path: root/src/corelib/doc/src/cmake/qt_add_plugin.qdoc
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+// Copyright (C) 2021 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GFDL-1.3-no-invariants-only
+\page qt-add-plugin.html
+\ingroup cmake-commands-qtcore
+\title qt_add_plugin
+\keyword qt6_add_plugin
+\summary {Creates a Qt plugin target.}
+\include cmake-find-package-core.qdocinc
+\cmakecommandsince 6.0
+\section1 Synopsis
+ [CLASS_NAME class_name]
+ [OUTPUT_TARGETS variable_name]
+ sources...
+The \c MANUAL_FINALIZATION option and the ability to set sources
+were introduced in Qt 6.5.
+\versionlessCMakeCommandsNote qt6_add_plugin()
+\section1 Description
+Qt plugin targets have additional requirements over and above an ordinary CMake
+library target. The \c{qt_add_plugin()} command adds the necessary handling to
+ensure these requirements are met. It should be called rather than the built-in
+CMake \c{add_library()} command when defining a Qt plugin target.
+By default, the plugin will be created as a \c STATIC library if Qt was built
+statically, or as a \c MODULE library otherwise. You can override this default
+by explicitly providing the \c STATIC or \c SHARED option.
+Any \c{sources} provided will be passed through to the internal call to
+\note Non-static plugins are meant to be loaded dynamically at runtime, not
+linked to at build time. CMake differentiates between these two scenarios by
+providing the \c MODULE library type for dynamically loaded libraries, and
+the \c SHARED library type for libraries that may be linked to directly. This
+distinction is important for some toolchains (notably Visual Studio), due to
+the way symbol exports are handled. It may not be possible to link to
+\c MODULE libraries, and generating a \c SHARED library with no exported
+symbols can result in build-time errors. If the \c SHARED option is passed to
+\c{qt_add_plugin()}, it will therefore create a \c MODULE library rather than a
+\c SHARED library.
+Every Qt plugin has a class name. By default, this will be the same as the
+\c target, but it can be overridden with the \c CLASS_NAME option. The class
+name corresponds to the name of the C++ class that declares the metadata for
+the plugin. For static plugins, it is also the name passed to
+\l Q_IMPORT_PLUGIN, which imports the plugin into an application and ensures it
+is available at run time.
+If the plugin is built statically, \c{qt_add_plugin()} may define additional
+internal targets. These facilitate automatic importing of the plugin for any
+executable or shared library that links to the plugin. If the project installs
+the plugin and intends to make it available for other projects to link to, the
+project should also install these internal targets. The names of these targets
+can be obtained by providing the \c OUTPUT_TARGETS option, followed by the name
+of a variable in which to return the target list.
+\section2 Finalization
+After a target is created, further processing or \e{finalization} steps may be
+needed. The finalization processing is implemented by the
+\l{qt6_finalize_target}{qt_finalize_target()} command.
+For details and the meaning of the \c{MANUAL_FINALIZATION} option, refer to the
+\l{qt_add_library finalization}{finalization documentation} for
+\sa {qt6_finalize_target}{qt_finalize_target()},
+ {qt6_add_executable}{qt_add_executable()}