path: root/src/3rdparty/harfbuzz-ng/src/
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/3rdparty/harfbuzz-ng/src/')
1 files changed, 586 insertions, 194 deletions
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/harfbuzz-ng/src/ b/src/3rdparty/harfbuzz-ng/src/
index ec2f8892fd..06e77dd8eb 100644
--- a/src/3rdparty/harfbuzz-ng/src/
+++ b/src/3rdparty/harfbuzz-ng/src/
@@ -37,273 +37,665 @@
#include "hb-ot-hhea-table.hh"
#include "hb-ot-hmtx-table.hh"
#include "hb-ot-maxp-table.hh"
+#include "OT/Color/CBDT/CBDT.hh"
+#include "OT/Color/COLR/COLR.hh"
+#include "OT/Color/CPAL/CPAL.hh"
+#include "OT/Color/sbix/sbix.hh"
#include "hb-ot-os2-table.hh"
#include "hb-ot-post-table.hh"
+#include "hb-ot-post-table-v2subset.hh"
#include "hb-ot-cff1-table.hh"
#include "hb-ot-cff2-table.hh"
#include "hb-ot-vorg-table.hh"
#include "hb-ot-name-table.hh"
#include "hb-ot-layout-gsub-table.hh"
#include "hb-ot-layout-gpos-table.hh"
+#include "hb-ot-var-avar-table.hh"
+#include "hb-ot-var-cvar-table.hh"
+#include "hb-ot-var-fvar-table.hh"
+#include "hb-ot-var-gvar-table.hh"
+#include "hb-ot-var-hvar-table.hh"
+#include "hb-ot-var-mvar-table.hh"
+#include "hb-ot-math-table.hh"
+#include "hb-ot-stat-table.hh"
+#include "hb-repacker.hh"
+#include "hb-subset-accelerator.hh"
+using OT::Layout::GSUB;
+using OT::Layout::GPOS;
-HB_UNUSED static inline unsigned int
-_plan_estimate_subset_table_size (hb_subset_plan_t *plan,
- unsigned int table_len);
-static inline unsigned int
-_plan_estimate_subset_table_size (hb_subset_plan_t *plan,
- unsigned int table_len)
+struct hb_subset_plan_t::source_table_loader<const OT::cff1>
+ auto operator () (hb_subset_plan_t *plan)
+ HB_AUTO_RETURN (plan->accelerator ? plan->accelerator->cff1_accel :
+ plan->inprogress_accelerator ? plan->inprogress_accelerator->cff1_accel :
+ plan->cff1_accel)
+struct hb_subset_plan_t::source_table_loader<const OT::cff2>
- unsigned int src_glyphs = plan->source->get_num_glyphs ();
- unsigned int dst_glyphs = plan->glyphset ()->get_population ();
+ auto operator () (hb_subset_plan_t *plan)
+ HB_AUTO_RETURN (plan->accelerator ? plan->accelerator->cff2_accel :
+ plan->inprogress_accelerator ? plan->inprogress_accelerator->cff2_accel :
+ plan->cff2_accel)
+ * SECTION:hb-subset
+ * @title: hb-subset
+ * @short_description: Subsets font files.
+ * @include: hb-subset.h
+ *
+ * Subsetting reduces the codepoint coverage of font files and removes all data
+ * that is no longer needed. A subset input describes the desired subset. The input is
+ * provided along with a font to the subsetting operation. Output is a new font file
+ * containing only the data specified in the input.
+ *
+ * Currently most outline and bitmap tables are supported: glyf, CFF, CFF2, sbix,
+ * COLR, and CBDT/CBLC. This also includes fonts with variable outlines via OpenType
+ * variations. Notably EBDT/EBLC and SVG are not supported. Layout subsetting is supported
+ * only for OpenType Layout tables (GSUB, GPOS, GDEF). Notably subsetting of graphite or AAT tables
+ * is not yet supported.
+ *
+ * Fonts with graphite or AAT tables may still be subsetted but will likely need to use the
+ * retain glyph ids option and configure the subset to pass through the layout tables untouched.
+ */
+hb_user_data_key_t _hb_subset_accelerator_user_data_key = {};
- if (unlikely (!src_glyphs))
- return 512 + table_len;
- return 512 + (unsigned int) (table_len * sqrt ((double) dst_glyphs / src_glyphs));
+ * The list of tables in the open type spec. Used to check for tables that may need handling
+ * if we are unable to list the tables in a face.
+ */
+static hb_tag_t known_tables[] {
+ HB_TAG ('a', 'v', 'a', 'r'),
+ HB_OT_TAG_cmap,
+ HB_TAG ('c', 'v', 'a', 'r'),
+ HB_TAG ('c', 'v', 't', ' '),
+ HB_TAG ('D', 'S', 'I', 'G'),
+ HB_TAG ('E', 'B', 'D', 'T'),
+ HB_TAG ('E', 'B', 'L', 'C'),
+ HB_TAG ('E', 'B', 'S', 'C'),
+ HB_TAG ('f', 'p', 'g', 'm'),
+ HB_TAG ('f', 'v', 'a', 'r'),
+ HB_TAG ('g', 'a', 's', 'p'),
+ HB_OT_TAG_glyf,
+ HB_OT_TAG_gvar,
+ HB_OT_TAG_hdmx,
+ HB_OT_TAG_head,
+ HB_OT_TAG_hhea,
+ HB_OT_TAG_hmtx,
+ HB_TAG ('k', 'e', 'r', 'n'),
+ HB_OT_TAG_loca,
+ HB_TAG ('L', 'T', 'S', 'H'),
+ HB_OT_TAG_maxp,
+ HB_TAG ('M', 'E', 'R', 'G'),
+ HB_TAG ('m', 'e', 't', 'a'),
+ HB_TAG ('M', 'V', 'A', 'R'),
+ HB_TAG ('P', 'C', 'L', 'T'),
+ HB_OT_TAG_post,
+ HB_TAG ('p', 'r', 'e', 'p'),
+ HB_OT_TAG_sbix,
+ HB_TAG ('S', 'T', 'A', 'T'),
+ HB_TAG ('S', 'V', 'G', ' '),
+ HB_TAG ('V', 'D', 'M', 'X'),
+ HB_OT_TAG_vhea,
+ HB_OT_TAG_vmtx,
+ HB_OT_TAG_name,
+static bool _table_is_empty (const hb_face_t *face, hb_tag_t tag)
+ hb_blob_t* blob = hb_face_reference_table (face, tag);
+ bool result = (blob == hb_blob_get_empty ());
+ hb_blob_destroy (blob);
+ return result;
-template<typename TableType>
-static bool
-_subset2 (hb_subset_plan_t *plan)
+static unsigned int
+_get_table_tags (const hb_subset_plan_t* plan,
+ unsigned int start_offset,
+ unsigned int *table_count, /* IN/OUT */
+ hb_tag_t *table_tags /* OUT */)
- bool result = false;
- hb_blob_t *source_blob = hb_sanitize_context_t ().reference_table<TableType> (plan->source);
- const TableType *table = source_blob->as<TableType> ();
+ unsigned num_tables = hb_face_get_table_tags (plan->source, 0, nullptr, nullptr);
+ if (num_tables)
+ return hb_face_get_table_tags (plan->source, start_offset, table_count, table_tags);
- hb_tag_t tag = TableType::tableTag;
- if (source_blob->data)
+ // If face has 0 tables associated with it, assume that it was built from
+ // hb_face_create_tables and thus is unable to list its tables. Fallback to
+ // checking each table type we can handle for existence instead.
+ auto it =
+ hb_concat (
+ + hb_array (known_tables)
+ | hb_filter ([&] (hb_tag_t tag) {
+ return !_table_is_empty (plan->source, tag) && !plan->no_subset_tables.has (tag);
+ })
+ | hb_map ([] (hb_tag_t tag) -> hb_tag_t { return tag; }),
+ plan->no_subset_tables.iter ()
+ | hb_filter([&] (hb_tag_t tag) {
+ return !_table_is_empty (plan->source, tag);
+ }));
+ it += start_offset;
+ unsigned num_written = 0;
+ while (bool (it) && num_written < *table_count)
+ table_tags[num_written++] = *it++;
+ *table_count = num_written;
+ return num_written;
+static unsigned
+_plan_estimate_subset_table_size (hb_subset_plan_t *plan,
+ unsigned table_len,
+ hb_tag_t table_tag)
+ unsigned src_glyphs = plan->source->get_num_glyphs ();
+ unsigned dst_glyphs = plan->glyphset ()->get_population ();
+ unsigned bulk = 8192;
+ /* Tables that we want to allocate same space as the source table. For GSUB/GPOS it's
+ * because those are expensive to subset, so giving them more room is fine. */
+ bool same_size = table_tag == HB_OT_TAG_GSUB ||
+ table_tag == HB_OT_TAG_GPOS ||
+ table_tag == HB_OT_TAG_name;
+ if (plan->flags & HB_SUBSET_FLAGS_RETAIN_GIDS)
- hb_vector_t<char> buf;
- /* TODO Not all tables are glyph-related. 'name' table size for example should not be
- * affected by number of glyphs. Accommodate that. */
- unsigned int buf_size = _plan_estimate_subset_table_size (plan, source_blob->length);
- DEBUG_MSG(SUBSET, nullptr, "OT::%c%c%c%c initial estimated table size: %u bytes.", HB_UNTAG (tag), buf_size);
- if (unlikely (!buf.alloc (buf_size)))
+ if (table_tag == HB_OT_TAG_CFF1)
- DEBUG_MSG(SUBSET, nullptr, "OT::%c%c%c%c failed to allocate %u bytes.", HB_UNTAG (tag), buf_size);
- hb_blob_destroy (source_blob);
- return false;
+ /* Add some extra room for the CFF charset. */
+ bulk += src_glyphs * 16;
- retry:
- hb_serialize_context_t serializer ((void *) buf, buf_size);
- serializer.start_serialize<TableType> ();
- hb_subset_context_t c (plan, &serializer);
- bool needed = table->subset (&c);
- if (serializer.ran_out_of_room)
+ else if (table_tag == HB_OT_TAG_CFF2)
- buf_size += (buf_size >> 1) + 32;
- DEBUG_MSG(SUBSET, nullptr, "OT::%c%c%c%c ran out of room; reallocating to %u bytes.", HB_UNTAG (tag), buf_size);
- if (unlikely (!buf.alloc (buf_size)))
- {
- DEBUG_MSG(SUBSET, nullptr, "OT::%c%c%c%c failed to reallocate %u bytes.", HB_UNTAG (tag), buf_size);
- hb_blob_destroy (source_blob);
- return false;
- }
- goto retry;
+ /* Just extra CharString offsets. */
+ bulk += src_glyphs * 4;
- serializer.end_serialize ();
+ }
- result = !serializer.in_error ();
+ if (unlikely (!src_glyphs) || same_size)
+ return bulk + table_len;
- if (result)
- {
- if (needed)
- {
- hb_blob_t *dest_blob = serializer.copy_blob ();
- DEBUG_MSG(SUBSET, nullptr, "OT::%c%c%c%c final subset table size: %u bytes.", HB_UNTAG (tag), dest_blob->length);
- result = c.plan->add_table (tag, dest_blob);
- hb_blob_destroy (dest_blob);
- }
- else
- {
- DEBUG_MSG(SUBSET, nullptr, "OT::%c%c%c%c::subset table subsetted to empty.", HB_UNTAG (tag));
- }
- }
+ return bulk + (unsigned) (table_len * sqrt ((double) dst_glyphs / src_glyphs));
+ * Repack the serialization buffer if any offset overflows exist.
+ */
+static hb_blob_t*
+_repack (hb_tag_t tag, const hb_serialize_context_t& c)
+ if (!c.offset_overflow ())
+ return c.copy_blob ();
+ hb_blob_t* result = hb_resolve_overflows (c.object_graph (), tag);
+ if (unlikely (!result))
+ {
+ DEBUG_MSG (SUBSET, nullptr, "OT::%c%c%c%c offset overflow resolution failed.",
+ HB_UNTAG (tag));
+ return nullptr;
- else
- DEBUG_MSG(SUBSET, nullptr, "OT::%c%c%c%c::subset sanitize failed on source table.", HB_UNTAG (tag));
- hb_blob_destroy (source_blob);
- DEBUG_MSG(SUBSET, nullptr, "OT::%c%c%c%c::subset %s", HB_UNTAG (tag), result ? "success" : "FAILED!");
return result;
template<typename TableType>
+_try_subset (const TableType *table,
+ hb_vector_t<char>* buf,
+ hb_subset_context_t* c /* OUT */)
+ c->serializer->start_serialize ();
+ if (c->serializer->in_error ()) return false;
+ bool needed = table->subset (c);
+ if (!c->serializer->ran_out_of_room ())
+ {
+ c->serializer->end_serialize ();
+ return needed;
+ }
+ unsigned buf_size = buf->allocated;
+ buf_size = buf_size * 2 + 16;
+ DEBUG_MSG (SUBSET, nullptr, "OT::%c%c%c%c ran out of room; reallocating to %u bytes.",
+ HB_UNTAG (c->table_tag), buf_size);
+ if (unlikely (buf_size > c->source_blob->length * 16 ||
+ !buf->alloc (buf_size, true)))
+ {
+ DEBUG_MSG (SUBSET, nullptr, "OT::%c%c%c%c failed to reallocate %u bytes.",
+ HB_UNTAG (c->table_tag), buf_size);
+ return needed;
+ }
+ c->serializer->reset (buf->arrayZ, buf->allocated);
+ return _try_subset (table, buf, c);
+template <typename T>
+static auto _do_destroy (T &t, hb_priority<1>) HB_RETURN (void, t.destroy ())
+template <typename T>
+static void _do_destroy (T &t, hb_priority<0>) {}
+template<typename TableType>
static bool
-_subset (hb_subset_plan_t *plan)
+_subset (hb_subset_plan_t *plan, hb_vector_t<char> &buf)
- hb_blob_t *source_blob = hb_sanitize_context_t ().reference_table<TableType> (plan->source);
- const TableType *table = source_blob->as<TableType> ();
+ auto &&source_blob = plan->source_table<TableType> ();
+ auto *table = source_blob.get ();
hb_tag_t tag = TableType::tableTag;
- hb_bool_t result = false;
- if (source_blob->data)
- result = table->subset (plan);
- else
- DEBUG_MSG(SUBSET, nullptr, "OT::%c%c%c%c::subset sanitize failed on source table.", HB_UNTAG (tag));
- hb_blob_destroy (source_blob);
- DEBUG_MSG(SUBSET, nullptr, "OT::%c%c%c%c::subset %s", HB_UNTAG (tag), result ? "success" : "FAILED!");
+ hb_blob_t *blob = source_blob.get_blob();
+ if (unlikely (!blob || !blob->data))
+ {
+ DEBUG_MSG (SUBSET, nullptr,
+ "OT::%c%c%c%c::subset sanitize failed on source table.", HB_UNTAG (tag));
+ _do_destroy (source_blob, hb_prioritize);
+ return false;
+ }
+ unsigned buf_size = _plan_estimate_subset_table_size (plan, blob->length, TableType::tableTag);
+ DEBUG_MSG (SUBSET, nullptr,
+ "OT::%c%c%c%c initial estimated table size: %u bytes.", HB_UNTAG (tag), buf_size);
+ if (unlikely (!buf.alloc (buf_size)))
+ {
+ DEBUG_MSG (SUBSET, nullptr, "OT::%c%c%c%c failed to allocate %u bytes.", HB_UNTAG (tag), buf_size);
+ _do_destroy (source_blob, hb_prioritize);
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool needed = false;
+ hb_serialize_context_t serializer (buf.arrayZ, buf.allocated);
+ {
+ hb_subset_context_t c (blob, plan, &serializer, tag);
+ needed = _try_subset (table, &buf, &c);
+ }
+ _do_destroy (source_blob, hb_prioritize);
+ if (serializer.in_error () && !serializer.only_offset_overflow ())
+ {
+ DEBUG_MSG (SUBSET, nullptr, "OT::%c%c%c%c::subset FAILED!", HB_UNTAG (tag));
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!needed)
+ {
+ DEBUG_MSG (SUBSET, nullptr, "OT::%c%c%c%c::subset table subsetted to empty.", HB_UNTAG (tag));
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool result = false;
+ hb_blob_t *dest_blob = _repack (tag, serializer);
+ if (dest_blob)
+ {
+ DEBUG_MSG (SUBSET, nullptr,
+ "OT::%c%c%c%c final subset table size: %u bytes.",
+ HB_UNTAG (tag), dest_blob->length);
+ result = plan->add_table (tag, dest_blob);
+ hb_blob_destroy (dest_blob);
+ }
+ DEBUG_MSG (SUBSET, nullptr, "OT::%c%c%c%c::subset %s",
+ HB_UNTAG (tag), result ? "success" : "FAILED!");
return result;
+static bool
+_is_table_present (hb_face_t *source, hb_tag_t tag)
+ if (!hb_face_get_table_tags (source, 0, nullptr, nullptr)) {
+ // If face has 0 tables associated with it, assume that it was built from
+ // hb_face_create_tables and thus is unable to list its tables. Fallback to
+ // checking if the blob associated with tag is empty.
+ return !_table_is_empty (source, tag);
+ }
+ hb_tag_t table_tags[32];
+ unsigned offset = 0, num_tables = ARRAY_LENGTH (table_tags);
+ while (((void) hb_face_get_table_tags (source, offset, &num_tables, table_tags), num_tables))
+ {
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_tables; ++i)
+ if (table_tags[i] == tag)
+ return true;
+ offset += num_tables;
+ }
+ return false;
static bool
-_subset_table (hb_subset_plan_t *plan,
- hb_tag_t tag)
+_should_drop_table (hb_subset_plan_t *plan, hb_tag_t tag)
- DEBUG_MSG(SUBSET, nullptr, "begin subset %c%c%c%c", HB_UNTAG (tag));
- bool result = true;
- switch (tag) {
- case HB_OT_TAG_glyf:
- result = _subset2<const OT::glyf> (plan);
- break;
- case HB_OT_TAG_hdmx:
- result = _subset2<const OT::hdmx> (plan);
- break;
- case HB_OT_TAG_name:
- result = _subset2<const OT::name> (plan);
- break;
- case HB_OT_TAG_head:
- // TODO that won't work well if there is no glyf
- DEBUG_MSG(SUBSET, nullptr, "skip head, handled by glyf");
- result = true;
- break;
- case HB_OT_TAG_hhea:
- DEBUG_MSG(SUBSET, nullptr, "skip hhea handled by hmtx");
- return true;
- case HB_OT_TAG_hmtx:
- result = _subset2<const OT::hmtx> (plan);
- break;
- case HB_OT_TAG_vhea:
- DEBUG_MSG(SUBSET, nullptr, "skip vhea handled by vmtx");
- return true;
- case HB_OT_TAG_vmtx:
- result = _subset2<const OT::vmtx> (plan);
- break;
- case HB_OT_TAG_maxp:
- result = _subset2<const OT::maxp> (plan);
- break;
- case HB_OT_TAG_loca:
- DEBUG_MSG(SUBSET, nullptr, "skip loca handled by glyf");
- return true;
- case HB_OT_TAG_cmap:
- result = _subset2<const OT::cmap> (plan);
- break;
- case HB_OT_TAG_OS2:
- result = _subset2<const OT::OS2> (plan);
- break;
- case HB_OT_TAG_post:
- result = _subset2<const OT::post> (plan);
- break;
+ if (plan->drop_tables.has (tag))
+ return true;
- case HB_OT_TAG_cff1:
- result = _subset<const OT::cff1> (plan);
- break;
- case HB_OT_TAG_cff2:
- result = _subset<const OT::cff2> (plan);
- break;
- case HB_OT_TAG_VORG:
- result = _subset2<const OT::VORG> (plan);
- break;
+ switch (tag)
+ {
+ case HB_TAG ('c','v','a','r'): /* hint table, fallthrough */
+ return plan->all_axes_pinned || (plan->flags & HB_SUBSET_FLAGS_NO_HINTING);
- case HB_OT_TAG_GDEF:
- result = _subset2<const OT::GDEF> (plan);
- break;
- case HB_OT_TAG_GSUB:
- result = _subset2<const OT::GSUB> (plan);
- break;
- case HB_OT_TAG_GPOS:
- result = _subset2<const OT::GPOS> (plan);
- break;
+ case HB_TAG ('c','v','t',' '): /* hint table, fallthrough */
+ case HB_TAG ('f','p','g','m'): /* hint table, fallthrough */
+ case HB_TAG ('p','r','e','p'): /* hint table, fallthrough */
+ case HB_TAG ('h','d','m','x'): /* hint table, fallthrough */
+ case HB_TAG ('V','D','M','X'): /* hint table, fallthrough */
+ return plan->flags & HB_SUBSET_FLAGS_NO_HINTING;
+ // Drop Layout Tables if requested.
+ case HB_OT_TAG_GDEF:
+ case HB_OT_TAG_GPOS:
+ case HB_OT_TAG_GSUB:
+ case HB_TAG ('m','o','r','x'):
+ case HB_TAG ('m','o','r','t'):
+ case HB_TAG ('k','e','r','x'):
+ case HB_TAG ('k','e','r','n'):
+ return true;
- default:
- hb_blob_t *source_table = hb_face_reference_table (plan->source, tag);
- if (likely (source_table))
- result = plan->add_table (tag, source_table);
- else
- result = false;
- hb_blob_destroy (source_table);
- break;
+ case HB_TAG ('a','v','a','r'):
+ case HB_TAG ('f','v','a','r'):
+ case HB_TAG ('g','v','a','r'):
+ case HB_OT_TAG_HVAR:
+ case HB_OT_TAG_VVAR:
+ case HB_TAG ('M','V','A','R'):
+ return plan->all_axes_pinned;
+ default:
+ return false;
- DEBUG_MSG(SUBSET, nullptr, "subset %c%c%c%c %s", HB_UNTAG (tag), result ? "ok" : "FAILED");
+static bool
+_passthrough (hb_subset_plan_t *plan, hb_tag_t tag)
+ hb_blob_t *source_table = hb_face_reference_table (plan->source, tag);
+ bool result = plan->add_table (tag, source_table);
+ hb_blob_destroy (source_table);
return result;
static bool
-_should_drop_table (hb_subset_plan_t *plan, hb_tag_t tag)
+_dependencies_satisfied (hb_subset_plan_t *plan, hb_tag_t tag,
+ const hb_set_t &subsetted_tags,
+ const hb_set_t &pending_subset_tags)
- if (plan->drop_tables->has (tag))
+ switch (tag)
+ {
+ case HB_OT_TAG_hmtx:
+ case HB_OT_TAG_vmtx:
+ case HB_OT_TAG_maxp:
+ case HB_OT_TAG_OS2:
+ return !plan->normalized_coords || !pending_subset_tags.has (HB_OT_TAG_glyf);
+ case HB_OT_TAG_GPOS:
+ return plan->all_axes_pinned || !pending_subset_tags.has (HB_OT_TAG_GDEF);
+ default:
return true;
+ }
- switch (tag) {
- case HB_TAG ('c', 'v', 'a', 'r'): /* hint table, fallthrough */
- case HB_TAG ('c', 'v', 't', ' '): /* hint table, fallthrough */
- case HB_TAG ('f', 'p', 'g', 'm'): /* hint table, fallthrough */
- case HB_TAG ('p', 'r', 'e', 'p'): /* hint table, fallthrough */
- case HB_TAG ('h', 'd', 'm', 'x'): /* hint table, fallthrough */
- case HB_TAG ('V', 'D', 'M', 'X'): /* hint table, fallthrough */
- return plan->drop_hints;
+static bool
+_subset_table (hb_subset_plan_t *plan,
+ hb_vector_t<char> &buf,
+ hb_tag_t tag)
+ if (plan->no_subset_tables.has (tag)) {
+ return _passthrough (plan, tag);
+ }
- // Drop Layout Tables if requested.
- case HB_OT_TAG_GDEF:
- case HB_OT_TAG_GPOS:
- case HB_OT_TAG_GSUB:
- case HB_TAG ('m', 'o', 'r', 'x'):
- case HB_TAG ('m', 'o', 'r', 't'):
- case HB_TAG ('k', 'e', 'r', 'x'):
- case HB_TAG ('k', 'e', 'r', 'n'):
- return true;
+ DEBUG_MSG (SUBSET, nullptr, "subset %c%c%c%c", HB_UNTAG (tag));
+ switch (tag)
+ {
+ case HB_OT_TAG_glyf: return _subset<const OT::glyf> (plan, buf);
+ case HB_OT_TAG_hdmx: return _subset<const OT::hdmx> (plan, buf);
+ case HB_OT_TAG_name: return _subset<const OT::name> (plan, buf);
+ case HB_OT_TAG_head:
+ if (_is_table_present (plan->source, HB_OT_TAG_glyf) && !_should_drop_table (plan, HB_OT_TAG_glyf))
+ return true; /* skip head, handled by glyf */
+ return _subset<const OT::head> (plan, buf);
+ case HB_OT_TAG_hhea: return true; /* skip hhea, handled by hmtx */
+ case HB_OT_TAG_hmtx: return _subset<const OT::hmtx> (plan, buf);
+ case HB_OT_TAG_vhea: return true; /* skip vhea, handled by vmtx */
+ case HB_OT_TAG_vmtx: return _subset<const OT::vmtx> (plan, buf);
+ case HB_OT_TAG_maxp: return _subset<const OT::maxp> (plan, buf);
+ case HB_OT_TAG_sbix: return _subset<const OT::sbix> (plan, buf);
+ case HB_OT_TAG_loca: return true; /* skip loca, handled by glyf */
+ case HB_OT_TAG_cmap: return _subset<const OT::cmap> (plan, buf);
+ case HB_OT_TAG_OS2 : return _subset<const OT::OS2 > (plan, buf);
+ case HB_OT_TAG_post: return _subset<const OT::post> (plan, buf);
+ case HB_OT_TAG_COLR: return _subset<const OT::COLR> (plan, buf);
+ case HB_OT_TAG_CPAL: return _subset<const OT::CPAL> (plan, buf);
+ case HB_OT_TAG_CBLC: return _subset<const OT::CBLC> (plan, buf);
+ case HB_OT_TAG_CBDT: return true; /* skip CBDT, handled by CBLC */
+ case HB_OT_TAG_MATH: return _subset<const OT::MATH> (plan, buf);
+ case HB_OT_TAG_CFF1: return _subset<const OT::cff1> (plan, buf);
+ case HB_OT_TAG_CFF2: return _subset<const OT::cff2> (plan, buf);
+ case HB_OT_TAG_VORG: return _subset<const OT::VORG> (plan, buf);
+ case HB_OT_TAG_GDEF: return _subset<const OT::GDEF> (plan, buf);
+ case HB_OT_TAG_GSUB: return _subset<const GSUB> (plan, buf);
+ case HB_OT_TAG_GPOS: return _subset<const GPOS> (plan, buf);
+ case HB_OT_TAG_gvar: return _subset<const OT::gvar> (plan, buf);
+ case HB_OT_TAG_HVAR: return _subset<const OT::HVAR> (plan, buf);
+ case HB_OT_TAG_VVAR: return _subset<const OT::VVAR> (plan, buf);
- default:
- return false;
+#ifndef HB_NO_VAR
+ case HB_OT_TAG_fvar:
+ if (plan->user_axes_location.is_empty ()) return _passthrough (plan, tag);
+ return _subset<const OT::fvar> (plan, buf);
+ case HB_OT_TAG_avar:
+ if (plan->user_axes_location.is_empty ()) return _passthrough (plan, tag);
+ return _subset<const OT::avar> (plan, buf);
+ case HB_OT_TAG_cvar:
+ if (plan->user_axes_location.is_empty ()) return _passthrough (plan, tag);
+ return _subset<const OT::cvar> (plan, buf);
+ case HB_OT_TAG_MVAR:
+ if (plan->user_axes_location.is_empty ()) return _passthrough (plan, tag);
+ return _subset<const OT::MVAR> (plan, buf);
+ case HB_OT_TAG_STAT:
+ if (!plan->user_axes_location.is_empty ()) return _subset<const OT::STAT> (plan, buf);
+ else return _passthrough (plan, tag);
+ case HB_TAG ('c', 'v', 't', ' '):
+#ifndef HB_NO_VAR
+ if (_is_table_present (plan->source, HB_OT_TAG_cvar) &&
+ plan->normalized_coords && !plan->pinned_at_default)
+ {
+ auto &cvar = *plan->source->table.cvar;
+ return OT::cvar::add_cvt_and_apply_deltas (plan, cvar.get_tuple_var_data (), &cvar);
+ }
+ return _passthrough (plan, tag);
+ default:
+ return _passthrough (plan, tag);
+ // Drop table
+ return true;
+static void _attach_accelerator_data (hb_subset_plan_t* plan,
+ hb_face_t* face /* IN/OUT */)
+ if (!plan->inprogress_accelerator) return;
+ // Transfer the accelerator from the plan to us.
+ hb_subset_accelerator_t* accel = plan->inprogress_accelerator;
+ plan->inprogress_accelerator = nullptr;
+ if (accel->in_error ())
+ {
+ hb_subset_accelerator_t::destroy (accel);
+ return;
+ }
+ // Populate caches that need access to the final tables.
+ hb_blob_ptr_t<OT::cmap> cmap_ptr (hb_sanitize_context_t ().reference_table<OT::cmap> (face));
+ accel->cmap_cache = OT::cmap::create_filled_cache (cmap_ptr);
+ accel->destroy_cmap_cache = OT::SubtableUnicodesCache::destroy;
+ if (!hb_face_set_user_data(face,
+ hb_subset_accelerator_t::user_data_key(),
+ accel,
+ hb_subset_accelerator_t::destroy,
+ true))
+ hb_subset_accelerator_t::destroy (accel);
- * hb_subset:
+ * hb_subset_or_fail:
* @source: font face data to be subset.
* @input: input to use for the subsetting.
- * Subsets a font according to provided input.
+ * Subsets a font according to provided input. Returns nullptr
+ * if the subset operation fails.
+ *
+ * Since: 2.9.0
hb_face_t *
-hb_subset (hb_face_t *source,
- hb_subset_input_t *input)
+hb_subset_or_fail (hb_face_t *source, const hb_subset_input_t *input)
if (unlikely (!input || !source)) return hb_face_get_empty ();
- hb_subset_plan_t *plan = hb_subset_plan_create (source, input);
+ hb_subset_plan_t *plan = hb_subset_plan_create_or_fail (source, input);
+ if (unlikely (!plan)) {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ hb_face_t * result = hb_subset_plan_execute_or_fail (plan);
+ hb_subset_plan_destroy (plan);
+ return result;
+ * hb_subset_plan_execute_or_fail:
+ * @plan: a subsetting plan.
+ *
+ * Executes the provided subsetting @plan.
+ *
+ * Return value:
+ * on success returns a reference to generated font subset. If the subsetting operation fails
+ * returns nullptr.
+ *
+ * Since: 4.0.0
+ **/
+hb_face_t *
+hb_subset_plan_execute_or_fail (hb_subset_plan_t *plan)
+ if (unlikely (!plan || plan->in_error ())) {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
hb_tag_t table_tags[32];
- unsigned int offset = 0, count;
- bool success = true;
- hb_set_t tags_set;
- do {
- count = ARRAY_LENGTH (table_tags);
- hb_face_get_table_tags (source, offset, &count, table_tags);
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < count; i++)
+ unsigned offset = 0, num_tables = ARRAY_LENGTH (table_tags);
+ hb_set_t subsetted_tags, pending_subset_tags;
+ while (((void) _get_table_tags (plan, offset, &num_tables, table_tags), num_tables))
+ {
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_tables; ++i)
hb_tag_t tag = table_tags[i];
- if (_should_drop_table (plan, tag) && !tags_set.has (tag))
+ if (_should_drop_table (plan, tag)) continue;
+ pending_subset_tags.add (tag);
+ }
+ offset += num_tables;
+ }
+ bool success = true;
+ {
+ // Grouping to deallocate buf before calling hb_face_reference (plan->dest).
+ hb_vector_t<char> buf;
+ buf.alloc (8192 - 16);
+ while (!pending_subset_tags.is_empty ())
+ {
+ if (subsetted_tags.in_error ()
+ || pending_subset_tags.in_error ()) {
+ success = false;
+ goto end;
+ }
+ bool made_changes = false;
+ for (hb_tag_t tag : pending_subset_tags)
+ {
+ if (!_dependencies_satisfied (plan, tag,
+ subsetted_tags,
+ pending_subset_tags))
+ {
+ // delayed subsetting for some tables since they might have dependency on other tables
+ // in some cases: e.g: during instantiating glyf tables, hmetrics/vmetrics are updated
+ // and saved in subset plan, hmtx/vmtx subsetting need to use these updated metrics values
+ continue;
+ }
+ pending_subset_tags.del (tag);
+ subsetted_tags.add (tag);
+ made_changes = true;
+ success = _subset_table (plan, buf, tag);
+ if (unlikely (!success)) goto end;
+ }
+ if (!made_changes)
- DEBUG_MSG(SUBSET, nullptr, "drop %c%c%c%c", HB_UNTAG (tag));
- continue;
+ DEBUG_MSG (SUBSET, nullptr, "Table dependencies unable to be satisfied. Subset failed.");
+ success = false;
+ goto end;
- tags_set.add (tag);
- success = success && _subset_table (plan, tag);
- offset += count;
- } while (success && count == ARRAY_LENGTH (table_tags));
+ }
- hb_face_t *result = success ? hb_face_reference (plan->dest) : hb_face_get_empty ();
- hb_subset_plan_destroy (plan);
- return result;
+ if (success && plan->attach_accelerator_data) {
+ _attach_accelerator_data (plan, plan->dest);
+ }
+ return success ? hb_face_reference (plan->dest) : nullptr;