path: root/src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.h')
1 files changed, 1098 insertions, 36 deletions
diff --git a/src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.h b/src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.h
index 5763bcc07b..6b1a988fce 100644
--- a/src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.h
+++ b/src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.h
@@ -47,17 +47,27 @@
#include <QtCore/qbytearray.h>
#include <QtCore/qvarlengtharray.h>
#include <QtCore/qisenum.h>
+#include <QtCore/qtypetraits.h>
#include <QtCore/qobjectdefs.h>
#include <new>
+#include <vector>
+#include <list>
+#include <map>
#ifdef Bool
#error qmetatype.h must be included before any header file that defines Bool
+template <typename T>
+struct QMetaTypeId2;
+template <typename T>
+inline Q_DECL_CONSTEXPR int qMetaTypeId();
// F is a tuple: (QMetaType::TypeName, QMetaType::TypeNameID, RealType)
@@ -183,10 +193,188 @@ QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE
#define QT_DEFINE_METATYPE_ID(TypeName, Id, Name) \
TypeName = Id,
+ F(QList) \
+ F(QVector) \
+ F(QQueue) \
+ F(QStack) \
+ F(QSet) \
+ F(QLinkedList)
+ F(QHash, class) \
+ F(QMap, class) \
+ F(QPair, struct)
+ F(QSharedPointer) \
+ F(QWeakPointer) \
+ F(QPointer)
class QDataStream;
class QMetaTypeInterface;
struct QMetaObject;
+namespace QtPrivate
+ This template is used for implicit conversion from type From to type To.
+ \internal
+template<typename From, typename To>
+To convertImplicit(const From& from)
+ return from;
+struct AbstractDebugStreamFunction
+ typedef void (*Stream)(const AbstractDebugStreamFunction *, QDebug&, const void *);
+ typedef void (*Destroy)(AbstractDebugStreamFunction *);
+ explicit AbstractDebugStreamFunction(Stream s = 0, Destroy d = 0)
+ : stream(s), destroy(d) {}
+ Q_DISABLE_COPY(AbstractDebugStreamFunction)
+ Stream stream;
+ Destroy destroy;
+template<typename T>
+struct BuiltInDebugStreamFunction : public AbstractDebugStreamFunction
+ BuiltInDebugStreamFunction()
+ : AbstractDebugStreamFunction(stream, destroy) {}
+ static void stream(const AbstractDebugStreamFunction *, QDebug& dbg, const void *r)
+ {
+ const T *rhs = static_cast<const T *>(r);
+ operator<<(dbg, *rhs);
+ }
+ static void destroy(AbstractDebugStreamFunction *_this)
+ {
+ delete static_cast<BuiltInDebugStreamFunction *>(_this);
+ }
+struct AbstractComparatorFunction
+ typedef bool (*LessThan)(const AbstractComparatorFunction *, const void *, const void *);
+ typedef bool (*Equals)(const AbstractComparatorFunction *, const void *, const void *);
+ typedef void (*Destroy)(AbstractComparatorFunction *);
+ explicit AbstractComparatorFunction(LessThan lt = 0, Equals e = 0, Destroy d = 0)
+ : lessThan(lt), equals(e), destroy(d) {}
+ Q_DISABLE_COPY(AbstractComparatorFunction)
+ LessThan lessThan;
+ Equals equals;
+ Destroy destroy;
+template<typename T>
+struct BuiltInComparatorFunction : public AbstractComparatorFunction
+ BuiltInComparatorFunction()
+ : AbstractComparatorFunction(lessThan, equals, destroy) {}
+ static bool lessThan(const AbstractComparatorFunction *, const void *l, const void *r)
+ {
+ const T *lhs = static_cast<const T *>(l);
+ const T *rhs = static_cast<const T *>(r);
+ return *lhs < *rhs;
+ }
+ static bool equals(const AbstractComparatorFunction *, const void *l, const void *r)
+ {
+ const T *lhs = static_cast<const T *>(l);
+ const T *rhs = static_cast<const T *>(r);
+ return *lhs == *rhs;
+ }
+ static void destroy(AbstractComparatorFunction *_this)
+ {
+ delete static_cast<BuiltInComparatorFunction *>(_this);
+ }
+struct AbstractConverterFunction
+ typedef bool (*Converter)(const AbstractConverterFunction *, const void *, void*);
+ explicit AbstractConverterFunction(Converter c = 0)
+ : convert(c) {}
+ Q_DISABLE_COPY(AbstractConverterFunction)
+ Converter convert;
+template<typename From, typename To>
+struct ConverterMemberFunction : public AbstractConverterFunction
+ explicit ConverterMemberFunction(To(From::*function)() const)
+ : AbstractConverterFunction(convert),
+ m_function(function) {}
+ ~ConverterMemberFunction();
+ static bool convert(const AbstractConverterFunction *_this, const void *in, void *out)
+ {
+ const From *f = static_cast<const From *>(in);
+ To *t = static_cast<To *>(out);
+ const ConverterMemberFunction *_typedThis =
+ static_cast<const ConverterMemberFunction *>(_this);
+ *t = (f->*_typedThis->m_function)();
+ return true;
+ }
+ To(From::* const m_function)() const;
+template<typename From, typename To>
+struct ConverterMemberFunctionOk : public AbstractConverterFunction
+ explicit ConverterMemberFunctionOk(To(From::*function)(bool *) const)
+ : AbstractConverterFunction(convert),
+ m_function(function) {}
+ ~ConverterMemberFunctionOk();
+ static bool convert(const AbstractConverterFunction *_this, const void *in, void *out)
+ {
+ const From *f = static_cast<const From *>(in);
+ To *t = static_cast<To *>(out);
+ bool ok = false;
+ const ConverterMemberFunctionOk *_typedThis =
+ static_cast<const ConverterMemberFunctionOk *>(_this);
+ *t = (f->*_typedThis->m_function)(&ok);
+ if (!ok)
+ *t = To();
+ return ok;
+ }
+ To(From::* const m_function)(bool*) const;
+template<typename From, typename To, typename UnaryFunction>
+struct ConverterFunctor : public AbstractConverterFunction
+ explicit ConverterFunctor(UnaryFunction function)
+ : AbstractConverterFunction(convert),
+ m_function(function) {}
+ ~ConverterFunctor();
+ static bool convert(const AbstractConverterFunction *_this, const void *in, void *out)
+ {
+ const From *f = static_cast<const From *>(in);
+ To *t = static_cast<To *>(out);
+ const ConverterFunctor *_typedThis =
+ static_cast<const ConverterFunctor *>(_this);
+ *t = _typedThis->m_function(*f);
+ return true;
+ }
+ UnaryFunction m_function;
+ template<typename T, bool>
+ struct ValueTypeIsMetaType;
+ template<typename T, bool>
+ struct AssociativeValueTypeIsMetaType;
+ template<typename T, bool>
+ struct IsMetaTypePair;
class Q_CORE_EXPORT QMetaType {
enum ExtensionFlag { NoExtensionFlags,
CreateEx = 0x1, DestroyEx = 0x2,
@@ -320,6 +508,109 @@ public:
inline void destroy(void *data) const;
inline void *construct(void *where, const void *copy = 0) const;
inline void destruct(void *data) const;
+ template<typename T>
+ static bool registerComparators()
+ {
+ Q_STATIC_ASSERT_X((!QMetaTypeId2<T>::IsBuiltIn),
+ "QMetaType::registerComparators: The type must be a custom type.");
+ const int typeId = qMetaTypeId<T>();
+ static const QtPrivate::BuiltInComparatorFunction<T> f;
+ return registerComparatorFunction( &f, typeId);
+ }
+ template<typename T>
+ static bool hasRegisteredComparators()
+ {
+ return hasRegisteredComparators(qMetaTypeId<T>());
+ }
+ static bool hasRegisteredComparators(int typeId);
+ template<typename T>
+ static bool registerDebugStreamOperator()
+ {
+ Q_STATIC_ASSERT_X((!QMetaTypeId2<T>::IsBuiltIn),
+ "QMetaType::registerDebugStreamOperator: The type must be a custom type.");
+ const int typeId = qMetaTypeId<T>();
+ static const QtPrivate::BuiltInDebugStreamFunction<T> f;
+ return registerDebugStreamOperatorFunction(&f, typeId);
+ }
+ template<typename T>
+ static bool hasRegisteredDebugStreamOperator()
+ {
+ return hasRegisteredDebugStreamOperator(qMetaTypeId<T>());
+ }
+ static bool hasRegisteredDebugStreamOperator(int typeId);
+ // implicit conversion supported like double -> float
+ template<typename From, typename To>
+ static bool registerConverter()
+ {
+ return registerConverter<From, To>(QtPrivate::convertImplicit<From, To>);
+ }
+#ifdef Q_QDOC
+ static bool registerConverter(MemberFunction function);
+ static bool registerConverter(MemberFunctionOk function);
+ static bool registerConverter(UnaryFunction function);
+ // member function as in "QString QFont::toString() const"
+ template<typename From, typename To>
+ static bool registerConverter(To(From::*function)() const)
+ {
+ Q_STATIC_ASSERT_X((!QMetaTypeId2<To>::IsBuiltIn || !QMetaTypeId2<From>::IsBuiltIn),
+ "QMetaType::registerConverter: At least one of the types must be a custom type.");
+ const int fromTypeId = qMetaTypeId<From>();
+ const int toTypeId = qMetaTypeId<To>();
+ static const QtPrivate::ConverterMemberFunction<From, To> f(function);
+ return registerConverterFunction(&f, fromTypeId, toTypeId);
+ }
+ // member function as in "double QString::toDouble(bool *ok = 0) const"
+ template<typename From, typename To>
+ static bool registerConverter(To(From::*function)(bool*) const)
+ {
+ Q_STATIC_ASSERT_X((!QMetaTypeId2<To>::IsBuiltIn || !QMetaTypeId2<From>::IsBuiltIn),
+ "QMetaType::registerConverter: At least one of the types must be a custom type.");
+ const int fromTypeId = qMetaTypeId<From>();
+ const int toTypeId = qMetaTypeId<To>();
+ static const QtPrivate::ConverterMemberFunctionOk<From, To> f(function);
+ return registerConverterFunction(&f, fromTypeId, toTypeId);
+ }
+ // functor or function pointer
+ template<typename From, typename To, typename UnaryFunction>
+ static bool registerConverter(UnaryFunction function)
+ {
+ Q_STATIC_ASSERT_X((!QMetaTypeId2<To>::IsBuiltIn || !QMetaTypeId2<From>::IsBuiltIn),
+ "QMetaType::registerConverter: At least one of the types must be a custom type.");
+ const int fromTypeId = qMetaTypeId<From>();
+ const int toTypeId = qMetaTypeId<To>();
+ static const QtPrivate::ConverterFunctor<From, To, UnaryFunction> f(function);
+ return registerConverterFunction(&f, fromTypeId, toTypeId);
+ }
+ static bool convert(const void *from, int fromTypeId, void *to, int toTypeId);
+ static bool compare(const void *lhs, const void *rhs, int typeId, int* result);
+ static bool debugStream(QDebug& dbg, const void *rhs, int typeId);
+ template<typename From, typename To>
+ static bool hasRegisteredConverterFunction()
+ {
+ return hasRegisteredConverterFunction(qMetaTypeId<From>(), qMetaTypeId<To>());
+ }
+ static bool hasRegisteredConverterFunction(int fromTypeId, int toTypeId);
static QMetaType typeInfo(const int type);
inline QMetaType(const ExtensionFlag extensionFlags, const QMetaTypeInterface *info,
@@ -348,6 +639,31 @@ private:
void *constructExtended(void *where, const void *copy = 0) const;
void destructExtended(void *data) const;
+ static bool registerComparatorFunction(const QtPrivate::AbstractComparatorFunction *f, int type);
+ static bool registerDebugStreamOperatorFunction(const QtPrivate::AbstractDebugStreamFunction *f, int type);
+#ifndef Q_QDOC
+ template<typename T>
+ friend bool qRegisterSequentialConverter();
+ template<typename, bool> friend struct QtPrivate::ValueTypeIsMetaType;
+ template<typename, typename> friend struct QtPrivate::ConverterMemberFunction;
+ template<typename, typename> friend struct QtPrivate::ConverterMemberFunctionOk;
+ template<typename, typename, typename> friend struct QtPrivate::ConverterFunctor;
+ template<typename T>
+ friend bool qRegisterAssociativeConverter();
+ template<typename, bool> friend struct QtPrivate::AssociativeValueTypeIsMetaType;
+ template<typename, bool> friend struct QtPrivate::IsMetaTypePair;
+ static bool registerConverterFunction(const QtPrivate::AbstractConverterFunction *f, int from, int to);
+ static void unregisterConverterFunction(int from, int to);
Creator m_creator;
Deleter m_deleter;
SaveOperator m_saveOp;
@@ -366,6 +682,26 @@ private:
+namespace QtPrivate {
+template<typename From, typename To>
+ConverterMemberFunction<From, To>::~ConverterMemberFunction()
+ QMetaType::unregisterConverterFunction(qMetaTypeId<From>(), qMetaTypeId<To>());
+template<typename From, typename To>
+ConverterMemberFunctionOk<From, To>::~ConverterMemberFunctionOk()
+ QMetaType::unregisterConverterFunction(qMetaTypeId<From>(), qMetaTypeId<To>());
+template<typename From, typename To, typename UnaryFunction>
+ConverterFunctor<From, To, UnaryFunction>::~ConverterFunctor()
+ QMetaType::unregisterConverterFunction(qMetaTypeId<From>(), qMetaTypeId<To>());
namespace QtMetaTypePrivate {
template <typename T, bool Accepted = true>
struct QMetaTypeFunctionHelper {
@@ -421,13 +757,493 @@ template <>
struct QMetaTypeFunctionHelper<void, /* Accepted */ true>
: public QMetaTypeFunctionHelper<void, /* Accepted */ false>
+struct VariantData
+ VariantData(const int metaTypeId_,
+ const void *data_,
+ const uint flags_)
+ : metaTypeId(metaTypeId_)
+ , data(data_)
+ , flags(flags_)
+ {
+ }
+ const int metaTypeId;
+ const void *data;
+ const uint flags;
+template<typename const_iterator>
+struct IteratorOwner
+ static void assign(void **ptr, const_iterator iterator)
+ {
+ *ptr = new const_iterator(iterator);
+ }
+ static void advance(void **iterator, int step)
+ {
+ const_iterator &it = *static_cast<const_iterator*>(*iterator);
+ std::advance(it, step);
+ }
+ static void destroy(void **ptr)
+ {
+ delete static_cast<const_iterator*>(*ptr);
+ }
+ static const void *getData(void * const *iterator)
+ {
+ return &**static_cast<const_iterator*>(*iterator);
+ }
+ static const void *getData(const_iterator it)
+ {
+ return &*it;
+ }
+template<typename const_iterator>
+struct IteratorOwner<const const_iterator*>
+ static void assign(void **ptr, const const_iterator *iterator )
+ {
+ *ptr = const_cast<const_iterator*>(iterator);
+ }
+ static void advance(void **iterator, int step)
+ {
+ const_iterator *it = static_cast<const_iterator*>(*iterator);
+ std::advance(it, step);
+ *iterator = it;
+ }
+ static void destroy(void **)
+ {
+ }
+ static const void *getData(void * const *iterator)
+ {
+ return *iterator;
+ }
+ static const void *getData(const const_iterator *it)
+ {
+ return it;
+ }
+enum IteratorCapability
+ ForwardCapability = 1,
+ BiDirectionalCapability = 2,
+ RandomAccessCapability = 4
+template<typename T, typename Category = typename std::iterator_traits<typename T::const_iterator>::iterator_category>
+struct CapabilitiesImpl;
+template<typename T>
+struct CapabilitiesImpl<T, std::forward_iterator_tag>
+{ enum { IteratorCapabilities = ForwardCapability }; };
+template<typename T>
+struct CapabilitiesImpl<T, std::bidirectional_iterator_tag>
+{ enum { IteratorCapabilities = BiDirectionalCapability | ForwardCapability }; };
+template<typename T>
+struct CapabilitiesImpl<T, std::random_access_iterator_tag>
+{ enum { IteratorCapabilities = RandomAccessCapability | BiDirectionalCapability | ForwardCapability }; };
+template<typename T>
+struct ContainerAPI : CapabilitiesImpl<T>
+ static int size(const T *t) { return std::distance(t->begin(), t->end()); }
+template<typename T>
+struct ContainerAPI<QList<T> > : CapabilitiesImpl<QList<T> >
+{ static int size(const QList<T> *t) { return t->size(); } };
+template<typename T>
+struct ContainerAPI<QVector<T> > : CapabilitiesImpl<QVector<T> >
+{ static int size(const QVector<T> *t) { return t->size(); } };
+template<typename T>
+struct ContainerAPI<std::vector<T> > : CapabilitiesImpl<std::vector<T> >
+{ static int size(const std::vector<T> *t) { return t->size(); } };
+template<typename T>
+struct ContainerAPI<std::list<T> > : CapabilitiesImpl<std::list<T> >
+{ static int size(const std::list<T> *t) { return t->size(); } };
+class QSequentialIterableImpl
+ const void * _iterable;
+ void *_iterator;
+ int _metaType_id;
+ uint _metaType_flags;
+ uint _iteratorCapabilities;
+ typedef int(*sizeFunc)(const void *p);
+ typedef const void * (*atFunc)(const void *p, int);
+ typedef void (*moveIteratorFunc)(const void *p, void **);
+ typedef void (*advanceFunc)(void **p, int);
+ typedef VariantData (*getFunc)( void * const *p, int metaTypeId, uint flags);
+ typedef void (*destroyIterFunc)(void **p);
+ typedef bool (*equalIterFunc)(void * const *p, void * const *other);
+ sizeFunc _size;
+ atFunc _at;
+ moveIteratorFunc _moveToBegin;
+ moveIteratorFunc _moveToEnd;
+ advanceFunc _advance;
+ getFunc _get;
+ destroyIterFunc _destroyIter;
+ equalIterFunc _equalIter;
+ template<class T>
+ static int sizeImpl(const void *p)
+ { return ContainerAPI<T>::size(static_cast<const T*>(p)); }
+ template<class T>
+ static const void* atImpl(const void *p, int idx)
+ {
+ typename T::const_iterator i = static_cast<const T*>(p)->begin();
+ std::advance(i, idx);
+ return IteratorOwner<typename T::const_iterator>::getData(i);
+ }
+ template<class T>
+ static void advanceImpl(void **p, int step)
+ { IteratorOwner<typename T::const_iterator>::advance(p, step); }
+ template<class T>
+ static void moveToBeginImpl(const void *container, void **iterator)
+ { IteratorOwner<typename T::const_iterator>::assign(iterator, static_cast<const T*>(container)->begin()); }
+ template<class T>
+ static void moveToEndImpl(const void *container, void **iterator)
+ { IteratorOwner<typename T::const_iterator>::assign(iterator, static_cast<const T*>(container)->end()); }
+ template<class T>
+ static void destroyIterImpl(void **iterator)
+ { IteratorOwner<typename T::const_iterator>::destroy(iterator); }
+ template<class T>
+ static bool equalIterImpl(void * const *iterator, void * const *other)
+ { return *static_cast<typename T::const_iterator*>(*iterator) == *static_cast<typename T::const_iterator*>(*other); }
+ template<class T>
+ static VariantData getImpl(void * const *iterator, int metaTypeId, uint flags)
+ { return VariantData(metaTypeId, IteratorOwner<typename T::const_iterator>::getData(iterator), flags); }
+ template<class T> QSequentialIterableImpl(const T*p)
+ : _iterable(p)
+ , _iterator(0)
+ , _metaType_id(qMetaTypeId<typename T::value_type>())
+ , _metaType_flags(QTypeInfo<typename T::value_type>::isPointer)
+ , _iteratorCapabilities(ContainerAPI<T>::IteratorCapabilities)
+ , _size(sizeImpl<T>)
+ , _at(atImpl<T>)
+ , _moveToBegin(moveToBeginImpl<T>)
+ , _moveToEnd(moveToEndImpl<T>)
+ , _advance(advanceImpl<T>)
+ , _get(getImpl<T>)
+ , _destroyIter(destroyIterImpl<T>)
+ , _equalIter(equalIterImpl<T>)
+ {
+ }
+ QSequentialIterableImpl()
+ : _iterable(0)
+ , _iterator(0)
+ , _metaType_id(QMetaType::UnknownType)
+ , _metaType_flags(0)
+ , _iteratorCapabilities(0)
+ , _size(0)
+ , _at(0)
+ , _moveToBegin(0)
+ , _moveToEnd(0)
+ , _advance(0)
+ , _get(0)
+ , _destroyIter(0)
+ , _equalIter(0)
+ {
+ }
+ inline void moveToBegin() { _moveToBegin(_iterable, &_iterator); }
+ inline void moveToEnd() { _moveToEnd(_iterable, &_iterator); }
+ inline bool equal(const QSequentialIterableImpl&other) const { return _equalIter(&_iterator, &other._iterator); }
+ inline QSequentialIterableImpl &advance(int i) {
+ Q_ASSERT(i > 0 || _iteratorCapabilities & BiDirectionalCapability);
+ _advance(&_iterator, i);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ inline VariantData getCurrent() const { return _get(&_iterator, _metaType_id, _metaType_flags); }
+ VariantData at(int idx) const
+ { return VariantData(_metaType_id, _at(_iterable, idx), _metaType_flags); }
+ int size() const { Q_ASSERT(_iterable); return _size(_iterable); }
+ inline void destroyIter() { _destroyIter(&_iterator); }
+template<typename From>
+struct QSequentialIterableConvertFunctor
+ QSequentialIterableConvertFunctor() {}
+ QSequentialIterableImpl operator()(const From &f) const
+ {
+ return QSequentialIterableImpl(&f);
+ }
+namespace QtMetaTypePrivate {
+template<typename T, bool = QtPrivate::is_same<typename T::const_iterator::value_type, typename T::mapped_type>::value>
+struct AssociativeContainerAccessor
+ static const typename T::key_type& getKey(const typename T::const_iterator &it)
+ {
+ return it.key();
+ }
+ static const typename T::mapped_type& getValue(const typename T::const_iterator &it)
+ {
+ return it.value();
+ }
+template<typename T, bool = QtPrivate::is_same<typename T::const_iterator::value_type, std::pair<const typename T::key_type, typename T::mapped_type> >::value>
+struct StlStyleAssociativeContainerAccessor;
+template<typename T>
+struct StlStyleAssociativeContainerAccessor<T, true>
+ static const typename T::key_type& getKey(const typename T::const_iterator &it)
+ {
+ return it->first;
+ }
+ static const typename T::mapped_type& getValue(const typename T::const_iterator &it)
+ {
+ return it->second;
+ }
+template<typename T>
+struct AssociativeContainerAccessor<T, false> : public StlStyleAssociativeContainerAccessor<T>
+class QAssociativeIterableImpl
+ const void *_iterable;
+ void *_iterator;
+ int _metaType_id_key;
+ uint _metaType_flags_key;
+ int _metaType_id_value;
+ uint _metaType_flags_value;
+ typedef int(*sizeFunc)(const void *p);
+ typedef void (*findFunc)(const void *container, const void *p, void **iterator);
+ typedef void (*beginFunc)(const void *p, void **);
+ typedef void (*advanceFunc)(void **p, int);
+ typedef VariantData (*getFunc)(void * const *p, int metaTypeId, uint flags);
+ typedef void (*destroyIterFunc)(void **p);
+ typedef bool (*equalIterFunc)(void * const *p, void * const *other);
+ sizeFunc _size;
+ findFunc _find;
+ beginFunc _begin;
+ beginFunc _end;
+ advanceFunc _advance;
+ getFunc _getKey;
+ getFunc _getValue;
+ destroyIterFunc _destroyIter;
+ equalIterFunc _equalIter;
+ template<class T>
+ static int sizeImpl(const void *p)
+ { return std::distance(static_cast<const T*>(p)->begin(),
+ static_cast<const T*>(p)->end()); }
+ template<class T>
+ static void findImpl(const void *container, const void *p, void **iterator)
+ { IteratorOwner<typename T::const_iterator>::assign(iterator,
+ static_cast<const T*>(container)->find(*static_cast<const typename T::key_type*>(p))); }
+ template<class T>
+ static void advanceImpl(void **p, int step)
+ { std::advance(*static_cast<typename T::const_iterator*>(*p), step); }
+ template<class T>
+ static void beginImpl(const void *container, void **iterator)
+ { IteratorOwner<typename T::const_iterator>::assign(iterator, static_cast<const T*>(container)->begin()); }
+ template<class T>
+ static void endImpl(const void *container, void **iterator)
+ { IteratorOwner<typename T::const_iterator>::assign(iterator, static_cast<const T*>(container)->end()); }
+ template<class T>
+ static VariantData getKeyImpl(void * const *iterator, int metaTypeId, uint flags)
+ { return VariantData(metaTypeId, &AssociativeContainerAccessor<T>::getKey(*static_cast<typename T::const_iterator*>(*iterator)), flags); }
+ template<class T>
+ static VariantData getValueImpl(void * const *iterator, int metaTypeId, uint flags)
+ { return VariantData(metaTypeId, &AssociativeContainerAccessor<T>::getValue(*static_cast<typename T::const_iterator*>(*iterator)), flags); }
+ template<class T>
+ static void destroyIterImpl(void **iterator)
+ { IteratorOwner<typename T::const_iterator>::destroy(iterator); }
+ template<class T>
+ static bool equalIterImpl(void * const *iterator, void * const *other)
+ { return *static_cast<typename T::const_iterator*>(*iterator) == *static_cast<typename T::const_iterator*>(*other); }
+ template<class T> QAssociativeIterableImpl(const T*p)
+ : _iterable(p)
+ , _metaType_id_key(qMetaTypeId<typename T::key_type>())
+ , _metaType_flags_key(QTypeInfo<typename T::key_type>::isPointer)
+ , _metaType_id_value(qMetaTypeId<typename T::mapped_type>())
+ , _metaType_flags_value(QTypeInfo<typename T::mapped_type>::isPointer)
+ , _size(sizeImpl<T>)
+ , _find(findImpl<T>)
+ , _begin(beginImpl<T>)
+ , _end(endImpl<T>)
+ , _advance(advanceImpl<T>)
+ , _getKey(getKeyImpl<T>)
+ , _getValue(getValueImpl<T>)
+ , _destroyIter(destroyIterImpl<T>)
+ , _equalIter(equalIterImpl<T>)
+ {
+ }
+ QAssociativeIterableImpl()
+ : _iterable(0)
+ , _metaType_id_key(QMetaType::UnknownType)
+ , _metaType_flags_key(0)
+ , _metaType_id_value(QMetaType::UnknownType)
+ , _metaType_flags_value(0)
+ , _size(0)
+ , _find(0)
+ , _begin(0)
+ , _end(0)
+ , _advance(0)
+ , _getKey(0)
+ , _getValue(0)
+ , _destroyIter(0)
+ , _equalIter(0)
+ {
+ }
+ inline void begin() { _begin(_iterable, &_iterator); }
+ inline void end() { _end(_iterable, &_iterator); }
+ inline bool equal(const QAssociativeIterableImpl&other) const { return _equalIter(&_iterator, &other._iterator); }
+ inline QAssociativeIterableImpl &advance(int i) { _advance(&_iterator, i); return *this; }
+ inline void destroyIter() { _destroyIter(&_iterator); }
+ inline VariantData getCurrentKey() const { return _getKey(&_iterator, _metaType_id_key, _metaType_flags_value); }
+ inline VariantData getCurrentValue() const { return _getValue(&_iterator, _metaType_id_value, _metaType_flags_value); }
+ inline void find(const VariantData &key)
+ { _find(_iterable,, &_iterator); }
+ int size() const { Q_ASSERT(_iterable); return _size(_iterable); }
+template<typename From>
+struct QAssociativeIterableConvertFunctor
+ QAssociativeIterableConvertFunctor() {}
+ QAssociativeIterableImpl operator()(const From& f) const
+ {
+ return QAssociativeIterableImpl(&f);
+ }
+class QPairVariantInterfaceImpl
+ const void *_pair;
+ int _metaType_id_first;
+ uint _metaType_flags_first;
+ int _metaType_id_second;
+ uint _metaType_flags_second;
+ typedef VariantData (*getFunc)(const void * const *p, int metaTypeId, uint flags);
+ getFunc _getFirst;
+ getFunc _getSecond;
+ template<class T>
+ static VariantData getFirstImpl(const void * const *pair, int metaTypeId, uint flags)
+ { return VariantData(metaTypeId, &static_cast<const T*>(*pair)->first, flags); }
+ template<class T>
+ static VariantData getSecondImpl(const void * const *pair, int metaTypeId, uint flags)
+ { return VariantData(metaTypeId, &static_cast<const T*>(*pair)->second, flags); }
+ template<class T> QPairVariantInterfaceImpl(const T*p)
+ : _pair(p)
+ , _metaType_id_first(qMetaTypeId<typename T::first_type>())
+ , _metaType_flags_first(QTypeInfo<typename T::first_type>::isPointer)
+ , _metaType_id_second(qMetaTypeId<typename T::second_type>())
+ , _metaType_flags_second(QTypeInfo<typename T::second_type>::isPointer)
+ , _getFirst(getFirstImpl<T>)
+ , _getSecond(getSecondImpl<T>)
+ {
+ }
+ QPairVariantInterfaceImpl()
+ : _pair(0)
+ , _getFirst(0)
+ , _getSecond(0)
+ {
+ }
+ inline VariantData first() const { return _getFirst(&_pair, _metaType_id_first, _metaType_flags_first); }
+ inline VariantData second() const { return _getSecond(&_pair, _metaType_id_second, _metaType_flags_second); }
+template<typename From>
+struct QPairVariantInterfaceConvertFunctor;
+template<typename T, typename U>
+struct QPairVariantInterfaceConvertFunctor<QPair<T, U> >
+ QPairVariantInterfaceConvertFunctor() {}
+ QPairVariantInterfaceImpl operator()(const QPair<T, U>& f) const
+ {
+ return QPairVariantInterfaceImpl(&f);
+ }
+template<typename T, typename U>
+struct QPairVariantInterfaceConvertFunctor<std::pair<T, U> >
+ QPairVariantInterfaceConvertFunctor() {}
+ QPairVariantInterfaceImpl operator()(const std::pair<T, U>& f) const
+ {
+ return QPairVariantInterfaceImpl(&f);
+ }
class QObject;
class QWidget;
-template <class T> class QSharedPointer;
-template <class T> class QWeakPointer;
-template <class T> class QPointer;
+ template <class T> class Name; \
namespace QtPrivate
@@ -509,6 +1325,165 @@ namespace QtPrivate
enum { Value = true };
+ template<typename T>
+ struct IsSequentialContainer
+ {
+ enum { Value = false };
+ };
+ template<typename T> \
+ struct IsSequentialContainer<CONTAINER<T> > \
+ { \
+ enum { Value = true }; \
+ };
+ template<typename T>
+ struct IsAssociativeContainer
+ {
+ enum { Value = false };
+ };
+ template<typename T, typename U> \
+ struct IsAssociativeContainer<CONTAINER<T, U> > \
+ { \
+ enum { Value = true }; \
+ };
+ template<typename T, bool = QtPrivate::IsSequentialContainer<T>::Value>
+ struct SequentialContainerConverterHelper
+ {
+ static bool registerConverter(int)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ };
+ template<typename T, bool = QMetaTypeId2<typename T::value_type>::Defined>
+ struct ValueTypeIsMetaType
+ {
+ static bool registerConverter(int)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ };
+ template<typename T>
+ struct ValueTypeIsMetaType<T, true>
+ {
+ static bool registerConverter(int id)
+ {
+ const int toId = qMetaTypeId<QtMetaTypePrivate::QSequentialIterableImpl>();
+ if (!QMetaType::hasRegisteredConverterFunction(id, toId)) {
+ static const QtMetaTypePrivate::QSequentialIterableConvertFunctor<T> o;
+ static const QtPrivate::ConverterFunctor<T,
+ QtMetaTypePrivate::QSequentialIterableImpl,
+ QtMetaTypePrivate::QSequentialIterableConvertFunctor<T> > f(o);
+ return QMetaType::registerConverterFunction(&f, id, toId);
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ };
+ template<typename T>
+ struct SequentialContainerConverterHelper<T, true> : ValueTypeIsMetaType<T>
+ {
+ };
+ template<typename T, bool = QtPrivate::IsAssociativeContainer<T>::Value>
+ struct AssociativeContainerConverterHelper
+ {
+ static bool registerConverter(int)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ };
+ template<typename T, bool = QMetaTypeId2<typename T::mapped_type>::Defined>
+ struct AssociativeValueTypeIsMetaType
+ {
+ static bool registerConverter(int)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ };
+ template<typename T>
+ struct AssociativeValueTypeIsMetaType<T, true>
+ {
+ static bool registerConverter(int id)
+ {
+ const int toId = qMetaTypeId<QtMetaTypePrivate::QAssociativeIterableImpl>();
+ if (!QMetaType::hasRegisteredConverterFunction(id, toId)) {
+ static const QtMetaTypePrivate::QAssociativeIterableConvertFunctor<T> o;
+ static const QtPrivate::ConverterFunctor<T,
+ QtMetaTypePrivate::QAssociativeIterableImpl,
+ QtMetaTypePrivate::QAssociativeIterableConvertFunctor<T> > f(o);
+ return QMetaType::registerConverterFunction(&f, id, toId);
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ };
+ template<typename T, bool = QMetaTypeId2<typename T::key_type>::Defined>
+ struct KeyAndValueTypeIsMetaType
+ {
+ static bool registerConverter(int)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ };
+ template<typename T>
+ struct KeyAndValueTypeIsMetaType<T, true> : AssociativeValueTypeIsMetaType<T>
+ {
+ };
+ template<typename T>
+ struct AssociativeContainerConverterHelper<T, true> : KeyAndValueTypeIsMetaType<T>
+ {
+ };
+ template<typename T, bool = QMetaTypeId2<typename T::first_type>::Defined
+ && QMetaTypeId2<typename T::second_type>::Defined>
+ struct IsMetaTypePair
+ {
+ static bool registerConverter(int)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ };
+ template<typename T>
+ struct IsMetaTypePair<T, true>
+ {
+ inline static bool registerConverter(int id);
+ };
+ template<typename T>
+ struct IsPair
+ {
+ static bool registerConverter(int)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ };
+ template<typename T, typename U>
+ struct IsPair<QPair<T, U> > : IsMetaTypePair<QPair<T, U> > {};
+ template<typename T, typename U>
+ struct IsPair<std::pair<T, U> > : IsMetaTypePair<std::pair<T, U> > {};
+ template<typename T>
+ struct MetaTypePairHelper : IsPair<T> {};
Q_CORE_EXPORT bool isBuiltinType(const QByteArray &type);
} // namespace QtPrivate
@@ -546,11 +1521,16 @@ namespace QtPrivate {
{ return -1; }
// Function pointers don't derive from QObject
template <class Result> struct IsPointerToTypeDerivedFromQObject<Result(*)()> { enum { Value = false }; };
template <class Result, class Arg0> struct IsPointerToTypeDerivedFromQObject<Result(*)(Arg0)> { enum { Value = false }; };
template <class Result, class Arg0, class Arg1> struct IsPointerToTypeDerivedFromQObject<Result(*)(Arg0, Arg1)> { enum { Value = false }; };
template <class Result, class Arg0, class Arg1, class Arg2> struct IsPointerToTypeDerivedFromQObject<Result(*)(Arg0, Arg1, Arg2)> { enum { Value = false }; };
+ template <typename Result, typename... Args>
+ struct IsPointerToTypeDerivedFromQObject<Result(*)(Args...)> { enum { Value = false }; };
template<typename T>
struct QMetaTypeTypeFlags
@@ -593,7 +1573,7 @@ int qRegisterNormalizedMetaType(const QT_PREPEND_NAMESPACE(QByteArray) &normaliz
if (defined)
flags |= QMetaType::WasDeclaredAsMetaType;
- return QMetaType::registerNormalizedType(normalizedTypeName,
+ const int id = QMetaType::registerNormalizedType(normalizedTypeName,
@@ -601,6 +1581,14 @@ int qRegisterNormalizedMetaType(const QT_PREPEND_NAMESPACE(QByteArray) &normaliz
+ if (id > 0) {
+ QtPrivate::SequentialContainerConverterHelper<T>::registerConverter(id);
+ QtPrivate::AssociativeContainerConverterHelper<T>::registerConverter(id);
+ QtPrivate::MetaTypePairHelper<T>::registerConverter(id);
+ }
+ return id;
template <typename T>
@@ -746,6 +1734,7 @@ typedef QMap<QString, QVariant> QVariantMap;
typedef QHash<QString, QVariant> QVariantHash;
template <typename T> \
struct QMetaTypeId< SINGLE_ARG_TEMPLATE<T> > \
{ \
@@ -773,9 +1762,11 @@ struct QMetaTypeId< SINGLE_ARG_TEMPLATE<T> > \
metatype_id.storeRelease(newId); \
return newId; \
} \
+}; \
template<typename T, typename U> \
struct QMetaTypeId< DOUBLE_ARG_TEMPLATE<T, U> > \
{ \
@@ -806,19 +1797,30 @@ struct QMetaTypeId< DOUBLE_ARG_TEMPLATE<T, U> > \
metatype_id.storeRelease(newId); \
return newId; \
} \
+}; \
+namespace QtPrivate {
+template<typename T, bool /* isSharedPointerToQObjectDerived */ = false>
+struct SharedPointerMetaTypeIdHelper
+ enum {
+ Defined = 0
+ };
+ static int qt_metatype_id()
+ {
+ return -1;
+ }
-template <typename T, bool = QtPrivate::IsPointerToTypeDerivedFromQObject<T*>::Value> \
-struct QMetaTypeId_ ## SMART_POINTER ## _QObjectStar \
-{ \
- enum { \
- Defined = 0 \
- }; \
- \
-template <typename T> \
-struct QMetaTypeId_ ## SMART_POINTER ## _QObjectStar<T, true> \
+namespace QtPrivate { \
+template<typename T> \
+struct SharedPointerMetaTypeIdHelper<SMART_POINTER<T>, true> \
{ \
enum { \
Defined = 1 \
@@ -840,51 +1842,51 @@ struct QMetaTypeId_ ## SMART_POINTER ## _QObjectStar<T, true> \
return newId; \
} \
}; \
+} \
template <typename T> \
-struct QMetaTypeId< SMART_POINTER<T> > : public QMetaTypeId_ ## SMART_POINTER ## _QObjectStar<T> \
+struct QMetaTypeId< SMART_POINTER<T> > \
+ : QtPrivate::SharedPointerMetaTypeIdHelper< SMART_POINTER<T>, \
+ QtPrivate::IsPointerToTypeDerivedFromQObject<T*>::Value> \
{ \
- F(QList) \
- F(QVector) \
- F(QQueue) \
- F(QStack) \
- F(QSet) \
- F(QLinkedList)
- F(QHash, class) \
- F(QMap, class) \
- F(QPair, struct)
- F(QSharedPointer) \
- F(QWeakPointer) \
- F(QPointer)
template <class T> class TEMPLATENAME; \
template <class T1, class T2> CPPTYPE TEMPLATENAME; \
inline QMetaType::QMetaType(const ExtensionFlag extensionFlags, const QMetaTypeInterface *info,
@@ -987,5 +1989,65 @@ QT_END_NAMESPACE
+template <typename T>
+inline bool QtPrivate::IsMetaTypePair<T, true>::registerConverter(int id)
+ const int toId = qMetaTypeId<QtMetaTypePrivate::QPairVariantInterfaceImpl>();
+ if (!QMetaType::hasRegisteredConverterFunction(id, toId)) {
+ static const QtMetaTypePrivate::QPairVariantInterfaceConvertFunctor<T> o;
+ static const QtPrivate::ConverterFunctor<T,
+ QtMetaTypePrivate::QPairVariantInterfaceImpl,
+ QtMetaTypePrivate::QPairVariantInterfaceConvertFunctor<T> > f(o);
+ return QMetaType::registerConverterFunction(&f, id, toId);
+ }
+ return true;
+#ifndef Q_QDOC
+template<typename T>
+bool qRegisterSequentialConverter()
+ Q_STATIC_ASSERT_X(QMetaTypeId2<typename T::value_type>::Defined,
+ "The value_type of a sequential container must itself be a metatype.");
+ const int id = qMetaTypeId<T>();
+ const int toId = qMetaTypeId<QtMetaTypePrivate::QSequentialIterableImpl>();
+ if (QMetaType::hasRegisteredConverterFunction(id, toId))
+ return true;
+ static const QtMetaTypePrivate::QSequentialIterableConvertFunctor<T> o;
+ static const QtPrivate::ConverterFunctor<T,
+ QtMetaTypePrivate::QSequentialIterableImpl,
+ QtMetaTypePrivate::QSequentialIterableConvertFunctor<T> > f(o);
+ return QMetaType::registerConverterFunction(&f, id, toId);
+template<typename T>
+bool qRegisterAssociativeConverter()
+ Q_STATIC_ASSERT_X(QMetaTypeId2<typename T::key_type>::Defined
+ && QMetaTypeId2<typename T::mapped_type>::Defined,
+ "The key_type and mapped_type of an associative container must themselves be metatypes.");
+ const int id = qMetaTypeId<T>();
+ const int toId = qMetaTypeId<QtMetaTypePrivate::QAssociativeIterableImpl>();
+ if (QMetaType::hasRegisteredConverterFunction(id, toId))
+ return true;
+ static const QtMetaTypePrivate::QAssociativeIterableConvertFunctor<T> o;
+ static const QtPrivate::ConverterFunctor<T,
+ QtMetaTypePrivate::QAssociativeIterableImpl,
+ QtMetaTypePrivate::QAssociativeIterableConvertFunctor<T> > f(o);
+ return QMetaType::registerConverterFunction(&f, id, toId);
#endif // QMETATYPE_H