path: root/src/corelib/doc/src/cmake/qt_set_finalizer_mode.qdoc
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+// Copyright (C) 2021 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GFDL-1.3-no-invariants-only
+\page qt-set-finalizer-mode.html
+\ingroup cmake-commands-qtcore
+\title qt_set_finalizer_mode
+\keyword qt6_set_finalizer_mode
+\summary {Customizes aspects of a target's finalization.}
+\cmakecommandsince 6.2
+\section1 Synopsis
+ MODES modes...
+\versionlessCMakeCommandsNote qt6_set_finalizer_mode()
+\section1 Description
+This command is used to customize some aspects of the finalization of a
+specific \c target. It only has an effect if called before \c target is
+finalized, which occurs in one of the following scenarios:
+\li The project explicitly calls \l{qt6_finalize_target}{qt_finalize_target()}
+ for the \c target. This usually means the \c MANUAL_FINALIZATION keyword was
+ passed to \l{qt6_add_executable}{qt_add_executable()} when the \c target
+ was defined.
+\li CMake 3.17 or earlier is being used, in which case finalization always
+ occurs immediately as part of the call to
+ \l{qt6_add_executable}{qt_add_executable()}.
+\li CMake 3.18 or later is being used, the \c MANUAL_FINALIZATION keyword was
+ not passed to \l{qt6_add_executable}{qt_add_executable()} when the \c target
+ was defined, and deferred finalization has been completed at the end of the
+ \c target's directory scope.
+\c{qt_set_finalizer_mode()} is used to enable or disable a list of \e modes,
+where a mode corresponds to a specific aspect of finalization. The currently
+supported finalization modes are:
+ \li Mode
+ \li Default
+ \li Finalization behavior
+ \li \c static_plugins
+ \li Enabled
+ \li When Qt is built statically, it creates initializer object libraries
+ for its static plugins. If \c target is an executable and this
+ finalization mode is enabled, any plugin initializer object libraries
+ needed by the \c target will be directly linked to it. This
+ prevents cycles between Qt-provided static libraries and may reduce
+ link time. When this finalizer mode is disabled, each plugin
+ initializer is instead propagated via usage requirements of its
+ associated Qt library, which may cause cycles. If Qt is not built
+ statically, this finalizer mode is not relevant and isn't used.
+\sa {qt6_finalize_target}{qt_finalize_target()}
+\section1 Example
+The following example assumes you are using CMake 3.19 or later (required for
+deferred finalization):
+qt_add_executable(my_app main.cpp)
+qt_set_finalizer_mode(my_app ENABLE MODES static_plugins)
+The same example using manual finalization might look like this:
+qt_add_executable(my_app MANUAL_FINALIZATION main.cpp)
+qt_set_finalizer_mode(my_app ENABLE MODES static_plugins)