path: root/cmake/QtPrlHelpers.cmake
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Diffstat (limited to 'cmake/QtPrlHelpers.cmake')
1 files changed, 313 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cmake/QtPrlHelpers.cmake b/cmake/QtPrlHelpers.cmake
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7977afd030
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cmake/QtPrlHelpers.cmake
@@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
+# Add libraries to variable ${out_libs_var} in a way that duplicates
+# are added at the end. This ensures the library order needed for the
+# linker.
+function(qt_merge_libs out_libs_var)
+ foreach(dep ${ARGN})
+ list(REMOVE_ITEM ${out_libs_var} ${dep})
+ list(APPEND ${out_libs_var} ${dep})
+ endforeach()
+ set(${out_libs_var} ${${out_libs_var}} PARENT_SCOPE)
+# Collects the library dependencies of a target.
+# This takes into account transitive usage requirements.
+function(qt_collect_libs target out_var)
+ qt_internal_walk_libs("${target}" "${out_var}" "qt_collect_libs_dict" "collect_libs")
+ set("${out_var}" "${${out_var}}" PARENT_SCOPE)
+# Walks a target's link libraries recursively, and performs some actions (poor man's polypmorphism)
+# out_var is the name of the variable where the result will be assigned. The result is a list of
+# libraries, mostly in generator expression form.
+# dict_name is used for caching the result, and preventing the same target from being processed
+# twice
+# operation is a string to tell the function what to do
+function(qt_internal_walk_libs target out_var dict_name operation)
+ set(collected ${ARGN})
+ if(target IN_LIST collected)
+ return()
+ endif()
+ list(APPEND collected ${target})
+ if(NOT TARGET ${dict_name})
+ add_library(${dict_name} INTERFACE IMPORTED GLOBAL)
+ endif()
+ get_target_property(libs ${dict_name} INTERFACE_${target})
+ if(NOT libs)
+ unset(libs)
+ get_target_property(target_libs ${target} INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES)
+ if(NOT target_libs)
+ unset(target_libs)
+ endif()
+ get_target_property(target_type ${target} TYPE)
+ if(target_type STREQUAL "STATIC_LIBRARY")
+ get_target_property(link_libs ${target} LINK_LIBRARIES)
+ if(link_libs)
+ list(APPEND target_libs ${link_libs})
+ endif()
+ endif()
+ foreach(lib ${target_libs})
+ # Cannot use $<TARGET_POLICY:...> in add_custom_command.
+ # Check the policy now, and replace the generator expression with the value.
+ while(lib MATCHES "\\$<TARGET_POLICY:([^>]+)>")
+ cmake_policy(GET ${CMAKE_MATCH_1} value)
+ if(value STREQUAL "NEW")
+ set(value "TRUE")
+ else()
+ set(value "FALSE")
+ endif()
+ string(REPLACE "${CMAKE_MATCH_0}" "${value}" lib "${lib}")
+ endwhile()
+ # Fix up $<TARGET_PROPERTY:FOO> expressions that refer to the "current" target.
+ # Those cannot be used with add_custom_command.
+ while(lib MATCHES "\\$<TARGET_PROPERTY:([^,>]+)>")
+ string(REPLACE "${CMAKE_MATCH_0}" "$<TARGET_PROPERTY:${target},${CMAKE_MATCH_1}>"
+ lib "${lib}")
+ endwhile()
+ # Skip static plugins.
+ set(_is_plugin_marker_genex "\\$<BOOL:QT_IS_PLUGIN_GENEX>")
+ if(lib MATCHES "${_is_plugin_marker_genex}")
+ continue()
+ endif()
+ # Strip any directory scope tokens.
+ qt_internal_strip_target_directory_scope_token("${lib}" lib)
+ if(lib MATCHES "^\\$<TARGET_OBJECTS:")
+ # Skip object files.
+ continue()
+ elseif(lib MATCHES "^\\$<LINK_ONLY:(.*)>$")
+ set(lib_target ${CMAKE_MATCH_1})
+ else()
+ set(lib_target ${lib})
+ endif()
+ # Skip CMAKE_DIRECTORY_ID_SEP. If a target_link_libraries is applied to a target
+ # that was defined in a different scope, CMake appends and prepends a special directory
+ # id separator. Filter those out.
+ if(lib_target MATCHES "^::@")
+ continue()
+ elseif(TARGET ${lib_target})
+ if ("${lib_target}" MATCHES "^Qt::(.*)")
+ # If both, Qt::Foo and Foo targets exist, prefer the target name without
+ # namespace. Which one is preferred doesn't really matter. This code exists to
+ # avoid ending up with both, Qt::Foo and Foo in our dependencies.
+ set(namespaceless_lib_target "${CMAKE_MATCH_1}")
+ if(TARGET namespaceless_lib_target)
+ set(lib_target ${namespaceless_lib_target})
+ endif()
+ endif()
+ get_target_property(lib_target_type ${lib_target} TYPE)
+ if(lib_target_type STREQUAL "INTERFACE_LIBRARY")
+ qt_internal_walk_libs(
+ ${lib_target} lib_libs "${dict_name}" "${operation}" ${collected})
+ if(lib_libs)
+ qt_merge_libs(libs ${lib_libs})
+ set(is_module 0)
+ endif()
+ else()
+ qt_merge_libs(libs "$<TARGET_FILE:${lib_target}>")
+ qt_internal_walk_libs(
+ ${lib_target} lib_libs "${dict_name}" "${operation}" ${collected})
+ if(lib_libs)
+ qt_merge_libs(libs ${lib_libs})
+ endif()
+ endif()
+ if(operation STREQUAL "promote_global")
+ set(lib_target_unaliased "${lib_target}")
+ get_target_property(aliased_target ${lib_target} ALIASED_TARGET)
+ if(aliased_target)
+ set(lib_target_unaliased ${aliased_target})
+ endif()
+ get_property(is_imported TARGET ${lib_target_unaliased} PROPERTY IMPORTED)
+ get_property(is_global TARGET ${lib_target_unaliased} PROPERTY IMPORTED_GLOBAL)
+ # Allow opting out of promotion. This is useful in certain corner cases
+ # like with WrapLibClang and Threads in qttools.
+ qt_internal_should_not_promote_package_target_to_global(
+ "${lib_target_unaliased}" should_not_promote)
+ if(NOT is_global AND is_imported AND NOT should_not_promote)
+ set_property(TARGET ${lib_target_unaliased} PROPERTY IMPORTED_GLOBAL TRUE)
+ endif()
+ endif()
+ else()
+ set(final_lib_name_to_merge "${lib_target}")
+ if(lib_target MATCHES "/([^/]+).framework$")
+ set(final_lib_name_to_merge "-framework ${CMAKE_MATCH_1}")
+ endif()
+ qt_merge_libs(libs "${final_lib_name_to_merge}")
+ endif()
+ endforeach()
+ set_target_properties(${dict_name} PROPERTIES INTERFACE_${target} "${libs}")
+ endif()
+ set(${out_var} ${libs} PARENT_SCOPE)
+# Generate a qmake .prl file for the given target.
+# The install_dir argument is a relative path, for example "lib".
+function(qt_generate_prl_file target install_dir)
+ get_target_property(target_type ${target} TYPE)
+ return()
+ endif()
+ get_target_property(rcc_objects ${target} QT_RCC_OBJECTS)
+ if(rcc_objects)
+ list(TRANSFORM rcc_objects PREPEND "$$[QT_INSTALL_LIBS]/")
+ endif()
+ else()
+ unset(rcc_objects)
+ endif()
+ unset(prl_config)
+ set(is_static FALSE)
+ if(target_type STREQUAL "STATIC_LIBRARY")
+ list(APPEND prl_config static)
+ set(is_static TRUE)
+ elseif(target_type STREQUAL "SHARED_LIBRARY")
+ list(APPEND prl_config shared)
+ endif()
+ get_target_property(is_fw ${target} FRAMEWORK)
+ if(is_fw)
+ list(APPEND prl_config lib_bundle)
+ endif()
+ endif()
+ list(JOIN prl_config " " prl_config)
+ # Generate a preliminary .prl file that contains absolute paths to all libraries
+ if(MINGW)
+ # For MinGW, qmake doesn't have a lib prefix in prl files.
+ set(prefix_for_final_prl_name "")
+ else()
+ set(prefix_for_final_prl_name "$<TARGET_FILE_PREFIX:${target}>")
+ endif()
+ # For frameworks, the prl file should be placed under the Resources subdir.
+ get_target_property(is_framework ${target} FRAMEWORK)
+ if(is_framework)
+ get_target_property(fw_version ${target} FRAMEWORK_VERSION)
+ string(APPEND prefix_for_final_prl_name "Versions/${fw_version}/Resources/")
+ endif()
+ # What follows is a complicated setup for generating configuration-specific
+ # prl files. It has to be this way, because add_custom_command doesn't support
+ # generator expressions in OUTPUT or DEPENDS.
+ # To circumvent that, we create well known file names with file(GENERATE)
+ # with configuration specific content, which are then fed to add_custom_command
+ # that uses these genex-less file names. The actual command will extract the info
+ # from the configuration-specific files, and create a properly named final prl file.
+ # The file is named according to a pattern, that is then used in the
+ # add_custom_command.
+ set(prl_step1_name_prefix "preliminary_prl_for_${target}_step1_")
+ set(prl_step1_name_suffix ".prl" )
+ qt_path_join(prl_step1_path
+ "${prl_step1_name_prefix}$<CONFIG>${prl_step1_name_suffix}")
+ # Same, except instead of containing the prl contents, it will contain the final prl file
+ # name computed via a generator expression.
+ set(prl_meta_info_name_prefix "preliminary_prl_meta_info_for_${target}_")
+ set(prl_meta_info_name_suffix ".txt")
+ qt_path_join(prl_meta_info_path
+ "${prl_meta_info_name_prefix}$<CONFIG>${prl_meta_info_name_suffix}")
+ # The final prl file name that will be embedded in the file above.
+ set(final_prl_file_name "${prefix_for_final_prl_name}$<TARGET_FILE_BASE_NAME:${target}>.prl")
+ qt_path_join(final_prl_file_path "${QT_BUILD_DIR}/${install_dir}" "${final_prl_file_name}")
+ # Generate the prl content and its final file name into configuration specific files
+ # whose names we know, and can be used in add_custom_command.
+ set(prl_step1_content
+ "RCC_OBJECTS = ${rcc_objects}
+QMAKE_PRL_CONFIG = ${prl_config}
+ if(NOT is_static AND WIN32)
+ # Do nothing. Prl files for shared libraries on Windows shouldn't have the libs listed,
+ # as per qt_build_config.prf and the conditional CONFIG+=explicitlib assignment.
+ else()
+ set(prl_libs "")
+ qt_collect_libs(${target} prl_libs)
+ string(APPEND prl_step1_content "QMAKE_PRL_LIBS_FOR_CMAKE = ${prl_libs}\n")
+ endif()
+ OUTPUT "${prl_step1_path}"
+ CONTENT "${prl_step1_content}")
+ OUTPUT "${prl_meta_info_path}"
+ "FINAL_PRL_FILE_PATH = ${final_prl_file_path}")
+ set(library_suffixes
+ else()
+ set(configs ${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE})
+ endif()
+ foreach(config ${configs})
+ # Output file for dependency tracking, and which will contain the final content.
+ qt_path_join(prl_step2_path
+ "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}" "preliminary_prl_for_${target}_step2_${config}.prl")
+ # Input dependency names that are constructed for each config manually
+ # (no genexes allowed).
+ qt_path_join(prl_step1_path
+ "${prl_step1_name_prefix}${config}${prl_step1_name_suffix}")
+ qt_path_join(prl_meta_info_path
+ "${prl_meta_info_name_prefix}${config}${prl_meta_info_name_suffix}")
+ add_custom_command(
+ OUTPUT "${prl_step2_path}"
+ DEPENDS "${prl_step1_path}"
+ "${prl_meta_info_path}"
+ "${QT_CMAKE_DIR}/QtFinishPrlFile.cmake"
+ "${QT_CMAKE_DIR}/QtGenerateLibHelpers.cmake"
+ "-DIN_FILE=${prl_step1_path}"
+ "-DIN_META_FILE=${prl_meta_info_path}"
+ "-DOUT_FILE=${prl_step2_path}"
+ "-DLIBRARY_PREFIXES=${library_prefixes}"
+ "-DLIBRARY_SUFFIXES=${library_suffixes}"
+ -P "${QT_CMAKE_DIR}/QtFinishPrlFile.cmake"
+ COMMENT "Generating prl file for target ${target}"
+ )
+ # Tell the target to depend on the preliminary prl file, to ensure the custom command
+ # is executed. As a side-effect, this will also create the final prl file that
+ # is named appropriately. It should not be specified as a BYPRODUCT.
+ # This allows proper per-file dependency tracking, without having to resort on a POST_BUILD
+ # step, which means that relinking would happen as well as transitive rebuilding of any
+ # dependees.
+ # This is inspired by
+ target_sources(${target} PRIVATE "${prl_step2_path}")
+ endforeach()
+ # Installation of the .prl file happens globally elsewhere,
+ # because we have no clue here what the actual file name is.
+ # What we know however, is the directory where the prl file is created.
+ # Save that for later, to install all prl files from that directory.
+ get_property(prl_install_dirs GLOBAL PROPERTY QT_PRL_INSTALL_DIRS)
+ if(NOT install_dir IN_LIST prl_install_dirs)
+ set_property(GLOBAL APPEND PROPERTY QT_PRL_INSTALL_DIRS "${install_dir}")
+ endif()