path: root/src/corelib/io/qdebug.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/corelib/io/qdebug.cpp')
1 files changed, 282 insertions, 41 deletions
diff --git a/src/corelib/io/qdebug.cpp b/src/corelib/io/qdebug.cpp
index 524a04456a..64b693fea5 100644
--- a/src/corelib/io/qdebug.cpp
+++ b/src/corelib/io/qdebug.cpp
@@ -2,39 +2,34 @@
// Copyright (C) 2016 Intel Corporation.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR LGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only
-#ifdef QT_NO_DEBUG
-#undef QT_NO_DEBUG
-#ifdef qDebug
-#undef qDebug
#include "qdebug.h"
#include "private/qdebug_p.h"
#include "qmetaobject.h"
+#include <private/qlogging_p.h>
#include <private/qtextstream_p.h>
#include <private/qtools_p.h>
-#include <ctype.h>
+#include <array>
+#include <q20chrono.h>
-using QtMiscUtils::toHexUpper;
-using QtMiscUtils::toHexLower;
-using QtMiscUtils::fromHex;
+using namespace QtMiscUtils;
Returns a human readable representation of the first \a maxSize
- characters in \a data.
+ characters in \a data. The size, \a len, is a 64-bit quantity to
+ avoid truncation due to implicit conversions in callers.
-QByteArray QtDebugUtils::toPrintable(const char *data, int len, int maxSize)
+QByteArray QtDebugUtils::toPrintable(const char *data, qint64 len, qsizetype maxSize)
if (!data)
return "(null)";
QByteArray out;
- for (int i = 0; i < qMin(len, maxSize); ++i) {
+ for (qsizetype i = 0; i < qMin(len, maxSize); ++i) {
char c = data[i];
- if (isprint(c)) {
+ if (isAsciiPrintable(c)) {
out += c;
} else {
switch (c) {
@@ -156,15 +151,15 @@ QByteArray QtDebugUtils::toPrintable(const char *data, int len, int maxSize)
Flushes any pending data to be written and destroys the debug stream.
-// Has been defined in the header / inlined before Qt 5.4
if (stream && !--stream->ref) {
if (stream->space && stream->buffer.endsWith(u' '))
if (stream->message_output) {
+ QInternalMessageLogContext ctxt(stream->context);
- stream->context,
+ ctxt,
delete stream;
@@ -194,15 +189,13 @@ void QDebug::putUcs4(uint ucs4)
// These two functions return true if the character should be printed by QDebug.
// For QByteArray, this is technically identical to US-ASCII isprint();
// for QString, we use QChar::isPrint, which requires a full UCS-4 decode.
-static inline bool isPrintable(uint ucs4)
-{ return QChar::isPrint(ucs4); }
-static inline bool isPrintable(ushort uc)
-{ return QChar::isPrint(uc); }
+static inline bool isPrintable(char32_t ucs4) { return QChar::isPrint(ucs4); }
+static inline bool isPrintable(char16_t uc) { return QChar::isPrint(uc); }
static inline bool isPrintable(uchar c)
-{ return c >= ' ' && c < 0x7f; }
+{ return isAsciiPrintable(c); }
template <typename Char>
-static inline void putEscapedString(QTextStreamPrivate *d, const Char *begin, int length, bool isUnicode = true)
+static inline void putEscapedString(QTextStreamPrivate *d, const Char *begin, size_t length, bool isUnicode = true)
QChar quote(u'"');
d->write(&quote, 1);
@@ -222,7 +215,7 @@ static inline void putEscapedString(QTextStreamPrivate *d, const Char *begin, in
if (sizeof(Char) == sizeof(QChar)) {
// Surrogate characters are category Cs (Other_Surrogate), so isPrintable = false for them
- int runLength = 0;
+ qsizetype runLength = 0;
while (p + runLength != end &&
isPrintable(p[runLength]) && p[runLength] != '\\' && p[runLength] != '"')
@@ -238,8 +231,8 @@ static inline void putEscapedString(QTextStreamPrivate *d, const Char *begin, in
// print as an escape sequence (maybe, see below for surrogate pairs)
- int buflen = 2;
- ushort buf[sizeof "\\U12345678" - 1];
+ qsizetype buflen = 2;
+ char16_t buf[std::char_traits<char>::length("\\U12345678")];
buf[0] = '\\';
switch (*p) {
@@ -275,7 +268,7 @@ static inline void putEscapedString(QTextStreamPrivate *d, const Char *begin, in
if (QChar::isHighSurrogate(*p)) {
if ((p + 1) != end && QChar::isLowSurrogate(p[1])) {
// properly-paired surrogates
- uint ucs4 = QChar::surrogateToUcs4(*p, p[1]);
+ char32_t ucs4 = QChar::surrogateToUcs4(*p, p[1]);
if (isPrintable(ucs4)) {
buf[0] = *p;
buf[1] = p[1];
@@ -298,8 +291,8 @@ static inline void putEscapedString(QTextStreamPrivate *d, const Char *begin, in
// improperly-paired surrogates, fall through
buf[1] = 'u';
- buf[2] = toHexUpper(ushort(*p) >> 12);
- buf[3] = toHexUpper(ushort(*p) >> 8);
+ buf[2] = toHexUpper(char16_t(*p) >> 12);
+ buf[3] = toHexUpper(char16_t(*p) >> 8);
buf[4] = toHexUpper(*p >> 4);
buf[5] = toHexUpper(*p);
buflen = 6;
@@ -319,12 +312,12 @@ void QDebug::putString(const QChar *begin, size_t length)
if (stream->noQuotes) {
// no quotes, write the string directly too (no pretty-printing)
// this respects the QTextStream state, though
- stream->ts.d_ptr->putString(begin, int(length));
+ stream->ts.d_ptr->putString(begin, qsizetype(length));
} else {
// we'll reset the QTextStream formatting mechanisms, so save the state
QDebugStateSaver saver(*this);
- putEscapedString(stream->, reinterpret_cast<const ushort *>(begin), int(length));
+ putEscapedString(stream->, reinterpret_cast<const char16_t *>(begin), length);
@@ -337,17 +330,188 @@ void QDebug::putByteArray(const char *begin, size_t length, Latin1Content conten
if (stream->noQuotes) {
// no quotes, write the string directly too (no pretty-printing)
// this respects the QTextStream state, though
- QString string = content == ContainsLatin1 ? QString::fromLatin1(begin, int(length)) : QString::fromUtf8(begin, int(length));
+ QString string = content == ContainsLatin1 ? QString::fromLatin1(begin, qsizetype(length))
+ : QString::fromUtf8(begin, qsizetype(length));
} else {
// we'll reset the QTextStream formatting mechanisms, so save the state
QDebugStateSaver saver(*this);
putEscapedString(stream->, reinterpret_cast<const uchar *>(begin),
- int(length), content == ContainsLatin1);
+ length, content == ContainsLatin1);
+ }
+static QByteArray timeUnit(qint64 num, qint64 den)
+ using namespace std::chrono;
+ using namespace q20::chrono;
+ if (num == 1 && den > 1) {
+ // sub-multiple of seconds
+ char prefix = '\0';
+ auto tryprefix = [&](auto d, char c) {
+ static_assert(decltype(d)::num == 1, "not an SI prefix");
+ if (den == decltype(d)::den)
+ prefix = c;
+ };
+ // "u" should be "ยต", but debugging output is not always UTF-8-safe
+ tryprefix(std::milli{}, 'm');
+ tryprefix(std::micro{}, 'u');
+ tryprefix(std::nano{}, 'n');
+ tryprefix(std::pico{}, 'p');
+ tryprefix(std::femto{}, 'f');
+ tryprefix(std::atto{}, 'a');
+ // uncommon ones later
+ tryprefix(std::centi{}, 'c');
+ tryprefix(std::deci{}, 'd');
+ if (prefix) {
+ char unit[3] = { prefix, 's' };
+ return QByteArray(unit, sizeof(unit) - 1);
+ }
+ }
+ const char *unit = nullptr;
+ if (num > 1 && den == 1) {
+ // multiple of seconds - but we don't use SI prefixes
+ auto tryunit = [&](auto d, const char *name) {
+ static_assert(decltype(d)::period::den == 1, "not a multiple of a second");
+ if (unit || num % decltype(d)::period::num)
+ return;
+ unit = name;
+ num /= decltype(d)::period::num;
+ };
+ tryunit(years{}, "yr");
+ tryunit(weeks{}, "wk");
+ tryunit(days{}, "d");
+ tryunit(hours{}, "h");
+ tryunit(minutes{}, "min");
+ }
+ if (!unit)
+ unit = "s";
+ if (num == 1 && den == 1)
+ return unit;
+ if (Q_UNLIKELY(num < 1 || den < 1))
+ return QString::asprintf("<invalid time unit %lld/%lld>", num, den).toLatin1();
+ // uncommon units: will return something like "[2/3]s"
+ // strlen("[/]min") = 6
+ char buf[2 * (std::numeric_limits<qint64>::digits10 + 2) + 10];
+ size_t len = 0;
+ auto appendChar = [&](char c) {
+ Q_ASSERT(len < sizeof(buf));
+ buf[len++] = c;
+ };
+ auto appendNumber = [&](qint64 value) {
+ if (value >= 10'000 && (value % 1000) == 0)
+ len += qsnprintf(buf + len, sizeof(buf) - len, "%.6g", double(value)); // "1e+06"
+ else
+ len += qsnprintf(buf + len, sizeof(buf) - len, "%lld", value);
+ };
+ appendChar('[');
+ appendNumber(num);
+ if (den != 1) {
+ appendChar('/');
+ appendNumber(den);
+ }
+ appendChar(']');
+ memcpy(buf + len, unit, strlen(unit));
+ return QByteArray(buf, len + strlen(unit));
+ \since 6.6
+ \internal
+ Helper to the std::chrono::duration debug streaming output.
+ */
+void QDebug::putTimeUnit(qint64 num, qint64 den)
+ stream->ts << timeUnit(num, den); // ### optimize
+namespace {
+#ifdef QT_SUPPORTS_INT128
+constexpr char Q_INT128_MIN_STR[] = "-170141183460469231731687303715884105728";
+constexpr int Int128BufferSize = sizeof(Q_INT128_MIN_STR);
+using Int128Buffer = std::array<char, Int128BufferSize>;
+ // numeric_limits<qint128>::digits10 may not exist
+static char *i128ToStringHelper(Int128Buffer &buffer, quint128 n)
+ auto dst = + buffer.size();
+ *--dst = '\0'; // NUL-terminate
+ if (n == 0) {
+ *--dst = '0'; // and done
+ } else {
+ while (n != 0) {
+ *--dst = "0123456789"[n % 10];
+ n /= 10;
+ }
+ return dst;
+#endif // QT_SUPPORTS_INT128
+static const char *int128Warning()
+ const char *msg = "Qt was not compiled with int128 support.";
+ qWarning("%s", msg);
+ return msg;
+} // unnamed namespace
+ \since 6.7
+ \internal
+ Helper to the qint128 debug streaming output.
+ */
+void QDebug::putInt128([[maybe_unused]] const void *p)
+#ifdef QT_SUPPORTS_INT128
+ Q_ASSERT(p);
+ qint128 i;
+ memcpy(&i, p, sizeof(i)); // alignment paranoia
+ if (i == Q_INT128_MIN) {
+ // -i is not representable, hardcode the result:
+ stream->ts << Q_INT128_MIN_STR;
+ } else {
+ Int128Buffer buffer;
+ auto dst = i128ToStringHelper(buffer, i < 0 ? -i : i);
+ if (i < 0)
+ *--dst = '-';
+ stream->ts << dst;
+ }
+ return;
+#endif // QT_SUPPORTS_INT128
+ stream->ts << int128Warning();
+ \since 6.7
+ \internal
+ Helper to the quint128 debug streaming output.
+ */
+void QDebug::putUInt128([[maybe_unused]] const void *p)
+#ifdef QT_SUPPORTS_INT128
+ Q_ASSERT(p);
+ quint128 i;
+ memcpy(&i, p, sizeof(i)); // alignment paranoia
+ Int128Buffer buffer;
+ stream->ts << i128ToStringHelper(buffer, i);
+ return;
+#endif // QT_SUPPORTS_INT128
+ stream->ts << int128Warning();
\fn QDebug::swap(QDebug &other)
\since 5.0
@@ -424,6 +588,29 @@ QDebug &QDebug::resetFormat()
+ \fn bool QDebug::quoteStrings() const
+ \since 6.7
+ Returns \c true if this QDebug instance will quote strings streamed into
+ it (which is the default).
+ \sa QDebugStateSaver, quote(), noquote(), setQuoteStrings()
+ \fn void QDebug::setQuoteStrings(bool b)
+ \since 6.7
+ Enables quoting of strings streamed into this QDebug instance if \a b is
+ \c true; otherwise quoting is disabled.
+ The default is to quote strings.
+ \sa QDebugStateSaver, quote(), noquote(), quoteStrings()
\fn QDebug &QDebug::quote()
\since 5.4
@@ -762,6 +949,53 @@ QDebug &QDebug::resetFormat()
+ \since 6.5
+ \fn template <typename Char, typename...Args> QDebug &QDebug::operator<<(const std::basic_string<Char, Args...> &s)
+ \fn template <typename Char, typename...Args> QDebug &QDebug::operator<<(std::basic_string_view<Char, Args...> s)
+ Writes the string or string-view \a s to the stream and returns a reference
+ to the stream.
+ These operators only participate in overload resolution if \c Char is one of
+ \list
+ \li char
+ \li char8_t (C++20 only)
+ \li char16_t
+ \li char32_t
+ \li wchar_t
+ \endlist
+ \since 6.6
+ \fn template <typename Rep, typename Period> QDebug &QDebug::operator<<(std::chrono::duration<Rep, Period> duration)
+ Prints the time duration \a duration to the stream and returns a reference
+ to the stream. The printed string is the numeric representation of the
+ period followed by the time unit, similar to what the C++ Standard Library
+ would produce with \c{std::ostream}.
+ The unit is not localized.
+ \fn template <typename T, QDebug::if_qint128<T>> QDebug::operator<<(T i)
+ \fn template <typename T, QDebug::if_quint128<T>> QDebug::operator<<(T i)
+ \since 6.7
+ Prints the textual representation of the 128-bit integer \a i.
+ \note This operator is only available if Qt supports 128-bit integer types.
+ If 128-bit integer types are available in your build, but the Qt libraries
+ were compiled without, the operator will print a warning instead.
+ \note Because the operator is a function template, no implicit conversions
+ are performed on its argument. It must be exactly qint128/quint128.
\fn template <class T> QString QDebug::toString(T &&object)
\since 6.0
@@ -862,7 +1096,7 @@ QDebug &QDebug::resetFormat()
- \fn template <class T1, class T2> QDebug operator<<(QDebug debug, const QPair<T1, T2> &pair)
+ \fn template <class T1, class T2> QDebug operator<<(QDebug debug, const std::pair<T1, T2> &pair)
\relates QDebug
Writes the contents of \a pair to \a debug. Both \c T1 and
@@ -870,11 +1104,12 @@ QDebug &QDebug::resetFormat()
- \fn template <class T1, class T2> QDebug operator<<(QDebug debug, const std::pair<T1, T2> &pair)
+ \since 6.7
+ \fn template <class T> QDebug operator<<(QDebug debug, const std::optional<T> &opt)
\relates QDebug
- Writes the contents of \a pair to \a debug. Both \c T1 and
- \c T2 need to support streaming into QDebug.
+ Writes the contents of \a opt (or \c nullopt if not set) to \a debug.
+ \c T needs to support streaming into QDebug.
@@ -910,6 +1145,13 @@ QDebug &QDebug::resetFormat()
+ \since 6.7
+ \fn QDebug &QDebug::operator<<(std::nullopt_t)
+ Writes nullopt to the stream.
\class QDebugStateSaver
\inmodule QtCore
\brief Convenience class for custom QDebug operators.
@@ -927,7 +1169,7 @@ QDebug &QDebug::resetFormat()
QDebugStateSaver is typically used in the implementation of an operator<<() for debugging:
- \snippet tools/customtype/message.cpp custom type streaming operator
+ \snippet customtype/customtypeexample.cpp custom type streaming operator
\since 5.1
@@ -1008,7 +1250,6 @@ void qt_QMetaEnum_flagDebugOperator(QDebug &debug, size_t sizeofT, int value)
- \fn QDebug qt_QMetaEnum_debugOperator(QDebug &, int value, const QMetaObject *, const char *name)
Formats the given enum \a value for debug output.
@@ -1055,7 +1296,7 @@ QDebug qt_QMetaEnum_debugOperator(QDebug &dbg, qint64 value, const QMetaObject *
dbg << scope << u"::";
- const char *key = me.valueToKey(value);
+ const char *key = me.valueToKey(static_cast<int>(value));
const bool scoped = me.isScoped() || verbosity & 1;
if (scoped || !key)
dbg << me.enumName() << (!key ? u"(" : u"::");
@@ -1124,7 +1365,7 @@ QDebug qt_QMetaEnum_flagDebugOperator(QDebug &debug, quint64 value, const QMetaO
debug << '(';
- debug << me.valueToKeys(value);
+ debug << me.valueToKeys(static_cast<int>(value));
if (enumScope)
debug << ')';