path: root/src/corelib/doc/src/cmake/qt_add_executable.qdoc
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+// Copyright (C) 2020 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GFDL-1.3-no-invariants-only
+\page qt-add-executable.html
+\ingroup cmake-commands-qtcore
+\title qt_add_executable
+\keyword qt6_add_executable
+\summary {Creates and finalizes an application target of a platform-specific type.}
+\include cmake-find-package-core.qdocinc
+\cmakecommandsince 6.0
+\section1 Synopsis
+ sources...)
+\versionlessCMakeCommandsNote qt6_add_executable()
+\section1 Description
+This command performs the following tasks:
+\li Create a CMake target of the appropriate type for the target platform.
+\li Link the target to the \c{Qt::Core} library.
+\li Handle finalization of the CMake target.
+\section2 Target Creation
+On all platforms except Android, an executable target will be created.
+All arguments will be passed through to the standard CMake \c{add_executable()}
+command, except \c{MANUAL_FINALIZATION} (if present). On Android, a \c{MODULE}
+library will be created and any \c{WIN32} or \c{MACOSX_BUNDLE} options will be
+ignored. Some target properties will also be set for Android:
+\li The \c{SUFFIX} target property will be set to give the library file name an
+ architecture-specific suffix.
+\li Various \c{<lang>_VISIBILITY_PRESET} target properties will be set to
+ \c{default} to ensure that the \c{main()} function is visible in the
+ resultant binary.
+\section2 Linking Qt::Core
+Since all Qt applications need to link to the \c{Qt::Core} library, this is done
+for you as a convenience.
+\section2 Finalization
+After a target is created, further processing or \e{finalization} steps are
+commonly needed. The steps to perform depend on the platform and on various
+properties of the target.
+The finalization processing is implemented by two commands:
+\l{qt6_finalize_target}{qt_finalize_target()} and
+Target finalization can occur either as part of calling \c{qt_add_executable}
+or be deferred to sometime after this command returns (but it should still be in
+the same directory scope).
+When using CMake 3.19 or later, target finalization is automatically deferred to the
+end of the current directory scope. This gives the caller an opportunity to
+modify properties of the created target before it is finalized. When using
+CMake versions earlier than 3.19, automatic deferral isn't supported. In that
+case, target finalization is performed immediately before this command returns.
+Regardless of the CMake version, the \c{MANUAL_FINALIZATION} keyword can be given to
+indicate that you will explicitly call \l{qt6_finalize_target}{qt_finalize_target()}
+yourself instead at some later time. In general, \c MANUAL_FINALIZATION should
+not be needed unless the project has to support CMake 3.18 or earlier.
+Project finalization occurs automatically when using CMake 3.19 or later.
+When using an older CMake version, you should call
+\l{qt6_finalize_project}{qt_finalize_project()} manually, at the end
+of the root \c CMakeLists.txt file.
+This is especially important when targeting Android, to collect dependencies
+between project targets for deployment purposes.
+\sa {qt6_finalize_target}{qt_finalize_target()},
+ {qt6_set_finalizer_mode}{qt_set_finalizer_mode()},
+ {qt6_add_library}{qt_add_library()},
+ {qt6_finalize_project}{qt_finalize_project()}
+\section1 Examples
+In the following simple case, finalization is handled automatically. If using a
+CMake version earlier than 3.19, finalization will be performed immediately as
+part of the call. When using CMake 3.19 or later, finalization will occur at the
+end of the current directory scope.
+\snippet cmake-macros/examples.cmake qt_add_executable_simple
+The following example shows a scenario where finalization must be deferred.
+The \c OUTPUT_NAME target property affects deployment settings on Android, but
+those settings are written out as part of finalizing the target. In order to
+support using CMake versions earlier than 3.19, we take over responsibility
+for finalizing the target by adding the \c{MANUAL_FINALIZATION} keyword.
+\snippet cmake-macros/examples.cmake qt_add_executable_deferred
+\include cmake-android-qt-finalize-project-warning.qdocinc warning