path: root/src/3rdparty/angle/src/libANGLE/renderer/d3d/DisplayD3D.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/3rdparty/angle/src/libANGLE/renderer/d3d/DisplayD3D.cpp')
1 files changed, 357 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/angle/src/libANGLE/renderer/d3d/DisplayD3D.cpp b/src/3rdparty/angle/src/libANGLE/renderer/d3d/DisplayD3D.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..add5d62fae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/angle/src/libANGLE/renderer/d3d/DisplayD3D.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,357 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2014 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+// DisplayD3D.cpp: D3D implementation of egl::Display
+#include "libANGLE/renderer/d3d/DisplayD3D.h"
+#include "libANGLE/Context.h"
+#include "libANGLE/Config.h"
+#include "libANGLE/Display.h"
+#include "libANGLE/Surface.h"
+#include "libANGLE/renderer/d3d/RendererD3D.h"
+#include "libANGLE/renderer/d3d/SurfaceD3D.h"
+#include "libANGLE/renderer/d3d/SwapChainD3D.h"
+#include "platform/Platform.h"
+#include <EGL/eglext.h>
+#if defined (ANGLE_ENABLE_D3D9)
+# include "libANGLE/renderer/d3d/d3d9/Renderer9.h"
+#endif // ANGLE_ENABLE_D3D9
+#if defined (ANGLE_ENABLE_D3D11)
+# include "libANGLE/renderer/d3d/d3d11/Renderer11.h"
+#endif // ANGLE_ENABLE_D3D11
+#if defined (ANGLE_TEST_CONFIG)
+# define ANGLE_DEFAULT_D3D11 1
+#if !defined(ANGLE_DEFAULT_D3D11)
+// Enables use of the Direct3D 11 API for a default display, when available
+# define ANGLE_DEFAULT_D3D11 0
+namespace rx
+typedef RendererD3D *(*CreateRendererD3DFunction)(egl::Display*);
+template <typename RendererType>
+static RendererD3D *CreateTypedRendererD3D(egl::Display *display)
+ return new RendererType(display);
+egl::Error CreateRendererD3D(egl::Display *display, RendererD3D **outRenderer)
+ ASSERT(outRenderer != nullptr);
+ std::vector<CreateRendererD3DFunction> rendererCreationFunctions;
+ const auto &attribMap = display->getAttributeMap();
+ EGLNativeDisplayType nativeDisplay = display->getNativeDisplayId();
+# if defined(ANGLE_ENABLE_D3D11)
+ if (nativeDisplay == EGL_D3D11_ELSE_D3D9_DISPLAY_ANGLE ||
+ nativeDisplay == EGL_D3D11_ONLY_DISPLAY_ANGLE ||
+ requestedDisplayType == EGL_PLATFORM_ANGLE_TYPE_D3D11_ANGLE)
+ {
+ rendererCreationFunctions.push_back(CreateTypedRendererD3D<Renderer11>);
+ }
+# endif
+# if defined(ANGLE_ENABLE_D3D9)
+ if (nativeDisplay == EGL_D3D11_ELSE_D3D9_DISPLAY_ANGLE ||
+ requestedDisplayType == EGL_PLATFORM_ANGLE_TYPE_D3D9_ANGLE)
+ {
+ rendererCreationFunctions.push_back(CreateTypedRendererD3D<Renderer9>);
+ }
+# endif
+ if (nativeDisplay != EGL_D3D11_ELSE_D3D9_DISPLAY_ANGLE &&
+ nativeDisplay != EGL_D3D11_ONLY_DISPLAY_ANGLE &&
+ {
+ // The default display is requested, try the D3D9 and D3D11 renderers, order them using
+ // the definition of ANGLE_DEFAULT_D3D11
+# if defined(ANGLE_ENABLE_D3D11)
+ rendererCreationFunctions.push_back(CreateTypedRendererD3D<Renderer11>);
+# endif
+# if defined(ANGLE_ENABLE_D3D9)
+ rendererCreationFunctions.push_back(CreateTypedRendererD3D<Renderer9>);
+# endif
+# else
+# if defined(ANGLE_ENABLE_D3D9)
+ rendererCreationFunctions.push_back(CreateTypedRendererD3D<Renderer9>);
+# endif
+# if defined(ANGLE_ENABLE_D3D11)
+ rendererCreationFunctions.push_back(CreateTypedRendererD3D<Renderer11>);
+# endif
+# endif
+ }
+ egl::Error result(EGL_NOT_INITIALIZED, "No available renderers.");
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < rendererCreationFunctions.size(); i++)
+ {
+ RendererD3D *renderer = rendererCreationFunctions[i](display);
+ result = renderer->initialize();
+# if defined(ANGLE_ENABLE_D3D11)
+ if (renderer->getRendererClass() == RENDERER_D3D11)
+ {
+ ASSERT(result.getID() >= 0 && result.getID() < NUM_D3D11_INIT_ERRORS);
+ angle::Platform *platform = ANGLEPlatformCurrent();
+ platform->histogramEnumeration("GPU.ANGLE.D3D11InitializeResult",
+ result.getID(), NUM_D3D11_INIT_ERRORS);
+ }
+# endif
+# if defined(ANGLE_ENABLE_D3D9)
+ if (renderer->getRendererClass() == RENDERER_D3D9)
+ {
+ ASSERT(result.getID() >= 0 && result.getID() < NUM_D3D9_INIT_ERRORS);
+ angle::Platform *platform = ANGLEPlatformCurrent();
+ platform->histogramEnumeration("GPU.ANGLE.D3D9InitializeResult",
+ result.getID(), NUM_D3D9_INIT_ERRORS);
+ }
+# endif
+ if (!result.isError())
+ {
+ *outRenderer = renderer;
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Failed to create the renderer, try the next
+ SafeDelete(renderer);
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+ : mRenderer(nullptr)
+egl::Error DisplayD3D::createWindowSurface(const egl::Config *configuration, EGLNativeWindowType window,
+ const egl::AttributeMap &attribs, SurfaceImpl **outSurface)
+ ASSERT(mRenderer != nullptr);
+ EGLint width = attribs.get(EGL_WIDTH, 0);
+ EGLint height = attribs.get(EGL_HEIGHT, 0);
+ EGLint fixedSize = attribs.get(EGL_FIXED_SIZE_ANGLE, EGL_FALSE);
+ if (!fixedSize)
+ {
+ width = -1;
+ height = -1;
+ }
+ SurfaceD3D *surface = SurfaceD3D::createFromWindow(mRenderer, mDisplay, configuration, window, fixedSize,
+ width, height);
+ egl::Error error = surface->initialize();
+ if (error.isError())
+ {
+ SafeDelete(surface);
+ return error;
+ }
+ *outSurface = surface;
+ return egl::Error(EGL_SUCCESS);
+egl::Error DisplayD3D::createPbufferSurface(const egl::Config *configuration, const egl::AttributeMap &attribs,
+ SurfaceImpl **outSurface)
+ ASSERT(mRenderer != nullptr);
+ EGLint width = attribs.get(EGL_WIDTH, 0);
+ EGLint height = attribs.get(EGL_HEIGHT, 0);
+ SurfaceD3D *surface = SurfaceD3D::createOffscreen(mRenderer, mDisplay, configuration, NULL, width, height);
+ egl::Error error = surface->initialize();
+ if (error.isError())
+ {
+ SafeDelete(surface);
+ return error;
+ }
+ *outSurface = surface;
+ return egl::Error(EGL_SUCCESS);
+egl::Error DisplayD3D::createPbufferFromClientBuffer(const egl::Config *configuration, EGLClientBuffer shareHandle,
+ const egl::AttributeMap &attribs, SurfaceImpl **outSurface)
+ ASSERT(mRenderer != nullptr);
+ EGLint width = attribs.get(EGL_WIDTH, 0);
+ EGLint height = attribs.get(EGL_HEIGHT, 0);
+ SurfaceD3D *surface = SurfaceD3D::createOffscreen(mRenderer, mDisplay, configuration, shareHandle,
+ width, height);
+ egl::Error error = surface->initialize();
+ if (error.isError())
+ {
+ SafeDelete(surface);
+ return error;
+ }
+ *outSurface = surface;
+ return egl::Error(EGL_SUCCESS);
+egl::Error DisplayD3D::createPixmapSurface(const egl::Config *configuration, NativePixmapType nativePixmap,
+ const egl::AttributeMap &attribs, SurfaceImpl **outSurface)
+ ASSERT(mRenderer != nullptr);
+ *outSurface = nullptr;
+ return egl::Error(EGL_BAD_DISPLAY);
+egl::Error DisplayD3D::createContext(const egl::Config *config, const gl::Context *shareContext, const egl::AttributeMap &attribs,
+ gl::Context **outContext)
+ ASSERT(mRenderer != nullptr);
+ EGLint clientVersion = attribs.get(EGL_CONTEXT_CLIENT_VERSION, 1);
+ bool robustAccess = (attribs.get(EGL_CONTEXT_OPENGL_ROBUST_ACCESS_EXT, EGL_FALSE) == EGL_TRUE);
+ *outContext = new gl::Context(config, clientVersion, shareContext, mRenderer, notifyResets, robustAccess);
+ return egl::Error(EGL_SUCCESS);
+egl::Error DisplayD3D::makeCurrent(egl::Surface *drawSurface, egl::Surface *readSurface, gl::Context *context)
+ return egl::Error(EGL_SUCCESS);
+egl::Error DisplayD3D::initialize(egl::Display *display)
+ ASSERT(mRenderer == nullptr && display != nullptr);
+ mDisplay = display;
+ return CreateRendererD3D(display, &mRenderer);
+void DisplayD3D::terminate()
+ SafeDelete(mRenderer);
+egl::ConfigSet DisplayD3D::generateConfigs() const
+ ASSERT(mRenderer != nullptr);
+ return mRenderer->generateConfigs();
+bool DisplayD3D::isDeviceLost() const
+ ASSERT(mRenderer != nullptr);
+ return mRenderer->isDeviceLost();
+bool DisplayD3D::testDeviceLost()
+ ASSERT(mRenderer != nullptr);
+ return mRenderer->testDeviceLost();
+egl::Error DisplayD3D::restoreLostDevice()
+ // Release surface resources to make the Reset() succeed
+ for (auto it = mSurfaceSet.cbegin(); it != mSurfaceSet.cend(); ++it)
+ {
+ const auto &surface = *it;
+ if (surface->getBoundTexture())
+ {
+ surface->releaseTexImage(EGL_BACK_BUFFER);
+ }
+ SurfaceD3D *surfaceD3D = GetImplAs<SurfaceD3D>(surface);
+ surfaceD3D->releaseSwapChain();
+ }
+ if (!mRenderer->resetDevice())
+ {
+ return egl::Error(EGL_BAD_ALLOC);
+ }
+ // Restore any surfaces that may have been lost
+ for (auto it = mSurfaceSet.cbegin(); it != mSurfaceSet.cend(); ++it)
+ {
+ const auto &surface = *it;
+ SurfaceD3D *surfaceD3D = GetImplAs<SurfaceD3D>(surface);
+ egl::Error error = surfaceD3D->resetSwapChain();
+ if (error.isError())
+ {
+ return error;
+ }
+ }
+ return egl::Error(EGL_SUCCESS);
+bool DisplayD3D::isValidNativeWindow(EGLNativeWindowType window) const
+ return NativeWindow::isValidNativeWindow(window);
+void DisplayD3D::generateExtensions(egl::DisplayExtensions *outExtensions) const
+ outExtensions->createContextRobustness = true;
+ // ANGLE-specific extensions
+ if (mRenderer->getShareHandleSupport())
+ {
+ outExtensions->d3dShareHandleClientBuffer = true;
+ outExtensions->surfaceD3DTexture2DShareHandle = true;
+ }
+ outExtensions->querySurfacePointer = true;
+ outExtensions->windowFixedSize = true;
+ if (mRenderer->getPostSubBufferSupport())
+ {
+ outExtensions->postSubBuffer = true;
+ }
+ outExtensions->createContext = true;
+std::string DisplayD3D::getVendorString() const
+ std::string vendorString = "Google Inc.";
+ if (mRenderer)
+ {
+ vendorString += " " + mRenderer->getVendorString();
+ }
+ return vendorString;
+void DisplayD3D::generateCaps(egl::Caps *outCaps) const
+ // Display must be initialized to generate caps
+ ASSERT(mRenderer != nullptr);
+ outCaps->textureNPOT = mRenderer->getRendererExtensions().textureNPOT;