path: root/examples/widgets/mainwindows/application/mainwindow.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'examples/widgets/mainwindows/application/mainwindow.cpp')
1 files changed, 92 insertions, 104 deletions
diff --git a/examples/widgets/mainwindows/application/mainwindow.cpp b/examples/widgets/mainwindows/application/mainwindow.cpp
index d3f9c7645e..86dfae166f 100644
--- a/examples/widgets/mainwindows/application/mainwindow.cpp
+++ b/examples/widgets/mainwindows/application/mainwindow.cpp
@@ -46,22 +46,20 @@
//! [1]
+ : textEdit(new QPlainTextEdit)
//! [1] //! [2]
- textEdit = new QPlainTextEdit;
- createMenus();
- createToolBars();
- connect(textEdit->document(), SIGNAL(contentsChanged()),
- this, SLOT(documentWasModified()));
+ connect(textEdit->document(), &QTextDocument::contentsChanged,
+ this, &MainWindow::documentWasModified);
- setCurrentFile("");
+ setCurrentFile(QString());
//! [2]
@@ -85,7 +83,7 @@ void MainWindow::newFile()
if (maybeSave()) {
- setCurrentFile("");
+ setCurrentFile(QString());
//! [6]
@@ -121,13 +119,9 @@ bool MainWindow::saveAs()
QFileDialog dialog(this);
- QStringList files;
- if (dialog.exec())
- files = dialog.selectedFiles();
- else
+ if (dialog.exec() != QDialog::Accepted)
return false;
- return saveFile(;
+ return saveFile(dialog.selectedFiles().first());
//! [12]
@@ -154,121 +148,108 @@ void MainWindow::documentWasModified()
void MainWindow::createActions()
//! [17] //! [18]
- newAct = new QAction(QIcon(":/images/new.png"), tr("&New"), this);
+ QMenu *fileMenu = menuBar()->addMenu(tr("&File"));
+ QToolBar *fileToolBar = addToolBar(tr("File"));
+ const QIcon newIcon = QIcon::fromTheme("document-new", QIcon(":/images/new.png"));
+ QAction *newAct = new QAction(newIcon, tr("&New"), this);
newAct->setStatusTip(tr("Create a new file"));
- connect(newAct, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(newFile()));
+ connect(newAct, &QAction::triggered, this, &MainWindow::newFile);
+ fileMenu->addAction(newAct);
+ fileToolBar->addAction(newAct);
//! [19]
- openAct = new QAction(QIcon(":/images/open.png"), tr("&Open..."), this);
+ const QIcon openIcon = QIcon::fromTheme("document-open", QIcon(":/images/open.png"));
+ QAction *openAct = new QAction(openIcon, tr("&Open..."), this);
openAct->setStatusTip(tr("Open an existing file"));
- connect(openAct, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(open()));
+ connect(openAct, &QAction::triggered, this, &MainWindow::open);
+ fileMenu->addAction(openAct);
+ fileToolBar->addAction(openAct);
//! [18] //! [19]
- saveAct = new QAction(QIcon(":/images/save.png"), tr("&Save"), this);
+ const QIcon saveIcon = QIcon::fromTheme("document-save", QIcon(":/images/save.png"));
+ QAction *saveAct = new QAction(saveIcon, tr("&Save"), this);
saveAct->setStatusTip(tr("Save the document to disk"));
- connect(saveAct, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(save()));
+ connect(saveAct, &QAction::triggered, this, &MainWindow::save);
+ fileMenu->addAction(saveAct);
+ fileToolBar->addAction(saveAct);
- saveAsAct = new QAction(tr("Save &As..."), this);
+ const QIcon saveAsIcon = QIcon::fromTheme("document-save-as");
+ QAction *saveAsAct = fileMenu->addAction(saveAsIcon, tr("Save &As..."), this, &MainWindow::saveAs);
saveAsAct->setStatusTip(tr("Save the document under a new name"));
- connect(saveAsAct, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(saveAs()));
//! [20]
- exitAct = new QAction(tr("E&xit"), this);
+ fileMenu->addSeparator();
+ const QIcon exitIcon = QIcon::fromTheme("application-exit");
+ QAction *exitAct = fileMenu->addAction(exitIcon, tr("E&xit"), this, &QWidget::close);
//! [20]
exitAct->setStatusTip(tr("Exit the application"));
- connect(exitAct, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(close()));
//! [21]
- cutAct = new QAction(QIcon(":/images/cut.png"), tr("Cu&t"), this);
+ QMenu *editMenu = menuBar()->addMenu(tr("&Edit"));
+ QToolBar *editToolBar = addToolBar(tr("Edit"));
+ const QIcon cutIcon = QIcon::fromTheme("edit-cut", QIcon(":/images/cut.png"));
+ QAction *cutAct = new QAction(cutIcon, tr("Cu&t"), this);
//! [21]
cutAct->setStatusTip(tr("Cut the current selection's contents to the "
- connect(cutAct, SIGNAL(triggered()), textEdit, SLOT(cut()));
+ connect(cutAct, &QAction::triggered, textEdit, &QPlainTextEdit::cut);
+ editMenu->addAction(cutAct);
+ editToolBar->addAction(cutAct);
- copyAct = new QAction(QIcon(":/images/copy.png"), tr("&Copy"), this);
+ const QIcon copyIcon = QIcon::fromTheme("edit-copy", QIcon(":/images/copy.png"));
+ QAction *copyAct = new QAction(copyIcon, tr("&Copy"), this);
copyAct->setStatusTip(tr("Copy the current selection's contents to the "
- connect(copyAct, SIGNAL(triggered()), textEdit, SLOT(copy()));
+ connect(copyAct, &QAction::triggered, textEdit, &QPlainTextEdit::copy);
+ editMenu->addAction(copyAct);
+ editToolBar->addAction(copyAct);
- pasteAct = new QAction(QIcon(":/images/paste.png"), tr("&Paste"), this);
+ const QIcon pasteIcon = QIcon::fromTheme("edit-paste", QIcon(":/images/paste.png"));
+ QAction *pasteAct = new QAction(pasteIcon, tr("&Paste"), this);
pasteAct->setStatusTip(tr("Paste the clipboard's contents into the current "
- connect(pasteAct, SIGNAL(triggered()), textEdit, SLOT(paste()));
+ connect(pasteAct, &QAction::triggered, textEdit, &QPlainTextEdit::paste);
+ editMenu->addAction(pasteAct);
+ editToolBar->addAction(pasteAct);
+ menuBar()->addSeparator();
+#endif // !QT_NO_CLIPBOARD
- aboutAct = new QAction(tr("&About"), this);
+ QMenu *helpMenu = menuBar()->addMenu(tr("&Help"));
+ QAction *aboutAct = helpMenu->addAction(tr("&About"), this, &MainWindow::about);
aboutAct->setStatusTip(tr("Show the application's About box"));
- connect(aboutAct, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(about()));
//! [22]
- aboutQtAct = new QAction(tr("About &Qt"), this);
+ QAction *aboutQtAct = helpMenu->addAction(tr("About &Qt"), qApp, &QApplication::aboutQt);
aboutQtAct->setStatusTip(tr("Show the Qt library's About box"));
- connect(aboutQtAct, SIGNAL(triggered()), qApp, SLOT(aboutQt()));
//! [22]
//! [23]
//! [23] //! [24]
- connect(textEdit, SIGNAL(copyAvailable(bool)),
- cutAct, SLOT(setEnabled(bool)));
- connect(textEdit, SIGNAL(copyAvailable(bool)),
- copyAct, SLOT(setEnabled(bool)));
+ connect(textEdit, &QPlainTextEdit::copyAvailable, cutAct, &QAction::setEnabled);
+ connect(textEdit, &QPlainTextEdit::copyAvailable, copyAct, &QAction::setEnabled);
+#endif // !QT_NO_CLIPBOARD
//! [24]
-//! [25] //! [26]
-void MainWindow::createMenus()
-//! [25] //! [27]
- fileMenu = menuBar()->addMenu(tr("&File"));
- fileMenu->addAction(newAct);
-//! [28]
- fileMenu->addAction(openAct);
-//! [28]
- fileMenu->addAction(saveAct);
-//! [26]
- fileMenu->addAction(saveAsAct);
- fileMenu->addSeparator();
- fileMenu->addAction(exitAct);
- editMenu = menuBar()->addMenu(tr("&Edit"));
- editMenu->addAction(cutAct);
- editMenu->addAction(copyAct);
- editMenu->addAction(pasteAct);
- menuBar()->addSeparator();
- helpMenu = menuBar()->addMenu(tr("&Help"));
- helpMenu->addAction(aboutAct);
- helpMenu->addAction(aboutQtAct);
-//! [27]
-//! [29] //! [30]
-void MainWindow::createToolBars()
- fileToolBar = addToolBar(tr("File"));
- fileToolBar->addAction(newAct);
-//! [29] //! [31]
- fileToolBar->addAction(openAct);
-//! [31]
- fileToolBar->addAction(saveAct);
- editToolBar = addToolBar(tr("Edit"));
- editToolBar->addAction(cutAct);
- editToolBar->addAction(copyAct);
- editToolBar->addAction(pasteAct);
-//! [30]
//! [32]
void MainWindow::createStatusBar()
//! [32] //! [33]
@@ -281,11 +262,16 @@ void MainWindow::createStatusBar()
void MainWindow::readSettings()
//! [34] //! [36]
- QSettings settings("QtProject", "Application Example");
- QPoint pos = settings.value("pos", QPoint(200, 200)).toPoint();
- QSize size = settings.value("size", QSize(400, 400)).toSize();
- resize(size);
- move(pos);
+ QSettings settings(QCoreApplication::organizationName(), QCoreApplication::applicationName());
+ const QByteArray geometry = settings.value("geometry", QByteArray()).toByteArray();
+ if (geometry.isEmpty()) {
+ const QRect availableGeometry = QApplication::desktop()->availableGeometry(this);
+ resize(availableGeometry.width() / 3, availableGeometry.height() / 2);
+ move((availableGeometry.width() - width()) / 2,
+ (availableGeometry.height() - height()) / 2);
+ } else {
+ restoreGeometry(geometry);
+ }
//! [35] //! [36]
@@ -293,9 +279,8 @@ void MainWindow::readSettings()
void MainWindow::writeSettings()
//! [37] //! [39]
- QSettings settings("QtProject", "Application Example");
- settings.setValue("pos", pos());
- settings.setValue("size", size());
+ QSettings settings(QCoreApplication::organizationName(), QCoreApplication::applicationName());
+ settings.setValue("geometry", saveGeometry());
//! [38] //! [39]
@@ -303,16 +288,20 @@ void MainWindow::writeSettings()
bool MainWindow::maybeSave()
//! [40] //! [41]
- if (textEdit->document()->isModified()) {
- QMessageBox::StandardButton ret;
- ret = QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Application"),
- tr("The document has been modified.\n"
- "Do you want to save your changes?"),
- QMessageBox::Save | QMessageBox::Discard | QMessageBox::Cancel);
- if (ret == QMessageBox::Save)
- return save();
- else if (ret == QMessageBox::Cancel)
- return false;
+ if (!textEdit->document()->isModified())
+ return true;
+ const QMessageBox::StandardButton ret
+ = QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Application"),
+ tr("The document has been modified.\n"
+ "Do you want to save your changes?"),
+ QMessageBox::Save | QMessageBox::Discard | QMessageBox::Cancel);
+ switch (ret) {
+ case QMessageBox::Save:
+ return save();
+ case QMessageBox::Cancel:
+ return false;
+ default:
+ break;
return true;
@@ -326,8 +315,7 @@ void MainWindow::loadFile(const QString &fileName)
if (! | QFile::Text)) {
QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Application"),
tr("Cannot read file %1:\n%2.")
- .arg(fileName)
- .arg(file.errorString()));
+ .arg(QDir::toNativeSeparators(fileName), file.errorString()));
@@ -353,8 +341,8 @@ bool MainWindow::saveFile(const QString &fileName)
if (! | QFile::Text)) {
QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Application"),
tr("Cannot write file %1:\n%2.")
- .arg(fileName)
- .arg(file.errorString()));
+ .arg(QDir::toNativeSeparators(fileName),
+ file.errorString()));
return false;