path: root/src/3rdparty/angle/src/libGLESv2/renderer/d3d/d3d9/Renderer9.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/3rdparty/angle/src/libGLESv2/renderer/d3d/d3d9/Renderer9.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 352 deletions
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/angle/src/libGLESv2/renderer/d3d/d3d9/Renderer9.h b/src/3rdparty/angle/src/libGLESv2/renderer/d3d/d3d9/Renderer9.h
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+++ /dev/null
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-// Copyright (c) 2012-2014 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-// Renderer9.h: Defines a back-end specific class for the D3D9 renderer.
-#include "common/angleutils.h"
-#include "common/mathutil.h"
-#include "libGLESv2/renderer/d3d/d3d9/ShaderCache.h"
-#include "libGLESv2/renderer/d3d/d3d9/VertexDeclarationCache.h"
-#include "libGLESv2/renderer/d3d/HLSLCompiler.h"
-#include "libGLESv2/renderer/d3d/RendererD3D.h"
-#include "libGLESv2/renderer/RenderTarget.h"
-namespace gl
-class FramebufferAttachment;
-namespace egl
-class AttributeMap;
-namespace rx
-class VertexDataManager;
-class IndexDataManager;
-class StreamingIndexBufferInterface;
-class StaticIndexBufferInterface;
-struct TranslatedAttribute;
-class Blit9;
-class Renderer9 : public RendererD3D
- public:
- Renderer9(egl::Display *display, EGLNativeDisplayType hDc, const egl::AttributeMap &attributes);
- virtual ~Renderer9();
- static Renderer9 *makeRenderer9(Renderer *renderer);
- virtual EGLint initialize();
- virtual bool resetDevice();
- virtual int generateConfigs(ConfigDesc **configDescList);
- virtual void deleteConfigs(ConfigDesc *configDescList);
- void startScene();
- void endScene();
- virtual gl::Error sync(bool block);
- virtual SwapChain *createSwapChain(NativeWindow nativeWindow, HANDLE shareHandle, GLenum backBufferFormat, GLenum depthBufferFormat);
- gl::Error allocateEventQuery(IDirect3DQuery9 **outQuery);
- void freeEventQuery(IDirect3DQuery9* query);
- // resource creation
- gl::Error createVertexShader(const DWORD *function, size_t length, IDirect3DVertexShader9 **outShader);
- gl::Error createPixelShader(const DWORD *function, size_t length, IDirect3DPixelShader9 **outShader);
- HRESULT createVertexBuffer(UINT Length, DWORD Usage, IDirect3DVertexBuffer9 **ppVertexBuffer);
- HRESULT createIndexBuffer(UINT Length, DWORD Usage, D3DFORMAT Format, IDirect3DIndexBuffer9 **ppIndexBuffer);
- virtual gl::Error generateSwizzle(gl::Texture *texture);
- virtual gl::Error setSamplerState(gl::SamplerType type, int index, gl::Texture *texture, const gl::SamplerState &sampler);
- virtual gl::Error setTexture(gl::SamplerType type, int index, gl::Texture *texture);
- virtual gl::Error setUniformBuffers(const gl::Buffer *vertexUniformBuffers[], const gl::Buffer *fragmentUniformBuffers[]);
- virtual gl::Error setRasterizerState(const gl::RasterizerState &rasterState);
- gl::Error setBlendState(const gl::Framebuffer *framebuffer, const gl::BlendState &blendState, const gl::ColorF &blendColor,
- unsigned int sampleMask) override;
- virtual gl::Error setDepthStencilState(const gl::DepthStencilState &depthStencilState, int stencilRef,
- int stencilBackRef, bool frontFaceCCW);
- virtual void setScissorRectangle(const gl::Rectangle &scissor, bool enabled);
- virtual void setViewport(const gl::Rectangle &viewport, float zNear, float zFar, GLenum drawMode, GLenum frontFace,
- bool ignoreViewport);
- gl::Error applyRenderTarget(const gl::Framebuffer *frameBuffer) override;
- virtual gl::Error applyShaders(gl::ProgramBinary *programBinary, const gl::VertexFormat inputLayout[], const gl::Framebuffer *framebuffer,
- bool rasterizerDiscard, bool transformFeedbackActive);
- virtual gl::Error applyUniforms(const ProgramImpl &program, const std::vector<gl::LinkedUniform*> &uniformArray);
- virtual bool applyPrimitiveType(GLenum primitiveType, GLsizei elementCount);
- virtual gl::Error applyVertexBuffer(const gl::State &state, GLint first, GLsizei count, GLsizei instances);
- virtual gl::Error applyIndexBuffer(const GLvoid *indices, gl::Buffer *elementArrayBuffer, GLsizei count, GLenum mode, GLenum type, TranslatedIndexData *indexInfo);
- virtual void applyTransformFeedbackBuffers(const gl::State& state);
- virtual gl::Error drawArrays(GLenum mode, GLsizei count, GLsizei instances, bool transformFeedbackActive);
- virtual gl::Error drawElements(GLenum mode, GLsizei count, GLenum type, const GLvoid *indices,
- gl::Buffer *elementArrayBuffer, const TranslatedIndexData &indexInfo, GLsizei instances);
- gl::Error clear(const gl::ClearParameters &clearParams, const gl::Framebuffer *frameBuffer) override;
- virtual void markAllStateDirty();
- // lost device
- void notifyDeviceLost() override;
- bool isDeviceLost() override;
- bool testDeviceLost(bool notify) override;
- bool testDeviceResettable() override;
- DWORD getAdapterVendor() const override;
- std::string getRendererDescription() const override;
- GUID getAdapterIdentifier() const override;
- IDirect3DDevice9 *getDevice() { return mDevice; }
- virtual unsigned int getReservedVertexUniformVectors() const;
- virtual unsigned int getReservedFragmentUniformVectors() const;
- virtual unsigned int getReservedVertexUniformBuffers() const;
- virtual unsigned int getReservedFragmentUniformBuffers() const;
- virtual bool getShareHandleSupport() const;
- virtual bool getPostSubBufferSupport() const;
- virtual int getMajorShaderModel() const;
- DWORD getCapsDeclTypes() const;
- virtual int getMinSwapInterval() const;
- virtual int getMaxSwapInterval() const;
- // Pixel operations
- virtual gl::Error copyImage2D(gl::Framebuffer *framebuffer, const gl::Rectangle &sourceRect, GLenum destFormat,
- GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, TextureStorage *storage, GLint level);
- virtual gl::Error copyImageCube(gl::Framebuffer *framebuffer, const gl::Rectangle &sourceRect, GLenum destFormat,
- GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, TextureStorage *storage, GLenum target, GLint level);
- virtual gl::Error copyImage3D(gl::Framebuffer *framebuffer, const gl::Rectangle &sourceRect, GLenum destFormat,
- GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLint zOffset, TextureStorage *storage, GLint level);
- virtual gl::Error copyImage2DArray(gl::Framebuffer *framebuffer, const gl::Rectangle &sourceRect, GLenum destFormat,
- GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLint zOffset, TextureStorage *storage, GLint level);
- gl::Error blitRect(const gl::Framebuffer *readTarget, const gl::Rectangle &readRect,
- const gl::Framebuffer *drawTarget, const gl::Rectangle &drawRect,
- const gl::Rectangle *scissor, bool blitRenderTarget,
- bool blitDepth, bool blitStencil, GLenum filter) override;
- virtual gl::Error readPixels(const gl::Framebuffer *framebuffer, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format,
- GLenum type, GLuint outputPitch, const gl::PixelPackState &pack, uint8_t *pixels);
- // RenderTarget creation
- virtual gl::Error createRenderTarget(SwapChain *swapChain, bool depth, RenderTarget **outRT);
- virtual gl::Error createRenderTarget(int width, int height, GLenum format, GLsizei samples, RenderTarget **outRT);
- // Shader creation
- virtual ShaderImpl *createShader(const gl::Data &data, GLenum type);
- virtual ProgramImpl *createProgram();
- // Shader operations
- void releaseShaderCompiler() override;
- virtual gl::Error loadExecutable(const void *function, size_t length, ShaderType type,
- const std::vector<gl::LinkedVarying> &transformFeedbackVaryings,
- bool separatedOutputBuffers, ShaderExecutable **outExecutable);
- virtual gl::Error compileToExecutable(gl::InfoLog &infoLog, const std::string &shaderHLSL, ShaderType type,
- const std::vector<gl::LinkedVarying> &transformFeedbackVaryings,
- bool separatedOutputBuffers, D3DWorkaroundType workaround,
- ShaderExecutable **outExectuable);
- virtual UniformStorage *createUniformStorage(size_t storageSize);
- // Image operations
- virtual Image *createImage();
- gl::Error generateMipmap(Image *dest, Image *source) override;
- virtual TextureStorage *createTextureStorage2D(SwapChain *swapChain);
- virtual TextureStorage *createTextureStorage2D(GLenum internalformat, bool renderTarget, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, int levels);
- virtual TextureStorage *createTextureStorageCube(GLenum internalformat, bool renderTarget, int size, int levels);
- virtual TextureStorage *createTextureStorage3D(GLenum internalformat, bool renderTarget, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth, int levels);
- virtual TextureStorage *createTextureStorage2DArray(GLenum internalformat, bool renderTarget, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth, int levels);
- // Texture creation
- virtual TextureImpl *createTexture(GLenum target);
- // Renderbuffer creation
- virtual RenderbufferImpl *createRenderbuffer();
- virtual RenderbufferImpl *createRenderbuffer(SwapChain *swapChain, bool depth);
- // Buffer creation
- virtual BufferImpl *createBuffer();
- virtual VertexBuffer *createVertexBuffer();
- virtual IndexBuffer *createIndexBuffer();
- // Vertex Array creation
- virtual VertexArrayImpl *createVertexArray();
- // Query and Fence creation
- virtual QueryImpl *createQuery(GLenum type);
- virtual FenceNVImpl *createFenceNV();
- virtual FenceSyncImpl *createFenceSync();
- // Transform Feedback creation
- virtual TransformFeedbackImpl* createTransformFeedback();
- // Buffer-to-texture and Texture-to-buffer copies
- virtual bool supportsFastCopyBufferToTexture(GLenum internalFormat) const;
- virtual gl::Error fastCopyBufferToTexture(const gl::PixelUnpackState &unpack, unsigned int offset, RenderTarget *destRenderTarget,
- GLenum destinationFormat, GLenum sourcePixelsType, const gl::Box &destArea);
- // D3D9-renderer specific methods
- gl::Error boxFilter(IDirect3DSurface9 *source, IDirect3DSurface9 *dest);
- D3DPOOL getTexturePool(DWORD usage) const;
- virtual bool getLUID(LUID *adapterLuid) const;
- virtual VertexConversionType getVertexConversionType(const gl::VertexFormat &vertexFormat) const;
- virtual GLenum getVertexComponentType(const gl::VertexFormat &vertexFormat) const;
- gl::Error copyToRenderTarget(IDirect3DSurface9 *dest, IDirect3DSurface9 *source, bool fromManaged);
- private:
- void generateCaps(gl::Caps *outCaps, gl::TextureCapsMap *outTextureCaps, gl::Extensions *outExtensions) const override;
- Workarounds generateWorkarounds() const override;
- void release();
- void applyUniformnfv(gl::LinkedUniform *targetUniform, const GLfloat *v);
- void applyUniformniv(gl::LinkedUniform *targetUniform, const GLint *v);
- void applyUniformnbv(gl::LinkedUniform *targetUniform, const GLint *v);
- gl::Error drawLineLoop(GLsizei count, GLenum type, const GLvoid *indices, int minIndex, gl::Buffer *elementArrayBuffer);
- gl::Error drawIndexedPoints(GLsizei count, GLenum type, const GLvoid *indices, int minIndex, gl::Buffer *elementArrayBuffer);
- gl::Error getCountingIB(size_t count, StaticIndexBufferInterface **outIB);
- gl::Error getNullColorbuffer(gl::FramebufferAttachment *depthbuffer, gl::FramebufferAttachment **outColorBuffer);
- D3DPOOL getBufferPool(DWORD usage) const;
- HMODULE mD3d9Module;
- HDC mDc;
- void initializeDevice();
- D3DPRESENT_PARAMETERS getDefaultPresentParameters();
- void releaseDeviceResources();
- HRESULT getDeviceStatusCode();
- bool isRemovedDeviceResettable() const;
- bool resetRemovedDevice();
- UINT mAdapter;
- D3DDEVTYPE mDeviceType;
- IDirect3D9 *mD3d9; // Always valid after successful initialization.
- IDirect3D9Ex *mD3d9Ex; // Might be null if D3D9Ex is not supported.
- IDirect3DDevice9 *mDevice;
- IDirect3DDevice9Ex *mDeviceEx; // Might be null if D3D9Ex is not supported.
- HLSLCompiler mCompiler;
- Blit9 *mBlit;
- HWND mDeviceWindow;
- bool mDeviceLost;
- D3DCAPS9 mDeviceCaps;
- D3DADAPTER_IDENTIFIER9 mAdapterIdentifier;
- D3DPRIMITIVETYPE mPrimitiveType;
- int mPrimitiveCount;
- GLsizei mRepeatDraw;
- bool mSceneStarted;
- int mMinSwapInterval;
- int mMaxSwapInterval;
- bool mVertexTextureSupport;
- // current render target states
- unsigned int mAppliedRenderTargetSerial;
- unsigned int mAppliedDepthbufferSerial;
- unsigned int mAppliedStencilbufferSerial;
- bool mDepthStencilInitialized;
- bool mRenderTargetDescInitialized;
- RenderTarget::Desc mRenderTargetDesc;
- unsigned int mCurStencilSize;
- unsigned int mCurDepthSize;
- IDirect3DStateBlock9 *mMaskedClearSavedState;
- // previously set render states
- bool mForceSetDepthStencilState;
- gl::DepthStencilState mCurDepthStencilState;
- int mCurStencilRef;
- int mCurStencilBackRef;
- bool mCurFrontFaceCCW;
- bool mForceSetRasterState;
- gl::RasterizerState mCurRasterState;
- bool mForceSetScissor;
- gl::Rectangle mCurScissor;
- bool mScissorEnabled;
- bool mForceSetViewport;
- gl::Rectangle mCurViewport;
- float mCurNear;
- float mCurFar;
- float mCurDepthFront;
- bool mForceSetBlendState;
- gl::BlendState mCurBlendState;
- gl::ColorF mCurBlendColor;
- GLuint mCurSampleMask;
- // Currently applied sampler states
- std::vector<bool> mForceSetVertexSamplerStates;
- std::vector<gl::SamplerState> mCurVertexSamplerStates;
- std::vector<bool> mForceSetPixelSamplerStates;
- std::vector<gl::SamplerState> mCurPixelSamplerStates;
- // Currently applied textures
- std::vector<unsigned int> mCurVertexTextureSerials;
- std::vector<unsigned int> mCurPixelTextureSerials;
- unsigned int mAppliedIBSerial;
- IDirect3DVertexShader9 *mAppliedVertexShader;
- IDirect3DPixelShader9 *mAppliedPixelShader;
- unsigned int mAppliedProgramSerial;
- dx_VertexConstants mVertexConstants;
- dx_PixelConstants mPixelConstants;
- bool mDxUniformsDirty;
- // A pool of event queries that are currently unused.
- std::vector<IDirect3DQuery9*> mEventQueryPool;
- VertexShaderCache mVertexShaderCache;
- PixelShaderCache mPixelShaderCache;
- VertexDataManager *mVertexDataManager;
- VertexDeclarationCache mVertexDeclarationCache;
- IndexDataManager *mIndexDataManager;
- StreamingIndexBufferInterface *mLineLoopIB;
- StaticIndexBufferInterface *mCountingIB;
- struct NullColorbufferCacheEntry
- {
- UINT lruCount;
- int width;
- int height;
- gl::FramebufferAttachment *buffer;
- UINT mMaxNullColorbufferLRU;