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+QT LICENSE AGREEMENT Agreement version 4.2
+This Qt License Agreement (“Agreement”) is a legal agreement for the licensing
+of Licensed Software (as defined below) between The Qt Company (as defined
+below) and the Licensee who has accepted the terms of this Agreement by
+downloading or using the Licensed Software and/or as defined herein:
+Capitalized terms used herein are defined in Section 1.
+ (A) Licensee wishes to use the Licensed Software for the purpose of
+ developing and distributing Applications and/or Devices (each as
+ defined below); and
+ (B) The Qt Company is willing to grant the Licensee a right to use
+ Licensed Software for such a purpose pursuant to term and conditions
+ of this Agreement.
+“Affiliate” of a Party shall mean an entity (i) which is directly
+or indirectly controlling such Party; (ii) which is under the same direct or
+indirect ownership or control as such Party; or (iii) which is directly or
+indirectly owned or controlled by such Party. For these purposes, an entity
+shall be treated as being controlled by another if that other entity has fifty
+percent (50 %) or more of the votes in such entity, is able to direct its
+affairs and/or to control the composition of its board of directors or
+equivalent body.
+“Add-on Products” shall mean The Qt Company’s specific add-on software products
+(for example Qt Safe Renderer, Qt for Automation, Qt Application Manager), which
+are not licensed as part of The Qt Company’s standard offering, but shall be
+included into the scope of Licensed Software only if so specifically agreed
+between the Parties.
+“Applications” shall mean Licensee's software products created using the
+Licensed Software, which may include the Redistributables, or part thereof.
+“Contractor(s)” shall mean third party consultants, distributors and contractors
+performing services to the Licensee under applicable contractual arrangement.
+“Customer(s)” shall mean Licensee’s end users to whom Licensee, directly or
+indirectly, distributes copies of the Redistributables.
+“Data Protection Legislation” shall mean the General Data Protection Regulation
+(EU 2016/679) (GDPR) and any national implementing laws, regulations and
+secondary legislation, as may be amended or updated from time to time, as well
+as any other data protection laws or regulations applicable in relevant
+“Deployment Platforms” shall mean operating systems specified in the License
+Certificate, on which the Redistributables can be distributed pursuant to the
+terms and conditions of this Agreement.
+“Designated User(s)” shall mean the employee(s) of Licensee or Licensee’s
+Affiliates acting within the scope of their employment or Licensee's Contractors
+acting within the scope of their services for Licensee and on behalf of
+Licensee. Designated Users shall be named in the License Certificate.
+“Development License” shall mean the license needed by the Licensee for each
+Designated User to use the Licensed Software under the license grant described
+in Section 3.1 of this Agreement. Development Licenses are available separately
+for Qt for Application Development and Qt for Device Creation products, each
+product having its designated scope and purpose of use. Distribution Licenses
+are always connected to Qt for Device Creation product only.
+“Development Platforms” shall mean those operating systems specified in the
+License Certificate, in which the Licensed Software can be used under the
+Development License, but not distributed in any form or used for any other
+“Devices” shall mean hardware devices or products that 1) are manufactured
+and/or distributed by the Licensee or its Affiliates or Contractors, and (2)(i)
+incorporate or integrate the Redistributables or parts thereof; or (ii) where
+the main user interface or substantial functionality of such unit , when used by
+a Customer, is provided by Application(s) or otherwise depends on the Licensed
+Software, regardless of whether the Redistributables are distributed together
+with the hardware or not. Devices covered with this Agreement shall be specified
+in Appendix 2 or in a quote.
+“Distribution License(s)” shall mean the license required for any kind of sale,
+trade, exchange, loan, lease, rental or other distribution by or on behalf of
+Licensee to a third party of Redistributables in connection with Devices
+pursuant to license grant described in Section 3.3 of this Agreement.
+“Distribution License Packs” shall mean set of prepaid Distribution Licenses for
+distribution of Redistributables, as defined in The Qt Company’s standard price
+list, quote, Purchase Order confirmation or in an appendix hereto, as the case
+may be.
+“Intellectual Property Rights” shall mean patents (including utility models),
+design patents, and designs (whether or not capable of registration), chip
+topography rights and other like protection, copyrights, trademarks, service
+marks, trade names, logos or other words or symbols and any other form of
+statutory protection of any kind and applications for any of the foregoing as
+well as any trade secrets.
+“License Certificate” shall mean a certificate generated by The Qt Company for
+each Designated User respectively upon them downloading the Licensed Software,
+which will be available under respective Designated User’s Qt Account at License Certificates will specify the Designated User, the
+Development Platforms, Deployment Platforms and the License Term. Such terms are
+considered part of the licenses granted hereunder and shall be updated from time
+to time to reflect any agreed changes to the foregoing terms relating to
+Designated User’s rights to the Licensed Software.
+“License Fee” shall mean the fee charged to the Licensee for rights granted
+under the terms of this Agreement.
+“License Term” shall mean the agreed validity period of the Development License
+of the respective Designated User, during which time the Designated User is
+entitled to use the Licensed Software, as set forth in the respective License
+“Licensed Software” shall mean either
+ (i) Qt for Application Development or
+ (ii) Qt for Device Creation, and/or
+ (iii) Qt 3D Studio, and/or
+ (iv) Qt Design Studio, and/or
+ (v) selected Add-on Products, if any,
+depending on which product(s) the Licensee has purchased under this Agreement,
+as well as corresponding online or electronic documentation, associated media
+and printed materials, including the source code, example programs and the
+documentation, licensed to the Licensee under this Agreement. Licensed Software
+does not include Third Party Software (as defined in Section 4) or Open Source
+Qt. The Qt Company may, in the course of its development activities, at its free
+and absolute discretion and without any obligation to send or publish any
+notifications to the Licensee or in general, make changes, additions or
+deletions in the components and functionalities of the Licensed Software,
+provided that no such changes, additions or deletions will affect the already
+released version of the Licensed Software, but only upcoming version(s).
+“Licensee” shall mean the individual or legal entity that is party to this
+Agreement, as identified on the signature page hereof.
+“Licensee’s Records” shall mean books and records that are likely to contain
+information bearing on Licensee’s compliance with this Agreement, Licensee’s use
+of Open Source Qt and/or the payments due to The Qt Company under this
+Agreement, including, but not limited to user information, assembly logs, sales
+records and distribution records.
+“Modified Software” shall have the meaning as set forth in Section 2.3.
+“Online Services” shall mean any services or access to systems made available by
+The Qt Company to the Licensee over the Internet relating to the Licensed
+Software or for the purpose of use by the Licensee of the Licensed Software or
+Support. Use of any such Online Services is discretionary for the Licensee and
+some of them may be subject to additional fees.
+“Open Source Qt” shall mean the non-commercial Qt computer software products,
+licensed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License, version 2.1
+or later (“LGPL”) or the GNU General Public License, version 2.0 or later
+(“GPL”). For clarity, Open Source Qt shall not be provided nor governed under
+this Agreement.
+”Party” or “Parties” shall mean Licensee and/or The Qt Company.
+“Permitted Combination” shall have the meaning as set forth in Section
+“Pre-Release Code” shall have the meaning as set forth in Section 4.
+“Prohibited Combination” shall mean any means to (i) use, combine, incorporate,
+link or integrate Licensed Software with any software created with or
+incorporating Open Source Qt, (ii) use Licensed Software for creation of any
+software created with or incorporating Open Source Qt, or (iii) incorporate or
+integrate Applications into a hardware device or product other than a Device.
+“Qt 3D Studio” shall mean all versions of The Qt Company’s Qt 3D Studio, a 3D
+user interface design and development environment for rapid designing and
+prototyping of animated user interfaces.
+“Qt Design Studio” shall mean all versions of The Qt Company’s Qt Design Studio
+tool, a user interface design and development environment for rapid designing
+and prototyping of animated user interfaces.
+“Qt for Application Development” shall mean The Qt Company’s productized
+offering, which consist of all versions of
+ (i) Qt Toolkit, and
+ (ii) Qt Tools/Applications.
+“Qt for Device Creation” shall mean The Qt Company’s productized offering, which
+consist of all versions of
+ (i) Qt for Application Development, and
+ (ii) Software components specific to embedded software development as set
+ forth in Appendix 1, Sections 1b and 1d.
+“Qt Toolkit” shall mean the modules defined in Appendix 1, Section 1a.
+“Qt Tools/Applications” shall mean the tools defined in Appendix 1, Section 1c.
+"Redistributables" shall mean the portions of the Licensed Software set forth in
+Appendix 1, Section 2 that may be distributed pursuant to the terms of this
+Agreement in object code form only, including any relevant documentation. Where
+relevant, any reference to Licensed Software in this Agreement shall include and
+refer also to Redistributables.
+“Renewal Term” shall mean an extension of previous License Term as agreed
+between the Parties.
+“Submitted Modified Software” shall have the meaning as set forth in Section
+“Support” shall mean standard developer support that is provided by The Qt
+Company to assist Designated Users in using the Licensed Software in accordance
+with The Qt Company’s standard support terms available at
+ and as further defined in Section 8
+“Taxes” shall have the meaning set forth in Section 10.5.
+“Term” shall have the meaning set forth in Section 12.
+“The Qt Company” shall mean:
+ (i) in the event Licensee is an individual residing in the United States
+ or a legal entity incorporated in the United States or having its
+ headquarters in the United States, The Qt Company Inc., a
+ Delaware corporation with its office at 2350 Mission College Blvd.,
+ Suite 1020, Santa Clara, CA 95054, USA.; or
+ (ii) in the event the Licensee is an individual residing outside of the
+ United States or a legal entity incorporated outside of the United
+ States or having its registered office outside of the United States,
+ The Qt Company Ltd., a Finnish company with its registered office at
+ Bertel Jungin aukio D3A, 02600 Espoo, Finland.
+"Third Party Software " shall have the meaning set forth in Section 4.
+“Updates” shall mean a release or version of the Licensed Software containing
+bug fixes, error corrections and other changes that are generally made available
+to users of the Licensed Software that have contracted for Support. Updates are
+generally depicted as a change to the digits following the decimal in the
+Licensed Software version number. The Qt Company shall make Updates available to
+the Licensee under the Support. Updates shall be considered as part of the
+Licensed Software hereunder.
+“Upgrades” shall mean a release or version of the Licensed Software containing
+enhancements and new features and are generally depicted as a change to the
+first digit of the Licensed Software version number. In the event Upgrades are
+provided to the Licensee under this Agreement, they shall be considered as part
+of the Licensed Software hereunder.
+2.1 Ownership of The Qt Company
+The Licensed Software is protected by copyright laws and international copyright
+treaties, as well as other intellectual property laws and treaties. The Licensed
+Software is licensed, not sold. All of The Qt Company's Intellectual Property
+Rights are and shall remain the exclusive property of The Qt Company or its
+licensors respectively.
+2.2 Ownership of Licensee
+All the Licensee's Intellectual Property Rights are and shall remain the
+exclusive property of the Licensee or its licensors respectively. All
+Intellectual Property Rights to the Modified Software, Applications and Devices
+shall remain with the Licensee and no rights thereto shall be granted by the
+Licensee to The Qt Company under this Agreement (except as set forth in Section
+2.3 below).
+2.3 Modified Software
+Licensee may create bug-fixes, error corrections, patches or modifications to
+the Licensed Software (“Modified Software”). Such Modified Software may break
+the source or binary compatibility with the Licensed Software (including without
+limitation through changing the application programming interfaces ("API") or by
+adding, changing or deleting any variable, method, or class signature in the
+Licensed Software and/or any inter-process protocols, services or standards in
+the Licensed Software libraries). To the extent that Licensee’s Modified
+Software so breaks source or binary compatibility with the Licensed Software,
+Licensee acknowledges that The Qt Company's ability to provide Support may be
+prevented or limited and Licensee's ability to make use of Updates may be
+Licensee may, at its sole and absolute discretion, choose to submit Modified
+Software to The Qt Company (“Submitted Modified Software”) in connection with
+Licensee’s Support request, service request or otherwise. In the event Licensee
+does so, then, Licensee hereby grants The Qt Company a sublicensable,
+assignable, irrevocable, perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free and
+fully paid-up license, under all of Licensee’s Intellectual Property Rights, to
+reproduce, adapt, translate, modify, and prepare derivative works of, publicly
+display, publicly perform, sublicense, make available and distribute such
+Submitted Modified Software as The Qt Company sees fit at its free and absolute
+3.1 Development with Licensed Software
+Subject to the terms of this Agreement, The Qt Company grants to Licensee a
+worldwide, non- exclusive, non-transferable license, valid for the License Term,
+to use, modify and copy the Licensed Software by Designated Users on the
+Development Platforms for the sole purposes of designing, developing,
+demonstrating and testing Application(s) and/or Devices, and to provide thereto
+related support and other related services to end-user Customers.
+Licensee may install copies of the Licensed Software on five (5) computers per
+Designated User, provided that only the Designated Users who have a valid
+Development License may use the Licensed Software.
+Licensee may at any time designate another Designated User to replace a
+then-current Designated User by notifying The Qt Company in writing, provided
+that any Designated User may be replaced only once during any six-month period.
+Upon expiry of the initially agreed License Term, the respective License Terms
+shall be automatically extended to one or more Renewal Term(s), unless and until
+either Party notifies the other Party in writing that it does not wish to
+continue the License Term, such notification to be provided to the other Party
+no less than ninety (90) days before expiry of the respective License Term.
+Unless otherwise agreed between the Parties, Renewal Term shall be of equal
+length with the initial License Term.
+Any such Renewal Term shall be subject to License Fees agreed between the
+Parties or, if no advance agreement exists, subject to The Qt Company’s standard
+pricing applicable at the commencement date of any such Renewal Term.
+Any price or other term specified for a Renewal Term shall be valid only for the
+specified time. The Qt Company may request the Licensee to place a purchase
+order corresponding to a quote by The Qt Company for the relevant Renewal Term.
+In the event Licensee does not prevent auto-renewal pursuant the above, but a
+Renewal Term is nevertheless not duly ordered within 30 days from the date of
+the respective quote from The Qt Company and/or the respective License Fee paid
+by due date specified in The Qt Company’s respective invoice, The Qt Company
+shall apply a reinstatement fee equal to ten percent (10 %) of the total value
+of the License Fees of the Development Licenses for the expired term to be added
+to the License Fee of the respective Renewal Term.
+In the event Licensee chooses not to renew a Development License for a Renewal
+Term by notifying The Qt Company thereof no less than ninety (90) days before
+expiry of the respective License Term, Licensee may still reinstate such expired
+Development Licenses for a Renewal Term subject to applicable renewal Term
+License Fees until thirty (30) days from the expiry of the initially agreed
+License Term or preceding Renewal Term. After such thirty (30) day period a
+Development License shall be subject to applicable License Fees for a new
+Development License and not any Renewal Term License Fees.
+3.2 Distribution of Applications
+Subject to the terms of this Agreement, The Qt Company grants to Licensee a
+worldwide, non- exclusive, non-transferable, revocable (for cause pursuant to
+this Agreement) right and license, valid for the Term, to
+ (i) distribute, by itself or through its Contractors, Redistributables as
+ installed, incorporated or integrated into Applications for execution
+ on the Deployment Platforms, and
+ (ii) grant sublicenses to Redistributables, as distributed hereunder, for
+ Customers solely for Customer’s internal use and to the extent
+ necessary in order for the Customers to use the Applications for their
+ respective intended purposes.
+Right to distribute the Redistributables as part of an Application as provided
+herein is not royalty- bearing but is conditional upon the Licensee not having
+any unpaid License Fees for Development Licenses owed to The Qt Company at the
+time of distribution of any Redistributables to Customers.
+3.3 Distribution of Devices
+Subject to the terms of this Agreement, The Qt Company grants to Licensee a
+worldwide, non- exclusive, non-transferable, revocable (for cause pursuant to
+this Agreement) right and license, valid for the Term, to
+ (i) distribute, by itself or through one or more tiers of Contractors,
+ Redistributables as installed, incorporated or integrated, or intended
+ to be installed, incorporated or integrated into Devices for execution
+ on the Deployment Platforms, and
+ (ii) grant sublicenses to Redistributables, as distributed hereunder, for
+ Customers solely for Customer’s internal use and to the extent
+ necessary in order for the Customers to use the Devices for their
+ respective intended purposes.
+Right to distribute the Redistributables with Devices as provided herein is
+conditional upon the Licensee (i) not having any unpaid License Fees for
+Development Licenses owed to The Qt Company, and (ii) having purchased and paid
+corresponding Distribution Licenses at the time of distribution of any
+Redistributables to Customers.
+3.4 Further Requirements
+The licenses granted above in this Section 3 by The Qt Company to Licensee are
+conditional and subject to Licensee's compliance with the following terms:
+ (i) Licensee shall not remove or alter any copyright, trademark or other
+ proprietary rights notice(s) contained in any portion of the Licensed
+ Software;
+ (ii) Applications must add primary and substantial functionality to the
+ Licensed Software so as not to compete with the Licensed Software;
+ (iii) Applications may not pass on functionality which in any way makes it
+ possible for others to create software with the Licensed Software;
+ provided however that Licensee may use the Licensed Software's
+ scripting and QML ("Qt Quick") functionality solely in order to enable
+ scripting, themes and styles that augment the functionality and
+ appearance of the Application(s) without adding primary and
+ substantial functionality to the Application(s);
+ (iv) Licensee shall not use Licensed Software in any manner or for any
+ purpose that infringes, misappropriates or otherwise violates any
+ Intellectual property or right of any third party, or that violates
+ any applicable law;
+ (v) Licensee shall not use The Qt Company's or any of its suppliers'
+ names, logos, or trademarks to market Applications, except that
+ Licensee may use “Built with Qt” logo to indicate that Application(s)
+ was developed using the Licensed Software;
+ (vi) Licensee shall not distribute, sublicense or disclose source code of
+ Licensed Software to any third party (provided however that Licensee
+ may appoint employee(s) of Contractors as Designated Users to use
+ Licensed Software pursuant to this Agreement). Such right may be
+ available for the Licensee subject to a separate software development
+ kit (“SDK”) license agreement to be concluded with The Qt Company;
+ (vii) Licensee shall not grant the Customers a right to (i) make copies of
+ the Redistributables except when and to the extent required to use the
+ Applications and/or Devices for their intended purpose, (ii) modify
+ the Redistributables or create derivative works thereof, (iii)
+ decompile, disassemble or otherwise reverse engineer Redistributables,
+ or (iv) redistribute any copy or portion of the Redistributables to
+ any third party, except as part of the onward sale of the Device on
+ which the Redistributables are installed;
+ (viii) Licensee shall not and shall cause that its Affiliates or Contractors
+ shall not use Licensed Software in any Prohibited Combination, unless
+ Licensee has received an advance written permission from The Qt
+ Company to do so. Absent such written permission, any and all
+ distribution by the Licensee during the Term of a hardware device or
+ product a) which incorporate or integrate any part of Licensed
+ Software or Open Source Qt; or b) where the main user interface or
+ substantial functionality is provided by software built with
+ Licensed Software or Open Source Qt or otherwise depends on the
+ Licensed Software or Open Source Qt, shall be considered to be
+ Device distribution under this Agreement and shall be dependent on
+ Licensee’s compliance thereof (including but not limited to
+ obligation to pay applicable License Fees for such distribution).
+ Notwithstanding what is provided above in this sub-section (viii),
+ Licensee is entitled to use and combine Qt 3D Studio and/or Qt
+ Design Studio with Open Source Qt (“Permitted Combination”) for
+ its internal evaluation purposes, provided that Licensee shall in no
+ way transfer, publish, disclose, display or otherwise make available
+ any software or work resulting from such Permitted Combination;
+ (ix) Licensee shall cause all of its Affiliates and Contractors entitled
+ to make use of the licenses granted under this Agreement, to be
+ contractually bound to comply with the relevant terms of this
+ Agreement and not to use the Licensed Software beyond the terms
+ hereof and for any purposes other than operating within the scope of
+ their services for Licensee. Licensee shall be responsible for any
+ and all actions and omissions of its Affiliates and Contractors
+ relating to the Licensed Software and use thereof (including but not
+ limited to payment of all applicable License Fees);
+ (x) Except when and to the extent explicitly provided in this Section 3,
+ Licensee shall not transfer, publish, disclose, display or otherwise
+ make available the Licensed Software; and
+ (xi) Licensee shall not attempt or enlist a third party to conduct or
+ attempt to conduct any of the above.
+Above terms shall not be applicable if and to the extent they conflict with any
+mandatory provisions of any applicable laws. Any use of Licensed Software
+beyond the provisions of this Agreement is strictly prohibited and requires an
+additional license from The Qt Company.
+The Licensed Software may provide links to third party libraries or code
+(collectively "Third Party Software") to implement various functions. Third
+Party Software does not comprise part of the Licensed Software. In some cases,
+access to Third Party Software may be included with the Licensed Software. Such
+Third Party Software will be listed in the ".../src/3rdparty" source tree
+delivered with the Licensed Software or documented in the Licensed Software, as
+such may be amended from time to time. Licensee acknowledges that use or
+distribution of Third Party Software is in all respects subject to applicable
+license terms of applicable third party right holders.
+The Licensed Software may contain pre-release code and functionality, or sample
+code marked or otherwise stated with appropriate designation such as “Technology
+Preview”, “Alpha”, “Beta”, “Sample” etc. (“Pre-Release Code”).
+Such Pre-Release Code may be present complimentary for the Licensee, in order to
+provide experimental support or information for new platforms or preliminary
+versions of one or more new functionalities or for other similar reasons. The
+Pre-Release Code may not be at the level of performance and compatibility of a
+final, generally available, product offering. The Pre-Release Code may not
+operate correctly, may contain errors and may be substantially modified by The
+Qt Company prior to the first commercial product release, if any. The Qt Company
+is under no obligation to make Pre-Release Code commercially available, or
+provide any Support or Updates relating thereto. The Qt Company assumes no
+liability whatsoever regarding any Pre-Release Code, but any use thereof is
+exclusively at Licensee’s own risk and expense.
+For clarity, unless Licensed Software specifies different license terms for the
+respective Pre- Release Code, the Licensee is entitled to use such pre-release
+code pursuant to Section 3, just like other Licensed Software, provided however
+that in the event Add-on Products are included and available as such Pre-Release
+Code, Licensee’s right to use such Add-on Products is nevertheless subject to
+and conditional upon conclusion of separate agreement with The Qt Company.
+The Qt Company hereby represents and warrants that it has the power and
+authority to grant the rights and licenses granted to Licensee under this
+Agreement. Except as set forth above, the Licensed Software is licensed to
+Licensee "as is" and Licensee’s exclusive remedy and The Qt Company’s entire
+liability for errors in the Licensed Software shall be limited, at The Qt
+Company’s option, to correction of the error, replacement of the Licensed
+Software or return of the applicable fees paid for the defective Licensed
+Software for the time period during which the License is not able to utilize the
+Licensed Software under the terms of this Agreement.
+7.1 Limitation of Liability
+Upon due payment of the agreed License Fees the Licensee will be eligible to
+receive Support and Updates and to use the Online Services during the License
+Term, provided, however, that in the event the License Term is longer than 36
+months, the initial payment includes Support for only the first 12 months,
+unless the Parties specifically otherwise agree.
+Unless otherwise decided by The Company at its free and absolute discretion,
+Upgrades will not be included in the Support but may be available subject to
+additional fees. From time to time The Qt Company may change the Support terms,
+provided that during the respective ongoing License Term the level of Support
+provided by The Qt Company may not be reduced without the consent of the
+Licensee. Unless otherwise agreed, The Qt Company shall not be responsible for
+providing any service or support to Customers.
+Each Party acknowledges that during the Term of this Agreement each Party may
+receive information about the other Party's business, business methods, business
+plans, customers, business relations, technology, and other information,
+including the terms of this Agreement, that is confidential and of great value
+to the other Party, and the value of which would be significantly reduced if
+disclosed to third parties (“Confidential Information”). Accordingly, when a
+Party (the “Receiving Party”) receives Confidential Information from the other
+Party (the “Disclosing Party”), the Receiving Party shall only disclose such
+information to employees and Contractors on a need to know basis, and shall
+cause its employees and employees of its Affiliates to: (i) maintain any and all
+Confidential Information in confidence; (ii) not disclose the Confidential
+Information to a third party without the Disclosing Party's prior written
+approval; and (iii) not, directly or indirectly, use the Confidential
+Information for any purpose other than for exercising its rights and fulfilling
+its responsibilities pursuant to this Agreement. Each Party shall take
+reasonable measures to protect the Confidential Information of the other Party,
+which measures shall not be less than the measures taken by such Party to
+protect its own confidential and proprietary information. Obligation of
+confidentiality shall not apply to information that (i) is or becomes generally
+known to the public through no act or omission of the Receiving Party; (ii) was
+in the Receiving Party's lawful possession prior to the disclosure hereunder and
+was not subject to limitations on disclosure or use; (iii) is developed
+independently by employees or Contractors of the Receiving Party or other
+persons working for the Receiving Party who have not had access to the
+Confidential Information of the Disclosing Party, as proven by the written
+records of the Receiving Party; (iv) is lawfully disclosed to the Receiving
+Party without restrictions, by a third party not under an obligation of
+confidentiality; or (v) the Receiving Party is legally compelled to disclose, in
+which case the Receiving Party shall notify the Disclosing Party of such
+compelled disclosure and assert the privileged and confidential nature of the
+information and cooperate fully with the Disclosing Party to limit the scope of
+disclosure and the dissemination of disclosed Confidential Information to the
+minimum extent necessary.
+The obligations under this Section 9 shall continue to remain in force for a
+period of five (5) years after the last disclosure, and, with respect to trade
+secrets, for so long as such trade secrets are protected under applicable trade
+secret laws.
+10.1 License Fees
+License Fees are described in The Qt Company’s standard price list, quote or
+Purchase Order confirmation or in an appendix hereto, as the case may be. The
+License Fees shall not be refunded or claimed as a credit in any event or for
+any reason whatsoever.
+10.2 Ordering Licenses
+Licensee may purchase Development Licenses and Distribution Licenses pursuant to
+agreed pricing terms or, if no specific pricing terms have been agreed upon, at
+The Qt Company's standard pricing terms applicable at the time of purchase.
+Unless specifically otherwise provided, any pricing terms referenced in this
+Agreement shall be valid for twelve (12) months from the date of this Agreement.
+Licensee shall submit all purchase orders for Development Licenses and
+Distribution Licenses to The Qt Company by email or any other method acceptable
+to The Qt Company (each such order is referred to herein as a “Purchase Order”)
+for confirmation, whereupon the Purchase Order shall become binding between the
+10.3 Distribution License Packs
+Unless otherwise agreed, Distribution Licenses shall be purchased by way of
+Distribution License Packs. Upon due payment of the ordered Distribution
+License Pack(s), the Licensee will have an account of Distribution Licenses
+available for distributing the Redistributables in accordance with this
+Agreement. Each time Licensee distributes a copy of Redistributables, then one
+Distribution License is used, and Licensee’s account of available Distribution
+Licenses is decreased accordingly. Licensee may distribute copies of the
+Redistributables so long as Licensee has Distribution Licenses remaining on its
+10.4 Payment Terms
+License Fees and any other charges under this Agreement shall be paid by
+Licensee no later than thirty (30) days from the date of the applicable invoice
+from The Qt Company. The Qt Company will submit an invoice to Licensee after
+the date of this Agreement and/or after The Qt Company receives a Purchase Order
+from Licensee. A late payment charge of the lower of (a) one percent per month;
+or (b) the interest rate stipulated by applicable law, shall be charged on any
+unpaid balances that remain past due.
+10.5 Taxes
+All License Fees and other charges payable hereunder are gross amounts but
+exclusive of any value added tax, use tax, sales tax, withholding tax and other
+taxes, duties or tariffs (“Taxes”) levied directly for the sale, delivery or use
+of Licensed Software hereunder pursuant to any applicable law. Such applicable
+Taxes shall be paid by Licensee to The Qt Company, or, where applicable, in lieu
+of payment of such Taxes to The Qt Company, Licensee shall provide an exemption
+certificate to The Qt Company and any applicable authority.
+11.1 Licensee’s Record-keeping
+Licensee shall at all times during the Term of this Agreement and for a period
+of seven (7) years thereafter maintain Licensee’s Records in an accurate and
+up-to-date form. Licensee’s Records shall be adequate to reasonably enable The
+Qt Company to determine Licensee’s compliance with the provisions of this
+Agreement. The records shall conform to general good accounting practices.
+Licensee shall, within thirty (30) days from receiving The Qt Company’s request
+to that effect, deliver to The Qt Company a report based on Licensee’s Records,
+such report to contain information, in sufficient detail, on (i) number and
+identity of users working with Licensed Software or Open Source Qt, (ii) copies
+of Redistributables distributed by Licensee during the most recent calendar
+quarter and/or any other term specified by The Qt Company, (iii) number of
+undistributed copies of Redistributables and corresponding number of unused
+Distribution Licenses remaining on Licensee’s account, and (iv) any other
+information as The Qt Company may reasonably require from time to time.
+11.2. The Qt Company’s Audit Rights
+The Qt Company or an independent auditor acting on behalf of The Qt Company’s,
+may, upon at least five (5) business days’ prior written notice and at its
+expense, audit Licensee with respect to the Licensee’s use of the Licensed
+Software, but not more frequently than once during each 6- month period. Such
+audit may be conducted by mail, electronic means or through an in-person visit
+to Licensee’s place of business. Any such in-person audit shall be conducted
+during regular business hours at Licensee's facilities and shall not
+unreasonably interfere with Licensee's business activities. The Qt Company or
+the independent auditor acting on behalf of The Qt Company shall be entitled to
+inspect Licensee’s Records and conduct necessary interviews of Licensee’s
+relevant employees and Contractors. All such Licensee’s Records and use thereof
+shall be subject to an obligation of confidentiality under this Agreement. If
+an audit reveals that Licensee is using the Licensed Software beyond scope of
+the licenses Licensee has paid for, Licensee agrees to pay The Qt Company any
+amounts owed for such unauthorized use within 30 days from receipt of the
+corresponding invoice from The Qt Company. In addition, in the event the audit
+reveals a material violation of the terms of this Agreement (without limitation,
+either (i) underpayment of more than 10 % of License Fees or 10,000 euros
+(whichever is more) or (ii) distribution of products, which include or result
+from Prohibited Combination, shall be deemed a material violation for purposes
+of this section), then the Licensee shall pay The Qt Company's reasonable cost
+of conducting such audit.
+12.1 Agreement Term
+This Agreement shall enter into force upon due acceptance by both Parties and
+remain in force for as long as there is any Development License(s) purchased
+under this Agreement in force (“Term”), unless and until terminated pursuant to
+the terms of this Section 12.
+12.2 Termination and suspension of rights
+Either Party shall have the right to terminate this Agreement upon thirty (30)
+days prior written notice if the other Party commits a material breach of any
+obligation of this Agreement and fails to remedy such breach within such notice
+period. Instead of termination, The Qt Company shall have the right to suspend
+or withhold grants of all rights to the Licensed Software hereunder, including
+but not limited to the Development Licenses, Distribution License, and Support,
+should Licensee fail to make payment in timely fashion or otherwise violates or
+is reasonably suspected to violate its obligations or terms of this Agreement,
+and where such violation or breach is not cured within five (5) business days
+following The Qt Company’s written notice thereof.
+12.3 Mutual Right to Terminate
+Either Party shall have the right to terminate this Agreement immediately upon
+written notice in the event that the other Party becomes insolvent, files for
+any form of bankruptcy, makes any assignment for the benefit of creditors, has a
+receiver, administrative receiver or officer appointed over the whole or a
+substantial part of its assets, ceases to conduct business, or an act equivalent
+to any of the above occurs under the laws of the jurisdiction of the other
+12.4 Parties´ Rights and Duties upon Termination
+Upon expiry or termination of the Agreement Licensee shall cease and shall cause
+all Designated Users (including those of its Affiliates’ and Contractors’) to
+cease using the Licensed Software and distribution of the Redistributables under
+this Agreement. Notwithstanding the above, in the event the Agreement expires
+or is terminated:
+ (i) as a result of The Qt Company choosing not to renew the Development
+ License(s) as set forth in Section 3.1, then all valid licenses
+ possessed by the Licensee at such date shall be extended to be valid
+ in perpetuity under the terms of this Agreement and Licensee is
+ entitled to purchase additional licenses as set forth in Section
+ 10.2; or
+ (ii) for reason other than by The Qt Company pursuant to item (i) above or
+ pursuant to Section 12.2, then the Licensee is entitled, for a period
+ of six (6) months after the effective date of termination, to continue
+ distribution of Devices under the Distribution Licenses paid but
+ unused at such effective date of termination.
+Upon any such termination the Licensee shall destroy or return to The Qt Company
+all copies of the Licensed Software and all related materials and will certify
+the same to The Qt Company upon its request, provided however that Licensee may
+retain and exploit such copies of the Licensed Software as it may reasonably
+require in providing continued support to Customers. Expiry or termination of
+this Agreement for any reason whatsoever shall not relieve Licensee of its
+obligation to pay any License Fees accrued or payable to The Qt Company prior to
+the effective date of termination, and Licensee shall immediately pay to The Qt
+Company all such fees upon the effective date of termination. Termination of
+this Agreement shall not affect any rights of Customers to continue use of
+Applications and Devices (and therein incorporated Redistributables).
+12.5 Extension in case of bankruptcy
+In the event The Qt Company is declared bankrupt under a final, non-cancellable
+decision by relevant court of law, and this Agreement is not, at the date of
+expiry of the Development License(s) pursuant to Section 3.1, assigned to party,
+who has assumed The Qt Company’s position as a legitimate licensor of Licensed
+Software under this Agreement, then all valid licenses possessed by the Licensee
+at such date of expiry, and which the Licensee has not notified for expiry,
+shall be extended to be valid in perpetuity under the terms of this Agreement.
+In the event this Agreement is in the name of The Qt Company Inc., a Delaware
+Corporation, then:
+ (i) this Agreement shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with
+ the laws of the State of California, USA, excluding its choice of law
+ provisions;
+ (ii) the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale
+ of Goods will not apply to this Agreement; and
+ (iii) any dispute, claim or controversy arising out of or relating to this
+ Agreement or the breach, termination, enforcement, interpretation or
+ validity thereof, including the determination of the scope or
+ applicability of this Agreement to arbitrate, shall be determined by
+ arbitration in San Francisco, USA, before one arbitrator. The
+ arbitration shall be administered by JAMS pursuant to JAMS'
+ Streamlined Arbitration Rules and Procedures. Judgment on the Award
+ may be entered in any court having jurisdiction. This Section shall
+ not preclude parties from seeking provisional remedies in aid of
+ arbitration from a court of appropriate jurisdiction.
+In the event this Agreement is in the name of The Qt Company Ltd., a Finnish
+Company, then:
+ (i) this Agreement shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with
+ the laws of Finland, excluding its choice of law provisions;
+ (ii) the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale
+ of Goods will not apply to this Agreement; and
+ (iii) any disputes, controversy or claim arising out of or relating to this
+ Agreement, or the breach, termination or validity thereof shall be
+ finally settled by arbitration in accordance with the Arbitration
+ Rules of Finland Chamber of Commerce. The arbitration tribunal shall
+ consist of one (1), or if either Party so requires, of three (3),
+ arbitrators. The award shall be final and binding and enforceable in
+ any court of competent jurisdiction. The arbitration shall be held in
+ Helsinki, Finland and the process shall be conducted in the English
+ language. This Section shall not preclude parties from seeking
+ provisional remedies in aid of arbitration from a court of
+ appropriate jurisdiction.
+14.1 No Assignment
+Except in the case of a merger or sale of substantially all of its corporate
+assets, Licensee shall not be entitled to assign or transfer all or any of its
+rights, benefits and obligations under this Agreement without the prior written
+consent of The Qt Company, which shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed.
+The Qt Company shall be entitled to freely assign or transfer any of its rights,
+benefits or obligations under this Agreement. 14.2 No Third Party
+Representations Licensee shall make no representations or warranties concerning
+the Licensed Software on behalf of The Qt Company. Any representation or
+warranty Licensee makes or purports to make on The Qt Company’s behalf shall be
+void as to The Qt Company. 14.3 Surviving Sections Any terms and conditions
+that by their nature or otherwise reasonably should survive termination of this
+Agreement shall so be deemed to survive. Such sections include especially the
+following: 1, 2, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12.4, 13 and 14.
+14.4 Entire Agreement
+This Agreement, the exhibits hereto, the License Certificate and any applicable
+Purchase Order accepted by The Qt Company constitute the complete agreement
+between the Parties and supersedes all prior or contemporaneous discussions,
+representations, and proposals, written or oral, with respect to the subject
+matters discussed herein. In the event of any conflict or inconsistency between
+this Agreement and any Purchase Order, the terms of this Agreement will prevail
+over the terms of the Purchase Order with respect to such conflict or
+inconsistency. Parties specifically acknowledge and agree that this Agreement
+prevails over any click-to-accept or similar agreements the Designated Users may
+need to accept online upon download of the Licensed Software, as may be required
+by The Qt Company’s applicable processes relating to Licensed Software.
+14.5 Modifications
+No modification of this Agreement shall be effective unless contained in a
+writing executed by an authorized representative of each Party. No term or
+condition contained in Licensee's Purchase Order (“Deviating Terms”) shall apply
+unless The Qt Company has expressly agreed such Deviating Terms in writing.
+Unless and to the extent expressly agreed by The Qt Company, any such Deviating
+Terms shall be deemed void and with no legal effect. For clarity, delivery of
+the Licensed Software following the receipt of the Purchase Order including
+Deviating Terms shall not constitute acceptance of such Deviating Terms.”
+14.6 Force Majeure
+Except for the payment obligations hereunder, neither Party shall be liable to
+the other for any delay or non-performance of its obligations hereunder in the
+event and to the extent that such delay or non-performance is due to an event of
+act of God, terrorist attack or other similar unforeseeable catastrophic event
+that prevents either Party for fulfilling its obligations under this Agreement
+and which such Party cannot avoid or circumvent (“Force Majeure Event”). If the
+Force Majeure Event results in a delay or non-performance of a Party for a
+period of three (3) months or longer, then either Party shall have the right to
+terminate this Agreement with immediate effect without any liability (except for
+the obligations of payment arising prior to the event of Force Majeure) towards
+the other Party.
+14.7 Notices
+Any notice given by one Party to the other shall be deemed properly given and
+deemed received if specifically acknowledged by the receiving Party in writing
+or when successfully delivered to the recipient by hand, fax, or special courier
+during normal business hours on a business day to the addresses specified for
+each Party on the signature page. Each communication and document made or
+delivered by one Party to the other Party pursuant to this Agreement shall be in
+the English language.
+14.8 Export Control
+Licensee acknowledges that the Redistributables, as incorporated in Applications
+or Devices, may be subject to export control restrictions under the applicable
+laws of respective countries. Licensee shall fully comply with all applicable
+export license restrictions and requirements as well as with all laws and
+regulations relating to the Redistributables and exercise of licenses hereunder
+and shall procure all necessary governmental authorizations, including without
+limitation, all necessary licenses, approvals, permissions or consents, where
+necessary for the re-exportation of the Redistributables, Applications and/or
+14.9 No Implied License
+There are no implied licenses or other implied rights granted under this
+Agreement, and all rights, save for those expressly granted hereunder, shall
+remain with The Qt Company and its licensors. In addition, no licenses or
+immunities are granted to the combination of the Licensed Software with any
+other software or hardware not delivered by The Qt Company under this Agreement.
+14.10 Attorney Fees
+The prevailing Party in any action to enforce this Agreement shall be entitled
+to recover its attorney’s fees and costs in connection with such action.
+14.11 Privacy
+Licensee acknowledges and agrees that for the purpose of this Agreement, The Qt
+Company may collect, use, transfer and disclose personal data pertaining to
+Designated Users as well as any other employees and directors of the Licensee
+and its Contractors relevant for carrying out the intent of this Agreement. Such
+personal data may be collected from the Licensee or directly from the relevant
+individuals. The Parties acknowledge that with regard to such personal data
+processed hereunder, The Qt Company shall be regarded as the Data Controller
+under the applicable Data Protection Legislation. The Qt Company shall process
+any such personal data in accordance with its privacy policies and practices,
+which will comply with all applicable requirements of the Data Protection
+14.12 Severability
+If any provision of this Agreement shall be adjudged by any court of competent
+jurisdiction to be unenforceable or invalid, that provision shall be limited or
+eliminated to the minimum extent necessary so that this Agreement shall
+otherwise remain in full force and effect and enforceable.
+This Agreement includes Appendix 1 or/and Appendix 8, and possibly one or more
+of the appendices 3-5, depending on the product(s) purchased by the Licensee,
+what is stated in the quote or invoice, and/or what is stated in the Licensee’s
+License Certificate.
+1a. Licensed Software - Qt Toolkit
+Module Description
+Qt Core Core non-graphical classes used by other modules.
+Qt GUI Base classes for graphical user interface (GUI)
+ components.
+Qt Multimedia Classes for audio, video and camera functionality.
+Qt Multimedia Widgets Widget-based classes for implementing multimedia
+ functionality.
+Qt Network Classes to make network programming easier and more
+ portable.
+Qt QML Classes for QML and JavaScript languages.
+Qt Quick A declarative framework for building highly dynamic
+ applications with custom user interfaces.
+Qt Quick Controls 2 Provides lightweight QML types for creating
+ performant user interfaces for desktop, embedded,
+ and mobile devices.
+Qt Quick Dialogs Types for creating and interacting with system
+ dialogs from a Qt Quick application.
+Qt Quick Layouts Layouts are items that are used to arrange Qt Quick
+ 2 based items in the user interface.
+Qt Quick Test A unit test framework for QML applications.
+Qt SQL Classes for database integration using SQL.
+Qt Test Classes for unit testing Qt applications and
+ libraries.
+Qt Widgets Classes to extend Qt GUI with C++ widgets.
+Active Qt Classes for applications which use ActiveX and COM
+Qt 3D Functionality for near-realtime simulation systems
+ with support for 2D and 3D rendering.
+Qt Android Extras Provides platform-specific APIs for Android.
+Qt Bluetooth Provides access to Bluetooth hardware.
+Qt Canvas 3D Enables OpenGL-like 3D drawing calls from Qt Quick
+ applications using JavaScript.
+Qt Concurrent Classes for writing multi-threaded programs without
+ using low-level threading primitives.
+Qt D-Bus Classes for inter-process communication over the
+ D-Bus protocol.
+Qt Gamepad Enables Qt applications to support the use of gamepad
+ hardware.
+Qt Graphical Effects Graphical effects for use with Qt Quick 2.
+Qt Help Classes for integrating documentation into
+ applications, similar to Qt Assistant.
+Qt Image Formats Plugins for additional image formats: TIFF,
+Qt Location Displays map, navigation, and place content in a QML
+ application.
+Qt Mac Extras Provides platform-specific APIs for macOS.
+Qt Network Authorization Provides support for OAuth-based authorization to
+ online services.
+Qt NFC Provides access to Near-Field communication (NFC)
+ hardware.
+Qt Platform Headers Provides classes that encapsulate platform-specific
+ information.
+Qt Positioning Provides access to position, satellite and area
+ monitoring classes.
+Qt Print Support Classes to make printing easier and more portable.
+Qt Purchasing Enables in-app purchase of products in Qt
+ applications.
+Qt for Python Python bindings for Qt.
+Qt Quick Controls Reusable Qt Quick based UI controls to create
+ classic desktop-style user interfaces.
+Qt Quick Extras Provides a specialized set of controls that can
+ be used to build interfaces in Qt Quick.
+Qt Quick Widgets Provides a C++ widget class for displaying a Qt
+ Quick user interface.
+Qt SCXML Provides classes and tools for creating state
+ machines from SCXML files.
+Qt Sensors Provides access to sensor hardware and motion
+ gesture recognition.
+Qt Serial Bus Provides access to serial industrial bus interface.
+Qt Serial Port Provides access to hardware and virtual serial ports.
+Qt Speech Provides support for accessibility features such as
+ text-to-speech.
+Qt SVG Classes for displaying the contents of SVG files.
+Qt UI Tools Classes for loading QWidget based forms created in
+ Qt Designer dynamically, at runtime.
+Qt WebChannel Provides access to QObject or QML objects from HTML
+ clients for seamless integration of Qt applications
+ with HTML/JavaScript clients.
+Qt WebEngine Classes and functions for embedding web content in
+ applications using the Chromium browser project.
+Qt WebSockets Provides WebSocket communication.
+Qt WebView Displays web content in a QML application by using
+ APIs native to the platform.
+Qt Windows Extras Provides platform-specific APIs for Windows.
+Qt X11 Extras Provides platform-specific APIs for X11.
+Qt XML C++ implementations of SAX and DOM.
+Qt XML Patterns Support for XPath, XQuery, XSLT and XML schema
+ validation.
+Qt Wayland Compositor Provides a framework to develop a Wayland compositor.
+Qt Charts UI Components for displaying charts.
+Qt Data Visualization UI Components for creating 3D data visualizations.
+Qt Virtual Keyboard A framework for implementing different input methods
+ as well as a QML virtual keyboard.
+1b. Licenses software – Embedded software development libraries
+Module Description
+Boot 2 Qt stack Yocto based Embedded Linux stack for selected
+ target hardware.
+Qt OTA Client-side capability for device image updates Over
+ The Air.
+Device Utilities Collection of API’s to manage the device; E.g.
+ display, WiFi and Bluetooth settings.
+Qt Debugging Bridge (QDB) Daemon Enables host-target deployment, debugging,
+ profiling and other features over USB. Up to developer
+ to decide if this is left in the final solution.
+1c. Licensed Software - Qt Tools/Applications
+Tool Description
+Qt Creator The integrated development environment for Qt.
+Qt Designer Qt tool for designing and building graphical user
+ interfaces.
+Qt Linguist Tool used to add translations to Qt applications.
+Qt Assistant Tool for viewing online documentation in Qt
+ help-file format.
+Qmake Utility tool used to automate the generation of make
+ files.
+uic User interface compiler for the Qt GUI toolkit.
+rcc Resource compiler used for embedding resources into
+ Qt applications.
+lupdate Tool that finds the translatable strings in the
+ specified source, header and Qt Designer interface
+ files, and produces or updates translation files.
+lrelease Tool that produces translation files in the compact
+ binary format used by localized Qt applications.
+qlalr Qt parser generator tool.
+qdoc Configurable documentation generation tool.
+qmlscene QML launcher tool.
+qmlviewer QML launcher tool.
+1d. Licenses software –Qt Tools/Applications specific to embedded software
+Tool Description
+Target toolchains Cross compilation toolchains for supported target
+ devices and operating systems.
+Qt Debugging Bridge (QDB) Enables deployment, debugging, profiling and other
+Host Tools features over USB from development host PC to target
+ device.
+qtconfig-gui Qt Lite Configurator tool graphical interface.
+Qt Emulator Qt Emulator
+2. Parts of the Licensed Software that are permitted for distribution in
+object-code form only (“Redistributables”) under this Agreement:
+2a. Qt for Application Development
+ - The Licensed Software's Qt Toolkit libraries defined in 1a
+ - The Licensed Software's installer framework
+2b. Qt for Device Creation
+ - Qt for Application Development Redistributables defined in 2a
+ - The Licensed Software’s Embedded software development libraries defined
+ in 1b
+2c. Qt 3D Studio
+- The Licensed Software’s Qt 3D Studio Runtime (“Qt53DStudioRuntime2”)
+1. Licensed Software
+In addition to what is provided under the definition of the Licensed Software,
+Parties agree that Licensed Software shall also include the following additional
+software products of The Qt Company if included in the quote / invoice:
+Additional software product Description
+Qt for Automation A collection of software components and
+ libraries targeted for the development of
+ automation systems.
+Qt Safe Renderer Provides a UI rendering component that can be
+ used to render safety- critical items as well
+ as documentation and certification artifacts.
+Qt Application Manager Daemon, that helps to create embedded Linux
+ systems that have a highly complex UI setup.
+GammaRay A software introspection tool for Qt
+ applications.
+2. Parts of the Licensed Software that are permitted for distribution in
+object-code form only (“Redistributables”) under this Agreement:
+ - Qt for Automation The Licensed Software’s Qt for Automation
+ libraries defined in 1
+ - Qt Safe Renderer The Licensed Software’s Qt Safe Renderer
+ libraries defined in 1
+ - Qt Application Manager The Licensed Software’s Qt Application Manager
+ libraries defined in 1
+All the above is considered as Redistributables and subject to applicable
+provisions and limitations including but not limited to what is defined in
+section 3.
+The provisions of this Appendix 4 are applicable for Start-up Companies and for
+the Evaluation Term.
+For the purpose of this Appendix 4, the following additional definitions shall
+be applicable:
+“Trial Term” shall mean a period of twelve (12) months.
+“Start-up Company” means a company with a maximum annual revenue, including
+funding, equivalent to 100,000 USD (in applicable currency) during a respective
+calendar year, as evidenced by duly audited records of the Licensee and approved
+by The Qt Company.
+During the Trial Term, Section 3 shall apply with following modifications
+(“Trial Term Modifications”):
+ - Licenses granted under Sections 3.1 and 3.2 shall be free of any charge.
+ For clarity, License for distribution of Devices pursuant to Section 3.3 is
+ subject to applicable License Fee for necessary Distribution Licenses;
+ - Development License under Section 3.1 is limited to a maximum of three (3)
+ Designated Users; and
+ - Support is available subject to availability, as judged by The Qt Company
+ at its free and absolute discretion, provided that support will be limited
+ to a maximum of ten (10) tickets during the Trial Term.
+Upon expiry of the Trial Term:
+ a) This Appendix 4 is terminated, Trial Term Modifications cease to remain in
+ force, Licensee’s Development Licenses shall be automatically converted
+ into licenses subject to a License Fee (in the amount specified in the
+ quote or in Appendix 2 and payable with a 30-day payment term) and
+ Licensee’s rights and obligations under this Agreement shall continue to
+ remain in force under the standard provisions of the Agreement, unless the
+ Licensee notifies The Qt Company in writing no less than ninety (90) days
+ before such expiry date that Licensee does not agree to such continuance,
+ in which event the Agreement, and all rights of the Licensee thereunder,
+ shall expire; provided however that
+ b) in the event the Licensee still qualifies as a Start-up Company, the
+ Licensee has an option (“Option”), instead of what is stated in item a)
+ above, to extend the Trial Term renewal is limited to one time and total
+ duration of Trial Terms thus to 24 months after the effective date.
+ Licensee shall notify The Qt Company in writing no less than ninety (90)
+ days before the expiry date, if Licensee wish to exercise the Option.
+The provisions of this Appendix 5 are applicable for non-commercial use of the
+Licensed Software by the Licensee. For the purpose of this Appendix 5, the
+following additional definitions (replacing the relevant definition of the
+Agreement, where applicable) shall be applicable:
+“Demo Units” shall mean
+ (i) hardware development platform, which incorporates the Licensed
+ Software along with Licensee’s software and/or hardware, and
+ (ii) prototype versions of Applications or Devices.
+“Designated User(s)” shall mean the employees and students of the Licensee.
+“Licensee Products” shall mean Applications and/or Devices.
+“Permitted Purpose” shall mean
+ (i) Licensee’s internal evaluation and testing of Licensed Software,
+ (ii) building Demo Units as well as
+ (iii) educational use.
+“Term” shall mean a period of twelve (12) months or any such other period as
+may be agreed between the Parties.
+For the purpose of this Appendix 5, the following changes shall be agreed with
+respect to relevant Sections of the Agreement:
+ I. Recital (A) shall be replaced in its entirety to read as follows: “(A)
+ Licensee wishes to use the Licensed Software for the Permitted Purpose.”
+ II. Section 3.1 shall be replaced in its entirety to read as follows: “The
+ Qt Company grants to Licensee a personal, non-exclusive,
+ non-transferable, revocable, royalty-free license, valid for the Term,
+ to use, modify and copy the Licensed Software solely for the Permitted
+ Purpose. Licensee may install copies of the Licensed Software on an
+ unlimited number of computers provided that only Designated Users may
+ use the Licensed Software. Licensee may demonstrate the Demo Units,
+ provided that such demonstrations must be conducted by Licensee, and
+ the Demo Units must remain in Licensee’s possession and under
+ Licensee’s control at all times. For clarity, this Agreement does not
+ (i) entitle Licensee to use Licensed Software to create Applications
+ or Devices (other than prototypes thereof) or
+ (ii) carry any distribution rights to Licensee, but such rights are
+ subject to and conditional upon conclusion of a separate
+ license agreement with The Qt Company.”
+ III. Sections 3.2, 3.3, 8 and 10 shall be deleted.
+ IV. Section 3.4 shall be replaced in its entirety to read as follows:
+ “Licensee shall not:
+ - remove or alter any copyright, trademark or other proprietary
+ rights notice contained in any portion of the Licensed Software;
+ - transfer, publish, sublicense, disclose, display or otherwise make
+ the Licensed Software available to any third party (except that
+ Licensee may demonstrate the Demo Units pursuant to Section 3.1);
+ - in any way combine, incorporate or integrate Licensed Software
+ with, or use Licensed Software for creation of, any software
+ created with or incorporating Open Source Qt;
+ - Licensee shall cause all Designated Users who make use of the
+ licenses granted under this Agreement, to be contractually bound to
+ comply with the relevant terms of this Agreement and not to use the
+ Licensed Software beyond the terms hereof. Licensee shall be
+ responsible for any and all actions and omissions of its Designated
+ Users relating to the Licensed Software and use thereof. Any use
+ of Licensed Software beyond the provisions of this Agreement is
+ strictly prohibited and requires an additional license from The Qt
+ Company.”
+ V. Section 12 shall be replaced in its entirety to read as follows: “This
+ Agreement shall enter into force upon due acceptance by both Parties
+ and remain in force for the Term, unless and until terminated pursuant
+ to the terms of Section 12. Upon termination of the Agreement, Licensee
+ shall cease using the Licensed Software. All other copies of Licensed
+ Software in the possession or control of Licensee must be erased or
+ destroyed. An officer of Licensee must, upon request, promptly deliver
+ to The Qt Company a written confirmation that this has occurred.”
+Except for the modifications specified above, this Appendix carries no change to
+the terms of the Agreement, which shall remain in full force.
+This Appendix 8 shall be applicable in case the Licensee and/or respective
+Designated User have purchased Qt for Device Creation MCU, either as an
+add-on or standalone package. In case Qt for Device Creation MCU is purchased
+as an addition to Qt for Device Creation, this appendix is an addition to
+Appendix 1. In any other case, this appendix replaces Appendix 1.
+1a. Licensed Software - Qt Toolkit
+Module Description
+Qt Quick Controls 2 Provides lightweight QML types for creating
+ performant user interfaces for desktop, embedded,
+ and mobile devices.
+1b. Licensed software – Embedded software development libraries
+Module Description
+Qt Quick Ultralite Qt Quick Ultralite (QUL) rendering engine and sample
+ source codes.
+Qt Quick Ultralite Platform adaptations including OS support that allow
+Platform Adaptations applications on QUL to run on microcontrollers
+1c. Licensed Software - Qt Tools/Applications
+Tool Description
+Qt Creator The integrated development environment for Qt.
+Qt Designer Qt tool for designing and building graphical user
+ interfaces.
+Qt Linguist Tool used to add translations to Qt applications.
+Qt Assistant Tool for viewing online documentation in Qt help-file
+ format.
+lupdate Tool that finds the translatable strings in the
+ specified source, header and Qt Designer interface
+ files, and produces or updates translation files.
+lrelease Tool that produces translation files in the compact
+ binary format used by localized Qt applications.
+1d. Licensed software – Qt Tools/Applications specific to embedded software
+Tool Description
+Target toolchains Cross compilation toolchains for supported target
+ devices and operating systems.
+qmlinterfaceextractor Tool to generate QML from header file.
+qml2cpp Tool to convert QML to C++ files.
+fontcompiler Tool to compile font meta data and True Type fonts.
+2. Parts of the Licensed Software that are permitted for distribution in
+object-code form only (“Redistributables”) under this Agreement:
+ - The Licensed Software’s Embedded software development libraries
+ defined in 1b.
diff --git a/configure.pri b/configure.pri
index b109192beb..037cd0abc4 100644
--- a/configure.pri
+++ b/configure.pri
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ defineReplace(qtConfFunc_licenseCheck) {
hasOpenSource = true
else: \
hasOpenSource = false
hasCommercial = true
else: \
hasCommercial = false
@@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ defineReplace(qtConfFunc_licenseCheck) {
affix = either
} else {
- theLicense = $$cat($$QT_SOURCE_TREE/LICENSE.QT-LICENSE-AGREEMENT-4.0, lines)
theLicense = $$first(theLicense)
showWhat = "Type '?' to view the $${theLicense}."
@@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ defineReplace(qtConfFunc_licenseCheck) {
} else: equals(val, n)|equals(val, no) {
} else: equals(commercial, yes):equals(val, ?) {
} else: equals(commercial, no):equals(val, l) {
} else: equals(commercial, no):equals(val, g):$$gpl2Ok {