path: root/cmake/QtFeature.cmake
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'cmake/QtFeature.cmake')
1 files changed, 565 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cmake/QtFeature.cmake b/cmake/QtFeature.cmake
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3a8a04c253
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cmake/QtFeature.cmake
@@ -0,0 +1,565 @@
+ qt_parse_all_arguments(arg "qt_feature_module_begin"
+ if ("${arg_LIBRARY}" STREQUAL "" AND (NOT ${arg_NO_MODULE}))
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "qt_feature_begin_module needs a LIBRARY name! (or specify NO_MODULE)")
+ endif()
+ if ("${arg_PUBLIC_FILE}" STREQUAL "")
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "qt_feature_begin_module needs a PUBLIC_FILE name!")
+ endif()
+ if ("${arg_PRIVATE_FILE}" STREQUAL "")
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "qt_feature_begin_module needs a PRIVATE_FILE name!")
+ endif()
+ set(__QtFeature_library "${arg_LIBRARY}" PARENT_SCOPE)
+ set(__QtFeature_public_features "" PARENT_SCOPE)
+ set(__QtFeature_private_features "" PARENT_SCOPE)
+ set(__QtFeature_internal_features "" PARENT_SCOPE)
+ set(__QtFeature_private_file "${arg_PRIVATE_FILE}" PARENT_SCOPE)
+ set(__QtFeature_public_file "${arg_PUBLIC_FILE}" PARENT_SCOPE)
+ set(__QtFeature_private_extra "" PARENT_SCOPE)
+ set(__QtFeature_public_extra "" PARENT_SCOPE)
+ set(__QtFeature_define_definitions "" PARENT_SCOPE)
+function(qt_feature feature)
+ qt_parse_all_arguments(arg "qt_feature"
+ # Register feature for future use:
+ if (arg_PUBLIC)
+ list(APPEND __QtFeature_public_features "${feature}")
+ endif()
+ if (arg_PRIVATE)
+ list(APPEND __QtFeature_private_features "${feature}")
+ endif()
+ list(APPEND __QtFeature_internal_features "${feature}")
+ endif()
+ set(__QtFeature_public_features ${__QtFeature_public_features} PARENT_SCOPE)
+ set(__QtFeature_private_features ${__QtFeature_private_features} PARENT_SCOPE)
+ set(__QtFeature_internal_features ${__QtFeature_internal_features} PARENT_SCOPE)
+function(qt_evaluate_to_boolean expressionVar)
+ if(${${expressionVar}})
+ set(${expressionVar} ON PARENT_SCOPE)
+ else()
+ set(${expressionVar} OFF PARENT_SCOPE)
+ endif()
+function(qt_evaluate_config_expression resultVar)
+ set(result "")
+ set(nestingLevel 0)
+ set(skipNext OFF)
+ set(expression "${ARGN}")
+ list(LENGTH expression length)
+ math(EXPR length "${length}-1")
+ foreach(memberIdx RANGE ${length})
+ if(${skipNext})
+ set(skipNext OFF)
+ continue()
+ endif()
+ list(GET expression ${memberIdx} member)
+ if("${member}" STREQUAL "(")
+ if(${nestingLevel} GREATER 0)
+ list(APPEND result ${member})
+ endif()
+ math(EXPR nestingLevel "${nestingLevel} + 1")
+ continue()
+ elseif("${member}" STREQUAL ")")
+ math(EXPR nestingLevel "${nestingLevel} - 1")
+ if(nestingLevel LESS 0)
+ break()
+ endif()
+ if(${nestingLevel} EQUAL 0)
+ qt_evaluate_config_expression(result ${result})
+ else()
+ list(APPEND result ${member})
+ endif()
+ continue()
+ elseif(${nestingLevel} GREATER 0)
+ list(APPEND result ${member})
+ continue()
+ elseif("${member}" STREQUAL "NOT")
+ list(APPEND result ${member})
+ continue()
+ elseif("${member}" STREQUAL "AND")
+ qt_evaluate_to_boolean(result)
+ if(NOT ${result})
+ break()
+ endif()
+ set(result "")
+ elseif("${member}" STREQUAL "OR")
+ qt_evaluate_to_boolean(result)
+ if(${result})
+ break()
+ endif()
+ set(result "")
+ elseif("${member}" STREQUAL "STREQUAL" AND memberIdx LESS ${length})
+ # Unfortunately the semantics for STREQUAL in if() are broken when the
+ # RHS is an empty string and the parameters to if are coming through a variable.
+ # So we expect people to write the empty string with single quotes and then we
+ # do the comparison manually here.
+ list(LENGTH result lhsIndex)
+ math(EXPR lhsIndex "${lhsIndex}-1")
+ list(GET result ${lhsIndex} lhs)
+ list(REMOVE_AT result ${lhsIndex})
+ set(lhs "${${lhs}}")
+ math(EXPR rhsIndex "${memberIdx}+1")
+ set(skipNext ON)
+ list(GET expression ${rhsIndex} rhs)
+ # We can't pass through an empty string with double quotes through various
+ # stages of substitution, so instead it is represented using single quotes
+ # and resolve here.
+ string(REGEX REPLACE "'(.*)'" "\\1" rhs "${rhs}")
+ string(COMPARE EQUAL "${lhs}" "${rhs}" stringCompareResult)
+ list(APPEND result ${stringCompareResult})
+ else()
+ string(FIND "${member}" "QT_FEATURE_" idx)
+ if(idx EQUAL 0)
+ # Remove the QT_FEATURE_ prefix
+ string(SUBSTRING "${member}" 11 -1 feature)
+ qt_evaluate_feature(${feature})
+ endif()
+ list(APPEND result ${member})
+ endif()
+ endforeach()
+ # The 'TARGET Gui' case is handled by qt_evaluate_to_boolean, by passing those tokens verbatim
+ # to if().
+ if("${result}" STREQUAL "")
+ set(result ON)
+ else()
+ qt_evaluate_to_boolean(result)
+ endif()
+ set(${resultVar} ${result} PARENT_SCOPE)
+function(qt_feature_set_cache_value resultVar feature emit_if calculated label)
+ if (DEFINED "FEATURE_${feature}")
+ # Must set up the cache
+ if (NOT (emit_if))
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "Sanity check failed: FEATURE_${feature} that was not emitted was found in the CMakeCache.")
+ endif()
+ # Revisit value:
+ set(cache "${FEATURE_${feature}}")
+ set(booly_values OFF NO FALSE N ON YES TRUE Y)
+ if ((cache IN_LIST booly_values) OR (cache GREATER_EQUAL 0))
+ set(result "${cache}")
+ else()
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "Sanity check failed: FEATURE_${feature} has invalid value \"${cache}\"!")
+ endif()
+ # Fix-up user-provided values
+ set("FEATURE_${feature}" "${cache}" CACHE BOOL "${label}")
+ else()
+ # Initial setup:
+ if (emit_if)
+ set("FEATURE_${feature}" "${calculated}" CACHE BOOL "${label}")
+ set(result "${calculated}")
+ else()
+ set(result OFF)
+ endif()
+ endif()
+ set("${resultVar}" "${result}" PARENT_SCOPE)
+macro(qt_feature_set_value feature cache emit_if condition label)
+ set(result "${cache}")
+ if (NOT (condition) AND (cache))
+ message(SEND_ERROR "Feature \"${feature}\": Forcing to \"${cache}\" breaks its condition.")
+ endif()
+ if (DEFINED "QT_FEATURE_${feature}")
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "Feature ${feature} is already defined when evaluating configure.cmake features for ${target}.")
+ endif()
+ set(QT_FEATURE_${feature} "${result}" CACHE INTERNAL "Qt feature: ${feature}")
+function(qt_evaluate_feature feature)
+ # If the feature was set explicitly by the user to be on or off, in the cache, then
+ # there's nothing for us to do.
+ if(DEFINED "QT_FEATURE_${feature}")
+ return()
+ endif()
+ qt_debug_print_variables(DEDUP MATCH "^QT_FEATURE")
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "Attempting to evaluate feature ${feature} but its definition is missing. Either the feature does not exist or a dependency to the module that defines it is missing")
+ endif()
+ cmake_parse_arguments(arg
+ if(DEFINED QT_FEATURE_${feature})
+ return()
+ endif()
+ if("${arg_ENABLE}" STREQUAL "")
+ set(arg_ENABLE OFF)
+ endif()
+ if("${arg_DISABLE}" STREQUAL "")
+ set(arg_DISABLE OFF)
+ endif()
+ if("${arg_AUTODETECT}" STREQUAL "")
+ set(arg_AUTODETECT ON)
+ endif()
+ if("${arg_CONDITION}" STREQUAL "")
+ set(condition ON)
+ else()
+ qt_evaluate_config_expression(condition ${arg_CONDITION})
+ endif()
+ qt_evaluate_config_expression(disable_result ${arg_DISABLE})
+ qt_evaluate_config_expression(enable_result ${arg_ENABLE})
+ if(${disable_result})
+ set(result OFF)
+ elseif((${enable_result}) OR (${arg_AUTODETECT}))
+ set(result ${condition})
+ else()
+ # feature not auto-detected and not explicitly enabled
+ set(result OFF)
+ endif()
+ if("${arg_EMIT_IF}" STREQUAL "")
+ set(emit_if ON)
+ else()
+ qt_evaluate_config_expression(emit_if ${arg_EMIT_IF})
+ endif()
+ if (NOT (condition) AND (calculated))
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "Sanity check failed: Feature ${feature} is enabled but condition does not hold true.")
+ endif()
+ qt_feature_set_cache_value(cache "${feature}" "${emit_if}" "${result}" "${arg_LABEL}")
+ qt_feature_set_value("${feature}" "${cache}" "${emit_if}" "${condition}" "${arg_LABEL}")
+function(qt_feature_definition feature name)
+ qt_parse_all_arguments(arg "qt_feature_definition" "NEGATE" "VALUE" "" ${ARGN})
+ # Store all the define related info in a unique variable key.
+ set(key_name "_QT_FEATURE_DEFINE_DEFINITION_${feature}_${name}")
+ set(${key_name} "FEATURE;${feature};NAME;${name};${ARGN}" PARENT_SCOPE)
+ # Store the key for later evaluation and subsequent define generation:
+ list(APPEND __QtFeature_define_definitions "${key_name}")
+ set(__QtFeature_define_definitions ${__QtFeature_define_definitions} PARENT_SCOPE)
+function(qt_evaluate_feature_definition key)
+ if(NOT DEFINED ${key})
+ qt_debug_print_variables(DEDUP MATCH "^_QT_FEATURE_DEFINE_DEFINITION")
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "Attempting to evaluate feature define ${key} but its definition is missing. ")
+ endif()
+ cmake_parse_arguments(arg
+ "FEATURE;NAME;VALUE;" "" ${${key}})
+ set(expected ON)
+ if (arg_NEGATE)
+ set(expected OFF)
+ endif()
+ set(msg "")
+ if(QT_FEATURE_${arg_FEATURE} STREQUAL expected)
+ if (arg_VALUE)
+ string(APPEND msg "#define ${arg_NAME} ${arg_VALUE}\n")
+ else()
+ string(APPEND msg "#define ${arg_NAME}\n")
+ endif()
+ string(APPEND __QtFeature_public_extra "${msg}")
+ endif()
+ set(__QtFeature_public_extra ${__QtFeature_public_extra} PARENT_SCOPE)
+function(qt_extra_definition name value)
+ qt_parse_all_arguments(arg "qt_extra_definition" "PUBLIC;PRIVATE" "" "" ${ARGN})
+ if (arg_PUBLIC)
+ string(APPEND __QtFeature_public_extra "\n#define ${name} ${value}\n")
+ elseif(arg_PRIVATE)
+ string(APPEND __QtFeature_private_extra "\n#define ${name} ${value}\n")
+ endif()
+ set(__QtFeature_public_extra ${__QtFeature_public_extra} PARENT_SCOPE)
+ set(__QtFeature_private_extra ${__QtFeature_private_extra} PARENT_SCOPE)
+function(qt_internal_generate_feature_line line feature)
+ if (QT_FEATURE_${feature} STREQUAL "ON")
+ set(line "#define QT_FEATURE_${feature} 1\n\n" PARENT_SCOPE)
+ elseif(QT_FEATURE_${feature} STREQUAL "OFF")
+ set(line "#define QT_FEATURE_${feature} -1\n\n" PARENT_SCOPE)
+ elseif(QT_FEATURE_${feature} STREQUAL "UNSET")
+ set(line "#define QT_FEATURE_${feature} 0\n\n" PARENT_SCOPE)
+ else()
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "${feature} has unexpected value \"${QT_FEATURE_${feature}}\"!")
+ endif()
+function(qt_internal_feature_write_file file features extra)
+ message("Generating file ${file}.")
+ set(contents "")
+ foreach(it ${features})
+ qt_internal_generate_feature_line(line "${it}")
+ string(APPEND contents "${line}")
+ endforeach()
+ string(APPEND contents "${extra}")
+ file(GENERATE OUTPUT "${file}" CONTENT "${contents}")
+ set(flags)
+ set(options OUT_VAR_PREFIX)
+ set(multiopts)
+ cmake_parse_arguments(arg "${flags}" "${options}" "${multiopts}" ${ARGN})
+ set(target ${arg_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS})
+ # The value of OUT_VAR_PREFIX is used as a prefix for output variables that should be
+ # set in the parent scope.
+ set(arg_OUT_VAR_PREFIX "")
+ endif()
+ set(all_features ${__QtFeature_public_features} ${__QtFeature_private_features} ${__QtFeature_internal_features})
+ list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES all_features)
+ foreach(feature ${all_features})
+ qt_evaluate_feature(${feature})
+ endforeach()
+ set(enabled_public_features "")
+ set(disabled_public_features "")
+ set(enabled_private_features "")
+ set(disabled_private_features "")
+ foreach(feature ${__QtFeature_public_features})
+ if(QT_FEATURE_${feature})
+ list(APPEND enabled_public_features ${feature})
+ else()
+ list(APPEND disabled_public_features ${feature})
+ endif()
+ endforeach()
+ foreach(feature ${__QtFeature_private_features})
+ if(QT_FEATURE_${feature})
+ list(APPEND enabled_private_features ${feature})
+ else()
+ list(APPEND disabled_private_features ${feature})
+ endif()
+ endforeach()
+ foreach(key ${__QtFeature_define_definitions})
+ qt_evaluate_feature_definition(${key})
+ unset(${key} PARENT_SCOPE)
+ endforeach()
+ foreach(feature ${all_features})
+ endforeach()
+ qt_internal_feature_write_file("${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${__QtFeature_private_file}"
+ "${__QtFeature_private_features}" "${__QtFeature_private_extra}"
+ )
+ qt_internal_feature_write_file("${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${__QtFeature_public_file}"
+ "${__QtFeature_public_features}" "${__QtFeature_public_extra}"
+ )
+ # Extra header injections which have to have forwarding headers created by
+ # qt_install_injections.
+ # Skip creating forwarding headers if qt_feature_module_begin was called with NO_MODULE, aka
+ # there is no include/<module_name> so there's no place to put the forwarding headers.
+ if(__QtFeature_library)
+ set(injections "")
+ qt_compute_injection_forwarding_header("${__QtFeature_library}"
+ SOURCE "${__QtFeature_public_file}"
+ OUT_VAR injections)
+ qt_compute_injection_forwarding_header("${__QtFeature_library}"
+ SOURCE "${__QtFeature_private_file}" PRIVATE
+ OUT_VAR injections)
+ set(${arg_OUT_VAR_PREFIX}extra_library_injections ${injections} PARENT_SCOPE)
+ endif()
+ if (NOT ("${target}" STREQUAL "NO_MODULE"))
+ get_target_property(targetType "${target}" TYPE)
+ if("${targetType}" STREQUAL "INTERFACE_LIBRARY")
+ set(propertyPrefix "INTERFACE_")
+ else()
+ set(propertyPrefix "")
+ endif()
+ foreach(visibility public private)
+ string(TOUPPER "${visibility}" capitalVisibility)
+ foreach(state enabled disabled)
+ string(TOUPPER "${state}" capitalState)
+ set_property(TARGET "${target}" PROPERTY ${propertyPrefix}QT_${capitalState}_${capitalVisibility}_FEATURES "${${state}_${visibility}_features}")
+ endforeach()
+ endforeach()
+ qt_feature_copy_global_config_features_to_core(${target})
+ endif()
+ unset(__QtFeature_library PARENT_SCOPE)
+ unset(__QtFeature_public_features PARENT_SCOPE)
+ unset(__QtFeature_private_features PARENT_SCOPE)
+ unset(__QtFeature_internal_features PARENT_SCOPE)
+ unset(__QtFeature_private_file PARENT_SCOPE)
+ unset(__QtFeature_public_file PARENT_SCOPE)
+ unset(__QtFeature_private_extra PARENT_SCOPE)
+ unset(__QtFeature_public_extra PARENT_SCOPE)
+ unset(__QtFeature_define_definitions PARENT_SCOPE)
+function(qt_feature_copy_global_config_features_to_core target)
+ # CMake doesn't support setting custom properties on exported INTERFACE libraries
+ # See
+ # To circumvent that, copy the properties from GlobalConfig to Core target.
+ # This way the global features actually get set in the generated CoreTargets.cmake file.
+ if(target STREQUAL Core)
+ foreach(visibility public private)
+ string(TOUPPER "${visibility}" capitalVisibility)
+ foreach(state enabled disabled)
+ string(TOUPPER "${state}" capitalState)
+ set(core_property_name "QT_${capitalState}_${capitalVisibility}_FEATURES")
+ set(global_property_name "INTERFACE_${core_property_name}")
+ get_property(core_values TARGET Core PROPERTY ${core_property_name})
+ get_property(global_values TARGET GlobalConfig PROPERTY ${global_property_name})
+ set(total_values ${core_values} ${global_values})
+ set_property(TARGET Core PROPERTY ${core_property_name} ${total_values})
+ endforeach()
+ endforeach()
+ endif()
+function(qt_config_compile_test name)
+ cmake_parse_arguments(arg "" "LABEL;PROJECT_PATH" "LIBRARIES;CODE" ${ARGN})
+ if(arg_PROJECT_PATH)
+ message(STATUS "Performing Test ${arg_LABEL}")
+ try_compile(HAVE_${name} "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/config.tests/${name}" "${arg_PROJECT_PATH}"
+ "${name}")
+ if(${HAVE_${name}})
+ set(status_label "Success")
+ else()
+ set(status_label "Failed")
+ endif()
+ message(STATUS "Performing Test ${arg_LABEL} - ${status_label}")
+ else()
+ foreach(library IN ITEMS ${arg_LIBRARIES})
+ if(NOT TARGET "${library}")
+ # If the dependency looks like a cmake target, then make this compile test
+ # fail instead of cmake abort later via CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES.
+ string(FIND "${library}" "::" cmake_target_namespace_separator)
+ if(NOT cmake_target_namespace_separator EQUAL -1)
+ set(HAVE_${name} FALSE)
+ break()
+ endif()
+ endif()
+ endforeach()
+ if(NOT DEFINED HAVE_${name})
+ check_cxx_source_compiles("${arg_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS} ${arg_CODE}" HAVE_${name})
+ endif()
+ endif()
+ set(TEST_${name} "${HAVE_${name}}" CACHE INTERNAL "${arg_LABEL}")
+function(qt_config_compile_test_x86simd extension label)
+ if (DEFINED TEST_X86SIMD_${extension})
+ return()
+ endif()
+ message(STATUS "Performing SIMD Test ${label}")
+ try_compile("TEST_X86SIMD_${extension}"
+ "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/config.tests/x86_simd_${extension}"
+ "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/config.tests/x86_simd"
+ x86_simd
+ CMAKE_FLAGS "-DSIMD:string=${extension}")
+ if(${TEST_X86SIMD_${extension}})
+ set(status_label "Success")
+ else()
+ set(status_label "Failed")
+ endif()
+ message(STATUS "Performing SIMD Test ${label} - ${status_label}")
+ set(TEST_subarch_${extension} "${TEST_X86SIMD_${extension}}" CACHE INTERNAL "${label}")
+function(qt_make_features_available target)
+ if(NOT "${target}" MATCHES "^${QT_CMAKE_EXPORT_NAMESPACE}::[a-zA-z][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*$")
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "${target} does not match ${QT_CMAKE_EXPORT_NAMESPACE}::[a-zA-z][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*. INVALID NAME.")
+ endif()
+ if(NOT TARGET ${target})
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "${target} not found.")
+ endif()
+ get_target_property(target_type "${target}" TYPE)
+ if("${target_type}" STREQUAL "INTERFACE_LIBRARY")
+ set(property_prefix "INTERFACE_")
+ else()
+ set(property_prefix "")
+ endif()
+ foreach(visibility IN ITEMS PUBLIC PRIVATE)
+ set(value ON)
+ get_target_property(features "${target}" ${property_prefix}QT_${state}_${visibility}_FEATURES)
+ if("${features}" STREQUAL "features-NOTFOUND")
+ continue()
+ endif()
+ foreach(feature IN ITEMS ${features})
+ if (DEFINED "QT_FEATURE_${feature}" AND NOT "${QT_FEATURE_${feature}}" STREQUAL "${value}")
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "Feature ${feature} is already defined and has a different value when importing features from ${target}.")
+ endif()
+ set(QT_FEATURE_${feature} "${value}" CACHE INTERNAL "Qt feature: ${feature} (from target ${target})")
+ endforeach()
+ set(value OFF)
+ endforeach()
+ endforeach()