path: root/mkspecs/macx-ios-clang/features/default_post.prf
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Diffstat (limited to 'mkspecs/macx-ios-clang/features/default_post.prf')
1 files changed, 13 insertions, 170 deletions
diff --git a/mkspecs/macx-ios-clang/features/default_post.prf b/mkspecs/macx-ios-clang/features/default_post.prf
index c9d3a5d85b..3acd35a038 100644
--- a/mkspecs/macx-ios-clang/features/default_post.prf
+++ b/mkspecs/macx-ios-clang/features/default_post.prf
@@ -1,179 +1,24 @@
-# Resolve config so we don't need to use CONFIG() later on
-CONFIG(iphonesimulator, iphonesimulator|iphoneos) {
- CONFIG -= iphoneos
-} else {
- CONFIG -= iphonesimulator
- CONFIG += iphoneos
-equals(TEMPLATE, app) {
+equals(TEMPLATE, app):contains(CONFIG, qt) {
# If the application uses Qt, it needs to be an application bundle
# to be able to deploy and run on iOS. The only exception to this
# is if you're working with a jailbroken device and can run the
# resulting binary from the console/over SSH, but that's not a
# use-case we care about, so no need to complicate the logic.
- qt: CONFIG *= app_bundle
- app_bundle {
- macx-xcode {
- # There is no way to genereate Xcode projects that are limited to either
- # simulator or device builds, so iphonesimulator_and_iphoneos is always
- # effectivly active, even if the user disabled it explicitly.
- # The Xcode generator doesn't support multiple BUILDS though (exclusive
- # builds), so we have to manually set up the simulator suffix.
- = "$${QMAKE_XCODE_LIBRARY_SUFFIX_SETTING}[sdk=iphonesimulator*]"
- library_suffix_iphonesimulator.value = "_iphonesimulator$($${QMAKE_XCODE_LIBRARY_SUFFIX_SETTING})"
- QMAKE_MAC_XCODE_SETTINGS += library_suffix_iphonesimulator
- CONFIG *= xcode_dynamic_library_suffix
- } else {
- # For Qt applications we want Xcode project files as the generated output,
- # but since qmake doesn't handle the transition between makefiles and Xcode
- # project files (which happens when using subdirs), we create a wrapper
- # makefile that takes care of generating the Xcode project, and allows
- # building by calling out to xcodebuild.
- TEMPLATE = aux
- !build_pass {
- CONFIG += debug_and_release
- load(resolve_config)
- CONFIG += iphonesimulator_and_iphoneos
- = Simulator
- = Device
- addExclusiveBuilds(iphonesimulator, iphoneos)
- load(exclusive_builds_post)
- xcode_distclean.commands = "$(DEL_FILE) -R $${TARGET}.xcodeproj"
- xcode_distclean.depends = \
- debug-iphonesimulator-distclean debug-iphoneos-distclean \
- release-iphonesimulator-distclean release-iphoneos-distclean
- QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += xcode_distclean
- DISTCLEAN_DEPS += xcode_distclean
- mkpath($$OUT_PWD)|error("Aborting.")
- args =
- for(arg, QMAKE_ARGS): \
- args += $$system_quote($$arg)
- system("cd $$system_quote($$OUT_PWD) && $$QMAKE_QMAKE $$args $$system_quote($$_PRO_FILE_) -spec macx-xcode")
- # We have a target, even though our template is aux
- CONFIG += have_target
- } else {
- load(resolve_config)
- iphonesimulator: \
- sdk = iphonesimulator
- else: \
- sdk = iphoneos
- debug: \
- cfg = debug
- else: \
- cfg = release
- for(action, $$list(build install clean test)) {
- equals(action, build) {
- action_target_suffix =
- action_target = all
- } else: equals(action, test) {
- action_target_suffix = -check
- action_target = check
- } else {
- action_target_suffix = -$$action
- action_target = $$action
- }
- target = $${sdk}-$${cfg}$${action_target_suffix}
- xcodebuild = "xcodebuild $$action -scheme $(TARGET) -sdk $$sdk -configuration $$title($$cfg)"
- equals(action, test):equals(sdk, iphoneos) {
- AVAILABLE_DEVICE_IDS = "$(shell system_profiler SPUSBDataType | sed -n -E -e '/(iPhone|iPad|iPod)/,/Serial/s/ *Serial Number: *(.+)/\1/p')"
- xcodebuild = "@$(if $(EXPORT_TEST_DEVICE_IDS),"\
- "echo Running tests on $(words $(EXPORT_TEST_DEVICE_IDS)) device\\(s\\): && ("\
- "$(foreach deviceid, $(EXPORT_TEST_DEVICE_IDS),"\
- "(echo Testing on device ID '$(deviceid)' ... && $${xcodebuild} -destination 'platform=iOS,id=$(deviceid)' && echo) &&"\
- ") echo Tests completed successfully on all devices"\
- "), $(error No iOS devices connected, please connect at least one device that can be used for testing.))"
- }
- $${target}.commands = $$xcodebuild
- $${action_target}.depends += $$target
- QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS *= $${action_target}
- }
- xcode_build_dir_distclean.commands = "$(DEL_FILE) -R $$title($$cfg)-$${sdk}"
- xcode_build_dir_distclean.depends = clean
- QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += xcode_build_dir_distclean
- distclean.depends = xcode_build_dir_distclean
- QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += distclean
- }
- }
- }
-} else: equals(TEMPLATE, lib) {
- = Simulator
- = Device
- addExclusiveBuilds(iphonesimulator, iphoneos)
-} else: equals(TEMPLATE, subdirs) {
- # Prevent recursion into host_builds
- for(subdir, SUBDIRS) {
- contains($${subdir}.CONFIG, host_build) {
- $${subdir}.CONFIG += no_iphoneos_target no_iphonesimulator_target
- # Other targets which we do want to recurse into may depend on this target,
- # for example corelib depends on moc, rcc, bootstrap, etc, and other libs
- # may depend on host-tools that are needed to build the lib, so we resolve
- # the final target name and redirect it to the base target, so that the
- # dependency chain is not broken for the other targets.
- !isEmpty($${subdir}.target) {
- target = $$eval($${subdir}.target)
- } else {
- !isEmpty($${subdir}.file): \
- file = $$eval($${subdir}.file)
- else: !isEmpty($${subdir}.subdir): \
- file = $$eval($${subdir}.subdir)
- else: \
- file = $$subdir
- target = sub-$$file
- }
- target ~= s,[^a-zA-Z0-9_],-,
- $${target}-iphonesimulator.depends = $$target
- $${target}-iphoneos.depends = $$target
- QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += $${target}-iphonesimulator $${target}-iphoneos
- }
- }
- prepareRecursiveTarget(iphonesimulator)
- prepareRecursiveTarget(iphoneos)
- QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += iphonesimulator iphoneos
-} else: equals(TEMPLATE, aux) {
- # Dummy targets for the 'aux' TEMPLATE, so we can always recurse
- QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS *= iphonesimulator iphoneos
+ CONFIG *= app_bundle
+ # For Qt applications we want Xcode project files as the generated output,
+ # but since qmake doesn't handle the transition between makefiles and Xcode
+ # project files (which happens when using subdirs), we can't just override
+ # MAKEFILE_GENERATOR. Instead, we generate the Xcode project by spawning a
+ # child qmake process with -spec macx-xcode and let the top level qmake
+ # process generate a wrapper makefile that forwards everything to xcodebuild.
+ CONFIG = xcodebuild $$CONFIG
ios_device_family.value = $$QMAKE_IOS_TARGETED_DEVICE_FAMILY
@@ -251,5 +96,3 @@ macx-xcode {
QMAKE_LFLAGS += $$arch_flags