path: root/src/3rdparty/angle/src/compiler/translator/IntermTraverse.h
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1 files changed, 355 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/angle/src/compiler/translator/IntermTraverse.h b/src/3rdparty/angle/src/compiler/translator/IntermTraverse.h
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index 0000000000..f0300b586b
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+// Copyright (c) 2017 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+// IntermTraverse.h : base classes for AST traversers that walk the AST and
+// also have the ability to transform it by replacing nodes.
+#include "compiler/translator/IntermNode.h"
+namespace sh
+class TSymbolTable;
+class TSymbolUniqueId;
+enum Visit
+ PreVisit,
+ InVisit,
+ PostVisit
+// For traversing the tree. User should derive from this class overriding the visit functions,
+// and then pass an object of the subclass to a traverse method of a node.
+// The traverse*() functions may also be overridden to do other bookkeeping on the tree to provide
+// contextual information to the visit functions, such as whether the node is the target of an
+// assignment. This is complex to maintain and so should only be done in special cases.
+// When using this, just fill in the methods for nodes you want visited.
+// Return false from a pre-visit to skip visiting that node's subtree.
+class TIntermTraverser : angle::NonCopyable
+ public:
+ TIntermTraverser(bool preVisit,
+ bool inVisit,
+ bool postVisit,
+ TSymbolTable *symbolTable = nullptr);
+ virtual ~TIntermTraverser();
+ virtual void visitSymbol(TIntermSymbol *node) {}
+ virtual void visitRaw(TIntermRaw *node) {}
+ virtual void visitConstantUnion(TIntermConstantUnion *node) {}
+ virtual bool visitSwizzle(Visit visit, TIntermSwizzle *node) { return true; }
+ virtual bool visitBinary(Visit visit, TIntermBinary *node) { return true; }
+ virtual bool visitUnary(Visit visit, TIntermUnary *node) { return true; }
+ virtual bool visitTernary(Visit visit, TIntermTernary *node) { return true; }
+ virtual bool visitIfElse(Visit visit, TIntermIfElse *node) { return true; }
+ virtual bool visitSwitch(Visit visit, TIntermSwitch *node) { return true; }
+ virtual bool visitCase(Visit visit, TIntermCase *node) { return true; }
+ virtual bool visitFunctionPrototype(Visit visit, TIntermFunctionPrototype *node)
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ virtual bool visitFunctionDefinition(Visit visit, TIntermFunctionDefinition *node)
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ virtual bool visitAggregate(Visit visit, TIntermAggregate *node) { return true; }
+ virtual bool visitBlock(Visit visit, TIntermBlock *node) { return true; }
+ virtual bool visitInvariantDeclaration(Visit visit, TIntermInvariantDeclaration *node)
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ virtual bool visitDeclaration(Visit visit, TIntermDeclaration *node) { return true; }
+ virtual bool visitLoop(Visit visit, TIntermLoop *node) { return true; }
+ virtual bool visitBranch(Visit visit, TIntermBranch *node) { return true; }
+ // The traverse functions contain logic for iterating over the children of the node
+ // and calling the visit functions in the appropriate places. They also track some
+ // context that may be used by the visit functions.
+ virtual void traverseSymbol(TIntermSymbol *node);
+ virtual void traverseRaw(TIntermRaw *node);
+ virtual void traverseConstantUnion(TIntermConstantUnion *node);
+ virtual void traverseSwizzle(TIntermSwizzle *node);
+ virtual void traverseBinary(TIntermBinary *node);
+ virtual void traverseUnary(TIntermUnary *node);
+ virtual void traverseTernary(TIntermTernary *node);
+ virtual void traverseIfElse(TIntermIfElse *node);
+ virtual void traverseSwitch(TIntermSwitch *node);
+ virtual void traverseCase(TIntermCase *node);
+ virtual void traverseFunctionPrototype(TIntermFunctionPrototype *node);
+ virtual void traverseFunctionDefinition(TIntermFunctionDefinition *node);
+ virtual void traverseAggregate(TIntermAggregate *node);
+ virtual void traverseBlock(TIntermBlock *node);
+ virtual void traverseInvariantDeclaration(TIntermInvariantDeclaration *node);
+ virtual void traverseDeclaration(TIntermDeclaration *node);
+ virtual void traverseLoop(TIntermLoop *node);
+ virtual void traverseBranch(TIntermBranch *node);
+ int getMaxDepth() const { return mMaxDepth; }
+ // If traversers need to replace nodes, they can add the replacements in
+ // mReplacements/mMultiReplacements during traversal and the user of the traverser should call
+ // this function after traversal to perform them.
+ void updateTree();
+ protected:
+ // Should only be called from traverse*() functions
+ void incrementDepth(TIntermNode *current)
+ {
+ mDepth++;
+ mMaxDepth = std::max(mMaxDepth, mDepth);
+ mPath.push_back(current);
+ }
+ // Should only be called from traverse*() functions
+ void decrementDepth()
+ {
+ mDepth--;
+ mPath.pop_back();
+ }
+ // RAII helper for incrementDepth/decrementDepth
+ class ScopedNodeInTraversalPath
+ {
+ public:
+ ScopedNodeInTraversalPath(TIntermTraverser *traverser, TIntermNode *current)
+ : mTraverser(traverser)
+ {
+ mTraverser->incrementDepth(current);
+ }
+ ~ScopedNodeInTraversalPath() { mTraverser->decrementDepth(); }
+ private:
+ TIntermTraverser *mTraverser;
+ };
+ TIntermNode *getParentNode() { return mPath.size() <= 1 ? nullptr : mPath[mPath.size() - 2u]; }
+ // Return the nth ancestor of the node being traversed. getAncestorNode(0) == getParentNode()
+ TIntermNode *getAncestorNode(unsigned int n)
+ {
+ if (mPath.size() > n + 1u)
+ {
+ return mPath[mPath.size() - n - 2u];
+ }
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ const TIntermBlock *getParentBlock() const;
+ void pushParentBlock(TIntermBlock *node);
+ void incrementParentBlockPos();
+ void popParentBlock();
+ // To replace a single node with multiple nodes in the parent aggregate. May be used with blocks
+ // but also with other nodes like declarations.
+ struct NodeReplaceWithMultipleEntry
+ {
+ NodeReplaceWithMultipleEntry(TIntermAggregateBase *_parent,
+ TIntermNode *_original,
+ TIntermSequence _replacements)
+ : parent(_parent), original(_original), replacements(_replacements)
+ {
+ }
+ TIntermAggregateBase *parent;
+ TIntermNode *original;
+ TIntermSequence replacements;
+ };
+ // Helper to insert statements in the parent block of the node currently being traversed.
+ // The statements will be inserted before the node being traversed once updateTree is called.
+ // Should only be called during PreVisit or PostVisit if called from block nodes.
+ // Note that two insertions to the same position in the same block are not supported.
+ void insertStatementsInParentBlock(const TIntermSequence &insertions);
+ // Same as above, but supports simultaneous insertion of statements before and after the node
+ // currently being traversed.
+ void insertStatementsInParentBlock(const TIntermSequence &insertionsBefore,
+ const TIntermSequence &insertionsAfter);
+ // Helper to insert a single statement.
+ void insertStatementInParentBlock(TIntermNode *statement);
+ // Helper to create a temporary symbol node with the given qualifier.
+ TIntermSymbol *createTempSymbol(const TType &type, TQualifier qualifier);
+ // Helper to create a temporary symbol node.
+ TIntermSymbol *createTempSymbol(const TType &type);
+ // Create a node that declares but doesn't initialize a temporary symbol.
+ TIntermDeclaration *createTempDeclaration(const TType &type);
+ // Create a node that initializes the current temporary symbol with initializer. The symbol will
+ // have the given qualifier.
+ TIntermDeclaration *createTempInitDeclaration(TIntermTyped *initializer, TQualifier qualifier);
+ // Create a node that initializes the current temporary symbol with initializer.
+ TIntermDeclaration *createTempInitDeclaration(TIntermTyped *initializer);
+ // Create a node that assigns rightNode to the current temporary symbol.
+ TIntermBinary *createTempAssignment(TIntermTyped *rightNode);
+ // Increment temporary symbol index.
+ void nextTemporaryId();
+ enum class OriginalNode
+ {
+ };
+ void clearReplacementQueue();
+ // Replace the node currently being visited with replacement.
+ void queueReplacement(TIntermNode *replacement, OriginalNode originalStatus);
+ // Explicitly specify a node to replace with replacement.
+ void queueReplacementWithParent(TIntermNode *parent,
+ TIntermNode *original,
+ TIntermNode *replacement,
+ OriginalNode originalStatus);
+ const bool preVisit;
+ const bool inVisit;
+ const bool postVisit;
+ int mDepth;
+ int mMaxDepth;
+ bool mInGlobalScope;
+ // During traversing, save all the changes that need to happen into
+ // mReplacements/mMultiReplacements, then do them by calling updateTree().
+ // Multi replacements are processed after single replacements.
+ std::vector<NodeReplaceWithMultipleEntry> mMultiReplacements;
+ TSymbolTable *mSymbolTable;
+ private:
+ // To insert multiple nodes into the parent block.
+ struct NodeInsertMultipleEntry
+ {
+ NodeInsertMultipleEntry(TIntermBlock *_parent,
+ TIntermSequence::size_type _position,
+ TIntermSequence _insertionsBefore,
+ TIntermSequence _insertionsAfter)
+ : parent(_parent),
+ position(_position),
+ insertionsBefore(_insertionsBefore),
+ insertionsAfter(_insertionsAfter)
+ {
+ }
+ TIntermBlock *parent;
+ TIntermSequence::size_type position;
+ TIntermSequence insertionsBefore;
+ TIntermSequence insertionsAfter;
+ };
+ static bool CompareInsertion(const NodeInsertMultipleEntry &a,
+ const NodeInsertMultipleEntry &b);
+ // To replace a single node with another on the parent node
+ struct NodeUpdateEntry
+ {
+ NodeUpdateEntry(TIntermNode *_parent,
+ TIntermNode *_original,
+ TIntermNode *_replacement,
+ bool _originalBecomesChildOfReplacement)
+ : parent(_parent),
+ original(_original),
+ replacement(_replacement),
+ originalBecomesChildOfReplacement(_originalBecomesChildOfReplacement)
+ {
+ }
+ TIntermNode *parent;
+ TIntermNode *original;
+ TIntermNode *replacement;
+ bool originalBecomesChildOfReplacement;
+ };
+ struct ParentBlock
+ {
+ ParentBlock(TIntermBlock *nodeIn, TIntermSequence::size_type posIn)
+ : node(nodeIn), pos(posIn)
+ {
+ }
+ TIntermBlock *node;
+ TIntermSequence::size_type pos;
+ };
+ std::vector<NodeInsertMultipleEntry> mInsertions;
+ std::vector<NodeUpdateEntry> mReplacements;
+ // All the nodes from root to the current node during traversing.
+ TVector<TIntermNode *> mPath;
+ // All the code blocks from the root to the current node's parent during traversal.
+ std::vector<ParentBlock> mParentBlockStack;
+ TSymbolUniqueId *mTemporaryId;
+// Traverser parent class that tracks where a node is a destination of a write operation and so is
+// required to be an l-value.
+class TLValueTrackingTraverser : public TIntermTraverser
+ public:
+ TLValueTrackingTraverser(bool preVisit,
+ bool inVisit,
+ bool postVisit,
+ TSymbolTable *symbolTable,
+ int shaderVersion);
+ virtual ~TLValueTrackingTraverser() {}
+ void traverseBinary(TIntermBinary *node) final;
+ void traverseUnary(TIntermUnary *node) final;
+ void traverseFunctionPrototype(TIntermFunctionPrototype *node) final;
+ void traverseAggregate(TIntermAggregate *node) final;
+ protected:
+ bool isLValueRequiredHere() const
+ {
+ return mOperatorRequiresLValue || mInFunctionCallOutParameter;
+ }
+ private:
+ // Track whether an l-value is required in the node that is currently being traversed by the
+ // surrounding operator.
+ // Use isLValueRequiredHere to check all conditions which require an l-value.
+ void setOperatorRequiresLValue(bool lValueRequired)
+ {
+ mOperatorRequiresLValue = lValueRequired;
+ }
+ bool operatorRequiresLValue() const { return mOperatorRequiresLValue; }
+ // Add a function encountered during traversal to the function map.
+ void addToFunctionMap(const TSymbolUniqueId &id, TIntermSequence *paramSequence);
+ // Return true if the prototype or definition of the function being called has been encountered
+ // during traversal.
+ bool isInFunctionMap(const TIntermAggregate *callNode) const;
+ // Return the parameters sequence from the function definition or prototype.
+ TIntermSequence *getFunctionParameters(const TIntermAggregate *callNode);
+ // Track whether an l-value is required inside a function call.
+ void setInFunctionCallOutParameter(bool inOutParameter);
+ bool isInFunctionCallOutParameter() const;
+ bool mOperatorRequiresLValue;
+ bool mInFunctionCallOutParameter;
+ // Map from function symbol id values to their parameter sequences
+ TMap<int, TIntermSequence *> mFunctionMap;
+ const int mShaderVersion;
+} // namespace sh