_localizedName(This,actionIndex,localizedName) )
+#endif /* COBJMACROS */
+#endif /* C style interface */
+#endif /* __IAccessibleAction_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ */
+/* Additional Prototypes for ALL interfaces */
+unsigned long __RPC_USER BSTR_UserSize( unsigned long *, unsigned long , BSTR * );
+unsigned char * __RPC_USER BSTR_UserMarshal( unsigned long *, unsigned char *, BSTR * );
+unsigned char * __RPC_USER BSTR_UserUnmarshal(unsigned long *, unsigned char *, BSTR * );
+void __RPC_USER BSTR_UserFree( unsigned long *, BSTR * );
+/* end of Additional Prototypes */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleAction_i.c b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleAction_i.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ea097ef5d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleAction_i.c
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the IIDs and CLSIDs */
+/* link this file in with the server and any clients */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:51 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleAction.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win32 (32b run), target_arch=X86 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"{
+#include <rpc.h>
+#include <rpcndr.h>
+#ifndef INITGUID
+#define INITGUID
+#include <guiddef.h>
+#undef INITGUID
+#include <guiddef.h>
+#define MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(type,name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8) \
+ DEFINE_GUID(name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8)
+#else // !_MIDL_USE_GUIDDEF_
+#ifndef __IID_DEFINED__
+#define __IID_DEFINED__
+typedef struct _IID
+ unsigned long x;
+ unsigned short s1;
+ unsigned short s2;
+ unsigned char c[8];
+} IID;
+#endif // __IID_DEFINED__
+typedef IID CLSID;
+#endif // CLSID_DEFINED
+#define MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(type,name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8) \
+ const type name = {l,w1,w2,{b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8}}
+MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(IID, IID_IAccessibleAction,0xB70D9F59,0x3B5A,0x4dba,0xAB,0x9E,0x22,0x01,0x2F,0x60,0x7D,0xF5);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleAction_p.c b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleAction_p.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..41854575bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleAction_p.c
@@ -0,0 +1,563 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the proxy stub code */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:51 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleAction.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win32 (32b run), target_arch=X86 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#if !defined(_M_IA64) && !defined(_M_AMD64)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+#if _MSC_VER >= 1200
+#pragma warning(push)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4211 ) /* redefine extern to static */
+#pragma warning( disable: 4232 ) /* dllimport identity*/
+#pragma warning( disable: 4024 ) /* array to pointer mapping*/
+#pragma warning( disable: 4152 ) /* function/data pointer conversion in expression */
+#pragma warning( disable: 4100 ) /* unreferenced arguments in x86 call */
+#pragma optimize("", off )
+/* verify that the <rpcproxy.h> version is high enough to compile this file*/
+#include "rpcproxy.h"
+#error this stub requires an updated version of <rpcproxy.h>
+#endif /* __RPCPROXY_H_VERSION__ */
+#include "AccessibleAction.h"
+typedef struct _AccessibleAction_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ short Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ TYPE_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+ } AccessibleAction_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING;
+typedef struct _AccessibleAction_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ short Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ PROC_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+ } AccessibleAction_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING;
+typedef struct _AccessibleAction_MIDL_EXPR_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ long Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ EXPR_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+ } AccessibleAction_MIDL_EXPR_FORMAT_STRING;
+static const RPC_SYNTAX_IDENTIFIER _RpcTransferSyntax =
+extern const AccessibleAction_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleAction__MIDL_TypeFormatString;
+extern const AccessibleAction_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleAction__MIDL_ProcFormatString;
+extern const AccessibleAction_MIDL_EXPR_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleAction__MIDL_ExprFormatString;
+extern const MIDL_STUB_DESC Object_StubDesc;
+extern const MIDL_SERVER_INFO IAccessibleAction_ServerInfo;
+extern const MIDL_STUBLESS_PROXY_INFO IAccessibleAction_ProxyInfo;
+#if !defined(__RPC_WIN32__)
+#error Invalid build platform for this stub.
+#error You need Windows 2000 or later to run this stub because it uses these features:
+#error /robust command line switch.
+#error However, your C/C++ compilation flags indicate you intend to run this app on earlier systems.
+#error This app will fail with the RPC_X_WRONG_STUB_VERSION error.
+static const AccessibleAction_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleAction__MIDL_ProcFormatString =
+ {
+ 0,
+ {
+ /* Procedure nActions */
+ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 2 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 6 */ NdrFcShort( 0x3 ), /* 3 */
+/* 8 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 10 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 12 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 14 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 16 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 18 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 20 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 22 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter nActions */
+/* 24 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 26 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 28 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 30 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 32 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 34 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure doAction */
+/* 36 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 38 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 42 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 44 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 46 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 48 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 50 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 52 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 54 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 56 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 58 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter actionIndex */
+/* 60 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 62 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 64 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 66 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 68 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 70 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_description */
+/* 72 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 74 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 78 */ NdrFcShort( 0x5 ), /* 5 */
+/* 80 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 82 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 84 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 86 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 88 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 90 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 92 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 94 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter actionIndex */
+/* 96 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 98 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 100 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter description */
+/* 102 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2113 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 104 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 106 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* Type Offset=36 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 108 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 110 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 112 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_keyBinding */
+/* 114 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 116 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 120 */ NdrFcShort( 0x6 ), /* 6 */
+/* 122 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 124 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* 16 */
+/* 126 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 128 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x5, /* 5 */
+/* 130 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 132 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 134 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 136 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter actionIndex */
+/* 138 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 140 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 142 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter nMaxBindings */
+/* 144 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 146 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 148 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter keyBindings */
+/* 150 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2013 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 152 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 154 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2e ), /* Type Offset=46 */
+ /* Parameter nBindings */
+/* 156 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 158 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 160 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 162 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 164 */ NdrFcShort( 0x14 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 20 */
+/* 166 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_name */
+/* 168 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 170 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 174 */ NdrFcShort( 0x7 ), /* 7 */
+/* 176 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 178 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 180 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 182 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 184 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 186 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 188 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 190 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter actionIndex */
+/* 192 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 194 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 196 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter name */
+/* 198 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2113 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 200 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 202 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* Type Offset=36 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 204 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 206 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 208 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_localizedName */
+/* 210 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 212 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 216 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 218 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 220 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 222 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 224 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 226 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 228 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 230 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 232 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter actionIndex */
+/* 234 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 236 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 238 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter localizedName */
+/* 240 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2113 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 242 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 244 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* Type Offset=36 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 246 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 248 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 250 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x0
+ }
+ };
+static const AccessibleAction_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleAction__MIDL_TypeFormatString =
+ {
+ 0,
+ {
+ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 2 */
+ 0x11, 0xc, /* FC_RP [alloced_on_stack] [simple_pointer] */
+/* 4 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 6 */
+ 0x11, 0x4, /* FC_RP [alloced_on_stack] */
+/* 8 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1c ), /* Offset= 28 (36) */
+/* 10 */
+ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 12 */ NdrFcShort( 0xe ), /* Offset= 14 (26) */
+/* 14 */
+ 0x1b, /* FC_CARRAY */
+ 0x1, /* 1 */
+/* 16 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* 2 */
+/* 18 */ 0x9, /* Corr desc: FC_ULONG */
+ 0x0, /* */
+/* 20 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfffc ), /* -4 */
+/* 22 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* Corr flags: early, */
+/* 24 */ 0x6, /* FC_SHORT */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 26 */
+ 0x17, /* FC_CSTRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 28 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 30 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfff0 ), /* Offset= -16 (14) */
+/* 32 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+/* 34 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 36 */ 0xb4, /* FC_USER_MARSHAL */
+ 0x83, /* 131 */
+/* 38 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 40 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 42 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 44 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffde ), /* Offset= -34 (10) */
+/* 46 */
+ 0x11, 0x14, /* FC_RP [alloced_on_stack] [pointer_deref] */
+/* 48 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* Offset= 2 (50) */
+/* 50 */
+ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 52 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* Offset= 2 (54) */
+/* 54 */
+ 0x21, /* FC_BOGUS_ARRAY */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 56 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 58 */ 0x28, /* Corr desc: parameter, FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* */
+/* 60 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 62 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* Corr flags: early, */
+/* 64 */ 0x28, /* Corr desc: parameter, FC_LONG */
+ 0x54, /* FC_DEREFERENCE */
+/* 66 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 68 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* Corr flags: */
+/* 70 */ 0x4c, /* FC_EMBEDDED_COMPLEX */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 72 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffdc ), /* Offset= -36 (36) */
+/* 74 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+ 0x0
+ }
+ };
+ {
+ {
+ BSTR_UserSize
+ ,BSTR_UserMarshal
+ ,BSTR_UserUnmarshal
+ ,BSTR_UserFree
+ }
+ };
+/* Object interface: IUnknown, ver. 0.0,
+ GUID={0x00000000,0x0000,0x0000,{0xC0,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x46}} */
+/* Object interface: IAccessibleAction, ver. 0.0,
+ GUID={0xB70D9F59,0x3B5A,0x4dba,{0xAB,0x9E,0x22,0x01,0x2F,0x60,0x7D,0xF5}} */
+#pragma code_seg(".orpc")
+static const unsigned short IAccessibleAction_FormatStringOffsetTable[] =
+ {
+ 0,
+ 36,
+ 72,
+ 114,
+ 168,
+ 210
+ };
+static const MIDL_STUBLESS_PROXY_INFO IAccessibleAction_ProxyInfo =
+ {
+ &Object_StubDesc,
+ AccessibleAction__MIDL_ProcFormatString.Format,
+ &IAccessibleAction_FormatStringOffsetTable[-3],
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0
+ };
+static const MIDL_SERVER_INFO IAccessibleAction_ServerInfo =
+ {
+ &Object_StubDesc,
+ 0,
+ AccessibleAction__MIDL_ProcFormatString.Format,
+ &IAccessibleAction_FormatStringOffsetTable[-3],
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0};
+CINTERFACE_PROXY_VTABLE(9) _IAccessibleActionProxyVtbl =
+ &IAccessibleAction_ProxyInfo,
+ &IID_IAccessibleAction,
+ IUnknown_QueryInterface_Proxy,
+ IUnknown_AddRef_Proxy,
+ IUnknown_Release_Proxy ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleAction::nActions */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleAction::doAction */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleAction::get_description */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleAction::get_keyBinding */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleAction::get_name */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleAction::get_localizedName */
+const CInterfaceStubVtbl _IAccessibleActionStubVtbl =
+ &IID_IAccessibleAction,
+ &IAccessibleAction_ServerInfo,
+ 9,
+ 0, /* pure interpreted */
+ CStdStubBuffer_METHODS
+static const MIDL_STUB_DESC Object_StubDesc =
+ {
+ 0,
+ NdrOleAllocate,
+ NdrOleFree,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ AccessibleAction__MIDL_TypeFormatString.Format,
+ 1, /* -error bounds_check flag */
+ 0x50002, /* Ndr library version */
+ 0,
+ 0x700022b, /* MIDL Version 7.0.555 */
+ 0,
+ UserMarshalRoutines,
+ 0, /* notify & notify_flag routine table */
+ 0x1, /* MIDL flag */
+ 0, /* cs routines */
+ 0, /* proxy/server info */
+ 0
+ };
+const CInterfaceProxyVtbl * const _AccessibleAction_ProxyVtblList[] =
+ ( CInterfaceProxyVtbl *) &_IAccessibleActionProxyVtbl,
+ 0
+const CInterfaceStubVtbl * const _AccessibleAction_StubVtblList[] =
+ ( CInterfaceStubVtbl *) &_IAccessibleActionStubVtbl,
+ 0
+PCInterfaceName const _AccessibleAction_InterfaceNamesList[] =
+ "IAccessibleAction",
+ 0
+#define _AccessibleAction_CHECK_IID(n) IID_GENERIC_CHECK_IID( _AccessibleAction, pIID, n)
+int __stdcall _AccessibleAction_IID_Lookup( const IID * pIID, int * pIndex )
+ if(!_AccessibleAction_CHECK_IID(0))
+ {
+ *pIndex = 0;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+const ExtendedProxyFileInfo AccessibleAction_ProxyFileInfo =
+ (PCInterfaceProxyVtblList *) & _AccessibleAction_ProxyVtblList,
+ (PCInterfaceStubVtblList *) & _AccessibleAction_StubVtblList,
+ (const PCInterfaceName * ) & _AccessibleAction_InterfaceNamesList,
+ 0, /* no delegation */
+ & _AccessibleAction_IID_Lookup,
+ 1,
+ 2,
+ 0, /* table of [async_uuid] interfaces */
+ 0, /* Filler1 */
+ 0, /* Filler2 */
+ 0 /* Filler3 */
+#pragma optimize("", on )
+#if _MSC_VER >= 1200
+#pragma warning(pop)
+#endif /* !defined(_M_IA64) && !defined(_M_AMD64)*/
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleApplication.h b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleApplication.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e14096869c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleApplication.h
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the definitions for the interfaces */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:52 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleApplication.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win32 (32b run), target_arch=X86 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+/* verify that the <rpcndr.h> version is high enough to compile this file*/
+#include "rpc.h"
+#include "rpcndr.h"
+#ifndef __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
+#error this stub requires an updated version of <rpcndr.h>
+#endif // __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
+#include "windows.h"
+#include "ole2.h"
+#endif /*COM_NO_WINDOWS_H*/
+#ifndef __AccessibleApplication_h__
+#define __AccessibleApplication_h__
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1020)
+#pragma once
+/* Forward Declarations */
+#ifndef __IAccessibleApplication_FWD_DEFINED__
+#define __IAccessibleApplication_FWD_DEFINED__
+typedef interface IAccessibleApplication IAccessibleApplication;
+#endif /* __IAccessibleApplication_FWD_DEFINED__ */
+/* header files for imported files */
+#include "objidl.h"
+#include "oaidl.h"
+#include "oleacc.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"{
+#ifndef __IAccessibleApplication_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+#define __IAccessibleApplication_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+/* interface IAccessibleApplication */
+/* [uuid][object] */
+EXTERN_C const IID IID_IAccessibleApplication;
+#if defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(CINTERFACE)
+ MIDL_INTERFACE("D49DED83-5B25-43F4-9B95-93B44595979E")
+ IAccessibleApplication : public IUnknown
+ {
+ public:
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_appName(
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *name) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_appVersion(
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *version) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_toolkitName(
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *name) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_toolkitVersion(
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *version) = 0;
+ };
+#else /* C style interface */
+ typedef struct IAccessibleApplicationVtbl
+ {
+ IAccessibleApplication * This,
+ /* [in] */ REFIID riid,
+ /* [annotation][iid_is][out] */
+ __RPC__deref_out void **ppvObject);
+ IAccessibleApplication * This);
+ IAccessibleApplication * This);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_appName )(
+ IAccessibleApplication * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *name);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_appVersion )(
+ IAccessibleApplication * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *version);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_toolkitName )(
+ IAccessibleApplication * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *name);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_toolkitVersion )(
+ IAccessibleApplication * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *version);
+ } IAccessibleApplicationVtbl;
+ interface IAccessibleApplication
+ {
+ CONST_VTBL struct IAccessibleApplicationVtbl *lpVtbl;
+ };
+#define IAccessibleApplication_QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) )
+#define IAccessibleApplication_AddRef(This) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> AddRef(This) )
+#define IAccessibleApplication_Release(This) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> Release(This) )
+#define IAccessibleApplication_get_appName(This,name) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_appName(This,name) )
+#define IAccessibleApplication_get_appVersion(This,version) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_appVersion(This,version) )
+#define IAccessibleApplication_get_toolkitName(This,name) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_toolkitName(This,name) )
+#define IAccessibleApplication_get_toolkitVersion(This,version) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_toolkitVersion(This,version) )
+#endif /* COBJMACROS */
+#endif /* C style interface */
+#endif /* __IAccessibleApplication_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ */
+/* Additional Prototypes for ALL interfaces */
+unsigned long __RPC_USER BSTR_UserSize( unsigned long *, unsigned long , BSTR * );
+unsigned char * __RPC_USER BSTR_UserMarshal( unsigned long *, unsigned char *, BSTR * );
+unsigned char * __RPC_USER BSTR_UserUnmarshal(unsigned long *, unsigned char *, BSTR * );
+void __RPC_USER BSTR_UserFree( unsigned long *, BSTR * );
+/* end of Additional Prototypes */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleApplication_i.c b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleApplication_i.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..daa0c1f7d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleApplication_i.c
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the IIDs and CLSIDs */
+/* link this file in with the server and any clients */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:52 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleApplication.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win32 (32b run), target_arch=X86 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"{
+#include <rpc.h>
+#include <rpcndr.h>
+#ifndef INITGUID
+#define INITGUID
+#include <guiddef.h>
+#undef INITGUID
+#include <guiddef.h>
+#define MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(type,name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8) \
+ DEFINE_GUID(name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8)
+#else // !_MIDL_USE_GUIDDEF_
+#ifndef __IID_DEFINED__
+#define __IID_DEFINED__
+typedef struct _IID
+ unsigned long x;
+ unsigned short s1;
+ unsigned short s2;
+ unsigned char c[8];
+} IID;
+#endif // __IID_DEFINED__
+typedef IID CLSID;
+#endif // CLSID_DEFINED
+#define MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(type,name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8) \
+ const type name = {l,w1,w2,{b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8}}
+MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(IID, IID_IAccessibleApplication,0xD49DED83,0x5B25,0x43F4,0x9B,0x95,0x93,0xB4,0x45,0x95,0x97,0x9E);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleApplication_p.c b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleApplication_p.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4e51a63fff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleApplication_p.c
@@ -0,0 +1,428 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the proxy stub code */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:52 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleApplication.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win32 (32b run), target_arch=X86 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#if !defined(_M_IA64) && !defined(_M_AMD64)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+#if _MSC_VER >= 1200
+#pragma warning(push)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4211 ) /* redefine extern to static */
+#pragma warning( disable: 4232 ) /* dllimport identity*/
+#pragma warning( disable: 4024 ) /* array to pointer mapping*/
+#pragma warning( disable: 4152 ) /* function/data pointer conversion in expression */
+#pragma warning( disable: 4100 ) /* unreferenced arguments in x86 call */
+#pragma optimize("", off )
+/* verify that the <rpcproxy.h> version is high enough to compile this file*/
+#include "rpcproxy.h"
+#error this stub requires an updated version of <rpcproxy.h>
+#endif /* __RPCPROXY_H_VERSION__ */
+#include "AccessibleApplication.h"
+typedef struct _AccessibleApplication_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ short Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ TYPE_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+ } AccessibleApplication_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING;
+typedef struct _AccessibleApplication_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ short Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ PROC_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+ } AccessibleApplication_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING;
+typedef struct _AccessibleApplication_MIDL_EXPR_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ long Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ EXPR_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+ } AccessibleApplication_MIDL_EXPR_FORMAT_STRING;
+static const RPC_SYNTAX_IDENTIFIER _RpcTransferSyntax =
+extern const AccessibleApplication_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleApplication__MIDL_TypeFormatString;
+extern const AccessibleApplication_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleApplication__MIDL_ProcFormatString;
+extern const AccessibleApplication_MIDL_EXPR_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleApplication__MIDL_ExprFormatString;
+extern const MIDL_STUB_DESC Object_StubDesc;
+extern const MIDL_SERVER_INFO IAccessibleApplication_ServerInfo;
+extern const MIDL_STUBLESS_PROXY_INFO IAccessibleApplication_ProxyInfo;
+#if !defined(__RPC_WIN32__)
+#error Invalid build platform for this stub.
+#error You need Windows 2000 or later to run this stub because it uses these features:
+#error /robust command line switch.
+#error However, your C/C++ compilation flags indicate you intend to run this app on earlier systems.
+#error This app will fail with the RPC_X_WRONG_STUB_VERSION error.
+static const AccessibleApplication_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleApplication__MIDL_ProcFormatString =
+ {
+ 0,
+ {
+ /* Procedure get_appName */
+ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 2 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 6 */ NdrFcShort( 0x3 ), /* 3 */
+/* 8 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 10 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 12 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 14 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 16 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 18 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 20 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 22 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter name */
+/* 24 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2113 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 26 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 28 */ NdrFcShort( 0x20 ), /* Type Offset=32 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 30 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 32 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 34 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_appVersion */
+/* 36 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 38 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 42 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 44 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 46 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 48 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 50 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 52 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 54 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 56 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 58 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter version */
+/* 60 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2113 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 62 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 64 */ NdrFcShort( 0x20 ), /* Type Offset=32 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 66 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 68 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 70 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_toolkitName */
+/* 72 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 74 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 78 */ NdrFcShort( 0x5 ), /* 5 */
+/* 80 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 82 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 84 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 86 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 88 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 90 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 92 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 94 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter name */
+/* 96 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2113 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 98 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 100 */ NdrFcShort( 0x20 ), /* Type Offset=32 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 102 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 104 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 106 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_toolkitVersion */
+/* 108 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 110 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 114 */ NdrFcShort( 0x6 ), /* 6 */
+/* 116 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 118 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 120 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 122 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 124 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 126 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 128 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 130 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter version */
+/* 132 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2113 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 134 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 136 */ NdrFcShort( 0x20 ), /* Type Offset=32 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 138 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 140 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 142 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x0
+ }
+ };
+static const AccessibleApplication_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleApplication__MIDL_TypeFormatString =
+ {
+ 0,
+ {
+ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 2 */
+ 0x11, 0x4, /* FC_RP [alloced_on_stack] */
+/* 4 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1c ), /* Offset= 28 (32) */
+/* 6 */
+ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 8 */ NdrFcShort( 0xe ), /* Offset= 14 (22) */
+/* 10 */
+ 0x1b, /* FC_CARRAY */
+ 0x1, /* 1 */
+/* 12 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* 2 */
+/* 14 */ 0x9, /* Corr desc: FC_ULONG */
+ 0x0, /* */
+/* 16 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfffc ), /* -4 */
+/* 18 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* Corr flags: early, */
+/* 20 */ 0x6, /* FC_SHORT */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 22 */
+ 0x17, /* FC_CSTRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 24 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 26 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfff0 ), /* Offset= -16 (10) */
+/* 28 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+/* 30 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 32 */ 0xb4, /* FC_USER_MARSHAL */
+ 0x83, /* 131 */
+/* 34 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 36 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 38 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 40 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffde ), /* Offset= -34 (6) */
+ 0x0
+ }
+ };
+ {
+ {
+ BSTR_UserSize
+ ,BSTR_UserMarshal
+ ,BSTR_UserUnmarshal
+ ,BSTR_UserFree
+ }
+ };
+/* Object interface: IUnknown, ver. 0.0,
+ GUID={0x00000000,0x0000,0x0000,{0xC0,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x46}} */
+/* Object interface: IAccessibleApplication, ver. 0.0,
+ GUID={0xD49DED83,0x5B25,0x43F4,{0x9B,0x95,0x93,0xB4,0x45,0x95,0x97,0x9E}} */
+#pragma code_seg(".orpc")
+static const unsigned short IAccessibleApplication_FormatStringOffsetTable[] =
+ {
+ 0,
+ 36,
+ 72,
+ 108
+ };
+static const MIDL_STUBLESS_PROXY_INFO IAccessibleApplication_ProxyInfo =
+ {
+ &Object_StubDesc,
+ AccessibleApplication__MIDL_ProcFormatString.Format,
+ &IAccessibleApplication_FormatStringOffsetTable[-3],
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0
+ };
+static const MIDL_SERVER_INFO IAccessibleApplication_ServerInfo =
+ {
+ &Object_StubDesc,
+ 0,
+ AccessibleApplication__MIDL_ProcFormatString.Format,
+ &IAccessibleApplication_FormatStringOffsetTable[-3],
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0};
+CINTERFACE_PROXY_VTABLE(7) _IAccessibleApplicationProxyVtbl =
+ &IAccessibleApplication_ProxyInfo,
+ &IID_IAccessibleApplication,
+ IUnknown_QueryInterface_Proxy,
+ IUnknown_AddRef_Proxy,
+ IUnknown_Release_Proxy ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleApplication::get_appName */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleApplication::get_appVersion */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleApplication::get_toolkitName */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleApplication::get_toolkitVersion */
+const CInterfaceStubVtbl _IAccessibleApplicationStubVtbl =
+ &IID_IAccessibleApplication,
+ &IAccessibleApplication_ServerInfo,
+ 7,
+ 0, /* pure interpreted */
+ CStdStubBuffer_METHODS
+static const MIDL_STUB_DESC Object_StubDesc =
+ {
+ 0,
+ NdrOleAllocate,
+ NdrOleFree,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ AccessibleApplication__MIDL_TypeFormatString.Format,
+ 1, /* -error bounds_check flag */
+ 0x50002, /* Ndr library version */
+ 0,
+ 0x700022b, /* MIDL Version 7.0.555 */
+ 0,
+ UserMarshalRoutines,
+ 0, /* notify & notify_flag routine table */
+ 0x1, /* MIDL flag */
+ 0, /* cs routines */
+ 0, /* proxy/server info */
+ 0
+ };
+const CInterfaceProxyVtbl * const _AccessibleApplication_ProxyVtblList[] =
+ ( CInterfaceProxyVtbl *) &_IAccessibleApplicationProxyVtbl,
+ 0
+const CInterfaceStubVtbl * const _AccessibleApplication_StubVtblList[] =
+ ( CInterfaceStubVtbl *) &_IAccessibleApplicationStubVtbl,
+ 0
+PCInterfaceName const _AccessibleApplication_InterfaceNamesList[] =
+ "IAccessibleApplication",
+ 0
+#define _AccessibleApplication_CHECK_IID(n) IID_GENERIC_CHECK_IID( _AccessibleApplication, pIID, n)
+int __stdcall _AccessibleApplication_IID_Lookup( const IID * pIID, int * pIndex )
+ if(!_AccessibleApplication_CHECK_IID(0))
+ {
+ *pIndex = 0;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+const ExtendedProxyFileInfo AccessibleApplication_ProxyFileInfo =
+ (PCInterfaceProxyVtblList *) & _AccessibleApplication_ProxyVtblList,
+ (PCInterfaceStubVtblList *) & _AccessibleApplication_StubVtblList,
+ (const PCInterfaceName * ) & _AccessibleApplication_InterfaceNamesList,
+ 0, /* no delegation */
+ & _AccessibleApplication_IID_Lookup,
+ 1,
+ 2,
+ 0, /* table of [async_uuid] interfaces */
+ 0, /* Filler1 */
+ 0, /* Filler2 */
+ 0 /* Filler3 */
+#pragma optimize("", on )
+#if _MSC_VER >= 1200
+#pragma warning(pop)
+#endif /* !defined(_M_IA64) && !defined(_M_AMD64)*/
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleComponent.h b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleComponent.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a5d6fa625b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleComponent.h
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the definitions for the interfaces */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:52 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleComponent.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win32 (32b run), target_arch=X86 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+/* verify that the <rpcndr.h> version is high enough to compile this file*/
+#include "rpc.h"
+#include "rpcndr.h"
+#ifndef __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
+#error this stub requires an updated version of <rpcndr.h>
+#endif // __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
+#include "windows.h"
+#include "ole2.h"
+#endif /*COM_NO_WINDOWS_H*/
+#ifndef __AccessibleComponent_h__
+#define __AccessibleComponent_h__
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1020)
+#pragma once
+/* Forward Declarations */
+#ifndef __IAccessibleComponent_FWD_DEFINED__
+#define __IAccessibleComponent_FWD_DEFINED__
+typedef interface IAccessibleComponent IAccessibleComponent;
+#endif /* __IAccessibleComponent_FWD_DEFINED__ */
+/* header files for imported files */
+#include "objidl.h"
+#include "oaidl.h"
+#include "oleacc.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"{
+/* interface __MIDL_itf_AccessibleComponent_0000_0000 */
+/* [local] */
+typedef long IA2Color;
+extern RPC_IF_HANDLE __MIDL_itf_AccessibleComponent_0000_0000_v0_0_c_ifspec;
+extern RPC_IF_HANDLE __MIDL_itf_AccessibleComponent_0000_0000_v0_0_s_ifspec;
+#ifndef __IAccessibleComponent_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+#define __IAccessibleComponent_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+/* interface IAccessibleComponent */
+/* [uuid][object] */
+EXTERN_C const IID IID_IAccessibleComponent;
+#if defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(CINTERFACE)
+ MIDL_INTERFACE("1546D4B0-4C98-4bda-89AE-9A64748BDDE4")
+ IAccessibleComponent : public IUnknown
+ {
+ public:
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_locationInParent(
+ /* [out] */ long *x,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *y) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_foreground(
+ /* [retval][out] */ IA2Color *foreground) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_background(
+ /* [retval][out] */ IA2Color *background) = 0;
+ };
+#else /* C style interface */
+ typedef struct IAccessibleComponentVtbl
+ {
+ IAccessibleComponent * This,
+ /* [in] */ REFIID riid,
+ /* [annotation][iid_is][out] */
+ __RPC__deref_out void **ppvObject);
+ IAccessibleComponent * This);
+ IAccessibleComponent * This);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_locationInParent )(
+ IAccessibleComponent * This,
+ /* [out] */ long *x,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *y);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_foreground )(
+ IAccessibleComponent * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ IA2Color *foreground);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_background )(
+ IAccessibleComponent * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ IA2Color *background);
+ } IAccessibleComponentVtbl;
+ interface IAccessibleComponent
+ {
+ CONST_VTBL struct IAccessibleComponentVtbl *lpVtbl;
+ };
+#define IAccessibleComponent_QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) )
+#define IAccessibleComponent_AddRef(This) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> AddRef(This) )
+#define IAccessibleComponent_Release(This) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> Release(This) )
+#define IAccessibleComponent_get_locationInParent(This,x,y) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_locationInParent(This,x,y) )
+#define IAccessibleComponent_get_foreground(This,foreground) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_foreground(This,foreground) )
+#define IAccessibleComponent_get_background(This,background) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_background(This,background) )
+#endif /* COBJMACROS */
+#endif /* C style interface */
+#endif /* __IAccessibleComponent_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ */
+/* Additional Prototypes for ALL interfaces */
+/* end of Additional Prototypes */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleComponent_i.c b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleComponent_i.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b48fee274b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleComponent_i.c
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the IIDs and CLSIDs */
+/* link this file in with the server and any clients */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:52 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleComponent.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win32 (32b run), target_arch=X86 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"{
+#include <rpc.h>
+#include <rpcndr.h>
+#ifndef INITGUID
+#define INITGUID
+#include <guiddef.h>
+#undef INITGUID
+#include <guiddef.h>
+#define MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(type,name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8) \
+ DEFINE_GUID(name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8)
+#else // !_MIDL_USE_GUIDDEF_
+#ifndef __IID_DEFINED__
+#define __IID_DEFINED__
+typedef struct _IID
+ unsigned long x;
+ unsigned short s1;
+ unsigned short s2;
+ unsigned char c[8];
+} IID;
+#endif // __IID_DEFINED__
+typedef IID CLSID;
+#endif // CLSID_DEFINED
+#define MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(type,name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8) \
+ const type name = {l,w1,w2,{b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8}}
+MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(IID, IID_IAccessibleComponent,0x1546D4B0,0x4C98,0x4bda,0x89,0xAE,0x9A,0x64,0x74,0x8B,0xDD,0xE4);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleComponent_p.c b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleComponent_p.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..23230ff0ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleComponent_p.c
@@ -0,0 +1,369 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the proxy stub code */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:52 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleComponent.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win32 (32b run), target_arch=X86 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#if !defined(_M_IA64) && !defined(_M_AMD64)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+#if _MSC_VER >= 1200
+#pragma warning(push)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4211 ) /* redefine extern to static */
+#pragma warning( disable: 4232 ) /* dllimport identity*/
+#pragma warning( disable: 4024 ) /* array to pointer mapping*/
+#pragma warning( disable: 4152 ) /* function/data pointer conversion in expression */
+#pragma warning( disable: 4100 ) /* unreferenced arguments in x86 call */
+#pragma optimize("", off )
+/* verify that the <rpcproxy.h> version is high enough to compile this file*/
+#include "rpcproxy.h"
+#error this stub requires an updated version of <rpcproxy.h>
+#endif /* __RPCPROXY_H_VERSION__ */
+#include "AccessibleComponent.h"
+typedef struct _AccessibleComponent_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ short Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ TYPE_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+ } AccessibleComponent_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING;
+typedef struct _AccessibleComponent_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ short Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ PROC_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+ } AccessibleComponent_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING;
+typedef struct _AccessibleComponent_MIDL_EXPR_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ long Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ EXPR_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+ } AccessibleComponent_MIDL_EXPR_FORMAT_STRING;
+static const RPC_SYNTAX_IDENTIFIER _RpcTransferSyntax =
+extern const AccessibleComponent_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleComponent__MIDL_TypeFormatString;
+extern const AccessibleComponent_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleComponent__MIDL_ProcFormatString;
+extern const AccessibleComponent_MIDL_EXPR_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleComponent__MIDL_ExprFormatString;
+extern const MIDL_STUB_DESC Object_StubDesc;
+extern const MIDL_SERVER_INFO IAccessibleComponent_ServerInfo;
+extern const MIDL_STUBLESS_PROXY_INFO IAccessibleComponent_ProxyInfo;
+#if !defined(__RPC_WIN32__)
+#error Invalid build platform for this stub.
+#error You need Windows 2000 or later to run this stub because it uses these features:
+#error /robust command line switch.
+#error However, your C/C++ compilation flags indicate you intend to run this app on earlier systems.
+#error This app will fail with the RPC_X_WRONG_STUB_VERSION error.
+static const AccessibleComponent_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleComponent__MIDL_ProcFormatString =
+ {
+ 0,
+ {
+ /* Procedure get_locationInParent */
+ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 2 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 6 */ NdrFcShort( 0x3 ), /* 3 */
+/* 8 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 10 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 12 */ NdrFcShort( 0x40 ), /* 64 */
+/* 14 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 16 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 18 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 20 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 22 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter x */
+/* 24 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 26 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 28 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter y */
+/* 30 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 32 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 34 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 36 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 38 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 40 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_foreground */
+/* 42 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 44 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 48 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 50 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 52 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 54 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 56 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 58 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 60 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 62 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 64 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter foreground */
+/* 66 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 68 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 70 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 72 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 74 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 76 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_background */
+/* 78 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 80 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 84 */ NdrFcShort( 0x5 ), /* 5 */
+/* 86 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 88 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 90 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 92 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 94 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 96 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 98 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 100 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter background */
+/* 102 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 104 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 106 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 108 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 110 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 112 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x0
+ }
+ };
+static const AccessibleComponent_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleComponent__MIDL_TypeFormatString =
+ {
+ 0,
+ {
+ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 2 */
+ 0x11, 0xc, /* FC_RP [alloced_on_stack] [simple_pointer] */
+/* 4 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x0
+ }
+ };
+/* Standard interface: __MIDL_itf_AccessibleComponent_0000_0000, ver. 0.0,
+ GUID={0x00000000,0x0000,0x0000,{0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00}} */
+/* Object interface: IUnknown, ver. 0.0,
+ GUID={0x00000000,0x0000,0x0000,{0xC0,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x46}} */
+/* Object interface: IAccessibleComponent, ver. 0.0,
+ GUID={0x1546D4B0,0x4C98,0x4bda,{0x89,0xAE,0x9A,0x64,0x74,0x8B,0xDD,0xE4}} */
+#pragma code_seg(".orpc")
+static const unsigned short IAccessibleComponent_FormatStringOffsetTable[] =
+ {
+ 0,
+ 42,
+ 78
+ };
+static const MIDL_STUBLESS_PROXY_INFO IAccessibleComponent_ProxyInfo =
+ {
+ &Object_StubDesc,
+ AccessibleComponent__MIDL_ProcFormatString.Format,
+ &IAccessibleComponent_FormatStringOffsetTable[-3],
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0
+ };
+static const MIDL_SERVER_INFO IAccessibleComponent_ServerInfo =
+ {
+ &Object_StubDesc,
+ 0,
+ AccessibleComponent__MIDL_ProcFormatString.Format,
+ &IAccessibleComponent_FormatStringOffsetTable[-3],
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0};
+CINTERFACE_PROXY_VTABLE(6) _IAccessibleComponentProxyVtbl =
+ &IAccessibleComponent_ProxyInfo,
+ &IID_IAccessibleComponent,
+ IUnknown_QueryInterface_Proxy,
+ IUnknown_AddRef_Proxy,
+ IUnknown_Release_Proxy ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleComponent::get_locationInParent */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleComponent::get_foreground */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleComponent::get_background */
+const CInterfaceStubVtbl _IAccessibleComponentStubVtbl =
+ &IID_IAccessibleComponent,
+ &IAccessibleComponent_ServerInfo,
+ 6,
+ 0, /* pure interpreted */
+ CStdStubBuffer_METHODS
+static const MIDL_STUB_DESC Object_StubDesc =
+ {
+ 0,
+ NdrOleAllocate,
+ NdrOleFree,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ AccessibleComponent__MIDL_TypeFormatString.Format,
+ 1, /* -error bounds_check flag */
+ 0x50002, /* Ndr library version */
+ 0,
+ 0x700022b, /* MIDL Version 7.0.555 */
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0, /* notify & notify_flag routine table */
+ 0x1, /* MIDL flag */
+ 0, /* cs routines */
+ 0, /* proxy/server info */
+ 0
+ };
+const CInterfaceProxyVtbl * const _AccessibleComponent_ProxyVtblList[] =
+ ( CInterfaceProxyVtbl *) &_IAccessibleComponentProxyVtbl,
+ 0
+const CInterfaceStubVtbl * const _AccessibleComponent_StubVtblList[] =
+ ( CInterfaceStubVtbl *) &_IAccessibleComponentStubVtbl,
+ 0
+PCInterfaceName const _AccessibleComponent_InterfaceNamesList[] =
+ "IAccessibleComponent",
+ 0
+#define _AccessibleComponent_CHECK_IID(n) IID_GENERIC_CHECK_IID( _AccessibleComponent, pIID, n)
+int __stdcall _AccessibleComponent_IID_Lookup( const IID * pIID, int * pIndex )
+ if(!_AccessibleComponent_CHECK_IID(0))
+ {
+ *pIndex = 0;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+const ExtendedProxyFileInfo AccessibleComponent_ProxyFileInfo =
+ (PCInterfaceProxyVtblList *) & _AccessibleComponent_ProxyVtblList,
+ (PCInterfaceStubVtblList *) & _AccessibleComponent_StubVtblList,
+ (const PCInterfaceName * ) & _AccessibleComponent_InterfaceNamesList,
+ 0, /* no delegation */
+ & _AccessibleComponent_IID_Lookup,
+ 1,
+ 2,
+ 0, /* table of [async_uuid] interfaces */
+ 0, /* Filler1 */
+ 0, /* Filler2 */
+ 0 /* Filler3 */
+#pragma optimize("", on )
+#if _MSC_VER >= 1200
+#pragma warning(pop)
+#endif /* !defined(_M_IA64) && !defined(_M_AMD64)*/
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleEditableText.h b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleEditableText.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3afeefbac0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleEditableText.h
@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the definitions for the interfaces */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:53 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleEditableText.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win32 (32b run), target_arch=X86 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+/* verify that the <rpcndr.h> version is high enough to compile this file*/
+#include "rpc.h"
+#include "rpcndr.h"
+#ifndef __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
+#error this stub requires an updated version of <rpcndr.h>
+#endif // __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
+#include "windows.h"
+#include "ole2.h"
+#endif /*COM_NO_WINDOWS_H*/
+#ifndef __AccessibleEditableText_h__
+#define __AccessibleEditableText_h__
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1020)
+#pragma once
+/* Forward Declarations */
+#ifndef __IAccessibleEditableText_FWD_DEFINED__
+#define __IAccessibleEditableText_FWD_DEFINED__
+typedef interface IAccessibleEditableText IAccessibleEditableText;
+#endif /* __IAccessibleEditableText_FWD_DEFINED__ */
+/* header files for imported files */
+#include "objidl.h"
+#include "oaidl.h"
+#include "oleacc.h"
+#include "IA2CommonTypes.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"{
+#ifndef __IAccessibleEditableText_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+#define __IAccessibleEditableText_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+/* interface IAccessibleEditableText */
+/* [uuid][object] */
+EXTERN_C const IID IID_IAccessibleEditableText;
+#if defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(CINTERFACE)
+ MIDL_INTERFACE("A59AA09A-7011-4b65-939D-32B1FB5547E3")
+ IAccessibleEditableText : public IUnknown
+ {
+ public:
+ /* [in] */ long startOffset,
+ /* [in] */ long endOffset) = 0;
+ /* [in] */ long startOffset,
+ /* [in] */ long endOffset) = 0;
+ /* [in] */ long offset,
+ /* [in] */ BSTR *text) = 0;
+ /* [in] */ long startOffset,
+ /* [in] */ long endOffset) = 0;
+ /* [in] */ long offset) = 0;
+ /* [in] */ long startOffset,
+ /* [in] */ long endOffset,
+ /* [in] */ BSTR *text) = 0;
+ virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE setAttributes(
+ /* [in] */ long startOffset,
+ /* [in] */ long endOffset,
+ /* [in] */ BSTR *attributes) = 0;
+ };
+#else /* C style interface */
+ typedef struct IAccessibleEditableTextVtbl
+ {
+ IAccessibleEditableText * This,
+ /* [in] */ REFIID riid,
+ /* [annotation][iid_is][out] */
+ __RPC__deref_out void **ppvObject);
+ IAccessibleEditableText * This);
+ IAccessibleEditableText * This);
+ IAccessibleEditableText * This,
+ /* [in] */ long startOffset,
+ /* [in] */ long endOffset);
+ IAccessibleEditableText * This,
+ /* [in] */ long startOffset,
+ /* [in] */ long endOffset);
+ IAccessibleEditableText * This,
+ /* [in] */ long offset,
+ /* [in] */ BSTR *text);
+ IAccessibleEditableText * This,
+ /* [in] */ long startOffset,
+ /* [in] */ long endOffset);
+ IAccessibleEditableText * This,
+ /* [in] */ long offset);
+ IAccessibleEditableText * This,
+ /* [in] */ long startOffset,
+ /* [in] */ long endOffset,
+ /* [in] */ BSTR *text);
+ IAccessibleEditableText * This,
+ /* [in] */ long startOffset,
+ /* [in] */ long endOffset,
+ /* [in] */ BSTR *attributes);
+ } IAccessibleEditableTextVtbl;
+ interface IAccessibleEditableText
+ {
+ CONST_VTBL struct IAccessibleEditableTextVtbl *lpVtbl;
+ };
+#define IAccessibleEditableText_QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) )
+#define IAccessibleEditableText_AddRef(This) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> AddRef(This) )
+#define IAccessibleEditableText_Release(This) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> Release(This) )
+#define IAccessibleEditableText_copyText(This,startOffset,endOffset) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> copyText(This,startOffset,endOffset) )
+#define IAccessibleEditableText_deleteText(This,startOffset,endOffset) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> deleteText(This,startOffset,endOffset) )
+#define IAccessibleEditableText_insertText(This,offset,text) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> insertText(This,offset,text) )
+#define IAccessibleEditableText_cutText(This,startOffset,endOffset) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> cutText(This,startOffset,endOffset) )
+#define IAccessibleEditableText_pasteText(This,offset) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> pasteText(This,offset) )
+#define IAccessibleEditableText_replaceText(This,startOffset,endOffset,text) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> replaceText(This,startOffset,endOffset,text) )
+#define IAccessibleEditableText_setAttributes(This,startOffset,endOffset,attributes) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> setAttributes(This,startOffset,endOffset,attributes) )
+#endif /* COBJMACROS */
+#endif /* C style interface */
+#endif /* __IAccessibleEditableText_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ */
+/* Additional Prototypes for ALL interfaces */
+unsigned long __RPC_USER BSTR_UserSize( unsigned long *, unsigned long , BSTR * );
+unsigned char * __RPC_USER BSTR_UserMarshal( unsigned long *, unsigned char *, BSTR * );
+unsigned char * __RPC_USER BSTR_UserUnmarshal(unsigned long *, unsigned char *, BSTR * );
+void __RPC_USER BSTR_UserFree( unsigned long *, BSTR * );
+/* end of Additional Prototypes */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleEditableText_i.c b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleEditableText_i.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c578bf5078
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleEditableText_i.c
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the IIDs and CLSIDs */
+/* link this file in with the server and any clients */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:53 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleEditableText.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win32 (32b run), target_arch=X86 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"{
+#include <rpc.h>
+#include <rpcndr.h>
+#ifndef INITGUID
+#define INITGUID
+#include <guiddef.h>
+#undef INITGUID
+#include <guiddef.h>
+#define MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(type,name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8) \
+ DEFINE_GUID(name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8)
+#else // !_MIDL_USE_GUIDDEF_
+#ifndef __IID_DEFINED__
+#define __IID_DEFINED__
+typedef struct _IID
+ unsigned long x;
+ unsigned short s1;
+ unsigned short s2;
+ unsigned char c[8];
+} IID;
+#endif // __IID_DEFINED__
+typedef IID CLSID;
+#endif // CLSID_DEFINED
+#define MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(type,name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8) \
+ const type name = {l,w1,w2,{b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8}}
+MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(IID, IID_IAccessibleEditableText,0xA59AA09A,0x7011,0x4b65,0x93,0x9D,0x32,0xB1,0xFB,0x55,0x47,0xE3);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleEditableText_p.c b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleEditableText_p.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..28d1e4b333
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleEditableText_p.c
@@ -0,0 +1,584 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the proxy stub code */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:53 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleEditableText.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win32 (32b run), target_arch=X86 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#if !defined(_M_IA64) && !defined(_M_AMD64)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+#if _MSC_VER >= 1200
+#pragma warning(push)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4211 ) /* redefine extern to static */
+#pragma warning( disable: 4232 ) /* dllimport identity*/
+#pragma warning( disable: 4024 ) /* array to pointer mapping*/
+#pragma warning( disable: 4152 ) /* function/data pointer conversion in expression */
+#pragma warning( disable: 4100 ) /* unreferenced arguments in x86 call */
+#pragma optimize("", off )
+/* verify that the <rpcproxy.h> version is high enough to compile this file*/
+#include "rpcproxy.h"
+#error this stub requires an updated version of <rpcproxy.h>
+#endif /* __RPCPROXY_H_VERSION__ */
+#include "AccessibleEditableText.h"
+typedef struct _AccessibleEditableText_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ short Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ TYPE_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+ } AccessibleEditableText_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING;
+typedef struct _AccessibleEditableText_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ short Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ PROC_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+ } AccessibleEditableText_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING;
+typedef struct _AccessibleEditableText_MIDL_EXPR_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ long Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ EXPR_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+ } AccessibleEditableText_MIDL_EXPR_FORMAT_STRING;
+static const RPC_SYNTAX_IDENTIFIER _RpcTransferSyntax =
+extern const AccessibleEditableText_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleEditableText__MIDL_TypeFormatString;
+extern const AccessibleEditableText_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleEditableText__MIDL_ProcFormatString;
+extern const AccessibleEditableText_MIDL_EXPR_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleEditableText__MIDL_ExprFormatString;
+extern const MIDL_STUB_DESC Object_StubDesc;
+extern const MIDL_SERVER_INFO IAccessibleEditableText_ServerInfo;
+extern const MIDL_STUBLESS_PROXY_INFO IAccessibleEditableText_ProxyInfo;
+#if !defined(__RPC_WIN32__)
+#error Invalid build platform for this stub.
+#error You need Windows 2000 or later to run this stub because it uses these features:
+#error /robust command line switch.
+#error However, your C/C++ compilation flags indicate you intend to run this app on earlier systems.
+#error This app will fail with the RPC_X_WRONG_STUB_VERSION error.
+static const AccessibleEditableText_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleEditableText__MIDL_ProcFormatString =
+ {
+ 0,
+ {
+ /* Procedure copyText */
+ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 2 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 6 */ NdrFcShort( 0x3 ), /* 3 */
+/* 8 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 10 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* 16 */
+/* 12 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 14 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 16 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 18 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 20 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 22 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter startOffset */
+/* 24 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 26 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 28 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter endOffset */
+/* 30 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 32 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 34 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 36 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 38 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 40 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure deleteText */
+/* 42 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 44 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 48 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 50 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 52 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* 16 */
+/* 54 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 56 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 58 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 60 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 62 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 64 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter startOffset */
+/* 66 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 68 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 70 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter endOffset */
+/* 72 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 74 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 76 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 78 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 80 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 82 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure insertText */
+/* 84 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 86 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 90 */ NdrFcShort( 0x5 ), /* 5 */
+/* 92 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 94 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 96 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 98 */ 0x46, /* Oi2 Flags: clt must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 100 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x5, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, srv corr check, */
+/* 102 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 104 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 106 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter offset */
+/* 108 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 110 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 112 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter text */
+/* 114 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10b ), /* Flags: must size, must free, in, simple ref, */
+/* 116 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 118 */ NdrFcShort( 0x20 ), /* Type Offset=32 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 120 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 122 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 124 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure cutText */
+/* 126 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 128 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 132 */ NdrFcShort( 0x6 ), /* 6 */
+/* 134 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 136 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* 16 */
+/* 138 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 140 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 142 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 144 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 146 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 148 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter startOffset */
+/* 150 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 152 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 154 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter endOffset */
+/* 156 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 158 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 160 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 162 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 164 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 166 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure pasteText */
+/* 168 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 170 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 174 */ NdrFcShort( 0x7 ), /* 7 */
+/* 176 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 178 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 180 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 182 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 184 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 186 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 188 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 190 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter offset */
+/* 192 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 194 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 196 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 198 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 200 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 202 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure replaceText */
+/* 204 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 206 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 210 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 212 */ NdrFcShort( 0x14 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 20 */
+/* 214 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* 16 */
+/* 216 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 218 */ 0x46, /* Oi2 Flags: clt must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x4, /* 4 */
+/* 220 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x5, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, srv corr check, */
+/* 222 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 224 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 226 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter startOffset */
+/* 228 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 230 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 232 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter endOffset */
+/* 234 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 236 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 238 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter text */
+/* 240 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10b ), /* Flags: must size, must free, in, simple ref, */
+/* 242 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 244 */ NdrFcShort( 0x20 ), /* Type Offset=32 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 246 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 248 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 250 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure setAttributes */
+/* 252 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 254 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 258 */ NdrFcShort( 0x9 ), /* 9 */
+/* 260 */ NdrFcShort( 0x14 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 20 */
+/* 262 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* 16 */
+/* 264 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 266 */ 0x46, /* Oi2 Flags: clt must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x4, /* 4 */
+/* 268 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x5, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, srv corr check, */
+/* 270 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 272 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 274 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter startOffset */
+/* 276 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 278 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 280 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter endOffset */
+/* 282 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 284 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 286 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter attributes */
+/* 288 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10b ), /* Flags: must size, must free, in, simple ref, */
+/* 290 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 292 */ NdrFcShort( 0x20 ), /* Type Offset=32 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 294 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 296 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 298 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x0
+ }
+ };
+static const AccessibleEditableText_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleEditableText__MIDL_TypeFormatString =
+ {
+ 0,
+ {
+ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 2 */
+ 0x11, 0x0, /* FC_RP */
+/* 4 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1c ), /* Offset= 28 (32) */
+/* 6 */
+ 0x12, 0x0, /* FC_UP */
+/* 8 */ NdrFcShort( 0xe ), /* Offset= 14 (22) */
+/* 10 */
+ 0x1b, /* FC_CARRAY */
+ 0x1, /* 1 */
+/* 12 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* 2 */
+/* 14 */ 0x9, /* Corr desc: FC_ULONG */
+ 0x0, /* */
+/* 16 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfffc ), /* -4 */
+/* 18 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* Corr flags: early, */
+/* 20 */ 0x6, /* FC_SHORT */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 22 */
+ 0x17, /* FC_CSTRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 24 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 26 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfff0 ), /* Offset= -16 (10) */
+/* 28 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+/* 30 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 32 */ 0xb4, /* FC_USER_MARSHAL */
+ 0x83, /* 131 */
+/* 34 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 36 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 38 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 40 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffde ), /* Offset= -34 (6) */
+ 0x0
+ }
+ };
+ {
+ {
+ BSTR_UserSize
+ ,BSTR_UserMarshal
+ ,BSTR_UserUnmarshal
+ ,BSTR_UserFree
+ }
+ };
+/* Object interface: IUnknown, ver. 0.0,
+ GUID={0x00000000,0x0000,0x0000,{0xC0,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x46}} */
+/* Object interface: IAccessibleEditableText, ver. 0.0,
+ GUID={0xA59AA09A,0x7011,0x4b65,{0x93,0x9D,0x32,0xB1,0xFB,0x55,0x47,0xE3}} */
+#pragma code_seg(".orpc")
+static const unsigned short IAccessibleEditableText_FormatStringOffsetTable[] =
+ {
+ 0,
+ 42,
+ 84,
+ 126,
+ 168,
+ 204,
+ 252
+ };
+static const MIDL_STUBLESS_PROXY_INFO IAccessibleEditableText_ProxyInfo =
+ {
+ &Object_StubDesc,
+ AccessibleEditableText__MIDL_ProcFormatString.Format,
+ &IAccessibleEditableText_FormatStringOffsetTable[-3],
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0
+ };
+static const MIDL_SERVER_INFO IAccessibleEditableText_ServerInfo =
+ {
+ &Object_StubDesc,
+ 0,
+ AccessibleEditableText__MIDL_ProcFormatString.Format,
+ &IAccessibleEditableText_FormatStringOffsetTable[-3],
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0};
+CINTERFACE_PROXY_VTABLE(10) _IAccessibleEditableTextProxyVtbl =
+ &IAccessibleEditableText_ProxyInfo,
+ &IID_IAccessibleEditableText,
+ IUnknown_QueryInterface_Proxy,
+ IUnknown_AddRef_Proxy,
+ IUnknown_Release_Proxy ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleEditableText::copyText */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleEditableText::deleteText */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleEditableText::insertText */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleEditableText::cutText */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleEditableText::pasteText */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleEditableText::replaceText */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleEditableText::setAttributes */
+const CInterfaceStubVtbl _IAccessibleEditableTextStubVtbl =
+ &IID_IAccessibleEditableText,
+ &IAccessibleEditableText_ServerInfo,
+ 10,
+ 0, /* pure interpreted */
+ CStdStubBuffer_METHODS
+static const MIDL_STUB_DESC Object_StubDesc =
+ {
+ 0,
+ NdrOleAllocate,
+ NdrOleFree,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ AccessibleEditableText__MIDL_TypeFormatString.Format,
+ 1, /* -error bounds_check flag */
+ 0x50002, /* Ndr library version */
+ 0,
+ 0x700022b, /* MIDL Version 7.0.555 */
+ 0,
+ UserMarshalRoutines,
+ 0, /* notify & notify_flag routine table */
+ 0x1, /* MIDL flag */
+ 0, /* cs routines */
+ 0, /* proxy/server info */
+ 0
+ };
+const CInterfaceProxyVtbl * const _AccessibleEditableText_ProxyVtblList[] =
+ ( CInterfaceProxyVtbl *) &_IAccessibleEditableTextProxyVtbl,
+ 0
+const CInterfaceStubVtbl * const _AccessibleEditableText_StubVtblList[] =
+ ( CInterfaceStubVtbl *) &_IAccessibleEditableTextStubVtbl,
+ 0
+PCInterfaceName const _AccessibleEditableText_InterfaceNamesList[] =
+ "IAccessibleEditableText",
+ 0
+#define _AccessibleEditableText_CHECK_IID(n) IID_GENERIC_CHECK_IID( _AccessibleEditableText, pIID, n)
+int __stdcall _AccessibleEditableText_IID_Lookup( const IID * pIID, int * pIndex )
+ if(!_AccessibleEditableText_CHECK_IID(0))
+ {
+ *pIndex = 0;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+const ExtendedProxyFileInfo AccessibleEditableText_ProxyFileInfo =
+ (PCInterfaceProxyVtblList *) & _AccessibleEditableText_ProxyVtblList,
+ (PCInterfaceStubVtblList *) & _AccessibleEditableText_StubVtblList,
+ (const PCInterfaceName * ) & _AccessibleEditableText_InterfaceNamesList,
+ 0, /* no delegation */
+ & _AccessibleEditableText_IID_Lookup,
+ 1,
+ 2,
+ 0, /* table of [async_uuid] interfaces */
+ 0, /* Filler1 */
+ 0, /* Filler2 */
+ 0 /* Filler3 */
+#pragma optimize("", on )
+#if _MSC_VER >= 1200
+#pragma warning(pop)
+#endif /* !defined(_M_IA64) && !defined(_M_AMD64)*/
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleEventID.h b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleEventID.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..252375d0c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleEventID.h
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the definitions for the interfaces */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:53 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleEventID.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win32 (32b run), target_arch=X86 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+/* verify that the <rpcndr.h> version is high enough to compile this file*/
+#include "rpc.h"
+#include "rpcndr.h"
+#ifndef __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
+#error this stub requires an updated version of <rpcndr.h>
+#endif // __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
+#ifndef __AccessibleEventID_h__
+#define __AccessibleEventID_h__
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1020)
+#pragma once
+/* Forward Declarations */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"{
+/* interface __MIDL_itf_AccessibleEventID_0000_0000 */
+/* [local] */
+enum IA2EventID
+ } ;
+extern RPC_IF_HANDLE __MIDL_itf_AccessibleEventID_0000_0000_v0_0_c_ifspec;
+extern RPC_IF_HANDLE __MIDL_itf_AccessibleEventID_0000_0000_v0_0_s_ifspec;
+/* Additional Prototypes for ALL interfaces */
+/* end of Additional Prototypes */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleHyperlink.h b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleHyperlink.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..858e6bbd9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleHyperlink.h
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the definitions for the interfaces */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:53 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleHyperlink.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win32 (32b run), target_arch=X86 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+/* verify that the <rpcndr.h> version is high enough to compile this file*/
+#include "rpc.h"
+#include "rpcndr.h"
+#ifndef __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
+#error this stub requires an updated version of <rpcndr.h>
+#endif // __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
+#include "windows.h"
+#include "ole2.h"
+#endif /*COM_NO_WINDOWS_H*/
+#ifndef __AccessibleHyperlink_h__
+#define __AccessibleHyperlink_h__
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1020)
+#pragma once
+/* Forward Declarations */
+#ifndef __IAccessibleHyperlink_FWD_DEFINED__
+#define __IAccessibleHyperlink_FWD_DEFINED__
+typedef interface IAccessibleHyperlink IAccessibleHyperlink;
+#endif /* __IAccessibleHyperlink_FWD_DEFINED__ */
+/* header files for imported files */
+#include "objidl.h"
+#include "oaidl.h"
+#include "oleacc.h"
+#include "AccessibleAction.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"{
+#ifndef __IAccessibleHyperlink_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+#define __IAccessibleHyperlink_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+/* interface IAccessibleHyperlink */
+/* [uuid][object] */
+EXTERN_C const IID IID_IAccessibleHyperlink;
+#if defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(CINTERFACE)
+ MIDL_INTERFACE("01C20F2B-3DD2-400f-949F-AD00BDAB1D41")
+ IAccessibleHyperlink : public IAccessibleAction
+ {
+ public:
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_anchor(
+ /* [in] */ long index,
+ /* [retval][out] */ VARIANT *anchor) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_anchorTarget(
+ /* [in] */ long index,
+ /* [retval][out] */ VARIANT *anchorTarget) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_startIndex(
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *index) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_endIndex(
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *index) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_valid(
+ /* [retval][out] */ boolean *valid) = 0;
+ };
+#else /* C style interface */
+ typedef struct IAccessibleHyperlinkVtbl
+ {
+ IAccessibleHyperlink * This,
+ /* [in] */ REFIID riid,
+ /* [annotation][iid_is][out] */
+ __RPC__deref_out void **ppvObject);
+ IAccessibleHyperlink * This);
+ IAccessibleHyperlink * This);
+ IAccessibleHyperlink * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nActions);
+ IAccessibleHyperlink * This,
+ /* [in] */ long actionIndex);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_description )(
+ IAccessibleHyperlink * This,
+ /* [in] */ long actionIndex,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *description);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_keyBinding )(
+ IAccessibleHyperlink * This,
+ /* [in] */ long actionIndex,
+ /* [in] */ long nMaxBindings,
+ /* [length_is][length_is][size_is][size_is][out] */ BSTR **keyBindings,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nBindings);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_name )(
+ IAccessibleHyperlink * This,
+ /* [in] */ long actionIndex,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *name);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_localizedName )(
+ IAccessibleHyperlink * This,
+ /* [in] */ long actionIndex,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *localizedName);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_anchor )(
+ IAccessibleHyperlink * This,
+ /* [in] */ long index,
+ /* [retval][out] */ VARIANT *anchor);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_anchorTarget )(
+ IAccessibleHyperlink * This,
+ /* [in] */ long index,
+ /* [retval][out] */ VARIANT *anchorTarget);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_startIndex )(
+ IAccessibleHyperlink * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *index);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_endIndex )(
+ IAccessibleHyperlink * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *index);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_valid )(
+ IAccessibleHyperlink * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ boolean *valid);
+ } IAccessibleHyperlinkVtbl;
+ interface IAccessibleHyperlink
+ {
+ CONST_VTBL struct IAccessibleHyperlinkVtbl *lpVtbl;
+ };
+#define IAccessibleHyperlink_QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) )
+#define IAccessibleHyperlink_AddRef(This) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> AddRef(This) )
+#define IAccessibleHyperlink_Release(This) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> Release(This) )
+#define IAccessibleHyperlink_nActions(This,nActions) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> nActions(This,nActions) )
+#define IAccessibleHyperlink_doAction(This,actionIndex) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> doAction(This,actionIndex) )
+#define IAccessibleHyperlink_get_description(This,actionIndex,description) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_description(This,actionIndex,description) )
+#define IAccessibleHyperlink_get_keyBinding(This,actionIndex,nMaxBindings,keyBindings,nBindings) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_keyBinding(This,actionIndex,nMaxBindings,keyBindings,nBindings) )
+#define IAccessibleHyperlink_get_name(This,actionIndex,name) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_name(This,actionIndex,name) )
+#define IAccessibleHyperlink_get_localizedName(This,actionIndex,localizedName) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_localizedName(This,actionIndex,localizedName) )
+#define IAccessibleHyperlink_get_anchor(This,index,anchor) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_anchor(This,index,anchor) )
+#define IAccessibleHyperlink_get_anchorTarget(This,index,anchorTarget) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_anchorTarget(This,index,anchorTarget) )
+#define IAccessibleHyperlink_get_startIndex(This,index) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_startIndex(This,index) )
+#define IAccessibleHyperlink_get_endIndex(This,index) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_endIndex(This,index) )
+#define IAccessibleHyperlink_get_valid(This,valid) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_valid(This,valid) )
+#endif /* COBJMACROS */
+#endif /* C style interface */
+#endif /* __IAccessibleHyperlink_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ */
+/* Additional Prototypes for ALL interfaces */
+unsigned long __RPC_USER VARIANT_UserSize( unsigned long *, unsigned long , VARIANT * );
+unsigned char * __RPC_USER VARIANT_UserMarshal( unsigned long *, unsigned char *, VARIANT * );
+unsigned char * __RPC_USER VARIANT_UserUnmarshal(unsigned long *, unsigned char *, VARIANT * );
+void __RPC_USER VARIANT_UserFree( unsigned long *, VARIANT * );
+/* end of Additional Prototypes */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleHyperlink_i.c b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleHyperlink_i.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ef0921fe4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleHyperlink_i.c
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the IIDs and CLSIDs */
+/* link this file in with the server and any clients */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:53 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleHyperlink.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win32 (32b run), target_arch=X86 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"{
+#include <rpc.h>
+#include <rpcndr.h>
+#ifndef INITGUID
+#define INITGUID
+#include <guiddef.h>
+#undef INITGUID
+#include <guiddef.h>
+#define MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(type,name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8) \
+ DEFINE_GUID(name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8)
+#else // !_MIDL_USE_GUIDDEF_
+#ifndef __IID_DEFINED__
+#define __IID_DEFINED__
+typedef struct _IID
+ unsigned long x;
+ unsigned short s1;
+ unsigned short s2;
+ unsigned char c[8];
+} IID;
+#endif // __IID_DEFINED__
+typedef IID CLSID;
+#endif // CLSID_DEFINED
+#define MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(type,name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8) \
+ const type name = {l,w1,w2,{b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8}}
+MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(IID, IID_IAccessibleHyperlink,0x01C20F2B,0x3DD2,0x400f,0x94,0x9F,0xAD,0x00,0xBD,0xAB,0x1D,0x41);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleHyperlink_p.c b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleHyperlink_p.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c608123261
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleHyperlink_p.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1191 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the proxy stub code */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:53 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleHyperlink.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win32 (32b run), target_arch=X86 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#if !defined(_M_IA64) && !defined(_M_AMD64)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+#if _MSC_VER >= 1200
+#pragma warning(push)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4211 ) /* redefine extern to static */
+#pragma warning( disable: 4232 ) /* dllimport identity*/
+#pragma warning( disable: 4024 ) /* array to pointer mapping*/
+#pragma warning( disable: 4152 ) /* function/data pointer conversion in expression */
+#pragma warning( disable: 4100 ) /* unreferenced arguments in x86 call */
+#pragma optimize("", off )
+/* verify that the <rpcproxy.h> version is high enough to compile this file*/
+#include "rpcproxy.h"
+#error this stub requires an updated version of <rpcproxy.h>
+#endif /* __RPCPROXY_H_VERSION__ */
+#include "AccessibleHyperlink.h"
+typedef struct _AccessibleHyperlink_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ short Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ TYPE_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+ } AccessibleHyperlink_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING;
+typedef struct _AccessibleHyperlink_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ short Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ PROC_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+ } AccessibleHyperlink_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING;
+typedef struct _AccessibleHyperlink_MIDL_EXPR_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ long Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ EXPR_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+ } AccessibleHyperlink_MIDL_EXPR_FORMAT_STRING;
+static const RPC_SYNTAX_IDENTIFIER _RpcTransferSyntax =
+extern const AccessibleHyperlink_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleHyperlink__MIDL_TypeFormatString;
+extern const AccessibleHyperlink_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleHyperlink__MIDL_ProcFormatString;
+extern const AccessibleHyperlink_MIDL_EXPR_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleHyperlink__MIDL_ExprFormatString;
+extern const MIDL_STUB_DESC Object_StubDesc;
+extern const MIDL_SERVER_INFO IAccessibleHyperlink_ServerInfo;
+extern const MIDL_STUBLESS_PROXY_INFO IAccessibleHyperlink_ProxyInfo;
+#if !defined(__RPC_WIN32__)
+#error Invalid build platform for this stub.
+#error You need Windows 2000 or later to run this stub because it uses these features:
+#error /robust command line switch.
+#error However, your C/C++ compilation flags indicate you intend to run this app on earlier systems.
+#error This app will fail with the RPC_X_WRONG_STUB_VERSION error.
+static const AccessibleHyperlink_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleHyperlink__MIDL_ProcFormatString =
+ {
+ 0,
+ {
+ /* Procedure get_anchor */
+ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 2 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 6 */ NdrFcShort( 0x9 ), /* 9 */
+/* 8 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 10 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 12 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 14 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 16 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 18 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 20 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 22 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter index */
+/* 24 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 26 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 28 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter anchor */
+/* 30 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4113 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, simple ref, srv alloc size=16 */
+/* 32 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 34 */ NdrFcShort( 0x404 ), /* Type Offset=1028 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 36 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 38 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 40 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_anchorTarget */
+/* 42 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 44 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 48 */ NdrFcShort( 0xa ), /* 10 */
+/* 50 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 52 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 54 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 56 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 58 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 60 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 62 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 64 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter index */
+/* 66 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 68 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 70 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter anchorTarget */
+/* 72 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4113 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, simple ref, srv alloc size=16 */
+/* 74 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 76 */ NdrFcShort( 0x404 ), /* Type Offset=1028 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 78 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 80 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 82 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_startIndex */
+/* 84 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 86 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 90 */ NdrFcShort( 0xb ), /* 11 */
+/* 92 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 94 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 96 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 98 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 100 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 102 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 104 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 106 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter index */
+/* 108 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 110 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 112 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 114 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 116 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 118 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_endIndex */
+/* 120 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 122 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 126 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* 12 */
+/* 128 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 130 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 132 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 134 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 136 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 138 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 140 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 142 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter index */
+/* 144 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 146 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 148 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 150 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 152 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 154 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_valid */
+/* 156 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 158 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 162 */ NdrFcShort( 0xd ), /* 13 */
+/* 164 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 166 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 168 */ NdrFcShort( 0x21 ), /* 33 */
+/* 170 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 172 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 174 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 176 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 178 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter valid */
+/* 180 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 182 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 184 */ 0x3, /* FC_SMALL */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 186 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 188 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 190 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x0
+ }
+ };
+static const AccessibleHyperlink_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleHyperlink__MIDL_TypeFormatString =
+ {
+ 0,
+ {
+ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 2 */
+ 0x11, 0x4, /* FC_RP [alloced_on_stack] */
+/* 4 */ NdrFcShort( 0x400 ), /* Offset= 1024 (1028) */
+/* 6 */
+ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 8 */ NdrFcShort( 0x3e8 ), /* Offset= 1000 (1008) */
+/* 10 */
+ 0x9, /* FC_ULONG */
+/* 12 */ 0x7, /* Corr desc: FC_USHORT */
+ 0x0, /* */
+/* 14 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfff8 ), /* -8 */
+/* 16 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* Corr flags: early, */
+/* 18 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* Offset= 2 (20) */
+/* 20 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* 16 */
+/* 22 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2f ), /* 47 */
+/* 24 */ NdrFcLong( 0x14 ), /* 20 */
+/* 28 */ NdrFcShort( 0x800b ), /* Simple arm type: FC_HYPER */
+/* 30 */ NdrFcLong( 0x3 ), /* 3 */
+/* 34 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8008 ), /* Simple arm type: FC_LONG */
+/* 36 */ NdrFcLong( 0x11 ), /* 17 */
+/* 40 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8001 ), /* Simple arm type: FC_BYTE */
+/* 42 */ NdrFcLong( 0x2 ), /* 2 */
+/* 46 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8006 ), /* Simple arm type: FC_SHORT */
+/* 48 */ NdrFcLong( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 52 */ NdrFcShort( 0x800a ), /* Simple arm type: FC_FLOAT */
+/* 54 */ NdrFcLong( 0x5 ), /* 5 */
+/* 58 */ NdrFcShort( 0x800c ), /* Simple arm type: FC_DOUBLE */
+/* 60 */ NdrFcLong( 0xb ), /* 11 */
+/* 64 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8006 ), /* Simple arm type: FC_SHORT */
+/* 66 */ NdrFcLong( 0xa ), /* 10 */
+/* 70 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8008 ), /* Simple arm type: FC_LONG */
+/* 72 */ NdrFcLong( 0x6 ), /* 6 */
+/* 76 */ NdrFcShort( 0xe8 ), /* Offset= 232 (308) */
+/* 78 */ NdrFcLong( 0x7 ), /* 7 */
+/* 82 */ NdrFcShort( 0x800c ), /* Simple arm type: FC_DOUBLE */
+/* 84 */ NdrFcLong( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 88 */ NdrFcShort( 0xe2 ), /* Offset= 226 (314) */
+/* 90 */ NdrFcLong( 0xd ), /* 13 */
+/* 94 */ NdrFcShort( 0xf6 ), /* Offset= 246 (340) */
+/* 96 */ NdrFcLong( 0x9 ), /* 9 */
+/* 100 */ NdrFcShort( 0x102 ), /* Offset= 258 (358) */
+/* 102 */ NdrFcLong( 0x2000 ), /* 8192 */
+/* 106 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10e ), /* Offset= 270 (376) */
+/* 108 */ NdrFcLong( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 112 */ NdrFcShort( 0x336 ), /* Offset= 822 (934) */
+/* 114 */ NdrFcLong( 0x4024 ), /* 16420 */
+/* 118 */ NdrFcShort( 0x330 ), /* Offset= 816 (934) */
+/* 120 */ NdrFcLong( 0x4011 ), /* 16401 */
+/* 124 */ NdrFcShort( 0x32e ), /* Offset= 814 (938) */
+/* 126 */ NdrFcLong( 0x4002 ), /* 16386 */
+/* 130 */ NdrFcShort( 0x32c ), /* Offset= 812 (942) */
+/* 132 */ NdrFcLong( 0x4003 ), /* 16387 */
+/* 136 */ NdrFcShort( 0x32a ), /* Offset= 810 (946) */
+/* 138 */ NdrFcLong( 0x4014 ), /* 16404 */
+/* 142 */ NdrFcShort( 0x328 ), /* Offset= 808 (950) */
+/* 144 */ NdrFcLong( 0x4004 ), /* 16388 */
+/* 148 */ NdrFcShort( 0x326 ), /* Offset= 806 (954) */
+/* 150 */ NdrFcLong( 0x4005 ), /* 16389 */
+/* 154 */ NdrFcShort( 0x324 ), /* Offset= 804 (958) */
+/* 156 */ NdrFcLong( 0x400b ), /* 16395 */
+/* 160 */ NdrFcShort( 0x30e ), /* Offset= 782 (942) */
+/* 162 */ NdrFcLong( 0x400a ), /* 16394 */
+/* 166 */ NdrFcShort( 0x30c ), /* Offset= 780 (946) */
+/* 168 */ NdrFcLong( 0x4006 ), /* 16390 */
+/* 172 */ NdrFcShort( 0x316 ), /* Offset= 790 (962) */
+/* 174 */ NdrFcLong( 0x4007 ), /* 16391 */
+/* 178 */ NdrFcShort( 0x30c ), /* Offset= 780 (958) */
+/* 180 */ NdrFcLong( 0x4008 ), /* 16392 */
+/* 184 */ NdrFcShort( 0x30e ), /* Offset= 782 (966) */
+/* 186 */ NdrFcLong( 0x400d ), /* 16397 */
+/* 190 */ NdrFcShort( 0x30c ), /* Offset= 780 (970) */
+/* 192 */ NdrFcLong( 0x4009 ), /* 16393 */
+/* 196 */ NdrFcShort( 0x30a ), /* Offset= 778 (974) */
+/* 198 */ NdrFcLong( 0x6000 ), /* 24576 */
+/* 202 */ NdrFcShort( 0x308 ), /* Offset= 776 (978) */
+/* 204 */ NdrFcLong( 0x400c ), /* 16396 */
+/* 208 */ NdrFcShort( 0x306 ), /* Offset= 774 (982) */
+/* 210 */ NdrFcLong( 0x10 ), /* 16 */
+/* 214 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8002 ), /* Simple arm type: FC_CHAR */
+/* 216 */ NdrFcLong( 0x12 ), /* 18 */
+/* 220 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8006 ), /* Simple arm type: FC_SHORT */
+/* 222 */ NdrFcLong( 0x13 ), /* 19 */
+/* 226 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8008 ), /* Simple arm type: FC_LONG */
+/* 228 */ NdrFcLong( 0x15 ), /* 21 */
+/* 232 */ NdrFcShort( 0x800b ), /* Simple arm type: FC_HYPER */
+/* 234 */ NdrFcLong( 0x16 ), /* 22 */
+/* 238 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8008 ), /* Simple arm type: FC_LONG */
+/* 240 */ NdrFcLong( 0x17 ), /* 23 */
+/* 244 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8008 ), /* Simple arm type: FC_LONG */
+/* 246 */ NdrFcLong( 0xe ), /* 14 */
+/* 250 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2e4 ), /* Offset= 740 (990) */
+/* 252 */ NdrFcLong( 0x400e ), /* 16398 */
+/* 256 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2e8 ), /* Offset= 744 (1000) */
+/* 258 */ NdrFcLong( 0x4010 ), /* 16400 */
+/* 262 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2e6 ), /* Offset= 742 (1004) */
+/* 264 */ NdrFcLong( 0x4012 ), /* 16402 */
+/* 268 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2a2 ), /* Offset= 674 (942) */
+/* 270 */ NdrFcLong( 0x4013 ), /* 16403 */
+/* 274 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2a0 ), /* Offset= 672 (946) */
+/* 276 */ NdrFcLong( 0x4015 ), /* 16405 */
+/* 280 */ NdrFcShort( 0x29e ), /* Offset= 670 (950) */
+/* 282 */ NdrFcLong( 0x4016 ), /* 16406 */
+/* 286 */ NdrFcShort( 0x294 ), /* Offset= 660 (946) */
+/* 288 */ NdrFcLong( 0x4017 ), /* 16407 */
+/* 292 */ NdrFcShort( 0x28e ), /* Offset= 654 (946) */
+/* 294 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 298 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* Offset= 0 (298) */
+/* 300 */ NdrFcLong( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 304 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* Offset= 0 (304) */
+/* 306 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffff ), /* Offset= -1 (305) */
+/* 308 */
+ 0x15, /* FC_STRUCT */
+ 0x7, /* 7 */
+/* 310 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 312 */ 0xb, /* FC_HYPER */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 314 */
+ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 316 */ NdrFcShort( 0xe ), /* Offset= 14 (330) */
+/* 318 */
+ 0x1b, /* FC_CARRAY */
+ 0x1, /* 1 */
+/* 320 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* 2 */
+/* 322 */ 0x9, /* Corr desc: FC_ULONG */
+ 0x0, /* */
+/* 324 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfffc ), /* -4 */
+/* 326 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* Corr flags: early, */
+/* 328 */ 0x6, /* FC_SHORT */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 330 */
+ 0x17, /* FC_CSTRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 332 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 334 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfff0 ), /* Offset= -16 (318) */
+/* 336 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+/* 338 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 340 */
+ 0x2f, /* FC_IP */
+ 0x5a, /* FC_CONSTANT_IID */
+/* 342 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 346 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 348 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 350 */ 0xc0, /* 192 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 352 */ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 354 */ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 356 */ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x46, /* 70 */
+/* 358 */
+ 0x2f, /* FC_IP */
+ 0x5a, /* FC_CONSTANT_IID */
+/* 360 */ NdrFcLong( 0x20400 ), /* 132096 */
+/* 364 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 366 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 368 */ 0xc0, /* 192 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 370 */ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 372 */ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 374 */ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x46, /* 70 */
+/* 376 */
+ 0x13, 0x10, /* FC_OP [pointer_deref] */
+/* 378 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* Offset= 2 (380) */
+/* 380 */
+ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 382 */ NdrFcShort( 0x216 ), /* Offset= 534 (916) */
+/* 384 */
+ 0x49, /* 73 */
+/* 386 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* 24 */
+/* 388 */ NdrFcShort( 0xa ), /* 10 */
+/* 390 */ NdrFcLong( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 394 */ NdrFcShort( 0x5a ), /* Offset= 90 (484) */
+/* 396 */ NdrFcLong( 0xd ), /* 13 */
+/* 400 */ NdrFcShort( 0x7e ), /* Offset= 126 (526) */
+/* 402 */ NdrFcLong( 0x9 ), /* 9 */
+/* 406 */ NdrFcShort( 0x9e ), /* Offset= 158 (564) */
+/* 408 */ NdrFcLong( 0xc ), /* 12 */
+/* 412 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc8 ), /* Offset= 200 (612) */
+/* 414 */ NdrFcLong( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 418 */ NdrFcShort( 0x124 ), /* Offset= 292 (710) */
+/* 420 */ NdrFcLong( 0x800d ), /* 32781 */
+/* 424 */ NdrFcShort( 0x140 ), /* Offset= 320 (744) */
+/* 426 */ NdrFcLong( 0x10 ), /* 16 */
+/* 430 */ NdrFcShort( 0x15a ), /* Offset= 346 (776) */
+/* 432 */ NdrFcLong( 0x2 ), /* 2 */
+/* 436 */ NdrFcShort( 0x174 ), /* Offset= 372 (808) */
+/* 438 */ NdrFcLong( 0x3 ), /* 3 */
+/* 442 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18e ), /* Offset= 398 (840) */
+/* 444 */ NdrFcLong( 0x14 ), /* 20 */
+/* 448 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1a8 ), /* Offset= 424 (872) */
+/* 450 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffff ), /* Offset= -1 (449) */
+/* 452 */
+ 0x1b, /* FC_CARRAY */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 454 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 456 */ 0x19, /* Corr desc: field pointer, FC_ULONG */
+ 0x0, /* */
+/* 458 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 460 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* Corr flags: early, */
+/* 462 */
+ 0x4b, /* FC_PP */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 464 */
+ 0x48, /* FC_VARIABLE_REPEAT */
+ 0x49, /* FC_FIXED_OFFSET */
+/* 466 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 468 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 470 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 472 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 474 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 476 */ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 478 */ NdrFcShort( 0xff6c ), /* Offset= -148 (330) */
+/* 480 */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+/* 482 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 484 */
+ 0x16, /* FC_PSTRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 486 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 488 */
+ 0x4b, /* FC_PP */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 490 */
+ 0x46, /* FC_NO_REPEAT */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 492 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 494 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 496 */ 0x11, 0x0, /* FC_RP */
+/* 498 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffd2 ), /* Offset= -46 (452) */
+/* 500 */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+/* 502 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 504 */
+ 0x21, /* FC_BOGUS_ARRAY */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 506 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 508 */ 0x19, /* Corr desc: field pointer, FC_ULONG */
+ 0x0, /* */
+/* 510 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 512 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* Corr flags: early, */
+/* 514 */ NdrFcLong( 0xffffffff ), /* -1 */
+/* 518 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* Corr flags: */
+/* 520 */ 0x4c, /* FC_EMBEDDED_COMPLEX */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 522 */ NdrFcShort( 0xff4a ), /* Offset= -182 (340) */
+/* 524 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 526 */
+ 0x1a, /* FC_BOGUS_STRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 528 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 530 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 532 */ NdrFcShort( 0x6 ), /* Offset= 6 (538) */
+/* 534 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x36, /* FC_POINTER */
+/* 536 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 538 */
+ 0x11, 0x0, /* FC_RP */
+/* 540 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffdc ), /* Offset= -36 (504) */
+/* 542 */
+ 0x21, /* FC_BOGUS_ARRAY */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 544 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 546 */ 0x19, /* Corr desc: field pointer, FC_ULONG */
+ 0x0, /* */
+/* 548 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 550 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* Corr flags: early, */
+/* 552 */ NdrFcLong( 0xffffffff ), /* -1 */
+/* 556 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* Corr flags: */
+/* 558 */ 0x4c, /* FC_EMBEDDED_COMPLEX */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 560 */ NdrFcShort( 0xff36 ), /* Offset= -202 (358) */
+/* 562 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 564 */
+ 0x1a, /* FC_BOGUS_STRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 566 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 568 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 570 */ NdrFcShort( 0x6 ), /* Offset= 6 (576) */
+/* 572 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x36, /* FC_POINTER */
+/* 574 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 576 */
+ 0x11, 0x0, /* FC_RP */
+/* 578 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffdc ), /* Offset= -36 (542) */
+/* 580 */
+ 0x1b, /* FC_CARRAY */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 582 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 584 */ 0x19, /* Corr desc: field pointer, FC_ULONG */
+ 0x0, /* */
+/* 586 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 588 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* Corr flags: early, */
+/* 590 */
+ 0x4b, /* FC_PP */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 592 */
+ 0x48, /* FC_VARIABLE_REPEAT */
+ 0x49, /* FC_FIXED_OFFSET */
+/* 594 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 596 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 598 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 600 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 602 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 604 */ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 606 */ NdrFcShort( 0x192 ), /* Offset= 402 (1008) */
+/* 608 */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+/* 610 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 612 */
+ 0x1a, /* FC_BOGUS_STRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 614 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 616 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 618 */ NdrFcShort( 0x6 ), /* Offset= 6 (624) */
+/* 620 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x36, /* FC_POINTER */
+/* 622 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 624 */
+ 0x11, 0x0, /* FC_RP */
+/* 626 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffd2 ), /* Offset= -46 (580) */
+/* 628 */
+ 0x2f, /* FC_IP */
+ 0x5a, /* FC_CONSTANT_IID */
+/* 630 */ NdrFcLong( 0x2f ), /* 47 */
+/* 634 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 636 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 638 */ 0xc0, /* 192 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 640 */ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 642 */ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 644 */ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x46, /* 70 */
+/* 646 */
+ 0x1b, /* FC_CARRAY */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 648 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 650 */ 0x19, /* Corr desc: field pointer, FC_ULONG */
+ 0x0, /* */
+/* 652 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 654 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* Corr flags: early, */
+/* 656 */ 0x1, /* FC_BYTE */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 658 */
+ 0x1a, /* FC_BOGUS_STRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 660 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* 16 */
+/* 662 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 664 */ NdrFcShort( 0xa ), /* Offset= 10 (674) */
+/* 666 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+/* 668 */ 0x4c, /* FC_EMBEDDED_COMPLEX */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 670 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffd6 ), /* Offset= -42 (628) */
+/* 672 */ 0x36, /* FC_POINTER */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 674 */
+ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 676 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffe2 ), /* Offset= -30 (646) */
+/* 678 */
+ 0x1b, /* FC_CARRAY */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 680 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 682 */ 0x19, /* Corr desc: field pointer, FC_ULONG */
+ 0x0, /* */
+/* 684 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 686 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* Corr flags: early, */
+/* 688 */
+ 0x4b, /* FC_PP */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 690 */
+ 0x48, /* FC_VARIABLE_REPEAT */
+ 0x49, /* FC_FIXED_OFFSET */
+/* 692 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 694 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 696 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 698 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 700 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 702 */ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 704 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffd2 ), /* Offset= -46 (658) */
+/* 706 */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+/* 708 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 710 */
+ 0x1a, /* FC_BOGUS_STRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 712 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 714 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 716 */ NdrFcShort( 0x6 ), /* Offset= 6 (722) */
+/* 718 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x36, /* FC_POINTER */
+/* 720 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 722 */
+ 0x11, 0x0, /* FC_RP */
+/* 724 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffd2 ), /* Offset= -46 (678) */
+/* 726 */
+ 0x1d, /* FC_SMFARRAY */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 728 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 730 */ 0x1, /* FC_BYTE */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 732 */
+ 0x15, /* FC_STRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 734 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* 16 */
+/* 736 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x6, /* FC_SHORT */
+/* 738 */ 0x6, /* FC_SHORT */
+/* 740 */ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ NdrFcShort( 0xfff1 ), /* Offset= -15 (726) */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 744 */
+ 0x1a, /* FC_BOGUS_STRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 746 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* 24 */
+/* 748 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 750 */ NdrFcShort( 0xa ), /* Offset= 10 (760) */
+/* 752 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x36, /* FC_POINTER */
+/* 754 */ 0x4c, /* FC_EMBEDDED_COMPLEX */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 756 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffe8 ), /* Offset= -24 (732) */
+/* 758 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 760 */
+ 0x11, 0x0, /* FC_RP */
+/* 762 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfefe ), /* Offset= -258 (504) */
+/* 764 */
+ 0x1b, /* FC_CARRAY */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 766 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 768 */ 0x19, /* Corr desc: field pointer, FC_ULONG */
+ 0x0, /* */
+/* 770 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 772 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* Corr flags: early, */
+/* 774 */ 0x1, /* FC_BYTE */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 776 */
+ 0x16, /* FC_PSTRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 778 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 780 */
+ 0x4b, /* FC_PP */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 782 */
+ 0x46, /* FC_NO_REPEAT */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 784 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 786 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 788 */ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 790 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffe6 ), /* Offset= -26 (764) */
+/* 792 */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+/* 794 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 796 */
+ 0x1b, /* FC_CARRAY */
+ 0x1, /* 1 */
+/* 798 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* 2 */
+/* 800 */ 0x19, /* Corr desc: field pointer, FC_ULONG */
+ 0x0, /* */
+/* 802 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 804 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* Corr flags: early, */
+/* 806 */ 0x6, /* FC_SHORT */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 808 */
+ 0x16, /* FC_PSTRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 810 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 812 */
+ 0x4b, /* FC_PP */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 814 */
+ 0x46, /* FC_NO_REPEAT */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 816 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 818 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 820 */ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 822 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffe6 ), /* Offset= -26 (796) */
+/* 824 */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+/* 826 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 828 */
+ 0x1b, /* FC_CARRAY */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 830 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 832 */ 0x19, /* Corr desc: field pointer, FC_ULONG */
+ 0x0, /* */
+/* 834 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 836 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* Corr flags: early, */
+/* 838 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 840 */
+ 0x16, /* FC_PSTRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 842 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 844 */
+ 0x4b, /* FC_PP */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 846 */
+ 0x46, /* FC_NO_REPEAT */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 848 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 850 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 852 */ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 854 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffe6 ), /* Offset= -26 (828) */
+/* 856 */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+/* 858 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 860 */
+ 0x1b, /* FC_CARRAY */
+ 0x7, /* 7 */
+/* 862 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 864 */ 0x19, /* Corr desc: field pointer, FC_ULONG */
+ 0x0, /* */
+/* 866 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 868 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* Corr flags: early, */
+/* 870 */ 0xb, /* FC_HYPER */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 872 */
+ 0x16, /* FC_PSTRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 874 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 876 */
+ 0x4b, /* FC_PP */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 878 */
+ 0x46, /* FC_NO_REPEAT */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 880 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 882 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 884 */ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 886 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffe6 ), /* Offset= -26 (860) */
+/* 888 */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+/* 890 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 892 */
+ 0x15, /* FC_STRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 894 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 896 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+/* 898 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 900 */
+ 0x1b, /* FC_CARRAY */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 902 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 904 */ 0x7, /* Corr desc: FC_USHORT */
+ 0x0, /* */
+/* 906 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffd8 ), /* -40 */
+/* 908 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* Corr flags: early, */
+/* 910 */ 0x4c, /* FC_EMBEDDED_COMPLEX */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 912 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffec ), /* Offset= -20 (892) */
+/* 914 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 916 */
+ 0x1a, /* FC_BOGUS_STRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 918 */ NdrFcShort( 0x28 ), /* 40 */
+/* 920 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffec ), /* Offset= -20 (900) */
+/* 922 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* Offset= 0 (922) */
+/* 924 */ 0x6, /* FC_SHORT */
+ 0x6, /* FC_SHORT */
+/* 926 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+/* 928 */ 0x4c, /* FC_EMBEDDED_COMPLEX */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 930 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfdde ), /* Offset= -546 (384) */
+/* 932 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 934 */
+ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 936 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfeea ), /* Offset= -278 (658) */
+/* 938 */
+ 0x13, 0x8, /* FC_OP [simple_pointer] */
+/* 940 */ 0x1, /* FC_BYTE */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 942 */
+ 0x13, 0x8, /* FC_OP [simple_pointer] */
+/* 944 */ 0x6, /* FC_SHORT */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 946 */
+ 0x13, 0x8, /* FC_OP [simple_pointer] */
+/* 948 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 950 */
+ 0x13, 0x8, /* FC_OP [simple_pointer] */
+/* 952 */ 0xb, /* FC_HYPER */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 954 */
+ 0x13, 0x8, /* FC_OP [simple_pointer] */
+/* 956 */ 0xa, /* FC_FLOAT */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 958 */
+ 0x13, 0x8, /* FC_OP [simple_pointer] */
+/* 960 */ 0xc, /* FC_DOUBLE */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 962 */
+ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 964 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfd70 ), /* Offset= -656 (308) */
+/* 966 */
+ 0x13, 0x10, /* FC_OP [pointer_deref] */
+/* 968 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfd72 ), /* Offset= -654 (314) */
+/* 970 */
+ 0x13, 0x10, /* FC_OP [pointer_deref] */
+/* 972 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfd88 ), /* Offset= -632 (340) */
+/* 974 */
+ 0x13, 0x10, /* FC_OP [pointer_deref] */
+/* 976 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfd96 ), /* Offset= -618 (358) */
+/* 978 */
+ 0x13, 0x10, /* FC_OP [pointer_deref] */
+/* 980 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfda4 ), /* Offset= -604 (376) */
+/* 982 */
+ 0x13, 0x10, /* FC_OP [pointer_deref] */
+/* 984 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* Offset= 2 (986) */
+/* 986 */
+ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 988 */ NdrFcShort( 0x14 ), /* Offset= 20 (1008) */
+/* 990 */
+ 0x15, /* FC_STRUCT */
+ 0x7, /* 7 */
+/* 992 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* 16 */
+/* 994 */ 0x6, /* FC_SHORT */
+ 0x1, /* FC_BYTE */
+/* 996 */ 0x1, /* FC_BYTE */
+ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+/* 998 */ 0xb, /* FC_HYPER */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 1000 */
+ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 1002 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfff4 ), /* Offset= -12 (990) */
+/* 1004 */
+ 0x13, 0x8, /* FC_OP [simple_pointer] */
+/* 1006 */ 0x2, /* FC_CHAR */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 1008 */
+ 0x1a, /* FC_BOGUS_STRUCT */
+ 0x7, /* 7 */
+/* 1010 */ NdrFcShort( 0x20 ), /* 32 */
+/* 1012 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 1014 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* Offset= 0 (1014) */
+/* 1016 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+/* 1018 */ 0x6, /* FC_SHORT */
+ 0x6, /* FC_SHORT */
+/* 1020 */ 0x6, /* FC_SHORT */
+ 0x6, /* FC_SHORT */
+/* 1022 */ 0x4c, /* FC_EMBEDDED_COMPLEX */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 1024 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfc0a ), /* Offset= -1014 (10) */
+/* 1026 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 1028 */ 0xb4, /* FC_USER_MARSHAL */
+ 0x83, /* 131 */
+/* 1030 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 1032 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* 16 */
+/* 1034 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 1036 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfbfa ), /* Offset= -1030 (6) */
+/* 1038 */
+ 0x11, 0xc, /* FC_RP [alloced_on_stack] [simple_pointer] */
+/* 1040 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 1042 */
+ 0x11, 0xc, /* FC_RP [alloced_on_stack] [simple_pointer] */
+/* 1044 */ 0x3, /* FC_SMALL */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x0
+ }
+ };
+ {
+ {
+ VARIANT_UserSize
+ ,VARIANT_UserMarshal
+ ,VARIANT_UserUnmarshal
+ ,VARIANT_UserFree
+ }
+ };
+/* Object interface: IUnknown, ver. 0.0,
+ GUID={0x00000000,0x0000,0x0000,{0xC0,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x46}} */
+/* Object interface: IAccessibleAction, ver. 0.0,
+ GUID={0xB70D9F59,0x3B5A,0x4dba,{0xAB,0x9E,0x22,0x01,0x2F,0x60,0x7D,0xF5}} */
+/* Object interface: IAccessibleHyperlink, ver. 0.0,
+ GUID={0x01C20F2B,0x3DD2,0x400f,{0x94,0x9F,0xAD,0x00,0xBD,0xAB,0x1D,0x41}} */
+#pragma code_seg(".orpc")
+static const unsigned short IAccessibleHyperlink_FormatStringOffsetTable[] =
+ {
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ 0,
+ 42,
+ 84,
+ 120,
+ 156
+ };
+static const MIDL_STUBLESS_PROXY_INFO IAccessibleHyperlink_ProxyInfo =
+ {
+ &Object_StubDesc,
+ AccessibleHyperlink__MIDL_ProcFormatString.Format,
+ &IAccessibleHyperlink_FormatStringOffsetTable[-3],
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0
+ };
+static const MIDL_SERVER_INFO IAccessibleHyperlink_ServerInfo =
+ {
+ &Object_StubDesc,
+ 0,
+ AccessibleHyperlink__MIDL_ProcFormatString.Format,
+ &IAccessibleHyperlink_FormatStringOffsetTable[-3],
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0};
+CINTERFACE_PROXY_VTABLE(14) _IAccessibleHyperlinkProxyVtbl =
+ &IAccessibleHyperlink_ProxyInfo,
+ &IID_IAccessibleHyperlink,
+ IUnknown_QueryInterface_Proxy,
+ IUnknown_AddRef_Proxy,
+ IUnknown_Release_Proxy ,
+ 0 /* IAccessibleAction::nActions */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessibleAction::doAction */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessibleAction::get_description */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessibleAction::get_keyBinding */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessibleAction::get_name */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessibleAction::get_localizedName */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleHyperlink::get_anchor */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleHyperlink::get_anchorTarget */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleHyperlink::get_startIndex */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleHyperlink::get_endIndex */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleHyperlink::get_valid */
+static const PRPC_STUB_FUNCTION IAccessibleHyperlink_table[] =
+ NdrStubCall2,
+ NdrStubCall2,
+ NdrStubCall2,
+ NdrStubCall2,
+ NdrStubCall2
+CInterfaceStubVtbl _IAccessibleHyperlinkStubVtbl =
+ &IID_IAccessibleHyperlink,
+ &IAccessibleHyperlink_ServerInfo,
+ 14,
+ &IAccessibleHyperlink_table[-3],
+static const MIDL_STUB_DESC Object_StubDesc =
+ {
+ 0,
+ NdrOleAllocate,
+ NdrOleFree,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ AccessibleHyperlink__MIDL_TypeFormatString.Format,
+ 1, /* -error bounds_check flag */
+ 0x50002, /* Ndr library version */
+ 0,
+ 0x700022b, /* MIDL Version 7.0.555 */
+ 0,
+ UserMarshalRoutines,
+ 0, /* notify & notify_flag routine table */
+ 0x1, /* MIDL flag */
+ 0, /* cs routines */
+ 0, /* proxy/server info */
+ 0
+ };
+const CInterfaceProxyVtbl * const _AccessibleHyperlink_ProxyVtblList[] =
+ ( CInterfaceProxyVtbl *) &_IAccessibleHyperlinkProxyVtbl,
+ 0
+const CInterfaceStubVtbl * const _AccessibleHyperlink_StubVtblList[] =
+ ( CInterfaceStubVtbl *) &_IAccessibleHyperlinkStubVtbl,
+ 0
+PCInterfaceName const _AccessibleHyperlink_InterfaceNamesList[] =
+ "IAccessibleHyperlink",
+ 0
+const IID * const _AccessibleHyperlink_BaseIIDList[] =
+ &IID_IAccessibleAction,
+ 0
+#define _AccessibleHyperlink_CHECK_IID(n) IID_GENERIC_CHECK_IID( _AccessibleHyperlink, pIID, n)
+int __stdcall _AccessibleHyperlink_IID_Lookup( const IID * pIID, int * pIndex )
+ if(!_AccessibleHyperlink_CHECK_IID(0))
+ {
+ *pIndex = 0;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+const ExtendedProxyFileInfo AccessibleHyperlink_ProxyFileInfo =
+ (PCInterfaceProxyVtblList *) & _AccessibleHyperlink_ProxyVtblList,
+ (PCInterfaceStubVtblList *) & _AccessibleHyperlink_StubVtblList,
+ (const PCInterfaceName * ) & _AccessibleHyperlink_InterfaceNamesList,
+ (const IID ** ) & _AccessibleHyperlink_BaseIIDList,
+ & _AccessibleHyperlink_IID_Lookup,
+ 1,
+ 2,
+ 0, /* table of [async_uuid] interfaces */
+ 0, /* Filler1 */
+ 0, /* Filler2 */
+ 0 /* Filler3 */
+#pragma optimize("", on )
+#if _MSC_VER >= 1200
+#pragma warning(pop)
+#endif /* !defined(_M_IA64) && !defined(_M_AMD64)*/
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleHypertext.h b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleHypertext.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..180fb394b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleHypertext.h
@@ -0,0 +1,349 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the definitions for the interfaces */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:53 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleHypertext.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win32 (32b run), target_arch=X86 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+/* verify that the <rpcndr.h> version is high enough to compile this file*/
+#include "rpc.h"
+#include "rpcndr.h"
+#ifndef __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
+#error this stub requires an updated version of <rpcndr.h>
+#endif // __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
+#include "windows.h"
+#include "ole2.h"
+#endif /*COM_NO_WINDOWS_H*/
+#ifndef __AccessibleHypertext_h__
+#define __AccessibleHypertext_h__
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1020)
+#pragma once
+/* Forward Declarations */
+#ifndef __IAccessibleHypertext_FWD_DEFINED__
+#define __IAccessibleHypertext_FWD_DEFINED__
+typedef interface IAccessibleHypertext IAccessibleHypertext;
+#endif /* __IAccessibleHypertext_FWD_DEFINED__ */
+/* header files for imported files */
+#include "objidl.h"
+#include "oaidl.h"
+#include "oleacc.h"
+#include "AccessibleText.h"
+#include "AccessibleHyperlink.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"{
+#ifndef __IAccessibleHypertext_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+#define __IAccessibleHypertext_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+/* interface IAccessibleHypertext */
+/* [uuid][object] */
+EXTERN_C const IID IID_IAccessibleHypertext;
+#if defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(CINTERFACE)
+ MIDL_INTERFACE("6B4F8BBF-F1F2-418a-B35E-A195BC4103B9")
+ IAccessibleHypertext : public IAccessibleText
+ {
+ public:
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_nHyperlinks(
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *hyperlinkCount) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_hyperlink(
+ /* [in] */ long index,
+ /* [retval][out] */ IAccessibleHyperlink **hyperlink) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_hyperlinkIndex(
+ /* [in] */ long charIndex,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *hyperlinkIndex) = 0;
+ };
+#else /* C style interface */
+ typedef struct IAccessibleHypertextVtbl
+ {
+ IAccessibleHypertext * This,
+ /* [in] */ REFIID riid,
+ /* [annotation][iid_is][out] */
+ __RPC__deref_out void **ppvObject);
+ IAccessibleHypertext * This);
+ IAccessibleHypertext * This);
+ IAccessibleHypertext * This,
+ /* [in] */ long startOffset,
+ /* [in] */ long endOffset);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_attributes )(
+ IAccessibleHypertext * This,
+ /* [in] */ long offset,
+ /* [out] */ long *startOffset,
+ /* [out] */ long *endOffset,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *textAttributes);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_caretOffset )(
+ IAccessibleHypertext * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *offset);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_characterExtents )(
+ IAccessibleHypertext * This,
+ /* [in] */ long offset,
+ /* [in] */ enum IA2CoordinateType coordType,
+ /* [out] */ long *x,
+ /* [out] */ long *y,
+ /* [out] */ long *width,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *height);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_nSelections )(
+ IAccessibleHypertext * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nSelections);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_offsetAtPoint )(
+ IAccessibleHypertext * This,
+ /* [in] */ long x,
+ /* [in] */ long y,
+ /* [in] */ enum IA2CoordinateType coordType,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *offset);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_selection )(
+ IAccessibleHypertext * This,
+ /* [in] */ long selectionIndex,
+ /* [out] */ long *startOffset,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *endOffset);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_text )(
+ IAccessibleHypertext * This,
+ /* [in] */ long startOffset,
+ /* [in] */ long endOffset,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *text);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_textBeforeOffset )(
+ IAccessibleHypertext * This,
+ /* [in] */ long offset,
+ /* [in] */ enum IA2TextBoundaryType boundaryType,
+ /* [out] */ long *startOffset,
+ /* [out] */ long *endOffset,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *text);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_textAfterOffset )(
+ IAccessibleHypertext * This,
+ /* [in] */ long offset,
+ /* [in] */ enum IA2TextBoundaryType boundaryType,
+ /* [out] */ long *startOffset,
+ /* [out] */ long *endOffset,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *text);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_textAtOffset )(
+ IAccessibleHypertext * This,
+ /* [in] */ long offset,
+ /* [in] */ enum IA2TextBoundaryType boundaryType,
+ /* [out] */ long *startOffset,
+ /* [out] */ long *endOffset,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *text);
+ IAccessibleHypertext * This,
+ /* [in] */ long selectionIndex);
+ IAccessibleHypertext * This,
+ /* [in] */ long offset);
+ IAccessibleHypertext * This,
+ /* [in] */ long selectionIndex,
+ /* [in] */ long startOffset,
+ /* [in] */ long endOffset);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_nCharacters )(
+ IAccessibleHypertext * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nCharacters);
+ IAccessibleHypertext * This,
+ /* [in] */ long startIndex,
+ /* [in] */ long endIndex,
+ /* [in] */ enum IA2ScrollType scrollType);
+ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *scrollSubstringToPoint )(
+ IAccessibleHypertext * This,
+ /* [in] */ long startIndex,
+ /* [in] */ long endIndex,
+ /* [in] */ enum IA2CoordinateType coordinateType,
+ /* [in] */ long x,
+ /* [in] */ long y);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_newText )(
+ IAccessibleHypertext * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ IA2TextSegment *newText);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_oldText )(
+ IAccessibleHypertext * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ IA2TextSegment *oldText);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_nHyperlinks )(
+ IAccessibleHypertext * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *hyperlinkCount);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_hyperlink )(
+ IAccessibleHypertext * This,
+ /* [in] */ long index,
+ /* [retval][out] */ IAccessibleHyperlink **hyperlink);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_hyperlinkIndex )(
+ IAccessibleHypertext * This,
+ /* [in] */ long charIndex,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *hyperlinkIndex);
+ } IAccessibleHypertextVtbl;
+ interface IAccessibleHypertext
+ {
+ CONST_VTBL struct IAccessibleHypertextVtbl *lpVtbl;
+ };
+#define IAccessibleHypertext_QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) )
+#define IAccessibleHypertext_AddRef(This) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> AddRef(This) )
+#define IAccessibleHypertext_Release(This) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> Release(This) )
+#define IAccessibleHypertext_addSelection(This,startOffset,endOffset) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> addSelection(This,startOffset,endOffset) )
+#define IAccessibleHypertext_get_attributes(This,offset,startOffset,endOffset,textAttributes) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_attributes(This,offset,startOffset,endOffset,textAttributes) )
+#define IAccessibleHypertext_get_caretOffset(This,offset) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_caretOffset(This,offset) )
+#define IAccessibleHypertext_get_characterExtents(This,offset,coordType,x,y,width,height) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_characterExtents(This,offset,coordType,x,y,width,height) )
+#define IAccessibleHypertext_get_nSelections(This,nSelections) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_nSelections(This,nSelections) )
+#define IAccessibleHypertext_get_offsetAtPoint(This,x,y,coordType,offset) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_offsetAtPoint(This,x,y,coordType,offset) )
+#define IAccessibleHypertext_get_selection(This,selectionIndex,startOffset,endOffset) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_selection(This,selectionIndex,startOffset,endOffset) )
+#define IAccessibleHypertext_get_text(This,startOffset,endOffset,text) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_text(This,startOffset,endOffset,text) )
+#define IAccessibleHypertext_get_textBeforeOffset(This,offset,boundaryType,startOffset,endOffset,text) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_textBeforeOffset(This,offset,boundaryType,startOffset,endOffset,text) )
+#define IAccessibleHypertext_get_textAfterOffset(This,offset,boundaryType,startOffset,endOffset,text) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_textAfterOffset(This,offset,boundaryType,startOffset,endOffset,text) )
+#define IAccessibleHypertext_get_textAtOffset(This,offset,boundaryType,startOffset,endOffset,text) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_textAtOffset(This,offset,boundaryType,startOffset,endOffset,text) )
+#define IAccessibleHypertext_removeSelection(This,selectionIndex) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> removeSelection(This,selectionIndex) )
+#define IAccessibleHypertext_setCaretOffset(This,offset) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> setCaretOffset(This,offset) )
+#define IAccessibleHypertext_setSelection(This,selectionIndex,startOffset,endOffset) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> setSelection(This,selectionIndex,startOffset,endOffset) )
+#define IAccessibleHypertext_get_nCharacters(This,nCharacters) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_nCharacters(This,nCharacters) )
+#define IAccessibleHypertext_scrollSubstringTo(This,startIndex,endIndex,scrollType) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> scrollSubstringTo(This,startIndex,endIndex,scrollType) )
+#define IAccessibleHypertext_scrollSubstringToPoint(This,startIndex,endIndex,coordinateType,x,y) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> scrollSubstringToPoint(This,startIndex,endIndex,coordinateType,x,y) )
+#define IAccessibleHypertext_get_newText(This,newText) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_newText(This,newText) )
+#define IAccessibleHypertext_get_oldText(This,oldText) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_oldText(This,oldText) )
+#define IAccessibleHypertext_get_nHyperlinks(This,hyperlinkCount) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_nHyperlinks(This,hyperlinkCount) )
+#define IAccessibleHypertext_get_hyperlink(This,index,hyperlink) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_hyperlink(This,index,hyperlink) )
+#define IAccessibleHypertext_get_hyperlinkIndex(This,charIndex,hyperlinkIndex) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_hyperlinkIndex(This,charIndex,hyperlinkIndex) )
+#endif /* COBJMACROS */
+#endif /* C style interface */
+#endif /* __IAccessibleHypertext_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ */
+/* Additional Prototypes for ALL interfaces */
+/* end of Additional Prototypes */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleHypertext_i.c b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleHypertext_i.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e6edec9fe7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleHypertext_i.c
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the IIDs and CLSIDs */
+/* link this file in with the server and any clients */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:53 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleHypertext.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win32 (32b run), target_arch=X86 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"{
+#include <rpc.h>
+#include <rpcndr.h>
+#ifndef INITGUID
+#define INITGUID
+#include <guiddef.h>
+#undef INITGUID
+#include <guiddef.h>
+#define MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(type,name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8) \
+ DEFINE_GUID(name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8)
+#else // !_MIDL_USE_GUIDDEF_
+#ifndef __IID_DEFINED__
+#define __IID_DEFINED__
+typedef struct _IID
+ unsigned long x;
+ unsigned short s1;
+ unsigned short s2;
+ unsigned char c[8];
+} IID;
+#endif // __IID_DEFINED__
+typedef IID CLSID;
+#endif // CLSID_DEFINED
+#define MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(type,name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8) \
+ const type name = {l,w1,w2,{b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8}}
+MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(IID, IID_IAccessibleHypertext,0x6B4F8BBF,0xF1F2,0x418a,0xB3,0x5E,0xA1,0x95,0xBC,0x41,0x03,0xB9);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleHypertext_p.c b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleHypertext_p.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..40eddde608
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleHypertext_p.c
@@ -0,0 +1,463 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the proxy stub code */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:53 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleHypertext.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win32 (32b run), target_arch=X86 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#if !defined(_M_IA64) && !defined(_M_AMD64)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+#if _MSC_VER >= 1200
+#pragma warning(push)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4211 ) /* redefine extern to static */
+#pragma warning( disable: 4232 ) /* dllimport identity*/
+#pragma warning( disable: 4024 ) /* array to pointer mapping*/
+#pragma warning( disable: 4152 ) /* function/data pointer conversion in expression */
+#pragma warning( disable: 4100 ) /* unreferenced arguments in x86 call */
+#pragma optimize("", off )
+/* verify that the <rpcproxy.h> version is high enough to compile this file*/
+#include "rpcproxy.h"
+#error this stub requires an updated version of <rpcproxy.h>
+#endif /* __RPCPROXY_H_VERSION__ */
+#include "AccessibleHypertext.h"
+typedef struct _AccessibleHypertext_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ short Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ TYPE_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+ } AccessibleHypertext_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING;
+typedef struct _AccessibleHypertext_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ short Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ PROC_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+ } AccessibleHypertext_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING;
+typedef struct _AccessibleHypertext_MIDL_EXPR_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ long Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ EXPR_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+ } AccessibleHypertext_MIDL_EXPR_FORMAT_STRING;
+static const RPC_SYNTAX_IDENTIFIER _RpcTransferSyntax =
+extern const AccessibleHypertext_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleHypertext__MIDL_TypeFormatString;
+extern const AccessibleHypertext_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleHypertext__MIDL_ProcFormatString;
+extern const AccessibleHypertext_MIDL_EXPR_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleHypertext__MIDL_ExprFormatString;
+extern const MIDL_STUB_DESC Object_StubDesc;
+extern const MIDL_SERVER_INFO IAccessibleHypertext_ServerInfo;
+extern const MIDL_STUBLESS_PROXY_INFO IAccessibleHypertext_ProxyInfo;
+#if !defined(__RPC_WIN32__)
+#error Invalid build platform for this stub.
+#error You need Windows 2000 or later to run this stub because it uses these features:
+#error /robust command line switch.
+#error However, your C/C++ compilation flags indicate you intend to run this app on earlier systems.
+#error This app will fail with the RPC_X_WRONG_STUB_VERSION error.
+static const AccessibleHypertext_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleHypertext__MIDL_ProcFormatString =
+ {
+ 0,
+ {
+ /* Procedure get_nHyperlinks */
+ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 2 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 6 */ NdrFcShort( 0x16 ), /* 22 */
+/* 8 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 10 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 12 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 14 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 16 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 18 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 20 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 22 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter hyperlinkCount */
+/* 24 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 26 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 28 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 30 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 32 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 34 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_hyperlink */
+/* 36 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 38 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 42 */ NdrFcShort( 0x17 ), /* 23 */
+/* 44 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 46 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 48 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 50 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 52 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 54 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 56 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 58 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter index */
+/* 60 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 62 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 64 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter hyperlink */
+/* 66 */ NdrFcShort( 0x13 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, */
+/* 68 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 70 */ NdrFcShort( 0x6 ), /* Type Offset=6 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 72 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 74 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 76 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_hyperlinkIndex */
+/* 78 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 80 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 84 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* 24 */
+/* 86 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 88 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 90 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 92 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 94 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 96 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 98 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 100 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter charIndex */
+/* 102 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 104 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 106 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter hyperlinkIndex */
+/* 108 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 110 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 112 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 114 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 116 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 118 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x0
+ }
+ };
+static const AccessibleHypertext_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleHypertext__MIDL_TypeFormatString =
+ {
+ 0,
+ {
+ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 2 */
+ 0x11, 0xc, /* FC_RP [alloced_on_stack] [simple_pointer] */
+/* 4 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 6 */
+ 0x11, 0x10, /* FC_RP [pointer_deref] */
+/* 8 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* Offset= 2 (10) */
+/* 10 */
+ 0x2f, /* FC_IP */
+ 0x5a, /* FC_CONSTANT_IID */
+/* 12 */ NdrFcLong( 0x1c20f2b ), /* 29495083 */
+/* 16 */ NdrFcShort( 0x3dd2 ), /* 15826 */
+/* 18 */ NdrFcShort( 0x400f ), /* 16399 */
+/* 20 */ 0x94, /* 148 */
+ 0x9f, /* 159 */
+/* 22 */ 0xad, /* 173 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 24 */ 0xbd, /* 189 */
+ 0xab, /* 171 */
+/* 26 */ 0x1d, /* 29 */
+ 0x41, /* 65 */
+ 0x0
+ }
+ };
+/* Object interface: IUnknown, ver. 0.0,
+ GUID={0x00000000,0x0000,0x0000,{0xC0,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x46}} */
+/* Object interface: IAccessibleText, ver. 0.0,
+ GUID={0x24FD2FFB,0x3AAD,0x4a08,{0x83,0x35,0xA3,0xAD,0x89,0xC0,0xFB,0x4B}} */
+/* Object interface: IAccessibleHypertext, ver. 0.0,
+ GUID={0x6B4F8BBF,0xF1F2,0x418a,{0xB3,0x5E,0xA1,0x95,0xBC,0x41,0x03,0xB9}} */
+#pragma code_seg(".orpc")
+static const unsigned short IAccessibleHypertext_FormatStringOffsetTable[] =
+ {
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ 0,
+ 36,
+ 78
+ };
+static const MIDL_STUBLESS_PROXY_INFO IAccessibleHypertext_ProxyInfo =
+ {
+ &Object_StubDesc,
+ AccessibleHypertext__MIDL_ProcFormatString.Format,
+ &IAccessibleHypertext_FormatStringOffsetTable[-3],
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0
+ };
+static const MIDL_SERVER_INFO IAccessibleHypertext_ServerInfo =
+ {
+ &Object_StubDesc,
+ 0,
+ AccessibleHypertext__MIDL_ProcFormatString.Format,
+ &IAccessibleHypertext_FormatStringOffsetTable[-3],
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0};
+CINTERFACE_PROXY_VTABLE(25) _IAccessibleHypertextProxyVtbl =
+ &IAccessibleHypertext_ProxyInfo,
+ &IID_IAccessibleHypertext,
+ IUnknown_QueryInterface_Proxy,
+ IUnknown_AddRef_Proxy,
+ IUnknown_Release_Proxy ,
+ 0 /* IAccessibleText::addSelection */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessibleText::get_attributes */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessibleText::get_caretOffset */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessibleText::get_characterExtents */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessibleText::get_nSelections */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessibleText::get_offsetAtPoint */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessibleText::get_selection */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessibleText::get_text */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessibleText::get_textBeforeOffset */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessibleText::get_textAfterOffset */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessibleText::get_textAtOffset */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessibleText::removeSelection */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessibleText::setCaretOffset */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessibleText::setSelection */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessibleText::get_nCharacters */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessibleText::scrollSubstringTo */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessibleText::scrollSubstringToPoint */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessibleText::get_newText */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessibleText::get_oldText */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleHypertext::get_nHyperlinks */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleHypertext::get_hyperlink */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleHypertext::get_hyperlinkIndex */
+static const PRPC_STUB_FUNCTION IAccessibleHypertext_table[] =
+ NdrStubCall2,
+ NdrStubCall2,
+ NdrStubCall2
+CInterfaceStubVtbl _IAccessibleHypertextStubVtbl =
+ &IID_IAccessibleHypertext,
+ &IAccessibleHypertext_ServerInfo,
+ 25,
+ &IAccessibleHypertext_table[-3],
+static const MIDL_STUB_DESC Object_StubDesc =
+ {
+ 0,
+ NdrOleAllocate,
+ NdrOleFree,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ AccessibleHypertext__MIDL_TypeFormatString.Format,
+ 1, /* -error bounds_check flag */
+ 0x50002, /* Ndr library version */
+ 0,
+ 0x700022b, /* MIDL Version 7.0.555 */
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0, /* notify & notify_flag routine table */
+ 0x1, /* MIDL flag */
+ 0, /* cs routines */
+ 0, /* proxy/server info */
+ 0
+ };
+const CInterfaceProxyVtbl * const _AccessibleHypertext_ProxyVtblList[] =
+ ( CInterfaceProxyVtbl *) &_IAccessibleHypertextProxyVtbl,
+ 0
+const CInterfaceStubVtbl * const _AccessibleHypertext_StubVtblList[] =
+ ( CInterfaceStubVtbl *) &_IAccessibleHypertextStubVtbl,
+ 0
+PCInterfaceName const _AccessibleHypertext_InterfaceNamesList[] =
+ "IAccessibleHypertext",
+ 0
+const IID * const _AccessibleHypertext_BaseIIDList[] =
+ &IID_IAccessibleText,
+ 0
+#define _AccessibleHypertext_CHECK_IID(n) IID_GENERIC_CHECK_IID( _AccessibleHypertext, pIID, n)
+int __stdcall _AccessibleHypertext_IID_Lookup( const IID * pIID, int * pIndex )
+ if(!_AccessibleHypertext_CHECK_IID(0))
+ {
+ *pIndex = 0;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+const ExtendedProxyFileInfo AccessibleHypertext_ProxyFileInfo =
+ (PCInterfaceProxyVtblList *) & _AccessibleHypertext_ProxyVtblList,
+ (PCInterfaceStubVtblList *) & _AccessibleHypertext_StubVtblList,
+ (const PCInterfaceName * ) & _AccessibleHypertext_InterfaceNamesList,
+ (const IID ** ) & _AccessibleHypertext_BaseIIDList,
+ & _AccessibleHypertext_IID_Lookup,
+ 1,
+ 2,
+ 0, /* table of [async_uuid] interfaces */
+ 0, /* Filler1 */
+ 0, /* Filler2 */
+ 0 /* Filler3 */
+#pragma optimize("", on )
+#if _MSC_VER >= 1200
+#pragma warning(pop)
+#endif /* !defined(_M_IA64) && !defined(_M_AMD64)*/
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleImage.h b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleImage.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d240bb6156
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleImage.h
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the definitions for the interfaces */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:53 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleImage.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win32 (32b run), target_arch=X86 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+/* verify that the <rpcndr.h> version is high enough to compile this file*/
+#include "rpc.h"
+#include "rpcndr.h"
+#ifndef __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
+#error this stub requires an updated version of <rpcndr.h>
+#endif // __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
+#include "windows.h"
+#include "ole2.h"
+#endif /*COM_NO_WINDOWS_H*/
+#ifndef __AccessibleImage_h__
+#define __AccessibleImage_h__
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1020)
+#pragma once
+/* Forward Declarations */
+#ifndef __IAccessibleImage_FWD_DEFINED__
+#define __IAccessibleImage_FWD_DEFINED__
+typedef interface IAccessibleImage IAccessibleImage;
+#endif /* __IAccessibleImage_FWD_DEFINED__ */
+/* header files for imported files */
+#include "objidl.h"
+#include "oaidl.h"
+#include "oleacc.h"
+#include "IA2CommonTypes.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"{
+#ifndef __IAccessibleImage_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+#define __IAccessibleImage_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+/* interface IAccessibleImage */
+/* [uuid][object] */
+EXTERN_C const IID IID_IAccessibleImage;
+#if defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(CINTERFACE)
+ IAccessibleImage : public IUnknown
+ {
+ public:
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_description(
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *description) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_imagePosition(
+ /* [in] */ enum IA2CoordinateType coordinateType,
+ /* [out] */ long *x,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *y) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_imageSize(
+ /* [out] */ long *height,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *width) = 0;
+ };
+#else /* C style interface */
+ typedef struct IAccessibleImageVtbl
+ {
+ IAccessibleImage * This,
+ /* [in] */ REFIID riid,
+ /* [annotation][iid_is][out] */
+ __RPC__deref_out void **ppvObject);
+ IAccessibleImage * This);
+ IAccessibleImage * This);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_description )(
+ IAccessibleImage * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *description);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_imagePosition )(
+ IAccessibleImage * This,
+ /* [in] */ enum IA2CoordinateType coordinateType,
+ /* [out] */ long *x,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *y);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_imageSize )(
+ IAccessibleImage * This,
+ /* [out] */ long *height,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *width);
+ } IAccessibleImageVtbl;
+ interface IAccessibleImage
+ {
+ CONST_VTBL struct IAccessibleImageVtbl *lpVtbl;
+ };
+#define IAccessibleImage_QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) )
+#define IAccessibleImage_AddRef(This) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> AddRef(This) )
+#define IAccessibleImage_Release(This) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> Release(This) )
+#define IAccessibleImage_get_description(This,description) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_description(This,description) )
+#define IAccessibleImage_get_imagePosition(This,coordinateType,x,y) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_imagePosition(This,coordinateType,x,y) )
+#define IAccessibleImage_get_imageSize(This,height,width) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_imageSize(This,height,width) )
+#endif /* COBJMACROS */
+#endif /* C style interface */
+#endif /* __IAccessibleImage_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ */
+/* Additional Prototypes for ALL interfaces */
+unsigned long __RPC_USER BSTR_UserSize( unsigned long *, unsigned long , BSTR * );
+unsigned char * __RPC_USER BSTR_UserMarshal( unsigned long *, unsigned char *, BSTR * );
+unsigned char * __RPC_USER BSTR_UserUnmarshal(unsigned long *, unsigned char *, BSTR * );
+void __RPC_USER BSTR_UserFree( unsigned long *, BSTR * );
+/* end of Additional Prototypes */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleImage_i.c b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleImage_i.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..37fa8696d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleImage_i.c
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the IIDs and CLSIDs */
+/* link this file in with the server and any clients */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:53 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleImage.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win32 (32b run), target_arch=X86 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"{
+#include <rpc.h>
+#include <rpcndr.h>
+#ifndef INITGUID
+#define INITGUID
+#include <guiddef.h>
+#undef INITGUID
+#include <guiddef.h>
+#define MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(type,name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8) \
+ DEFINE_GUID(name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8)
+#else // !_MIDL_USE_GUIDDEF_
+#ifndef __IID_DEFINED__
+#define __IID_DEFINED__
+typedef struct _IID
+ unsigned long x;
+ unsigned short s1;
+ unsigned short s2;
+ unsigned char c[8];
+} IID;
+#endif // __IID_DEFINED__
+typedef IID CLSID;
+#endif // CLSID_DEFINED
+#define MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(type,name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8) \
+ const type name = {l,w1,w2,{b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8}}
+MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(IID, IID_IAccessibleImage,0xFE5ABB3D,0x615E,0x4f7b,0x90,0x9F,0x5F,0x0E,0xDA,0x9E,0x8D,0xDE);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleImage_p.c b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleImage_p.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..daa8af2e29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleImage_p.c
@@ -0,0 +1,423 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the proxy stub code */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:53 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleImage.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win32 (32b run), target_arch=X86 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#if !defined(_M_IA64) && !defined(_M_AMD64)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+#if _MSC_VER >= 1200
+#pragma warning(push)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4211 ) /* redefine extern to static */
+#pragma warning( disable: 4232 ) /* dllimport identity*/
+#pragma warning( disable: 4024 ) /* array to pointer mapping*/
+#pragma warning( disable: 4152 ) /* function/data pointer conversion in expression */
+#pragma warning( disable: 4100 ) /* unreferenced arguments in x86 call */
+#pragma optimize("", off )
+/* verify that the <rpcproxy.h> version is high enough to compile this file*/
+#include "rpcproxy.h"
+#error this stub requires an updated version of <rpcproxy.h>
+#endif /* __RPCPROXY_H_VERSION__ */
+#include "AccessibleImage.h"
+typedef struct _AccessibleImage_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ short Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ TYPE_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+ } AccessibleImage_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING;
+typedef struct _AccessibleImage_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ short Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ PROC_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+ } AccessibleImage_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING;
+typedef struct _AccessibleImage_MIDL_EXPR_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ long Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ EXPR_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+ } AccessibleImage_MIDL_EXPR_FORMAT_STRING;
+static const RPC_SYNTAX_IDENTIFIER _RpcTransferSyntax =
+extern const AccessibleImage_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleImage__MIDL_TypeFormatString;
+extern const AccessibleImage_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleImage__MIDL_ProcFormatString;
+extern const AccessibleImage_MIDL_EXPR_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleImage__MIDL_ExprFormatString;
+extern const MIDL_STUB_DESC Object_StubDesc;
+extern const MIDL_SERVER_INFO IAccessibleImage_ServerInfo;
+extern const MIDL_STUBLESS_PROXY_INFO IAccessibleImage_ProxyInfo;
+#if !defined(__RPC_WIN32__)
+#error Invalid build platform for this stub.
+#error You need Windows 2000 or later to run this stub because it uses these features:
+#error /robust command line switch.
+#error However, your C/C++ compilation flags indicate you intend to run this app on earlier systems.
+#error This app will fail with the RPC_X_WRONG_STUB_VERSION error.
+static const AccessibleImage_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleImage__MIDL_ProcFormatString =
+ {
+ 0,
+ {
+ /* Procedure get_description */
+ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 2 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 6 */ NdrFcShort( 0x3 ), /* 3 */
+/* 8 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 10 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 12 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 14 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 16 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 18 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 20 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 22 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter description */
+/* 24 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2113 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 26 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 28 */ NdrFcShort( 0x20 ), /* Type Offset=32 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 30 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 32 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 34 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_imagePosition */
+/* 36 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 38 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 42 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 44 */ NdrFcShort( 0x14 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 20 */
+/* 46 */ NdrFcShort( 0x6 ), /* 6 */
+/* 48 */ NdrFcShort( 0x40 ), /* 64 */
+/* 50 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x4, /* 4 */
+/* 52 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 54 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 56 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 58 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter coordinateType */
+/* 60 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 62 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 64 */ 0xd, /* FC_ENUM16 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter x */
+/* 66 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 68 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 70 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter y */
+/* 72 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 74 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 76 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 78 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 80 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 82 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_imageSize */
+/* 84 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 86 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 90 */ NdrFcShort( 0x5 ), /* 5 */
+/* 92 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 94 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 96 */ NdrFcShort( 0x40 ), /* 64 */
+/* 98 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 100 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 102 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 104 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 106 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter height */
+/* 108 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 110 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 112 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter width */
+/* 114 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 116 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 118 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 120 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 122 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 124 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x0
+ }
+ };
+static const AccessibleImage_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleImage__MIDL_TypeFormatString =
+ {
+ 0,
+ {
+ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 2 */
+ 0x11, 0x4, /* FC_RP [alloced_on_stack] */
+/* 4 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1c ), /* Offset= 28 (32) */
+/* 6 */
+ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 8 */ NdrFcShort( 0xe ), /* Offset= 14 (22) */
+/* 10 */
+ 0x1b, /* FC_CARRAY */
+ 0x1, /* 1 */
+/* 12 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* 2 */
+/* 14 */ 0x9, /* Corr desc: FC_ULONG */
+ 0x0, /* */
+/* 16 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfffc ), /* -4 */
+/* 18 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* Corr flags: early, */
+/* 20 */ 0x6, /* FC_SHORT */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 22 */
+ 0x17, /* FC_CSTRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 24 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 26 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfff0 ), /* Offset= -16 (10) */
+/* 28 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+/* 30 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 32 */ 0xb4, /* FC_USER_MARSHAL */
+ 0x83, /* 131 */
+/* 34 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 36 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 38 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 40 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffde ), /* Offset= -34 (6) */
+/* 42 */
+ 0x11, 0xc, /* FC_RP [alloced_on_stack] [simple_pointer] */
+/* 44 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x0
+ }
+ };
+ {
+ {
+ BSTR_UserSize
+ ,BSTR_UserMarshal
+ ,BSTR_UserUnmarshal
+ ,BSTR_UserFree
+ }
+ };
+/* Object interface: IUnknown, ver. 0.0,
+ GUID={0x00000000,0x0000,0x0000,{0xC0,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x46}} */
+/* Object interface: IAccessibleImage, ver. 0.0,
+ GUID={0xFE5ABB3D,0x615E,0x4f7b,{0x90,0x9F,0x5F,0x0E,0xDA,0x9E,0x8D,0xDE}} */
+#pragma code_seg(".orpc")
+static const unsigned short IAccessibleImage_FormatStringOffsetTable[] =
+ {
+ 0,
+ 36,
+ 84
+ };
+static const MIDL_STUBLESS_PROXY_INFO IAccessibleImage_ProxyInfo =
+ {
+ &Object_StubDesc,
+ AccessibleImage__MIDL_ProcFormatString.Format,
+ &IAccessibleImage_FormatStringOffsetTable[-3],
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0
+ };
+static const MIDL_SERVER_INFO IAccessibleImage_ServerInfo =
+ {
+ &Object_StubDesc,
+ 0,
+ AccessibleImage__MIDL_ProcFormatString.Format,
+ &IAccessibleImage_FormatStringOffsetTable[-3],
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0};
+CINTERFACE_PROXY_VTABLE(6) _IAccessibleImageProxyVtbl =
+ &IAccessibleImage_ProxyInfo,
+ &IID_IAccessibleImage,
+ IUnknown_QueryInterface_Proxy,
+ IUnknown_AddRef_Proxy,
+ IUnknown_Release_Proxy ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleImage::get_description */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleImage::get_imagePosition */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleImage::get_imageSize */
+const CInterfaceStubVtbl _IAccessibleImageStubVtbl =
+ &IID_IAccessibleImage,
+ &IAccessibleImage_ServerInfo,
+ 6,
+ 0, /* pure interpreted */
+ CStdStubBuffer_METHODS
+static const MIDL_STUB_DESC Object_StubDesc =
+ {
+ 0,
+ NdrOleAllocate,
+ NdrOleFree,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ AccessibleImage__MIDL_TypeFormatString.Format,
+ 1, /* -error bounds_check flag */
+ 0x50002, /* Ndr library version */
+ 0,
+ 0x700022b, /* MIDL Version 7.0.555 */
+ 0,
+ UserMarshalRoutines,
+ 0, /* notify & notify_flag routine table */
+ 0x1, /* MIDL flag */
+ 0, /* cs routines */
+ 0, /* proxy/server info */
+ 0
+ };
+const CInterfaceProxyVtbl * const _AccessibleImage_ProxyVtblList[] =
+ ( CInterfaceProxyVtbl *) &_IAccessibleImageProxyVtbl,
+ 0
+const CInterfaceStubVtbl * const _AccessibleImage_StubVtblList[] =
+ ( CInterfaceStubVtbl *) &_IAccessibleImageStubVtbl,
+ 0
+PCInterfaceName const _AccessibleImage_InterfaceNamesList[] =
+ "IAccessibleImage",
+ 0
+#define _AccessibleImage_CHECK_IID(n) IID_GENERIC_CHECK_IID( _AccessibleImage, pIID, n)
+int __stdcall _AccessibleImage_IID_Lookup( const IID * pIID, int * pIndex )
+ if(!_AccessibleImage_CHECK_IID(0))
+ {
+ *pIndex = 0;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+const ExtendedProxyFileInfo AccessibleImage_ProxyFileInfo =
+ (PCInterfaceProxyVtblList *) & _AccessibleImage_ProxyVtblList,
+ (PCInterfaceStubVtblList *) & _AccessibleImage_StubVtblList,
+ (const PCInterfaceName * ) & _AccessibleImage_InterfaceNamesList,
+ 0, /* no delegation */
+ & _AccessibleImage_IID_Lookup,
+ 1,
+ 2,
+ 0, /* table of [async_uuid] interfaces */
+ 0, /* Filler1 */
+ 0, /* Filler2 */
+ 0 /* Filler3 */
+#pragma optimize("", on )
+#if _MSC_VER >= 1200
+#pragma warning(pop)
+#endif /* !defined(_M_IA64) && !defined(_M_AMD64)*/
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleRelation.h b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleRelation.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b24908a421
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleRelation.h
@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the definitions for the interfaces */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:54 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleRelation.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win32 (32b run), target_arch=X86 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+/* verify that the <rpcndr.h> version is high enough to compile this file*/
+#include "rpc.h"
+#include "rpcndr.h"
+#ifndef __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
+#error this stub requires an updated version of <rpcndr.h>
+#endif // __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
+#include "windows.h"
+#include "ole2.h"
+#endif /*COM_NO_WINDOWS_H*/
+#ifndef __AccessibleRelation_h__
+#define __AccessibleRelation_h__
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1020)
+#pragma once
+/* Forward Declarations */
+#ifndef __IAccessibleRelation_FWD_DEFINED__
+#define __IAccessibleRelation_FWD_DEFINED__
+typedef interface IAccessibleRelation IAccessibleRelation;
+#endif /* __IAccessibleRelation_FWD_DEFINED__ */
+/* header files for imported files */
+#include "objidl.h"
+#include "oaidl.h"
+#include "oleacc.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"{
+/* interface __MIDL_itf_AccessibleRelation_0000_0000 */
+/* [local] */
+#define IA2_RELATION_CONTROLLED_BY ( L"controlledBy" )
+#define IA2_RELATION_CONTROLLER_FOR ( L"controllerFor" )
+#define IA2_RELATION_DESCRIBED_BY ( L"describedBy" )
+#define IA2_RELATION_DESCRIPTION_FOR ( L"descriptionFor" )
+#define IA2_RELATION_EMBEDDED_BY ( L"embeddedBy" )
+#define IA2_RELATION_EMBEDS ( L"embeds" )
+#define IA2_RELATION_FLOWS_FROM ( L"flowsFrom" )
+#define IA2_RELATION_FLOWS_TO ( L"flowsTo" )
+#define IA2_RELATION_LABEL_FOR ( L"labelFor" )
+#define IA2_RELATION_LABELED_BY ( L"labelledBy" )
+#define IA2_RELATION_LABELLED_BY ( L"labelledBy" )
+#define IA2_RELATION_MEMBER_OF ( L"memberOf" )
+#define IA2_RELATION_NODE_CHILD_OF ( L"nodeChildOf" )
+#define IA2_RELATION_PARENT_WINDOW_OF ( L"parentWindowOf" )
+#define IA2_RELATION_POPUP_FOR ( L"popupFor" )
+#define IA2_RELATION_SUBWINDOW_OF ( L"subwindowOf" )
+extern RPC_IF_HANDLE __MIDL_itf_AccessibleRelation_0000_0000_v0_0_c_ifspec;
+extern RPC_IF_HANDLE __MIDL_itf_AccessibleRelation_0000_0000_v0_0_s_ifspec;
+#ifndef __IAccessibleRelation_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+#define __IAccessibleRelation_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+/* interface IAccessibleRelation */
+/* [uuid][object] */
+EXTERN_C const IID IID_IAccessibleRelation;
+#if defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(CINTERFACE)
+ IAccessibleRelation : public IUnknown
+ {
+ public:
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_relationType(
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *relationType) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_localizedRelationType(
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *localizedRelationType) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_nTargets(
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nTargets) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_target(
+ /* [in] */ long targetIndex,
+ /* [retval][out] */ IUnknown **target) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_targets(
+ /* [in] */ long maxTargets,
+ /* [length_is][size_is][out] */ IUnknown **targets,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nTargets) = 0;
+ };
+#else /* C style interface */
+ typedef struct IAccessibleRelationVtbl
+ {
+ IAccessibleRelation * This,
+ /* [in] */ REFIID riid,
+ /* [annotation][iid_is][out] */
+ __RPC__deref_out void **ppvObject);
+ IAccessibleRelation * This);
+ IAccessibleRelation * This);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_relationType )(
+ IAccessibleRelation * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *relationType);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_localizedRelationType )(
+ IAccessibleRelation * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *localizedRelationType);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_nTargets )(
+ IAccessibleRelation * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nTargets);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_target )(
+ IAccessibleRelation * This,
+ /* [in] */ long targetIndex,
+ /* [retval][out] */ IUnknown **target);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_targets )(
+ IAccessibleRelation * This,
+ /* [in] */ long maxTargets,
+ /* [length_is][size_is][out] */ IUnknown **targets,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nTargets);
+ } IAccessibleRelationVtbl;
+ interface IAccessibleRelation
+ {
+ CONST_VTBL struct IAccessibleRelationVtbl *lpVtbl;
+ };
+#define IAccessibleRelation_QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) )
+#define IAccessibleRelation_AddRef(This) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> AddRef(This) )
+#define IAccessibleRelation_Release(This) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> Release(This) )
+#define IAccessibleRelation_get_relationType(This,relationType) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_relationType(This,relationType) )
+#define IAccessibleRelation_get_localizedRelationType(This,localizedRelationType) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_localizedRelationType(This,localizedRelationType) )
+#define IAccessibleRelation_get_nTargets(This,nTargets) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_nTargets(This,nTargets) )
+#define IAccessibleRelation_get_target(This,targetIndex,target) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_target(This,targetIndex,target) )
+#define IAccessibleRelation_get_targets(This,maxTargets,targets,nTargets) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_targets(This,maxTargets,targets,nTargets) )
+#endif /* COBJMACROS */
+#endif /* C style interface */
+#endif /* __IAccessibleRelation_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ */
+/* Additional Prototypes for ALL interfaces */
+unsigned long __RPC_USER BSTR_UserSize( unsigned long *, unsigned long , BSTR * );
+unsigned char * __RPC_USER BSTR_UserMarshal( unsigned long *, unsigned char *, BSTR * );
+unsigned char * __RPC_USER BSTR_UserUnmarshal(unsigned long *, unsigned char *, BSTR * );
+void __RPC_USER BSTR_UserFree( unsigned long *, BSTR * );
+/* end of Additional Prototypes */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleRelation_i.c b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleRelation_i.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..58c8b78be7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleRelation_i.c
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the IIDs and CLSIDs */
+/* link this file in with the server and any clients */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:54 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleRelation.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win32 (32b run), target_arch=X86 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"{
+#include <rpc.h>
+#include <rpcndr.h>
+#ifndef INITGUID
+#define INITGUID
+#include <guiddef.h>
+#undef INITGUID
+#include <guiddef.h>
+#define MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(type,name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8) \
+ DEFINE_GUID(name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8)
+#else // !_MIDL_USE_GUIDDEF_
+#ifndef __IID_DEFINED__
+#define __IID_DEFINED__
+typedef struct _IID
+ unsigned long x;
+ unsigned short s1;
+ unsigned short s2;
+ unsigned char c[8];
+} IID;
+#endif // __IID_DEFINED__
+typedef IID CLSID;
+#endif // CLSID_DEFINED
+#define MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(type,name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8) \
+ const type name = {l,w1,w2,{b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8}}
+MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(IID, IID_IAccessibleRelation,0x7CDF86EE,0xC3DA,0x496a,0xBD,0xA4,0x28,0x1B,0x33,0x6E,0x1F,0xDC);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleRelation_p.c b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleRelation_p.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a3a6cbd632
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleRelation_p.c
@@ -0,0 +1,527 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the proxy stub code */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:54 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleRelation.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win32 (32b run), target_arch=X86 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#if !defined(_M_IA64) && !defined(_M_AMD64)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+#if _MSC_VER >= 1200
+#pragma warning(push)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4211 ) /* redefine extern to static */
+#pragma warning( disable: 4232 ) /* dllimport identity*/
+#pragma warning( disable: 4024 ) /* array to pointer mapping*/
+#pragma warning( disable: 4152 ) /* function/data pointer conversion in expression */
+#pragma warning( disable: 4100 ) /* unreferenced arguments in x86 call */
+#pragma optimize("", off )
+/* verify that the <rpcproxy.h> version is high enough to compile this file*/
+#include "rpcproxy.h"
+#error this stub requires an updated version of <rpcproxy.h>
+#endif /* __RPCPROXY_H_VERSION__ */
+#include "AccessibleRelation.h"
+typedef struct _AccessibleRelation_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ short Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ TYPE_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+ } AccessibleRelation_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING;
+typedef struct _AccessibleRelation_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ short Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ PROC_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+ } AccessibleRelation_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING;
+typedef struct _AccessibleRelation_MIDL_EXPR_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ long Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ EXPR_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+ } AccessibleRelation_MIDL_EXPR_FORMAT_STRING;
+static const RPC_SYNTAX_IDENTIFIER _RpcTransferSyntax =
+extern const AccessibleRelation_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleRelation__MIDL_TypeFormatString;
+extern const AccessibleRelation_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleRelation__MIDL_ProcFormatString;
+extern const AccessibleRelation_MIDL_EXPR_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleRelation__MIDL_ExprFormatString;
+extern const MIDL_STUB_DESC Object_StubDesc;
+extern const MIDL_SERVER_INFO IAccessibleRelation_ServerInfo;
+extern const MIDL_STUBLESS_PROXY_INFO IAccessibleRelation_ProxyInfo;
+#if !defined(__RPC_WIN32__)
+#error Invalid build platform for this stub.
+#error You need Windows 2000 or later to run this stub because it uses these features:
+#error /robust command line switch.
+#error However, your C/C++ compilation flags indicate you intend to run this app on earlier systems.
+#error This app will fail with the RPC_X_WRONG_STUB_VERSION error.
+static const AccessibleRelation_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleRelation__MIDL_ProcFormatString =
+ {
+ 0,
+ {
+ /* Procedure get_relationType */
+ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 2 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 6 */ NdrFcShort( 0x3 ), /* 3 */
+/* 8 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 10 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 12 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 14 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 16 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 18 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 20 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 22 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter relationType */
+/* 24 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2113 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 26 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 28 */ NdrFcShort( 0x20 ), /* Type Offset=32 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 30 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 32 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 34 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_localizedRelationType */
+/* 36 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 38 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 42 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 44 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 46 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 48 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 50 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 52 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 54 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 56 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 58 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter localizedRelationType */
+/* 60 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2113 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 62 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 64 */ NdrFcShort( 0x20 ), /* Type Offset=32 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 66 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 68 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 70 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_nTargets */
+/* 72 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 74 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 78 */ NdrFcShort( 0x5 ), /* 5 */
+/* 80 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 82 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 84 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 86 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 88 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 90 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 92 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 94 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter nTargets */
+/* 96 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 98 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 100 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 102 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 104 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 106 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_target */
+/* 108 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 110 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 114 */ NdrFcShort( 0x6 ), /* 6 */
+/* 116 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 118 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 120 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 122 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 124 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 126 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 128 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 130 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter targetIndex */
+/* 132 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 134 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 136 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter target */
+/* 138 */ NdrFcShort( 0x13 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, */
+/* 140 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 142 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2e ), /* Type Offset=46 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 144 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 146 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 148 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_targets */
+/* 150 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 152 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 156 */ NdrFcShort( 0x7 ), /* 7 */
+/* 158 */ NdrFcShort( 0x14 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 20 */
+/* 160 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 162 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 164 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x4, /* 4 */
+/* 166 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 168 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 170 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 172 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter maxTargets */
+/* 174 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 176 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 178 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter targets */
+/* 180 */ NdrFcShort( 0x113 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, simple ref, */
+/* 182 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 184 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Type Offset=72 */
+ /* Parameter nTargets */
+/* 186 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 188 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 190 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 192 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 194 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 196 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x0
+ }
+ };
+static const AccessibleRelation_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleRelation__MIDL_TypeFormatString =
+ {
+ 0,
+ {
+ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 2 */
+ 0x11, 0x4, /* FC_RP [alloced_on_stack] */
+/* 4 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1c ), /* Offset= 28 (32) */
+/* 6 */
+ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 8 */ NdrFcShort( 0xe ), /* Offset= 14 (22) */
+/* 10 */
+ 0x1b, /* FC_CARRAY */
+ 0x1, /* 1 */
+/* 12 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* 2 */
+/* 14 */ 0x9, /* Corr desc: FC_ULONG */
+ 0x0, /* */
+/* 16 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfffc ), /* -4 */
+/* 18 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* Corr flags: early, */
+/* 20 */ 0x6, /* FC_SHORT */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 22 */
+ 0x17, /* FC_CSTRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 24 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 26 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfff0 ), /* Offset= -16 (10) */
+/* 28 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+/* 30 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 32 */ 0xb4, /* FC_USER_MARSHAL */
+ 0x83, /* 131 */
+/* 34 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 36 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 38 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 40 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffde ), /* Offset= -34 (6) */
+/* 42 */
+ 0x11, 0xc, /* FC_RP [alloced_on_stack] [simple_pointer] */
+/* 44 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 46 */
+ 0x11, 0x10, /* FC_RP [pointer_deref] */
+/* 48 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* Offset= 2 (50) */
+/* 50 */
+ 0x2f, /* FC_IP */
+ 0x5a, /* FC_CONSTANT_IID */
+/* 52 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 56 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 58 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 60 */ 0xc0, /* 192 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 62 */ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 64 */ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 66 */ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x46, /* 70 */
+/* 68 */
+ 0x11, 0x0, /* FC_RP */
+/* 70 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* Offset= 2 (72) */
+/* 72 */
+ 0x21, /* FC_BOGUS_ARRAY */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 74 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 76 */ 0x28, /* Corr desc: parameter, FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* */
+/* 78 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 80 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* Corr flags: early, */
+/* 82 */ 0x28, /* Corr desc: parameter, FC_LONG */
+ 0x54, /* FC_DEREFERENCE */
+/* 84 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 86 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* Corr flags: */
+/* 88 */ 0x4c, /* FC_EMBEDDED_COMPLEX */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 90 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffd8 ), /* Offset= -40 (50) */
+/* 92 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+ 0x0
+ }
+ };
+ {
+ {
+ BSTR_UserSize
+ ,BSTR_UserMarshal
+ ,BSTR_UserUnmarshal
+ ,BSTR_UserFree
+ }
+ };
+/* Standard interface: __MIDL_itf_AccessibleRelation_0000_0000, ver. 0.0,
+ GUID={0x00000000,0x0000,0x0000,{0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00}} */
+/* Object interface: IUnknown, ver. 0.0,
+ GUID={0x00000000,0x0000,0x0000,{0xC0,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x46}} */
+/* Object interface: IAccessibleRelation, ver. 0.0,
+ GUID={0x7CDF86EE,0xC3DA,0x496a,{0xBD,0xA4,0x28,0x1B,0x33,0x6E,0x1F,0xDC}} */
+#pragma code_seg(".orpc")
+static const unsigned short IAccessibleRelation_FormatStringOffsetTable[] =
+ {
+ 0,
+ 36,
+ 72,
+ 108,
+ 150
+ };
+static const MIDL_STUBLESS_PROXY_INFO IAccessibleRelation_ProxyInfo =
+ {
+ &Object_StubDesc,
+ AccessibleRelation__MIDL_ProcFormatString.Format,
+ &IAccessibleRelation_FormatStringOffsetTable[-3],
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0
+ };
+static const MIDL_SERVER_INFO IAccessibleRelation_ServerInfo =
+ {
+ &Object_StubDesc,
+ 0,
+ AccessibleRelation__MIDL_ProcFormatString.Format,
+ &IAccessibleRelation_FormatStringOffsetTable[-3],
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0};
+CINTERFACE_PROXY_VTABLE(8) _IAccessibleRelationProxyVtbl =
+ &IAccessibleRelation_ProxyInfo,
+ &IID_IAccessibleRelation,
+ IUnknown_QueryInterface_Proxy,
+ IUnknown_AddRef_Proxy,
+ IUnknown_Release_Proxy ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleRelation::get_relationType */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleRelation::get_localizedRelationType */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleRelation::get_nTargets */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleRelation::get_target */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleRelation::get_targets */
+const CInterfaceStubVtbl _IAccessibleRelationStubVtbl =
+ &IID_IAccessibleRelation,
+ &IAccessibleRelation_ServerInfo,
+ 8,
+ 0, /* pure interpreted */
+ CStdStubBuffer_METHODS
+static const MIDL_STUB_DESC Object_StubDesc =
+ {
+ 0,
+ NdrOleAllocate,
+ NdrOleFree,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ AccessibleRelation__MIDL_TypeFormatString.Format,
+ 1, /* -error bounds_check flag */
+ 0x50002, /* Ndr library version */
+ 0,
+ 0x700022b, /* MIDL Version 7.0.555 */
+ 0,
+ UserMarshalRoutines,
+ 0, /* notify & notify_flag routine table */
+ 0x1, /* MIDL flag */
+ 0, /* cs routines */
+ 0, /* proxy/server info */
+ 0
+ };
+const CInterfaceProxyVtbl * const _AccessibleRelation_ProxyVtblList[] =
+ ( CInterfaceProxyVtbl *) &_IAccessibleRelationProxyVtbl,
+ 0
+const CInterfaceStubVtbl * const _AccessibleRelation_StubVtblList[] =
+ ( CInterfaceStubVtbl *) &_IAccessibleRelationStubVtbl,
+ 0
+PCInterfaceName const _AccessibleRelation_InterfaceNamesList[] =
+ "IAccessibleRelation",
+ 0
+#define _AccessibleRelation_CHECK_IID(n) IID_GENERIC_CHECK_IID( _AccessibleRelation, pIID, n)
+int __stdcall _AccessibleRelation_IID_Lookup( const IID * pIID, int * pIndex )
+ if(!_AccessibleRelation_CHECK_IID(0))
+ {
+ *pIndex = 0;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+const ExtendedProxyFileInfo AccessibleRelation_ProxyFileInfo =
+ (PCInterfaceProxyVtblList *) & _AccessibleRelation_ProxyVtblList,
+ (PCInterfaceStubVtblList *) & _AccessibleRelation_StubVtblList,
+ (const PCInterfaceName * ) & _AccessibleRelation_InterfaceNamesList,
+ 0, /* no delegation */
+ & _AccessibleRelation_IID_Lookup,
+ 1,
+ 2,
+ 0, /* table of [async_uuid] interfaces */
+ 0, /* Filler1 */
+ 0, /* Filler2 */
+ 0 /* Filler3 */
+#pragma optimize("", on )
+#if _MSC_VER >= 1200
+#pragma warning(pop)
+#endif /* !defined(_M_IA64) && !defined(_M_AMD64)*/
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleRole.h b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleRole.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..221d1d00f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleRole.h
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the definitions for the interfaces */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:54 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleRole.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win32 (32b run), target_arch=X86 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+/* verify that the <rpcndr.h> version is high enough to compile this file*/
+#include "rpc.h"
+#include "rpcndr.h"
+#ifndef __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
+#error this stub requires an updated version of <rpcndr.h>
+#endif // __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
+#ifndef __AccessibleRole_h__
+#define __AccessibleRole_h__
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1020)
+#pragma once
+/* Forward Declarations */
+/* header files for imported files */
+#include "objidl.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"{
+/* interface __MIDL_itf_AccessibleRole_0000_0000 */
+/* [local] */
+enum IA2Role
+ IA2_ROLE_CANVAS = 0x401,
+ IA2_ROLE_FRAME = ( IA2_ROLE_FORM + 1 ) ,
+ } ;
+extern RPC_IF_HANDLE __MIDL_itf_AccessibleRole_0000_0000_v0_0_c_ifspec;
+extern RPC_IF_HANDLE __MIDL_itf_AccessibleRole_0000_0000_v0_0_s_ifspec;
+/* Additional Prototypes for ALL interfaces */
+/* end of Additional Prototypes */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleStates.h b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleStates.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..058d2e548e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleStates.h
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the definitions for the interfaces */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:54 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleStates.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win32 (32b run), target_arch=X86 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+/* verify that the <rpcndr.h> version is high enough to compile this file*/
+#include "rpc.h"
+#include "rpcndr.h"
+#ifndef __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
+#error this stub requires an updated version of <rpcndr.h>
+#endif // __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
+#ifndef __AccessibleStates_h__
+#define __AccessibleStates_h__
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1020)
+#pragma once
+/* Forward Declarations */
+/* header files for imported files */
+#include "objidl.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"{
+/* interface __MIDL_itf_AccessibleStates_0000_0000 */
+/* [local] */
+typedef long AccessibleStates;
+enum IA2States
+ { IA2_STATE_ACTIVE = 0x1,
+ IA2_STATE_ARMED = 0x2,
+ IA2_STATE_MODAL = 0x100,
+ IA2_STATE_OPAQUE = 0x400,
+ IA2_STATE_STALE = 0x4000,
+ IA2_STATE_TRANSIENT = 0x10000,
+ IA2_STATE_VERTICAL = 0x20000,
+ IA2_STATE_CHECKABLE = 0x40000,
+ IA2_STATE_PINNED = 0x80000
+ } ;
+extern RPC_IF_HANDLE __MIDL_itf_AccessibleStates_0000_0000_v0_0_c_ifspec;
+extern RPC_IF_HANDLE __MIDL_itf_AccessibleStates_0000_0000_v0_0_s_ifspec;
+/* Additional Prototypes for ALL interfaces */
+/* end of Additional Prototypes */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleTable.h b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleTable.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0f7dd49efc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleTable.h
@@ -0,0 +1,497 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the definitions for the interfaces */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:54 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleTable.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win32 (32b run), target_arch=X86 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+/* verify that the <rpcndr.h> version is high enough to compile this file*/
+#include "rpc.h"
+#include "rpcndr.h"
+#ifndef __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
+#error this stub requires an updated version of <rpcndr.h>
+#endif // __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
+#include "windows.h"
+#include "ole2.h"
+#endif /*COM_NO_WINDOWS_H*/
+#ifndef __AccessibleTable_h__
+#define __AccessibleTable_h__
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1020)
+#pragma once
+/* Forward Declarations */
+#ifndef __IAccessibleTable_FWD_DEFINED__
+#define __IAccessibleTable_FWD_DEFINED__
+typedef interface IAccessibleTable IAccessibleTable;
+#endif /* __IAccessibleTable_FWD_DEFINED__ */
+/* header files for imported files */
+#include "objidl.h"
+#include "oaidl.h"
+#include "oleacc.h"
+#include "Accessible2.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"{
+#ifndef __IAccessibleTable_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+#define __IAccessibleTable_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+/* interface IAccessibleTable */
+/* [uuid][object] */
+EXTERN_C const IID IID_IAccessibleTable;
+#if defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(CINTERFACE)
+ MIDL_INTERFACE("35AD8070-C20C-4fb4-B094-F4F7275DD469")
+ IAccessibleTable : public IUnknown
+ {
+ public:
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_accessibleAt(
+ /* [in] */ long row,
+ /* [in] */ long column,
+ /* [retval][out] */ IUnknown **accessible) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_caption(
+ /* [retval][out] */ IUnknown **accessible) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_childIndex(
+ /* [in] */ long rowIndex,
+ /* [in] */ long columnIndex,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *cellIndex) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_columnDescription(
+ /* [in] */ long column,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *description) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_columnExtentAt(
+ /* [in] */ long row,
+ /* [in] */ long column,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nColumnsSpanned) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_columnHeader(
+ /* [out] */ IAccessibleTable **accessibleTable,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *startingRowIndex) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_columnIndex(
+ /* [in] */ long cellIndex,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *columnIndex) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_nColumns(
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *columnCount) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_nRows(
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *rowCount) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_nSelectedChildren(
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *cellCount) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_nSelectedColumns(
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *columnCount) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_nSelectedRows(
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *rowCount) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_rowDescription(
+ /* [in] */ long row,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *description) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_rowExtentAt(
+ /* [in] */ long row,
+ /* [in] */ long column,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nRowsSpanned) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_rowHeader(
+ /* [out] */ IAccessibleTable **accessibleTable,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *startingColumnIndex) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_rowIndex(
+ /* [in] */ long cellIndex,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *rowIndex) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_selectedChildren(
+ /* [in] */ long maxChildren,
+ /* [length_is][length_is][size_is][size_is][out] */ long **children,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nChildren) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_selectedColumns(
+ /* [in] */ long maxColumns,
+ /* [length_is][length_is][size_is][size_is][out] */ long **columns,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nColumns) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_selectedRows(
+ /* [in] */ long maxRows,
+ /* [length_is][length_is][size_is][size_is][out] */ long **rows,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nRows) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_summary(
+ /* [retval][out] */ IUnknown **accessible) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_isColumnSelected(
+ /* [in] */ long column,
+ /* [retval][out] */ boolean *isSelected) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_isRowSelected(
+ /* [in] */ long row,
+ /* [retval][out] */ boolean *isSelected) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_isSelected(
+ /* [in] */ long row,
+ /* [in] */ long column,
+ /* [retval][out] */ boolean *isSelected) = 0;
+ /* [in] */ long row) = 0;
+ /* [in] */ long column) = 0;
+ /* [in] */ long row) = 0;
+ virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE unselectColumn(
+ /* [in] */ long column) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_rowColumnExtentsAtIndex(
+ /* [in] */ long index,
+ /* [out] */ long *row,
+ /* [out] */ long *column,
+ /* [out] */ long *rowExtents,
+ /* [out] */ long *columnExtents,
+ /* [retval][out] */ boolean *isSelected) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_modelChange(
+ /* [retval][out] */ IA2TableModelChange *modelChange) = 0;
+ };
+#else /* C style interface */
+ typedef struct IAccessibleTableVtbl
+ {
+ IAccessibleTable * This,
+ /* [in] */ REFIID riid,
+ /* [annotation][iid_is][out] */
+ __RPC__deref_out void **ppvObject);
+ IAccessibleTable * This);
+ IAccessibleTable * This);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_accessibleAt )(
+ IAccessibleTable * This,
+ /* [in] */ long row,
+ /* [in] */ long column,
+ /* [retval][out] */ IUnknown **accessible);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_caption )(
+ IAccessibleTable * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ IUnknown **accessible);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_childIndex )(
+ IAccessibleTable * This,
+ /* [in] */ long rowIndex,
+ /* [in] */ long columnIndex,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *cellIndex);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_columnDescription )(
+ IAccessibleTable * This,
+ /* [in] */ long column,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *description);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_columnExtentAt )(
+ IAccessibleTable * This,
+ /* [in] */ long row,
+ /* [in] */ long column,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nColumnsSpanned);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_columnHeader )(
+ IAccessibleTable * This,
+ /* [out] */ IAccessibleTable **accessibleTable,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *startingRowIndex);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_columnIndex )(
+ IAccessibleTable * This,
+ /* [in] */ long cellIndex,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *columnIndex);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_nColumns )(
+ IAccessibleTable * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *columnCount);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_nRows )(
+ IAccessibleTable * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *rowCount);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_nSelectedChildren )(
+ IAccessibleTable * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *cellCount);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_nSelectedColumns )(
+ IAccessibleTable * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *columnCount);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_nSelectedRows )(
+ IAccessibleTable * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *rowCount);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_rowDescription )(
+ IAccessibleTable * This,
+ /* [in] */ long row,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *description);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_rowExtentAt )(
+ IAccessibleTable * This,
+ /* [in] */ long row,
+ /* [in] */ long column,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nRowsSpanned);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_rowHeader )(
+ IAccessibleTable * This,
+ /* [out] */ IAccessibleTable **accessibleTable,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *startingColumnIndex);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_rowIndex )(
+ IAccessibleTable * This,
+ /* [in] */ long cellIndex,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *rowIndex);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_selectedChildren )(
+ IAccessibleTable * This,
+ /* [in] */ long maxChildren,
+ /* [length_is][length_is][size_is][size_is][out] */ long **children,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nChildren);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_selectedColumns )(
+ IAccessibleTable * This,
+ /* [in] */ long maxColumns,
+ /* [length_is][length_is][size_is][size_is][out] */ long **columns,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nColumns);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_selectedRows )(
+ IAccessibleTable * This,
+ /* [in] */ long maxRows,
+ /* [length_is][length_is][size_is][size_is][out] */ long **rows,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nRows);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_summary )(
+ IAccessibleTable * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ IUnknown **accessible);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_isColumnSelected )(
+ IAccessibleTable * This,
+ /* [in] */ long column,
+ /* [retval][out] */ boolean *isSelected);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_isRowSelected )(
+ IAccessibleTable * This,
+ /* [in] */ long row,
+ /* [retval][out] */ boolean *isSelected);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_isSelected )(
+ IAccessibleTable * This,
+ /* [in] */ long row,
+ /* [in] */ long column,
+ /* [retval][out] */ boolean *isSelected);
+ IAccessibleTable * This,
+ /* [in] */ long row);
+ IAccessibleTable * This,
+ /* [in] */ long column);
+ IAccessibleTable * This,
+ /* [in] */ long row);
+ IAccessibleTable * This,
+ /* [in] */ long column);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_rowColumnExtentsAtIndex )(
+ IAccessibleTable * This,
+ /* [in] */ long index,
+ /* [out] */ long *row,
+ /* [out] */ long *column,
+ /* [out] */ long *rowExtents,
+ /* [out] */ long *columnExtents,
+ /* [retval][out] */ boolean *isSelected);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_modelChange )(
+ IAccessibleTable * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ IA2TableModelChange *modelChange);
+ } IAccessibleTableVtbl;
+ interface IAccessibleTable
+ {
+ CONST_VTBL struct IAccessibleTableVtbl *lpVtbl;
+ };
+#define IAccessibleTable_QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) )
+#define IAccessibleTable_AddRef(This) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> AddRef(This) )
+#define IAccessibleTable_Release(This) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> Release(This) )
+#define IAccessibleTable_get_accessibleAt(This,row,column,accessible) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_accessibleAt(This,row,column,accessible) )
+#define IAccessibleTable_get_caption(This,accessible) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_caption(This,accessible) )
+#define IAccessibleTable_get_childIndex(This,rowIndex,columnIndex,cellIndex) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_childIndex(This,rowIndex,columnIndex,cellIndex) )
+#define IAccessibleTable_get_columnDescription(This,column,description) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_columnDescription(This,column,description) )
+#define IAccessibleTable_get_columnExtentAt(This,row,column,nColumnsSpanned) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_columnExtentAt(This,row,column,nColumnsSpanned) )
+#define IAccessibleTable_get_columnHeader(This,accessibleTable,startingRowIndex) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_columnHeader(This,accessibleTable,startingRowIndex) )
+#define IAccessibleTable_get_columnIndex(This,cellIndex,columnIndex) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_columnIndex(This,cellIndex,columnIndex) )
+#define IAccessibleTable_get_nColumns(This,columnCount) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_nColumns(This,columnCount) )
+#define IAccessibleTable_get_nRows(This,rowCount) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_nRows(This,rowCount) )
+#define IAccessibleTable_get_nSelectedChildren(This,cellCount) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_nSelectedChildren(This,cellCount) )
+#define IAccessibleTable_get_nSelectedColumns(This,columnCount) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_nSelectedColumns(This,columnCount) )
+#define IAccessibleTable_get_nSelectedRows(This,rowCount) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_nSelectedRows(This,rowCount) )
+#define IAccessibleTable_get_rowDescription(This,row,description) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_rowDescription(This,row,description) )
+#define IAccessibleTable_get_rowExtentAt(This,row,column,nRowsSpanned) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_rowExtentAt(This,row,column,nRowsSpanned) )
+#define IAccessibleTable_get_rowHeader(This,accessibleTable,startingColumnIndex) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_rowHeader(This,accessibleTable,startingColumnIndex) )
+#define IAccessibleTable_get_rowIndex(This,cellIndex,rowIndex) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_rowIndex(This,cellIndex,rowIndex) )
+#define IAccessibleTable_get_selectedChildren(This,maxChildren,children,nChildren) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_selectedChildren(This,maxChildren,children,nChildren) )
+#define IAccessibleTable_get_selectedColumns(This,maxColumns,columns,nColumns) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_selectedColumns(This,maxColumns,columns,nColumns) )
+#define IAccessibleTable_get_selectedRows(This,maxRows,rows,nRows) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_selectedRows(This,maxRows,rows,nRows) )
+#define IAccessibleTable_get_summary(This,accessible) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_summary(This,accessible) )
+#define IAccessibleTable_get_isColumnSelected(This,column,isSelected) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_isColumnSelected(This,column,isSelected) )
+#define IAccessibleTable_get_isRowSelected(This,row,isSelected) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_isRowSelected(This,row,isSelected) )
+#define IAccessibleTable_get_isSelected(This,row,column,isSelected) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_isSelected(This,row,column,isSelected) )
+#define IAccessibleTable_selectRow(This,row) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> selectRow(This,row) )
+#define IAccessibleTable_selectColumn(This,column) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> selectColumn(This,column) )
+#define IAccessibleTable_unselectRow(This,row) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> unselectRow(This,row) )
+#define IAccessibleTable_unselectColumn(This,column) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> unselectColumn(This,column) )
+#define IAccessibleTable_get_rowColumnExtentsAtIndex(This,index,row,column,rowExtents,columnExtents,isSelected) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_rowColumnExtentsAtIndex(This,index,row,column,rowExtents,columnExtents,isSelected) )
+#define IAccessibleTable_get_modelChange(This,modelChange) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_modelChange(This,modelChange) )
+#endif /* COBJMACROS */
+#endif /* C style interface */
+#endif /* __IAccessibleTable_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ */
+/* Additional Prototypes for ALL interfaces */
+unsigned long __RPC_USER BSTR_UserSize( unsigned long *, unsigned long , BSTR * );
+unsigned char * __RPC_USER BSTR_UserMarshal( unsigned long *, unsigned char *, BSTR * );
+unsigned char * __RPC_USER BSTR_UserUnmarshal(unsigned long *, unsigned char *, BSTR * );
+void __RPC_USER BSTR_UserFree( unsigned long *, BSTR * );
+/* end of Additional Prototypes */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleTable2.h b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleTable2.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d511869de4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleTable2.h
@@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the definitions for the interfaces */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:55 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleTable2.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win32 (32b run), target_arch=X86 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+/* verify that the <rpcndr.h> version is high enough to compile this file*/
+#include "rpc.h"
+#include "rpcndr.h"
+#ifndef __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
+#error this stub requires an updated version of <rpcndr.h>
+#endif // __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
+#include "windows.h"
+#include "ole2.h"
+#endif /*COM_NO_WINDOWS_H*/
+#ifndef __AccessibleTable2_h__
+#define __AccessibleTable2_h__
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1020)
+#pragma once
+/* Forward Declarations */
+#ifndef __IAccessibleTable2_FWD_DEFINED__
+#define __IAccessibleTable2_FWD_DEFINED__
+typedef interface IAccessibleTable2 IAccessibleTable2;
+#endif /* __IAccessibleTable2_FWD_DEFINED__ */
+/* header files for imported files */
+#include "objidl.h"
+#include "oaidl.h"
+#include "oleacc.h"
+#include "Accessible2.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"{
+#ifndef __IAccessibleTable2_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+#define __IAccessibleTable2_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+/* interface IAccessibleTable2 */
+/* [uuid][object] */
+EXTERN_C const IID IID_IAccessibleTable2;
+#if defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(CINTERFACE)
+ MIDL_INTERFACE("6167f295-06f0-4cdd-a1fa-02e25153d869")
+ IAccessibleTable2 : public IUnknown
+ {
+ public:
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_cellAt(
+ /* [in] */ long row,
+ /* [in] */ long column,
+ /* [retval][out] */ IUnknown **cell) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_caption(
+ /* [retval][out] */ IUnknown **accessible) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_columnDescription(
+ /* [in] */ long column,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *description) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_nColumns(
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *columnCount) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_nRows(
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *rowCount) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_nSelectedCells(
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *cellCount) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_nSelectedColumns(
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *columnCount) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_nSelectedRows(
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *rowCount) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_rowDescription(
+ /* [in] */ long row,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *description) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_selectedCells(
+ /* [size_is][size_is][size_is][out] */ IUnknown ***cells,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nSelectedCells) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_selectedColumns(
+ /* [size_is][size_is][out] */ long **selectedColumns,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nColumns) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_selectedRows(
+ /* [size_is][size_is][out] */ long **selectedRows,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nRows) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_summary(
+ /* [retval][out] */ IUnknown **accessible) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_isColumnSelected(
+ /* [in] */ long column,
+ /* [retval][out] */ boolean *isSelected) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_isRowSelected(
+ /* [in] */ long row,
+ /* [retval][out] */ boolean *isSelected) = 0;
+ /* [in] */ long row) = 0;
+ /* [in] */ long column) = 0;
+ /* [in] */ long row) = 0;
+ virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE unselectColumn(
+ /* [in] */ long column) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_modelChange(
+ /* [retval][out] */ IA2TableModelChange *modelChange) = 0;
+ };
+#else /* C style interface */
+ typedef struct IAccessibleTable2Vtbl
+ {
+ IAccessibleTable2 * This,
+ /* [in] */ REFIID riid,
+ /* [annotation][iid_is][out] */
+ __RPC__deref_out void **ppvObject);
+ IAccessibleTable2 * This);
+ IAccessibleTable2 * This);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_cellAt )(
+ IAccessibleTable2 * This,
+ /* [in] */ long row,
+ /* [in] */ long column,
+ /* [retval][out] */ IUnknown **cell);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_caption )(
+ IAccessibleTable2 * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ IUnknown **accessible);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_columnDescription )(
+ IAccessibleTable2 * This,
+ /* [in] */ long column,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *description);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_nColumns )(
+ IAccessibleTable2 * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *columnCount);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_nRows )(
+ IAccessibleTable2 * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *rowCount);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_nSelectedCells )(
+ IAccessibleTable2 * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *cellCount);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_nSelectedColumns )(
+ IAccessibleTable2 * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *columnCount);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_nSelectedRows )(
+ IAccessibleTable2 * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *rowCount);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_rowDescription )(
+ IAccessibleTable2 * This,
+ /* [in] */ long row,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *description);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_selectedCells )(
+ IAccessibleTable2 * This,
+ /* [size_is][size_is][size_is][out] */ IUnknown ***cells,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nSelectedCells);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_selectedColumns )(
+ IAccessibleTable2 * This,
+ /* [size_is][size_is][out] */ long **selectedColumns,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nColumns);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_selectedRows )(
+ IAccessibleTable2 * This,
+ /* [size_is][size_is][out] */ long **selectedRows,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nRows);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_summary )(
+ IAccessibleTable2 * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ IUnknown **accessible);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_isColumnSelected )(
+ IAccessibleTable2 * This,
+ /* [in] */ long column,
+ /* [retval][out] */ boolean *isSelected);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_isRowSelected )(
+ IAccessibleTable2 * This,
+ /* [in] */ long row,
+ /* [retval][out] */ boolean *isSelected);
+ IAccessibleTable2 * This,
+ /* [in] */ long row);
+ IAccessibleTable2 * This,
+ /* [in] */ long column);
+ IAccessibleTable2 * This,
+ /* [in] */ long row);
+ IAccessibleTable2 * This,
+ /* [in] */ long column);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_modelChange )(
+ IAccessibleTable2 * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ IA2TableModelChange *modelChange);
+ } IAccessibleTable2Vtbl;
+ interface IAccessibleTable2
+ {
+ CONST_VTBL struct IAccessibleTable2Vtbl *lpVtbl;
+ };
+#define IAccessibleTable2_QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) )
+#define IAccessibleTable2_AddRef(This) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> AddRef(This) )
+#define IAccessibleTable2_Release(This) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> Release(This) )
+#define IAccessibleTable2_get_cellAt(This,row,column,cell) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_cellAt(This,row,column,cell) )
+#define IAccessibleTable2_get_caption(This,accessible) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_caption(This,accessible) )
+#define IAccessibleTable2_get_columnDescription(This,column,description) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_columnDescription(This,column,description) )
+#define IAccessibleTable2_get_nColumns(This,columnCount) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_nColumns(This,columnCount) )
+#define IAccessibleTable2_get_nRows(This,rowCount) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_nRows(This,rowCount) )
+#define IAccessibleTable2_get_nSelectedCells(This,cellCount) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_nSelectedCells(This,cellCount) )
+#define IAccessibleTable2_get_nSelectedColumns(This,columnCount) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_nSelectedColumns(This,columnCount) )
+#define IAccessibleTable2_get_nSelectedRows(This,rowCount) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_nSelectedRows(This,rowCount) )
+#define IAccessibleTable2_get_rowDescription(This,row,description) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_rowDescription(This,row,description) )
+#define IAccessibleTable2_get_selectedCells(This,cells,nSelectedCells) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_selectedCells(This,cells,nSelectedCells) )
+#define IAccessibleTable2_get_selectedColumns(This,selectedColumns,nColumns) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_selectedColumns(This,selectedColumns,nColumns) )
+#define IAccessibleTable2_get_selectedRows(This,selectedRows,nRows) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_selectedRows(This,selectedRows,nRows) )
+#define IAccessibleTable2_get_summary(This,accessible) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_summary(This,accessible) )
+#define IAccessibleTable2_get_isColumnSelected(This,column,isSelected) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_isColumnSelected(This,column,isSelected) )
+#define IAccessibleTable2_get_isRowSelected(This,row,isSelected) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_isRowSelected(This,row,isSelected) )
+#define IAccessibleTable2_selectRow(This,row) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> selectRow(This,row) )
+#define IAccessibleTable2_selectColumn(This,column) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> selectColumn(This,column) )
+#define IAccessibleTable2_unselectRow(This,row) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> unselectRow(This,row) )
+#define IAccessibleTable2_unselectColumn(This,column) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> unselectColumn(This,column) )
+#define IAccessibleTable2_get_modelChange(This,modelChange) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_modelChange(This,modelChange) )
+#endif /* COBJMACROS */
+#endif /* C style interface */
+#endif /* __IAccessibleTable2_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ */
+/* Additional Prototypes for ALL interfaces */
+unsigned long __RPC_USER BSTR_UserSize( unsigned long *, unsigned long , BSTR * );
+unsigned char * __RPC_USER BSTR_UserMarshal( unsigned long *, unsigned char *, BSTR * );
+unsigned char * __RPC_USER BSTR_UserUnmarshal(unsigned long *, unsigned char *, BSTR * );
+void __RPC_USER BSTR_UserFree( unsigned long *, BSTR * );
+/* end of Additional Prototypes */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleTable2_i.c b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleTable2_i.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f5444155ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleTable2_i.c
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the IIDs and CLSIDs */
+/* link this file in with the server and any clients */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:55 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleTable2.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win32 (32b run), target_arch=X86 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"{
+#include <rpc.h>
+#include <rpcndr.h>
+#ifndef INITGUID
+#define INITGUID
+#include <guiddef.h>
+#undef INITGUID
+#include <guiddef.h>
+#define MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(type,name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8) \
+ DEFINE_GUID(name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8)
+#else // !_MIDL_USE_GUIDDEF_
+#ifndef __IID_DEFINED__
+#define __IID_DEFINED__
+typedef struct _IID
+ unsigned long x;
+ unsigned short s1;
+ unsigned short s2;
+ unsigned char c[8];
+} IID;
+#endif // __IID_DEFINED__
+typedef IID CLSID;
+#endif // CLSID_DEFINED
+#define MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(type,name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8) \
+ const type name = {l,w1,w2,{b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8}}
+MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(IID, IID_IAccessibleTable2,0x6167f295,0x06f0,0x4cdd,0xa1,0xfa,0x02,0xe2,0x51,0x53,0xd8,0x69);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleTable2_p.c b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleTable2_p.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f4b782f9dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleTable2_p.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1091 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the proxy stub code */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:55 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleTable2.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win32 (32b run), target_arch=X86 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#if !defined(_M_IA64) && !defined(_M_AMD64)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+#if _MSC_VER >= 1200
+#pragma warning(push)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4211 ) /* redefine extern to static */
+#pragma warning( disable: 4232 ) /* dllimport identity*/
+#pragma warning( disable: 4024 ) /* array to pointer mapping*/
+#pragma warning( disable: 4152 ) /* function/data pointer conversion in expression */
+#pragma warning( disable: 4100 ) /* unreferenced arguments in x86 call */
+#pragma optimize("", off )
+/* verify that the <rpcproxy.h> version is high enough to compile this file*/
+#include "rpcproxy.h"
+#error this stub requires an updated version of <rpcproxy.h>
+#endif /* __RPCPROXY_H_VERSION__ */
+#include "AccessibleTable2.h"
+typedef struct _AccessibleTable2_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ short Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ TYPE_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+ } AccessibleTable2_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING;
+typedef struct _AccessibleTable2_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ short Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ PROC_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+ } AccessibleTable2_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING;
+typedef struct _AccessibleTable2_MIDL_EXPR_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ long Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ EXPR_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+ } AccessibleTable2_MIDL_EXPR_FORMAT_STRING;
+static const RPC_SYNTAX_IDENTIFIER _RpcTransferSyntax =
+extern const AccessibleTable2_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleTable2__MIDL_TypeFormatString;
+extern const AccessibleTable2_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleTable2__MIDL_ProcFormatString;
+extern const AccessibleTable2_MIDL_EXPR_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleTable2__MIDL_ExprFormatString;
+extern const MIDL_STUB_DESC Object_StubDesc;
+extern const MIDL_SERVER_INFO IAccessibleTable2_ServerInfo;
+extern const MIDL_STUBLESS_PROXY_INFO IAccessibleTable2_ProxyInfo;
+#if !defined(__RPC_WIN32__)
+#error Invalid build platform for this stub.
+#error You need Windows 2000 or later to run this stub because it uses these features:
+#error /robust command line switch.
+#error However, your C/C++ compilation flags indicate you intend to run this app on earlier systems.
+#error This app will fail with the RPC_X_WRONG_STUB_VERSION error.
+static const AccessibleTable2_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleTable2__MIDL_ProcFormatString =
+ {
+ 0,
+ {
+ /* Procedure get_cellAt */
+ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 2 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 6 */ NdrFcShort( 0x3 ), /* 3 */
+/* 8 */ NdrFcShort( 0x14 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 20 */
+/* 10 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* 16 */
+/* 12 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 14 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x4, /* 4 */
+/* 16 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 18 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 20 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 22 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter row */
+/* 24 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 26 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 28 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter column */
+/* 30 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 32 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 34 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter cell */
+/* 36 */ NdrFcShort( 0x13 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, */
+/* 38 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 40 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* Type Offset=2 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 42 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 44 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 46 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_caption */
+/* 48 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 50 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 54 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 56 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 58 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 60 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 62 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 64 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 66 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 68 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 70 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter accessible */
+/* 72 */ NdrFcShort( 0x13 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, */
+/* 74 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 76 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* Type Offset=2 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 78 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 80 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 82 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_columnDescription */
+/* 84 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 86 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 90 */ NdrFcShort( 0x5 ), /* 5 */
+/* 92 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 94 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 96 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 98 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 100 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 102 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 104 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 106 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter column */
+/* 108 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 110 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 112 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter description */
+/* 114 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2113 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 116 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 118 */ NdrFcShort( 0x36 ), /* Type Offset=54 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 120 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 122 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 124 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_nColumns */
+/* 126 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 128 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 132 */ NdrFcShort( 0x6 ), /* 6 */
+/* 134 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 136 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 138 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 140 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 142 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 144 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 146 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 148 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter columnCount */
+/* 150 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 152 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 154 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 156 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 158 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 160 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_nRows */
+/* 162 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 164 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 168 */ NdrFcShort( 0x7 ), /* 7 */
+/* 170 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 172 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 174 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 176 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 178 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 180 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 182 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 184 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter rowCount */
+/* 186 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 188 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 190 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 192 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 194 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 196 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_nSelectedCells */
+/* 198 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 200 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 204 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 206 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 208 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 210 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 212 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 214 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 216 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 218 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 220 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter cellCount */
+/* 222 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 224 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 226 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 228 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 230 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 232 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_nSelectedColumns */
+/* 234 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 236 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 240 */ NdrFcShort( 0x9 ), /* 9 */
+/* 242 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 244 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 246 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 248 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 250 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 252 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 254 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 256 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter columnCount */
+/* 258 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 260 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 262 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 264 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 266 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 268 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_nSelectedRows */
+/* 270 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 272 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 276 */ NdrFcShort( 0xa ), /* 10 */
+/* 278 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 280 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 282 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 284 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 286 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 288 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 290 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 292 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter rowCount */
+/* 294 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 296 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 298 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 300 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 302 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 304 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_rowDescription */
+/* 306 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 308 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 312 */ NdrFcShort( 0xb ), /* 11 */
+/* 314 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 316 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 318 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 320 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 322 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 324 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 326 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 328 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter row */
+/* 330 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 332 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 334 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter description */
+/* 336 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2113 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 338 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 340 */ NdrFcShort( 0x36 ), /* Type Offset=54 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 342 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 344 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 346 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_selectedCells */
+/* 348 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 350 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 354 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* 12 */
+/* 356 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 358 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 360 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 362 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 364 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 366 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 368 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 370 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter cells */
+/* 372 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2013 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 374 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 376 */ NdrFcShort( 0x44 ), /* Type Offset=68 */
+ /* Parameter nSelectedCells */
+/* 378 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 380 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 382 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 384 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 386 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 388 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_selectedColumns */
+/* 390 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 392 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 396 */ NdrFcShort( 0xd ), /* 13 */
+/* 398 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 400 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 402 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 404 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 406 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 408 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 410 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 412 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter selectedColumns */
+/* 414 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2013 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 416 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 418 */ NdrFcShort( 0x62 ), /* Type Offset=98 */
+ /* Parameter nColumns */
+/* 420 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 422 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 424 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 426 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 428 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 430 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_selectedRows */
+/* 432 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 434 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 438 */ NdrFcShort( 0xe ), /* 14 */
+/* 440 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 442 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 444 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 446 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 448 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 450 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 452 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 454 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter selectedRows */
+/* 456 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2013 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 458 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 460 */ NdrFcShort( 0x62 ), /* Type Offset=98 */
+ /* Parameter nRows */
+/* 462 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 464 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 466 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 468 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 470 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 472 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_summary */
+/* 474 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 476 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 480 */ NdrFcShort( 0xf ), /* 15 */
+/* 482 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 484 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 486 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 488 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 490 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 492 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 494 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 496 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter accessible */
+/* 498 */ NdrFcShort( 0x13 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, */
+/* 500 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 502 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* Type Offset=2 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 504 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 506 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 508 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_isColumnSelected */
+/* 510 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 512 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 516 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* 16 */
+/* 518 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 520 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 522 */ NdrFcShort( 0x21 ), /* 33 */
+/* 524 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 526 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 528 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 530 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 532 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter column */
+/* 534 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 536 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 538 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter isSelected */
+/* 540 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 542 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 544 */ 0x3, /* FC_SMALL */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 546 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 548 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 550 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_isRowSelected */
+/* 552 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 554 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 558 */ NdrFcShort( 0x11 ), /* 17 */
+/* 560 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 562 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 564 */ NdrFcShort( 0x21 ), /* 33 */
+/* 566 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 568 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 570 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 572 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 574 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter row */
+/* 576 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 578 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 580 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter isSelected */
+/* 582 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 584 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 586 */ 0x3, /* FC_SMALL */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 588 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 590 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 592 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure selectRow */
+/* 594 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 596 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 600 */ NdrFcShort( 0x12 ), /* 18 */
+/* 602 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 604 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 606 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 608 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 610 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 612 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 614 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 616 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter row */
+/* 618 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 620 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 622 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 624 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 626 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 628 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure selectColumn */
+/* 630 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 632 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 636 */ NdrFcShort( 0x13 ), /* 19 */
+/* 638 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 640 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 642 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 644 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 646 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 648 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 650 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 652 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter column */
+/* 654 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 656 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 658 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 660 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 662 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 664 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure unselectRow */
+/* 666 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 668 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 672 */ NdrFcShort( 0x14 ), /* 20 */
+/* 674 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 676 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 678 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 680 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 682 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 684 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 686 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 688 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter row */
+/* 690 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 692 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 694 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 696 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 698 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 700 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure unselectColumn */
+/* 702 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 704 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 708 */ NdrFcShort( 0x15 ), /* 21 */
+/* 710 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 712 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 714 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 716 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 718 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 720 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 722 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 724 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter column */
+/* 726 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 728 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 730 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 732 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 734 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 736 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_modelChange */
+/* 738 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 740 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 744 */ NdrFcShort( 0x16 ), /* 22 */
+/* 746 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 748 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 750 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 752 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 754 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 756 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 758 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 760 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter modelChange */
+/* 762 */ NdrFcShort( 0x6113 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, simple ref, srv alloc size=24 */
+/* 764 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 766 */ NdrFcShort( 0x7e ), /* Type Offset=126 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 768 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 770 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 772 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x0
+ }
+ };
+static const AccessibleTable2_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleTable2__MIDL_TypeFormatString =
+ {
+ 0,
+ {
+ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 2 */
+ 0x11, 0x10, /* FC_RP [pointer_deref] */
+/* 4 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* Offset= 2 (6) */
+/* 6 */
+ 0x2f, /* FC_IP */
+ 0x5a, /* FC_CONSTANT_IID */
+/* 8 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 12 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 14 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 16 */ 0xc0, /* 192 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 18 */ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 20 */ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 22 */ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x46, /* 70 */
+/* 24 */
+ 0x11, 0x4, /* FC_RP [alloced_on_stack] */
+/* 26 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1c ), /* Offset= 28 (54) */
+/* 28 */
+ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 30 */ NdrFcShort( 0xe ), /* Offset= 14 (44) */
+/* 32 */
+ 0x1b, /* FC_CARRAY */
+ 0x1, /* 1 */
+/* 34 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* 2 */
+/* 36 */ 0x9, /* Corr desc: FC_ULONG */
+ 0x0, /* */
+/* 38 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfffc ), /* -4 */
+/* 40 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* Corr flags: early, */
+/* 42 */ 0x6, /* FC_SHORT */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 44 */
+ 0x17, /* FC_CSTRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 46 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 48 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfff0 ), /* Offset= -16 (32) */
+/* 50 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+/* 52 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 54 */ 0xb4, /* FC_USER_MARSHAL */
+ 0x83, /* 131 */
+/* 56 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 58 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 60 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 62 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffde ), /* Offset= -34 (28) */
+/* 64 */
+ 0x11, 0xc, /* FC_RP [alloced_on_stack] [simple_pointer] */
+/* 66 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 68 */
+ 0x11, 0x14, /* FC_RP [alloced_on_stack] [pointer_deref] */
+/* 70 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* Offset= 2 (72) */
+/* 72 */
+ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 74 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* Offset= 2 (76) */
+/* 76 */
+ 0x21, /* FC_BOGUS_ARRAY */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 78 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 80 */ 0x28, /* Corr desc: parameter, FC_LONG */
+ 0x54, /* FC_DEREFERENCE */
+/* 82 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 84 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* Corr flags: */
+/* 86 */ NdrFcLong( 0xffffffff ), /* -1 */
+/* 90 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* Corr flags: */
+/* 92 */ 0x4c, /* FC_EMBEDDED_COMPLEX */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 94 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffa8 ), /* Offset= -88 (6) */
+/* 96 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 98 */
+ 0x11, 0x14, /* FC_RP [alloced_on_stack] [pointer_deref] */
+/* 100 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* Offset= 2 (102) */
+/* 102 */
+ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 104 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* Offset= 2 (106) */
+/* 106 */
+ 0x1b, /* FC_CARRAY */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 108 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 110 */ 0x28, /* Corr desc: parameter, FC_LONG */
+ 0x54, /* FC_DEREFERENCE */
+/* 112 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 114 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* Corr flags: */
+/* 116 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 118 */
+ 0x11, 0xc, /* FC_RP [alloced_on_stack] [simple_pointer] */
+/* 120 */ 0x3, /* FC_SMALL */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 122 */
+ 0x11, 0x4, /* FC_RP [alloced_on_stack] */
+/* 124 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* Offset= 2 (126) */
+/* 126 */
+ 0x1a, /* FC_BOGUS_STRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 128 */ NdrFcShort( 0x14 ), /* 20 */
+/* 130 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 132 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* Offset= 0 (132) */
+/* 134 */ 0xd, /* FC_ENUM16 */
+ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+/* 136 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+/* 138 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+ 0x0
+ }
+ };
+ {
+ {
+ BSTR_UserSize
+ ,BSTR_UserMarshal
+ ,BSTR_UserUnmarshal
+ ,BSTR_UserFree
+ }
+ };
+/* Object interface: IUnknown, ver. 0.0,
+ GUID={0x00000000,0x0000,0x0000,{0xC0,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x46}} */
+/* Object interface: IAccessibleTable2, ver. 0.0,
+ GUID={0x6167f295,0x06f0,0x4cdd,{0xa1,0xfa,0x02,0xe2,0x51,0x53,0xd8,0x69}} */
+#pragma code_seg(".orpc")
+static const unsigned short IAccessibleTable2_FormatStringOffsetTable[] =
+ {
+ 0,
+ 48,
+ 84,
+ 126,
+ 162,
+ 198,
+ 234,
+ 270,
+ 306,
+ 348,
+ 390,
+ 432,
+ 474,
+ 510,
+ 552,
+ 594,
+ 630,
+ 666,
+ 702,
+ 738
+ };
+static const MIDL_STUBLESS_PROXY_INFO IAccessibleTable2_ProxyInfo =
+ {
+ &Object_StubDesc,
+ AccessibleTable2__MIDL_ProcFormatString.Format,
+ &IAccessibleTable2_FormatStringOffsetTable[-3],
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0
+ };
+static const MIDL_SERVER_INFO IAccessibleTable2_ServerInfo =
+ {
+ &Object_StubDesc,
+ 0,
+ AccessibleTable2__MIDL_ProcFormatString.Format,
+ &IAccessibleTable2_FormatStringOffsetTable[-3],
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0};
+CINTERFACE_PROXY_VTABLE(23) _IAccessibleTable2ProxyVtbl =
+ &IAccessibleTable2_ProxyInfo,
+ &IID_IAccessibleTable2,
+ IUnknown_QueryInterface_Proxy,
+ IUnknown_AddRef_Proxy,
+ IUnknown_Release_Proxy ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable2::get_cellAt */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable2::get_caption */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable2::get_columnDescription */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable2::get_nColumns */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable2::get_nRows */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable2::get_nSelectedCells */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable2::get_nSelectedColumns */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable2::get_nSelectedRows */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable2::get_rowDescription */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable2::get_selectedCells */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable2::get_selectedColumns */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable2::get_selectedRows */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable2::get_summary */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable2::get_isColumnSelected */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable2::get_isRowSelected */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable2::selectRow */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable2::selectColumn */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable2::unselectRow */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable2::unselectColumn */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable2::get_modelChange */
+const CInterfaceStubVtbl _IAccessibleTable2StubVtbl =
+ &IID_IAccessibleTable2,
+ &IAccessibleTable2_ServerInfo,
+ 23,
+ 0, /* pure interpreted */
+ CStdStubBuffer_METHODS
+static const MIDL_STUB_DESC Object_StubDesc =
+ {
+ 0,
+ NdrOleAllocate,
+ NdrOleFree,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ AccessibleTable2__MIDL_TypeFormatString.Format,
+ 1, /* -error bounds_check flag */
+ 0x50002, /* Ndr library version */
+ 0,
+ 0x700022b, /* MIDL Version 7.0.555 */
+ 0,
+ UserMarshalRoutines,
+ 0, /* notify & notify_flag routine table */
+ 0x1, /* MIDL flag */
+ 0, /* cs routines */
+ 0, /* proxy/server info */
+ 0
+ };
+const CInterfaceProxyVtbl * const _AccessibleTable2_ProxyVtblList[] =
+ ( CInterfaceProxyVtbl *) &_IAccessibleTable2ProxyVtbl,
+ 0
+const CInterfaceStubVtbl * const _AccessibleTable2_StubVtblList[] =
+ ( CInterfaceStubVtbl *) &_IAccessibleTable2StubVtbl,
+ 0
+PCInterfaceName const _AccessibleTable2_InterfaceNamesList[] =
+ "IAccessibleTable2",
+ 0
+#define _AccessibleTable2_CHECK_IID(n) IID_GENERIC_CHECK_IID( _AccessibleTable2, pIID, n)
+int __stdcall _AccessibleTable2_IID_Lookup( const IID * pIID, int * pIndex )
+ if(!_AccessibleTable2_CHECK_IID(0))
+ {
+ *pIndex = 0;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+const ExtendedProxyFileInfo AccessibleTable2_ProxyFileInfo =
+ (PCInterfaceProxyVtblList *) & _AccessibleTable2_ProxyVtblList,
+ (PCInterfaceStubVtblList *) & _AccessibleTable2_StubVtblList,
+ (const PCInterfaceName * ) & _AccessibleTable2_InterfaceNamesList,
+ 0, /* no delegation */
+ & _AccessibleTable2_IID_Lookup,
+ 1,
+ 2,
+ 0, /* table of [async_uuid] interfaces */
+ 0, /* Filler1 */
+ 0, /* Filler2 */
+ 0 /* Filler3 */
+#pragma optimize("", on )
+#if _MSC_VER >= 1200
+#pragma warning(pop)
+#endif /* !defined(_M_IA64) && !defined(_M_AMD64)*/
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleTableCell.h b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleTableCell.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..621768e149
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleTableCell.h
@@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the definitions for the interfaces */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:55 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleTableCell.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win32 (32b run), target_arch=X86 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+/* verify that the <rpcndr.h> version is high enough to compile this file*/
+#include "rpc.h"
+#include "rpcndr.h"
+#ifndef __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
+#error this stub requires an updated version of <rpcndr.h>
+#endif // __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
+#include "windows.h"
+#include "ole2.h"
+#endif /*COM_NO_WINDOWS_H*/
+#ifndef __AccessibleTableCell_h__
+#define __AccessibleTableCell_h__
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1020)
+#pragma once
+/* Forward Declarations */
+#ifndef __IAccessibleTableCell_FWD_DEFINED__
+#define __IAccessibleTableCell_FWD_DEFINED__
+typedef interface IAccessibleTableCell IAccessibleTableCell;
+#endif /* __IAccessibleTableCell_FWD_DEFINED__ */
+/* header files for imported files */
+#include "objidl.h"
+#include "oaidl.h"
+#include "oleacc.h"
+#include "Accessible2.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"{
+#ifndef __IAccessibleTableCell_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+#define __IAccessibleTableCell_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+/* interface IAccessibleTableCell */
+/* [uuid][object] */
+EXTERN_C const IID IID_IAccessibleTableCell;
+#if defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(CINTERFACE)
+ MIDL_INTERFACE("594116B1-C99F-4847-AD06-0A7A86ECE645")
+ IAccessibleTableCell : public IUnknown
+ {
+ public:
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_columnExtent(
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nColumnsSpanned) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_columnHeaderCells(
+ /* [size_is][size_is][size_is][out] */ IUnknown ***cellAccessibles,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nColumnHeaderCells) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_columnIndex(
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *columnIndex) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_rowExtent(
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nRowsSpanned) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_rowHeaderCells(
+ /* [size_is][size_is][size_is][out] */ IUnknown ***cellAccessibles,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nRowHeaderCells) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_rowIndex(
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *rowIndex) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_isSelected(
+ /* [retval][out] */ boolean *isSelected) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_rowColumnExtents(
+ /* [out] */ long *row,
+ /* [out] */ long *column,
+ /* [out] */ long *rowExtents,
+ /* [out] */ long *columnExtents,
+ /* [retval][out] */ boolean *isSelected) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_table(
+ /* [retval][out] */ IUnknown **table) = 0;
+ };
+#else /* C style interface */
+ typedef struct IAccessibleTableCellVtbl
+ {
+ IAccessibleTableCell * This,
+ /* [in] */ REFIID riid,
+ /* [annotation][iid_is][out] */
+ __RPC__deref_out void **ppvObject);
+ IAccessibleTableCell * This);
+ IAccessibleTableCell * This);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_columnExtent )(
+ IAccessibleTableCell * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nColumnsSpanned);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_columnHeaderCells )(
+ IAccessibleTableCell * This,
+ /* [size_is][size_is][size_is][out] */ IUnknown ***cellAccessibles,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nColumnHeaderCells);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_columnIndex )(
+ IAccessibleTableCell * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *columnIndex);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_rowExtent )(
+ IAccessibleTableCell * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nRowsSpanned);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_rowHeaderCells )(
+ IAccessibleTableCell * This,
+ /* [size_is][size_is][size_is][out] */ IUnknown ***cellAccessibles,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nRowHeaderCells);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_rowIndex )(
+ IAccessibleTableCell * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *rowIndex);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_isSelected )(
+ IAccessibleTableCell * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ boolean *isSelected);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_rowColumnExtents )(
+ IAccessibleTableCell * This,
+ /* [out] */ long *row,
+ /* [out] */ long *column,
+ /* [out] */ long *rowExtents,
+ /* [out] */ long *columnExtents,
+ /* [retval][out] */ boolean *isSelected);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_table )(
+ IAccessibleTableCell * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ IUnknown **table);
+ } IAccessibleTableCellVtbl;
+ interface IAccessibleTableCell
+ {
+ CONST_VTBL struct IAccessibleTableCellVtbl *lpVtbl;
+ };
+#define IAccessibleTableCell_QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) )
+#define IAccessibleTableCell_AddRef(This) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> AddRef(This) )
+#define IAccessibleTableCell_Release(This) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> Release(This) )
+#define IAccessibleTableCell_get_columnExtent(This,nColumnsSpanned) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_columnExtent(This,nColumnsSpanned) )
+#define IAccessibleTableCell_get_columnHeaderCells(This,cellAccessibles,nColumnHeaderCells) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_columnHeaderCells(This,cellAccessibles,nColumnHeaderCells) )
+#define IAccessibleTableCell_get_columnIndex(This,columnIndex) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_columnIndex(This,columnIndex) )
+#define IAccessibleTableCell_get_rowExtent(This,nRowsSpanned) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_rowExtent(This,nRowsSpanned) )
+#define IAccessibleTableCell_get_rowHeaderCells(This,cellAccessibles,nRowHeaderCells) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_rowHeaderCells(This,cellAccessibles,nRowHeaderCells) )
+#define IAccessibleTableCell_get_rowIndex(This,rowIndex) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_rowIndex(This,rowIndex) )
+#define IAccessibleTableCell_get_isSelected(This,isSelected) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_isSelected(This,isSelected) )
+#define IAccessibleTableCell_get_rowColumnExtents(This,row,column,rowExtents,columnExtents,isSelected) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_rowColumnExtents(This,row,column,rowExtents,columnExtents,isSelected) )
+#define IAccessibleTableCell_get_table(This,table) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_table(This,table) )
+#endif /* COBJMACROS */
+#endif /* C style interface */
+#endif /* __IAccessibleTableCell_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ */
+/* Additional Prototypes for ALL interfaces */
+/* end of Additional Prototypes */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleTableCell_i.c b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleTableCell_i.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4ea10e057d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleTableCell_i.c
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the IIDs and CLSIDs */
+/* link this file in with the server and any clients */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:55 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleTableCell.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win32 (32b run), target_arch=X86 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"{
+#include <rpc.h>
+#include <rpcndr.h>
+#ifndef INITGUID
+#define INITGUID
+#include <guiddef.h>
+#undef INITGUID
+#include <guiddef.h>
+#define MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(type,name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8) \
+ DEFINE_GUID(name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8)
+#else // !_MIDL_USE_GUIDDEF_
+#ifndef __IID_DEFINED__
+#define __IID_DEFINED__
+typedef struct _IID
+ unsigned long x;
+ unsigned short s1;
+ unsigned short s2;
+ unsigned char c[8];
+} IID;
+#endif // __IID_DEFINED__
+typedef IID CLSID;
+#endif // CLSID_DEFINED
+#define MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(type,name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8) \
+ const type name = {l,w1,w2,{b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8}}
+MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(IID, IID_IAccessibleTableCell,0x594116B1,0xC99F,0x4847,0xAD,0x06,0x0A,0x7A,0x86,0xEC,0xE6,0x45);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleTableCell_p.c b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleTableCell_p.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2627caaef9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleTableCell_p.c
@@ -0,0 +1,637 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the proxy stub code */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:55 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleTableCell.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win32 (32b run), target_arch=X86 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#if !defined(_M_IA64) && !defined(_M_AMD64)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+#if _MSC_VER >= 1200
+#pragma warning(push)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4211 ) /* redefine extern to static */
+#pragma warning( disable: 4232 ) /* dllimport identity*/
+#pragma warning( disable: 4024 ) /* array to pointer mapping*/
+#pragma warning( disable: 4152 ) /* function/data pointer conversion in expression */
+#pragma warning( disable: 4100 ) /* unreferenced arguments in x86 call */
+#pragma optimize("", off )
+/* verify that the <rpcproxy.h> version is high enough to compile this file*/
+#include "rpcproxy.h"
+#error this stub requires an updated version of <rpcproxy.h>
+#endif /* __RPCPROXY_H_VERSION__ */
+#include "AccessibleTableCell.h"
+typedef struct _AccessibleTableCell_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ short Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ TYPE_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+ } AccessibleTableCell_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING;
+typedef struct _AccessibleTableCell_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ short Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ PROC_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+ } AccessibleTableCell_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING;
+typedef struct _AccessibleTableCell_MIDL_EXPR_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ long Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ EXPR_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+ } AccessibleTableCell_MIDL_EXPR_FORMAT_STRING;
+static const RPC_SYNTAX_IDENTIFIER _RpcTransferSyntax =
+extern const AccessibleTableCell_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleTableCell__MIDL_TypeFormatString;
+extern const AccessibleTableCell_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleTableCell__MIDL_ProcFormatString;
+extern const AccessibleTableCell_MIDL_EXPR_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleTableCell__MIDL_ExprFormatString;
+extern const MIDL_STUB_DESC Object_StubDesc;
+extern const MIDL_SERVER_INFO IAccessibleTableCell_ServerInfo;
+extern const MIDL_STUBLESS_PROXY_INFO IAccessibleTableCell_ProxyInfo;
+#if !defined(__RPC_WIN32__)
+#error Invalid build platform for this stub.
+#error You need Windows 2000 or later to run this stub because it uses these features:
+#error /robust command line switch.
+#error However, your C/C++ compilation flags indicate you intend to run this app on earlier systems.
+#error This app will fail with the RPC_X_WRONG_STUB_VERSION error.
+static const AccessibleTableCell_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleTableCell__MIDL_ProcFormatString =
+ {
+ 0,
+ {
+ /* Procedure get_columnExtent */
+ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 2 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 6 */ NdrFcShort( 0x3 ), /* 3 */
+/* 8 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 10 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 12 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 14 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 16 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 18 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 20 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 22 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter nColumnsSpanned */
+/* 24 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 26 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 28 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 30 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 32 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 34 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_columnHeaderCells */
+/* 36 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 38 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 42 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 44 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 46 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 48 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 50 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 52 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 54 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 56 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 58 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter cellAccessibles */
+/* 60 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2013 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 62 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 64 */ NdrFcShort( 0x6 ), /* Type Offset=6 */
+ /* Parameter nColumnHeaderCells */
+/* 66 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 68 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 70 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 72 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 74 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 76 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_columnIndex */
+/* 78 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 80 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 84 */ NdrFcShort( 0x5 ), /* 5 */
+/* 86 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 88 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 90 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 92 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 94 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 96 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 98 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 100 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter columnIndex */
+/* 102 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 104 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 106 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 108 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 110 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 112 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_rowExtent */
+/* 114 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 116 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 120 */ NdrFcShort( 0x6 ), /* 6 */
+/* 122 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 124 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 126 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 128 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 130 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 132 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 134 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 136 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter nRowsSpanned */
+/* 138 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 140 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 142 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 144 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 146 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 148 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_rowHeaderCells */
+/* 150 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 152 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 156 */ NdrFcShort( 0x7 ), /* 7 */
+/* 158 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 160 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 162 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 164 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 166 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 168 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 170 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 172 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter cellAccessibles */
+/* 174 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2013 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 176 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 178 */ NdrFcShort( 0x6 ), /* Type Offset=6 */
+ /* Parameter nRowHeaderCells */
+/* 180 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 182 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 184 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 186 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 188 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 190 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_rowIndex */
+/* 192 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 194 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 198 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 200 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 202 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 204 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 206 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 208 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 210 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 212 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 214 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter rowIndex */
+/* 216 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 218 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 220 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 222 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 224 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 226 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_isSelected */
+/* 228 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 230 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 234 */ NdrFcShort( 0x9 ), /* 9 */
+/* 236 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 238 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 240 */ NdrFcShort( 0x21 ), /* 33 */
+/* 242 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 244 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 246 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 248 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 250 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter isSelected */
+/* 252 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 254 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 256 */ 0x3, /* FC_SMALL */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 258 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 260 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 262 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_rowColumnExtents */
+/* 264 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 266 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 270 */ NdrFcShort( 0xa ), /* 10 */
+/* 272 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1c ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 28 */
+/* 274 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 276 */ NdrFcShort( 0x91 ), /* 145 */
+/* 278 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x6, /* 6 */
+/* 280 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 282 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 284 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 286 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter row */
+/* 288 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 290 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 292 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter column */
+/* 294 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 296 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 298 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter rowExtents */
+/* 300 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 302 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 304 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter columnExtents */
+/* 306 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 308 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 310 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter isSelected */
+/* 312 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 314 */ NdrFcShort( 0x14 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 20 */
+/* 316 */ 0x3, /* FC_SMALL */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 318 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 320 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 322 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_table */
+/* 324 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 326 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 330 */ NdrFcShort( 0xb ), /* 11 */
+/* 332 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 334 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 336 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 338 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 340 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 342 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 344 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 346 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter table */
+/* 348 */ NdrFcShort( 0x13 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, */
+/* 350 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 352 */ NdrFcShort( 0x3a ), /* Type Offset=58 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 354 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 356 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 358 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x0
+ }
+ };
+static const AccessibleTableCell_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleTableCell__MIDL_TypeFormatString =
+ {
+ 0,
+ {
+ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 2 */
+ 0x11, 0xc, /* FC_RP [alloced_on_stack] [simple_pointer] */
+/* 4 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 6 */
+ 0x11, 0x14, /* FC_RP [alloced_on_stack] [pointer_deref] */
+/* 8 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* Offset= 2 (10) */
+/* 10 */
+ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 12 */ NdrFcShort( 0x14 ), /* Offset= 20 (32) */
+/* 14 */
+ 0x2f, /* FC_IP */
+ 0x5a, /* FC_CONSTANT_IID */
+/* 16 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 20 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 22 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 24 */ 0xc0, /* 192 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 26 */ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 28 */ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 30 */ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x46, /* 70 */
+/* 32 */
+ 0x21, /* FC_BOGUS_ARRAY */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 34 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 36 */ 0x28, /* Corr desc: parameter, FC_LONG */
+ 0x54, /* FC_DEREFERENCE */
+/* 38 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 40 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* Corr flags: */
+/* 42 */ NdrFcLong( 0xffffffff ), /* -1 */
+/* 46 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* Corr flags: */
+/* 48 */ 0x4c, /* FC_EMBEDDED_COMPLEX */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 50 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffdc ), /* Offset= -36 (14) */
+/* 52 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 54 */
+ 0x11, 0xc, /* FC_RP [alloced_on_stack] [simple_pointer] */
+/* 56 */ 0x3, /* FC_SMALL */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 58 */
+ 0x11, 0x10, /* FC_RP [pointer_deref] */
+/* 60 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffd2 ), /* Offset= -46 (14) */
+ 0x0
+ }
+ };
+/* Object interface: IUnknown, ver. 0.0,
+ GUID={0x00000000,0x0000,0x0000,{0xC0,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x46}} */
+/* Object interface: IAccessibleTableCell, ver. 0.0,
+ GUID={0x594116B1,0xC99F,0x4847,{0xAD,0x06,0x0A,0x7A,0x86,0xEC,0xE6,0x45}} */
+#pragma code_seg(".orpc")
+static const unsigned short IAccessibleTableCell_FormatStringOffsetTable[] =
+ {
+ 0,
+ 36,
+ 78,
+ 114,
+ 150,
+ 192,
+ 228,
+ 264,
+ 324
+ };
+static const MIDL_STUBLESS_PROXY_INFO IAccessibleTableCell_ProxyInfo =
+ {
+ &Object_StubDesc,
+ AccessibleTableCell__MIDL_ProcFormatString.Format,
+ &IAccessibleTableCell_FormatStringOffsetTable[-3],
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0
+ };
+static const MIDL_SERVER_INFO IAccessibleTableCell_ServerInfo =
+ {
+ &Object_StubDesc,
+ 0,
+ AccessibleTableCell__MIDL_ProcFormatString.Format,
+ &IAccessibleTableCell_FormatStringOffsetTable[-3],
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0};
+CINTERFACE_PROXY_VTABLE(12) _IAccessibleTableCellProxyVtbl =
+ &IAccessibleTableCell_ProxyInfo,
+ &IID_IAccessibleTableCell,
+ IUnknown_QueryInterface_Proxy,
+ IUnknown_AddRef_Proxy,
+ IUnknown_Release_Proxy ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTableCell::get_columnExtent */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTableCell::get_columnHeaderCells */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTableCell::get_columnIndex */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTableCell::get_rowExtent */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTableCell::get_rowHeaderCells */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTableCell::get_rowIndex */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTableCell::get_isSelected */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTableCell::get_rowColumnExtents */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTableCell::get_table */
+const CInterfaceStubVtbl _IAccessibleTableCellStubVtbl =
+ &IID_IAccessibleTableCell,
+ &IAccessibleTableCell_ServerInfo,
+ 12,
+ 0, /* pure interpreted */
+ CStdStubBuffer_METHODS
+static const MIDL_STUB_DESC Object_StubDesc =
+ {
+ 0,
+ NdrOleAllocate,
+ NdrOleFree,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ AccessibleTableCell__MIDL_TypeFormatString.Format,
+ 1, /* -error bounds_check flag */
+ 0x50002, /* Ndr library version */
+ 0,
+ 0x700022b, /* MIDL Version 7.0.555 */
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0, /* notify & notify_flag routine table */
+ 0x1, /* MIDL flag */
+ 0, /* cs routines */
+ 0, /* proxy/server info */
+ 0
+ };
+const CInterfaceProxyVtbl * const _AccessibleTableCell_ProxyVtblList[] =
+ ( CInterfaceProxyVtbl *) &_IAccessibleTableCellProxyVtbl,
+ 0
+const CInterfaceStubVtbl * const _AccessibleTableCell_StubVtblList[] =
+ ( CInterfaceStubVtbl *) &_IAccessibleTableCellStubVtbl,
+ 0
+PCInterfaceName const _AccessibleTableCell_InterfaceNamesList[] =
+ "IAccessibleTableCell",
+ 0
+#define _AccessibleTableCell_CHECK_IID(n) IID_GENERIC_CHECK_IID( _AccessibleTableCell, pIID, n)
+int __stdcall _AccessibleTableCell_IID_Lookup( const IID * pIID, int * pIndex )
+ if(!_AccessibleTableCell_CHECK_IID(0))
+ {
+ *pIndex = 0;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+const ExtendedProxyFileInfo AccessibleTableCell_ProxyFileInfo =
+ (PCInterfaceProxyVtblList *) & _AccessibleTableCell_ProxyVtblList,
+ (PCInterfaceStubVtblList *) & _AccessibleTableCell_StubVtblList,
+ (const PCInterfaceName * ) & _AccessibleTableCell_InterfaceNamesList,
+ 0, /* no delegation */
+ & _AccessibleTableCell_IID_Lookup,
+ 1,
+ 2,
+ 0, /* table of [async_uuid] interfaces */
+ 0, /* Filler1 */
+ 0, /* Filler2 */
+ 0 /* Filler3 */
+#pragma optimize("", on )
+#if _MSC_VER >= 1200
+#pragma warning(pop)
+#endif /* !defined(_M_IA64) && !defined(_M_AMD64)*/
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleTable_i.c b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleTable_i.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0fa33967ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleTable_i.c
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the IIDs and CLSIDs */
+/* link this file in with the server and any clients */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:54 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleTable.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win32 (32b run), target_arch=X86 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"{
+#include <rpc.h>
+#include <rpcndr.h>
+#ifndef INITGUID
+#define INITGUID
+#include <guiddef.h>
+#undef INITGUID
+#include <guiddef.h>
+#define MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(type,name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8) \
+ DEFINE_GUID(name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8)
+#else // !_MIDL_USE_GUIDDEF_
+#ifndef __IID_DEFINED__
+#define __IID_DEFINED__
+typedef struct _IID
+ unsigned long x;
+ unsigned short s1;
+ unsigned short s2;
+ unsigned char c[8];
+} IID;
+#endif // __IID_DEFINED__
+typedef IID CLSID;
+#endif // CLSID_DEFINED
+#define MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(type,name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8) \
+ const type name = {l,w1,w2,{b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8}}
+MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(IID, IID_IAccessibleTable,0x35AD8070,0xC20C,0x4fb4,0xB0,0x94,0xF4,0xF7,0x27,0x5D,0xD4,0x69);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleTable_p.c b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleTable_p.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9ec9ffdb46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleTable_p.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1526 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the proxy stub code */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:54 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleTable.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win32 (32b run), target_arch=X86 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#if !defined(_M_IA64) && !defined(_M_AMD64)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+#if _MSC_VER >= 1200
+#pragma warning(push)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4211 ) /* redefine extern to static */
+#pragma warning( disable: 4232 ) /* dllimport identity*/
+#pragma warning( disable: 4024 ) /* array to pointer mapping*/
+#pragma warning( disable: 4152 ) /* function/data pointer conversion in expression */
+#pragma warning( disable: 4100 ) /* unreferenced arguments in x86 call */
+#pragma optimize("", off )
+/* verify that the <rpcproxy.h> version is high enough to compile this file*/
+#include "rpcproxy.h"
+#error this stub requires an updated version of <rpcproxy.h>
+#endif /* __RPCPROXY_H_VERSION__ */
+#include "AccessibleTable.h"
+typedef struct _AccessibleTable_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ short Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ TYPE_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+ } AccessibleTable_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING;
+typedef struct _AccessibleTable_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ short Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ PROC_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+ } AccessibleTable_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING;
+typedef struct _AccessibleTable_MIDL_EXPR_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ long Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ EXPR_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+ } AccessibleTable_MIDL_EXPR_FORMAT_STRING;
+static const RPC_SYNTAX_IDENTIFIER _RpcTransferSyntax =
+extern const AccessibleTable_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleTable__MIDL_TypeFormatString;
+extern const AccessibleTable_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleTable__MIDL_ProcFormatString;
+extern const AccessibleTable_MIDL_EXPR_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleTable__MIDL_ExprFormatString;
+extern const MIDL_STUB_DESC Object_StubDesc;
+extern const MIDL_SERVER_INFO IAccessibleTable_ServerInfo;
+extern const MIDL_STUBLESS_PROXY_INFO IAccessibleTable_ProxyInfo;
+#if !defined(__RPC_WIN32__)
+#error Invalid build platform for this stub.
+#error You need Windows 2000 or later to run this stub because it uses these features:
+#error /robust command line switch.
+#error However, your C/C++ compilation flags indicate you intend to run this app on earlier systems.
+#error This app will fail with the RPC_X_WRONG_STUB_VERSION error.
+static const AccessibleTable_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleTable__MIDL_ProcFormatString =
+ {
+ 0,
+ {
+ /* Procedure get_accessibleAt */
+ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 2 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 6 */ NdrFcShort( 0x3 ), /* 3 */
+/* 8 */ NdrFcShort( 0x14 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 20 */
+/* 10 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* 16 */
+/* 12 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 14 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x4, /* 4 */
+/* 16 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 18 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 20 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 22 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter row */
+/* 24 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 26 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 28 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter column */
+/* 30 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 32 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 34 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter accessible */
+/* 36 */ NdrFcShort( 0x13 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, */
+/* 38 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 40 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* Type Offset=2 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 42 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 44 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 46 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_caption */
+/* 48 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 50 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 54 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 56 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 58 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 60 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 62 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 64 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 66 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 68 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 70 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter accessible */
+/* 72 */ NdrFcShort( 0x13 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, */
+/* 74 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 76 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* Type Offset=2 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 78 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 80 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 82 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_childIndex */
+/* 84 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 86 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 90 */ NdrFcShort( 0x5 ), /* 5 */
+/* 92 */ NdrFcShort( 0x14 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 20 */
+/* 94 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* 16 */
+/* 96 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 98 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x4, /* 4 */
+/* 100 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 102 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 104 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 106 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter rowIndex */
+/* 108 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 110 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 112 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter columnIndex */
+/* 114 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 116 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 118 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter cellIndex */
+/* 120 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 122 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 124 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 126 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 128 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 130 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_columnDescription */
+/* 132 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 134 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 138 */ NdrFcShort( 0x6 ), /* 6 */
+/* 140 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 142 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 144 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 146 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 148 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 150 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 152 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 154 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter column */
+/* 156 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 158 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 160 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter description */
+/* 162 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2113 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 164 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 166 */ NdrFcShort( 0x3a ), /* Type Offset=58 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 168 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 170 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 172 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_columnExtentAt */
+/* 174 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 176 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 180 */ NdrFcShort( 0x7 ), /* 7 */
+/* 182 */ NdrFcShort( 0x14 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 20 */
+/* 184 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* 16 */
+/* 186 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 188 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x4, /* 4 */
+/* 190 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 192 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 194 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 196 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter row */
+/* 198 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 200 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 202 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter column */
+/* 204 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 206 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 208 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter nColumnsSpanned */
+/* 210 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 212 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 214 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 216 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 218 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 220 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_columnHeader */
+/* 222 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 224 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 228 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 230 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 232 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 234 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 236 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 238 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 240 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 242 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 244 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter accessibleTable */
+/* 246 */ NdrFcShort( 0x13 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, */
+/* 248 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 250 */ NdrFcShort( 0x44 ), /* Type Offset=68 */
+ /* Parameter startingRowIndex */
+/* 252 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 254 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 256 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 258 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 260 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 262 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_columnIndex */
+/* 264 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 266 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 270 */ NdrFcShort( 0x9 ), /* 9 */
+/* 272 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 274 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 276 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 278 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 280 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 282 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 284 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 286 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter cellIndex */
+/* 288 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 290 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 292 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter columnIndex */
+/* 294 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 296 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 298 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 300 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 302 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 304 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_nColumns */
+/* 306 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 308 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 312 */ NdrFcShort( 0xa ), /* 10 */
+/* 314 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 316 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 318 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 320 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 322 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 324 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 326 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 328 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter columnCount */
+/* 330 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 332 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 334 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 336 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 338 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 340 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_nRows */
+/* 342 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 344 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 348 */ NdrFcShort( 0xb ), /* 11 */
+/* 350 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 352 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 354 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 356 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 358 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 360 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 362 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 364 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter rowCount */
+/* 366 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 368 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 370 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 372 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 374 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 376 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_nSelectedChildren */
+/* 378 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 380 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 384 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* 12 */
+/* 386 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 388 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 390 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 392 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 394 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 396 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 398 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 400 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter cellCount */
+/* 402 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 404 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 406 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 408 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 410 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 412 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_nSelectedColumns */
+/* 414 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 416 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 420 */ NdrFcShort( 0xd ), /* 13 */
+/* 422 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 424 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 426 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 428 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 430 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 432 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 434 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 436 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter columnCount */
+/* 438 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 440 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 442 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 444 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 446 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 448 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_nSelectedRows */
+/* 450 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 452 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 456 */ NdrFcShort( 0xe ), /* 14 */
+/* 458 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 460 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 462 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 464 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 466 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 468 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 470 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 472 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter rowCount */
+/* 474 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 476 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 478 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 480 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 482 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 484 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_rowDescription */
+/* 486 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 488 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 492 */ NdrFcShort( 0xf ), /* 15 */
+/* 494 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 496 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 498 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 500 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 502 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 504 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 506 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 508 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter row */
+/* 510 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 512 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 514 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter description */
+/* 516 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2113 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 518 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 520 */ NdrFcShort( 0x3a ), /* Type Offset=58 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 522 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 524 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 526 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_rowExtentAt */
+/* 528 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 530 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 534 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* 16 */
+/* 536 */ NdrFcShort( 0x14 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 20 */
+/* 538 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* 16 */
+/* 540 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 542 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x4, /* 4 */
+/* 544 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 546 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 548 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 550 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter row */
+/* 552 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 554 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 556 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter column */
+/* 558 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 560 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 562 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter nRowsSpanned */
+/* 564 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 566 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 568 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 570 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 572 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 574 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_rowHeader */
+/* 576 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 578 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 582 */ NdrFcShort( 0x11 ), /* 17 */
+/* 584 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 586 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 588 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 590 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 592 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 594 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 596 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 598 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter accessibleTable */
+/* 600 */ NdrFcShort( 0x13 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, */
+/* 602 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 604 */ NdrFcShort( 0x44 ), /* Type Offset=68 */
+ /* Parameter startingColumnIndex */
+/* 606 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 608 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 610 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 612 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 614 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 616 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_rowIndex */
+/* 618 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 620 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 624 */ NdrFcShort( 0x12 ), /* 18 */
+/* 626 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 628 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 630 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 632 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 634 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 636 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 638 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 640 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter cellIndex */
+/* 642 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 644 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 646 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter rowIndex */
+/* 648 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 650 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 652 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 654 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 656 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 658 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_selectedChildren */
+/* 660 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 662 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 666 */ NdrFcShort( 0x13 ), /* 19 */
+/* 668 */ NdrFcShort( 0x14 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 20 */
+/* 670 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 672 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 674 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x4, /* 4 */
+/* 676 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 678 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 680 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 682 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter maxChildren */
+/* 684 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 686 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 688 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter children */
+/* 690 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2013 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 692 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 694 */ NdrFcShort( 0x5a ), /* Type Offset=90 */
+ /* Parameter nChildren */
+/* 696 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 698 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 700 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 702 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 704 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 706 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_selectedColumns */
+/* 708 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 710 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 714 */ NdrFcShort( 0x14 ), /* 20 */
+/* 716 */ NdrFcShort( 0x14 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 20 */
+/* 718 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 720 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 722 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x4, /* 4 */
+/* 724 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 726 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 728 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 730 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter maxColumns */
+/* 732 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 734 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 736 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter columns */
+/* 738 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2013 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 740 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 742 */ NdrFcShort( 0x5a ), /* Type Offset=90 */
+ /* Parameter nColumns */
+/* 744 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 746 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 748 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 750 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 752 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 754 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_selectedRows */
+/* 756 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 758 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 762 */ NdrFcShort( 0x15 ), /* 21 */
+/* 764 */ NdrFcShort( 0x14 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 20 */
+/* 766 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 768 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 770 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x4, /* 4 */
+/* 772 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 774 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 776 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 778 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter maxRows */
+/* 780 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 782 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 784 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter rows */
+/* 786 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2013 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 788 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 790 */ NdrFcShort( 0x5a ), /* Type Offset=90 */
+ /* Parameter nRows */
+/* 792 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 794 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 796 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 798 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 800 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 802 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_summary */
+/* 804 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 806 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 810 */ NdrFcShort( 0x16 ), /* 22 */
+/* 812 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 814 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 816 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 818 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 820 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 822 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 824 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 826 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter accessible */
+/* 828 */ NdrFcShort( 0x13 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, */
+/* 830 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 832 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* Type Offset=2 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 834 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 836 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 838 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_isColumnSelected */
+/* 840 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 842 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 846 */ NdrFcShort( 0x17 ), /* 23 */
+/* 848 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 850 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 852 */ NdrFcShort( 0x21 ), /* 33 */
+/* 854 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 856 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 858 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 860 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 862 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter column */
+/* 864 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 866 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 868 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter isSelected */
+/* 870 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 872 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 874 */ 0x3, /* FC_SMALL */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 876 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 878 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 880 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_isRowSelected */
+/* 882 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 884 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 888 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* 24 */
+/* 890 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 892 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 894 */ NdrFcShort( 0x21 ), /* 33 */
+/* 896 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 898 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 900 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 902 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 904 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter row */
+/* 906 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 908 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 910 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter isSelected */
+/* 912 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 914 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 916 */ 0x3, /* FC_SMALL */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 918 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 920 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 922 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_isSelected */
+/* 924 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 926 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 930 */ NdrFcShort( 0x19 ), /* 25 */
+/* 932 */ NdrFcShort( 0x14 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 20 */
+/* 934 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* 16 */
+/* 936 */ NdrFcShort( 0x21 ), /* 33 */
+/* 938 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x4, /* 4 */
+/* 940 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 942 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 944 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 946 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter row */
+/* 948 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 950 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 952 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter column */
+/* 954 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 956 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 958 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter isSelected */
+/* 960 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 962 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 964 */ 0x3, /* FC_SMALL */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 966 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 968 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 970 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure selectRow */
+/* 972 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 974 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 978 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1a ), /* 26 */
+/* 980 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 982 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 984 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 986 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 988 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 990 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 992 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 994 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter row */
+/* 996 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 998 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 1000 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 1002 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 1004 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 1006 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure selectColumn */
+/* 1008 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 1010 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 1014 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1b ), /* 27 */
+/* 1016 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 1018 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 1020 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 1022 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 1024 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 1026 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 1028 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 1030 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter column */
+/* 1032 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 1034 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 1036 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 1038 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 1040 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 1042 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure unselectRow */
+/* 1044 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 1046 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 1050 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1c ), /* 28 */
+/* 1052 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 1054 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 1056 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 1058 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 1060 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 1062 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 1064 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 1066 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter row */
+/* 1068 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 1070 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 1072 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 1074 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 1076 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 1078 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure unselectColumn */
+/* 1080 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 1082 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 1086 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1d ), /* 29 */
+/* 1088 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 1090 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 1092 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 1094 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 1096 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 1098 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 1100 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 1102 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter column */
+/* 1104 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 1106 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 1108 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 1110 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 1112 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 1114 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_rowColumnExtentsAtIndex */
+/* 1116 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 1118 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 1122 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1e ), /* 30 */
+/* 1124 */ NdrFcShort( 0x20 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 32 */
+/* 1126 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 1128 */ NdrFcShort( 0x91 ), /* 145 */
+/* 1130 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x7, /* 7 */
+/* 1132 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 1134 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 1136 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 1138 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter index */
+/* 1140 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 1142 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 1144 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter row */
+/* 1146 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 1148 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 1150 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter column */
+/* 1152 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 1154 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 1156 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter rowExtents */
+/* 1158 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 1160 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 1162 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter columnExtents */
+/* 1164 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 1166 */ NdrFcShort( 0x14 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 20 */
+/* 1168 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter isSelected */
+/* 1170 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 1172 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 1174 */ 0x3, /* FC_SMALL */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 1176 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 1178 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1c ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 28 */
+/* 1180 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_modelChange */
+/* 1182 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 1184 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 1188 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1f ), /* 31 */
+/* 1190 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 1192 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 1194 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 1196 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 1198 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 1200 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 1202 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 1204 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter modelChange */
+/* 1206 */ NdrFcShort( 0x6113 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, simple ref, srv alloc size=24 */
+/* 1208 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 1210 */ NdrFcShort( 0x7c ), /* Type Offset=124 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 1212 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 1214 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 1216 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x0
+ }
+ };
+static const AccessibleTable_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleTable__MIDL_TypeFormatString =
+ {
+ 0,
+ {
+ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 2 */
+ 0x11, 0x10, /* FC_RP [pointer_deref] */
+/* 4 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* Offset= 2 (6) */
+/* 6 */
+ 0x2f, /* FC_IP */
+ 0x5a, /* FC_CONSTANT_IID */
+/* 8 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 12 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 14 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 16 */ 0xc0, /* 192 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 18 */ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 20 */ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 22 */ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x46, /* 70 */
+/* 24 */
+ 0x11, 0xc, /* FC_RP [alloced_on_stack] [simple_pointer] */
+/* 26 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 28 */
+ 0x11, 0x4, /* FC_RP [alloced_on_stack] */
+/* 30 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1c ), /* Offset= 28 (58) */
+/* 32 */
+ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 34 */ NdrFcShort( 0xe ), /* Offset= 14 (48) */
+/* 36 */
+ 0x1b, /* FC_CARRAY */
+ 0x1, /* 1 */
+/* 38 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* 2 */
+/* 40 */ 0x9, /* Corr desc: FC_ULONG */
+ 0x0, /* */
+/* 42 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfffc ), /* -4 */
+/* 44 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* Corr flags: early, */
+/* 46 */ 0x6, /* FC_SHORT */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 48 */
+ 0x17, /* FC_CSTRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 50 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 52 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfff0 ), /* Offset= -16 (36) */
+/* 54 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+/* 56 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 58 */ 0xb4, /* FC_USER_MARSHAL */
+ 0x83, /* 131 */
+/* 60 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 62 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 64 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 66 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffde ), /* Offset= -34 (32) */
+/* 68 */
+ 0x11, 0x10, /* FC_RP [pointer_deref] */
+/* 70 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* Offset= 2 (72) */
+/* 72 */
+ 0x2f, /* FC_IP */
+ 0x5a, /* FC_CONSTANT_IID */
+/* 74 */ NdrFcLong( 0x35ad8070 ), /* 900563056 */
+/* 78 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc20c ), /* -15860 */
+/* 80 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4fb4 ), /* 20404 */
+/* 82 */ 0xb0, /* 176 */
+ 0x94, /* 148 */
+/* 84 */ 0xf4, /* 244 */
+ 0xf7, /* 247 */
+/* 86 */ 0x27, /* 39 */
+ 0x5d, /* 93 */
+/* 88 */ 0xd4, /* 212 */
+ 0x69, /* 105 */
+/* 90 */
+ 0x11, 0x14, /* FC_RP [alloced_on_stack] [pointer_deref] */
+/* 92 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* Offset= 2 (94) */
+/* 94 */
+ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 96 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* Offset= 2 (98) */
+/* 98 */
+ 0x1c, /* FC_CVARRAY */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 100 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 102 */ 0x28, /* Corr desc: parameter, FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* */
+/* 104 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 106 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* Corr flags: early, */
+/* 108 */ 0x28, /* Corr desc: parameter, FC_LONG */
+ 0x54, /* FC_DEREFERENCE */
+/* 110 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 112 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* Corr flags: */
+/* 114 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 116 */
+ 0x11, 0xc, /* FC_RP [alloced_on_stack] [simple_pointer] */
+/* 118 */ 0x3, /* FC_SMALL */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 120 */
+ 0x11, 0x4, /* FC_RP [alloced_on_stack] */
+/* 122 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* Offset= 2 (124) */
+/* 124 */
+ 0x1a, /* FC_BOGUS_STRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 126 */ NdrFcShort( 0x14 ), /* 20 */
+/* 128 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 130 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* Offset= 0 (130) */
+/* 132 */ 0xd, /* FC_ENUM16 */
+ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+/* 134 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+/* 136 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+ 0x0
+ }
+ };
+ {
+ {
+ BSTR_UserSize
+ ,BSTR_UserMarshal
+ ,BSTR_UserUnmarshal
+ ,BSTR_UserFree
+ }
+ };
+/* Object interface: IUnknown, ver. 0.0,
+ GUID={0x00000000,0x0000,0x0000,{0xC0,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x46}} */
+/* Object interface: IAccessibleTable, ver. 0.0,
+ GUID={0x35AD8070,0xC20C,0x4fb4,{0xB0,0x94,0xF4,0xF7,0x27,0x5D,0xD4,0x69}} */
+#pragma code_seg(".orpc")
+static const unsigned short IAccessibleTable_FormatStringOffsetTable[] =
+ {
+ 0,
+ 48,
+ 84,
+ 132,
+ 174,
+ 222,
+ 264,
+ 306,
+ 342,
+ 378,
+ 414,
+ 450,
+ 486,
+ 528,
+ 576,
+ 618,
+ 660,
+ 708,
+ 756,
+ 804,
+ 840,
+ 882,
+ 924,
+ 972,
+ 1008,
+ 1044,
+ 1080,
+ 1116,
+ 1182
+ };
+static const MIDL_STUBLESS_PROXY_INFO IAccessibleTable_ProxyInfo =
+ {
+ &Object_StubDesc,
+ AccessibleTable__MIDL_ProcFormatString.Format,
+ &IAccessibleTable_FormatStringOffsetTable[-3],
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0
+ };
+static const MIDL_SERVER_INFO IAccessibleTable_ServerInfo =
+ {
+ &Object_StubDesc,
+ 0,
+ AccessibleTable__MIDL_ProcFormatString.Format,
+ &IAccessibleTable_FormatStringOffsetTable[-3],
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0};
+CINTERFACE_PROXY_VTABLE(32) _IAccessibleTableProxyVtbl =
+ &IAccessibleTable_ProxyInfo,
+ &IID_IAccessibleTable,
+ IUnknown_QueryInterface_Proxy,
+ IUnknown_AddRef_Proxy,
+ IUnknown_Release_Proxy ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable::get_accessibleAt */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable::get_caption */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable::get_childIndex */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable::get_columnDescription */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable::get_columnExtentAt */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable::get_columnHeader */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable::get_columnIndex */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable::get_nColumns */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable::get_nRows */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable::get_nSelectedChildren */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable::get_nSelectedColumns */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable::get_nSelectedRows */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable::get_rowDescription */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable::get_rowExtentAt */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable::get_rowHeader */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable::get_rowIndex */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable::get_selectedChildren */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable::get_selectedColumns */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable::get_selectedRows */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable::get_summary */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable::get_isColumnSelected */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable::get_isRowSelected */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable::get_isSelected */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable::selectRow */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable::selectColumn */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable::unselectRow */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable::unselectColumn */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable::get_rowColumnExtentsAtIndex */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable::get_modelChange */
+const CInterfaceStubVtbl _IAccessibleTableStubVtbl =
+ &IID_IAccessibleTable,
+ &IAccessibleTable_ServerInfo,
+ 32,
+ 0, /* pure interpreted */
+ CStdStubBuffer_METHODS
+static const MIDL_STUB_DESC Object_StubDesc =
+ {
+ 0,
+ NdrOleAllocate,
+ NdrOleFree,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ AccessibleTable__MIDL_TypeFormatString.Format,
+ 1, /* -error bounds_check flag */
+ 0x50002, /* Ndr library version */
+ 0,
+ 0x700022b, /* MIDL Version 7.0.555 */
+ 0,
+ UserMarshalRoutines,
+ 0, /* notify & notify_flag routine table */
+ 0x1, /* MIDL flag */
+ 0, /* cs routines */
+ 0, /* proxy/server info */
+ 0
+ };
+const CInterfaceProxyVtbl * const _AccessibleTable_ProxyVtblList[] =
+ ( CInterfaceProxyVtbl *) &_IAccessibleTableProxyVtbl,
+ 0
+const CInterfaceStubVtbl * const _AccessibleTable_StubVtblList[] =
+ ( CInterfaceStubVtbl *) &_IAccessibleTableStubVtbl,
+ 0
+PCInterfaceName const _AccessibleTable_InterfaceNamesList[] =
+ "IAccessibleTable",
+ 0
+#define _AccessibleTable_CHECK_IID(n) IID_GENERIC_CHECK_IID( _AccessibleTable, pIID, n)
+int __stdcall _AccessibleTable_IID_Lookup( const IID * pIID, int * pIndex )
+ if(!_AccessibleTable_CHECK_IID(0))
+ {
+ *pIndex = 0;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+const ExtendedProxyFileInfo AccessibleTable_ProxyFileInfo =
+ (PCInterfaceProxyVtblList *) & _AccessibleTable_ProxyVtblList,
+ (PCInterfaceStubVtblList *) & _AccessibleTable_StubVtblList,
+ (const PCInterfaceName * ) & _AccessibleTable_InterfaceNamesList,
+ 0, /* no delegation */
+ & _AccessibleTable_IID_Lookup,
+ 1,
+ 2,
+ 0, /* table of [async_uuid] interfaces */
+ 0, /* Filler1 */
+ 0, /* Filler2 */
+ 0 /* Filler3 */
+#pragma optimize("", on )
+#if _MSC_VER >= 1200
+#pragma warning(pop)
+#endif /* !defined(_M_IA64) && !defined(_M_AMD64)*/
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleText.h b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleText.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4ad53cfa7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleText.h
@@ -0,0 +1,435 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the definitions for the interfaces */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:55 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleText.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win32 (32b run), target_arch=X86 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+/* verify that the <rpcndr.h> version is high enough to compile this file*/
+#include "rpc.h"
+#include "rpcndr.h"
+#ifndef __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
+#error this stub requires an updated version of <rpcndr.h>
+#endif // __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
+#include "windows.h"
+#include "ole2.h"
+#endif /*COM_NO_WINDOWS_H*/
+#ifndef __AccessibleText_h__
+#define __AccessibleText_h__
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1020)
+#pragma once
+/* Forward Declarations */
+#ifndef __IAccessibleText_FWD_DEFINED__
+#define __IAccessibleText_FWD_DEFINED__
+typedef interface IAccessibleText IAccessibleText;
+#endif /* __IAccessibleText_FWD_DEFINED__ */
+/* header files for imported files */
+#include "objidl.h"
+#include "oaidl.h"
+#include "oleacc.h"
+#include "IA2CommonTypes.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"{
+/* interface __MIDL_itf_AccessibleText_0000_0000 */
+/* [local] */
+typedef struct IA2TextSegment
+ {
+ BSTR text;
+ long start;
+ long end;
+ } IA2TextSegment;
+enum IA2TextBoundaryType
+ } ;
+extern RPC_IF_HANDLE __MIDL_itf_AccessibleText_0000_0000_v0_0_c_ifspec;
+extern RPC_IF_HANDLE __MIDL_itf_AccessibleText_0000_0000_v0_0_s_ifspec;
+#ifndef __IAccessibleText_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+#define __IAccessibleText_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+/* interface IAccessibleText */
+/* [uuid][object] */
+EXTERN_C const IID IID_IAccessibleText;
+#if defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(CINTERFACE)
+ MIDL_INTERFACE("24FD2FFB-3AAD-4a08-8335-A3AD89C0FB4B")
+ IAccessibleText : public IUnknown
+ {
+ public:
+ /* [in] */ long startOffset,
+ /* [in] */ long endOffset) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_attributes(
+ /* [in] */ long offset,
+ /* [out] */ long *startOffset,
+ /* [out] */ long *endOffset,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *textAttributes) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_caretOffset(
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *offset) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_characterExtents(
+ /* [in] */ long offset,
+ /* [in] */ enum IA2CoordinateType coordType,
+ /* [out] */ long *x,
+ /* [out] */ long *y,
+ /* [out] */ long *width,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *height) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_nSelections(
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nSelections) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_offsetAtPoint(
+ /* [in] */ long x,
+ /* [in] */ long y,
+ /* [in] */ enum IA2CoordinateType coordType,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *offset) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_selection(
+ /* [in] */ long selectionIndex,
+ /* [out] */ long *startOffset,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *endOffset) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_text(
+ /* [in] */ long startOffset,
+ /* [in] */ long endOffset,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *text) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_textBeforeOffset(
+ /* [in] */ long offset,
+ /* [in] */ enum IA2TextBoundaryType boundaryType,
+ /* [out] */ long *startOffset,
+ /* [out] */ long *endOffset,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *text) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_textAfterOffset(
+ /* [in] */ long offset,
+ /* [in] */ enum IA2TextBoundaryType boundaryType,
+ /* [out] */ long *startOffset,
+ /* [out] */ long *endOffset,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *text) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_textAtOffset(
+ /* [in] */ long offset,
+ /* [in] */ enum IA2TextBoundaryType boundaryType,
+ /* [out] */ long *startOffset,
+ /* [out] */ long *endOffset,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *text) = 0;
+ virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE removeSelection(
+ /* [in] */ long selectionIndex) = 0;
+ /* [in] */ long offset) = 0;
+ /* [in] */ long selectionIndex,
+ /* [in] */ long startOffset,
+ /* [in] */ long endOffset) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_nCharacters(
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nCharacters) = 0;
+ virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE scrollSubstringTo(
+ /* [in] */ long startIndex,
+ /* [in] */ long endIndex,
+ /* [in] */ enum IA2ScrollType scrollType) = 0;
+ virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE scrollSubstringToPoint(
+ /* [in] */ long startIndex,
+ /* [in] */ long endIndex,
+ /* [in] */ enum IA2CoordinateType coordinateType,
+ /* [in] */ long x,
+ /* [in] */ long y) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_newText(
+ /* [retval][out] */ IA2TextSegment *newText) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_oldText(
+ /* [retval][out] */ IA2TextSegment *oldText) = 0;
+ };
+#else /* C style interface */
+ typedef struct IAccessibleTextVtbl
+ {
+ IAccessibleText * This,
+ /* [in] */ REFIID riid,
+ /* [annotation][iid_is][out] */
+ __RPC__deref_out void **ppvObject);
+ IAccessibleText * This);
+ IAccessibleText * This);
+ IAccessibleText * This,
+ /* [in] */ long startOffset,
+ /* [in] */ long endOffset);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_attributes )(
+ IAccessibleText * This,
+ /* [in] */ long offset,
+ /* [out] */ long *startOffset,
+ /* [out] */ long *endOffset,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *textAttributes);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_caretOffset )(
+ IAccessibleText * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *offset);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_characterExtents )(
+ IAccessibleText * This,
+ /* [in] */ long offset,
+ /* [in] */ enum IA2CoordinateType coordType,
+ /* [out] */ long *x,
+ /* [out] */ long *y,
+ /* [out] */ long *width,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *height);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_nSelections )(
+ IAccessibleText * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nSelections);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_offsetAtPoint )(
+ IAccessibleText * This,
+ /* [in] */ long x,
+ /* [in] */ long y,
+ /* [in] */ enum IA2CoordinateType coordType,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *offset);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_selection )(
+ IAccessibleText * This,
+ /* [in] */ long selectionIndex,
+ /* [out] */ long *startOffset,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *endOffset);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_text )(
+ IAccessibleText * This,
+ /* [in] */ long startOffset,
+ /* [in] */ long endOffset,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *text);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_textBeforeOffset )(
+ IAccessibleText * This,
+ /* [in] */ long offset,
+ /* [in] */ enum IA2TextBoundaryType boundaryType,
+ /* [out] */ long *startOffset,
+ /* [out] */ long *endOffset,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *text);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_textAfterOffset )(
+ IAccessibleText * This,
+ /* [in] */ long offset,
+ /* [in] */ enum IA2TextBoundaryType boundaryType,
+ /* [out] */ long *startOffset,
+ /* [out] */ long *endOffset,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *text);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_textAtOffset )(
+ IAccessibleText * This,
+ /* [in] */ long offset,
+ /* [in] */ enum IA2TextBoundaryType boundaryType,
+ /* [out] */ long *startOffset,
+ /* [out] */ long *endOffset,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *text);
+ IAccessibleText * This,
+ /* [in] */ long selectionIndex);
+ IAccessibleText * This,
+ /* [in] */ long offset);
+ IAccessibleText * This,
+ /* [in] */ long selectionIndex,
+ /* [in] */ long startOffset,
+ /* [in] */ long endOffset);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_nCharacters )(
+ IAccessibleText * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nCharacters);
+ IAccessibleText * This,
+ /* [in] */ long startIndex,
+ /* [in] */ long endIndex,
+ /* [in] */ enum IA2ScrollType scrollType);
+ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *scrollSubstringToPoint )(
+ IAccessibleText * This,
+ /* [in] */ long startIndex,
+ /* [in] */ long endIndex,
+ /* [in] */ enum IA2CoordinateType coordinateType,
+ /* [in] */ long x,
+ /* [in] */ long y);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_newText )(
+ IAccessibleText * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ IA2TextSegment *newText);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_oldText )(
+ IAccessibleText * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ IA2TextSegment *oldText);
+ } IAccessibleTextVtbl;
+ interface IAccessibleText
+ {
+ CONST_VTBL struct IAccessibleTextVtbl *lpVtbl;
+ };
+#define IAccessibleText_QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) )
+#define IAccessibleText_AddRef(This) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> AddRef(This) )
+#define IAccessibleText_Release(This) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> Release(This) )
+#define IAccessibleText_addSelection(This,startOffset,endOffset) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> addSelection(This,startOffset,endOffset) )
+#define IAccessibleText_get_attributes(This,offset,startOffset,endOffset,textAttributes) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_attributes(This,offset,startOffset,endOffset,textAttributes) )
+#define IAccessibleText_get_caretOffset(This,offset) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_caretOffset(This,offset) )
+#define IAccessibleText_get_characterExtents(This,offset,coordType,x,y,width,height) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_characterExtents(This,offset,coordType,x,y,width,height) )
+#define IAccessibleText_get_nSelections(This,nSelections) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_nSelections(This,nSelections) )
+#define IAccessibleText_get_offsetAtPoint(This,x,y,coordType,offset) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_offsetAtPoint(This,x,y,coordType,offset) )
+#define IAccessibleText_get_selection(This,selectionIndex,startOffset,endOffset) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_selection(This,selectionIndex,startOffset,endOffset) )
+#define IAccessibleText_get_text(This,startOffset,endOffset,text) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_text(This,startOffset,endOffset,text) )
+#define IAccessibleText_get_textBeforeOffset(This,offset,boundaryType,startOffset,endOffset,text) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_textBeforeOffset(This,offset,boundaryType,startOffset,endOffset,text) )
+#define IAccessibleText_get_textAfterOffset(This,offset,boundaryType,startOffset,endOffset,text) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_textAfterOffset(This,offset,boundaryType,startOffset,endOffset,text) )
+#define IAccessibleText_get_textAtOffset(This,offset,boundaryType,startOffset,endOffset,text) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_textAtOffset(This,offset,boundaryType,startOffset,endOffset,text) )
+#define IAccessibleText_removeSelection(This,selectionIndex) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> removeSelection(This,selectionIndex) )
+#define IAccessibleText_setCaretOffset(This,offset) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> setCaretOffset(This,offset) )
+#define IAccessibleText_setSelection(This,selectionIndex,startOffset,endOffset) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> setSelection(This,selectionIndex,startOffset,endOffset) )
+#define IAccessibleText_get_nCharacters(This,nCharacters) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_nCharacters(This,nCharacters) )
+#define IAccessibleText_scrollSubstringTo(This,startIndex,endIndex,scrollType) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> scrollSubstringTo(This,startIndex,endIndex,scrollType) )
+#define IAccessibleText_scrollSubstringToPoint(This,startIndex,endIndex,coordinateType,x,y) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> scrollSubstringToPoint(This,startIndex,endIndex,coordinateType,x,y) )
+#define IAccessibleText_get_newText(This,newText) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_newText(This,newText) )
+#define IAccessibleText_get_oldText(This,oldText) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_oldText(This,oldText) )
+#endif /* COBJMACROS */
+#endif /* C style interface */
+#endif /* __IAccessibleText_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ */
+/* Additional Prototypes for ALL interfaces */
+unsigned long __RPC_USER BSTR_UserSize( unsigned long *, unsigned long , BSTR * );
+unsigned char * __RPC_USER BSTR_UserMarshal( unsigned long *, unsigned char *, BSTR * );
+unsigned char * __RPC_USER BSTR_UserUnmarshal(unsigned long *, unsigned char *, BSTR * );
+void __RPC_USER BSTR_UserFree( unsigned long *, BSTR * );
+/* end of Additional Prototypes */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleText_i.c b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleText_i.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bfa9e763c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleText_i.c
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the IIDs and CLSIDs */
+/* link this file in with the server and any clients */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:55 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleText.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win32 (32b run), target_arch=X86 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"{
+#include <rpc.h>
+#include <rpcndr.h>
+#ifndef INITGUID
+#define INITGUID
+#include <guiddef.h>
+#undef INITGUID
+#include <guiddef.h>
+#define MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(type,name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8) \
+ DEFINE_GUID(name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8)
+#else // !_MIDL_USE_GUIDDEF_
+#ifndef __IID_DEFINED__
+#define __IID_DEFINED__
+typedef struct _IID
+ unsigned long x;
+ unsigned short s1;
+ unsigned short s2;
+ unsigned char c[8];
+} IID;
+#endif // __IID_DEFINED__
+typedef IID CLSID;
+#endif // CLSID_DEFINED
+#define MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(type,name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8) \
+ const type name = {l,w1,w2,{b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8}}
+MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(IID, IID_IAccessibleText,0x24FD2FFB,0x3AAD,0x4a08,0x83,0x35,0xA3,0xAD,0x89,0xC0,0xFB,0x4B);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleText_p.c b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleText_p.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ea56621c62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleText_p.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1196 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the proxy stub code */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:55 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleText.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win32 (32b run), target_arch=X86 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#if !defined(_M_IA64) && !defined(_M_AMD64)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+#if _MSC_VER >= 1200
+#pragma warning(push)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4211 ) /* redefine extern to static */
+#pragma warning( disable: 4232 ) /* dllimport identity*/
+#pragma warning( disable: 4024 ) /* array to pointer mapping*/
+#pragma warning( disable: 4152 ) /* function/data pointer conversion in expression */
+#pragma warning( disable: 4100 ) /* unreferenced arguments in x86 call */
+#pragma optimize("", off )
+/* verify that the <rpcproxy.h> version is high enough to compile this file*/
+#include "rpcproxy.h"
+#error this stub requires an updated version of <rpcproxy.h>
+#endif /* __RPCPROXY_H_VERSION__ */
+#include "AccessibleText.h"
+typedef struct _AccessibleText_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ short Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ TYPE_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+typedef struct _AccessibleText_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ short Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ PROC_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+typedef struct _AccessibleText_MIDL_EXPR_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ long Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ EXPR_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+static const RPC_SYNTAX_IDENTIFIER _RpcTransferSyntax =
+extern const AccessibleText_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleText__MIDL_TypeFormatString;
+extern const AccessibleText_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleText__MIDL_ProcFormatString;
+extern const AccessibleText_MIDL_EXPR_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleText__MIDL_ExprFormatString;
+extern const MIDL_STUB_DESC Object_StubDesc;
+extern const MIDL_SERVER_INFO IAccessibleText_ServerInfo;
+extern const MIDL_STUBLESS_PROXY_INFO IAccessibleText_ProxyInfo;
+#if !defined(__RPC_WIN32__)
+#error Invalid build platform for this stub.
+#error You need Windows 2000 or later to run this stub because it uses these features:
+#error /robust command line switch.
+#error However, your C/C++ compilation flags indicate you intend to run this app on earlier systems.
+#error This app will fail with the RPC_X_WRONG_STUB_VERSION error.
+static const AccessibleText_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleText__MIDL_ProcFormatString =
+ {
+ 0,
+ {
+ /* Procedure addSelection */
+ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 2 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 6 */ NdrFcShort( 0x3 ), /* 3 */
+/* 8 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 10 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* 16 */
+/* 12 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 14 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 16 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 18 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 20 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 22 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter startOffset */
+/* 24 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 26 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 28 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter endOffset */
+/* 30 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 32 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 34 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 36 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 38 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 40 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_attributes */
+/* 42 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 44 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 48 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 50 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 52 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 54 */ NdrFcShort( 0x40 ), /* 64 */
+/* 56 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x5, /* 5 */
+/* 58 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 60 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 62 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 64 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter offset */
+/* 66 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 68 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 70 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter startOffset */
+/* 72 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 74 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 76 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter endOffset */
+/* 78 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 80 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 82 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter textAttributes */
+/* 84 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2113 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 86 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 88 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* Type Offset=36 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 90 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 92 */ NdrFcShort( 0x14 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 20 */
+/* 94 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_caretOffset */
+/* 96 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 98 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 102 */ NdrFcShort( 0x5 ), /* 5 */
+/* 104 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 106 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 108 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 110 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 112 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 114 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 116 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 118 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter offset */
+/* 120 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 122 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 124 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 126 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 128 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 130 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_characterExtents */
+/* 132 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 134 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 138 */ NdrFcShort( 0x6 ), /* 6 */
+/* 140 */ NdrFcShort( 0x20 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 32 */
+/* 142 */ NdrFcShort( 0xe ), /* 14 */
+/* 144 */ NdrFcShort( 0x78 ), /* 120 */
+/* 146 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x7, /* 7 */
+/* 148 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 150 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 152 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 154 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter offset */
+/* 156 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 158 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 160 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter coordType */
+/* 162 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 164 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 166 */ 0xd, /* FC_ENUM16 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter x */
+/* 168 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 170 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 172 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter y */
+/* 174 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 176 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 178 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter width */
+/* 180 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 182 */ NdrFcShort( 0x14 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 20 */
+/* 184 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter height */
+/* 186 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 188 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 190 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 192 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 194 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1c ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 28 */
+/* 196 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_nSelections */
+/* 198 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 200 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 204 */ NdrFcShort( 0x7 ), /* 7 */
+/* 206 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 208 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 210 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 212 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 214 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 216 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 218 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 220 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter nSelections */
+/* 222 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 224 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 226 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 228 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 230 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 232 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_offsetAtPoint */
+/* 234 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 236 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 240 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 242 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 244 */ NdrFcShort( 0x16 ), /* 22 */
+/* 246 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 248 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x5, /* 5 */
+/* 250 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 252 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 254 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 256 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter x */
+/* 258 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 260 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 262 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter y */
+/* 264 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 266 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 268 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter coordType */
+/* 270 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 272 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 274 */ 0xd, /* FC_ENUM16 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter offset */
+/* 276 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 278 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 280 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 282 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 284 */ NdrFcShort( 0x14 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 20 */
+/* 286 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_selection */
+/* 288 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 290 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 294 */ NdrFcShort( 0x9 ), /* 9 */
+/* 296 */ NdrFcShort( 0x14 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 20 */
+/* 298 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 300 */ NdrFcShort( 0x40 ), /* 64 */
+/* 302 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x4, /* 4 */
+/* 304 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 306 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 308 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 310 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter selectionIndex */
+/* 312 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 314 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 316 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter startOffset */
+/* 318 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 320 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 322 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter endOffset */
+/* 324 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 326 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 328 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 330 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 332 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 334 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_text */
+/* 336 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 338 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 342 */ NdrFcShort( 0xa ), /* 10 */
+/* 344 */ NdrFcShort( 0x14 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 20 */
+/* 346 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* 16 */
+/* 348 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 350 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x4, /* 4 */
+/* 352 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 354 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 356 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 358 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter startOffset */
+/* 360 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 362 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 364 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter endOffset */
+/* 366 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 368 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 370 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter text */
+/* 372 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2113 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 374 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 376 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* Type Offset=36 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 378 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 380 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 382 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_textBeforeOffset */
+/* 384 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 386 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 390 */ NdrFcShort( 0xb ), /* 11 */
+/* 392 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1c ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 28 */
+/* 394 */ NdrFcShort( 0xe ), /* 14 */
+/* 396 */ NdrFcShort( 0x40 ), /* 64 */
+/* 398 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x6, /* 6 */
+/* 400 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 402 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 404 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 406 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter offset */
+/* 408 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 410 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 412 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter boundaryType */
+/* 414 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 416 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 418 */ 0xd, /* FC_ENUM16 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter startOffset */
+/* 420 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 422 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 424 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter endOffset */
+/* 426 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 428 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 430 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter text */
+/* 432 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2113 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 434 */ NdrFcShort( 0x14 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 20 */
+/* 436 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* Type Offset=36 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 438 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 440 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 442 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_textAfterOffset */
+/* 444 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 446 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 450 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* 12 */
+/* 452 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1c ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 28 */
+/* 454 */ NdrFcShort( 0xe ), /* 14 */
+/* 456 */ NdrFcShort( 0x40 ), /* 64 */
+/* 458 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x6, /* 6 */
+/* 460 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 462 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 464 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 466 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter offset */
+/* 468 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 470 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 472 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter boundaryType */
+/* 474 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 476 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 478 */ 0xd, /* FC_ENUM16 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter startOffset */
+/* 480 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 482 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 484 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter endOffset */
+/* 486 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 488 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 490 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter text */
+/* 492 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2113 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 494 */ NdrFcShort( 0x14 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 20 */
+/* 496 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* Type Offset=36 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 498 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 500 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 502 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_textAtOffset */
+/* 504 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 506 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 510 */ NdrFcShort( 0xd ), /* 13 */
+/* 512 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1c ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 28 */
+/* 514 */ NdrFcShort( 0xe ), /* 14 */
+/* 516 */ NdrFcShort( 0x40 ), /* 64 */
+/* 518 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x6, /* 6 */
+/* 520 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 522 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 524 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 526 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter offset */
+/* 528 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 530 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 532 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter boundaryType */
+/* 534 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 536 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 538 */ 0xd, /* FC_ENUM16 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter startOffset */
+/* 540 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 542 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 544 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter endOffset */
+/* 546 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 548 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 550 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter text */
+/* 552 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2113 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 554 */ NdrFcShort( 0x14 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 20 */
+/* 556 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* Type Offset=36 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 558 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 560 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 562 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure removeSelection */
+/* 564 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 566 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 570 */ NdrFcShort( 0xe ), /* 14 */
+/* 572 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 574 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 576 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 578 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 580 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 582 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 584 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 586 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter selectionIndex */
+/* 588 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 590 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 592 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 594 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 596 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 598 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure setCaretOffset */
+/* 600 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 602 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 606 */ NdrFcShort( 0xf ), /* 15 */
+/* 608 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 610 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 612 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 614 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 616 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 618 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 620 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 622 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter offset */
+/* 624 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 626 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 628 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 630 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 632 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 634 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure setSelection */
+/* 636 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 638 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 642 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* 16 */
+/* 644 */ NdrFcShort( 0x14 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 20 */
+/* 646 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* 24 */
+/* 648 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 650 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x4, /* 4 */
+/* 652 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 654 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 656 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 658 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter selectionIndex */
+/* 660 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 662 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 664 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter startOffset */
+/* 666 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 668 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 670 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter endOffset */
+/* 672 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 674 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 676 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 678 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 680 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 682 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_nCharacters */
+/* 684 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 686 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 690 */ NdrFcShort( 0x11 ), /* 17 */
+/* 692 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 694 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 696 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 698 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 700 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 702 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 704 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 706 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter nCharacters */
+/* 708 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 710 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 712 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 714 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 716 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 718 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure scrollSubstringTo */
+/* 720 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 722 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 726 */ NdrFcShort( 0x12 ), /* 18 */
+/* 728 */ NdrFcShort( 0x14 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 20 */
+/* 730 */ NdrFcShort( 0x16 ), /* 22 */
+/* 732 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 734 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x4, /* 4 */
+/* 736 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 738 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 740 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 742 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter startIndex */
+/* 744 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 746 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 748 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter endIndex */
+/* 750 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 752 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 754 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter scrollType */
+/* 756 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 758 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 760 */ 0xd, /* FC_ENUM16 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 762 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 764 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 766 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure scrollSubstringToPoint */
+/* 768 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 770 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 774 */ NdrFcShort( 0x13 ), /* 19 */
+/* 776 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1c ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 28 */
+/* 778 */ NdrFcShort( 0x26 ), /* 38 */
+/* 780 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 782 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x6, /* 6 */
+/* 784 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 786 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 788 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 790 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter startIndex */
+/* 792 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 794 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 796 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter endIndex */
+/* 798 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 800 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 802 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter coordinateType */
+/* 804 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 806 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 808 */ 0xd, /* FC_ENUM16 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter x */
+/* 810 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 812 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 814 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter y */
+/* 816 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 818 */ NdrFcShort( 0x14 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 20 */
+/* 820 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 822 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 824 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 826 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_newText */
+/* 828 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 830 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 834 */ NdrFcShort( 0x14 ), /* 20 */
+/* 836 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 838 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 840 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 842 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 844 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 846 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 848 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 850 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter newText */
+/* 852 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4113 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, simple ref, srv alloc size=16 */
+/* 854 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 856 */ NdrFcShort( 0x32 ), /* Type Offset=50 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 858 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 860 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 862 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_oldText */
+/* 864 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 866 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 870 */ NdrFcShort( 0x15 ), /* 21 */
+/* 872 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 874 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 876 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 878 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 880 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 882 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 884 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 886 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter oldText */
+/* 888 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4113 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, simple ref, srv alloc size=16 */
+/* 890 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 892 */ NdrFcShort( 0x32 ), /* Type Offset=50 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 894 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 896 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 898 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x0
+ }
+ };
+static const AccessibleText_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleText__MIDL_TypeFormatString =
+ {
+ 0,
+ {
+ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 2 */
+ 0x11, 0xc, /* FC_RP [alloced_on_stack] [simple_pointer] */
+/* 4 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 6 */
+ 0x11, 0x4, /* FC_RP [alloced_on_stack] */
+/* 8 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1c ), /* Offset= 28 (36) */
+/* 10 */
+ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 12 */ NdrFcShort( 0xe ), /* Offset= 14 (26) */
+/* 14 */
+ 0x1b, /* FC_CARRAY */
+ 0x1, /* 1 */
+/* 16 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* 2 */
+/* 18 */ 0x9, /* Corr desc: FC_ULONG */
+ 0x0, /* */
+/* 20 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfffc ), /* -4 */
+/* 22 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* Corr flags: early, */
+/* 24 */ 0x6, /* FC_SHORT */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 26 */
+ 0x17, /* FC_CSTRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 28 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 30 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfff0 ), /* Offset= -16 (14) */
+/* 32 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+/* 34 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 36 */ 0xb4, /* FC_USER_MARSHAL */
+ 0x83, /* 131 */
+/* 38 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 40 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 42 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 44 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffde ), /* Offset= -34 (10) */
+/* 46 */
+ 0x11, 0x4, /* FC_RP [alloced_on_stack] */
+/* 48 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* Offset= 2 (50) */
+/* 50 */
+ 0x1a, /* FC_BOGUS_STRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 52 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* 12 */
+/* 54 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 56 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* Offset= 0 (56) */
+/* 58 */ 0x4c, /* FC_EMBEDDED_COMPLEX */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 60 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffe8 ), /* Offset= -24 (36) */
+/* 62 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+/* 64 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+ 0x0
+ }
+ };
+ {
+ {
+ BSTR_UserSize
+ ,BSTR_UserMarshal
+ ,BSTR_UserUnmarshal
+ ,BSTR_UserFree
+ }
+ };
+/* Standard interface: __MIDL_itf_AccessibleText_0000_0000, ver. 0.0,
+ GUID={0x00000000,0x0000,0x0000,{0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00}} */
+/* Object interface: IUnknown, ver. 0.0,
+ GUID={0x00000000,0x0000,0x0000,{0xC0,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x46}} */
+/* Object interface: IAccessibleText, ver. 0.0,
+ GUID={0x24FD2FFB,0x3AAD,0x4a08,{0x83,0x35,0xA3,0xAD,0x89,0xC0,0xFB,0x4B}} */
+#pragma code_seg(".orpc")
+static const unsigned short IAccessibleText_FormatStringOffsetTable[] =
+ {
+ 0,
+ 42,
+ 96,
+ 132,
+ 198,
+ 234,
+ 288,
+ 336,
+ 384,
+ 444,
+ 504,
+ 564,
+ 600,
+ 636,
+ 684,
+ 720,
+ 768,
+ 828,
+ 864
+ };
+static const MIDL_STUBLESS_PROXY_INFO IAccessibleText_ProxyInfo =
+ {
+ &Object_StubDesc,
+ AccessibleText__MIDL_ProcFormatString.Format,
+ &IAccessibleText_FormatStringOffsetTable[-3],
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0
+ };
+static const MIDL_SERVER_INFO IAccessibleText_ServerInfo =
+ {
+ &Object_StubDesc,
+ 0,
+ AccessibleText__MIDL_ProcFormatString.Format,
+ &IAccessibleText_FormatStringOffsetTable[-3],
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0};
+CINTERFACE_PROXY_VTABLE(22) _IAccessibleTextProxyVtbl =
+ &IAccessibleText_ProxyInfo,
+ &IID_IAccessibleText,
+ IUnknown_QueryInterface_Proxy,
+ IUnknown_AddRef_Proxy,
+ IUnknown_Release_Proxy ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleText::addSelection */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleText::get_attributes */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleText::get_caretOffset */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleText::get_characterExtents */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleText::get_nSelections */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleText::get_offsetAtPoint */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleText::get_selection */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleText::get_text */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleText::get_textBeforeOffset */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleText::get_textAfterOffset */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleText::get_textAtOffset */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleText::removeSelection */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleText::setCaretOffset */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleText::setSelection */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleText::get_nCharacters */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleText::scrollSubstringTo */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleText::scrollSubstringToPoint */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleText::get_newText */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleText::get_oldText */
+const CInterfaceStubVtbl _IAccessibleTextStubVtbl =
+ &IID_IAccessibleText,
+ &IAccessibleText_ServerInfo,
+ 22,
+ 0, /* pure interpreted */
+ CStdStubBuffer_METHODS
+static const MIDL_STUB_DESC Object_StubDesc =
+ {
+ 0,
+ NdrOleAllocate,
+ NdrOleFree,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ AccessibleText__MIDL_TypeFormatString.Format,
+ 1, /* -error bounds_check flag */
+ 0x50002, /* Ndr library version */
+ 0,
+ 0x700022b, /* MIDL Version 7.0.555 */
+ 0,
+ UserMarshalRoutines,
+ 0, /* notify & notify_flag routine table */
+ 0x1, /* MIDL flag */
+ 0, /* cs routines */
+ 0, /* proxy/server info */
+ 0
+ };
+const CInterfaceProxyVtbl * const _AccessibleText_ProxyVtblList[] =
+ ( CInterfaceProxyVtbl *) &_IAccessibleTextProxyVtbl,
+ 0
+const CInterfaceStubVtbl * const _AccessibleText_StubVtblList[] =
+ ( CInterfaceStubVtbl *) &_IAccessibleTextStubVtbl,
+ 0
+PCInterfaceName const _AccessibleText_InterfaceNamesList[] =
+ "IAccessibleText",
+ 0
+#define _AccessibleText_CHECK_IID(n) IID_GENERIC_CHECK_IID( _AccessibleText, pIID, n)
+int __stdcall _AccessibleText_IID_Lookup( const IID * pIID, int * pIndex )
+ if(!_AccessibleText_CHECK_IID(0))
+ {
+ *pIndex = 0;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+const ExtendedProxyFileInfo AccessibleText_ProxyFileInfo =
+ (PCInterfaceProxyVtblList *) & _AccessibleText_ProxyVtblList,
+ (PCInterfaceStubVtblList *) & _AccessibleText_StubVtblList,
+ (const PCInterfaceName * ) & _AccessibleText_InterfaceNamesList,
+ 0, /* no delegation */
+ & _AccessibleText_IID_Lookup,
+ 1,
+ 2,
+ 0, /* table of [async_uuid] interfaces */
+ 0, /* Filler1 */
+ 0, /* Filler2 */
+ 0 /* Filler3 */
+#pragma optimize("", on )
+#if _MSC_VER >= 1200
+#pragma warning(pop)
+#endif /* !defined(_M_IA64) && !defined(_M_AMD64)*/
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleValue.h b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleValue.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6ef70c261f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleValue.h
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the definitions for the interfaces */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:55 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleValue.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win32 (32b run), target_arch=X86 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+/* verify that the <rpcndr.h> version is high enough to compile this file*/
+#include "rpc.h"
+#include "rpcndr.h"
+#ifndef __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
+#error this stub requires an updated version of <rpcndr.h>
+#endif // __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
+#include "windows.h"
+#include "ole2.h"
+#endif /*COM_NO_WINDOWS_H*/
+#ifndef __AccessibleValue_h__
+#define __AccessibleValue_h__
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1020)
+#pragma once
+/* Forward Declarations */
+#ifndef __IAccessibleValue_FWD_DEFINED__
+#define __IAccessibleValue_FWD_DEFINED__
+typedef interface IAccessibleValue IAccessibleValue;
+#endif /* __IAccessibleValue_FWD_DEFINED__ */
+/* header files for imported files */
+#include "objidl.h"
+#include "oaidl.h"
+#include "oleacc.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"{
+#ifndef __IAccessibleValue_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+#define __IAccessibleValue_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+/* interface IAccessibleValue */
+/* [uuid][object] */
+EXTERN_C const IID IID_IAccessibleValue;
+#if defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(CINTERFACE)
+ MIDL_INTERFACE("35855B5B-C566-4fd0-A7B1-E65465600394")
+ IAccessibleValue : public IUnknown
+ {
+ public:
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_currentValue(
+ /* [retval][out] */ VARIANT *currentValue) = 0;
+ virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE setCurrentValue(
+ /* [in] */ VARIANT value) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_maximumValue(
+ /* [retval][out] */ VARIANT *maximumValue) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_minimumValue(
+ /* [retval][out] */ VARIANT *minimumValue) = 0;
+ };
+#else /* C style interface */
+ typedef struct IAccessibleValueVtbl
+ {
+ IAccessibleValue * This,
+ /* [in] */ REFIID riid,
+ /* [annotation][iid_is][out] */
+ __RPC__deref_out void **ppvObject);
+ IAccessibleValue * This);
+ IAccessibleValue * This);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_currentValue )(
+ IAccessibleValue * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ VARIANT *currentValue);
+ IAccessibleValue * This,
+ /* [in] */ VARIANT value);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_maximumValue )(
+ IAccessibleValue * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ VARIANT *maximumValue);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_minimumValue )(
+ IAccessibleValue * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ VARIANT *minimumValue);
+ } IAccessibleValueVtbl;
+ interface IAccessibleValue
+ {
+ CONST_VTBL struct IAccessibleValueVtbl *lpVtbl;
+ };
+#define IAccessibleValue_QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) )
+#define IAccessibleValue_AddRef(This) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> AddRef(This) )
+#define IAccessibleValue_Release(This) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> Release(This) )
+#define IAccessibleValue_get_currentValue(This,currentValue) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_currentValue(This,currentValue) )
+#define IAccessibleValue_setCurrentValue(This,value) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> setCurrentValue(This,value) )
+#define IAccessibleValue_get_maximumValue(This,maximumValue) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_maximumValue(This,maximumValue) )
+#define IAccessibleValue_get_minimumValue(This,minimumValue) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_minimumValue(This,minimumValue) )
+#endif /* COBJMACROS */
+#endif /* C style interface */
+#endif /* __IAccessibleValue_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ */
+/* Additional Prototypes for ALL interfaces */
+unsigned long __RPC_USER VARIANT_UserSize( unsigned long *, unsigned long , VARIANT * );
+unsigned char * __RPC_USER VARIANT_UserMarshal( unsigned long *, unsigned char *, VARIANT * );
+unsigned char * __RPC_USER VARIANT_UserUnmarshal(unsigned long *, unsigned char *, VARIANT * );
+void __RPC_USER VARIANT_UserFree( unsigned long *, VARIANT * );
+/* end of Additional Prototypes */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleValue_i.c b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleValue_i.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dffdb123af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleValue_i.c
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the IIDs and CLSIDs */
+/* link this file in with the server and any clients */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:55 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleValue.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win32 (32b run), target_arch=X86 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"{
+#include <rpc.h>
+#include <rpcndr.h>
+#ifndef INITGUID
+#define INITGUID
+#include <guiddef.h>
+#undef INITGUID
+#include <guiddef.h>
+#define MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(type,name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8) \
+ DEFINE_GUID(name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8)
+#else // !_MIDL_USE_GUIDDEF_
+#ifndef __IID_DEFINED__
+#define __IID_DEFINED__
+typedef struct _IID
+ unsigned long x;
+ unsigned short s1;
+ unsigned short s2;
+ unsigned char c[8];
+} IID;
+#endif // __IID_DEFINED__
+typedef IID CLSID;
+#endif // CLSID_DEFINED
+#define MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(type,name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8) \
+ const type name = {l,w1,w2,{b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8}}
+MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(IID, IID_IAccessibleValue,0x35855B5B,0xC566,0x4fd0,0xA7,0xB1,0xE6,0x54,0x65,0x60,0x03,0x94);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleValue_p.c b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleValue_p.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..166e2149b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleValue_p.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1105 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the proxy stub code */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:55 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleValue.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win32 (32b run), target_arch=X86 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#if !defined(_M_IA64) && !defined(_M_AMD64)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+#if _MSC_VER >= 1200
+#pragma warning(push)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4211 ) /* redefine extern to static */
+#pragma warning( disable: 4232 ) /* dllimport identity*/
+#pragma warning( disable: 4024 ) /* array to pointer mapping*/
+#pragma warning( disable: 4152 ) /* function/data pointer conversion in expression */
+#pragma warning( disable: 4100 ) /* unreferenced arguments in x86 call */
+#pragma optimize("", off )
+/* verify that the <rpcproxy.h> version is high enough to compile this file*/
+#include "rpcproxy.h"
+#error this stub requires an updated version of <rpcproxy.h>
+#endif /* __RPCPROXY_H_VERSION__ */
+#include "AccessibleValue.h"
+typedef struct _AccessibleValue_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ short Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ TYPE_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+ } AccessibleValue_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING;
+typedef struct _AccessibleValue_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ short Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ PROC_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+ } AccessibleValue_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING;
+typedef struct _AccessibleValue_MIDL_EXPR_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ long Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ EXPR_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+ } AccessibleValue_MIDL_EXPR_FORMAT_STRING;
+static const RPC_SYNTAX_IDENTIFIER _RpcTransferSyntax =
+extern const AccessibleValue_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleValue__MIDL_TypeFormatString;
+extern const AccessibleValue_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleValue__MIDL_ProcFormatString;
+extern const AccessibleValue_MIDL_EXPR_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleValue__MIDL_ExprFormatString;
+extern const MIDL_STUB_DESC Object_StubDesc;
+extern const MIDL_SERVER_INFO IAccessibleValue_ServerInfo;
+extern const MIDL_STUBLESS_PROXY_INFO IAccessibleValue_ProxyInfo;
+#if !defined(__RPC_WIN32__)
+#error Invalid build platform for this stub.
+#error You need Windows 2000 or later to run this stub because it uses these features:
+#error /robust command line switch.
+#error However, your C/C++ compilation flags indicate you intend to run this app on earlier systems.
+#error This app will fail with the RPC_X_WRONG_STUB_VERSION error.
+static const AccessibleValue_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleValue__MIDL_ProcFormatString =
+ {
+ 0,
+ {
+ /* Procedure get_currentValue */
+ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 2 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 6 */ NdrFcShort( 0x3 ), /* 3 */
+/* 8 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 10 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 12 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 14 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 16 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 18 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 20 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 22 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter currentValue */
+/* 24 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4113 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, simple ref, srv alloc size=16 */
+/* 26 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 28 */ NdrFcShort( 0x404 ), /* Type Offset=1028 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 30 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 32 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 34 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure setCurrentValue */
+/* 36 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 38 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 42 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 44 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 46 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 48 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 50 */ 0x46, /* Oi2 Flags: clt must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 52 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x5, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, srv corr check, */
+/* 54 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 56 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 58 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter value */
+/* 60 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8b ), /* Flags: must size, must free, in, by val, */
+/* 62 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 64 */ NdrFcShort( 0x412 ), /* Type Offset=1042 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 66 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 68 */ NdrFcShort( 0x14 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 20 */
+/* 70 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_maximumValue */
+/* 72 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 74 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 78 */ NdrFcShort( 0x5 ), /* 5 */
+/* 80 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 82 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 84 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 86 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 88 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 90 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 92 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 94 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter maximumValue */
+/* 96 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4113 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, simple ref, srv alloc size=16 */
+/* 98 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 100 */ NdrFcShort( 0x404 ), /* Type Offset=1028 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 102 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 104 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 106 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_minimumValue */
+/* 108 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 110 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 114 */ NdrFcShort( 0x6 ), /* 6 */
+/* 116 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 118 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 120 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 122 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 124 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 126 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 128 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 130 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter minimumValue */
+/* 132 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4113 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, simple ref, srv alloc size=16 */
+/* 134 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 136 */ NdrFcShort( 0x404 ), /* Type Offset=1028 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 138 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 140 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 142 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x0
+ }
+ };
+static const AccessibleValue_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleValue__MIDL_TypeFormatString =
+ {
+ 0,
+ {
+ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 2 */
+ 0x11, 0x4, /* FC_RP [alloced_on_stack] */
+/* 4 */ NdrFcShort( 0x400 ), /* Offset= 1024 (1028) */
+/* 6 */
+ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 8 */ NdrFcShort( 0x3e8 ), /* Offset= 1000 (1008) */
+/* 10 */
+ 0x9, /* FC_ULONG */
+/* 12 */ 0x7, /* Corr desc: FC_USHORT */
+ 0x0, /* */
+/* 14 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfff8 ), /* -8 */
+/* 16 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* Corr flags: early, */
+/* 18 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* Offset= 2 (20) */
+/* 20 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* 16 */
+/* 22 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2f ), /* 47 */
+/* 24 */ NdrFcLong( 0x14 ), /* 20 */
+/* 28 */ NdrFcShort( 0x800b ), /* Simple arm type: FC_HYPER */
+/* 30 */ NdrFcLong( 0x3 ), /* 3 */
+/* 34 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8008 ), /* Simple arm type: FC_LONG */
+/* 36 */ NdrFcLong( 0x11 ), /* 17 */
+/* 40 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8001 ), /* Simple arm type: FC_BYTE */
+/* 42 */ NdrFcLong( 0x2 ), /* 2 */
+/* 46 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8006 ), /* Simple arm type: FC_SHORT */
+/* 48 */ NdrFcLong( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 52 */ NdrFcShort( 0x800a ), /* Simple arm type: FC_FLOAT */
+/* 54 */ NdrFcLong( 0x5 ), /* 5 */
+/* 58 */ NdrFcShort( 0x800c ), /* Simple arm type: FC_DOUBLE */
+/* 60 */ NdrFcLong( 0xb ), /* 11 */
+/* 64 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8006 ), /* Simple arm type: FC_SHORT */
+/* 66 */ NdrFcLong( 0xa ), /* 10 */
+/* 70 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8008 ), /* Simple arm type: FC_LONG */
+/* 72 */ NdrFcLong( 0x6 ), /* 6 */
+/* 76 */ NdrFcShort( 0xe8 ), /* Offset= 232 (308) */
+/* 78 */ NdrFcLong( 0x7 ), /* 7 */
+/* 82 */ NdrFcShort( 0x800c ), /* Simple arm type: FC_DOUBLE */
+/* 84 */ NdrFcLong( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 88 */ NdrFcShort( 0xe2 ), /* Offset= 226 (314) */
+/* 90 */ NdrFcLong( 0xd ), /* 13 */
+/* 94 */ NdrFcShort( 0xf6 ), /* Offset= 246 (340) */
+/* 96 */ NdrFcLong( 0x9 ), /* 9 */
+/* 100 */ NdrFcShort( 0x102 ), /* Offset= 258 (358) */
+/* 102 */ NdrFcLong( 0x2000 ), /* 8192 */
+/* 106 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10e ), /* Offset= 270 (376) */
+/* 108 */ NdrFcLong( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 112 */ NdrFcShort( 0x336 ), /* Offset= 822 (934) */
+/* 114 */ NdrFcLong( 0x4024 ), /* 16420 */
+/* 118 */ NdrFcShort( 0x330 ), /* Offset= 816 (934) */
+/* 120 */ NdrFcLong( 0x4011 ), /* 16401 */
+/* 124 */ NdrFcShort( 0x32e ), /* Offset= 814 (938) */
+/* 126 */ NdrFcLong( 0x4002 ), /* 16386 */
+/* 130 */ NdrFcShort( 0x32c ), /* Offset= 812 (942) */
+/* 132 */ NdrFcLong( 0x4003 ), /* 16387 */
+/* 136 */ NdrFcShort( 0x32a ), /* Offset= 810 (946) */
+/* 138 */ NdrFcLong( 0x4014 ), /* 16404 */
+/* 142 */ NdrFcShort( 0x328 ), /* Offset= 808 (950) */
+/* 144 */ NdrFcLong( 0x4004 ), /* 16388 */
+/* 148 */ NdrFcShort( 0x326 ), /* Offset= 806 (954) */
+/* 150 */ NdrFcLong( 0x4005 ), /* 16389 */
+/* 154 */ NdrFcShort( 0x324 ), /* Offset= 804 (958) */
+/* 156 */ NdrFcLong( 0x400b ), /* 16395 */
+/* 160 */ NdrFcShort( 0x30e ), /* Offset= 782 (942) */
+/* 162 */ NdrFcLong( 0x400a ), /* 16394 */
+/* 166 */ NdrFcShort( 0x30c ), /* Offset= 780 (946) */
+/* 168 */ NdrFcLong( 0x4006 ), /* 16390 */
+/* 172 */ NdrFcShort( 0x316 ), /* Offset= 790 (962) */
+/* 174 */ NdrFcLong( 0x4007 ), /* 16391 */
+/* 178 */ NdrFcShort( 0x30c ), /* Offset= 780 (958) */
+/* 180 */ NdrFcLong( 0x4008 ), /* 16392 */
+/* 184 */ NdrFcShort( 0x30e ), /* Offset= 782 (966) */
+/* 186 */ NdrFcLong( 0x400d ), /* 16397 */
+/* 190 */ NdrFcShort( 0x30c ), /* Offset= 780 (970) */
+/* 192 */ NdrFcLong( 0x4009 ), /* 16393 */
+/* 196 */ NdrFcShort( 0x30a ), /* Offset= 778 (974) */
+/* 198 */ NdrFcLong( 0x6000 ), /* 24576 */
+/* 202 */ NdrFcShort( 0x308 ), /* Offset= 776 (978) */
+/* 204 */ NdrFcLong( 0x400c ), /* 16396 */
+/* 208 */ NdrFcShort( 0x306 ), /* Offset= 774 (982) */
+/* 210 */ NdrFcLong( 0x10 ), /* 16 */
+/* 214 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8002 ), /* Simple arm type: FC_CHAR */
+/* 216 */ NdrFcLong( 0x12 ), /* 18 */
+/* 220 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8006 ), /* Simple arm type: FC_SHORT */
+/* 222 */ NdrFcLong( 0x13 ), /* 19 */
+/* 226 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8008 ), /* Simple arm type: FC_LONG */
+/* 228 */ NdrFcLong( 0x15 ), /* 21 */
+/* 232 */ NdrFcShort( 0x800b ), /* Simple arm type: FC_HYPER */
+/* 234 */ NdrFcLong( 0x16 ), /* 22 */
+/* 238 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8008 ), /* Simple arm type: FC_LONG */
+/* 240 */ NdrFcLong( 0x17 ), /* 23 */
+/* 244 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8008 ), /* Simple arm type: FC_LONG */
+/* 246 */ NdrFcLong( 0xe ), /* 14 */
+/* 250 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2e4 ), /* Offset= 740 (990) */
+/* 252 */ NdrFcLong( 0x400e ), /* 16398 */
+/* 256 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2e8 ), /* Offset= 744 (1000) */
+/* 258 */ NdrFcLong( 0x4010 ), /* 16400 */
+/* 262 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2e6 ), /* Offset= 742 (1004) */
+/* 264 */ NdrFcLong( 0x4012 ), /* 16402 */
+/* 268 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2a2 ), /* Offset= 674 (942) */
+/* 270 */ NdrFcLong( 0x4013 ), /* 16403 */
+/* 274 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2a0 ), /* Offset= 672 (946) */
+/* 276 */ NdrFcLong( 0x4015 ), /* 16405 */
+/* 280 */ NdrFcShort( 0x29e ), /* Offset= 670 (950) */
+/* 282 */ NdrFcLong( 0x4016 ), /* 16406 */
+/* 286 */ NdrFcShort( 0x294 ), /* Offset= 660 (946) */
+/* 288 */ NdrFcLong( 0x4017 ), /* 16407 */
+/* 292 */ NdrFcShort( 0x28e ), /* Offset= 654 (946) */
+/* 294 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 298 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* Offset= 0 (298) */
+/* 300 */ NdrFcLong( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 304 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* Offset= 0 (304) */
+/* 306 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffff ), /* Offset= -1 (305) */
+/* 308 */
+ 0x15, /* FC_STRUCT */
+ 0x7, /* 7 */
+/* 310 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 312 */ 0xb, /* FC_HYPER */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 314 */
+ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 316 */ NdrFcShort( 0xe ), /* Offset= 14 (330) */
+/* 318 */
+ 0x1b, /* FC_CARRAY */
+ 0x1, /* 1 */
+/* 320 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* 2 */
+/* 322 */ 0x9, /* Corr desc: FC_ULONG */
+ 0x0, /* */
+/* 324 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfffc ), /* -4 */
+/* 326 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* Corr flags: early, */
+/* 328 */ 0x6, /* FC_SHORT */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 330 */
+ 0x17, /* FC_CSTRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 332 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 334 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfff0 ), /* Offset= -16 (318) */
+/* 336 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+/* 338 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 340 */
+ 0x2f, /* FC_IP */
+ 0x5a, /* FC_CONSTANT_IID */
+/* 342 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 346 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 348 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 350 */ 0xc0, /* 192 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 352 */ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 354 */ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 356 */ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x46, /* 70 */
+/* 358 */
+ 0x2f, /* FC_IP */
+ 0x5a, /* FC_CONSTANT_IID */
+/* 360 */ NdrFcLong( 0x20400 ), /* 132096 */
+/* 364 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 366 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 368 */ 0xc0, /* 192 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 370 */ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 372 */ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 374 */ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x46, /* 70 */
+/* 376 */
+ 0x13, 0x10, /* FC_OP [pointer_deref] */
+/* 378 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* Offset= 2 (380) */
+/* 380 */
+ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 382 */ NdrFcShort( 0x216 ), /* Offset= 534 (916) */
+/* 384 */
+ 0x49, /* 73 */
+/* 386 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* 24 */
+/* 388 */ NdrFcShort( 0xa ), /* 10 */
+/* 390 */ NdrFcLong( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 394 */ NdrFcShort( 0x5a ), /* Offset= 90 (484) */
+/* 396 */ NdrFcLong( 0xd ), /* 13 */
+/* 400 */ NdrFcShort( 0x7e ), /* Offset= 126 (526) */
+/* 402 */ NdrFcLong( 0x9 ), /* 9 */
+/* 406 */ NdrFcShort( 0x9e ), /* Offset= 158 (564) */
+/* 408 */ NdrFcLong( 0xc ), /* 12 */
+/* 412 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc8 ), /* Offset= 200 (612) */
+/* 414 */ NdrFcLong( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 418 */ NdrFcShort( 0x124 ), /* Offset= 292 (710) */
+/* 420 */ NdrFcLong( 0x800d ), /* 32781 */
+/* 424 */ NdrFcShort( 0x140 ), /* Offset= 320 (744) */
+/* 426 */ NdrFcLong( 0x10 ), /* 16 */
+/* 430 */ NdrFcShort( 0x15a ), /* Offset= 346 (776) */
+/* 432 */ NdrFcLong( 0x2 ), /* 2 */
+/* 436 */ NdrFcShort( 0x174 ), /* Offset= 372 (808) */
+/* 438 */ NdrFcLong( 0x3 ), /* 3 */
+/* 442 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18e ), /* Offset= 398 (840) */
+/* 444 */ NdrFcLong( 0x14 ), /* 20 */
+/* 448 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1a8 ), /* Offset= 424 (872) */
+/* 450 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffff ), /* Offset= -1 (449) */
+/* 452 */
+ 0x1b, /* FC_CARRAY */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 454 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 456 */ 0x19, /* Corr desc: field pointer, FC_ULONG */
+ 0x0, /* */
+/* 458 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 460 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* Corr flags: early, */
+/* 462 */
+ 0x4b, /* FC_PP */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 464 */
+ 0x48, /* FC_VARIABLE_REPEAT */
+ 0x49, /* FC_FIXED_OFFSET */
+/* 466 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 468 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 470 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 472 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 474 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 476 */ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 478 */ NdrFcShort( 0xff6c ), /* Offset= -148 (330) */
+/* 480 */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+/* 482 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 484 */
+ 0x16, /* FC_PSTRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 486 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 488 */
+ 0x4b, /* FC_PP */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 490 */
+ 0x46, /* FC_NO_REPEAT */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 492 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 494 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 496 */ 0x11, 0x0, /* FC_RP */
+/* 498 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffd2 ), /* Offset= -46 (452) */
+/* 500 */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+/* 502 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 504 */
+ 0x21, /* FC_BOGUS_ARRAY */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 506 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 508 */ 0x19, /* Corr desc: field pointer, FC_ULONG */
+ 0x0, /* */
+/* 510 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 512 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* Corr flags: early, */
+/* 514 */ NdrFcLong( 0xffffffff ), /* -1 */
+/* 518 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* Corr flags: */
+/* 520 */ 0x4c, /* FC_EMBEDDED_COMPLEX */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 522 */ NdrFcShort( 0xff4a ), /* Offset= -182 (340) */
+/* 524 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 526 */
+ 0x1a, /* FC_BOGUS_STRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 528 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 530 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 532 */ NdrFcShort( 0x6 ), /* Offset= 6 (538) */
+/* 534 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x36, /* FC_POINTER */
+/* 536 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 538 */
+ 0x11, 0x0, /* FC_RP */
+/* 540 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffdc ), /* Offset= -36 (504) */
+/* 542 */
+ 0x21, /* FC_BOGUS_ARRAY */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 544 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 546 */ 0x19, /* Corr desc: field pointer, FC_ULONG */
+ 0x0, /* */
+/* 548 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 550 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* Corr flags: early, */
+/* 552 */ NdrFcLong( 0xffffffff ), /* -1 */
+/* 556 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* Corr flags: */
+/* 558 */ 0x4c, /* FC_EMBEDDED_COMPLEX */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 560 */ NdrFcShort( 0xff36 ), /* Offset= -202 (358) */
+/* 562 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 564 */
+ 0x1a, /* FC_BOGUS_STRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 566 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 568 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 570 */ NdrFcShort( 0x6 ), /* Offset= 6 (576) */
+/* 572 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x36, /* FC_POINTER */
+/* 574 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 576 */
+ 0x11, 0x0, /* FC_RP */
+/* 578 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffdc ), /* Offset= -36 (542) */
+/* 580 */
+ 0x1b, /* FC_CARRAY */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 582 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 584 */ 0x19, /* Corr desc: field pointer, FC_ULONG */
+ 0x0, /* */
+/* 586 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 588 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* Corr flags: early, */
+/* 590 */
+ 0x4b, /* FC_PP */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 592 */
+ 0x48, /* FC_VARIABLE_REPEAT */
+ 0x49, /* FC_FIXED_OFFSET */
+/* 594 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 596 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 598 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 600 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 602 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 604 */ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 606 */ NdrFcShort( 0x192 ), /* Offset= 402 (1008) */
+/* 608 */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+/* 610 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 612 */
+ 0x1a, /* FC_BOGUS_STRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 614 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 616 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 618 */ NdrFcShort( 0x6 ), /* Offset= 6 (624) */
+/* 620 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x36, /* FC_POINTER */
+/* 622 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 624 */
+ 0x11, 0x0, /* FC_RP */
+/* 626 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffd2 ), /* Offset= -46 (580) */
+/* 628 */
+ 0x2f, /* FC_IP */
+ 0x5a, /* FC_CONSTANT_IID */
+/* 630 */ NdrFcLong( 0x2f ), /* 47 */
+/* 634 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 636 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 638 */ 0xc0, /* 192 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 640 */ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 642 */ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 644 */ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x46, /* 70 */
+/* 646 */
+ 0x1b, /* FC_CARRAY */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 648 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 650 */ 0x19, /* Corr desc: field pointer, FC_ULONG */
+ 0x0, /* */
+/* 652 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 654 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* Corr flags: early, */
+/* 656 */ 0x1, /* FC_BYTE */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 658 */
+ 0x1a, /* FC_BOGUS_STRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 660 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* 16 */
+/* 662 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 664 */ NdrFcShort( 0xa ), /* Offset= 10 (674) */
+/* 666 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+/* 668 */ 0x4c, /* FC_EMBEDDED_COMPLEX */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 670 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffd6 ), /* Offset= -42 (628) */
+/* 672 */ 0x36, /* FC_POINTER */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 674 */
+ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 676 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffe2 ), /* Offset= -30 (646) */
+/* 678 */
+ 0x1b, /* FC_CARRAY */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 680 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 682 */ 0x19, /* Corr desc: field pointer, FC_ULONG */
+ 0x0, /* */
+/* 684 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 686 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* Corr flags: early, */
+/* 688 */
+ 0x4b, /* FC_PP */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 690 */
+ 0x48, /* FC_VARIABLE_REPEAT */
+ 0x49, /* FC_FIXED_OFFSET */
+/* 692 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 694 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 696 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 698 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 700 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 702 */ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 704 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffd2 ), /* Offset= -46 (658) */
+/* 706 */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+/* 708 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 710 */
+ 0x1a, /* FC_BOGUS_STRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 712 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 714 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 716 */ NdrFcShort( 0x6 ), /* Offset= 6 (722) */
+/* 718 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x36, /* FC_POINTER */
+/* 720 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 722 */
+ 0x11, 0x0, /* FC_RP */
+/* 724 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffd2 ), /* Offset= -46 (678) */
+/* 726 */
+ 0x1d, /* FC_SMFARRAY */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 728 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 730 */ 0x1, /* FC_BYTE */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 732 */
+ 0x15, /* FC_STRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 734 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* 16 */
+/* 736 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x6, /* FC_SHORT */
+/* 738 */ 0x6, /* FC_SHORT */
+/* 740 */ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ NdrFcShort( 0xfff1 ), /* Offset= -15 (726) */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 744 */
+ 0x1a, /* FC_BOGUS_STRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 746 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* 24 */
+/* 748 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 750 */ NdrFcShort( 0xa ), /* Offset= 10 (760) */
+/* 752 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x36, /* FC_POINTER */
+/* 754 */ 0x4c, /* FC_EMBEDDED_COMPLEX */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 756 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffe8 ), /* Offset= -24 (732) */
+/* 758 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 760 */
+ 0x11, 0x0, /* FC_RP */
+/* 762 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfefe ), /* Offset= -258 (504) */
+/* 764 */
+ 0x1b, /* FC_CARRAY */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 766 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 768 */ 0x19, /* Corr desc: field pointer, FC_ULONG */
+ 0x0, /* */
+/* 770 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 772 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* Corr flags: early, */
+/* 774 */ 0x1, /* FC_BYTE */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 776 */
+ 0x16, /* FC_PSTRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 778 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 780 */
+ 0x4b, /* FC_PP */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 782 */
+ 0x46, /* FC_NO_REPEAT */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 784 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 786 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 788 */ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 790 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffe6 ), /* Offset= -26 (764) */
+/* 792 */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+/* 794 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 796 */
+ 0x1b, /* FC_CARRAY */
+ 0x1, /* 1 */
+/* 798 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* 2 */
+/* 800 */ 0x19, /* Corr desc: field pointer, FC_ULONG */
+ 0x0, /* */
+/* 802 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 804 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* Corr flags: early, */
+/* 806 */ 0x6, /* FC_SHORT */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 808 */
+ 0x16, /* FC_PSTRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 810 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 812 */
+ 0x4b, /* FC_PP */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 814 */
+ 0x46, /* FC_NO_REPEAT */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 816 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 818 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 820 */ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 822 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffe6 ), /* Offset= -26 (796) */
+/* 824 */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+/* 826 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 828 */
+ 0x1b, /* FC_CARRAY */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 830 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 832 */ 0x19, /* Corr desc: field pointer, FC_ULONG */
+ 0x0, /* */
+/* 834 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 836 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* Corr flags: early, */
+/* 838 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 840 */
+ 0x16, /* FC_PSTRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 842 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 844 */
+ 0x4b, /* FC_PP */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 846 */
+ 0x46, /* FC_NO_REPEAT */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 848 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 850 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 852 */ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 854 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffe6 ), /* Offset= -26 (828) */
+/* 856 */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+/* 858 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 860 */
+ 0x1b, /* FC_CARRAY */
+ 0x7, /* 7 */
+/* 862 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 864 */ 0x19, /* Corr desc: field pointer, FC_ULONG */
+ 0x0, /* */
+/* 866 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 868 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* Corr flags: early, */
+/* 870 */ 0xb, /* FC_HYPER */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 872 */
+ 0x16, /* FC_PSTRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 874 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 876 */
+ 0x4b, /* FC_PP */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 878 */
+ 0x46, /* FC_NO_REPEAT */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 880 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 882 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 884 */ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 886 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffe6 ), /* Offset= -26 (860) */
+/* 888 */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+/* 890 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 892 */
+ 0x15, /* FC_STRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 894 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 896 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+/* 898 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 900 */
+ 0x1b, /* FC_CARRAY */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 902 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 904 */ 0x7, /* Corr desc: FC_USHORT */
+ 0x0, /* */
+/* 906 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffd8 ), /* -40 */
+/* 908 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* Corr flags: early, */
+/* 910 */ 0x4c, /* FC_EMBEDDED_COMPLEX */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 912 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffec ), /* Offset= -20 (892) */
+/* 914 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 916 */
+ 0x1a, /* FC_BOGUS_STRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 918 */ NdrFcShort( 0x28 ), /* 40 */
+/* 920 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffec ), /* Offset= -20 (900) */
+/* 922 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* Offset= 0 (922) */
+/* 924 */ 0x6, /* FC_SHORT */
+ 0x6, /* FC_SHORT */
+/* 926 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+/* 928 */ 0x4c, /* FC_EMBEDDED_COMPLEX */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 930 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfdde ), /* Offset= -546 (384) */
+/* 932 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 934 */
+ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 936 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfeea ), /* Offset= -278 (658) */
+/* 938 */
+ 0x13, 0x8, /* FC_OP [simple_pointer] */
+/* 940 */ 0x1, /* FC_BYTE */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 942 */
+ 0x13, 0x8, /* FC_OP [simple_pointer] */
+/* 944 */ 0x6, /* FC_SHORT */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 946 */
+ 0x13, 0x8, /* FC_OP [simple_pointer] */
+/* 948 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 950 */
+ 0x13, 0x8, /* FC_OP [simple_pointer] */
+/* 952 */ 0xb, /* FC_HYPER */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 954 */
+ 0x13, 0x8, /* FC_OP [simple_pointer] */
+/* 956 */ 0xa, /* FC_FLOAT */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 958 */
+ 0x13, 0x8, /* FC_OP [simple_pointer] */
+/* 960 */ 0xc, /* FC_DOUBLE */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 962 */
+ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 964 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfd70 ), /* Offset= -656 (308) */
+/* 966 */
+ 0x13, 0x10, /* FC_OP [pointer_deref] */
+/* 968 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfd72 ), /* Offset= -654 (314) */
+/* 970 */
+ 0x13, 0x10, /* FC_OP [pointer_deref] */
+/* 972 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfd88 ), /* Offset= -632 (340) */
+/* 974 */
+ 0x13, 0x10, /* FC_OP [pointer_deref] */
+/* 976 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfd96 ), /* Offset= -618 (358) */
+/* 978 */
+ 0x13, 0x10, /* FC_OP [pointer_deref] */
+/* 980 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfda4 ), /* Offset= -604 (376) */
+/* 982 */
+ 0x13, 0x10, /* FC_OP [pointer_deref] */
+/* 984 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* Offset= 2 (986) */
+/* 986 */
+ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 988 */ NdrFcShort( 0x14 ), /* Offset= 20 (1008) */
+/* 990 */
+ 0x15, /* FC_STRUCT */
+ 0x7, /* 7 */
+/* 992 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* 16 */
+/* 994 */ 0x6, /* FC_SHORT */
+ 0x1, /* FC_BYTE */
+/* 996 */ 0x1, /* FC_BYTE */
+ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+/* 998 */ 0xb, /* FC_HYPER */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 1000 */
+ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 1002 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfff4 ), /* Offset= -12 (990) */
+/* 1004 */
+ 0x13, 0x8, /* FC_OP [simple_pointer] */
+/* 1006 */ 0x2, /* FC_CHAR */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 1008 */
+ 0x1a, /* FC_BOGUS_STRUCT */
+ 0x7, /* 7 */
+/* 1010 */ NdrFcShort( 0x20 ), /* 32 */
+/* 1012 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 1014 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* Offset= 0 (1014) */
+/* 1016 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+/* 1018 */ 0x6, /* FC_SHORT */
+ 0x6, /* FC_SHORT */
+/* 1020 */ 0x6, /* FC_SHORT */
+ 0x6, /* FC_SHORT */
+/* 1022 */ 0x4c, /* FC_EMBEDDED_COMPLEX */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 1024 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfc0a ), /* Offset= -1014 (10) */
+/* 1026 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 1028 */ 0xb4, /* FC_USER_MARSHAL */
+ 0x83, /* 131 */
+/* 1030 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 1032 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* 16 */
+/* 1034 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 1036 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfbfa ), /* Offset= -1030 (6) */
+/* 1038 */
+ 0x12, 0x0, /* FC_UP */
+/* 1040 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffe0 ), /* Offset= -32 (1008) */
+/* 1042 */ 0xb4, /* FC_USER_MARSHAL */
+ 0x83, /* 131 */
+/* 1044 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 1046 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* 16 */
+/* 1048 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 1050 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfff4 ), /* Offset= -12 (1038) */
+ 0x0
+ }
+ };
+ {
+ {
+ VARIANT_UserSize
+ ,VARIANT_UserMarshal
+ ,VARIANT_UserUnmarshal
+ ,VARIANT_UserFree
+ }
+ };
+/* Object interface: IUnknown, ver. 0.0,
+ GUID={0x00000000,0x0000,0x0000,{0xC0,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x46}} */
+/* Object interface: IAccessibleValue, ver. 0.0,
+ GUID={0x35855B5B,0xC566,0x4fd0,{0xA7,0xB1,0xE6,0x54,0x65,0x60,0x03,0x94}} */
+#pragma code_seg(".orpc")
+static const unsigned short IAccessibleValue_FormatStringOffsetTable[] =
+ {
+ 0,
+ 36,
+ 72,
+ 108
+ };
+static const MIDL_STUBLESS_PROXY_INFO IAccessibleValue_ProxyInfo =
+ {
+ &Object_StubDesc,
+ AccessibleValue__MIDL_ProcFormatString.Format,
+ &IAccessibleValue_FormatStringOffsetTable[-3],
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0
+ };
+static const MIDL_SERVER_INFO IAccessibleValue_ServerInfo =
+ {
+ &Object_StubDesc,
+ 0,
+ AccessibleValue__MIDL_ProcFormatString.Format,
+ &IAccessibleValue_FormatStringOffsetTable[-3],
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0};
+CINTERFACE_PROXY_VTABLE(7) _IAccessibleValueProxyVtbl =
+ &IAccessibleValue_ProxyInfo,
+ &IID_IAccessibleValue,
+ IUnknown_QueryInterface_Proxy,
+ IUnknown_AddRef_Proxy,
+ IUnknown_Release_Proxy ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleValue::get_currentValue */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleValue::setCurrentValue */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleValue::get_maximumValue */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleValue::get_minimumValue */
+const CInterfaceStubVtbl _IAccessibleValueStubVtbl =
+ &IID_IAccessibleValue,
+ &IAccessibleValue_ServerInfo,
+ 7,
+ 0, /* pure interpreted */
+ CStdStubBuffer_METHODS
+static const MIDL_STUB_DESC Object_StubDesc =
+ {
+ 0,
+ NdrOleAllocate,
+ NdrOleFree,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ AccessibleValue__MIDL_TypeFormatString.Format,
+ 1, /* -error bounds_check flag */
+ 0x50002, /* Ndr library version */
+ 0,
+ 0x700022b, /* MIDL Version 7.0.555 */
+ 0,
+ UserMarshalRoutines,
+ 0, /* notify & notify_flag routine table */
+ 0x1, /* MIDL flag */
+ 0, /* cs routines */
+ 0, /* proxy/server info */
+ 0
+ };
+const CInterfaceProxyVtbl * const _AccessibleValue_ProxyVtblList[] =
+ ( CInterfaceProxyVtbl *) &_IAccessibleValueProxyVtbl,
+ 0
+const CInterfaceStubVtbl * const _AccessibleValue_StubVtblList[] =
+ ( CInterfaceStubVtbl *) &_IAccessibleValueStubVtbl,
+ 0
+PCInterfaceName const _AccessibleValue_InterfaceNamesList[] =
+ "IAccessibleValue",
+ 0
+#define _AccessibleValue_CHECK_IID(n) IID_GENERIC_CHECK_IID( _AccessibleValue, pIID, n)
+int __stdcall _AccessibleValue_IID_Lookup( const IID * pIID, int * pIndex )
+ if(!_AccessibleValue_CHECK_IID(0))
+ {
+ *pIndex = 0;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+const ExtendedProxyFileInfo AccessibleValue_ProxyFileInfo =
+ (PCInterfaceProxyVtblList *) & _AccessibleValue_ProxyVtblList,
+ (PCInterfaceStubVtblList *) & _AccessibleValue_StubVtblList,
+ (const PCInterfaceName * ) & _AccessibleValue_InterfaceNamesList,
+ 0, /* no delegation */
+ & _AccessibleValue_IID_Lookup,
+ 1,
+ 2,
+ 0, /* table of [async_uuid] interfaces */
+ 0, /* Filler1 */
+ 0, /* Filler2 */
+ 0 /* Filler3 */
+#pragma optimize("", on )
+#if _MSC_VER >= 1200
+#pragma warning(pop)
+#endif /* !defined(_M_IA64) && !defined(_M_AMD64)*/
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/IA2CommonTypes.h b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/IA2CommonTypes.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7d1df601e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/IA2CommonTypes.h
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the definitions for the interfaces */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:56 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for IA2CommonTypes.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win32 (32b run), target_arch=X86 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+/* verify that the <rpcndr.h> version is high enough to compile this file*/
+#include "rpc.h"
+#include "rpcndr.h"
+#ifndef __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
+#error this stub requires an updated version of <rpcndr.h>
+#endif // __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
+#ifndef __IA2CommonTypes_h__
+#define __IA2CommonTypes_h__
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1020)
+#pragma once
+/* Forward Declarations */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"{
+/* interface __MIDL_itf_IA2CommonTypes_0000_0000 */
+/* [local] */
+enum IA2ScrollType
+ } ;
+enum IA2CoordinateType
+ } ;
+enum IA2TextSpecialOffsets
+ } ;
+enum IA2TableModelChangeType
+ } ;
+typedef struct IA2TableModelChange
+ {
+ enum IA2TableModelChangeType type;
+ long firstRow;
+ long lastRow;
+ long firstColumn;
+ long lastColumn;
+ } IA2TableModelChange;
+extern RPC_IF_HANDLE __MIDL_itf_IA2CommonTypes_0000_0000_v0_0_c_ifspec;
+extern RPC_IF_HANDLE __MIDL_itf_IA2CommonTypes_0000_0000_v0_0_s_ifspec;
+/* Additional Prototypes for ALL interfaces */
+/* end of Additional Prototypes */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/IA2TypeLibrary.h b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/IA2TypeLibrary.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e80b2722f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/IA2TypeLibrary.h
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the definitions for the interfaces */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:56 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for IA2TypeLibrary.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win32 (32b run), target_arch=X86 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+/* verify that the <rpcndr.h> version is high enough to compile this file*/
+#include "rpc.h"
+#include "rpcndr.h"
+#ifndef __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
+#error this stub requires an updated version of <rpcndr.h>
+#endif // __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
+#ifndef __IA2TypeLibrary_h__
+#define __IA2TypeLibrary_h__
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1020)
+#pragma once
+/* Forward Declarations */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"{
+/* interface __MIDL_itf_IA2TypeLibrary_0000_0000 */
+/* [local] */
+// Type Library Definitions
+extern RPC_IF_HANDLE __MIDL_itf_IA2TypeLibrary_0000_0000_v0_0_c_ifspec;
+extern RPC_IF_HANDLE __MIDL_itf_IA2TypeLibrary_0000_0000_v0_0_s_ifspec;
+#ifndef __IAccessible2Lib_LIBRARY_DEFINED__
+#define __IAccessible2Lib_LIBRARY_DEFINED__
+/* library IAccessible2Lib */
+/* [hidden][version][helpstring][uuid] */
+EXTERN_C const IID LIBID_IAccessible2Lib;
+#endif /* __IAccessible2Lib_LIBRARY_DEFINED__ */
+/* Additional Prototypes for ALL interfaces */
+/* end of Additional Prototypes */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/IA2TypeLibrary.tlb b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/IA2TypeLibrary.tlb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b4c56c7aaa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/IA2TypeLibrary.tlb
Binary files differ
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/IA2TypeLibrary_i.c b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/IA2TypeLibrary_i.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1bf9d5159d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/IA2TypeLibrary_i.c
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the IIDs and CLSIDs */
+/* link this file in with the server and any clients */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:56 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for IA2TypeLibrary.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win32 (32b run), target_arch=X86 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"{
+#include <rpc.h>
+#include <rpcndr.h>
+#ifndef INITGUID
+#define INITGUID
+#include <guiddef.h>
+#undef INITGUID
+#include <guiddef.h>
+#define MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(type,name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8) \
+ DEFINE_GUID(name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8)
+#else // !_MIDL_USE_GUIDDEF_
+#ifndef __IID_DEFINED__
+#define __IID_DEFINED__
+typedef struct _IID
+ unsigned long x;
+ unsigned short s1;
+ unsigned short s2;
+ unsigned char c[8];
+} IID;
+#endif // __IID_DEFINED__
+typedef IID CLSID;
+#endif // CLSID_DEFINED
+#define MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(type,name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8) \
+ const type name = {l,w1,w2,{b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8}}
+MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(IID, LIBID_IAccessible2Lib,0xc974e070,0x3787,0x490a,0x87,0xb0,0xe3,0x33,0xb0,0x6c,0xa1,0xe2);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/dlldata.c b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/dlldata.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e1e15a1fc0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/dlldata.c
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+ DllData file -- generated by MIDL compiler
+ This file is regenerated by MIDL on every IDL file compile.
+ To completely reconstruct this file, delete it and rerun MIDL
+ on all the IDL files in this DLL, specifying this file for the
+ /dlldata command line option
+#include <rpcproxy.h>
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+EXTERN_PROXY_FILE( Accessible2 )
+EXTERN_PROXY_FILE( AccessibleAction )
+EXTERN_PROXY_FILE( AccessibleApplication )
+EXTERN_PROXY_FILE( AccessibleComponent )
+EXTERN_PROXY_FILE( AccessibleEditableText )
+EXTERN_PROXY_FILE( AccessibleHyperlink )
+EXTERN_PROXY_FILE( AccessibleHypertext )
+EXTERN_PROXY_FILE( AccessibleImage )
+EXTERN_PROXY_FILE( AccessibleRelation )
+EXTERN_PROXY_FILE( AccessibleTable )
+EXTERN_PROXY_FILE( AccessibleTable2 )
+EXTERN_PROXY_FILE( AccessibleTableCell )
+EXTERN_PROXY_FILE( AccessibleText )
+EXTERN_PROXY_FILE( AccessibleValue )
+/* Start of list */
+ REFERENCE_PROXY_FILE( Accessible2 ),
+ REFERENCE_PROXY_FILE( AccessibleAction ),
+ REFERENCE_PROXY_FILE( AccessibleApplication ),
+ REFERENCE_PROXY_FILE( AccessibleComponent ),
+ REFERENCE_PROXY_FILE( AccessibleEditableText ),
+ REFERENCE_PROXY_FILE( AccessibleHyperlink ),
+ REFERENCE_PROXY_FILE( AccessibleHypertext ),
+ REFERENCE_PROXY_FILE( AccessibleImage ),
+ REFERENCE_PROXY_FILE( AccessibleRelation ),
+ REFERENCE_PROXY_FILE( AccessibleTable ),
+ REFERENCE_PROXY_FILE( AccessibleTable2 ),
+ REFERENCE_PROXY_FILE( AccessibleTableCell ),
+ REFERENCE_PROXY_FILE( AccessibleText ),
+ REFERENCE_PROXY_FILE( AccessibleValue ),
+/* End of list */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+} /*extern "C" */
+/* end of generated dlldata file */
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/iaccessible2.pri b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/iaccessible2.pri
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f89655a9a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/iaccessible2.pri
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+contains(QMAKE_TARGET.arch, x86_64): {
+} else {
+ !contains(QMAKE_TARGET.arch, x86): message("ERROR: Could not detect architecture from QMAKE_TARGET.arch")
+SOURCES += $${MIDL_GENERATED}/Accessible2_p.c \
+ $${MIDL_GENERATED}/AccessibleAction_p.c \
+ $${MIDL_GENERATED}/AccessibleApplication_p.c \
+ $${MIDL_GENERATED}/AccessibleComponent_p.c \
+ $${MIDL_GENERATED}/AccessibleEditableText_p.c \
+ $${MIDL_GENERATED}/AccessibleHyperlink_p.c \
+ $${MIDL_GENERATED}/AccessibleHypertext_p.c \
+ $${MIDL_GENERATED}/AccessibleImage_p.c \
+ $${MIDL_GENERATED}/AccessibleRelation_p.c \
+ $${MIDL_GENERATED}/AccessibleTable2_p.c \
+ $${MIDL_GENERATED}/AccessibleTableCell_p.c \
+ $${MIDL_GENERATED}/AccessibleTable_p.c \
+ $${MIDL_GENERATED}/AccessibleText_p.c \
+ $${MIDL_GENERATED}/AccessibleValue_p.c
+SOURCES += $${MIDL_GENERATED}/Accessible2_i.c \
+ $${MIDL_GENERATED}/AccessibleAction_i.c \
+ $${MIDL_GENERATED}/AccessibleApplication_i.c \
+ $${MIDL_GENERATED}/AccessibleComponent_i.c \
+ $${MIDL_GENERATED}/AccessibleEditableText_i.c \
+ $${MIDL_GENERATED}/AccessibleHyperlink_i.c \
+ $${MIDL_GENERATED}/AccessibleHypertext_i.c \
+ $${MIDL_GENERATED}/AccessibleImage_i.c \
+ $${MIDL_GENERATED}/AccessibleRelation_i.c \
+ $${MIDL_GENERATED}/AccessibleTable2_i.c \
+ $${MIDL_GENERATED}/AccessibleTableCell_i.c \
+ $${MIDL_GENERATED}/AccessibleTable_i.c \
+ $${MIDL_GENERATED}/AccessibleText_i.c \
+ $${MIDL_GENERATED}/AccessibleValue_i.c
+SOURCES += $${MIDL_GENERATED}/IA2TypeLibrary_i.c \
+ $${MIDL_GENERATED}/dlldata.c
+HEADERS += $${MIDL_GENERATED}/Accessible2.h \
+ $${MIDL_GENERATED}/AccessibleAction.h \
+ $${MIDL_GENERATED}/AccessibleApplication.h \
+ $${MIDL_GENERATED}/AccessibleComponent.h \
+ $${MIDL_GENERATED}/AccessibleEditableText.h \
+ $${MIDL_GENERATED}/AccessibleEventID.h \
+ $${MIDL_GENERATED}/AccessibleHyperlink.h \
+ $${MIDL_GENERATED}/AccessibleHypertext.h \
+ $${MIDL_GENERATED}/AccessibleImage.h \
+ $${MIDL_GENERATED}/AccessibleRelation.h \
+ $${MIDL_GENERATED}/AccessibleRole.h \
+ $${MIDL_GENERATED}/AccessibleStates.h \
+ $${MIDL_GENERATED}/AccessibleTable.h \
+ $${MIDL_GENERATED}/AccessibleTable2.h \
+ $${MIDL_GENERATED}/AccessibleTableCell.h \
+ $${MIDL_GENERATED}/AccessibleText.h \
+ $${MIDL_GENERATED}/AccessibleValue.h \
+ $${MIDL_GENERATED}/IA2CommonTypes.h \
+ $${MIDL_GENERATED}/IA2TypeLibrary.h
+ $$PWD/idl/Accessible2.idl \
+ $$PWD/idl/AccessibleAction.idl \
+ $$PWD/idl/AccessibleApplication.idl \
+ $$PWD/idl/AccessibleComponent.idl \
+ $$PWD/idl/AccessibleEditableText.idl \
+ $$PWD/idl/AccessibleEventID.idl \
+ $$PWD/idl/AccessibleHyperlink.idl \
+ $$PWD/idl/AccessibleHypertext.idl \
+ $$PWD/idl/AccessibleImage.idl \
+ $$PWD/idl/AccessibleRelation.idl \
+ $$PWD/idl/AccessibleRole.idl \
+ $$PWD/idl/AccessibleStates.idl \
+ $$PWD/idl/AccessibleTable.idl \
+ $$PWD/idl/AccessibleTable2.idl \
+ $$PWD/idl/AccessibleTableCell.idl \
+ $$PWD/idl/AccessibleText.idl \
+ $$PWD/idl/AccessibleValue.idl \
+ $$PWD/idl/IA2CommonTypes.idl \
+ $$PWD/idl/IA2TypeLibrary.idl
+LIBS += -lRpcRT4
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/idl/Accessible2.idl b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/idl/Accessible2.idl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6a0d750483
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/idl/Accessible2.idl
@@ -0,0 +1,679 @@
+ *
+ * File Name (Accessible2.idl)
+ *
+ * IAccessible2 IDL Specification
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2007, 2010 Linux Foundation
+ * Copyright (c) 2006 IBM Corporation
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+ * are met:
+ *
+ * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ *
+ * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+ * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
+ * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
+ * provided with the distribution.
+ *
+ * 3. Neither the name of the Linux Foundation nor the names of its
+ * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
+ * derived from this software without specific prior written
+ * permission.
+ *
+ *
+ * This BSD License conforms to the Open Source Initiative "Simplified
+ * BSD License" as published at:
+ *
+ *
+ * IAccessible2 is a trademark of the Linux Foundation. The IAccessible2
+ * mark may be used in accordance with the Linux Foundation Trademark
+ * Policy to indicate compliance with the IAccessible2 specification.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+/** @mainpage
+ @section _interfaces Interfaces
+ IAccessible2\n
+ IAccessibleAction\n
+ IAccessibleApplication\n
+ IAccessibleComponent\n
+ IAccessibleHypertext\n
+ IAccessibleHyperlink\n
+ IAccessibleImage\n
+ IAccessibleRelation\n
+ IAccessibleTable [Deprecated]\n
+ IAccessibleTable2\n
+ IAccessibleTableCell\n
+ IAccessibleText\n
+ IAccessibleEditableText\n
+ IAccessibleValue
+ @section _structs Structs
+ IA2Locale\n
+ IA2TableModelChange\n
+ IA2TextSegment
+ @section _enums Enums
+ ::IA2CoordinateType values define the requested coordinate type (screen or parent window).\n
+ ::IA2EventID values identify events.\n
+ ::IA2Role values defines roles which are in addition to the existing MSAA roles.\n
+ ::IA2ScrollType values define where to place an object or substring on the screen.\n
+ ::IA2States values define states which are in addition to the existing MSAA states.\n
+ ::IA2TableModelChangeType values describe the kinds of changes made to a table (insert, delete, update).\n
+ ::IA2TextBoundaryType values define the requested text unit (character, word, sentence, line, paragraph).\n
+ ::IA2TextSpecialOffsets values define special offsets for use in the text interfaces.
+ @section _constants Constants
+ @ref grpRelations
+ @section _misc Miscellaneous
+ @ref _licensePage "BSD License"\n
+ @ref _generalInfo "General Information"\n
+ @page _licensePage BSD License
+ %IAccessible2 IDL Specification
+ Copyright (c) 2007, 2010 Linux Foundation\n
+ Copyright (c) 2006 IBM Corporation\n
+ Copyright (c) 2000, 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc.\n
+ All rights reserved.
+ Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+ are met:
+ 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+ copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
+ disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
+ provided with the distribution.
+ 3. Neither the name of the Linux Foundation nor the names of its
+ contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
+ derived from this software without specific prior written
+ permission.
+ This BSD License conforms to the Open Source Initiative "Simplified
+ BSD License" as published at:
+ %IAccessible2 is a trademark of the Linux Foundation. The %IAccessible2
+ mark may be used in accordance with the
+ <a href="">
+ Linux Foundation Trademark Policy</a> to indicate compliance with the %IAccessible2 specification.
+ @page _generalInfo General Information
+ The following information is applicable to two or more interfaces.
+ @ref _errors\n
+ @ref _memory\n
+ &nbsp;&nbsp;@ref _arrayConsideration\n
+ @ref _indexes\n
+ @ref _enums\n
+ @ref _specialOffsets\n
+ @ref _dicoveringInterfaces\n
+ @ref _changingInterfaces\n
+ @ref _applicationInfo\n
+ @ref _childIDs\n
+ @ref _variants\n
+ @ref _iaaction-iahyperlink\n
+ @ref _trademark
+ @section _errors Error Handling
+ HRESULT values are defined by the Microsoft&reg; Win32&reg; API. For more information, refer to
+ <a href="">Interpreting HRESULT Values</a>
+ in MSDN&reg;.
+ Note that the S_FALSE return value is considered a non-error value and the
+ SUCCEEDED macro will return TRUE. S_FALSE is used when there is no failure
+ but there was nothing valid to return, e.g. in IAccessible2::attributes when
+ there are no attributes. When S_FALSE is returned [out] pointer types should
+ be NULL and [out] longs should generally be 0, but sometimes -1 is used such
+ as IAccessible2::indexInParent, IAccessibleText::caretOffset, and
+ IAccessibleHypertext::hyperlinkIndex.
+ Note that for BSTR [out] variables common COM practice is that the server does
+ the SysAllocString and the client does the SysFreeString. Also note that when
+ NULL is returned there is no need for the client to call SysFreeString. Please
+ refer to the documentation for each method for more details regarding error handling.
+ @section _memory Memory Management
+ The following memory management issues should be considered:
+ @li Although [out] BSTR variables are declared by the client, their space is
+ allocated by the server. They need to be freed with SysFreeString by the
+ client at end of life; the same is true when BSTRs are used in structs or
+ arrays which are passed to the server.
+ @li If there is no valid [out] BSTR to return, the server should return S_FALSE and
+ assign NULL to the output, e.g. *theOutBSTR = NULL;.
+ @li COM interfaces need to be referenced with AddRef when used and dereferenced
+ with Release at end of life.
+ @li Single [out] longs, HWNDs, booleans, and structs are declared by the caller
+ and passed by reference. The marshaller does all the memory management.
+ The following articles may be helpful for understanding memory management issues:
+ @li An article by Don Box in a
+ <a href="">Q & A section</a>
+ of the November 1996 edition of the Microsoft Systems Journal.
+ @li A posting to a CodeGuru forum,
+ <a href="">Windows SDK
+ String: What are the rules for BSTR allocation and deallocation?</a>
+ @subsection _arrayConsideration Special Consideration when using Arrays
+ There are several methods which return arrays. In the case of IAccessible2::relations
+ and IAccessibleRelation::targets the client must allocate and free the arrays.
+ For the remaining methods which return arrays, the server must allocate the array
+ and the client must free the array when no longer needed. These methods are
+ IAccessible2::extendedStates, IAccessible2::localizedExtendedStates,
+ IAccessibleAction::keyBinding, IAccessibleTable2::selectedCells,
+ IAccessibleTable2::selectedColumns, and IAccessibleTable2::selectedRows. For
+ those methods, the server must allocate both the top level array and any storage
+ associated with it, e.g. for BSTRs. The server must allocate the arrays with
+ CoTaskMemAlloc and any BSTRs with SysAllocString. The client must use CoTaskMemFree
+ to free the array and any BSTRs must be freed with SysFreeString.
+ Also, the IDL for those six methods includes an extraneous [in] parameter for the
+ caller to specify the max size of the array. This parameter will be ignored by
+ the COM server.
+ @section _indexes Zero and One Based Indexes
+ Unless otherwise specified all offsets and indexes are 0 based.
+ @section _enums Enums
+ Note that enums start at 0.
+ @section _specialOffsets Special Offsets for use in the IAccessibleText and IAccessibleEditableText Methods
+ IAccessibleText and IAccessibleEditableText can use one or more of the following
+ special offset values. They are defined in the ::IA2TextSpecialOffsets enum.
+ @li Using ::IA2_TEXT_OFFSET_LENGTH (-1) as an offset in any of the IAccessibleText or
+ IAccessibleEditableText methods is the same as specifying the length of the string.
+ @li Using ::IA2_TEXT_OFFSET_CARET (-2) as an offset for IAccessibleText::textBeforeOffset,
+ IAccessibleText::textAtOffset, and IAccessibleText::textAfterOffset indicates that the
+ text related to the physical location of the caret should be used. This is needed for
+ applications that consider the character offset of the end of one line (as reached by
+ pressing the End key) the same as the offset of the first character on the next line.
+ Since the same offset is associated with two different lines a special means is needed
+ to fetch text from the line where the caret is physically located.
+ @section _dicoveringInterfaces Discovery of Interfaces
+ In general AT (Assistive Technology) should try IAccessible2 interfaces, followed by using
+ the MSAA (Microsoft&reg; Active Accessibility&reg;) interfaces. (In cases where the an application
+ is known to have custom interfaces which provide information not supplied by IAccessible2
+ or MSAA, then those custom interfaces can be used.) The AT can then, by default, support
+ unknown IAccessible2/MSAA applications, without the application developers having to request
+ AT vendors for support on an individual application by application basis.
+ When you have a reference to an IAccessible and require a reference to an IAccessible2 use
+ QueryService as follows:
+ @code
+ // pAcc is a reference to the accessible object's IAccessible interface.
+ IServiceProvider *pService = NULL;
+ hr = pAcc->QueryInterface(IID_IServiceProvider, (void **)&pService);
+ if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
+ IAccessible2 *pIA2 = NULL;
+ hr = pService->QueryService(IID_IAccessible, IID_IAccessible2, (void**)&pIA2);
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && pIA2) {
+ // The control supports IAccessible2.
+ // pIA2 is the reference to the accessible object's IAccessible2 interface.
+ }
+ }
+ @endcode
+ @section _changingInterfaces Changing between Accessible Interfaces
+ Note that developers must always implement MSAA's IAccessible and, if needed, some
+ of the interfaces in the set of IAccessible2 interfaces. Although the IAccessible2
+ IDL is coded such that IAccessible2 is a subclass of MSAA's IAccessible, none of
+ MSAA's IAccessible methods are redefined by IAccessible2.
+ QueryService must be used to switch from a reference to an MSAA IAccessible interface
+ to another interface. This has been
+ <a href="">
+ documented by Microsoft</a> and the pertinent facts have been extracted below:
+ @par
+ Why use QueryService instead of just using QueryInterface to get IAccessibleEx
+ directly? The reason is that since MSAA 2.0, clients don't talk to a server's
+ IAccessible interface directly; instead they talk to an intermediate MSAA-provided
+ wrapper that calls through to the original IAccessible. This wrapper provides services
+ such as implementing IDispatch, supplying information from MSAA 2.0's Dynamic Annotation
+ service, and scaling locations when running on Windows Vista with DPI scaling enabled.
+ QueryService is the supported way to expose additional interfaces from an existing
+ IAccessible and was originally used by MSHTML to expose IHTMLElement objects corresponding
+ to IAccessibles. QueryService is often more convenient for servers to implement than
+ QueryInterface because it does not have the same requirements for preserving object
+ identity or symmetry/transitivity as QueryInterface, so QueryService allows servers to
+ easily implement the interface on the same object or a separate object. The latter is
+ often hard to do with QueryInterface unless the original object supports aggregation.
+ Two related references in MSDN&reg; are:
+ @li <a href="">
+ "Using QueryService to expose a native object model interface for an IAccessible object"</a>
+ @li <a href="">
+ "Accessing the Internet Explorer Object Associated with an Accessible Object"</a>
+ Based on this information from Microsoft, QueryService must be used to switch back and forth
+ between a reference to an MSAA IAccessible interface and any of the IAccessible2 interfaces.
+ Regarding switching between any of the IAccessible2 interfaces, applications implementing
+ IAccessible2 should implement the IAccessible2 interfaces on a single object since ATs
+ will be using QueryInterface to switch between the IAccessilbe2 interfaces. Implementing
+ the IAccessible2 interfaces on separate objects would require the use of QueryService.
+ There is one exception, IAccessibleApplication can be implemented on a separate object so
+ its common code doesn't have to be included in each accessible object. ATs should use
+ QueryService to access IAccessibleApplication.
+ @section _applicationInfo Access to Information about the Application
+ Servers implementing IAccessible2 should provide access to the IAccessibleApplication
+ interface via QueryService from any object so that ATs can easily determine specific
+ information about the application such as its name or version.
+ @section _childIDs Child IDs
+ The IAccessible2 interfaces do not support child IDs, i.e. simple child elements.
+ Full accessible objects must be created for each object that supports IAccessible2.
+ Therefore MSAA's get_accChild should never return a child ID (other than CHILDID_SELF)
+ for an object that implements any of the IAccessible2 interfaces.
+ Microsoft's UI Automation specification has the same limitation and this was resolved
+ in the UI Automation Express specification by adding IAccessibleEx::GetObjectForChild
+ and IAccessibleEx::GetIAccessiblePair. These methods allow mapping back and forth
+ between an IAccessibleEx and an {IAccessible, Child ID} pair. A future version of
+ IAccessible2 may include similar methods to map back and forth between an IAccessible2
+ and an {IAccessible, Child ID} pair.
+ @section _variants VARIANTs
+ Some methods return a VARIANT. Implementers need to make sure that the return type is
+ specified, i.e. VT_I4, VT_IDISPATCH, etc. The methods that return VARIANTs are
+ IAccessibleHyperlink::anchor, IAccessibleHyperlink::anchorTarget, IAccessibleValue::currentValue,
+ IAccessibleValue::maximumValue, IAccessibleValue::minimumValue.
+ @section _iaaction-iahyperlink IAccessibleHyperlink as subclass of IAccessibleAction
+ In this version of the IDL, IAccessibleHyperlink is a subclass of IAccessibleAction.
+ However, there is no practical need for that inheritance and in some cases, such as
+ an image map of smart tags, it doesn't make sense because such an image map doesn't
+ have actionable objects; it's the secondary smart tags that are actionable. As a
+ result, implementations should not rely on the inheritance as it may be removed in
+ a later version of the IDL.
+ @section _trademark Trademark Attribution
+ The names of actual companies and products mentioned herein may be the trademarks of
+ their respective owners. In particular, Active Accessibility, Microsoft, MSDN, and Win32
+ are trademarks of the Microsoft group of companies in the U.S.A. and/or other countries.
+import "objidl.idl";
+import "oaidl.idl";
+import "oleacc.idl";
+import "AccessibleRelation.idl";
+import "AccessibleStates.idl";
+import "IA2CommonTypes.idl";
+/** A structure defining the locale of an accessible object.
+IAccessible2::locale returns this struct.
+typedef struct IA2Locale {
+ BSTR language; ///< ISO 639-1 Alpha-2 two character language code
+ BSTR country; ///< ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 two character country code
+ BSTR variant; ///< Application specific variant of the locale
+} IA2Locale;
+/** @brief This interface exposes the primary set of information about an
+ IAccessible2 enabled accessible object.
+ This interface must always be provided for objects that support some
+ portion of the collection of the %IAccessible2 interfaces.
+ Please refer to @ref _changingInterfaces "Changing between Accessible Interfaces"
+ for special considerations related to use of the MSAA IAccessible interface and
+ the set of %IAccessible2 interfaces.
+ */
+[object, uuid(E89F726E-C4F4-4c19-BB19-B647D7FA8478)]
+interface IAccessible2 : IAccessible
+ /** @brief Returns the number of accessible relations for this object.
+ @param [out] nRelations
+ @retval S_OK
+ */
+ [propget] HRESULT nRelations
+ (
+ [out, retval] long *nRelations
+ );
+ /** @brief Returns one accessible relation for this object.
+ @param [in] relationIndex
+ 0 based
+ @param [out] relation
+ @retval S_OK
+ @retval E_INVALIDARG if bad [in] passed
+ */
+ [propget] HRESULT relation
+ (
+ [in] long relationIndex,
+ [out, retval] IAccessibleRelation **relation
+ );
+ /** @brief Returns multiple accessible relations for this object.
+ @param [in] maxRelations
+ maximum size of the array allocated by the client
+ @param [out] relations
+ The array of accessible relation objects. Note that this array is to be
+ allocated by the client and freed when no longer needed. Refer to @ref
+ _arrayConsideration "Special Consideration when using Arrays" for more details.
+ @param [out] nRelations
+ actual number of relations in the returned array (not more than maxRelations)
+ @retval S_OK
+ @retval S_FALSE if there are no relations, nRelations is set to 0
+ */
+ [propget] HRESULT relations
+ (
+ [in] long maxRelations,
+ [out, size_is(maxRelations), length_is(*nRelations)]
+ IAccessibleRelation **relations,
+ [out, retval] long *nRelations
+ );
+ /** @brief Returns the role of an %IAccessible2 object.
+ @param [out] role
+ The role of an %IAccessible2 object.
+ @retval S_OK
+ @note
+ @li For convenience MSAA roles are also passed through this method so the
+ AT doesn't have to also fetch roles through MSAA's get_accRole.
+ @li %IAccessible2 roles should not be passed through MSAA's get_accRole.
+ @li For compatibility with non IAccessible2 enabled ATs, IAccessible2
+ applications should also add support to get_accRole to return the closest
+ MSAA role or ROLE_SYSTEM_CLIENT (the MSAA defined default role) if there
+ is not a good match.
+ @li This method is missing a [propget] prefix in the IDL. The result is the
+ method is named role in generated C++ code instead of get_role.
+ */
+ HRESULT role
+ (
+ [out, retval] long *role
+ );
+ /** @brief Makes an object visible on the screen.
+ @param [in] scrollType
+ Defines where the object should be placed on the screen.
+ @retval S_OK
+ @retval E_INVALIDARG if bad [in] passed
+ */
+ HRESULT scrollTo
+ (
+ [in] enum IA2ScrollType scrollType
+ );
+ /** @brief Moves the top left of an object to a specified location.
+ @param [in] coordinateType
+ Specifies whether the coordinates are relative to the screen or the parent object.
+ @param [in] x
+ Defines the x coordinate.
+ @param [in] y
+ Defines the y coordinate.
+ @retval S_OK
+ @retval E_INVALIDARG if bad [in] passed
+ */
+ HRESULT scrollToPoint
+ (
+ [in] enum IA2CoordinateType coordinateType,
+ [in] long x,
+ [in] long y
+ );
+ /** @brief Returns grouping information.
+ Used for tree items, list items, tab panel labels, radio buttons, etc.
+ Also used for collections of non-text objects.
+ @param [out] groupLevel
+ 1 based, 0 indicates that this value is not applicable
+ @param [out] similarItemsInGroup
+ 1 based, 0 indicates that this value is not applicable
+ @param [out] positionInGroup
+ 1 based, 0 indicates that this value is not applicable. This is an index
+ into the objects in the current group, not an index into all the objects
+ at the same group level.
+ @retval S_OK if at least one value is valid
+ @retval S_FALSE if no values are valid, [out] values are 0s
+ @note This method is meant to describe the nature of an object's containment
+ structure. It's exposed by trees, tree grids, nested lists, nested menus,
+ but not headings, which uses the level object attribute. It is also exposed
+ by radio buttons (with groupLevel == 0).
+ @note This is normally not implemented on a combo box to describe the nature
+ of its contents. Normally an AT will get that information from its child list
+ object. However, in some cases when non-edit combo boxes are not able to be structured
+ such that the list is a child of the combo box, this method is implemented on
+ the combo box itself. ATs can use this interface if a child list is not found.
+ */
+ [propget] HRESULT groupPosition
+ (
+ [out] long *groupLevel,
+ [out] long *similarItemsInGroup,
+ [out, retval] long *positionInGroup
+ );
+ /** @brief Returns the bit strip containing any IAccessible2 states.
+ The IAccessible2 states are in addition to the MSAA states and are defined in
+ the IA2States enum.
+ @param [out] states
+ @retval S_OK
+ */
+ [propget] HRESULT states
+ (
+ [out, retval] AccessibleStates *states
+ );
+ /** @brief Returns the extended role.
+ An extended role is a role which is dynamically generated by the application.
+ It is not predefined by the %IAccessible2 specification.
+ @param [out] extendedRole
+ @retval S_OK
+ @retval S_FALSE if there is nothing to return, [out] value is NULL
+ */
+ [propget] HRESULT extendedRole
+ (
+ [out, retval] BSTR *extendedRole
+ );
+ /** @brief Returns the localized extended role.
+ @param [out] localizedExtendedRole
+ @retval S_OK
+ @retval S_FALSE if there is nothing to return, [out] value is NULL
+ */
+ [propget] HRESULT localizedExtendedRole
+ (
+ [out, retval] BSTR *localizedExtendedRole
+ );
+ /** @brief Returns the number of extended states.
+ @param [out] nExtendedStates
+ @retval S_OK
+ */
+ [propget] HRESULT nExtendedStates
+ (
+ [out, retval] long *nExtendedStates
+ );
+ /** @brief Returns the extended states (array of strings).
+ An extended state is a state which is dynamically generated by the application.
+ It is not predefined by the %IAccessible2 specification.
+ @param [in] maxExtendedStates
+ This parameter is ignored. Refer to @ref _arrayConsideration
+ "Special Consideration when using Arrays" for more details.
+ @param [out] extendedStates
+ This array is allocated by the server. Free it with CoTaskMemFree.
+ @param [out] nExtendedStates
+ The number of extended states returned; the size of the returned array.
+ @retval S_OK
+ @retval S_FALSE if there are no states, [out] values are NULL and 0 respectively
+ */
+ [propget] HRESULT extendedStates
+ (
+ [in] long maxExtendedStates,
+ [out, size_is(,maxExtendedStates), length_is(,*nExtendedStates)] BSTR **extendedStates,
+ [out, retval] long *nExtendedStates
+ );
+ /** @brief Returns the localized extended states (array of strings).
+ @param [in] maxLocalizedExtendedStates
+ This parameter is ignored. Refer to @ref _arrayConsideration
+ "Special Consideration when using Arrays" for more details.
+ @param [out] localizedExtendedStates
+ This array is allocated by the server. Free it with CoTaskMemFree.
+ @param [out] nLocalizedExtendedStates
+ The number of localized extended states returned; the size of the returned array.
+ @retval S_OK
+ @retval S_FALSE if there are no states, [out] values are NULL and 0 respectively
+ */
+ [propget] HRESULT localizedExtendedStates
+ (
+ [in] long maxLocalizedExtendedStates,
+ [out, size_is(,maxLocalizedExtendedStates), length_is(,*nLocalizedExtendedStates)] BSTR **localizedExtendedStates,
+ [out, retval] long *nLocalizedExtendedStates
+ );
+ /** @brief Returns the unique ID.
+ The uniqueID is an identifier for this object, is unique within the
+ current window, and remains the same for the lifetime of the accessible
+ object.
+ The uniqueID is not related to:
+ - the MSAA objectID which is used by the server to disambiguate between
+ IAccessibles per HWND or
+ - the MSAA childID which is used to disambiguate between children being
+ managed by an IAccessible.
+ This value is provided so the AT can have access to a unique runtime persistent
+ identifier even when not handling an event for the object.
+ An example of when this value is useful is if the AT wants to build a cache.
+ The AT could cache the uniqueIDs in addition to other data being cached.
+ When an event is fired the AT could map the uniqueID to its internal model.
+ Thus, if there's a REORDER/SHOW/HIDE event the AT knows which part of the
+ internal structure has been invalidated and can refetch just that part.
+ This value can also be used by an AT to determine when the current control
+ has changed. If the role is the same for two controls that are adjacent in
+ the tab order, this can be used to detect the new control.
+ Another use of this value by an AT is to identify when a grouping object has
+ changed, e.g. when moving from a radio button in one group to a radio button in a
+ different group.
+ One means of implementing this would be to create a factory with a 32 bit number
+ generator and a reuse pool. The number generator would emit numbers starting
+ at 1. Each time an object's life cycle ended, its number would be saved into a
+ reuse pool. The number generator would be used whenever the reuse pool was empty.
+ Another way to create a unique ID is to generate it from a pointer value, e.g. an
+ object's address. That would be unique because no two active objects can use the
+ same allocated memory space.
+ @param [out] uniqueID
+ @retval S_OK
+ */
+ [propget] HRESULT uniqueID
+ (
+ [out, retval] long *uniqueID
+ );
+ /** @brief Returns the window handle for the parent window which contains this object.
+ This is the same window handle which will be passed for any events that occur on the
+ object, but is cached in the accessible object for use when it would be helpful to
+ access the window handle in cases where an event isn't fired on this object.
+ A use case is when a screen reader is grabbing an entire web page on a page load.
+ Without the availability of windowHandle, the AT would have to get the window handle
+ by using WindowFromAccessibleObject on each IAccessible, which is slow because it's
+ implemented by oleacc.dll as a loop which crawls up the ancestor chain and looks for
+ a ROLE_WINDOW object, mapping that back to a window handle.
+ @param [out] windowHandle
+ @retval S_OK
+ */
+ [propget] HRESULT windowHandle
+ (
+ [out, retval] HWND *windowHandle
+ );
+ /** @brief Returns the index of this object in its parent object.
+ @param [out] indexInParent
+ 0 based; -1 indicates there is no parent; the upper bound is the value
+ returned by the parent's IAccessible::get_accChildCount.
+ @retval S_OK
+ @retval S_FALSE if no parent, [out] value is -1
+ */
+ [propget] HRESULT indexInParent
+ (
+ [out, retval] long *indexInParent
+ );
+ /** @brief Returns the IA2Locale of the accessible object.
+ @param [out] locale
+ @retval S_OK
+ */
+ [propget] HRESULT locale
+ (
+ [out, retval] IA2Locale *locale
+ );
+ /** @brief Returns the attributes specific to this %IAccessible2 object, such as a cell's formula.
+ @param [out] attributes
+ @retval S_OK
+ @retval S_FALSE returned if there is nothing to return, [out] value is NULL
+ */
+ [propget] HRESULT attributes
+ (
+ [out, retval] BSTR *attributes
+ );
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/idl/AccessibleAction.idl b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/idl/AccessibleAction.idl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..edab0d288b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/idl/AccessibleAction.idl
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+ *
+ * File Name (AccessibleAction.idl)
+ *
+ * IAccessible2 IDL Specification
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2007, 2010 Linux Foundation
+ * Copyright (c) 2006 IBM Corporation
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+ * are met:
+ *
+ * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ *
+ * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+ * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
+ * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
+ * provided with the distribution.
+ *
+ * 3. Neither the name of the Linux Foundation nor the names of its
+ * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
+ * derived from this software without specific prior written
+ * permission.
+ *
+ *
+ * This BSD License conforms to the Open Source Initiative "Simplified
+ * BSD License" as published at:
+ *
+ *
+ * IAccessible2 is a trademark of the Linux Foundation. The IAccessible2
+ * mark may be used in accordance with the Linux Foundation Trademark
+ * Policy to indicate compliance with the IAccessible2 specification.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+import "objidl.idl";
+import "oaidl.idl";
+import "oleacc.idl";
+/** @brief This interface gives access to actions that can be executed
+ for accessible objects.
+ Every accessible object that can be manipulated via the native GUI beyond the
+ methods available either in the MSAA IAccessible interface or in the set of
+ IAccessible2 interfaces (other than this IAccessibleAction interface) should
+ support the IAccessibleAction interface in order to provide Assistive Technology
+ access to all the actions that can be performed by the object. Each action can
+ be performed or queried for a name, description or associated key bindings.
+ Actions are needed more for ATs that assist the mobility impaired, such as
+ on-screen keyboards and voice command software. By providing actions directly,
+ the AT can present them to the user without the user having to perform the extra
+ steps to navigate a context menu.
+ The first action should be equivalent to the MSAA default action. If there is
+ only one action, %IAccessibleAction should also be implemented.
+[object, uuid(B70D9F59-3B5A-4dba-AB9E-22012F607DF5)]
+interface IAccessibleAction : IUnknown
+ /** @brief Returns the number of accessible actions available in this object.
+ If there are more than one, the first one is considered the
+ "default" action of the object.
+ @param [out] nActions
+ The returned value of the number of actions is zero if there are
+ no actions.
+ @retval S_OK
+ @note This method is missing a [propget] prefix in the IDL. The result is the
+ method is named nActions in generated C++ code instead of get_nActions.
+ */
+ HRESULT nActions
+ (
+ [out,retval] long* nActions
+ );
+ /** @brief Performs the specified Action on the object.
+ @param [in] actionIndex
+ 0 based index specifying the action to perform. If it lies outside
+ the valid range no action is performed.
+ @retval S_OK
+ @retval S_FALSE if action could not be performed
+ @retval E_INVALIDARG if bad [in] passed
+ */
+ HRESULT doAction
+ (
+ [in] long actionIndex
+ );
+ /** @brief Returns a description of the specified action of the object.
+ @param [in] actionIndex
+ 0 based index specifying which action's description to return.
+ If it lies outside the valid range an empty string is returned.
+ @param [out] description
+ The returned value is a localized string of the specified action.
+ @retval S_OK
+ @retval S_FALSE if there is nothing to return, [out] value is NULL
+ @retval E_INVALIDARG if bad [in] passed
+ */
+ [propget] HRESULT description
+ (
+ [in] long actionIndex,
+ [out, retval] BSTR *description
+ );
+ /** @brief Returns an array of BSTRs describing one or more key bindings, if
+ there are any, associated with the specified action.
+ The returned strings are the localized human readable key sequences to be
+ used to activate each action, e.g. "Ctrl+Shift+D". Since these key
+ sequences are to be used when the object has focus, they are like
+ mnemonics (access keys), and not like shortcut (accelerator) keys.
+ There is no need to implement this method for single action controls since
+ that would be redundant with the standard MSAA programming practice of
+ getting the mnemonic from get_accKeyboardShortcut.
+ An AT such as an On Screen Keyboard might not expose these bindings but
+ provide alternative means of activation.
+ Note: the client allocates and passes in an array of pointers. The server
+ allocates the BSTRs and passes back one or more pointers to these BSTRs into
+ the array of pointers allocated by the client. The client is responsible
+ for deallocating the BSTRs.
+ @param [in] actionIndex
+ 0 based index specifying which action's key bindings should be returned.
+ @param [in] nMaxBindings
+ This parameter is ignored. Refer to @ref _arrayConsideration
+ "Special Consideration when using Arrays" for more details.
+ @param [out] keyBindings
+ An array of BSTRs, allocated by the server, one for each key binding.
+ Free it with CoTaskMemFree.
+ @param [out] nBindings
+ The number of key bindings returned; the size of the returned array.
+ @retval S_OK
+ @retval S_FALSE if there are no key bindings, [out] values are NULL and 0 respectively
+ @retval E_INVALIDARG if bad [in] passed
+ */
+ [propget] HRESULT keyBinding
+ (
+ [in] long actionIndex,
+ [in] long nMaxBindings,
+ [out, size_is(,nMaxBindings), length_is(,*nBindings)] BSTR **keyBindings,
+ [out, retval] long *nBindings
+ );
+ /** @brief Returns the non-localized name of specified action.
+ @param [in] actionIndex
+ 0 based index specifying which action's non-localized name should be returned.
+ @param [out] name
+ @retval S_OK
+ @retval S_FALSE if there is nothing to return, [out] value is NULL
+ @retval E_INVALIDARG if bad [in] passed
+ */
+ [propget] HRESULT name
+ (
+ [in] long actionIndex,
+ [out, retval] BSTR *name
+ );
+ /** @brief Returns the localized name of specified action.
+ @param [in] actionIndex
+ 0 based index specifying which action's localized name should be returned.
+ @param [out] localizedName
+ @retval S_OK
+ @retval S_FALSE if there is nothing to return, [out] value is NULL
+ @retval E_INVALIDARG if bad [in] passed
+ */
+ [propget] HRESULT localizedName
+ (
+ [in] long actionIndex,
+ [out, retval] BSTR *localizedName
+ );
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/idl/AccessibleApplication.idl b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/idl/AccessibleApplication.idl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ed15aa0018
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/idl/AccessibleApplication.idl
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+ *
+ * File Name (AccessibleApplication.idl)
+ *
+ * IAccessible2 IDL Specification
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2007, 2010 Linux Foundation
+ * Copyright (c) 2006 IBM Corporation
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+ * are met:
+ *
+ * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ *
+ * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+ * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
+ * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
+ * provided with the distribution.
+ *
+ * 3. Neither the name of the Linux Foundation nor the names of its
+ * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
+ * derived from this software without specific prior written
+ * permission.
+ *
+ *
+ * This BSD License conforms to the Open Source Initiative "Simplified
+ * BSD License" as published at:
+ *
+ *
+ * IAccessible2 is a trademark of the Linux Foundation. The IAccessible2
+ * mark may be used in accordance with the Linux Foundation Trademark
+ * Policy to indicate compliance with the IAccessible2 specification.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+import "objidl.idl";
+import "oaidl.idl";
+import "oleacc.idl";
+/** @brief This interface gives access to the application's name and version information.
+ This interface provides the AT with the information it needs to differentiate
+ this application from other applications, from other versions of this
+ application, or from other versions of this application running on different
+ versions of an accessibility bridge or accessibility toolkit.
+ Servers implementing IAccessible2 should provide access to the %IAccessibleApplication
+ interface via QueryService from any object so that ATs can easily determine specific
+ information about the application such as its name or version.
+[object, uuid(D49DED83-5B25-43F4-9B95-93B44595979E)]
+interface IAccessibleApplication : IUnknown
+ /** @brief Returns the application name.
+ @param [out] name
+ @retval S_OK
+ @retval S_FALSE if there is nothing to return, [out] value is NULL
+ */
+ [propget] HRESULT appName
+ (
+ [out, retval] BSTR *name
+ );
+ /** @brief Returns the application version.
+ @param [out] version
+ The version string must not contain levels when it is know beforehand that
+ this information will never require a change in a client's behavior.
+ For example, use "3.6.0" rather than "3.6.0.v201005131500".
+ @retval S_OK
+ @retval S_FALSE if there is nothing to return, [out] value is NULL
+ */
+ [propget] HRESULT appVersion
+ (
+ [out, retval] BSTR *version
+ );
+ /** @brief Returns the toolkit/bridge name.
+ @param [out] name
+ @retval S_OK
+ @retval S_FALSE if there is nothing to return, [out] value is NULL
+ */
+ [propget] HRESULT toolkitName
+ (
+ [out, retval] BSTR *name
+ );
+ /** @brief Returns the toolkit/bridge version.
+ @param [out] version
+ The version string must not contain levels when it is know beforehand that
+ this information will never require a change in a client's behavior.
+ For example, use "3.6.0" rather than "3.6.0.v201005131500".
+ @retval S_OK
+ @retval S_FALSE if there is nothing to return, [out] value is NULL
+ */
+ [propget] HRESULT toolkitVersion
+ (
+ [out, retval] BSTR *version
+ );
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/idl/AccessibleComponent.idl b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/idl/AccessibleComponent.idl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bea623a938
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/idl/AccessibleComponent.idl
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+ *
+ * File Name (AccessibleComponent.idl)
+ *
+ * IAccessible2 IDL Specification
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2007, 2010 Linux Foundation
+ * Copyright (c) 2006 IBM Corporation
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+ * are met:
+ *
+ * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ *
+ * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+ * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
+ * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
+ * provided with the distribution.
+ *
+ * 3. Neither the name of the Linux Foundation nor the names of its
+ * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
+ * derived from this software without specific prior written
+ * permission.
+ *
+ *
+ * This BSD License conforms to the Open Source Initiative "Simplified
+ * BSD License" as published at:
+ *
+ *
+ * IAccessible2 is a trademark of the Linux Foundation. The IAccessible2
+ * mark may be used in accordance with the Linux Foundation Trademark
+ * Policy to indicate compliance with the IAccessible2 specification.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+import "objidl.idl";
+import "oaidl.idl";
+import "oleacc.idl";
+/** A value specifying a color in ARGB format, where each 8 bit color component
+specifies alpha, red, green, and blue respectively. The alpha value is optional.
+typedef long IA2Color;
+/** @brief This interface is implemented by any object that can be rendered
+ on the screen.
+ This interface provides the standard mechanism for an assistive technology
+ to retrieve information concerning the graphical representation of an object.
+ Coordinates used by the functions of this interface are specified in
+ different coordinate systems. Their scale is the same and is equal to
+ that of the screen coordinate system. In other words all coordinates
+ are measured in pixels. They differ in their respective origin:
+ <ul>
+ <li>The screen coordinate system has its origin in the upper left
+ corner of the current screen.</li>
+ <li>The origin of the parent coordinate system is the upper left corner
+ of the parent's bounding box. With no parent the screen coordinate
+ system is used instead.</li>
+ </ul>
+[object, uuid(1546D4B0-4C98-4bda-89AE-9A64748BDDE4)]
+interface IAccessibleComponent : IUnknown
+ /** @brief Returns the location of the upper left corner of the object's
+ bounding box relative to the immediate parent object.
+ The coordinates of the bounding box are given relative to the parent's
+ coordinate system. The coordinates of the returned position are relative
+ to this object's parent or relative to the screen on which this object
+ is rendered if it has no parent. If the object is not on any screen
+ the returned position is (0,0).
+ @param [out] x
+ @param [out] y
+ @retval S_OK
+ */
+ [propget] HRESULT locationInParent
+ (
+ [out] long *x,
+ [out, retval] long *y
+ );
+ /** @brief Returns the foreground color of this object.
+ @param [out] foreground
+ The returned color is the foreground color of this object or, if
+ that is not supported, the default foreground color.
+ @retval S_OK
+ */
+ [propget] HRESULT foreground
+ (
+ [out, retval] IA2Color *foreground
+ );
+ /** @brief Returns the background color of this object.
+ @param [out] background
+ The returned color is the background color of this object or, if
+ that is not supported, the default background color.
+ @retval S_OK
+ */
+ [propget] HRESULT background
+ (
+ [out, retval] IA2Color *background
+ );
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/idl/AccessibleEditableText.idl b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/idl/AccessibleEditableText.idl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..48fefd30ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/idl/AccessibleEditableText.idl
@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
+ *
+ * File Name (AccessibleEditableText.idl)
+ *
+ * IAccessible2 IDL Specification
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2007, 2010 Linux Foundation
+ * Copyright (c) 2006 IBM Corporation
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+ * are met:
+ *
+ * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ *
+ * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+ * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
+ * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
+ * provided with the distribution.
+ *
+ * 3. Neither the name of the Linux Foundation nor the names of its
+ * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
+ * derived from this software without specific prior written
+ * permission.
+ *
+ *
+ * This BSD License conforms to the Open Source Initiative "Simplified
+ * BSD License" as published at:
+ *
+ *
+ * IAccessible2 is a trademark of the Linux Foundation. The IAccessible2
+ * mark may be used in accordance with the Linux Foundation Trademark
+ * Policy to indicate compliance with the IAccessible2 specification.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+import "objidl.idl";
+import "oaidl.idl";
+import "oleacc.idl";
+import "IA2CommonTypes.idl";
+/** @brief This interface provides clipboard capability to text objects.
+ This interface is typically used in conjunction with the IAccessibleText
+ interface and complements that interface with the additional capability of
+ clipboard operations. Note that even a read only text object can support
+ the copy capability so this interface is not limited to editable objects.
+ The substrings used with this interface are specified as follows:
+ If startOffset is less than endOffset, the substring starts with the
+ character at startOffset and ends with the character just before endOffset.
+ If endOffset is lower than startOffset, the result is the same as a call
+ with the two arguments exchanged. The whole text can be defined by passing
+ the indices zero and IAccessibleText::nCharacters. If both indices have the
+ same value, an empty string is defined.
+ Refer to the @ref _specialOffsets
+ "Special Offsets for use in the IAccessibleText and IAccessibleEditableText Methods"
+ for information about a special offset constant that can be used in %IAccessibleEditableText methods.
+[object, uuid(A59AA09A-7011-4b65-939D-32B1FB5547E3)]
+interface IAccessibleEditableText : IUnknown
+ /** @brief Copies the text range into the clipboard.
+ The selection is set to the specified offsets and then selection is copied into
+ the system clipboard.
+ @param [in] startOffset
+ Start index of the text to moved into the clipboard.
+ The valid range is 0..length.
+ @param [in] endOffset
+ End index of the text to moved into the clipboard.
+ The valid range is 0..length.
+ @retval S_OK
+ @retval E_INVALIDARG if bad [in] passed
+ @note Refer to @ref _specialOffsets
+ "Special Offsets for use in the IAccessibleText and IAccessibleEditableText Methods"
+ for information about special offsets that can be used in %IAccessibleEditableText
+ methods.
+ */
+ HRESULT copyText
+ (
+ [in] long startOffset,
+ [in] long endOffset
+ );
+ /** @brief Deletes a range of text.
+ The text between and including the two given indices is deleted
+ from the text represented by this object.
+ @param [in] startOffset
+ Start index of the text to be deleted.
+ The valid range is 0..length.
+ @param [in] endOffset
+ End index of the text to be deleted.
+ The valid range is 0..length.
+ @retval S_OK
+ @retval E_INVALIDARG if bad [in] passed
+ @note Refer to @ref _specialOffsets
+ "Special Offsets for use in the IAccessibleText and IAccessibleEditableText Methods"
+ for information about special offsets that can be used in %IAccessibleEditableText
+ methods.
+ */
+ HRESULT deleteText
+ (
+ [in] long startOffset,
+ [in] long endOffset
+ );
+ /** @brief Inserts text at the specified position.
+ The specified string is inserted at the given index into the text
+ represented by this object.
+ @param [in] offset
+ Index at which to insert the text.
+ The valid range is 0..length.
+ Refer to @ref _specialOffsets
+ "Special Offsets for use in the IAccessibleText and IAccessibleEditableText Methods"
+ for information about special offsets that can be used in %IAccessibleEditableText
+ methods.
+ @param [in] text
+ Text that is inserted.
+ @retval S_OK
+ @retval E_INVALIDARG if bad [in] passed
+ */
+ HRESULT insertText
+ (
+ [in] long offset,
+ [in] BSTR *text
+ );
+ /** @brief Deletes a range of text and copies it to the clipboard.
+ The selection is set to the specified offsets, the selection is then copied into
+ the system clipboard, and then the selection is deleted.
+ @param [in] startOffset
+ Start index of the text to be deleted.
+ The valid range is 0..length.
+ @param [in] endOffset
+ End index of the text to be deleted.
+ The valid range is 0..length.
+ @retval S_OK
+ @retval E_INVALIDARG if bad [in] passed
+ @note Refer to @ref _specialOffsets
+ "Special Offsets for use in the IAccessibleText and IAccessibleEditableText Methods"
+ for information about special offsets that can be used in %IAccessibleEditableText
+ methods.
+ */
+ HRESULT cutText
+ (
+ [in] long startOffset,
+ [in] long endOffset
+ );
+ /** @brief Pastes content from the clipboard.
+ Any existing selection is removed, the clipboard content is then pasted into
+ this object's text at the given offset. This method is similar to the insertText
+ method. If the index is not valid the system clipboard content is not inserted. The
+ behavior is the same as when Ctrl+V is used, i.e. the pasted contents are not
+ necessarily plain text.
+ @param [in] offset
+ Index at which to insert the content from the system clipboard into
+ the text represented by this object.
+ The valid range is 0..length.
+ Refer to @ref _specialOffsets
+ "Special Offsets for use in the IAccessibleText and IAccessibleEditableText Methods"
+ for information about special offsets that can be used in %IAccessibleEditableText
+ methods.
+ @retval S_OK
+ @retval E_INVALIDARG if bad [in] passed
+ */
+ HRESULT pasteText
+ (
+ [in] long offset
+ );
+ /** @brief Replaces text.
+ The text between the two given indices is replaced by the specified
+ replacement string. This method is equivalent to calling first
+ IAccessibleEditableText::deleteText with the two indices and then
+ calling IAccessibleEditableText::insertText with the replacement text
+ at the start index.
+ @param [in] startOffset
+ Start index of the text to be replaced.
+ The valid range is 0..length.
+ @param [in] endOffset
+ End index of the text to be replaced.
+ The valid range is 0..length.
+ @param [in] text
+ The Text that replaces the text between the given indices.
+ @retval S_OK
+ @retval E_INVALIDARG if bad [in] passed
+ @note Refer to @ref _specialOffsets
+ "Special Offsets for use in the IAccessibleText and IAccessibleEditableText Methods"
+ for information about special offsets that can be used in %IAccessibleEditableText
+ methods.
+ */
+ HRESULT replaceText
+ (
+ [in] long startOffset,
+ [in] long endOffset,
+ [in] BSTR *text
+ );
+ /** @brief Replaces the attributes of a text range by the given set of attributes.
+ Sets the attributes for the text between the two given indices. The old
+ attributes are replaced by the new list of attributes.
+ @param [in] startOffset
+ Start index of the text whose attributes are modified.
+ The valid range is 0..length.
+ @param [in] endOffset
+ End index of the text whose attributes are modified.
+ The valid range is 0..length.
+ @param [in] attributes
+ Set of attributes that replaces the old list of attributes of
+ the specified text portion.
+ @retval S_OK
+ @retval E_INVALIDARG if bad [in] passed
+ @note Refer to @ref _specialOffsets
+ "Special Offsets for use in the IAccessibleText and IAccessibleEditableText Methods"
+ for information about special offsets that can be used in %IAccessibleEditableText
+ methods.
+ */
+ HRESULT setAttributes
+ (
+ [in] long startOffset,
+ [in] long endOffset,
+ [in] BSTR *attributes
+ );
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/idl/AccessibleEventID.idl b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/idl/AccessibleEventID.idl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1db957d6e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/idl/AccessibleEventID.idl
@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
+ *
+ * File Name (AccessibleEventID.idl)
+ *
+ * IAccessible2 IDL Specification
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2007, 2010 Linux Foundation
+ * Copyright (c) 2006 IBM Corporation
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+ * are met:
+ *
+ * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ *
+ * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+ * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
+ * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
+ * provided with the distribution.
+ *
+ * 3. Neither the name of the Linux Foundation nor the names of its
+ * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
+ * derived from this software without specific prior written
+ * permission.
+ *
+ *
+ * This BSD License conforms to the Open Source Initiative "Simplified
+ * BSD License" as published at:
+ *
+ *
+ * IAccessible2 is a trademark of the Linux Foundation. The IAccessible2
+ * mark may be used in accordance with the Linux Foundation Trademark
+ * Policy to indicate compliance with the IAccessible2 specification.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+/** %IAccessible2 specific event constants
+ This enum defines the event IDs fired by %IAccessible2 objects. The event IDs
+ are in addition to those used by MSAA.
+enum IA2EventID {
+ /** The change of the number or attributes of actions of an accessible
+ object is signaled by events of this type.
+ */
+ /** <b>Deprecated.</b> The active descendant of a component has changed.
+ Note: This event constant is misspelled and thus is deprecated and will be
+ removed in a later version. Please use the correctly spelled version which
+ follows.
+ */
+ /** The active descendant of a component has changed. The active descendant
+ is used in objects with transient children.
+ Note: Due to the fact that MSAA's WinEvents don't allow the active child index
+ to be passed on the IA2_EVENT_ACTIVE_DESCENDANT_CHANGED event the manages
+ descendants scheme can't be used. Instead the active child object has to fire
+ MSAA's EVENT_OBJECT_FOCUS. In a future release a new event mechanism may be
+ added to provide for event specific data to be passed with the event. At that
+ IA2_STATE_MANAGES_DESCENDANTS state would be useful.
+ */
+ /** The document wide attributes of the document object have changed.
+ */
+ /** The contents of the document have changed.
+ */
+ /** The loading of the document has completed.
+ */
+ /** The loading of the document was interrupted.
+ */
+ /** The document contents are being reloaded.
+ */
+ /** The ending index of this link within the containing string has changed.
+ */
+ /** The number of anchors associated with this hyperlink object has changed.
+ */
+ /** The hyperlink selected state changed from selected to unselected or
+ from unselected to selected.
+ */
+ /** One of the links associated with the hypertext object has been activated.
+ */
+ /** One of the links associated with the hypertext object has been selected.
+ */
+ /** The starting index of this link within the containing string has changed.
+ */
+ /** Focus has changed from one hypertext object to another, or focus moved
+ from a non-hypertext object to a hypertext object, or focus moved from a
+ hypertext object to a non-hypertext object.
+ */
+ /** The number of hyperlinks associated with a hypertext object changed
+ */
+ /** An object's attributes changed.
+ */
+ /** A slide changed in a presentation document or a page boundary was
+ crossed in a word processing document.
+ */
+ /** The caret moved from one section to the next.
+ */
+ /** A table caption changed.
+ */
+ /** A table's column description changed.
+ */
+ /** A table's column header changed.
+ */
+ /** A table's data changed.
+ */
+ /** A table's row description changed.
+ */
+ /** A table's row header changed.
+ */
+ /** A table's summary changed.
+ */
+ /** A text object's attributes changed.
+ */
+ /** The caret has moved to a new position.
+ */
+ /** <b>Deprecated.</b> This event is equivalent to ::IA2_EVENT_TEXT_UPDATED.
+ */
+ /** The caret moved from one column to the next.
+ */
+ /** Text was inserted.
+ */
+ /** Text was removed.
+ */
+ /** This event indicates general text changes, i.e. changes to text that are
+ exposed through the IAccessibleText interface. For compatibility with ATK/AT-SPI
+ which does not have an equivalent event, servers can alternatively fire
+ */
+ /** The text selection changed. Later versions of Microsoft development environments
+ have an equivalent event identified, EVENT_OBJECT_TEXTSELECTIONCHANGED. Servers
+ should use that if it is available and use IA2_EVENT_TEXT_SELECTION_CHANGED otherwise.
+ Clients should be prepared to respond to either event.
+ */
+ /** A visible data event indicates the change of the visual appearance
+ of an accessible object. This includes for example most of the
+ attributes available via the IAccessibleComponent interface.
+ */
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/idl/AccessibleHyperlink.idl b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/idl/AccessibleHyperlink.idl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9311176d9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/idl/AccessibleHyperlink.idl
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+ *
+ * File Name (AccessibleHyperlink.idl)
+ *
+ * IAccessible2 IDL Specification
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2007, 2010 Linux Foundation
+ * Copyright (c) 2006 IBM Corporation
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+ * are met:
+ *
+ * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ *
+ * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+ * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
+ * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
+ * provided with the distribution.
+ *
+ * 3. Neither the name of the Linux Foundation nor the names of its
+ * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
+ * derived from this software without specific prior written
+ * permission.
+ *
+ *
+ * This BSD License conforms to the Open Source Initiative "Simplified
+ * BSD License" as published at:
+ *
+ *
+ * IAccessible2 is a trademark of the Linux Foundation. The IAccessible2
+ * mark may be used in accordance with the Linux Foundation Trademark
+ * Policy to indicate compliance with the IAccessible2 specification.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+import "objidl.idl";
+import "oaidl.idl";
+import "oleacc.idl";
+import "AccessibleAction.idl";
+/** @brief This interface represents hyperlinks.
+ This interface represents a hyperlink associated with a single substring
+ of text or single non-text object. Non-text objects can have either a
+ single link or a collection of links such as when the non-text object is
+ an image map.
+ Linked objects and anchors are implementation dependent. This interface is derived
+ from IAccessibleAction. IAccessibleAction::nActions is one greater than the
+ maximum value for the indices used with the methods of this interface.
+ Furthermore, the object that implements this interface has to be connected
+ implicitly or explicitly with an object that implements IAccessibleText.
+ IAccessibleHyperlink::startIndex and IAccessibleHyperlink::endIndex are
+ indices with respect to the text exposed by IAccessibleText.
+ This interface provides access to a single object which can have multiple actions.
+ An example is an image map which is an image with multiple links each of which is
+ associated with a separate non-overlapping area of the image. This interface could
+ also be applied to other kinds of objects with multiple actions such as "smart tags"
+ which are objects, typically strings, which have multiple actions such as
+ "Activate URI", "Bookmark URI", etc.
+ An interesting use case is an image map where each area is associated with multiple
+ actions, e.g. an image map of smart tags. In this case you would have to implement
+ two levels of accessible hyperlinks. The first level hyperlinks would only implement
+ anchor and anchorTarget. The anchors would all reference the image object. The
+ anchorTargets would reference the second level accessible hyperlink objects. None
+ of the IAccessibleAction methods would be implemented on the first level hyperlink
+ objects. The second level hyperlink objects would implement the IAccessibleAction
+ methods. Their anchors would also reference the image object and their anchorTargets
+ would reference URLs or the objects that would be activated.
+ This use case demonstrates that in some cases there is no need for IAccessibleHyperlink
+ to derive from IAccessibleAction. As a result it may be removed in a later version of
+ the IDL and it is suggested that implementations should not rely on the inheritance.
+[object, uuid(01C20F2B-3DD2-400f-949F-AD00BDAB1D41)]
+interface IAccessibleHyperlink : IAccessibleAction
+ /** @brief Returns an object that represents the link anchor, as appropriate
+ for the link at the specified index.
+ @param [in] index
+ A 0 based index identifies the anchor when, as in the case of an image map,
+ there is more than one link represented by this object. The valid maximal
+ index is indicated by IAccessibleAction::nActions.
+ @param [out] anchor
+ This is an implementation dependent value. For example, for a text link this
+ method could return the substring of the containing string where the substring
+ is overridden with link behavior, and for an image link this method could return
+ an IUnknown VARIANT for IAccessibleImage. See the section about
+ @ref _variants "VARIANTs" for additional information.
+ @retval S_OK
+ @retval E_INVALIDARG if bad [in] passed
+ */
+ [propget] HRESULT anchor
+ (
+ [in] long index,
+ [out, retval] VARIANT *anchor
+ );
+ /** @brief Returns an object representing the target of the link, as appropriate
+ for the link at the specified index.
+ @param [in] index
+ A 0 based index identifies the anchor when, as in the case of an image map,
+ there is more than one link represented by this object. The valid maximal
+ index is indicated by IAccessibleAction::nActions.
+ @param [out] anchorTarget
+ This is an implementation dependent value. For example this method could
+ return a BSTR VARIANT of the URI. Alternatively this method could return an
+ IUnknown VARIANT of a COM interface representing a target object to be
+ activated when the link is activated. See the section about
+ @ref _variants "VARIANTs" for additional information.
+ @retval S_OK
+ @retval E_INVALIDARG if bad [in] passed
+ */
+ [propget] HRESULT anchorTarget
+ (
+ [in] long index,
+ [out, retval] VARIANT *anchorTarget
+ );
+ /** @brief Returns the 0 based character offset at which the textual representation of the hyperlink starts.
+ The returned value is related to the IAccessibleText interface of the object that
+ owns this hyperlink.
+ @param [out] index
+ @retval S_OK
+ */
+ [propget] HRESULT startIndex
+ (
+ [out, retval] long *index
+ );
+ /** @brief Returns the 0 based character offset at which the textual representation of the hyperlink ends.
+ The returned value is related to the IAccessibleText interface of the object that
+ owns this hyperlink. The character at the index is not part of the hypertext.
+ @param [out] index
+ @retval S_OK
+ */
+ [propget] HRESULT endIndex
+ (
+ [out, retval] long *index
+ );
+ /** @brief Returns whether the target object referenced by this link is still valid.
+ This is a volatile state that may change without sending an appropriate event.
+ Returns TRUE if the referenced target is still valid and FALSE otherwise.
+ This has also been used to indicate whether or not the URI of the anchorTarget
+ is malformed.
+ @param [out] valid
+ If false, one or more of the object's links are invalid.
+ If true, all of the object's links are valid.
+ @retval S_OK
+ @retval S_FALSE if there is nothing to return, [out] value is FALSE
+ @note This method is not being used, is deprecated, and should not be implemented or
+ used. It is likely that this method will be removed in a later version of the IDL.
+ */
+ [propget] HRESULT valid
+ (
+ [out, retval] boolean *valid
+ );
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/idl/AccessibleHypertext.idl b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/idl/AccessibleHypertext.idl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..13093bf610
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/idl/AccessibleHypertext.idl
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+ *
+ * File Name (AccessibleHypertext.idl)
+ *
+ * IAccessible2 IDL Specification
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2007, 2010 Linux Foundation
+ * Copyright (c) 2006 IBM Corporation
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+ * are met:
+ *
+ * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ *
+ * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+ * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
+ * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
+ * provided with the distribution.
+ *
+ * 3. Neither the name of the Linux Foundation nor the names of its
+ * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
+ * derived from this software without specific prior written
+ * permission.
+ *
+ *
+ * This BSD License conforms to the Open Source Initiative "Simplified
+ * BSD License" as published at:
+ *
+ *
+ * IAccessible2 is a trademark of the Linux Foundation. The IAccessible2
+ * mark may be used in accordance with the Linux Foundation Trademark
+ * Policy to indicate compliance with the IAccessible2 specification.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+import "objidl.idl";
+import "oaidl.idl";
+import "oleacc.idl";
+import "AccessibleText.idl";
+import "AccessibleHyperlink.idl";
+/** @brief This interface exposes information about hypertext in a document.
+ The %IAccessibleHypertext interface is the main interface to expose
+ hyperlinks in a document, typically a text document, that are used
+ to reference other documents. A typical implementation is to implement
+ this interface on the smallest text object such as a paragraph of text.
+[object, uuid(6B4F8BBF-F1F2-418a-B35E-A195BC4103B9)]
+interface IAccessibleHypertext : IAccessibleText
+ /** @brief Returns the number of links and link groups contained within this hypertext
+ paragraph.
+ @param [out] hyperlinkCount
+ The number of links and link groups within this hypertext paragraph.
+ Returns 0 if there is no link.
+ @retval S_OK
+ */
+ [propget] HRESULT nHyperlinks
+ (
+ [out, retval] long *hyperlinkCount
+ );
+ /** @brief Returns the specified link.
+ The returned IAccessibleHyperlink object encapsulates the hyperlink and
+ provides several kinds of information describing it.
+ @param [in] index
+ This 0 based index specifies the hyperlink to return.
+ @param [out] hyperlink
+ If the given index is valid, i.e. lies in the interval from 0 to the number
+ of links minus one, a reference to the specified hyperlink object is returned.
+ If the index is invalid then a NULL pointer is returned.
+ @retval S_OK
+ @retval E_INVALIDARG if bad [in] passed
+ */
+ [propget] HRESULT hyperlink
+ (
+ [in] long index,
+ [out, retval] IAccessibleHyperlink **hyperlink
+ );
+ /** @brief Returns the index of the hyperlink that is associated with this character index.
+ This is the case when a link spans the given character index.
+ @param [in] charIndex
+ A 0 based index of the character for which to return the link index. If
+ IAccessibleText is used to represent the text containing the link, then the
+ character index is only valid if it is greater than or equal to zero and
+ lower than the number of characters in the text.
+ @param [out] hyperlinkIndex
+ Returns the 0 based index of the hyperlink that is associated with this
+ character index, or -1 if charIndex is not on a link.
+ @retval S_OK
+ @retval S_FALSE if there is nothing to return, [out] value is -1
+ @retval E_INVALIDARG if bad [in] passed
+ */
+ [propget] HRESULT hyperlinkIndex
+ (
+ [in] long charIndex,
+ [out, retval] long *hyperlinkIndex
+ );
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/idl/AccessibleImage.idl b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/idl/AccessibleImage.idl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e347614e29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/idl/AccessibleImage.idl
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+ *
+ * File Name (AccessibleImage.idl)
+ *
+ * IAccessible2 IDL Specification
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2007, 2010 Linux Foundation
+ * Copyright (c) 2006 IBM Corporation
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+ * are met:
+ *
+ * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ *
+ * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+ * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
+ * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
+ * provided with the distribution.
+ *
+ * 3. Neither the name of the Linux Foundation nor the names of its
+ * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
+ * derived from this software without specific prior written
+ * permission.
+ *
+ *
+ * This BSD License conforms to the Open Source Initiative "Simplified
+ * BSD License" as published at:
+ *
+ *
+ * IAccessible2 is a trademark of the Linux Foundation. The IAccessible2
+ * mark may be used in accordance with the Linux Foundation Trademark
+ * Policy to indicate compliance with the IAccessible2 specification.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+import "objidl.idl";
+import "oaidl.idl";
+import "oleacc.idl";
+import "IA2CommonTypes.idl";
+/** @brief This interface represents images and icons.
+ This interface is used for a representation of images like icons on buttons.
+ %IAccessibleImage only needs to be implemented in certain situations. Some
+ examples are:
+ <ol>
+ <li>The accessible name and description are not enough to fully
+ describe the image, e.g. when the accessible description is used to define the
+ behavior of an actionable image and the image itself conveys semantically
+ significant information.
+ <li>The user can edit the content that includes an
+ image and therefore the user needs to be able to review the image's position.
+ </ol>
+[object, uuid(FE5ABB3D-615E-4f7b-909F-5F0EDA9E8DDE)]
+interface IAccessibleImage : IUnknown
+ /** @brief Returns the localized description of the image.
+ @param [out] description
+ @retval S_OK
+ @retval S_FALSE if there is nothing to return, [out] value is NULL
+ */
+ [propget] HRESULT description
+ (
+ [out, retval] BSTR *description
+ );
+ /** @brief Returns the coordinates of the image.
+ @param [in] coordinateType
+ Specifies whether the returned coordinates should be relative to the screen or the parent object.
+ @param [out] x
+ @param [out] y
+ @retval S_OK
+ */
+ [propget] HRESULT imagePosition
+ (
+ [in] enum IA2CoordinateType coordinateType,
+ [out] long *x,
+ [out, retval] long *y
+ );
+ /** @brief Returns the size of the image in units specified by parent's coordinate system.
+ @param [out] height
+ @param [out] width
+ @retval S_OK
+ */
+ [propget] HRESULT imageSize
+ (
+ [out] long *height,
+ [out, retval] long *width
+ );
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/idl/AccessibleRelation.idl b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/idl/AccessibleRelation.idl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b0c6dfcc97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/idl/AccessibleRelation.idl
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+ *
+ * File Name (AccessibleRelation.idl)
+ *
+ * IAccessible2 IDL Specification
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2007, 2010 Linux Foundation
+ * Copyright (c) 2006 IBM Corporation
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+ * are met:
+ *
+ * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ *
+ * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+ * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
+ * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
+ * provided with the distribution.
+ *
+ * 3. Neither the name of the Linux Foundation nor the names of its
+ * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
+ * derived from this software without specific prior written
+ * permission.
+ *
+ *
+ * This BSD License conforms to the Open Source Initiative "Simplified
+ * BSD License" as published at:
+ *
+ *
+ * IAccessible2 is a trademark of the Linux Foundation. The IAccessible2
+ * mark may be used in accordance with the Linux Foundation Trademark
+ * Policy to indicate compliance with the IAccessible2 specification.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+import "objidl.idl";
+import "oaidl.idl";
+import "oleacc.idl";
+/** @defgroup grpRelations Relations
+ Use the following constants to compare against the BSTRs returned by
+ IAccessibleRelation::relationType.
+/** Some attribute of this object is affected by a target object. */
+const WCHAR *const IA2_RELATION_CONTROLLED_BY = L"controlledBy";
+/** This object is interactive and controls some attribute of a target object. */
+const WCHAR *const IA2_RELATION_CONTROLLER_FOR = L"controllerFor";
+/** This object is described by the target object. */
+const WCHAR *const IA2_RELATION_DESCRIBED_BY = L"describedBy";
+/** This object is describes the target object. */
+const WCHAR *const IA2_RELATION_DESCRIPTION_FOR = L"descriptionFor";
+/** This object is embedded by a target object. */
+const WCHAR *const IA2_RELATION_EMBEDDED_BY = L"embeddedBy";
+/** This object embeds a target object. This relation can be used on the
+ OBJID_CLIENT accessible for a top level window to show where the content
+ areas are.
+const WCHAR *const IA2_RELATION_EMBEDS = L"embeds";
+/** Content flows to this object from a target object.
+ This relation and IA2_RELATION_FLOWS_TO are useful to tie text and non-text
+ objects together in order to allow assistive technology to follow the
+ intended reading order.
+const WCHAR *const IA2_RELATION_FLOWS_FROM = L"flowsFrom";
+/** Content flows from this object to a target object. */
+const WCHAR *const IA2_RELATION_FLOWS_TO = L"flowsTo";
+/** This object is label for a target object. */
+const WCHAR *const IA2_RELATION_LABEL_FOR = L"labelFor";
+/** This object is labelled by a target object. Note that the double L spelling
+ which follows is preferred. Please use it instead. This single L version may
+ be removed in a later version.
+const WCHAR *const IA2_RELATION_LABELED_BY = L"labelledBy";
+/** This object is labelled by a target object. */
+const WCHAR *const IA2_RELATION_LABELLED_BY = L"labelledBy";
+/** This object is a member of a group of one or more objects. When
+ there is more than one object in the group each member may have one and the
+ same target, e.g. a grouping object. It is also possible that each member has
+ multiple additional targets, e.g. one for every other member in the group.
+const WCHAR *const IA2_RELATION_MEMBER_OF = L"memberOf";
+/** This object is a child of a target object. */
+const WCHAR *const IA2_RELATION_NODE_CHILD_OF = L"nodeChildOf";
+/** This object is a parent window of the target object. */
+const WCHAR *const IA2_RELATION_PARENT_WINDOW_OF = L"parentWindowOf";
+/** This object is a transient component related to the target object.
+ When this object is activated the target object doesn't lose focus.
+const WCHAR *const IA2_RELATION_POPUP_FOR = L"popupFor";
+/** This object is a sub window of a target object. */
+const WCHAR *const IA2_RELATION_SUBWINDOW_OF = L"subwindowOf";
+/// This interface gives access to an object's set of relations.
+[object, uuid(7CDF86EE-C3DA-496a-BDA4-281B336E1FDC)]
+interface IAccessibleRelation : IUnknown
+ /** @brief Returns the type of the relation.
+ @param [out] relationType
+ The strings returned are defined @ref grpRelations "in this section of the documentation".
+ @retval S_OK
+ */
+ [propget] HRESULT relationType
+ (
+ [out, retval] BSTR *relationType
+ );
+ /** @brief Returns a localized version of the relation type.
+ @param [out] localizedRelationType
+ @retval S_OK
+ */
+ [propget] HRESULT localizedRelationType
+ (
+ [out, retval] BSTR *localizedRelationType
+ );
+ /** @brief Returns the number of targets for this relation.
+ @param [out] nTargets
+ @retval S_OK
+ */
+ [propget] HRESULT nTargets
+ (
+ [out, retval] long *nTargets
+ );
+ /** @brief Returns one accessible relation target.
+ @param [in] targetIndex
+ 0 based index
+ @param [out] target
+ @retval S_OK
+ @retval E_INVALIDARG if bad [in] passed
+ @note Use QueryInterface to get IAccessible2.
+ */
+ [propget] HRESULT target
+ (
+ [in] long targetIndex,
+ [out, retval] IUnknown **target
+ );
+ /** @brief Returns multiple accessible relation targets
+ @param [in] maxTargets
+ maximum size of the array allocated by the client
+ @param [out] targets
+ The array of target objects. Note that this array is to be allocated by the
+ client and freed when no longer needed. Refer to @ref _arrayConsideration
+ "Special Consideration when using Arrays" for more details. You will need to use
+ QueryInterface on the IUnknown to get the IAccessible2.
+ @param [out] nTargets
+ actual number of targets in the returned array (not more than maxTargets)
+ @retval S_OK
+ @retval E_INVALIDARG if bad [in] passed, e.g. a negative value
+ */
+ [propget] HRESULT targets
+ (
+ [in] long maxTargets,
+ [out, size_is(maxTargets), length_is(*nTargets)]
+ IUnknown **targets,
+ [out, retval] long *nTargets
+ );
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/idl/AccessibleRole.idl b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/idl/AccessibleRole.idl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..385e02d05a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/idl/AccessibleRole.idl
@@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
+ *
+ * File Name (AccessibleRole.idl)
+ *
+ * IAccessible2 IDL Specification
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2007, 2010 Linux Foundation
+ * Copyright (c) 2006 IBM Corporation
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+ * are met:
+ *
+ * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ *
+ * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+ * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
+ * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
+ * provided with the distribution.
+ *
+ * 3. Neither the name of the Linux Foundation nor the names of its
+ * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
+ * derived from this software without specific prior written
+ * permission.
+ *
+ *
+ * This BSD License conforms to the Open Source Initiative "Simplified
+ * BSD License" as published at:
+ *
+ *
+ * IAccessible2 is a trademark of the Linux Foundation. The IAccessible2
+ * mark may be used in accordance with the Linux Foundation Trademark
+ * Policy to indicate compliance with the IAccessible2 specification.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+import "objidl.idl";
+/** Collection of roles
+ This enumerator defines an extended set of accessible roles of objects implementing
+ the %IAccessible2 interface. These roles are in addition to the MSAA roles obtained
+ through the MSAA get_accRole method. Examples are 'footnote', 'heading', and
+ 'label'. You obtain an object's %IAccessible2 roles by calling IAccessible2::role.
+enum IA2Role {
+ /** Unknown role. The object contains some Accessible information, but its
+ role is not known.
+ */
+ /** An object that can be drawn into and to manage events from the objects
+ drawn into it. Also refer to ::IA2_ROLE_FRAME,
+ */
+ IA2_ROLE_CANVAS = 0x401,
+ /// A caption describing another object.
+ /// Used for check buttons that are menu items.
+ /// A specialized dialog that lets the user choose a color.
+ /// A date editor.
+ /** An iconified internal frame in an ::IA2_ROLE_DESKTOP_PANE.
+ Also refer to ::IA2_ROLE_INTERNAL_FRAME.
+ */
+ /** A desktop pane. A pane that supports internal frames and iconified
+ versions of those internal frames. Also refer to ::IA2_ROLE_INTERNAL_FRAME.
+ */
+ /** A directory pane. A pane that allows the user to navigate through
+ and select the contents of a directory. May be used by a file chooser.
+ Also refer to ::IA2_ROLE_FILE_CHOOSER.
+ */
+ /** An editable text object in a toolbar. <b>Deprecated.</b>
+ The edit bar role was meant for a text area in a tool bar. However, to detect
+ a text area in a tool bar the AT can query the parent.
+ */
+ /// Embedded (OLE) object.
+ /// Text that is used as an endnote (footnote at the end of a chapter or section).
+ /** A file chooser. A specialized dialog that displays the files in the
+ directory and lets the user select a file, browse a different directory,
+ or specify a filename. May use the directory pane to show the contents of
+ a directory.
+ Also refer to ::IA2_ROLE_DIRECTORY_PANE.
+ */
+ /** A font chooser. A font chooser is a component that lets the user pick
+ various attributes for fonts.
+ */
+ /** Footer of a document page.
+ Also refer to ::IA2_ROLE_HEADER.
+ */
+ /// Text that is used as a footnote. Also refer to ::IA2_ROLE_ENDNOTE.
+ /** A container of form controls. An example of the use of this role is to
+ represent an HTML FORM tag.
+ */
+ /** Frame role. A top level window with a title bar, border, menu bar, etc.
+ It is often used as the primary window for an application. Also refer to
+ ::IA2_ROLE_CANVAS and the MSAA roles of dialog and window.
+ */
+ /** A glass pane. A pane that is guaranteed to be painted on top of all panes
+ beneath it. Also refer to ::IA2_ROLE_CANVAS, ::IA2_ROLE_INTERNAL_FRAME, and
+ */
+ /** Header of a document page.
+ Also refer to ::IA2_ROLE_FOOTER.
+ */
+ /// Heading. Use the IAccessible2::attributes level attribute to determine the heading level.
+ /// A small fixed size picture, typically used to decorate components.
+ /** An image map object. Usually a graphic with multiple hotspots, where
+ each hotspot can be activated resulting in the loading of another document
+ or section of a document.
+ */
+ /** An object which is used to allow input of characters not found on a keyboard,
+ such as the input of Chinese characters on a Western keyboard.
+ */
+ /** An internal frame. A frame-like object that is clipped by a desktop pane.
+ The desktop pane, internal frame, and desktop icon objects are often used to
+ create multiple document interfaces within an application.
+ */
+ /// An object used to present an icon or short string in an interface.
+ /** A layered pane. A specialized pane that allows its children to be drawn
+ in layers, providing a form of stacking order. This is usually the pane that
+ holds the menu bar as well as the pane that contains most of the visual
+ components in a window.
+ */
+ /// An embedded note which is not visible until activated.
+ /** A specialized pane whose primary use is inside a dialog.
+ Also refer to MSAA's dialog role.
+ */
+ /** An object representing a page of document content. It is used in documents
+ which are accessed by the user on a page by page basis.
+ */
+ /// A paragraph of text.
+ /** A radio button that is a menu item.
+ Also refer to MSAA's button and menu item roles.
+ */
+ /** An object which is redundant with another object in the accessible hierarchy.
+ ATs typically ignore objects with this role.
+ */
+ /** A root pane. A specialized pane that has a glass pane and a layered pane
+ as its children.
+ */
+ /** A ruler such as those used in word processors.
+ */
+ /** A scroll pane. An object that allows a user to incrementally view a large
+ amount of information. Its children can include scroll bars and a viewport.
+ Also refer to ::IA2_ROLE_VIEW_PORT and MSAA's scroll bar role.
+ */
+ /** A container of document content. An example of the use of this role is to
+ represent an HTML DIV tag. A section may be used as a region. A region is a
+ group of elements that together form a perceivable unit. A region does not
+ necessarily follow the logical structure of the content, but follows the
+ perceivable structure of the page. A region may have an attribute in the set
+ of IAccessible2::attributes which indicates that it is "live". A live region
+ is content that is likely to change in response to a timed change, a user
+ event, or some other programmed logic or event.
+ */
+ /// Object with graphical representation used to represent content on draw pages.
+ /** A split pane. A specialized panel that presents two other panels at the
+ same time. Between the two panels is a divider the user can manipulate to make
+ one panel larger and the other panel smaller.
+ */
+ /** An object that forms part of a menu system but which can be "undocked"
+ from or "torn off" the menu system to exist as a separate window.
+ */
+ /// An object used as a terminal emulator.
+ /// Collection of objects that constitute a logical text entity.
+ /** A toggle button. A specialized push button that can be checked or unchecked,
+ but does not provide a separate indicator for the current state.
+ Also refer to MSAA's roles of push button, check box, and radio button.
+ <BR><B>Note:</B> IA2_ROLE_TOGGLE_BUTTON should not be used. Instead, use MSAA's
+ */
+ /** A viewport. An object usually used in a scroll pane. It represents the
+ portion of the entire data that the user can see. As the user manipulates
+ the scroll bars, the contents of the viewport can change.
+ Also refer to ::IA2_ROLE_SCROLL_PANE.
+ */
+ /** An object containing content which is complementary to the main content of
+ a document, but remains meaningful when separated from the main content. There
+ are various types of content that would appropriately have this role. For example,
+ in the case where content is delivered via a web portal to a web browser, this may
+ include but not be limited to show times, current weather, related articles, or
+ stocks to watch. The complementary role indicates that contained content is relevant
+ to the main content. If the complementary content is completely separable main
+ content, it may be appropriate to use a more general role.
+ */
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/idl/AccessibleStates.idl b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/idl/AccessibleStates.idl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0304b643da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/idl/AccessibleStates.idl
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+ *
+ * File Name (AccessibleStates.idl)
+ *
+ * IAccessible2 IDL Specification
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2007, 2010 Linux Foundation
+ * Copyright (c) 2006 IBM Corporation
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+ * are met:
+ *
+ * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ *
+ * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+ * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
+ * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
+ * provided with the distribution.
+ *
+ * 3. Neither the name of the Linux Foundation nor the names of its
+ * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
+ * derived from this software without specific prior written
+ * permission.
+ *
+ *
+ * This BSD License conforms to the Open Source Initiative "Simplified
+ * BSD License" as published at:
+ *
+ *
+ * IAccessible2 is a trademark of the Linux Foundation. The IAccessible2
+ * mark may be used in accordance with the Linux Foundation Trademark
+ * Policy to indicate compliance with the IAccessible2 specification.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+import "objidl.idl";
+typedef long AccessibleStates;
+/** %IAccessible2 specific state bit constants
+ This enum defines the state bits returned by IAccessible2::states. The
+ %IAccessible2 state bits are in addition to those returned by MSAA.
+enum IA2States {
+/** Indicates a window is currently the active window, or is an active subelement
+ within a container or table.
+ This state can be used to indicate the current active item in a container, even
+ if the container itself is not currently active. In other words this would indicate
+ the item that will get focus if you tab to the container.
+ This information is important for knowing what to report for trees and potentially
+ other containers in a virtual buffer.
+ Also, see ::IA2_STATE_MANAGES_DESCENDANTS for more information.
+/** Indicates that the object is armed.
+ Used to indicate that the control is "pressed" and will be invoked when the
+ actuator, e.g. a mouse button, is "released". An AT which either monitors the
+ mouse or synthesizes mouse events might need to know that, and possibly a talking
+ interface would even let the user know about it. It could also potentially be
+ useful to on screen keyboards or test tools since the information does indicate
+ something about the state of the interface, for example, code operating asynchronously
+ might need to wait for the armed state to change before doing something else.
+/** Indicates the user interface object corresponding to this object no longer exists. */
+/** An object with this state has a caret and implements the IAccessibleText interface.
+ Such fields may be read-only, so STATE_SYSTEM_READONLY is valid in combination
+/** Indicates the orientation of this object is horizontal. */
+/** Indicates this object is minimized and is represented only by an icon. */
+/** Indicates an input validation failure. */
+/** Indicates that this object manages its children.
+ Note: Due to the fact that MSAA's WinEvents don't allow the active child index
+ to be passed on the IA2_EVENT_ACTIVE_DESCENDANT_CHANGED event, the manages
+ descendants scheme can't be used. Instead the active child object has to fire
+ MSAA's EVENT_OBJECT_FOCUS. In a future release a new event mechanism may be
+ added to provide for event specific data to be passed with the event. At that
+ IA2_STATE_MANAGES_DESCENDANTS state would be useful.
+/** Indicates that an object is modal.
+ Modal objects have the behavior that something must be done with the object
+ before the user can interact with an object in a different window.
+IA2_STATE_MODAL = 0x100,
+/** Indicates this text object can contain multiple lines of text. */
+/** Indicates this object paints every pixel within its rectangular region. */
+IA2_STATE_OPAQUE = 0x400,
+/** Indicates that user interaction is required.
+ An example of when this state is used is when a field in a form must be filled
+ before a form can be processed.
+/** Indicates an object which supports text selection.
+ Note: This is different than MSAA STATE_SYSTEM_SELECTABLE.
+/** Indicates that this text object can contain only a single line of text. */
+/** Indicates that the accessible object is stale.
+ This state is used when the accessible object no longer accurately
+ represents the state of the object which it is representing such as when an
+ object is transient or when an object has been or is in the process of being
+ destroyed or when the object's index in its parent has changed.
+IA2_STATE_STALE = 0x4000,
+/** Indicates that the object implements autocompletion.
+ This state indicates that a text control will respond to the input of
+ one ore more characters and cause a sub-item to become selected. The
+ selection may also result in events fired on the parent object.
+/** Indicates this object is transient.
+ An object has this state when its parent object has the state ::IA2_STATE_MANAGES_DESCENDANTS.
+ For example, a list item object may be managed by its parent list object and may only
+ exist as long as the object is actually rendered. Similarly a table cell's accessible
+ object may exist only while the cell has focus. However, from the perspective of an
+ assistive technology a transient object behaves like a non-transient object. As a
+ result it is likely that this state is not of use to an assistive technology, but it
+ is provided in case an assistive technology determines that knowledge of the transient
+ nature of the object is useful and also for harmony with the Linux accessibility API.
+ Also, see ::IA2_STATE_MANAGES_DESCENDANTS for more information.
+ */
+/** Indicates the orientation of this object is vertical. */
+IA2_STATE_VERTICAL = 0x20000,
+/** Indicates this object is checkable.
+ The standard checkable objects are check boxes, radio buttons, check box menu
+ items, radio menu items, and toggle buttons. Since assistive technology will
+ determine that these objects are checkable via the object's role the checkable
+ state is not required. However, this state is necessary in those cases where
+ an object has a role which is not one of the previously mentioned roles. An
+ example is a table cell which indicates whether or not an email has an attachment,
+ whether or not an mail is considered spam, and whether or not an email has been read.
+ */
+/** Indicates this object is pinned.
+ This state indicates that an object is fixed at a certain location. One example
+ is a browser tab that when pinned cannot be moved until unpinned. Another example
+ is a movable or floating object that when pinned remains in its pinned location
+ until being unpinned.
+ */
+IA2_STATE_PINNED = 0x80000
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/idl/AccessibleTable.idl b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/idl/AccessibleTable.idl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..69c99a7515
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/idl/AccessibleTable.idl
@@ -0,0 +1,551 @@
+ *
+ * File Name (AccessibleTable.idl)
+ *
+ * IAccessible2 IDL Specification
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2007, 2010 Linux Foundation
+ * Copyright (c) 2006 IBM Corporation
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+ * are met:
+ *
+ * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ *
+ * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+ * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
+ * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
+ * provided with the distribution.
+ *
+ * 3. Neither the name of the Linux Foundation nor the names of its
+ * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
+ * derived from this software without specific prior written
+ * permission.
+ *
+ *
+ * This BSD License conforms to the Open Source Initiative "Simplified
+ * BSD License" as published at:
+ *
+ *
+ * IAccessible2 is a trademark of the Linux Foundation. The IAccessible2
+ * mark may be used in accordance with the Linux Foundation Trademark
+ * Policy to indicate compliance with the IAccessible2 specification.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+import "objidl.idl";
+import "oaidl.idl";
+import "oleacc.idl";
+import "Accessible2.idl";
+import "IA2CommonTypes.idl";
+/** @brief This interface gives access to a two-dimensional table.
+ Typically all accessible objects that represent cells or cell-clusters of a table
+ will be at the same time children of the table. In this case IAccessible2::indexInParent
+ will return the child index which then can be used when calling IAccessibleTable::rowIndex
+ and IAccessibleTable::columnIndex.
+ However, in some cases that kind of implementation will not be possible. When
+ the table cells are not direct children of a table, the object representing
+ the cell can define a "table-cell-index" object attribute identifying the 0
+ based table cell index. This object attribute is obtained by parsing the
+ attribute string returned by IAccessible2::attributes. The "table-cell-index"
+ attribute can be used just like a child index of the typical case. ATs should
+ first test for the presence of the "table-cell-index" attribute and if it is not
+ present then IAccessible2::indexInParent can be used as in the typical case
+ where cells are direct children of the table.
+ The range of valid coordinates for this interface are implementation dependent.
+ However, that range includes at least the intervals from the from the first row
+ or column with the index 0 up to the last (but not including) used row or column
+ as returned by IAccessibleTable::nRows and IAccessibleTable::nColumns.
+ Note that newer implementations are now using IAccessibleTable2 and IAccessibleTableCell
+ rather than this interface.
+[object, uuid(35AD8070-C20C-4fb4-B094-F4F7275DD469)]
+interface IAccessibleTable : IUnknown
+ /** @brief Returns the accessible object at the specified row and column in
+ the table. This object could be an IAccessible or an IAccessible2.
+ @param [in] row
+ The 0 based row index for which to retrieve the cell.
+ @param [in] column
+ The 0 based column index for which to retrieve the cell.
+ @param [out] accessible
+ If both row and column index are valid then the corresponding accessible
+ object is returned that represents the requested cell regardless of whether
+ the cell is currently visible (on the screen).
+ @retval S_OK
+ @retval E_INVALIDARG if bad [in] passed, [out] value is NULL
+ */
+ [propget] HRESULT accessibleAt
+ (
+ [in] long row,
+ [in] long column,
+ [out, retval] IUnknown **accessible
+ );
+ /** @brief Returns the caption for the table. The returned object could be
+ an IAccessible or an IAccessible2.
+ @param [out] accessible
+ If the table has a caption then a reference to it is returned, else a NULL
+ pointer is returned.
+ @retval S_OK
+ @retval S_FALSE if there is nothing to return, [out] value is NULL
+ */
+ [propget] HRESULT caption
+ (
+ [out, retval] IUnknown **accessible
+ );
+ /** @brief Translates the given row and column indexes into the corresponding cell index.
+ @param [in] rowIndex
+ 0 based row index for the cell.
+ @param [in] columnIndex
+ 0 based column index for the cell.
+ @param [out] cellIndex
+ Returns the 0 based index of the cell at the specified row and column indexes.
+ @retval S_OK
+ @retval E_INVALIDARG if bad [in] passed, [out] value is 0
+ @note The returned value is not necessarily a child index of the immediate parent.
+ In cases where the table cells are not direct children of the table the index
+ is actually the cell index, i.e. conceptually it's an index into a one dimensional
+ array of cells laid out in row order.
+ */
+ [propget] HRESULT childIndex
+ (
+ [in] long rowIndex,
+ [in] long columnIndex,
+ [out, retval] long *cellIndex
+ );
+ /** @brief Returns the description text of the specified column in the table.
+ @param [in] column
+ The 0 based index of the column for which to retrieve the description.
+ @param [out] description
+ Returns the description text of the specified column in the table if such a
+ description exists. Otherwise a NULL pointer is returned.
+ @retval S_OK
+ @retval S_FALSE if there is nothing to return, [out] value is NULL
+ @retval E_INVALIDARG if bad [in] passed, [out] value is NULL
+ */
+ [propget] HRESULT columnDescription
+ (
+ [in] long column,
+ [out, retval] BSTR *description
+ );
+ /** @brief Returns the number of columns occupied by the accessible object
+ at the specified row and column in the table.
+ The result is greater than 1 if the specified cell spans multiple columns.
+ @param [in] row
+ 0 based row index of the accessible for which to return the column extent.
+ @param [in] column
+ 0 based column index of the accessible for which to return the column extent.
+ @param [out] nColumnsSpanned
+ Returns the 1 based column extent of the specified cell.
+ @retval S_OK
+ @retval E_INVALIDARG if bad [in] passed, [out] value is 0
+ */
+ [propget] HRESULT columnExtentAt
+ (
+ [in] long row,
+ [in] long column,
+ [out, retval] long *nColumnsSpanned
+ );
+ /** @brief Returns the column headers as an %IAccessibleTable object.
+ Content and size of the returned table are implementation dependent.
+ @param [out] accessibleTable
+ The column header
+ @param [out] startingRowIndex
+ The 0 based row index where the header starts, usually 0.
+ @retval S_OK
+ @retval S_FALSE if there is no header, [out] values are NULL and 0 respectively
+ */
+ [propget] HRESULT columnHeader
+ (
+ [out] IAccessibleTable **accessibleTable,
+ [out, retval] long *startingRowIndex
+ );
+ /** @brief Translates the given cell index into the corresponding column index.
+ @param [in] cellIndex
+ 0 based index of the cell in the parent or closest ancestor table. Typically this
+ is the value returned from IAccessible2::indexInParent, but in the case where the
+ table cells are not direct children of the table this is the cell index specified
+ by the "table-cell-index" object attribute obtained from parsing the attributes
+ string returned by calling IAccessible2::attributes on the cell object.
+ @param [out] columnIndex
+ Returns the 0 based column index of the cell of the specified child or the index of
+ the first column if the child spans multiple columns.
+ @retval S_OK
+ @retval E_INVALIDARG if bad [in] passed, [out] value is 0
+ */
+ [propget] HRESULT columnIndex
+ (
+ [in] long cellIndex,
+ [out, retval] long *columnIndex
+ );
+ /** @brief Returns the total number of columns in table
+ @param [out] columnCount
+ Number of columns in table (including columns outside the current viewport)
+ @retval S_OK
+ */
+ [propget] HRESULT nColumns
+ (
+ [out, retval] long *columnCount
+ );
+ /** @brief Returns the total number of rows in table
+ @param [out] rowCount
+ Number of rows in table (including rows outside the current viewport)
+ @retval S_OK
+ */
+ [propget] HRESULT nRows
+ (
+ [out, retval] long *rowCount
+ );
+ /** @brief Returns the total number of selected cells
+ @param [out] cellCount
+ Number of cells currently selected
+ @retval S_OK
+ */
+ [propget] HRESULT nSelectedChildren
+ (
+ [out, retval] long *cellCount
+ );
+ /** @brief Returns the total number of selected columns
+ @param [out] columnCount
+ Number of columns currently selected
+ @retval S_OK
+ */
+ [propget] HRESULT nSelectedColumns
+ (
+ [out, retval] long *columnCount
+ );
+ /** @brief Returns the total number of selected rows
+ @param [out] rowCount
+ Number of rows currently selected
+ @retval S_OK
+ */
+ [propget] HRESULT nSelectedRows
+ (
+ [out, retval] long *rowCount
+ );
+ /** @brief Returns the description text of the specified row in the table.
+ @param [in] row
+ The 0 based index of the row for which to retrieve the description.
+ @param [out] description
+ Returns the description text of the specified row in the table if such a
+ description exists. Otherwise a NULL pointer is returned.
+ @retval S_OK
+ @retval S_FALSE if there is nothing to return, [out] value is NULL
+ @retval E_INVALIDARG if bad [in] passed, [out] value is NULL
+ */
+ [propget] HRESULT rowDescription
+ (
+ [in] long row,
+ [out, retval] BSTR *description
+ );
+ /** @brief Returns the number of rows occupied by the accessible object
+ at the specified row and column in the table.
+ The result is greater than 1 if the specified cell spans multiple rows.
+ @param [in] row
+ 0 based row index of the accessible for which to return the row extent.
+ @param [in] column
+ 0 based column index of the accessible for which to return the row extent.
+ @param [out] nRowsSpanned
+ Returns the row extent of the specified cell.
+ @retval S_OK
+ @retval E_INVALIDARG if bad [in] passed, [out] value is 0
+ */
+ [propget] HRESULT rowExtentAt
+ (
+ [in] long row,
+ [in] long column,
+ [out, retval] long *nRowsSpanned
+ );
+ /** @brief Returns the row headers as an %IAccessibleTable object.
+ Content and size of the returned table are implementation dependent.
+ @param [out] accessibleTable
+ The row header.
+ @param [out] startingColumnIndex
+ The 0 based column index where the header starts, usually 0.
+ @retval S_OK
+ @retval S_FALSE if there is no header, [out] values are NULL and 0 respectively
+ */
+ [propget] HRESULT rowHeader
+ (
+ [out] IAccessibleTable **accessibleTable,
+ [out, retval] long *startingColumnIndex
+ );
+ /** @brief Translates the given cell index into a row index.
+ @param [in] cellIndex
+ 0 based index of the cell in the parent or closest ancestor table. Typically this
+ is the value returned from IAccessible2::indexInParent, but in the case where the
+ table cells are not direct children of the table this is the cell index specified
+ by the "table-cell-index" object attribute obtained from parsing the attributes
+ string returned by calling IAccessible2::attributes on the cell object.
+ @param [out] rowIndex
+ 0 based row index
+ @retval S_OK
+ @retval E_INVALIDARG if bad [in] passed, [out] value is 0
+ */
+ [propget] HRESULT rowIndex
+ (
+ [in] long cellIndex,
+ [out, retval] long *rowIndex
+ );
+ /** @brief Returns a list of cell indexes currently selected (0 based).
+ @param [in] maxChildren
+ This parameter is ignored. Refer to @ref _arrayConsideration
+ "Special Consideration when using Arrays" for more details.
+ @param [out] children
+ An array of cell indexes of selected cells (each index is 0 based),
+ allocated by the server. Free it with CoTaskMemFree.
+ @param [out] nChildren
+ The number of cell indexes returned; the size of the returned array.
+ @retval S_OK
+ @retval S_FALSE if there are none, [out] values are NULL and 0 respectively
+ */
+ [propget] HRESULT selectedChildren
+ (
+ [in] long maxChildren,
+ [out, size_is(,maxChildren), length_is(,*nChildren)] long **children,
+ [out, retval] long *nChildren
+ );
+ /** @brief Returns a list of column indexes currently selected (0 based).
+ @param [in] maxColumns
+ This parameter is ignored. Refer to @ref _arrayConsideration
+ "Special Consideration when using Arrays" for more details.
+ @param [out] columns
+ An array of column indexes of selected columns (each index is 0 based), allocated
+ by the server. Free it with CoTaskMemFree.
+ @param [out] nColumns
+ The number of column indexes returned; the size of the returned array.
+ @retval S_OK
+ @retval S_FALSE if there are none, [out] values are NULL and 0 respectively
+ */
+ [propget] HRESULT selectedColumns
+ (
+ [in] long maxColumns,
+ [out, size_is(,maxColumns), length_is(,*nColumns)] long **columns,
+ [out, retval] long *nColumns
+ );
+ /** @brief Returns a list of row indexes currently selected (0 based).
+ @param [in] maxRows
+ This parameter is ignored. Refer to @ref _arrayConsideration
+ "Special Consideration when using Arrays" for more details.
+ @param [out] rows
+ An array of row indexes of selected rows (each index is 0 based), allocated
+ by the server. Free it with CoTaskMemFree.
+ @param [out] nRows
+ The number of row indexes returned; the size of the returned array.
+ @retval S_OK
+ @retval S_FALSE if there are none, [out] values are NULL and 0 respectively
+ */
+ [propget] HRESULT selectedRows
+ (
+ [in] long maxRows,
+ [out, size_is(,maxRows), length_is(,*nRows)] long **rows,
+ [out, retval] long *nRows
+ );
+ /** @brief Returns the summary description of the table. The returned object could be
+ an IAccessible or an IAccessible2.
+ @param [out] accessible
+ Returns a reference to an implementation dependent accessible object
+ representing the table's summary or a NULL pointer if the table
+ does not support a summary.
+ @retval S_OK
+ @retval S_FALSE if there is nothing to return, [out] value is NULL
+ */
+ [propget] HRESULT summary
+ (
+ [out, retval] IUnknown **accessible
+ );
+ /** @brief Returns a boolean value indicating whether the specified column is
+ completely selected.
+ @param [in] column
+ 0 based index of the column for which to determine whether it is selected.
+ @param [out] isSelected
+ Returns TRUE if the specified column is selected completely and FALSE otherwise.
+ @retval S_OK
+ @retval E_INVALIDARG if bad [in] passed, [out] value is FALSE
+ */
+ [propget] HRESULT isColumnSelected
+ (
+ [in] long column,
+ [out, retval] boolean *isSelected
+ );
+ /** @brief Returns a boolean value indicating whether the specified row is completely
+ selected.
+ @param [in] row
+ 0 based index of the row for which to determine whether it is selected.
+ @param [out] isSelected
+ Returns TRUE if the specified row is selected completely and FALSE otherwise.
+ @retval S_OK
+ @retval E_INVALIDARG if bad [in] passed, [out] value is FALSE
+ */
+ [propget] HRESULT isRowSelected
+ (
+ [in] long row,
+ [out, retval] boolean *isSelected
+ );
+ /** @brief Returns a boolean value indicating whether the specified cell is selected.
+ @param [in] row
+ 0 based index of the row for the cell to determine whether it is selected.
+ @param [in] column
+ 0 based index of the column for the cell to determine whether it is selected.
+ @param [out] isSelected
+ Returns TRUE if the specified cell is selected and FALSE otherwise.
+ @retval S_OK
+ @retval E_INVALIDARG if bad [in] passed, [out] value is FALSE
+ */
+ [propget] HRESULT isSelected
+ (
+ [in] long row,
+ [in] long column,
+ [out, retval] boolean *isSelected
+ );
+ /** @brief Selects a row and unselects all previously selected rows.
+ @param [in] row
+ 0 based index of the row to be selected.
+ @retval S_OK
+ @retval E_INVALIDARG if bad [in] passed
+ */
+ HRESULT selectRow
+ (
+ [in] long row
+ );
+ /** @brief Selects a column and unselects all previously selected columns.
+ @param [in] column
+ 0 based index of the column to be selected.
+ @retval S_OK
+ @retval E_INVALIDARG if bad [in] passed
+ */
+ HRESULT selectColumn
+ (
+ [in] long column
+ );
+ /** @brief Unselects one row, leaving other selected rows selected (if any).
+ @param [in] row
+ 0 based index of the row to be unselected.
+ @retval S_OK
+ @retval E_INVALIDARG if bad [in] passed
+ */
+ HRESULT unselectRow
+ (
+ [in] long row
+ );
+ /** @brief Unselects one column, leaving other selected columns selected (if any).
+ @param [in] column
+ 0 based index of the column to be unselected.
+ @retval S_OK
+ @retval E_INVALIDARG if bad [in] passed
+ */
+ HRESULT unselectColumn
+ (
+ [in] long column
+ );
+ /** @brief Given a cell index, gets the row and column indexes and extents of a cell
+ and whether or not it is selected.
+ This is a convenience function. It is not mandatory to implement it.
+ @param [in] index
+ 0 based index of this cell in the table.
+ @param [out] row
+ 0 based row index.
+ @param [out] column
+ 0 based column index.
+ @param [out] rowExtents
+ Number of cells spanned by this cell in this row.
+ @param [out] columnExtents
+ Number of cells spanned by this cell in this column.
+ @param [out] isSelected
+ Indicates if the specified cell is selected.
+ @retval S_OK
+ @retval E_INVALIDARG if bad [in] passed, [out] values are 0s and FALSE respectively
+ */
+ [propget] HRESULT rowColumnExtentsAtIndex
+ (
+ [in] long index,
+ [out] long *row,
+ [out] long *column,
+ [out] long *rowExtents,
+ [out] long *columnExtents,
+ [out, retval] boolean *isSelected
+ );
+ /** @brief Returns the type and extents describing how a table changed.
+ Provided for use by the IA2_EVENT_TABLE_MODEL_CHANGED event handler.
+ This data is only guaranteed to be valid while the thread notifying the event
+ continues. Once the handler has returned, the validity of the data depends on
+ how the server manages the life cycle of its objects. Also, note that the server
+ may have different life cycle management strategies for controls depending on
+ whether or not a control manages its children. Lists, trees, and tables can have
+ a large number of children and thus it's possible that the child objects for those
+ controls would only be created as needed. Servers should document their life cycle
+ strategy as this will be of interest to assistive technology or script engines
+ accessing data out of process or from other threads. Servers only need to save the
+ most recent row and column values associated with the change and a scope of the
+ entire application is adequate.
+ @param [out] modelChange
+ A struct of (type(insert, delete, update), firstRow, lastRow, firstColumn, lastColumn).
+ @retval S_OK
+ @retval S_FALSE if there is nothing to return, [out] value is NULL
+ */
+ [propget] HRESULT modelChange
+ (
+ [out, retval] IA2TableModelChange *modelChange
+ );
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/idl/AccessibleTable2.idl b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/idl/AccessibleTable2.idl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9d7f3e4475
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/idl/AccessibleTable2.idl
@@ -0,0 +1,375 @@
+ *
+ * File Name (AccessibleTable2.idl)
+ *
+ * IAccessible2 IDL Specification
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2007, 2010 Linux Foundation
+ * Copyright (c) 2006 IBM Corporation
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+ * are met:
+ *
+ * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ *
+ * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+ * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
+ * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
+ * provided with the distribution.
+ *
+ * 3. Neither the name of the Linux Foundation nor the names of its
+ * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
+ * derived from this software without specific prior written
+ * permission.
+ *
+ *
+ * This BSD License conforms to the Open Source Initiative "Simplified
+ * BSD License" as published at:
+ *
+ *
+ * IAccessible2 is a trademark of the Linux Foundation. The IAccessible2
+ * mark may be used in accordance with the Linux Foundation Trademark
+ * Policy to indicate compliance with the IAccessible2 specification.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+import "objidl.idl";
+import "oaidl.idl";
+import "oleacc.idl";
+import "Accessible2.idl";
+import "IA2CommonTypes.idl";
+/** @brief This interface gives access to a two-dimensional table.
+ Please also refer to the IAccessibleTableCell interface.
+ If you want to support older applications you should also support the
+ IAccessibleTable inteface.
+[object, uuid(6167f295-06f0-4cdd-a1fa-02e25153d869)]
+interface IAccessibleTable2 : IUnknown
+ /** @brief Returns the accessible object at the specified row and column in
+ the table. This object could be an IAccessible or an IAccessible2.
+ @param [in] row
+ The 0 based row index for which to retrieve the cell.
+ @param [in] column
+ The 0 based column index for which to retrieve the cell.
+ @param [out] cell
+ If both row and column index are valid then the corresponding accessible
+ object is returned that represents the requested cell regardless of whether
+ the cell is currently visible (on the screen).
+ @retval S_OK
+ @retval E_INVALIDARG if bad [in] passed
+ */
+ [propget] HRESULT cellAt
+ (
+ [in] long row,
+ [in] long column,
+ [out, retval] IUnknown **cell
+ );
+ /** @brief Returns the caption for the table. The returned object could be
+ an IAccessible or an IAccessible2.
+ @param [out] accessible
+ If the table has a caption then a reference to it is returned, else a NULL
+ pointer is returned.
+ @retval S_OK
+ @retval S_FALSE if there is nothing to return, [out] value is NULL
+ */
+ [propget] HRESULT caption
+ (
+ [out, retval] IUnknown **accessible
+ );
+ /** @brief Returns the description text of the specified column in the table.
+ @param [in] column
+ The 0 based index of the column for which to retrieve the description.
+ @param [out] description
+ Returns the description text of the specified column in the table if such a
+ description exists. Otherwise a NULL pointer is returned.
+ @retval S_OK
+ @retval S_FALSE if there is nothing to return, [out] value is NULL
+ @retval E_INVALIDARG if bad [in] passed
+ */
+ [propget] HRESULT columnDescription
+ (
+ [in] long column,
+ [out, retval] BSTR *description
+ );
+ /** @brief Returns the total number of columns in table
+ @param [out] columnCount
+ Number of columns in table (including columns outside the current viewport)
+ @retval S_OK
+ */
+ [propget] HRESULT nColumns
+ (
+ [out, retval] long *columnCount
+ );
+ /** @brief Returns the total number of rows in table
+ @param [out] rowCount
+ Number of rows in table (including rows outside the current viewport)
+ @retval S_OK
+ */
+ [propget] HRESULT nRows
+ (
+ [out, retval] long *rowCount
+ );
+ /** @brief Returns the total number of selected cells
+ @param [out] cellCount
+ Number of cells currently selected
+ @retval S_OK
+ */
+ [propget] HRESULT nSelectedCells
+ (
+ [out, retval] long *cellCount
+ );
+ /** @brief Returns the total number of selected columns
+ @param [out] columnCount
+ Number of columns currently selected
+ @retval S_OK
+ */
+ [propget] HRESULT nSelectedColumns
+ (
+ [out, retval] long *columnCount
+ );
+ /** @brief Returns the total number of selected rows
+ @param [out] rowCount
+ Number of rows currently selected
+ @retval S_OK
+ */
+ [propget] HRESULT nSelectedRows
+ (
+ [out, retval] long *rowCount
+ );
+ /** @brief Returns the description text of the specified row in the table.
+ @param [in] row
+ The 0 based index of the row for which to retrieve the description.
+ @param [out] description
+ Returns the description text of the specified row in the table if such a
+ description exists. Otherwise a NULL pointer is returned.
+ @retval S_OK
+ @retval S_FALSE if there is nothing to return, [out] value is NULL
+ @retval E_INVALIDARG if bad [in] passed
+ */
+ [propget] HRESULT rowDescription
+ (
+ [in] long row,
+ [out, retval] BSTR *description
+ );
+ /** @brief Returns a list of accessibles currently selected.
+ @param [out] cells
+ Pointer to an array of references to selected accessibles. The array is
+ allocated by the server with CoTaskMemAlloc and freed by the client with
+ CoTaskMemFree.
+ @param [out] nSelectedCells
+ The number of accessibles returned; the size of the returned array.
+ @retval S_OK
+ @retval S_FALSE if there are none, [out] values are NULL and 0 respectively
+ */
+ [propget] HRESULT selectedCells
+ (
+ [out, size_is(,*nSelectedCells,)] IUnknown ***cells,
+ [out, retval] long *nSelectedCells
+ );
+ /** @brief Returns a list of column indexes currently selected (0 based).
+ @param [out] selectedColumns
+ A pointer to an array of column indexes of selected columns (each index is
+ 0 based). The array is allocated by the server with CoTaskMemAlloc and
+ freed by the client with CoTaskMemFree.
+ @param [out] nColumns
+ The number of column indexes returned; the size of the returned array.
+ @retval S_OK
+ @retval S_FALSE if there are none, [out] values are NULL and 0 respectively
+ */
+ [propget] HRESULT selectedColumns
+ (
+ [out, size_is(,*nColumns)] long **selectedColumns,
+ [out, retval] long *nColumns
+ );
+ /** @brief Returns a list of row indexes currently selected (0 based).
+ @param [out] selectedRows
+ An array of row indexes of selected rows (each index is 0 based). The array
+ is allocated by the server with CoTaskMemAlloc and freed by the client with
+ CoTaskMemFree.
+ @param [out] nRows
+ The number of row indexes returned; the size of the returned array.
+ @retval S_OK
+ @retval S_FALSE if there are none, [out] values are NULL and 0 respectively
+ */
+ [propget] HRESULT selectedRows
+ (
+ [out, size_is(,*nRows)] long **selectedRows,
+ [out, retval] long *nRows
+ );
+ /** @brief Returns the summary description of the table. The returned object could be
+ an IAccessible or an IAccessible2.
+ @param [out] accessible
+ Returns a reference to an implementation dependent accessible object
+ representing the table's summary or a NULL pointer if the table
+ does not support a summary.
+ @retval S_OK
+ @retval S_FALSE if there is nothing to return, [out] value is NULL
+ */
+ [propget] HRESULT summary
+ (
+ [out, retval] IUnknown **accessible
+ );
+ /** @brief Returns a boolean value indicating whether the specified column is
+ completely selected.
+ @param [in] column
+ 0 based index of the column for which to determine whether it is selected.
+ @param [out] isSelected
+ Returns TRUE if the specified column is selected completely and FALSE otherwise.
+ @retval S_OK
+ @retval E_INVALIDARG if bad [in] passed
+ */
+ [propget] HRESULT isColumnSelected
+ (
+ [in] long column,
+ [out, retval] boolean *isSelected
+ );
+ /** @brief Returns a boolean value indicating whether the specified row is completely
+ selected.
+ @param [in] row
+ 0 based index of the row for which to determine whether it is selected.
+ @param [out] isSelected
+ Returns TRUE if the specified row is selected completely and FALSE otherwise.
+ @retval S_OK
+ @retval E_INVALIDARG if bad [in] passed
+ */
+ [propget] HRESULT isRowSelected
+ (
+ [in] long row,
+ [out, retval] boolean *isSelected
+ );
+ /** @brief Selects a row and unselects all previously selected rows.
+ The behavior should mimic that of the application, but for those applications
+ which do not have a means in the GUI to select a full row of cells the behavior
+ should be as follows: First any selected rows in the table are unselected. Then
+ the entire row of cells for the specified row is selected. If any of the
+ cells in the selected row span additional rows, the cells in those rows
+ are also selected.
+ @param [in] row
+ 0 based index of the row to be selected.
+ @retval S_OK
+ @retval E_INVALIDARG if bad [in] passed
+ */
+ HRESULT selectRow
+ (
+ [in] long row
+ );
+ /** @brief Selects a column and unselects all previously selected columns.
+ The behavior should mimic that of the application, but for those applications
+ which do not have a means in the GUI to select a full column of cells the behavior
+ should be as follows: First any selected columns in the table are unselected. Then
+ the entire column of cells for the specified column is selected. If any of the
+ cells in the selected column span additional columns, the cells in those columns
+ are also selected.
+ @param [in] column
+ 0 based index of the column to be selected.
+ @retval S_OK
+ @retval E_INVALIDARG if bad [in] passed
+ */
+ HRESULT selectColumn
+ (
+ [in] long column
+ );
+ /** @brief Unselects one row, leaving other selected rows selected (if any).
+ The behavior should mimic that of the application, but for those applications
+ which do not have a means in the GUI to unselect a full row of cells the
+ behavior should be as follows: The entire row of cells for the specified
+ row is unselected. If any of the cells in the selected row span additional
+ rows, the cells in those rows are also unselected.
+ @param [in] row
+ 0 based index of the row to be unselected.
+ @retval S_OK
+ @retval E_INVALIDARG if bad [in] passed
+ */
+ HRESULT unselectRow
+ (
+ [in] long row
+ );
+ /** @brief Unselects one column, leaving other selected columns selected (if any).
+ The behavior should mimic that of the application, but for those applications
+ which do not have a means in the GUI to unselect a full column of cells the
+ behavior should be as follows: The entire column of cells for the specified
+ column is unselected. If any of the cells in the selected column span additional
+ columns, the cells in those columns are also unselected.
+ @param [in] column
+ 0 based index of the column to be unselected.
+ @retval S_OK
+ @retval E_INVALIDARG if bad [in] passed
+ */
+ HRESULT unselectColumn
+ (
+ [in] long column
+ );
+ /** @brief Returns the type and extents describing how a table changed.
+ Provided for use by the IA2_EVENT_TABLE_MODEL_CHANGED event handler.
+ This data is only guaranteed to be valid while the thread notifying the event
+ continues. Once the handler has returned, the validity of the data depends on
+ how the server manages the life cycle of its objects. Also, note that the server
+ may have different life cycle management strategies for controls depending on
+ whether or not a control manages its children. Lists, trees, and tables can have
+ a large number of children and thus it's possible that the child objects for those
+ controls would only be created as needed. Servers should document their life cycle
+ strategy as this will be of interest to assistive technology or script engines
+ accessing data out of process or from other threads. Servers only need to save the
+ most recent row and column values associated with the change and a scope of the
+ entire application is adequate.
+ @param [out] modelChange
+ A struct of (type(insert, delete, update), firstRow, lastRow, firstColumn, lastColumn).
+ @retval S_OK
+ @retval S_FALSE if there is nothing to return, [out] value is NULL
+ */
+ [propget] HRESULT modelChange
+ (
+ [out, retval] IA2TableModelChange *modelChange
+ );
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/idl/AccessibleTableCell.idl b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/idl/AccessibleTableCell.idl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a4cd988384
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/idl/AccessibleTableCell.idl
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+ *
+ * File Name (AccessibleTableCell.idl)
+ *
+ * IAccessible2 IDL Specification
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2007, 2010 Linux Foundation
+ * Copyright (c) 2006 IBM Corporation
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+ * are met:
+ *
+ * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ *
+ * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+ * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
+ * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
+ * provided with the distribution.
+ *
+ * 3. Neither the name of the Linux Foundation nor the names of its
+ * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
+ * derived from this software without specific prior written
+ * permission.
+ *
+ *
+ * This BSD License conforms to the Open Source Initiative "Simplified
+ * BSD License" as published at:
+ *
+ *
+ * IAccessible2 is a trademark of the Linux Foundation. The IAccessible2
+ * mark may be used in accordance with the Linux Foundation Trademark
+ * Policy to indicate compliance with the IAccessible2 specification.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+import "objidl.idl";
+import "oaidl.idl";
+import "oleacc.idl";
+import "Accessible2.idl";
+/** @brief This interface gives access to the cells of a two-dimensional table.
+ Please also refer to the IAccessibleTable2 interface.
+[object, uuid(594116B1-C99F-4847-AD06-0A7A86ECE645)]
+interface IAccessibleTableCell : IUnknown
+ /** @brief Returns the number of columns occupied by this cell accessible.
+ The result is greater than 1 if the specified cell spans multiple columns.
+ @param [out] nColumnsSpanned
+ Returns the 1 based column extent of the specified cell.
+ @retval S_OK
+ */
+ [propget] HRESULT columnExtent
+ (
+ [out, retval] long *nColumnsSpanned
+ );
+ /** @brief Returns the column headers as an array of cell accessibles.
+ @param [out] cellAccessibles
+ Pointer to an array of references to cell accessibles. The array is allocated
+ by the server. Free it with CoTaskMemFree.
+ @param [out] nColumnHeaderCells
+ The number of accessibles returned; the size of the returned array.
+ @retval S_OK
+ @retval S_FALSE if there is no header, [out] values are NULL and 0 respectively
+ */
+ [propget] HRESULT columnHeaderCells
+ (
+ [out, size_is(,*nColumnHeaderCells,)] IUnknown ***cellAccessibles,
+ [out, retval] long *nColumnHeaderCells
+ );
+ /** @brief Translates this cell accessible into the corresponding column index.
+ @param [out] columnIndex
+ Returns the 0 based column index of the cell of the specified cell or the index of
+ the first column if the cell spans multiple columns.
+ @retval S_OK
+ */
+ [propget] HRESULT columnIndex
+ (
+ [out, retval] long *columnIndex
+ );
+ /** @brief Returns the number of rows occupied by this cell accessible.
+ @param [out] nRowsSpanned
+ Returns the row extent of the specified cell.
+ @retval S_OK
+ */
+ [propget] HRESULT rowExtent
+ (
+ [out, retval] long *nRowsSpanned
+ );
+ /** @brief Returns the row headers as an array of cell accessibles.
+ @param [out] cellAccessibles
+ Pointer to an array of references to cell accessibles. The array is allocated
+ by the server. Free it with CoTaskMemFree.
+ @param [out] nRowHeaderCells
+ The number of accessibles returned; the size of the returned array.
+ @retval S_OK
+ @retval S_FALSE if there is no header, [out] values are NULL and 0 respectively
+ */
+ [propget] HRESULT rowHeaderCells
+ (
+ [out, size_is(,*nRowHeaderCells,)] IUnknown ***cellAccessibles,
+ [out, retval] long *nRowHeaderCells
+ );
+ /** @brief Translates this cell accessible into the corresponding row index.
+ @param [out] rowIndex
+ Returns the 0 based row index of the specified cell or the index of
+ the first row if the cell spans multiple rows.
+ @retval S_OK
+ */
+ [propget] HRESULT rowIndex
+ (
+ [out, retval] long *rowIndex
+ );
+ /** @brief Returns a boolean value indicating whether this cell is selected.
+ @param [out] isSelected
+ Returns TRUE if the specified cell is selected and FALSE otherwise.
+ @retval S_OK
+ */
+ [propget] HRESULT isSelected
+ (
+ [out, retval] boolean *isSelected
+ );
+ /** @brief Gets the row and column indexes and extents of this cell accessible
+ and whether or not it is selected.
+ This is a convenience function. It is not mandatory to implement it.
+ @param [out] row
+ 0 based row index.
+ @param [out] column
+ 0 based column index.
+ @param [out] rowExtents
+ Number of cells spanned by this cell in this row.
+ @param [out] columnExtents
+ Number of cells spanned by this cell in this column.
+ @param [out] isSelected
+ Indicates if the specified cell is selected.
+ @retval S_OK
+ */
+ [propget] HRESULT rowColumnExtents
+ (
+ [out] long *row,
+ [out] long *column,
+ [out] long *rowExtents,
+ [out] long *columnExtents,
+ [out, retval] boolean *isSelected
+ );
+ /** @brief Returns a reference to the accessbile of the containing table.
+ @param [out] table
+ Returns a reference to the IUnknown of the containing table.
+ @retval S_OK
+ */
+ [propget] HRESULT table
+ (
+ [out, retval] IUnknown **table
+ );
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/idl/AccessibleText.idl b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/idl/AccessibleText.idl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..86fd93ad90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/idl/AccessibleText.idl
@@ -0,0 +1,674 @@
+ *
+ * File Name (AccessibleText.idl)
+ *
+ * IAccessible2 IDL Specification
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2007, 2010 Linux Foundation
+ * Copyright (c) 2006 IBM Corporation
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+ * are met:
+ *
+ * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ *
+ * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+ * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
+ * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
+ * provided with the distribution.
+ *
+ * 3. Neither the name of the Linux Foundation nor the names of its
+ * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
+ * derived from this software without specific prior written
+ * permission.
+ *
+ *
+ * This BSD License conforms to the Open Source Initiative "Simplified
+ * BSD License" as published at:
+ *
+ *
+ * IAccessible2 is a trademark of the Linux Foundation. The IAccessible2
+ * mark may be used in accordance with the Linux Foundation Trademark
+ * Policy to indicate compliance with the IAccessible2 specification.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+import "objidl.idl";
+import "oaidl.idl";
+import "oleacc.idl";
+import "IA2CommonTypes.idl";
+/** A structure containing a substring and the start and end offsets in the enclosing string.
+ IAccessibleText::newText and IAccessibleText::oldText return this struct.
+typedef struct IA2TextSegment {
+ BSTR text; ///< A copy of a segment of text taken from an enclosing paragraph.
+ long start; ///< Index of the first character of the segment in the enclosing text.
+ long end; ///< Index of the character following the last character of the segment in the enclosing text.
+} IA2TextSegment;
+/** This enum defines values which specify a text boundary type.
+ IA2_TEXT_BOUNDARY_SENTENCE is optional. When a method doesn't implement this
+ method it must return S_FALSE. Typically this feature would not be implemented
+ by an application. However, if the application developer was not satisfied with
+ how screen readers have handled the reading of sentences this boundary type
+ could be implemented and screen readers could use the application's version of a
+ sentence rather than the screen reader's.
+ The rest of the boundary types must be supported.
+ This enum is used in IAccessibleText::textBeforeOffset, IAccessibleText::textAtOffset,
+ and IAccessibleText::textAfterOffset.
+enum IA2TextBoundaryType {
+ IA2_TEXT_BOUNDARY_CHAR, /**< Typically, a single character is returned. In some cases more than
+ one character is returned, for example, when a document contains field
+ data such as a field containing a date, time, or footnote reference.
+ In this case the caret can move over several characters in one movement
+ of the caret. Note that after the caret moves, the caret offset changes
+ by the number of characters in the field, e.g. by 8 characters in the
+ following date: 03/26/07. */
+ IA2_TEXT_BOUNDARY_WORD, /**< The range provided matches the range observed when the application
+ processes the Ctrl + left arrow and Ctrl + right arrow key sequences.
+ Typically this is from the start of one word to the start of the next, but
+ various applications are inconsistent in the handling of the end of a line. */
+ IA2_TEXT_BOUNDARY_SENTENCE, ///< Range is from start of one sentence to the start of another sentence.
+ IA2_TEXT_BOUNDARY_PARAGRAPH, ///< Range is from start of one paragraph to the start of another paragraph.
+ IA2_TEXT_BOUNDARY_LINE, /**< Range is from start of one line to the start of another line. This
+ often means that an end-of-line character will appear at the end of the
+ range. However in the case of some applications an end-of-line character
+ indicates the end of a paragraph and the lines composing the paragraph,
+ other than the last line, do not contain an end of line character. */
+ IA2_TEXT_BOUNDARY_ALL ///< Using this value will cause all text to be returned.
+/** @brief This interface gives read-only access to text.
+ The %IAccessibleText interface should be implemented by all components
+ that present textual information on the display like buttons,
+ text entry fields, or text portions of the document window. The interface
+ provides access to the text's content, attributes, and spatial location.
+ However, text can not be modified with this interface. That is the task
+ of the IAccessibleEditableText interface.
+ The text length, i.e. the number of characters in the text, is
+ returned by IAccessibleText::nCharacters. All methods that operate
+ on particular characters (e.g. IAccessibleText::textAtOffset) use character
+ indices from 0 to length-1. All methods that operate on character positions
+ (e.g. IAccessibleText::text) use indices from 0 to length.
+ Please note that accessible text does not necessarily support selection.
+ In this case it should behave as if there where no selection. An empty
+ selection is used for example to express the current cursor position.
+ Refer to @ref _specialOffsets
+ "Special Offsets for use in the IAccessibleText and IAccessibleEditableText Methods"
+ for information about special offsets that can be used in %IAccessibleText methods.
+ E_FAIL is returned in the following cases
+ @li endOffset < startOffset
+ @li endoffset > length
+[object, uuid(24FD2FFB-3AAD-4a08-8335-A3AD89C0FB4B)]
+interface IAccessibleText : IUnknown
+ /** @brief Adds a text selection
+ @param [in] startOffset
+ Starting offset ( 0 based).
+ @param [in] endOffset
+ Offset of first character after new selection (0 based).
+ @retval S_OK
+ @retval E_INVALIDARG if bad [in] passed
+ @note Refer to @ref _specialOffsets
+ "Special Offsets for use in the IAccessibleText and IAccessibleEditableText Methods"
+ for information about special offsets that can be used in %IAccessibleText methods.
+ */
+ HRESULT addSelection
+ (
+ [in] long startOffset,
+ [in] long endOffset
+ );
+ /** @brief Returns text attributes.
+ @param [in] offset
+ Text offset (0 based). Refer to @ref _specialOffsets
+ "Special Offsets for use in the IAccessibleText and IAccessibleEditableText Methods"
+ for information about special offsets that can be used in %IAccessibleText methods.
+ @param [out] startOffset
+ The starting offset of the character range over which all text attributes match
+ those of offset. (0 based)
+ @param [out] endOffset
+ The offset of the first character past the character range over which all text
+ attributes match those of offset. (0 based)
+ @param [out] textAttributes
+ A string of attributes describing the text. The attributes are described in the
+ <a href="">
+ text attributes specification</a> on the %IAccessible2 web site.
+ @retval S_OK
+ @retval S_FALSE if there is nothing to return, [out] values are 0s and NULL respectively
+ @retval E_INVALIDARG if bad [in] passed
+ */
+ [propget] HRESULT attributes
+ (
+ [in] long offset,
+ [out] long *startOffset,
+ [out] long *endOffset,
+ [out, retval] BSTR *textAttributes
+ );
+ /** @brief Returns the position of the caret.
+ Returns the 0-based offset of the caret within the text. If the text is
+ implemented as a tree of text objects with embed characters in higher levels
+ representing substrings of child text objects and the caret is in one of the
+ child text objects, then the offset in the higher level text object would be
+ at the embed character representing child text object that contains the caret.
+ For example, if the string "one two three" is implemented as a two text objects,
+ with a top level text object containing an embed character "one ? three" and a
+ child text object containing "two" and if the caret is in the descendant object
+ just before the 'o' in "two", then:
+ <ul>
+ <li>the caretOffset for the "one ? three" object would be 4, matching the embed character</li>
+ <li>the caretOffset for "two" would be 2, matching the "o"</li>
+ </ul>
+ The caret position/offset is that of the character logically following it, e.g.
+ to the right of it in a left to right language, or to the left of it in a right
+ to left language.
+ @param [out] offset
+ The returned offset is relative to the text represented by this object.
+ @retval S_OK
+ @retval S_FALSE if the caret is not currently active on this object, i.e. the
+ caret is located on some other object. The returned offset value will be -1.
+ @note S_FALSE (and an offset of -1) will not be returned if the caret is somewhere
+ in the text object or one of its descendants.
+ */
+ [propget] HRESULT caretOffset
+ (
+ [out, retval] long *offset
+ );
+ /** @brief Returns the bounding box of the specified position.
+ The virtual character after the last character of the represented
+ text, i.e. the one at position length is a special case. It represents the
+ current input position and will therefore typically be queried by AT more
+ often than other positions. Because it does not represent an existing character
+ its bounding box is defined in relation to preceding characters. It should be
+ roughly equivalent to the bounding box of some character when inserted at the
+ end of the text. Its height typically being the maximal height of all the
+ characters in the text or the height of the preceding character, its width being
+ at least one pixel so that the bounding box is not degenerate.
+ Note that the index 'length' is not always valid. Whether it is or not is
+ implementation dependent. It typically is when text is editable or otherwise
+ when on the screen the caret can be placed behind the text. You can be sure
+ that the index is valid after you have received a ::IA2_EVENT_TEXT_CARET_MOVED
+ event for this index.
+ @param [in] offset
+ Index of the character for which to return its bounding box. The valid range
+ is 0..length. Refer to @ref _specialOffsets
+ "Special Offsets for use in the IAccessibleText and IAccessibleEditableText Methods"
+ for information about special offsets that can be used in %IAccessibleText methods.
+ @param [in] coordType
+ Specifies if the coordinates are relative to the screen or to the parent window.
+ @param [out] x
+ X coordinate of the top left corner of the bounding box of the referenced character.
+ @param [out] y
+ Y coordinate of the top left corner of the bounding box of the referenced character.
+ @param [out] width
+ Width of the bounding box of the referenced character.
+ @param [out] height
+ Height of the bounding box of the referenced character.
+ @retval S_OK
+ @retval E_INVALIDARG if bad [in] passed
+ */
+ [propget] HRESULT characterExtents
+ (
+ [in] long offset,
+ [in] enum IA2CoordinateType coordType,
+ [out] long *x,
+ [out] long *y,
+ [out] long *width,
+ [out, retval] long *height
+ );
+ /** @brief Returns the number of active non-contiguous selections
+ @param [out] nSelections
+ @retval S_OK
+ */
+ [propget] HRESULT nSelections
+ (
+ [out, retval] long *nSelections
+ );
+ /** @brief Returns the text position for the specified screen position.
+ Given a point return the zero-based index of the character under that
+ point. The same functionality could be achieved by using the bounding
+ boxes for each character as returned by IAccessibleText::characterExtents.
+ The method IAccessibleText::offsetAtPoint, however, can be implemented
+ more efficiently.
+ @param [in] x
+ The position's x value for which to look up the index of the character that
+ is rendered on to the display at that point.
+ @param [in] y
+ The position's y value for which to look up the index of the character that
+ is rendered on to the display at that point.
+ @param [in] coordType
+ Screen coordinates or window coordinates.
+ @param [out] offset
+ Index of the character under the given point or -1 if the point
+ is invalid or there is no character under the point.
+ @retval S_OK
+ @retval S_FALSE if nothing to return, [out] value is -1
+ @retval E_INVALIDARG if bad [in] passed
+ */
+ [propget] HRESULT offsetAtPoint
+ (
+ [in] long x,
+ [in] long y,
+ [in] enum IA2CoordinateType coordType,
+ [out, retval] long *offset
+ );
+ /** @brief Returns the character offsets of Nth active text selection
+ Returns the 0-based starting and ending offsets of the Nth selection. If the
+ text is implemented as a tree of text objects with embed characters in higher
+ levels representing substrings of child text objects, consider the following.
+ If the starting selection offset is in one of the child text objects, then the
+ starting offset in the higher level text object would be at the embed character
+ representing the child text object that contains the starting selection offset.
+ If the ending selection offset is in one of the child text objects, then the
+ ending offset in the higher level text object would be just after the embed
+ character representing the child text object that contains the ending selection
+ offset.
+ For example, if the string "one two three" is implemented as a two text objects,
+ with a top level text object containing an embed character "one ? three" and a
+ child text object containing "two" and if the selection is the string "two" then:
+ <ul>
+ <li>the startOffset for the "one ? three" object would be 4, matching the embed character and the endOffset would be 5.</li>
+ <li>the startOffset for the "two" object would be 0, and the endOffset would be 3</li>
+ </ul>
+ Selection offsets are that of the character logically following it, e.g.
+ to the right of it in a left to right language or to the left of it in a right to left language.
+ @param [in] selectionIndex
+ Index of selection (0 based).
+ @param [out] startOffset
+ 0 based offset of first selected character
+ @param [out] endOffset
+ 0 based offset of one past the last selected character.
+ @retval S_OK
+ @retval E_INVALIDARG if bad [in] passed
+ */
+ [propget] HRESULT selection
+ (
+ [in] long selectionIndex,
+ [out] long *startOffset,
+ [out, retval] long *endOffset
+ );
+ /** @brief Returns the substring between the two given indices.
+ The substring starts with the character at startOffset (inclusive) and up to
+ the character at endOffset (exclusive), if startOffset is less or equal
+ endOffset. If endOffset is lower than startOffset, the result is the same
+ as a call with the two arguments being exchanged.
+ The whole text can be requested by passing the indices zero and
+ IAccessibleText::nCharacters. If both indices have the same value, an empty
+ string is returned.
+ @param [in] startOffset
+ Index of the first character to include in the returned string. The valid range
+ is 0..length.
+ @param [in] endOffset
+ Index of the last character to exclude in the returned string. The valid range
+ is 0..length.
+ @param [out] text
+ Returns the substring starting with the character at startOffset (inclusive)
+ and up to the character at endOffset (exclusive), if startOffset is less than
+ or equal to endOffset.
+ @retval S_OK
+ @retval E_INVALIDARG if bad [in] passed
+ @note
+ @li The returned string may be longer than endOffset-startOffset bytes if text
+ contains multi-byte characters.
+ @li Refer to @ref _specialOffsets
+ "Special Offsets for use in the IAccessibleText and IAccessibleEditableText Methods"
+ for information about special offsets that can be used in %IAccessibleText methods.
+ */
+ [propget] HRESULT text
+ (
+ [in] long startOffset,
+ [in] long endOffset,
+ [out, retval] BSTR *text
+ );
+ /** @brief Returns a text portion before the given position.
+ Returns the substring of the specified text type that is located before the
+ given character and does not include it. The result of this method should be
+ same as a result for IAccessibleText::textAtOffset with a suitably decreased
+ index value.
+ For example, if text type is ::IA2_TEXT_BOUNDARY_WORD, then the complete
+ word that is closest to and located before offset is returned.
+ If the index is valid, but no suitable word (or other boundary type) is found, a
+ NULL pointer is returned.
+ @param [in] offset
+ Index of the character for which to return the text part before it. The index
+ character will not be part of the returned string. The valid range is 0..length.
+ Refer to @ref _specialOffsets
+ "Special Offsets for use in the IAccessibleText and IAccessibleEditableText Methods"
+ for information about special offsets that can be used in %IAccessibleText methods.
+ @param [in] boundaryType
+ The type of the text portion to return. See ::IA2TextBoundaryType for the
+ complete list.
+ @param [out] startOffset
+ 0 based offset of first character.
+ @param [out] endOffset
+ 0 based offset of one past the last character.
+ @param [out] text
+ Returns the requested text portion. This portion may be empty or invalid when
+ no appropriate text portion is found or text type is invalid.
+ @retval S_OK
+ @retval S_FALSE if the requested boundary type is not implemented, such as
+ ::IA2_TEXT_BOUNDARY_SENTENCE, or if there is nothing to return;
+ [out] values are 0s and NULL respectively
+ @retval E_INVALIDARG if bad [in] passed
+ */
+ [propget] HRESULT textBeforeOffset
+ (
+ [in] long offset,
+ [in] enum IA2TextBoundaryType boundaryType,
+ [out] long *startOffset,
+ [out] long *endOffset,
+ [out, retval] BSTR *text
+ );
+ /** @brief Returns a text portion after the given position.
+ Returns the substring of the specified text type that is located after the
+ given character and does not include it. The result of this method should be
+ same as a result for IAccessibleText::textAtOffset with a suitably increased
+ index value.
+ For example, if text type is ::IA2_TEXT_BOUNDARY_WORD, then the complete
+ word that is closest to and located after offset is returned.
+ If the index is valid, but no suitable word (or other text type) is found, a
+ NULL pointer is returned.
+ @param [in] offset
+ Index of the character for which to return the text part after it. The index
+ character will not be part of the returned string. The valid range is 0..length.
+ Refer to @ref _specialOffsets
+ "Special Offsets for use in the IAccessibleText and IAccessibleEditableText Methods"
+ for information about special offsets that can be used in %IAccessibleText methods.
+ @param [in] boundaryType
+ The type of the text portion to return. See ::IA2TextBoundaryType for the complete
+ list.
+ @param [out] startOffset
+ 0 based offset of first character.
+ @param [out] endOffset
+ 0 based offset of one past the last character.
+ @param [out] text
+ Returns the requested text portion. This portion may be empty or invalid when
+ no appropriate text portion is found or text type is invalid.
+ @retval S_OK
+ @retval S_FALSE if the requested boundary type is not implemented, such as
+ ::IA2_TEXT_BOUNDARY_SENTENCE, or if there is nothing to return;
+ [out] values are 0s and NULL respectively
+ @retval E_INVALIDARG if bad [in] passed
+ */
+ [propget] HRESULT textAfterOffset
+ (
+ [in] long offset,
+ [in] enum IA2TextBoundaryType boundaryType,
+ [out] long *startOffset,
+ [out] long *endOffset,
+ [out, retval] BSTR *text
+ );
+ /** @brief Returns a text portion that spans the given position.
+ Returns the substring of the specified text type at the specified offset.
+ If the index is valid, but no suitable word (or other text type) is found, a
+ NULL pointer is returned.
+ @param [in] offset
+ Index of the character for which to return the text part before it. The index
+ character will not be part of the returned string. The valid range is 0..length.
+ Refer to @ref _specialOffsets
+ "Special Offsets for use in the IAccessibleText and IAccessibleEditableText Methods"
+ for information about special offsets that can be used in %IAccessibleText methods.
+ @param [in] boundaryType
+ The type of the text portion to return. See ::IA2TextBoundaryType for the complete
+ list.
+ @param [out] startOffset
+ 0 based offset of first character.
+ @param [out] endOffset
+ 0 based offset of one past the last character.
+ @param [out] text
+ Returns the requested text portion. This portion may be empty or invalid when
+ no appropriate text portion is found or text type is invalid.
+ @retval S_OK
+ @retval S_FALSE if the requested boundary type is not implemented, such as
+ ::IA2_TEXT_BOUNDARY_SENTENCE, or if there is nothing to return;
+ [out] values are 0s and NULL respectively
+ @retval E_INVALIDARG if bad [in] passed
+ */
+ [propget] HRESULT textAtOffset
+ (
+ [in] long offset,
+ [in] enum IA2TextBoundaryType boundaryType,
+ [out] long *startOffset,
+ [out] long *endOffset,
+ [out, retval] BSTR *text
+ );
+ /** @brief Unselects a range of text.
+ @param [in] selectionIndex
+ Index of selection to remove (0 based).
+ @retval S_OK
+ @retval E_INVALIDARG if bad [in] passed
+ */
+ HRESULT removeSelection
+ (
+ [in] long selectionIndex
+ );
+ /** @brief Sets the position of the caret.
+ The caret position/offset is that of the character logically following it,
+ e.g. to the right of it in a left to right language.
+ Setting the caret position may or may not alter the current selection. A
+ change of the selection is notified to the accessibility event listeners with
+ When the new caret position differs from the old one (which, of course, is the
+ standard case) this is notified to the accessibility event listeners with an
+ @param [in] offset
+ The new index of the caret. This caret is actually placed to the left side of
+ the character with that index. An index of 0 places the caret so that the next
+ insertion goes before the first character. An index of IAccessibleText::nCharacters
+ leads to insertion after the last character. Refer to @ref _specialOffsets
+ "Special Offsets for use in the IAccessibleText and IAccessibleEditableText Methods"
+ for information about special offsets that can be used in %IAccessibleText methods.
+ @retval S_OK
+ @retval E_FAIL if the caret cannot be set
+ @retval E_INVALIDARG if bad [in] passed
+ */
+ HRESULT setCaretOffset
+ (
+ [in] long offset
+ );
+ /** @brief Changes the bounds of an existing selection.
+ @param [in] selectionIndex
+ Index of selection to change (0 based)
+ @param [in] startOffset
+ New starting offset (0 based)
+ @param [in] endOffset
+ New ending offset (0 based) - the offset of the character just past the last character of the selection.
+ @retval S_OK
+ @retval E_INVALIDARG if bad [in] passed
+ @note Refer to @ref _specialOffsets
+ "Special Offsets for use in the IAccessibleText and IAccessibleEditableText Methods"
+ for information about special offsets that can be used in %IAccessibleText methods.
+ */
+ HRESULT setSelection
+ (
+ [in] long selectionIndex,
+ [in] long startOffset,
+ [in] long endOffset
+ );
+ /** @brief Returns total number of characters.
+ Note that this may be different than the total number of bytes required to store the
+ text, if the text contains multi-byte characters.
+ @param [out] nCharacters
+ @retval S_OK
+ */
+ [propget] HRESULT nCharacters
+ (
+ [out, retval] long *nCharacters
+ );
+ /** @brief Makes a specific part of string visible on screen.
+ @param [in] startIndex
+ 0 based character offset.
+ @param [in] endIndex
+ 0 based character offset - the offset of the character just past the last character of the string.
+ @param [in] scrollType
+ Defines where the object should be placed on the screen.
+ @retval S_OK
+ @retval E_INVALIDARG if bad [in] passed
+ @note Refer to @ref _specialOffsets
+ "Special Offsets for use in the IAccessibleText and IAccessibleEditableText Methods"
+ for information about special offsets that can be used in %IAccessibleText methods.
+ */
+ HRESULT scrollSubstringTo
+ (
+ [in] long startIndex,
+ [in] long endIndex,
+ [in] enum IA2ScrollType scrollType
+ );
+ /** @brief Moves the top left of a substring to a specified location.
+ @param [in] startIndex
+ 0 based character offset.
+ @param [in] endIndex
+ 0 based character offset - the offset of the character just past the last character of the string.
+ @param [in] coordinateType
+ Specifies whether the coordinates are relative to the screen or the parent object.
+ @param [in] x
+ Defines the x coordinate.
+ @param [in] y
+ Defines the y coordinate.
+ @retval S_OK
+ @retval S_FALSE if the object is already at the specified location.
+ @retval E_INVALIDARG if bad [in] passed
+ @note Refer to @ref _specialOffsets
+ "Special Offsets for use in the IAccessibleText and IAccessibleEditableText Methods"
+ for information about special offsets that can be used in %IAccessibleText methods.
+ */
+ HRESULT scrollSubstringToPoint
+ (
+ [in] long startIndex,
+ [in] long endIndex,
+ [in] enum IA2CoordinateType coordinateType,
+ [in] long x,
+ [in] long y
+ );
+ /** @brief Returns any inserted text.
+ Provided for use by the ::IA2_EVENT_TEXT_INSERTED and ::IA2_EVENT_TEXT_UPDATED
+ event handlers.
+ This data is only guaranteed to be valid while the thread notifying the event
+ continues. Once the handler has returned, the validity of the data depends on
+ how the server manages the life cycle of its objects. Also, note that the server
+ may have different life cycle management strategies for controls depending on
+ whether or not a control manages its children. Lists, trees, and tables can have
+ a large number of children and thus it's possible that the child objects for those
+ controls would only be created as needed. Servers should document their life cycle
+ strategy as this will be of interest to assistive technology or script engines
+ accessing data out of process or from other threads. Servers only need to save the
+ last inserted block of text and a scope of the entire application is adequate.
+ @param [out] newText
+ The text that was just inserted.
+ @retval S_OK
+ @retval S_FALSE If there is nothing to return, the values of IA2TextSegment
+ struct are set as follows: text = NULL, start = 0, end = 0.
+ */
+ [propget] HRESULT newText
+ (
+ [out, retval] IA2TextSegment *newText
+ );
+ /** @brief Returns any removed text.
+ Provided for use by the IA2_EVENT_TEXT_REMOVED/UPDATED event handlers.
+ This data is only guaranteed to be valid while the thread notifying the event
+ continues. Once the handler has returned, the validity of the data depends on
+ how the server manages the life cycle of its objects. Also, note that the server
+ may have different life cycle management strategies for controls depending on
+ whether or not a control manages its children. Lists, trees, and tables can have
+ a large number of children and thus it's possible that the child objects for those
+ controls would only be created as needed. Servers should document their life cycle
+ strategy as this will be of interest to assistive technology or script engines
+ accessing data out of process or from other threads. Servers only need to save the
+ last removed block of text and a scope of the entire application is adequate.
+ @param [out] oldText
+ The text that was just removed.
+ @retval S_OK
+ @retval S_FALSE If there is nothing to return, the values of IA2TextSegment
+ struct are set as follows: text = NULL, start = 0, end = 0.
+ */
+ [propget] HRESULT oldText
+ (
+ [out, retval] IA2TextSegment *oldText
+ );
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/idl/AccessibleValue.idl b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/idl/AccessibleValue.idl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cd013d76f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/idl/AccessibleValue.idl
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+ *
+ * File Name (AccessibleValue.idl)
+ *
+ * IAccessible2 IDL Specification
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2007, 2010 Linux Foundation
+ * Copyright (c) 2006 IBM Corporation
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+ * are met:
+ *
+ * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ *
+ * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+ * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
+ * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
+ * provided with the distribution.
+ *
+ * 3. Neither the name of the Linux Foundation nor the names of its
+ * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
+ * derived from this software without specific prior written
+ * permission.
+ *
+ *
+ * This BSD License conforms to the Open Source Initiative "Simplified
+ * BSD License" as published at:
+ *
+ *
+ * IAccessible2 is a trademark of the Linux Foundation. The IAccessible2
+ * mark may be used in accordance with the Linux Foundation Trademark
+ * Policy to indicate compliance with the IAccessible2 specification.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+import "objidl.idl";
+import "oaidl.idl";
+import "oleacc.idl";
+/** @brief This interface gives access to a single numerical value.
+ The %IAccessibleValue interface represents a single numerical value and should
+ be implemented by any class that supports numerical value like progress bars
+ and spin boxes. This interface lets you access the value and its upper and
+ lower bounds.
+[object, uuid(35855B5B-C566-4fd0-A7B1-E65465600394)]
+interface IAccessibleValue : IUnknown
+ /** @brief Returns the value of this object as a number.
+ The exact return type is implementation dependent. Typical types are long and
+ double.
+ @param [out] currentValue
+ Returns the current value represented by this object. See the section about
+ @ref _variants "VARIANTs" for additional information.
+ @retval S_OK
+ @retval S_FALSE if there is nothing to return, [out] value is a VARIANT with vt = VT_EMPTY
+ */
+ [propget] HRESULT currentValue
+ (
+ [out, retval] VARIANT *currentValue
+ );
+ /** @brief Sets the value of this object to the given number.
+ The argument is clipped to the valid interval whose upper and lower
+ bounds are returned by the methods IAccessibleValue::maximumValue and
+ IAccessibleValue::minimumValue, i.e. if it is lower than the minimum
+ value the new value will be the minimum and if it is greater than the
+ maximum then the new value will be the maximum.
+ @param [in] value
+ The new value represented by this object. The set of admissible types for
+ this argument is implementation dependent.
+ @retval S_OK
+ */
+ HRESULT setCurrentValue
+ (
+ [in] VARIANT value
+ );
+ /** @brief Returns the maximal value that can be represented by this object.
+ The type of the returned value is implementation dependent. It does not have
+ to be the same type as that returned by method IAccessibleValue::currentValue.
+ @param [out] maximumValue
+ Returns the maximal value in an implementation dependent type. If this object
+ has no upper bound then an empty object is returned. See the section about
+ @ref _variants "VARIANTs" for additional information.
+ @retval S_OK
+ @retval S_FALSE if there is nothing to return, [out] value is a VARIANT with vt = VT_EMPTY
+ */
+ [propget] HRESULT maximumValue
+ (
+ [out, retval] VARIANT *maximumValue
+ );
+ /** @brief Returns the minimal value that can be represented by this object.
+ The type of the returned value is implementation dependent. It does not have
+ to be the same type as that returned by method IAccessibleValue::currentValue.
+ @param [out] minimumValue
+ Returns the minimal value in an implementation dependent type. If this object
+ has no lower bound then an empty object is returned. See the section about
+ @ref _variants "VARIANTs" for additional information.
+ @retval S_OK
+ @retval S_FALSE if there is nothing to return, [out] value is a VARIANT with vt = VT_EMPTY
+ */
+ [propget] HRESULT minimumValue
+ (
+ [out, retval] VARIANT *minimumValue
+ );
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/idl/IA2CommonTypes.idl b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/idl/IA2CommonTypes.idl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d3da110873
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/idl/IA2CommonTypes.idl
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+ *
+ * File Name (IA2CommonTypes.idl)
+ *
+ * IAccessible2 IDL Specification
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2007, 2010 Linux Foundation
+ * Copyright (c) 2006 IBM Corporation
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+ * are met:
+ *
+ * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ *
+ * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+ * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
+ * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
+ * provided with the distribution.
+ *
+ * 3. Neither the name of the Linux Foundation nor the names of its
+ * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
+ * derived from this software without specific prior written
+ * permission.
+ *
+ *
+ * This BSD License conforms to the Open Source Initiative "Simplified
+ * BSD License" as published at:
+ *
+ *
+ * IAccessible2 is a trademark of the Linux Foundation. The IAccessible2
+ * mark may be used in accordance with the Linux Foundation Trademark
+ * Policy to indicate compliance with the IAccessible2 specification.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+ /** These constants control the scrolling of an object or substring into a window.
+ This enum is used in IAccessible2::scrollTo and IAccessibleText::scrollSubstringTo.
+enum IA2ScrollType {
+ /** Scroll the top left corner of the object or substring such that the top left
+ corner (and as much as possible of the rest of the object or substring) is within
+ the top level window. In cases where the entire object or substring fits within
+ the top level window, the placement of the object or substring is dependent on
+ the application. For example, the object or substring may be scrolled to the
+ closest edge, the furthest edge, or midway between those two edges. In cases
+ where there is a hierarchy of nested scrollable controls, more than one control
+ may have to be scrolled.
+ */
+ /** Scroll the bottom right corner of the object or substring such that the bottom right
+ corner (and as much as possible of the rest of the object or substring) is within
+ the top level window. In cases where the entire object or substring fits within
+ the top level window, the placement of the object or substring is dependent on
+ the application. For example, the object or substring may be scrolled to the
+ closest edge, the furthest edge, or midway between those two edges. In cases
+ where there is a hierarchy of nested scrollable controls, more than one control
+ may have to be scrolled.
+ */
+ /** Scroll the top edge of the object or substring such that the top edge
+ (and as much as possible of the rest of the object or substring) is within the
+ top level window. In cases where the entire object or substring fits within
+ the top level window, the placement of the object or substring is dependent on
+ the application. For example, the object or substring may be scrolled to the
+ closest edge, the furthest edge, or midway between those two edges. In cases
+ where there is a hierarchy of nested scrollable controls, more than one control
+ may have to be scrolled.
+ */
+ /** Scroll the bottom edge of the object or substring such that the bottom edge
+ (and as much as possible of the rest of the object or substring) is within the
+ top level window. In cases where the entire object or substring fits within
+ the top level window, the placement of the object or substring is dependent on
+ the application. For example, the object or substring may be scrolled to the
+ closest edge, the furthest edge, or midway between those two edges. In cases
+ where there is a hierarchy of nested scrollable controls, more than one control
+ may have to be scrolled.
+ */
+ /** Scroll the left edge of the object or substring such that the left edge
+ (and as much as possible of the rest of the object or substring) is within the
+ top level window. In cases where the entire object or substring fits within
+ the top level window, the placement of the object or substring is dependent on
+ the application. For example, the object or substring may be scrolled to the
+ closest edge, the furthest edge, or midway between those two edges. In cases
+ where there is a hierarchy of nested scrollable controls, more than one control
+ may have to be scrolled.
+ */
+ /** Scroll the right edge of the object or substring such that the right edge
+ (and as much as possible of the rest of the object or substring) is within the
+ top level window. In cases where the entire object or substring fits within
+ the top level window, the placement of the object or substring is dependent on
+ the application. For example, the object or substring may be scrolled to the
+ closest edge, the furthest edge, or midway between those two edges. In cases
+ where there is a hierarchy of nested scrollable controls, more than one control
+ may have to be scrolled.
+ */
+ /** Scroll the object or substring such that as much as possible of the
+ object or substring is within the top level window. The placement of
+ the object is dependent on the application. For example, the object or
+ substring may be scrolled to to closest edge, the furthest edge, or midway
+ between those two edges.
+ */
+/** These constants define which coordinate system a point is located in.
+ This enum is used in IAccessible2::scrollToPoint, IAccessibleImage::imagePosition,
+ IAccessibleText::characterExtents, and IAccessibleText::offsetAtPoint, and
+ IAccessibleText::scrollSubstringToPoint.
+enum IA2CoordinateType {
+ /// The coordinates are relative to the screen.
+ /** The coordinates are relative to the upper left corner of the bounding box
+ of the immediate parent.
+ */
+/** Special offsets for use in IAccessibleText and IAccessibleEditableText methods
+ Refer to @ref _specialOffsets
+ "Special Offsets for use in the IAccessibleText and IAccessibleEditableText Methods"
+ for more information.
+enum IA2TextSpecialOffsets {
+ IA2_TEXT_OFFSET_LENGTH = -1, /**< This offset is equivalent to the length of the string. It eliminates
+ the need to call IAccessibleText::nCharacters. */
+ IA2_TEXT_OFFSET_CARET = -2 /**< This offset signifies that the text related to the physical location
+ of the caret should be used. */
+/** These constants specify the kind of change made to a table.
+ This enum is used in the IA2TableModelChange struct which in turn is used by
+ IAccessibleTable::modelChange and IAccessibleTable2::modelChange.
+enum IA2TableModelChangeType {
+/** A structure defining the type of and extents of changes made to a table
+ IAccessibleTable::modelChange and IAccessibleTable2::modelChange return this struct.
+ In the case of an insertion or change the row and column offsets define the boundaries
+ of the inserted or changed subtable after the operation. In the case of a deletion
+ the row and column offsets define the boundaries of the subtable being removed before
+ the removal.
+typedef struct IA2TableModelChange {
+ enum IA2TableModelChangeType type; // insert, delete, update
+ long firstRow; ///< 0 based, inclusive
+ long lastRow; ///< 0 based, inclusive
+ long firstColumn; ///< 0 based, inclusive
+ long lastColumn; ///< 0 based, inclusive
+} IA2TableModelChange;
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/idl/IA2TypeLibrary.idl b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/idl/IA2TypeLibrary.idl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7753825751
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/idl/IA2TypeLibrary.idl
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+ *
+ * File Name (IA2TypeLibrary.idl)
+ *
+ * IAccessible2 IDL Specification
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2007, 2010 Linux Foundation
+ * Copyright (c) 2006 IBM Corporation
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+ * are met:
+ *
+ * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ *
+ * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+ * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
+ * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
+ * provided with the distribution.
+ *
+ * 3. Neither the name of the Linux Foundation nor the names of its
+ * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
+ * derived from this software without specific prior written
+ * permission.
+ *
+ *
+ * This BSD License conforms to the Open Source Initiative "Simplified
+ * BSD License" as published at:
+ *
+ *
+ * IAccessible2 is a trademark of the Linux Foundation. The IAccessible2
+ * mark may be used in accordance with the Linux Foundation Trademark
+ * Policy to indicate compliance with the IAccessible2 specification.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+// This is not a standalone file. It is to be appended to the end of the
+// merged IDL file.
+cpp_quote("// Type Library Definitions")
+ uuid(c974e070-3787-490a-87b0-e333b06ca1e2),
+ helpstring("IAccessible2 Type Library"),
+ version(1.2),
+ hidden
+library IAccessible2Lib
+ importlib ("stdole2.tlb");
+ importlib ("oleacc.dll");
+ interface IAccessible2;
+ interface IAccessibleAction;
+ interface IAccessibleApplication;
+ interface IAccessibleComponent;
+ interface IAccessibleEditableText;
+ interface IAccessibleHyperlink;
+ interface IAccessibleHypertext;
+ interface IAccessibleImage;
+ interface IAccessibleRelation;
+ interface IAccessibleTable;
+ interface IAccessibleTable2;
+ interface IAccessibleTableCell;
+ interface IAccessibleText;
+ interface IAccessibleValue;
+ enum IA2CoordinateType;
+ enum IA2EventID;
+ enum IA2Role;
+ enum IA2ScrollType;
+ enum IA2States;
+ enum IA2TableModelChangeType;
+ enum IA2TextBoundaryType;
+ enum IA2TextSpecialOffsets;
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/idl/Makefile b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/idl/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..eb56d9fb60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/idl/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+MIDL = midl
+MIDL_OPTS = /out ..\generated
+first: all
+all: x86 amd64
+MIDL_OPTS = /out ..\generated\x86 /env win32
+ -del ..\generated\x86\dlldata.c
+ -md ..\generated\x86
+ $(MIDL) $(MIDL_OPTS) Accessible2.idl
+ $(MIDL) $(MIDL_OPTS) AccessibleAction.idl
+ $(MIDL) $(MIDL_OPTS) AccessibleApplication.idl
+ $(MIDL) $(MIDL_OPTS) AccessibleComponent.idl
+ $(MIDL) $(MIDL_OPTS) AccessibleEditableText.idl
+ $(MIDL) $(MIDL_OPTS) AccessibleEventID.idl
+ $(MIDL) $(MIDL_OPTS) AccessibleHyperlink.idl
+ $(MIDL) $(MIDL_OPTS) AccessibleHypertext.idl
+ $(MIDL) $(MIDL_OPTS) AccessibleImage.idl
+ $(MIDL) $(MIDL_OPTS) AccessibleRelation.idl
+ $(MIDL) $(MIDL_OPTS) AccessibleRole.idl
+ $(MIDL) $(MIDL_OPTS) AccessibleStates.idl
+ $(MIDL) $(MIDL_OPTS) AccessibleTable.idl
+ $(MIDL) $(MIDL_OPTS) AccessibleTable2.idl
+ $(MIDL) $(MIDL_OPTS) AccessibleTableCell.idl
+ $(MIDL) $(MIDL_OPTS) AccessibleText.idl
+ $(MIDL) $(MIDL_OPTS) AccessibleValue.idl
+ $(MIDL) $(MIDL_OPTS) IA2CommonTypes.idl
+ $(MIDL) $(MIDL_OPTS) IA2TypeLibrary.idl
+MIDL_OPTS = /out ..\generated\amd64 /env amd64
+ -del ..\generated\amd64\dlldata.c
+ -md ..\generated\amd64
+ $(MIDL) $(MIDL_OPTS) Accessible2.idl
+ $(MIDL) $(MIDL_OPTS) AccessibleAction.idl
+ $(MIDL) $(MIDL_OPTS) AccessibleApplication.idl
+ $(MIDL) $(MIDL_OPTS) AccessibleComponent.idl
+ $(MIDL) $(MIDL_OPTS) AccessibleEditableText.idl
+ $(MIDL) $(MIDL_OPTS) AccessibleEventID.idl
+ $(MIDL) $(MIDL_OPTS) AccessibleHyperlink.idl
+ $(MIDL) $(MIDL_OPTS) AccessibleHypertext.idl
+ $(MIDL) $(MIDL_OPTS) AccessibleImage.idl
+ $(MIDL) $(MIDL_OPTS) AccessibleRelation.idl
+ $(MIDL) $(MIDL_OPTS) AccessibleRole.idl
+ $(MIDL) $(MIDL_OPTS) AccessibleStates.idl
+ $(MIDL) $(MIDL_OPTS) AccessibleTable.idl
+ $(MIDL) $(MIDL_OPTS) AccessibleTable2.idl
+ $(MIDL) $(MIDL_OPTS) AccessibleTableCell.idl
+ $(MIDL) $(MIDL_OPTS) AccessibleText.idl
+ $(MIDL) $(MIDL_OPTS) AccessibleValue.idl
+ $(MIDL) $(MIDL_OPTS) IA2CommonTypes.idl
+ $(MIDL) $(MIDL_OPTS) IA2TypeLibrary.idl
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/idl/README b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/idl/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0a299f16b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/idl/README
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+Just type
+ nmake
+in this directory to generate the files from the idl files.
+The generated files will be put in
+..\generated\x86 and ..\generated\amd64
diff --git a/src/gui/accessible/qaccessible2.h b/src/gui/accessible/qaccessible2.h
index 61e46ebf04..af7dea5a6a 100644
--- a/src/gui/accessible/qaccessible2.h
+++ b/src/gui/accessible/qaccessible2.h
@@ -164,6 +164,9 @@ public:
virtual bool isSelected() const = 0;
// Gets the row and column indexes and extents of this cell accessible and whether or not it is selected.
+ // ### Is this really needed??
+ //
+ // ### Maybe change to QSize cellSize(), we already have accessors for the row, column and selected
virtual void rowColumnExtents(int *row, int *column, int *rowExtents, int *columnExtents, bool *selected) const = 0;
// Returns a reference to the accessbile of the containing table.
virtual QAccessibleInterface* table() const = 0;
diff --git a/src/plugins/platforms/windows/accessible/accessible.pri b/src/plugins/platforms/windows/accessible/accessible.pri
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bf25ad870c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/platforms/windows/accessible/accessible.pri
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+ $$PWD/qwindowsmsaaaccessible.cpp \
+ $$PWD/qwindowsaccessibility.cpp \
+ $$PWD/iaccessible2.cpp \
+ $$PWD/comutils.cpp
+ $$PWD/qwindowsmsaaaccessible.h \
+ $$PWD/qwindowsaccessibility.h \
+ $$PWD/iaccessible2.h \
+ $$PWD/comutils.h
diff --git a/src/plugins/platforms/windows/accessible/comutils.cpp b/src/plugins/platforms/windows/accessible/comutils.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9a0fce20b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/platforms/windows/accessible/comutils.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,641 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the plugins of the Qt Toolkit.
+** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+** License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation and
+** appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the packaging of this
+** file. Please review the following information to ensure the GNU Lesser
+** General Public License version 2.1 requirements will be met:
+** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
+** rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
+** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
+** GNU General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU General
+** Public License version 3.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of this
+** file. Please review the following information to ensure the GNU General
+** Public License version 3.0 requirements will be met:
+** Other Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms and
+** conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you and Nokia.
+#include <ocidl.h>
+#include <olectl.h>
+#include "comutils.h"
+#include <QtCore/qdatetime.h>
+#include <QtGui/qpixmap.h>
+#include <QtGui/qfont.h>
+#include <QtCore/qvariant.h>
+#include <QtCore/qbytearray.h>
+#include <QtGui/qcolor.h>
+static DATE QDateTimeToDATE(const QDateTime &dt)
+ if (!dt.isValid() || dt.isNull())
+ return 949998; // Special value for no date (01/01/4501)
+ memset(&stime, 0, sizeof(stime));
+ QDate date =;
+ QTime time = dt.time();
+ if (date.isValid() && !date.isNull()) {
+ stime.wDay =;
+ stime.wMonth = date.month();
+ stime.wYear = date.year();
+ }
+ if (time.isValid() && !time.isNull()) {
+ stime.wMilliseconds = time.msec();
+ stime.wSecond = time.second();
+ stime.wMinute = time.minute();
+ stime.wHour = time.hour();
+ }
+ double vtime;
+ SystemTimeToVariantTime(&stime, &vtime);
+ return vtime;
+inline uint QColorToOLEColor(const QColor &col)
+ return qRgba(,,, 0x00);
+bool QVariantToVARIANT(const QVariant &var, VARIANT &arg, const QByteArray &typeName, bool out)
+ QVariant qvar = var;
+ // "type" is the expected type, so coerce if necessary
+ QVariant::Type proptype = typeName.isEmpty() ? QVariant::Invalid : QVariant::nameToType(typeName);
+ if (proptype == QVariant::UserType && !typeName.isEmpty()) {
+ if (typeName == "short" || typeName == "char")
+ proptype = QVariant::Int;
+ else if (typeName == "float")
+ proptype = QVariant::Double;
+ }
+ if (proptype != QVariant::Invalid && proptype != QVariant::UserType && proptype != qvar.type()) {
+ if (qvar.canConvert(proptype))
+ qvar.convert(proptype);
+ else
+ qvar = QVariant(proptype);
+ }
+ if (out && arg.vt == (VT_VARIANT|VT_BYREF) && arg.pvarVal) {
+ return QVariantToVARIANT(var, *arg.pvarVal, typeName, false);
+ }
+ if (out && proptype == QVariant::UserType && typeName == "QVariant") {
+ VARIANT *pVariant = new VARIANT;
+ QVariantToVARIANT(var, *pVariant, QByteArray(), false);
+ arg.pvarVal = pVariant;
+ return true;
+ }
+ switch ((int)qvar.type()) {
+ case QVariant::String:
+ if (out && arg.vt == (VT_BSTR|VT_BYREF)) {
+ if (*arg.pbstrVal)
+ SysFreeString(*arg.pbstrVal);
+ *arg.pbstrVal = QStringToBSTR(qvar.toString());
+ arg.vt = VT_BSTR|VT_BYREF;
+ } else {
+ arg.vt = VT_BSTR;
+ arg.bstrVal = QStringToBSTR(qvar.toString());
+ if (out) {
+ arg.pbstrVal = new BSTR(arg.bstrVal);
+ arg.vt |= VT_BYREF;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case QVariant::Int:
+ if (out && arg.vt == (VT_I4|VT_BYREF)) {
+ *arg.plVal = qvar.toInt();
+ } else {
+ arg.vt = VT_I4;
+ arg.lVal = qvar.toInt();
+ if (out) {
+ if (typeName == "short") {
+ arg.vt = VT_I2;
+ arg.piVal = new short(arg.lVal);
+ } else if (typeName == "char") {
+ arg.vt = VT_I1;
+ arg.pcVal= new char(arg.lVal);
+ } else {
+ arg.plVal = new long(arg.lVal);
+ }
+ arg.vt |= VT_BYREF;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case QVariant::UInt:
+ if (out && (arg.vt == (VT_UINT|VT_BYREF) || arg.vt == (VT_I4|VT_BYREF))) {
+ *arg.puintVal = qvar.toUInt();
+ } else {
+ arg.vt = VT_UINT;
+ arg.uintVal = qvar.toUInt();
+ if (out) {
+ arg.puintVal = new uint(arg.uintVal);
+ arg.vt |= VT_BYREF;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case QVariant::LongLong:
+ if (out && arg.vt == (VT_CY|VT_BYREF)) {
+ arg.pcyVal->int64 = qvar.toLongLong();
+#if !defined(Q_OS_WINCE) && defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER >= 1400
+ } else if (out && arg.vt == (VT_I8|VT_BYREF)) {
+ *arg.pllVal = qvar.toLongLong();
+ } else {
+ arg.vt = VT_I8;
+ arg.llVal = qvar.toLongLong();
+ if (out) {
+ arg.pllVal = new LONGLONG(arg.llVal);
+ arg.vt |= VT_BYREF;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ arg.vt = VT_CY;
+ arg.cyVal.int64 = qvar.toLongLong();
+ if (out) {
+ arg.pcyVal = new CY(arg.cyVal);
+ arg.vt |= VT_BYREF;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case QVariant::ULongLong:
+ if (out && arg.vt == (VT_CY|VT_BYREF)) {
+ arg.pcyVal->int64 = qvar.toULongLong();
+#if !defined(Q_OS_WINCE) && defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER >= 1400
+ } else if (out && arg.vt == (VT_UI8|VT_BYREF)) {
+ *arg.pullVal = qvar.toULongLong();
+ } else {
+ arg.vt = VT_UI8;
+ arg.ullVal = qvar.toULongLong();
+ if (out) {
+ arg.pullVal = new ULONGLONG(arg.ullVal);
+ arg.vt |= VT_BYREF;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ arg.vt = VT_CY;
+ arg.cyVal.int64 = qvar.toULongLong();
+ if (out) {
+ arg.pcyVal = new CY(arg.cyVal);
+ arg.vt |= VT_BYREF;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case QVariant::Bool:
+ if (out && arg.vt == (VT_BOOL|VT_BYREF)) {
+ *arg.pboolVal = qvar.toBool() ? VARIANT_TRUE : VARIANT_FALSE;
+ } else {
+ arg.vt = VT_BOOL;
+ arg.boolVal = qvar.toBool() ? VARIANT_TRUE : VARIANT_FALSE;
+ if (out) {
+ arg.pboolVal = new short(arg.boolVal);
+ arg.vt |= VT_BYREF;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case QVariant::Double:
+ if (out && arg.vt == (VT_R8|VT_BYREF)) {
+ *arg.pdblVal = qvar.toDouble();
+ } else {
+ arg.vt = VT_R8;
+ arg.dblVal = qvar.toDouble();
+ if (out) {
+ if (typeName == "float") {
+ arg.vt = VT_R4;
+ arg.pfltVal = new float(arg.dblVal);
+ } else {
+ arg.pdblVal = new double(arg.dblVal);
+ }
+ arg.vt |= VT_BYREF;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case QVariant::Color:
+ if (out && arg.vt == (VT_COLOR|VT_BYREF)) {
+ *arg.plVal = QColorToOLEColor(qvariant_cast<QColor>(qvar));
+ } else {
+ arg.vt = VT_COLOR;
+ arg.lVal = QColorToOLEColor(qvariant_cast<QColor>(qvar));
+ if (out) {
+ arg.plVal = new long(arg.lVal);
+ arg.vt |= VT_BYREF;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case QVariant::Date:
+ case QVariant::Time:
+ case QVariant::DateTime:
+ if (out && arg.vt == (VT_DATE|VT_BYREF)) {
+ *arg.pdate = QDateTimeToDATE(qvar.toDateTime());
+ } else {
+ arg.vt = VT_DATE;
+ = QDateTimeToDATE(qvar.toDateTime());
+ if (out) {
+ arg.pdate = new DATE(;
+ arg.vt |= VT_BYREF;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+#if 0 // not a value with min/max semantics
+ case QVariant::Font:
+ if (out && arg.vt == (VT_DISPATCH|VT_BYREF)) {
+ if (*arg.ppdispVal)
+ (*arg.ppdispVal)->Release();
+ *arg.ppdispVal = QFontToIFont(qvariant_cast<QFont>(qvar));
+ } else {
+ arg.vt = VT_DISPATCH;
+ arg.pdispVal = QFontToIFont(qvariant_cast<QFont>(qvar));
+ if (out) {
+ arg.ppdispVal = new IDispatch*(arg.pdispVal);
+ arg.vt |= VT_BYREF;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case QVariant::Pixmap:
+ if (out && arg.vt == (VT_DISPATCH|VT_BYREF)) {
+ if (*arg.ppdispVal)
+ (*arg.ppdispVal)->Release();
+ *arg.ppdispVal = QPixmapToIPicture(qvariant_cast<QPixmap>(qvar));
+ } else {
+ arg.vt = VT_DISPATCH;
+ arg.pdispVal = QPixmapToIPicture(qvariant_cast<QPixmap>(qvar));
+ if (out) {
+ arg.ppdispVal = new IDispatch*(arg.pdispVal);
+ arg.vt |= VT_BYREF;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case QVariant::Cursor:
+ {
+#ifndef QT_NO_CURSOR
+ int shape = qvariant_cast<QCursor>(qvar).shape();
+ if (out && (arg.vt & VT_BYREF)) {
+ switch (arg.vt & ~VT_BYREF) {
+ case VT_I4:
+ *arg.plVal = shape;
+ break;
+ case VT_I2:
+ *arg.piVal = shape;
+ break;
+ case VT_UI4:
+ *arg.pulVal = shape;
+ break;
+ case VT_UI2:
+ *arg.puiVal = shape;
+ break;
+ case VT_INT:
+ *arg.pintVal = shape;
+ break;
+ case VT_UINT:
+ *arg.puintVal = shape;
+ break;
+ }
+ } else {
+ arg.vt = VT_I4;
+ arg.lVal = shape;
+ if (out) {
+ arg.plVal = new long(arg.lVal);
+ arg.vt |= VT_BYREF;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case QVariant::List:
+ {
+ const QList<QVariant> list = qvar.toList();
+ const int count = list.count();
+ QVariant::Type listType = QVariant::LastType; // == QVariant
+ if (!typeName.isEmpty() && typeName.startsWith("QList<")) {
+ const QByteArray listTypeName = typeName.mid(6, typeName.length() - 7); // QList<int> -> int
+ listType = QVariant::nameToType(listTypeName);
+ }
+ VARIANT variant;
+ void *pElement = &variant;
+ switch (listType) {
+ case QVariant::Int:
+ vt = VT_I4;
+ pElement = &variant.lVal;
+ break;
+ case QVariant::Double:
+ vt = VT_R8;
+ pElement = &variant.dblVal;
+ break;
+ case QVariant::DateTime:
+ vt = VT_DATE;
+ pElement = &;
+ break;
+ case QVariant::Bool:
+ vt = VT_BOOL;
+ pElement = &variant.boolVal;
+ break;
+ case QVariant::LongLong:
+#if !defined(Q_OS_WINCE) && defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER >= 1400
+ vt = VT_I8;
+ pElement = &variant.llVal;
+ vt = VT_CY;
+ pElement = &variant.cyVal;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ SAFEARRAY *array = 0;
+ bool is2D = false;
+ // If the first element in the array is a list the whole list is
+ // treated as a 2D array. The column count is taken from the 1st element.
+ if (count) {
+ QVariantList col =;
+ int maxColumns = col.count();
+ if (maxColumns) {
+ is2D = true;
+ SAFEARRAYBOUND rgsabound[2] = { {0} };
+ rgsabound[0].cElements = count;
+ rgsabound[1].cElements = maxColumns;
+ array = SafeArrayCreate(VT_VARIANT, 2, rgsabound);
+ LONG rgIndices[2];
+ for (LONG i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
+ rgIndices[0] = i;
+ QVariantList columns =;
+ int columnCount = qMin(maxColumns, columns.count());
+ for (LONG j = 0; j < columnCount; ++j) {
+ QVariant elem =;
+ VariantInit(&variant);
+ QVariantToVARIANT(elem, variant, elem.typeName());
+ rgIndices[1] = j;
+ SafeArrayPutElement(array, rgIndices, pElement);
+ clearVARIANT(&variant);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!is2D) {
+ array = SafeArrayCreateVector(vt, 0, count);
+ for (LONG index = 0; index < count; ++index) {
+ QVariant elem =;
+ if (listType != QVariant::LastType)
+ elem.convert(listType);
+ VariantInit(&variant);
+ QVariantToVARIANT(elem, variant, elem.typeName());
+ SafeArrayPutElement(array, &index, pElement);
+ clearVARIANT(&variant);
+ }
+ }
+ if (out && arg.vt == (VT_ARRAY|vt|VT_BYREF)) {
+ if (*arg.pparray)
+ SafeArrayDestroy(*arg.pparray);
+ *arg.pparray = array;
+ } else {
+ arg.vt = VT_ARRAY|vt;
+ arg.parray = array;
+ if (out) {
+ arg.pparray = new SAFEARRAY*(arg.parray);
+ arg.vt |= VT_BYREF;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case QVariant::StringList:
+ {
+ const QStringList list = qvar.toStringList();
+ const int count = list.count();
+ SAFEARRAY *array = SafeArrayCreateVector(VT_BSTR, 0, count);
+ for (LONG index = 0; index < count; ++index) {
+ QString elem =;
+ BSTR bstr = QStringToBSTR(elem);
+ SafeArrayPutElement(array, &index, bstr);
+ SysFreeString(bstr);
+ }
+ if (out && arg.vt == (VT_ARRAY|VT_BSTR|VT_BYREF)) {
+ if (*arg.pparray)
+ SafeArrayDestroy(*arg.pparray);
+ *arg.pparray = array;
+ } else {
+ arg.vt = VT_ARRAY|VT_BSTR;
+ arg.parray = array;
+ if (out) {
+ arg.pparray = new SAFEARRAY*(arg.parray);
+ arg.vt |= VT_BYREF;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case QVariant::ByteArray:
+ {
+ const QByteArray bytes = qvar.toByteArray();
+ const uint count = bytes.count();
+ SAFEARRAY *array = SafeArrayCreateVector(VT_UI1, 0, count);
+ if (count) {
+ const char *data = bytes.constData();
+ char *dest;
+ SafeArrayAccessData(array, (void **)&dest);
+ memcpy(dest, data, count);
+ SafeArrayUnaccessData(array);
+ }
+ if (out && arg.vt == (VT_ARRAY|VT_UI1|VT_BYREF)) {
+ if (*arg.pparray)
+ SafeArrayDestroy(*arg.pparray);
+ *arg.pparray = array;
+ } else {
+ arg.vt = VT_ARRAY|VT_UI1;
+ arg.parray = array;
+ if (out) {
+ arg.pparray = new SAFEARRAY*(arg.parray);
+ arg.vt |= VT_BYREF;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+#ifdef QAX_SERVER
+ case QVariant::Rect:
+ case QVariant::Size:
+ case QVariant::Point:
+ {
+ typedef HRESULT(WINAPI* PGetRecordInfoFromTypeInfo)(ITypeInfo *, IRecordInfo **);
+ static PGetRecordInfoFromTypeInfo pGetRecordInfoFromTypeInfo = 0;
+ static bool resolved = false;
+ if (!resolved) {
+ QSystemLibrary oleaut32(QLatin1String("oleaut32"));
+ pGetRecordInfoFromTypeInfo = (PGetRecordInfoFromTypeInfo)oleaut32.resolve("GetRecordInfoFromTypeInfo");
+ resolved = true;
+ }
+ if (!pGetRecordInfoFromTypeInfo)
+ break;
+ ITypeInfo *typeInfo = 0;
+ IRecordInfo *recordInfo = 0;
+ CLSID clsid = qvar.type() == QVariant::Rect ? CLSID_QRect
+ :qvar.type() == QVariant::Size ? CLSID_QSize
+ :CLSID_QPoint;
+ qAxTypeLibrary->GetTypeInfoOfGuid(clsid, &typeInfo);
+ if (!typeInfo)
+ break;
+ pGetRecordInfoFromTypeInfo(typeInfo, &recordInfo);
+ typeInfo->Release();
+ if (!recordInfo)
+ break;
+ void *record = 0;
+ switch (qvar.type()) {
+ case QVariant::Rect:
+ {
+ QRect qrect(qvar.toRect());
+ recordInfo->RecordCreateCopy(&qrect, &record);
+ }
+ break;
+ case QVariant::Size:
+ {
+ QSize qsize(qvar.toSize());
+ recordInfo->RecordCreateCopy(&qsize, &record);
+ }
+ break;
+ case QVariant::Point:
+ {
+ QPoint qpoint(qvar.toPoint());
+ recordInfo->RecordCreateCopy(&qpoint, &record);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ arg.vt = VT_RECORD;
+ arg.pRecInfo = recordInfo,
+ arg.pvRecord = record;
+ if (out) {
+ qWarning("QVariantToVARIANT: out-parameter not supported for records");
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+#endif // QAX_SERVER
+ case QVariant::UserType:
+ {
+ QByteArray subType = qvar.typeName();
+#ifdef QAX_SERVER
+ if (subType.endsWith('*'))
+ subType.truncate(subType.length() - 1);
+ if (!qstrcmp(qvar.typeName(), "IDispatch*")) {
+ arg.vt = VT_DISPATCH;
+ arg.pdispVal = *(IDispatch**);
+ if (arg.pdispVal)
+ arg.pdispVal->AddRef();
+ if (out) {
+ qWarning("QVariantToVARIANT: out-parameter not supported for IDispatch");
+ return false;
+ }
+ } else if (!qstrcmp(qvar.typeName(), "IDispatch**")) {
+ arg.vt = VT_DISPATCH;
+ arg.ppdispVal = *(IDispatch***);
+ if (out)
+ arg.vt |= VT_BYREF;
+ } else if (!qstrcmp(qvar.typeName(), "IUnknown*")) {
+ arg.vt = VT_UNKNOWN;
+ arg.punkVal = *(IUnknown**);
+ if (arg.punkVal)
+ arg.punkVal->AddRef();
+ if (out) {
+ qWarning("QVariantToVARIANT: out-parameter not supported for IUnknown");
+ return false;
+ }
+#ifdef QAX_SERVER
+ } else if (qAxFactory()->metaObject(QString::fromLatin1(subType.constData()))) {
+ arg.vt = VT_DISPATCH;
+ void *user = *(void**)qvar.constData();
+// qVariantGet(qvar, user, qvar.typeName());
+ if (!user) {
+ arg.pdispVal = 0;
+ } else {
+ qAxFactory()->createObjectWrapper(static_cast<QObject*>(user), &arg.pdispVal);
+ }
+ if (out) {
+ qWarning("QVariantToVARIANT: out-parameter not supported for subtype");
+ return false;
+ }
+ } else if (QMetaType::type(subType)) {
+ QAxObject *object = *(QAxObject**)qvar.constData();
+// qVariantGet(qvar, object, subType);
+ arg.vt = VT_DISPATCH;
+ object->queryInterface(IID_IDispatch, (void**)&arg.pdispVal);
+ if (out) {
+ qWarning("QVariantToVARIANT: out-parameter not supported for subtype");
+ return false;
+ }
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case QVariant::Invalid: // default-parameters not set
+ if (out && arg.vt == (VT_ERROR|VT_BYREF)) {
+ } else {
+ arg.vt = VT_ERROR;
+ if (out) {
+ arg.plVal = new long(arg.lVal);
+ arg.vt |= VT_BYREF;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ return false;
+ }
+ Q_ASSERT(!out || (arg.vt & VT_BYREF));
+ return true;
diff --git a/src/plugins/platforms/windows/accessible/comutils.h b/src/plugins/platforms/windows/accessible/comutils.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..08420cc46c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/platforms/windows/accessible/comutils.h
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the plugins of the Qt Toolkit.
+** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+** License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation and
+** appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the packaging of this
+** file. Please review the following information to ensure the GNU Lesser
+** General Public License version 2.1 requirements will be met:
+** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
+** rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
+** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
+** GNU General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU General
+** Public License version 3.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of this
+** file. Please review the following information to ensure the GNU General
+** Public License version 3.0 requirements will be met:
+** Other Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms and
+** conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you and Nokia.
+#ifndef COMUTILS_H
+#define COMUTILS_H
+#if !defined(_WINDOWS_) && !defined(_WINDOWS_H) && !defined(__WINDOWS__)
+#error Must include windows.h first!
+#include <ocidl.h>
+#include <QtCore/qstring.h>
+class QVariant;
+bool QVariantToVARIANT(const QVariant &var, VARIANT &arg, const QByteArray &typeName, bool out);
+inline BSTR QStringToBSTR(const QString &str)
+ return SysAllocStringLen((OLECHAR*)str.unicode(), str.length());
+#endif // COMUTILS_H
diff --git a/src/plugins/platforms/windows/accessible/iaccessible2.cpp b/src/plugins/platforms/windows/accessible/iaccessible2.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f22349714f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/platforms/windows/accessible/iaccessible2.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1467 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the plugins of the Qt Toolkit.
+** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+** License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation and
+** appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the packaging of this
+** file. Please review the following information to ensure the GNU Lesser
+** General Public License version 2.1 requirements will be met:
+** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
+** rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
+** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
+** GNU General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU General
+** Public License version 3.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of this
+** file. Please review the following information to ensure the GNU General
+** Public License version 3.0 requirements will be met:
+** Other Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms and
+** conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you and Nokia.
+#include <QtCore/QtConfig>
+#include "iaccessible2.h"
+#include "qwindowsaccessibility.h"
+#include <QtGui/qaccessible2.h>
+#include <QtWidgets/qapplication.h>
+#include <QtCore/qdebug.h>
+ * AccessibleApplication *
+ **************************************************************/
+// IUnknown
+HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE AccessibleApplication::QueryInterface(REFIID id, LPVOID *iface)
+ *iface = 0;
+ if (id == IID_IUnknown) {
+ accessibleDebug("AccessibleApplication::QI(): IID_IUnknown");
+ *iface = (IUnknown*)this;
+ } else if (id == IID_IAccessibleApplication) {
+ accessibleDebug("AccessibleApplication::QI(): IID_IAccessibleApplication");
+ *iface = static_cast<IAccessibleApplication*>(this);
+ }
+ if (*iface) {
+ AddRef();
+ return S_OK;
+ }
+ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE AccessibleApplication::AddRef()
+ return ++m_ref;
+ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE AccessibleApplication::Release()
+ if (!--m_ref) {
+ delete this;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return m_ref;
+/* IAccessibleApplication */
+HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE AccessibleApplication::get_appName(/* [retval][out] */ BSTR *name)
+ const QString appName = QGuiApplication::applicationName();
+ *name = QStringToBSTR(appName);
+ return S_OK;
+HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE AccessibleApplication::get_appVersion(/* [retval][out] */ BSTR *version)
+ const QString appName = QGuiApplication::applicationVersion();
+ *version = QStringToBSTR(appName);
+ return S_OK;
+HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE AccessibleApplication::get_toolkitName(/* [retval][out] */ BSTR *name)
+ *name = ::SysAllocString(L"Qt");
+ return S_OK;
+HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE AccessibleApplication::get_toolkitVersion(/* [retval][out] */ BSTR *version)
+ *version = ::SysAllocString(QT_UNICODE_LITERAL(QT_VERSION_STR));
+ return S_OK;
+ \internal
+ Client allocates and deallocates array
+ (see "Special Consideration when using Arrays", in Accessible2.idl)
+ */
+HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE AccessibleRelation::get_target(
+ /* [in] */ long targetIndex,
+ /* [retval][out] */ IUnknown **target)
+ if (targetIndex >= 0 && targetIndex < m_targets.count()) {
+ QAccessibleInterface *iface =;
+ *target = QWindowsAccessibility::wrap(iface);
+ if (*target)
+ return S_OK;
+ return E_FAIL;
+ }
+ return E_INVALIDARG;
+ \internal
+ Client allocates and deallocates \a targets array
+ (see "Special Consideration when using Arrays", in Accessible2.idl)
+ */
+HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE AccessibleRelation::get_targets(
+ /* [in] */ long maxTargets, // Hmmm, ignore ???
+ /* [length_is][size_is][out] */ IUnknown **targets,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nTargets)
+ const int numTargets = qMin((int)maxTargets, m_targets.count());
+ for (int i = 0; i < numTargets; ++i) {
+ QAccessibleInterface *iface =;
+ IAccessible *iacc = QWindowsAccessibility::wrap(iface);
+ if (!iacc)
+ return E_FAIL;
+ *targets = iacc;
+ ++targets;
+ }
+ *nTargets = numTargets;
+ // \a targets array is allocated by client.
+ return numTargets > 0 ? S_OK : S_FALSE;
+ * *
+ * IUnknown *
+ * *
+ **************************************************************/
+HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsIA2Accessible::QueryInterface(REFIID id, LPVOID *iface)
+ *iface = 0;
+ QByteArray strIID = IIDToString(id);
+ if (!strIID.isEmpty()) {
+ QString ss; QDebug dbg(&ss); dbg << accessible;
+ accessibleDebug("QWindowsIA2Accessible::QI() - IID:%s, iface:%s ", strIID.constData(), qPrintable(ss));
+ }
+ if (id == IID_IUnknown) {
+ *iface = (IUnknown*)(IDispatch*)this;
+ } else if (id == IID_IDispatch) {
+ *iface = (IDispatch*)this;
+ } else if (id == IID_IAccessible) {
+ *iface = (IAccessible*)this;
+ } else if (id == IID_IOleWindow) {
+ *iface = (IOleWindow*)this;
+ } else if (id == IID_IServiceProvider) {
+ *iface = (IServiceProvider*)this;
+ } else if (id == IID_IAccessible2) {
+ *iface = (IAccessible2*)this;
+ } else if (id == IID_IAccessibleAction) {
+ if (accessible->actionInterface())
+ *iface = (IAccessibleAction*)this;
+ } else if (id == IID_IAccessibleComponent) {
+ *iface = (IAccessibleComponent*)this;
+ } else if (id == IID_IAccessibleEditableText) {
+ //if (accessible->editableTextInterface()) {
+ //*iface = (IAccessibleEditableText*)this;
+ //}
+ } else if (id == IID_IAccessibleHyperlink) {
+ //*iface = (IAccessibleHyperlink*)this;
+ } else if (id == IID_IAccessibleHypertext) {
+ //*iface = (IAccessibleHypertext*)this;
+ } else if (id == IID_IAccessibleImage) {
+ //*iface = (IAccessibleImage*)this;
+ } else if (id == IID_IAccessibleRelation) {
+ *iface = (IAccessibleRelation*)this;
+ } else if (id == IID_IAccessibleTable) {
+ //*iface = (IAccessibleTable*)this; // not supported
+ } else if (id == IID_IAccessibleTable2) {
+ if (accessible->tableInterface())
+ *iface = (IAccessibleTable2*)this;
+ } else if (id == IID_IAccessibleTableCell) {
+ if (accessible->tableCellInterface())
+ *iface = (IAccessibleTableCell*)this;
+ } else if (id == IID_IAccessibleText) {
+ if (accessible->textInterface())
+ *iface = (IAccessibleText*)this;
+ } else if (id == IID_IAccessibleValue) {
+ if (accessible->valueInterface())
+ *iface = (IAccessibleValue*)this;
+ }
+ if (*iface) {
+ AddRef();
+ return S_OK;
+ }
+ return ++ref;
+ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsIA2Accessible::Release()
+ if (!--ref) {
+ delete this;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return ref;
+ * *
+ * IAccessible2 *
+ * *
+ **************************************************************/
+HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsIA2Accessible::get_nRelations(long *nRelations)
+ accessibleDebugClientCalls(accessible);
+ if (!nRelations)
+ return E_INVALIDARG;
+ if (!accessible->isValid())
+ return E_FAIL;
+ return getRelationsHelper(0, 0, 0, nRelations);
+HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsIA2Accessible::get_relation(long relationIndex, IAccessibleRelation **relation)
+ accessibleDebugClientCalls(accessible);
+ if (!relation)
+ return E_INVALIDARG;
+ if (!accessible->isValid())
+ return E_FAIL;
+ return getRelationsHelper(relation, relationIndex, 1);
+ \internal
+ Client allocates and deallocates array
+ (see "Special Consideration when using Arrays", in Accessible2.idl)
+ */
+HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsIA2Accessible::get_relations(long maxRelations,
+ IAccessibleRelation **relations,
+ long *nRelations)
+ accessibleDebugClientCalls(accessible);
+ if (!accessible->isValid())
+ return E_FAIL;
+ return getRelationsHelper(relations, 0, maxRelations, nRelations);
+HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsIA2Accessible::role(long *ia2role)
+ accessibleDebugClientCalls(accessible);
+ //### Change QAccessibleInterface::role() to return both MSAA and IA2 roles.
+ // When that is completed, we must patch the MSAA bridge not not return any
+ // IA2-specific roles from get_accRole().
+ if (!accessible->isValid())
+ return E_FAIL;
+ *ia2role = accessible->role();
+ return S_OK;
+HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsIA2Accessible::scrollTo(enum IA2ScrollType /*scrollType*/)
+ //### Ignore for now
+ return E_NOTIMPL;
+HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsIA2Accessible::scrollToPoint(enum IA2CoordinateType /*coordinateType*/, long /*x*/, long /*y*/)
+ //### Ignore for now
+ return E_NOTIMPL;
+HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsIA2Accessible::get_groupPosition(long *groupLevel,
+ long *similarItemsInGroup,
+ long *positionInGroup)
+ // ### Ignore for now. Not sure what this is used for.....
+ *groupLevel = 0; // Not applicable
+ *similarItemsInGroup = 0; // Not applicable
+ *positionInGroup = 0; // Not applicable
+ return S_FALSE;
+HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsIA2Accessible::get_states(AccessibleStates *states)
+ accessibleDebugClientCalls(accessible);
+ if (!accessible->isValid())
+ return E_FAIL;
+ if (!states)
+ return E_POINTER;
+ QAccessible::State st = accessible->state();
+ AccessibleStates ia2states = 0;
+ if (
+ ia2states |= IA2_STATE_ACTIVE;
+ if (st.invalid)
+ ia2states |= IA2_STATE_DEFUNCT;
+ if (st.editable)
+ ia2states |= IA2_STATE_EDITABLE;
+ if (st.multiLine)
+ ia2states |= IA2_STATE_MULTI_LINE;
+ if (st.selectableText)
+ if (st.supportsAutoCompletion)
+ *states = ia2states;
+ return S_OK;
+HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsIA2Accessible::get_extendedRole(BSTR *extendedRole)
+ //###
+ *extendedRole = 0;
+ return E_NOTIMPL; // mozilla does this
+ //return S_FALSE;
+HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsIA2Accessible::get_localizedExtendedRole(BSTR *localizedExtendedRole)
+ //###
+ *localizedExtendedRole = 0;
+ return E_NOTIMPL; // mozilla does this
+ //return S_FALSE;
+HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsIA2Accessible::get_nExtendedStates(long *nExtendedStates)
+ // Who will ever intepret these values into something meaningful??
+ *nExtendedStates = 0;
+ return E_NOTIMPL; // mozilla does this
+ //return S_FALSE;
+HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsIA2Accessible::get_extendedStates(long /*maxExtendedStates*/,
+ BSTR **extendedStates,
+ long *nExtendedStates)
+ *extendedStates = 0;
+ *nExtendedStates = 0;
+ return E_NOTIMPL; // mozilla does this
+ //return S_FALSE;
+HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsIA2Accessible::get_localizedExtendedStates(long /*maxLocalizedExtendedStates*/,
+ BSTR **localizedExtendedStates,
+ long *nLocalizedExtendedStates)
+ *localizedExtendedStates = 0;
+ *nLocalizedExtendedStates = 0;
+ return E_NOTIMPL; // mozilla does this
+ //return S_FALSE;
+HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsIA2Accessible::get_uniqueID(long *outUniqueID)
+ accessibleDebugClientCalls(accessible);
+ if (!accessible->isValid())
+ return E_FAIL;
+ // Return 0 if no object and no parent. This is really an error case.
+ uint uid = uniqueID();
+ accessibleDebug("uniqueID: %08x", uid);
+ *outUniqueID = (long)uid;
+ return uid ? S_OK : S_FALSE;
+HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsIA2Accessible::get_windowHandle(HWND *windowHandle)
+ accessibleDebugClientCalls(accessible);
+ if (!accessible->isValid())
+ return E_FAIL;
+ return GetWindow(windowHandle);
+HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsIA2Accessible::get_indexInParent(long *indexInParent)
+ accessibleDebugClientCalls(accessible);
+ if (!accessible->isValid())
+ return E_FAIL;
+ if (!indexInParent)
+ return E_INVALIDARG;
+ QAccessibleInterface *par = accessible->parent();
+ if (!par) {
+ *indexInParent = -1;
+ return S_FALSE;
+ }
+ int indexOfChild = par->indexOfChild(accessible);
+ delete par;
+ Q_ASSERT(indexOfChild >= 0);
+ *indexInParent = indexOfChild;
+ return S_OK;
+HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsIA2Accessible::get_locale(IA2Locale *locale)
+ accessibleDebugClientCalls(accessible);
+ if (!accessible->isValid())
+ return E_FAIL;
+ IA2Locale res;
+ QLocale l;
+ = QStringToBSTR(QLocale::countryToString(;
+ res.language = QStringToBSTR(QLocale::languageToString(l.language()));
+ *locale = res;
+ return S_OK;
+HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsIA2Accessible::get_attributes(BSTR *attributes)
+ accessibleDebugClientCalls(accessible);
+ if (!accessible->isValid())
+ return E_FAIL;
+ *attributes = 0;//QStringToBSTR(QString());
+ return S_FALSE;
+ * IAccessibleAction *
+ **************************************************************/
+HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsIA2Accessible::nActions(long *nActions)
+ accessibleDebugClientCalls(accessible);
+ if (!accessible->isValid())
+ return E_FAIL;
+ *nActions = 0;
+ if (QAccessibleActionInterface *actionIface = actionInterface())
+ *nActions = actionIface->actionNames().count();
+ return S_OK;
+HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsIA2Accessible::doAction(long actionIndex)
+ accessibleDebugClientCalls(accessible);
+ if (!accessible->isValid())
+ return E_FAIL;
+ if (QAccessibleActionInterface *actionIface = actionInterface()) {
+ const QStringList actionNames = actionIface->actionNames();
+ if (actionIndex < 0 || actionIndex >= actionNames.count())
+ return E_INVALIDARG;
+ const QString actionName =;
+ actionIface->doAction(actionName);
+ return S_OK;
+ }
+ return S_FALSE;
+HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsIA2Accessible::get_description(long actionIndex, BSTR *description)
+ accessibleDebugClientCalls(accessible);
+ if (!accessible->isValid())
+ return E_FAIL;
+ *description = 0;
+ if (QAccessibleActionInterface *actionIface = actionInterface()) {
+ const QStringList actionNames = actionIface->actionNames();
+ if (actionIndex < 0 || actionIndex >= actionNames.count())
+ return E_INVALIDARG;
+ const QString actionName =;
+ *description = QStringToBSTR(actionIface->localizedActionDescription(actionName));
+ }
+ return *description ? S_OK : S_FALSE;
+HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsIA2Accessible::get_keyBinding(long actionIndex, long nMaxBindings, BSTR **keyBindings, long *nBindings)
+ accessibleDebugClientCalls(accessible);
+ if (!accessible->isValid())
+ return E_FAIL;
+ Q_UNUSED(nMaxBindings);
+ BSTR *arrayOfBindingsToReturn = 0;
+ int numBindings = 0;
+ if (QAccessibleActionInterface *actionIface = actionInterface()) {
+ const QStringList actionNames = actionIface->actionNames();
+ if (actionIndex < 0 || actionIndex >= actionNames.count())
+ return E_INVALIDARG;
+ const QString actionName =;
+ const QStringList keyBindings = actionIface->keyBindingsForAction(actionName);
+ numBindings = keyBindings.count();
+ if (numBindings > 0) {
+ // The IDL documents that the client must free with CoTaskMemFree
+ arrayOfBindingsToReturn = (BSTR*)::CoTaskMemAlloc(sizeof(BSTR) * numBindings);
+ for (int i = 0; i < numBindings; ++i)
+ arrayOfBindingsToReturn[i] = QStringToBSTR(;
+ }
+ }
+ *keyBindings = arrayOfBindingsToReturn;
+ *nBindings = numBindings;
+ return numBindings ? S_OK : S_FALSE;
+HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsIA2Accessible::get_name(long actionIndex, BSTR *name)
+ accessibleDebugClientCalls(accessible);
+ if (!accessible->isValid())
+ return E_FAIL;
+ *name = 0;
+ if (QAccessibleActionInterface *actionIface = actionInterface()) {
+ const QStringList actionNames = actionIface->actionNames();
+ if (actionIndex < 0 || actionIndex >= actionNames.count())
+ return E_INVALIDARG;
+ const QString actionName =;
+ *name = QStringToBSTR(actionName);
+ }
+ return *name ? S_OK : S_FALSE;
+HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsIA2Accessible::get_localizedName(long actionIndex, BSTR *localizedName)
+ accessibleDebugClientCalls(accessible);
+ if (!accessible->isValid())
+ return E_FAIL;
+ *localizedName = 0;
+ if (QAccessibleActionInterface *actionIface = actionInterface()) {
+ const QStringList actionNames = actionIface->actionNames();
+ if (actionIndex < 0 || actionIndex >= actionNames.count())
+ return E_INVALIDARG;
+ const QString actionName =;
+ *localizedName = QStringToBSTR(actionIface->localizedActionName(actionName));
+ }
+ return *localizedName ? S_OK : S_FALSE;
+ * IAccessibleComponent *
+ **************************************************************/
+HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsIA2Accessible::get_locationInParent(long *x, long *y)
+ accessibleDebugClientCalls(accessible);
+ if (!accessible->isValid())
+ return E_FAIL;
+ QPoint topLeft = accessible->rect().topLeft();
+ if (QAccessibleInterface *parentIface = accessible->parent())
+ topLeft -= parentIface->rect().topLeft();
+ *x = topLeft.x();
+ *y = topLeft.y();
+ return S_OK;
+HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsIA2Accessible::get_foreground(IA2Color *foreground)
+ accessibleDebugClientCalls(accessible);
+ if (!accessible->isValid())
+ return E_FAIL;
+ // IA2Color is a typedef for long
+ *foreground = (IA2Color)accessible->foregroundColor().rgb();
+ return S_OK;
+HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsIA2Accessible::get_background(IA2Color *background)
+ accessibleDebugClientCalls(accessible);
+ if (!accessible->isValid())
+ return E_FAIL;
+ // IA2Color is a typedef for long
+ *background = (IA2Color)accessible->backgroundColor().rgb();
+ return S_OK;
+ * IAccessibleTable2 *
+ **************************************************************/
+HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsIA2Accessible::get_cellAt( long row, long column, IUnknown **cell)
+ accessibleDebugClientCalls(accessible);
+ if (!accessible->isValid())
+ return E_FAIL;
+ *cell = 0;
+ if (QAccessibleTableInterface *tableIface = tableInterface()) {
+ if (QAccessibleInterface *qtCell = tableIface->cellAt(row, column)) {
+ *cell = QWindowsAccessibility::wrap(qtCell);
+ }
+ }
+ accessibleDebug("found cell? %p", *cell);
+ return *cell ? S_OK : S_FALSE;
+HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsIA2Accessible::get_caption( IUnknown **captionInterface)
+ accessibleDebugClientCalls(accessible);
+ if (!accessible->isValid())
+ return E_FAIL;
+ *captionInterface = 0;
+ if (QAccessibleTableInterface *tableIface = tableInterface()) {
+ if (QAccessibleInterface *iface = tableIface->caption())
+ *captionInterface = QWindowsAccessibility::wrap(iface);
+ }
+ return *captionInterface ? S_OK : S_FALSE;
+HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsIA2Accessible::get_columnDescription( long column, BSTR *description)
+ accessibleDebugClientCalls(accessible);
+ if (!accessible->isValid())
+ return E_FAIL;
+ *description = 0;
+ if (QAccessibleTableInterface *tableIface = tableInterface()) {
+ const QString qtDesc = tableIface->columnDescription(column);
+ if (!qtDesc.isEmpty())
+ *description = QStringToBSTR(qtDesc);
+ }
+ return *description ? S_OK : S_FALSE;
+HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsIA2Accessible::get_nColumns( long *columnCount)
+ accessibleDebugClientCalls(accessible);
+ if (!accessible->isValid())
+ return E_FAIL;
+ if (QAccessibleTableInterface *tableIface = tableInterface()) {
+ *columnCount = tableIface->columnCount();
+ return S_OK;
+ }
+ return E_FAIL;
+HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsIA2Accessible::get_nRows(long *rowCount)
+ accessibleDebugClientCalls(accessible);
+ if (!accessible->isValid())
+ return E_FAIL;
+ if (QAccessibleTableInterface *tableIface = tableInterface()) {
+ *rowCount = tableIface->rowCount();
+ return S_OK;
+ }
+ return E_FAIL;
+HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsIA2Accessible::get_nSelectedCells(long *cellCount)
+ accessibleDebugClientCalls(accessible);
+ if (!accessible->isValid())
+ return E_FAIL;
+ if (QAccessibleTableInterface *tableIface = tableInterface()) {
+ *cellCount = tableIface->selectedCellCount();
+ return S_OK;
+ }
+ return E_FAIL;
+HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsIA2Accessible::get_nSelectedColumns(long *columnCount)
+ accessibleDebugClientCalls(accessible);
+ if (!accessible->isValid())
+ return E_FAIL;
+ if (QAccessibleTableInterface *tableIface = tableInterface()) {
+ *columnCount = tableIface->selectedColumnCount();
+ return S_OK;
+ }
+ return E_FAIL;
+HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsIA2Accessible::get_nSelectedRows(long *rowCount)
+ accessibleDebugClientCalls(accessible);
+ if (!accessible->isValid())
+ return E_FAIL;
+ if (QAccessibleTableInterface *tableIface = tableInterface()) {
+ *rowCount = tableIface->selectedRowCount();
+ return S_OK;
+ }
+ return E_FAIL;
+HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsIA2Accessible::get_rowDescription(long row, BSTR *description)
+ accessibleDebugClientCalls(accessible);
+ if (!accessible->isValid())
+ return E_FAIL;
+ *description = 0;
+ if (QAccessibleTableInterface *tableIface = tableInterface()) {
+ const QString qtDesc = tableIface->columnDescription(row);
+ if (!qtDesc.isEmpty())
+ *description = QStringToBSTR(qtDesc);
+ }
+ return *description ? S_OK : S_FALSE;
+HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsIA2Accessible::get_selectedCells(IUnknown ***cells, long *nSelectedCells)
+ accessibleDebugClientCalls(accessible);
+ Q_UNUSED(cells);
+ Q_UNUSED(nSelectedCells);
+ if (!accessible->isValid())
+ return E_FAIL;
+ QList<QAccessibleInterface*> selectedCells = tableInterface()->selectedCells();
+ return wrapListOfCells(selectedCells, cells, nSelectedCells);
+HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsIA2Accessible::get_selectedColumns(long **selectedColumns, long *nColumns)
+ accessibleDebugClientCalls(accessible);
+ if (!accessible->isValid())
+ return E_FAIL;
+ if (QAccessibleTableInterface *tableIface = tableInterface()) {
+ const QList<int> selectedIndices = tableIface->selectedColumns();
+ const int &count = selectedIndices.count();
+ long *selected = (count ? (long*)::CoTaskMemAlloc(sizeof(long) * count) : (long*)0);
+ for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
+ selected[i] =;
+ *selectedColumns = selected;
+ *nColumns = count;
+ return count ? S_OK : S_FALSE;
+ }
+ return E_FAIL;
+HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsIA2Accessible::get_selectedRows(long **selectedRows, long *nRows)
+ accessibleDebugClientCalls(accessible);
+ if (!accessible->isValid())
+ return E_FAIL;
+ if (QAccessibleTableInterface *tableIface = tableInterface()) {
+ const QList<int> selectedIndices = tableIface->selectedRows();
+ const int &count = selectedIndices.count();
+ long *selected = (count ? (long*)::CoTaskMemAlloc(sizeof(long) * count) : (long*)0);
+ for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
+ selected[i] =;
+ *selectedRows = selected;
+ *nRows = count;
+ return count ? S_OK : S_FALSE;
+ }
+ return E_FAIL;
+HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsIA2Accessible::get_summary(IUnknown **summaryInterface)
+ accessibleDebugClientCalls(accessible);
+ if (!accessible->isValid())
+ return E_FAIL;
+ *summaryInterface = 0;
+ if (QAccessibleTableInterface *tableIface = tableInterface()) {
+ if (QAccessibleInterface *iface = tableIface->summary())
+ *summaryInterface = QWindowsAccessibility::wrap(iface);
+ }
+ return *summaryInterface ? S_OK : S_FALSE;
+HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsIA2Accessible::get_isColumnSelected(long column, boolean *isSelected)
+ accessibleDebugClientCalls(accessible);
+ if (!accessible->isValid())
+ return E_FAIL;
+ if (QAccessibleTableInterface *tableIface = tableInterface()) {
+ *isSelected = tableIface->isColumnSelected(column);
+ return S_OK;
+ }
+ return E_FAIL;
+HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsIA2Accessible::get_isRowSelected(long row, boolean *isSelected)
+ accessibleDebugClientCalls(accessible);
+ if (!accessible->isValid())
+ return E_FAIL;
+ if (QAccessibleTableInterface *tableIface = tableInterface()) {
+ *isSelected = tableIface->isRowSelected(row);
+ return S_OK;
+ }
+ return E_FAIL;
+HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsIA2Accessible::selectRow(long row)
+ accessibleDebugClientCalls(accessible);
+ if (!accessible->isValid())
+ return E_FAIL;
+ if (QAccessibleTableInterface *tableIface = tableInterface()) {
+ bool ok = tableIface->selectRow(row);
+ return ok ? S_OK : E_INVALIDARG; //### Not sure of the return value if it fails???
+ }
+ return E_FAIL;
+HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsIA2Accessible::selectColumn(long column)
+ accessibleDebugClientCalls(accessible);
+ if (!accessible->isValid())
+ return E_FAIL;
+ if (QAccessibleTableInterface *tableIface = tableInterface()) {
+ bool ok = tableIface->selectColumn(column);
+ return ok ? S_OK : E_INVALIDARG; //### Not sure of the return value if it fails???
+ }
+ return E_FAIL;
+HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsIA2Accessible::unselectRow(long row)
+ accessibleDebugClientCalls(accessible);
+ if (!accessible->isValid())
+ return E_FAIL;
+ if (QAccessibleTableInterface *tableIface = tableInterface()) {
+ bool ok = tableIface->unselectRow(row);
+ return ok ? S_OK : E_INVALIDARG; //### Not sure of the return value if it fails???
+ }
+ return E_FAIL;
+HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsIA2Accessible::unselectColumn(long column)
+ accessibleDebugClientCalls(accessible);
+ if (!accessible->isValid())
+ return E_FAIL;
+ if (QAccessibleTableInterface *tableIface = tableInterface()) {
+ bool ok = tableIface->unselectColumn(column);
+ return ok ? S_OK : E_INVALIDARG; //### Not sure of the return value if it fails???
+ }
+ return E_FAIL;
+HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsIA2Accessible::get_modelChange( IA2TableModelChange * /*modelChange*/)
+ accessibleDebugClientCalls(accessible);
+ if (!accessible->isValid())
+ return E_FAIL;
+ return E_NOTIMPL;
+ * IAccessibleTableCell *
+HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsIA2Accessible::get_columnExtent(long *nColumnsSpanned)
+ accessibleDebugClientCalls(accessible);
+ if (!accessible->isValid())
+ return E_FAIL;
+ *nColumnsSpanned = tableCellInterface()->columnExtent();
+ return S_OK;
+HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsIA2Accessible::get_columnHeaderCells(IUnknown ***cellAccessibles,
+ long *nColumnHeaderCells)
+ accessibleDebugClientCalls(accessible);
+ if (!accessible->isValid())
+ return E_FAIL;
+ const QList<QAccessibleInterface*> headerCells = tableCellInterface()->columnHeaderCells();
+ return wrapListOfCells(headerCells, cellAccessibles, nColumnHeaderCells);
+HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsIA2Accessible::get_columnIndex(long *columnIndex)
+ accessibleDebugClientCalls(accessible);
+ if (!accessible->isValid())
+ return E_FAIL;
+ *columnIndex = tableCellInterface()->columnIndex();
+ return S_OK;
+HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsIA2Accessible::get_rowExtent(long *nRowsSpanned)
+ accessibleDebugClientCalls(accessible);
+ if (!accessible->isValid())
+ return E_FAIL;
+ *nRowsSpanned = tableCellInterface()->rowExtent();
+ return S_OK;
+HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsIA2Accessible::get_rowHeaderCells(IUnknown ***cellAccessibles,
+ long *nRowHeaderCells)
+ accessibleDebugClientCalls(accessible);
+ if (!accessible->isValid())
+ return E_FAIL;
+ const QList<QAccessibleInterface*> headerCells = tableCellInterface()->rowHeaderCells();
+ return wrapListOfCells(headerCells, cellAccessibles, nRowHeaderCells);
+HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsIA2Accessible::get_rowIndex(long *rowIndex)
+ accessibleDebugClientCalls(accessible);
+ if (!accessible->isValid())
+ return E_FAIL;
+ *rowIndex = tableCellInterface()->rowIndex();
+ return S_OK;
+HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsIA2Accessible::get_isSelected( boolean *isSelected)
+ accessibleDebugClientCalls(accessible);
+ if (!accessible->isValid())
+ return E_FAIL;
+ *isSelected = tableCellInterface()->isSelected();
+ return S_OK;
+HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsIA2Accessible::get_rowColumnExtents(long *row, long *column,
+ long *rowExtents, long *columnExtents,
+ boolean *isSelected)
+ accessibleDebugClientCalls(accessible);
+ if (!accessible->isValid())
+ return E_FAIL;
+ tableCellInterface()->rowColumnExtents((int*)row, (int*)column, (int*)rowExtents, (int*)columnExtents, (bool*)isSelected);
+ return S_OK;
+HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsIA2Accessible::get_table(IUnknown **table)
+ accessibleDebugClientCalls(accessible);
+ if (!accessible->isValid())
+ return E_FAIL;
+ QAccessibleInterface *tableIface = tableCellInterface()->table();
+ *table = QWindowsAccessibility::wrap(tableIface);
+ return S_OK;
+ * IAccessibleText *
+HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsIA2Accessible::addSelection(long startOffset,
+ long endOffset)
+ accessibleDebugClientCalls(accessible);
+ if (QAccessibleTextInterface *text = textInterface()) {
+ text->addSelection(startOffset, endOffset);
+ return S_OK;
+ }
+ return E_FAIL;
+HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsIA2Accessible::get_attributes(long offset,
+ long *startOffset,
+ long *endOffset,
+ BSTR *textAttributes)
+ accessibleDebugClientCalls(accessible);
+ if (QAccessibleTextInterface *text = textInterface()) {
+ const QString attrs = text->attributes(offset, (int*)startOffset, (int*)endOffset);
+ *textAttributes = QStringToBSTR(attrs);
+ return S_OK;
+ }
+ return E_FAIL;
+HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsIA2Accessible::get_caretOffset(long *offset)
+ accessibleDebugClientCalls(accessible);
+ if (QAccessibleTextInterface *text = textInterface()) {
+ *offset = text->cursorPosition();
+ return S_OK;
+ }
+ return E_FAIL;
+HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsIA2Accessible::get_characterExtents(long offset,
+ enum IA2CoordinateType coordType,
+ long *x,
+ long *y,
+ long *width,
+ long *height)
+ accessibleDebugClientCalls(accessible);
+ if (QAccessibleTextInterface *text = textInterface()) {
+ const QRect rect = text->characterRect(offset, (QAccessible2::CoordinateType)coordType);
+ *x = rect.x();
+ *y = rect.y();
+ *width = rect.width();
+ *height = rect.height();
+ return S_OK;
+ }
+ return E_FAIL;
+HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsIA2Accessible::get_nSelections(long *nSelections)
+ accessibleDebugClientCalls(accessible);
+ if (QAccessibleTextInterface *text = textInterface()) {
+ *nSelections = text->selectionCount();
+ return S_OK;
+ }
+ return E_FAIL;
+HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsIA2Accessible::get_offsetAtPoint(long x,
+ long y,
+ enum IA2CoordinateType coordType,
+ long *offset)
+ accessibleDebugClientCalls(accessible);
+ if (QAccessibleTextInterface *text = textInterface()) {
+ *offset = text->offsetAtPoint(QPoint(x,y), (QAccessible2::CoordinateType)coordType);
+ return (*offset >=0 ? S_OK : S_FALSE);
+ }
+ return E_FAIL;
+HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsIA2Accessible::get_selection(long selectionIndex,
+ long *startOffset,
+ long *endOffset)
+ accessibleDebugClientCalls(accessible);
+ if (QAccessibleTextInterface *text = textInterface()) {
+ text->selection(selectionIndex, (int*)startOffset, (int*)endOffset);
+ return S_OK;
+ }
+ return E_FAIL;
+HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsIA2Accessible::get_text(long startOffset,
+ long endOffset,
+ BSTR *text)
+ accessibleDebugClientCalls(accessible);
+ if (QAccessibleTextInterface *textif = textInterface()) {
+ const QString t = textif->text(startOffset, endOffset);
+ if (!t.isEmpty()) {
+ *text = QStringToBSTR(t);
+ return S_OK;
+ }
+ return E_INVALIDARG;
+ }
+ return E_FAIL;
+HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsIA2Accessible::get_textBeforeOffset(long offset,
+ enum IA2TextBoundaryType boundaryType,
+ long *startOffset,
+ long *endOffset,
+ BSTR *text)
+ accessibleDebugClientCalls(accessible);
+ if (QAccessibleTextInterface *textIface = textInterface()) {
+ const QString txt = textIface->textBeforeOffset(offset, (QAccessible2::BoundaryType)boundaryType, (int*)startOffset, (int*)endOffset);
+ if (!txt.isEmpty()) {
+ *text = QStringToBSTR(txt);
+ return S_OK;
+ }
+ return S_FALSE;
+ }
+ return E_FAIL;
+HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsIA2Accessible::get_textAfterOffset(
+ long offset,
+ enum IA2TextBoundaryType boundaryType,
+ long *startOffset,
+ long *endOffset,
+ BSTR *text)
+ accessibleDebugClientCalls(accessible);
+ if (QAccessibleTextInterface *textIface = textInterface()) {
+ const QString txt = textIface->textAfterOffset(offset, (QAccessible2::BoundaryType)boundaryType, (int*)startOffset, (int*)endOffset);
+ if (!txt.isEmpty()) {
+ *text = QStringToBSTR(txt);
+ return S_OK;
+ }
+ return S_FALSE;
+ }
+ return E_FAIL;
+HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsIA2Accessible::get_textAtOffset(long offset,
+ enum IA2TextBoundaryType boundaryType,
+ long *startOffset,
+ long *endOffset,
+ BSTR *text)
+ accessibleDebugClientCalls(accessible);
+ if (QAccessibleTextInterface *textIface = textInterface()) {
+ const QString txt = textIface->textAtOffset(offset, (QAccessible2::BoundaryType)boundaryType, (int*)startOffset, (int*)endOffset);
+ if (!txt.isEmpty()) {
+ *text = QStringToBSTR(txt);
+ return S_OK;
+ }
+ return S_FALSE;
+ }
+ return E_FAIL;
+HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsIA2Accessible::removeSelection(long selectionIndex)
+ accessibleDebugClientCalls(accessible);
+ if (QAccessibleTextInterface *textIface = textInterface()) {
+ textIface->removeSelection(selectionIndex);
+ return S_OK;
+ }
+ return E_FAIL;
+HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsIA2Accessible::setCaretOffset(long offset)
+ accessibleDebugClientCalls(accessible);
+ if (QAccessibleTextInterface *textIface = textInterface()) {
+ textIface->setCursorPosition(offset);
+ return S_OK;
+ }
+ return E_FAIL;
+HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsIA2Accessible::setSelection(long selectionIndex,
+ long startOffset,
+ long endOffset)
+ accessibleDebugClientCalls(accessible);
+ if (QAccessibleTextInterface *textIface = textInterface()) {
+ textIface->setSelection(selectionIndex, startOffset, endOffset);
+ return S_OK;
+ }
+ return E_FAIL;
+HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsIA2Accessible::get_nCharacters(long *nCharacters)
+ accessibleDebugClientCalls(accessible);
+ if (QAccessibleTextInterface *textIface = textInterface()) {
+ *nCharacters = textIface->characterCount();
+ return S_OK;
+ }
+ return E_FAIL;
+HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsIA2Accessible::scrollSubstringTo(long startIndex,
+ long endIndex,
+ enum IA2ScrollType scrollType)
+ accessibleDebugClientCalls(accessible);
+ if (QAccessibleTextInterface *textIface = textInterface()) {
+ Q_UNUSED(scrollType); //###
+ textIface->scrollToSubstring(startIndex, endIndex);
+ return S_OK;
+ }
+ return E_FAIL;
+HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsIA2Accessible::scrollSubstringToPoint(long startIndex,
+ long endIndex,
+ enum IA2CoordinateType coordinateType,
+ long x,
+ long y)
+ Q_UNUSED(startIndex);
+ Q_UNUSED(endIndex);
+ Q_UNUSED(coordinateType);
+ Q_UNUSED(x);
+ Q_UNUSED(y);
+ return E_NOTIMPL;
+HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsIA2Accessible::get_newText(IA2TextSegment *newText)
+ Q_UNUSED(newText);
+ return E_NOTIMPL;
+HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsIA2Accessible::get_oldText(IA2TextSegment *oldText)
+ Q_UNUSED(oldText);
+ return E_NOTIMPL;
+ * IAccessibleValue *
+ **************************************************************/
+HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsIA2Accessible::get_currentValue(VARIANT *currentValue)
+ accessibleDebugClientCalls(accessible);
+ if (!accessible->isValid())
+ return E_FAIL;
+ if (QAccessibleValueInterface *valueIface = valueInterface()) {
+ const QVariant var = valueIface->currentValue();
+ if (QVariantToVARIANT(var, *currentValue, QByteArray(), false))
+ return S_OK;
+ }
+ currentValue->vt = VT_EMPTY;
+ return S_FALSE;
+HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsIA2Accessible::setCurrentValue(VARIANT value)
+ accessibleDebugClientCalls(accessible);
+ if (!accessible->isValid())
+ return E_FAIL;
+ if (QAccessibleValueInterface *valueIface = valueInterface()) {
+ hr = VariantChangeType(&value, &value, 0, VT_R8);
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
+ // ### works only for numbers (not date, strings, etc)
+ valueIface->setCurrentValue(QVariant(value.dblVal));
+ }
+ }
+ return hr;
+HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsIA2Accessible::get_maximumValue(VARIANT *maximumValue)
+ accessibleDebugClientCalls(accessible);
+ if (!accessible->isValid())
+ return E_FAIL;
+ if (QAccessibleValueInterface *valueIface = valueInterface()) {
+ const QVariant var = valueIface->maximumValue();
+ if (QVariantToVARIANT(var, *maximumValue, QByteArray(), false))
+ return S_OK;
+ }
+ maximumValue->vt = VT_EMPTY;
+ return S_FALSE;
+HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsIA2Accessible::get_minimumValue(VARIANT *minimumValue)
+ accessibleDebugClientCalls(accessible);
+ if (!accessible->isValid())
+ return E_FAIL;
+ if (QAccessibleValueInterface *valueIface = valueInterface()) {
+ const QVariant var = valueIface->minimumValue();
+ if (QVariantToVARIANT(var, *minimumValue, QByteArray(), false))
+ return S_OK;
+ }
+ minimumValue->vt = VT_EMPTY;
+ return S_FALSE;
+ * IServiceProvider *
+ **************************************************************/
+ \internal
+ Reimplemented from IServiceProvider
+HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsIA2Accessible::QueryService(REFGUID guidService, REFIID riid, void **iface)
+ if (!iface)
+ return E_POINTER;
+ Q_UNUSED(guidService);
+ *iface = 0;
+ accessibleDebug("QWindowsIA2Accessible::QS(): %s", IIDToString(riid).constData());
+ if (riid == IID_IAccessible || riid == IID_IUnknown || riid == IID_IDispatch) {
+ *iface = static_cast<IAccessible*>(this);
+ } else if (/*guidService == IID_IAccessible && */riid == IID_IAccessible2) {
+ *iface = static_cast<IAccessible2*>(this);
+ } else if (riid == IID_IAccessibleApplication) {
+ *iface = new AccessibleApplication;
+ return S_OK;
+ } else {
+ QueryInterface(riid, iface);
+ }
+ if (*iface) {
+ AddRef();
+ return S_OK;
+ }
+ \internal
+ private function..
+ \a maxRelations max number of relations to return in \a relations
+ \a relations the array of relations matching
+ \a startIndex Index to start to return from,
+ it will return only that specific relation in \a relations
+ If \a relations is null, \a startIndex and \a maxRelations are ignored, causing
+ it to return the number of relations in \a nRelations
+HRESULT QWindowsIA2Accessible::getRelationsHelper(IAccessibleRelation **relations, int startIndex, long maxRelations, long *nRelations /* = 0*/)
+ if (nRelations)
+ *nRelations = 0;
+ typedef QPair<QAccessibleInterface *, QAccessible::Relation> RelationEntry;
+ QVector<RelationEntry> rels = accessible->relations();
+ QMap<QAccessible::Relation, QAccessibleInterface *> relationMap;
+ for (QVector<RelationEntry>::const_iterator it = rels.constBegin(); it != rels.constEnd(); ++it)
+ {
+ RelationEntry e = *it;
+ relationMap.insertMulti(e.second, e.first);
+ }
+ QList<QAccessible::Relation> keys = relationMap.keys();
+ const int numRelations = keys.count();
+ if (relations) {
+ for (int i = startIndex; i < qMin(startIndex + (int)maxRelations, numRelations); ++i) {
+ QAccessible::Relation relation =;
+ QList<QAccessibleInterface*> targets = relationMap.values(relation);
+ AccessibleRelation *rel = new AccessibleRelation(targets, relation);
+ *relations = rel;
+ ++relations;
+ }
+ }
+ if (nRelations)
+ *nRelations = numRelations;
+ return numRelations > 0 ? S_OK : S_FALSE;
+ \internal
+ helper to wrap a QList<QAccessibleInterface*> inside an array of IAccessible*
+ The IAccessible* array is returned as a IUnknown*
+HRESULT QWindowsIA2Accessible::wrapListOfCells(const QList<QAccessibleInterface*> &inputCells, IUnknown ***outputAccessibles, long *nCellCount)
+ const int count = inputCells.count();
+ // Server allocates array
+ IUnknown **outputCells = count ? (IUnknown**)::CoTaskMemAlloc(sizeof(IUnknown*) * count ) : (IUnknown**)0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
+ outputCells[i] = QWindowsAccessibility::wrap(;
+ *outputAccessibles = outputCells;
+ *nCellCount = count;
+ return count > 0 ? S_OK : S_FALSE;
+uint QWindowsIA2Accessible::uniqueID() const
+ uint uid = 0;
+ if (QObject *obj = accessible->object())
+ uid = qHash(obj);
+ if (!uid) {
+ QAccessibleInterface *acc = accessible;
+ QVector<int> indexOfNodes;
+ while (acc && !acc->object()) {
+ QAccessibleInterface *par = acc->parent();
+ indexOfNodes.append(par->indexOfChild(acc));
+ if (acc != accessible)
+ delete acc;
+ acc = par;
+ }
+ if (acc) {
+ if (acc->object()) {
+ uid = qHash(acc->object());
+ for (int i = 0; i < indexOfNodes.count(); ++i)
+ uid = qHash(uid +;
+ }
+ if (acc != accessible)
+ delete acc;
+ }
+ }
+ return uid;
+#define IF_EQUAL_RETURN_IIDSTRING(id, iid) if (id == iid) return QByteArray(#iid)
+QByteArray QWindowsIA2Accessible::IIDToString(REFIID id)
+ IF_EQUAL_RETURN_IIDSTRING(id, IID_IAccessibleApplication);
+ IF_EQUAL_RETURN_IIDSTRING(id, IID_IAccessibleComponent);
+ IF_EQUAL_RETURN_IIDSTRING(id, IID_IAccessibleEditableText);
+ IF_EQUAL_RETURN_IIDSTRING(id, IID_IAccessibleHyperlink);
+ IF_EQUAL_RETURN_IIDSTRING(id, IID_IAccessibleHypertext);
+ IF_EQUAL_RETURN_IIDSTRING(id, IID_IAccessibleRelation);
+ IF_EQUAL_RETURN_IIDSTRING(id, IID_IAccessibleTableCell);
+ // else...
+ QByteArray strGuid;
+#if 0 // Can be useful for debugging, but normally we'd like to reduce the noise a bit...
+ OLECHAR szGuid[39]={0};
+ ::StringFromGUID2(id, szGuid, 39);
+ strGuid.reserve(40);
+ ::WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, szGuid, 39,, 39, NULL, NULL);
+ strGuid[38] = '\0';
+ return strGuid;
diff --git a/src/plugins/platforms/windows/accessible/iaccessible2.h b/src/plugins/platforms/windows/accessible/iaccessible2.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..11889df9ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/platforms/windows/accessible/iaccessible2.h
@@ -0,0 +1,375 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the plugins of the Qt Toolkit.
+** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+** License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation and
+** appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the packaging of this
+** file. Please review the following information to ensure the GNU Lesser
+** General Public License version 2.1 requirements will be met:
+** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
+** rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
+** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
+** GNU General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU General
+** Public License version 3.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of this
+** file. Please review the following information to ensure the GNU General
+** Public License version 3.0 requirements will be met:
+** Other Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms and
+** conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you and Nokia.
+#include <QtCore/QtConfig>
+#include "qwindowsmsaaaccessible.h"
+#include "comutils.h"
+#include "Accessible2.h"
+#include "AccessibleAction.h"
+#include "AccessibleApplication.h"
+#include "AccessibleComponent.h"
+#include "AccessibleEditableText.h"
+#include "AccessibleHyperlink.h"
+#include "AccessibleHypertext.h"
+#include "AccessibleImage.h"
+#include "AccessibleRelation.h"
+#include "AccessibleTable.h"
+#include "AccessibleTable2.h"
+#include "AccessibleTableCell.h"
+#include "AccessibleText.h"
+#include "AccessibleValue.h"
+#include "AccessibleEventID.h"
+#include "AccessibleRole.h"
+#include "AccessibleStates.h"
+class QWindowsIA2Accessible : public QWindowsMsaaAccessible,
+ public IAccessibleAction,
+ public IAccessibleComponent,
+ /*public IAccessibleEditableText,*/
+ public IAccessibleTable2,
+ public IAccessibleTableCell,
+ public IAccessibleText,
+ public IAccessibleValue,
+ public IServiceProvider
+ QWindowsIA2Accessible(QAccessibleInterface *a) : QWindowsMsaaAccessible(a) {}
+ /* IUnknown */
+ /* IAccessible2 */
+ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_nRelations(long *nRelations);
+ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_relation(long relationIndex, IAccessibleRelation **relation);
+ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_relations(long maxRelations, IAccessibleRelation **relations, long *nRelations);
+ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE scrollTo(enum IA2ScrollType scrollType);
+ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE scrollToPoint(enum IA2CoordinateType coordinateType, long x, long y);
+ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_groupPosition(long *groupLevel, long *similarItemsInGroup, long *positionInGroup);
+ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_states(AccessibleStates *states);
+ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_extendedRole(BSTR *extendedRole);
+ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_localizedExtendedRole(BSTR *localizedExtendedRole);
+ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_nExtendedStates(long *nExtendedStates);
+ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_extendedStates(long maxExtendedStates, BSTR **extendedStates, long *nExtendedStates);
+ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_localizedExtendedStates(long maxLocalizedExtendedStates, BSTR **localizedExtendedStates, long *nLocalizedExtendedStates);
+ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_uniqueID(long *uniqueID);
+ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_windowHandle(HWND *windowHandle);
+ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_indexInParent(long *indexInParent);
+ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_locale(IA2Locale *locale);
+ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_attributes(BSTR *attributes);
+ /* IAccessibleAction */
+ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE nActions(long *nActions);
+ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE doAction(long actionIndex);
+ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_description(long actionIndex, BSTR *description);
+ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_keyBinding(long actionIndex, long nMaxBindings, BSTR **keyBindings, long *nBindings);
+ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_name(long actionIndex, BSTR *name);
+ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_localizedName(long actionIndex, BSTR *localizedName);
+ /* IAccessibleComponent */
+ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_locationInParent(long *x,long *y);
+ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_foreground(IA2Color *foreground);
+ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_background(IA2Color *background);
+ /* IAccessibleEditableText */
+ /*
+ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE copyText(long startOffset, long endOffset);
+ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE deleteText(long startOffset, long endOffset);
+ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE insertText(long offset, BSTR *text);
+ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE cutText(long startOffset, long endOffset);
+ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE pasteText(long offset);
+ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE replaceText(long startOffset, long endOffset, BSTR *text);
+ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE setAttributes(long startOffset, long endOffset, BSTR *attributes);
+ */
+ /* IAccessibleTable2 */
+ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_cellAt( long row, long column, IUnknown **cell);
+ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_caption( IUnknown **accessible);
+ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_columnDescription( long column, BSTR *description);
+ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_nColumns( long *columnCount);
+ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_nRows( long *rowCount);
+ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_nSelectedCells( long *cellCount);
+ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_nSelectedColumns( long *columnCount);
+ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_nSelectedRows( long *rowCount);
+ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_rowDescription( long row, BSTR *description);
+ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_selectedCells( IUnknown ***cells, long *nSelectedCells);
+ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_selectedColumns( long **selectedColumns, long *nColumns);
+ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_selectedRows( long **selectedRows, long *nRows);
+ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_summary( IUnknown **accessible);
+ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_isColumnSelected( long column, boolean *isSelected);
+ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_isRowSelected( long row, boolean *isSelected);
+ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE selectColumn( long column);
+ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE unselectRow( long row);
+ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE unselectColumn( long column);
+ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_modelChange( IA2TableModelChange *modelChange);
+ /* IAccessibleTableCell */
+ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_columnExtent(long *nColumnsSpanned);
+ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_columnHeaderCells(IUnknown ***cellAccessibles, long *nColumnHeaderCells);
+ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_columnIndex(long *columnIndex);
+ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_rowExtent(long *nRowsSpanned);
+ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_rowHeaderCells(IUnknown ***cellAccessibles, long *nRowHeaderCells);
+ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_rowIndex(long *rowIndex);
+ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_isSelected( boolean *isSelected);
+ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_rowColumnExtents(long *row, long *column,
+ long *rowExtents, long *columnExtents,
+ boolean *isSelected);
+ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_table(IUnknown **table);
+ /* IAccessibleText */
+ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE addSelection(long startOffset, long endOffset);
+ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_attributes(long offset, long *startOffset,
+ long *endOffset, BSTR *textAttributes);
+ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_caretOffset(long *offset);
+ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_characterExtents(long offset, enum IA2CoordinateType coordType,
+ long *x, long *y,
+ long *width, long *height);
+ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_nSelections(long *nSelections);
+ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_offsetAtPoint(long x, long y, enum IA2CoordinateType coordType, long *offset);
+ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_selection(long selectionIndex, long *startOffset, long *endOffset);
+ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_text(long startOffset, long endOffset, BSTR *text);
+ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_textBeforeOffset(long offset, enum IA2TextBoundaryType boundaryType,
+ long *startOffset, long *endOffset, BSTR *text);
+ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_textAfterOffset(long offset, enum IA2TextBoundaryType boundaryType,
+ long *startOffset, long *endOffset, BSTR *text);
+ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_textAtOffset(long offset, enum IA2TextBoundaryType boundaryType,
+ long *startOffset, long *endOffset, BSTR *text);
+ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE removeSelection(long selectionIndex);
+ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE setCaretOffset(long offset);
+ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE setSelection(long selectionIndex, long startOffset, long endOffset);
+ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_nCharacters(long *nCharacters);
+ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE scrollSubstringTo(long startIndex, long endIndex, enum IA2ScrollType scrollType);
+ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE scrollSubstringToPoint(long startIndex, long endIndex,
+ enum IA2CoordinateType coordinateType, long x, long y);
+ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_newText(IA2TextSegment *newText);
+ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_oldText(IA2TextSegment *oldText);
+ /* IAccessibleValue */
+ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_currentValue(VARIANT *currentValue);
+ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_maximumValue(VARIANT *maximumValue);
+ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_minimumValue(VARIANT *minimumValue);
+ /* IServiceProvider */
+ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QueryService(REFGUID guidService, REFIID riid, void **ppv);
+ /* private helper functions */
+ inline QAccessibleTextInterface *textInterface() const {
+ return accessible->isValid() ? accessible->textInterface() : static_cast<QAccessibleTextInterface *>(0);
+ }
+ inline QAccessibleActionInterface *actionInterface() const {
+ return accessible->actionInterface();
+ }
+ inline QAccessibleValueInterface *valueInterface() const {
+ return accessible->valueInterface();
+ }
+ inline QAccessibleTableInterface *tableInterface() const {
+ return accessible->tableInterface();
+ }
+ inline QAccessibleTableCellInterface *tableCellInterface() const {
+ return accessible->tableCellInterface();
+ }
+ HRESULT getRelationsHelper(IAccessibleRelation **relations, int startIndex, long maxRelations, long *nRelations = 0);
+ HRESULT wrapListOfCells(const QList<QAccessibleInterface*> &inputCells, IUnknown ***outputAccessibles, long *nCellCount);
+ uint uniqueID() const;
+ QByteArray IIDToString(REFIID id);
+ ULONG ref;
+ * AccessibleApplication *
+ **************************************************************/
+class AccessibleApplication : public IAccessibleApplication
+ AccessibleApplication() : m_ref(1)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual ~AccessibleApplication() {}
+ /* IUnknown */
+ /* IAccessibleApplication */
+ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_appName(/* [retval][out] */ BSTR *name);
+ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_appVersion(/* [retval][out] */ BSTR *version);
+ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_toolkitName(/* [retval][out] */ BSTR *name);
+ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_toolkitVersion(/* [retval][out] */ BSTR *version);
+ ULONG m_ref;
+ * IAccessibleRelation *
+ **************************************************************/
+struct AccessibleRelation : public IAccessibleRelation
+ AccessibleRelation(const QList<QAccessibleInterface *> &targets,
+ QAccessible::Relation relation)
+ : m_targets(targets), m_relation(relation), m_ref(1)
+ {
+ Q_ASSERT(m_targets.count());
+ }
+ /* IUnknown */
+ {
+ *iface = 0;
+ if (id == IID_IUnknown)
+ *iface = (IUnknown*)this;
+ if (*iface) {
+ AddRef();
+ return S_OK;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ return ++m_ref;
+ }
+ {
+ if (!--m_ref) {
+ delete this;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return m_ref;
+ }
+ /* IAccessibleRelation */
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *relationType)
+ {
+ *relationType = relationToBSTR(m_relation);
+ return S_OK;
+ }
+ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_localizedRelationType(
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *localizedRelationType)
+ {
+ // Who ever needs this???
+ *localizedRelationType = relationToBSTR(m_relation);
+ return S_OK;
+ }
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nTargets)
+ {
+ // ### always one target
+ *nTargets = m_targets.count();
+ return S_OK;
+ }
+ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_target(long targetIndex, IUnknown **target);
+ /*!
+ \internal
+ Client allocates and deallocates \a targets array
+ (see "Special Consideration when using Arrays", in Accessible2.idl)
+ */
+ /* [in] */ long maxTargets, // Hmmm, ignore ???
+ /* [length_is][size_is][out] */ IUnknown **targets,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nTargets);
+ static BSTR relationToBSTR(QAccessible::Relation relation)
+ {
+ wchar_t *constRelationString = 0;
+ switch (relation) {
+ case QAccessible::Controlled:
+ constRelationString = IA2_RELATION_CONTROLLED_BY;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (constRelationString) {
+ BSTR bstrVal;
+ const UINT wlen = (UINT)wcslen(constRelationString);
+ bstrVal = ::SysAllocStringLen(constRelationString, wlen);
+ return bstrVal;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ QList<QAccessibleInterface *> m_targets;
+ QAccessible::Relation m_relation;
+ ULONG m_ref;
+#endif // IACCESSIBLE2_H
diff --git a/src/plugins/platforms/windows/accessible/qwindowsaccessibility.cpp b/src/plugins/platforms/windows/accessible/qwindowsaccessibility.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f409730600
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/platforms/windows/accessible/qwindowsaccessibility.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,301 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the plugins of the Qt Toolkit.
+** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+** License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation and
+** appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the packaging of this
+** file. Please review the following information to ensure the GNU Lesser
+** General Public License version 2.1 requirements will be met:
+** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
+** rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
+** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
+** GNU General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU General
+** Public License version 3.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of this
+** file. Please review the following information to ensure the GNU General
+** Public License version 3.0 requirements will be met:
+** Other Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms and
+** conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you and Nokia.
+#include <QtCore/QtConfig>
+#include <private/qsystemlibrary_p.h>
+#include <QtCore/qlocale.h>
+#include <QtCore/qmap.h>
+#include <QtCore/qpair.h>
+#include <QtCore/qsettings.h>
+#include <QtGui/qaccessible.h>
+#include <QtGui/qaccessible2.h>
+#include <QtGui/qplatformnativeinterface_qpa.h>
+#include <QtGui/qwindow.h>
+#include <QtGui/qguiapplication.h>
+#include <QtWidgets/qapplication.h>
+#include <QtWidgets/qgraphicsitem.h>
+#include <QtWidgets/qgraphicsview.h>
+#include <QtWidgets/qmessagebox.h>
+#include "qwindowsaccessibility.h"
+#include "iaccessible2.h"
+#include "comutils.h"
+#include <oleacc.h>
+//#include <uiautomationcoreapi.h>
+#ifndef UiaRootObjectId
+#define UiaRootObjectId -25
+#include <winuser.h>
+#if !defined(WINABLEAPI)
+# if defined(Q_OS_WINCE)
+# include <bldver.h>
+# endif
+# include <winable.h>
+#include <oleacc.h>
+#include <servprov.h>
+#if !defined(Q_CC_BOR) && !defined (Q_CC_GNU)
+#include <comdef.h>
+#ifdef Q_OS_WINCE
+#include "../qguifunctions_wince.h"
+#include "../qtwindows_additional.h"
+// This stuff is used for widgets/items with no window handle:
+typedef QMap<int, QPair<QObject*,int> > NotifyMap;
+Q_GLOBAL_STATIC(NotifyMap, qAccessibleRecentSentEvents)
+ \!internal
+ \class QWindowsAccessibility
+ Implements QPlatformAccessibility
+void QWindowsAccessibility::notifyAccessibilityUpdate(const QAccessibleEvent &event)
+ QString soundName;
+ switch (event.type()) {
+ case QAccessible::PopupMenuStart:
+ soundName = QLatin1String("MenuPopup");
+ break;
+ case QAccessible::MenuCommand:
+ soundName = QLatin1String("MenuCommand");
+ break;
+ case QAccessible::Alert:
+ {
+ /* ### FIXME
+ QMessageBox *mb = qobject_cast<QMessageBox*>(o);
+ if (mb) {
+ switch (mb->icon()) {
+ case QMessageBox::Warning:
+ soundName = QLatin1String("SystemExclamation");
+ break;
+ case QMessageBox::Critical:
+ soundName = QLatin1String("SystemHand");
+ break;
+ case QMessageBox::Information:
+ soundName = QLatin1String("SystemAsterisk");
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ } else
+ {
+ soundName = QLatin1String("SystemAsterisk");
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!soundName.isEmpty()) {
+ QSettings settings(QLatin1String("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\AppEvents\\Schemes\\Apps\\.Default\\") + soundName,
+ QSettings::NativeFormat);
+ QString file = settings.value(QLatin1String(".Current/.")).toString();
+ QString file;
+ if (!file.isEmpty()) {
+ PlaySound(reinterpret_cast<const wchar_t *>(soundName.utf16()), 0, SND_ALIAS | SND_ASYNC | SND_NODEFAULT | SND_NOWAIT);
+ }
+ }
+ typedef void (WINAPI *PtrNotifyWinEvent)(DWORD, HWND, LONG, LONG);
+#if defined(Q_OS_WINCE) // ### TODO: check for NotifyWinEvent in CE 6.0
+ // There is no user32.lib nor NotifyWinEvent for CE
+ return;
+ static PtrNotifyWinEvent ptrNotifyWinEvent = 0;
+ static bool resolvedNWE = false;
+ if (!resolvedNWE) {
+ resolvedNWE = true;
+ ptrNotifyWinEvent = (PtrNotifyWinEvent)QSystemLibrary::resolve(QLatin1String("user32"), "NotifyWinEvent");
+ }
+ if (!ptrNotifyWinEvent)
+ return;
+ // An event has to be associated with a window,
+ // so find the first parent that is a widget and that has a WId
+ QAccessibleInterface *iface = event.accessibleInterface();
+ QWindow *window = iface ? window_helper(iface) : 0;
+ delete iface;
+ if (!window) {
+ window = QGuiApplication::activeWindow();
+ if (!window)
+ return;
+ }
+ QPlatformNativeInterface *platform = QGuiApplication::platformNativeInterface();
+ HWND hWnd = (HWND)platform->nativeResourceForWindow("handle", window);
+ static int eventNum = 0;
+ if (event.type() != QAccessible::MenuCommand) { // MenuCommand is faked
+ eventNum %= 50; //[0..49]
+ int eventId = - (eventNum - 1);
+ qAccessibleRecentSentEvents()->insert(eventId, qMakePair(event.object(), event.child()));
+ ptrNotifyWinEvent(event.type(), hWnd, OBJID_CLIENT, eventId );
+ ++eventNum;
+ }
+#endif // Q_OS_WINCE
+ \internal
+ helper to wrap a QAccessibleInterface inside a IAccessible*
+IAccessible *QWindowsAccessibility::wrap(QAccessibleInterface *acc)
+ if (!acc)
+ return 0;
+ QWindowsIA2Accessible *wacc = new QWindowsIA2Accessible(acc);
+ IAccessible *iacc = 0;
+ wacc->QueryInterface(IID_IAccessible, (void**)&iacc);
+ return iacc;
+ \internal
+QPair<QObject*, int> QWindowsAccessibility::getCachedObject(int entryId)
+ return qAccessibleRecentSentEvents()->value(entryId);
+void QWindowsAccessibility::setRootObject(QObject *o)
+void QWindowsAccessibility::initialize()
+void QWindowsAccessibility::cleanup()
+bool QWindowsAccessibility::handleAccessibleObjectFromWindowRequest(HWND hwnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, LRESULT *lResult)
+ if (static_cast<long>(lParam) == static_cast<long>(UiaRootObjectId)) {
+ /* For UI Automation */
+ } else if ((DWORD)lParam == OBJID_CLIENT) {
+#if 1
+ // Ignoring all requests while starting up
+ // ### Maybe QPA takes care of this???
+ if (QApplication::startingUp() || QApplication::closingDown())
+ return false;
+ typedef LRESULT (WINAPI *PtrLresultFromObject)(REFIID, WPARAM, LPUNKNOWN);
+ static PtrLresultFromObject ptrLresultFromObject = 0;
+ static bool oleaccChecked = false;
+ if (!oleaccChecked) {
+ oleaccChecked = true;
+#if !defined(Q_OS_WINCE)
+ ptrLresultFromObject = (PtrLresultFromObject)QSystemLibrary::resolve(QLatin1String("oleacc"), "LresultFromObject");
+ }
+ if (ptrLresultFromObject) {
+ QWindow *window = QWindowsContext::instance()->findWindow(hwnd);
+ if (window) {
+ QAccessibleInterface *acc = window->accessibleRoot();
+ if (acc) {
+ if (IAccessible *iface = wrap(acc)) {
+ *lResult = ptrLresultFromObject(IID_IAccessible, wParam, iface); // ref == 2
+ if (*lResult) {
+ iface->Release(); // the client will release the object again, and then it will destroy itself
+ }
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ delete acc;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
diff --git a/src/plugins/platforms/windows/qwindowsaccessibility.h b/src/plugins/platforms/windows/accessible/qwindowsaccessibility.h
index 9294f23565..3b7069570b 100644
--- a/src/plugins/platforms/windows/qwindowsaccessibility.h
+++ b/src/plugins/platforms/windows/accessible/qwindowsaccessibility.h
@@ -42,9 +42,12 @@
-#include "qtwindowsglobal.h"
+#include "../qtwindowsglobal.h"
+#include "../qwindowscontext.h"
#include <QtGui/QPlatformAccessibility>
+#include <oleacc.h>
@@ -59,6 +62,9 @@ public:
virtual void initialize();
virtual void cleanup();
+ static IAccessible *wrap(QAccessibleInterface *acc);
+ static QPair<QObject*, int> getCachedObject(int entryId);
diff --git a/src/plugins/platforms/windows/qwindowsaccessibility.cpp b/src/plugins/platforms/windows/accessible/qwindowsmsaaaccessible.cpp
index 134b1c81ce..ca3ce0a614 100644
--- a/src/plugins/platforms/windows/qwindowsaccessibility.cpp
+++ b/src/plugins/platforms/windows/accessible/qwindowsmsaaaccessible.cpp
@@ -42,104 +42,44 @@
#include <QtCore/QtConfig>
+#include "qwindowsmsaaaccessible.h"
#include "qwindowsaccessibility.h"
-#include "qwindowscontext.h"
-#include <private/qsystemlibrary_p.h>
+#include <oleacc.h>
+#include <servprov.h>
+#include <winuser.h>
+#include "comutils.h"
+#include <QtCore/qdebug.h>
#include <QtCore/qmap.h>
-#include <QtCore/qsettings.h>
-#include <QtCore/qsharedpointer.h>
#include <QtCore/qpair.h>
-#include <QtWidgets/qapplication.h>
-#include <QtWidgets/qmessagebox.h>
-#include <QtWidgets/qgraphicsitem.h>
-#include <QtWidgets/qgraphicsview.h>
+#include <QtCore/qsettings.h>
#include <QtGui/qaccessible.h>
+#include <QtGui/qaccessible2.h>
+#include <QtGui/qguiapplication.h>
#include <QtGui/qplatformnativeinterface_qpa.h>
#include <QtGui/qwindow.h>
-#include <QtGui/qaccessible2.h>
-#include <oleacc.h>
+#include <QtWidgets/qapplication.h>
+#include <QtWidgets/qgraphicsitem.h>
+#include <QtWidgets/qgraphicsview.h>
+#include <QtWidgets/qmessagebox.h>
//#include <uiautomationcoreapi.h>
#ifndef UiaRootObjectId
#define UiaRootObjectId -25
-#include <winuser.h>
-#if !defined(WINABLEAPI)
-# if defined(Q_OS_WINCE)
-# include <bldver.h>
-# endif
-# include <winable.h>
-#include <oleacc.h>
#if !defined(Q_CC_BOR) && !defined (Q_CC_GNU)
#include <comdef.h>
#ifdef Q_OS_WINCE
-#include "qguifunctions_wince.h"
-#include "qtwindows_additional.h"
-#ifndef QT_NO_DEBUG
-# include <qdebug.h>
-static inline bool debug_accessibility()
- static signed int debugging = -1;
- if (debugging == -1)
- debugging = qgetenv("QT_DEBUG_ACCESSIBILITY").toInt();
- return !!debugging;
-# define accessibleDebug !debug_accessibility() ? (void)0 : qDebug
-# define accessibleDebug()
+#include "../qguifunctions_wince.h"
-void accessibleDebugClientCalls_helper(const char* funcName, const QAccessibleInterface *iface)
- QString str;
- QDebug dbg(&str);
- dbg << iface << QLatin1String(funcName);
- accessibleDebug("%s", qPrintable(str));
-# define accessibleDebugClientCalls(iface) accessibleDebugClientCalls_helper(Q_FUNC_INFO, iface)
-# define accessibleDebugClientCalls(iface)
-typedef QSharedPointer<QAccessibleInterface> QAIPointer;
-static bool compareAccessible(QAccessibleInterface *one, QAccessibleInterface *other)
- if (one == other) return true;
- if (!one || !other) return false;
- if (one->object() && other->object() && (one->object() == other->object()))
- return true;
- QAIPointer onePar(one->parent());
- QAIPointer otherPar(other->parent());
+#include "../qtwindows_additional.h"
- if (compareAccessible(,
- return onePar->indexOfChild(one) == otherPar->indexOfChild(other);
- return false;
-// This stuff is used for widgets/items with no window handle:
-typedef QMap<int, QPair<QObject*,int> > NotifyMap;
-Q_GLOBAL_STATIC(NotifyMap, qAccessibleRecentSentEvents)
-static int eventNum = 0;
class QWindowsEnumerate : public IEnumVARIANT
@@ -249,140 +189,60 @@ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsEnumerate::Skip(unsigned long celt)
return S_OK;
-class QWindowsAccessible : public IAccessible, IOleWindow
- QWindowsAccessible(QAccessibleInterface *a)
- : ref(0), accessible(a)
- {
- }
- virtual ~QWindowsAccessible()
- {
- delete accessible;
- }
- /* IUnknown */
- /* IDispatch */
- HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetTypeInfoCount(unsigned int *);
- HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetTypeInfo(unsigned int, unsigned long, ITypeInfo **);
- HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetIDsOfNames(const _GUID &, wchar_t **, unsigned int, unsigned long, long *);
- HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Invoke(long, const _GUID &, unsigned long, unsigned short, tagDISPPARAMS *, tagVARIANT *, tagEXCEPINFO *, unsigned int *);
- /* IAccessible */
- HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE accHitTest(long xLeft, long yTop, VARIANT *pvarID);
- HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE accLocation(long *pxLeft, long *pyTop, long *pcxWidth, long *pcyHeight, VARIANT varID);
- HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE accNavigate(long navDir, VARIANT varStart, VARIANT *pvarEnd);
- HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_accChild(VARIANT varChildID, IDispatch** ppdispChild);
- HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_accChildCount(long* pcountChildren);
- HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_accParent(IDispatch** ppdispParent);
- HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_accDefaultAction(VARIANT varID, BSTR* pszDefaultAction);
- HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_accDescription(VARIANT varID, BSTR* pszDescription);
- HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_accHelpTopic(BSTR *pszHelpFile, VARIANT varChild, long *pidTopic);
- HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_accKeyboardShortcut(VARIANT varID, BSTR *pszKeyboardShortcut);
- HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE accSelect(long flagsSelect, VARIANT varID);
- HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_accSelection(VARIANT *pvarChildren);
- /* IOleWindow */
- HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE ContextSensitiveHelp(BOOL fEnterMode);
- ULONG ref;
- QAccessibleInterface *accessible;
- QAIPointer childPointer(VARIANT varID)
- {
- return QAIPointer(accessible->child(varID.lVal - 1));
- }
-static inline BSTR QStringToBSTR(const QString &str)
+static bool compareAccessible(QAccessibleInterface *one, QAccessibleInterface *other)
- BSTR bstrVal;
- int wlen = str.length()+1;
- bstrVal = SysAllocStringByteLen(0, wlen*2);
- memcpy(bstrVal, str.unicode(), sizeof(QChar)*(wlen));
- bstrVal[wlen] = 0;
- return bstrVal;
+ if (one == other) return true;
+ if (!one || !other) return false;
- IUnknown
-HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsAccessible::QueryInterface(REFIID id, LPVOID *iface)
- *iface = 0;
- if (id == IID_IUnknown)
- *iface = (IUnknown*)(IDispatch*)this;
- else if (id == IID_IDispatch)
- *iface = (IDispatch*)this;
- else if (id == IID_IAccessible)
- *iface = (IAccessible*)this;
- else if (id == IID_IOleWindow)
- *iface = (IOleWindow*)this;
- else
+ if (one->object() && other->object() && (one->object() == other->object()))
+ return true;
+ QAIPointer onePar(one->parent());
+ QAIPointer otherPar(other->parent());
- AddRef();
- return S_OK;
+ if (compareAccessible(,
+ return onePar->indexOfChild(one) == otherPar->indexOfChild(other);
+ return false;
+#ifndef QT_NO_DEBUG
+bool debug_accessibility()
- return ++ref;
+ static int debugging = -1;
+ if (debugging == -1)
+ debugging = qgetenv("QT_DEBUG_ACCESSIBILITY").toInt();
+ return !!debugging;
-ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsAccessible::Release()
+void accessibleDebugClientCalls_helper(const char* funcName, const QAccessibleInterface *iface)
- if (!--ref) {
- delete this;
- return 0;
- }
- return ref;
+ QString str;
+ QDebug dbg(&str);
+ dbg << iface << QLatin1String(funcName);
+ accessibleDebug("%s", qPrintable(str));
-HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsAccessible::GetTypeInfoCount(unsigned int * pctinfo)
+HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsMsaaAccessible::GetTypeInfoCount(unsigned int * pctinfo)
// We don't use a type library
*pctinfo = 0;
return S_OK;
-HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsAccessible::GetTypeInfo(unsigned int, unsigned long, ITypeInfo **pptinfo)
+HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsMsaaAccessible::GetTypeInfo(unsigned int, unsigned long, ITypeInfo **pptinfo)
// We don't use a type library
*pptinfo = 0;
return S_OK;
-HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsAccessible::GetIDsOfNames(const _GUID &, wchar_t **rgszNames, unsigned int, unsigned long, long *rgdispid)
+HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsMsaaAccessible::GetIDsOfNames(const _GUID &, wchar_t **rgszNames, unsigned int, unsigned long, long *rgdispid)
#if !defined(Q_CC_BOR) && !defined(Q_CC_GNU)
// PROPERTIES: Hierarchical
@@ -440,7 +300,13 @@ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsAccessible::GetIDsOfNames(const _GUID &, wchar
-HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsAccessible::Invoke(long dispIdMember, const _GUID &, unsigned long, unsigned short wFlags, tagDISPPARAMS *pDispParams, tagVARIANT *pVarResult, tagEXCEPINFO *, unsigned int *)
+HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsMsaaAccessible::Invoke(long dispIdMember,
+ const _GUID &,
+ unsigned long,
+ unsigned short wFlags,
+ tagDISPPARAMS *pDispParams,
+ tagVARIANT *pVarResult,
+ tagEXCEPINFO *, unsigned int *)
@@ -621,9 +487,8 @@ IAccessible::accHitTest documents the value returned in pvarID like this:
| | | interface pointer |
-HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsAccessible::accHitTest(long xLeft, long yTop, VARIANT *pvarID)
+HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsMsaaAccessible::accHitTest(long xLeft, long yTop, VARIANT *pvarID)
if (!accessible->isValid())
return E_FAIL;
@@ -637,9 +502,7 @@ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsAccessible::accHitTest(long xLeft, long yTop,
return S_OK;
} else {
- QWindowsAccessible* wacc = new QWindowsAccessible(child);
- IDispatch *iface = 0;
- wacc->QueryInterface(IID_IDispatch, (void**)&iface);
+ IAccessible *iface = QWindowsAccessibility::wrap(child);
if (iface) {
(*pvarID).vt = VT_DISPATCH;
(*pvarID).pdispVal = iface;
@@ -662,7 +525,7 @@ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsAccessible::accHitTest(long xLeft, long yTop,
can be ignored. All stuff prefixed with "moz" are information from that page.
// moz: [important]
-HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsAccessible::accLocation(long *pxLeft, long *pyTop, long *pcxWidth, long *pcyHeight, VARIANT varID)
+HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsMsaaAccessible::accLocation(long *pxLeft, long *pyTop, long *pcxWidth, long *pcyHeight, VARIANT varID)
if (!accessible->isValid())
@@ -686,7 +549,7 @@ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsAccessible::accLocation(long *pxLeft, long *py
// moz: [important, but no need to implement up/down/left/right]
-HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsAccessible::accNavigate(long navDir, VARIANT varStart, VARIANT *pvarEnd)
+HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsMsaaAccessible::accNavigate(long navDir, VARIANT varStart, VARIANT *pvarEnd)
if (!accessible->isValid())
@@ -809,16 +672,14 @@ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsAccessible::accNavigate(long navDir, VARIANT v
(*pvarEnd).vt = VT_EMPTY;
return S_FALSE;
- QWindowsAccessible* wacc = new QWindowsAccessible(acc);
- IDispatch *iface = 0;
- wacc->QueryInterface(IID_IDispatch, (void**)&iface);
- if (iface) {
+ if (IAccessible *iface = QWindowsAccessibility::wrap(acc)) {
(*pvarEnd).vt = VT_DISPATCH;
(*pvarEnd).pdispVal = iface;
return S_OK;
} else {
- delete wacc;
+ if (acc != accessible)
+ delete acc;
(*pvarEnd).vt = VT_EMPTY;
@@ -826,13 +687,13 @@ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsAccessible::accNavigate(long navDir, VARIANT v
// moz: [important]
-HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsAccessible::get_accChild(VARIANT varChildID, IDispatch** ppdispChild)
+HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsMsaaAccessible::get_accChild(VARIANT varChildID, IDispatch** ppdispChild)
if (!accessible->isValid())
return E_FAIL;
- if (varChildID.vt == VT_EMPTY)
+ if (varChildID.vt != VT_I4)
@@ -841,7 +702,7 @@ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsAccessible::get_accChild(VARIANT varChildID, I
if (childIndex < 0) {
const int entry = childIndex;
- QPair<QObject*, int> ref = qAccessibleRecentSentEvents()->value(entry);
+ QPair<QObject*, int> ref = QWindowsAccessibility::getCachedObject(entry);
if (ref.first) {
acc = QAccessible::queryAccessibleInterface(ref.first);
if (acc && ref.second >= 0) {
@@ -851,6 +712,8 @@ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsAccessible::get_accChild(VARIANT varChildID, I
acc = res;
+ } else {
+ qWarning("get_accChild got a negative varChildID, but did not find it in cache");
} else {
if (childIndex) {
@@ -868,17 +731,15 @@ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsAccessible::get_accChild(VARIANT varChildID, I
if (acc) {
- QWindowsAccessible* wacc = new QWindowsAccessible(acc);
- wacc->QueryInterface(IID_IDispatch, (void**)ppdispChild);
+ *ppdispChild = QWindowsAccessibility::wrap(acc);
return S_OK;
- *ppdispChild = 0;
- return S_FALSE;
+ return E_FAIL;
// moz: [important]
-HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsAccessible::get_accChildCount(long* pcountChildren)
+HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsMsaaAccessible::get_accChildCount(long* pcountChildren)
if (!accessible->isValid())
@@ -889,7 +750,7 @@ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsAccessible::get_accChildCount(long* pcountChil
// moz: [important]
-HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsAccessible::get_accParent(IDispatch** ppdispParent)
+HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsMsaaAccessible::get_accParent(IDispatch** ppdispParent)
if (!accessible->isValid())
@@ -897,11 +758,12 @@ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsAccessible::get_accParent(IDispatch** ppdispPa
QAccessibleInterface *acc = accessible->parent();
if (acc) {
- QWindowsAccessible* wacc = new QWindowsAccessible(acc);
- wacc->QueryInterface(IID_IDispatch, (void**)ppdispParent);
- if (*ppdispParent)
+ if (IAccessible *iface = QWindowsAccessibility::wrap(acc)) {
+ *ppdispParent = iface;
return S_OK;
+ } else {
+ delete acc;
+ }
*ppdispParent = 0;
@@ -911,7 +773,7 @@ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsAccessible::get_accParent(IDispatch** ppdispPa
Properties and methods
-HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsAccessible::accDoDefaultAction(VARIANT varID)
+HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsMsaaAccessible::accDoDefaultAction(VARIANT varID)
@@ -928,7 +790,7 @@ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsAccessible::accDoDefaultAction(VARIANT varID)
return S_FALSE;
-HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsAccessible::get_accDefaultAction(VARIANT varID, BSTR* pszDefaultAction)
+HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsMsaaAccessible::get_accDefaultAction(VARIANT varID, BSTR* pszDefaultAction)
@@ -944,7 +806,7 @@ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsAccessible::get_accDefaultAction(VARIANT varID
return *pszDefaultAction ? S_OK : S_FALSE;
-HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsAccessible::get_accDescription(VARIANT varID, BSTR* pszDescription)
+HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsMsaaAccessible::get_accDescription(VARIANT varID, BSTR* pszDescription)
if (!accessible->isValid())
@@ -969,7 +831,7 @@ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsAccessible::get_accDescription(VARIANT varID,
return S_FALSE;
-HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsAccessible::get_accHelp(VARIANT varID, BSTR *pszHelp)
+HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsMsaaAccessible::get_accHelp(VARIANT varID, BSTR *pszHelp)
if (!accessible->isValid())
@@ -993,12 +855,12 @@ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsAccessible::get_accHelp(VARIANT varID, BSTR *p
return S_FALSE;
-HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsAccessible::get_accHelpTopic(BSTR *, VARIANT, long *)
+HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsMsaaAccessible::get_accHelpTopic(BSTR *, VARIANT, long *)
-HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsAccessible::get_accKeyboardShortcut(VARIANT varID, BSTR *pszKeyboardShortcut)
+HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsMsaaAccessible::get_accKeyboardShortcut(VARIANT varID, BSTR *pszKeyboardShortcut)
@@ -1029,7 +891,7 @@ static QAccessibleInterface *relatedInterface(QAccessibleInterface *iface, QAcce
// moz: [important]
-HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsAccessible::get_accName(VARIANT varID, BSTR* pszName)
+HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsMsaaAccessible::get_accName(VARIANT varID, BSTR* pszName)
if (!accessible->isValid())
@@ -1065,14 +927,14 @@ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsAccessible::get_accName(VARIANT varID, BSTR* p
return S_FALSE;
// moz: [important]
-HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsAccessible::get_accRole(VARIANT varID, VARIANT *pvarRole)
+HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsMsaaAccessible::get_accRole(VARIANT varID, VARIANT *pvarRole)
if (!accessible->isValid())
@@ -1100,7 +962,7 @@ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsAccessible::get_accRole(VARIANT varID, VARIANT
// moz: [important]
-HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsAccessible::get_accState(VARIANT varID, VARIANT *pvarState)
+HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsMsaaAccessible::get_accState(VARIANT varID, VARIANT *pvarState)
if (!accessible->isValid())
@@ -1176,11 +1038,15 @@ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsAccessible::get_accState(VARIANT varID, VARIAN
// moz: [important]
-HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsAccessible::get_accValue(VARIANT varID, BSTR* pszValue)
+HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsMsaaAccessible::get_accValue(VARIANT varID, BSTR* pszValue)
- if (!accessible->isValid() || varID.lVal)
+ if (varID.vt != VT_I4)
+ return E_INVALIDARG;
+ if (!accessible->isValid() || varID.lVal) {
return E_FAIL;
+ }
QString value;
if (accessible->valueInterface()) {
@@ -1194,17 +1060,18 @@ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsAccessible::get_accValue(VARIANT varID, BSTR*
*pszValue = 0;
+ accessibleDebug("return S_FALSE");
return S_FALSE;
// moz: [important]
-HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsAccessible::accSelect(long flagsSelect, VARIANT varID)
+HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsMsaaAccessible::accSelect(long flagsSelect, VARIANT varID)
@@ -1250,7 +1117,7 @@ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsAccessible::accSelect(long flagsSelect, VARIAN
moz: [important]
-HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsAccessible::get_accFocus(VARIANT *pvarID)
+HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsMsaaAccessible::get_accFocus(VARIANT *pvarID)
if (!accessible->isValid())
@@ -1263,12 +1130,11 @@ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsAccessible::get_accFocus(VARIANT *pvarID)
delete acc;
return S_OK;
} else {
- QWindowsAccessible* wacc = new QWindowsAccessible(acc);
- IDispatch *iface = 0;
- wacc->QueryInterface(IID_IDispatch, (void**)&iface);
- (*pvarID).vt = VT_DISPATCH;
- (*pvarID).pdispVal = iface;
- return S_OK;
+ if (IAccessible *iface = QWindowsAccessibility::wrap(acc)) {
+ (*pvarID).vt = VT_DISPATCH;
+ (*pvarID).pdispVal = iface;
+ return S_OK;
+ }
delete acc;
@@ -1276,7 +1142,7 @@ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsAccessible::get_accFocus(VARIANT *pvarID)
return S_FALSE;
-HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsAccessible::get_accSelection(VARIANT *pvarChildren)
+HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsMsaaAccessible::get_accSelection(VARIANT *pvarChildren)
if (!accessible->isValid())
@@ -1314,7 +1180,7 @@ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsAccessible::get_accSelection(VARIANT *pvarChil
return S_OK;
-static QWindow *window_helper(const QAccessibleInterface *iface)
+QWindow *window_helper(const QAccessibleInterface *iface)
QWindow *window = iface->window();
if (!window) {
@@ -1329,9 +1195,15 @@ static QWindow *window_helper(const QAccessibleInterface *iface)
return window;
-HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsAccessible::GetWindow(HWND *phwnd)
+ * IOleWindow *
+ **************************************************************/
+HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsMsaaAccessible::GetWindow(HWND *phwnd)
*phwnd = 0;
+ accessibleDebugClientCalls(accessible);
+ if (!accessible->isValid())
+ return E_FAIL;
if (!accessible->isValid())
@@ -1342,184 +1214,15 @@ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsAccessible::GetWindow(HWND *phwnd)
QPlatformNativeInterface *platform = QGuiApplication::platformNativeInterface();
*phwnd = (HWND)platform->nativeResourceForWindow("handle", window);
+ accessibleDebug("QWindowsAccessible::GetWindow(): %p", *phwnd);
return S_OK;
-HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsAccessible::ContextSensitiveHelp(BOOL)
+HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QWindowsMsaaAccessible::ContextSensitiveHelp(BOOL)
return S_OK;
-void QWindowsAccessibility::notifyAccessibilityUpdate(const QAccessibleEvent &event)
- QString soundName;
- switch (event.type()) {
- case QAccessible::PopupMenuStart:
- soundName = QLatin1String("MenuPopup");
- break;
- case QAccessible::MenuCommand:
- soundName = QLatin1String("MenuCommand");
- break;
- case QAccessible::Alert:
- {
- /* ### FIXME
- QMessageBox *mb = qobject_cast<QMessageBox*>(o);
- if (mb) {
- switch (mb->icon()) {
- case QMessageBox::Warning:
- soundName = QLatin1String("SystemExclamation");
- break;
- case QMessageBox::Critical:
- soundName = QLatin1String("SystemHand");
- break;
- case QMessageBox::Information:
- soundName = QLatin1String("SystemAsterisk");
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- } else
- {
- soundName = QLatin1String("SystemAsterisk");
- }
- }
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- if (!soundName.isEmpty()) {
- QSettings settings(QLatin1String("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\AppEvents\\Schemes\\Apps\\.Default\\") + soundName,
- QSettings::NativeFormat);
- QString file = settings.value(QLatin1String(".Current/.")).toString();
- QString file;
- if (!file.isEmpty()) {
- PlaySound(reinterpret_cast<const wchar_t *>(soundName.utf16()), 0, SND_ALIAS | SND_ASYNC | SND_NODEFAULT | SND_NOWAIT);
- }
- }
- typedef void (WINAPI *PtrNotifyWinEvent)(DWORD, HWND, LONG, LONG);
-#if defined(Q_OS_WINCE) // ### TODO: check for NotifyWinEvent in CE 6.0
- // There is no user32.lib nor NotifyWinEvent for CE
- return;
- static PtrNotifyWinEvent ptrNotifyWinEvent = 0;
- static bool resolvedNWE = false;
- if (!resolvedNWE) {
- resolvedNWE = true;
- ptrNotifyWinEvent = (PtrNotifyWinEvent)QSystemLibrary::resolve(QLatin1String("user32"), "NotifyWinEvent");
- }
- if (!ptrNotifyWinEvent)
- return;
- // An event has to be associated with a window,
- // so find the first parent that is a widget and that has a WId
- QAccessibleInterface *iface = event.accessibleInterface();
- QWindow *window = iface ? window_helper(iface) : 0;
- delete iface;
- if (!window) {
- window = QGuiApplication::activeWindow();
- if (!window)
- return;
- }
- QPlatformNativeInterface *platform = QGuiApplication::platformNativeInterface();
- HWND hWnd = (HWND)platform->nativeResourceForWindow("handle", window);
- if (event.type() != QAccessible::MenuCommand) { // MenuCommand is faked
- eventNum %= 50; //[0..49]
- int eventId = - eventNum - 1;
- qAccessibleRecentSentEvents()->insert(eventId, qMakePair(event.object(), event.child()));
- ptrNotifyWinEvent(event.type(), hWnd, OBJID_CLIENT, eventId );
- ++eventNum;
- }
-#endif // Q_OS_WINCE
-void QWindowsAccessibility::setRootObject(QObject *o)
-void QWindowsAccessibility::initialize()
-void QWindowsAccessibility::cleanup()
-bool QWindowsAccessibility::handleAccessibleObjectFromWindowRequest(HWND hwnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, LRESULT *lResult)
- if (static_cast<long>(lParam) == static_cast<long>(UiaRootObjectId)) {
- /* For UI Automation
- */
- } else if ((DWORD)lParam == OBJID_CLIENT) {
-#if 1
- // Ignoring all requests while starting up
- // ### Maybe QPA takes care of this???
- if (QApplication::startingUp() || QApplication::closingDown())
- return false;
- typedef LRESULT (WINAPI *PtrLresultFromObject)(REFIID, WPARAM, LPUNKNOWN);
- static PtrLresultFromObject ptrLresultFromObject = 0;
- static bool oleaccChecked = false;
- if (!oleaccChecked) {
- oleaccChecked = true;
-#if !defined(Q_OS_WINCE)
- ptrLresultFromObject = (PtrLresultFromObject)QSystemLibrary::resolve(QLatin1String("oleacc"), "LresultFromObject");
- }
- if (ptrLresultFromObject) {
- QWindow *window = QWindowsContext::instance()->findWindow(hwnd);
- if (window) {
- QAccessibleInterface *acc = window->accessibleRoot();
- if (acc) {
- QWindowsAccessible *winacc = new QWindowsAccessible(acc);
- IAccessible *iface;
- HRESULT hr = winacc->QueryInterface(IID_IAccessible, (void**)&iface);
- if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
- *lResult = ptrLresultFromObject(IID_IAccessible, wParam, iface); // ref == 2
- if (*lResult) {
- iface->Release(); // the client will release the object again, and then it will destroy itself
- }
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
diff --git a/src/plugins/platforms/windows/accessible/qwindowsmsaaaccessible.h b/src/plugins/platforms/windows/accessible/qwindowsmsaaaccessible.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..609f57b398
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/platforms/windows/accessible/qwindowsmsaaaccessible.h
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the plugins of the Qt Toolkit.
+** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+** License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation and
+** appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the packaging of this
+** file. Please review the following information to ensure the GNU Lesser
+** General Public License version 2.1 requirements will be met:
+** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
+** rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
+** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
+** GNU General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU General
+** Public License version 3.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of this
+** file. Please review the following information to ensure the GNU General
+** Public License version 3.0 requirements will be met:
+** Other Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms and
+** conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you and Nokia.
+#include <QtCore/QtConfig>
+#include <oleacc.h>
+#include "Accessible2.h"
+#include <QtCore/qsharedpointer.h>
+#include <QtGui/qaccessible.h>
+#ifndef QT_NO_DEBUG
+bool debug_accessibility();
+# define accessibleDebug !debug_accessibility() ? (void)0 : qDebug
+# define accessibleDebug()
+void accessibleDebugClientCalls_helper(const char* funcName, const QAccessibleInterface *iface);
+# define accessibleDebugClientCalls(iface) accessibleDebugClientCalls_helper(Q_FUNC_INFO, iface)
+# define accessibleDebugClientCalls(iface)
+typedef QSharedPointer<QAccessibleInterface> QAIPointer;
+QWindow *window_helper(const QAccessibleInterface *iface);
+ * QWindowsAccessible *
+ **************************************************************/
+class QWindowsMsaaAccessible : public IAccessible2, public IOleWindow
+ QWindowsMsaaAccessible(QAccessibleInterface *a)
+ : accessible(a)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual ~QWindowsMsaaAccessible()
+ {
+ delete accessible;
+ }
+ /* IDispatch */
+ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetTypeInfoCount(unsigned int *);
+ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetTypeInfo(unsigned int, unsigned long, ITypeInfo **);
+ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetIDsOfNames(const _GUID &, wchar_t **, unsigned int, unsigned long, long *);
+ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Invoke(long, const _GUID &, unsigned long, unsigned short, tagDISPPARAMS *, tagVARIANT *, tagEXCEPINFO *, unsigned int *);
+ /* IAccessible */
+ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE accHitTest(long xLeft, long yTop, VARIANT *pvarID);
+ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE accLocation(long *pxLeft, long *pyTop, long *pcxWidth, long *pcyHeight, VARIANT varID);
+ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE accNavigate(long navDir, VARIANT varStart, VARIANT *pvarEnd);
+ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_accChild(VARIANT varChildID, IDispatch** ppdispChild);
+ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_accChildCount(long* pcountChildren);
+ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_accParent(IDispatch** ppdispParent);
+ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_accDefaultAction(VARIANT varID, BSTR* pszDefaultAction);
+ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_accDescription(VARIANT varID, BSTR* pszDescription);
+ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_accHelpTopic(BSTR *pszHelpFile, VARIANT varChild, long *pidTopic);
+ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_accKeyboardShortcut(VARIANT varID, BSTR *pszKeyboardShortcut);
+ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE accSelect(long flagsSelect, VARIANT varID);
+ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_accSelection(VARIANT *pvarChildren);
+ /* IOleWindow */
+ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE ContextSensitiveHelp(BOOL fEnterMode);
+ QAccessibleInterface *accessible;
+ QAIPointer childPointer(VARIANT varID)
+ {
+ return QAIPointer(accessible->child(varID.lVal - 1));
+ }
diff --git a/src/plugins/platforms/windows/qwindowscontext.cpp b/src/plugins/platforms/windows/qwindowscontext.cpp
index 2706e02cf8..e8050d5027 100644
--- a/src/plugins/platforms/windows/qwindowscontext.cpp
+++ b/src/plugins/platforms/windows/qwindowscontext.cpp
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
#include "qtwindowsglobal.h"
#include "qwindowsmime.h"
#include "qwindowsinputcontext.h"
-#include "qwindowsaccessibility.h"
+#include "accessible/qwindowsaccessibility.h"
#include "qwindowsscreen.h"
#include "qwindowstheme.h"
diff --git a/src/plugins/platforms/windows/qwindowsintegration.cpp b/src/plugins/platforms/windows/qwindowsintegration.cpp
index 3c2ece58d0..7510cded50 100644
--- a/src/plugins/platforms/windows/qwindowsintegration.cpp
+++ b/src/plugins/platforms/windows/qwindowsintegration.cpp
@@ -55,8 +55,8 @@
#include "qwindowsclipboard.h"
#include "qwindowsdrag.h"
#include "qwindowsinputcontext.h"
-#include "qwindowsaccessibility.h"
#include "qwindowskeymapper.h"
+#include "accessible/qwindowsaccessibility.h"
#include <QtGui/QPlatformNativeInterface>
#include <QtGui/QWindowSystemInterface>
diff --git a/src/plugins/platforms/windows/ b/src/plugins/platforms/windows/
index bb41fe87fc..87bc7245c4 100644
--- a/src/plugins/platforms/windows/
+++ b/src/plugins/platforms/windows/
@@ -45,7 +45,6 @@ SOURCES += \
qwindowsdrag.cpp \
qwindowscursor.cpp \
qwindowsinputcontext.cpp \
- qwindowsaccessibility.cpp \
qwindowstheme.cpp \
qwindowsdialoghelpers.cpp \
@@ -73,7 +72,6 @@ HEADERS += \
qwindowscursor.h \
array.h \
qwindowsinputcontext.h \
- qwindowsaccessibility.h \
qwindowstheme.h \
qwindowsdialoghelpers.h \
@@ -151,5 +149,6 @@ contains(QT_CONFIG, freetype) {
OTHER_FILES += windows.json
target.path += $$[QT_INSTALL_PLUGINS]/platforms
INSTALLS += target