path: root/src/3rdparty/harfbuzz-ng/src/hb-vector.hh
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/3rdparty/harfbuzz-ng/src/hb-vector.hh')
1 files changed, 326 insertions, 110 deletions
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/harfbuzz-ng/src/hb-vector.hh b/src/3rdparty/harfbuzz-ng/src/hb-vector.hh
index 110d457caf..dfe1b7d1c7 100644
--- a/src/3rdparty/harfbuzz-ng/src/hb-vector.hh
+++ b/src/3rdparty/harfbuzz-ng/src/hb-vector.hh
@@ -29,21 +29,54 @@
#include "hb.hh"
#include "hb-array.hh"
+#include "hb-meta.hh"
#include "hb-null.hh"
-template <typename Type>
+template <typename Type,
+ bool sorted=false>
struct hb_vector_t
+ static constexpr bool realloc_move = true;
typedef Type item_t;
static constexpr unsigned item_size = hb_static_size (Type);
+ using array_t = typename std::conditional<sorted, hb_sorted_array_t<Type>, hb_array_t<Type>>::type;
+ using c_array_t = typename std::conditional<sorted, hb_sorted_array_t<const Type>, hb_array_t<const Type>>::type;
- hb_vector_t () { init (); }
- hb_vector_t (const hb_vector_t &o)
+ hb_vector_t () = default;
+ hb_vector_t (std::initializer_list<Type> lst) : hb_vector_t ()
- init ();
- alloc (o.length);
- hb_copy (o, *this);
+ alloc (lst.size (), true);
+ for (auto&& item : lst)
+ push (item);
+ }
+ template <typename Iterable,
+ hb_requires (hb_is_iterable (Iterable))>
+ hb_vector_t (const Iterable &o) : hb_vector_t ()
+ {
+ auto iter = hb_iter (o);
+ if (iter.is_random_access_iterator || iter.has_fast_len)
+ alloc (hb_len (iter), true);
+ hb_copy (iter, *this);
+ }
+ hb_vector_t (const hb_vector_t &o) : hb_vector_t ()
+ {
+ alloc (o.length, true);
+ if (unlikely (in_error ())) return;
+ copy_array (o.as_array ());
+ }
+ hb_vector_t (array_t o) : hb_vector_t ()
+ {
+ alloc (o.length, true);
+ if (unlikely (in_error ())) return;
+ copy_array (o);
+ }
+ hb_vector_t (c_array_t o) : hb_vector_t ()
+ {
+ alloc (o.length, true);
+ if (unlikely (in_error ())) return;
+ copy_array (o);
hb_vector_t (hb_vector_t &&o)
@@ -54,58 +87,66 @@ struct hb_vector_t
~hb_vector_t () { fini (); }
- private:
- int allocated; /* == -1 means allocation failed. */
- unsigned int length;
+ int allocated = 0; /* < 0 means allocation failed. */
+ unsigned int length = 0;
- Type *arrayZ;
+ Type *arrayZ = nullptr;
void init ()
allocated = length = 0;
arrayZ = nullptr;
+ void init0 ()
+ {
+ }
void fini ()
- hb_free (arrayZ);
+ /* We allow a hack to make the vector point to a foreign array
+ * by the user. In that case length/arrayZ are non-zero but
+ * allocated is zero. Don't free anything. */
+ if (allocated)
+ {
+ shrink_vector (0);
+ hb_free (arrayZ);
+ }
init ();
- void fini_deep ()
- {
- unsigned int count = length;
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < count; i++)
- arrayZ[i].fini ();
- fini ();
- }
void reset ()
if (unlikely (in_error ()))
- allocated = length; // Big hack!
+ reset_error ();
resize (0);
+ friend void swap (hb_vector_t& a, hb_vector_t& b)
+ {
+ hb_swap (a.allocated, b.allocated);
+ hb_swap (a.length, b.length);
+ hb_swap (a.arrayZ, b.arrayZ);
+ }
hb_vector_t& operator = (const hb_vector_t &o)
reset ();
- alloc (o.length);
- hb_copy (o, *this);
+ alloc (o.length, true);
+ if (unlikely (in_error ())) return *this;
+ copy_array (o.as_array ());
return *this;
hb_vector_t& operator = (hb_vector_t &&o)
- fini ();
- allocated = o.allocated;
- length = o.length;
- arrayZ = o.arrayZ;
- o.init ();
+ hb_swap (*this, o);
return *this;
hb_bytes_t as_bytes () const
- { return hb_bytes_t ((const char *) arrayZ, length * item_size); }
+ { return hb_bytes_t ((const char *) arrayZ, get_size ()); }
bool operator == (const hb_vector_t &o) const { return as_array () == o.as_array (); }
bool operator != (const hb_vector_t &o) const { return !(*this == o); }
@@ -134,27 +175,23 @@ struct hb_vector_t
/* Sink interface. */
template <typename T>
- hb_vector_t& operator << (T&& v) { push (hb_forward<T> (v)); return *this; }
+ hb_vector_t& operator << (T&& v) { push (std::forward<T> (v)); return *this; }
- hb_array_t< Type> as_array () { return hb_array (arrayZ, length); }
- hb_array_t<const Type> as_array () const { return hb_array (arrayZ, length); }
+ array_t as_array () { return hb_array (arrayZ, length); }
+ c_array_t as_array () const { return hb_array (arrayZ, length); }
/* Iterator. */
- typedef hb_array_t<const Type> iter_t;
- typedef hb_array_t< Type> writer_t;
+ typedef c_array_t iter_t;
+ typedef array_t writer_t;
iter_t iter () const { return as_array (); }
writer_t writer () { return as_array (); }
operator iter_t () const { return iter (); }
operator writer_t () { return writer (); }
- hb_array_t<const Type> sub_array (unsigned int start_offset, unsigned int count) const
- { return as_array ().sub_array (start_offset, count); }
- hb_array_t<const Type> sub_array (unsigned int start_offset, unsigned int *count = nullptr /* IN/OUT */) const
- { return as_array ().sub_array (start_offset, count); }
- hb_array_t<Type> sub_array (unsigned int start_offset, unsigned int count)
- { return as_array ().sub_array (start_offset, count); }
- hb_array_t<Type> sub_array (unsigned int start_offset, unsigned int *count = nullptr /* IN/OUT */)
- { return as_array ().sub_array (start_offset, count); }
+ /* Faster range-based for loop. */
+ Type *begin () const { return arrayZ; }
+ Type *end () const { return arrayZ + length; }
hb_sorted_array_t<Type> as_sorted_array ()
{ return hb_sorted_array (arrayZ, length); }
@@ -170,50 +207,223 @@ struct hb_vector_t
Type *push ()
if (unlikely (!resize (length + 1)))
- return &Crap (Type);
- return &arrayZ[length - 1];
+ return std::addressof (Crap (Type));
+ return std::addressof (arrayZ[length - 1]);
- template <typename T>
- Type *push (T&& v)
+ template <typename... Args> Type *push (Args&&... args)
- Type *p = push ();
- if (p == &Crap (Type))
+ if (unlikely ((int) length >= allocated && !alloc (length + 1)))
// If push failed to allocate then don't copy v, since this may cause
// the created copy to leak memory since we won't have stored a
// reference to it.
- return p;
- *p = hb_forward<T> (v);
- return p;
+ return std::addressof (Crap (Type));
+ /* Emplace. */
+ Type *p = std::addressof (arrayZ[length++]);
+ return new (p) Type (std::forward<Args> (args)...);
bool in_error () const { return allocated < 0; }
+ void set_error ()
+ {
+ assert (allocated >= 0);
+ allocated = -allocated - 1;
+ }
+ void reset_error ()
+ {
+ assert (allocated < 0);
+ allocated = -(allocated + 1);
+ }
+ template <typename T = Type,
+ hb_enable_if (hb_is_trivially_copy_assignable(T))>
+ Type *
+ realloc_vector (unsigned new_allocated, hb_priority<0>)
+ {
+ if (!new_allocated)
+ {
+ hb_free (arrayZ);
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ return (Type *) hb_realloc (arrayZ, new_allocated * sizeof (Type));
+ }
+ template <typename T = Type,
+ hb_enable_if (!hb_is_trivially_copy_assignable(T))>
+ Type *
+ realloc_vector (unsigned new_allocated, hb_priority<0>)
+ {
+ if (!new_allocated)
+ {
+ hb_free (arrayZ);
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ Type *new_array = (Type *) hb_malloc (new_allocated * sizeof (Type));
+ if (likely (new_array))
+ {
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < length; i++)
+ {
+ new (std::addressof (new_array[i])) Type ();
+ new_array[i] = std::move (arrayZ[i]);
+ arrayZ[i].~Type ();
+ }
+ hb_free (arrayZ);
+ }
+ return new_array;
+ }
+ /* Specialization for types that can be moved using realloc(). */
+ template <typename T = Type,
+ hb_enable_if (T::realloc_move)>
+ Type *
+ realloc_vector (unsigned new_allocated, hb_priority<1>)
+ {
+ if (!new_allocated)
+ {
+ hb_free (arrayZ);
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ return (Type *) hb_realloc (arrayZ, new_allocated * sizeof (Type));
+ }
+ template <typename T = Type,
+ hb_enable_if (hb_is_trivially_constructible(T))>
+ void
+ grow_vector (unsigned size, hb_priority<0>)
+ {
+ hb_memset (arrayZ + length, 0, (size - length) * sizeof (*arrayZ));
+ length = size;
+ }
+ template <typename T = Type,
+ hb_enable_if (!hb_is_trivially_constructible(T))>
+ void
+ grow_vector (unsigned size, hb_priority<0>)
+ {
+ for (; length < size; length++)
+ new (std::addressof (arrayZ[length])) Type ();
+ }
+ /* Specialization for hb_vector_t<hb_{vector,array}_t<U>> to speed up. */
+ template <typename T = Type,
+ hb_enable_if (hb_is_same (T, hb_vector_t<typename T::item_t>) ||
+ hb_is_same (T, hb_array_t <typename T::item_t>))>
+ void
+ grow_vector (unsigned size, hb_priority<1>)
+ {
+ hb_memset (arrayZ + length, 0, (size - length) * sizeof (*arrayZ));
+ length = size;
+ }
+ template <typename T = Type,
+ hb_enable_if (hb_is_trivially_copyable (T))>
+ void
+ copy_array (hb_array_t<const Type> other)
+ {
+ length = other.length;
+ if (!HB_OPTIMIZE_SIZE_VAL && sizeof (T) >= sizeof (long long))
+ /* This runs faster because of alignment. */
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < length; i++)
+ arrayZ[i] = other.arrayZ[i];
+ else
+ hb_memcpy ((void *) arrayZ, (const void *) other.arrayZ, length * item_size);
+ }
+ template <typename T = Type,
+ hb_enable_if (!hb_is_trivially_copyable (T) &&
+ std::is_copy_constructible<T>::value)>
+ void
+ copy_array (hb_array_t<const Type> other)
+ {
+ length = 0;
+ while (length < other.length)
+ {
+ length++;
+ new (std::addressof (arrayZ[length - 1])) Type (other.arrayZ[length - 1]);
+ }
+ }
+ template <typename T = Type,
+ hb_enable_if (!hb_is_trivially_copyable (T) &&
+ !std::is_copy_constructible<T>::value &&
+ std::is_default_constructible<T>::value &&
+ std::is_copy_assignable<T>::value)>
+ void
+ copy_array (hb_array_t<const Type> other)
+ {
+ length = 0;
+ while (length < other.length)
+ {
+ length++;
+ new (std::addressof (arrayZ[length - 1])) Type ();
+ arrayZ[length - 1] = other.arrayZ[length - 1];
+ }
+ }
+ void
+ shrink_vector (unsigned size)
+ {
+ assert (size <= length);
+ if (!std::is_trivially_destructible<Type>::value)
+ {
+ unsigned count = length - size;
+ Type *p = arrayZ + length - 1;
+ while (count--)
+ p--->~Type ();
+ }
+ length = size;
+ }
+ void
+ shift_down_vector (unsigned i)
+ {
+ for (; i < length; i++)
+ arrayZ[i - 1] = std::move (arrayZ[i]);
+ }
/* Allocate for size but don't adjust length. */
- bool alloc (unsigned int size)
+ bool alloc (unsigned int size, bool exact=false)
if (unlikely (in_error ()))
return false;
- if (likely (size <= (unsigned) allocated))
- return true;
+ unsigned int new_allocated;
+ if (exact)
+ {
+ /* If exact was specified, we allow shrinking the storage. */
+ size = hb_max (size, length);
+ if (size <= (unsigned) allocated &&
+ size >= (unsigned) allocated >> 2)
+ return true;
- /* Reallocate */
+ new_allocated = size;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (likely (size <= (unsigned) allocated))
+ return true;
- unsigned int new_allocated = allocated;
- while (size >= new_allocated)
- new_allocated += (new_allocated >> 1) + 8;
+ new_allocated = allocated;
+ while (size > new_allocated)
+ new_allocated += (new_allocated >> 1) + 8;
+ }
+ /* Reallocate */
- Type *new_array = nullptr;
bool overflows =
(int) in_error () ||
- (new_allocated < (unsigned) allocated) ||
+ (new_allocated < size) ||
hb_unsigned_mul_overflows (new_allocated, sizeof (Type));
- if (likely (!overflows))
- new_array = (Type *) hb_realloc (arrayZ, new_allocated * sizeof (Type));
- if (unlikely (!new_array))
+ if (unlikely (overflows))
- allocated = -1;
+ set_error ();
+ return false;
+ }
+ Type *new_array = realloc_vector (new_allocated, hb_prioritize);
+ if (unlikely (new_allocated && !new_array))
+ {
+ if (new_allocated <= (unsigned) allocated)
+ return true; // shrinking failed; it's okay; happens in our fuzzer
+ set_error ();
return false;
@@ -223,64 +433,79 @@ struct hb_vector_t
return true;
- bool resize (int size_)
+ bool resize (int size_, bool initialize = true, bool exact = false)
unsigned int size = size_ < 0 ? 0u : (unsigned int) size_;
- if (!alloc (size))
+ if (!alloc (size, exact))
return false;
if (size > length)
- memset (arrayZ + length, 0, (size - length) * sizeof (*arrayZ));
+ {
+ if (initialize)
+ grow_vector (size, hb_prioritize);
+ }
+ else if (size < length)
+ {
+ if (initialize)
+ shrink_vector (size);
+ }
length = size;
return true;
+ bool resize_exact (int size_, bool initialize = true)
+ {
+ return resize (size_, initialize, true);
+ }
Type pop ()
if (!length) return Null (Type);
- return hb_move (arrayZ[--length]); /* Does this move actually work? */
+ Type v (std::move (arrayZ[length - 1]));
+ arrayZ[length - 1].~Type ();
+ length--;
+ return v;
- void remove (unsigned int i)
+ void remove_ordered (unsigned int i)
if (unlikely (i >= length))
- memmove (static_cast<void *> (&arrayZ[i]),
- static_cast<void *> (&arrayZ[i + 1]),
- (length - i - 1) * sizeof (Type));
+ shift_down_vector (i + 1);
+ arrayZ[length - 1].~Type ();
- void shrink (int size_)
+ template <bool Sorted = sorted,
+ hb_enable_if (!Sorted)>
+ void remove_unordered (unsigned int i)
- unsigned int size = size_ < 0 ? 0u : (unsigned int) size_;
- if (size < length)
- length = size;
+ if (unlikely (i >= length))
+ return;
+ if (i != length - 1)
+ arrayZ[i] = std::move (arrayZ[length - 1]);
+ arrayZ[length - 1].~Type ();
+ length--;
- template <typename T>
- Type *find (T v)
+ void shrink (int size_, bool shrink_memory = true)
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < length; i++)
- if (arrayZ[i] == v)
- return &arrayZ[i];
- return nullptr;
- }
- template <typename T>
- const Type *find (T v) const
- {
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < length; i++)
- if (arrayZ[i] == v)
- return &arrayZ[i];
- return nullptr;
+ unsigned int size = size_ < 0 ? 0u : (unsigned int) size_;
+ if (size >= length)
+ return;
+ shrink_vector (size);
+ if (shrink_memory)
+ alloc (size, true); /* To force shrinking memory if needed. */
- void qsort (int (*cmp)(const void*, const void*))
+ /* Sorting API. */
+ void qsort (int (*cmp)(const void*, const void*) = Type::cmp)
{ as_array ().qsort (cmp); }
- void qsort (unsigned int start = 0, unsigned int end = (unsigned int) -1)
- { as_array ().qsort (start, end); }
+ /* Unsorted search API. */
template <typename T>
Type *lsearch (const T &x, Type *not_found = nullptr)
{ return as_array ().lsearch (x, not_found); }
@@ -290,34 +515,25 @@ struct hb_vector_t
template <typename T>
bool lfind (const T &x, unsigned *pos = nullptr) const
{ return as_array ().lfind (x, pos); }
-template <typename Type>
-struct hb_sorted_vector_t : hb_vector_t<Type>
- hb_sorted_array_t< Type> as_array () { return hb_sorted_array (this->arrayZ, this->length); }
- hb_sorted_array_t<const Type> as_array () const { return hb_sorted_array (this->arrayZ, this->length); }
- /* Iterator. */
- typedef hb_sorted_array_t<const Type> const_iter_t;
- typedef hb_sorted_array_t< Type> iter_t;
- const_iter_t iter () const { return as_array (); }
- const_iter_t citer () const { return as_array (); }
- iter_t iter () { return as_array (); }
- operator iter_t () { return iter (); }
- operator const_iter_t () const { return iter (); }
- template <typename T>
+ /* Sorted search API. */
+ template <typename T,
+ bool Sorted=sorted, hb_enable_if (Sorted)>
Type *bsearch (const T &x, Type *not_found = nullptr)
{ return as_array ().bsearch (x, not_found); }
- template <typename T>
+ template <typename T,
+ bool Sorted=sorted, hb_enable_if (Sorted)>
const Type *bsearch (const T &x, const Type *not_found = nullptr) const
{ return as_array ().bsearch (x, not_found); }
- template <typename T>
+ template <typename T,
+ bool Sorted=sorted, hb_enable_if (Sorted)>
bool bfind (const T &x, unsigned int *i = nullptr,
hb_not_found_t not_found = HB_NOT_FOUND_DONT_STORE,
unsigned int to_store = (unsigned int) -1) const
{ return as_array ().bfind (x, i, not_found, to_store); }
+template <typename Type>
+using hb_sorted_vector_t = hb_vector_t<Type, true>;
#endif /* HB_VECTOR_HH */