path: root/src/3rdparty/angle/src/common/winrt/SwapChainPanelNativeWindow.cpp
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diff --git a/src/3rdparty/angle/src/common/winrt/SwapChainPanelNativeWindow.cpp b/src/3rdparty/angle/src/common/winrt/SwapChainPanelNativeWindow.cpp
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index 268dfbd8f0..0000000000
--- a/src/3rdparty/angle/src/common/winrt/SwapChainPanelNativeWindow.cpp
+++ /dev/null
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-// Copyright (c) 2014 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-// SwapChainPanelNativeWindow.cpp: NativeWindow for managing ISwapChainPanel native window types.
-#include "common/winrt/SwapChainPanelNativeWindow.h"
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <math.h>
-using namespace ABI::Windows::Foundation::Collections;
-namespace rx
- unregisterForSizeChangeEvents();
-bool SwapChainPanelNativeWindow::initialize(EGLNativeWindowType window, EGLNativeDisplayType display, IPropertySet *propertySet)
- ComPtr<IPropertySet> props = propertySet;
- ComPtr<IInspectable> win = window;
- SIZE swapChainSize = {};
- bool swapChainSizeSpecified = false;
- HRESULT result = S_OK;
- // IPropertySet is an optional parameter and can be null.
- // If one is specified, cache as an IMap and read the properties
- // used for initial host initialization.
- if (propertySet)
- {
- result = props.As(&mPropertyMap);
- if (SUCCEEDED(result))
- {
- // The EGLRenderSurfaceSizeProperty is optional and may be missing. The IPropertySet
- // was prevalidated to contain the EGLNativeWindowType before being passed to
- // this host.
- result = GetOptionalSizePropertyValue(mPropertyMap, EGLRenderSurfaceSizeProperty, &swapChainSize, &swapChainSizeSpecified);
- }
- }
- if (SUCCEEDED(result))
- {
- result = win.As(&mSwapChainPanel);
- }
- if (SUCCEEDED(result))
- {
- // If a swapchain size is specfied, then the automatic resize
- // behaviors implemented by the host should be disabled. The swapchain
- // will be still be scaled when being rendered to fit the bounds
- // of the host.
- // Scaling of the swapchain output needs to be handled by the
- // host for swapchain panels even though the scaling mode setting
- // DXGI_SCALING_STRETCH is configured on the swapchain.
- if (swapChainSizeSpecified)
- {
- mClientRect = { 0, 0,, };
- // Enable host swapchain scaling
- mRequiresSwapChainScaling = true;
- }
- else
- {
- result = GetSwapChainPanelSize(mSwapChainPanel, &mClientRect);
- }
- }
- if (SUCCEEDED(result))
- {
- mNewClientRect = mClientRect;
- mClientRectChanged = false;
- return registerForSizeChangeEvents();
- }
- return false;
-bool SwapChainPanelNativeWindow::registerForSizeChangeEvents()
- ComPtr<ABI::Windows::UI::Xaml::ISizeChangedEventHandler> sizeChangedHandler;
- ComPtr<ABI::Windows::UI::Xaml::IFrameworkElement> frameworkElement;
- HRESULT result = Microsoft::WRL::MakeAndInitialize<SwapChainPanelSizeChangedHandler>(sizeChangedHandler.ReleaseAndGetAddressOf(), this->shared_from_this());
- if (SUCCEEDED(result))
- {
- result = mSwapChainPanel.As(&frameworkElement);
- }
- if (SUCCEEDED(result))
- {
- result = frameworkElement->add_SizeChanged(sizeChangedHandler.Get(), &mSizeChangedEventToken);
- }
- if (SUCCEEDED(result))
- {
- return true;
- }
- return false;
-void SwapChainPanelNativeWindow::unregisterForSizeChangeEvents()
- ComPtr<ABI::Windows::UI::Xaml::IFrameworkElement> frameworkElement;
- if (SUCCEEDED(mSwapChainPanel.As(&frameworkElement)))
- {
- (void)frameworkElement->remove_SizeChanged(mSizeChangedEventToken);
- }
- mSizeChangedEventToken.value = 0;
-HRESULT SwapChainPanelNativeWindow::createSwapChain(ID3D11Device *device, DXGIFactory *factory, DXGI_FORMAT format, unsigned int width, unsigned int height, DXGISwapChain **swapChain)
- if (device == NULL || factory == NULL || swapChain == NULL || width == 0 || height == 0)
- {
- return E_INVALIDARG;
- }
- DXGI_SWAP_CHAIN_DESC1 swapChainDesc = { 0 };
- swapChainDesc.Width = width;
- swapChainDesc.Height = height;
- swapChainDesc.Format = format;
- swapChainDesc.Stereo = FALSE;
- swapChainDesc.SampleDesc.Count = 1;
- swapChainDesc.SampleDesc.Quality = 0;
- swapChainDesc.BufferCount = 2;
- swapChainDesc.Scaling = DXGI_SCALING_STRETCH;
- swapChainDesc.AlphaMode = DXGI_ALPHA_MODE_IGNORE;
- *swapChain = nullptr;
- ComPtr<IDXGISwapChain1> newSwapChain;
- ComPtr<ISwapChainPanelNative> swapChainPanelNative;
- RECT currentPanelSize = {};
- HRESULT result = factory->CreateSwapChainForComposition(device, &swapChainDesc, nullptr, newSwapChain.ReleaseAndGetAddressOf());
- if (SUCCEEDED(result))
- {
- result = mSwapChainPanel.As(&swapChainPanelNative);
- }
- if (SUCCEEDED(result))
- {
- result = swapChainPanelNative->SetSwapChain(newSwapChain.Get());
- }
- if (SUCCEEDED(result))
- {
- // The swapchain panel host requires an instance of the swapchain set on the SwapChainPanel
- // to perform the runtime-scale behavior. This swapchain is cached here because there are
- // no methods for retreiving the currently configured on from ISwapChainPanelNative.
- mSwapChain = newSwapChain;
- result = newSwapChain.CopyTo(swapChain);
- }
- // If the host is responsible for scaling the output of the swapchain, then
- // scale it now before returning an instance to the caller. This is done by
- // first reading the current size of the swapchain panel, then scaling
- if (SUCCEEDED(result) && mRequiresSwapChainScaling)
- {
- result = GetSwapChainPanelSize(mSwapChainPanel, &currentPanelSize);
- }
- // Scale the swapchain to fit inside the contents of the panel.
- if (SUCCEEDED(result) && mRequiresSwapChainScaling)
- {
- SIZE currentSize = { currentPanelSize.right, currentPanelSize.bottom };
- result = scaleSwapChain(currentSize);
- }
- if (SUCCEEDED(result))
- {
- // If automatic swapchain resize behaviors have been disabled, then
- // unregister for the resize change events.
- if (mSupportsSwapChainResize == false)
- {
- unregisterForSizeChangeEvents();
- }
- }
- return result;
-HRESULT SwapChainPanelNativeWindow::scaleSwapChain(const SIZE &newSize)
- ABI::Windows::Foundation::Size renderScale = { (float), (float) };
- // Setup a scale matrix for the swap chain
- DXGI_MATRIX_3X2_F scaleMatrix = {};
- scaleMatrix._11 = renderScale.Width;
- scaleMatrix._22 = renderScale.Height;
- ComPtr<IDXGISwapChain2> swapChain2;
- HRESULT result = mSwapChain.As(&swapChain2);
- if (SUCCEEDED(result))
- {
- result = swapChain2->SetMatrixTransform(&scaleMatrix);
- }
- return result;
-HRESULT GetSwapChainPanelSize(const ComPtr<ABI::Windows::UI::Xaml::Controls::ISwapChainPanel> &swapChainPanel, RECT *windowSize)
- ComPtr<ABI::Windows::UI::Xaml::IUIElement> uiElement;
- ABI::Windows::Foundation::Size renderSize = { 0, 0 };
- HRESULT result = swapChainPanel.As(&uiElement);
- if (SUCCEEDED(result))
- {
- result = uiElement->get_RenderSize(&renderSize);
- }
- if (SUCCEEDED(result))
- {
- *windowSize = { 0, 0, lround(renderSize.Width), lround(renderSize.Height) };
- }
- return result;