path: root/src/3rdparty/harfbuzz-ng/src/hb-atomic.hh
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/3rdparty/harfbuzz-ng/src/hb-atomic.hh')
1 files changed, 67 insertions, 134 deletions
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/harfbuzz-ng/src/hb-atomic.hh b/src/3rdparty/harfbuzz-ng/src/hb-atomic.hh
index b3fb296b4e..366fb32b7d 100644
--- a/src/3rdparty/harfbuzz-ng/src/hb-atomic.hh
+++ b/src/3rdparty/harfbuzz-ng/src/hb-atomic.hh
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
#elif !defined(HB_NO_MT) && defined(__ATOMIC_ACQUIRE)
-/* C++11-style GCC primitives. */
+/* C++11-style GCC primitives. We prefer these as they don't require linking to libstdc++ / libc++. */
#define _hb_memory_barrier() __sync_synchronize ()
@@ -73,7 +73,8 @@ _hb_atomic_ptr_impl_cmplexch (const void **P, const void *O_, const void *N)
#define hb_atomic_ptr_impl_cmpexch(P,O,N) _hb_atomic_ptr_impl_cmplexch ((const void **) (P), (O), (N))
-#elif !defined(HB_NO_MT) && __cplusplus >= 201103L
+#elif !defined(HB_NO_MT)
/* C++11 atomics. */
@@ -83,11 +84,11 @@ _hb_atomic_ptr_impl_cmplexch (const void **P, const void *O_, const void *N)
#define _hb_memory_r_barrier() std::atomic_thread_fence(std::memory_order_acquire)
#define _hb_memory_w_barrier() std::atomic_thread_fence(std::memory_order_release)
-#define hb_atomic_int_impl_add(AI, V) (reinterpret_cast<std::atomic<int> *> (AI)->fetch_add ((V), std::memory_order_acq_rel))
-#define hb_atomic_int_impl_set_relaxed(AI, V) (reinterpret_cast<std::atomic<int> *> (AI)->store ((V), std::memory_order_relaxed))
-#define hb_atomic_int_impl_set(AI, V) (reinterpret_cast<std::atomic<int> *> (AI)->store ((V), std::memory_order_release))
-#define hb_atomic_int_impl_get_relaxed(AI) (reinterpret_cast<std::atomic<int> const *> (AI)->load (std::memory_order_relaxed))
-#define hb_atomic_int_impl_get(AI) (reinterpret_cast<std::atomic<int> const *> (AI)->load (std::memory_order_acquire))
+#define hb_atomic_int_impl_add(AI, V) (reinterpret_cast<std::atomic<std::decay<decltype (*(AI))>::type> *> (AI)->fetch_add ((V), std::memory_order_acq_rel))
+#define hb_atomic_int_impl_set_relaxed(AI, V) (reinterpret_cast<std::atomic<std::decay<decltype (*(AI))>::type> *> (AI)->store ((V), std::memory_order_relaxed))
+#define hb_atomic_int_impl_set(AI, V) (reinterpret_cast<std::atomic<std::decay<decltype (*(AI))>::type> *> (AI)->store ((V), std::memory_order_release))
+#define hb_atomic_int_impl_get_relaxed(AI) (reinterpret_cast<std::atomic<std::decay<decltype (*(AI))>::type> const *> (AI)->load (std::memory_order_relaxed))
+#define hb_atomic_int_impl_get(AI) (reinterpret_cast<std::atomic<std::decay<decltype (*(AI))>::type> const *> (AI)->load (std::memory_order_acquire))
#define hb_atomic_ptr_impl_set_relaxed(P, V) (reinterpret_cast<std::atomic<void*> *> (P)->store ((V), std::memory_order_relaxed))
#define hb_atomic_ptr_impl_get_relaxed(P) (reinterpret_cast<std::atomic<void*> const *> (P)->load (std::memory_order_relaxed))
@@ -101,133 +102,32 @@ _hb_atomic_ptr_impl_cmplexch (const void **P, const void *O_, const void *N)
#define hb_atomic_ptr_impl_cmpexch(P,O,N) _hb_atomic_ptr_impl_cmplexch ((const void **) (P), (O), (N))
-#elif !defined(HB_NO_MT) && defined(_WIN32)
-#include <windows.h>
-static inline void _hb_memory_barrier ()
-#if !defined(MemoryBarrier) && !defined(__MINGW32_VERSION)
- /* MinGW has a convoluted history of supporting MemoryBarrier. */
- LONG dummy = 0;
- InterlockedExchange (&dummy, 1);
- MemoryBarrier ();
-#define _hb_memory_barrier() _hb_memory_barrier ()
-#define hb_atomic_int_impl_add(AI, V) InterlockedExchangeAdd ((LONG *) (AI), (V))
-static_assert ((sizeof (LONG) == sizeof (int)), "");
-#define hb_atomic_ptr_impl_cmpexch(P,O,N) (InterlockedCompareExchangePointer ((P), (N), (O)) == (O))
-#elif !defined(HB_NO_MT) && defined(HAVE_INTEL_ATOMIC_PRIMITIVES)
-#define _hb_memory_barrier() __sync_synchronize ()
-#define hb_atomic_int_impl_add(AI, V) __sync_fetch_and_add ((AI), (V))
-#define hb_atomic_ptr_impl_cmpexch(P,O,N) __sync_bool_compare_and_swap ((P), (O), (N))
-#elif !defined(HB_NO_MT) && defined(HAVE_SOLARIS_ATOMIC_OPS)
-#include <atomic.h>
-#include <mbarrier.h>
+#else /* defined(HB_NO_MT) */
-#define _hb_memory_r_barrier() __machine_r_barrier ()
-#define _hb_memory_w_barrier() __machine_w_barrier ()
-#define _hb_memory_barrier() __machine_rw_barrier ()
-static inline int _hb_fetch_and_add (int *AI, int V)
- _hb_memory_w_barrier ();
- int result = atomic_add_int_nv ((uint_t *) AI, V) - V;
- _hb_memory_r_barrier ();
- return result;
-static inline bool _hb_compare_and_swap_ptr (void **P, void *O, void *N)
- _hb_memory_w_barrier ();
- bool result = atomic_cas_ptr (P, O, N) == O;
- _hb_memory_r_barrier ();
- return result;
-#define hb_atomic_int_impl_add(AI, V) _hb_fetch_and_add ((AI), (V))
-#define hb_atomic_ptr_impl_cmpexch(P,O,N) _hb_compare_and_swap_ptr ((P), (O), (N))
-#elif !defined(HB_NO_MT) && defined(__APPLE__)
+#define hb_atomic_int_impl_add(AI, V) ((*(AI) += (V)) - (V))
+#define _hb_memory_barrier() do {} while (0)
+#define hb_atomic_ptr_impl_cmpexch(P,O,N) (* (void **) (P) == (void *) (O) ? (* (void **) (P) = (void *) (N), true) : false)
-#include <libkern/OSAtomic.h>
-#include <AvailabilityMacros.h>
-#elif defined(__IPHONE_OS_MIN_REQUIRED)
-#include <Availability.h>
-#define _hb_memory_barrier() OSMemoryBarrier ()
-#define hb_atomic_int_impl_add(AI, V) (OSAtomicAdd32Barrier ((V), (AI)) - (V))
-#define hb_atomic_ptr_impl_cmpexch(P,O,N) OSAtomicCompareAndSwapPtrBarrier ((O), (N), (P))
-#if __ppc64__ || __x86_64__ || __aarch64__
-#define hb_atomic_ptr_impl_cmpexch(P,O,N) OSAtomicCompareAndSwap64Barrier ((int64_t) (O), (int64_t) (N), (int64_t*) (P))
+/* This should never be disabled, even under HB_NO_MT.
+ * except that MSVC gives me an internal compiler error, so disabled there.
+ *
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef _hb_compiler_memory_r_barrier
+#if defined(__ATOMIC_ACQUIRE) // gcc-like
+static inline void _hb_compiler_memory_r_barrier () { asm volatile("": : :"memory"); }
+#elif !defined(_MSC_VER)
+#include <atomic>
+#define _hb_compiler_memory_r_barrier() std::atomic_signal_fence (std::memory_order_acquire)
-#define hb_atomic_ptr_impl_cmpexch(P,O,N) OSAtomicCompareAndSwap32Barrier ((int32_t) (O), (int32_t) (N), (int32_t*) (P))
+static inline void _hb_compiler_memory_r_barrier () {}
-#elif !defined(HB_NO_MT) && defined(_AIX) && (defined(__IBMCPP__) || defined(__ibmxl__))
-#include <builtins.h>
-#define _hb_memory_barrier() __lwsync ()
-static inline int _hb_fetch_and_add (int *AI, int V)
- _hb_memory_barrier ();
- int result = __fetch_and_add (AI, V);
- _hb_memory_barrier ();
- return result;
-static inline bool _hb_compare_and_swaplp (long *P, long O, long N)
- _hb_memory_barrier ();
- bool result = __compare_and_swaplp (P, &O, N);
- _hb_memory_barrier ();
- return result;
-#define hb_atomic_int_impl_add(AI, V) _hb_fetch_and_add ((AI), (V))
-#define hb_atomic_ptr_impl_cmpexch(P,O,N) _hb_compare_and_swaplp ((long *) (P), (long) (O), (long) (N))
-static_assert ((sizeof (long) == sizeof (void *)), "");
-#elif defined(HB_NO_MT)
-#define hb_atomic_int_impl_add(AI, V) ((*(AI) += (V)) - (V))
-#define _hb_memory_barrier() do {} while (0)
-#define hb_atomic_ptr_impl_cmpexch(P,O,N) (* (void **) (P) == (void *) (O) ? (* (void **) (P) = (void *) (N), true) : false)
-#error "Could not find any system to define atomic_int macros."
-#error "Check hb-atomic.hh for possible resolutions."
#ifndef _hb_memory_r_barrier
#define _hb_memory_r_barrier() _hb_memory_barrier ()
@@ -250,46 +150,79 @@ static_assert ((sizeof (long) == sizeof (void *)), "");
#ifndef hb_atomic_int_impl_set
inline void hb_atomic_int_impl_set (int *AI, int v) { _hb_memory_w_barrier (); *AI = v; }
+inline void hb_atomic_int_impl_set (short *AI, short v) { _hb_memory_w_barrier (); *AI = v; }
#ifndef hb_atomic_int_impl_get
inline int hb_atomic_int_impl_get (const int *AI) { int v = *AI; _hb_memory_r_barrier (); return v; }
+inline short hb_atomic_int_impl_get (const short *AI) { short v = *AI; _hb_memory_r_barrier (); return v; }
#ifndef hb_atomic_ptr_impl_get
inline void *hb_atomic_ptr_impl_get (void ** const P) { void *v = *P; _hb_memory_r_barrier (); return v; }
-#define HB_ATOMIC_INT_INIT(V) {V}
+struct hb_atomic_short_t
+ hb_atomic_short_t () = default;
+ constexpr hb_atomic_short_t (short v) : v (v) {}
+ hb_atomic_short_t& operator = (short v_) { set_relaxed (v_); return *this; }
+ operator short () const { return get_relaxed (); }
+ void set_relaxed (short v_) { hb_atomic_int_impl_set_relaxed (&v, v_); }
+ void set_release (short v_) { hb_atomic_int_impl_set (&v, v_); }
+ short get_relaxed () const { return hb_atomic_int_impl_get_relaxed (&v); }
+ short get_acquire () const { return hb_atomic_int_impl_get (&v); }
+ short inc () { return hb_atomic_int_impl_add (&v, 1); }
+ short dec () { return hb_atomic_int_impl_add (&v, -1); }
+ short v = 0;
struct hb_atomic_int_t
+ hb_atomic_int_t () = default;
+ constexpr hb_atomic_int_t (int v) : v (v) {}
+ hb_atomic_int_t& operator = (int v_) { set_relaxed (v_); return *this; }
+ operator int () const { return get_relaxed (); }
void set_relaxed (int v_) { hb_atomic_int_impl_set_relaxed (&v, v_); }
- void set (int v_) { hb_atomic_int_impl_set (&v, v_); }
+ void set_release (int v_) { hb_atomic_int_impl_set (&v, v_); }
int get_relaxed () const { return hb_atomic_int_impl_get_relaxed (&v); }
- int get () const { return hb_atomic_int_impl_get (&v); }
+ int get_acquire () const { return hb_atomic_int_impl_get (&v); }
int inc () { return hb_atomic_int_impl_add (&v, 1); }
int dec () { return hb_atomic_int_impl_add (&v, -1); }
- int v;
+ int v = 0;
-#define HB_ATOMIC_PTR_INIT(V) {V}
template <typename P>
struct hb_atomic_ptr_t
typedef hb_remove_pointer<P> T;
+ hb_atomic_ptr_t () = default;
+ constexpr hb_atomic_ptr_t (T* v) : v (v) {}
+ hb_atomic_ptr_t (const hb_atomic_ptr_t &other) = delete;
void init (T* v_ = nullptr) { set_relaxed (v_); }
void set_relaxed (T* v_) { hb_atomic_ptr_impl_set_relaxed (&v, v_); }
T *get_relaxed () const { return (T *) hb_atomic_ptr_impl_get_relaxed (&v); }
- T *get () const { return (T *) hb_atomic_ptr_impl_get ((void **) &v); }
+ T *get_acquire () const { return (T *) hb_atomic_ptr_impl_get ((void **) &v); }
bool cmpexch (const T *old, T *new_) const { return hb_atomic_ptr_impl_cmpexch ((void **) &v, (void *) old, (void *) new_); }
- T * operator -> () const { return get (); }
- template <typename C> operator C * () const { return get (); }
+ T * operator -> () const { return get_acquire (); }
+ template <typename C> operator C * () const { return get_acquire (); }
- T *v;
+ T *v = nullptr;
+static inline bool hb_barrier ()
+ _hb_compiler_memory_r_barrier ();
+ return true;
#endif /* HB_ATOMIC_HH */