path: root/dist/changes-4.7.1
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'dist/changes-4.7.1')
1 files changed, 414 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dist/changes-4.7.1 b/dist/changes-4.7.1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b25b95ccf0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dist/changes-4.7.1
@@ -0,0 +1,414 @@
+Qt 4.7.1 is a bug-fix release. It maintains both forward and backward
+compatibility (source and binary) with Qt 4.7.0. For more details,
+refer to the online documentation included in this distribution. The
+documentation is also available online:
+The Qt version 4.7 series is binary compatible with the 4.6.x series.
+Applications compiled for 4.6 will continue to run with 4.7.
+Some of the changes listed in this file include issue tracking numbers
+corresponding to tasks in the Qt Bug Tracker, the (now obsolete) Task
+Tracker, or the Merge Request queue of the public source repository.
+Qt Bug Tracker:
+Merge Request:
+* General *
+ - Improved the benchmarking library's timing code
+ * Uses a faster access to the system clock
+ - Introduction of SSSE3 for alpha blending of images.
+ - On x86 and 86_64, the memory access has been improved for alpha blending
+ and for some composition functions.
+* Library *
+ - Containers
+ * [QTBUG-13079] Fix assignment of a container included in the container
+ itself.
+ - QEventDispatcherUnix
+ * [QTBUG-13633] Do not process too many timer events if other events need
+ to be processed first.
+ - QLibrary
+ * [QT-3825] System libraries are only loaded from the system directories.
+ - QUuid
+ * [QTBUG-11213] QUuid::createUuid() should not generate identical sequences
+ on UNIX.
+ - QGraphicsEffect
+ * [QT-3633] Wrong bounding rect.
+ - QGraphicsItem
+ * [QTBUG-3633, QT-3828] Wrong children bounding rect when applying effects.
+ - QGraphicsScene
+ * [QT-3674] Spurious assert triggered from render().
+ - QGraphicsWidget
+ * [QTBUG-13188] Make sure a font that has propagated from a parent can
+ be set on a QPainter.
+ * [QT-3808] Issues when applying effects in combination with
+ ItemHasNoContents flag.
+ - QGtkStyle
+ * [QTBUG-13125] Fixed a regression with custom itemview background color.
+ - QLineEdit
+ * [QTBUG-13520] Fixed the scrolling of text with right alignment.
+ - QPainter
+ * [QTBUG-13429] Fixed scale point drawing with square cap in the raster
+ engine, plus some potential floating point overflows in the rasterizer.
+ * Optimized pixmap drawing with SmoothPixmapTransform.
+ - QPinchGesture
+ * The scaleFactor and totalScaleFactor now represent a value that allows
+ an object to track a touchpoint during a Pinch Gesture even when using
+ sequences for zooming.
+ Therefore the scale factors are initialized to 1.0 and for every new
+ sequence the totalScaleFactor is multiplied with the scaleFactor of the
+ new sequence.
+ - QPixmap
+ * [QTBUG-12560] Fixed a regression preventing loading images without
+ extensions.
+ - QStaticText
+ * [QTBUG-12614] Fix crash with zero-width string.
+ * [QTBUG-12540] Fix rendering of large glyphs with OpenGL2 paint engine.
+ - QTreeView
+ * [QTBUG-13567] Do not scroll to top if last item is removed.
+ - QAudioOutput
+ * [QTBUG-11586] Support audio with more than two channels.
+ * [QTBUG-11755] Fixed outputing audio in push mode with ALSA.
+ * [QTBUG-11883] Fixed segmentation fault when closing a QAudioInput or
+ QAudioOutput.
+ - Bearer Management
+ * Improved reliability on Symbian and Maemo.
+ * Added connman/meego backend.
+ - IPv6
+ * Disable on Symbian until OpenC properly supports it.
+ - QSslConfiguration
+ * [QTBUG-13265] Fixed crash with empty configuration.
+ - QSslCertificate
+ * [QTBUG-12489] Support dates > 2049.
+ - QNetworkAccessManager
+ * [QTBUG-12285] Crash fix related to aborted uploads.
+ - QGL2PaintEngineEx
+ * Fixed drawing a large number of glyphs with the same font on systems
+ with small texture size limits.
+ * Fixed a crash when parsing invalid tag names.
+ - XML Schema internals:
+ * [QTBUG-11559] Only parse 3 digits of time fraction.
+ - QML language
+ * [QTBUG-13799] QML core module renamed to QtQuick to decouple it from Qt
+ releases. Old "import Qt 4.7" will co-exist with "import QtQuick 1.0' at
+ least during Qt 4.7 releases.
+ * [QTBUG-13047] Support passing QObject derived types to QML methods.
+ * [QTBUG-12837] Support JS "in" operator on QML objects.
+ * [QTBUG-13045] Prevent calling deleteLater() from QML.
+ * [QTBUG-13043] Ignore non-scriptable properties in QML.
+ * [QTBUG-13114] Don't double call classBegin().
+ * [QTBUG-12946] Ensure the onDestruction handlers are called before the
+ expressions are cleared.
+ * [QTBUG-12599] Re-enabled script program caching on Symbian.
+ * [QTBUG-13374] Don't modify the signal order on the second dynamic meta
+ object pass.
+ * Support for qsTrId and meta-data in comments for QML.
+ - QML debugging
+ * [QTBUG-5162] The debugger is now activated with -qmljsdebugger command
+ line arg to enable support for platforms without environment variables.
+ * Various improvements to ease debugging in creator.
+ - AnchorAnimation
+ * [QTBUG-13398] Fix AnchorAnimation for multiple AnchorChanges with
+ dependancies.
+ - AnchorChanges
+ * [QTBUG-11834] Restore any absolute geometry changed by AnchorChanges when
+ returning to the base state.
+ - Component
+ * [QTBUG-13170] Complete Component::createObject() creation after setting
+ the parent.
+ - GridView
+ * [QTBUG-13166] GridView.view property should not be writable.
+ - Flickable
+ * [QTBUG-13095] Ensure Flickable visibleArea is updated when view height
+ changes.
+ * [QTBUG-13176] Avoid Flickable view jumping when drag threashold is
+ exceeded.
+ * [QTBUG-13078] Fix poor flicking behavior with slower flicks.
+ * Handle QGraphicsWidgets in Flickable.
+ - FocusScope
+ * [QTBUG-12649] Make sure onFocusChanged is correctly emitted for items
+ in a FocusScope.
+ - FontLoader
+ * [QTBUG-13419] Don't add the same font to the font database multiple
+ times.
+ - Image
+ * [QTBUG-13454] Changing the Image 'source' no longer goes through the
+ 'Loading' state if the image is cached.
+ * [QTBUG-13383] Do not reset sourceSize when changing image source url.
+ * [QTBUG-13002] Setting one dimension of the sourceSize should set the other
+ dimension.
+ * [QTBUG-12302] Fix remote image url redirects are done in the right thread.
+ * Ensure all image states are updated before emitting statusChanged signals.
+ - ListModel
+ * [QTBUG-12363] Modifying an object returned by ListModel.get(0) didn't
+ update the view.
+ * [QTBUG-13666] Calling set() and setProperty() on ListModel from a
+ WorkerScript didn't update the view.
+ * Fix Worker ListModel to emit the right signal when items change.
+ * Fix crash with invalid role indexes.
+ * improved ListModel error messages.
+ - ListView
+ * [QTBUG-13664] Models with a single role didn't always update correctly.
+ * [QTBUG-13543] Ensure flickable velocity is updated when view is moved by
+ setCurrentIndex.
+ * [QTBUG-12664] Ensure highlight is positioned correctly in
+ positionViewAtIndex().
+ * [QTBUG-13166] Fix ListView.view attached property with VisualItemModel.
+ * [QTBUG-13039] Fix crash in synchronization of ListModel in WorkerThread.
+ * [QTBUG-11341] Flicking a ListView sometimes made it lose focus.
+ * [QTBUG-13166] ListView.view property should not be writable.
+ - MouseArea
+ * [QTBUG-12250] When onDoubleClicked: is handled don't emit a second
+ onPressed/onClicked.
+ - NumberAnimation
+ * [QTBUG-12805] Clear previous animation data for non-triggering animations.
+ - ParentChange
+ * [QTBUG-13554] ParentChange fails to apply rotation changes of exactly 180
+ degrees.
+ - PathView
+ * [QTBUG-13689] Moving items in a PathView caused PathView.onPath to be set
+ to false.
+ * [QTBUG-13687] PathView didn't accept mouse events, preventing it from
+ working in a Flickable.
+ * [QTBUG-13416] Fix PathView item position on insertion and removal.
+ * [QTBUG-13017] Fix PathView when setting an empty model that is later
+ filled.
+ * [QTBUG-12747] PathView required some diagonal movement before a drag was
+ initiated.
+ - Positioners
+ * made positioners work with QGraphicsWidgets.
+ - PropertyChanges
+ * [QTBUG-12559] Correctly apply PropertyChanges when entering an extended
+ state directly from the base state.
+ - QDeclarativeImageProvider:
+ * Fixed memory leak.
+ * Improved concurrency when using in asynchronus mode.
+ - Repeater
+ * [QTBUG-12905] Emit countChanged where appropriate in Repeater.
+ - SmoothedAnimation
+ * [QTBUG-12336] Update running animations if a SmoothedAnimation is changed.
+ - SpringAnimation
+ * [QTBUG-13044] SpringAnimation velocity animation stop logic was fragile.
+ - Text
+ * [QTBUG-13453] Fix jerky scrolling caused by unnecessary repaints of Text
+ element.
+ * [QTBUG-13142] Fix alignment of shadow for rich text when using text
+ styles.
+ * [QTBUG-11002] Improve QML text rendering when LCD smoothing is enabled
+ for OS X.
+ - TextInput
+ * [QTBUG-11127] Fix autoScroll implementation.
+ - VisualDataModel
+ * [QTBUG-13754] Fixed a crash when updating a property in ListModel with
+ multiple roles.
+ * [QTBUG-13038] Fix VisualDataModel model update handling when rootIndex is
+ specified.
+ * [QTBUG-13146] Handle layoutChanged() properly in QML views.
+ - WebView
+ * [QTBUG-13342] Ensure WebView gets focus when an editable node is clicked.
+ - XmlHttpRequest
+ * [QTBUG-13117] Fix responseText to check the charset encoding field and
+ also to not assume that the data is xml.
+ - XmlListModel
+ * [QTBUG-13041] XmlListModel thread was left hanging on Symbian application
+ exit.
+Qt Plugins
+ - Jpeg image IO plugin
+ * [QTBUG-13653] Fixed infinite loop when loading jpeg without EOI marker
+ from memory.
+* Platform Specific Changes *
+Qt for Unix (X11 and Mac OS X)
+ - Event System:
+ * [QT_3553] Fix invalid memory write during recursive timer activation.
+Qt for Linux/X11
+ - The configure script now detects all vector extensions of x86 and x86_64.
+Qt for Windows
+ - Event System:
+ * [QTBUG-12721] Fix Qt applications freezing until mouse/keyboard events
+ occur.
+ - Drag & Drop:
+ * [QTBUG-13787] Fixed a possible crash with mingw.
+ - QPrinter
+ * [QTBUG-12263] Strokes were in some cases not printed with the correct
+ color under Windows.
+ - QGLWidget
+ * [QTBUG-13141] Fixed multi-sampling support for ATI based cards under
+ Windows.
+Qt for Mac OS X
+ - The configure script now detects all vector extensions of x86 and x86_64
+ * [QTBUG-10500] Fixed a bug which causes the QMainWindow geometry
+ to be calculated wrongly, when used with native toolbars.
+ * [QTBUG-13878] Application menu entries can now also be translated
+ using the QMenuBar context.
+Qt for Symbian
+ - configure
+ * [QTBUG-4586] Fixed wrong paths in include/ActiveQt/headers.pri.
+ * [QTBUG-11671] Fixed audio-backend detection in configure tests.
+ - qmake & mkspecs
+ * [QTBUG-13523] Added support for using -L notation in the LIBS variable
+ when building with the symbian/linux-armcc or gcce mkspec.
+ * [QTBUG-12851] Fix assertion on Windows when DESTDIR is empty in static
+ libs.
+ * [QTBUG-12802] Fix vcxproj generator when using /Fd in QMAKE_CXXFLAGS.
+ * [QTBUG-13080] vcxproj generator: fix bug when using CharacterSet=1 in
+ .pro file.
+ * [QTBUG-13081] vc[x]proj generators: support /MAP option without file
+ name.
+ * [QTBUG-13902] Added support for unsigned smart installer package creation.
+ * [QTBUG-13991] No longer need to manually edit smart installer pkg file for
+ publishing.
+ * [QT-3949] Load environment.prf from Symbian SDK if it exists there.
+ * [QTBUG-13499] Provide a way to compile with RVCT 4.0 using generated
+ Makefile.
+ * [QTBUG-13336] Ignore MAKEFILE variable for Symbian abld and sbsv2 builds.
+ * [QTBUG-13363] Fix Symbian handling of projects with special characters in
+ * [QTBUG-12762 & QTBUG-13307] Gcce building support for symbian-sbsv2
+ * [QTBUG-13147] Added support for DEPLOYMENT.pkg_build_version
+ * [QTBUG-12884] Fix "installer_sis" and "deploy" targets when TARGET has path.
+ * [QTBUG-12879] Fix check to remove unnecessary deployments in Symbian.
+ * [QTBUG-12716] Make bld.inf target in Symbian mkspecs to depend on .pro file.
+ * [QTBUG-12715] Rename Symbian generated mmp/mk files to include target in
+ filename.
+ * [QTBUG-12617] Fix package header in cases where VERSION doesn't contain all
+ values.
+ * Fix run and runonphone targets for projects that have TARGET with path.
+ * No longer require PRE_TARGETDEPS items to be absolute for symbian-sbsv2
+ mkspec.
+ * Do smart command replacement for commands containing $$QMAKE_*
+ command variables, such as $$QMAKE_COPY, when generating bld.inf
+ extensions for QMAKE_EXTRA_* variables for symbian-sbsv2 mkspec.
+ - s60installs
+ * Fixed qsymbianbearer.qtplugin exports in
+ -
+ * [QTBUG-13760] Improved output of script.
+ - QInputContext
+ * [QTBUG-12949] Fixed a bug where passwords would not be committed when
+ confirming.
+ * [QTBUG-13472] Fixed crash in input methods when using symbols menu and
+ numbers only.
+ - QDesktopWidget
+ * [QTBUG-14058] Fix QApplication::desktop()->availableGeometry().
+ - QtCore
+ * [QTBUG-13802] Symbian^4 platform detection for QSysInfo::symbianVersion().
+ * [QTBUG-13612] Do not wait for QThread exit when destroying global statics.
+ * [QT-3895] Change RLibrary handle in QS60PluginResolver to be process wide.
+ * [QTBUG-11218] Fix QProcessManager destruction.
+ - Qt Plugins
+ * [QT-3949] Remove pre-Symbian3 plugins from Symbian3 and later builds and
+ Check S60_VERSION instead of existence of certain files in bearer plugin.
+ - Demos & Examples
+ * [QTBUG-13461] Remove some .pro statements left behind after IAP usage
+ cleanup.
+ * [QTBUG-12276] Assigned valid UID3 for fortuneserver example.
+Qt for Windows CE
+ - Gui
+ * [QTBUG-8408] Show the [X] button on Windows mobile when maximizing.
+* Tools *
+ - uic
+ * Improve warnings and error reports.
+ - moc
+ * Show an error if NOTIFY refer to a wrong signal in Q_PROPERTY.
+ - QML Viewer
+ * [QTBUG-13347] Paused orientation sensors in Qml Viewer when the
+ application window is not active to save device battery.
+ * [QTBUG-11019] Add a menu option to open remote files in the QML viewer.
+ * QML Viewer is deployed under QtDemos folder instead of QtExamples
+ folder in Symbian application menu.