path: root/src/corelib/global/qtresource.qdoc
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1 files changed, 54 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/corelib/global/qtresource.qdoc b/src/corelib/global/qtresource.qdoc
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index 0000000000..abc5265987
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+++ b/src/corelib/global/qtresource.qdoc
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+// Copyright (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GFDL-1.3-no-invariants-only
+ \macro void Q_INIT_RESOURCE(name)
+ \relates <QtResource>
+ Initializes the resources specified by the \c .qrc file with the
+ specified base \a name. Normally, when resources are built as part
+ of the application, the resources are loaded automatically at
+ startup. The Q_INIT_RESOURCE() macro is necessary on some platforms
+ for resources stored in a static library.
+ For example, if your application's resources are listed in a file
+ called \c myapp.qrc, you can ensure that the resources are
+ initialized at startup by adding this line to your \c main()
+ function:
+ \snippet code/src_corelib_io_qdir.cpp 13
+ If the file name contains characters that cannot be part of a valid C++ function name
+ (such as '-'), they have to be replaced by the underscore character ('_').
+ \note This macro cannot be used in a namespace. It should be called from
+ main(). If that is not possible, the following workaround can be used
+ to init the resource \c myapp from the function \c{MyNamespace::myFunction}:
+ \snippet code/src_corelib_io_qdir.cpp 14
+ \sa Q_CLEANUP_RESOURCE(), {The Qt Resource System}
+ \since 4.1
+ \macro void Q_CLEANUP_RESOURCE(name)
+ \relates <QtResource>
+ Unloads the resources specified by the \c .qrc file with the base
+ name \a name.
+ Normally, Qt resources are unloaded automatically when the
+ application terminates, but if the resources are located in a
+ plugin that is being unloaded, call Q_CLEANUP_RESOURCE() to force
+ removal of your resources.
+ \note This macro cannot be used in a namespace. Please see the
+ Q_INIT_RESOURCE documentation for a workaround.
+ Example:
+ \snippet code/src_corelib_io_qdir.cpp 15
+ \sa Q_INIT_RESOURCE(), {The Qt Resource System}