path: root/src/3rdparty/angle/src/libANGLE/renderer/d3d/d3d11/StateManager11.h
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 557 deletions
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/angle/src/libANGLE/renderer/d3d/d3d11/StateManager11.h b/src/3rdparty/angle/src/libANGLE/renderer/d3d/d3d11/StateManager11.h
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-// Copyright (c) 2015 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-// StateManager11.h: Defines a class for caching D3D11 state
-#include <array>
-#include "libANGLE/ContextState.h"
-#include "libANGLE/State.h"
-#include "libANGLE/angletypes.h"
-#include "libANGLE/renderer/d3d/IndexDataManager.h"
-#include "libANGLE/renderer/d3d/RendererD3D.h"
-#include "libANGLE/renderer/d3d/d3d11/InputLayoutCache.h"
-#include "libANGLE/renderer/d3d/d3d11/Query11.h"
-#include "libANGLE/renderer/d3d/d3d11/RenderStateCache.h"
-#include "libANGLE/renderer/d3d/d3d11/renderer11_utils.h"
-namespace rx
-struct RenderTargetDesc;
-struct Renderer11DeviceCaps;
-class ShaderConstants11 : angle::NonCopyable
- public:
- ShaderConstants11();
- ~ShaderConstants11();
- void init(const gl::Caps &caps);
- size_t getRequiredBufferSize(gl::SamplerType samplerType) const;
- void markDirty();
- void setComputeWorkGroups(GLuint numGroupsX, GLuint numGroupsY, GLuint numGroupsZ);
- void setMultiviewWriteToViewportIndex(GLfloat index);
- void onViewportChange(const gl::Rectangle &glViewport,
- const D3D11_VIEWPORT &dxViewport,
- bool is9_3,
- bool presentPathFast);
- void onSamplerChange(gl::SamplerType samplerType,
- unsigned int samplerIndex,
- const gl::Texture &texture);
- gl::Error updateBuffer(ID3D11DeviceContext *deviceContext,
- gl::SamplerType samplerType,
- const ProgramD3D &programD3D,
- const d3d11::Buffer &driverConstantBuffer);
- private:
- struct Vertex
- {
- Vertex()
- : depthRange{.0f},
- viewAdjust{.0f},
- viewCoords{.0f},
- viewScale{.0f},
- multiviewWriteToViewportIndex{.0f},
- padding{.0f}
- {
- }
- float depthRange[4];
- float viewAdjust[4];
- float viewCoords[4];
- float viewScale[2];
- // multiviewWriteToViewportIndex is used to select either the side-by-side or layered
- // code-path in the GS. It's value, if set, is either 0.0f or 1.0f. The value is updated
- // whenever a multi-view draw framebuffer is made active.
- float multiviewWriteToViewportIndex;
- // Added here to manually pad the struct.
- float padding;
- };
- struct Pixel
- {
- Pixel()
- : depthRange{.0f},
- viewCoords{.0f},
- depthFront{.0f},
- viewScale{.0f},
- multiviewWriteToViewportIndex(0),
- padding(0)
- {
- }
- float depthRange[4];
- float viewCoords[4];
- float depthFront[4];
- float viewScale[2];
- // multiviewWriteToViewportIndex is used to select either the side-by-side or layered
- // code-path in the GS. It's value, if set, is either 0.0f or 1.0f. The value is updated
- // whenever a multi-view draw framebuffer is made active.
- float multiviewWriteToViewportIndex;
- // Added here to manually pad the struct.
- float padding;
- };
- struct Compute
- {
- Compute() : numWorkGroups{0u}, padding(0u) {}
- unsigned int numWorkGroups[3];
- unsigned int padding; // This just pads the struct to 16 bytes
- };
- struct SamplerMetadata
- {
- SamplerMetadata() : baseLevel(0), internalFormatBits(0), wrapModes(0), padding(0) {}
- int baseLevel;
- int internalFormatBits;
- int wrapModes;
- int padding; // This just pads the struct to 16 bytes
- };
- static_assert(sizeof(SamplerMetadata) == 16u,
- "Sampler metadata struct must be one 4-vec / 16 bytes.");
- // Return true if dirty.
- bool updateSamplerMetadata(SamplerMetadata *data, const gl::Texture &texture);
- Vertex mVertex;
- bool mVertexDirty;
- Pixel mPixel;
- bool mPixelDirty;
- Compute mCompute;
- bool mComputeDirty;
- std::vector<SamplerMetadata> mSamplerMetadataVS;
- bool mSamplerMetadataVSDirty;
- std::vector<SamplerMetadata> mSamplerMetadataPS;
- bool mSamplerMetadataPSDirty;
- std::vector<SamplerMetadata> mSamplerMetadataCS;
- bool mSamplerMetadataCSDirty;
-class DrawCallVertexParams final : angle::NonCopyable
- public:
- // Use when in a drawArrays call.
- DrawCallVertexParams(GLint firstVertex, GLsizei vertexCount, GLsizei instances);
- // Use when in a drawElements call.
- DrawCallVertexParams(bool firstVertexDefinitelyZero,
- const gl::HasIndexRange &hasIndexRange,
- GLint baseVertex,
- GLsizei instances);
- // It should be possible to also use an overload to handle the 'slow' indirect draw path.
- // TODO(jmadill): Indirect draw slow path overload.
- GLint firstVertex() const;
- GLsizei vertexCount() const;
- GLsizei instances() const;
- private:
- void ensureResolved() const;
- mutable const gl::HasIndexRange *mHasIndexRange;
- mutable Optional<GLint> mFirstVertex;
- mutable GLsizei mVertexCount;
- GLsizei mInstances;
- GLint mBaseVertex;
-class StateManager11 final : angle::NonCopyable
- public:
- StateManager11(Renderer11 *renderer);
- ~StateManager11();
- gl::Error initialize(const gl::Caps &caps, const gl::Extensions &extensions);
- void deinitialize();
- void syncState(const gl::Context *context, const gl::State::DirtyBits &dirtyBits);
- gl::Error updateStateForCompute(const gl::Context *context,
- GLuint numGroupsX,
- GLuint numGroupsY,
- GLuint numGroupsZ);
- void updateStencilSizeIfChanged(bool depthStencilInitialized, unsigned int stencilSize);
- // These invalidations methods are called externally.
- // Called from TextureStorage11.
- void invalidateBoundViews();
- // Called from VertexArray11::updateVertexAttribStorage.
- void invalidateCurrentValueAttrib(size_t attribIndex);
- // Checks are done on a framebuffer state change to trigger other state changes.
- // The Context is allowed to be nullptr for these methods, when called in EGL init code.
- void invalidateRenderTarget();
- // Called by instanced point sprite emulation.
- void invalidateVertexBuffer();
- // Called by Framebuffer11::syncState for the default sized viewport.
- void invalidateViewport(const gl::Context *context);
- // Called by TextureStorage11::markLevelDirty.
- void invalidateSwizzles();
- // Called by the Framebuffer11 and VertexArray11.
- void invalidateShaders();
- // Called by VertexArray11 to trigger attribute translation.
- void invalidateVertexAttributeTranslation();
- void setRenderTarget(ID3D11RenderTargetView *rtv, ID3D11DepthStencilView *dsv);
- void setRenderTargets(ID3D11RenderTargetView **rtvs, UINT numRtvs, ID3D11DepthStencilView *dsv);
- void onBeginQuery(Query11 *query);
- void onDeleteQueryObject(Query11 *query);
- gl::Error onMakeCurrent(const gl::Context *context);
- void setInputLayout(const d3d11::InputLayout *inputLayout);
- // TODO(jmadill): Migrate to d3d11::Buffer.
- bool queueVertexBufferChange(size_t bufferIndex,
- ID3D11Buffer *buffer,
- UINT stride,
- UINT offset);
- bool queueVertexOffsetChange(size_t bufferIndex, UINT offsetOnly);
- void applyVertexBufferChanges();
- void setSingleVertexBuffer(const d3d11::Buffer *buffer, UINT stride, UINT offset);
- gl::Error updateState(const gl::Context *context, GLenum drawMode);
- void setShaderResourceShared(gl::SamplerType shaderType,
- UINT resourceSlot,
- const d3d11::SharedSRV *srv);
- void setShaderResource(gl::SamplerType shaderType,
- UINT resourceSlot,
- const d3d11::ShaderResourceView *srv);
- void setPrimitiveTopology(D3D11_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY primitiveTopology);
- void setDrawShaders(const d3d11::VertexShader *vertexShader,
- const d3d11::GeometryShader *geometryShader,
- const d3d11::PixelShader *pixelShader);
- void setVertexShader(const d3d11::VertexShader *shader);
- void setGeometryShader(const d3d11::GeometryShader *shader);
- void setPixelShader(const d3d11::PixelShader *shader);
- void setComputeShader(const d3d11::ComputeShader *shader);
- void setVertexConstantBuffer(unsigned int slot, const d3d11::Buffer *buffer);
- void setPixelConstantBuffer(unsigned int slot, const d3d11::Buffer *buffer);
- void setDepthStencilState(const d3d11::DepthStencilState *depthStencilState, UINT stencilRef);
- void setSimpleBlendState(const d3d11::BlendState *blendState);
- void setRasterizerState(const d3d11::RasterizerState *rasterizerState);
- void setSimpleViewport(const gl::Extents &viewportExtents);
- void setSimpleViewport(int width, int height);
- void setSimplePixelTextureAndSampler(const d3d11::SharedSRV &srv,
- const d3d11::SamplerState &samplerState);
- void setSimpleScissorRect(const gl::Rectangle &glRect);
- void setScissorRectD3D(const D3D11_RECT &d3dRect);
- // Not handled by an internal dirty bit because of the extra draw parameters.
- gl::Error applyVertexBuffer(const gl::Context *context,
- GLenum mode,
- const DrawCallVertexParams &vertexParams,
- bool isIndexedRendering);
- gl::Error applyIndexBuffer(const gl::Context *context,
- const void *indices,
- GLsizei count,
- GLenum type,
- const gl::HasIndexRange &lazyIndexRange,
- bool usePrimitiveRestartWorkaround);
- void setIndexBuffer(ID3D11Buffer *buffer, DXGI_FORMAT indexFormat, unsigned int offset);
- gl::Error updateVertexOffsetsForPointSpritesEmulation(GLint startVertex,
- GLsizei emulatedInstanceId);
- // TODO(jmadill): Should be private.
- gl::Error applyComputeUniforms(ProgramD3D *programD3D);
- // Only used in testing.
- InputLayoutCache *getInputLayoutCache() { return &mInputLayoutCache; }
- private:
- template <typename SRVType>
- void setShaderResourceInternal(gl::SamplerType shaderType,
- UINT resourceSlot,
- const SRVType *srv);
- bool unsetConflictingView(ID3D11View *view);
- bool unsetConflictingSRVs(gl::SamplerType shaderType,
- uintptr_t resource,
- const gl::ImageIndex *index);
- void unsetConflictingAttachmentResources(const gl::FramebufferAttachment *attachment,
- ID3D11Resource *resource);
- gl::Error syncBlendState(const gl::Context *context,
- const gl::Framebuffer *framebuffer,
- const gl::BlendState &blendState,
- const gl::ColorF &blendColor,
- unsigned int sampleMask);
- gl::Error syncDepthStencilState(const gl::State &glState);
- gl::Error syncRasterizerState(const gl::Context *context, bool pointDrawMode);
- void syncScissorRectangle(const gl::Rectangle &scissor, bool enabled);
- void syncViewport(const gl::Context *context);
- void checkPresentPath(const gl::Context *context);
- gl::Error syncFramebuffer(const gl::Context *context, gl::Framebuffer *framebuffer);
- gl::Error syncProgram(const gl::Context *context, GLenum drawMode);
- gl::Error syncTextures(const gl::Context *context);
- gl::Error applyTextures(const gl::Context *context, gl::SamplerType shaderType);
- gl::Error setSamplerState(const gl::Context *context,
- gl::SamplerType type,
- int index,
- gl::Texture *texture,
- const gl::SamplerState &sampler);
- gl::Error setTexture(const gl::Context *context,
- gl::SamplerType type,
- int index,
- gl::Texture *texture);
- // Faster than calling setTexture a jillion times
- gl::Error clearTextures(gl::SamplerType samplerType, size_t rangeStart, size_t rangeEnd);
- void handleMultiviewDrawFramebufferChange(const gl::Context *context);
- gl::Error syncCurrentValueAttribs(const gl::State &glState);
- gl::Error generateSwizzle(const gl::Context *context, gl::Texture *texture);
- gl::Error generateSwizzlesForShader(const gl::Context *context, gl::SamplerType type);
- gl::Error generateSwizzles(const gl::Context *context);
- gl::Error applyDriverUniforms(const ProgramD3D &programD3D);
- gl::Error applyUniforms(ProgramD3D *programD3D);
- gl::Error syncUniformBuffers(const gl::Context *context, ProgramD3D *programD3D);
- gl::Error syncTransformFeedbackBuffers(const gl::Context *context);
- // These are currently only called internally.
- void invalidateTexturesAndSamplers();
- void invalidateDriverUniforms();
- void invalidateProgramUniforms();
- void invalidateProgramUniformBuffers();
- void invalidateConstantBuffer(unsigned int slot);
- // Called by the Framebuffer11 directly.
- void processFramebufferInvalidation(const gl::Context *context);
- bool syncIndexBuffer(ID3D11Buffer *buffer, DXGI_FORMAT indexFormat, unsigned int offset);
- enum DirtyBitType
- {
- };
- using DirtyBits = angle::BitSet<DIRTY_BIT_MAX>;
- Renderer11 *mRenderer;
- // Internal dirty bits.
- DirtyBits mInternalDirtyBits;
- // Blend State
- gl::BlendState mCurBlendState;
- gl::ColorF mCurBlendColor;
- unsigned int mCurSampleMask;
- // Currently applied depth stencil state
- gl::DepthStencilState mCurDepthStencilState;
- int mCurStencilRef;
- int mCurStencilBackRef;
- unsigned int mCurStencilSize;
- Optional<bool> mCurDisableDepth;
- Optional<bool> mCurDisableStencil;
- // Currently applied rasterizer state
- gl::RasterizerState mCurRasterState;
- // Currently applied scissor rectangle state
- bool mCurScissorEnabled;
- gl::Rectangle mCurScissorRect;
- // Currently applied viewport state
- gl::Rectangle mCurViewport;
- float mCurNear;
- float mCurFar;
- // The viewport offsets are guaranteed to be updated whenever the gl::State::DirtyBits are
- // resolved and can be applied to the viewport and scissor whenever the internal viewport and
- // scissor bits are resolved.
- std::vector<gl::Offset> mViewportOffsets;
- // Things needed in viewport state
- ShaderConstants11 mShaderConstants;
- // Render target variables
- gl::Extents mViewportBounds;
- bool mRenderTargetIsDirty;
- // EGL_ANGLE_experimental_present_path variables
- bool mCurPresentPathFastEnabled;
- int mCurPresentPathFastColorBufferHeight;
- // Queries that are currently active in this state
- std::set<Query11 *> mCurrentQueries;
- // Currently applied textures
- struct SRVRecord
- {
- uintptr_t srv;
- uintptr_t resource;
- };
- // A cache of current SRVs that also tracks the highest 'used' (non-NULL) SRV
- // We might want to investigate a more robust approach that is also fast when there's
- // a large gap between used SRVs (e.g. if SRV 0 and 7 are non-NULL, this approach will
- // waste time on SRVs 1-6.)
- class SRVCache : angle::NonCopyable
- {
- public:
- SRVCache();
- ~SRVCache();
- void initialize(size_t size) { mCurrentSRVs.resize(size); }
- size_t size() const { return mCurrentSRVs.size(); }
- size_t highestUsed() const { return mHighestUsedSRV; }
- const SRVRecord &operator[](size_t index) const { return mCurrentSRVs[index]; }
- void clear();
- void update(size_t resourceIndex, ID3D11ShaderResourceView *srv);
- private:
- std::vector<SRVRecord> mCurrentSRVs;
- size_t mHighestUsedSRV;
- };
- SRVCache mCurVertexSRVs;
- SRVCache mCurPixelSRVs;
- // A block of NULL pointers, cached so we don't re-allocate every draw call
- std::vector<ID3D11ShaderResourceView *> mNullSRVs;
- // Current translations of "Current-Value" data - owned by Context, not VertexArray.
- gl::AttributesMask mDirtyCurrentValueAttribs;
- std::vector<TranslatedAttribute> mCurrentValueAttribs;
- // Current applied input layout.
- ResourceSerial mCurrentInputLayout;
- bool mInputLayoutIsDirty;
- bool mVertexAttribsNeedTranslation;
- // Current applied vertex states.
- // TODO(jmadill): Figure out how to use ResourceSerial here.
- std::array<ID3D11Buffer *, gl::MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS> mCurrentVertexBuffers;
- std::array<UINT, gl::MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS> mCurrentVertexStrides;
- std::array<UINT, gl::MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS> mCurrentVertexOffsets;
- gl::RangeUI mDirtyVertexBufferRange;
- // Currently applied primitive topology
- D3D11_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY mCurrentPrimitiveTopology;
- // Currently applied shaders
- ResourceSerial mAppliedVertexShader;
- ResourceSerial mAppliedGeometryShader;
- ResourceSerial mAppliedPixelShader;
- ResourceSerial mAppliedComputeShader;
- // Currently applied sampler states
- std::vector<bool> mForceSetVertexSamplerStates;
- std::vector<gl::SamplerState> mCurVertexSamplerStates;
- std::vector<bool> mForceSetPixelSamplerStates;
- std::vector<gl::SamplerState> mCurPixelSamplerStates;
- std::vector<bool> mForceSetComputeSamplerStates;
- std::vector<gl::SamplerState> mCurComputeSamplerStates;
- // Special dirty bit for swizzles. Since they use internal shaders, must be done in a pre-pass.
- bool mDirtySwizzles;
- // Currently applied index buffer
- ID3D11Buffer *mAppliedIB;
- DXGI_FORMAT mAppliedIBFormat;
- unsigned int mAppliedIBOffset;
- bool mIndexBufferIsDirty;
- // Vertex, index and input layouts
- VertexDataManager mVertexDataManager;
- IndexDataManager mIndexDataManager;
- InputLayoutCache mInputLayoutCache;
- std::vector<const TranslatedAttribute *> mCurrentAttributes;
- Optional<GLint> mLastFirstVertex;
- // ANGLE_multiview.
- bool mIsMultiviewEnabled;
- // Driver Constants.
- d3d11::Buffer mDriverConstantBufferVS;
- d3d11::Buffer mDriverConstantBufferPS;
- d3d11::Buffer mDriverConstantBufferCS;
- ResourceSerial mCurrentComputeConstantBuffer;
- ResourceSerial mCurrentGeometryConstantBuffer;
- template <typename T>
- using VertexConstantBufferArray =
- VertexConstantBufferArray<ResourceSerial> mCurrentConstantBufferVS;
- VertexConstantBufferArray<GLintptr> mCurrentConstantBufferVSOffset;
- VertexConstantBufferArray<GLsizeiptr> mCurrentConstantBufferVSSize;
- template <typename T>
- using FragmentConstantBufferArray =
- FragmentConstantBufferArray<ResourceSerial> mCurrentConstantBufferPS;
- FragmentConstantBufferArray<GLintptr> mCurrentConstantBufferPSOffset;
- FragmentConstantBufferArray<GLsizeiptr> mCurrentConstantBufferPSSize;
- // Currently applied transform feedback buffers
- Serial mAppliedTFSerial;
- Serial mEmptySerial;
- bool mIsTransformFeedbackCurrentlyActiveUnpaused;
-} // namespace rx