path: root/src/corelib/kernel/qobject_impl.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/corelib/kernel/qobject_impl.h')
1 files changed, 37 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/corelib/kernel/qobject_impl.h b/src/corelib/kernel/qobject_impl.h
index 7d3dc1659b..9918b1f1c2 100644
--- a/src/corelib/kernel/qobject_impl.h
+++ b/src/corelib/kernel/qobject_impl.h
@@ -344,6 +344,43 @@ namespace QtPrivate {
+ /*
+ Logic to statically generate the array of qMetaTypeId
+ ConnectionTypes<FunctionPointer<Signal>::Arguments>::types() returns an array
+ of int that is suitable for the types arguments of the connection functions.
+ The array only exist of all the types are declared as a metatype
+ (detected using the TypesAreDeclaredMetaType helper struct)
+ If one of the type is not declared, the function return 0 and the signal
+ cannot be used in queued connection.
+ */
+ template <typename ArgList> struct TypesAreDeclaredMetaType { enum { Value = false }; };
+ template <> struct TypesAreDeclaredMetaType<void> { enum { Value = true }; };
+ template <typename Arg, typename Tail> struct TypesAreDeclaredMetaType<List<Arg, Tail> > { enum { Value = QMetaTypeId2<Arg>::Defined && TypesAreDeclaredMetaType<Tail>::Value }; };
+ template <typename ArgList, bool Declared = TypesAreDeclaredMetaType<ArgList>::Value > struct ConnectionTypes
+ { static const int *types() { return 0; } };
+ template <> struct ConnectionTypes<void, true>
+ { static const int *types() { static const int t[1] = { 0 }; return t; } };
+ template <typename Arg1> struct ConnectionTypes<List<Arg1, void>, true>
+ { static const int *types() { static const int t[2] = { QtPrivate::QMetaTypeIdHelper<Arg1>::qt_metatype_id(), 0 }; return t; } };
+ template <typename Arg1, typename Arg2> struct ConnectionTypes<List<Arg1, List<Arg2, void> >, true>
+ { static const int *types() { static const int t[3] = { QtPrivate::QMetaTypeIdHelper<Arg1>::qt_metatype_id(), QtPrivate::QMetaTypeIdHelper<Arg2>::qt_metatype_id(), 0 }; return t; } };
+ template <typename Arg1, typename Arg2, typename Arg3> struct ConnectionTypes<List<Arg1, List<Arg2, List<Arg3, void> > >, true>
+ { static const int *types() { static const int t[4] = { QtPrivate::QMetaTypeIdHelper<Arg1>::qt_metatype_id(), QtPrivate::QMetaTypeIdHelper<Arg2>::qt_metatype_id(),
+ QtPrivate::QMetaTypeIdHelper<Arg3>::qt_metatype_id(), 0 }; return t; } };
+ template <typename ArgList> struct TypesAreDeclaredMetaType { enum { Value = false }; };
+ template <> struct TypesAreDeclaredMetaType<List<>> { enum { Value = true }; };
+ template <typename Arg, typename... Tail> struct TypesAreDeclaredMetaType<List<Arg, Tail...> >
+ { enum { Value = QMetaTypeId2<Arg>::Defined && TypesAreDeclaredMetaType<List<Tail...>>::Value }; };
+ template <typename ArgList, bool Declared = TypesAreDeclaredMetaType<ArgList>::Value > struct ConnectionTypes
+ { static const int *types() { return 0; } };
+ template <typename... Args> struct ConnectionTypes<List<Args...>, true>
+ { static const int *types() { static const int t[sizeof...(Args) + 1] = { (QtPrivate::QMetaTypeIdHelper<Args>::qt_metatype_id())..., 0 }; return t; } };