path: root/src/3rdparty/angle/src/libANGLE/renderer/d3d/ProgramD3D.h
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 523 deletions
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/angle/src/libANGLE/renderer/d3d/ProgramD3D.h b/src/3rdparty/angle/src/libANGLE/renderer/d3d/ProgramD3D.h
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/src/3rdparty/angle/src/libANGLE/renderer/d3d/ProgramD3D.h
+++ /dev/null
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-// Copyright (c) 2014 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-// ProgramD3D.h: Defines the rx::ProgramD3D class which implements rx::ProgramImpl.
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-#include "compiler/translator/blocklayoutHLSL.h"
-#include "libANGLE/Constants.h"
-#include "libANGLE/formatutils.h"
-#include "libANGLE/renderer/ProgramImpl.h"
-#include "libANGLE/renderer/d3d/DynamicHLSL.h"
-#include "platform/WorkaroundsD3D.h"
-namespace rx
-class RendererD3D;
-class UniformStorageD3D;
-class ShaderExecutableD3D;
-// WARNING: D3DCOMPILE_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL3 may lead to a DX9 shader compiler hang.
-// It should only be used selectively to work around specific bugs.
-// Helper struct representing a single shader uniform
-// TODO(jmadill): Make uniform blocks shared between all programs, so we don't need separate
-// register indices.
-struct D3DUniform : private angle::NonCopyable
- D3DUniform(GLenum type,
- const std::string &nameIn,
- const std::vector<unsigned int> &arraySizesIn,
- bool defaultBlock);
- ~D3DUniform();
- bool isSampler() const;
- bool isArray() const { return !arraySizes.empty(); }
- unsigned int getArraySizeProduct() const;
- bool isReferencedByVertexShader() const;
- bool isReferencedByFragmentShader() const;
- bool isReferencedByComputeShader() const;
- const uint8_t *firstNonNullData() const;
- const uint8_t *getDataPtrToElement(size_t elementIndex) const;
- // Duplicated from the GL layer
- const gl::UniformTypeInfo &typeInfo;
- std::string name; // Names of arrays don't include [0], unlike at the GL layer.
- std::vector<unsigned int> arraySizes;
- // Pointer to a system copies of the data. Separate pointers for each uniform storage type.
- uint8_t *vsData;
- uint8_t *psData;
- uint8_t *csData;
- // Register information.
- unsigned int vsRegisterIndex;
- unsigned int psRegisterIndex;
- unsigned int csRegisterIndex;
- unsigned int registerCount;
- // Register "elements" are used for uniform structs in ES3, to appropriately identify single
- // uniforms
- // inside aggregate types, which are packed according C-like structure rules.
- unsigned int registerElement;
- // Special buffer for sampler values.
- std::vector<GLint> mSamplerData;
-struct D3DUniformBlock
- D3DUniformBlock()
- : vsRegisterIndex(GL_INVALID_INDEX),
- psRegisterIndex(GL_INVALID_INDEX),
- csRegisterIndex(GL_INVALID_INDEX)
- {
- }
- bool vertexStaticUse() const { return vsRegisterIndex != GL_INVALID_INDEX; }
- bool fragmentStaticUse() const { return psRegisterIndex != GL_INVALID_INDEX; }
- bool computeStaticUse() const { return csRegisterIndex != GL_INVALID_INDEX; }
- unsigned int vsRegisterIndex;
- unsigned int psRegisterIndex;
- unsigned int csRegisterIndex;
-struct D3DVarying final
- D3DVarying();
- D3DVarying(const std::string &semanticNameIn,
- unsigned int semanticIndexIn,
- unsigned int componentCountIn,
- unsigned int outputSlotIn);
- D3DVarying(const D3DVarying &) = default;
- D3DVarying &operator=(const D3DVarying &) = default;
- std::string semanticName;
- unsigned int semanticIndex;
- unsigned int componentCount;
- unsigned int outputSlot;
-class ProgramD3DMetadata final : angle::NonCopyable
- public:
- ProgramD3DMetadata(RendererD3D *renderer,
- const ShaderD3D *vertexShader,
- const ShaderD3D *fragmentShader);
- int getRendererMajorShaderModel() const;
- bool usesBroadcast(const gl::ContextState &data) const;
- bool usesFragDepth() const;
- bool usesPointCoord() const;
- bool usesFragCoord() const;
- bool usesPointSize() const;
- bool usesInsertedPointCoordValue() const;
- bool usesViewScale() const;
- bool hasANGLEMultiviewEnabled() const;
- bool usesViewID() const;
- bool canSelectViewInVertexShader() const;
- bool addsPointCoordToVertexShader() const;
- bool usesTransformFeedbackGLPosition() const;
- bool usesSystemValuePointSize() const;
- bool usesMultipleFragmentOuts() const;
- GLint getMajorShaderVersion() const;
- const ShaderD3D *getFragmentShader() const;
- private:
- const int mRendererMajorShaderModel;
- const std::string mShaderModelSuffix;
- const bool mUsesInstancedPointSpriteEmulation;
- const bool mUsesViewScale;
- const bool mHasANGLEMultiviewEnabled;
- const bool mUsesViewID;
- const bool mCanSelectViewInVertexShader;
- const ShaderD3D *mVertexShader;
- const ShaderD3D *mFragmentShader;
-class ProgramD3D : public ProgramImpl
- public:
- ProgramD3D(const gl::ProgramState &data, RendererD3D *renderer);
- ~ProgramD3D() override;
- const std::vector<PixelShaderOutputVariable> &getPixelShaderKey() { return mPixelShaderKey; }
- GLint getSamplerMapping(gl::SamplerType type,
- unsigned int samplerIndex,
- const gl::Caps &caps) const;
- GLenum getSamplerTextureType(gl::SamplerType type, unsigned int samplerIndex) const;
- GLuint getUsedSamplerRange(gl::SamplerType type) const;
- enum SamplerMapping
- {
- WasDirty,
- WasClean,
- };
- SamplerMapping updateSamplerMapping();
- bool usesPointSize() const { return mUsesPointSize; }
- bool usesPointSpriteEmulation() const;
- bool usesGeometryShader(GLenum drawMode) const;
- bool usesGeometryShaderForPointSpriteEmulation() const;
- bool usesInstancedPointSpriteEmulation() const;
- gl::LinkResult load(const gl::Context *context,
- gl::InfoLog &infoLog,
- gl::BinaryInputStream *stream) override;
- void save(const gl::Context *context, gl::BinaryOutputStream *stream) override;
- void setBinaryRetrievableHint(bool retrievable) override;
- void setSeparable(bool separable) override;
- gl::Error getVertexExecutableForCachedInputLayout(ShaderExecutableD3D **outExectuable,
- gl::InfoLog *infoLog);
- gl::Error getGeometryExecutableForPrimitiveType(const gl::Context *context,
- GLenum drawMode,
- ShaderExecutableD3D **outExecutable,
- gl::InfoLog *infoLog);
- gl::Error getPixelExecutableForCachedOutputLayout(ShaderExecutableD3D **outExectuable,
- gl::InfoLog *infoLog);
- gl::Error getComputeExecutable(ShaderExecutableD3D **outExecutable);
- gl::LinkResult link(const gl::Context *context,
- const gl::ProgramLinkedResources &resources,
- gl::InfoLog &infoLog) override;
- GLboolean validate(const gl::Caps &caps, gl::InfoLog *infoLog) override;
- void setPathFragmentInputGen(const std::string &inputName,
- GLenum genMode,
- GLint components,
- const GLfloat *coeffs) override;
- void initializeUniformStorage();
- void updateUniformBufferCache(const gl::Caps &caps,
- unsigned int reservedVertex,
- unsigned int reservedFragment);
- const std::vector<GLint> &getVertexUniformBufferCache() const;
- const std::vector<GLint> &getFragmentUniformBufferCache() const;
- void dirtyAllUniforms();
- void setUniform1fv(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLfloat *v) override;
- void setUniform2fv(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLfloat *v) override;
- void setUniform3fv(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLfloat *v) override;
- void setUniform4fv(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLfloat *v) override;
- void setUniform1iv(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLint *v) override;
- void setUniform2iv(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLint *v) override;
- void setUniform3iv(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLint *v) override;
- void setUniform4iv(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLint *v) override;
- void setUniform1uiv(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLuint *v) override;
- void setUniform2uiv(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLuint *v) override;
- void setUniform3uiv(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLuint *v) override;
- void setUniform4uiv(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLuint *v) override;
- void setUniformMatrix2fv(GLint location,
- GLsizei count,
- GLboolean transpose,
- const GLfloat *value) override;
- void setUniformMatrix3fv(GLint location,
- GLsizei count,
- GLboolean transpose,
- const GLfloat *value) override;
- void setUniformMatrix4fv(GLint location,
- GLsizei count,
- GLboolean transpose,
- const GLfloat *value) override;
- void setUniformMatrix2x3fv(GLint location,
- GLsizei count,
- GLboolean transpose,
- const GLfloat *value) override;
- void setUniformMatrix3x2fv(GLint location,
- GLsizei count,
- GLboolean transpose,
- const GLfloat *value) override;
- void setUniformMatrix2x4fv(GLint location,
- GLsizei count,
- GLboolean transpose,
- const GLfloat *value) override;
- void setUniformMatrix4x2fv(GLint location,
- GLsizei count,
- GLboolean transpose,
- const GLfloat *value) override;
- void setUniformMatrix3x4fv(GLint location,
- GLsizei count,
- GLboolean transpose,
- const GLfloat *value) override;
- void setUniformMatrix4x3fv(GLint location,
- GLsizei count,
- GLboolean transpose,
- const GLfloat *value) override;
- void getUniformfv(const gl::Context *context, GLint location, GLfloat *params) const override;
- void getUniformiv(const gl::Context *context, GLint location, GLint *params) const override;
- void getUniformuiv(const gl::Context *context, GLint location, GLuint *params) const override;
- void setUniformBlockBinding(GLuint uniformBlockIndex, GLuint uniformBlockBinding) override;
- UniformStorageD3D &getVertexUniformStorage() const { return *mVertexUniformStorage.get(); }
- UniformStorageD3D &getFragmentUniformStorage() const { return *mFragmentUniformStorage.get(); }
- UniformStorageD3D &getComputeUniformStorage() const { return *mComputeUniformStorage.get(); }
- unsigned int getSerial() const;
- const AttribIndexArray &getAttribLocationToD3DSemantics() const
- {
- return mAttribLocationToD3DSemantic;
- }
- void updateCachedInputLayout(Serial associatedSerial, const gl::State &state);
- void updateCachedOutputLayout(const gl::Context *context, const gl::Framebuffer *framebuffer);
- bool isSamplerMappingDirty() { return mDirtySamplerMapping; }
- // Checks if we need to recompile certain shaders.
- bool hasVertexExecutableForCachedInputLayout();
- bool hasGeometryExecutableForPrimitiveType(GLenum drawMode);
- bool hasPixelExecutableForCachedOutputLayout();
- bool areVertexUniformsDirty() const { return mVertexUniformsDirty; }
- bool areFragmentUniformsDirty() const { return mFragmentUniformsDirty; }
- bool areComputeUniformsDirty() const { return mComputeUniformsDirty; }
- const std::vector<D3DUniform *> &getD3DUniforms() const { return mD3DUniforms; }
- void markUniformsClean();
- private:
- // These forward-declared tasks are used for multi-thread shader compiles.
- class GetExecutableTask;
- class GetVertexExecutableTask;
- class GetPixelExecutableTask;
- class GetGeometryExecutableTask;
- class VertexExecutable
- {
- public:
- enum HLSLAttribType
- {
- };
- typedef std::vector<HLSLAttribType> Signature;
- VertexExecutable(const gl::InputLayout &inputLayout,
- const Signature &signature,
- ShaderExecutableD3D *shaderExecutable);
- ~VertexExecutable();
- bool matchesSignature(const Signature &signature) const;
- static void getSignature(RendererD3D *renderer,
- const gl::InputLayout &inputLayout,
- Signature *signatureOut);
- const gl::InputLayout &inputs() const { return mInputs; }
- const Signature &signature() const { return mSignature; }
- ShaderExecutableD3D *shaderExecutable() const { return mShaderExecutable; }
- private:
- static HLSLAttribType GetAttribType(GLenum type);
- gl::InputLayout mInputs;
- Signature mSignature;
- ShaderExecutableD3D *mShaderExecutable;
- };
- class PixelExecutable
- {
- public:
- PixelExecutable(const std::vector<GLenum> &outputSignature,
- ShaderExecutableD3D *shaderExecutable);
- ~PixelExecutable();
- bool matchesSignature(const std::vector<GLenum> &signature) const
- {
- return mOutputSignature == signature;
- }
- const std::vector<GLenum> &outputSignature() const { return mOutputSignature; }
- ShaderExecutableD3D *shaderExecutable() const { return mShaderExecutable; }
- private:
- std::vector<GLenum> mOutputSignature;
- ShaderExecutableD3D *mShaderExecutable;
- };
- struct Sampler
- {
- Sampler();
- bool active;
- GLint logicalTextureUnit;
- GLenum textureType;
- };
- typedef std::map<std::string, D3DUniform *> D3DUniformMap;
- void defineUniformsAndAssignRegisters(const gl::Context *context);
- void defineUniformBase(const gl::Shader *shader,
- const sh::Uniform &uniform,
- D3DUniformMap *uniformMap);
- void defineStructUniformFields(GLenum shaderType,
- const std::vector<sh::ShaderVariable> &fields,
- const std::string &namePrefix,
- sh::HLSLBlockEncoder *encoder,
- D3DUniformMap *uniformMap);
- void defineArrayOfStructsUniformFields(GLenum shaderType,
- const sh::ShaderVariable &uniform,
- unsigned int arrayNestingIndex,
- const std::string &prefix,
- sh::HLSLBlockEncoder *encoder,
- D3DUniformMap *uniformMap);
- void defineArrayUniformElements(GLenum shaderType,
- const sh::ShaderVariable &uniform,
- const std::string &fullName,
- sh::HLSLBlockEncoder *encoder,
- D3DUniformMap *uniformMap);
- void defineUniform(GLenum shaderType,
- const sh::ShaderVariable &uniform,
- const std::string &fullName,
- sh::HLSLBlockEncoder *encoder,
- D3DUniformMap *uniformMap);
- void assignAllSamplerRegisters();
- void assignSamplerRegisters(size_t uniformIndex);
- static void AssignSamplers(unsigned int startSamplerIndex,
- const gl::UniformTypeInfo &typeInfo,
- unsigned int samplerCount,
- std::vector<Sampler> &outSamplers,
- GLuint *outUsedRange);
- template <typename DestT>
- void getUniformInternal(GLint location, DestT *dataOut) const;
- template <typename T>
- void setUniformImpl(const gl::VariableLocation &locationInfo,
- GLsizei count,
- const T *v,
- uint8_t *targetData,
- GLenum uniformType);
- template <typename T>
- void setUniformInternal(GLint location, GLsizei count, const T *v, GLenum uniformType);
- template <int cols, int rows>
- bool setUniformMatrixfvImpl(GLint location,
- GLsizei count,
- GLboolean transpose,
- const GLfloat *value,
- uint8_t *targetData,
- GLenum targetUniformType);
- template <int cols, int rows>
- void setUniformMatrixfvInternal(GLint location,
- GLsizei count,
- GLboolean transpose,
- const GLfloat *value,
- GLenum targetUniformType);
- gl::LinkResult compileProgramExecutables(const gl::Context *context, gl::InfoLog &infoLog);
- gl::LinkResult compileComputeExecutable(const gl::Context *context, gl::InfoLog &infoLog);
- void gatherTransformFeedbackVaryings(const gl::VaryingPacking &varyings,
- const BuiltinInfo &builtins);
- D3DUniform *getD3DUniformByName(const std::string &name);
- D3DUniform *getD3DUniformFromLocation(GLint location);
- const D3DUniform *getD3DUniformFromLocation(GLint location) const;
- void initAttribLocationsToD3DSemantic(const gl::Context *context);
- void reset();
- void initializeUniformBlocks();
- void updateCachedInputLayoutFromShader(const gl::Context *context);
- void updateCachedOutputLayoutFromShader();
- void updateCachedVertexExecutableIndex();
- void updateCachedPixelExecutableIndex();
- void linkResources(const gl::Context *context, const gl::ProgramLinkedResources &resources);
- RendererD3D *mRenderer;
- DynamicHLSL *mDynamicHLSL;
- std::vector<std::unique_ptr<VertexExecutable>> mVertexExecutables;
- std::vector<std::unique_ptr<PixelExecutable>> mPixelExecutables;
- std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ShaderExecutableD3D>> mGeometryExecutables;
- std::unique_ptr<ShaderExecutableD3D> mComputeExecutable;
- std::string mVertexHLSL;
- angle::CompilerWorkaroundsD3D mVertexWorkarounds;
- std::string mPixelHLSL;
- angle::CompilerWorkaroundsD3D mPixelWorkarounds;
- bool mUsesFragDepth;
- bool mHasANGLEMultiviewEnabled;
- bool mUsesViewID;
- std::vector<PixelShaderOutputVariable> mPixelShaderKey;
- // Common code for all dynamic geometry shaders. Consists mainly of the GS input and output
- // structures, built from the linked varying info. We store the string itself instead of the
- // packed varyings for simplicity.
- std::string mGeometryShaderPreamble;
- bool mUsesPointSize;
- bool mUsesFlatInterpolation;
- std::unique_ptr<UniformStorageD3D> mVertexUniformStorage;
- std::unique_ptr<UniformStorageD3D> mFragmentUniformStorage;
- std::unique_ptr<UniformStorageD3D> mComputeUniformStorage;
- std::vector<Sampler> mSamplersPS;
- std::vector<Sampler> mSamplersVS;
- std::vector<Sampler> mSamplersCS;
- GLuint mUsedVertexSamplerRange;
- GLuint mUsedPixelSamplerRange;
- GLuint mUsedComputeSamplerRange;
- bool mDirtySamplerMapping;
- // Cache for pixel shader output layout to save reallocations.
- std::vector<GLenum> mPixelShaderOutputLayoutCache;
- Optional<size_t> mCachedPixelExecutableIndex;
- AttribIndexArray mAttribLocationToD3DSemantic;
- unsigned int mSerial;
- std::vector<GLint> mVertexUBOCache;
- std::vector<GLint> mFragmentUBOCache;
- VertexExecutable::Signature mCachedVertexSignature;
- gl::InputLayout mCachedInputLayout;
- Optional<size_t> mCachedVertexExecutableIndex;
- std::vector<D3DVarying> mStreamOutVaryings;
- std::vector<D3DUniform *> mD3DUniforms;
- std::vector<D3DUniformBlock> mD3DUniformBlocks;
- bool mVertexUniformsDirty;
- bool mFragmentUniformsDirty;
- bool mComputeUniformsDirty;
- static unsigned int issueSerial();
- static unsigned int mCurrentSerial;
- Serial mCurrentVertexArrayStateSerial;
-} // namespace rx