path: root/cmake/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'cmake/')
1 files changed, 114 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cmake/ b/cmake/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5e2352d6c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cmake/
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+ set(_module_target "@INSTALL_CMAKE_NAMESPACE@::@QT_MODULE@")
+ # Properties can't be set on aliased targets, so make sure to unalias the target. This is needed
+ # when Qt examples are built as part of the Qt build itself.
+ get_target_property(_aliased_target ${_module_target} ALIASED_TARGET)
+ if(_aliased_target)
+ set(_module_target ${_aliased_target})
+ endif()
+ unset(_aliased_target)
+ set(_default_plugins_are_enabled "$<NOT:$<STREQUAL:$<GENEX_EVAL:$<TARGET_PROPERTY:QT_DEFAULT_PLUGINS>>,0>>")
+ # Make sure to boolify the result of the expression, in case if the returned property value
+ # is empty.
+ set(_default_plugins_are_enabled_wrapped "$<BOOL:${_default_plugins_are_enabled}>")
+ set(_manual_plugins_genex "$<GENEX_EVAL:$<TARGET_PROPERTY:QT_PLUGINS>>")
+ set(_no_plugins_genex "$<GENEX_EVAL:$<TARGET_PROPERTY:QT_NO_PLUGINS>>")
+ # In super builds the rules below pollute the dependency rule for the
+ # plugin target when it's being build, causing cyclic dependencies.
+ # to overcome this, we check if the current target where this rule evaluates
+ # has a QT_BUILD_PROJECT_NAME equal to the current PROJECT_NAME.
+ # If so we disable the injection of plugin link rules to avoid cyclic
+ # dependencies.
+ set(_build_allow_plugin_link_rules_genex "$<NOT:$<STREQUAL:$<TARGET_PROPERTY:QT_BUILD_PROJECT_NAME>,@PROJECT_NAME@>>")
+ else()
+ set(_build_allow_plugin_link_rules_genex 1)
+ endif()
+ # The code in here uses the properties defined in qt_import_plugins (Qt6CoreMacros.cmake)
+ foreach(target @qt_plugins@)
+ set(_plugin_target "@INSTALL_CMAKE_NAMESPACE@::${target}")
+ get_target_property(_classname "${_plugin_target}" QT_PLUGIN_CLASS_NAME)
+ if(NOT _classname)
+ message("Warning: plugin ${_plugin_target} has no class name, skipping.")
+ continue()
+ endif()
+ get_target_property(_plugin_type "${_plugin_target}" QT_PLUGIN_TYPE)
+ if(NOT _plugin_type)
+ message("Warning: plugin ${_plugin_target} has no type ('${_plugin_type}'), skipping.")
+ continue()
+ endif()
+ list(APPEND "QT_ALL_PLUGINS_FOUND_BY_FIND_PACKAGE_${_plugin_type}" "${target}")
+ set(_plugin_is_default "$<TARGET_PROPERTY:${_plugin_target},QT_DEFAULT_PLUGIN>")
+ set(_plugin_is_whitelisted "$<IN_LIST:${_plugin_target},${_manual_plugins_genex}>")
+ # Note: qt_import_plugins sets the QT_PLUGINS_${_plugin_type} to "-"
+ # when excluding it with EXCLUDE_BY_TYPE,
+ # which ensures that no plug-in will be supported unless explicitly re-added afterwards.
+ string(CONCAT _plugin_is_not_blacklisted
+ "$<AND:"
+ "$<NOT:" # EXCLUDE
+ "$<IN_LIST:${_plugin_target},${_no_plugins_genex}>"
+ ">,"
+ # excludes both plugins targeted by EXCLUDE_BY_TYPE and not included in INCLUDE_BY_TYPE
+ ">"
+ )
+ string(CONCAT _plugin_is_in_type_whitelist
+ "$<IN_LIST:"
+ "${_plugin_target},"
+ "$<TARGET_PROPERTY:QT_PLUGINS_${_plugin_type}>"
+ ">"
+ ">"
+ )
+ # Complete condition that defines whether a static plugin is linked
+ string(CONCAT _plugin_condition
+ "$<BOOL:$<AND:"
+ "${_build_allow_plugin_link_rules_genex},"
+ "$<OR:"
+ "${_plugin_is_whitelisted},"
+ "${_plugin_is_in_type_whitelist},"
+ "$<AND:"
+ "${_default_plugins_are_enabled_wrapped},"
+ "${_plugin_is_default},"
+ "${_plugin_is_not_blacklisted}"
+ ">"
+ ">"
+ ">>"
+ )
+ # If this condition is true, we link against the plug-in
+ set(_plugin_genex "$<${_plugin_condition}:${_plugin_target}>")
+ target_link_libraries(${_module_target} INTERFACE "${_plugin_genex}")
+ set(_generated_qt_plugin_file_name
+ "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/qt_@QT_MODULE@_${target}.cpp")
+ set(_generated_qt_plugin_file_name_template "${_generated_qt_plugin_file_name}.in")
+ set(_generated_qt_plugin_file_content "#include <QtPlugin>\nQ_IMPORT_PLUGIN(${_classname})")
+ # Generate a source file to import that plug-in. Has to be done with configure_file,
+ # because file(GENERATE) and target_sources has issues with scopes.
+ file(WRITE "${_generated_qt_plugin_file_name_template}"
+ "${_generated_qt_plugin_file_content}")
+ configure_file("${_generated_qt_plugin_file_name_template}"
+ "${_generated_qt_plugin_file_name}")
+ target_sources(${_module_target} INTERFACE
+ "$<${_plugin_condition}:${_generated_qt_plugin_file_name}>")
+ endforeach()