path: root/src/corelib/doc/src/cmake/qt_policy.qdoc
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diff --git a/src/corelib/doc/src/cmake/qt_policy.qdoc b/src/corelib/doc/src/cmake/qt_policy.qdoc
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+// Copyright (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GFDL-1.3-no-invariants-only
+\page qt-policy.html
+\ingroup cmake-commands-qtcore
+\title qt_policy
+\keyword qt6_policy
+\summary {Modify the default behavior of Qt's CMake API.}
+\include cmake-find-package-core.qdocinc
+\cmakecommandsince 6.5
+\section1 Synopsis
+ [SET <policy_name> behavior]
+ [GET <policy_name> <variable>]
+\versionlessCMakeCommandsNote qt6_policy()
+\section1 Description
+This command has two modes:
+\li When the \c{SET} keyword is used, this command can be used to opt in to
+ behavior changes in Qt's CMake API, or to explicitly opt out of them.
+\li When the \c{GET} keyword is used, \c{<variable>} is set to the current
+ behavior for the policy, i.e. \c OLD or \c NEW.
+\c{<policy_name>} must be the name of one of the \l{Qt CMake policies}.
+Policy names have the form of \c{QTP<NNNN>} where <NNNN> is
+an integer specifying the index of the policy. Using an invalid policy
+name results in an error.
+Code supporting older Qt versions can check the existence of a policy by
+checking the value of the \c{QT_KNOWN_POLICY_<policy_name>} variable before
+getting the value of \c <policy_name> or setting its behavior.
+ qt_policy(SET <policy_name> NEW)
+You can set \c behavior to one of the following options:
+\li \c{NEW} to opt into the new behavior
+\li \c{OLD} to explicitly opt-out of it
+\sa qt_standard_project_setup