path: root/src/3rdparty/angle/src/libANGLE/renderer/d3d/d3d11/RenderStateCache.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/3rdparty/angle/src/libANGLE/renderer/d3d/d3d11/RenderStateCache.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 123 deletions
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/angle/src/libANGLE/renderer/d3d/d3d11/RenderStateCache.h b/src/3rdparty/angle/src/libANGLE/renderer/d3d/d3d11/RenderStateCache.h
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index 7501e83fc4..0000000000
--- a/src/3rdparty/angle/src/libANGLE/renderer/d3d/d3d11/RenderStateCache.h
+++ /dev/null
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-// Copyright (c) 2012-2014 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-// RenderStateCache.h: Defines rx::RenderStateCache, a cache of Direct3D render
-// state objects.
-#include "common/angleutils.h"
-#include "libANGLE/Error.h"
-#include "libANGLE/SizedMRUCache.h"
-#include "libANGLE/angletypes.h"
-#include "libANGLE/renderer/d3d/d3d11/renderer11_utils.h"
-#include <unordered_map>
-namespace gl
-class Framebuffer;
-namespace std
-template <>
-struct hash<rx::d3d11::BlendStateKey>
- size_t operator()(const rx::d3d11::BlendStateKey &key) const
- {
- return angle::ComputeGenericHash(key);
- }
-template <>
-struct hash<rx::d3d11::RasterizerStateKey>
- size_t operator()(const rx::d3d11::RasterizerStateKey &key) const
- {
- return angle::ComputeGenericHash(key);
- }
-template <>
-struct hash<gl::DepthStencilState>
- size_t operator()(const gl::DepthStencilState &key) const
- {
- return angle::ComputeGenericHash(key);
- }
-template <>
-struct hash<gl::SamplerState>
- size_t operator()(const gl::SamplerState &key) const { return angle::ComputeGenericHash(key); }
-} // namespace std
-namespace rx
-class Renderer11;
-class RenderStateCache : angle::NonCopyable
- public:
- RenderStateCache();
- virtual ~RenderStateCache();
- void clear();
- static d3d11::BlendStateKey GetBlendStateKey(const gl::Context *context,
- const gl::Framebuffer *framebuffer,
- const gl::BlendState &blendState);
- gl::Error getBlendState(Renderer11 *renderer,
- const d3d11::BlendStateKey &key,
- const d3d11::BlendState **outBlendState);
- gl::Error getRasterizerState(Renderer11 *renderer,
- const gl::RasterizerState &rasterState,
- bool scissorEnabled,
- ID3D11RasterizerState **outRasterizerState);
- gl::Error getDepthStencilState(Renderer11 *renderer,
- const gl::DepthStencilState &dsState,
- const d3d11::DepthStencilState **outDSState);
- gl::Error getSamplerState(Renderer11 *renderer,
- const gl::SamplerState &samplerState,
- ID3D11SamplerState **outSamplerState);
- private:
- // MSDN's documentation of ID3D11Device::CreateBlendState, ID3D11Device::CreateRasterizerState,
- // ID3D11Device::CreateDepthStencilState and ID3D11Device::CreateSamplerState claims the maximum
- // number of unique states of each type an application can create is 4096
- // TODO(ShahmeerEsmail): Revisit the cache sizes to make sure they are appropriate for most
- // scenarios.
- static constexpr unsigned int kMaxStates = 4096;
- // The cache tries to clean up this many states at once.
- static constexpr unsigned int kGCLimit = 128;
- // Blend state cache
- using BlendStateMap = angle::base::HashingMRUCache<d3d11::BlendStateKey, d3d11::BlendState>;
- BlendStateMap mBlendStateCache;
- // Rasterizer state cache
- using RasterizerStateMap =
- angle::base::HashingMRUCache<d3d11::RasterizerStateKey, d3d11::RasterizerState>;
- RasterizerStateMap mRasterizerStateCache;
- // Depth stencil state cache
- using DepthStencilStateMap =
- angle::base::HashingMRUCache<gl::DepthStencilState, d3d11::DepthStencilState>;
- DepthStencilStateMap mDepthStencilStateCache;
- // Sample state cache
- using SamplerStateMap = angle::base::HashingMRUCache<gl::SamplerState, d3d11::SamplerState>;
- SamplerStateMap mSamplerStateCache;
-} // namespace rx