path: root/src/3rdparty/angle/src/compiler/translator/Types.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/3rdparty/angle/src/compiler/translator/Types.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 509 deletions
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/angle/src/compiler/translator/Types.h b/src/3rdparty/angle/src/compiler/translator/Types.h
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-// Copyright (c) 2002-2013 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "common/angleutils.h"
-#include "common/debug.h"
-#include "compiler/translator/BaseTypes.h"
-#include "compiler/translator/Common.h"
-#include "compiler/translator/SymbolUniqueId.h"
-namespace sh
-struct TPublicType;
-class TType;
-class TSymbol;
-class TIntermSymbol;
-class TSymbolTable;
-class TField : angle::NonCopyable
- public:
- TField(TType *type, TString *name, const TSourceLoc &line)
- : mType(type), mName(name), mLine(line)
- {
- }
- // TODO(alokp): We should only return const type.
- // Fix it by tweaking grammar.
- TType *type() { return mType; }
- const TType *type() const { return mType; }
- const TString &name() const { return *mName; }
- const TSourceLoc &line() const { return mLine; }
- private:
- TType *mType;
- TString *mName;
- TSourceLoc mLine;
-typedef TVector<TField *> TFieldList;
-inline TFieldList *NewPoolTFieldList()
- void *memory = GetGlobalPoolAllocator()->allocate(sizeof(TFieldList));
- return new (memory) TFieldList;
-class TFieldListCollection : angle::NonCopyable
- public:
- const TString &name() const { return *mName; }
- const TFieldList &fields() const { return *mFields; }
- size_t objectSize() const
- {
- if (mObjectSize == 0)
- mObjectSize = calculateObjectSize();
- return mObjectSize;
- }
- // How many locations the field list consumes as a uniform.
- int getLocationCount() const;
- protected:
- TFieldListCollection(const TString *name, TFieldList *fields)
- : mName(name), mFields(fields), mObjectSize(0)
- {
- }
- TString buildMangledName(const TString &mangledNamePrefix) const;
- size_t calculateObjectSize() const;
- const TString *mName;
- TFieldList *mFields;
- mutable TString mMangledName;
- mutable size_t mObjectSize;
-// May also represent interface blocks
-class TStructure : public TFieldListCollection
- public:
- TStructure(TSymbolTable *symbolTable, const TString *name, TFieldList *fields);
- int deepestNesting() const
- {
- if (mDeepestNesting == 0)
- mDeepestNesting = calculateDeepestNesting();
- return mDeepestNesting;
- }
- bool containsArrays() const;
- bool containsType(TBasicType t) const;
- bool containsSamplers() const;
- void createSamplerSymbols(const TString &namePrefix,
- const TString &apiNamePrefix,
- TVector<TIntermSymbol *> *outputSymbols,
- TMap<TIntermSymbol *, TString> *outputSymbolsToAPINames,
- TSymbolTable *symbolTable) const;
- bool equals(const TStructure &other) const;
- int uniqueId() const { return mUniqueId.get(); }
- void setAtGlobalScope(bool atGlobalScope) { mAtGlobalScope = atGlobalScope; }
- bool atGlobalScope() const { return mAtGlobalScope; }
- const TString &mangledName() const
- {
- if (mMangledName.empty())
- mMangledName = buildMangledName("struct-");
- return mMangledName;
- }
- private:
- // TODO(zmo): Find a way to get rid of the const_cast in function
- // setName(). At the moment keep this function private so only
- // friend class RegenerateStructNames may call it.
- friend class RegenerateStructNames;
- void setName(const TString &name)
- {
- TString *mutableName = const_cast<TString *>(mName);
- *mutableName = name;
- }
- int calculateDeepestNesting() const;
- mutable int mDeepestNesting;
- const TSymbolUniqueId mUniqueId;
- bool mAtGlobalScope;
-class TInterfaceBlock : public TFieldListCollection
- public:
- TInterfaceBlock(const TString *name,
- TFieldList *fields,
- const TString *instanceName,
- const TLayoutQualifier &layoutQualifier)
- : TFieldListCollection(name, fields),
- mInstanceName(instanceName),
- mBlockStorage(layoutQualifier.blockStorage),
- mMatrixPacking(layoutQualifier.matrixPacking),
- mBinding(layoutQualifier.binding)
- {
- }
- const TString &instanceName() const { return *mInstanceName; }
- bool hasInstanceName() const { return mInstanceName != nullptr; }
- TLayoutBlockStorage blockStorage() const { return mBlockStorage; }
- TLayoutMatrixPacking matrixPacking() const { return mMatrixPacking; }
- int blockBinding() const { return mBinding; }
- const TString &mangledName() const
- {
- if (mMangledName.empty())
- mMangledName = buildMangledName("iblock-");
- return mMangledName;
- }
- private:
- const TString *mInstanceName; // for interface block instance names
- TLayoutBlockStorage mBlockStorage;
- TLayoutMatrixPacking mMatrixPacking;
- int mBinding;
-// Base class for things that have a type.
-class TType
- public:
- TType();
- explicit TType(TBasicType t, unsigned char ps = 1, unsigned char ss = 1);
- TType(TBasicType t,
- TPrecision p,
- TQualifier q = EvqTemporary,
- unsigned char ps = 1,
- unsigned char ss = 1);
- explicit TType(const TPublicType &p);
- explicit TType(TStructure *userDef);
- TType(TInterfaceBlock *interfaceBlockIn,
- TQualifier qualifierIn,
- TLayoutQualifier layoutQualifierIn);
- TType(const TType &t);
- TType &operator=(const TType &t);
- TBasicType getBasicType() const { return type; }
- void setBasicType(TBasicType t);
- TPrecision getPrecision() const { return precision; }
- void setPrecision(TPrecision p) { precision = p; }
- TQualifier getQualifier() const { return qualifier; }
- void setQualifier(TQualifier q) { qualifier = q; }
- bool isInvariant() const { return invariant; }
- void setInvariant(bool i) { invariant = i; }
- TMemoryQualifier getMemoryQualifier() const { return memoryQualifier; }
- void setMemoryQualifier(const TMemoryQualifier &mq) { memoryQualifier = mq; }
- TLayoutQualifier getLayoutQualifier() const { return layoutQualifier; }
- void setLayoutQualifier(TLayoutQualifier lq) { layoutQualifier = lq; }
- int getNominalSize() const { return primarySize; }
- int getSecondarySize() const { return secondarySize; }
- int getCols() const
- {
- ASSERT(isMatrix());
- return primarySize;
- }
- int getRows() const
- {
- ASSERT(isMatrix());
- return secondarySize;
- }
- void setPrimarySize(unsigned char ps);
- void setSecondarySize(unsigned char ss);
- // Full size of single instance of type
- size_t getObjectSize() const;
- // Get how many locations this type consumes as a uniform.
- int getLocationCount() const;
- bool isMatrix() const { return primarySize > 1 && secondarySize > 1; }
- bool isNonSquareMatrix() const { return isMatrix() && primarySize != secondarySize; }
- bool isArray() const { return mArraySizes != nullptr && !mArraySizes->empty(); }
- bool isArrayOfArrays() const { return isArray() && mArraySizes->size() > 1u; }
- size_t getNumArraySizes() const { return isArray() ? mArraySizes->size() : 0; }
- const TVector<unsigned int> *getArraySizes() const { return mArraySizes; }
- unsigned int getArraySizeProduct() const;
- bool isUnsizedArray() const;
- unsigned int getOutermostArraySize() const {
- ASSERT(isArray());
- return mArraySizes->back();
- }
- void makeArray(unsigned int s);
- // sizes contain new outermost array sizes.
- void makeArrays(const TVector<unsigned int> &sizes);
- // Here, the array dimension value 0 corresponds to the innermost array.
- void setArraySize(size_t arrayDimension, unsigned int s);
- // Will set unsized array sizes according to newArraySizes. In case there are more
- // unsized arrays than there are sizes in newArraySizes, defaults to setting any
- // remaining array sizes to 1.
- void sizeUnsizedArrays(const TVector<unsigned int> *newArraySizes);
- // Will size the outermost array according to arraySize.
- void sizeOutermostUnsizedArray(unsigned int arraySize);
- // Note that the array element type might still be an array type in GLSL ES version >= 3.10.
- void toArrayElementType();
- TInterfaceBlock *getInterfaceBlock() const { return mInterfaceBlock; }
- void setInterfaceBlock(TInterfaceBlock *interfaceBlockIn);
- bool isInterfaceBlock() const { return type == EbtInterfaceBlock; }
- bool isVector() const { return primarySize > 1 && secondarySize == 1; }
- bool isScalar() const
- {
- return primarySize == 1 && secondarySize == 1 && !mStructure && !isArray();
- }
- bool isScalarFloat() const { return isScalar() && type == EbtFloat; }
- bool isScalarInt() const { return isScalar() && (type == EbtInt || type == EbtUInt); }
- bool canBeConstructed() const;
- TStructure *getStruct() { return mStructure; }
- const TStructure *getStruct() const { return mStructure; }
- void setStruct(TStructure *s);
- const char *getMangledName() const;
- bool sameNonArrayType(const TType &right) const;
- // Returns true if arrayType is an array made of this type.
- bool isElementTypeOf(const TType &arrayType) const;
- bool operator==(const TType &right) const
- {
- size_t numArraySizesL = getNumArraySizes();
- size_t numArraySizesR = right.getNumArraySizes();
- bool arraySizesEqual = numArraySizesL == numArraySizesR &&
- (numArraySizesL == 0 || *mArraySizes == *right.mArraySizes);
- return type == right.type && primarySize == right.primarySize &&
- secondarySize == right.secondarySize && arraySizesEqual &&
- mStructure == right.mStructure;
- // don't check the qualifier, it's not ever what's being sought after
- }
- bool operator!=(const TType &right) const { return !operator==(right); }
- bool operator<(const TType &right) const
- {
- if (type != right.type)
- return type < right.type;
- if (primarySize != right.primarySize)
- return primarySize < right.primarySize;
- if (secondarySize != right.secondarySize)
- return secondarySize < right.secondarySize;
- size_t numArraySizesL = getNumArraySizes();
- size_t numArraySizesR = right.getNumArraySizes();
- if (numArraySizesL != numArraySizesR)
- return numArraySizesL < numArraySizesR;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < numArraySizesL; ++i)
- {
- if ((*mArraySizes)[i] != (*right.mArraySizes)[i])
- return (*mArraySizes)[i] < (*right.mArraySizes)[i];
- }
- if (mStructure != right.mStructure)
- return mStructure < right.mStructure;
- return false;
- }
- const char *getBasicString() const { return sh::getBasicString(type); }
- const char *getPrecisionString() const { return sh::getPrecisionString(precision); }
- const char *getQualifierString() const { return sh::getQualifierString(qualifier); }
- const char *getBuiltInTypeNameString() const;
- TString getCompleteString() const;
- // If this type is a struct, returns the deepest struct nesting of
- // any field in the struct. For example:
- // struct nesting1 {
- // vec4 position;
- // };
- // struct nesting2 {
- // nesting1 field1;
- // vec4 field2;
- // };
- // For type "nesting2", this method would return 2 -- the number
- // of structures through which indirection must occur to reach the
- // deepest field (nesting2.field1.position).
- int getDeepestStructNesting() const { return mStructure ? mStructure->deepestNesting() : 0; }
- bool isNamelessStruct() const { return mStructure && mStructure->name() == ""; }
- bool isStructureContainingArrays() const
- {
- return mStructure ? mStructure->containsArrays() : false;
- }
- bool isStructureContainingType(TBasicType t) const
- {
- return mStructure ? mStructure->containsType(t) : false;
- }
- bool isStructureContainingSamplers() const
- {
- return mStructure ? mStructure->containsSamplers() : false;
- }
- bool isStructSpecifier() const { return mIsStructSpecifier; }
- void createSamplerSymbols(const TString &namePrefix,
- const TString &apiNamePrefix,
- TVector<TIntermSymbol *> *outputSymbols,
- TMap<TIntermSymbol *, TString> *outputSymbolsToAPINames,
- TSymbolTable *symbolTable) const;
- // Initializes all lazily-initialized members.
- void realize();
- private:
- void invalidateMangledName();
- const char *buildMangledName() const;
- TBasicType type;
- TPrecision precision;
- TQualifier qualifier;
- bool invariant;
- TMemoryQualifier memoryQualifier;
- TLayoutQualifier layoutQualifier;
- unsigned char primarySize; // size of vector or cols matrix
- unsigned char secondarySize; // rows of a matrix
- // Used to make an array type. Outermost array size is stored at the end of the vector. Having 0
- // in this vector means an unsized array.
- TVector<unsigned int> *mArraySizes;
- // This is set only in the following two cases:
- // 1) Represents an interface block.
- // 2) Represents the member variable of an unnamed interface block.
- // It's nullptr also for members of named interface blocks.
- TInterfaceBlock *mInterfaceBlock;
- // 0 unless this is a struct
- TStructure *mStructure;
- bool mIsStructSpecifier;
- mutable const char *mMangledName;
-// TTypeSpecifierNonArray stores all of the necessary fields for type_specifier_nonarray from the
-// grammar
-struct TTypeSpecifierNonArray
- TBasicType type;
- unsigned char primarySize; // size of vector or cols of matrix
- unsigned char secondarySize; // rows of matrix
- TStructure *userDef;
- TSourceLoc line;
- // true if the type was defined by a struct specifier rather than a reference to a type name.
- bool isStructSpecifier;
- void initialize(TBasicType aType, const TSourceLoc &aLine)
- {
- ASSERT(aType != EbtStruct);
- type = aType;
- primarySize = 1;
- secondarySize = 1;
- userDef = nullptr;
- line = aLine;
- isStructSpecifier = false;
- }
- void initializeStruct(TStructure *aUserDef, bool aIsStructSpecifier, const TSourceLoc &aLine)
- {
- type = EbtStruct;
- primarySize = 1;
- secondarySize = 1;
- userDef = aUserDef;
- line = aLine;
- isStructSpecifier = aIsStructSpecifier;
- }
- void setAggregate(unsigned char size) { primarySize = size; }
- void setMatrix(unsigned char columns, unsigned char rows)
- {
- ASSERT(columns > 1 && rows > 1 && columns <= 4 && rows <= 4);
- primarySize = columns;
- secondarySize = rows;
- }
- bool isMatrix() const { return primarySize > 1 && secondarySize > 1; }
- bool isVector() const { return primarySize > 1 && secondarySize == 1; }
-// This is a workaround for a problem with the yacc stack, It can't have
-// types that it thinks have non-trivial constructors. It should
-// just be used while recognizing the grammar, not anything else. Pointers
-// could be used, but also trying to avoid lots of memory management overhead.
-// Not as bad as it looks, there is no actual assumption that the fields
-// match up or are name the same or anything like that.
-struct TPublicType
- // Must have a trivial default constructor since it is used in YYSTYPE.
- TPublicType() = default;
- void initialize(const TTypeSpecifierNonArray &typeSpecifier, TQualifier q);
- void initializeBasicType(TBasicType basicType);
- TBasicType getBasicType() const { return typeSpecifierNonArray.type; }
- void setBasicType(TBasicType basicType) { typeSpecifierNonArray.type = basicType; }
- unsigned char getPrimarySize() const { return typeSpecifierNonArray.primarySize; }
- unsigned char getSecondarySize() const { return typeSpecifierNonArray.secondarySize; }
- TStructure *getUserDef() const { return typeSpecifierNonArray.userDef; }
- const TSourceLoc &getLine() const { return typeSpecifierNonArray.line; }
- bool isStructSpecifier() const { return typeSpecifierNonArray.isStructSpecifier; }
- bool isStructureContainingArrays() const;
- bool isStructureContainingType(TBasicType t) const;
- void setArraySizes(TVector<unsigned int> *sizes);
- bool isArray() const;
- void clearArrayness();
- bool isAggregate() const;
- TTypeSpecifierNonArray typeSpecifierNonArray;
- TLayoutQualifier layoutQualifier;
- TMemoryQualifier memoryQualifier;
- TQualifier qualifier;
- bool invariant;
- TPrecision precision;
- // Either nullptr or empty in case the type is not an array. The last element is the outermost
- // array size. Note that due to bison restrictions, copies of the public type created by the
- // copy constructor share the same arraySizes pointer.
- const TVector<unsigned int> *arraySizes;
-} // namespace sh