path: root/src/corelib/tools/qtimezoneprivate.cpp
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diff --git a/src/corelib/tools/qtimezoneprivate.cpp b/src/corelib/tools/qtimezoneprivate.cpp
index 56da197542..8ec675a696 100644
--- a/src/corelib/tools/qtimezoneprivate.cpp
+++ b/src/corelib/tools/qtimezoneprivate.cpp
@@ -49,10 +49,6 @@
-enum {
- MSECS_TRAN_WINDOW = 21600000 // 6 hour window for possible recent transitions
Static utilities for looking up Windows ID tables
@@ -248,67 +244,206 @@ QTimeZonePrivate::Data QTimeZonePrivate::data(qint64 forMSecsSinceEpoch) const
// Private only method for use by QDateTime to convert local msecs to epoch msecs
-// TODO Could be platform optimised if needed
-QTimeZonePrivate::Data QTimeZonePrivate::dataForLocalTime(qint64 forLocalMSecs) const
+QTimeZonePrivate::Data QTimeZonePrivate::dataForLocalTime(qint64 forLocalMSecs, int hint) const
- if (!hasDaylightTime() ||!hasTransitions()) {
- // No DST means same offset for all local msecs
- // Having DST but no transitions means we can't calculate, so use nearest
- return data(forLocalMSecs - (standardTimeOffset(forLocalMSecs) * 1000));
- }
+ if (!hasDaylightTime()) // No DST means same offset for all local msecs
+ return data(forLocalMSecs - standardTimeOffset(forLocalMSecs) * 1000);
- // Get the transition for the local msecs which most of the time should be the right one
- // Only around the transition times might it not be the right one
- Data tran = previousTransition(forLocalMSecs);
- Data nextTran;
- // If the local msecs is less than the real local time of the transition
- // then get the previous transition to use instead
- if (forLocalMSecs < tran.atMSecsSinceEpoch + (tran.offsetFromUtc * 1000)) {
- while (tran.atMSecsSinceEpoch != invalidMSecs()
- && forLocalMSecs < tran.atMSecsSinceEpoch + (tran.offsetFromUtc * 1000)) {
- nextTran = tran;
- tran = previousTransition(tran.atMSecsSinceEpoch);
- }
- } else {
- // The zone msecs is after the transition, so check it is before the next tran
- // If not try use the next transition instead
- nextTran = nextTransition(tran.atMSecsSinceEpoch);
+ /*
+ We need a UTC time at which to ask for the offset, in order to be able to
+ add that offset to forLocalMSecs, to get the UTC time we
+ need. Fortunately, no time-zone offset is more than 14 hours; and DST
+ transitions happen (much) more than thirty-two hours apart. So sampling
+ offset sixteen hours each side gives us information we can be sure
+ brackets the correct time and at most one DST transition.
+ */
+ const qint64 sixteenHoursInMSecs(16 * 3600 * 1000);
+ /*
+ Offsets are Local - UTC, positive to the east of Greenwich, negative to
+ the west; DST offset always exceeds standard offset, when DST applies.
+ When we have offsets on either side of a transition, the lower one is
+ standard, the higher is DST.
+ Non-DST transitions (jurisdictions changing time-zone and time-zones
+ changing their standard offset, typically) are described below as if they
+ were DST transitions (since these are more usual and familiar); the code
+ mostly concerns itself with offsets from UTC, described in terms of the
+ common case for changes in that. If there is no actual change in offset
+ (e.g. a DST transition cancelled by a standard offset change), this code
+ should handle it gracefully; without transitions, it'll see early == late
+ and take the easy path; with transitions, tran and nextTran get the
+ correct UTC time as atMSecsSinceEpoch so comparing to nextStart selects
+ the right one. In all other cases, the transition changes offset and the
+ reasoning that applies to DST applies just the same. Aside from hinting,
+ the only thing that looks at DST-ness at all, other than inferred from
+ offset changes, is the case without transition data handling an invalid
+ time in the gap that a transition passed over.
+ The handling of hint (see below) is apt to go wrong in non-DST
+ transitions. There isn't really a great deal we can hope to do about that
+ without adding yet more unreliable complexity to the heuristics in use for
+ already obscure corner-cases.
+ */
+ /*
+ The hint (really a QDateTimePrivate::DaylightStatus) is > 0 if caller
+ thinks we're in DST, 0 if in standard. A value of -2 means never-DST, so
+ should have been handled above; if it slips through, it's wrong but we
+ should probably treat it as standard anyway (never-DST means
+ always-standard, after all). If the hint turns out to be wrong, fall back
+ on trying the other possibility: which makes it harmless to treat -1
+ (meaning unknown) as standard (i.e. try standard first, then try DST). In
+ practice, away from a transition, the only difference hint makes is to
+ which candidate we try first: if the hint is wrong (or unknown and
+ standard fails), we'll try the other candidate and it'll work.
+ For the obscure (and invalid) case where forLocalMSecs falls in a
+ spring-forward's missing hour, a common case is that we started with a
+ date/time for which the hint was valid and adjusted it naively; for that
+ case, we should correct the adjustment by shunting across the transition
+ into where hint is wrong. So half-way through the gap, arrived at from
+ the DST side, should be read as an hour earlier, in standard time; but, if
+ arrived at from the standard side, should be read as an hour later, in
+ DST. (This shall be wrong in some cases; for example, when a country
+ changes its transition dates and changing a date/time by more than six
+ months lands it on a transition. However, these cases are even more
+ obscure than those where the heuristic is good.)
+ */
+ if (hasTransitions()) {
+ /*
+ We have transitions.
+ Each transition gives the offsets to use until the next; so we need the
+ most recent transition before the time forLocalMSecs describes. If it
+ describes a time *in* a transition, we'll need both that transition and
+ the one before it. So find one transition that's probably after (and not
+ much before, otherwise) and another that's definitely before, then work
+ out which one to use. When both or neither work on forLocalMSecs, use
+ hint to disambiguate.
+ */
+ // Get a transition definitely before the local MSecs; usually all we need.
+ // Only around the transition times might we need another.
+ Data tran = previousTransition(forLocalMSecs - sixteenHoursInMSecs);
+ Q_ASSERT(forLocalMSecs < 0 || // Pre-epoch TZ info may be unavailable
+ forLocalMSecs >= tran.atMSecsSinceEpoch + tran.offsetFromUtc * 1000);
+ Data nextTran = nextTransition(tran.atMSecsSinceEpoch);
+ /*
+ Now walk those forward until they bracket forLocalMSecs with transitions.
+ One of the transitions should then be telling us the right offset to use.
+ In a transition, we need the transition before it (to describe the run-up
+ to the transition) and the transition itself; so we need to stop when
+ nextTran is that transition.
+ */
while (nextTran.atMSecsSinceEpoch != invalidMSecs()
- && forLocalMSecs >= nextTran.atMSecsSinceEpoch + (nextTran.offsetFromUtc * 1000)) {
+ && forLocalMSecs > nextTran.atMSecsSinceEpoch + nextTran.offsetFromUtc * 1000) {
+ Data newTran = nextTransition(nextTran.atMSecsSinceEpoch);
+ if (newTran.atMSecsSinceEpoch == invalidMSecs()
+ || newTran.atMSecsSinceEpoch + newTran.offsetFromUtc * 1000
+ > forLocalMSecs + sixteenHoursInMSecs) {
+ // Definitely not a relevant tansition: too far in the future.
+ break;
+ }
tran = nextTran;
- nextTran = nextTransition(tran.atMSecsSinceEpoch);
+ nextTran = newTran;
+ // Check we do *really* have transitions for this zone:
+ if (tran.atMSecsSinceEpoch != invalidMSecs()) {
+ /*
+ So now tran is definitely before and nextTran is either after or only
+ slightly before. The one with the larger offset is in DST; the other in
+ standard time. Our hint tells us which of those to use (defaulting to
+ standard if no hint): try it first; if that fails, try the other; if both
+ fail life's tricky.
+ */
+ Q_ASSERT(forLocalMSecs < 0
+ || forLocalMSecs > tran.atMSecsSinceEpoch + tran.offsetFromUtc * 1000);
+ const qint64 nextStart = nextTran.atMSecsSinceEpoch;
+ // Work out the UTC values it might make sense to return:
+ nextTran.atMSecsSinceEpoch = forLocalMSecs - nextTran.offsetFromUtc * 1000;
+ tran.atMSecsSinceEpoch = forLocalMSecs - tran.offsetFromUtc * 1000;
+ const bool nextIsDst = tran.offsetFromUtc < nextTran.offsetFromUtc;
+ // If that agrees with hint > 0, our first guess is to use nextTran; else tran.
+ const bool nextFirst = nextIsDst == (hint > 0) && nextStart != invalidMSecs();
+ for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
+ /*
+ On the first pass, the case we consider is what hint told us to expect
+ (except when hint was -1 and didn't actually tell us what to expect),
+ so it's likely right. We only get a second pass if the first failed,
+ by which time the second case, that we're trying, is likely right. If
+ an overwhelming majority of calls have hint == -1, the Q_LIKELY here
+ shall be wrong half the time; otherwise, its errors shall be rarer
+ than that.
+ */
+ if (nextFirst ? i == 0 : i) {
+ Q_ASSERT(nextStart != invalidMSecs());
+ if (Q_LIKELY(nextStart <= nextTran.atMSecsSinceEpoch))
+ return nextTran;
+ } else {
+ // If next is invalid, nextFirst is false, to route us here first:
+ if (nextStart == invalidMSecs() || Q_LIKELY(nextStart > tran.atMSecsSinceEpoch))
+ return tran;
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ Neither is valid (e.g. in a spring-forward's gap) and
+ nextTran.atMSecsSinceEpoch < nextStart <= tran.atMSecsSinceEpoch, so
+ 0 < tran.atMSecsSinceEpoch - nextTran.atMSecsSinceEpoch
+ = (nextTran.offsetFromUtc - tran.offsetFromUtc) * 1000
+ */
+ int dstStep = nextTran.offsetFromUtc - tran.offsetFromUtc;
+ Q_ASSERT(dstStep > 0); // How else could we get here ?
+ if (nextFirst) { // hint thought we needed nextTran, so use tran
+ tran.atMSecsSinceEpoch -= dstStep;
+ return tran;
+ }
+ nextTran.atMSecsSinceEpoch += dstStep;
+ return nextTran;
+ }
+ // System has transitions but not for this zone.
+ // Try falling back to offsetFromUtc
- if (tran.daylightTimeOffset == 0) {
- // If tran is in StandardTime, then need to check if falls close to either DST transition.
- // If it does, then it may need adjusting for missing hour or for second occurrence
- qint64 diffPrevTran = forLocalMSecs
- - (tran.atMSecsSinceEpoch + (tran.offsetFromUtc * 1000));
- qint64 diffNextTran = nextTran.atMSecsSinceEpoch + (nextTran.offsetFromUtc * 1000)
- - forLocalMSecs;
- if (diffPrevTran >= 0 && diffPrevTran < MSECS_TRAN_WINDOW) {
- // If tran picked is for standard time check if changed from DST in last 6 hours,
- // as the local msecs may be ambiguous and represent two valid utc msecs.
- // If in last 6 hours then get prev tran and if diff falls within the DST offset
- // then use the prev tran as we default to the FirstOccurrence
- // TODO Check if faster to just always get prev tran, or if faster using 6 hour check.
- Data dstTran = previousTransition(tran.atMSecsSinceEpoch);
- if (dstTran.atMSecsSinceEpoch != invalidMSecs()
- && dstTran.daylightTimeOffset > 0 && diffPrevTran < (dstTran.daylightTimeOffset * 1000))
- tran = dstTran;
- } else if (diffNextTran >= 0 && diffNextTran <= (nextTran.daylightTimeOffset * 1000)) {
- // If time falls within last hour of standard time then is actually the missing hour
- // So return the next tran instead and adjust the local time to be valid
- tran = nextTran;
- forLocalMSecs = forLocalMSecs + (nextTran.daylightTimeOffset * 1000);
+ /* Bracket and refine to discover offset. */
+ qint64 utcEpochMSecs;
+ int early = offsetFromUtc(forLocalMSecs - sixteenHoursInMSecs);
+ int late = offsetFromUtc(forLocalMSecs + sixteenHoursInMSecs);
+ if (Q_LIKELY(early == late)) { // > 99% of the time
+ utcEpochMSecs = forLocalMSecs - early * 1000;
+ } else {
+ // Close to a DST transition: early > late is near a fall-back,
+ // early < late is near a spring-forward.
+ const int offsetInDst = qMax(early, late);
+ const int offsetInStd = qMin(early, late);
+ // Candidate values for utcEpochMSecs (if forLocalMSecs is valid):
+ const qint64 forDst = forLocalMSecs - offsetInDst * 1000;
+ const qint64 forStd = forLocalMSecs - offsetInStd * 1000;
+ // Best guess at the answer:
+ const qint64 hinted = hint > 0 ? forDst : forStd;
+ if (Q_LIKELY(offsetFromUtc(hinted) == (hint > 0 ? offsetInDst : offsetInStd))) {
+ utcEpochMSecs = hinted;
+ } else if (hint <= 0 && offsetFromUtc(forDst) == offsetInDst) {
+ utcEpochMSecs = forDst;
+ } else if (hint > 0 && offsetFromUtc(forStd) == offsetInStd) {
+ utcEpochMSecs = forStd;
+ } else {
+ // Invalid forLocalMSecs: in spring-forward gap.
+ const int dstStep = daylightTimeOffset(early < late ?
+ forLocalMSecs + sixteenHoursInMSecs :
+ forLocalMSecs - sixteenHoursInMSecs);
+ Q_ASSERT(dstStep); // There can't be a transition without it !
+ utcEpochMSecs = (hint > 0) ? forStd - dstStep : forDst + dstStep;
- // tran should now hold the right transition offset to use
- tran.atMSecsSinceEpoch = forLocalMSecs - (tran.offsetFromUtc * 1000);
- return tran;
+ return data(utcEpochMSecs);
bool QTimeZonePrivate::hasTransitions() const