diff options
48 files changed, 752 insertions, 109 deletions
diff --git a/config_help.txt b/config_help.txt
index f06584a480..6b1401c618 100644
--- a/config_help.txt
+++ b/config_help.txt
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ Build options:
-debug-and-release ... Build two versions of Qt, with and without
debugging turned on [yes] (Apple and Windows only)
-optimize-debug ...... Enable debug-friendly optimizations in debug builds
- [auto] (Not supported with MSVC)
+ [auto] (Not supported with MSVC or Clang toolchains)
-optimize-size ....... Optimize release builds for size instead of speed [no]
-optimized-tools ..... Build optimized host tools even in debug build [no]
-force-debug-info .... Create symbol files for release builds [no]
diff --git a/configure.json b/configure.json
index a91456aaf3..ce20aa3dc1 100644
--- a/configure.json
+++ b/configure.json
@@ -689,7 +689,7 @@
"optimize_debug": {
"label": "Optimize debug build",
- "condition": "!config.msvc && (features.debug || features.debug_and_release) && tests.optimize_debug",
+ "condition": "!config.msvc && !config.clang && (features.debug || features.debug_and_release) && tests.optimize_debug",
"output": [ "privateConfig" ]
"optimize_size": {
@@ -1312,7 +1312,7 @@ Configure with '-qreal float' to create a build that is binary-compatible with 5
"type": "feature",
"args": "optimize_debug",
- "condition": "!config.msvc && (features.debug || features.debug_and_release)"
+ "condition": "!config.msvc && !config.clang && (features.debug || features.debug_and_release)"
"type": "feature",
diff --git a/src/corelib/Qt5CoreMacros.cmake b/src/corelib/Qt5CoreMacros.cmake
index 489bc75511..8b65db95cb 100644
--- a/src/corelib/Qt5CoreMacros.cmake
+++ b/src/corelib/Qt5CoreMacros.cmake
@@ -137,6 +137,9 @@ function(QT5_CREATE_MOC_COMMAND infile outfile moc_flags moc_options moc_target
DEPENDS ${infile} ${moc_depends}
+ set_source_files_properties(${infile} PROPERTIES SKIP_AUTOMOC ON)
+ set_source_files_properties(${outfile} PROPERTIES SKIP_AUTOMOC ON)
+ set_source_files_properties(${outfile} PROPERTIES SKIP_AUTOUIC ON)
@@ -155,7 +158,6 @@ function(QT5_GENERATE_MOC infile outfile )
set(moc_target ${ARGV3})
qt5_create_moc_command(${abs_infile} ${_outfile} "${moc_flags}" "" "${moc_target}" "")
- set_source_files_properties(${outfile} PROPERTIES SKIP_AUTOMOC TRUE) # dont run automoc on this file
@@ -246,6 +248,7 @@ function(QT5_ADD_BINARY_RESOURCES target )
get_filename_component(infile ${it} ABSOLUTE)
_QT5_PARSE_QRC_FILE(${infile} _out_depends _rc_depends)
+ set_source_files_properties(${infile} PROPERTIES SKIP_AUTORCC ON)
set(infiles ${infiles} ${infile})
set(out_depends ${out_depends} ${_out_depends})
set(rc_depends ${rc_depends} ${_rc_depends})
@@ -255,7 +258,6 @@ function(QT5_ADD_BINARY_RESOURCES target )
ARGS ${rcc_options} --binary --name ${target} --output ${rcc_destination} ${infiles}
DEPENDS ${rc_depends} ${out_depends} VERBATIM)
add_custom_target(${target} ALL DEPENDS ${rcc_destination})
@@ -283,12 +285,15 @@ function(QT5_ADD_RESOURCES outfiles )
set(outfile ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/qrc_${outfilename}.cpp)
_QT5_PARSE_QRC_FILE(${infile} _out_depends _rc_depends)
+ set_source_files_properties(${infile} PROPERTIES SKIP_AUTORCC ON)
add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${outfile}
ARGS ${rcc_options} --name ${outfilename} --output ${outfile} ${infile}
DEPENDS ${_rc_depends} "${out_depends}" VERBATIM)
+ set_source_files_properties(${outfile} PROPERTIES SKIP_AUTOMOC ON)
+ set_source_files_properties(${outfile} PROPERTIES SKIP_AUTOUIC ON)
list(APPEND ${outfiles} ${outfile})
set(${outfiles} ${${outfiles}} PARENT_SCOPE)
diff --git a/src/corelib/global/qfloat16.h b/src/corelib/global/qfloat16.h
index 89a62a93db..a0aa9496b4 100644
--- a/src/corelib/global/qfloat16.h
+++ b/src/corelib/global/qfloat16.h
@@ -44,7 +44,16 @@
#include <QtCore/qmetatype.h>
#include <string.h>
-#if defined __F16C__
+#if defined(QT_COMPILER_SUPPORTS_F16C) && defined(__AVX2__) && !defined(__F16C__)
+// All processors that support AVX2 do support F16C too. That doesn't mean
+// we're allowed to use the intrinsics directly, so we'll do it only for
+// the Intel and Microsoft's compilers.
+# if defined(Q_CC_INTEL) || defined(Q_CC_MSVC)
+# define __F16C__ 1
+# endif
+#if defined(QT_COMPILER_SUPPORTS_F16C) && defined(__F16C__)
#include <immintrin.h>
@@ -116,7 +125,7 @@ QT_WARNING_DISABLE_CLANG("-Wc99-extensions")
inline qfloat16::qfloat16(float f) Q_DECL_NOTHROW
-#if defined(QT_COMPILER_SUPPORTS_F16C) && (defined(__F16C__) || defined(__AVX2__))
+#if defined(QT_COMPILER_SUPPORTS_F16C) && defined(__F16C__)
__m128 packsingle = _mm_set_ss(f);
__m128i packhalf = _mm_cvtps_ph(packsingle, 0);
b16 = _mm_extract_epi16(packhalf, 0);
@@ -134,7 +143,7 @@ QT_WARNING_POP
inline qfloat16::operator float() const Q_DECL_NOTHROW
-#if defined(QT_COMPILER_SUPPORTS_F16C) && (defined(__F16C__) || defined(__AVX2__))
+#if defined(QT_COMPILER_SUPPORTS_F16C) && defined(__F16C__)
__m128i packhalf = _mm_cvtsi32_si128(b16);
__m128 packsingle = _mm_cvtph_ps(packhalf);
return _mm_cvtss_f32(packsingle);
diff --git a/src/corelib/io/qstandardpaths_win.cpp b/src/corelib/io/qstandardpaths_win.cpp
index a64bde6fb4..a06b204da7 100644
--- a/src/corelib/io/qstandardpaths_win.cpp
+++ b/src/corelib/io/qstandardpaths_win.cpp
@@ -201,6 +201,10 @@ QString QStandardPaths::writableLocation(StandardLocation type)
return result;
+extern QString qAppFileName();
QStringList QStandardPaths::standardLocations(StandardLocation type)
QStringList dirs;
@@ -217,8 +221,13 @@ QStringList QStandardPaths::standardLocations(StandardLocation type)
- dirs.append(QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath());
- dirs.append(QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath() + QLatin1String("/data"));
+ // Note: QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath(), while static, requires
+ // an application instance. But we might need to resolve the standard
+ // locations earlier than that, so we fall back to qAppFileName().
+ QString applicationDirPath = qApp ? QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath()
+ : QFileInfo(qAppFileName()).path();
+ dirs.append(applicationDirPath);
+ dirs.append(applicationDirPath + QLatin1String("/data"));
} // isConfigLocation()
diff --git a/src/corelib/tools/qversionnumber.cpp b/src/corelib/tools/qversionnumber.cpp
index 97e5da8b3c..d2667ddea9 100644
--- a/src/corelib/tools/qversionnumber.cpp
+++ b/src/corelib/tools/qversionnumber.cpp
@@ -388,7 +388,7 @@ QVersionNumber QVersionNumber::commonPrefix(const QVersionNumber &v1,
\fn QString QVersionNumber::toString() const
- Returns a string with all of the segments delimited by a '.'.
+ Returns a string with all of the segments delimited by a period (\c{.}).
\sa majorVersion(), minorVersion(), microVersion(), segments()
@@ -411,7 +411,7 @@ QString QVersionNumber::toString() const
int *suffixIndex)
Constructs a QVersionNumber from a specially formatted \a string of
- non-negative decimal numbers delimited by '.'.
+ non-negative decimal numbers delimited by a period (\c{.}).
Once the numerical segments have been parsed, the remainder of the string
is considered to be the suffix string. The start index of that string will be
diff --git a/src/gui/image/qplatformpixmap.cpp b/src/gui/image/qplatformpixmap.cpp
index 00c21a5f54..b3b9f79fb1 100644
--- a/src/gui/image/qplatformpixmap.cpp
+++ b/src/gui/image/qplatformpixmap.cpp
@@ -58,6 +58,9 @@ QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE
QPlatformPixmap *QPlatformPixmap::create(int w, int h, PixelType type)
+ if (Q_UNLIKELY(!QGuiApplicationPrivate::platformIntegration()))
+ qFatal("QPlatformPixmap: QGuiApplication required");
QPlatformPixmap *data = QGuiApplicationPrivate::platformIntegration()->createPlatformPixmap(static_cast<QPlatformPixmap::PixelType>(type));
data->resize(w, h);
return data;
diff --git a/src/gui/kernel/qhighdpiscaling_p.h b/src/gui/kernel/qhighdpiscaling_p.h
index 0a060a2d2c..83fc9452c5 100644
--- a/src/gui/kernel/qhighdpiscaling_p.h
+++ b/src/gui/kernel/qhighdpiscaling_p.h
@@ -402,7 +402,8 @@ inline QRegion fromNativeLocalExposedRegion(const QRegion &pixelRegion, const QW
const QPointF topLeftP = rect.topLeft() / scaleFactor;
const QSizeF sizeP = rect.size() / scaleFactor;
pointRegion += QRect(QPoint(qFloor(topLeftP.x()), qFloor(topLeftP.y())),
- QSize(qCeil(sizeP.width()), qCeil(sizeP.height())));
+ QPoint(qCeil(topLeftP.x() + sizeP.width() - 1.0),
+ qCeil(topLeftP.y() + sizeP.height() - 1.0)));
return pointRegion;
diff --git a/src/gui/kernel/qwindowsysteminterface.cpp b/src/gui/kernel/qwindowsysteminterface.cpp
index 34519cd91b..3f27094845 100644
--- a/src/gui/kernel/qwindowsysteminterface.cpp
+++ b/src/gui/kernel/qwindowsysteminterface.cpp
@@ -265,12 +265,12 @@ void QWindowSystemInterface::handleWindowScreenChanged(QWindow *window, QScreen
-void QWindowSystemInterface::handleApplicationStateChanged(Qt::ApplicationState newState, bool forcePropagate)
+QT_DEFINE_QPA_EVENT_HANDLER(void, handleApplicationStateChanged, Qt::ApplicationState newState, bool forcePropagate)
QWindowSystemInterfacePrivate::ApplicationStateChangedEvent *e =
new QWindowSystemInterfacePrivate::ApplicationStateChangedEvent(newState, forcePropagate);
- QWindowSystemInterfacePrivate::handleWindowSystemEvent(e);
+ QWindowSystemInterfacePrivate::handleWindowSystemEvent<Delivery>(e);
diff --git a/src/gui/kernel/qwindowsysteminterface.h b/src/gui/kernel/qwindowsysteminterface.h
index e582787dd9..e91c79749d 100644
--- a/src/gui/kernel/qwindowsysteminterface.h
+++ b/src/gui/kernel/qwindowsysteminterface.h
@@ -179,6 +179,7 @@ public:
static void handleWindowStateChanged(QWindow *window, Qt::WindowState newState, int oldState = -1);
static void handleWindowScreenChanged(QWindow *window, QScreen *newScreen);
+ template<typename Delivery = QWindowSystemInterface::DefaultDelivery>
static void handleApplicationStateChanged(Qt::ApplicationState newState, bool forcePropagate = false);
diff --git a/src/gui/text/qfont.cpp b/src/gui/text/qfont.cpp
index 7f3ed3adaa..806ede88e2 100644
--- a/src/gui/text/qfont.cpp
+++ b/src/gui/text/qfont.cpp
@@ -727,11 +727,9 @@ void QFont::setFamily(const QString &family)
\since 4.8
- Returns the requested font style name, it will be used to match the
+ Returns the requested font style name. This can be used to match the
font with irregular styles (that can't be normalized in other style
- properties). It depends on system font support, thus only works for
- \macos and X11 so far. On Windows irregular styles will be added
- as separate font families so there is no need for this.
+ properties).
\sa setFamily(), setStyle()
@@ -744,7 +742,12 @@ QString QFont::styleName() const
\since 4.8
Sets the style name of the font to \a styleName. When set, other style properties
- like \l style() and \l weight() will be ignored for font matching.
+ like \l style() and \l weight() will be ignored for font matching, though they may be
+ simulated afterwards if supported by the platform's font engine.
+ Due to the lower quality of artificially simulated styles, and the lack of full cross
+ platform support, it is not recommended to use matching by style name together with
+ matching by style properties
\sa styleName()
@@ -985,6 +988,10 @@ int QFont::pixelSize() const
Sets the style() of the font to QFont::StyleItalic if \a enable is true;
otherwise the style is set to QFont::StyleNormal.
+ \note If styleName() is set, this value may be ignored, or if supported
+ on the platform, the font may be rendered tilted instead of picking a
+ designed italic font-variant.
\sa italic(), QFontInfo
@@ -1050,6 +1057,8 @@ int QFont::weight() const
Sets the weight of the font to \a weight, using the scale defined by
\l QFont::Weight enumeration.
+ \note If styleName() is set, this value may be ignored for font selection.
\sa weight(), QFontInfo
void QFont::setWeight(int weight)
@@ -1083,6 +1092,9 @@ void QFont::setWeight(int weight)
For finer boldness control use setWeight().
+ \note If styleName() is set, this value may be ignored, or if supported
+ on the platform, the font artificially embolded.
\sa bold(), setWeight()
diff --git a/src/network/access/qhttp2protocolhandler.cpp b/src/network/access/qhttp2protocolhandler.cpp
index 114feb91b7..9dfcec8311 100644
--- a/src/network/access/qhttp2protocolhandler.cpp
+++ b/src/network/access/qhttp2protocolhandler.cpp
@@ -1069,7 +1069,7 @@ void QHttp2ProtocolHandler::updateStream(Stream &stream, const HPack::HttpHeader
QByteArray binder(", ");
if (name == "set-cookie")
binder = "\n";
- httpReply->setHeaderField(name, value.replace('\0', binder));
+ httpReplyPrivate->fields.append(qMakePair(name, value.replace('\0', binder)));
diff --git a/src/network/access/qnetworkaccessmanager.cpp b/src/network/access/qnetworkaccessmanager.cpp
index 848761c4a7..fba5755b77 100644
--- a/src/network/access/qnetworkaccessmanager.cpp
+++ b/src/network/access/qnetworkaccessmanager.cpp
@@ -985,8 +985,7 @@ QNetworkConfiguration QNetworkAccessManager::configuration() const
if (session) {
return session->configuration();
} else {
- QNetworkConfigurationManager manager;
- return manager.defaultConfiguration();
+ return d->networkConfigurationManager.defaultConfiguration();
@@ -1010,12 +1009,11 @@ QNetworkConfiguration QNetworkAccessManager::activeConfiguration() const
Q_D(const QNetworkAccessManager);
QSharedPointer<QNetworkSession> networkSession(d->getNetworkSession());
- QNetworkConfigurationManager manager;
if (networkSession) {
- return manager.configurationFromIdentifier(
+ return d->networkConfigurationManager.configurationFromIdentifier(
} else {
- return manager.defaultConfiguration();
+ return d->networkConfigurationManager.defaultConfiguration();
@@ -1342,17 +1340,16 @@ QNetworkReply *QNetworkAccessManager::createRequest(QNetworkAccessManager::Opera
if (!d->networkSessionStrongRef && (d->initializeSession || !d->networkConfiguration.identifier().isEmpty())) {
- QNetworkConfigurationManager manager;
if (!d->networkConfiguration.identifier().isEmpty()) {
if ((d->networkConfiguration.state() & QNetworkConfiguration::Defined)
- && d->networkConfiguration != manager.defaultConfiguration())
- d->createSession(manager.defaultConfiguration());
+ && d->networkConfiguration != d->networkConfigurationManager.defaultConfiguration())
+ d->createSession(d->networkConfigurationManager.defaultConfiguration());
} else {
- if (manager.capabilities() & QNetworkConfigurationManager::NetworkSessionRequired)
- d->createSession(manager.defaultConfiguration());
+ if (d->networkSessionRequired)
+ d->createSession(d->networkConfigurationManager.defaultConfiguration());
d->initializeSession = false;
@@ -1884,8 +1881,8 @@ void QNetworkAccessManagerPrivate::_q_onlineStateChanged(bool isOnline)
online = (networkConfiguration.state() & QNetworkConfiguration::Active);
} else {
if (online != isOnline) {
- _q_networkSessionClosed();
- createSession(q->configuration());
+ _q_networkSessionClosed();
+ createSession(q->configuration());
online = isOnline;
@@ -1909,13 +1906,13 @@ void QNetworkAccessManagerPrivate::_q_configurationChanged(const QNetworkConfigu
const QString id = configuration.identifier();
if (configuration.state().testFlag(QNetworkConfiguration::Active)) {
if (!onlineConfigurations.contains(id)) {
QSharedPointer<QNetworkSession> session(getNetworkSession());
if (session) {
if (online && session->configuration().identifier()
!= networkConfigurationManager.defaultConfiguration().identifier()) {
+ // CHECK: If it's having Active flag - why would it be disconnected ???
//this one disconnected but another one is online,
// close and create new session
@@ -1926,6 +1923,7 @@ void QNetworkAccessManagerPrivate::_q_configurationChanged(const QNetworkConfigu
} else if (onlineConfigurations.contains(id)) {
//this one is disconnecting
+ // CHECK: If it disconnected while we create a session over a down configuration ???
if (!onlineConfigurations.isEmpty()) {
diff --git a/src/network/ssl/qsslsocket_mac.cpp b/src/network/ssl/qsslsocket_mac.cpp
index 0aef6a2a99..2ba988fb70 100644
--- a/src/network/ssl/qsslsocket_mac.cpp
+++ b/src/network/ssl/qsslsocket_mac.cpp
@@ -1108,6 +1108,12 @@ bool QSslSocketBackendPrivate::verifySessionProtocol() const
protocolOk = (sessionProtocol() >= QSsl::SslV3);
else if (configuration.protocol == QSsl::SecureProtocols)
protocolOk = (sessionProtocol() >= QSsl::TlsV1_0);
+ else if (configuration.protocol == QSsl::TlsV1_0OrLater)
+ protocolOk = (sessionProtocol() >= QSsl::TlsV1_0);
+ else if (configuration.protocol == QSsl::TlsV1_1OrLater)
+ protocolOk = (sessionProtocol() >= QSsl::TlsV1_1);
+ else if (configuration.protocol == QSsl::TlsV1_2OrLater)
+ protocolOk = (sessionProtocol() >= QSsl::TlsV1_2);
protocolOk = (sessionProtocol() == configuration.protocol);
diff --git a/src/platformsupport/themes/genericunix/qgenericunixthemes.cpp b/src/platformsupport/themes/genericunix/qgenericunixthemes.cpp
index 323e8fd13b..4e7421e98f 100644
--- a/src/platformsupport/themes/genericunix/qgenericunixthemes.cpp
+++ b/src/platformsupport/themes/genericunix/qgenericunixthemes.cpp
@@ -120,9 +120,11 @@ static bool isDBusTrayAvailable() {
#ifndef QT_NO_DBUS
static bool checkDBusGlobalMenuAvailable()
- QDBusConnection connection = QDBusConnection::sessionBus();
- QString registrarService = QStringLiteral("com.canonical.AppMenu.Registrar");
- return connection.interface()->isServiceRegistered(registrarService);
+ const QDBusConnection connection = QDBusConnection::sessionBus();
+ static const QString registrarService = QStringLiteral("com.canonical.AppMenu.Registrar");
+ if (const auto iface = connection.interface())
+ return iface->isServiceRegistered(registrarService);
+ return false;
static bool isDBusGlobalMenuAvailable()
diff --git a/src/plugins/platforms/cocoa/ b/src/plugins/platforms/cocoa/
index ec9d25fff9..2e64204fb7 100644
--- a/src/plugins/platforms/cocoa/
+++ b/src/plugins/platforms/cocoa/
@@ -2068,6 +2068,7 @@ static QPoint mapWindowCoordinates(QWindow *source, QWindow *target, QPoint poin
else {
NSImage *nsimage = qt_mac_create_nsimage(pixmapCursor);
+ nsimage.size = NSSizeFromCGSize((pixmapCursor.size() / pixmapCursor.devicePixelRatioF()).toCGSize());
nativeCursor = [[NSCursor alloc] initWithImage:nsimage hotSpot:NSZeroPoint];
[nsimage release];
diff --git a/src/plugins/platforms/ios/ b/src/plugins/platforms/ios/
index 7b923e4692..13e7e1150f 100644
--- a/src/plugins/platforms/ios/
+++ b/src/plugins/platforms/ios/
@@ -39,6 +39,8 @@
#include "qiosapplicationstate.h"
+#include "qiosglobal.h"
#include <qpa/qwindowsysteminterface.h>
#include <QtCore/qcoreapplication.h>
@@ -72,8 +74,8 @@ static Qt::ApplicationState qtApplicationState(UIApplicationState uiApplicationS
static void handleApplicationStateChanged(UIApplicationState uiApplicationState)
Qt::ApplicationState state = qtApplicationState(uiApplicationState);
- QWindowSystemInterface::handleApplicationStateChanged(state);
- QWindowSystemInterface::flushWindowSystemEvents();
+ qCDebug(lcQpaApplication) << "moved to" << state;
+ QWindowSystemInterface::handleApplicationStateChanged<QWindowSystemInterface::SynchronousDelivery>(state);
diff --git a/src/plugins/platforms/ios/ b/src/plugins/platforms/ios/
index 2d5286e971..6a6cbb4324 100644
--- a/src/plugins/platforms/ios/
+++ b/src/plugins/platforms/ios/
@@ -165,8 +165,6 @@ bool QIOSContext::makeCurrent(QPlatformSurface *surface)
- connect(static_cast<QIOSWindow *>(surface), SIGNAL(destroyed(QObject*)), this, SLOT(windowDestroyed(QObject*)));
} else {
glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, framebufferObject.handle);
@@ -249,8 +247,13 @@ QIOSContext::FramebufferObject &QIOSContext::backingFramebufferObjectFor(QPlatfo
// should probably use QOpenGLMultiGroupSharedResource to track the shared default-FBOs.
if (m_sharedContext)
return m_sharedContext->backingFramebufferObjectFor(surface);
- else
- return m_framebufferObjects[surface];
+ if (!m_framebufferObjects.contains(surface)) {
+ // We're about to create a new FBO, make sure it's cleaned up as well
+ connect(static_cast<QIOSWindow *>(surface), SIGNAL(destroyed(QObject*)), this, SLOT(windowDestroyed(QObject*)));
+ }
+ return m_framebufferObjects[surface];
GLuint QIOSContext::defaultFramebufferObject(QPlatformSurface *surface) const
diff --git a/src/plugins/platforms/ios/qiosglobal.h b/src/plugins/platforms/ios/qiosglobal.h
index f74e3004cc..8b39aded06 100644
--- a/src/plugins/platforms/ios/qiosglobal.h
+++ b/src/plugins/platforms/ios/qiosglobal.h
@@ -47,7 +47,9 @@
#if !defined(QT_NO_DEBUG)
#define qImDebug \
diff --git a/src/plugins/platforms/ios/ b/src/plugins/platforms/ios/
index 1482ffc7af..f27b2242df 100644
--- a/src/plugins/platforms/ios/
+++ b/src/plugins/platforms/ios/
@@ -44,7 +44,9 @@
+Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(lcQpaApplication, "qt.qpa.application");
Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(lcQpaInputMethods, "qt.qpa.input.methods");
+Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(lcQpaWindow, "qt.qpa.window");
bool isQtApplication()
diff --git a/src/plugins/platforms/ios/ b/src/plugins/platforms/ios/
index 8ff0dfbd5f..fb161febda 100644
--- a/src/plugins/platforms/ios/
+++ b/src/plugins/platforms/ios/
@@ -244,12 +244,25 @@ void QIOSWindow::setWindowState(Qt::WindowState state)
case Qt::WindowMaximized:
- applyGeometry(window()->flags() & Qt::MaximizeUsingFullscreenGeometryHint ?
- screen()->geometry() : screen()->availableGeometry());
- break;
- case Qt::WindowFullScreen:
- applyGeometry(screen()->geometry());
+ case Qt::WindowFullScreen: {
+ // When an application is in split-view mode, the UIScreen still has the
+ // same geometry, but the UIWindow is resized to the area reserved for the
+ // application. We use this to constrain the geometry used when applying the
+ // fullscreen or maximized window states. Note that we do not do this
+ // in applyGeometry(), as we don't want to artificially limit window
+ // placement "outside" of the screen bounds if that's what the user wants.
+ QRect uiWindowBounds = QRectF::fromCGRect(m_view.window.bounds).toRect();
+ QRect fullscreenGeometry = screen()->geometry().intersected(uiWindowBounds);
+ QRect maximizedGeometry = window()->flags() & Qt::MaximizeUsingFullscreenGeometryHint ?
+ fullscreenGeometry : screen()->availableGeometry().intersected(uiWindowBounds);
+ if (state & Qt::WindowFullScreen)
+ applyGeometry(fullscreenGeometry);
+ else
+ applyGeometry(maximizedGeometry);
+ }
case Qt::WindowMinimized:
diff --git a/src/plugins/platforms/ios/ b/src/plugins/platforms/ios/
index 9966bd50a3..bf26feac9f 100644
--- a/src/plugins/platforms/ios/
+++ b/src/plugins/platforms/ios/
@@ -165,6 +165,7 @@
requestedGeometry : qt_window_private(m_qioswindow->window())->geometry;
QWindow *window = m_qioswindow->window();
+ qCDebug(lcQpaWindow) << m_qioswindow->window() << "new geometry is" << actualGeometry;
QWindowSystemInterface::handleGeometryChange<QWindowSystemInterface::SynchronousDelivery>(window, actualGeometry, previousGeometry);
if (actualGeometry.size() != previousGeometry.size()) {
@@ -197,6 +198,7 @@
region = QRect(QPoint(), bounds);
+ qCDebug(lcQpaWindow) << m_qioswindow->window() << region << "isExposed" << m_qioswindow->isExposed();
QWindowSystemInterface::handleExposeEvent<QWindowSystemInterface::SynchronousDelivery>(m_qioswindow->window(), region);
diff --git a/src/plugins/sqldrivers/oci/qsql_oci.cpp b/src/plugins/sqldrivers/oci/qsql_oci.cpp
index a4793351de..9ce2fc1b55 100644
--- a/src/plugins/sqldrivers/oci/qsql_oci.cpp
+++ b/src/plugins/sqldrivers/oci/qsql_oci.cpp
@@ -2603,7 +2603,7 @@ QSqlIndex QOCIDriver::primaryIndex(const QString& tablename) const
QString stmt(QLatin1String("select b.column_name, b.index_name, a.table_name, a.owner "
"from all_constraints a, all_ind_columns b "
"where a.constraint_type='P' "
- "and b.index_name = a.constraint_name "
+ "and b.index_name = a.index_name "
"and b.index_owner = a.owner"));
bool buildIndex = false;
diff --git a/src/widgets/Qt5WidgetsMacros.cmake b/src/widgets/Qt5WidgetsMacros.cmake
index f5e7b7f050..737371a5ad 100644
--- a/src/widgets/Qt5WidgetsMacros.cmake
+++ b/src/widgets/Qt5WidgetsMacros.cmake
@@ -59,6 +59,9 @@ function(QT5_WRAP_UI outfiles )
ARGS ${ui_options} -o ${outfile} ${infile}
+ set_source_files_properties(${infile} PROPERTIES SKIP_AUTOUIC ON)
+ set_source_files_properties(${outfile} PROPERTIES SKIP_AUTOMOC ON)
+ set_source_files_properties(${outfile} PROPERTIES SKIP_AUTOUIC ON)
list(APPEND ${outfiles} ${outfile})
set(${outfiles} ${${outfiles}} PARENT_SCOPE)
diff --git a/src/widgets/itemviews/qheaderview.cpp b/src/widgets/itemviews/qheaderview.cpp
index 298270a785..4e4c9572a3 100644
--- a/src/widgets/itemviews/qheaderview.cpp
+++ b/src/widgets/itemviews/qheaderview.cpp
@@ -2086,40 +2086,26 @@ void QHeaderViewPrivate::_q_layoutChanged()
- if (persistentHiddenSections.isEmpty() || modelIsEmpty()) {
- if (modelSectionCount() != sectionCount())
- q->initializeSections();
- persistentHiddenSections.clear();
+ const auto hiddenSections = persistentHiddenSections;
+ persistentHiddenSections.clear();
+ clear();
+ q->initializeSections();
+ invalidateCachedSizeHint();
+ if (modelIsEmpty()) {
- QBitArray oldSectionHidden = sectionsHiddenToBitVector();
- oldSectionHidden.resize(sectionItems.size());
- bool sectionCountChanged = false;
- for (int i = 0; i < persistentHiddenSections.count(); ++i) {
- QModelIndex index =;
+ for (const auto &index : hiddenSections) {
if (index.isValid()) {
const int logical = (orientation == Qt::Horizontal
? index.column()
: index.row());
q->setSectionHidden(logical, true);
- oldSectionHidden.setBit(logical, false);
- } else if (!sectionCountChanged && (modelSectionCount() != sectionCount())) {
- sectionCountChanged = true;
- break;
- persistentHiddenSections.clear();
- for (int i = 0; i < oldSectionHidden.count(); ++i) {
- if (oldSectionHidden.testBit(i))
- q->setSectionHidden(i, false);
- }
- // the number of sections changed; we need to reread the state of the model
- if (sectionCountChanged)
- q->initializeSections();
diff --git a/src/widgets/itemviews/qtableview.cpp b/src/widgets/itemviews/qtableview.cpp
index 2d5813198c..8ab811e9f7 100644
--- a/src/widgets/itemviews/qtableview.cpp
+++ b/src/widgets/itemviews/qtableview.cpp
@@ -1397,6 +1397,9 @@ void QTableView::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event)
} else {
dirtyArea.setRight(qMin(dirtyArea.right(), int(x)));
+ // dirtyArea may be invalid when the horizontal header is not stretched
+ if (!dirtyArea.isValid())
+ continue;
// get the horizontal start and end visual sections
int left = horizontalHeader->visualIndexAt(dirtyArea.left());
diff --git a/src/widgets/itemviews/qtreeview.cpp b/src/widgets/itemviews/qtreeview.cpp
index 2abb1a9c14..bbbadecff8 100644
--- a/src/widgets/itemviews/qtreeview.cpp
+++ b/src/widgets/itemviews/qtreeview.cpp
@@ -736,7 +736,10 @@ void QTreeView::dataChanged(const QModelIndex &topLeft, const QModelIndex &botto
void QTreeView::hideColumn(int column)
+ if (d->header->isSectionHidden(column))
+ return;
+ doItemsLayout();
@@ -747,7 +750,10 @@ void QTreeView::hideColumn(int column)
void QTreeView::showColumn(int column)
+ if (!d->header->isSectionHidden(column))
+ return;
+ doItemsLayout();
@@ -1008,11 +1014,16 @@ void QTreeView::keyboardSearch(const QString &search)
if (!d->model->rowCount(d->root) || !d->model->columnCount(d->root))
+ // Do a relayout nows, so that we can utilize viewItems
+ d->executePostedLayout();
+ if (d->viewItems.isEmpty())
+ return;
QModelIndex start;
if (currentIndex().isValid())
start = currentIndex();
- start = d->model->index(0, 0, d->root);
+ start = d->;
bool skipRow = false;
bool keyboardTimeWasValid = d->keyboardInputTime.isValid();
@@ -1040,13 +1051,16 @@ void QTreeView::keyboardSearch(const QString &search)
// skip if we are searching for the same key or a new search started
if (skipRow) {
- if (indexBelow(start).isValid())
+ if (indexBelow(start).isValid()) {
start = indexBelow(start);
- else
- start = d->model->index(0, start.column(), d->root);
+ } else {
+ const int origCol = start.column();
+ start = d->;
+ if (origCol != start.column())
+ start = start.sibling(start.row(), origCol);
+ }
- d->executePostedLayout();
int startIndex = d->viewIndex(start);
if (startIndex <= -1)
diff --git a/src/widgets/styles/qfusionstyle.cpp b/src/widgets/styles/qfusionstyle.cpp
index 016a5e2ad7..774eca1018 100644
--- a/src/widgets/styles/qfusionstyle.cpp
+++ b/src/widgets/styles/qfusionstyle.cpp
@@ -472,8 +472,10 @@ void QFusionStyle::drawPrimitive(PrimitiveElement elem,
if (option->state & State_Open)
drawPrimitive(PE_IndicatorArrowDown, option, painter, widget);
- else
- drawPrimitive(PE_IndicatorArrowRight, option, painter, widget);
+ else {
+ const bool reverse = (option->direction == Qt::RightToLeft);
+ drawPrimitive(reverse ? PE_IndicatorArrowLeft : PE_IndicatorArrowRight, option, painter, widget);
+ }
#if QT_CONFIG(tabbar)
diff --git a/src/widgets/widgets/qabstractbutton.cpp b/src/widgets/widgets/qabstractbutton.cpp
index dbd94e890d..5854472ff0 100644
--- a/src/widgets/widgets/qabstractbutton.cpp
+++ b/src/widgets/widgets/qabstractbutton.cpp
@@ -991,13 +991,14 @@ void QAbstractButton::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e)
void QAbstractButton::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *e)
- d->pressed = false;
if (e->button() != Qt::LeftButton) {
+ d->pressed = false;
if (!d->down) {
// refresh is required by QMacStyle to resume the default button animation
diff --git a/src/widgets/widgets/qtoolbar.cpp b/src/widgets/widgets/qtoolbar.cpp
index 663e8214c0..243fb6d555 100644
--- a/src/widgets/widgets/qtoolbar.cpp
+++ b/src/widgets/widgets/qtoolbar.cpp
@@ -1120,6 +1120,8 @@ static bool waitForPopup(QToolBar *tb, QWidget *popup)
static void enableMacToolBar(QToolBar *toolbar, bool enable)
QPlatformNativeInterface *nativeInterface = QApplication::platformNativeInterface();
+ if (!nativeInterface)
+ return;
QPlatformNativeInterface::NativeResourceForIntegrationFunction function =
if (!function)
diff --git a/tests/auto/cmake/CMakeLists.txt b/tests/auto/cmake/CMakeLists.txt
index 0e6da23c09..40c86132e9 100644
--- a/tests/auto/cmake/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/cmake/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -157,7 +157,13 @@ if (NOT CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_LESS 2.8.11 AND NOT NO_WIDGETS)
- expect_pass(test_interface_link_libraries)
- expect_pass(test_moc_macro_target)
+ # With earlier CMake versions, this test would simply run moc multiple times and lead to:
+ # /usr/bin/ld: error: CMakeFiles/mywidget.dir/mywidget_automoc.cpp.o: multiple definition of 'MyWidget::qt_static_metacall(QObject*, QMetaObject::Call, int, void**)'
+ # /usr/bin/ld: CMakeFiles/mywidget.dir/moc_mywidget.cpp.o: previous definition here
+ # Reason: SKIP_* properties were added in CMake 3.8 only
+ expect_pass(test_QTBUG-63422)
diff --git a/tests/auto/cmake/test_QTBUG-63422/CMakeLists.txt b/tests/auto/cmake/test_QTBUG-63422/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a0b82caee4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/auto/cmake/test_QTBUG-63422/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)
+find_package(Qt5Widgets REQUIRED)
+# make sure CMP0071 warnings cause a test failure
+qt5_wrap_cpp(moc_files mywidget.h)
+qt5_wrap_ui(ui_files mywidget.ui)
+qt5_add_resources(qrc_files res.qrc)
+ # source files
+ mywidget.cpp
+ mywidget.h
+ mywidget.ui
+ res.qrc
+ # generated files
+ ${moc_files}
+ ${ui_files}
+ ${qrc_files}
+target_link_libraries(mywidget ${Qt5Widgets_LIBRARIES})
diff --git a/tests/auto/cmake/test_QTBUG-63422/mywidget.cpp b/tests/auto/cmake/test_QTBUG-63422/mywidget.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7bc42537d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/auto/cmake/test_QTBUG-63422/mywidget.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2017 Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB, a KDAB Group company,, author Kevin Funk <>
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the test suite of the Qt Toolkit.
+** Commercial License Usage
+** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
+** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
+** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
+** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
+** and conditions see For further
+** information use the contact form at
+** GNU General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
+** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation with exceptions as appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL3-EXCEPT
+** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following
+** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will
+** be met:
+#include "mywidget.h"
+#include "ui_mywidget.h"
+MyWidget::MyWidget(QWidget *parent)
+ : QWidget(parent)
+ emit someSignal();
+int main(int argc, char **argv)
+ QApplication app(argc, argv);
+ MyWidget myWidget;
+ return 0;
diff --git a/tests/auto/cmake/test_QTBUG-63422/mywidget.h b/tests/auto/cmake/test_QTBUG-63422/mywidget.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d0c79c0538
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/auto/cmake/test_QTBUG-63422/mywidget.h
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2017 Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB, a KDAB Group company,, author Kevin Funk <>
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the test suite of the Qt Toolkit.
+** Commercial License Usage
+** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
+** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
+** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
+** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
+** and conditions see For further
+** information use the contact form at
+** GNU General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
+** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation with exceptions as appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL3-EXCEPT
+** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following
+** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will
+** be met:
+#ifndef MYWIDGET_H
+#define MYWIDGET_H
+#include <QWidget>
+namespace Ui
+class MyWidget;
+class MyWidget : public QWidget
+ MyWidget(QWidget *parent = nullptr);
+ void someSignal();
+ Ui::MyWidget *ui = nullptr;
diff --git a/tests/auto/cmake/test_QTBUG-63422/mywidget.ui b/tests/auto/cmake/test_QTBUG-63422/mywidget.ui
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ac42ac4dc2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/auto/cmake/test_QTBUG-63422/mywidget.ui
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<ui version="4.0">
+ <class>Form</class>
+ <widget class="QWidget" name="Form">
+ <property name="geometry">
+ <rect>
+ <x>0</x>
+ <y>0</y>
+ <width>400</width>
+ <height>300</height>
+ </rect>
+ </property>
+ <property name="windowTitle">
+ <string>Form</string>
+ </property>
+ <layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="verticalLayout">
+ <item>
+ <widget class="QPushButton" name="pushButton">
+ <property name="text">
+ <string>PushButton</string>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <widget class="QLineEdit" name="lineEdit"/>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <widget class="QTextEdit" name="textEdit"/>
+ </item>
+ </layout>
+ </widget>
+ <resources/>
+ <connections/>
diff --git a/tests/auto/cmake/test_QTBUG-63422/res.qrc b/tests/auto/cmake/test_QTBUG-63422/res.qrc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4ca9cd5837
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/auto/cmake/test_QTBUG-63422/res.qrc
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+<!DOCTYPE RCC><RCC version="1.0">
diff --git a/tests/auto/corelib/io/qfile/tst_qfile.cpp b/tests/auto/corelib/io/qfile/tst_qfile.cpp
index 5f3ebeadd7..5f0eae6fc3 100644
--- a/tests/auto/corelib/io/qfile/tst_qfile.cpp
+++ b/tests/auto/corelib/io/qfile/tst_qfile.cpp
@@ -405,6 +405,8 @@ void tst_QFile::cleanup()
QDir remainingDir(absoluteFilePath);
QVERIFY2(remainingDir.removeRecursively(), qPrintable(absoluteFilePath));
} else {
+ if (!(QFile::permissions(absoluteFilePath) & QFile::WriteUser))
+ QVERIFY2(QFile::setPermissions(absoluteFilePath, QFile::WriteUser), qPrintable(absoluteFilePath));
QVERIFY2(QFile::remove(absoluteFilePath), qPrintable(absoluteFilePath));
@@ -443,8 +445,6 @@ void tst_QFile::initTestCase()
m_stdinProcessDir = QFINDTESTDATA("stdinprocess");
- m_testSourceFile = QFINDTESTDATA("tst_qfile.cpp");
- QVERIFY(!m_testSourceFile.isEmpty());
m_testLogFile = QFINDTESTDATA("testlog.txt");
m_dosFile = QFINDTESTDATA("dosfile.txt");
@@ -457,15 +457,19 @@ void tst_QFile::initTestCase()
+ m_testSourceFile = QFINDTESTDATA("tst_qfile.cpp");
+ QVERIFY(!m_testSourceFile.isEmpty());
m_testFile = QFINDTESTDATA("testfile.txt");
+ m_resourcesDir = QFINDTESTDATA("resources");
+ QVERIFY(!m_resourcesDir.isEmpty());
m_dataDir = QEXTRACTTESTDATA("/");
QVERIFY2(!m_dataDir.isNull(), qPrintable("Could not extract test data"));
m_testFile = m_dataDir->path() + "/testfile.txt";
+ m_testSourceFile = m_dataDir->path() + "/tst_qfile.cpp";
+ m_resourcesDir = m_dataDir->path() + "/resources";
- m_resourcesDir = QFINDTESTDATA("resources");
- QVERIFY(!m_resourcesDir.isEmpty());
m_noEndOfLineFile = QFINDTESTDATA("noendofline.txt");
@@ -2188,12 +2192,20 @@ public:
if (fileName.startsWith(":!")) {
QDir dir;
- QString realFile = QFINDTESTDATA(fileName.mid(2));
+ const QString realFile = QFINDTESTDATA(fileName.mid(2));
+ const QString realFile = m_dataDir->filePath(fileName.mid(2));
if (dir.exists(realFile))
return new QFSFileEngine(realFile);
return 0;
+ QSharedPointer<QTemporaryDir> m_dataDir;
@@ -2202,6 +2214,9 @@ void tst_QFile::useQFileInAFileHandler()
// This test should not dead-lock
MyRecursiveHandler handler;
+ handler.m_dataDir = m_dataDir;
QFile file(":!tst_qfile.cpp");
diff --git a/tests/auto/corelib/thread/qthreadpool/tst_qthreadpool.cpp b/tests/auto/corelib/thread/qthreadpool/tst_qthreadpool.cpp
index 66853a88d8..0eaf8a4b77 100644
--- a/tests/auto/corelib/thread/qthreadpool/tst_qthreadpool.cpp
+++ b/tests/auto/corelib/thread/qthreadpool/tst_qthreadpool.cpp
@@ -94,6 +94,7 @@ private slots:
void destroyingWaitsForTasksToFinish();
void stressTest();
void takeAllAndIncreaseMaxThreadCount();
+ void waitForDoneAfterTake();
QMutex m_functionTestMutex;
@@ -1263,5 +1264,72 @@ void tst_QThreadPool::takeAllAndIncreaseMaxThreadCount() {
delete task3;
+void tst_QThreadPool::waitForDoneAfterTake()
+ class Task : public QRunnable
+ {
+ public:
+ Task(QSemaphore *mainBarrier, QSemaphore *threadBarrier)
+ : m_mainBarrier(mainBarrier)
+ , m_threadBarrier(threadBarrier)
+ {}
+ void run()
+ {
+ m_mainBarrier->release();
+ m_threadBarrier->acquire();
+ }
+ private:
+ QSemaphore *m_mainBarrier = nullptr;
+ QSemaphore *m_threadBarrier = nullptr;
+ };
+ int threadCount = 4;
+ // Blocks the main thread from releasing the threadBarrier before all run() functions have started
+ QSemaphore mainBarrier;
+ // Blocks the tasks from completing their run function
+ QSemaphore threadBarrier;
+ QThreadPool manager;
+ manager.setMaxThreadCount(threadCount);
+ // Fill all the threads with runnables that wait for the threadBarrier
+ for (int i = 0; i < threadCount; i++) {
+ auto *task = new Task(&mainBarrier, &threadBarrier);
+ manager.start(task);
+ }
+ QVERIFY(manager.activeThreadCount() == manager.maxThreadCount());
+ // Add runnables that are immediately removed from the pool queue.
+ // This sets the queue elements to nullptr in QThreadPool and we want to test that
+ // the threads keep going through the queue after encountering a nullptr.
+ for (int i = 0; i < threadCount; i++) {
+ QRunnable *runnable = createTask(emptyFunct);
+ manager.start(runnable);
+ QVERIFY(manager.tryTake(runnable));
+ }
+ // Add another runnable that will not be removed
+ manager.start(createTask(emptyFunct));
+ // Wait for the first runnables to start
+ mainBarrier.acquire(threadCount);
+ QVERIFY(mainBarrier.available() == 0);
+ QVERIFY(threadBarrier.available() == 0);
+ // Release runnables that are waiting and expect all runnables to complete
+ threadBarrier.release(threadCount);
+ // Using qFatal instead of QVERIFY to force exit if threads are still running after timeout.
+ // Otherwise, QCoreApplication will still wait for the stale threads and never exit the test.
+ if (!manager.waitForDone(5 * 60 * 1000))
+ qFatal("waitForDone returned false. Aborting to stop background threads.");
#include "tst_qthreadpool.moc"
diff --git a/tests/auto/network/access/qnetworkreply/BLACKLIST b/tests/auto/network/access/qnetworkreply/BLACKLIST
index acea0a5aad..57f33d5863 100644
--- a/tests/auto/network/access/qnetworkreply/BLACKLIST
+++ b/tests/auto/network/access/qnetworkreply/BLACKLIST
@@ -30,6 +30,8 @@ linux
+windows ci
diff --git a/tests/auto/network/access/qnetworkreply/tst_qnetworkreply.cpp b/tests/auto/network/access/qnetworkreply/tst_qnetworkreply.cpp
index b86750a900..9fa54597f1 100644
--- a/tests/auto/network/access/qnetworkreply/tst_qnetworkreply.cpp
+++ b/tests/auto/network/access/qnetworkreply/tst_qnetworkreply.cpp
@@ -622,7 +622,7 @@ protected:
// we need to emulate the bytesWrittenSlot call if the data is empty.
if (dataToTransmit.size() == 0) {
- QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "bytesWrittenSlot", Qt::QueuedConnection);
+ emit client->bytesWritten(0);
} else {
// FIXME: For SSL connections, if we don't flush the socket, the
@@ -659,22 +659,26 @@ private slots:
#ifndef QT_NO_SSL
void slotSslErrors(const QList<QSslError>& errors)
- Q_ASSERT(!client.isNull());
- qDebug() << "slotSslErrors" << client->errorString() << errors;
+ QTcpSocket *currentClient = qobject_cast<QTcpSocket *>(sender());
+ Q_ASSERT(currentClient);
+ qDebug() << "slotSslErrors" << currentClient->errorString() << errors;
void slotError(QAbstractSocket::SocketError err)
- if (client.isNull())
- qDebug() << "slotError" << err;
- else
- qDebug() << "slotError" << err << client->errorString();
+ QTcpSocket *currentClient = qobject_cast<QTcpSocket *>(sender());
+ Q_ASSERT(currentClient);
+ qDebug() << "slotError" << err << currentClient->errorString();
public slots:
void readyReadSlot()
- Q_ASSERT(!client.isNull());
+ QTcpSocket *currentClient = qobject_cast<QTcpSocket *>(sender());
+ Q_ASSERT(currentClient);
+ if (currentClient != client)
+ client = currentClient;
receivedData += client->readAll();
const int doubleEndlPos = receivedData.indexOf("\r\n\r\n");
@@ -6766,9 +6770,9 @@ void tst_QNetworkReply::getFromUnreachableIp()
QNetworkAccessManager manager;
-#ifdef Q_OS_WIN32
+#ifdef Q_OS_WIN
// This test assumes that attempt to connect to fails more
- // or less fast/immediately. This is not what we observe on Windows x86:
+ // or less fast/immediately. This is not what we observe on Windows:
// WSAConnect on non-blocking socket returns SOCKET_ERROR, WSAGetLastError
// returns WSAEWOULDBLOCK (expected) and getsockopt most of the time returns
// NOERROR; so socket engine starts a timer (30 s.) and waits for a timeout/
@@ -6806,7 +6810,7 @@ void tst_QNetworkReply::getFromUnreachableIp()
#else // bearermanagement
QSKIP("This test is non-deterministic on Windows x86");
#endif // !bearermanagement
-#endif // Q_OS_WIN32
+#endif // Q_OS_WIN
QNetworkRequest request(QUrl(""));
QNetworkReplyPtr reply(manager.get(request));
@@ -8290,11 +8294,23 @@ void tst_QNetworkReply::ioHttpRedirectErrors()
QNetworkReplyPtr reply(manager.get(request));
if (localhost.scheme() == "https")>ignoreSslErrors();
- QSignalSpy spy(, SIGNAL(error(QNetworkReply::NetworkError)));
- QCOMPARE(waitForFinish(reply), int(Failure));
+ QEventLoop eventLoop;
+ QTimer watchDog;
+ watchDog.setSingleShot(true);
- QCOMPARE(spy.count(), 1);
+ reply->connect(, QOverload<QNetworkReply::NetworkError>().of(&QNetworkReply::error),
+ [&eventLoop](QNetworkReply::NetworkError){
+ eventLoop.exit(Failure);
+ });
+ watchDog.connect(&watchDog, &QTimer::timeout, [&eventLoop](){
+ eventLoop.exit(Timeout);
+ });
+ watchDog.start(5000);
+ QCOMPARE(eventLoop.exec(), int(Failure));
QCOMPARE(reply->error(), error);
diff --git a/tests/auto/network/ssl/qsslsocket/BLACKLIST b/tests/auto/network/ssl/qsslsocket/BLACKLIST
index 52c023b78f..a9ecc69f50 100644
--- a/tests/auto/network/ssl/qsslsocket/BLACKLIST
+++ b/tests/auto/network/ssl/qsslsocket/BLACKLIST
@@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
diff --git a/tests/auto/network/ssl/qsslsocket/tst_qsslsocket.cpp b/tests/auto/network/ssl/qsslsocket/tst_qsslsocket.cpp
index 1545743ee9..f97627cb42 100644
--- a/tests/auto/network/ssl/qsslsocket/tst_qsslsocket.cpp
+++ b/tests/auto/network/ssl/qsslsocket/tst_qsslsocket.cpp
@@ -1098,6 +1098,9 @@ public:
QString m_interFile;
QString ciphers;
+ void socketError(QAbstractSocket::SocketError);
void incomingConnection(qintptr socketDescriptor)
@@ -1107,6 +1110,7 @@ protected:
if (ignoreSslErrors)
connect(socket, SIGNAL(sslErrors(QList<QSslError>)), this, SLOT(ignoreErrorSlot()));
+ connect(socket, SIGNAL(error(QAbstractSocket::SocketError)), this, SIGNAL(socketError(QAbstractSocket::SocketError)));
QFile file(m_keyFile);
@@ -1242,6 +1246,37 @@ void tst_QSslSocket::protocolServerSide_data()
#if !defined(OPENSSL_NO_SSL3)
QTest::newRow("any-ssl3") << QSsl::AnyProtocol << QSsl::SslV3 << true;
+#if !defined(OPENSSL_NO_SSL2) && !defined(QT_SECURETRANSPORT)
+ QTest::newRow("tls1.0orlater-ssl2") << QSsl::TlsV1_0OrLater << QSsl::SslV2 << false;
+#if !defined(OPENSSL_NO_SSL3)
+ QTest::newRow("tls1.0orlater-ssl3") << QSsl::TlsV1_0OrLater << QSsl::SslV3 << false;
+ QTest::newRow("tls1.0orlater-tls1.0") << QSsl::TlsV1_0OrLater << QSsl::TlsV1_0 << true;
+ QTest::newRow("tls1.0orlater-tls1.1") << QSsl::TlsV1_0OrLater << QSsl::TlsV1_1 << true;
+ QTest::newRow("tls1.0orlater-tls1.2") << QSsl::TlsV1_0OrLater << QSsl::TlsV1_2 << true;
+#if !defined(OPENSSL_NO_SSL2) && !defined(QT_SECURETRANSPORT)
+ QTest::newRow("tls1.1orlater-ssl2") << QSsl::TlsV1_1OrLater << QSsl::SslV2 << false;
+#if !defined(OPENSSL_NO_SSL3)
+ QTest::newRow("tls1.1orlater-ssl3") << QSsl::TlsV1_1OrLater << QSsl::SslV3 << false;
+ QTest::newRow("tls1.1orlater-tls1.0") << QSsl::TlsV1_1OrLater << QSsl::TlsV1_0 << false;
+ QTest::newRow("tls1.1orlater-tls1.1") << QSsl::TlsV1_1OrLater << QSsl::TlsV1_1 << true;
+ QTest::newRow("tls1.1orlater-tls1.2") << QSsl::TlsV1_1OrLater << QSsl::TlsV1_2 << true;
+#if !defined(OPENSSL_NO_SSL2) && !defined(QT_SECURETRANSPORT)
+ QTest::newRow("tls1.2orlater-ssl2") << QSsl::TlsV1_2OrLater << QSsl::SslV2 << false;
+#if !defined(OPENSSL_NO_SSL3)
+ QTest::newRow("tls1.2orlater-ssl3") << QSsl::TlsV1_2OrLater << QSsl::SslV3 << false;
+ QTest::newRow("tls1.2orlater-tls1.0") << QSsl::TlsV1_2OrLater << QSsl::TlsV1_0 << false;
+ QTest::newRow("tls1.2orlater-tls1.1") << QSsl::TlsV1_2OrLater << QSsl::TlsV1_1 << false;
+ QTest::newRow("tls1.2orlater-tls1.2") << QSsl::TlsV1_2OrLater << QSsl::TlsV1_2 << true;
QTest::newRow("any-tls1.0") << QSsl::AnyProtocol << QSsl::TlsV1_0 << true;
QTest::newRow("any-tls1ssl3") << QSsl::AnyProtocol << QSsl::TlsV1SslV3 << true;
QTest::newRow("any-secure") << QSsl::AnyProtocol << QSsl::SecureProtocols << true;
@@ -1264,6 +1299,7 @@ void tst_QSslSocket::protocolServerSide()
QEventLoop loop;
+ connect(&server, SIGNAL(socketError(QAbstractSocket::SocketError)), &loop, SLOT(quit()));
QTimer::singleShot(5000, &loop, SLOT(quit()));
QSslSocket client;
@@ -1281,7 +1317,15 @@ void tst_QSslSocket::protocolServerSide()
QFETCH(bool, works);
QAbstractSocket::SocketState expectedState = (works) ? QAbstractSocket::ConnectedState : QAbstractSocket::UnconnectedState;
- QCOMPARE(int(client.state()), int(expectedState));
+ // Determine whether the client or the server caused the event loop
+ // to quit due to a socket error, and investigate the culprit.
+ if (server.socket->error() != QAbstractSocket::UnknownSocketError) {
+ QVERIFY(client.error() == QAbstractSocket::UnknownSocketError);
+ QCOMPARE(int(server.socket->state()), int(expectedState));
+ } else if (client.error() != QAbstractSocket::UnknownSocketError) {
+ QVERIFY(server.socket->error() == QAbstractSocket::UnknownSocketError);
+ QCOMPARE(int(client.state()), int(expectedState));
+ }
QCOMPARE(client.isEncrypted(), works);
@@ -1543,7 +1587,12 @@ void tst_QSslSocket::waitForConnectedEncryptedReadyRead()
QFETCH_GLOBAL(bool, setProxy);
if (setProxy && !socket->waitForEncrypted(10000))
QSKIP("Skipping flaky test - See QTBUG-29941");
- QVERIFY(socket->waitForReadyRead(10000));
+ // We only do this if we have no bytes available to read already because readyRead will
+ // not be emitted again.
+ if (socket->bytesAvailable() == 0)
+ QVERIFY(socket->waitForReadyRead(10000));
diff --git a/tests/auto/sql/kernel/qsqldriver/tst_qsqldriver.cpp b/tests/auto/sql/kernel/qsqldriver/tst_qsqldriver.cpp
index 8f8cfe009d..7bfa29ec8e 100644
--- a/tests/auto/sql/kernel/qsqldriver/tst_qsqldriver.cpp
+++ b/tests/auto/sql/kernel/qsqldriver/tst_qsqldriver.cpp
@@ -77,6 +77,8 @@ void tst_QSqlDriver::recreateTestTables(QSqlDatabase db)
doubleField = "more_data double";
else if (dbType == QSqlDriver::Oracle)
doubleField = "more_data number(8,7)";
+ else if (dbType == QSqlDriver::PostgreSQL)
+ doubleField = "more_data double precision";
doubleField = "more_data double(8,7)";
QVERIFY_SQL( q, exec("create table " + relTEST1 +
@@ -98,6 +100,9 @@ void tst_QSqlDriver::cleanupTestCase()
foreach (const QString &dbName, dbs.dbNames) {
QSqlDatabase db = QSqlDatabase::database(dbName);
tst_Databases::safeDropTable(db, qTableName("relTEST1", __FILE__, db));
+ const QSqlDriver::DbmsType dbType = tst_Databases::getDatabaseType(db);
+ if (dbType == QSqlDriver::Oracle)
+ tst_Databases::safeDropTable(db, qTableName("clobTable", __FILE__, db));
@@ -212,6 +217,20 @@ void tst_QSqlDriver::primaryIndex()
QCOMPARE(index.count(), 1); //mysql will always find the table name regardless of casing
QCOMPARE(index.count(), 0);
+ // Test getting a primary index for a table with a clob in it - QTBUG-64427
+ if (dbType == QSqlDriver::Oracle) {
+ const QString clobTable(qTableName("clobTable", __FILE__, db));
+ QSqlQuery qry(db);
+ QVERIFY_SQL(qry, exec("CREATE TABLE " + clobTable + " (id INTEGER, clobField CLOB)"));
+ QVERIFY_SQL(qry, exec("CREATE UNIQUE INDEX " + clobTable + "IDX ON " + clobTable + " (id)"));
+ QVERIFY_SQL(qry, exec("ALTER TABLE " + clobTable + " ADD CONSTRAINT " + clobTable +
+ "PK PRIMARY KEY(id)"));
+ QVERIFY_SQL(qry, exec("ALTER TABLE " + clobTable + " MODIFY (id NOT NULL ENABLE)"));
+ const QSqlIndex primaryIndex = db.driver()->primaryIndex(clobTable);
+ QCOMPARE(primaryIndex.count(), 1);
+ QCOMPARE(primaryIndex.fieldName(0), QStringLiteral("ID"));
+ }
void tst_QSqlDriver::formatValue()
diff --git a/tests/auto/widgets/itemviews/qheaderview/tst_qheaderview.cpp b/tests/auto/widgets/itemviews/qheaderview/tst_qheaderview.cpp
index fa543ae2c3..90019a1798 100644
--- a/tests/auto/widgets/itemviews/qheaderview/tst_qheaderview.cpp
+++ b/tests/auto/widgets/itemviews/qheaderview/tst_qheaderview.cpp
@@ -210,6 +210,7 @@ private slots:
void QTBUG12268_hiddenMovedSectionSorting();
void QTBUG14242_hideSectionAutoSize();
void QTBUG50171_visualRegionForSwappedItems();
+ void QTBUG53221_assertShiftHiddenRow();
void ensureNoIndexAtLength();
void offsetConsistent();
@@ -2384,6 +2385,54 @@ void tst_QHeaderView::QTBUG50171_visualRegionForSwappedItems()
+class QTBUG53221_Model : public QAbstractItemModel
+ void insertRowAtBeginning()
+ {
+ Q_EMIT layoutAboutToBeChanged();
+ m_displayNames.insert(0, QStringLiteral("Item %1").arg(m_displayNames.count()));
+ // Rows are always inserted at the beginning, so move all others.
+ foreach (const QModelIndex &persIndex, persistentIndexList())
+ {
+ // The vertical header view will have a persistent index stored here on the second call to insertRowAtBeginning.
+ changePersistentIndex(persIndex, index(persIndex.row() + 1, persIndex.column(), persIndex.parent()));
+ }
+ Q_EMIT layoutChanged();
+ }
+ QVariant data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const override
+ {
+ return (role == Qt::DisplayRole) ? : QVariant();
+ }
+ QModelIndex index(int row, int column, const QModelIndex &) const override { return createIndex(row, column); }
+ QModelIndex parent(const QModelIndex &) const override { return QModelIndex(); }
+ int rowCount(const QModelIndex &) const override { return m_displayNames.count(); }
+ int columnCount(const QModelIndex &) const override { return 1; }
+ QStringList m_displayNames;
+void tst_QHeaderView::QTBUG53221_assertShiftHiddenRow()
+ QTableView tableView;
+ QTBUG53221_Model modelTableView;
+ tableView.setModel(&modelTableView);
+ modelTableView.insertRowAtBeginning();
+ tableView.setRowHidden(0, true);
+ QCOMPARE(tableView.verticalHeader()->isSectionHidden(0), true);
+ modelTableView.insertRowAtBeginning();
+ QCOMPARE(tableView.verticalHeader()->isSectionHidden(0), false);
+ QCOMPARE(tableView.verticalHeader()->isSectionHidden(1), true);
+ modelTableView.insertRowAtBeginning();
+ QCOMPARE(tableView.verticalHeader()->isSectionHidden(0), false);
+ QCOMPARE(tableView.verticalHeader()->isSectionHidden(1), false);
+ QCOMPARE(tableView.verticalHeader()->isSectionHidden(2), true);
void protected_QHeaderView::testVisualRegionForSelection()
QRegion r = visualRegionForSelection(QItemSelection(model()->index(1, 0), model()->index(1, 2)));
diff --git a/tests/auto/widgets/itemviews/qtreeview/tst_qtreeview.cpp b/tests/auto/widgets/itemviews/qtreeview/tst_qtreeview.cpp
index 6ee0e50cce..dfcaa9b5b9 100644
--- a/tests/auto/widgets/itemviews/qtreeview/tst_qtreeview.cpp
+++ b/tests/auto/widgets/itemviews/qtreeview/tst_qtreeview.cpp
@@ -193,6 +193,7 @@ private slots:
void taskQTBUG_37813_crash();
void taskQTBUG_45697_crash();
void taskQTBUG_7232_AllowUserToControlSingleStep();
+ void taskQTBUG_8376();
void testInitialFocus();
@@ -1066,6 +1067,103 @@ void tst_QTreeView::keyboardSearch()
// The item that starts with B is selected.
QVERIFY(view.selectionModel()->isSelected(model.index(1, 0)));
+ // Test that it wraps round
+ model.appendRow(new QStandardItem("Andy"));
+ QTest::qWait(QApplication::keyboardInputInterval() * 2);
+ view.keyboardSearch(QLatin1String("A"));
+ QVERIFY(view.selectionModel()->isSelected(model.index(3, 0)));
+ QTest::qWait(QApplication::keyboardInputInterval() * 2);
+ view.keyboardSearch(QLatin1String("A"));
+ QVERIFY(view.selectionModel()->isSelected(model.index(0, 0)));
+ QTest::qWait(QApplication::keyboardInputInterval() * 2);
+ view.keyboardSearch(QLatin1String("A"));
+ QVERIFY(view.selectionModel()->isSelected(model.index(3, 0)));
+ // Test that it handles the case where the first item is hidden correctly
+ model.insertRow(0, new QStandardItem("Hidden item"));
+ view.setRowHidden(0, QModelIndex(), true);
+ QTest::qWait(QApplication::keyboardInputInterval() * 2);
+ view.keyboardSearch(QLatin1String("A"));
+ QVERIFY(view.selectionModel()->isSelected(model.index(1, 0)));
+ QTest::qWait(QApplication::keyboardInputInterval() * 2);
+ view.keyboardSearch(QLatin1String("A"));
+ QVERIFY(view.selectionModel()->isSelected(model.index(4, 0)));
+ QTest::qWait(QApplication::keyboardInputInterval() * 2);
+ view.keyboardSearch(QLatin1String("A"));
+ QVERIFY(view.selectionModel()->isSelected(model.index(1, 0)));
+ QTest::qWait(QApplication::keyboardInputInterval() * 2);
+ model.clear();
+ view.setCurrentIndex(QModelIndex());
+ QList<QStandardItem *> items = { new QStandardItem("Andreas"), new QStandardItem("Alicia") };
+ model.appendRow(items);
+ items = { new QStandardItem("Baldrian"), new QStandardItem("Belinda") };
+ model.appendRow(items);
+ items = { new QStandardItem("Cecilie"), new QStandardItem("Claire") };
+ model.appendRow(items);
+ QVERIFY(!view.selectionModel()->hasSelection());
+ QVERIFY(!view.selectionModel()->isSelected(model.index(0, 0)));
+ // We want to search on the 2nd column so we have to force it to have
+ // an index in that column as a starting point
+ view.setCurrentIndex(QModelIndex(model.index(0, 1)));
+ // Second item in first row is selected
+ view.keyboardSearch(QLatin1String("A"));
+ QTRY_VERIFY(view.selectionModel()->isSelected(model.index(0, 1)));
+ QVERIFY(view.currentIndex() == model.index(0, 1));
+ // Second item in first row is still selected
+ view.keyboardSearch(QLatin1String("l"));
+ QVERIFY(view.selectionModel()->isSelected(model.index(0, 1)));
+ QCOMPARE(view.currentIndex(), model.index(0, 1));
+ // No "AnB" item - keep the same selection.
+ view.keyboardSearch(QLatin1String("B"));
+ QVERIFY(view.selectionModel()->isSelected(model.index(0, 1)));
+ QCOMPARE(view.currentIndex(), model.index(0, 1));
+ // Wait a bit.
+ QTest::qWait(QApplication::keyboardInputInterval() * 2);
+ // The item that starts with B is selected.
+ view.keyboardSearch(QLatin1String("B"));
+ QVERIFY(view.selectionModel()->isSelected(model.index(1, 1)));
+ QCOMPARE(view.currentIndex(), model.index(1, 1));
+ // Test that it wraps round
+ items = { new QStandardItem("Andy"), new QStandardItem("Adele") };
+ model.appendRow(items);
+ QTest::qWait(QApplication::keyboardInputInterval() * 2);
+ view.keyboardSearch(QLatin1String("A"));
+ QVERIFY(view.selectionModel()->isSelected(model.index(3, 1)));
+ QCOMPARE(view.currentIndex(), model.index(3, 1));
+ QTest::qWait(QApplication::keyboardInputInterval() * 2);
+ view.keyboardSearch(QLatin1String("A"));
+ QVERIFY(view.selectionModel()->isSelected(model.index(0, 1)));
+ QCOMPARE(view.currentIndex(), model.index(0, 1));
+ QTest::qWait(QApplication::keyboardInputInterval() * 2);
+ view.keyboardSearch(QLatin1String("A"));
+ QVERIFY(view.selectionModel()->isSelected(model.index(3, 1)));
+ QCOMPARE(view.currentIndex(), model.index(3, 1));
+ // Test that it handles the case where the first item is hidden correctly
+ model.insertRow(0, new QStandardItem("Hidden item"));
+ view.setRowHidden(0, QModelIndex(), true);
+ QTest::qWait(QApplication::keyboardInputInterval() * 2);
+ view.keyboardSearch(QLatin1String("A"));
+ QVERIFY(view.selectionModel()->isSelected(model.index(1, 1)));
+ QCOMPARE(view.currentIndex(), model.index(1, 1));
+ QTest::qWait(QApplication::keyboardInputInterval() * 2);
+ view.keyboardSearch(QLatin1String("A"));
+ QVERIFY(view.selectionModel()->isSelected(model.index(4, 1)));
+ QCOMPARE(view.currentIndex(), model.index(4, 1));
+ QTest::qWait(QApplication::keyboardInputInterval() * 2);
+ view.keyboardSearch(QLatin1String("A"));
+ QVERIFY(view.selectionModel()->isSelected(model.index(1, 1)));
+ QCOMPARE(view.currentIndex(), model.index(1, 1));
void tst_QTreeView::keyboardSearchMultiColumn()
@@ -4399,5 +4497,51 @@ void tst_QTreeView::taskQTBUG_7232_AllowUserToControlSingleStep()
QCOMPARE(hStep1, t.horizontalScrollBar()->singleStep());
+static void fillModeltaskQTBUG_8376(QAbstractItemModel &model)
+ model.insertRow(0);
+ model.insertColumn(0);
+ model.insertColumn(1);
+ QModelIndex index = model.index(0, 0);
+ model.setData(index, "Level0");
+ {
+ model.insertRow(0, index);
+ model.insertRow(1, index);
+ model.insertColumn(0, index);
+ model.insertColumn(1, index);
+ QModelIndex idx;
+ idx = model.index(0, 0, index);
+ model.setData(idx, "Level1");
+ idx = model.index(0, 1, index);
+ model.setData(idx, "very\nvery\nhigh\ncell");
+ }
+void tst_QTreeView::taskQTBUG_8376()
+ QTreeView tv;
+ QStandardItemModel model;
+ fillModeltaskQTBUG_8376(model);
+ tv.setModel(&model);
+ tv.expandAll(); // init layout
+ QModelIndex idxLvl0 = model.index(0, 0);
+ QModelIndex idxLvl1 = model.index(0, 1, idxLvl0);
+ const int rowHeightLvl0 = tv.rowHeight(idxLvl0);
+ const int rowHeightLvl1Visible = tv.rowHeight(idxLvl1);
+ QVERIFY(rowHeightLvl0 < rowHeightLvl1Visible);
+ tv.hideColumn(1);
+ const int rowHeightLvl1Hidden = tv.rowHeight(idxLvl1);
+ QCOMPARE(rowHeightLvl0, rowHeightLvl1Hidden);
+ tv.showColumn(1);
+ const int rowHeightLvl1Visible2 = tv.rowHeight(idxLvl1);
+ QCOMPARE(rowHeightLvl1Visible, rowHeightLvl1Visible2);
#include "tst_qtreeview.moc"
diff --git a/tests/auto/widgets/widgets/qabstractbutton/tst_qabstractbutton.cpp b/tests/auto/widgets/widgets/qabstractbutton/tst_qabstractbutton.cpp
index 9efa8cf47e..bc7756d32f 100644
--- a/tests/auto/widgets/widgets/qabstractbutton/tst_qabstractbutton.cpp
+++ b/tests/auto/widgets/widgets/qabstractbutton/tst_qabstractbutton.cpp
@@ -68,6 +68,7 @@ private slots:
void shortcutEvents();
void stopRepeatTimer();
+ void mouseReleased(); // QTBUG-53244
void keyNavigation();
@@ -563,6 +564,37 @@ void tst_QAbstractButton::stopRepeatTimer()
QCOMPARE(button.timerEventCount(), 0);
+void tst_QAbstractButton::mouseReleased() // QTBUG-53244
+ MyButton button(nullptr);
+ button.setObjectName("button");
+ button.setGeometry(0, 0, 20, 20);
+ QSignalSpy spyPress(&button, &QAbstractButton::pressed);
+ QSignalSpy spyRelease(&button, &QAbstractButton::released);
+ QTest::mousePress(&button, Qt::LeftButton);
+ QCOMPARE(spyPress.count(), 1);
+ QCOMPARE(button.isDown(), true);
+ QCOMPARE(spyRelease.count(), 0);
+ QTest::mouseClick(&button, Qt::RightButton);
+ QCOMPARE(spyPress.count(), 1);
+ QCOMPARE(button.isDown(), true);
+ QCOMPARE(spyRelease.count(), 0);
+ QPointF posOutOfWidget = QPointF(30, 30);
+ QMouseEvent me(QEvent::MouseMove,
+ posOutOfWidget, Qt::NoButton,
+ Qt::MouseButtons(Qt::LeftButton),
+ Qt::NoModifier); // mouse press and move
+ qApp->sendEvent(&button, &me);
+ // should emit released signal once mouse is dragging out of boundary
+ QCOMPARE(spyPress.count(), 1);
+ QCOMPARE(button.isDown(), false);
+ QCOMPARE(spyRelease.count(), 1);
void tst_QAbstractButton::keyNavigation()
diff --git a/tests/manual/cocoa/menurama/menuramaapplication.cpp b/tests/manual/cocoa/menurama/menuramaapplication.cpp
index acd44565eb..4cd741000e 100644
--- a/tests/manual/cocoa/menurama/menuramaapplication.cpp
+++ b/tests/manual/cocoa/menurama/menuramaapplication.cpp
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
#include "menuramaapplication.h"
-MenuramaApplication::MenuramaApplication(int argc, char **argv)
+MenuramaApplication::MenuramaApplication(int &argc, char **argv)
: QApplication (argc, argv)
#if 0
diff --git a/tests/manual/cocoa/menurama/menuramaapplication.h b/tests/manual/cocoa/menurama/menuramaapplication.h
index 1a5a55e0ff..2d836832fa 100644
--- a/tests/manual/cocoa/menurama/menuramaapplication.h
+++ b/tests/manual/cocoa/menurama/menuramaapplication.h
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
class MenuramaApplication : public QApplication
- MenuramaApplication(int argc, char **argv);
+ MenuramaApplication(int &argc, char **argv);
void addDynMenu(QLatin1String title, QMenu *parentMenu);
QAction *findAction(QLatin1String title, QMenu *parentMenu);