path: root/src/3rdparty/angle/src/compiler/translator/Compiler.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/3rdparty/angle/src/compiler/translator/Compiler.cpp')
1 files changed, 527 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/angle/src/compiler/translator/Compiler.cpp b/src/3rdparty/angle/src/compiler/translator/Compiler.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..eb7465e35c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/angle/src/compiler/translator/Compiler.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,527 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2002-2013 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "compiler/translator/BuiltInFunctionEmulator.h"
+#include "compiler/translator/DetectCallDepth.h"
+#include "compiler/translator/ForLoopUnroll.h"
+#include "compiler/translator/Initialize.h"
+#include "compiler/translator/InitializeParseContext.h"
+#include "compiler/translator/InitializeVariables.h"
+#include "compiler/translator/MapLongVariableNames.h"
+#include "compiler/translator/ParseContext.h"
+#include "compiler/translator/RenameFunction.h"
+#include "compiler/translator/ShHandle.h"
+#include "compiler/translator/UnfoldShortCircuitAST.h"
+#include "compiler/translator/ValidateLimitations.h"
+#include "compiler/translator/VariablePacker.h"
+#include "compiler/translator/depgraph/DependencyGraph.h"
+#include "compiler/translator/depgraph/DependencyGraphOutput.h"
+#include "compiler/translator/timing/RestrictFragmentShaderTiming.h"
+#include "compiler/translator/timing/RestrictVertexShaderTiming.h"
+#include "third_party/compiler/ArrayBoundsClamper.h"
+bool isWebGLBasedSpec(ShShaderSpec spec)
+ return spec == SH_WEBGL_SPEC || spec == SH_CSS_SHADERS_SPEC;
+namespace {
+class TScopedPoolAllocator
+ public:
+ TScopedPoolAllocator(TPoolAllocator* allocator) : mAllocator(allocator)
+ {
+ mAllocator->push();
+ SetGlobalPoolAllocator(mAllocator);
+ }
+ ~TScopedPoolAllocator()
+ {
+ SetGlobalPoolAllocator(NULL);
+ mAllocator->pop();
+ }
+ private:
+ TPoolAllocator* mAllocator;
+class TScopedSymbolTableLevel
+ public:
+ TScopedSymbolTableLevel(TSymbolTable* table) : mTable(table)
+ {
+ ASSERT(mTable->atBuiltInLevel());
+ mTable->push();
+ }
+ ~TScopedSymbolTableLevel()
+ {
+ while (!mTable->atBuiltInLevel())
+ mTable->pop();
+ }
+ private:
+ TSymbolTable* mTable;
+} // namespace
+ allocator.push();
+ SetGlobalPoolAllocator(&allocator);
+ SetGlobalPoolAllocator(NULL);
+ allocator.popAll();
+TCompiler::TCompiler(ShShaderType type, ShShaderSpec spec)
+ : shaderType(type),
+ shaderSpec(spec),
+ maxUniformVectors(0),
+ maxExpressionComplexity(0),
+ maxCallStackDepth(0),
+ fragmentPrecisionHigh(false),
+ builtInFunctionEmulator(type)
+ longNameMap = LongNameMap::GetInstance();
+ ASSERT(longNameMap);
+ longNameMap->Release();
+bool TCompiler::Init(const ShBuiltInResources& resources)
+ maxUniformVectors = (shaderType == SH_VERTEX_SHADER) ?
+ resources.MaxVertexUniformVectors :
+ resources.MaxFragmentUniformVectors;
+ maxExpressionComplexity = resources.MaxExpressionComplexity;
+ maxCallStackDepth = resources.MaxCallStackDepth;
+ SetGlobalPoolAllocator(&allocator);
+ // Generate built-in symbol table.
+ if (!InitBuiltInSymbolTable(resources))
+ return false;
+ InitExtensionBehavior(resources, extensionBehavior);
+ fragmentPrecisionHigh = resources.FragmentPrecisionHigh == 1;
+ arrayBoundsClamper.SetClampingStrategy(resources.ArrayIndexClampingStrategy);
+ clampingStrategy = resources.ArrayIndexClampingStrategy;
+ hashFunction = resources.HashFunction;
+ return true;
+bool TCompiler::compile(const char* const shaderStrings[],
+ size_t numStrings,
+ int compileOptions)
+ TScopedPoolAllocator scopedAlloc(&allocator);
+ clearResults();
+ if (numStrings == 0)
+ return true;
+ // If compiling for WebGL, validate loop and indexing as well.
+ if (isWebGLBasedSpec(shaderSpec))
+ compileOptions |= SH_VALIDATE_LOOP_INDEXING;
+ // First string is path of source file if flag is set. The actual source follows.
+ const char* sourcePath = NULL;
+ size_t firstSource = 0;
+ if (compileOptions & SH_SOURCE_PATH)
+ {
+ sourcePath = shaderStrings[0];
+ ++firstSource;
+ }
+ TIntermediate intermediate(infoSink);
+ TParseContext parseContext(symbolTable, extensionBehavior, intermediate,
+ shaderType, shaderSpec, compileOptions, true,
+ sourcePath, infoSink);
+ parseContext.fragmentPrecisionHigh = fragmentPrecisionHigh;
+ SetGlobalParseContext(&parseContext);
+ // We preserve symbols at the built-in level from compile-to-compile.
+ // Start pushing the user-defined symbols at global level.
+ TScopedSymbolTableLevel scopedSymbolLevel(&symbolTable);
+ // Parse shader.
+ bool success =
+ (PaParseStrings(numStrings - firstSource, &shaderStrings[firstSource], NULL, &parseContext) == 0) &&
+ (parseContext.treeRoot != NULL);
+ if (success)
+ {
+ TIntermNode* root = parseContext.treeRoot;
+ success = intermediate.postProcess(root);
+ if (success)
+ success = detectCallDepth(root, infoSink, (compileOptions & SH_LIMIT_CALL_STACK_DEPTH) != 0);
+ if (success && (compileOptions & SH_VALIDATE_LOOP_INDEXING))
+ success = validateLimitations(root);
+ if (success && (compileOptions & SH_TIMING_RESTRICTIONS))
+ success = enforceTimingRestrictions(root, (compileOptions & SH_DEPENDENCY_GRAPH) != 0);
+ if (success && shaderSpec == SH_CSS_SHADERS_SPEC)
+ rewriteCSSShader(root);
+ // Unroll for-loop markup needs to happen after validateLimitations pass.
+ if (success && (compileOptions & SH_UNROLL_FOR_LOOP_WITH_INTEGER_INDEX))
+ ForLoopUnroll::MarkForLoopsWithIntegerIndicesForUnrolling(root);
+ // Built-in function emulation needs to happen after validateLimitations pass.
+ if (success && (compileOptions & SH_EMULATE_BUILT_IN_FUNCTIONS))
+ builtInFunctionEmulator.MarkBuiltInFunctionsForEmulation(root);
+ // Clamping uniform array bounds needs to happen after validateLimitations pass.
+ if (success && (compileOptions & SH_CLAMP_INDIRECT_ARRAY_BOUNDS))
+ arrayBoundsClamper.MarkIndirectArrayBoundsForClamping(root);
+ // Disallow expressions deemed too complex.
+ if (success && (compileOptions & SH_LIMIT_EXPRESSION_COMPLEXITY))
+ success = limitExpressionComplexity(root);
+ // Call mapLongVariableNames() before collectAttribsUniforms() so in
+ // collectAttribsUniforms() we already have the mapped symbol names and
+ // we could composite mapped and original variable names.
+ // Also, if we hash all the names, then no need to do this for long names.
+ if (success && (compileOptions & SH_MAP_LONG_VARIABLE_NAMES) && hashFunction == NULL)
+ mapLongVariableNames(root);
+ if (success && shaderType == SH_VERTEX_SHADER && (compileOptions & SH_INIT_GL_POSITION))
+ initializeGLPosition(root);
+ if (success && (compileOptions & SH_UNFOLD_SHORT_CIRCUIT))
+ {
+ UnfoldShortCircuitAST unfoldShortCircuit;
+ root->traverse(&unfoldShortCircuit);
+ unfoldShortCircuit.updateTree();
+ }
+ if (success && (compileOptions & SH_VARIABLES))
+ {
+ collectVariables(root);
+ {
+ success = enforcePackingRestrictions();
+ if (!success)
+ {
+ << "too many uniforms";
+ }
+ }
+ if (success && shaderType == SH_VERTEX_SHADER &&
+ initializeVaryingsWithoutStaticUse(root);
+ }
+ if (success && (compileOptions & SH_INTERMEDIATE_TREE))
+ intermediate.outputTree(root);
+ if (success && (compileOptions & SH_OBJECT_CODE))
+ translate(root);
+ }
+ // Cleanup memory.
+ intermediate.remove(parseContext.treeRoot);
+ return success;
+bool TCompiler::InitBuiltInSymbolTable(const ShBuiltInResources &resources)
+ compileResources = resources;
+ assert(symbolTable.isEmpty());
+ symbolTable.push();
+ TPublicType integer;
+ integer.type = EbtInt;
+ integer.size = 1;
+ integer.matrix = false;
+ integer.array = false;
+ TPublicType floatingPoint;
+ floatingPoint.type = EbtFloat;
+ floatingPoint.size = 1;
+ floatingPoint.matrix = false;
+ floatingPoint.array = false;
+ TPublicType sampler;
+ sampler.size = 1;
+ sampler.matrix = false;
+ sampler.array = false;
+ switch(shaderType)
+ {
+ symbolTable.setDefaultPrecision(integer, EbpMedium);
+ break;
+ symbolTable.setDefaultPrecision(integer, EbpHigh);
+ symbolTable.setDefaultPrecision(floatingPoint, EbpHigh);
+ break;
+ default:
+ assert(false && "Language not supported");
+ }
+ // We set defaults for all the sampler types, even those that are
+ // only available if an extension exists.
+ for (int samplerType = EbtGuardSamplerBegin + 1;
+ samplerType < EbtGuardSamplerEnd; ++samplerType)
+ {
+ sampler.type = static_cast<TBasicType>(samplerType);
+ symbolTable.setDefaultPrecision(sampler, EbpLow);
+ }
+ InsertBuiltInFunctions(shaderType, shaderSpec, resources, symbolTable);
+ IdentifyBuiltIns(shaderType, shaderSpec, resources, symbolTable);
+ return true;
+void TCompiler::clearResults()
+ arrayBoundsClamper.Cleanup();
+ infoSink.obj.erase();
+ infoSink.debug.erase();
+ attribs.clear();
+ uniforms.clear();
+ varyings.clear();
+ builtInFunctionEmulator.Cleanup();
+ nameMap.clear();
+bool TCompiler::detectCallDepth(TIntermNode* root, TInfoSink& infoSink, bool limitCallStackDepth)
+ DetectCallDepth detect(infoSink, limitCallStackDepth, maxCallStackDepth);
+ root->traverse(&detect);
+ switch (detect.detectCallDepth())
+ {
+ case DetectCallDepth::kErrorNone:
+ return true;
+ case DetectCallDepth::kErrorMissingMain:
+ << "Missing main()";
+ return false;
+ case DetectCallDepth::kErrorRecursion:
+ << "Function recursion detected";
+ return false;
+ case DetectCallDepth::kErrorMaxDepthExceeded:
+ << "Function call stack too deep";
+ return false;
+ default:
+ return false;
+ }
+void TCompiler::rewriteCSSShader(TIntermNode* root)
+ RenameFunction renamer("main(", "css_main(");
+ root->traverse(&renamer);
+bool TCompiler::validateLimitations(TIntermNode* root)
+ ValidateLimitations validate(shaderType,;
+ root->traverse(&validate);
+ return validate.numErrors() == 0;
+bool TCompiler::enforceTimingRestrictions(TIntermNode* root, bool outputGraph)
+ if (shaderSpec != SH_WEBGL_SPEC)
+ {
+ << "Timing restrictions must be enforced under the WebGL spec.";
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (shaderType == SH_FRAGMENT_SHADER)
+ {
+ TDependencyGraph graph(root);
+ // Output any errors first.
+ bool success = enforceFragmentShaderTimingRestrictions(graph);
+ // Then, output the dependency graph.
+ if (outputGraph)
+ {
+ TDependencyGraphOutput output(;
+ output.outputAllSpanningTrees(graph);
+ }
+ return success;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return enforceVertexShaderTimingRestrictions(root);
+ }
+bool TCompiler::limitExpressionComplexity(TIntermNode* root)
+ TIntermTraverser traverser;
+ root->traverse(&traverser);
+ TDependencyGraph graph(root);
+ for (TFunctionCallVector::const_iterator iter = graph.beginUserDefinedFunctionCalls();
+ iter != graph.endUserDefinedFunctionCalls();
+ ++iter)
+ {
+ TGraphFunctionCall* samplerSymbol = *iter;
+ TDependencyGraphTraverser graphTraverser;
+ samplerSymbol->traverse(&graphTraverser);
+ }
+ if (traverser.getMaxDepth() > maxExpressionComplexity)
+ {
+ << "Expression too complex.";
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+bool TCompiler::enforceFragmentShaderTimingRestrictions(const TDependencyGraph& graph)
+ RestrictFragmentShaderTiming restrictor(;
+ restrictor.enforceRestrictions(graph);
+ return restrictor.numErrors() == 0;
+bool TCompiler::enforceVertexShaderTimingRestrictions(TIntermNode* root)
+ RestrictVertexShaderTiming restrictor(;
+ restrictor.enforceRestrictions(root);
+ return restrictor.numErrors() == 0;
+void TCompiler::collectVariables(TIntermNode* root)
+ CollectVariables collect(attribs, uniforms, varyings, hashFunction);
+ root->traverse(&collect);
+bool TCompiler::enforcePackingRestrictions()
+ VariablePacker packer;
+ return packer.CheckVariablesWithinPackingLimits(maxUniformVectors, uniforms);
+void TCompiler::initializeGLPosition(TIntermNode* root)
+ InitializeVariables::InitVariableInfoList variables;
+ InitializeVariables::InitVariableInfo var(
+ "gl_Position", TType(EbtFloat, EbpUndefined, EvqPosition, 4));
+ variables.push_back(var);
+ InitializeVariables initializer(variables);
+ root->traverse(&initializer);
+void TCompiler::initializeVaryingsWithoutStaticUse(TIntermNode* root)
+ InitializeVariables::InitVariableInfoList variables;
+ for (size_t ii = 0; ii < varyings.size(); ++ii)
+ {
+ const TVariableInfo& varying = varyings[ii];
+ if (varying.staticUse)
+ continue;
+ unsigned char size = 0;
+ bool matrix = false;
+ switch (varying.type)
+ {
+ case SH_FLOAT:
+ size = 1;
+ break;
+ case SH_FLOAT_VEC2:
+ size = 2;
+ break;
+ case SH_FLOAT_VEC3:
+ size = 3;
+ break;
+ case SH_FLOAT_VEC4:
+ size = 4;
+ break;
+ case SH_FLOAT_MAT2:
+ size = 2;
+ matrix = true;
+ break;
+ case SH_FLOAT_MAT3:
+ size = 3;
+ matrix = true;
+ break;
+ case SH_FLOAT_MAT4:
+ size = 4;
+ matrix = true;
+ break;
+ default:
+ ASSERT(false);
+ }
+ TType type(EbtFloat, EbpUndefined, EvqVaryingOut, size, matrix, varying.isArray);
+ TString name =;
+ if (varying.isArray)
+ {
+ type.setArraySize(varying.size);
+ name = name.substr(0, name.find_first_of('['));
+ }
+ InitializeVariables::InitVariableInfo var(name, type);
+ variables.push_back(var);
+ }
+ InitializeVariables initializer(variables);
+ root->traverse(&initializer);
+void TCompiler::mapLongVariableNames(TIntermNode* root)
+ ASSERT(longNameMap);
+ MapLongVariableNames map(longNameMap);
+ root->traverse(&map);
+int TCompiler::getMappedNameMaxLength() const
+const TExtensionBehavior& TCompiler::getExtensionBehavior() const
+ return extensionBehavior;
+const ShBuiltInResources& TCompiler::getResources() const
+ return compileResources;
+const ArrayBoundsClamper& TCompiler::getArrayBoundsClamper() const
+ return arrayBoundsClamper;
+ShArrayIndexClampingStrategy TCompiler::getArrayIndexClampingStrategy() const
+ return clampingStrategy;
+const BuiltInFunctionEmulator& TCompiler::getBuiltInFunctionEmulator() const
+ return builtInFunctionEmulator;