path: root/cmake/QtTargetHelpers.cmake
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'cmake/QtTargetHelpers.cmake')
1 files changed, 335 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cmake/QtTargetHelpers.cmake b/cmake/QtTargetHelpers.cmake
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c79ce47363
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cmake/QtTargetHelpers.cmake
@@ -0,0 +1,335 @@
+# This function can be used to add sources/libraries/etc. to the specified CMake target
+# if the provided CONDITION evaluates to true.
+function(qt_extend_target target)
+ # Don't try to extend_target when cross compiling an imported host target (like a tool).
+ qt_is_imported_target("${target}" is_imported)
+ if(is_imported)
+ return()
+ endif()
+ if (NOT TARGET "${target}")
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "Trying to extend non-existing target \"${target}\".")
+ endif()
+ qt_parse_all_arguments(arg "qt_extend_target" "HEADER_MODULE" "PRECOMPILED_HEADER"
+ "CONDITION;${__default_public_args};${__default_private_args};${__default_private_module_args};COMPILE_FLAGS;NO_PCH_SOURCES" ${ARGN})
+ if ("x${arg_CONDITION}" STREQUAL x)
+ set(arg_CONDITION ON)
+ endif()
+ qt_evaluate_config_expression(result ${arg_CONDITION})
+ if (${result})
+ message("qt_extend_target(${target} CONDITION ${arg_CONDITION} ...): Evaluated")
+ endif()
+ set(dbus_sources "")
+ foreach(adaptor ${arg_DBUS_ADAPTOR_SOURCES})
+ qt_create_qdbusxml2cpp_command("${target}" "${adaptor}" ADAPTOR BASENAME "${arg_DBUS_ADAPTOR_BASENAME}" FLAGS "${arg_DBUS_ADAPTOR_FLAGS}")
+ list(APPEND dbus_sources "${sources}")
+ endforeach()
+ foreach(interface ${arg_DBUS_INTERFACE_SOURCES})
+ qt_create_qdbusxml2cpp_command("${target}" "${interface}" INTERFACE BASENAME "${arg_DBUS_INTERFACE_BASENAME}" FLAGS "${arg_DBUS_INTERFACE_FLAGS}")
+ list(APPEND dbus_sources "${sources}")
+ endforeach()
+ get_target_property(target_type ${target} TYPE)
+ set(is_library FALSE)
+ if (${target_type} STREQUAL "STATIC_LIBRARY" OR ${target_type} STREQUAL "SHARED_LIBRARY")
+ set(is_library TRUE)
+ endif()
+ foreach(lib ${arg_PUBLIC_LIBRARIES} ${arg_LIBRARIES})
+ # Automatically generate PCH for 'target' using dependencies
+ # if 'target' is a library/module!
+ if (${is_library})
+ qt_update_precompiled_header_with_library("${target}" "${lib}")
+ endif()
+ string(REGEX REPLACE "_nolink$" "" base_lib "${lib}")
+ if(NOT base_lib STREQUAL lib)
+ qt_create_nolink_target("${base_lib}" ${target})
+ endif()
+ endforeach()
+ # Set-up the target
+ target_sources("${target}" PRIVATE ${arg_SOURCES} ${dbus_sources})
+ if (arg_COMPILE_FLAGS)
+ set_source_files_properties(${arg_SOURCES} PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS "${arg_COMPILE_FLAGS}")
+ endif()
+ set(public_visibility_option "PUBLIC")
+ set(private_visibility_option "PRIVATE")
+ set(public_visibility_option "INTERFACE")
+ set(private_visibility_option "INTERFACE")
+ endif()
+ target_include_directories("${target}"
+ ${public_visibility_option} ${arg_PUBLIC_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES}
+ ${private_visibility_option} ${arg_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES})
+ target_compile_definitions("${target}"
+ ${public_visibility_option} ${arg_PUBLIC_DEFINES}
+ ${private_visibility_option} ${arg_DEFINES})
+ target_link_libraries("${target}"
+ ${public_visibility_option} ${arg_PUBLIC_LIBRARIES}
+ ${private_visibility_option} ${arg_LIBRARIES})
+ target_compile_options("${target}"
+ ${public_visibility_option} ${arg_PUBLIC_COMPILE_OPTIONS}
+ ${private_visibility_option} ${arg_COMPILE_OPTIONS})
+ target_link_options("${target}"
+ ${public_visibility_option} ${arg_PUBLIC_LINK_OPTIONS}
+ ${private_visibility_option} ${arg_LINK_OPTIONS})
+ set_property (TARGET "${target}" APPEND PROPERTY
+ )
+ endif()
+ # When computing the private library dependencies, we need to check not only the known
+ # modules added by this repo's qt_build_repo(), but also all module dependencies that
+ # were found via find_package().
+ qt_internal_get_qt_all_known_modules(known_modules)
+ # When a public module depends on a private module (Gui on CorePrivate)
+ # make its private module depend on the other private module (GuiPrivate will depend on
+ # CorePrivate).
+ set(qt_libs_private "")
+ foreach(it ${known_modules})
+ list(FIND arg_LIBRARIES "Qt::${it}Private" pos)
+ if(pos GREATER -1)
+ list(APPEND qt_libs_private "Qt::${it}Private")
+ endif()
+ endforeach()
+ set(target_private "${target}Private")
+ if(TARGET "${target_private}")
+ target_link_libraries("${target_private}"
+ endif()
+ qt_register_target_dependencies("${target}"
+ "${qt_libs_private};${arg_LIBRARIES}")
+ qt_autogen_tools(${target}
+ qt_update_precompiled_header("${target}" "${arg_PRECOMPILED_HEADER}")
+ qt_update_ignore_pch_source("${target}" "${arg_NO_PCH_SOURCES}")
+ ## Ignore objective-c files for PCH (not supported atm)
+ qt_ignore_pch_obj_c_sources("${target}" "${arg_SOURCES}")
+ else()
+ message("qt_extend_target(${target} CONDITION ${arg_CONDITION} ...): Skipped")
+ endif()
+ endif()
+function(qt_is_imported_target target out_var)
+ if(NOT TARGET "${target}")
+ set(target "${QT_CMAKE_EXPORT_NAMESPACE}::${target}")
+ endif()
+ if(NOT TARGET "${target}")
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "Invalid target given to qt_is_imported_target: ${target}")
+ endif()
+ get_target_property(is_imported "${target}" IMPORTED)
+ set(${out_var} "${is_imported}" PARENT_SCOPE)
+# Add Qt::target and Qt6::target as aliases for the target
+function(qt_internal_add_target_aliases target)
+ get_target_property(type "${target}" TYPE)
+ add_executable("Qt::${target}" ALIAS "${target}")
+ add_executable("Qt${PROJECT_VERSION_MAJOR}::${target}" ALIAS "${target}")
+ else()
+ add_library("Qt::${target}" ALIAS "${target}")
+ add_library("Qt${PROJECT_VERSION_MAJOR}::${target}" ALIAS "${target}")
+ endif()
+function(qt_get_cmake_configurations out_var)
+ set(possible_configs "${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}")
+ set(possible_configs "${CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES}")
+ endif()
+ set(${out_var} "${possible_configs}" PARENT_SCOPE)
+function(qt_clone_property_for_configs target property configs)
+ get_target_property(value "${target}" "${property}")
+ foreach(config ${configs})
+ string(TOUPPER "${config}" upper_config)
+ set_property(TARGET "${target}" PROPERTY "${property}_${upper_config}" "${value}")
+ endforeach()
+function(qt_handle_multi_config_output_dirs target)
+ qt_get_cmake_configurations(possible_configs)
+ qt_clone_property_for_configs(${target} LIBRARY_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY "${possible_configs}")
+ qt_clone_property_for_configs(${target} RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY "${possible_configs}")
+ qt_clone_property_for_configs(${target} ARCHIVE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY "${possible_configs}")
+# Set target properties that are the same for all modules, plugins, executables
+# and 3rdparty libraries.
+function(qt_set_common_target_properties target)
+ if(FEATURE_static_runtime)
+ if(MSVC)
+ set_property(TARGET ${target} PROPERTY
+ MSVC_RUNTIME_LIBRARY "MultiThreaded$<$<CONFIG:Debug>:Debug>")
+ elseif(MINGW)
+ target_link_options(${target} INTERFACE "LINKER:-static")
+ endif()
+ endif()
+# Set common, informational target properties.
+# On Windows, these properties are used to generate the version information resource.
+function(qt_set_target_info_properties target)
+ cmake_parse_arguments(arg "" "${__default_target_info_args}" "" ${ARGN})
+ endif()
+ set(arg_TARGET_PRODUCT "Qt6")
+ endif()
+ set(arg_TARGET_DESCRIPTION "C++ Application Development Framework")
+ endif()
+ set(arg_TARGET_COMPANY "The Qt Company Ltd.")
+ endif()
+ set(arg_TARGET_COPYRIGHT "Copyright (C) 2020 The Qt Company Ltd.")
+ endif()
+ set_target_properties(${target} PROPERTIES
+# Uses the QT_DELAYED_TARGET_* property values to set the final QT_TARGET_* properties.
+# Needed when doing executable finalization at the end of a subdirectory scope
+# (aka scope finalization).
+function(qt_internal_set_target_info_properties_from_delayed_properties target)
+ set(args "")
+ foreach(prop ${__default_target_info_args})
+ get_target_property(prop_value "${target}" "QT_DELAYED_${prop}")
+ list(APPEND args "${prop}" "${prop_value}")
+ endforeach()
+ qt_set_target_info_properties(${target} ${args})
+# Updates the QT_DELAYED_ properties with values from the QT_ variants, in case if they were
+# set in-between a qt_add_* call and before scope finalization.
+function(qt_internal_update_delayed_target_info_properties target)
+ foreach(prop ${__default_target_info_args})
+ get_target_property(prop_value "${target}" "QT_${prop}")
+ get_target_property(delayed_prop_value ${target} "QT_DELAYED_${prop}")
+ set(final_value "${delayed_prop_value}")
+ if(prop_value)
+ set(final_value "${prop_value}")
+ endif()
+ set_target_properties(${target} PROPERTIES "QT_DELAYED_${prop}" "${final_value}")
+ endforeach()
+function(qt_internal_check_directory_or_type name dir type default result_var)
+ if ("x${dir}" STREQUAL x)
+ if("x${type}" STREQUAL x)
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "qt_internal_add_plugin called without setting either TYPE or ${name}.")
+ endif()
+ set(${result_var} "${default}" PARENT_SCOPE)
+ else()
+ set(${result_var} "${dir}" PARENT_SCOPE)
+ endif()
+function(qt_internal_apply_win_prefix_and_suffix target)
+ if(WIN32)
+ # Table of prefix / suffixes for MSVC libraries as qmake expects them to be created.
+ # static - Qt6EdidSupport.lib (platform support libraries / or static QtCore, etc)
+ # shared - Qt6Core.dll
+ # shared import library - Qt6Core.lib
+ # module aka Qt plugin - qwindows.dll
+ # module import library - qwindows.lib
+ #
+ # The CMake defaults are fine for us.
+ # Table of prefix / suffixes for MinGW libraries as qmake expects them to be created.
+ # static - libQt6EdidSupport.a (platform support libraries / or static QtCore, etc)
+ # shared - Qt6Core.dll
+ # shared import library - libQt6Core.a
+ # module aka Qt plugin - qwindows.dll
+ # module import library - libqwindows.a
+ #
+ # CMake for Windows-GNU platforms defaults the prefix to "lib".
+ # CMake for Windows-GNU platforms defaults the import suffix to ".dll.a".
+ # These CMake defaults are not ok for us.
+ # This should cover both MINGW with GCC and CLANG.
+ if(NOT MSVC)
+ set_property(TARGET "${target}" PROPERTY IMPORT_SUFFIX ".a")
+ get_target_property(target_type ${target} TYPE)
+ if(target_type STREQUAL "STATIC_LIBRARY")
+ set_property(TARGET "${target}" PROPERTY PREFIX "lib")
+ else()
+ set_property(TARGET "${target}" PROPERTY PREFIX "")
+ set_property(TARGET "${target}" PROPERTY IMPORT_PREFIX "lib")
+ endif()
+ endif()
+ endif()
+function(qt_internal_strip_target_directory_scope_token target out_var)
+ # In CMake versions earlier than CMake 3.18, a subdirectory scope id is appended to the
+ # target name if the target is referenced in a target_link_libraries command from a
+ # different directory scope than where the target was created.
+ # Strip it.
+ #
+ # For informational purposes, in CMake 3.18, the target name looks as follows:
+ # ::@(0x5604cb3f6b50);Threads::Threads;::@
+ # This case doesn't have to be stripped (at least for now), because when we iterate over
+ # link libraries, the tokens appear as separate target names.
+ #
+ # Example: Threads::Threads::@<0x5604cb3f6b50>
+ # Output: Threads::Threads
+ string(REGEX REPLACE "::@<.+>$" "" target "${target}")
+ set("${out_var}" "${target}" PARENT_SCOPE)
+ cmake_parse_arguments(__arg "" "EXPORT_NAME_PREFIX;CONFIG_INSTALL_DIR" "TARGETS" ${ARGN})
+ set(export_name "${__arg_EXPORT_NAME_PREFIX}VersionlessTargets")
+ foreach(target ${__arg_TARGETS})
+ if (TARGET "${target}Versionless")
+ continue()
+ endif()
+ add_library("${target}Versionless" INTERFACE)
+ target_link_libraries("${target}Versionless" INTERFACE "${target}")
+ set_target_properties("${target}Versionless" PROPERTIES
+ EXPORT_NAME "${target}"
+ _qt_is_versionless_target "TRUE")
+ set_property(TARGET "${target}Versionless"
+ APPEND PROPERTY EXPORT_PROPERTIES _qt_is_versionless_target)
+ qt_install(TARGETS "${target}Versionless" EXPORT ${export_name})
+ endforeach()
+ qt_install(EXPORT ${export_name} NAMESPACE Qt:: DESTINATION "${__arg_CONFIG_INSTALL_DIR}")
+function(qt_create_tracepoints name tracePointsFile)
+ #### TODO
+ string(TOLOWER "${name}" name)
+ file(GENERATE OUTPUT "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/qt${name}_tracepoints_p.h" CONTENT
+ "#include <private/qtrace_p.h>")