path: root/src/corelib/tools/qarraydata.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/corelib/tools/qarraydata.cpp')
1 files changed, 61 insertions, 50 deletions
diff --git a/src/corelib/tools/qarraydata.cpp b/src/corelib/tools/qarraydata.cpp
index 36a221f728..497eae1f7f 100644
--- a/src/corelib/tools/qarraydata.cpp
+++ b/src/corelib/tools/qarraydata.cpp
@@ -153,18 +153,16 @@ QT_WARNING_PUSH
const QArrayData QArrayData::shared_null[2] = {
- { Q_REFCOUNT_INITIALIZE_STATIC, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(QArrayData) }, // shared null
+ { Q_BASIC_ATOMIC_INITIALIZER(-1), QArrayData::StaticDataFlags, 0 }, // shared null
/* zero initialized terminator */};
-static const QArrayData qt_array[3] = {
- { Q_REFCOUNT_INITIALIZE_STATIC, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(QArrayData) }, // shared empty
- { { Q_BASIC_ATOMIC_INITIALIZER(0) }, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(QArrayData) }, // unsharable empty
+static const QArrayData emptyNotNullShared[2] = {
+ { Q_BASIC_ATOMIC_INITIALIZER(-1), QArrayData::StaticDataFlags, 0 }, // shared empty
/* zero initialized terminator */};
-static const QArrayData &qt_array_empty = qt_array[0];
-static const QArrayData &qt_array_unsharable_empty = qt_array[1];
+static const QArrayData &qt_array_empty = emptyNotNullShared[0];
static inline size_t calculateBlockSize(size_t &capacity, size_t objectSize, size_t headerSize,
uint options)
@@ -172,7 +170,7 @@ static inline size_t calculateBlockSize(size_t &capacity, size_t objectSize, siz
// Calculate the byte size
// allocSize = objectSize * capacity + headerSize, but checked for overflow
// plus padded to grow in size
- if (options & QArrayData::Grow) {
+ if (options & QArrayData::GrowsForward) {
auto r = qCalculateGrowingBlockSize(capacity, objectSize, headerSize);
capacity = r.elementCount;
return r.size;
@@ -181,91 +179,104 @@ static inline size_t calculateBlockSize(size_t &capacity, size_t objectSize, siz
+static QArrayData *allocateData(size_t allocSize, uint options)
+ QArrayData *header = static_cast<QArrayData *>(::malloc(allocSize));
+ if (header) {
+ header->ref_.storeRelaxed(1);
+ header->flags = options;
+ header->alloc = 0;
+ }
+ return header;
static QArrayData *reallocateData(QArrayData *header, size_t allocSize, uint options)
header = static_cast<QArrayData *>(::realloc(header, allocSize));
if (header)
- header->capacityReserved = bool(options & QArrayData::CapacityReserved);
+ header->flags = options;
return header;
-QArrayData *QArrayData::allocate(size_t objectSize, size_t alignment,
- size_t capacity, AllocationOptions options) noexcept
+void *QArrayData::allocate(QArrayData **dptr, size_t objectSize, size_t alignment,
+ size_t capacity, ArrayOptions options) noexcept
+ Q_ASSERT(dptr);
// Alignment is a power of two
- Q_ASSERT(alignment >= Q_ALIGNOF(QArrayData)
+ Q_ASSERT(alignment >= alignof(QArrayData)
&& !(alignment & (alignment - 1)));
- // Don't allocate empty headers
- if (!(options & RawData) && !capacity) {
- if (options & Unsharable)
- return const_cast<QArrayData *>(&qt_array_unsharable_empty);
- return const_cast<QArrayData *>(&qt_array_empty);
+ if (capacity == 0) {
+ // optimization for empty headers
+ *dptr = const_cast<QArrayData *>(&qt_array_empty);
+ return sharedNullData();
size_t headerSize = sizeof(QArrayData);
- // Allocate extra (alignment - Q_ALIGNOF(QArrayData)) padding bytes so we
- // can properly align the data array. This assumes malloc is able to
- // provide appropriate alignment for the header -- as it should!
- // Padding is skipped when allocating a header for RawData.
- if (!(options & RawData))
- headerSize += (alignment - Q_ALIGNOF(QArrayData));
+ if (alignment > alignof(QArrayData)) {
+ // Allocate extra (alignment - Q_ALIGNOF(QArrayData)) padding bytes so we
+ // can properly align the data array. This assumes malloc is able to
+ // provide appropriate alignment for the header -- as it should!
+ headerSize += alignment - alignof(QArrayData);
+ }
if (headerSize > size_t(MaxAllocSize))
return nullptr;
size_t allocSize = calculateBlockSize(capacity, objectSize, headerSize, options);
- QArrayData *header = static_cast<QArrayData *>(::malloc(allocSize));
+ options |= AllocatedDataType | MutableData;
+ options &= ~ImmutableHeader;
+ QArrayData *header = allocateData(allocSize, options);
+ quintptr data = 0;
if (header) {
- quintptr data = (quintptr(header) + sizeof(QArrayData) + alignment - 1)
+ // find where offset should point to so that data() is aligned to alignment bytes
+ data = (quintptr(header) + sizeof(QArrayData) + alignment - 1)
& ~(alignment - 1);
- header->ref.atomic.storeRelaxed(bool(!(options & Unsharable)));
- header->ref.atomic.storeRelaxed(1);
- header->size = 0;
- header->alloc = capacity;
- header->capacityReserved = bool(options & CapacityReserved);
- header->offset = data - quintptr(header);
+ header->alloc = uint(capacity);
+ *dptr = header;
+ return reinterpret_cast<void *>(data);
+QArrayData *QArrayData::prepareRawData(ArrayOptions options) Q_DECL_NOTHROW
+ QArrayData *header = allocateData(sizeof(QArrayData), (options & ~DataTypeBits) | RawDataType);
+ if (header)
+ header->alloc = 0;
return header;
-QArrayData *QArrayData::reallocateUnaligned(QArrayData *data, size_t objectSize, size_t capacity,
- AllocationOptions options) noexcept
+QPair<QArrayData *, void *>
+QArrayData::reallocateUnaligned(QArrayData *data, void *dataPointer,
+ size_t objectSize, size_t capacity, ArrayOptions options) noexcept
- Q_ASSERT(!data->ref.isShared());
+ Q_ASSERT(!data->isShared());
size_t headerSize = sizeof(QArrayData);
size_t allocSize = calculateBlockSize(capacity, objectSize, headerSize, options);
- QArrayData *header = static_cast<QArrayData *>(reallocateData(data, allocSize, options));
- if (header)
- header->alloc = capacity;
- return header;
+ qptrdiff offset = reinterpret_cast<char *>(dataPointer) - reinterpret_cast<char *>(data);
+ options |= AllocatedDataType | MutableData;
+ QArrayData *header = reallocateData(data, allocSize, options);
+ if (header) {
+ header->alloc = uint(capacity);
+ dataPointer = reinterpret_cast<char *>(header) + offset;
+ }
+ return qMakePair(static_cast<QArrayData *>(header), dataPointer);
void QArrayData::deallocate(QArrayData *data, size_t objectSize,
size_t alignment) noexcept
// Alignment is a power of two
- Q_ASSERT(alignment >= Q_ALIGNOF(QArrayData)
+ Q_ASSERT(alignment >= alignof(QArrayData)
&& !(alignment & (alignment - 1)));
Q_UNUSED(objectSize) Q_UNUSED(alignment)
- if (data == &qt_array_unsharable_empty)
- return;
- Q_ASSERT_X(data == 0 || !data->ref.isStatic(), "QArrayData::deallocate",
+ Q_ASSERT_X(data == nullptr || !data->isStatic(), "QArrayData::deallocate",
"Static data cannot be deleted");