path: root/src/corelib/io/qiodevice.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/corelib/io/qiodevice.cpp')
1 files changed, 123 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/src/corelib/io/qiodevice.cpp b/src/corelib/io/qiodevice.cpp
index 80122eac5e..0a3e83206b 100644
--- a/src/corelib/io/qiodevice.cpp
+++ b/src/corelib/io/qiodevice.cpp
@@ -775,6 +775,7 @@ bool QIODevice::open(OpenMode mode)
d->setReadChannelCount(isReadable() ? 1 : 0);
d->setWriteChannelCount(isWritable() ? 1 : 0);
+ d->errorString.clear();
printf("%p QIODevice::open(0x%x)\n", this, quint32(mode));
@@ -801,7 +802,6 @@ void QIODevice::close()
emit aboutToClose();
d->openMode = NotOpen;
- d->errorString.clear();
d->pos = 0;
d->transactionStarted = false;
d->transactionPos = 0;
@@ -1879,6 +1879,128 @@ QByteArray QIODevice::peek(qint64 maxSize)
+ \since 5.11
+ Skips up to \a maxSize bytes from the device. Returns the number of bytes
+ actually skipped, or -1 on error.
+ This function does not wait and only discards the data that is already
+ available for reading.
+ If the device is opened in text mode, end-of-line terminators are
+ translated to '\n' symbols and count as a single byte identically to the
+ read() and peek() behavior.
+ This function works for all devices, including sequential ones that cannot
+ seek(). It is optimized to skip unwanted data after a peek() call.
+ For random-access devices, skip() can be used to seek forward from the
+ current position. Negative \a maxSize values are not allowed.
+ \sa peek(), seek(), read()
+qint64 QIODevice::skip(qint64 maxSize)
+ Q_D(QIODevice);
+ CHECK_MAXLEN(skip, qint64(-1));
+ CHECK_READABLE(skip, qint64(-1));
+ const bool sequential = d->isSequential();
+#if defined QIODEVICE_DEBUG
+ printf("%p QIODevice::skip(%lld), d->pos = %lld, d->buffer.size() = %lld\n",
+ this, maxSize, d->pos, d->buffer.size());
+ if ((sequential && d->transactionStarted) || (d->openMode & QIODevice::Text) != 0)
+ return d->skipByReading(maxSize);
+ // First, skip over any data in the internal buffer.
+ qint64 skippedSoFar = 0;
+ if (!d->buffer.isEmpty()) {
+ skippedSoFar = d->buffer.skip(maxSize);
+#if defined QIODEVICE_DEBUG
+ printf("%p \tskipping %lld bytes in buffer\n", this, skippedSoFar);
+ if (!sequential)
+ d->pos += skippedSoFar;
+ if (d->buffer.isEmpty())
+ readData(nullptr, 0);
+ if (skippedSoFar == maxSize)
+ return skippedSoFar;
+ maxSize -= skippedSoFar;
+ }
+ // Try to seek on random-access device. At this point,
+ // the internal read buffer is empty.
+ if (!sequential) {
+ const qint64 bytesToSkip = qMin(size() - d->pos, maxSize);
+ // If the size is unknown or file position is at the end,
+ // fall back to reading below.
+ if (bytesToSkip > 0) {
+ if (!seek(d->pos + bytesToSkip))
+ return skippedSoFar ? skippedSoFar : Q_INT64_C(-1);
+ if (bytesToSkip == maxSize)
+ return skippedSoFar + bytesToSkip;
+ skippedSoFar += bytesToSkip;
+ maxSize -= bytesToSkip;
+ }
+ }
+ const qint64 skipResult = d->skip(maxSize);
+ if (skippedSoFar == 0)
+ return skipResult;
+ if (skipResult == -1)
+ return skippedSoFar;
+ return skippedSoFar + skipResult;
+ \internal
+qint64 QIODevicePrivate::skipByReading(qint64 maxSize)
+ qint64 readSoFar = 0;
+ do {
+ char dummy[4096];
+ const qint64 readBytes = qMin<qint64>(maxSize, sizeof(dummy));
+ const qint64 readResult = read(dummy, readBytes);
+ // Do not try again, if we got less data.
+ if (readResult != readBytes) {
+ if (readSoFar == 0)
+ return readResult;
+ if (readResult == -1)
+ return readSoFar;
+ return readSoFar + readResult;
+ }
+ readSoFar += readResult;
+ maxSize -= readResult;
+ } while (maxSize > 0);
+ return readSoFar;
+ \internal
+qint64 QIODevicePrivate::skip(qint64 maxSize)
+ // Base implementation discards the data by reading into the dummy buffer.
+ // It's slow, but this works for all types of devices. Subclasses can
+ // reimplement this function to improve on that.
+ return skipByReading(maxSize);
Blocks until new data is available for reading and the readyRead()
signal has been emitted, or until \a msecs milliseconds have
passed. If msecs is -1, this function will not time out.