path: root/tests/auto/testlib/selftests/
diff options
authorLiang Qi <>2016-09-15 19:47:57 +0200
committerLiang Qi <>2016-09-15 19:47:57 +0200
commit40a1f69e8663fb79560c26cfad5ead45b1b3ee5f (patch)
treea8ceb093a098a38b29c0fe27e41af480ae10b876 /tests/auto/testlib/selftests/
parent446afc10451d5097d7bd20b1b8d20325c4d54fa5 (diff)
parent6b2071c697d4c48f0cd289b28b443ebffc3432e6 (diff)
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/5.8' into dev
Conflicts: configure.json mkspecs/macx-tvos-clang/qmake.conf mkspecs/macx-watchos-clang/qmake.conf Change-Id: Iaf32339ace59dff9ed344972472744c55d75025c
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/auto/testlib/selftests/')
1 files changed, 177 insertions, 82 deletions
diff --git a/tests/auto/testlib/selftests/ b/tests/auto/testlib/selftests/
index 66a75a304f..202c4cc426 100755
--- a/tests/auto/testlib/selftests/
+++ b/tests/auto/testlib/selftests/
@@ -27,89 +27,184 @@
-#regenerate all test's output
+# Regenerate all tests' output.
+# Usage: cd to the build directory corresponding to this script's
+# location; invoke this script; optionally pass the names of sub-dirs
+# to limit which tests to regenerate expected_* files for.
import os
-import sys
import subprocess
-import re
-formats = ['xml', 'txt', 'xunitxml', 'lightxml', 'teamcity']
-qtver = subprocess.check_output(['qmake', '-query', 'QT_VERSION']).strip().decode('utf-8')
-rootPath = os.getcwd()
-isWindows = sys.platform == 'win32'
-replacements = [
- (qtver, r'@INSERT_QT_VERSION_HERE@'),
- (r'Config: Using QtTest library.*', r'Config: Using QtTest library'), # Build string in text logs
- (rootPath.encode('unicode-escape').decode('utf-8'), r''),
- (r'( *)<Duration msecs="[\d\.]+"/>', r'\1<Duration msecs="0"/>'),
- (r'( *)<QtBuild>[^<]+</QtBuild>', r'\1<QtBuild/>'), # Build element in xml, lightxml
- (r'<property value="[^"]+" name="QtBuild"/>', r'<property value="" name="QtBuild"/>') # Build in xunitxml
-extraArgs = {
- "commandlinedata": "fiveTablePasses fiveTablePasses:fiveTablePasses_data1 -v2",
- "benchlibcallgrind": "-callgrind",
- "benchlibeventcounter": "-eventcounter",
- "benchliboptions": "-eventcounter",
- "benchlibtickcounter": "-tickcounter",
- "badxml": "-eventcounter",
- "benchlibcounting": "-eventcounter",
- "printdatatags": "-datatags",
- "printdatatagswithglobaltags": "-datatags",
- "silent": "-silent",
- "verbose1": "-v1",
- "verbose2": "-v2",
-# Replace all occurrences of searchExp in one file
-def replaceInFile(file):
- import sys
- import fileinput
- for line in fileinput.input(file, inplace=1):
- for searchExp, replaceExp in replacements:
- line = re.sub(searchExp, replaceExp, line)
- sys.stdout.write(line)
-def subdirs():
- result = []
- for path in os.listdir('.'):
- if os.path.isdir('./' + path):
- result.append(path)
- return result
-def getTestForPath(path):
- if isWindows:
- testpath = path + '\\' + path + '.exe'
- else:
- testpath = path + '/' + path
- return testpath
-def generateTestData(testname):
- print(" running " + testname)
+class Fail (Exception): pass
+class Cleaner (object):
+ """Tool to clean up test output to make diff-ing runs useful.
+ We care about whether tests pass or fail - if that changes,
+ something that matters has happened - and we care about some
+ changes to what they say when they do fail; but we don't care
+ exactly what line of what file the failing line of code now
+ occupies, nor do we care how many milliseconds each test took to
+ run; and changes to the Qt version number mean nothing to us.
+ Create one singleton instance; it'll do mildly expensive things
+ once and you can use its .clean() method to tidy up your test
+ output."""
+ def __init__(self, here, command):
+ """Set up the details we need for later cleaning.
+ Takes two parameters: here is $PWD and command is how this
+ script was invoked, from which we'll work out where it is; in
+ a shadow build, the former is the build tree's location
+ corresponding to this last. Checks $PWD does look as expected
+ in a build tree - raising Fail() if not - then invokes qmake
+ to discover Qt version (saved as .version for the benefit of
+ clients) and prepares the sequence of (regex, replace) pairs
+ that .clean() needs to do its job."""
+ self.version, self.__replace = self.__getPatterns(here, command)
+ import re
+ @staticmethod
+ def __getPatterns(here, command,
+ patterns = (
+ # Timings:
+ (r'( *<Duration msecs=)"[\d\.]+"/>', r'\1"0"/>'), # xml, lightxml
+ (r'(Totals:.*,) *[0-9.]+ms', r'\1 0ms'), # txt
+ # Benchmarks:
+ (r'[0-9,.]+( (?:CPU ticks|msecs) per iteration \(total:) [0-9,.]+ ', r'0\1 0, '), # txt
+ (r'(<BenchmarkResult metric="(?:CPUTicks|WalltimeMilliseconds)".*\bvalue=)"[^"]+"', r'\1"0"'), # xml, lightxml
+ # Build details:
+ (r'(Config: Using QtTest library).*', r'\1'), # txt
+ (r'( *<QtBuild)>[^<]+</QtBuild>', r'\1/>'), # xml, lightxml
+ (r'(<property value=")[^"]+(" name="QtBuild"/>)', r'\1\2'), # xunitxml
+ # Line numbers in source files:
+ (r'(Loc: \[[^[\]()]+)\(\d+\)', r'\1(0)'), # txt
+ (r'(\[Loc: [^[\]()]+)\(\d+\)', r'\1(0)'), # teamcity
+ (r'(<Incident.*\bfile=.*\bline=)"\d+"', r'\1"0"'), # lightxml, xml
+ ),
+ precook = re.compile):
+ """Private implementation details of __init__()."""
+ qmake = ('..',) * 4 + ('bin', 'qmake')
+ qmake = os.path.join(*qmake)
+ if os.path.sep in command:
+ scriptPath = os.path.abspath(command)
+ elif os.path.exists(command):
+ # e.g. if you typed "python3"
+ scriptPath = os.path.join(here, command)
+ else:
+ # From py 3.2: could use os.get_exec_path() here.
+ for d in os.environ.get('PATH', '').split(os.pathsep):
+ scriptPath = os.path.join(d, command)
+ if os.path.isfile(scriptPath):
+ break
+ else: # didn't break
+ raise Fail('Unable to find', command, 'in $PATH')
+ # Are we being run from the right place ?
+ myNames = scriptPath.split(os.path.sep)
+ if not (here.split(os.path.sep)[-5:] == myNames[-6:-1]
+ and os.path.isfile(qmake)):
+ raise Fail('Run', myNames[-1], 'in its directory of a completed build')
+ try:
+ qtver = subprocess.check_output([qmake, '-query', 'QT_VERSION'])
+ except OSError as what:
+ raise Fail(what.strerror)
+ qtver = qtver.strip().decode('utf-8')
+ scriptPath = os.path.dirname(scriptPath) # ditch leaf file-name
+ sentinel = os.path.sep + 'qtbase' + os.path.sep # '/qtbase/'
+ # Identify the path prefix of our qtbase ancestor directory
+ # (source, build and $PWD, when different); trim such prefixes
+ # off all paths we see.
+ roots = tuple(r[:r.find(sentinel) + 1].encode('unicode-escape').decode('utf-8')
+ for r in set((here, scriptPath, os.environ.get('PWD', '')))
+ if sentinel in r)
+ patterns += tuple((root, r'') for root in roots) + (
+ (r'\.'.join(qtver.split('.')), r'@INSERT_QT_VERSION_HERE@'),)
+ if any('-' in r for r in roots):
+ # Our xml formats replace hyphens with a character entity:
+ patterns += tuple((root.replace('-', '&#x0*2D;'), r'')
+ for root in roots if '-' in root)
+ return qtver, tuple((precook(p), r) for p, r in patterns)
+ del re
+ def clean(self, data):
+ """Remove volatile details from test output.
+ Takes the full test output as a single (possibly huge)
+ multi-line string; iterates over cleaned lines of output."""
+ for line in data.split('\n'):
+ # Replace all occurrences of each regex:
+ for searchRe, replaceExp in self.__replace:
+ line = searchRe.sub(replaceExp, line)
+ yield line
+def generateTestData(testname, clean,
+ formats = ('xml', 'txt', 'xunitxml', 'lightxml', 'teamcity'),
+ extraArgs = {
+ "commandlinedata": "fiveTablePasses fiveTablePasses:fiveTablePasses_data1 -v2",
+ "benchlibcallgrind": "-callgrind",
+ "benchlibeventcounter": "-eventcounter",
+ "benchliboptions": "-eventcounter",
+ "benchlibtickcounter": "-tickcounter",
+ "badxml": "-eventcounter",
+ "benchlibcounting": "-eventcounter",
+ "printdatatags": "-datatags",
+ "printdatatagswithglobaltags": "-datatags",
+ "silent": "-silent",
+ "verbose1": "-v1",
+ "verbose2": "-v2",
+ }):
+ """Run one test and save its cleaned results.
+ Required arguments are the name of the test directory (the binary
+ it contains is expected to have the same name) and a function
+ that'll clean a test-run's output; see Cleaner.clean().
+ """
+ # MS-Win: shall need to add .exe to this
+ path = os.path.join(testname, testname)
+ if not os.path.isfile(path):
+ print("Warning: directory", testname, "contains no test executable")
+ return
+ print(" running", testname)
for format in formats:
- cmd = [getTestForPath(testname) + ' -' + format + ' ' + extraArgs.get(testname, '')]
- result = 'expected_' + testname + '.' + format
- data = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True).communicate()[0]
- out = open(result, 'wb')
- out.write(data)
- out.close()
- replaceInFile(result)
-if isWindows:
- print("This script does not work on Windows.")
- exit()
-tests = sys.argv[1:]
-os.environ['LC_ALL'] = 'C'
-if len(tests) == 0:
- tests = subdirs()
-print("Generating " + str(len(tests)) + " test results for: " + qtver + " in: " + rootPath)
-for path in tests:
- if os.path.isfile(getTestForPath(path)):
- generateTestData(path)
- else:
- print("Warning: directory " + path + " contains no test executable")
+ cmd = [path, '-' + format]
+ if testname in extraArgs:
+ cmd += extraArgs[testname].split()
+ data = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+ universal_newlines=True).communicate()[0]
+ with open('expected_' + testname + '.' + format, 'w') as out:
+ out.write('\n'.join(clean(data))) # write() appends a newline, too
+def main(name, *args):
+ """Minimal argument parsing and driver for the real work"""
+ os.environ['LC_ALL'] = 'C'
+ herePath = os.getcwd()
+ cleaner = Cleaner(herePath, name)
+ tests = args if args else [d for d in os.listdir('.') if os.path.isdir(d)]
+ print("Generating", len(tests), "test results for", cleaner.version, "in:", herePath)
+ for path in tests:
+ generateTestData(path, cleaner.clean)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ # Executed when script is run, not when imported (e.g. to debug)
+ import sys
+ if sys.platform.startswith('win'):
+ print("This script does not work on Windows.")
+ exit()
+ try:
+ main(*sys.argv)
+ except Fail as what:
+ sys.stderr.write('Failed: ' + ' '.join(what.args) + '\n')
+ exit(1)