path: root/src/corelib/doc/src/cmake/qt_generate_deploy_app_script.qdoc
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+// Copyright (C) 2021 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GFDL-1.3-no-invariants-only
+\page qt-generate-deploy-app-script.html
+\ingroup cmake-commands-qtcore
+\title qt_generate_deploy_app_script
+\keyword qt6_generate_deploy_app_script
+\summary {Generate a deployment script for an application.}
+\include cmake-find-package-core.qdocinc
+\cmakecommandsince 6.3
+\note This command is currently only supported on Windows, macOS, and Linux.
+\section1 Synopsis
+ TARGET target
+ [PRE_INCLUDE_REGEXES regexes...]
+ [PRE_EXCLUDE_REGEXES regexes...]
+\versionlessCMakeCommandsNote qt6_generate_deploy_app_script()
+\section1 Description
+Installing an executable target with \l{install(TARGETS)} only installs the
+target's executable (except for macOS app bundles, which will copy the whole
+bundle). You need to explicitly install any other libraries or plugins the
+executable depends on yourself. \c{qt_generate_deploy_app_script()} is a
+convenience command intended to simplify that process. It expects the
+application to follow Qt's recommended install directory structure fairly
+closely. That structure is based on CMake's default install layout, as
+determined by \l{GNUInstallDirs} (except for macOS app bundles, which follow
+Apple's requirements instead).
+The command generates a script whose name will be stored in the variable named
+by the \c{OUTPUT_SCRIPT} option. That script is only written at CMake
+generation time. It is intended to be used with the \l{install(SCRIPT)} command,
+which should come after the application's target has been installed using
+The deployment script will call \l{qt6_deploy_runtime_dependencies}
+{qt_deploy_runtime_dependencies()} with a suitable set of options for the standard
+install layout. Currently, this is only implemented for
+ \li macOS app bundles built on a macOS host,
+ \li Linux executables built on a Linux host,
+ \li and Windows executables built on a Windows host.
+Cross-building a Windows executable on a Linux host, as well as similar
+scenarios, are not currently supported.
+Calling \c{qt_generate_deploy_app_script()} in such a case will result
+in a fatal error, unless the \c{NO_UNSUPPORTED_PLATFORM_ERROR} option is given.
+On platforms other than macOS, Qt translations are automatically deployed. To
+inhibit this behavior, specify \c{NO_TRANSLATIONS}. Use
+\l{qt6_deploy_translations}{qt_deploy_translations()} to deploy translations in a
+customized way.
+For Windows desktop applications, the required runtime files for the compiler
+are also installed by default. To prevent this, specify \c{NO_COMPILER_RUNTIME}.
+Since Qt 6.7, you can use \c{DEPLOY_TOOL_OPTIONS} to pass additional options to
+the underlying deployment tool. This only has an effect if the underlying
+deployment tool is either macdeployqt or windeployqt.
+For deploying a QML application, use
+For generating a custom deployment script, use
+\c{POST_EXCLUDE_FILES} can be specified to control the deployment of runtime
+dependencies. These options do not apply to all platforms and are forwarded
+unmodified to \l{qt6_deploy_runtime_dependencies}{qt_deploy_runtime_dependencies()}.
+\sa {qt6_standard_project_setup}{qt_standard_project_setup()},
+ {qt6_generate_deploy_script}{qt_generate_deploy_script()},
+ {qt6_generate_deploy_qml_app_script}{qt_generate_deploy_qml_app_script()}
+\section1 Example
+The following example shows how to deploy an application \c{MyApp}.
+\include cmake-generate-deploy-app-script.qdocinc
+The following example shows how to use the \c{DEPLOY_TOOL_OPTIONS} parameter to
+pass different options to macdeployqt and windeployqt.
+\include cmake-generate-deploy-app-script-deploy-tool-options.qdocinc